B4 (1) .4-R3 Chapter Wise

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4-R3: Computer Graphics And Multimedia Systems

Chapter No. Chapter-01 Chapter-02 Chapter-03 Chapter-04 Chapter-05 Chapter-06 Chapter-07 Chapter-08 Chapters 01. Graphics Hardware 02. Transformation and Projections 03. Clipping 04. Hidden Line and Surface Removal 05. Curves and Surface 06. Light and Shading Models 07. Graphics Standards Open GL 08. Multimedia

Chapter Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09 Jan-10 Jul-10 Total No. 1 0 0 4 4 6 4 4 8 12 5 14 0 10 4 75 2 8 4 18 42 20 30 31 24 28 25 28 23 28 51 360 3 26 18 13 9 14 18 4 4 6 14 14 4 6 9 159 4 9 18 0 9 10 13 15 12 16 0 16 14 22 6 160 5 27 12 21 19 14 12 18 26 22 10 17 20 6 14 238 6 18 36 25 9 16 15 13 12 18 14 13 16 20 8 233 7 6 0 0 0 6 0 13 18 0 28 0 0 0 8 79 8 42 48 55 53 50 53 38 32 34 40 28 56 32 36 597 Total 136 136 136 145 136 145 136 136 136 136 130 133 124 136 1901

1. Graphics Hardware

January-2004 [0] July-2004 [0] January-2005 [4] 1. e) Explain how colour images are displayed on a computer monitor.


July-2005 [4] 1. c) What are the differences between raster-scan CRTs and random-access or vector CRTs? [4] January-2006 [6] 5. a) Explain why RGB color model is used for display. How different shades of colors are generated on the RGB monitors. [6] July-2006 [4] 1. a) What is the difference between raster-scan CRT and random-access CRT? January-2007 [4] 2. a) Explain why RGB colour model is used for display and CMY model for hardcopy. July-2007 [8] 1. c) Explain shadow masking method for colour monitor. 2. a) Describe construction of a typical cathode ray tube for monitor. January-2008 [12] 1. a) What are frame buffers? What are its applications? e) Differentiate between the two graphics standard GKS and PHIGS. 7. b) Explain what is interlacing? July-2008 [5] 2. a) Describe briefly the construction of a colour monitor.



[4] [4]

[4] [4] [4]


January-2009 [14] 1. d) Describe the use of anti-aliasing in raster display devices. [4] f) Explain, why RGB color model is used for display? [4] 6. c) What is interlacing? Explain the utility of interlacing in display systems. July-2009 [0] January-2010 [10] 1. d) Compare and contrast Random Scan Display to Raster Scan Display.



7. a)

Write short notes on Flat panel displays


July-2010 [4] 1. b) Describe what is meant by aliasing in computer graphics. What does antialiasing mean? [4]

2. Transformation and Projections

January-2004 [8] 1. b) How are points at Infinity represented in homogenous coordinate system? 3. b) What are oblique projections?

[4] [4]

July-2004 [4] 1. a) Differentiate between Perspective and Parallel projections. What is meant by vanishing points? [4] January-2005 [18] 1. a) What are the advantages of using homogenous coordinate system for computer graphics applications? [4] 3. a) Explain the difference between orthographic projection and isometric projection with the help of diagrams. Indicate their applications. [6+3] 6. b) What do understand by the term 3-point perspective projection? Explain with the help of a diagram. [5] July-2005 [42] 1. b) What is the relationship between the rotations R , R- and R-1. d) Explain one vanishing point projection from a point on z-axis. e) Describe the transformation ML that reflects an object about a line L. 2. a) b)

[4] [4] [4]

Indicate which raster locations would be chosen by Bresenhams algorithm when scan converting a line from screen coordinate (1, 1) to screen coordinate (8, 5). [9] Consider a rectangle ABCD in the figure given below. Apply the following transformations on rectangle ABCD: i) Rotate the rectangle ABCD with 90 degree in clockwise direction with respect to the point (2,2). ii) Magnify the rotated figure twice to its size in X-direction and half to its size in Ydirection keeping point A (2,2) as fixed point.

