National Building Code of The Philippines (PD 1096) : Building Laws To Be Applied
National Building Code of The Philippines (PD 1096) : Building Laws To Be Applied
National Building Code of The Philippines (PD 1096) : Building Laws To Be Applied
Site Analysis:
Parking Area and Loading Space Requirements: In computing for parking slots, a
fraction of 50% and above shall be considered as one (1) car parking slot to be
provided. In all cases however, a minimum of one (1) car parking slot shall be
provided unless otherwise allowed under this Rule. Multi-floor parking garages may
serve the 20% parking requirements of the building/structure within 200.00 meter
radius, provided at least 80% of the parking requirements are complied with and
integrated in the building design.
Setbacks (20.00 to 24.00 RROW Width in meters): Front- 5m; Side- 3m; Rear- 3m
a. Assembly occupancies include, but are not limited to, all buildings or
portions of buildings used for gathering together of fifty (50) or more persons
for such purposes as deliberation, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking,
amusement, awaiting transportation, or similar uses.
Mixed Occupancies
b. The means of egress shall be sufficient to meet exit requirements for the
occupants of each individual room or section, and for the maximum occupant
load of the entire building. Fire safety construction, protective and warning
systems and other safeguards shall met requirements of the most hazardous
occupancy unless otherwise specified in Division 8 through 17 of this Chapter.
Occupant Load:
a. An assembly area of concentrated use without fixed seats such as an
auditorium, place of worship, dance floor, and lodge room: sixty-five
hundredths square meter (0.65 m2 ) per person.
b. An assembly area of less concentrated use such as conference room, dining
room, drinking establishment, exhibit room, gymnasium, or lounge: one and
four tenths square meters (1.4 m2 ) per person.
c. Standing room or waiting space: twenty-eight hundredths square meter (0.28
m2 ) per person.
d. The occupant load of an area having fixed seats shall be determined by the
number of fixed seats installed. Required aisle space serving the fixed seats
shall not be used to increase the occupant load.
e. Every room constituting a place of assembly and not having fixed seats shall
have the occupant load of the room posted in a conspicuous place near the
main exit from the room. Approved signages shall be maintained in legible
manner. Signs shall be durable and shall indicate the number of occupants
permitted for each room.
f. In theaters and similar places of assembly where persons are admitted to the
building at times when seats are not available for them and are allowed to
wait in a lobby or similar space until seats are available, such use of lobby or
similar spaces shall not encroach upon the required clear width of exits. Such
waiting spaces shall be restricted to areas other than the required means of
egress. Exits shall be provided for such waiting spaces on the basis of one
person for each one-fourth square meter (0.25 m2 ) of waiting space area.
Such exits shall be in addition to the exits specified for the main auditorium
area and shall conform in construction and arrangement to the general rules
for exits given in this Division.
g. In areas not in excess of nine hundred thirty square meters (930 m2 ), the
occupant load shall not exceed one person in forty-six hundredths square
meter (0.46 m2 ); in areas in excess of nine hundred thirty square meters (930
m2 ), the occupant load shall not exceed one person in sixty-five hundredths
square meter (0.65 m2 ).
Minimum Number of Exit: The number of exit from any balcony, mezzanine, storey,
or portion thereof shall not be less than two (2), except when specifically permitted in
Division 8 through 20 of Chapter 2.
Location of Exits:
1. Main Exit - Every assembly occupancy shall be provided with a main exit. The
main exit shall be of sufficient width to accommodate one half (1/2) of the total
occupant load, but shall be not less than the total required width of all aisles, exit
passageways and stairways leading thereto, and shall connect to a stairway or ramp
leading to a street.
2. Other Exits - Each level of an assembly occupancy shall have access to the main
exit and an addition shall be provided with exits of sufficient width to accommodate
two-thirds (2/3) of the total occupant load served by that level. Such exits shall open
directly to a street or into an exit court, enclosed stairway, outside stairway, or exit
passageway leading to a street. Such exits shall be located as far apart and as far
from the main exits as practicable. Such exits shall be accessible from a cross aisle
or side aisle.
Minimum Corridor Width: The width of any exit access corridor serving fifty (50) or
more persons shall not be less than one and twelve-hundredths meters (1.12 m).
