GCG and ESG Theory

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E3S Web of Conferences 235, 01054 (2021) https://doi.org/10.

NETID 2020

Research on the Relationship Between Corporate Governance

Performance and Financing Cost Under the Background of ESG
Chunhong Wang1,a, Minru Zhao1,b, Zhenhua Zhang*1,c
School of Accounting, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China

Abstract—Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, the market economy is
booming, and the financing demand of enterprises is also increasing year by year. As a new development
concept, environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) theory has become an important evaluation
index for the future development of enterprises. How to achieve sustainable development has become a
necessary challenge for enterprise financing. Based on ESG theory, this paper discusses the influence of
corporate governance performance on financing cost, and studies the relationship between corporate
governance performance and financing cost. Through the empirical analysis, this paper can draw a
conclusion that good corporate governance performance can effectively reduce the financing cost.
According to this conclusion, this paper puts forward some suggestions on corporate governance based on
ESG rating system.

protection is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The

1 INTRODUCTION essence of the development of ecological civilization is
green development. The concept of green development
Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has represented by the concept of environment, society and
been developing at a high speed for more than 40 years, corporate governance (ESG) has also attracted the
and its economic growth has reached new highs. However, attention of financial institutions. The ESG evaluation
with the recession of the world economy, the growth rate system is gradually taken as the main evaluation index to
of China's economy has slowed down, and the investment evaluate the sustainable development ability of enterprises,
behavior of the capital side has become more cautious. so as to reduce the loan risk. Therefore, it is of great
There are two kinds of traditional financing methods, significance to study the relationship between corporate
which are direct financing and indirect financing. Direct governance performance and financing cost based on ESG
financing refers to the direct issuance of stocks or bonds theory. In this regard, this paper will take the non-
by enterprises to complete financing, and indirect financial enterprises in the new third board from 2014 to
financing refers to the bank's lending to enterprises after 2019 as research samples, based on ESG theory, analyze
absorbing private deposits. At present, the difficulty of the relationship between corporate governance
enterprise financing is getting higher and higher. How to performance and financing costs, and put forward
effectively reduce the financing cost has become a corresponding development suggestions [2-3].
necessary challenge for the development of enterprises. At
the same time, social requirements for corporate
governance performance are also rising. In this context, if 2 ESG THEORY
enterprises want to achieve sustainable development, they
must simultaneously improve their governance Environment, social and governance (ESG) represents
performance and business development ability. The environmental protection, social responsibility and
sustainable development ability of an enterprise, to a great corporate governance in the process of investment, which
extent, represents the development potential of the is the foundation of social responsibility investment and
enterprise and can reflect the solvency of the enterprise to the core of green investment. Traditional investment
a certain extent. Therefore, there is a certain relationship methods are difficult to ensure that investors can obtain
between corporate governance performance and financing long-term and stable returns. Therefore, in the process of
cost in theory. Nowadays, many studies have been carried investment decision-making, the ESG evaluation system
out on the relationship between corporate governance is included in the scope of investigation, which can greatly
performance and financing cost at home and abroad. reduce the investment risk and improve the future income
However, due to the different market mechanisms and [4].
different research perspectives, the research results are
often quite different [1].
With the gradual advancement of China's ecological
civilization construction, the concept of environmental
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 235, 01054 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123501054
NETID 2020

