Traffic Sign Recognition Project

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Sir Parashurambhau College (Autonomous), Pune - 30

Department of Computer Science

M.Sc. Computer Science Part I Semester II 2020-21

Synopsis Format

1. Title of the project

Traffic Sign Recognition

2. Introduction to the problem / Problem Definition

The self-driving cars in which the passenger can fully depend on the
car for traveling. But to achieve best goal, its necessary for vehicles
to understand and follow all traffic rules.
In the world of Artificial Intelligence and advancement in
technologies, many researchers and big companies like Tesla,
Mahindra, Google, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Ford, Audi are working
on autonomous vehicles and self-driving cars. So, for achieving
accuracy in this technology, the vehicles should be able to interpret
traffic signs and make decisions accordingly.
3. Review of existing System/methods/techniques (if any),
literature review
of existing systems (along with pros and cons)
Previous system has traditional workload type. Traffic signs will
simply classified by uploading image of it. Traffic sign image must be
stored already in system, we just have to select the image and
upload it on the screen then Image recognition will be done
Advantage - Basic application used in older versions of autonomous
cars. Traffic signs/rules can recognized and helpful for understanding
purpose. one of best machine learning application.
Disadvantage - The system is not fully automated. Its not
implemented as it designed.

4. Proposed System / Scope of work

Train and classify Traffic Signs using Convolutional neural networks
This will be done using OPENCV in real time using a simple webcam .
CNNs have been gaining popularity in the past couple of years due to
their ability to generalize and classify the data with high accuracy. In
this project we will train traffic signs with over 35000 images of 43
different classes with the help of tensorflow and keras.
We will try to achieve maximum Accuracy and Test Score for Traffic
Signs Recognition and Classification by CNN. It will use OPENCV in
real time by simple webcam. Based on this cars can accurately
identify Traffic Signs and work accordingly.
5. Objective of the project (a clear picture to choose this particular
topic for
project), Expected Outcomes.
AUTONOMOUS CARS is one of the trending topics in today’s. Traffic
Signs Recognition is one of best feature from it. There are several
different types of traffic signs like speed limits, no entry, traffic
signals, turn left or right, children crossing, no passing of heavy
vehicles, etc. Companies like Tesla, Mahindra, Google, Mercedes-
Benz, Toyota, Ford, Audi are working on autonomous vehicles and
self-driving cars with this model. This will able to read and
understand traffic signs Automatically which are a very important
task for all autonomous vehicles.
6. Methodology and techniques that will be used (the summary of
project must also be incorporated)
In this project we are using Convolutional Neural Network by
OPENCV in real time using a simple webcam. Simple methodology
like Training, Testing and Validation of the dataset is used.
Image Preprocessing – Grayscale and Equalizing Images with colour
Image Augmentation – To make Images more generic.
Plotting Barcharts for sample distribution of Images. Plotting Graphs
of Loss and Accuracy for Training and Validation of the dataset.
Prediction of the Images and Classes by model.predict method.
7. Details about the Hardware & Software’s that may be used
Operating System – Windows 10
Software - PyCharm Community Edition 2021.2
8. Describe the software / algorithm to be implemented (I/O
screens, any
statistical / mathematical models that will be implemented)
We are implementing Sequential model for Convolutional Neural
Network with layers like Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten, Dense,
Screenshots :-

1. Class wise Distribution of the Images

2. Sample Images with Class Labels.
3. Accuracy of Training and Validation Dataset

4. Loss of Training and Validation Dataset

5. Augmented Image Samples
6. Test Score with Test Accuracy

9. Describe the testing strategies and methods which will be used.

After Trained model Run the Test model file. Put the Image of any
random Traffic Sign in front of camera. Model will recognize the
Image and classify the traffic sign class automatically. After successful
loading of frames, system will display Image description and Class
label on the screen.
10. Reference or Bibliography
Dataset -
Python Language -
OpenCV -
Tensorflow Sequential Model -
Pycharm Software -

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