Empirical Moments of Inertia of Axially Asymmetric Nuclei
Empirical Moments of Inertia of Axially Asymmetric Nuclei
Empirical Moments of Inertia of Axially Asymmetric Nuclei
Physics Letters B
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Atomic nuclei are finite many-body quantum systems composed states. This approach is sufficient to demonstrate that moments
of strongly interacting fermions that share remarkable similarities of inertia of atomic nuclei fall between the rigid-body and irro-
with other systems such as molecules, atomic clusters, and ultra- tational flow values, as shown by Bohr and Mottelson in 1955 [1].
cold atomic gases. In particular, some of these quantum systems However, this approach is limited in validating microscopic calcula-
exhibit quenching of the moments of inertia from their rigid-body tions of moments of inertia and in elucidating the existence of any
values at very low temperatures. For over half a century, super- underlying symmetries. A more thorough understanding of iner-
fluidity has been studied in both fermionic, e.g., atomic nuclei [1], tial flow requires knowledge of all three components of the inertia
and bosonic, e.g., liquid 4 He [2], systems. For fermionic systems, tensor; this requires input beyond the energy of the first excited
pairing is central to superfluidity. More recently, the nature of col- 2+ state.
lective excitations and superfluidity of strongly interacting Fermi The description of low-lying excited states of deformed even–
gases has been of active interest [3–9]; nearly perfect irrotational even nuclei has been largely based on collective rotations and vi-
flow with a quadratic dependence on the deformation has been brations about the average β and γ quadrupole shape parameters
observed by Clancy et al. [6]. With these recent advances, the mo- (cf. Ref. [10] for a thorough overview). These nuclei possess rota-
ments of inertia of atomic nuclei warrant an updated investigation. tional bands built on the 0+ ground states and relatively low-lying
The standard approach to evaluating the empirical moments of excited 2+ states, which could be the result of triaxial rotations or
inertia of atomic nuclei has been to assume an axially symmet- γ vibrations; distinguishing the two is notoriously difficult but the
ric rotor with rotational energies given by E ( I ) = A I ( I + 1), where latter interpretation has been traditionally adopted. Fortunately,
A = h̄2 /(2J ) and J is the moment of inertia. For I π = 2+ , the the Kumar–Cline sum rules [11] provide an experimental means
energy reduces to E (2+ ) = 6 A and J = 3h̄2 / E (2+ ). A further as- for determining the average quadrupole deformation values and
sumption is that the first I π = 2+ state is unmixed with other variances. These sum rules have demonstrated that the average γ
deformations, < γ >, are non-zero; an axially symmetric nucleus
would give zero. Unfortunately, the variances of the quadrupole
* Corresponding author. deformations are not typically known; these are needed to differ-
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.M. Allmond). entiate between rigid and soft deformation. The few cases where
0370-2693/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by
J.M. Allmond, J.L. Wood / Physics Letters B 767 (2017) 226–231 227
the variances are known, e.g., the Os isotopes [12], lack precision and
but suggest that nuclei are neither rigid nor soft but somewhere
in between. 2+ +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g = − Q 0 cos(γ − 2)
We explore the implications of assuming β - and γ -rigid de- 56π
formation (i.e., an axially asymmetric top) on the extracted mo- = −2+ +
γ || M̂ ( E2)||2γ . (11)
ments of inertia. This is accomplished by using a recently formu-
lated version of the triaxial rotor model with independent electric The E2 matrix elements are described by three parameters, Q ◦
quadrupole and inertia tensors [13]; this is the simplest possible (axial deformation), γ (axial asymmetry), and (mixing angle).
non-trivial view that allows a unique analytical solution to the Further details can be found in Refs. [13,25,27–29]. While the 2+
three moments of inertia within the spin-2 subspace. While there mixing angle, , can be inferred from the excitation energies of
have been investigations into the moments of inertia of axially higher spins, such an approach is not particularly sensitive and,
asymmetric nuclei before, e.g., Refs. [14–18], empirical values for more importantly, it does not lead to a unique empirical value.
all three axes, to our knowledge, have never been reported. Once the Q ◦ , γ , and deformation and mixing parameters are
In this Letter, empirical moments of inertia, J1 , J2 , J3 , of 12 determined from the experimental E2 matrix elements, the A, F ,
atomic nuclei with E (4+ +
1 )/ E (21 ) > 2.7 are extracted from exper- and G parameters of the Hamiltonian can be extracted exactly us-
imental 2+ g ,γ energies and electric quadrupole matrix elements, ing the experimental 2+ energies, viz.
