Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Catalog
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Catalog
Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Catalog
➢ Over 50 discipline-specific
ISBN: 978-0-418-27271-8
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w w w. c rc p r e s s . c o m CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
From Bioimaging to Biosensors Characterization of
Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Nanostructures
Biodetection Sverre Myhra and John C. Rivière
Edited by
Oxford University, Yarnton, UK
Lai-Kwan Chau Divided into two parts, this book provides thumbnail
National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan sketches of the most widely used techniques and
Huan-Tsung Chang methods that apply to nanostructures and discusses
National Taiwan University, Taipei typical applications to single nanoscale objects, as well
as ensembles of such objects. The authors focus on the
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of noble metal
needs in the research laboratory but also address the needs of quality control,
nanoparticles for bioimaging and biosensing. It starts with a review on the
industrial troubleshooting, and online analysis. They describe operational modes
synthesis, characterization, optical properties, and bioconjugation of noble
most relevant to nanoscale characterization, and offer unique content on systems
metal nanoparticles, followed by introduction of various biodetection techniques
of different dimensionalities and functionalities.
based on noble metal nanoparticles. In between these topics, microfabrication of
biosensing chips and the use of microfluidics to enhance biosensing performance Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5415-0
are discussed. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5417-4
Analytical Chemistry
June 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 334 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-981-4267-24-3
Suggested Price: $154.95 / £100.00
eBook ISBN: 978-981-4303-10-1
October 2012, 6 x 9, 322 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
conduct all the numerical simulations presented and include the corresponding Print ISBN: 978-1-4822-0431-5
script files in the book. The book is suitable as a resource for researchers in December 2013, 6 x 9, 280 pp.
micro-/nanofluidics and as a supplementary textbook for courses in electrokinetic Suggested Price: $169.95 / £108.00
transport phenomena in micro-/nanofluidics.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5438-9
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5439-6
June 2012, 6 x 9, 398 pp.
Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00
Written for practitioners in both the drug and biotechnology Herbert H. Hill, Jr.
Washington State University, Pullman, USA
industries, this handbook carefully compiles the current
regulatory requirements to correctly and properly Beginning with a thorough discussion of the fundamental
validate a new or modified analytical method. It is designed to teach readers theories and physics of ion mobility, this third edition continues with a detailed
how to fully and correctly adapt new or modified analytical methods to meet description of the technology and applications. It discusses the recent advances
regulatory requirements. The contents offer the latest regulatory requirements in instrumentation and newly pioneered applications. Each chapter is thoroughly
for submitting applications for new drugs or other applications, regarding updated, with new information on present trends in IMS and coverage of FAIMS
analytical method validation. The chapters apply to both small molecules in the and DMS/MS. Significant expansion to the Biological and Biomedical section is
conventional pharmaceutical industry as well as the biotech industry. provided, with an emphasis on LC ESI Mobility MS or ESI Mobility MS, including
Print ISBN: 978-0-8247-0689-0 IMS TOF.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-1448-8 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5997-1
4 April 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 220 pp. November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 436 pp.
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £93.00 Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Pharmaceutical Industry Supercritical Fluid
Practices on Genotoxic Chromatography
Impurities Advances and Applications in
Edited by Pharmaceutical Analysis
Heewon Lee Edited by
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ridgefield,
Connecticut, USA
Gregory K. Webster
AbbVie, Inc, North Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chromatographic Science Series
This book reviews the use of supercritical fluid
This book provides readers with the current framework
chromatography (SFC) in drug discovery and describes its application in mass
of genotoxicity impurity control employed in the pharmaceutical industry
spectrometric and polarographic detection. The book also sheds light on the
in response to the regulatory guidelines recently published by the FDA and
role of SFC in drug development from natural products, its use in pilot-scale
EMEA. The text presents an overview of the regulatory guidelines and practical
operations as a chromatographic technique, and the advancement of SFC with
implications relevant to the pharmaceutical industry, rationales of control
new technologies.
approaches, genotoxicity evaluation testing, and analytical methods for testing.
It presents real-life case studies of genotoxic impurity control in drug substance Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-00-3
Analytical Chemistry
development, drug product development, and drug degradation for clinical October 2013, 6 x 9, 450 pp.
development and commercial manufacturing stages. Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7420-2
April 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 264 pp.
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00
an up-to-date authoritative reference for scientists and This volume charts the progress made in the use of quantum dots as the signaling
engineers. The first section presents the fundamentals of the field by explaining component in optical sensors since their discovery in the early 1980s. It focuses
the theory of magnetism, describing techniques to synthesize magnetic particles, on CdS-, CdSe-, and CdTe-type quantum dots due to their emission in the visible
and detailing methods to characterize magnetic particles. The second section region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The book details the range of methods
describes biomedical applications, including chemical sensors and cellular currently used for the preparation and passivation of core/core-shell quantum
actuators, and diagnostic applications such as drug delivery, hyperthermia dots, discusses their electrochemical properties and potential toxicity, and
cancer treatment, and magnetic resonance imaging contrast. explains how electron and energy transfer mechanisms can be used to generate
a range of quantum dot-based probes.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3968-3
March 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 456 pp. Print ISBN: 978-981-4316-00-2
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-61-4
January 2013, 6 x 9, 230 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Neurobiology of Carotenoids and Retinal Disease
Chemical Communication Edited by
October 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 272 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Pharmaceutical Formulation
Development of Peptides and Chemical Reagents for
Proteins Protein Modification
Second Edition Fourth Edition
Edited by Roger L. Lundblad
Lundblad Biotechnology, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
Lars Hovgaard
Novo Nordisk A/S, Malov, Denmark This volume is a catalogue of the many chemicals
Sven Frokjaer and Marco van de Weert known to affect the covalent modification of proteins.
University of Copenhagen, Denmark This includes not only chemicals used for the specific
Rapid advances in recombinant DNA technology and the increasing availability modification of amino acids in proteins but also chemicals in the environment
of peptides and proteins with therapeutic potential pose a challenge for that modify proteins. The work builds on the previous editions and includes a
pharmaceutical scientists who have to formulate these compounds as drug change in format. Information is presented based on the chemical nature of
products. This book focuses on general pharmaceutical developmental aspects the modifying material and on the amino acid residue modified. Much of the
of peptides and proteins. The general principles of production, purification, information is in tabular form to enable rapid location of cited material.
degradation mechanisms, and analysis are discussed. Several chapters discuss the Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-7190-7
formulation design of peptides and proteins, including protein modification and April 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 400 pp.
alternative administration strategies. This second edition also includes chapters Suggested Price: $159.95 / £99.00
on the immunogenicity of protein pharmaceuticals and the biosimulation of
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5388-7 7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5389-4
November 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 392 pp.
Suggested Price: $169.95 / £104.00
Biotechnology of
Edited by
Plasma Proteins Edgar Jacoby
Roger L. Lundblad Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland
Lundblad Biotechnology, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
This book focuses on applications of compound library
Discussing the role of plasma proteins in current design and virtual screening to expand the bioactive
biotechnology, this book describes the protein chemical space, to target hopping of chemotypes to
composition of human plasma, the fractionation of identify synergies within related drug discovery projects or
plasma to obtain therapeutic proteins, and the analysis to repurpose known drugs, to propose mechanism of action of compounds, and
of these products. It delineates the path from plasma to identify off-target effects by cross-reactivity analysis. Both ligand-based and
products to recombinant products, and highlights products from albumin, structure-based in silico approaches, as reviewed in this book, play important
intravenous immunoglobins, and coagulation. It offers a comprehensive review roles for all these applications. Computational chemogenomics is expected to
of current techniques for the analysis of proteins, including electrophoresis, increase the quality and productivity of drug discovery and lead to the discovery
chromatography, spectrophotometry, and mass spectrometry, as well as updates of new medicines.
not published since 1975.
Print ISBN: 978-981-4411-39-4
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5026-8 November 2013, 6 x 9, 450 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5027-5 Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
August 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 460 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Skin Bioscience Amino Acid Chelation in
A Molecular Approach Human and Animal Nutrition
Edited by H. DeWayne Ashmead
Toyoko Imae Albion Laboratories, Clearfield, Utah, USA
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei An examination of the increased bioavailability of amino
This book introduces skin bioscience with a specific focus on the molecular acid chelates, this book assembles chemical, clinical, and
approach. Following the description of the fundamental structure and unique nutritional studies explaining how the body responds to
functionality of the skin, it examines the response of the skin to exterior amino acid chelates. It presents analytical procedures
stimulation. It also focuses on the beautification and regeneration of the skin. This for producing amino acid chelates that are used in
book provides readers with the molecular knowledge of the skin and stimulates research relating to mineral bioavailability. The chapters cover fundamentals of
their interest in further investigation and development of skin bioscience. mineral nutrition, the chemistry of chelation, the history of nutritional chelates,
absorption pathways, tissue metabolism and metabolic responses, nutrient
Print ISBN: 978-981-4364-95-9 uptake, and toxicity of amino acid chelates.
October 2013, 6 x 9, 200 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9767-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9768-3
February 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 269 pp.
Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00
Cancer Causing Viruses and Amino Acids
Their Inhibitors Biochemistry and Nutrition
Edited by Guoyao Wu
Satya Prakash Gupta Texas A&M University, College Station, USA
Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
This up-to-date book presents basic concepts and recent
Oncoviruses play a key role in the development of advances in amino acid biochemistry and nutrition,
certain cancers by contributing to genetic changes. providing comprehensive coverage of developments
Even though their role in cancer is established, often over the past half century. It includes information on
the pathogenesis of cancer is attributed to human dietary protein digestion, quality, and requirements,
biochemistry and physiology. Although the WHO International Agency for while addressing absorption, transport, synthesis, degradation of amino acids,
Research on Cancer estimated that in 2002, 17.8 percent of human cancers were and intracellular protein turnover in animals. The text integrates cell-, tissue-,
caused by infection, this is the first book covering the topic of cancer-causing and species-specific metabolic pathways of amino acids with health and disease
viruses and their inhibitors. A much-needed resource, it highlights exogenous in various organisms. The author also presents a critical analysis of amino acid
agents—viruses—in triggering cancer. supplementation to humans and other animals.
Göttingen, Germany
Nir Ben-Tal
Tel Aviv University, Israel This handbook provides the only one-stop resource for
Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational primary physicochemical data relating to phospholipid
bilayers. Coverage includes both dynamic and structural
With more than 350 color images, this text presents a properties of phospholipid bilayers, along with basic
unified, in-depth treatment of the relationship between the structure, dynamics, thermodynamic data. With more than twice as much data, this second edition
and function of proteins. Taking a structural–biophysical approach, the authors contains new sections on phase diagrams with cholesterol, hydration isotherms,
discuss the molecular interactions and thermodynamic changes that transpire spontaneous curvature, and cubic phases. It also presents much expanded
in these highly complex molecules. They use numerous proteins as examples to information on glycolipids and includes more detailed introductory sections that
illustrate the topics and principles and to show how proteins can be analyzed explain important concepts and provide a broader framework for understanding
in multiple ways. The text refers to many everyday applications of proteins the data.
and enzymes in medical disorders, drugs, toxins, chemical warfare, and animal Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-8832-8
behavior. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-8833-5
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-1071-2 February 2013, 8-1/2 x 11, 1174 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-1072-9 Suggested Price: $249.95 / £159.00
December 2010, 7 x 10, 654 pp.
Suggested Price: $91.95 / £58.99
This color text clearly describes the biological physics of Bringing new understanding to the sorption and transport
macromolecules, subcellular structures, and whole cells, of heavy metals in soils and aquifers, this book explores
including interactions with light. It provides a hands-on understanding of the the sorption and mobility of single versus multiple heavy metals species in the
movement of microorganisms, reviews the necessary mathematics, discusses vadose zone. It relates transport mechanisms to processes that govern the
quantum mechanics in biosystems, and describes the transition from discreet sorption mechanisms dominating in a competitive system of multiple heavy
random walks to continuum diffusive motion. The text also contains standard metal species. Edited by H. Magdi Selim, and featuring expert contributors, the
exercises, advanced problems, and miniprojects. An accompanying CD-ROM book presents new experimental evidence and field results. This comprehensive
includes “active” versions of Excel graphs and diagrams from the text, along work helps scientists identify competitive transport processes to better predict
with links to mathematical and biological/biochemical source data. the potential mobility of multiple heavy metals in soils. • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Organic Chemicals in the Environmental Fate and
Environment Transport Analysis with
Mechanisms of Degradation and Compartment Modeling
Transformation, Second Edition Keith W. Little
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Alasdair H. Neilson and Ann-Sofie Allard
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm This book explains how to use the compartment approach
This fully updated second edition addresses the persistent to estimate the distribution of chemical contaminants in
environmental threat of organic chemicals with a fresh environmental media in time and space. This powerful
approach to evaluating degradation and transformation processes. It examines numerical technique enables readers to easily develop the
a wide range of chemical as well as abiotic and microbiological reactions. equations that describe complex environmental problems by assembling the
Emphasizing the pathways used and the broad classes of enzyme involved, equations out of compartmental building blocks. The book offers a user-friendly
it provides an overview of experimental procedures with detailed coverage guide to compartment modeling. It also includes the Generic Environmental
Model (GEM) software package, which implements the techniques described.
Textbook Chemoinformatics
Soil Physics Advanced Control and Computational
An Introduction Techniques
Manoj K. Shukla Edited by
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA Hossein G. Gilani, PhD, and Reza K. Haghi
University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Designed for undergraduate and graduate students, this book covers important
soil physical properties, critical physical processes involving energy and mass Katia G. Samper
University of Barcelona, Spain
transport, movement and retention of water and solutes through soil profile,
soil temperature regimes and aeration, and plant-water relations. It includes The book is a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and engineering
new concepts and numerical examples for an in-depth understanding of these professionals. Chapters range from new methods to novel applications of
principles. The book provides readers with clear coverage of how and why water existing methods and help provide an understanding of the material and/or
and solute flow through the soil and details how various factors influence the structural behavior of new and advanced systems. It includes innovative chapters
flow. It includes guidance on the use of the existing public domain computer on the growth of educational, scientific, and industrial research activities among
models. chemical engineers. It provides the latest coverage of chemical databases and
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8842-1 the development of new computational methods and efficient algorithms for
November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 460 pp. chemical software and chemical engineering. • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Concepts and Methods in Juvenile Hormones and
Modern Theoretical Chemistry Juvenoids
Two-Volume Set Modeling Biological Effects and
Edited by Environmental Fate
Swapan Kumar Ghosh Edited by
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India James Devillers
Pratim Kumar Chattaraj CTIS, Rillieux La Pape, France
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Series: QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences
Series: Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters
Pratim Kumar Chattaraj Because numerous essential biological functions require metal ions and most
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur of these functions involve metalloproteins, understanding metalloproteins and
Series: Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters how to manipulate them is of great importance in the biological and medical
fields. This book examines current research on metalloproteins and the interplay
The first book in a two-volume set, this volume focuses on the electronic
between theory and experiment, detailing the role of theoretical modeling in
structures and reactivities of atoms and molecules. It enables readers to learn
the field and explaining how it aids experiments. The text also presents the
how concepts from ab initio quantum chemistry and density functional theory
current state of computational protein modeling, enabling researchers to adopt
(DFT) can be used to describe, understand, and predict electronic structure and
computation as an integral component of their studies.
chemical reactivity. Paying particular attention to current trends in the field, this
book introduces modern electronic structure theory to the readers and describes Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-1318-8
various reactivity-related concepts like isomorphic local hardness, molecular June 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 240 pp.
electrostatic potentials, and spin vorticity. Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 13
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0528-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-0531-5
February 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 498 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Nanoscience and Computational Molecular Modeling at the
Chemistry Atomic Scale
Research Progress Methods and Applications in
Edited by Quantitative Biology
Andrew G. Mercader and Eduardo A. Castro Edited by
Research Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physical- Ruhong Zhou
Chemistry (INIFTA), Argentina
IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights,
A. K. Haghi New York, USA
University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran Series in Computational Biophysics
Developments and Applications Ivan Svancara, Kurt Kalcher, Alain Walcarius, and
Karel Vytras
Edited by
Series: Analytical Chemistry
Tanmoy Chakraborty
Manipal University, Jaipur, India Because of their simple preparation and low expense,
Michael J. Bucknum carbon pastes as well as carbon paste electrodes are widely
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas used in a myriad of instrumental measurements. With an
(CONICET), San Diego, California, USA emphasis on practical applications, this book provides a
Eduardo A. Castro comprehensive overview of carbon paste electrodes. The text offers a systematic
Research Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physical-Chemistry (INIFTA), Argentina presentation of the individual procedures that are used for determining hundreds
of various substances. With a list of up-to-date references, this handy reference
This book covers a range of new research on computational quantum chemistry,
source includes specific experimental data and serves as a practical guide for
along with a special section devoted to exotic carbon allotropes and spiro
experimental laboratory work.
quantum theory. The section on spiro quantum theory covers the technical
presentation of the ideas surrounding the emergence of a synthetic, analytical, Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3019-2
and theoretical spiro quantum chemistry edifice, as well as a chemical topology eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-3020-8
scheme that successfully describes molecules and patterns, including the March 2012, 7 x 10, 666 pp.
hydrocarbons and allotropes of carbon. The second part of the book covers a Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00
range of new research on computational quantum chemistry.