D(2,6) A(2,2)

3 C(8,6)
B(8,2) X

Find out the composite transformation matrices to perform the given transformations. Also show Output and Input matrices. [9] 3. a) c) Distinguish between the perspective projection and the parallel projection. Perform a 45 rotation of triangle A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(5.2) about P(-1,-1). [6] [6]

January-2006 [20] 1. f) Explain the importance of vanishing point. What type of projection is associated with it? Explain the projection. [4] 3. b) A triangle having vertices at (0,0), (1,1) and (5,2) is rotated by 45 degree clockwise i) about origin and ii) about P(-1, -1) point. Obtain the coordinates of the vertices of the triangle using homogenous coordinate system. [10] 6. a) In a 3D coordinate system the plane XY(z = 0) represents the screen of monitor. A box is placed at the origin such that its three edges are touching x, y and z axes. Describe the transformation matrix needed to show the side view of the box on the screen. [6] July-2006 [30] 1. b) What is the relationship between the translations Ttx,ty , T -tx, -ty and (T tx , ty )-1? [4] d) Explain one vanishing point projection from a point on z-axis. [4] f) Describe the transformation ML that reflects an object about a line L. [4] 2. a) Indicate which raster locations would be chosen by Bresenhams algorithm when scan converting a line from screen coordinate (1,1) to screen coordinate (8,5). [6] b) Perform a 45o rotation of triangle A(0,0), B(1,1,) and C(5,2) about P(-1,-1). [6] c) Explain the difference between the perspective projection and the parallel projection. [6] January-2007 [31] 1. f) How are the points lying at infinity handled? Describe perspective projection. [4] 2. b) There are two lines joining at a vertex in a polygon. Write an algorithm/logic to find whether the other end points of line are in the same directions with respect to scan line passing through common vertex. [8] 5. a) Using both simple DDA and Bresenhams algorithm list of the activated pixels for the line from (0, 0) to (-8, -3). Comment on the initialization affect on the result and compare the efficiency of the two. [12] 6. a) Differentiate between parallel, perspective and isometric projection and their uses. [7]

July-2007 [24] 1. b) What are advantages and disadvantages of homogenous co-ordinates? [4] f) What do you mean by vanishing point in perspective projection? Draw a diagram indicating two vanishing points. [4] 2. b) Explain the Bresenhams line drawing algorithm in 2D. Hence give the pixel positions for the line joining the points (4,4) and (9,9). [10] 3. a) Derive the transformation matrix of y-direction shearing relative to the line x=a. Hence give the transformation matrix for shearing parameter value of and a= -1. [6] January-2008 [28] 1. c) Prove that distance between two point-objects is invariant with respect to reflection and translation transformations. [4] 2. a) Illustrate the general Brasenhams algorithm to plot a line from (0, 0) to (-8, -4). [10] b) Compute the points at infinity for the following parallel lines: x+y=1 x+y=0 [4] c) Explain orthographic projection of a slashed cube on x = 0, y = 0 and z = 0. [4] 6. b) Explain the process of anti-alliasing in display graphics. [6] July-2008 [25] 1. a) What do you mean by homogeneous co-ordinates? How has it simplified 2D transformations? [4] 2. b) Give the pixel positions of the line joining the ports (3, 4) and (10, 9). [7] c) Derive the transformation matrix for the operations performed in the given sequence, translation, rotation, scaling. [6] 3. a) What do you mean by perspective projection? How are vanishing points generated? [5] b) Write the transformation matrices for rotation about origin in 3D. [3] January-2009 [28] 1. a) What are homogeneous co-ordinates and what are its merits and demerits as related to computer graphics? [4] 2. a) Explain the integer Bresenhams line draw algorithm in two dimensions. Plot the trace of the line joining the following end points (-8, -4) and (6, 9). [8] c) Show that mid point of a line is invariant with scaling transformation. [6] 3. a) Describe parallel projection. Show all parallel projection of cube of unit side. [6] c) Derive the transformation matrix for reflection about x-axis. 6. b) Describe oblique projections and display different type of oblique projections with examples. [4] July-2009 [23] 1. a) What is the relationship between the rotations R, R- and R-1?


c) 2. a) b)

Distinguish between the perspective projection and the parallel projection.


What steps are needed to draw a line whose slope is between 0 and 45 using Bresenhams algorithm. Consider a rectangle ABCD in the figure given below. Apply the following transformations on rectangle ABCD: i) Rotate the rectangle ABCD with 90 degree in clockwise direction with respect to the point (2,2). iii) Magnify the rotated figure twice to its size in X-direction and half to its size in Ydirection keeping point A (2,2) as fixed point.