and the results are compared to expectations based on rigid and
irrotational inertial flow. The E2 matrix elements used in this E (2+ +
γ ) − E (2 g )
F= , (12)
study are from multiple-step Coulomb excitation data [12,19–26], 4 1 + tan2 (2)
most of which are from the past two decades. Only by having
the signs of the E2 matrix elements, i.e., 2+ + E (2+ +
g ) + E (2γ ) − 4F
g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g and A= , (13)
0+ + + + + +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g 2 g || M̂ ( E2)||2γ 2γ || M̂ ( E2)||0 g , can a unique so-
lution to all three components of the inertia tensor be obtained. F
G = √ tan 2, (14)
The Hamiltonian for rotations about three axes (i.e., an asym- 2 3
metric top) is
where the empirical moments of inertia are
H = A 1 Î 12 + A 2 Î 22 + A 3 Î 32 , (1)
1 h̄2
where the parameters A 1 , A 2 , A 3 are related to the components J1 = , (15)
of the inertia tensor by A 1 = h̄2 /(2J1 ), A 2 = h̄2 /(2J2 ), A 3 = 2 A + 2G
h̄2 /(2J3 ) and Î 1 , Î 2 , Î 3 are the angular momentum operators in 1 h̄2
the body-fixed frame with a | I K basis. The Hamiltonian can be
J2 = , (16)
2 A − 2G
rewritten as
1 h̄2
H = A Î + 2
F Î 32 2 2
+ G ( Î + + Î − ), (2)
J3 = . (17)
2 A+F
where It is important to stress that the signs of the E2 matrix ele-
1 1 ments are required to obtain a unique solution to all three com-
A= ( A 1 + A 2 ), F = A 3 − A , G = ( A 1 − A 2 ), (3) ponents of the inertia tensor. In particular, 2+ +
2 4 g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g de-
termines whether the electric quadrupole moment is prolate or
and oblate, and 0+ + + + + +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g 2 g || M̂ ( E2)||2γ 2γ || M̂ ( E2)||0 g de-
Î ± = Î 1 ± i Î 2 . (4) termines whether γ > || or γ < ||.
The present results can be connected directly to results ob-
When applied to doubly-even nuclei, there is an I π = 0+ ground tained using rigid and irrotational flow moments of inertia by
state with E (0+ ) = 0, no I π = 1+ state, and two mixed I π = 2+
states (K π = 0+ , 2+ ) with energies given by 5 2π
√ Jrigid, k = B rigid 1 − β cos γ − k (18)
4π 3
+ 6A
√ 4 3G
H (2 ) = , (5)
4 3G 6 A + 4F and
which yields 2π
Jirrot ., k = 4B irrot . β 2 sin2 γ − k , (19)
E (2+ ) = 6 A + 2F ± 2 F 2 + 12G 2 . (6)
where k = 1, 2, 3, B rigid = 2
M R2 = 0.0138 × A 5/3 (h̄2 /MeV),
The mixing angle is related to G and F by
√ G B irrot . = 8π
M R = 0.00412 × A
(h̄ /MeV), β = Q ◦
5/ 3
5π /(3Z R 2 ),
tan 2 = 2 3 (7) and R = 1.2 A 1/ 3
(fm). It is important to highlight the fact that the
F irrotational-flow component of the moment of inertia in Eq. (19)
(note, < 0 because G < 0) and the resulting E2 matrix elements resides in the mass parameter, B irrot . . The β 2 sin2 γ − k 23π de-
for the I π = 0+ , 2+ subspace are
pendence is not explicitly limited to irrotational flow but results
5 from the SO(5) invariance of the Bohr Hamiltonian (which hap-
0+ +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2 g = Q 0 cos(γ + ), (8) pens to be fulfilled by irrotational flow), cf. page 121 of Ref. [10].
The mixing strength can be determined from the moments of
5 inertia by
0+ +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2γ = Q 0 sin(γ + ), (9)
1 √ J2 − J1
25 = tan 3 2J J , (20)
2+ +
g || M̂ ( E2)||2γ = Q 0 sin(γ − 2), (10) 2 1 2
− J2 − J1
56π J3
228 J.M. Allmond, J.L. Wood / Physics Letters B 767 (2017) 226–231
Table 1
Summary of the 2+
g ,γ energies, deformation parameters, and moments of inertia. See text for details.