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-29-1
September 2013, 6 x 9, 355 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99
Electroanalytical Chemistry
A Series of Advances: Volume 25
Biochemical Sensors Edited by
Allen J. Bard
Mimicking Gustatory and Olfactory University of Texas, Austin, USA
Senses Cynthia G. Zoski
Edited by New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA
Kiyoshi Toko Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
This volume is part of a continuing series designed to
This book is the first to comprehensively treat sensors for provide authoritative reviews on recent developments and applications of
gustatory and olfactory senses. It will be highly useful to well-established techniques in the field of electroanalytical chemistry. Volume
students and researchers in a wide variety of scientific 25 includes measurement of absolute single half-cell reduction potentials with
fields and also to those in the fields of foods, perfumes, medicines, and robotics mass spectrometry, bioanalytical applications of electrochemistry at liquid–liquid
as the sensor applications. microinterfaces, an advance in anodic molecular electrochemistry, and discussion
of protein film chemistry techniques for studying hydrogenase. Coverage in
Print ISBN: 978-981-4267-07-6
this volume should specifically appeal to electrochemists, bioanalytical and life
eBook ISBN: 978-981-4303-42-2
scientists, microbiologists, and researchers in bio-nanotechnology.
16 September 2013, 6 x 9, 582 pp.
Suggested Price: $249.95 / £159.00 Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9449-4
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9450-0
October 2013, 6 x 9, 249 pp.
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Electrochemical Supercapacitors Nanotechnology in Advanced
for Energy Storage and Delivery Electrochemical Power Sources
Fundamentals and Applications Edited by
Aiping Yu S. R. S. Prabaharan
University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Manipal International University, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Victor Chabot
M. Siluvai Michael
Jiujun Zhang Chemical sciences Research Centre, Chennai, India
National Research Council Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada The book incorporates the state-of-the-art understanding
Series: Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion pertaining to nanoscale aspects of advanced energy storage devices, such
as lithium-ion batteries (including microbatteries) and electrochemical
An overview of electrochemical supercapacitators (ES), this book summarizes
supercapacitors. It focuses on fundamental issues of device performance of
the fundamental sciences involved in ES operation and the technological
positive and negative electrode materials with special reference to their nanoscale
developments in materials science and engineering for materials fabrication. The
advantages. It also includes fundamentals and processing techniques with
book also provides a deep analysis of their integration with primary power systems
regard to synthesis, characterization, physical and electrochemical properties,
and their benefits towards current applications. The coverage of the materials,
and applications of nanoscale materials pertaining to advanced electrochemical
system design, and related issues for the development of supercapacitators is
power sources.
useful to readers in selecting existing materials and technologies and developing
new materials and technologies to improve supercapacitor performances. Print ISBN: 978-981-4241-43-4
December 2013, 6 x 9, 350 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6989-5
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6990-1
April 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 373 pp.
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £114.00
Photoelectrochemical Solar
Electrochemically Enabled Conversion Systems
Sustainability Molecular and Electronic Aspects
Devices, Materials and Mechanisms for Andrés G. Muñoz
Helmholtz-Center Berlin for Materials and Energy, Germany
Energy Conservation
Providing new insights into the molecular and electronic
Edited by
processes involved in the conversion of sunlight into
Kwong-Yu Chan chemical products, this book begins with an historical
Chi-Ying Vanessa Li overview and a survey of recent developments in the electrochemistry of
With contributions from leading researchers in their fields, semiconductors and spectroscopic techniques. Employing a tutorial organization
this book provides an overview of the most important electrochemical power and balancing coverage of electrochemistry and solar energy conversion, it
sources in development today. Focusing on materials, design, and performance, provides a comprehensive introduction to the science of conversion cells with
the text presents the most recent and innovative technologies employed in emphasis in systems based on semiconductor-oxide-metal interfaces, reviews
battery and fuel cell technology. Topics include acid/alkaline batteries, microbial current issues and potential directions, and covers a wide range of materials from
fuel cells, Li-Air, Li-Sulphur, flow batteries, lithium ion batteries, lead acid batteries, organic to inorganic cells.
supercapacitors, photoelectrochemistry, and carbon dioxide electroreduction. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6925-3
The book discusses the advantages of these fuel cells over conventional power eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6926-0
sources and their future applications. November 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 348 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-7543-1 Suggested Price: $146.95 / £93.00 17
April 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 328 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Michael V. Mirkin This book covers the most recent advances in the science
Queens College, New York, USA
and technology of nanostructured materials for lithium-
Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy (SECM) is an indispensable tool for ion application. With contributions from renowned scientists and technologists,
the study of surface reactivity, and scientists are attracted to this method’s the chapters discuss state-of-the-art research on nanostructured anode and
simplicity of use and quantitative results. The fast expansion of the SECM field cathode materials, some already used in commercial batteries and others still in
during the last several years has been fueled by the introduction of new probes, development. They include nanostructured anode materials based on Si, Ge, Sn,
commercially available instrumentation, and new practical applications. This and other metals and metal oxides together with cathode materials of olivine,
book offers essential background and in-depth overviews of specific applications. the hexagonal, and spinel crystal structures.
This edition, thoroughly updated, retains original chapters and offers four new Print ISBN: 978-981-4316-40-8
chapters covering applications that have emerged or expanded since the first October 2013, 6 x 9, 462 pp.
edition’s publication. Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3112-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-3113-7
April 2012, 7 x 10, 670 pp.
Suggested Price: $200.00 / £133.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Drinking Water Disinfection
Environmental Chemistry Techniques
Ninth Edition Jyoti Kishen Kumar
New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Stanley E. Manahan
University of Missouri, Columbia, USA Aniruddha Bhalchandra Pandit
Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India
Providing fundamental understanding of environmental
chemistry and its applications, this bestseller retains This book effectively combines the chemical, physical,
the organizational structure that made past editions so biological, and engineering principles of water disinfection
popular while updating coverage of principles, tools, in one text. Discussing both conventional and novel
and techniques. With clear explanations, real-world examples, and updated techniques used for disinfection and the economics involved, the book gives
questions and answers, the book emphasizes the concepts essential to the a comprehensive review of various physical, chemical, and hybrid techniques
practice of environmental science, technology, and chemistry. Highlights in this used for disinfection to create potable water, including mode of action, scale
edition include sections on aquatic chemistry, the geosphere, transgenic crops, of operation, efficacy, merits, and drawbacks. The authors highlight their novel
Environmental Chemistry
hazardous waste minimization and treatment, and the toxicological chemistry work on cavitation for water disinfection, an economical, energy-efficient, and
of various classes of chemical substances. A solutions manual is available upon simple alternative to the conventional methods of disinfection.
qualifying course adoption. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7740-1
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-5920-5 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-7741-8
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-5922-9 December 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 270 pp.
December 2009, 7 x 10, 783 pp. Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £77.99
19 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Portable Biosensing of Food Cocoa and Coffee
Toxicants and Environmental Fermentations
Pollutants Edited by
The shortage of marine resources calls for the implementation In food processing industries that generate voluminous
of new technological processes for providing a better by-products and wastes, valorization can help offset
utilization of waste and by-products from fisheries and fish processing activities. growing environmental problems and facilitate the
Most of these by-products are currently used as raw materials for animal feed. It sustainable use of available natural resources. This volume describes the potential
is estimated that their utilization in human foodstuffs, nutraceuticals, pharmacy, of this relatively new concept in the field of industrial residues management. It
and cosmetics would increase their value fivefold. This book discusses the explores the current state of the art in food processing, reviews the fundamental
opportunities for upgrading these materials by means of basic technologies such principles of waste recycling, and discusses techniques available for valorization.
as hydrolysis, membrane ultrafiltration, and better handling techniques. Individual chapters examine the by-products of plant-based and animal-based
food industries. The book also delves into socioeconomic considerations and
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-8579-9 environmental concerns related to food processing by-products.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-8580-5
May 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 232 pp. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4885-2
Suggested Price: $99.95 / £63.99 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-4887-6
August 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 836 pp.
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00
of solid-state fermentation, dynamic modeling of solid-state fermentation, and Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-9077-2
process control of solid-state fermentation. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-9086-4
November 2009, 8-1/2 x 11, 2159 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4496-0 Suggested Price: $462.00 / £309.00
November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 408 pp.
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £114.00
Color in Food Effects on Food Properties
Technological and Psychophysical As- Edited by
pects Bhavbhuti M. Mehta
Anand Agricultural University, India
Edited by
Afaf Kamal-Eldin
José Luis Caivano and María del Pilar Buera
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Robert Z. Iwanski
Controlling, measuring, and “designing” the color of West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland
food are critical concerns in the food industry, as the Series: Chemical & Functional Properties of Food Components
appeal of food is chiefly determined visually, with color
the most salient visual aspect. This book contains expanded information from This volume explores the role of fermentation reactions in the chemical,
presentations by select food experts from the elite 2010 International Color functional, and sensory properties of food components as well as their effect
Association Interim Meeting held in Mar del Plata, Argentina. It comprises issues on food component content and biological activity. Emphasizing the various
related to color research and application in various stages of food production, chemical changes that take place during processing, the book explores the
processing, marketing, purchasing, and consumption. complex microbial community in fermented foods and the generation of the
flavor and aroma compounds. It discusses fermentation processes for cereals,
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7693-0 legumes, vegetables, dairy products, seafood, and meat; food safety; and
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-7694-7 adherence to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles.
22 April 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 478 pp.
Suggested Price: $189.95 / £120.00 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5334-4
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5335-1
April 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 399 pp.
Suggested Price: $189.95 / £120.00
This volume explores unique applications of hydrocolloids This book focuses on recent developments in brewing,
in the kitchen. Starting with a brief description of the such as hops and novel hop products, brewhouse
chemical and physical nature of the hydrocolloid, its manufacture, and its technology, process control in the brewhouse, packaging technology, and
biological/toxicological properties, the emphasis is on practical information for approaches to maintaining beer quality. It describes traditional and obscure
both the professional chef and amateur cook. Each chapter includes recipes beer styles such as chocolate and coffee-flavored beers. It discusses key areas
demonstrating the particular hydrocolloid’s unique abilities in cooking. Several of modern brewing science and includes chapters on microbreweries and the
formulations were chosen specifically for food technologists, who will be able future of brewing. Exploring the future of brewing, this edition also describes
to manipulate them for large-scale use or as a starting point for novel industrial new avenues to challenge the brewer’s art of manufacturing a quality beverage
formulations. from barley-based raw materials. • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Biopolymer Engineering in Physical Properties of Foods
Food Processing Novel Measurement Techniques and
Edited by Applications
Vania Regina Nicoletti Telis Edited by
Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil
Ignacio Arana
Series: Contemporary Food Engineering Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
This volume explores processing technology associated Series: Contemporary Food Engineering
with biopolymer applications and discusses both This book provides a source of critical and readily accessible
operational and economic aspects. The book addresses information on modern techniques for measuring physical
the rheology of biopolymer suspensions and the effects of food processing and parameters affecting food quality and food characterization. The text presents
storage conditions on the viscoelastic and textural properties of food gels. It principles and measurement techniques, highlighting the latest quick, low-cost
also examines the properties of films and coating produced from biopolymers, methods and their ability to replace the traditional costly, time-consuming ones.
composites, and nanocomposites, as well as the use of biopolymer coatings to It covers the application of techniques based on a variety of technologies that can
reduce oil uptake during deep-fat frying of foods and in modified atmosphere be used to classify and differentiate various foods, including fruits, vegetables,
storage of foods. cereals, dairy, and meat products.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4494-6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3536-4
Food Chemistry
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-4495-3 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-3537-1
May 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 416 pp. February 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 420 pp.
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00 Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Food Proteins and Peptides Introduction to the Physical
Chemistry, Functionality, Interactions, Chemistry of Foods
and Commercialization Christos Ritzoulis
Edited by
ATEI, Thessaloniki, Greece
Navam S. Hettiarachchy, Kenji Sato, This concise, easy-to-understand book presents the
Maurice R. Marshall, and Arvind Kannan fundamental principles of physical chemistry and its
relationship to foods and their processing. It begins
A multidisciplinary resource, this volume enables
with basic physics and chemistry concepts, building a
researchers to understand the physicochemical and
foundation of knowledge so readers can then grasp the
biochemical factors that govern the functionality of food peptides and proteins.
physical chemistry of food, including processes such as crystallization, melting,
Following chapters on structure and chemistry, the book describes modes of
distillation, blanching, and homogenization as well as rheology and emulsion
characterization and the functional relationships of food proteins. It examines
and foam stability. This text offers the necessary depth of information and
solubility and insolubility and explores proteins and peptides as emulsifying and
mathematical bases presented in a clear manner for individuals with minimal
foaming agents. Final chapters review future industrial perspectives and explore
physical chemistry background.
the role of nanotechnology in protein research. This volume captures the state of
the art in protein and peptide research. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1175-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-1176-7
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-9341-4
Food Chemistry
April 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 224 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-9342-1
Suggested Price: $89.95 / £57.99
March 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 470 pp.
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00
feedstock for bioproducts, and industrial and consumer products. Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-8351-4
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5116-6 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-8352-1
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5117-3 October 2012, 8-1/2 x 11, 2346 pp.
April 2012, 7 x 10, 416 pp. Suggested Price: $734.00 / £467.00
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00
Combining information on natural sugar-based, natural non-sugar based, and An excellent introduction to the field of fat technology
artificial sweeteners, this book examines the applications and relative pros and for students and researchers, this second edition focuses on the characterization
cons of each in food and drink products, particularly caramels, marmalades, of physical properties of fats, including laboratory protocols and quantitative
jams, and soft drinks. It discusses the production processes of corn syrups, treatments used to quantify structure and function. This comprehensive text
invert sugars, and syrups based on sweeteners along with other sweetening covers the complex analysis of fat structure and the underlying theory, and
compounds such as stafidin and concentrated juices. Highlighting quality control it links analysis data to macroscopic functionality. The text also contains a
with reference to various physicochemical and microbiological methodologies, quantitative method for the characterization of polycrystalline colloidal oleogels
it also describes the legislative framework of these products as food ingredients. and quantification of intercrystalline interaction forces, useful for engineering
material properties for the food industry.
26 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7672-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-7673-2 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8762-2
May 2012, 7 x 10, 476 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-8764-6
Suggested Price: $179.95 / £113.00 September 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 518 pp.
Suggested Price: $146.95 / £93.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Dairy Science and Technology Modern Gastronomy
Second Edition A to Z
Pieter Walstra and Tom J. Geurts Ferran Adria
Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands Head Chef, El Bulli Restaurant, Roses, Spain
Jan T.M. Wouters This volume gives readers a thorough understanding of
Wageningen University, NIZO Food Research, Ede,
Netherlands the terminology that describes the nature of ingredients
Series: Food Science and Technology
and why these ingredients produce certain reactions.
It helps them discover the potential of a wide range of
This book discusses the transformation of milk into high- products that can be used in a diversity of preparations.
quality products. Emphasizing the principles of physical, chemical, enzymatic, The book maintains a convenient lexical format, with all the entries in alphabetical
and microbial transformation, this second edition features expanded coverage order, allowing readers to quickly and easily look up and find, in plain language,
of the properties of milk, a new section on milk formation, and the inclusion of everything they need to know about the science of cooking.
nutritional aspects. The text introduces the chemistry, physics, and microbiology
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-1245-7
of milk and then explains the manufacturing processes. After an extensive
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-1246-4
discussion of various dairy products and the procedures necessary for consumer
December 2009, 6 x 9, 265 pp.
safety, the book concludes with a treatment of the manufacture and ripening
Suggested Price: $71.95 / £45.99
of cheese.
Food Chemistry
Print ISBN: 978-0-8247-2763-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2801-0
September 2005, 6 x 9, 808 pp.
Suggested Price: $231.00 / £147.00
Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols,
Cooking as a Chemical Second Edition
Reaction Edited by
Culinary Science with Experiments Barrie Tan
American River Nutrition, Inc., Hadley, Massachusetts, USA
Z. Sibel Ozilgen
Ronald Ross Watson
This unique textbook provides experiments geared University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
for students in culinary arts, nutrition, dietetics, and Victor R. Preedy
gastronomy programs. It is intended for students King’s College, London, UK
with limited scientific background who are studying different aspects of food
preparation and processing. The text uses experiments and experiences from Recognized as potent antioxidants, tocotrienols play a role in cholesterol
the kitchen, rather than theory, as the basic means of explaining the scientific reduction, tumor suppression, reversal of arteriosclerosis, and protection of the
facts and principles behind food preparation and processing. An instructor’s heart against oxidative stress. Compiling contributions from leading researchers,
manual providing the expected outcomes of the experiments and figure slides this book overviews tocotrienols, and examines their sources, chemistry, and
for teaching are available with qualifying course adoption. mechanisms of action. Contributors discuss the role of tocotrienols in the
treatment and prevention of cancer and in cardiovascular health, diabetes,
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5480-1 and other hormone regulation by tocotrienols. In addition, the book addresses
May 2014, 7 x 10, 320 pp., Soft Cover animal and in vitro as well as mechanistic and pre-clinical studies.
