Phy 115 Units and Dimension

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Observation and measurement of physical quantities/ parameters are the core of scientific
activities. Measurement is the act or process of assigning size, or amount to a physical quantity.

Quantities are measured when we are able to quantify it by assigning value and unit to such
quantity or parameter. This is done by the use of measuring equipment- most based on one
physical law or the other. Quantities are categorised into two namely: fundamental quantities and
derived quantities (likewise the Units- fundamental units and derived units).

Fundamental quantities are quantities upon which other quantities are based while derived
quantities are quantities obtained from fundamental quantities.

Fundamental quantities, units and dimensions

Quantity Unit Dimension
Length Meter(m) L
Time Second(s) T
Mass Kilogramme(kg) M
Temperature Degree Kelvin(oK) Ɵ or K
Electric current Ampere(A) I or A
Electric charge Coulomb(C) Q
Mole(Amount of substance) Mole(mol) N
Luminous intensity Candela(cd) J or C
The underlined dimensions are the one adopted for this course.

Derived quantities, Units and Dimension

Quantity Equation Unit Dimension
Velocity ⁄

Acceleration ⁄

Momentum × ⁄
Force × ⁄

Other Forces

Electrostatic Force = =

F=[MLT -2]=[ ]

This implies: [ ] = [ ]

[k] =

Work done = × =( )=

The relationship between Work done and voltage due to separation of charges is

= , but the dimension of work is [ ]

Therefore, [ ]=[ ]

Implying [V] = [ ]

The quantity of heat energy transfer = , obtain the dimension of the specific
heat capacity (c).

The quantity of heat is in Joules → dimension of Q, [ ] = [ ]

[ ]=[ ], or

[c] = =


Refractive index = is dimensionless.

Wavelength [L] has the dimension of length and the unit is meter.


1. The gravitational force F is given by = , obtain the

dimension of G.
2. Acceleration due to gravity ( ), below the earth surface, is given
by = , obtain the dimension of b.


Physical quantities can be grouped into two namely: scalar and vector quantities.

SCALAR – A quantity defined only by magnitude e.g. Distance, Speed, Mass.

Distance – Shortest space between two points measured using standard

meter or foot.

Speed(s) – Rate of change of distance with time and is equal to (distance divided
by time)

Mass – Quantity of matter in a body

VECTOR – A quantity defined by both magnitude and direction e.g. displacement,

velocity, acceleration, force.

Displacement – Distance in a defined direction.


Velocity – Time rate of chance of displacement or space with time or rate of

change of distance with time in a given direction.

= / = / = /


Acceleration - rate of change of velocity with time.

= /

Force – Rate of change of momentum with time. This can be shown (later) to be
the product of mass and acceleration.

Addition and Subtraction of Scalars - Addition and subtraction of scalar quantity

is done like numbers.

Sum of d1 and d2 = d1 + d2 d1 d2
Difference between d4 and d3 is equal to d4-d3
d3 d4 – d3


Note – Scalars have magnitude only e.g. mass, length, time, density, energy while
Vectors have magnitude and direction.

Displacement is characterized by length and direction. AB⃑ is net effect

independent of path taken to go from A to B

Sum of Scalars-Vectors: Considering the net displacement say from A to C of AB

followed by BC. The sum is not an algebraic sum

Other example includes: b C

Force, Velocity, Acceleration B r

E Electric field strength a

B Magnetic induction A

Diagrammatic representation – Choose length of arrow proportional to magnitude

of vector – (i) choose scale (ii) choose direction

In literature – Bold face representation or with arrow , ⃗

The magnitude is represented by the modulus and in literature by italic print.

Modulus A =|A|

⃗+ ⃗= ⃗

Draw tail to tip in order while observing retailing direction.


Cumulative Law - ⃗+ ⃗ = ⃗+ ⃗ = ⃗

a a


− . . , ℎ ℎ

⃑ + ⃑ + ⃑ = ⃑ + ⃑ + ⃑

⃑+ ⃑ ⃑+ ⃑ ⃑

⃑+ ⃑+ ⃑

Subtraction - Is defined by defining negative vector equal in magnitude but

opposite in direction.



ℎ ⃑− ⃑
= ⃑ + (− ⃑)
− ℎ 5 45⁰ ℎ ℎ

4 ℎ 30⁰ ℎ 3 .

