Cold Light Up Operational Checklist

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(270 MW)


Ensure all Drum vents, SH Vents , Start up Vents, SH Drains are open.
Open Ring Header Drain B-95, Economiser Drain E-15 & E-16 for filling.
Drain B-96 & E- 9 to IBD should be closed.
All Oil Guns are cleaned.
HP-LP Bypass Valve trials are taken and found OK.
Ensure that Boiler is boxed up completely.

01) Boiler filling started at. --------------------Hrs.

With Boiler fill pump no. --------------------
Note: Amperes ---------------------------- (@Amps)
Discharge pressure: ----------------------- (@Kg/Cm2)
Light-up level achieved at -----------------Hrs. Valve No B-95 and E- 8 are closed.
AC Scanner Fan started at ------------------Hrs. (Discharge Pr.> 200 mm)
02) Ensure APH lube Oil pump is in auto selection mode (AUTO Pickup@40DegC).
Air heater started at -------------------------Hrs.
Note Amperes. A/H A------------A/H B------------- (@ A) NOT SHOWN IN DCS
Ensure ESP Manholes are closed. Have a clearance from ESP
Ensure Furnace seal trough and Bottom Ash hopper are filled up with L.P. Water.
03 ID Fan A Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-01
ID Fan A Channel- 1 / 2 Started at --------------Hrs.
Current- -----------Amps, Speed- ------------RPM
FD Fan A Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-03
FD Fan A-----Started at --------------Hrs.
Current- -----------Amps
ID Fan B Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-02
ID Fan B Channel- 1 / 2 Started at --------------Hrs.
Current- -----------Amps, Speed- ------------RPM
FD Fan B Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-04
FD Fan B Started at--------------Hrs.
Current- -----------Amps
ID Inlet/Outlet, FD Outlet Dampers OPENED.
Note i) Furnace Draft --------------------------------- (@ -10 mm)
ii) Wind Box Pressure L/R --------------------- (@ 35mm)
iii) Second. Air Flow L/R------------------------
iv) Total Air Flow --------------------------------(@340 T/Hr)
v) Total S.A. Flow-------------------------------
vi) Furnace / wind box DP --------------------- (@ 40mm)
vii) ID Fan Amperes A/B-----------/----------- (@ A @340 T/Hr
viii) FD Fan Amperes A/B-----------/-----------(@ A @340 T/Hr
ix) Economizer Recirculation Valve already Opened.

04) Lube Oil System Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-0
Ensure sufficient Oil level in MOT ( @ + >850mm Empty Level)
AOP started at------------------Hrs. Current -. --------------- (@ 72 A)
Discharge Pressure ----------- ( @ 7.0 Kg/Cm2)
Charge Oil Cooler and maintain Oil temp. 40-45 Deg. C
After AOP is started and cooler is charged ensure MOT Level ( @ +25mm)
JOP started at --------- Hrs. Current.- ------------------- A
Discharge Pressure ------------- (@150 Kg/Cm2)
OVEF Starts at ________Hrs

05) Seal Oil System Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-0
Ensure Seal oil pump 1 / 2 Started at ___________Hrs and take the other is auto standby
Note: a) Seal oil pump 1 / 2 current - _________ (@ 14A)
b) Seal oil pump discharge pressure ________ (@ 10 Kg/Cm2)
c) Seal oil pressure after filters_________9 Kg/Cm2)
d) Vacuum in Seal oil Tank_________ (@ > -0.2Kg/cm2)
e) Seal oil flow EE/TE ______/_______ (32-45 Lit/Sec)
06) Take Turbine on barring:
f) -----------RPM Reached at---------Hrs
g) Confirm Hydrogen is filled in generator
i) Seal oil --Hydrogen Diff. Press. ______(@ 1.3-1.8 Kg/Cm2)
i) Hydrogen Gas Purity________(@ 98 %)
07) LDO Pressurizing Pump Started at _______Hrs.
LDO Header Pressure _________Kg/cm2
Boiler Trip Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-0

08) Boiler lighted up at ___________Hrs.

