Traveling Blazor Webassembly: With Simple Food Recipe Page
Traveling Blazor Webassembly: With Simple Food Recipe Page
Traveling Blazor Webassembly: With Simple Food Recipe Page
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................1
2 WEBASSEMBLY ........................................................................................................2
3 ASP.NET CORE .........................................................................................................3
4 BLAZOR .....................................................................................................................4
4.1 Structure ..............................................................................................................5
4.2 Retrieving data.....................................................................................................6
4.3 Razor ...................................................................................................................6
4.3.1 Directives......................................................................................................7
4.3.2 Dependency Injection ...................................................................................8
4.3.3 Data Bindings ...............................................................................................8
5 IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................9
5.1 Creating Application .............................................................................................9
5.2 KeywordSearchBox class library ........................................................................10
5.3 Blazor WebAssembly Main ................................................................................11
5.3.1 Adding Dependency ...................................................................................11
5.3.2 Loading pages ............................................................................................12
5.3.3 Handling fetch error ....................................................................................12
6 TESTING ..................................................................................................................14
6.1 C# file unit tests .................................................................................................14
6.2 Razor component tests ......................................................................................14
7 CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................17
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................18
LIITTEET .........................................................................................................................22
Web application is cross-platform choice, which works both on Desktop operating systems
and on mobile systems. Web application consists of web pages, and web page has two
sides: back-end, which works on server-side and front-end, which works on client-side
(Lvivity 2018). Unlike back-end programming, front-end programming language is limited.
NPAPI (Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface)-based applications, such as
Adobe Flash, Java Applet and ActiveX, forces users to install some programs to use the
application. Nowadays they are considered as harmful technology, due to the chance of
malicious code inside the installation program. Due to the problem, Firefox already
stopped the NPAPI support since 2017 (Mozilla 2020). Without any front-end program that
forces user to install application, Javascript is the only choice as the standard language
that works on webpages.
But Javascript work differently than other languages, which makes it difficult to learn. One
of its unusual features is undefined, which sometimes acts as null, even the null exists as
an object. If unassigned variable is read in Javascript, it doesn’t throw any null exception,
but it returns undefined, which can be changed to other thing. For example, string that
contains literally “undefined” by adding to string or turns number into NaN by adding to
number. Because of this, some languages are introduced, which can be transpiled into Ja-
vascript, such as Typescript. However, such languages basically result Javascript, which
means the feature of Javascript cannot be fully avoided. That’s why Typescript is some-
times criticized (Chen 2019). Another problem of Javascript is its performance. Even Ja-
vascript itself is not slow language, still performance is limited, since it’s non-strict typed
and interpreted language. WebAssembly and Blazor can be solution of these problems.
The research objectives are to study what is Blazor, especially what is Blazor WebAssem-
bly and how to use it. The example application is simple recipe web page, which finds rec-
ipe by ingredients as keywords. The result gives all recipe that contains all the ingredients.
When clicking the recipe name, it shows recipe page. All processes retrieve JSON API
data from the server, rather than requiring the whole HTML page, which means, the page
is SPA (Single Page Application). At server side, ASP.NET Core API and SQL Server is
used to execute locally. However, testing and evaluating will be only focused on client-
side Blazor. Keyword search box is reusable component in this project. The testing targets
both component and whole client-side Blazor app.
WebAssembly is used to make front-end logic without any Javascript code. WebAssembly
can perform at nearly the speed of code compiled for a native platform (Mercier 2019).
WebAssembly targets basically C, C++ and Rust (Mercier 2019), and it is also currently
available in many other languages, such as Java and C# (Akinyemi 2019).
WebAssembly is not replacement for Javascript, but it is rather complemental with Javas-
cript. It is possible to use WebAssembly with Javascript. (WebAssembly 2020a.) For ex-
ample, UI communication can be done with Javascript and logical side can be made with
WebAssembly. In this case, WebAssembly can be reusable module for complicated appli-
cation. (WebAssembly 2020b.)
Despite the major usage is currently front-end, WebAssembly is not only aimed for front-
end development. WebAssembly can be used outside the web browser thanks to WebAs-
sembly System Interface (WASI). WASI makes it possible to create Server-side app.
