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Product Information Section DEDOO4404

Model Views and Specifications


SMCS Code: 1000

Table 1
Engine Specifications
3512B Engine 3516B Engine
Item 3508B Engine 3512C Engine 3516C Engine
1200 to 1925
Rated Speed (rpm)
450 to 900
ldle Speed (pm) 60
Cylinders and arrangement 60 degree Vee 8 60 degree Vee 12 degree Vee 16
170 mm (6.7 inch)
190 mm (7.5 inch)
4 stroke cycle

Compression ratio 14:1

Aspiration Turbocharged
Jacket water aftercooling
Method of cooling the turbocharged air
Separate circuit aftercooling

4.3 L (263 in )
Displacement per cylinder
Total displacement 34.5 L (2105 in *) 51.8 L (3158 in ) 69.1L (4210in')
Counterclockwise rotation (standard)
Rotation (fywheel) Clockwise rotation (option)
See this Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Fuel Recommendations
Fuel (Maintenance Section).
Method of fuel injection Electronic fuel injectors
Electric starting motor
Method of staring
Air starting motor

Designed back pressure in the 2.5 kPa (10 inches of H,0)

exhaust system

Maximum allowable back pressure 5.0 KPa (20 inches of H0)

Maximum inlet air Restriction 6.2 kPa (25 inches of H,0)

Single element
Air cleaners Dual element

0.50 mm (0.020 inch)

Inlet valve lash
1.00 mm (0.040 Inch)
Exhaust valve lash
ngine Oll Change Intervals
Sump Capacity Ol Change
gines With a Shallow Sump
104 L (27 US gal)
Every 250 Service
152 L (40 US gal) Hours

204 L (53 US gal)


Engines With a Standard Sump

227 L(60US gal) Every 500 Service
Hours lustration 59 g00574534
318 L (84 US gal)
5128 Oil drain plug

405 L (107 US gal) Note: If a suction device is used in order to


the oil from the oil remove

516 pan, ensure that the suction device
Engines Itn a Deep Sump IS clean. This will prevent dirt from
entering into the
Oil pan. Be careful not to strike the engine oil suction
443 L (117 US gal) Every 1000 tubes or the piston
35086 cooling jets.
626 L (165 US gal) Service Hours
35128 a. lt the
engine does not have a drain valve or
3512 pump, remove an oil drain plug. Allow the oilato
807 L (213 US gal) drain. After the oil has drained, clean the drain
3516 plug and clean the fittng for the drain
Install the drain plug. Tighten the drain plug.
plug to
145 + 15
Drain the Oil Nm (105 10 Ib ft).
b. if
the engine
has an oil drain
valve. After the oil has drained, closeopen the
the valve.
If the engine has a pump for removing dirty
Hot oil and components
can cause personal in Oil, connect a hose to the outet of the pump.
Place the hose in a suitable container.
the valve for the drain line. The two marks on
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact the valve must be tumed so that one mark
skin. points to the pump and the second mark points

to the drain line. Operate the pump until the

crankcase is empty. Close the valve to the
Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the
drain line. Disconnect the hose.
ol coos,The
waste particles settle
of the
bottom when
ol pan. particdes are
d. If
he cold oil is drained. Drain the crankcase when the the oil drain valve has a "quick connect
O Is wam. This method allows proper draining of the cOupling, attach the coupling. Open the drain
waste particles that are suspended in the oil. valve in order to drain the crankcase. After
the oil has drained, close the drain valve.
Disconnect the couplin9
Failure to follow this recommended procedure will
alowthe waste particles to be recirculated through 3. Replace the engine oil ilter elements before filing
ne engine lubrication system with the new ol.
the crankcase with new oil.

1. Ater the engine has been operated at normal

operating temperature, STOP the engine. Replace the Oil Filter Elements
the oil filters when any of the
4. Drain the oil according to the equipment on the Replace engine
following conditions occur:

Drain the oil into a suitable container. DO NOT Every oil change
n the oil into the bilge sump. Dispose of the ol
CcOrding to local regulations.
The engine oil filter 2. Open drain valve (4). Remove plug (3). Allow the
differential pressure reaches
103 kPa (15 psi). the plug and install the plug.
Ol to drain. Clean
valve. Remove the hose trom the
Close the drain
The oil filter elements have been used for 1000 drain.
service hours.
Note: Some oil will remain
in the after the oil
Note: Do not attempt to clean the used oil filters. has been drained. This oll pour or
will out the housing
Prepare to catch the oil
Used oil filters will retain waste when cover (2) is removed.
particles. The used o container. any spilled oil with
Clean up NOT
filters would not filter the oil properly. in a sultable
or towels. DO
USse absorbent
absorbent pillows
the oil.
particles to clean up
tools are available to aiddealer
in the service of oil
Consult your Caterpillar for the part
names and the part numbers. Follow the instructions A WARNING
that are supplied with the service tools. If the
service result from parts and/or cov.
tools are not used, perfom the following appropriate Personal injury can

procedure. ers under spring pressure.