With – 2 guns in AB - Elevation Guns in service
Note: i) LDO Pressure _________Kg/Cm2 (@ 5 Kg/Cm2)
ii) Atomizing air pressure _______Kg/Cm2 ( @ 7 Kg/Cm2)
iii) Burner Tilt Position________ ( Horizontal)
iv) Drum Metal Temp. Points 1- _____2- _____ 3- _____ 4- _____ 5- _____6-
Difference between Top / Bottom should be less than 50.
v) Flue gas temp at (a) Economiser outlet L/R ----------------------------
(b) All outlet L/R --------------------------------
(c) F.S.H. out let -------------------------------
(d) Furnace Exit --------------------------------
After One Hour other pair of Oil Guns to be taken in service and first pair to be withdrawn
Boiler Firing rate should be adjusted so as to raise Boiler temperature @ 100 Deg C/ Hr.
At Drum Pr. 2 to 3 Kg/Cm2 , Steam temp. 120 to 130 Deg C, Drum Metal temp.
130 to 140 Deg. C

09). a) All Boiler side vents except startup vents S-28 & S-29 closed at _______ Hrs.
b) S.H Drains throttled at –(@5Kg/Cm2)_______Hrs and further closed at (@
Take all the 4 guns in AB Elevation in service

10). CW Pump-A Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-0

CW pump no. A Started at ______ Hrs.
CW Pump-B Protection Checks Done and Enclosed in ANNEXURE-0
CW pump no. B Started at_______ Hrs.

Note: i) CW sump level ___________ (Above 5M)-

ii) CW pump discharge pressure------------------------ (@ 1.8 Kg/Cm2)
iii) CW pressure at inlet to condenser.-------------------------(1.6-Kg/ Cm2)
iv) CW pressure outlet to condenser A--------------------------------Kg/Cm 2
iv) CW pressure outlet to condenser B --------------------------------Kg/Cm 2
v) CW pump Ampere A----------------B-------------(@ A)
vii) CW differential pressure across condenser----------------------

08 Ensure hot well level around 100 mm.CD-18/85 valve closed. LP hood spray isolating
valves opened.
Ensure CEP running or started at -------- Hrs.
Note :- I) Pump Amperes ---------------------------- (@ A)
ii) Condensate header pressure. ---------------- (@ 25 Kg/Cm 2)
iii) Howell level------------------------------------------

09 a) Auxiliary PRDS in service

PRDS Pressure ---------------------- (@ 12 Kg/Cm 2)
PRDS Temperature------------------ (@ 220 Deg .C)
PRDS valve Position------------------------%

b) Charged Aux. steam to the following

SCAPE at ------------------------ Hrs.
F .O. Heating at ----------Hrs.

c) HFO pump started at---- Hrs

Charge Atomizing steam line

Note: i) Oil pressure ---------------------Kg/Cm 2

FO /LSHS temperature------------------------------
Atomizing steam pressure--------------------------Kg /Cm 2 (@ 6Kg?Cm2)
d) CW pump no. ------------Started at---------- -------Hrs
e) Boiler filling pump. A: Started at-------Hrs Pump B: started at – ------Hrs
Note: i) Deaerator level ------------------------------------(@3200)-
ii) B.F.P. Suction pressure ----------------------------- (@ 6 Kg/Cm2)
iii) Discharge pressure -----------------------------------(@70 Kg/Cm2) ie more than 60
iv) Discharge flow ----------------------------------------(@120 T/Hr)
v) Scoop Position ----------------------------------------
vi) B.F.P .Amps. ------------------------------------------- (@ A)
Eco recirculation valve closed at ------ Hrs
Ensure that S/H & R/H spray block valves and control valves are closed.
f) Charge PRDS for line warming up after ensuring that all PRDS line drains are

11 a) Drum pressure 10 Kg /Cm2 achieved at ----- -----------Hrs.

Note. Drum Metal Temp. Points 1------2-------3------4------5------6------
Flue gas temp at i) Eco. outlet: ---------------------
ii) All outlet: -------------------------
iii) Furnace exit: ----------------------
iv) Burner Tilt position --------------------
b) 10 Kg/Cm2 Blow down as per chemist given and Boiler re-lighted up at –4-45-------Hrs
with - --------------Elevation oil guns in service.
c) M.S. Line charged through boiler outlet bypass valves MS 301 and MS 302A
Ensuring the following drains are opened MS 202 & 204; MS 212 & 214.