Suggested Price: $49.95 / £31.99
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8441-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-8443-0
September 2012, 7 x 10, 400 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00
Within the last few years, knowledge about vitamins has Several areas of forensic science use the technique of
increased dramatically. This new edition of a bestseller gas chromatography, ranging from fire analysis to the
presents comprehensive summaries that analyze the investigation of fraudulent food and perfumes. Covering
chemical, physiological, and nutritional relationships, as the essentials of this powerful analytical technique, this
well as highlight newly identified functions, for all recognized vitamins. Keeping volume explains the theory and shows applications to various realms of forensic
the tradition of the previous volumes, the fifth edition provides an updated, science. The book includes examples of applications in drugs, toxicology, fire,
contemporary perspective on vitamins in human nutrition. It contains substantial paint, food, and fragrance. Each application is presented as a case study focusing
revisions throughout and a new chapter on vitamin–genome interactions. on a particular sample preparation technique. This allows each technique to
be discussed with respect to its theory, instrumentation, solvent selection, and
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1556-7 function, as appropriate.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-1557-4
July 2013, 7 x 10, 605 pp. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0754-8
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-0755-5
28 June 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 186 pp., Soft Cover
Suggested Price: $69.95 / £42.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Forensic Investigation of Introduction to Forensic DNA
Explosions Evidence for Criminal Justice
Second Edition Professionals
Edited by Jane Moira Taupin
Alexander Beveridge Greensboro, Victoria, Australia
Forensic Consultant, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada The use of DNA profiling in forensic cases has been
Series: International Forensic Science and Investigation considered the most innovative technique in forensic
Providing a broad, multidisciplinary approach, this science since fingerprinting. This volume is designed
volume draws on the editor’s 30 years of explosives casework experience, for nonscientific readers who need to learn how to
including his work on task forces set up to investigate major explosives incidents. effectively use forensic DNA in criminal cases. Topics include nuclear DNA short
Assembling the contributions of internationally recognized experts, this edition tandem repeat (STR) techniques, mitochondrial DNA, and Y-STR profiling. By
contains revised chapters and several additional topics, including a profile of imparting practical and theoretical knowledge in an accessible manner, the book
casework management in the UK Forensic Explosives Laboratory, properties and demystifies the topic to help both sides of the adversarial system understand
analysis of improvised explosives, and an examination of the Bali bombings. It where DNA evidence fits within the context of the case.
also discusses the collection, analysis, and presentation of evidence in vehicle- Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9909-0
Forensic Chemistry
borne improvised explosive device cases, as evidenced in attacks on U.S. overseas eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9910-6
targets. June 2013, 6 x 9, 192 pp., Soft Cover
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-8725-3 Suggested Price: $59.95 / £38.99
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-8726-0
November 2011, 7 x 10, 830 pp.
Suggested Price: $164.95 / £106.00
This book is a comprehensive resource on using mass of sources. Through judicious choice and careful
spectrometry proteomics (MSP), a powerful new scrutiny, the author has gathered together a very handy
technique combining hardware and software, as a highly reference. Although the material covered is diverse,
accurate means for the detection, identification, and classification of microbes particular entries are focused and linked with each other so as to provide a good
including unknown or unsequenced bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Chapters degree of comprehensiveness. Commercial products, including those for oil
describe various mass analyzers, methods for analyzing MS data files, genomic well maintenance, are featured and information on the web from suppliers is
approaches, sample collection and processing, software and bioinformatics, and expanded by drawing on the physics and chemistry of how such products work.
examples of application of the method. This book also surveys commercially
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1226-9
available MS-based platforms suitable for MSP and discusses future trends in
August 2012, 6 x 9, 320 pp., Soft Cover
these groundbreaking techniques.
Suggested Price: $29.95
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0494-3 Not available for sale outside of North America.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-0496-7
September 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 289 pp.
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00
This bestselling reference is known for its comprehensive This book provides an up-to-date treatment of all the
treatment that traces the science of petroleum from its important aspects of modeling of reactors employed
subterranean formation to the physicochemical properties and the production in the main processes for heavy petroleum upgrading. It explains approaches
of numerous products and petrochemical intermediates. Presenting nearly 40 to modeling catalytic reactors and discusses such aspects as thermodynamics,
percent new material, the fifth edition includes more coverage of offshore oil and reaction kinetics, process variables, process schemes, and reactor design. To
gas and presents issues related to economics and future refineries as well as the validate the models developed, the author uses experimental data obtained
changing character of the refinery feedstock. Also, environmental issues as they directly from the laboratory. This essential reference focuses on more practical
relate to the laws are given more detailed coverage. Existing material is updated issues regarding reactor modeling for upgrading of heavy petroleum and
and revised throughout. emphasizes detailed descriptions of catalytic reactor modeling.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7389-2 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8045-6
March 2014, 7 x 10, 960 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-8046-3
Suggested Price: $279.95 / £178.00 January 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 561 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Petroleum and Gas Field Production of Liquid
Processing Hydrocarbon Fuels
H.K. Abdel-Aal, Mohamed Aggour, and from Biomass
M.A. Fahim
Edited by
Series: Chemical Industries
Juan Carlos Serrano Ruiz
This reference analyzes principles and procedures related Universidad de Cordoba, Spain
to the processing of reservoir fluids for the separation,
As the demand for fossil fuels grows faster than production,
handling, treatment, and production of quality petroleum
the search for new fuels to replace fossil fuels is gaining
oil and gas products. It details strategies in equipment
in importance, and liquid biofuels are considered good candidates. This book • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Synthetics, Mineral Oils, Environmental Investigation
and Bio-Based Lubricants and Remediation
Chemistry and Technology, 1,4-Dioxane and other Solvent
Second Edition Stabilizers
Edited by Thomas K.G. Mohr
Phosphorus Cavitation
Chemistry, Biochemistry and A Novel Energy-Efficient Technique for
Technology, Sixth Edition the Generation of Nanomaterials
D.E.C. Corbridge Edited by • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Dancing with Light Biomedical Applications of
Advances in Photofunctional Liquid- Mesoporous Ceramics
Crystalline Materials Drug Delivery, Smart Materials and
Haifeng Yu Bone Tissue Engineering
Peking University, Beijing, China
María Vallet-Regí, Miguel Manzano García, and
Recent progress in this field indicates that integrating Montserrat Colilla
photochromic molecules into LC materials enables one to Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
photo-manipulate unique features such as photoinduced
This book provides a comprehensive overview of silica-
phase transition, photocontrolled alignment and
based mesoporous materials with special attention given to their use in drug
phototriggered molecular cooperative motion, leading to their novel applications
developed extensively in two dimensions. An overview and some detailed applications to date.
examples are given in three dimensions.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9205-3
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5291-3 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9207-7
April 2014, 7 x 10, 552 pp. January 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 384 pp.
Suggested Price: $99.95 / £63.99 Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Recycling and Reuse of Textbook
Materials and Their Products Electronic Structure of
Edited by Materials
Yves Grohens and S. Kishor Kumar Rajendra Prasad
University of South Brittany, Lorient, France Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Abderrahim Boudenne
Universite Paris-Est Creteil, France
Most textbooks in the field are either too advanced for
students or don’t adequately cover current research
Yang Weimin
topics. Bridging this gap, this classroom-tested book
Uingdao University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing
helps advanced undergraduate and graduate students
Series: Advances in Materials Science
understand electronic structure methods and enables them to use these
This book analyzes different innovative methods and ways of recycling in techniques in their work. The text takes a microscopic view of materials as
connection with various types of materials. It provides a basic understanding composed of interacting electrons and nuclei. It explains all the properties of
about polymer recycling and its reuse, as well as presents an in-depth look at materials in terms of basic quantities of electrons and nuclei, such as electronic
various recycling methods. It provides a thorough knowledge about the work charge, mass, and atomic number. A solutions manual and figure slides are
being done in recycling in different parts of the world and throws light on areas available upon qualifying course adoption.
Materials Chemistry
that need to be further explored.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0468-4
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-27-7 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-0471-4
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-6869-3 July 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 469 pp.
January 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 262 pp. Suggested Price: $89.95 / £57.99
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00
With contributions from top nanoscientists, this book offers a global perspective This book provides the first comprehensive and in-depth overview of the
on the latest developments in nanotechnology. It addresses many of the major current fundamental understanding of metal-induced crystallization, and
issues, from concept to technology to implementation. It is an important further elucidates how to employ this process in various technologies including
reference publication that provides new research and updates on a variety of in thin-film solar cells and display technologies. It aims to give readers a
nanoscience uses through case studies and supporting technologies, and it also thorough perspective of metal-induced crystallization and thereby stimulate the
explains the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet development of novel crystalline-semiconductor-based technologies.
implemented. International experts with countless years of experience lend this
Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-40-9
volume credibility.
April 2014, 6 x 9, 300 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-45-1 Suggested Price: $179.95 / £114.00
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9203-2
July 2013, 6 x 9, 664 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
factors; and the issues of durability and reliability. procedures—is playing a major role in the advancement of biomaterials
technology. Natural polymers have attained their cutting-edge technology
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9032-8 through various platforms, yet there is a lot of novel information about them
December 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 272 pp. that is discussed in the book.
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-16-1
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5939-4
July 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 370 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Biomineralization Sourcebook Elastic and Plastic Deformation
Characterization of Biominerals and of Carbon Nanotubes
Biomimetic Materials Edited by
Edited by Hiroyuki Shima and Motohiro Sato
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
Elaine DiMasi
National Synchrotron Light Source, Upton, New York, USA Carbon nanotubes offer huge potential in so many fields
Laurie B. Gower due in part to their significant mechanical properties,
University of Florida, Gainesville, USA including extraordinary rigidity, resilience, toughness, and
This handbook provides a comprehensive account of materials science flexibility. Mechanical deformation of carbon nanotubes is
approaches to characterization of biominerals and biomimetic model systems. known to cause considerable changes in their physical and chemical properties
It covers the state of the art in the characterization of atomic and molecular through the nontrivial structure–property correlation. A strong understanding
structure, including the latest in diffraction, scattering, and spectroscopy, in of their deformation mechanism and available geometry is, therefore, crucial
addition to methods for imaging morphology and interfaces. It also looks at to developing nanotube-based applications. This book concentrates on the
computational approaches and probes for examining energetics and forces in remarkable mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes, covering theoretical and
assembly. The final section focuses on mechanical function and measurement experimental progresses from the last decade.
Materials Chemistry
methodology as well as studies of live cells and whole organ. Print ISBN: 978-981-4310-75-8
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1835-3 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-15-7
March 2014, 8-1/2 x 11, 440 pp. September 2013, 6 x 9, 272 pp.
Suggested Price: $169.95 / £108.00 Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
those entering the field as well as practicing engineers working on new research such areas as energy, electronics, and biotechnology.
and further groundbreaking developments.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-4779-0
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6932-1 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-4780-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6933-8 December 2008, 7 x 10, 1640 pp.
February 2012, 7 x 10, 616 pp. Suggested Price: $164.95 / £106.00
Suggested Price: $189.95 / £127.00
Nanosilicon Textbook • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Organic Solar Cells Phase Transitions in Solids
Fundamentals, Devices, and Upscaling Under High Pressure
Edited by Vladimir Davydovich Blank
Barry P. Rand The Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon
Materials, Troitsk, Moscow
Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Emmanuel Isakovich Estrin
Henning Richter
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, I.P. Bardin Central
Nano-C, Inc, Westwood, Massachusetts, USA Scientific Research Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, Moscow
This book explores the required characteristics of the High-pressure research has become increasingly
components present in an organic photovoltaic device, important, and high-pressure techniques are an invaluable tool for synthesizing
such as transparent electrodes, electron- and hole-conducting layers, and electron new materials and discovering novel physical phenomena that are not accessible
donor and electron acceptor materials. It discusses the design, preparation, at ambient pressure. This text deals with the problem of phase transitions in
and evaluation of these materials targeting the highest performance. Taking solids at high pressure. It covers phase equilibria at high pressures in various
into account the necessity to optimize many interdependent parameters, the materials, the deformation impact on phase transformations at high pressures,
text describes the integration of various components using existing as well as high-temperature and low-temperature transformation kinetics and hysteresis
innovative device architectures suitable for mass production. Finally, it assesses at high pressures, and the requirements for obtaining and maintaining high-
Materials Chemistry
the technical feasibility and economic viability of the large-scale manufacture of pressure phases.
materials and resulting devices.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9424-1
Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-65-2 October 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 450 pp.
April 2014, 6 x 9, 350 pp. Suggested Price: $159.95 / £99.00
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Rational Basis for Clinical
Materials and Process Selection Translation in Stroke Therapy
for Engineering Design Edited by
Dekker Encyclopedia
of Nanoscience and Phage Display In
Nanotechnology Biotechnology and Drug
Third Edition, Seven-Volume Set Discovery
Edited by Second Edition
Sergey Edward Lyshevski Edited by
Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA Sachdev S. Sidhu
University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
With its original publication, this encyclopedia
immediately became the reference against which all other nano references Clarence Ronald Geyer
are measured. Continuing to cover the field as no other resource, the seven- Drug Discovery Series
volume third edition crosses disciplines to examine fundamental nano principles, Until recently, the only source for information on the impact of phage display
theories, and methodologies, as well as the latest information on nano-relevant technology on drug discovery research has been laboratory manuals. A thorough
properties. It covers advances in nanoscale engineering, simulation tools, and reference guide and textbook, this volume presents the theory and methods behind
computational methods. This extensively updated and revised edition also phage display technology, applications for peptide phage display, protein phage
includes 50 new entries. display, and the crucial role of phage display in the development of antibodies.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9134-6 Highlighting the role that phage display has and will continue to play in the discovery
December 2013, 8-1/2 x 11, 6779 pp. and development of protein therapeutics, this book provides a comprehensive
Suggested Price: $3400.00 / £2165.00 overview that will excite anyone interested in recombinant antibodies.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3649-1
May 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 800 pp.
Suggested Price: $169.95 / £108.00
Presenting a collection of up-to-date global findings on Vitamin A (retinol) is an essential dietary compound with
the health benefits of green tea polyphenols, this book myriad metabolic and regulatory functions. More than
confirms their position as healthy functional ingredients. 600 carotenoids have been identified in plants, algae,
With chapters contributed by experts in the field and the inclusion of extensive fungi, and bacteria, and around 50 carotenoids—including B-carotene—can be
references, it provides an authoritative volume to guide researchers, scientists, converted into vitamin. This volume reviews the medical use of carotenoids and
and regulatory bodies. The book covers important topics on the processing, vitamin A in cancer; diseases of the skin, eye, ear, and lung; and inflammatory
chemical composition, and properties of green tea polyphenols as well as their bowel and metabolic diseases. It also discusses the analytics of carotenoids and
Medicinal Chemistry
numerous health benefits, from cancer prevention and cardiovascular health to the supply of carotenoids and vitamin A in developing countries. The book
protection of internal organs and gut health. evaluates basic research, epidemiological studies, and clinical trials in the field.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4788-6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5526-3
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-4789-3 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5527-0
May 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 362 pp. April 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 436 pp.
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 Suggested Price: $159.95 / £99.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Experiments in Chemistry and Pharmacology
Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Naturally Occurring
Second Edition Bioactive Compounds
Charles Dickson Edited by
Hickory, North Carolina, USA Goutam Brahmachari
Visva-Bharati University, West Bengal, India
Written by an author with more than 40 years
Encyclopedia of Textbook
Pharmaceutical Science Chemistry of Natural Products
and Technology A Laboratory Handbook
Fourth Edition, Six-Volume Set N R Krishnaswamy
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, (retired),
Edited by Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
James Swarbrick
PharmaceuTech, Inc, Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA
This book is a companion to Chemistry of Natural Products:
A Unified Approach, Second Edition. It contains a judicious
This encyclopedia details pharmaceutical science mix of both spectroscopic and chemical methods of
best practices for equipment used, processes for manufacturing, options for characterisation of natural products. The main objective is to provide students
packaging, and routes for drug delivery, and a thorough understanding of the with experimental details for the successful isolation of different types of natural
choices behind each method. The regulations, safety aspects, patent guidance, products. All the experiments have been successfully class tested.
and methods of analysis are also given, making this a must-have reference guide
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0524-7
for all laboratories and libraries in the field. The fourth edition offers 29 new
July 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 216 pp.
chapters ranging from biomarkers, computational chemistry, and contamination
Suggested Price: $83.95 / £51.99
control to high-throughput screening, orally disintegrating tablets, and quality
by design.
Print ISBN: 978-1-84184-819-8
July 2013, 8-1/2 x 11, 4296 pp.
Suggested Price: $2999.00 / £1800.00 45
Producing a variety of structurally novel bioactive compounds Reviewing the health applications of selected
or secondary metabolites, freshwater plants provide a diverse and unique source metallic elements and the inorganic, organic, and bio-chemistry underlying
of bioactive lead compounds for the discovery of modern drugs. These include the formulation of metallonutraceuticals, this comprehensive work provides a
Natural Product Chemistry
antibiotics, mycotoxins, alkaloids, and phenolic compounds. Bringing together detailed description of the fundamentals and end-use applications of a series of
biological and pharmaceutical disciplines, this reference presents key information metals vital to the metabolic and nutritional activities of human beings. Assuming
on freshwater flora, including common names, classification, global distribution, a basic understanding of the role of metals in human physiology, it addresses
habitats, and biology, all organized according to the activities of their bioactive various production issues including scaling up, processing, and automation
compounds. These broad activities range from antimicrobial, antiviral, and from different scientific perspectives, as well as FDA regulations, institutional
anticancer to analgesic, cytotoxicity, and immunomodulatory activity. regulations, and ethics for industrial operations and corporate transactions.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-8455-6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3698-9
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-8456-3 April 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 336 pp.
August 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 250 pp. Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
The Modern Ayurveda American Herbal
Milestones Beyond the Classical Age Pharmacopoeia
Edited by Botanical Pharmacognosy -
C. P. Khare and Chandra Kant Katiyar Microscopic Characterization
Society for New Age Herbals, New Delhi, India
of Botanical Medicines
The Indian population has used Ayurvedic herbs for Edited by
centuries, but now modern scientific work has led to
Roy Upton, Alison Graff, Georgina Jolliffe,
recognition and acceptance at a global level. This volume
Reinhard Länger, and Elizabeth Williamson
explores a host of topics essential to understanding this
ancient practice. The book enumerates more than 400 Ayurvedic herbs with Compiled by the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia®, this volume provides
compiled information including their botanical name, common Ayurvedic name a detailed text and graphic atlas of more than 140 medicinal plant species
and family, their attributes, chemical constituents, phytochemical markers, and their adulterants. Focusing on those species in high use and commonly
pharmacological actions, and their interactions and toxicity. It explores current adulterated, the book covers plant anatomy, provides extensive coverage of the
and medicine as well as in perfumery and in foods and beverages. Given the names, habitat and distribution, medicinal uses, chemical constituents, and
wide range of uses for bergamot, this book can serve as a reliable, comprehensive published pharmacologic activity. The profiles are presented both alphabetically
reference for scientists as well as a helpful product information resource for and according to family. References are cited from over 600 publications, and
business-related interests. photographs and sketches illustrate many of the plants.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6227-8 Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-7197-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6229-2 December 2013, 7 x 10, 466 pp.