will be released when covers are re

Replacing the Engine Oil Filters With the Spring

Engine Stopped
loaded covers as the
Be prepared to hold spring
bolts are loosened.
Hot oil and components can cause personal in
spring force. Gradually loosen but
3. Be alert to the the bolts
jury. do not remove bolts (1). Betore removing
with a rubber
cover loose or tap the cover
not allow hot oil components to contact pry pressure.
mallet in order to relieve any spnng

Section view of the engine oil filter

Perform the following procedure after the oil has
been drained.

Note: Use this procedure if the engine oil ilters do

not have a control valve.

T g00799721
lustration 61

2 Cover
(6) O-ring seal
(8) Retainer
llustration 60 (9) Ol fiter element

(1) Bolts 4. Remove cover (2) and spring (7). Remove O-nng
(2) Cover seal (6), retainer (8), and oil filter elements (9).
(3) Plug
(4) Drain valve

(5) Drain 5. Clean cover (2), spring (7), O-ring seal (6), and
Note: Drain the oil into a suitable container. Dispose retainer (8). Clean the inside of the oil filter
of the oil according to local regulations. housing
1. Connect a hose to drain (5). Place the other end
of the hose into a suitable container in order
collect the oil.
Engine Valve Lash 01398238

Fuel System -
Only qualified service personnel should 1258-548
maintenance. Refer to the Service perform this SMCS Code: 1250-548;
Manual or
Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust- that the engine
fuel supply valve. Ensure Tun
ment procedure. 1.
Open the
start during
the priming proCedure.
wIill to the OFF
the start Switch
Operation of Catepillar
engines with improper valve
adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re
duced efficiency could result in
excessive fuel usage (
and/or shortened engine component life.

The valve bridge adjustment must be performed

before making a valve lash adjustment. If the valve
lash is within the tolerance, an adjustment of the
valve lash is NOT necessary.

Perfom the valve lash setting when the engine is

engine has been shutdown and the
cold. After the
valve covers are removed the engine is considered
Cold. Before perorming maintenance, prevent the
entry of foreign mafter into the top of the cylinder Ilustration 64

clean pump plunger

head and the valve mechanism. Thoroughly (1) Fuel priming
mechanism covers
the area around the valve plunger
2. Tun the fuel priming pump
to release the
in order
see this Operation and

For the valve lash setting,

"specifications" topic (Product lock plate from the

Maintenance Manual, the

Information Section). the fuel priming pump through air in
until the the
3. Operate fuel
01225237 fuel system has been
retum line back to
the fuel tank.

Fuel Injector Inspect/Adjust to the locking

4. Press the fuel priming
pump plunger
Turm the fuel priming pump plunge
position. the lock plate in the
SMCS Code: 1290-025 in order to engage
when the engine valve retainer.
Note: Perform this Note: Enable the starting system only after al
lash is inspected.

maintenance has been completed.


produces high Priming Procedure for Dry Starting

Electronic Control module
injury make s u r e
voltage. To prevent personalnot powered and the
If the air cannot be completely purged from the fuel
Electronic Control
Module is see Special
system and the engine will not start,
unit injector
solenolds Instruction, SEHS9586, "3500 EUI Fuel Priming
NOTICE timed with the crank-
The camshafts must be correctly
the lash for the fuel in- i01076701
aJustment of
shaft before an be removed from
ne uming pins must is turned or dam-
iector is made. before Fuel System Fuel Filter
camshafts the crankshaft

to the cylinder block will be the resut. Differential Pressure Check

inspect the adjustment of the lash for the fuel injector SMCS Code: 1261-535
according to the Systems Operation/Testing And Observe the fuel filter differential pressure frequenuy
Adjusting, "Fuel System topic. Adjust the lash for the
fuel injector, if necessary. during engine operation.
Maintenance Section SEBU7844-04
Fuel System Primary Filter/Water
Separator Drain

O0744357 T h e fuel filters have been used for 1000 service

Fuel System Primary hours.

Filter/Water Separator Drain Replacing the Fuel Filter Elements

SMCS Code: 1260-543; 1263-543 with the Engine Stopped

A WARNING will not
that the engine
Fuel leaked 1. Stop the engine.
spilled onto hot surfaces or
or electri- start during this procedure.
cal components can cause a fire.
to the engine.
2. Shut off the fuel supply valve

asuitable container to catch any fuel that might system. Thoroughly
enter the fuel
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately. Do not allow dirt to
component that
the area around a Tuel system over discon.
clean disconnected. Fit a suitable cover
will be
Drain the primary filter/water separator on a daily nected fuel system

basis before starting the engine.

