Enhancement Program To Address The Non-Engagement in Research Among Teachers", Where You Are Identified As

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Dear Respondent,

The undersigned is at present conducting action research entitled “Trekking the Hoop of Scientific Inquiry: An
Enhancement Program to Address the Non-Engagement in Research among Teachers”, where you are identified as
one of the important contributors to the research.

In this connection, please answer to the best of your ability the questions asked without leaving any item/s
unanswered as this is important to the success of the study.

Rest assured that your responses are kept with highest confidentiality thus you do not have to be afraid that you
will have the adverse effect.


Name ____________________________________________________________

Length of Service ______________________

Directions: The following items describe teachers’ engagement in the conduct of action research. Please check ( / ) the
number that best represents your response as to:

4 - Very True to Me 3 – True to Me

2 – Not True To Me 1- Very Not True to Me

Factor 1: Administrative Support 4 3 2 1

1. The school or division has approved budget allocated
for action research.
2. Action research fund is allocated to priority areas.
3. There is sufficient funding from the school or division
for action research.
4. The school identified priority action research areas for
the research agenda.
5. Teachers are required to produce institutional action
6. The school or division grants financial assistance.
7. Action research is one of the items in the School
Improvement Plan.

Factor 2: Recognition and Promotion 4 3 2 1

1. I know how to utilize online materials as sources of
2. Action research has been included in the criteria for
ranking and promotion.
3. I have some experiences in conducting action research.
4. I desire for promotion in rank.
5. I am allowed to conduct classroom-based action
6. Action research outputs are requirements in ranking
for promotions.
7. Action research is a major requirement in my teaching

Factor 3: Motivation and Training 4 3 2 1

1. I am motivated to conduct action research after
attending a research forum.
2. After a seminar, I am expected to produce action
research proposals.
3. I am encouraged to present outputs in action research
4. Action research is required of me as a teacher.
5. The school sent me to attend a seminar on action
Factor 4: Institutional 4 3 2 1
1. The school organized a research club for the exposure
of teachers.
2. The school conducts seminars and training on action
research every year.
3. I am required to submit action research proposal every
year for approval.
4. I am part of the team conducting government-funded
action research.

Factor 5: Time Constraint 4 3 2 1

1. Action research is stressful or tiresome.
2. I have no time for action research.
3. I lack perseverance in conducting action research.
4. Action research is expensive.
5. I have more than four (4) teaching preparations a day.
6. I am fully loaded of teaching jobs.
7. I have no experience in conducting action research.

Factor 6: Lack of Experience and Training 4 3 2 1

1. References are limited regarding of specializations.
2. The action research priorities are yet to be aligned with
DepEd research agenda.
3. I am busy delivering the K-12 curriculum.
4. The school reference materials for action research are
5. My action research capability is yet at the developing
6. Action research culture in the school is yet to be
7. I am new and inexperienced in terms of conducting
action research.
8. I need training in data analysis.

Factor 7: Financial Limitation 4 3 2 1

1. The school has no budget for teacher-researchers.
2. The school administrators are not supportive to
3. Staff in the division research office is inadequate in
4. Action research financial assistance/incentive is not
5. Action research function is attached to another office,
hence, less productive.
6. Action research funding of the school is limited.
7. Small school cannot afford to finance action research.
8. No personnel in the division research office to help me

Factor 8: Lack of Motivation 4 3 2 1

1. Group research is discouraged, and I cannot do it all by
2. Research is possible only for big schools.
3. The college research priorities are not yet set.

A. Engaging Questions
1. How many years have you been teaching in the Department of Education?

2. How many times have you conducted any form of research since high school or college days up to this

B. Exploratory Questions
1. What are the problems or challenges that you encountered in the conduct of action research?
1.1 Can you tell me about how things have been for you since you encountered these problems or challenges?

1.2 Which part or aspect of action research that you find difficult or hard to do? Why do you say so?

2. What suggestions would you like to recommend in overcoming the problems or challenges you encountered
in the conduct of action research?

2.1 How do you wish to be helped or assisted in the conduct of action research?

2.2 How will those suggestions or measures you recommended improve your capacity in the conduct of
action research?

C. Exit Questions

1. Do you still have anything to share that can enlighten us regarding your capacity to conduct action?

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