August 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 592 pp. Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Marine Pharmacognosy Chitin and Chitosan Derivatives
Trends and Applications Advances in Drug Discovery
Edited by and Developments
Se-Kwon Kim Edited by
Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea Se-Kwon Kim
Marine pharmacognosy is a dynamic field, with great Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea
Phytochemicals Advanced Practical Organic
Health Promotion and Chemistry
Therapeutic Potential
Third Edition
Edited by
John Leonard
Colleen Carkeet, Kerry Grann, R. Keith Randolph, AstraZeneca, Macclesfield, UK
Dawna Salter Venzon, and Samantha Izzy
Barry Lygo
Increasing knowledge of the various protective effects University of Nottingham, UK
of phytochemicals has sparked interest in further Garry Procter
understanding their role in human health. This book is the seventh in a series University of Manchester, UK
representing the emerging science with respect to plant-based chemicals.
With an emphasis on the most up-to-date techniques commonly used in organic
Drawn from the proceedings at the Seventh International Phytochemical
synthesis, this third edition reference draws on the extensive experience of the
Conference, Phytochemicals: Health Promotion and Therapeutic Potential,
authors and their association with some of the world’s leading laboratories
the book contains chapters written by conference presenters along with those of
of synthetic organic chemistry. Written mainly for graduate and advanced
additional invited authors whose research focuses on the biological activities and
undergraduate students as well as industrial organic chemists, this book provides
clinical outcomes associated with phytochemical consumption.
sufficient guidance to allow the researcher to carry out reactions under conditions
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5162-6 that offer the highest chance of success. It offers fully updated information and
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5163-3 re-drawn figures to illustrate the information at the highest possible standard.
September 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 270 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6097-7
Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6098-4
January 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 356 pp., Soft Cover
Suggested Price: $69.95 / £44.99
Ionic liquids have a number of properties that make This book presents 22 experiments encompassing
them suitable media for clean synthesis. In order organic, inorganic, and analytical chemistry performed
to replace toxic volatile organic chemicals with using microwave heating, making them fast and easy to
environmentally friendly technologies using ionic liquids, researchers from accomplish in a laboratory period. All the experiments have been tested and
diverse scientific disciplines are working around the world. This book provides verified in laboratory classes. Each chapter includes an introduction to the
information on the latest development focus on the synthetic applications of experiment, end-of-chapter questions, and two detailed protocols for performing
ionic liquids in a wide range of fields, such as organic and inorganic chemistry, the reaction using a small monomode and a larger multimode microwave unit.
biotechnology, nuclear science, materials science, medicine, pharmaceuticals, A number of the transformations use water as a solvent for a greener, more
environmental science, and more, from the standpoint of green sustainable sustainable approach, while maintaining high reaction yields.
chemistry. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5609-3
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-7976-7 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5610-9
May 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 350 pp. April 2013, 6 x 9, 232 pp., Soft Cover
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 Suggested Price: $79.95 / £49.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Methods of Non-a-Amino Acid Textbook
Synthesis Organic Chemistry
Second Edition An Acid-Base Approach
Michael Bryant Smith Michael B. Smith
University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
This book has been extensively rewritten and reorganized, Most reactions in organic chemistry can be explained
providing an up-to-date review of strategies and methods by variations of fundamental acid–base concepts. This
for non-a-amino acid synthesis, particularly those amino volume provides a framework for understanding the
acids that are key synthetic intermediates or important subject that goes beyond mere memorization. Using
compounds in their own right. The new edition contains many updated several techniques to develop a relational understanding, this text helps students
references and has a greater emphasis on the biological importance of non- fully grasp the concepts at the root of organic chemistry. Chapters contain
a-amino acids. In addition to an array of synthetic methods, the book offers checklists of concepts to be fully understood before moving to the next subject
discussions on why non-a-amino acids are important. It discusses conversion of area, homework problems at the end of each chapter, embedded problems with
cyclic precursors, conjugate addition reactions, stereoselectivity, and more. answers throughout the material, and experimental details and mechanisms for
key reactions.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-7789-3
Organic Chemistry
November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 242 pp. Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-7920-3
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9462-0
October 2010, 7 x 10, 1592 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £102.00
Packed with real-world examples, this book illustrates The application of organic materials on optical and
the 12 principles of green chemistry. These diverse case electronic devices is a fast-growing research area,
Organic Chemistry / Photochemistry
studies demonstrate to scientists and students that beyond combining the classical electronic properties of metals
the theory, the challenges of green chemistry in pharmaceutical discovery and and the advantageous properties of organic materials. The functional applications
development remain an ongoing endeavor. By informing and welcoming include light-emitting diodes, organic solar cells, field-effect transistors, artificial
additional practitioners to this mission, the negative environmental impact of machines, chemical sensors, and many others. This book provides a review on
pharmaceutical products will continue to be minimized. Green chemistry is the several topics in this area. The contents are focused mainly on the design and
methodology by which chemical production in this industry can become more synthesis of organic functional molecules, and also include related topics such
efficient, adding environmental stewardship to the noble mission of treating as model study on electron transfer phenomena and fabrication technologies of
human disease. organic nanostructures.
Print ISBN: 978-981-4316-49-1 Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-34-8
eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-81-2 March 2014, 6 x 9, 300 pp.
September 2013, 6 x 9, 350 pp. Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Advances in Kinetics Fluctuation Theory of Solutions
and Mechanism of Applications in Chemistry, Chemical
Chemical Reactions Engineering and Biophysics
Edited by Edited by
Physical Chemistry
eclectic survey encompasses a special focus on the associated kinetics, reaction and provides a range of applications described by experts in chemistry, chemical
mechanism, and other chemical physics properties of these ten chosen material engineering, and biophysics. The text elucidates this rigorous and useful approach
or chemical systems. for understanding a wide array of solution properties.
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-42-0 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9922-9
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-8211-8 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9923-6
March 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 238 pp. February 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 400 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99 Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00
Applications of Textbook
Supramolecular Chemistry Physical Chemistry
Edited by MV Sangaranarayanan and V Mahadevan
Hans-Jörg Schneider Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, Germany
This text presents a unified treatment of all the
Covering the most important supramolecular classical topics spanning physical chemistry. Using
technologies within a single volume, this book provides simple language and developing the subject matter
a comprehensive introduction for both newcomers in a logical manner, it helps students understand and
to the field and for specialists who are looking for new apply the concepts rather than learn the subject by
applications. Internationally recognized specialists in the different fields describe rote. The book also simplifies some topics, such as quantum mechanics, non-
in detail the most promising but already established techniques, including equilibrium thermodynamics, and group theory. Extensive exercises at the end
biotechnology, decontamination, environmental control, biomedical analyses/ of each chapter test students’ understanding of the concepts and sharpen their
monitoring, supramolecular electronics, and intelligent materials. The text offers problem-solving skills. Interesting facts are highlighted in grey boxes and worked
a complete overview of important applications in supramolecular chemistry, examples complement the text wherever required.
which hold particular promise for future developments. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1183-5
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4014-6 April 2012, 6 x 9, 592 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5832-8 Suggested Price: $83.95 / £51.99
March 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 453 pp. 53
Suggested Price: $104.95 / £66.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Textbook
Phase Transformations in Thermal Physics
Metals and Alloys Second Edition
Third Edition (Revised Reprint) C.B.P. Finn
University of Sussex, UK
David A. Porter
University of Oulu, Finland Thermodynamics is an essential part of any physical science
Kenneth E. Easterling education, but it is so full of pitfalls and subtleties that
University of Exeter, UK many students fail to completely understand it. In Thermal
Mohamed Sherif Physics, Second Edition, the author emphasizes basic ideas
SFK Research Center, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands and shows how the important thermodynamics results can be simply obtained
from the fundamental relations. Topics emphasized in the book include scales of
A comprehensive overview of phase transformations, this edition is supplemented temperature, availability, the degradation of energy, and lattice defects. The text
by practical case studies involving engineering alloys. It addresses computer- contains ample illustrations and examples of applications of thermodynamics in
aided calculation of phase diagrams, including recent improvements. It also physics, engineering, and chemistry.
expands treatment of bainite transformation, nucleation, metallic glasses, steel,
and Scheil’s Additivity Rule. Providing illustrations on an accompanying CD- Print ISBN: 978-0-7487-4379-7
Physical Chemistry
ROM, this book also adds new exercises drawn from current applications and April 1993, 5-1/2 x 8-1/2, 272 pp., Soft Cover
integrates basic and advanced material in a progressive, easy-to-follow style that Suggested Price: $73.95 / £34.99
is ideal for those new to the field. Figure slides are available upon qualifying
course adoption.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4200-6210-6
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-6211-3
February 2009, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 520 pp., Soft Cover
Suggested Price: $83.95 / £51.99 Introduction to
Plasma Dynamics
Textbook A. I. Morozov
National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute,” Moscow,
Introduction to Nuclear Science Russia
Within a unifying framework, this book covers both Polymer semiconductor is the only semiconductor that
classical and quantum domains, along with numerous can be processed in solution. Electronics made by these
applications. The author explores the more than two flexible materials have many advantages such as large-
centuries-old history of diffusion, expertly weaving area solution process, low cost, and high performance.
together a variety of topics from physics, mathematics, Researchers and companies are increasingly dedicating
chemistry, and biology. He describes the role of diffusion in probability theory time and money in polymer electronics. This book focuses on the fundamental
and stochastic calculus and discusses topics in materials science and metallurgy. materials and device physics of polymer electronics. It describes polymer light-
He also addresses the impact of translational/rotational diffusion on experimental emitting diodes, polymer field-effect transistors, organic vertical transistors,
data, covers reaction-diffusion equations in biology, and examines diffusion in polymer solar cells, and many applications based on polymer electronics. The
the quantum domain. book also discusses and analyzes in detail preparation techniques and device
properties of polymer electronics.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9557-3
November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 308 pp. Print ISBN: 978-981-4267-84-7
Suggested Price: $89.95 / £57.99 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-04-1
56 February 2013, 6 x 9, 286 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Polymer Nanocomposite
The Mechanical and Coatings
Thermodynamical Theory Edited by
Polymer Chemistry
constraints, and crystal plasticity. October 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 351 pp.
Suggested Price: $169.95 / £108.00
Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-7230-8
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-0676-6
April 2012, 7 x 10, 784 pp.
Suggested Price: $125.95 / £81.00
Textbook Textbook
Introduction to Polymers Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry
Third Edition Ninth Edition
Robert J. Young and Peter A. Lovell Charles E. Carraher, Jr.
University of Manchester, UK Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA
This bestselling text provides extensive, detailed, and Continuing the tradition of previous volumes, the
balanced coverage of polymer chemistry and polymer ninth edition provides a well-rounded presentation of
physics, spanning synthesis, characterization, bulk the principles and applications of polymers. With an
properties and morphology, and mechanical and electrical emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and
properties of polymers. The material has been completely reorganized and materials, it offers detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules,
expanded to offer a coherent format for teaching and learning the fundamental inorganic and organic polymers, biomacromolecules, elastomers, adhesives,
aspects of contemporary polymer science. This edition incorporates the most coatings, fibers, plastics, blends, caulks, composites, and ceramics. This new
important developments that have occurred in the past two decades, including edition includes updated and expanded chapters as well as several new sections.
“living” radical polymerization, supramolecular polymerization, and block and A user-friendly book, it provides all the elements of an introductory text, covering
graft copolymer synthesis methods. A solutions manual and figure slides are synthesis, properties, applications, and characterization.
available upon qualifying course adoption.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5203-6
58 Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-3929-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-9195-7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-5223-4
September 2013, 7 x 10, 818 pp.
June 2011, 7 x 10, 688 pp., Soft Cover Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99
Suggested Price: $59.95 / £37.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Engineering of Polymers and The Fractal Physics of
Chemical Complexity, Volume I Polymer Synthesis
A Systematic Approach Edited by
Polymer Chemistry
development of new computational methods and efficient algorithms for November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 320 pp.
chemical software and polymer engineering. Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
This book focuses on new microspheres and microcapsules Underscoring the multidisciplinary nature of polymer
specifically designed and prepared for application in science, this third edition provides a broad-based and
the fields of biotechnology and biopharmaceuticals involving bioreaction, comprehensive text at an introductory, reader-friendly level. This edition presents
bioseparation, bioformulation, biodetection, and other new bioapplications. new polymerization methods, characterization techniques, and applications in
It provides a deep knowledge about the principles of design, preparation electronic, biological, and medical settings. New topics include controlled radical
methods, and application results of new microspheres and microcapsules for polymerization, novel polymer architectures, chain dimension, morphology,
each bioapplication area. The book also presents problems that need to be determining molecular weights, metallocene catalysts, copolymers, and
Polymer Chemistry
studied further and comments on the future prospects of microspheres and rheological behavior. The book features real-world examples and new chapter
microcapsules. problems. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.
Print ISBN: 978-981-4316-47-7 Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-9813-1
eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-62-1 July 2007, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 520 pp., Soft Cover
January 2013, 6 x 9, 552 pp. Suggested Price: $98.95 / £62.99
Suggested Price: $249.95 / £159.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Szycher’s Handbook Strategic Management
of Polyurethanes for the Plastics Industry
Second Edition Dealing with Globalization and
Edited by Sustainability, Second Edition
Michael Szycher, Ph.D. Roger F. Jones
Written as a reference for polyurethane technologists This book explains the fundamental elements in polymer
and end users, raw materials suppliers, and students manufacturing, compounding, distribution, and
in the field, this second edition covers the technical advances in the field over processing that make the plastics industry unique, and shows how these factors
the past ten years. Filled with tables, charts, and photographs, it includes new affect management decisions. Using case studies and examples, it demonstrates
data on green polyurethanes, automotive applications, new coatings, new the thinking behind successful managerial choices and illustrates the errors to
manufacturing equipment, new healthcare uses, and other topics. Individuals avoid. The author also examines company culture, staffing, how to manage
from all major polyurethane intermediate suppliers and equipment manufacturers internal growth, the “dos and don’ts” of acquisitions, and much more. Revised
contributed to this updated handbook, and discuss current products and provide and updated throughout, this edition includes a new chapter on globalization
a comprehensive list of product portfolios. and sustainability.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3958-4 Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0586-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6313-8 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-0587-2
July 2012, 7 x 10, 1144 pp. August 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 178 pp.
Suggested Price: $210.00 / £133.00 Suggested Price: $119.95 / £82.00
materials and polymerized bundles made of fibers with emphasis on the materials topics, from synthesis to characterization to processing and practical
changes of physico-chemical properties of the materials. With mathematical applications, this state-of-the-art book provides the point of departure for future
strictness, the experimental and theoretical studies presented here will aid in the polymer-based nanocomposites research. The chapter authors, drawn from
development of reliable methods and new practices of analyzing structures with experts from around the globe, summarize their recent research and provide
the influence of chemically aggressive liquids and gases and in the creation of their perspectives for the future by drawing attention to the challenges that must
specific production structures that will withstand corrosive environments. be addressed before research results are fully integrated into the next generation
of science and engineering applications.
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-55-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4822-0616-6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-2779-6
September 2013, 6 x 9, 280 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-2780-2
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 October 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 631 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00
Since the first edition was published in 2000, foam extrusion technology has
Yurii J. Medvedevskikh, DSc
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv
improved significantly. This new second edition updates the existing chapters
and adds new chapters to cover the diversified practice, including microcellular Through a balanced combination of theory and experiments, this book provides
extrusion, cooling extruders as heat exchangers, sustainable PLA foam extrusion, a detailed overview of the main and most up-to-date advances in the area of
updates in foam rheology, and compounding extrusion in the X-PE process. The polymeric materials. Because the subject is essentially interdisciplinary and brings
book is designed to help readers improve their understanding of the complex together scientists and engineers with different educational backgrounds, the
mechanisms involved in foaming and how to make them work in the continuous book offers a research-oriented exposition of the fundamentals as well.
extrusion process.
62 Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-35-2
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-9859-8 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-7805-0
March 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 600 pp. January 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 232 pp.
Suggested Price: $249.95 / £159.00 Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Polymer Nanocomposite Polymers for Advanced
Foams Technologies
Edited by Processing, Characterization
Vikas Mittal and Applications
The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Edited by
Advancements in polymer nanocomposite foams have Gennady E. Zaikov, DSc
led to their use in a variety of fields, such as automotive, Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Russia
packaging, and insulation. Presenting developments Liliya I. Bazylyak, PhD
in various aspects of nanocomposite foams, this book Institute of Physical Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry, Lviv, Ukraine
provides information on using composite nanotechnology for making functional
Jimsher N. Aneli, PhD
foams to serve a variety of applications. Summing up the most recent research Georgian Technical University of Tbilisi State University, Georgia
developments in the area of polymer nanocomposite foams, this book provides • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Dynamic Force Spectroscopy Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
and Biomolecular Recognition Vyacheslav Sevastyanov
Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy
Edited by of Sciences, Moscow
Anna Rita Bizzarri and Salvatore Cannistraro
Universita Della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy This book deals with the nature, characteristics, and capabilities of mass
spectrometry to determine the isotopic ratios of light elements (H, C, N, O) of
Originating from protein stretching experiments, dynamic inorganic and organic compounds with extremely high accuracy. The method
force spectroscopy (DFS) allows for the extraction allows one to identify the fundamental processes in biological, ecological, and
of detailed information on the unbinding process of geological systems, and to reveal subtle features of many physicochemical
biomolecular complexes. It is becoming progressively processes and chemical transformations. Widely used in biology, ecology,
more important in biochemical studies and is finding wider applications in areas medicine, forensics, archeology, geochemistry, geology, and to assess the quality
such as biophysics and polymer science. This book covers the most recent ideas of food, the scope has expanded to areas like Martian exploration, early Earth,
and advances in the field of DFS applied to biorecognition. Leading experts and climate change.
in the field offer their perspectives on such important topics as atomic force
microscopy, force spectroscopy, interaction geometries, and immobilization Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9407-4
strategies. December 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 236 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6237-7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6238-4
January 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 270 pp.
