MN Core Administrative Competencies 1

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MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)

Portfolio Evaluation Form – Mykala Griffin

SKILL/KNOWLEDGE Initial (ED 695A) Mid-Program (Practicums) Final (ED 695B or ED 699)
A. Leadership Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self Score (1-5) and Comments Self Score (1-5) and Comments

A1. Collaboratively accessing and 3

improving culture, and climate;  One of my strengths is my
willingness and ability to work with
others in a positive/ productive way.
A2. Providing purpose and direction for 2
individuals and groups;  Being new to teaching, I feel like I
currently receive a lot of direction.
But, through coaching and
collaboration I feel I provide
purpose and direction as well.
A3. Modeling shared leadership and 3
decision-making strategies;  I am confident in my ability to
collaborate with others and model
making decisions with others.
A4. Demonstrating an understanding of 2
issues affecting education  After one year of teaching, I have
an understanding of many issues
that affect education, but I know in
time I will learn more in depth.
A5. Through a visioning process, 3
formulating strategic plans and goals with  I enjoy creating plans and goals
staff and community; with my coworkers.

A6. Setting of priorities in the context of 1

stakeholder needs;  Who are the stakeholder needs? As
an educator I prioritize my students.

A7. Serving as a spokesperson for the 1

welfare of all learners in a multicultural  I advocate for the welfare and
context; Serving as a spokesperson for the differentiation for all students. But I
welfare of all learners in a multicultural am not sure what being a
context; spokesperson entails.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
A8. Understanding how education is 1
impacted by local, state, national, and  I have a base understanding that
international events; laws implemented at higher levels
effect lower levels.
A9. Demonstrating the ability to facilitate 3
and motivate others;  As a teacher, coach, and colleague I
feel like I facilitate and motivate
those around me.
A10. Demonstrating the ability to 2
implement change or educational reform.  I am always open to change and
progression, but have limited
experience with educational reform.
B. Organizational Management Self Score (1-5) and Comments

B1. Demonstrating an understanding of 1

organizational systems;  I have limited knowledge of
organizational systems.

B2. Defining and using processes for 2

gathering, analyzing, managing and using  I have experience gathering and
data to plan and make decisions for using data to make decisions.
program evaluation;

B3. Planning and scheduling personal and 2

organizational work, establishing  I am a good planner, but have
procedures to regulate activities and limited experience delegating and
projects, and delegating and empowering empowering others.
others at appropriate levels;
B4. Demonstrating the ability to analyze 1
need and allocate personnel and material  I have little experience in this.

B5. Developing and managing budgets and 1

maintain accurate fiscal budgets;  I have little experience in this.

B6. Demonstrating an understanding of 1

facilities development, planning and  I have little experience in this.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
B7. Understanding and using technology as 3
a management tool.  I am confident with technology.

C. Diversity Leadership

C1. Demonstrating an understanding and 3

recognition of the significance of diversity,  I am very understanding of the
and responding to the needs of diverse importance of diversity and
learners; constantly work to reach the
individual needs of my students.
C2. Creating and monitoring a positive 3
learning environment for all students;  I am very understanding of the
importance of diversity and
constantly work to reach the
individual needs of my students.
C3. Creating and monitoring a positive 2
working environment for all staff;  I know what this should and should
not entail, but have not monitored a
working environment myself.
C4. Promoting sensitivity of diversity 2
throughout the school community;  I feel I am not always vocal about
inclusion out of fear of retaliation
from those around me.
C5. Demonstrating the ability to adapt 2
educational programming to the needs of  This is something I try to do but can
diverse constituencies; get a lot better at with experience.

D. Policy and Law

D1. Developing, adjusting, and 1

implementing policy to meet local, state,  I have little to no experience in this.
and federal requirements and conditional
provisions, standards, and regulatory

D2. Recognizing and applying standards of 1

care involving civil and criminal liability  I have little to no experience in this.
for negligence, harassment, and intentional
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
D3. Demonstrating an understanding of 1
state, federal, and case law governing  I have little to no experience in this.
general education, special education, and
community education.
E. Political Influence and

E1. Exhibiting an understanding of school 1

districts as a political system, including  I have little to no experience in this.
governance models;

E2. Demonstrating the ability to involve 1

stakeholders in the development of  I have little to no experience in this.
educational policy;

E3. Understanding the role and 2

coordination of social agencies and human  I have limited experience in this.
services; My mother runs community
services and in the last year I have
learned more about the role of
social services and how they help
E4. Demonstrating the ability to align 1
constituencies in support of priorities and  I have little to no experience in this.
build coalitions for programmatic and
financial support.

