Mini Marketing Plan
Mini Marketing Plan
Mini Marketing Plan
I. Executive summary
II. Study Background
a. Brief history of the company
b. Mission and Vision
c. Product/service offerings
III. Macro-environmental analysis
a. Economic
b. Politico-legal
c. Socio-cultural
d. Demographic
e. Technological
f. Natural
IV. Opportunities and Threats
V. Micro-environmental Analysis
a. The company
b. Suppliers
c. Marketing Intermediaries
d. Customers
e. Competition
f. Publics
VI. Strengths and Weaknesses
VII. The Market
a. Market size
b. Market needs
c. Market trends
VIII. Marketing Objectives
IX. Marketing strategiesn
A. Product/service strategy
1. Target Market
2. Brand positioning
B. Pricing strategy
C. Distribution strategy
D. Advertising and promotions strategy
X. Tactical Implementation
XI. Marketing Budget
XII. Feedback and Control
XIII. Financial projections
The executive summary presents, in a very concise manner, vital information contained
in the marketing plan such as its marketing objectives, strategy recommendations,
marketing budget, projected sales, and profitability. A well-written executive summary is
usually no longer than one or two pages. Because it is a summary of the significant points
and figures contained in the marketing plan, the executive summary can only be
composed after the marketing plan is completed.
A. Economic
Latest economic data is projected. Inflation rate and peso-dollar exchange rates are
usually critical in determining future cost, price, and consumer purchasing power.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can indicate the general business environment in the
coming year. These data are available at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas website
( Make sure only relevant economic data are used. Economic
factors should be concisely stated and the accompanied figures and projections
acquired should also be indicated.
B. Politico-legal
The political macro-environment is assessed. Unless there is obvious political stability,
there is no need to project the political environment. An exception would be a national
election, which may cause the economic and business climate to change dramatically.
Bills currently pending on the senate or in congress that maybe enacted into law in the
coming year should be considered.
C. Socio-cultural
Identify relevant socio-cultural factors that may affect the manner of how the selected
brand will be marketed. There may, however, be no possible change In the coming
years because socio-cultural factors take years, if not generation, to change.
D. Demographic
Based on target market, cite current and relevant figures that may affect the
marketability of the product. Therefore, if and target market is “female residents of
Metro Manila between the ages of 18 and 25, who are career oriented,” determine the
population of Metro Manila, the gender mix f population, and the distribution of the
population by age are all relevant to your brands marketability. As discussed in chapter
3, although psychographic segmentation (“who are career oriented”) is important in
determining consumer behavior, there is little to n Philippine population psychographic
information available on the internet. Because it takes many years before demographic
trends to change substantially, there is no need to project demographic data acquired.
E. Technological
Depending on the industry relevant technological developments that may favorably or
unfavorably affect the chosen brand. This may include, for example, a new production
process which the company can adopt to reduce manufacturing cost, or an innovative
type of packaging, the patent of which may be owned by one of the competitors.
F. Natural
A thorough analysis of the natural macro-environment is undertaken in this section:
pollution, global warning and acts of God, among others. There’s no need to project
this into the marketing plan’s implementation phase, however, because this issues are
not volatile over the short term period
In this chapter, indicate the total cost involved in the implementation of the proposed
marketing plan. Only third party expenditures are to be included in the marketing budget.
Capital expenditures like retail outlet construction expenses and the purchase of
packaging, machinery, are excluded from the marketing budget.
An example below:
Marketing Budget 2020
Advertising expenses, which include the ff: P10, 600, 000.00
Television 7, 500, 000.00
Radio 1, 870, 000.00
Newspaper 1, 230, 000.00
Leaflets 25, 000.00
Point-of-purchase materials 220, 000.00
Sales promotions 650, 000.00
Total 11, 495, 000.00
Action plan: Hire and train Cebu store personnel Timetable: September 2020
By the end of August 2020, personnel required for all position in the Cebu store should already
have been screened and prequalified. If this deadline will not be met, the company should contact
a local employment office to fill in missing positions. At the latest, this should be completed by
September 10. Training should commence immediately on September 12 to be completed by
September 28. At this point, the company should subject all who have completed the necessary
training to standard performance appraisal to determine which trainees will be hired. By
September 30, the trainee should be informed of their hiring status. If there are no qualified
trainees for specific critical positions such as Assistant Store Manager and Store Inventory
Supervisor, qualified employees from Manila stores shall be flown in to temporarily occupy these
positions. Continuous recruitment, prequalify cation and training for unfilled Cebu store positions
shall continue by October 2020, however all vacant position should be filled.
XII. Financial projections
At the point, present the financial viability of your proposed marketing plan.
The latest available incoming statement of your company can be used. Begin by
calculating the expected revenues to be generated by your marketing plan. Add the
expected amount of your average historical sales of the company. The sum is the total
sales generated for the year. Using the same percentage of costs of sales from the latest
available income statement, deduct the percentage amount of the total sales to obtain the
gross profit. The difference is the income before tax. Deduct income tax (currently at 30
% of income for corporations) from the gross income.