D(2,6) A(2,2)

C(8,6) B(8,2)

X Find out the composite transformation matrices to perform the given transformations. Also show Output and Input matrices. [9] Write short notes on any three of the following: Rubber-band line drawing method [6]

7. c)

January- 2010 [28] 1. c) Prove that the 2-D scaling transformations commute. [4] 2. a) Define reflection and shear transformation. Derive reflection matrix for reflection about xaxis and shear matrix for sheering in Y direction. [4] c) Illustrate Bresenhams line drawing algorithm to plot a line from (20,10) to (30,18). [8] 4. b) How many types of Boolean operations can be performed on the 3-D objects represented by octrees? [6] 7. Write short notes on: c) Orthographic projection [6] July-2010 [51] 1. a) How does Bresenhams straight line algorithm differ from the DDA? Give reasons. c) Parallel and oblique images are both distorted compared to the perspective image produced by cameras and our eyes. Why then, are they useful? [4] 2. a)


Indicate which raster locations would be chosen by Bresenhams algorithm when scan converting a line form pixel coordinate (10,5) to pixel coordinate (15,9). [6]

b) c) 3. a) 4. a)

Obtain the image of the triangle ABC whose vertices are A=(-6,4), B=(-3,-2) and C=(3,0) when it is rotated about the point (-1,-1) through an angle of /2. [6] Give the transformation matrix for reflection of the polygon whose vertices are A=(-2,-1), B=(1,-2), C=(1,0) and D=(2,4) about the line y=x+1. How the new polygon would look like? [6] For the eye placed at (5,0,-2), find the projection of the point (1,2,1) on x=z plane. What are the principal vanishing points of this projection? [9] Consider a square window with edges XL, XR, YB, YT equal to 0, 32, 0, 34. Find out which of the following is contained within the window: i) The polygon with vertices A=(36,8), B=(48,24) and C=(56,4) ii) The polygon with vertices A=(8,4), B=(12,24) and C=(24,12). [6] What do you mean by Homogenous co-ordinates? Explain briefly. [4]

6. c) 7. a)

Point sources are a conventional mathematical concept for computer graphics rendering algorithms but are physically impossible. Why? [6]

3. Clipping
January-2004 [26] 1. c) Why clipping is an important operation for rendering? [4] 2. a) Show that, if all objects are in front of the center of projection and If the front and back clipping planes are located at Infinity, then the result of clipping In 3D against canonical view volume followed by perspective projection is the same as first doing projection into 2D and then clipping in 2D. In case of clipping plane located at a finite distance will change this property? [9] 4. c) Is it necessary to compute lighting information before clipping for rendering a 3D scene? Explain. [4] 6. b) Describe the Sutherland-Cohen algorithm for clipping. [9] July-2004 [18] 2. A clipping window is given by P0(10,10), P1(20,10), P2(25,15), P3(20,20), P4(10,15) and P5 = P0. Using Cyrus-Beck algorithm, clip the line AB where A is (0,0) and B is (30,25). [18] January-2005 [13] 4. c) Is it necessary to compute lighting information before clipping for rendering a 3D scene? Explain. [4] 6. c) Describe the Sutherland-Cohen algorithm for clipping. [9] July-2005 [9] 4. b) Let R be the rectangular window whose lower left-hand corner is at L(-3, 1) and upper right-hand corner is at R(2,6). Clip the line segments AB and CD where A(-4,2), B(-1,7), C(-1,5) and D(3,8) using Sutherland Cohen line-clipping algorithm. [9]

January-2006 [14] 1. a) Discuss the merits and demerits of various clipping algorithms. [4] c) Explain the Sutherland Cohen line-clipping algorithm. Is this applicable to any type of window? Justify your answer. [4] 5. b) How is clipping done in three-dimensional domain? Discuss the various options for selecting different types of view volumes. [6] July-2006 [18] 3. b) Explain the steps of the Cyrus-Beck line-clipping algorithm. [6] c) Let R be the rectangular window whose lower left-hand corner is at L(-3,1) & upper righthand corner is at R(2,6). Clip the line segments AB and CD where A(-4,2),B(-1,7),C(-1,5) and D(3,8). [6] 5. b) Is it necessary to compute lighting information before clipping for rendering a 3D scene? Explain. [6] January-2007 [4] 1. d) Compare the efficiencies of Cyrus-Beck and Cohen-Sutherland clipping algorithms. July-2007 [4] 4. b) How is Cyrus-Beck algorithm better than Cohen-Sutherland algorithm?