ℎ ⃑+ ⃑− ⃑

Resolution of Vectors into components –

(i) Choose coordinate system into components.

y ---------------------

ay ⃑ ⃑ ay

--------θ--- ----------- x
ax ax

ℎ yo x

a) −
b) ⁰ b

-y …………………………….

= ,

= +

Unit Vector – Vector of unit length- Direction preserved, unit magnitude e.g

⃑a ⃑ a ̂


Two Dimensional y ̂ x

y x

̂ y ⃑ ̂ ⃑

⃗= ⃑ + ⃑ ̂ x x

⃗= ⃑ + ⃑

Sum of Two Vectors ⃗ ⃗

⃑= ⃑+ ⃗

⃑ ⃑+ ⃗ . .

= + , = +

= + , =

EXAMPLE – Three coplanar vectors are expressed with respect to a certain rectangular
coordinates system of a given reference frame as y

⃑= ⃑− b

⃑=− + ⃑ a x

⃑=− ⃑ r

. .

= + + = − + =

= + + =− + − =−

⃑= ⃑ + ⃑

⃗ = ⃑ − ⃑

= +

=√ +

= √ = .

ℎ (− )
= 296.57°


Note - Cannot add vector and scalar

Can add and multiply vectors with vectors

Three Kinds –

a) Multiplication of a vector by scalar

b) Multiplication of 2 vectors yielding scalar
c) Multiplication of 2 vectors yielding vectors etc.


Scalar k, vector a⃑

Product = ⃑
− ℎ . .

ℎ − +

To divide by scalar, multiply by reciprocal of k


I. Scalar (or dot .) product ---------- (2)
II. Vector (or cross x ) product------------------(3)


⃑. ⃑ = cos ∅

ℎ ℎ ⃑,

ℎ ⃑,

∅ ℎ ℎ ℎ vectors.

ℎ , ℎ ℎ ℎ

ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ .

ɸ b

Examples – Mechanical work, Gravitational Potential Energy, Electrical P.E, Electrical Power,
Electromagnetic energy density


⃗ = ⃑ × ⃑

= ∅
∅ ℎ ⃑ ⃑. , ℎ ⃑, ℎ ⃑ ⃑

⃑ ⃑.

c c ⃑ b

⃑ c = ⃑× ⃑
Pronounced ⃑ × ⃑ "a cross b"

⃑ × ⃑ ≠ ⃑ × ⃑

⃑ × ⃑ = − ⃑ × ⃑

∅= ∅

ℎ ∅
= 90°, ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ ℎ

ℎ − ℎ −ℎ .

Examples of such cross products include – Torque, angular momentum, force

of a moving charge in a magnet, flow of electromagnetic energy.
Other Vector Products

Tensor – Generated by multiplying each of three components of one vector by the three
components of another vector.

Tensor 2nd Rank – Has nine numbers associated with it.

Vector – Three numbers

Scalar – One

Example of Tensors – Mechanical and Electrical Stress, Moments, Products of Inertia, Strain.


What happens to the laws of physics when simple operations such as

translation and rotation of coordinates are performed?

Coordinate system , ,

⃑, ⃑, ⃑
ℎ ℎ

⃑ = ⃑ + ⃑

= +

= +

= +

Consider a New coordinate system , , with properties

I. Origin does not coincide with the origin of the first coordinate system
, , – Translation
II. Its three axes are not parallel to the corresponding axes in the first
system – Rotation

Representation of vectors , , in the new system would in general prove to

be different. Lets put them in primes. The relationship between them however would

= +

= +

= +

And the relationship ⃑ = ⃑ + ⃑ ℎ

Consequently, it may be said that relations among vectors are
invariant (unchanged) with respect to translation or rotation of
coordinates. I.e. the laws of physics are unchanged when we rotate
or translate the reference system.


X I j
Z k y

Z I x



(a) Is left handed (b) is right handed

The other is a mirror image of one

( ) × = −

( ) × =


Decay of some elementary particles showed that the result was

independent of the handedness whether left or right.

I.e. the experiment and its mirror image would yield different results.

This leads to question on the symmetry of physical laws.

© Professor C.O Akoshile 2014 – University Of Ilorin, Faculty Of Physical Sciences, Physics Department.


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