The resulting amount is your income after tax. (net income).
If latest income statement is not available, you can prepare projected income
statement using the incremental method. Simply calculate the additional incremental
sales the brand can realise as a result of the proposed marketing plan.Use a close
competitors historical income statement to determine percentage cost of sales. Because
the competitor manufactures a similar product, its costs should be similar to yours. Apply
this percentage to your incremental brand sales and deduct this amount from your
incremental brand sales to arrive at incremental gross profit. Deduct your marketing
budget from your incremental gross profit to determine your incremental income before
income tax. Deduct incremental income tax at 30% of income before income tax for
corporations to arrive on you incremental income after income tax.
Whats more…..
Level of achievment
Criteria Excellent Satisfactory Unacceptable
(3 points) (2 pts) (1 pt)
Introduction The introduction The intrductin is There is no introduction
clearly and cosisely somewhat unclear that states the purpose of
introduces the and/or not concise in the marketing plan
purpose of the stating the purpose of
marketing plan the marketing plan
Company Information about Information about the Company or organization
analysis the company or company or is provided but there is a
organization is organization is, for the great deal of potential
thoroughly and most part, thoroughly important information
clearly reported, and clearly reported. missing.
inclui=ding such But some information
things as the type of that may be critical to
product or service, the marketing plan is
employees company missing
history, previous
and current
marketing efforts,
current knowledge
of customer and
cometitors etc.
Market A visual depiction Either the visual There is no visual
definition, and verbal depiction or verbal depiction of the market
Potential, description of the description of the definition. More than one
Demand market definition is market definition is estimate/calculation of
provided that is missing. Both maybe arket potential, market
reasonable and provided but not clear demand and company
based on the or reasonable. One of demand are missing or
company or the clearly miscalculated.
organization. estimates/calculations
Reasonable for market potential,
estimates or market demand and
calculations of company demand are
market potential, missing or clearly
market demand and miscalculated.
company demand
are provided and
clearly stated.
SWOT Analysis A thorough SWot SWOT analysis is SWOT analysis is provided
analysis is provided, provided, but there but there are more than
based on preceding are some missing six missing points from
analysis. Reasoning points from preceding preceding analysis. There
for each item in the analysis. Reasoning is no reasonable points
SWOT is provided for each item is not provided for the items.
and logical. always thoroughly More than two
Strengths and provided and/or strengths/weaknesses or
weaknesses are logical. One or two opportunities/threats are
clearly internal strengths/weaknesses inappropriate.
factors, while are external, or
opportunities and one/two
threats are clearly opportunities/threats
external factor are internal
Marketing The marketing Linkage of marketing Marketing goals and
objectives and objectives and goals objectives and goals objectives are missing or
goals are clearly related to to those that are identified
the company/organization are not quantified or are
company/organizati mission is not clearly inappropriate
on mission. stated. Some of the
Objectives and goals objectives and goal
are clearly stated are unclear and/or not
and appropriately appropriately
quantified. quantified.
Marketing The marketing Marketing strategy is The marketing strategy is
Strategy direction that will identified but is missing or is illogical given
frame marketing unclear or unspecific the marketing objectives
tactics of the in some aspects. The and goals.
marketing plan is marketing strategy is
clearly and logically linked to the
specifically stated in marketing objectives
3-5 sentences. The and goals
marketing strategy
is logically link to
the marketing
Implementation A thorough and An implementation An implementation plan is
and control specific plan is identified, but identified, but more than
implementation one to two tactics are two tactics are not
plan is clearly not addressed. addressed, and the plan
identified for every Specifically of some generally lacks specificity.
tactic; the plan components of the Because of missing
identifies who is plan could be information, the plan will
responsible for improved. The not help the
implementing the company will be able company/organization
tactic, when it to use the plan to implement the marketing
should be implement the plan
implemented, the marketing plan, but
cost measurement maybe confused
of effectiveness, and about some aspects
any other relevant because of missing
information information
Conclusion A brief summary A summary of There is no conclusion.
that identifies the expected outcome is
expected outcomes provided but lacks
with successful clarity.
implementation of
the marketing plan
is clearly presented
in short paragraph
Writing styles The plan has writing The writing styles The plan is clearly the
style that is uniform lacks uniformity at works of multiple authors
throughout the times and is not with different writing
paper and always appropriate for styles, margins, printer
appropriate for this a marketing plan. fonts, paper types
type of written There is some
project. There is no indication of multiple
indication that the authors (different
paper involved fonts, different paper
multiple authors. etc)
Grammar The plan has been There are few spelling There are frequent
spelling and thoroughly spell and/or grammatical misspelled words, serious
formatting checked and errors. There are one grammatical errors, and
proofread. There to three grammatical formatting errors,
are no to almost errors. indicating that time was
none grammatical not taken to spell-check
errors. There are no and proofread.
formatting errors