January-2008 [6] 3. b) Enumerate the region codes for visibility of an object with respect to a two-dimensional clipping window. [6] July-2008 [14] 1. b) How are codes of the regions assigned in the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm? [4] 3. c) Explain the Cyrus-Beck algorithm for clipping a line with respect to a rectangular window. [10] January-2009 [14] 1. g) What is clipping? Differentiate it from windowing. [4] 2. b) How is clipping done in three dimensional domains? [4] 4. b) Differentiate Cohen Sutherland algorithm with Cyrus-beck algorithm. July-2009 [4] 1. g) How is Cyrus-Beck algorithm better than Cohen-Sutherland algorithm?



January-2010 [6] 6. c) Enumerate the region codes for visibility of an object with respect to a two-dimensional clipping window. [6]

July-2010 [9] 3. b) Consider a window (XL, XR, YB, YT) = (-1,2,-2,-2), clip the line segment joining two points P1 =(-3/2, 1/2) and P2 =(1,5/2) using the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm. [9]

4. Hidden Line and Surface Removal

January-2004 [9] 6. a) Consider merging two images of identical size, represented by the frame buffer and Zbuffer contents. If you know the Zmin and Zmax of each Image and the values of Z to which they originally correspond, can you merge the Images properly? Is any additional information required? [9] July-2004 [18] 7. Outline the steps required to generate a hidden-surface image using the depth-buffer approach and then comment on the relative merits of this approach compared with the scan-line algorithm. [18] January-2005 [0] July-2005 [9] 4. a) Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden surfaces.


January-2006 [10] 1. b) How does the Z buffer algorithm determines which surfaces are hidden? [4] 5. c) Describe Painters algorithm. Give its relative advantages and disadvantages over other methods. [6] July-2006 [13] 1. c) Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden surfaces. 6. a) Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden surfaces. January-2007 [15] 2. c) Describe the features of Depths sort algorithm. 4. b) Describe the Z buffer algorithm for hidden surface removal.

[4] [9]

[6] [9]

July-2007 [12] 3. b) What do you mean by hidden lines and surfaces? Describe area subdivision method for removing hidden surfaces. [12] January-2008 [16] 5. c) Describe the steps of computations of hidden surface by using Area subdivision method. [6]

7. a)

Illustrate the process of Z- buffer algorithm for the following: The rectangle with corner coordinates P1(10,5,10), P2(10,25,10), P3(25,25,10) and P4(25,5, 10) and the triangle with vertices P5(15,15,15), P6(25,25,5) and P7(30,10,5). [10]

July-2008 [0] January-2009 [16] 4. a) What are hidden lines and surface? Explain the mechanism of removing hidden surfaces. [6] 7. c) Explain z-buffer algorithm, apply it for following: Rectangle with corner points p1(10, 5, 10), p2(10, 25, 10), p3(25, 25, 10) and p4(25, 5, 10) and the triangle with corner points p5(15, 15, 15), p6(25, 25, 5) and p7(30, 10, 5). [10] July-2009 [14] 3. a) Explain the Z-buffer algorithm for removing hidden surfaces. 7. Write short notes on any three of the following: a) Depth-Sorting Method [6]


January-2010 [22] 1. d) Mention advantages and disadvantages of Z-buffer algorithm. [4] 5. a) Describe the Z-buffer algorithm. For what types of scenarios Z-buffer does not perform well. [9] b) Describe how hidden surface removal and projection are integrated into ray tracing process. [9] July-2010 [6] 4. b) Write the painters algorithm for the hidden surface removal. What difficulties are encountered in implementing the painters algorithm? [6]

5. Curves and Surface

January-2004 [27] 1. e) Is it possible to force a B-spline curve to pass through a fixed point? How? [4] 2. c) Can you connect two Hermite curves maintaining CI continuity? How? [5] 3. a) Describe how will you draw a bi-cubic 3D curve on a 2D raster-scan display device. [10] 7. c) Describe a raster-scan algorithm for drawing a circle given by the following equation which exploits 8-way symmetry: (x-a)2 + (y-b) 2 = c2 ? [8] July-2004 [12] 1. b) What are the advantages of non-uniform non-rational B-splines over uniform non-rational B-splines? [4]


3. b)