(Eberhardt 2019.)
ASP.NET is architected for testability, and it natively supports dependency injection, which
implements the idea of dependency inversion principle: a class should depend on an inter-
face, not an implementation. (Roth D. et al. 2019.)
MVC (Model-View-Controller) is common pattern for ASP.NET Core, but other choices are
available too, such as Razor Page based solution. In Razor Page based solution, routing
is defined each Razor Pages, not controllers. (Roth D. et al. 2019.)
ASP.NET has Startup.cs, which configurates services and the app’s request pipeline. In
Startup.cs, some services are defined such as configuration for dependency injection and
routing. It’s also possible to add configuration only for development, for example, throwing
developer exception page when error occurs. (Anderson R. & Dykstra T. & Latham L. &
Smith S. 2019.)
Blazor is a framework building interactive client-side web UI with .NET (Roth D. & Latham
L. 2020a). Currently there are two Blazor types available – Blazor Server and Blazor
WebAssembly. The left picture is how Blazor Server works and right picture is how Blazor
WebAssembly works (Figure 1). Both does not require front-end developers to use Javas-
cript (Roth 2019), but there are Javascript interop, which gives possibility to use Javascript
in Blazor.
With Blazor WebAssembly, ASP.NET back-end developer can learn Blazor fast and de-
velop the full-stack level, both front-end and back-end. Developing both side with one
technology requires less learning curve, also developer can focus on and understand one
technology deeper. There is no .NET server-side dependency, thus developer can choose
backend language or platform with their own flavour – Blazor WebAssembly is just front-
end framework and works well whatever server-side backend is. (Roth 2020b.)
Since Blazor WebAssembly is inspired by existing SPA (Single Page Application) frame-
works (DotNet 2019), it natively supports SPA.
4.1 Structure
When app is started, Blazor loads bunch of DLL files. The DLL files are components and
libraries added by system and user. Blazor also loads blazor.webassemly.js, mono.wasm
and mono.js. Blazor.webassembly.js loads the .NET runtime, the app, and the app’s de-
pendencies (Roth 2020b). Mono.wasm is compiled WebAssembly from Mono Framework,
which contains actual Mono WebAssembly for .NET runtime. Mono.js loads the WebAs-
sembly module and passes it to Blazor application assembly. Mono.js also contains Ja-
vascript Interop for Blazor. (Glick 2018.)
Mono aims to run under WebAssembly in two modes: interpreted and AOT (Figure 2). In
the left side of figure is interpreted mode. In interpreted mode, Mono runtime is compiled
but .NET assembly files are not compiled. In development mode, interpreted mode is
much faster than AOT, because it saves compilation time. AOT mode, the right side of fig-
ure, uses pure WebAssembly binaries that are already compiled. AOT takes some time to
compile, but since it’s already compiled, it’s faster than interpret mode. (Sanderson
Blazor is part of the ASP.NET project, which means, Blazor code template are basically
very similar to ASP.NET code. Like ASP.NET, Blazor can add services using Startup file
or directly in main program. Blazor also has Razor pages, which contains HTML, routing
path and C# code.
The final web root, which does not contain C# codes, resides wwwroot directory, as in-
dex.html. Index.html contains HTML head, loading page, default CSS and Javascript calls.
Wwwroot also contains CSS and JavaScript files, which doesn’t need to be compiled.
Although Blazor default client template provides automatically ASP.NET API on server-
side, Blazor works any API without the server-side project. In other words, Blazor WebAs-
sembly does not have server dependency. (Roth 2020b) Blazor provides REST API meth-
ods (Get, Post, Put, Delete) as default. Default REST API can also parse data to JSON
via GetJsonAsync() and PostJsonAsync().
As another option, gRPC is available for Blazor, which is a high-performance of RPC (Re-
mote Procedure Call) developed by Google. gRPC is optimized for minimal network traffic,
which fits with SPA. (Sanderson 2020.)
4.3 Razor
Blazor uses Razor file for every pages, components and layouts (Roth D. et al. 2020a).
