Six Exercise Swaps: 1. One Arm Cable Pulldown Instead of The Seated Lat Pulldown

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Six Exercise Swaps

Thursday, August 3, 2017 7:23 PM

Updated August 4, 2018 5:34 PM

Based on:

1. One Arm Cable Pulldown Instead of the Seated Lat Pulldown

Substitute the lat pulldown with the one arm cable pulldown. Let the abs and
lats work together for a much better stretch on the lat muscles on every rep.

2. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press instead of Seated Shoulder Press

Clean the dumbbells off the floor at the start of every set for an even more
functional exercise without compromising the growth of your shoulders.

3. Use the Dumbbell or Barbell Front Squat instead of Back Squat

4. Change the Barbell Upright Row to Dumbbell High Pull
Swap the upright row with the dumbbell high pull. The act of externally rotating
the shoulder rather than internally rotating it is enough to turn this exercise from
bad to good quickly. Let wrists lead elbows. Pull shoulders up and back. Hands
above elbows at full retraction. Thumbs above pinkys. Goal: external rotation.

5. Change Dumbbell Fly to One Arm Cable Crossover

The cable crossover will protect the shoulder joint and getting muscles to
work together that prefer to in the first place.

6. Concentration Curl
Stand up and curl those dumbbells together at the same time. This will
require the entire core to work harder than if you were to curl one dumbbell
at a time.

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