Full Stack Javascript: Techdegree Curriculum

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Techdegree Curriculum

Full Stack

Build a portfolio, create a network, teamtreehouse.com/techdegree

and land your dream job.
Table of

03 Welcome

05 Our Mission

06 Units & Overview

18 Assessment

19 Career Statistics

20 Testimonials

21 Partnerships

Techdegree Curriculum Table of Contents // 02

Full Stack JavaScript

Treehouse's Techdegree program is a structured,

Bootcamp-style program
self-paced, online learning program that's designed
to give you entry-level job skills as a Full Stack
that prepares you for a
JavaScript Developer in as little as 5 months. As a high-paying career in tech
Full Stack Developer, you'll work on the complete
"stack" of technologies required to create a engaging set of projects which help you master
dynamic web site or web application. In other your newly learned skills and build out a polished
words, you'll create the web pages visitors see in portfolio of professional quality projects. The
their web browsers as well as the Techdegree curriculum is structured into units that
behind-the-scenes technologies used to create each teach a core concept, skill, language
web sites that can save data, deliver information, component or framework. You'll learn by watching
and talk to other computers. With JavaScript you videos; reinforce your learning with quizzes and
can add interactivity to web pages, making them interactive code challenges; apply what you've
more fun, engaging and useful. JavaScript also learned in mini-practices sessions, and finally, apply
works on the "back-end"- meaning a program that all that you've learned in a challenging project
runs on a web server- to work with databases, that's individually graded with feedback.
create powerful web apps, and share and retrieve
information from other servers. When you've completed the 10 projects in this
Techdegree, and passed the final exam, you'll
This program is a unique online learning receive a certificate of accomplishment from
environment which engages students through Treehouse, and have the skills that better prepare
video, written instruction, interactive quizzes, code you for an entry-level job as a Full Stack Developer.
challenges, a live support community and an

Techdegree Curriculum Welcome // 03

Full Stack JavaScript
For Success

Online learning can be challenging, and we know

it can be tough to learn on your own. Fortunately,
we've created more than just a great set of web
development courses. We've made a program that
provides support, guidance, and flexibility to fit
your busy lifestyle.

Key Benefits of the

Techdegree Program

Study at your Live support and Study and A professional and

own pace an online community career guidance finished portfolio

Techdegree Curriculum Welcome // 04

Full Stack JavaScript
Our Mission

Treehouse strives to create inclusive and accessible

Treehouse’s mission is to
education in order to empower people to achieve
their dreams. Since 2011, we've taught over
diversify the tech industry
650,000 people how to code and design, and our through online-learning
goal is to create lasting, systemic change in tech.
mind— however, if you’re starting out with some
Treehouse courses and programs use
knowledge but want to level-up, Techdegree
competency-based learning to enforce what
provides current and relevant skills in order to help
students are learning. We've rethought the learning
get you where you need to be. And no matter what
process and built a proven system to get you the
your prior experience level is, you’ll benefit from
skills and knowledge you need to accomplish your
the Techdegree Slack, a vibrant online community
goals. We use gamification, which is scientifically
where you can ask questions and network with
proven to increase motivation: stay on track with
fellow students. Treehouse support staff are
our points system, badges, and weekly activity log.
available for tips and encouragement,
When you’re done with a course, you haven’t just
and you’ll have weekly office hours, too.
watched a video—you learned, practiced, and
absorbed a concept. Plus, Techdegree takes you
In order to diversify the tech industry, we realized
through an immersive project at the end of each
there needed to be a program that was completely
unit—so you’ll have a ready-to-show portfolio of
beginner-friendly, wouldn’t result in student debt,
work as soon as you’re done. Techdegree, like all
and wouldn’t require any payment back. Many
our programs, is designed with beginners in
bootcamps cost thousands of dollars; or, worse,

We designed this program require a cut of graduates’ salaries after they land a
job. With Techdegree, you’ll get high-quality
to be an accessible courses, robust learning support, and career
alternative to bootcamps knowledge, at a fraction of the cost of bootcamps.

Techdegree Curriculum Our Mission // 05

Full Stack JavaScript
Units &

Unit 1 HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Basics

Unit 2 DOM Programming

Unit 3 Processing Forms

Unit 4 Object-Oriented JavaScript

Unit 5 Retrieving API Data with AJAX and Fetch

Unit 6 Introducing Node.js and Express

Unit 7 Introducing React

Unit 8 Store and Retrieve Data from Databases

Unit 9 Build a REST API

Unit 10 Create a Full Stack App with React

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 06

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 1

HTML, CSS, and

JavaScript Basics

Learn the basics of building web pages using HTML and CSS with
hands-on, follow along instruction: learn while doing. You will be
introduced to the GitHub desktop app and VS Code text editor.
Begin to learn basic programming concepts using JavaScript.