Razor is page-focused framework for building dynamic, data-driven web sites with clean
separation of concerns. Razor page contains both HTML and C# code for ease to use, as
well as page routing definition for using GET URI parameters. Razor was already used in
server-side application before Blazor is created. (Learn Razor Pages 2019.) Razor file can
be external class library for reusable component. _Imports.razor contains a global using
directive for every Razor file in the assembly.
Razor page can have several directives on the top of the code (Figure 3). The @page di-
rective indicates the routing endpoint. Without @page directive, user cannot directly ac-
cess the page via URI, but it’s still possible to use it as component in other Razor code.
@code directive have some C# class members. (Roth D. & Latham L. 2020b.) It can con-
tain methods, which is triggered when the Razor component is loaded or rendered, or pa-
rameter is set. For example, OnInitializedAsync() is called when page is loaded. (Latham
L. & Roth D. 2019.)
4.3.1 Directives
Razor page can get parameter by passing value in the component or by passing into the
URI. Route parameter is defined on @page directive, inside {variable name}. Component
parameter is passed through markup attribute when adding the component. Both get the
variable by adding parameter attribute on the public property. (Latham L. & Roth D.
Layout folder contains layouts. Default layout is MainLayout.razor. Layout is defined by in-
heriting from layout component base by declaring @inherits LayoutComponentBase on
the top of the Razor content and @Body is inserted in the code where the content should
fit. In the page, the layout can be applied using @layout LayoutName. In this way, it’s pos-
sible to make nested layout (Rainer S. & Latham L. 2019).
Since Blazor is part of the ASP.NET, pure C# file (.cs) can be separated and the class can
be created directly or by injecting it in the Razor file. When injecting the code, the C# class
is declared in the ASP.NET configuration and added to Razor file with @inject. Blazor can
use Startup.cs file to register the dependency injection or the injection can be directly reg-
istered inside Program.cs.
On Razor element tree, parent data can be bound with their child and, in some case, vice
versa. The first case is one-way binding and the second case is two-way binding.
When values can be updated only from parent, the data flow is unidirectional. This is one-
way data binding. One-way data binding can be realized by passing value as parameter to
the child. (Sainty 2019.)
When the value is updated from two directions, the data flow is bidirectional, thus it’s two-
way data binding. Two-way data binding is realized with @bind or @bind-{parameter} di-
rective. For example, if @bind is used on text input, the data is updated when the text in-
put value is changed. (Sainty 2019.)
@bind-{parameter} is used between parent and child component. Event to bind can be
specified using @bind-{parameter}:{event} directive. When child element is created with
two-way bindings, EventCallBack<T> should be specified and invoked to implement two-
way binding. (Sainty 2019.)
The recipe app searches recipe by ingredient name, not by food name. The idea of recipe
app is finding recipes that can be made from leftover ingredients at home. Recipe ingredi-
ent is keyword, which means, the input is limited to data from database ingredients. The
result shows food recipes that contains any ingredient from list.
On client-side, Blazor WebAssembly is used. All source codes are written in C# and Ra-
zor Syntax, without any Javascript interop. On server-side, ASP.NET with SQL Server file
is used for database logic. Client assembly and Server-side assembly is separated.
Figure 4. Enabling Blazor WebAssembly on .NET Core CLI (Roth D. & Latham L. 2019.)
Blazor WebAssembly preview requires ASP.NET Core 3.1. Blazor WebAssembly has ex-
ample template, which can be edited for own use. This template is available from .NET
Core Command line (
Figure 4). (Roth D. & Latham L. 2019.) After the command, when the Blazor WebAssem-
bly App is shown on the template list in the command output, the template is installed.
After the command is executed, Visual Studio shows Blazor App when creating a new
project. After creating a new project, it shows dialog for asking which one will be created,
Blazor Server App or Blazor WebAssembly App (Figure 5). ASP.NET Core hosted app
creates automatically server-side API project.
For researching how external component works, search box and result box component is
outside of the Blazor WebAssembly main assembly. The KeywordSearchBox Class is Ra-
zor Class Library.
The assembly contains Razor pages, logics, and models. Logics defines what to do with
DOM event, such as searching or keyboard input actions. Models contains list of words,
such as current words or suggested words from input value. There are also public inter-
faces and classes available: ISearchModel<T> and SearchModel<T>. ISearchModel<T>
contains keywords as Enumerable string and results as Enumerable generic type.
