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EXPERIMENTAL - PDF (Journal Article)
EXPERIMENTAL - PDF (Journal Article)
Mustafa Koç
Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
302 cognitive-behavioral therapy AND stuttering
Babies are born with the ability to understand sounds including spoken words.
Children can recognize and respond to voices from a young age. Within a few
weeks they start distinguishing phonemes in the voices of their parents and
others. Around the age of one year they begin to be able to understand adults and
produce sounds that they recognize (Özbay, 1999). Sense organs cannot function
without connection to others. Talking to another individual serves as a connection
between two people (Adams, 1991).
Communication is an emotional behavior rather than being solely a language
activity. This entails effective use of language, a fundamental instrument
providing interaction between people. Speech and language disorders are two
main problems which are experienced by individuals who cannot express
themselves. Language disorders can be defined as systematic and sequential
processing disorders regarding the grammatical and intentional linguistic
behavior of the child (Lucas, 1980). Three types of language disorders have been
identified: (1) receptive language disorder, also known as reflective disorder, (2)
expressive language disorder, which occurs during the production of language,
and (3) aphasia, which is generally experienced while writing, speaking, and
A speech disorder is any speaking behavior which noticeably hinders
communication, negatively affects the speaker and the audience, and exhibits
substantial abnormality from standard and acceptable speech patterns (Ham,
1990). Speech disorders are generally observed in social environments. The
most noticeable of this type of disorder is stuttering (Bloodstein, 1993; Rieber
& Wollock, 1977; Silverman, 2004) and the most significant feeling caused by
stuttering is social anxiety. Some people cannot speak with continuous rhythm
and fluency; while speaking they recoil, falter, repeat some sounds, and block
others. This condition, in which normal, fluent speech is disrupted by repetitions,
pauses, and exclamations (Belgin, 1990; Bobrick, 1995) has become one of the
most frequently studied speech disorders (Murphy, 2002). Although familial
disposition and inflammatory diseases have been found to cause stuttering, the
disorder generally appears for psychological reasons (Bloodstein).
Konrot (1999) differentiates the types of language and speech disorders as
follows: language and speech disorders related to anatomical problems, language
and speech disorders related to physiological causes, language and speech
disorders related to neurological reasons, language and speech disorders related
to biochemical reasons, language and speech disorders related to psychological
reasons, language and speech disorders related to disruptions during adolescence,
language and speech disorders related to negative environmental factors,
language and speech disorders which are not related to any reason, and those
related to complicated reasons (Adams, 1991; Campbell, 2003; Gottwald & Hall,
2002; Gregory & Hill, 1980).
cognitive-behavioral therapy AND stuttering 303
The researchers aimed to identify the effect of cognitive restructuring on
treatment of disorders, specifically stuttering, as related to psychological
problems. In the cognitive restructuring process the objective is to alter the
individual’s negative cognitions. During this process, negative cognitions
relating to stuttering not resulting from physiological, anatomic, neurologic,
biochemical, or any of the other reasons enumerated above, but appearing to be
psychological in origin, are identified. A behavioral therapy which is applied with
the aim of altering the individual’s cognitive structure of speech is likely to be
briefer and more therapeutic, because language is a complex learned behavior.
Language disorders may have several underlying factors, one of which is that
a child who is exposed to inappropriate language at home learns inappropriate
language techniques (Woolfolk, 1998).
Behavior therapy is aimed at eliminating abnormal learned behaviors and
replacing them with normal behaviors. As the aim of behavior therapy is to
teach new behavior patterns, these therapy methods are closely related to
behavioral learning theory. In behavior therapy, techniques of behavioral learning
theory such as conditioning, reinforcement, extinction, generalization, transfer,
backward conditioning, negative reinforcement, and role modeling are used
(Campbell, 2003).
As long as the underlying factors of a given behavior can be identified, applying
behavior correcting therapies may be able to help to eliminate the behavior.
During this process it is essential that the individual has self-awareness and this
is generally facilitated by meeting with a psychological advisor (Guitar, 1999).
