Capstone Project Updated
Capstone Project Updated
Capstone Project Updated
<Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelists' Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member
<Capstone Project Coordinator's Given <Program Head's Given Name MI. Family
Name MI. Family Name> Name>
Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head
Title Page i
Executive Summary ii
Approval Sheet iii
Acknowledgment iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
List of Notations viii
Introduction 1
Project Context
Purpose and Description of the Project
Objectives of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Review of Related Literature/Systems
Review of Related Literature
Related Studies and/or Systems
Technical Background
Overview of Current Technologies to be Used in the System
Calendar of Activities
Resource Persons
Personal Technical Vitae (one page per member)
Project Context
This part should be at least two pages of presentation and discussions. This should
introduce the presentation of the problem, that is, what the problem is all about.
The proponent should describe the existing and prevailing problem situation
based on his/her experience. This scope may be global, national, or regional. The
project context gives a strong justification for choosing such a research problem
based on his/her capacity. Finally, in the project context, provide a statement that
shows the relationship between the rationale of the study and the proposed
research problem.
1. Skipping classes of students, due to the lack of ensuring the attendance of the
student at the start and after the class, which is usually exploited by students to cut
class in or outside the school.
2. Traditional way of taking attendance is by using paper and pen which seemed as
unproductive, repetitive, and tedious processes. This mode of taking attendance will
incur time lost instead of delivering lectures effectively especially if the population of
a class is big
(Hendry et. al 2017, pp. 22-24).
3. Provide a contactless app, which can track the attendance without the need of
direct physical touch and/or interaction (Rana, A. K. (2021). Internet of Things.
Amsterdam University Press.)
The purpose of this study is to create an ID system which can track attendance,
record said attendance, and provide assistance to teachers and parents, while
providing a much mire affordable and efficient way of taking attendance for the
- The study targets the schools, it’s faculty and employees, the students,
and their parents as it’s primary targeted beneficiaries, but can also
- The Faculty will benefit in it’s implementation since it will present a more
efficient and faster way of taking and keeping track of student attendance.
recording attendance and the ease of usage of the system, which is based on
existing apps
- The Parents will benefit in the implementation as this can provide them a method
attendance tracking not only applicable in a school setting, but also in other fields
if modified.
A literature review aims to show the reader what the researchers have read and
had a good grasp of the main published work concerning a particular topic or
question in the particular field. This work may be in any format, including online
It is very important to note that the review should not be simply a description of
what others have published in the form of a set of summaries but should take the
form of a critical discussion, showing insight and an awareness of differing
arguments, theories, and approaches. It should be a synthesis Project and analysis
of the relevant published work, linked at all times to your own purpose and
Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the
others; and
Published as well as unpublished research studies are sources of materials that may be
included in this section. The research studies may also be identified as foreign or local.
Existing systems that are closely related to the research/design are considered in this
section and may be identified as foreign or local.
After reading, the readers should gain an adequate understanding of the technical
topic(s) involved in the capstone project.
Delete this highlighted section and replace it with your own review of related
This contains the discussions on the current trends and technologies to be used in
developing and implementing the proposed system.
Calendar of Activities
This should contain the detailed sequence of activities that the proponents will
undergo in completing the project. This should discuss the activities, purpose, or
objectives of each activity, persons involved and the resources needed in
chronological order of execution. In the succeeding paragraphs, there should be
no indentations, paragraphs are justified with left alignment. Delete this
highlighted section and replace it with your activities.
Have a Gantt chart of activities to summarize your activities. Use the chart
provided. This should contain a chart that specifies when each of the activities
listed is expected to start and end. The time unit should be in terms of weeks and
not actual dates. Fill in the provided Gantt chart by encoding the activities that
your group will do. Use blue and yellow alternately in highlighting the duration or
period of the activity. Use this introductory paragraph:
The Gantt chart presents the summary of activities. Listed are the activities and
opposite them are their duration or periods of execution.
This should list the specific hardware resources that the proponents expect to need
in completing the project.
SQL, Xamarin
This should list the specific software resources that the proponents expect to need
in completing the project.
Who – Researchers
B. Requirements Documentation
E. Description of Prototype
F. Implementation Plan
G. Implementation Results
There will be no Chapter V for this Capstone project. Due to time constraint, you will
not be able to do the series of tests required for your mobile application, particularly
Alpha Testing, Beta Testing, and Acceptance Testing. Proceed on the next Part for the
The following pages contain the references, resource person(s), and curriculum
vitae of the researchers. Resource persons are those who contributed to the
development of your research.
The reference list provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve
any sources cited in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear
in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text.
Your references should begin on a new page separate from the text of the manuscript;
label this page REFERENCES centered at the top of the page (bold, but do not underline
or use quotation marks). All text should be double-spaced just like the rest of the text.