KeywordSearchBox provides only common logics for filling keywords and binding results.
User defines search action, type and result template.
@typeparam directive declares generic type for a Razor page. The type is used by param-
eter type and it’s determined by passing parameter. (Latham L. & Roth D. 2020b.) In this
project, ISearchModel<T> parameter uses generic type.
The Razor component can get user-defined HTML tag by getting RenderFragment as pa-
rameter. The parameter name ChildContent as RenderFragment indicates direct content
of the component. It’s possible to define custom parameters by defining the parameter
name of RenderFragment. Then, the search box library users can define each template
using XML syntax inside component when component is consumed. (Figure 6) (Char-
beneau 2020.)
With the RenderFragment, users can choose where to put the model data via context. The
default variable name is context, but it’s possible to define context name with con-
text=”variableName” (Latham L. & Roth D. 2020b). RenderFragment should be generic
type for this feature to know what the context is.
On the result page, the generic RenderFragment is used to let user to define the template
using model data. In this case, users don’t need to write foreach loop in their code to show
the list of results.
The recipe application has two pages and a component. The main page shows search
box and the search results. Another page shows recipe by Recipe ID from database. The
component is search box, which contains search box and result box from KeywordSearch-
Box class library. The project has only one Layout, which contains logo.
Search component defines action, what will do when user press search button. It retrieves
data from server using GetJsonAsync() from injected HttpClient. There may be multiple
keywords and the keywords can be long, so retrieving by passing the keywords in the
URL via GET method can be nasty. Thus, it uses POST method to send request, by pass-
ing keyword array as body.
The Search box has dependency on the search box Razor page. ISearchModel<T> is
added to startup services as Singleton and the service is injected to the Razor page. The
injected ISearchModel<T> is two-way bound with search box component. The binding
shows result instantly when user clicks the search button.
To contain a Razor component in the project in Visual Studio, right click the dependences
and select add references. If the project is in the same solution, the project can be added
from projects tab. If the project is already compiled file, such as EXE or DLL file, the refer-
ence can be added through clicking Browse… on the bottom of window and select the ref-
erence file. This is not applied for only Razor class libraries, but also for other external ref-
erences. (Microsoft 2019b.)
Since Razor class library doesn’t contain main page, main page should add externally
web resources, such as CSS or JavaScript. In this project, the main page is wwwroot/in-
dex.html in the Client project. The CSS or Javascript from the class library can be added
by just adding HTML code that calls CSS or JavaScript in wwwroot/index.html. The URL
of resource is _content/Project Name/File path. The File path is relative path from
wwwroot, from the Razor class library. (Microsoft 2020a.) In this project, the CSS is linked
from _content/KeywordSearchBox/styles.css.
Whole loading page can be set within the app block in the wwwroot/index.html. When the
page is loaded, the loading page inside app block is replaced to content.
Blazor needs render placeholder UI elements when the page is loaded but data is not yet
fetched asynchronously. To implement this, the variable is defined without assigning at
first. The variable will be null by default, when the variable is class. Then data is fetched
on OnInitializedAsync() block, which is called when the page is loaded. Finally, loading el-
ements can be shown by using if-else blocks on the Razor page. If the data is null, the
page shows loading elements, else the page shows the data. The if-else block checks if
the data is null, so it shows data when data is loaded. (Figure 7.) (Latham L. et al. 2019.)
In other words, the client can catch error from server by catching HttpRequestException.
However, with SendJsonAsync, there is still no way to check which error code server re-
turned, without parsing the exception message (Sanderson 2018b; Microsoft 2020c). In
the application, the error message is just showing something error is happened.
There is more thing to consider, when use SendJsonAsync with handling error with
ASP.NET Core API. The server API returns 204 No content, when data is null (Strahl
2020.). This happened when the recipe ID was wrong in the application. The database re-
turned empty dataset when recipe ID is not correct. It caused server API to return null,
and client received 204 instead of error code. 204 is still inside 200-299 range, so the
SendJsonAsync doesn’t throw HttpRequestException. But in the parsing phase, the empty
string is invalid JSON, and it throws JsonException. There are some ways to solve it: Cli-
ent catches JsonException, or server sends erroneous code when the data is null. In this
case, when data is not found from database, throwing 404 is reasonable, even from the
server-side API. Thus, the application is used the server-side solution.