Start coding with HTML and CSS

Build a game using JavaScript

Programming concepts like variables, values, control

structures and functions

JavaScript Objects, JSON and array methods

Principles of "DRY" (Don't Repeat Yourself) programming

Project 1: Random Quote Generator

Practice your knowledge of basic JavaScript syntax and data structures

by building a Random Quote Generator, a program that displays a
randomly selected quote each time the user clicks a button.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 07

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 2


Creating interactive web pages requires using JavaScript to "control" a

web page. This is done by working with the DOM (or Document Object
Model) to add new web page content, remove content, & change content.

CSS Selectors

Controlling web pages with DOM programming

Using JavaScript to respond to user interactions

Debugging your code using exceptions, breaks and monitoring

DOM changes

Project 2: Pagination and Content Filter

Long lists don't make for a good user experience on a web page. In this
project, you'll enhance the usability of a web page by writing JavaScript
to dynamically divide a long list of items into "pages". As a bonus
challenge, you'll add a search feature to display only the students that
match specific search criteria.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 08

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 3


Learn important HTML elements for retrieving information from web site
visitors using HTML forms. Develop an accessible website that meets the
requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

The history and evolution of JavaScript

How JavaScript works in different contexts such as a web server,

web browser and on a desktop computer

Build HTML forms to accept user input with text boxes, menus,
and checkboxes

Explore more complex methods for creating conditional logic in

JavaScript, so that your programs can react more intelligently

Use regular expressions to find patterns in text

Project 3: Build an Interactive Form

Full Stack JavaScript developers create forms to collect information from

users for nearly every website and application they build. For this project,
you’ll use your skills to enhance a form so that it’s engaging, interactive,
and easy to use.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 09

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 4


Learn the basics of software design and best practices for writing
modular, reusable code. Object-oriented programming is a professional
technique that's important to learn and master.

Make your code more professional, modular and reusable with

object-oriented JavaScript

Learn how to create objects with properties, methods, constructors

and getters and setters

Use specific array methods like forEach(), filter(), map() and

reduce() to work with arrays of data more quickly and efficiently

Project 4: Build an Object-Oriented Game Show App

Create a browser-based, word guessing game: "Phrase Hunter." You’ll use

JavaScript and OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) to select a random,
hidden phrase. A player tries to guess the phrase by selecting individual
letters from an onscreen keyboard. Can they guess the phrase before
they run out of attempts?

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 10

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 5

Retrieving API Data

with AJAX and Fetch

As a developer you'll need to learn some of the powerful tools used to

manage projects. A lot of tools require learning the "command line" or
computer terminal. Use the command line to manage projects with Git.
You'll also learn how JavaScript can be used to retrieve information
from sites like Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook.

Learn how to tap into the power of your computer's operating

system by writing commands in the Terminal to control tools like Git

Dive deeper into the Git version control system, so you can keep
your software projects on track and back out of any errors you
might introduce into a project

Discover the basis for how the web works with the HTTP
communication protocol

Use AJAX and the Fetch API to retrieve information from other web
sites and display it on your web pages

Project 5: Use an API to Create an Employee Directory

Many sites, Twitter, Facebook, IMDB, and Wikipedia to name a few, offer a
vast sea of data that you can access and display on your own web pages.
Using JavaScript, you’ll create an employee directory by communicating
with a third-party API (Application Programming Interface).

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 11

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 6

Introducing Node.js
and Express

JavaScript is just as powerful on web servers as it is in web browsers. In

this unit, you'll learn how to use Node.js- a version of JavaScript that
runs on servers and desktop computers. You'll learn how to write
"command line" applications you can run on your own computer; how to
create your own web server; and how to use a web "framework"
(Express) to rapidly build a website.

Learn the basics of Node.js

Create "command line" applications you can run on your own

computer to automate tedious tasks

Create your own HTTP web server using Node.js

Use the Express web framework to quickly create a

dynamic website

How to debug Node applications

Project 6: Build a Node.js and Express-powered Website

Node.js and Express make a powerful pair when used together on the
server side. They're used every day to make fast, modular and dynamic
web applications. For this project, you'll use Node.js, Express and
templates to create a portfolio site to show off the projects you've built.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 12

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 7


React is a popular front end framework used by companies like

Facebook, Instagram, and Netflix, to create advanced, interactive
user interfaces.

Learn the basics of React

Develop and use React components to make modular user interfaces

for faster development and quicker DOM updates

Build a simple React app

Fetch data and use React to display information in real time

Project 7: Build a React Photo Gallery App

React is one of the most popular development libraries on the web,

which is why React developers are in such great demand. In this project
you'll build a fast and lightweight photo gallery application with a
modern approach.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 13

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 8

Store and Retrieve

Data from Databases

Databases are critical to a web application: they store data about

businesses, users, products, and all the information needed to make a
website run. In this unit, you'll learn about SQL, or Structured Query
Language- the language used to communicate with databases.