A. Environmental based on ESG theory, this paper focuses on the

relationship between corporate governance and financing
The environment in ESG theory focuses on the strength of costs [5].
environmental protection in the process of business
operation, focusing on energy saving, resource utilization,
renewable energy use, cooperation with environmental 3 EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS
protection organizations and environmental protection
training system of employees. A. Establishment of Model
According to the previous research results, we can analyze
B. Social Responsibility the influence of corporate governance performance on
The social responsibility in ESG theory tends to focus on financing cost, which is mainly divided into the three
the social responsibility of enterprises, focusing on aspects. Firstly, from the perspective of sustainable
whether the business activities of enterprises are based on development theory, the long-term and healthy
the long-term interests of society rather than pursuing the development of enterprises will directly affect their
maximum profits of enterprises. In the process of seeking financing costs, and the main channel for the outside
economic benefits, enterprises should abide by the world to understand the development of enterprises is the
relevant national regulations to ensure that the interests of performance of corporate governance. Secondly, from the
other stakeholders are not infringed. perspective of stakeholder theory, The development of
enterprises needs the input and participation of various
stakeholders, so enterprises can not only pursue the
C. Corporate Governance maximum interests of shareholders in the development
process, but also need to fully consider the stakeholders.
The core of corporate governance is to solve the principal- However, in the process of enterprise development, the
agent challenge faced by enterprises. It is defined as: ecological environment damage and imperfect corporate
corporate governance is to establish a long-term and governance will affect the vital interests of the relevant
stable balance and cooperation system with the parties, thus reducing the social valuation of enterprises,
management of the company on the basis of fully affecting the financing cost and long-term benefits of
considering the interests of all stakeholders such as the enterprises. Thirdly, from the perspective of signal theory,
board of directors, shareholders, managers and employees, the level of corporate governance will directly affect the
so as to maximize the company's economic performance financing cost of enterprises, and in this process, it will be
Economic benefits and social benefits. affected by corporate governance information disclosure
quality impact. Based on the above contents, this paper
D. The Relationship Among puts forward the hypothesis that there is an inverse
relationship between corporate governance performance
Environment, Social Responsibility and and financing cost, and puts forward the following
Corporate Governance formula:
ESG theory requires that the environment, people and
business should be combined in the process of enterprise Yit  X it     Cit  I i  Ti  eit 
development. In order to achieve long-term and stable
development goals, enterprises need to infiltrate the In the formula (1), Yit is the financing cost of
environment, social responsibility and corporate enterprise i at t, Cit is a series of indicators, such as the
governance into the development concept of the company. performance of corporate governance level at time t and
"Environment" mainly emphasizes the impact of the degree of enterprise ESG disclosure, Xit is control
enterprise's environmental performance on the future variable, Ii and Ti represent individual effects and time
corporate profits, focuses on the utilization of energy by effects that cannot be directly observed respectively.
enterprises, and focuses on the material basis of green However, the hypothesis only includes corporate
development of enterprises. "Human" focuses on the governance performance and financing cost, but in the
important role of stakeholders in the process of enterprise actual process, due to inertia and dynamic adjustment
operation, including labor relations, promotion system and mechanism, the impact on financing cost will be lagging
enterprise attractiveness, and mainly considers the human behind. If the relevant content is not considered, it will
basis necessary for enterprise development. "Business" lead to a large deviation between the research results and
focuses on the establishment of corporate governance the real situation, which will affect the authenticity and
system, focusing on the perfection of the board of effectiveness of the research results. Therefore, the time
directors system and senior management system, which is lag term is introduced on the basis of formula (1), and the
the only way for sustainable development of enterprises. following formula is derived:
To sum up, ESG theory is conducive to the healthy
development of enterprises, and corporate governance is  Yit  L( )  X it     Cit  eit 
more intuitive to reflect the level of enterprise
management, more concerned by investors, to a certain
extent, has an impact on corporate financing. Therefore, L( ) represents lag polynomial of financing cost.

E3S Web of Conferences 235, 01054 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123501054
NETID 2020

B. Data Source and Index Design LTA

Logarithm of total assets
This paper will take the non-financial listed enterprises in Control
The benchmark lending rate of the
the new third board from 2014 to 2019 as the research BLR People's Bank of China for 1-3
sample, excluding the stocks of ST and * ST in each year,
and the corporate governance performance data will come Under the background of ESG theory, corporate
governance performance will also involve the content of
from the website of public environmental assessment and
guotai'an database. In the study, outliers outside the 5% - environment and social responsibility, so in the actual
95% quantiles of all variables were replaced. The quality research process, we need to effectively consider the
environment and social responsibility, and then form ESG
of various variables selected in this study is shown in
together with corporate governance. Therefore, in the
Table Ⅰ.
specific analysis process, we should analyze the impact of
Two proxy variables will be selected to represent the
the three dimensions of environment, social responsibility
financing costs faced by enterprises. One is the debt to
and corporate governance on corporate financing costs.
interest ratio (FI), and the ratio between the sum of net Then in the actual research process, different scholars
capital expenditure and interest income and the sum of
have different research perspectives on ESG performance,
short-term debt and long-term debt; the other is to use
and the final corresponding performance results will be
Tobin Q value (TQ) to represent the market valuation of different. In this case, this paper will synthesize the
enterprises. TQ value usually refers to the ratio between
existing research results, in-depth consideration and
the time value and the replacement value of an enterprise's
analysis of the following contents.
assets, which can effectively measure the enterprise's Firstly, from the perspective of ecological construction,
market valuation. The higher the TQ value is, the higher
the performance of enterprises in the three dimensions of
the market valuation of the enterprise is, the more
environment, social responsibility and corporate
recognized the enterprise is by investors, and the lower the
governance will also have certain differences, and most
cost of obtaining financing for the enterprise.
enterprises will only perform relatively well in one or two
dimensions, while the performance of other dimensions is
relatively poor. Secondly, in the research, we not only
Variable Variable type Variable meaning need to study and analyze the various negative effects
brought about by the daily operation of enterprises (such
The debt to interest ratio as water resources use, energy consumption, social
variable responsibility performance), but also need to study and
Tobin Q value analyze the management measures in the process of
variable enterprises' coping with environmental risks, social risks
ENV Environment Environment indicators
and corporate governance risks, especially the
management measures related to the ecological
Social responsibility indicators
environment dimension The existing management
responsibility measures can reduce the related risk factors. Third, the
Quality of openness and transparency of corporate and social
Corporate governance indicators information disclosure will also affect the performance of
disclosure the three dimensions of the enterprise. For example, in the
Quality of process of information disclosure, if there is a third-party
Score of environmental information organization with high public trust as the certification,
EID responsibility then the social recognition of information disclosure and
disclosure the quality of enterprise disclosure information will be
Quality of improved.
Score of social responsibility
SRD governance
information disclosure
information C. Estimation Results of Static Model