Travel Distance to Exits: Total length of travel from any point to reach an exit
should not exceed forty-six meters (46 m) in any place of assembly for spaces not
protected by approved, supervised sprinkler system and sixty-one meters (61 m) in
areas so protected.
Types of Exits:
a. Doors of the swinging type leading directly outside or through a lobby or
passageway leading to the outside of the building
b. Horizontal exits
c. Smoke proof enclosures
d. Stairs
e. Ramps
Panic Hardware: An exit door from in assembly occupancy shall not be provided
with a latch or lock unless it is a panic hardware.
b. Rows of seating served by the aisles of doorways at both ends shall not
exceed one hundred (100) seats per row; 76
c. Rows of seating served by an aisle or doorway at one end only shall have a
path of travel not exceeding nine meters (9 m) in length, measured from the
farthest seat to an aisle.
2. Aisles
Every portion of any assembly building which contains seats, tables, displays,
equipment, or other materials shall be provided with aisles leading to exit as
a. When serving more than sixty (60) seats, every aisle shall be not less than
nine hundred fifteen millimeters (915 mm) when serving seats on one side
only, and not less than one thousand two hundred twenty millimeters (1,220
mm) when serving seats on both sides. Such minimum width shall be
measured at the point farthest from an exit, cross aisles, or foyer and shall be
increased in width by twenty-five millimeters (25 mm) for each meter in length
toward the exit, cross aisles, or foyer.
b. When serving sixty (60) seats or less, aisles shall be not less than seven
hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) wide.
c. Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer, or exit. The width of such cross
aisle, foyer, or exit shall be not less than the sum of the required width of the
widest aisle plus fifty (50%) percent of the total required width of the
remaining aisles which it serves.
d. No dead-end aisle shall be greater than six and one tenth meters (6.1 m) in
length. In arena or thrust stage theaters, dead-end aisles at the stage shall
not exceed five rows beyond a cross aisle.
e. The length of travel to an exit door by any aisle shall be not greater than
forty-six meters (46 m).
g. The gradient of sloping aisles shall not exceed twelve and a half percent
3. Railings
a. The fasciae of boxes, balconies and galleries shall have substantial railings
not less than six hundred sixty millimeters (660 mm) high above the floor.
b. The railings at the ends of aisles extending to the fasciae shall be not less
than seven hundred sixty millimeters (760 mm) high for the width of the aisle,
or nine hundred ten millimeters (910 mm) high if at foot of steps.
c. Cross aisles shall be provided with railings not less than six hundred sixty
millimeters (660 mm) high.
Lighting and Signs: All places of assembly shall have exit lighting in accordance
with Section and signs in accordance with Section of this RIRR.
All places of assembly shall be provided with emergency lighting.
2. The required fire alarm system shall activate an audible and visible alarm in a
constantly attended receiving station within the building when occupied for purposes
of initiating emergency action.
Extinguishing Requirement:
1. The following assembly occupancies with occupant load of one hundred fifty
(150) persons or more shall be protected throughout by an approved, supervised
automatic sprinkler system:
a. bars with live entertainment;
b. dance halls;
c. discotheques; and
d. assembly occupancies with festival seating.
Smoke Management: Public assembly buildings, structures or facilities with more
than fourteen (14) seats shall be provided with smoke management system in such a
way that the atmosphere shall not induce more than the acceptable limit by volume
of the contaminated atmosphere emanating from the fire area.
Air Conditioning: All air conditioning, heating, and ventilation installations shall
comply with the provisions of Division 7 of this Chapter.
No person shall cause or permit any open flame to be used in any place of
public assembly, or drinking or eating establishments, except when used in
conjunction with approved heating or cooking appliances or under a written
permit from the C/MFM having jurisdiction.
Walkways + Passages
⦁ Walkways should be kept as level as possible and provided with slip-resistant material.
⦁ Maximum gradient: 1:20
⦁ Maximum cross gradient: 1:100
⦁ Minimum width: 1.20 m
⦁ Minimum walkway headroom: 2.00 m
⦁ Adjacent plantings, street furniture, bollards, signposts, columns, etc. should not
obstruct walkways or reduce them to less than the minimum required clearances.
⦁ Handrails should be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs and at outer edges of
dropped curbs.
⦁ Handrails shall be installed at 0.90 m and 0.70 m above steps or ramps.