Suggested Price: $135.95 / £86.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Vibrational Spectroscopy Bio-inspired Wettability
for Tissue Analysis Surfaces
Ihtesham Ur Rehman Developments in Micro-
The Kroto Research Institute, The University of Sheffield, UK
and Nanostructures
Zanyar Movasaghi
Dental Services, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK Edited by
This book presents a variety of vibrational spectroscopic techniques, focusing Biological surfaces provide endless inspiration for the design and fabrication
on Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and their use in of functional interface materials with unique wettability, generating promising
noninvasive optical tissue diagnosis. It covers the most recent research in this area applications such as micro-fluidic devices, functional textiles, corrosion resistance,
to create a unique database of different chemical bands and their assignments liquid transportation, and antifogging. This book presents the mechanism of
of spectral bands. The text explores the spectroscopic investigation of different smart wetting control, such as water collection/repellency on biological micro-/
tissues and samples, including breast tissue, lung tissue, and brain tissue. nanostructure gradient interfaces. It also offers approaches on how to mimic
the biological features to realize the bioinspired functional surfaces with unique
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-3608-8 wettability. The book will help researchers to develop the innovative design of
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-3609-5 novel materials.
September 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 356 pp.
Suggested Price: $169.95 / £104.00 Print ISBN: 978-981-4463-60-7
April 2014, 6 x 9, 300 pp.
Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
undergraduate students or graduate students without prior background in surface science, from various types of colloids and colloidal phenomena, and
the field. Principles and laboratory techniques are learned via experiments as classical and modern characterization/measurement techniques to applications
fundamental research tools and applications are seamlessly integrated with of colloids and surface science in engineering, technology, chemistry, physics,
theory. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption. and biological and medical sciences. The Journal of Textile Studies proclaims,
“High praise from peers … contains valuable information on many topics of
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5310-1 interest to food rheologists and polymer scientists …[The book] should be in
December 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 280 pp., Soft Cover the libraries of academic and industrial food research organizations.” A solutions
Suggested Price: $39.95 / £25.99 manual is available upon qualifying course adoption.
Print ISBN: 978-0-8247-9397-5
March 1997, 7 x 10, 672 pp.
Suggested Price: $93.95 / £43.99
This volume contributes to the field of characterization The fundamental problem of ion binding to natural
of solid surfaces. The chapters cover the theoretical and soil colloids requires multidisciplinary research that
experimental aspects of wetting and wettability, liquid– raises special challenges. These come mainly from
solid interfacial properties, and spreading dynamics. the heterogeneous and sometimes ill-defined nature
Interesting peculiarities are discussed, such as the phenomena of super-spreading of natural colloids, especially humic substances. This book presents the latest
and super-hydrophobicity. The book also deals with specific solid surfaces, advances in this active research field. The first part reviews the fundamentals of
such as reactions and wetting of liquid metals at high temperatures, and the colloid science, the second covers soil composition and the characteristics and
interaction between nano-bubbles at solid surface and nano-particles at liquid properties of main soil components, and the third provides in-depth coverage of
interfaces. In addition, it includes a chapter on electro-wetting. ion binding to soil colloids, including recent advances.
This well-respected encyclopedia draws together the This book provides a detailed and systematic analysis of
interface-related aspects of the fields of chemistry, the properties of ions at the air/water interface. Unifying
materials sciences and engineering, biology, physics, computer sciences, older and newer theories and measurements, it emphasizes the contributions
and applied mathematics. Although the breadth of coverage in the first two of simple ions to surface tension behavior, and the practical consequences. It
editions of this encyclopedia was impressive, the field continues to grow with presents fundamental knowledge regarding ions in fluid /fluid systems and gives
a corresponding increase in the amount of information generated. This new scientists a quantitative, rigorous, and objectively experimental methodology
edition, in nine volumes, ensures that the work continues to provide practitioners they can employ in their research. Chapters cover surface tension and
with information needed to devise or modify processes for current and new thermodynamic properties of pure water, simple salt solutions, mixed electrolyte
products. solutions, zwitterionic amino acids, and more. • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Surface Chemistry Essentials Surfactants in Tribology
K. S. Birdi Volume 3
KSB Consultant, Charlottenlund, Denmark
Edited by
Presenting fundamental knowledge of surface science, this Girma Biresaw
concise volume uses solved examples to illustrate basic USDA, ARS, NCAUR, CPF, Peoria, Illinois, USA
principles and provide deeper understanding to a broad K.L. Mittal
audience including chemists and engineers working for
Ethics in Science Engineering Optimization
Ethical Misconduct in A Modern Approach
Scientific Research Ranjan Ganguli
Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
John D’Angelo
Alfred University, New York, USA This book provides a thorough understanding of the
This book explains various forms of scientific misconduct concepts of optimization methods from a modern
and describes real ethical controversies that have occurred perspective at the conceptual stage of complex
in science. The first part of the book includes a description technical systems. It focuses on nonlinear optimization
of a variety of ethical violations, why they occur, how they with an emphasis on methods such as response surface and genetic algorithms.
are handled, and what can be done to prevent them along with a discussion The text moves the concept of optimization from an academic setting to an
of the peer-review process. The second part of the book presents real-life case industry platform yet gives a balanced treatment of classical methods, making
studies that review the known facts and allows readers to decide for themselves it suitable for an undergraduate course. A solutions manual and figure slides are
whether an ethical violation has occurred and what should be done. available upon qualifying course adoption.
Probabilistic Models for
Applications of Environmental Dynamical Systems
Aquatic Chemistry Second Edition
A Practical Guide, Third Edition Haym Benaroya
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA
Eugene R. Weiner
Professor Emeritus, University of Denver, Colorado, USA Seon Mi Han
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA
Updated and reorganized, this third edition provides Mark Nagurka
the essential background for understanding and solving Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
environmental chemistry problems that arise frequently.
Aimed to help professionals deal with topical issues related to environmental This book provides a self-contained introduction to probabilistic modeling for
chemistry, this book can also be used by students to gain a general understanding dynamic systems, leading to advanced concepts. It introduces engineering
of the types of problems and applications involved with environmental science. students to randomness in variables, time-dependent functions, and solution
New chapters cover topics such as algae growth, stormwater management, and methods of the governing equations. Extensive discussions are also provided
wetlands. New case histories, which mainly illustrate treatment and remediation on applications to vibrating systems, reliability, ocean engineering, and control/
methods, are included. This edition also provides more end-of-chapter questions mechatronic systems. After completing this book, students will have a much
and answers. better understanding of current research and be able to participate in advanced
design. A solutions manual and figure slides are available upon qualifying course
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5332-0 adoption.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5333-7
December 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 618 pp. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4989-7
Suggested Price: $125.95 / £81.00 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9464-7
May 2013, 7 x 10, 764 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Using R for Numerical Analysis Constrained Principal
in Science and Engineering Component Analysis and
Victor A. Bloomfield Related Techniques
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
Yoshio Takane
Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and University
of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
This book shows how the free and open-source
Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied
R environment can be used as a powerful and
comprehensive platform for the kinds of numerical
analysis that are traditionally employed by MATLAB®. This book shows how constrained principal component
With R code fully integrated, the book offers brief descriptions of basic analysis (CPCA) offers a unified framework for regression techniques and PCA.
approaches and emphasizes detailed worked examples. It covers functions in Keeping the use of complicated iterative methods to a minimum, the book
the base installation of R as well as those in contributed packages, which greatly includes implementation details and many real application examples. It also
enhance the numerical analysis capabilities of R. offers material for methodologically oriented readers interested in developing
statistical techniques of their own. MATLAB® programs as well as data to create
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8448-5
the book’s examples are available on the author’s website.
June 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 320 pp.
General References
Suggested Price: $89.95 / £57.99 Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5666-9
November 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 251 pp.
Suggested Price: $89.95 / £57.99
Continuing to explore innovative nanoscience, One of the first texts to use R to illustrate the construction
engineering, and technology areas, this third edition extends the coverage of of experimental designs and analysis of data, this book covers both classical
emerging nano areas even further. Two entirely new sections on energy and ideas in experimental design and the latest research topics. It clearly discusses
biology cover nanomaterials for energy storage devices, photovoltaics, DNA the objectives of a research project that lead to an appropriate design choice,
devices and assembly, digital microfluidic lab-on-a-chip, and much more. In the practical aspects of creating a design and performing experiments, and the
color throughout, this edition also includes new chapters on nanomagnet logic, interpretation of the results of computer data analysis. It also includes many
quantum transport at the nanoscale, terahertz emission from Bloch oscillator applications from the pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial chemicals, and
systems, molecular logic, electronic optics in graphene, and electromagnetic machinery industries. A solutions manual is available for qualifying instructors.
metamaterials. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6813-3
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6015-1 June 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 596 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6016-8 Suggested Price: $99.95 / £63.99
June 2012, 7 x 10, 1093 pp. 71
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00
models, the authors cover functional autoregressive, ARCH, threshold AR, and two different audiences: (1) majors and minors in mathematics and statistics
discrete time series models as well as several complementary approaches. They and (2) students in quantitative disciplines with the appropriate mathematical
discuss the main limit theorems for Markov chains, useful inequalities, statistical background and with a serious interest of understanding probability and statistics
techniques to infer model parameters, and GLMs. Moving on to HMM models, at the foundational level.
the book examines filtering and smoothing, parametric and nonparametric
inference, advanced particle filtering, and numerical methods for inference. Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6046-8
December 2013, 7 x 10, 624 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0225-3 Suggested Price: $99.95 / £49.99
December 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 561 pp.
Suggested Price: $99.95 / £63.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Scalable Innovation
Probability and Statistics A Guide for Inventors, Entrepreneurs,
for Computer Scientists and IP Professionals
Second Edition Eugene Shteyn
Stanford University, California, USA
Michael Baron
University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, USA
Max Shtein
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
Meeting the ABET requirements for probability and
Based on recent advances in cognitive sciences, this book
statistics, this text helps readers understand general
introduces a model for the innovation process, helping
methods of stochastic modeling, simulation, and data analysis; make optimal
inventors, investors, and entrepreneurs to understand the nature and timing
decisions under uncertainty; model and evaluate computer systems and
of opportunities and risks on the path to success. The authors apply systems
networks; and prepare for advanced probability-based courses. The second
thinking to discover real-life challenges, and provide tools for turning these
edition offers a new axiomatic introduction of probability, expanded coverage
challenges into opportunities for practical, scalable innovation. Using illustrative
of statistical inference, more exercises at the end of each chapter, and additional
case studies, they analyze several landmark innovations in detail, revealing
MATLAB® codes, particularly new commands of the Statistics Toolbox. The book
surprising and essential elements common to all of them.
also includes numerous computer science applications and worked examples.
General References
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-9097-7
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7590-2
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-9098-4
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4822-1411-6
June 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 333 pp., Soft Cover
August 2013, 7 x 10, 449 pp.
Suggested Price: $49.95 / £31.99
Suggested Price: $99.95 / £63.99
This book on risk analysis and decision making can be Scientists and engineers are often criticized for their
used as either a text or reference for senior/graduate- inability to write clear, grammatically correct English,
level students in engineering, economics, finance, and as well as for their poor presentation of data. Aimed at
possibly statistics. Prerequisites for use of the book are probability, calculus, and scientists and engineers who wish to improve the way
statistics. In the book, the author introduces the fundamentals of risk analysis and in which they present their findings, the text guides readers through the steps
management to facilitate quantification and rational decision making. Because involved in producing a concise and understandable document in various
of the author’s background in engineering, the book is reasonably practical formats. Illustrating how technology can be readily conveyed without loss of
in orientation with regard to the methods introduced. A solutions manual is content, the authors present writing techniques by using examples and avoiding
available upon qualifying course adoption. grandiose terminology.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1825-4 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5479-2
March 2014, 7 x 10, 592 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5480-8
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 February 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 208 pp., Soft Cover
Suggested Price: $62.95 / £40.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Foam Fractionation Lignocellulosic Biorefineries
Principles and Process Design Jean-Luc Wertz
ValBiom/Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech of University of Liège,
Paul Stevenson and Xueliang Li Gembloux, Belgium
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Olivier Bédué
Foam fractionation is a process in which proteins and Freudenberg Haushaltsprodukte SE & Co. KG, Weinheim,
other amphipathic species can be removed from solution
by causing them to adsorb to the surface of bubbles, Written with a diverse audience in mind, this book
Process Validation
Integrated Biorefineries
in Manufacturing of
Design, Analysis, and Optimization
Edited by
Paul R. Stuart
Third Edition
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Quebec, Canada Edited by
Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi Anurag S. Rathore
Texas A&M University, College Station, USA Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
Series: Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Gail Sofer
SofeWare Associates, Austin, Texas, USA
Written to fill the gap of information on state-of-the-
Series: Biotechnology and Bioprocessing
art advances in integrated biorefineries, this book contains contributions from
leading experts in the field, addressing the synthesis, selection, design, analysis, Written by experienced authorities in process validation, this book explores
and optimization of biorefineries. It discusses the current state of affairs for strategies for selecting the most appropriate quality control processes. It offers
biorefineries, as well as strategies, opportunities, various processing platforms, practical guidelines, recommendations, and an abundance of industrial case
and how to evaluate the life-cycle impact of biorefinery products and processes. studies that demonstrate various techniques and approaches in the validation
It also includes systematic process design tools for new biorefineries, and an of biopharmaceutical processes. This third edition of the text addresses the
effective set of tools for techno-economic analysis. Case studies and figures are numerous changes made in the pharmaceutical industry as well as the many
included throughout the text. modifications that have been made to regulations. In addition, the authors cover
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-0346-2 advances in biotechnology.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-0347-9 Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-5093-0
December 2012, 7 x 10, 873 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-5094-7 75
Suggested Price: $146.95 / £93.00 May 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 531 pp.
Suggested Price: $174.95 / £113.00
Thermodynamics in Textbook
Biochemical Engineering Batch Processing
Edited by Modeling and Design
Urs von Stockar Urmila Diwekar
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Vishwamitra Research Institute, Clarendon Hills, Illinois, USA
Luuk A. M. van der Wielen
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands The book describes various unit operations in batch
and bioprocessing and design methods for these units.
This book covers the fundamentals of the rapidly Numerical methods are necessary to solve these design
growing field of biothermodynamics, showing how problems. The time-dependent nature of batch processes
thermodynamics can best be applied to applications and processes in biochemical results in challenging scheduling and planning problems. Further, every unit
engineering. It describes the rigorous application of thermodynamics in encounters optimal control problems. This book provides basics to solve these
biochemical engineering to rationalize bioprocess development and obviate a problems. It is intended as a textbook for graduate-level batch process courses as
substantial fraction of this need for tedious experimental work. As such, this book well as reference book for researchers and practitioners. A solutions manual and
will appeal to a diverse group of readers, ranging from students and professors figure slides are available upon qualifying course adoption.
in biochemical engineering to scientists and engineers, for whom it will be a
valuable reference. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6119-6
January 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 274 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-8216-3 Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
May 2013, 6 x 9, 380 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99
Combining comprehensive theoretical and empirical In the six years since the third edition was completed,
perspectives into a clearly organized text, this book there have been major changes in the chemical industry.
discusses the principal behavioral concepts of fluids and the basic methods of Biotechnology is quickly overtaking petrochemicals as the dominant sector. This
analysis for resolving a variety of engineering situations. Drawing on the author’s is reflected in new processes being developed, many with their own names. Of
Chemical Processing & Design
35 years of experience, the book covers real-world engineering problems and course, niche improvements are still being made in petrochemistry, and some
concerns of performance, equipment operation, sizing, and selection from the of these have new names too. Gathering and defining a large portion of special
viewpoint of a process engineer. It supplies over 1,500 end-of-chapter problems, named processes, this encyclopedia provides a single-source reference to an
examples, equations, literature references, illustrations, and tables to reinforce extensive array of named processes.
essential concepts. A solutions manual is available upon qualifying course
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-6776-4
March 2014, 7 x 10, 336 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-0-8247-0444-5 Suggested Price: $149.95 / £95.00
January 2001, 6 x 9, 580 pp.
Suggested Price: $96.95 / £44.99 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Hazardous Area Classification Textbook
in Petroleum and Chemical Introduction to Chemical
Plants Reactor Analysis
A Guide to Mitigating Risk Second Edition
Alireza Bahadori R.E. Hayes and J.P. Mmbaga
Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
This book discusses fire hazards, occupancy hazards, This second edition involves a considerable expansion
extinguishing methods, and hazard identification and to make it suitable for a two-semester undergraduate
classification of materials. It provides simple, readily recognizable and easily course in chemical reaction engineering. Additional material focuses on catalysis
understood markings for materials which will give at a glance, a general idea of and catalytic reactors, only briefly covered in the previous edition. The authors
the inherent hazards of any material, and the order of severity of these hazards as expand upon adsorption and include a new chapter on transport process in
principles in explaining and rationalizing polymeric phenomena. Featuring book can be used as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students or as a
classical topics that are conventionally considered as part of chemical technology, reference for practicing engineers in the process industry.
the book covers the chemical principles from a modern point of view. It analyzes Print ISBN: 978-1-4822-3054-3
theories to formulate and prove the polymer principles and offers future outlooks May 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 500 pp.
on applications of bioscience in chemical concepts. Suggested Price: $169.95 / £108.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-926895-80-2
January 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 300 pp.