Let P0(0,0), P1(1,2), P2(2, 1), P3(3, -1), P4(4, 10) and P5(5,5) be given data points. If interpolation based on cubic B-splines is used to find a curve interpolating these data points, find a knot set t0, ., ., t9 that can be used to define the cubic B-splines. [8]

January-2005 [21] 2. a) Design an algorithm to scan converts the following curve: x= y2 [9] 5. a) What is the difference between Go and CO continuity? Explain the difference between C0, C1, C2 continuity. Suggest a scheme for approximating a set of 2D points using a curve that satisfies C2 continuity. [3+3+6] July-2005 [19] 5. b) Show that the Bezier form of the curve segment is Q(t) = (1-t)3P1 + 3t(1-t)3P2 + 3t2 (1-t) P3 +t3P4 Where the coefficients are Bernstein polynomials. 7. Write short notes on any two of the following: b) B-Spline curves

[10] [9]

January-2006 [14] 3. a) Show the nth degree B-spline basis function Bi,n (x) = 0 , if x < t1 or x > ti+n-i. [6] c) What are the advantages of parametric representation of curves and surfaces in computer graphics? [2] 6. c) Write a routing to design a two dimensional cubic Bezier curve shapes having first order continuity. Use interactive technique for selecting control points in XY plane for each section of curve. [6] July-2006 [12] 4. a) What is the difference between Go and Co continuity? Explain the difference between Co, C1, C2 continuity. Suggest a scheme for approximating a set of 2D points using a curve that satisfies C2 continuity. [3+3+6] January-2007 [18] 1. b) Why do we study only cubic polynomial curves (rather than any other polynomial curves) in computer graphics? Discuss the use of blending function. [4] g) Describe briefly Bresenhams circle drawing algorithm. [4] 7. a) Determine the Bezier blending functions for a given set of four control pointer in xy plane to generate Cubic Bezier Curve. [10] July-2007 [26] 1. d) Describe how can the first order parametric continuity achieved at the common control point of the two Bezier Curves. [4] 4. a) Why do we need two types of continuity in joining two curve segments? Define each type. [6]


c) 5. a) b)

Derive the equation of a cubic form of Bezier Curve, starting with the two controls point Bezier Curves. [8] How is B-spline curve different from Bezier Curve? [3] What do you mean by rational B-spline? How is it more useful than non-rational B-spline in drawing curves? [5]

January-2008 [22] 1. d) What is a spline curve? Explain the role of blending function to plot a spline curve. 5. a) What is Bezier surface? Plot a cubic Bezier surface with seven control points. b) Explain the role of surface revolution. 6. c) Describe the role of geometric curves in Font generation.

[4] [6] [6] [6]

July-2008 [10] 1. e) Why is parametric curve preferred over other forms of curves, in computer graphics? [4] 4. a) What do you mean by B-spline? Give its properties. [6] January-2009 [17] 5. b) Derive the equation for a cubic form of Bezier curve. How are B-spline curves different from Bezier curves? [9] 6. a) Explain the algorithm to plot the circle and represent the steps to plot a circle of radius 20 and centre (0, 0). [8] July-2009 [20] 1. f) What is the difference between B-Spline Curve and Bezier Curve? 3. b) Show that the Bezier form of the curve segment is Q(t) = (1-t)3P1 + 3t(1-t)2P2 + 3t2 (1-t)P3 + t3P4 where the coefficients are Bernstein polynomials. [10] 7. Write short notes on any three of the following: b) B-Spline Curves and Surfaces [6]


January-2010 [6] 6. a) What is Bezier surface? Plot a cubic Bezier surface with seven control points.


July-2010 [14] 6. a) Derive the basis matrix for Bezier curves and hence give the blending functions. [8] b) What do you mean by B-Sphere curve? What are its advantages over Bezier curves? [6]

6. Light and Shading Models

January-2004 [18] 1.


d) 3. c) 4. a)

How can we generate shadow-using ray tracing algorithm? Describe Phong shading scheme. Design an algorithm for hidden-surface elimination using ray-tracing.