F. Communication

F1. Formulating and carrying out plans for 2

internal and external communications;  I feel like I carry out plans that are

F2. Demonstrating facilitation skills; 2

 I can facilitate appropriately based
on the context.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
F3. Recognizing and applying an 2
understanding of individual and group  I understand one will react
behavior in normal and stressful situations; differently one-on-one versus in
group situations to certain things.
F4. Facilitating teamwork; 3
 I am all about teamwork and

F5. Demonstrating an understanding of 2

conflict resolution and problem solving  I try to focus more on solutions
strategies; versus the negative impacts of the
F6. Making presentations that are clear and 3
easy to understand;  I use this skill when I make slides
for my students.

F7. Responding, reviewing and 2

summarizing information for groups;  I could work on my summarization
skills. I can be bit detailed at times.

F8. Communicating appropriately 3

speaking, listening, and writing for  I am skilled at code switching and
different audiences such as students, knowing the audience I am
teachers, parents, community, and other speaking and/or writing to.
F9. Understanding and utilizing 3
appropriate communication technology.  I am confident in using technology
as a communication tool.

G. Community Relations Self Score(1-5) and Comments

G1. Articulating organizational purpose 1

and priorities to the community and media;  I have little to no experience in this.

G2. Requesting and responding to 1

community feedback;  I have little to no experience in this.
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
G3. Demonstrating the ability to build 1
community consensus;  I have little to no experience in this.
I do think I would make sure to
G4. Relating political initiatives to 1
stakeholders, including parental  I have little to no experience in this.
involvement programs;

G5. Indentifying and interacting with 1

internal and external publics;  I have little to no experience in this.

G6. Understanding and responding to the 1

news media;  I have little to no experience in this.

G7. Promoting a positive image of schools 1

and the school district;  I have some ideas of how I would
do this as an administrator.

G8. Monitoring and addressing perceptions 1

about school-community issues;  I have little to no experience in this.

G9. Demonstrating the ability to identify 1

and articulate critical community issues  I have little to no experience in this.
that may impact local education.

H. Curriculum Planning and Self Score (1-5) and Comments

Development for the Success of All

H1. Demonstrating the ability to enhance 1

teaching and learning through curriculum  I have no experience of this outside
assessment and strategic planning for all of teaching 6th grade English.
learners, including early childhood,
elementary, middle and junior high school,
high school, special education, and adult
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
H2. Demonstrating the ability to provide 1
planning and methods to anticipate trends  I have little to no experience in this.
and educational implications.

H3. Demonstrating the ability to develop, 1

implement, and monitor procedures to align  I have little to no experience in this.
sequence, and articulate curriculum and
validate curricular procedures;

H4. Demonstrating the ability to identify 1

instructional objectives and use valid and  I have little to no experience in this.
reliable performance indicators and
evaluative procedures to measure
performance outcomes;

H5. Appropriately using learning 2

technologies;  I have a good understanding of
different technologies and when to
use them to support learning.
H6. Demonstrating an understanding of 1
alternative instructional designs,  I have little to no experience in this.
curriculum, behavior management, and
assessment accommodations and
H7. Demonstrating an understanding of 1
urgency of global competitiveness.  I have little to no experience in this.