Nuclei E (2+
g ) (keV)
E (2+
γ ) (keV)
Q ◦ (eb) β γ◦ ◦ J1 (h̄2 /MeV) J2 (h̄2 /MeV) J3 (h̄2 /MeV)b
Ru 240.7 612.9 3.41(12) 0.283(11) 29.0(48) −10.7(48) 22.0(81) 8.1(11) 3.88(18)
Nd 130.2 1062.1c 5.23(6) 0.283(3) 10.4(1) −0.8(1) 27.5(6) 19.8(3) 1.964d
Gd 89.0 1154.1c 6.67(31) 0.330(15) 7.9(4) −1.1(3) 55.0(84) 24.2(16) 1.779(1)
Er 80.6 785.9 7.75(3) 0.346(1) 9.2(2) −0.4(1) 42.2(15) 33.3(9) 2.635d
Er 79.8 821.1 7.78(22) 0.345(10) 8.4(3) −0.4(2) 42.6(26) 33.6(16) 2.517d
Yb 78.7 1465.9c 7.80(38) 0.331(16) 4.9(7) 0.0(4) 38.3(72) 37.9(70) 1.389d
W 100.1 1221.4 6.24(13) 0.241(5) 10.0(2) −0.5(2) 35.9(25) 25.7(13) 1.684d
W 111.2 903.3 6.10(12) 0.234(5) 11.3(3) −0.6(2) 30.6(15) 24.1(9) 2.309d
Os 137.2 767.5 5.58(8) 0.207(3) 20.4(7) −2.4(7) 32.4(45) 16.3(11) 2.777(5)
Os 155.0 633.0 5.25(3) 0.193(1) 19.9(3) −3.0(2) 26.5(6) 15.1(2) 3.451(2)
Os 186.7 558.0 5.05(6) 0.184(2) 22.1(5) −5.9(5) 24.1(10) 11.7(2) 4.078(11)
Os 205.8 489.1 4.81(3) 0.174(1) 25.2(5) −8.7(5) 21.6(7) 10.5(2) 4.857(19)
Precision to better than ±0.1 keV [31].
The precision is necessary to reconstruct F and E (2+
γ ); but is beyond any model significance.
γ = 23 .
Precision better than given number of significant figures.
Fig. 2. The experimental (black) and irrotational (red) moments of inertia relative Fig. 3. The experimental moments of inertia relative to the irrotational flow value
to the leading-order rigid-body value as a function of β 2 sin2 (γ − 2π k/3) for the as a function of γ for the 1-axis (a), 2-axis (b), and 3-axis (c), respectively.
1-axis (a), 2-axis (b), and 3-axis (c), respectively. (For interpretation of the refer-
ences to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
axes. However, the degree to which the 3-axis does deviate from
the others, cf. the 172 Yb outlier at γ = 4.9◦ in Fig. 3(c), may in-
dicate a partial coupling to the intrinsic motion, expected for a
γ vibration. Alternatively, the 172 Yb outlier may be the result of
configuration mixing due to a relatively low-lying 0+ 2 band head;
note that 2+ γ = 23 .
The relative moments of inertia as a function of axial asym-
metry, γ , are shown in Fig. 4 for all three axes. The relative irro-
tational values are shown for comparison. Note the normalization
of the scale to J1 . The relative moments of inertia are qualitatively
consistent with irrotational flow (cf. clarification in the conclusion).
It is also clear J1 > J2 ∼ J3 is manifested in nuclei that approach Fig. 4. The relative moments of inertia for all three axes as a function of axial asym-
the triaxial limit of the electric quadrupole tensor, γ = 30◦ ; this is metry, γ . The experimental values (circles) have been normalized to the irrotational
values (lines) through the 1-axis.
a feature of the Bohr Hamiltonian that was pointed out by Meyer-
ter-Vehn [36] in 1975 and it is now shown for the first time to be
exhibited qualitatively by nuclei. Recent Coulomb excitation results The empirical 2+ mixing parameter, , as a function of axial
of 110 Ru [26] establish it as the best candidate for triaxiality near asymmetry, γ , is shown in Fig. 5(a). The rigid and irrotational val-
the ground state to date. Additional Coulomb-excitation results for ues are shown for comparison. The experimental mixing strength
the neutron-rich Mo–Ru region with higher precision would be reveals qualitative agreement with the irrotational flow expecta-
valuable. The outliers, 172 Yb and 156 Gd, correspond to cases with tion; this is due to the fact that the mixing is only dependent on
low-lying excited 0+ states (with K π = 0+ , 2+ bands). the relative moments of inertia, which eliminates the explicit ir-
230 J.M. Allmond, J.L. Wood / Physics Letters B 767 (2017) 226–231
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