[4] [4] [10]

July-2004 [36] 1. e) Describe how hidden surface removal and projection are integrated into the ray-tracing process? [4] f) Explain, why Phong shading is more computationally demanding than Gouraud Shading and achieves better results, in particular for specular reflection? [4] 3. a) Outline the approach of the ray tracing and radiosity methods for rendering of scenes in computer graphics, and then explain which technique you would use to display i) an automobile and ii) the interior of a house, and why? [10] 5. a) Describe the Phong illumination model. [8] b) The (implicit) canonical equation for an elliptic paraboloid is x2 + y2- z = 0. Determine if a ray represented by the parametric vector s + td (where vector s specifies its starting point and d describes its direction) intersects the paraboloid. [10] January-2005 [25] 4. a) Suggest a scheme for modeling transparency and refraction in a scene assuming existence of point light source. [10] 3. b) Intersection of the ray from the viewpoint to the object is first checked for its intersection with the extent of the object. Suggest an efficient algorithm for this task. [9] 5. b) Briefly describe the Phong shading model. [6] July-2005 [9] 7. Write short notes on any two of the following: c) Gourand and Phong Shading


January-2006 [16] 1. e) Describe briefly the Phong shading and compare it with Gouraud shading. [4] 4. a) Describe different models used for illumination. How do you define surface normal vector? Explain its importance. [6] b) Explain ray tracing and compare it with ray casting. Describe the intersection of an arbitrary ray with yz plane. [6] July-2006 [15] 4. b) Briefly describe the Phong shading model. 7. Write short notes on any two of the following: b) Gouraud Shading

[6] [9]

January-2007 [13] 1. e) Explain the ray tracing and describe the procedure to determine the intersection of an arbitrary ray with YZ plane. [4]


4. a)

Describe global illumination model. Define surface normal and reflection vector.


July-2007 [12] 6. a) Describe Phong shading model for rending polygon surface. How is it better than Gourad shading model? How can you make Phong shading model fast? [12] January-2008 [18] 3. a) Describe different models used for illumination. How do you design surface normal vector. Explain its importance. [6] c) Explain Phong shading model, how it overcomes the problem of Gouraud shading problem. [6] 6. a) Compute the illumination of specular model for following: n =j , L= -i +2j k , S= i +3/2 j + 1/2 k [6] July-2008 [14] 1. c) Explain flat shading model. What are its short comings? [4] d) Describe briefly ray tracing technique for rendering an object. [4] 4. b) What do you mean by shading model? Explain Phong shading model.


January-2009 [13] 5. a) What is rendering? Describe Phong shading model for rendering polygon surface. How is it superior to Gouraud shading model? [9] 7. a) What is illumination? Explain the model used for illumination. [4] July-2009 [16] 4. c) Describe the Phong Shading model for rendering polygon surface. How is it better than Gouraud shading model? How can you enhance the speed of Phong Shading model? [10] 7. Write short notes on any three of the following: d) Interpolated Shading. [6] January-2010 [20] 1. b) Discuss the problems with interpolated shading techniques. [4] g) Explain the steps used in the process of smooth shading. [4] 4. a) Describe Gouraud shading model for rendering a polygon surface. [6] 6. b) Describe different models used for illumination. How do you design surface normal vector. Explain its importance [6] July-2010 [8] 1. e) Explain the difference between Phong Shading and Gouraud Shading. [4] f) Why is backward ray tracing preferred over forward ray tracing for computer image rendering algorithms? [4]


7. Graphics Standards Open GL

January-2004 [6] 7. a) How can you model a light source using OPEN-GL primitives? July-2004 [0] January-2005 [0] July-2005 [0] January-2006 [6] 4. c) Explain rendering. What are the approaches used for volume rendering? What are the steps used in the process of smooth shading? [6] July-2006 [0] January-2007 [13] 5. b) Explain the procedure of rendering the pipelines. [6] 6. b) Setup an algorithm for converting any specified sphere, ellipsoid or cylinder to a polygon mesh representation. [7] July-2007 [18] 1. a) What are the various syntactic notations used in the commands of OpenGL. 2. c) Explain the following statement: void glPolygonMode(GLenum face, GLenum mode); void glFrontFace(GLenum mode); 5. c) Describe rendering pipeline in OpenGL. January-2008 [0] July-2008 [28] 1. g) OpenGL provides three basic commands for manipulating image data, explain each briefly. [4] 4. c) Define point, line and polygon w.r.t. OpenGL [6] 5. a) Explain briefly the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT). [6] b) Describe the commands in OpenGL for translation, rotation and scaling. [6] c) Explain RGBA mode of OpenGL. [6] January-2009 [0] July-2009 [0]



[4] [10]


January-2010 [0] July-2010 [8] 7. b) In OpenGL programming, explain how you can specify lines with different widths and lines that are stippled in various ways-dotted, dashed, drawn with alternating dots and dashes. [8]