12 a) 20 Kg /Cm2 Blow down given as per chemist and boiler re lighted up at -----------------
Hrs with ---- AB---------elevation oil guns in service
b) Boiler outlet main valves MS-301 & MS-302 opened at---------------------Hrs
Startup vents closed at-------------------Hrs.
LDO changed over to FO / LSHS at---------- -------------Hrs

Note: i) Turbovisory Parameters i) HPT / IPT overall
ii) HPT / IPT / LPT dif. exp-----------------/-------------------/----------------- (-3 to +4.5),
(-2.2 to + 6.0), (-6 to + 27) for U 1&2 LPT diff. exp.
iii) Axial shift ----------------------------- (-0.5 to + 0.5) A (-1 to + 1) T

Vacuum Pump No.1 Started at -----------------Hrs ------amps

Vacuum Pump No.2 Started at -----------------Hrs ------amps )
Sealing Tank Level Normal Yes / No
Ensure that seal steam exhauster fan is in service.
b) Gland seal steam controller taken into service at---------------------Hrs when condenser
vacuum reads ---- -0.04 Kg/Cm2) -----------------Gland Seal Steam Pr. 100-150 mm &
Temp. 180 Deg .C
c) Vacuum reached 0.80 Kg/Cm2 at -----------------Hrs.
e) Vacuum stable at -O.91 Kg/Cm2 at ------ -------------Hrs
When Vacuum is deeper than -0.75 Kg / Cm2, Open CRH Drains CR206/208,
HRH Strainer Drain HR 206/208, IPBP Line Drain HR 230/232/233, LPBP Warm up
HR234/312. Set the Temp. Setting of 320 Deg. C for BP1,BP2 Downstream Temp.
Pr. Setting (MS Pr.-5} Kg/Cm2
Keep 4-5 CT Fans in service

14 HP-BP charged at ------------------------------Hrs.

Close economizer recirculation valve at------------- -------Hrs
Note:-LP Bypass set point is 10 Kg/Cm2.
Set the Temp. set point of 320 Deg. C for BPE1,BPE2
HP Bypass Pr set point (5Kg/Cm2 less than MS Pr)
Note the following.
i) Drum pressure ----------------------Kg/Cm 2
ii) M.S temperature---------------------
iii) HRH Temp----------------Pressure---------------------Kg/Cm 2
iv) CRH Temp after attemperation-----------------------
v) Burner Tilt position---------------------------------------
vi) HP/IP overall expansion----------------/-----------------
vii) HP/IP/LP Diff. expansion.----------/--------------/-----------
viii) Axial shift: --------------------------------------------------
ix) HP Casing temp-------------------------------------------
x) HP Exhaust temp. -----------------------------------------
xi) LP Exhaust temperature----------------------------------
xii) Vacuum ---------------------------------------------------
xiii) CEP Discharge pressure-------------- (@ 25 Kg /Cm2)
Start up Vents Closed ------ Hrs. ---

15 Hydrogen cooler inlet press.---------------( @ 2.5 Kg/Cm2)

16 Rolling Parameters achieved at -----------Hrs.

Note: a) Drum Pressure------------------Kg/Cm 2
b) MS Pressure---( @ 32-35 )-----Kg/Cm2 Temp. L/R—(@ 320 Deg C) ------------
c) HRH Steam press.-(@ 10) -----------Kg/Cm2 Temp. L/R------------( @320 Deg. C)
d) HP Casing Temp.---------------------------------------------
e) HP T/B Temp.----------------------------------------------HPT(M)-HPB(M)<30 Deg. C
f) Vacuum-------------------------------------------------------- ( @ -0.91 Kg/Cm2)
g) TSE Margin.> 30%
h) Lube. Oil Temp. -------------------40 Deg C------------------------------
i) Reset Turbine .Main Steam temp. Low, HP bypass downstream temp. Low
indication should
Not persist on control desk.
Note down Governing Oil System
Check EHA pump on running condition and check press.-------------@160kg/cm2
Open MS & IV Stop Valves Hrs
After opening of MS & IV Stop valves