Suggested Price: $129.95 / £82.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Phosphoric Acid Textbook
shows how these technologies can improve the efficiency and reliability of energy operation. This new edition covers the systems approach to Lean manufacturing,
and transportation systems. The book discusses intelligent energy management introducing Lean principles to the food industry. It also addresses sustainability
schemes for hydrogen energy and vehicle systems, safety and environmental and environmental issues, which were not covered in the first edition.
science related to hydrogen technologies, and the infrastructure required for Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-4809-8
safe, renewable hydrogen options. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-4857-9
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-2681-2 February 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 355 pp.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-2682-9 Suggested Price: $159.95 / £99.00
October 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 366 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Particle Technology Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration
and Applications Fundamentals & Applications
Sirshendu De and Sourav Mondal • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Fundamentals of Textbook
Natural Gas Processing Petroleum Refining
Second Edition Technology and Economics,
Arthur J. Kidnay Fifth Edition
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA James H. Gary
William R. Parrish Colorado School of Mines, Golden, USA
ConocoPhillips (Retired), Brigantine, New Jersey, USA Glenn E. Handwerk
Daniel G. McCartney Consulting Chemical Engineer, Golden, Colorado, USA
Black & Veatch, Overland Park, Kansas, USA Mark J. Kaiser
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA
The second edition of this bestselling text provides an introduction to the gas
industry and the processes required to convert wellhead gas into valuable natural This book continues its tradition as an essential textbook for students and a vital
Hydrogen Safety
Fotis Rigas
Petroleum Reservoir Rock
National Technical University of Athens, Greece and Fluid Properties
Paul Amyotte Second Edition
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Series: Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Abhijit Y. Dandekar
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
This book highlights physiological, physical, and chemical
hazards associated with hydrogen production, storage, Accessible to anyone with an engineering background,
distribution, and use systems. It also examines potential this text reveals the importance of understanding
accidental scenarios that hydrogen may yield under certain conditions. The rock and fluid properties in petroleum engineering. Along with new practice
authors highlight hydrogen storage facilities because of the greater hazards problems and detailed solved examples, this edition covers Stone II three-phase
encountered in them due to the increased quantities stored and handled, and relative permeability model, unconventional oil and gas resources, low salinity
hazards resulting from the use of hydrogen as a fuel for transport. Computer water injection, saturated reservoirs and production trends of five reservoir
simulations with the aid of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) of both gaseous fluids, impact of mud filtrate invasion and heavy organics on samples, and flow
and liquefied hydrogen are verified by experiments. assurance problems due to solid components of petroleum. It also offers better
plots for determining oil and water Corey exponents from relative permeability
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-6231-5 data.
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6232-2
July 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 304 pp. Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7636-7 83
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £100.00 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-7725-1
February 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 544 pp.
Suggested Price: $119.95 / £76.99
Petroleum Economics
and Engineering Phase Behavior of Petroleum
Third Edition Reservoir Fluids
Karen Schou Pedersen and Peter L. Christensen
Edited by
Calsep A/S, Lyngby, Denmark
Hussein K. Abdel-Aal
National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt Understanding the behavior of fluids in a reservoir is
Mohammed A. Alsahlawi essential for achieving optimal design and operations in
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia a petroleum processing plant. Augmented by the authors’
experience with challenging conditions, this work details
Fully revised and expanded, this third edition delivers a structure that presents industry-standard methods for modeling phase behavior
first to the reader an introduction to the oil industry; builds up the principles, of petroleum reservoir fluids at various stages. Keeping math to a minimum,
methods, and techniques of engineering economics, recognized as the tools; the book discusses sampling, characterization, compositional analyses, and
then moves to the applications and case studies section for three distinctive equations used to simulate various pressure-volume-temperature properties.
components underlying the petroleum industry along with fully worked-out Developed in conjunction with several oil companies, the authors present new
examples. The revised edition brings a complete picture to the reader by looking models for the characterization of heavy undefined hydrocarbons, transport
globally at the “hydrocarbon industry” instead of the oil industry. properties, and solids precipitation.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-0666-4 Print ISBN: 978-0-8247-0694-4
December 2013, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 472 pp. eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-1825-7
Suggested Price: $269.95 / £172.00 November 2006, 7 x 10, 422 pp.
Suggested Price: $220.00 / £141.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Textbook Advanced Process Control
Diffusion and Mass Transfer and Simulation
James S. Vrentas and Christine M. Vrentas for Chemical Engineers
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Hossein Ghanadzadeh Gilani and
Presenting diffusion and mass transfer from both Reza Khodaparast Haghi
engineering and fundamental science perspectives, this University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Textbook Textbook
Transport Phenomena Fundamentals of Automatic
Fundamentals Process Control
Third Edition Uttam Ray Chaudhuri
University of Calcutta, India
Joel Plawsky
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA Utpal Ray Chaudhuri
Jadavpur University, Calcutta, India
Series: Chemical Industries
Series: Chemical Industries
This text is designed for a streamlined two-term transport
Chemical engineers need to know about the appropriate use of both control
phenomena course. The first part of the book takes students through the balance
hardware and software and must be able to select/write computer programs
equation in the context of diffusive transport. Each chapter adds a term to the
that interface the hardware and software to run a plant effectively. This book
balance equation, highlighting the effects of that addition on the physical
provides an integrated introduction to the hardware and software of automatic
behavior of the system and the underlying mathematical description. The
control systems. It solves problems from the GATE examination and provides
second half of the book builds on the balance equation description of diffusive
explanations for each solution. It also includes various examples of control
transport by introducing convective transport terms, focusing on partial rather
systems commonly used in plants, Laplacian mathematics with solutions, as well
than ordinary differential equations.
as virtual laboratory software. Figure slides are available upon qualifying course
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-5533-4 adoption.
January 2014, 7 x 10, 842 pp.
Print ISBN: 978-1-4665-1420-1
Suggested Price: $139.95 / £89.00
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4665-1422-5
October 2012, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 303 pp.
Suggested Price: $146.95 / £93.00
Edited by
Jatindra Kumar Sahu
Assam University, India
Da-Wen Sun
University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland Discussing recent advances in food processing technologies
Series: Contemporary Food Engineering that allow for more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and
healthier foods, this book examines the basic principles and
Thermal processing remains one of the most important major applications of advanced thermal and non-thermal
processes in the food industry. Now in its second edition, this volume continues techniques and equipment. Highlighting the growing sophistication of levels of
to explore the latest developments in the field. Topics discussed include thermal control that reduce cycle time and improve product quality, the author reviews
properties of foods, heat and mass transfer, deterministic heat transfer models recent research, emphasizes the derivation and application of novel concepts,
for predicting internal product temperatures, and modeling thermal processing and provides solved problems and case studies for better understanding of the
using artificial neural networks (ANN) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). techniques.
It also explores thermal processing of various foods, the effect of ultrahigh
temperature (UHT) treatment processing on milk, and ohmic, radio frequency Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-8071-5
(RF) dialectric, infrared, and pressure-assisted heating. March 2014, 6-1/8 x 9-1/4, 656 pp.
Suggested Price: $159.95 / £99.00
Print ISBN: 978-1-4398-7678-7
eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-7679-4
May 2012, 7 x 10, 686 pp.
Suggested Price: $210.00 / £133.00 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Industrial Brazing Practice
Second Edition
Philip Roberts
Delphi Brazing Consultants, Cheshire, UK
Process Control
Suggested Price: $219.95 / £140.00
Analytical Chemistry for Technicians, Fourth Edition.................3 Second Edition.......................................................................32 Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Carbon Nanotubes............39
Analytical Tools and Industrial Applications for Chemical Chemistry of Sustainable Energy.............................................18 Electroanalysis with Carbon Paste Electrodes..........................16
Processes and Polymeric Materials..........................................58 Chemoinformatics: Advanced Control and Computational Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances:
Anthocyanins in Health and Disease.......................................49 Techniques.............................................................................12 Volume 25..............................................................................16
Applications of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry: A Practical Chitin and Chitosan Derivatives: Advances in Electrochemical Biosensors.......................................................3
Guide, Third Edition...............................................................70 Drug Discovery and Developments........................................49 Electrochemical DNA Biosensors.............................................16
Applications of Supramolecular Chemistry..............................53 Citrus bergamia: Bergamot and its Derivatives.......................48 Electrochemical Supercapacitors for Energy Storage and
Aquatic Chemistry Concepts, Second Edition.........................70 Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, Third Edition.................82 Delivery: Fundamentals and Applications...............................17
Atomic and Molecular Beams: Production and Collimation....15 Clear and Concise Communications for Scientists and Electrochemically Enabled Sustainability: Devices,
Engineers................................................................................73 Materials and Mechanisms for Energy Conservation...............17
Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations............................................21 Electrokinetic Particle Transport in Micro-/Nanofluidics:
Basic Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering, Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy.................................64 Direct Numerical Simulation Analysis........................................4
Third Edition...........................................................................84 Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology.............67 Electronic Structure of Materials.............................................37
Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup, Third Edition.................................11 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Exploration of the Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology,
Basics of Quantum Electrodynamics.......................................15 Nano World- Laboratory Guide..............................................68 Fourth Edition, Six Volume Set (Print).....................................45
Batch Processing: Modeling and Design.................................75 Color in Food: Technological and Psychophysical Aspects......22 Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science, Third Edition -
Biochemical Sensors: Mimicking Gustatory and Olfactory Competitive Sorption and Transport of Heavy Metals Nine Volume Set (Print Version)..............................................68
Senses....................................................................................16 in Soils and Geological Media.................................................10 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical
Biofuels and Bioenergy: Processes and Technologies...............82 Composites and Nanocomposites..........................................38 Technology, Fourth Edition.....................................................76
Biohydrogen Production: Fundamentals and Technology Computational and Experimental Chemistry: Developments Engineering Aspects of Cereal and Cereal-Based Products......24
Advances................................................................................74 and Applications.....................................................................16 Engineering Aspects of Food Emulsification and
Bio-inspired Wettability Surfaces: Developments in Computational Approaches for the Prediction Homogenization.....................................................................23
Micro- and Nanostructures.....................................................67 of pKa Values..........................................................................12 Engineering Design with Polymers and Composites,
Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer.......84 Computational Chemogenomics..............................................7 Second Edition.......................................................................61
Biomedical Applications of Magnetic Particles..........................6 Computational Materials Science: An Introduction.................14 Engineering Mechanics of Polymeric Materials: Theories,
Biomedical Applications of Mesoporous Ceramics: Drug Properties and Applications....................................................62
Computational Methods for Reproductive and Developmental
Delivery, Smart Materials and Bone Tissue Engineering...........35 Toxicology..............................................................................14 Engineering of Polymers and Chemical Complexity,
Biomedical Nanosensors.........................................................16 Volume I: A Systematic Approach...........................................59
Computational Modeling of Polymer Composites:
Biomineralization Sourcebook: Characterization of A Study of Creep and Environmental Effects...........................56 Engineering of Polymers and Chemical Complexity,
Biominerals and Biomimetic Materials....................................39 Volume II: New Approaches, Limitations, and Control............59
Computer Methods in Chemical Engineering.........................76
Biopolymer Engineering in Food Processing...........................23 Engineering Optimization: A Modern Approach.....................70
88 Bioscience Methodologies in Physical Chemistry: An
Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry,
Two Volume Set.....................................................................13 Engineering Properties of Foods, Fourth Edition.....................23
Engineering and Molecular Approach.....................................53 Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry: Environmental Chemistry in Society, Second Edition..............18
Biosurfactants: Research Trends and Applications...................67 Electronic Structure and Reactivity..........................................13 Environmental Chemistry, Ninth Edition.................................19
Biotechnology of Plasma Proteins.............................................7 Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry: Environmental Fate and Transport Analysis with
Botanical Raw Materials: Methods and Technologies Statistical Mechanics...............................................................13 Compartment Modeling........................................................11
for Quality Control.................................................................45 Constrained Principal Component Analysis and Related Environmental Forensics Fundamentals: A Practical Guide......11
Brain Diseases and Metalloproteins.........................................44 Techniques.............................................................................71 Environmental Investigation and Remediation:
Control for Aluminum Production and Other Processing 1,4-Dioxane and other Solvent Stabilizers...............................33
C Industries................................................................................86 Environmental Isotopes in Hydrogeology...............................19
Cadmium Telluride Quantum Dots: Advances and Cooking as a Chemical Reaction: Culinary Science with Environmentally Friendly Syntheses Using Ionic Liquids..........50
Applications............................................................................33 Experiments...........................................................................27 Essence of Gastronomy: Understanding the Flavor of
Cancer Causing Viruses and Their Inhibitors.............................9 Cooking Innovations: Using Hydrocolloids for Thickening, Foods and Beverages..............................................................27
Canola and Rapeseed: Production, Processing, Gelling, and Emulsification.....................................................22 Ethics in Science: Ethical Misconduct in Scientific Research.....70
Food Quality, and Nutrition....................................................28 Coordination Chemistry: Metal Complexes............................33 Every Molecule Tells a Story....................................................50
Caper: The Genus Capparis....................................................47 Corrosion and Materials in the Oil and Gas Industries.............82 Experiments in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Second Edition.....45
Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods, Corrosion Resistance Tables: Metals, Nonmetals, Coatings, Extractive Metallurgy of Rare Earths........................................39
Volume 2................................................................................50 Mortars, Plastics, Elastomers, and Linings and Fabrics,
Carbon Nanomaterials, Second Edition..................................42 Fifth Edition (4 Volume Set)....................................................57 F
Carotenoids and Retinal Disease...............................................7 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 95th Edition..........69
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, Sixth Edition.........22
Carotenoids and Vitamin A in Translational Medicine.............44 CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and
Fennema’s Food Chemistry, Fourth Edition.............................24
Photobiology, Third Edition - Two Volume Set........................52
Carraher’s Polymer Chemistry, Ninth Edition..........................58 Fermentation Processes Engineering in the Food Industry......21
CRC Handbook of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic
Cavitation: A Novel Energy-Efficient Technique for the Data of Aqueous Polymer Solutions........................................58 Fermentation: Effects on Food Properties................................22
Generation of Nanomaterials..................................................34 Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Materials, Manufacturing, and
CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants:
Cell and Matrix Mechanics.....................................................74 Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, Design, Third Edition..............................................................38
Cereal Grains: Laboratory Reference and Procedures and Etymology (5 Volume Set)...............................................48 Flavonoids and Related Compounds: Bioavailability and
Manual...................................................................................23 Function.................................................................................45
Characterization of Nanostructures..........................................3 D Fluctuation Theory of Solutions: Applications in Chemistry,
Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke, Dairy Science and Technology, Second Edition.......................27 Chemical Engineering, and Biophysics....................................53
Second Edition.........................................................................3 Dancing with Light: Advances in Photofunctional Liquid- Foam Extrusion: Principles and Practice, Second Edition.........62
Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Crystalline Materials...............................................................35 Foam Fractionation: Principles and Process Design.................75
Revised and Expanded............................................................76 Dates: Production, Processing, Food, and Medicinal Values....48 Food Analysis and Preservation: Current Research Topics........24
Chemical Genomics and Proteomics, Second Edition.............43 Food Analysis by HPLC, Third Edition.....................................24 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
Food Composition and Analysis: Methods and Strategies.......24 Hansen Solubility Parameters: A User’s Handbook, M
Food Oxidants and Antioxidants: Chemical, Biological, and Second Edition.......................................................................32
Functional Properties..............................................................24 Hazardous Area Classification in Petroleum and Chemical Magnetic Nanoparticles: From Fabrication to Clinical
Plants: A Guide to Mitigating Risk...........................................77 Applications............................................................................40
Food Plant Engineering Systems, Second Edition....................80
Heat Exchangers: Selection, Rating, and Thermal Design, Making and Using Antibodies: A Practical Handbook,
Food Proteins and Peptides: Chemistry, Functionality, Second Edition.........................................................................9
Interactions, and Commercialization......................................25 Third Edition...........................................................................80
Herbal Drugs as Therapeutic Agents.......................................47 Marine Nutraceuticals: Prospects and Perspectives.................46
Food Safety Chemistry: Toxicant Occurrence, Analysis and
Mitigation..............................................................................25 Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges and Sustainable Marine Pharmacognosy: Trends and Applications...................49
Forensic Analysis of Biological Evidence: DNA and Serology Solutions................................................................................12 Mass Spectrometry for the Novice..........................................65
Laboratory Workbook.............................................................28 Honey in Traditional and Modern Medicine............................48 Materials and Process Selection for Engineering Design,
Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography.......................28 Human Scent Evidence...........................................................29 Third Edition...........................................................................43
Forensic Examination of Fibres, Third Edition..........................28 Hybridizing Surface Probe Microscopies: Toward a Full Materials in Biology and Medicine..........................................35
Forensic Investigation of Explosions, Second Edition...............29 Description of the Meso- and Nanoworlds.............................65 Materials Physics Companion, Second Edition........................42
Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific Hydrocarbon Process Safety, Second Edition...........................30 Materials Science of DNA.........................................................6
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Foundations of Crystallography with Computer Applications, Hydrogen Energy and Vehicle Systems...................................80 Medicinal Plants of China, Korea, and Japan: Bioresources for
Second Edition.......................................................................36 Hydrogen Safety.....................................................................83 Tomorrow’s Drugs and Cosmetics..........................................48
Foundations of High Performance Polymers: Properties, Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Biomedical Applications.............44 Membrane Modification: Technology and Applications..........78
Performance and Applications................................................59 Metal-Induced Crystallization: Fundamentals
Foundations of Statistical Algorithms......................................72 I and Applications.....................................................................37
Foundations of the Theory of Elasticity, Plasticity, and Identifying Microbes by Mass Spectrometry Proteomics.........30 Metalloproteins: Structure, Functions, and Interactions..........13
Viscoelasticity.........................................................................37 Industrial Brazing Practice, Second Edition.............................87 Methodology in Robust and Nonparametric Statistics............71
Fractal Physical Chemistry of Polymer Solutions and Melts.....36 Industrial Chemistry of Oxides for Emerging Applications.......36 Methods in Food Analysis.......................................................25
Title Index
Fractal Physics of Polymer Synthesis........................................59 Instrument Engineers Handbook, Fourth Edition, Methods of Non-a-Amino Acid Synthesis, Second Edition......51
Freshwater Phytopharmaceutical Compounds........................46 Three Volume Set...................................................................77 Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration: Fundamentals
Friction-Induced Vibrations and Self-Organization: Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, & Applications........................................................................81
Mechanics and Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics Third Editon...........................................................................77 Micro- and Nanobubbles: Fundamentals and Applications.....32
of Sliding Contact...................................................................54 Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization...75 Microfluidics and Nanotechnology: Biosensing to the
From Bioimaging to Biosensors: Noble Metal Introduction to Advanced Food Processing Technologies.......85 Single Molecule Limit...............................................................3
Nanoparticles in Biodetection...................................................3 Microspheres and Microcapsules in Biotechnology:
Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis, Second Edition.....77
FRP Deck and Steel Girder Bridge Systems: Design, Preparation and Applications.....................................60
Analysis and Design................................................................61 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology: Molecular
Substructures to Ecological Landscapes, Fourth Edition..........20 Mineral Scales in Biological and Industrial Systems.................32
Functional Polymer Blends: Synthesis, Properties, and Mitochondrial Signaling in Health and Disease.........................8
Performance...........................................................................62 Introduction to Food Process Engineering..............................80
Introduction to Forensic DNA Evidence for Criminal Justice Modeling of Processes and Reactors for Upgrading of
Fundamental QSARs for Metal Ions.........................................34 Heavy Petroleum....................................................................30
Fundamentals of Automatic Process Control...........................85 Modern Ayurveda: Milestones Beyond the Classical Age.........47
Introduction to GC-MS Coupling...........................................65
Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, Third Edition........................11 Modern Gastronomy: A to Z..................................................27
Introduction to Lipidomics: From Bacteria to Man....................8
Fundamentals of Environmental and Toxicological Chemistry: Molecular Imprinting: Principles and Applications of
Sustainable Science, Fourth Edition........................................19 Introduction to MATLAB with Applications for
Chemical and Mechanical Engineers......................................77 Micro- and Nanostructure Polymers.........................................4