8. Multimedia
January-2004 [42] 1. a) What Is Image morphing? [4] f) In a decompressed JPEG Image some compression artifacts were found. Explain what has possibly happened to the image. [4] g) Describe features of a CCD camera. [4] 2. b) 4. b) 5. a) b) 7. b) What is hyper-linking? What is morphing? [4] [4]

What Is anti-aliasing? Can you design an anti-aliasing scheme by virtually increasing the resolution of the display device? [9] Explain the difference among IP and B frames found in an MPEG stream. [9] What is streaming audio? [4]

July-2004 [48] 1. c) Comment on the error tolerance of compressed media data, as compared to uncompressed ones. [4] d) What is meant by the terms Multimedia and Hypermedia? Distinguish between these two concepts. [4] g) Why do we use digital video in multimedia? Is its quality better than analog video? Is the bandwidth requirement of digital uncompressed video lower, equal or higher than analog video? [4] 4. a) Briefly explain, clearly identifying the differences between them, how entropy coding and transform coding techniques work for data compression. Illustrate your answer with a simple example of each type. [10] b) Give a definition of a Multimedia Authoring System. What key features should such a system provide? [8] 6. a) What type of coding is JPEG, in the coding classification? [3] b) Is the DCT algorithm a lossless or a lossy compression one? Does it compress data? [5] c) Which part of the JPEG algorithm introduces losses and why? [5] d) What type of JPEG can be used in medical imaging? [5] January-2005 [55] 1.


b) c) d) f) g) 2. b) 4. b) 6. a) 7. a) b)

JPEG uses transform domain coding. Is this statement true? Discuss. What do you mean by hyper-linking? What is morphing? Synchronisations of audio and video streams are important for communication. Why? Explain why sampling rate is important for the quality of audio reproduction.

[4] [4] [4] multimedia [4] [4] [9] [4] [4]

Explain how temporal redundancy is exploited in compression of video in MPEG-1. What is a MIDI file? What is inbetweening in computer animation?


Describe the basic features of a multimedia authoring system. [8] Explain what happens when following operations are performed on an image. i) Every block of 2x2 pixel being replaced by a single pixel having mean value of the four pixels. [3] ii) A fixed constant is added to each pixel in the image. [3] Explain how quantisation can result in data loss in image compression. [4]

July-2005 [53] 1. a) Why data compression is need for multimedia? [4] f) Explain the special visual effect morphing in graphics animation. [4] g) What is computer audio? Give a few examples to explain its use in multimedia applications. [4] 3. b) Explain the technology of CCD cameras. [6] 5. a) Explain the various types of images used for video encoding in MPEG. [8] 6. a) What is a Hypertext? Explain, how it helps in presentation and use of information? [4] b) What is meant by text importing and text exporting? Explain, how these features help in the creation of a document. [4] c) Describe the JPEG compressions scheme. [10] 7. Write short notes on any two of the following: a) Multimedia Authority systems [9] January-2006 [50] 1. d) Explain how MIDI files are created and what are their applications in multimedia applications. [4] g) Describe the importance of compression in multimedia system. Compare and contrast JPEG and MPEG techniques. [4] 2. a) Differentiate between video compression standards and multimedia video compression standards. [4] b) What are the components of multimedia systems? Explain in brief each component. [10] c) Describe the functions of flat panel displays. [4] 6. b) What did you understand by morphing? Explain with the help of practical application. [6] 7. a) Explain where and why the magnetic storage is used in multimedia system? [4] b) Describe the operation of scanner. What criteria would you use for selecting scanner? [4] c) What are the main design issues for the multimedia authoring system? Briefly explain each one of these issues. [10]


July-2006 [53] 1. e) What do you mean by digital audio? Synchronization of audio and video streams is important for multimedia communication. Why? [4] g) Explain the special visual effect morphing in graphics animation. [4] 3. a) Explain the technology of CCD cameras. [6] 5. a) What type of coding is JPEG, in the coding classification? Which part of the JPEG algorithm introduces losses and why? [9] c) What is a MIDI file? [3] 6. b) Explain, how temporal redundancy is exploited in compression of video in MPEG-1. [9] 7. Write short notes on any two of the following: a) MPEG [9] c) Types of Multimedia Authoring Systems [9] January-2007 [38] 1. a) Describe the process of morphing used in animation. How is it different from tweaking? [4] c) JPEG uses transform domain coding. Is this statement true? Discuss. [4] 3. a) Describe the syntax of audio and video data streams. [8] b) Explain, how hypertext data performs the linking of information of different media. [4] c) Discuss the functions of: Scanners, Frame grabbers and CD-ROM. [6] 6. c) 7. b) c) Discuss the operations and use of CCD Camera. What is in-bitweening in computer animation? Explain how quantisation can result in data loss in image compression. [4] [4] [4]