Since the goal of work is researching Blazor WebAssembly, testing has done with only cli-
ent-side. The tool for testing is XUnit and Bunit. XUnit is one of the popular unit testing
tool for C# and BUnit is testing tool for Blazor.
Razor component instance for testing can be created with new ComponentName(), but
using it this way have limitations. First, it cannot trigger event handlers or invoke render-
ers. Second, it doesn’t verify event callbacks or rendered markups. (Hansen 2020a.)
There is no way to find element while page is loading.
However, the service-level unit testing can be covered with any C# testing framework,
since it doesn’t contain any HTML-like component. For this purpose, XUnit is used for
testing methods in C# files.
The KeywordSearchBox is used as a library, so the internal methods should not be ex-
posed to public. But the internal methods should be visible for testing assembly.
The InternalsVisibleTo is used by putting once any C# file in the current assembly. The at-
tribute lay on a namespace.
XUnit uses Fact attribute for testing without data input, and Theory attribute for testing
with multiple data input. Theory data can be defined directly in the InlineData attribute or
defined in specific class or method. In this case, the class implements IEnumerable<ob-
ject[]> and the method returns IEnumerable<object[]>. (Lock 2017.) The Fact and Theory
attributes are on each method and the method should be public for testing. In the project,
only Fact attribute is used.
With BUnit, not only Razor unit tests can be performed but black-box test can be done. In
this project, BUnit is used for integration test.
BUnit provides C#-based testing, Razor-based testing and snapshot-based testing. C#-
based testing uses pure C# with XUnit. It is executed just like regular C# tests. Razor-
based testing writes components for testing in Razor page. It allows to declare compo-
nents in Razor syntax. The test assertion is still written in C# in the @code block, though.
Snapshot test uses only markup for writing testing and comparison. It uses very little C#
code, usually for configuring services. Razor-based tests and snapshot-based tests are
experimental feature and the syntax and API will be likely changed. (Hansen 2020b.) The
project doesn’t contain complicated component that needs many parameters, so only C#-
based testing did the work.
The testing target class inherits from ComponentTextFixture for C#-based testing. Then,
the component is rendered by using RenderComponent<ComponentName>(). The com-
ponent parameters can be given by passing parameters to RenderComponent. Render-
Component<T> returns IRenderedComponent<T>. (Figure 8.) (Hansen 2020c.)
When Egil testing framework is changed to Bunit, it changed to apply automatically when
the component is changed (Hansen 2020d). Before then, IRenderedComponent.Find was
used after each input for suggestion testing. The excessive Find methods are removed,
which gets same element as before.
Element’s non-existence assertion was not supported directly from library. For assure that
specific element does not exist, Assert.Throws<ElementNotFoundException>() is used.
This way used that the the IRenderedComponent.Find method throws ElementNot-
FoundException when the method didn’t find the element. The exception is also part of
the Bunit.
BUnit removed AddMockHttp() for removing third-party dependency. For this reason,
HTTP mocking is done manually. First, the mocked HTTP message handler service is
added. Then, HTTP message handler service from the mocked service is added. Finally,
HTTP client from the message handler is added. (Hansen 2020a.) Base address of HTTP
client should be defined using GetService().BaseAddress when the Razor page for testing
uses relative URI. (Figure 9.) The mocking should be performed before rendering compo-
nent, or the testing doesn’t work.
The whole programming process, including implementation and testing, was planned for
one month. It was not so strict plan; however, program went through minor edits after the
month. The change was done for applying better solution from new knowledge.
During the writing process, Blazor was still evolving. Blazor already released preview 2.
Thanks for the community, Blazor WebAssembly is well-polished and soon it’s ready for
product. Especially the BUnit testing framework changed notably. It caused to install the
new testing package and to edit the testing codes.
The goal of the project itself was getting familiar to Blazor, and no further development will
be done. However, the knowledge will be applied on other Blazor softwares, including my
portfolio. When the Blazor is ready for products, it can be used commercial purpose too.
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