I. Instructional Management for Self Score(1-5) and Comments

the Success of All Learners

I1. Demonstrate an understanding of 2

research of learning and instructional  You can’t differentiate and meet
strategies; student’s individual needs without
knowing diverse learning and
instructional strategies.
I2. Describing and applying research and 2
best practices on integrating curriculum and  You need to research best practices
resources to help all learners achieve at and integrate them into curriculum.
high levels;
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)

I3. Demonstrating the ability to utilize data 2

for instructional decision making;  I use test data, like MCA and STAR
to help inform my instruction

I4. Demonstrating the ability to design 2

appropriate assessment strategies for  I use backward design when
measuring learner outcomes; planning how I will know the
students have mastered the
I5. Demonstrating the ability to implement 2
alternative instructional designs,  This is a broad spectrum of things. I
curriculum, behavior management, and draw from multiple sources to build
assessment accommodations and my instruction. I try my best to
modifications. accommodate different learning
styles and respond to students
individual needs academically and
I6. Demonstrating the ability to 3
appropriately use technology to support  I feel like technology is a strength
instruction. of mine. I am open to new
technologies and ways to support
my instruction.
J. Human Resource Management Self Score (1-5) and Comments

J1. Demonstrating knowledge of effective 1

personnel recruitment, selection, and  I have no experience recruiting or
retention; selecting anyone for a position.

J2. Demonstrating an understanding of 1

staff development to improve the  I get that professional development
performance of all staff members; is important to staff growth, but I do
not know the details of providing
staff development from the
administrative perspective.
J3. Demonstrating the ability to select and 1
apply appropriate models for supervision  I am unaware of what models I
and evaluation; could choose from to supervise and
evaluate an educator.

J4. Describing and demonstrating the 1

ability to apply the legal requirements for
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
personnel selection, development,
retention, and dismissal;

J5. Demonstrating an understanding of 1

management responsibilities to act in
accordance with federal and state
constitutional provisions, statutory and case
law, regulatory applications toward
education, local rules, procedures, and
directives governing human resource
J6. Demonstrating understanding of labor 1
relations and collective bargaining; and

J7. Demonstrating understanding of the 1

administration of employee contracts,
benefits, and financial account;

K. Values and Ethics of Self Score (1-5) and Comments


K1. Demonstrating an understanding of the 2

role of education in a democratic society;  I know that education is a step in
the process of individuals becoming
well-rounded citizens in our
democratic society.
K2. Demonstrating an understanding of 2
and model democratic value systems,
ethics, and moral leadership;

K3. Demonstrating the ability to balance 1

complex community demands in the best
interest of learners;

K4. Helping learners grow and develop as 3

caring, informed citizens;  I stress the importance of caring and
growing both as individuals and
community members in my
MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
K5. Demonstrating an understanding and 1
application of the Code of Ethics for
Administrators under Part 3512.5200.

L. Judgment and Problem Self Score (1-5) and Comments


L1. Identifying the elements of a problem 2

situation by analyzing relevant information,
framing issues, identifying possible causes,
and reframing possible solutions;

L2. Demonstrating adaptability and 3

conceptual flexibility;  I am constantly adjusting my
lessons on the fly based on in the
moment student feedback.
L3. Assisting others in forming opinions 2
about problems and issues;  In my middle level team I
collaborate and help my coworkers
form opinions about problems.
L4. Reaching logical conclusions by 3
making quality, timely decisions based on
available information;

L5. Identifying and giving priority to 3

significant issues.  I am able to prioritize my
commitments, and other issues that
L6. Demonstrating understanding of and 2
utilize appropriate technology in problem  I use technology to solve problems
analysis; in some scenarios.

L7. Demonstrating understanding of 1

different leadership and decision-making
strategies, including but not limited to
collaborative models and model
appropriately their implementation.
M. Safety and Security Self Score (1-5) and Comments

M1. Demonstrating the ability to develop 2

MN Core Leadership Competencies (required for all licensure areas)
and implement policies and procedures for  I have no actual experience doing
safe and secure educational environments; this but I know what is important
when developing safe and secure
educational environments.
M2. Demonstrating the ability to formulate 1
safety and security plans to implement  I have never formulated safety and
security procedures including an articulated security plans
emergency chain of command, safety
procedures required by law, law
enforcement assistance, communication
with the public, and evacuation procedures;

M3. Demonstrating the ability to identify 2

areas of vulnerability associated with  I have some ideas/ have seen
school buses, buildings and groups and components of this in action as a
formulate a plan to take corrective action; teacher.
M4. Demonstrating understanding of 1
procedural predictabilities and plan
variations where possible;

M5. Demonstrating the ability to develop 2

plans that connect every student with a  I have some ideas/ have seen
school adult, eliminate bullying and components of this in action as a
profiling and implement recommended teacher.
threat assessment procedures.

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