July-2007 [32] 1. e) Explain how MIDI files are created and what are their applications in multimedia applications? [4] g) Explain tweeking and morphing operators. [4] 6. b) Describe briefly the difference between MIDI and digital audio. [6] 7. a) What do you mean by authoring tool? Describe the grouping of the authoring tools. [12] b) Define Hypermedia, Hypertext, Links, Anchors and Nodes. [6] January-2008 [34] 1. b) Explain the Image morphing used in graphics animation? [4] f) Explain how MIDI files are created and what are their applications in multimedia applications? [4] g) Why data compression is need for multimedia? [4] 4. a) Describe video compression methods, what are the steps to optimize video files CDROM. [6] b) Describe the JPEG compression scheme? [8] c) What is a Hypertext? Explain how it helps in presentation and use of information? [4]


7. c)

Explain briefly the role of multimedia authority systems?


July-2008 [40] 1. f) Explain briefly JPEG compression technique. 6. a) b) c) 7. a) b) c)


Define multimedia. What are the hardware components required for multimedia? [4] What do you mean by hypertext? Explain its utility. [4] How can we simulate acceleration in animation? Give the expressions for acceleration and de-acceleration. [10] What do you mean by morphing? What are the requirements for performing this operation? [4] Explain tweening and tweaking processes as employed in computer graphics. [6] Describe in brief multimedia authoring system. [8]

January-2009 [28] 1. b) List the use of data compression to multimedia systems. [4] c) Explain, how MIDI files are created and what are their roles in multimedia applications? [4] e) What are the multimedia authoring tools, describe their applications. [4] 3. b) 4. c) 7. b) What is a hypertext? Explain the use of hypertext in presentation of information. [6]

Explain the major characteristics of digital audio. [6] What is JPEG? How it is different from BMP and GIF files? [4]

July-2009 [56] 1. b) Explain the term computer animation. What are the checks required when an animation is loaded on the web? [4] d) What is meant by twinning and morphing? [4] e) Why data compression is needed for multimedia? What is the difference between lossy and lossless compression? [4] 4. a) b) 5. a) What is a Hypertext? Explain how it helps in presentation and use for information. [4] Explain the various types of images used for video encoding in MPEG. [4] The following character string is to be transmitted using Huffman encoding: ABACADABACADABACABAB i) Derive the Huffman code tree ii) Determine the savings in transmission bandwidth over the normal ASCII and binary coding. [12] Describe the principles of TIFF and its application domain. [6]



6. a) b) c)

Identify the main features of the MIDI standard and its associated messages. [6] Identify and explain the meaning of the key parameters associated with application QoS. [6] Explain why most data networks operate in a pocket mode. Hence explain why services involving audio and video are supported. [6]

January-2010 [32] 1. e) What is Kinematics and Dynamics in terms of animation? [4] f) Describe the importance of compression in multimedia system. Compare and contrast JPEG and MPEG techniques. [4] 3. a) b) c) 7. b) What do you mean by digital audio? Synchronization of audio and video streams is important for multimedia communication? Why? What is the method for such synchronization? [6] What is RAID technology and what advantages does it offer as a medium for storage and delivery of multimedia related data? [6] Define multimedia, hypertext and hypermedia. How are these related? [6] Write short notes on Morphing [6]

July-2010 [36] 1. d) How large would the 24-bit TIFF file of an 8.5 x 11 inch 300 dpi scanned image be? [4] g) What are the disadvantages of MIDI over digital audio? What are the audio file formats for the internet? [4] 4. c) 5. a) b) 7. c) What is Hypertext? Explain how information is represented using hypertext. [6]

Discuss the role of keyframes in the tweening process. What compromises are inevitably involved? What type of animation is particularly appropriate for tweening? In what cases is it inappropriate? [8] How can we simulate acceleration in animation? Give the expression for acceleration and deacceleration. [10] What do you mean by multimedia authoring tools? [4]


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