⦁ For protection at great heights, they may be installed at 1.0 m to 1.06 m
⦁ A 0.30 m long extension of the handrail should be provided at the start and end of
ramps and stairs.
⦁ Handrails should have a width of 30 mm to 50 mm.
⦁ Handrails attached to walls should have a clearance no less than 50 mm from the wall.
Handrails on ledges should have a clearance not less than 40 mm.
Open Spaces
Where open spaces are provided, the blind can become particularly
disoriented. Therefore, it is extremely helpful if any walkway or paths can be given
defined edges either by the use of planters with dwarf walls, or a grass verge, or
similar, which provides a texture different from the path.
In order to reduce exposure time to vehicular traffic, all at grade crossing should:
⦁ Be as near perpendicular to the carriageway as possible.
⦁ Be located at the narrowest, most convenient part of the carriageway.
⦁ Have central refuge of at least 1.50 m in depth and preferably 2 m, provided as a
mid-crossing shelter, where the width of the carriageway to be crossed exceeds 10 m.
⦁ All crossings should be located close if not contiguous with the normal
pedestrian desire line.
⦁ Entrances should be accessible from arrival and departure points to the interior lobby.
⦁ In case entrances are not on the same level of the site arrival grade, ramps should be
provided as access to the entrance level.
⦁ Entrances with vestibules shall be provided a level area with at least a 1.80 m depth and
a 1.50 m width.
⦁ Changes in level require a ramp except when served by a dropped curb, an elevator or
other mechanical device.
⦁ Minimum clear width of ramps: 1.20 m.
⦁ Maximum gradient of ramps: 1.12
⦁ Ramps shall be equipped with curbs on both sides with a minimum height of 0.10 m.
⦁ Any ramp with a rise greater than 0.20 m and leads down towards a vehicular area
should have a railing across the full width of its lower end hot less than 1.80 m from the
foot of the ramp.
⦁ Manual switches shall be positioned within 1.20 m to 1.30 m above the floor.
⦁ Manual switches should be located no further than 0.20 m from the latch side of the
⦁ Accessible water closet stalls shall have a minimum area of 1.70 m x 1.80 m.
⦁ The maximum height of water closets: 0.45 m.
⦁ Maximum height of flush control: 1.20 m
⦁ Tread surfaces should be a slip-resistant material; nosings may be provided with slip-
resistant strips to further minimize slipping.
⦁ Slanted nosings are preferred to projecting nosing or open stringers.
⦁ The nosing should be marked with a color and gray value which is in high contrast to
the gray value of the rest of the stairs.
⦁ A tactile stip 0.30 m wide shall be installed before hazardous areas such as sudden
changes in floor levels and at the top and bottom of stairs.
⦁ All elevators provided in a building shall include suitable provisions for persons with
sensory impairments and ambulant PWD as a means of access from one level to another.
⦁ It is recommended that all elevators should be made accessible to PWDs. Where
different elevators are programmed to serve certain floors during ordinary or peak
periods, the elevator that is designated for PWDs should be programmed to serve all
Elevator Cars
⦁ Accessible elevators should be located not more than 30.00 m from the entrance and
should be easy to locate with the aid of directional signs.
⦁ Accessible elevators shall be provided with handrails mounted at a height of 900mm
from the finish floor.
⦁ Accessible elevator cars shall have a minimum clear dimension of 1400 mm in depth
and 1200 mm in width, with a clear door opening of not less than 900 mm.
● Glass
➢ Advantages:
1. Transparency
2. Dustproof and waterproof
3. UV stable
4. Weather and rust resistant
5. Aesthetically appealing
6. Easily moulded
7. Insulator of Electricity
8. Abrasion resistance
9. Sustainable
10. Visible Transmittance
➢ Disadvantages:
1. Brittle
2. Expensive
3. Etching on glass surface
4. Corrosion due to alkali solution
5. Heat absorbent and transparency
Technology For Museums:
Table VII.2 Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) Based on the
Allowed Percentage of Site Occupancy (PSO) of the Total Lot Area (TLA)
Table VIII.3
Table VIII.G.6
What is the allowable Total Open Space within Lot (TOSL) to be applied in the
Without firewall With firewall
TOSL = 1977.02 sqm = 1186.22 sqm