17 Criteria 4, 5, 6 are achieved.

a) 600 rpm achieved at ------------- ----------------------------Hrs.
Confirm Barring stops i.e. Gate Valve closes at 240 rpm and JOP trips at 540 rpm
b) Soaking completed at ---------------------------Hrs

Inform GCR Staff to Close Generator Isolators

Note: i) Absolute shaft vibration

HPT (F/R) -------------IPT (R) --------------LPT ( R)------------
ii) Abs. Shaft Vibration 1.------2.-------3.--------4.-------5.------6-------
iii) Bearing metal temp.
iv) HP (F) -------------------------
v) Thrust Brg. ---------------------
vi) HP ( R)-------------------------
vii) IP (R)---------------------------
viii) LP. (R)-------------------------
ix) Gen. (F/R )----------------------
x) Expansions
HP/IP O.E-------------------------------
HP/IP/LP/ D.E---------------------------
Axial shift---------------------------------
xi) HP Casing temp. -------------------------
HP T/B (M) Temp. ---------------------
HPT Exhaust Temp. --------------------
LPT Exhaust Temp. ---------------------

18. Further speedup started at ----------- ---------------------------Hrs.

Turbine speed 3000 rpm achieved at ---------------------------Hrs.
Note the following.
A) Expansions:
HP/IP (OE)------------------------------------
HP/IP/LP (DE )--------------------------------
B) Absolute shaft vibrations
HPT (F/R) -------------------------------------------- (<140 Microns)
IP (R) -------------------LP (R) -------------------
C) Bearing Temperatures
HP (F) -----------------------------------------
Thrust bearing--------------------------------
HP (R)----------------------------------------- ( < 100 Deg. C)
IP (R) ------------------------------------------
LP (R) -------------------------------------------

D) Casing Temperatures
HP (T/B) ---------------------------------------
Inlet HP Casing---------------------------------
IP (T/B) ----------------------------------------
E) Exhaust Temperatures
F) Vacuum---------------------------

Keep Bottom (A/B) Cycle ready with Mill and PA Fan running .Coal Feeder can be
Taken in service after unit is synchronized.

19) Ensure UAT Breakers are normalized.

Criteria 7 are achieved.
Synchronizing Condition is achieved.
i) Load control is ON
ii) Load Limit is adjusted to 30MW
iii) Load gradient set @ 10-12%
iv) Load reference set at 50MW
vi) AVR selection is on auto
vii) Field breaker selection on remote
viii) Field flashing supply is normal

Field Breaker made ON

Field Flashing in service
7KV Voltage is achieved
Field flasher is OFF
16.5KV voltage is achieved
Note Field Voltage-------------
Field Current----------------
Synchronizer selector switch in “Check” position
Generator frequency and voltage is matched with Grid
Set SYNCHRONIZED at----7-50----------Hrs. and ----- (@ 20)---------MW load picked up
With speed control in service.
HP / LP Bypass and All drains closed.H2 Cooler/GTR Cooler valves opened.(generator
and Exciter cooler charged through DMCW Line.
Ensure GTR Cooling Oil Pump Picked up on auto
Switch on ESP Fields

20 LPH's Taken into service at-------- -------------------Hrs

21 UAT taken into service at ----- Hrs. with Gen.

Load at ------------MW.
22 Coal cycle A/B taken in service. ----------

23 Self PRDS Charged----------------

24 Deaerator Pegging line from PRDS Header Charged------------

25 Raise the load in proportion to steam pr. and temp.

26 SH/ RH attemperation circuit made ready-------------

27 At @ MW, next coal cycle was cut in----------------

28 At @ MW, after getting clearance from chemist for silica, HPH 5 taken in service-------

29 At @ MW second BFP started--------------

30 At @ MW, HPH 6 taken in service. ------

31 At @ MW Steam supply to Deaerator was changed over to extraction---------

32 Gradually increase the load as per TSE Margin. Take additional coal cycles in service

33 Increase load up to 270 MW---------------

32 REMARKS if any.--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shift In charge PCR In charge

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