Control Score of corporate governance After substituting various variables and data into formula
variable information disclosure
(1), the static model estimation results in Table Ⅱ are
Control obtained.
RTA Return on total assets
RNA Return on net assets
Variables FI TQ
CR Current ratio
variable Related variables of corporate governance performance
Control ENV 0.172*** (0.04) 0.005 (0.03)
QR Quick ratio
SOC 0.009 (0.04) -0.007 (0.02)
NPGR 3-year net profit growth rate COP 0.048 (0.18) 0.210** (0.11)
Control ENV×EID -0.008* (0.00) -0.003 (0.00)
AT Asset turnover

E3S Web of Conferences 235, 01054 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123501054
NETID 2020

SOC×SRD -0.0004 (0.00) -0.0002 (0.00) LTA -0.424 (0.04) -0.533*** (0.05)
COP×CGD -0.003 (0.01) -0.005* (0.00) BLR 0.099** (0.04) -0.609*** (0.04)
Control variable Lagged period
of dependent 1 period 1 period
Constant variable
13.680*** (1.99) 10.440*** (0.89)
*, **, *** indicate significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels,
RTA 0.010 (0.02) 0.007 (0.01) respectively
RNA -0.009 (0.01) -0.002 (0.01) The results support the conclusion of formula (1),
CR -0.160 (0.12) 0.130** (0.05)
indicating that there is a positive relationship between the
performance of formula governance and financing cost,
QR 0.580** (0.14) -0.040 (0.06) and the impact of corporate governance performance on
NPGR 0.00001 (0.00) 0.0002*** (0.00) financing cost is more obvious than environmental and
AT 0.340* (0.18) 0.023 (0.007) social value. On the one hand, this situation shows that
there is an obvious relationship between corporate
LTA -0.590 (0.08) -0.440*** (0.04)
governance performance and financing costs and whether
BLR 0.380*** (0.05) 0.26*** (0.02) enterprises can achieve sustainable development; on the
*, **, *** indicate significant at the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, other hand, with the continuous promotion of ecological
respectively civilization construction, financial institutions are paying
more and more attention to environmental punishment and
D. Robustness Check social value of enterprises.

It can be seen from Table Ⅱ that there is a positive

relationship between corporate governance performance
and financing cost, that is, the higher the level of
corporate governance, the lower the financing cost of A. Conclusion
enterprises, which is roughly the same as the actual
operation performance of enterprises in the market. In There is a negative correlation relationship between
addition, in terms of environment and social responsibility, corporate governance performance and financing cost,
the lower the enterprise is punished by the environment that is, the higher the level of corporate governance, the
and the higher the degree of social responsibility lower the financing cost. With the continuous promotion
performance, the financing cost of the enterprise will also of ecological civilization construction, financial
be effectively reduced, but the impact is relatively weak institutions pay more and more attention to the
relative to the level of corporate governance. However, environmental punishment and social value of enterprises.
since the research does not consider the dynamic lag
change of enterprise financing cost, the research results
may have some differences with the real results. In order
B. Suggestions
to further suppress the research differences, we need to Regulatory authorities should encourage and guide
repeat the verification through formula (2), and finally commercial banks to give more support to enterprises
obtain the results in Table Ⅲ. with good corporate governance, excellent environmental
protection and social value. The government needs to
promote the market supervision policy, improve the
Variables FI TQ market key, build the information connection mechanism
of environmental protection and regulatory departments,
Related variables of corporate governance performance
realize the sharing of data and information.
ENV 0.236** (0.06) -0.032* (0.02)
SOC -0.001 (0.08) 0.012 (0.03)
COP -0.159 (0.27) 0.223** (0.11)
ENV×EID -0.011** (0.27) -0.005** (0.00) 1. Peng Fangchun, "On influential factors of SMEs financing:
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E3S Web of Conferences 235, 01054 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202123501054
NETID 2020

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