Fundamentals of Nanotechnology..........................................40 Molecular Modeling at the Atomic Scale: Methods and
Introduction to Nanoscience..................................................40
Fundamentals of Natural Gas Processing, Second Edition.......83 Applications in Quantitative Biology.......................................15
Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology................40
Fundamentals of Soft Matter Science......................................41 Molecular Modeling for the Design of Novel Performance
Introduction to Nuclear Science, Second Edition....................55
Chemicals and Materials.........................................................14
G Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism, Fifth Edition.........28
Molecules That Amaze Us.......................................................51
Geochemistry, Groundwater and Pollution, Second Edition....31 Introduction to Plasma Dynamics...........................................55
Multicomponent Polymeric Materials:
Global Economic and Environmental Aspects of Biofuels........82 Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Third Edition...................59 From Introduction to Application...........................................62
Graphene: Synthesis and Applications....................................43 Introduction to Polymer Science and Chemistry: Multisensor Systems for Chemical Analysis: Materials and
A Problem-Solving Approach, Second Edition.........................59 Sensors...................................................................................17
Graphene-Based Materials: Science and Technology..............39
Introduction to Polymers, Third Edition..................................58 Multistage Separation Processes, Fourth Edition.....................78
Graphite, Graphene, and Their Polymer Nanocomposites......62
Introduction to Process Control, Second Edition.....................86 My Molecular Cuisine Kit........................................................27
Green Chemical Engineering: An Introduction to Catalysis,
Kinetics, and Chemical Processes............................................81 Introduction to Proteins: Structure, Function, and Motion......10
Introduction to Quantum Biology..........................................14 N
Green Chemistry: Environmentally Benign Reactions,
Second Edition.......................................................................19 Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers....................77 Nanocomposites in Wastewater Treatment.............................12
Green Chemistry: Past, Present, and Future............................64 Introduction to the Physical Chemistry of Foods.....................25 Nanoimprint Biosensors: The Fusion of Nanofabrication,
Green Composites from Natural Resources.............................81 Introductory Mass Spectrometry, Second Edition.....................4 Nanophotonics and Nanobiology.............................................6 89
Green Process Engineering: From Concepts to Industrial Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction: Volume 21, Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Sensing and Biosensing....18
Applications............................................................................76 Supramolecular Aspects of Solvent Extraction...........................4 Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals
Green Syntheses, Volume 1....................................................50 Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Third Edition..................................4 and Applications.....................................................................18
Green Tea Polyphenols: Nutraceuticals of Modern Life...........44 Iron-based Superconductors: Materials, Properties and Nanoporous Materials: Synthesis and Applications.................36
Groundwater Geochemistry and Isotopes...............................19 Mechanisms...........................................................................66 Nanoscale Spectroscopy with Applications.............................66
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry............................................65 Nanoscience and Computational Chemistry:
H Research Progress...................................................................15
J Nanosilicon: Properties, Synthesis, Applications,
Handbook of African Medicinal Plants, Second Edition...........48
Juvenile Hormones and Juvenoids: Modeling Biological Methods of Analysis and Control............................................40
Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional
Foods.....................................................................................26 Effects and Environmental Fate...............................................13 Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Fuel Cells...........42
Handbook of Analytical Validation............................................4 K Nanostructured Ceramic Oxides for Super-Capacitor
Handbook of Aqueous Solubility Data, Second Edition.............8
Key Elements in Polymers for Engineers and Chemists: Nanostructures and Nanoconstructions based on DNA..........35
Handbook of Brewing, Second Edition...................................22 From Data to Applications......................................................78 Nanotechnology for Sustainable Manufacturing.....................41
Handbook of Essential Oils: Science, Technology, and Key Engineering Materials: Volume II: Interdisciplinary
Applications............................................................................46 Nanotechnology in Advanced Electrochemical
Concepts and Research..........................................................78 Power Sources........................................................................17
Handbook of Hydrogen Energy..............................................31 Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Fast Particles in Solids.........54 Natural Polymers, Biopolymers, Biomaterials, and
Handbook of Industrial Drying, Third Edition..........................80
L Their Composites, Blends, and IPNs.......................................38
Handbook of Less-Common Nanostructures..........................39
Natural Products Interactions on Genomes.............................46
Handbook of Lipid Bilayers, Second Edition............................10 Laboratory Experiments Using Microwave Heating.................50 Near-Infrared Organic Materials and Emerging
Handbook of Membrane Separations: Chemical, LC-NMR: Expanding the Limits of Structure Elucidation.........64 Applications............................................................................42
Pharmaceutical, Food and Biotechnological Applications, Lee and Gaensslen’s Advances in Fingerprint Technology, Needleless Electrospinning of Nanofibers:
Second Edition.......................................................................76 Third Edition...........................................................................29 Technology and Applications..................................................81
Handbook of Metallonutraceuticals........................................46 Lignocellulosic Biorefineries....................................................75 Neurobiology of Chemical Communication.............................7
Handbook of Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology, Liposomes, Lipid Bilayers and Model Membranes: Nonlinear Systems Stability Analysis:
Third Edition...........................................................................71 From Basic Research to Application........................................10 Lyapunov-Based Approach.....................................................86
Handbook of Vitamins, Fifth Edition........................................28 Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and Applications............18 Nonlinear Times Series: Theory, Methods and
Handbook of Water Analysis, Third Edition.............................25 Low Temperature Plasma Technology: Methods and Applications with R Examples.................................................72
Handbook of Wood Chemistry and Wood Composites, Applications............................................................................55 Nonthermal Plasma Chemistry and Physics............................54
Second Edition.......................................................................37 Lubricant Additives: Chemistry and Applications, Novel Green Treatment for Textiles: Plasma Treatment as a
Handbook of Zinc Oxide and Related Materials: Second Edition.......................................................................32 Sustainable Technology..........................................................36
Two Volume Set.....................................................................38
Nuclear Forensic Analysis, Second Edition...............................29
Particle Technology and Applications......................................81 Process Safety: Practical Applications for Safe and Reliable Surface Chemistry Essentials...................................................69
PCR Technology: Current Innovations, Third Edition................8 Operations.............................................................................79 Surface Physics: Theoretical Models and Experimental
Petroleum and Gas Field Processing........................................31 Process Techniques for Engineering High-Performance Methods.................................................................................69
Petroleum Economics and Engineering, Third Edition.............83 Materials................................................................................86 Surface Tension and Related Thermodynamic Quantities of
Petroleum Radiation Processing..............................................31 Process Validation in Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals, Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions.................................................68
Third Edition...........................................................................75 Surfactant Science and Technology: Retrospects and
Petroleum Refining: Technology and Economics,
Fifth Edition............................................................................83 Producing Fuels and Fine Chemicals from Biomass Prospects................................................................................69
Using Nanomaterials..............................................................82 Surfactants in Tribology, Volume 3..........................................69
Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties,
Second Edition.......................................................................83 Production Chemicals for the Oil and Gas Industry, Sustainable Process Engineering: Concepts, Strategies,
Second Edition.......................................................................31 Evaluation and Implementation..............................................79
Phage Display In Biotechnology and Drug Discovery,
Second Edition.......................................................................43 Production of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels from Biomass...........31 Sweeteners: Nutritional Aspects, Applications, and
Pharmaceutical Accumulation in the Environment: Progress in Organic and Physical Chemistry: Structures and Production Technology...........................................................26
Prevention, Control, Health Effects, and Economic Impact.....12 Mechanisms...........................................................................54 Synthetics, Mineral Oils, and Bio-Based Lubricants:
Pharmaceutical Formulation Development of Peptides Progress in Polymer Materials Science: Research, Chemistry and Technology, Second Edition............................33
and Proteins, Second Edition....................................................7 Development and Applications...............................................60 Szycher’s Handbook of Polyurethanes, Second Edition...........61
Pharmaceutical Industry Practices on Genotoxic Impurities......5 Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells..................................84
Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids..........................83 Q
Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids, Techniques in High Pressure Neutron Scattering.....................67
Second Edition.......................................................................78 QSAR and SPECTRAL-SAR in Computational Ecotoxicology....13 Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry............................................34
Phase Transformations in Metals and Alloys, Third Edition Quantitative Ecotoxicology, Second Edition............................20 Textbook of Organic Chemistry..............................................52
(Revised Reprint)....................................................................55 Quantitative Proteome Analysis: Methods and Applications......5 Theory of Factorial Design: Single- and Multi-Stratum
Phase Transitions in Solids Under High Pressure......................41 Quantitative Understanding of Biosystems: An Introduction to Experiments...........................................................................72
Phosphoric Acid: Purification, Uses, Technology, Biophysics...............................................................................10 Thermal Food Processing: New Technologies and
and Economics.......................................................................79 Quantum Dot Sensors: Technology and Commercial Quality Issues, Second Edition................................................85
Phosphorus: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Technology, Applications..............................................................................6 Thermal Physics, Second Edition.............................................55
Sixth Edition...........................................................................34 Quantum Mechanical Tunneling in Chemical Physics.............15 Thermochromic and Thermotropic Materials..........................61
Photoelectrochemical Solar Conversion Systems: Molecular and Quantum Theory: Density, Condensation, and Bonding.........42 Thermodynamics and Energy Systems Analysis: Volume 2,
Electronic Aspects...................................................................17 Quantum-Chemical Calculation of Unique Solved Problems and Exercises...............................................54
Physical Chemistry..................................................................53 Molecular Systems..................................................................14 Thermodynamics in Biochemical Engineering.........................75
Physical Chemistry for Engineering and Applied Sciences.......53 R Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Processing of Wood.....................39
Physical Properties of Foods: Novel Measurement Techniques Thin Layer Chromatography in Drug Analysis...........................5
90 and Applications.....................................................................23 Radiation Synthesis of Materials and Compounds...................36
Rational Basis for Clinical Translation in Stroke Therapy..........43
Tocotrienols: Vitamin E Beyond Tocopherols,
Phytochemicals: Health Promotion and Therapeutic Second Edition.......................................................................27
Potential.................................................................................49 Recycling and Reuse of Materials and Their Products..............37 Topical Nail Products and Ungual Drug Delivery....................44
Phytotechnologies: Remediation of Environmental Reduction in Organic Synthesis..............................................51 Transport Phenomena Fundamentals, Third Edition................85
Contaminants.........................................................................11 Refining Used Lubricating Oils................................................84 Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Engineering:
Plasma Discharge in Liquid: Water Treatment and Renewable Resources and Renewable Energy: Principles and Practices...........................................................74
Applications............................................................................56 A Global Challenge, Second Edition.......................................84
Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications...............................57 Reverse Engineering of Rubber Products: U
Polymer and Polymer-Hybrid Nanoparticles: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques............................................63 Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Mass S
From Synthesis to Biomedical Applications.............................60 Rheology and Fracture Mechanics of Foods............................25 pectrometry: Evaluation and Applications in Food Analysis.....26
Polymer Brushes: Substrates, Technologies, and Properties.....62 Rhodiola rosea........................................................................47 Ultrafast Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy.............................66
Polymer Carbon Nanotube Composites: The Polymer Latex Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics, Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis, Seventh Edition.............5
Concept.................................................................................57 Second Edition.......................................................................73 Understanding Atomic and Molecular Properties using
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Physical Principles of RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics...................................9 Polarization Propagators.........................................................15
Materials and Operation.........................................................79 Understanding Physics and Physical Chemistry
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Science, Applications, and S Using Formal Graphs..............................................................14
Challenges..............................................................................17 Scalable Green Chemistry: Case Studies from the Using R for Numerical Analysis in Science and Engineering....71
Polymer Electronics................................................................56 Pharmaceutical Industry.........................................................52 Utilization of Fish Waste..........................................................21
Polymer Nanocomposite Coatings.........................................57 Scalable Innovation: A Guide for Inventors,
Polymer Nanocomposite Foams.............................................63 Entrepreneurs, and IP Professionals.........................................73 V
Polymer Processing and Characterization...............................63 Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Second Edition...........18 Valorization of Food Processing By-Products...........................21
Polymer Products and Chemical Processes: Techniques, Science of Defoaming: Theory, Experiment and VCD Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists................................66
Analysis, and Applications.......................................................60 Applications............................................................................33 Vibrational Spectroscopy for Tissue Analysis............................67
Polymeric Biomaterials: 2 Volume Set, Third Edition...............61 Scientific Research as a Career................................................73
Polymeric Materials Encyclopedia, Twelve-Volume Set............63 Sequential Analysis: Hypothesis Testing and Change-Point W
Polymers for Advanced Technologies: Processing, Detection...............................................................................72 Water at Interfaces: A Molecular Approach.............................69
Characterization and Applications..........................................63 Skin Bioscience: A Molecular Approach....................................9
Polymers for Packaging Applications.......................................60 Soil Colloids: Properties and Ion Binding................................68 X
Polymers for Vascular and Urogenital Applications..................57 Soil Physics: An Introduction...................................................12 XAFS for Everyone..................................................................66
Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of Modern Materials, Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Second Edition.........20 X-Ray Diffraction: Modern Experimental Techniques..............52
Third Edition...........................................................................60 Solid Acid Catalysis: From Fundamentals to Applications........10
Polytope Projects....................................................................79 Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction, Fourth Edition...........54
Solid State Fermentation for Foods and Beverages..................22 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
A Brahmachari; Goutam............................................................45 Dass; N. D. Hari......................................................................56
Brennan; David.......................................................................79 Datta; Arun ............................................................................79
Abdel-Aal; Hussein K.........................................................31, 83
Brenner; Donald W.................................................................71 Datta; Ashim K.................................................................23, 84
Adria; Ferran...........................................................................27
Bronzino; Joseph D.................................................................74 Dattagupta; Sushanta.............................................................56
Aggour; Mohamed.................................................................31
Brown; David R.......................................................................44 Davalos; Julio F........................................................................61
Ahluwalia; V.K.............................................................19, 51, 52
Bryan; Jeff C...........................................................................55 De Gelder; Leen S.P................................................................25
Ahmad; Iqbal..........................................................................11
Bucak; Seyda..........................................................................68 De; Sirshendu.........................................................................81
Ahmad; Mushtaq....................................................................84
Buchbauer; Gerhard...............................................................46 Dean; John R..........................................................................28
Ahmed; Hafiz............................................................................8
Buckingham; John..................................................................49 Dejmek; Petr...........................................................................23
Ahmed; Jasim...................................................................23, 26
Bucknum; Michael J................................................................16 del Pilar Buera; María..............................................................22
Ai; Ye........................................................................................4
Burdock; George A.................................................................22 Devillers; James.......................................................................13
Alavi; Sajid..............................................................................60
Burg; Karen J.L. ......................................................................57 Devine; Marjorie M.................................................................23
Alinat; Gui..............................................................................27
Bustin; Stephen A.....................................................................8 Devlin; Frank J........................................................................66
Aliyev; Gabil Garibxan Ogli.....................................................62
Bycroft; B.W............................................................................44 Di Natale; Corrado.................................................................17
Allard; Ann-Sofie.....................................................................11
Dickson; Charles.....................................................................45
Alsahlawi; Mohammed A. ......................................................83 C
DiGuiseppi; William H.............................................................33
Alwarappan; Subbiah.............................................................39 Cadenas; Enrique......................................................................8 DiMasi; Elaine.........................................................................39
Amantea; Diana......................................................................43 Caivano; José Luis...................................................................22 Diwekar; Urmila......................................................................75
Ameta; Rakshit........................................................................64 Callan; John..............................................................................6 Dixit; P.M................................................................................57
Ameta; Suresh C.....................................................................64 Calvin; Scott...........................................................................66 Dixit; U.S................................................................................57
Amjad; Zahid..........................................................................32 Cannistraro; Salvatore.............................................................65 Doblin; I.V..............................................................................36
Ampong-Nyarko; Kwesi..........................................................47
Author Index
Carkeet; Colleen ....................................................................49 Donegan; John.......................................................................33
Amyotte; Paul ........................................................................83 Carpenter; Nancy E................................................................18 Doraiswamy; L.K.....................................................................76
Ancheyta; Jorge......................................................................30 Carraher, Jr.; Charles E......................................................58, 59 Dormán; György....................................................................43
Anderson; Norman A..............................................................77 Carter; M.R.............................................................................20 Dorogovtsev; Andrey..............................................................71
Andraos; John.........................................................................50 Carvajal-Millan; Elizabeth........................................................24 Douc; Randal..........................................................................72
Aneli; Jimsher N................................................................37, 63 Castro; Eduardo A............................................................15, 16 Dougherty; Ralph...................................................................41
Anestis; Stylianos....................................................................26 Cazor; Anne ..........................................................................27 Duarte; Armando C................................................................11
Anisimov; Victor.....................................................................14 Chabot; Victor........................................................................17 Dugo; Giovanni......................................................................48
Anjum; Naser A......................................................................11 Chakraborty; Tanmoy.............................................................16 Dumitriu; Severian..................................................................61
Anker; Jeffrey N........................................................................6 Chaloner; Penny.....................................................................51 Dupont; Jairton.......................................................................50
Appelo; C.A.J..........................................................................31 Chan; Kwong-Yu....................................................................17 Dutta; Joydeep.......................................................................40
Arana; Ignacio........................................................................23 Chanda; Manas......................................................................59
Archer; Lynden.......................................................................63 Chandra; Amita........................................................................6 E
Arrighi; Valeria........................................................................60 Chandra; Amreesh....................................................................6 Easterling; Kenneth E..............................................................55
Ashmead; H. DeWayne.............................................................9 Chandra; Suresh.......................................................................6 Eiceman; G.A............................................................................4
Ashokkumar; Muthupandian..................................................34 Chandrasekaran; M................................................................21 Eikerling; Michael...................................................................79
Aslalnov; Leonid A..................................................................40 Chang; Huan-Tsung.................................................................3 El-Halwagi; Mahmoud M........................................................75