Basic Rules
•All lines after the first line of each entry in your reference list should be indented one-
half inch from the left margin. This is called hanging indentation.
•Authors' names are inverted (last name first); give the last name and initials for all
authors of a particular work unless the work has more than six authors. If the work has
more than six authors, list the first six authors and then use et al. after the sixth author's
name to indicate the rest of the authors.
•Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last name of the first author of each
•If you have more than one article by the same author, single-author references or
multiple-author references with the exact same authors in the exact same order are listed
in order by the year of publication, starting with the earliest.
•When referring to any work that is NOT a journal, such as a book, article, or Web page,
capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a
colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the
second word in a hyphenated compound word.
•Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as
journal articles or essays in edited collections.
The following rules for handling works by a single author or multiple authors apply to all
references in your reference list, regardless of the type of work (book, article, electronic
resource, etc.)
Two Authors: List by their last names and initials. Use the ampersand (&) instead of
Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E. (1994). Mood management across affective states: The
hedonic contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 66, 1034-
Three to Six Authors: List by last names and initials; commas separate author names,
while the last author name is preceded again by ampersand.
Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T. (1993). There's more to
self-esteem than whether it is high or low: The importance of stability of self-esteem.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1190-1204.
More Than Six Authors: If there are more than six authors, list the first six as above and
then "et al.," which stands for "and others." Remember not to place a period after "et" in
"et al."
Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al. (2001).
Writing labs and the Hollywood connection. Journal of Film and Writing, 44(3), 213-245.
Organization as Author: Name of Organization. (year)
Unknown Author:
NOTE: When your essay includes parenthetical citations of sources with no author
named, use a shortened version of the source's title instead of an author's name. Use
quotation marks and italics as appropriate. For example, parenthetical citations of the two
sources above would appear as follows: (Merriam-Webster's, 1993) and ("New Drug,"
Two or More Works by the Same Author: Use the author's name for all entries and list
the entries by the year (earliest comes first).
When an author appears both as a sole author and, in another citation, as the first author
of a group, list the one-author entries first.
References that have the same first author and different second and/or third authors are
arranged alphabetically by the last name of the second author, or the last name of the
third if the first and second authors are the same.
Wegener, D. T., Kerr, N. L., Fleming, M. A., & Petty, R. E. (2000). Flexible corrections
of juror judgments: Implications for jury instructions. Psychology, Public Policy, & Law,
6, 629-654.
Wegener, D. T., Petty, R. E., & Klein, D. J. (1994). Effects of mood on high elaboration
attitude change: The mediating role of likelihood judgments. European Journal of Social
Psychology, 24, 25-43.
Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year: If you are using more than
one reference by the same author (or the same group of authors listed in the same order)
published in the same year, organize them in the reference list alphabetically by the title
of the article or chapter. Then assign letter suffixes to the year. Refer to these sources in
Berndt, T. J. (1981a). Age changes and changes over time in prosocial intentions and
behavior between friends. Developmental Psychology, 17, 408-416.
Article in Journal Paginated by Volume: Journals that are paginated by volume begin
with page one in issue one, and continue numbering issue two where issue one ended, etc.
Article in Journal Paginated by Issue: Journals paginated by issue begin with page one
every issue; therefore, the issue number gets indicated in parentheses after the volume.
The parentheses and issue number are not italicized or underlined.
Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(30), 5-13.
Article in a Magazine
Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-
Article in a Newspaper: Unlike other periodicals, p. or pp. precedes page numbers for a
newspaper reference in APA style. Single pages take p., e.g., p. B2; multiple pages take
pp., e.g., pp. B2, B4 or pp. C1, C3-C4.
Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The
Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A.
A Translation
Note: When you cite a republished work, like the one above, work in your text, it should
appear with both dates: Laplace (1814/1951).
Helfer, M. E., Keme, R. S., & Drugman, R. D. (1997). The battered child (5th ed.).
Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Article or Chapter in an Edited Book: When you list the pages of the chapter or essay in
parentheses after the book title, use "pp." before the numbers: (pp. 1-21). This
abbreviation, however, does not appear before the page numbers in periodical references,
except for newspapers.
O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for
healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the
life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York: Springer.
Government Document
National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness
(DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Conference Proceedings
Schnase, J.L., & Cunnius, E.L. (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings from CSCL '95: The First
International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum.
Electronic Sources- Article From an Online Periodical: Online articles follow the same
guidelines for printed articles. Include all information the online host makes available,
including an issue number in parentheses.
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who
Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from
Newspaper Article
Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New
York Times. Retrieved from
Online Lecture Notes and Presentation Slides: When citing online lecture notes, be sure
to provide the file format in brackets after the lecture title (e.g. PowerPoint slides, Word
Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary month year
Vocational/Technical month year
High School month year
Elementary month year
Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
month year
month year
month year
month year
Listed in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
SKILLS Level of Date Acquired
month year
month year
month year