Primal fears, anxieties, and obsessions can be expressed in a number of different
ways. A new approach aimed at, firstly, detecting the underlying thoughts and
related feelings that are causing stuttering, accepting and dealing with these, and
then reorganizing the cognitive structure, and secondly, treating the stuttering
with behavior therapy has been developed for use in this research, in which the
researcher studied the effect of cognitive restructuring, based on cognitive and
behavioral approaches for treatment of stuttering. Based on this, answers to the
following questions were sought:
1. In relation to the structure of irrational thoughts that cause stuttering,
does the individual: a) Use excessive generalizations?; b) Possess self-
destructive thoughts?; c) Use arbitrary inferences?; d) Act according to
all-or-nothing principles?
2. What is the effect of behavior therapy on treatment of stuttering after the
process of cognitive restructuring?
The research was carried out in two stages using an experimental method. The
first stage consisted of identifying the individual’s thoughts and feelings related
304 cognitive-behavioral therapy AND stuttering
to stuttering and dealing with them. The second stage included the behavioral
dimension, in which stuttering has become a problem and its frequency was
detected. The desired behavior to replace stuttering was then identified.
Table 1
Participants’ Demographic Statistics
Table 2
Pretherapeutic and Posttherapeutic Stuttering Frequencies
can therefore be inferred that the therapy method used on Ms. Ö. was effective.
Posttherapeutic observations are still in progress.
py se se se se se se se se se se
hera 1st pha 2nd pha 3rd pha 4th pha 5th pha 6th pha 7th pha 8th pha 9th pha 0th pha
Pret 1
This research was carried out in two stages in order to determine whether or
not the cognitive restructuring process based on cognitive-behavioral approaches
is effective for the treatment of stuttering. The first stage consisted of identifying
the client’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to stuttering and dealing with
these. The most efficient way to alter the undesired behavior is by determining
a desired action and teaching this to the client (Fraser & Perkins, 1987). At the
behavioral level that was the basis of the second stage, stuttering was defined,
its frequency was determined, and a treatment process was planned in order to
replace stuttering with the desired behavior. At the end of the treatment, changes
in the individual’s stuttering behavior were shown diagrammatically.
Primal thoughts and related feelings triggering undesired behavior should be
dealt with therapeutically. Individuals experiencing social anxiety are concerned
308 cognitive-behavioral therapy AND stuttering
about what other people think about them and they generally fear negative
assessments (Burger, 1993). Exercises aimed at adjusting observable behavior
are not effective for the elimination of primal anxieties or fears. This study is
unique in the sense that it deals with stuttering caused by a given experience, first
cognitively and then behaviorally. Stuttering for psychological reasons might be
defined as an expression of a conflict at a cognitive level. This approach – which
has been developed to cure stuttering through detecting, accepting, and dealing
with thoughts and related feelings that cause stuttering – and a reorganization
of cognitive structure followed by behavioral therapy was found to be effective.
With early diagnosis and treatment the method can be more effective and long-
lasting. Unfortunately, in Turkey, deviation from the normal phase of linguistic
development is generally not detected unless there is a dramatic deficiency.
However, when they go to school children with these speech deficiencies fail
to respond to the academic requirements as a result of their poor linguistic
development (Ege, 1994). Peters and Guitar (1991) state that it is desirable to
ensure speech deficiencies are treated, and there are several ways to do this.
Adams, M. R. (1991). The assessment and treatment of the school-age stutterer. Seminars in Speech
and Language, 12, 279-290.
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Bloodstein, O. (1993). Stuttering: The search for cause and cure. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
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Campbell, J. H. (2003). Therapy for elementary school-age children who stutter. In H. H. Gregory
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Gregory, H. H., & Hill, D. (1980). Stuttering therapy for children. Seminars in speech, language, and
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Memphis, TN: Stuttering Foundation.
Ham, R. E. (1990). Therapy of stuttering: Preschool through adolescence. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Healey, E. C. (2004). A multidimensional approach to assessment and treatment of stuttering in
school-age children who stutter. Presented at the Stuttering Foundation workshop on Stuttering
therapy: Practical ideas for the school clinician in Cincinnati, OH.
cognitive-behavioral therapy AND stuttering 309
Konrot, A. (1999). Physical correlates of linguistic stress in Turkish. Essex University Occasional
Papers, 24, 26-51.
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Silverman, F. H. (2004). Stuttering and other fluency disorders. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
Woolfolk, A. E. (1998). Educational psychology (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
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