Aucar; Gustavo Adolfo............................................................15 Chattaraj; Pratim Kumar.........................................................13 Enache; Monica......................................................................34
Ayyub; Bilal M........................................................................73 Chaudhuri; Utpal Ray.............................................................85 Erdem; Arzum........................................................................21
Azeem; Shaikh Jawad..............................................................78 Cheeseman; James R..............................................................66 Eskin; N.A. Michael.................................................................28
B Chen; An................................................................................61 Essa; M. Mohamed.................................................................48
Chen; Jian...............................................................................22 Estrin; Emmanuel Isakovich.....................................................41
Babaev; Egor..........................................................................41
Chen; John J. J........................................................................86 Exall; Douglas I.......................................................................84
Babkin; Vladimir A..................................................................14
Chen; Yuan.............................................................................67
Baggaley; Keith H...................................................................49 F
Cheng; Ching-Shui.................................................................72
Bahadori; Alireza...............................................................77, 82 Fahim; M.A.............................................................................31
Cheng; Ji-Xin..........................................................................64
Bakhmutov; Vladimir I............................................................67 Fai; Lukong Cornelius.............................................................56
Cho; Art E...............................................................................13
Balakrishnan; Avinash.............................................................40 Farag; Mahmoud M...............................................................43
Cho; Young I..........................................................................56
Ballada; Antonio.....................................................................59 Favrat; Daniel.........................................................................54
Choi; Wonbong......................................................................43
Balu; Alina Mariana.................................................................82 Fayer; Michael D.....................................................................66
Chow; Tahsin J........................................................................52
Baranwal; Krishna C................................................................63
Barausse; Alberto....................................................................20
Christensen; Peter L..........................................................78, 83 Feng; Zhe Chuan....................................................................38
Fennema; Owen R..................................................................24
Chu; Paul K............................................................................55
Barbosa-Canovas; Gustavo V...................................................80 Ferrari; M................................................................................68
Clark; Ian Douglas..................................................................19
Bard; Allen J......................................................................16, 18 Ferreira Guine; Raquel de Pinho..............................................24
Clark; Malcolm William...........................................................82
Baron; Michael.......................................................................73 Fetisov; Gennady V.................................................................40
Codee; Jeroen.........................................................................50
Barragués; José I.....................................................................72 Figovsky; Oleg........................................................................38
Cognet; Patrick.......................................................................76
Bartosz; Grzegorz...................................................................24 Fingas; Merv...........................................................................11
Cohen; Claude.......................................................................63
Baser; K. Husnu Can...............................................................46 Finn; C.B.P..............................................................................55
Colilla; Montserrat..................................................................35
Basseville; Michele..................................................................72 Fischer-Cripps; Anthony Craig................................................42
Comyns; Alan E......................................................................76
Batato; Magdi.........................................................................54 Fisher; Robert J.......................................................................74
Conkling; John A....................................................................32
Bazylyak; Liliya I......................................................................63 Fleet; Graham H.....................................................................21
Corbridge; D.E.C....................................................................34
Beard; James M......................................................................18 Foo; Dominic C. Y...................................................................81
Coronell; Daniel G..................................................................77
Bédué; Olivier.........................................................................75 Fornasiero; Paolo....................................................................84
Correia; Paula Maria dos Reis..................................................24
Beilin; Dimitry.........................................................................38 Foulkes; Frank R......................................................................53
Cosnier; Serge..........................................................................3
Benaroya; Haym.....................................................................70 Fournier; Ronald L..................................................................84
Cotton; Simon Anthony...................................................50, 51
Bender; David A.....................................................................28 Frame II; George M..................................................................5
Cowie; J.M.G..........................................................................60
Ben-Tal; Nir............................................................................10 Frame; Eileen Skelly..................................................................5
Crozier; Alan...........................................................................45
Berge; Jean-Pascal...................................................................21 Francis; Elizabeth....................................................................38
Cruz; Rui M.S.........................................................................25
Berlin; Alexandr A...................................................................78 Franco; Alejandro A................................................................17
Cuerrier; Alain........................................................................47
Beveridge; Alexander..............................................................29 Fraxedas; Jordi........................................................................69
Bhowmick; Anil K...................................................................63 D Fridman; Alexander................................................................56
Birdi; K. S................................................................................69 Dai; Pengcheng......................................................................66 Fritz; Peter..............................................................................19
Biresaw; Girma.......................................................................69 Damodaran; Srinivasan...........................................................24 Frocke; Walter W.....................................................................59
Bizzarri; Anna Rita...................................................................65 D’Amore; Alberto...................................................................53 Frokjaer; Sven...........................................................................7
Blank; Vladimir Davydovich....................................................41 Dandekar; Abhijit Y.................................................................83 Fujita; Satoshi...........................................................................6
Bloomfield; Victor A................................................................71 D’Angelo; John.......................................................................70 Furton; Kenneth G..................................................................29
Bonaccorsi; Ivana....................................................................48 Darby; Ronald........................................................................76
Borel; Lucien...........................................................................54 G
Darvas; Ferenc........................................................................43
Bouchonnet; Stéphane...........................................................65 Das Gupta; Saikat...................................................................63 Galvez; Raul Perez..................................................................21
Boudenne; Abderrahim..........................................................37 Das; Debabrata.......................................................................74 Ganguli; Ranjan......................................................................70
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McGowan; Cynthia B.............................................................50 Okubo; Tsutomu....................................................................44 Rangelov; Stanislav.................................................................60
McGuffin; Michael..................................................................47 Oluwafemi; Oluwatobi Samuel...............................................38 Rao; Anil.................................................................................40
Medvedevskikh; Yurii J............................................................62 Ono; Yoshi..............................................................................10 Rao; M.A..........................................................................23, 26
Mefford; Thompson.................................................................6 Orrenius; Sten..........................................................................8 Rao; Theertham......................................................................44
Mehta; Bhavbhuti M..............................................................22 Ortiz-Mendez; Ubaldo .....................................................36, 39 Rathore; Anurag S..................................................................75
Meichsner; Jurgen..................................................................54 Ozilgen; Z. Sibel.....................................................................27 Ravera; Francesca...................................................................67
Mercader; Andrew G..............................................................15 Ozsoz; Mehmet......................................................................16 Raymo; Françisco M.................................................................6
Merches; Ioan.........................................................................15 Reddy; J.N..............................................................................56
Mersmann; Olaf ....................................................................72 Rehman; Ihtesham Ur.............................................................67
Mi Han; Seon.........................................................................70 Paavilainen; Helena Maaria.....................................................47 Rehman; Shazza.....................................................................67
Michael; M. Siluvai.................................................................17 Pabby; Anil K..........................................................................76 Rende; Deniz..........................................................................68
Micieli; Giuseppe....................................................................43 Pabst; Georg..........................................................................10 Requena; Ana Maria Sastre.....................................................76
Mikitaev; A. K.........................................................................59 Packer; Lester...........................................................................8 Reynertson; Kurt.....................................................................45
Miller; Reinhard................................................................67, 68 Palazoglu; Ahmet...................................................................86 Richter; Henning....................................................................41
Millero; Frank J.......................................................................32 Palmeri; Luca..........................................................................20 Rickerby; David.......................................................................41
Mil’nikov; Gennady................................................................15 Pandey; Ashok........................................................................21 Rigas; Fotis.............................................................................83
Minea; Alina Adriana..............................................................80 Pandit; Aniruddha Bhalchandra..............................................19 Ritzoulis; Christos...................................................................25
Mirkin; Michael V....................................................................18 Pankow; James F.....................................................................70 Rivière; John C..........................................................................3
Mishra; Ajay Kumar................................................................12 Park; Chul B............................................................................62 Rizvi; Syed S.H..................................................................23, 76
Mittal; K.L,..............................................................................69 Parkin; Kirk.............................................................................24 Robberts; Theunis Christoffel..................................................80
Mittal; Vikas................................................................57, 62, 63 Parrish; William R....................................................................83 Roberts; Andrew D.................................................................49
Author Index
Mittemeijer; Eric J...................................................................37 Pathak; Yashwant Vishnupant.................................................46 Roberts; Philip........................................................................87
Mmbaga; J.P...........................................................................77 Pawlowski; Lech.....................................................................36 Robertson; James R.................................................................28
Mocella; Christopher J............................................................32 Payne; David J........................................................................44 Robinson; James W...................................................................5
Mohan; Sneha........................................................................38 Pearce; Eli M.....................................................................60, 78 Roboz; John............................................................................65
Mohr; Thomas K.G.................................................................33 Peattie; Robert A.....................................................................74 Rodgman; Alan.........................................................................3
Molina; Fernando V................................................................68 Pedersen; Karen Schou.....................................................78, 83 Rodriguez; Ferdinand.............................................................63
Mondal; Sourav......................................................................81 Pereira; Maria E......................................................................11 Romagnoli; Jose A...................................................................86
Moody; Kenton J....................................................................29 Perfetti; Thomas A....................................................................3 Romero; Rodolfo H.................................................................15
Moore; Elaine A......................................................................54 Peterson; Donald R.................................................................74 Romsted; Laurence.................................................................69
Moore; John J.........................................................................40 Pethrick; Richard A.................................................................60 Rorrer; Ronald A.L...................................................................61
Morais; Adolfo........................................................................72 Petrisor; Ioana Gloria..............................................................11 Roux; Claude..........................................................................28
Moreno-Flores; Susana...........................................................65 Picek; Jan................................................................................71 Rowell; Roger M.....................................................................37
Morozov; A. I..........................................................................55 Pike; Ralph W..........................................................................74 Roy; Samit..............................................................................56
Mortazavi; Vahid.....................................................................54 Pillai; CN................................................................................52 Rudnick; Leslie R...............................................................32, 33
Moulines; Eric.........................................................................72 Pimentel; David......................................................................82
Pimentel; Marcia H.................................................................23 S
Movasaghi; Zanyar.................................................................67
Moyer; Bruce A.........................................................................4 Pimerzin; Andrey A.................................................................78 Sahoo; Trinath........................................................................86
Mucignat-Caretta; Carla...........................................................7 Pinto; C. Ariel.........................................................................73 Sahu; Jatindra Kumar..............................................................85
Mudhoo; Ackmez...................................................................67 Pispas; Asterios.......................................................................60 Salamone; Joseph C................................................................63
Mujumdar; Arun S..................................................................80 Plawsky; Joel...........................................................................85 Salyanov; V.I...........................................................................35
Mukbaniani; Omari V..............................................................78 Ponnamma; Deepalekshmi.....................................................63 Samaniego; Francisco J...........................................................72
Mukhopadhyay; Prithu...........................................................62 Popa; Valentin........................................................................61 Sammataro; Diana..................................................................12
Mukhopadhyay; Rabindra......................................................63 Porter; David A.......................................................................55 Samper; Katia Ghanadzadeh............................................12, 85
Mulligan; Catherine N............................................................67 Postma; Dieke........................................................................31 Sandberg; Dick.......................................................................39
Muñoz; Andrés G...................................................................17 Pourhashemi; Ali.....................................................................34 Sandeep; K. P..........................................................................60
Murphy; Bridget.....................................................................52 Poux; Martine.........................................................................76 Sangaranarayanan; MV...........................................................53
Murthy; S Narasimha..............................................................44 Prabaharan; S. R. S.................................................................17 Santhanam; Ramasamy..........................................................46
Musa; Sarhan M.....................................................................66 Prada; Paola............................................................................29 Sato; Kenji..............................................................................25
Myhra; Sverre...........................................................................3 Pramuanjaroenkij; Anchasa.....................................................80 Sato; Motohiro.......................................................................39
Prasad; Rajendra.....................................................................37 Schaffer; David.......................................................................74
N Preedy; Victor R......................................................................27 Schifftner; Kenneth C.............................................................20 93
Naghiyev; Faig Bakhman Ogli..........................................37, 62 Presser; Volker........................................................................42 Schmidt; Martin.....................................................................54
Nagurka; Mark.......................................................................70 Priest; Fergus G......................................................................22 Schneider; Hans-Jörg..............................................................53
Nakamura; Hiroki...................................................................15 Procter; Garry.........................................................................49 Schneider; Ralf........................................................................54
Naushad; Mu.........................................................................26 Prokof’ev; Nikolay...................................................................41 Schwan; Rosane F...................................................................21
Navi; Parvis.............................................................................39 Prudnikov; Vladimir V.............................................................69 Schweitzer; Philip A................................................................57
Negahban; Mehrdad..............................................................57 Prudnikova; Irina A.................................................................69 Seeboth; Arno........................................................................61
Neilson; Alasdair H.................................................................11 Pumera; Martin......................................................................18 Seeck; Oliver H.......................................................................52
Newman; Michael C...................................................11, 20, 34 Putz; Mihai V....................................................................13, 42 Selim; H. Magdi......................................................................10
Nguyen; Dinh Lan..................................................................54 Sen; Pranab Kumar.................................................................71
Nieh; Mu-Ping........................................................................10 Sengupta; Debalina................................................................74
Nikiforov; Igor .......................................................................72 Qi; Zhigang............................................................................84 Serna-Saldivar; Sergio O.........................................................23
Nikoleli; Georgia-Paraskevi......................................................21 Qian; Shizhi..............................................................................4 Serrano Ruiz; Juan Carlos .......................................................31
Nikolelis; Dimitrios P...............................................................21 Qiao; Pizhong.........................................................................61 Sevastyanov; Vyacheslav.........................................................65
Nikravesh; Seyed Kamaleddin Yadavar....................................86 Quattrocchi; Umberto............................................................48 Seybold; Paul G......................................................................12
Ninan; Neethu.......................................................................38 Qunfeng; Cheng....................................................................67 Shah; Y.T.................................................................................82
Nishikawa; Takeo......................................................................6 R Shalaby; Shalaby W................................................................57
Nolan; John..............................................................................7 Shalaby; Waleed ....................................................................57
Radovic; Ljubisa R...................................................................33
Nolan; Tania.............................................................................8 Sharma; Sanjay K....................................................................67
Radusch; Hans-Joachim..........................................................59
Nollet; Leo M.L...........................................................24, 25, 26 Shen; Pei Kang.......................................................................42
Rai; Beena...............................................................................14
Nordby; Jon J..........................................................................29 Sherif; Mohamed....................................................................55
Rajagopalan; Raj.....................................................................68
Nordlund; Thomas M.............................................................10 Sherif; S.A...............................................................................31
Rajan; Rajabalaya....................................................................46
Nosonovsky; Michael..............................................................54 Sherma; Joseph........................................................................5
Rajkiewicz; Maria....................................................................35
Nussinovitch; Amos................................................................22 Shields; George C...................................................................12
Rakovich; Yury........................................................................33
Nwaoha; Chikezie..................................................................82 Shima; Hiroyuki .....................................................................39
Rakovsky; Slavcho Kirillov.......................................................58
Shrader; Stephen......................................................................4
O Ramesh; Santhanam...............................................................46
Shtein; Max............................................................................73
O’ Connell; John P..................................................................53 Ramotowski; Robert................................................................29
Shteyn; Eugene......................................................................73
Ober; Christopher K...............................................................63 Ramsland; Paul A......................................................................8
Shukla; Manoj K.....................................................................12
Oberle; Tim............................................................................86 Rand; Barry P..........................................................................41
Sidhu; Sachdev S....................................................................43
Oelgemöller; Michael.............................................................52 Randolph; R. Keith..................................................................49
Siems; Werner........................................................................44 • e-mail: [email protected] • 1-800-634-7064 • 1-859-727-5000 • +44 (0) 1235 400 524
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