For specific instructions for draining the primary that might
that Use suitable catch
container tofuel any fuel
iiter/water separator,see the service intormation
is provided by the OEM of the primary filteriwater spill.
Clean up any spilled

The water separator is under suction during normal
engine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tigh
ened securely to help prevent air from entenng the fue



Fuel System Secondary Filter

SMCS Code: 1281-510-SE
Illustration 66

) Drain
Note: If the engine
is equipped with duplex fuel (2) Drain vave
filters, the fuel filter elements can be changed (3) Plug
to Replacing the (4) Bolts
is in
the engine Elements operation. Kerer (5) Cover
Dunng Engine Operation"
Fuel Filter
3. Connect a hose to drain (1). Place the other end
of the hose into a suitable container in order
collect the fuel.
surfaces hot or elec-
Fuel leaked spiled onto
a ire. lo help pre
trical components can cau5estart sWitch off when
4. Open drain valve (2). Remove plug (3). Allow the
vent possible injury, une fuel to drain. Clean the plug and install the plug.
venina fuel fiiters water separator
Close the drain valve. Remove the hose from the
fuel spills immediately. drain.
Clean up

ilter elements whenever Note: Some fuel will remain in the housing after the
Replace the secondary fuel fuel has been drained. This fuel will pour Out of tne
condiuons occur:
the following housing when cover (5) is removed. Prepare to catch

The fuel filler differential pressure gauge registers the fuel in a suitable container. Clean up any spilled
fuel with absorbent towels or pillows. DO NOT use
103 kPa (15 psi).
absorbent particles to clean up the fuel.
100 SEBU7844-04
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment- Drain

AWARNING and Sediment
Fuel Tank Water
This filter contains pressurized fuel that cancause
a fire hazard, which may result in bodily injury or
- Drain
SMCS Code: 1273-543-M&S
death. Follow the instructions given in this opera
tion and Maintenance Manual and stop the engine
if rapid air movement exists to blow the fuel. NOTICE
to ensure tnat nuids are Container
Care must be
taken maintenance, test.
of inspecuOn, to
during penormanair of the product. BeDerore
Duplex Fuel Filters containers before open
ing, adjusting aneitable cOnlainers
the fluid
SUltaoie compo

collect or
ing any
nent containing fluiOs
Special and supplies
Refer to Products Guide" tortoos on Caterp
fluids on
uids Garerplar
Tools andSno a n d contain
and contain

suitable to

to local regulations and
all fuids
Dispose of

Fuel Tank
and to the
Fuel quality is
critical to the perfomance
fuel can cause
in the
mustrabon 68
ine of the engine. vvater Condensation
wear to
the fuel system.
(1) valve excessive
coongor ruel. The
neaung an0
( ) Conro vave
tne the
minutes OCcurs dunng tuel passes through
of fivebe occurs as tne This
FILL valve (1) for a minimum condensation
and tne Tuel retums the Tuel tank.
1. Open fuel filters that
will not
fuel system Draining
in order to fill the
that will not be
to accumulate
Tuer tanKs.
causes water rom reliable
serviced. The fuel iters
fuel. Close the
FILL valve.
the tuel
tank regulary and obtaining Tuel fuel.
water in the
must be full of can
help to
be serviced, rotate
main filter will Sediment
2. If the and the
Drain the Water
to the
valve (2)
rotate control
for draining
If the auxiliary fiters will be position. Fuel tanks
should contain some
from the
bottom of the
"MAIN RUN" sediment
the draining
valve (2) to water and
fuel tanks.
NOTICE fuel tank
Thoroughly bottom of the
system. drain valve on the
Do not
allow dirt
to enter the fuel component that Open the
the and the sediment.

a r e a arouna a Tuel
clean the discon
over in order to drain
Fila sutabie the drain valve.

will be component.

fuel system
Drain the water and sediment
Check the fuel daily. the engine or ordi
fuel tank after operating
NOTICE from the sediment from
the fuel tank arter

fuel that might ine water

ten m i n u e s
container to catch any filled. Allow five
Use a suitable
spled Tuel
immediately. fuel tank has been
Clean up any before perfoming this procedure.

Elements with the

Fill the fuel tank after operating the
engine in
3. See "Replacing the Fuel Filter 3 through Step 9 air. This will helP preven
step order to drive out moist
Engine Stopped. Pertorm
instructions. Do not fill the tank
to the toP. nE
from the Canister
condensation. wam. The tank may
Tuel expands as
the fuel gets
minutes in
tor a minimum of five overtlow.
4. Open fill valve (1) valve.
order to fill the new elements. Close the fill

After the new filter elements are full of fuel, either

the main filter or the auxiliary fiter may be used.

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