Learn the basics of SQL to retrieve data from a database

Update, delete and create data records in a database

Use Node.js and JavaScript to "talk" to databases

Project 8: Build a Library Manager

Working with databases (storing, retrieving, updating and deleting

information) is an important software developer skill. In this project, you'll
create a web application for listing, adding, updating, and deleting books
in a library application, using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Pug, and SQL.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 14

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 9

Build a

A REST API is a server-side web application that receives and provides

information from/to a browser or another computer. A REST API doesn't
send out web pages - instead it receives and processes incoming
requests, and then responds with the necessary information, like search
results, or a purchase or sign in confirmation, or an error notification if an
error has occurred. REST APIs are very common and an important skill
for a Full Stack Developer to master.

Understanding REST APIs

Handling requests, responses and security

Create a REST API with Express

Database design and modelling

Project 9: Build a REST API

In this project, you’ll create a REST API using Node.js and Express.
The API will provide a way for users to administer a school database
containing information about courses: users can interact with the
database by retrieving a list of courses, as well as adding, updating and
deleting courses in the database.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 15

Full Stack JavaScript
Unit 10

Create a Full Stack

App with React

In this final unit, you'll learn more about the professional tools and
processes of a software developer. In addition, you'll bring together
everything you've learned so far to build a Full Stack application.

Learn Agile software development for rapid software creation

Use GitHub, a collaborative Git-based tool, that helps teams work

more effectively on projects

Learn fundamental computer science concepts like algorithms and

data structures

Learn Algorithms and Data Structures

Learn additional React topics

Project 10: Full Stack App with React

In your final project, you'll use React to create a client for your existing
school database REST API (that you created in a previous project).
When completed, your Full Stack JavaScript application will allow users
to view a list of courses and the detail for a specific course, sign up to
create an account or sign in with an existing account, and create, update,
or delete courses.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 16

Full Stack JavaScript
Additional Coursework

and Soft Skills

In addition to the technical curriculum detailed above, we also teach

general communication and career guidance courses:

Slack for the Treehouse Techdegree so you can learn how to use a
popular communication tool used in the tech industry

How to ask a technical question to get the answer you need

How to Learn: Strategies and techniques to learn better and faster

Career Help: Courses and workshops to help you create a resume,

build a professional network, create a professional, social profile and
organize your job search

As a Techdegree student, you also have access to hundreds of other

courses, workshops and learning material on Treehouse, like mobile
app development, web design, UX, and much more.

Techdegree Curriculum Units & Overview // 17

Full Stack JavaScript

Our instructors are

real-world tech professionals
who provide relevant and
constructive feedback.

The Techdegree program features project-based address the issues and resubmit the project for
learning which allows you to put the skills you are additional review. Along with building projects,
developing to use by building projects of you will demonstrate your growing skillset by
ever-increasing complexity. Each of the projects completing quizzes and code challenges as you
you build will be individually reviewed using a progress through the Techdegree, culminating in
detailed grading rubric that is unique to that a Final Exam. The Final Exam is your chance to
project. In addition to an overall grade of Exceeds showcase everything you have learned through the
Expectations, Meets Expectations, or Needs Work, Techdegree. To successfully pass the Final Exam,
you will receive personalized written feedback on you will need to get at least 70% of the questions
your project. If your project is marked as Needs correct. If you fall short of that mark you can study
Work, don’t worry. You will have the opportunity to up and retake the exam as soon as the next day.

Techdegree Curriculum Assessment // 18

Full Stack JavaScript

Day to Day Tasks as a

After receiving your Techdegree you will be
Full Stack Developer
ready to start your new career journey within the
tech industry! Here is a quick glance at some of Website development
the opportunities you will have as an entry-level
Light work with APIs
Full Stack Developer.
Code checks

$105,813 An average entry-level Full Stack Developer role

will earn you +$10,000 more annually than the
Low: $72k High: $145k
National Average Wage Index.
The average base salary in the
US according to glassdoor.com


The tech industry has been growing every year
and shows no sign of slowing down, with new
technologies being developed every day.

L2 L3 L5

Average Salary Growth

Techdegree Curriculum Career Statistics // 19

Full Stack JavaScript

Treehouse is absolutely phenomenal. I am more

than halfway through my Full Stack JavaScript
Techdegree, and I am impressed and pleased with
everything I've learned.

- Joseph B.

The Slack community for Techdegree is so

supportive and fun. Treehouse does a great job
of updating courses and content. Peer reviews
are invaluable, and the projects themselves are
also really good.

- Samantha A.

One of the things that has always held me back

from learning to code is the pretentious attitude
of many developers... I love how Treehouse does
not have that gatekeeping mentality, and makes
code approachable and open to everyone.

- Rhys M.

Techdegree Curriculum Testimonials // 20

Full Stack JavaScript

We work with a variety of tech companies to

ensure that our students are receiving the most
relevant and up-to-date education.

Companies We
Work With

Techdegree Curriculum Partnerships // 21

Full Stack JavaScript

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