SLM 4 Carpentry 9 4th Quarter

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Quarter 4 – Slem 4
Safety practices on the job and OHS

Learning Materials
Technology and Livelihood Education

er ty
P ro LE
e nt SA
How to use the SLeM? e rn FOR
Before you start answering the SLeM, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to
successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this SLeM.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the SLeM.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned

Parts of the SLeM

1. Expectations - These are what you will be able to know about completing the
lessons in the SLeM.
2. Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
3. Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills you
understand from the previous lesson.
4. Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
5. Activities- These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other
competencies. This can be done with or without a partner depending on the
nature of the activity
6. Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
7. Checking your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the lesson.
8. Posttest - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire
Development Team of the Module
Writer: Amado D. Suarez Jr. (Master Teacher I)
Format Evaluator: Boyette Anchiboy
Language Evaluator: Jerico F. Tavera
Content Evaluator: Benidict Sembrano
Amado D. Suarez Jr.
Management Team:
School Head: Dr. Eladio H. Escolano
Department Chairman: Amelia B. Lintag
Subject LR Coordinator: Marilyn D. Apolonio
Maricel S. Oliva
School Assistant LR Coordinator: Jewel T. Baraquil

Lesson 4
Safety Practices on the Job and OHS
At the end of the SLeM you are expected to:
1. enumerate the construction site safety rule ;
2. identify the hazard, risk , signs, signal and barricades in the
construction site;
3. follow the safety practices on the job and OHS; and
4. value the importance of safety in the construction industry .

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand the statements/questions below. Write the letter
of the correct answer on a separate answer sheet.
1. First aid treatment for a chemical burn involves __________.
A. removing dead skin
B. neutralizing the chemical
C. applying ointment over the affected area
D. flushing the chemicals off the affected area with cool, gently running
water for 10 to 20 minutes
2. When should ladders be inspected?
A. Each day before use C. At least once a month
B. At least once a week D. At least once a year
3. Who is responsible for training employees on erecting, repairing, dismantling,
and inspecting scaffolding equipment?
A. Authorized Employee C. Qualified Person
B. Competent Person D. Supervisor
4. If you want more information about the hazards of a chemical with which you
are working, your employer must provide you SDS_______.
A. immediately C. the next time you come to work
B. at the end of your shift D. within 4 hours of your request
5. Which of these is NOT a probable physical hazardous characteristic of a
A. Acute B. Corrosive C. Flammable D. Reactive
6. Which of the following is not a goal of hazard reporting?
A. To prevent accidents C. Aid in the event of an emergency
B. Make the workplace safer D. Get the employer or employee in trouble
7. Which should not be part of its maintenance, when using a vacuum dust
collection system?
A. Change the vacuum bags and don’t allow them to overfill
B. Keep the vacuum and hose clear of debris, kinks, and tight bends
C. Follow manufacturer’s directions about keeping dust buildup on the filter
D. Avoid dust exposure when changing the vacuum bags and cleaning or
replacing air filters
8. When an employee is working in a confined space more than five feet deep, the
other end of his or her retrieval line must be_______.
A. securely attached to a fixed point
B. held at all times by the attendant
C. connected to a mechanical device
D. attached in a strong and secure point
9. How will you help in preventing a fire at work?
A. Avoid cleaning up oil spills and chemical spills
B. Use electrical wires near flammable gases and liquids
C. Clutter your workspace with paper and other combustibles
D. Avoid using electrical equipment near flammable gases, vapors, and
10. While you are working in your working area, and you notice a smoke near the
storage of flammable materials you should_______.
A. leave immediately
B. try to put it out
C. call for help and wait for fire department to arrive
D. call fire department and leave immediately afterwards

Directions: Read and understand the statements/questions below. Write the letter
of the correct answer on a separate answer sheet.
1. It refers to the reduction of moisture content of timber to that of the-
surrounding air.
A. Additives C. Preservatives
B. Moisture content D. Seasoning
2. Wood seasoning that utilized fans to add the circulation of air a preparatory
process to kiln drying.
A. Artificial seasoning C. Kiln Seasoning
B. Force air drying D. Natural seasoning
3. A fast method of wood drying that used a frequency dielectric heat.
A. Air seasoning C. Radio frequency drying
B. Force air drying D. Tar additive
4. It refers to the treatment of lumber with synthetic concoctions to give protection
from degradation and deterioration.
A. Drying B. Preservative C. Seasoning D. Treatment
5. A preservative made of dark liquid from coil mineral.
A. Paint B. Tar C. Used oil D. Varnish


Safety Practices on the Job

Safety procedures encourage a proactive way to deal with "finding and fixing"
place of work dangers before they can cause injury or sickness. Rather than
reacting to an incident, management and workers collaborate to identify and solve
issues before they occur. This coordinated effort build trust, improves
communication, and regularly prompts different business enhancements.

Safety is the Control of Recognized Hazards to attain an Acceptable Level of Risk

Safe work method statement (SWMS) for the operation should be prepared and
provided to those who will be involved in this high-risk activity.

The SWMS should:

 identify the work that is high risk construction work.

 state hazards relating to the high-risk construction work and risks to health
and safety associated with those hazards.

 describe the measures to be implemented to control the risks.

 describe how the control measures are to be implemented, monitored, and

Safety organization and management
The improvement of wellbeing, health and working conditions relies at last on
individuals’ cooperation, regardless of whether governments, workers, or laborers.
Safety management involves the functions of planning, identifying problem areas,
coordinating, controlling, and directing the safety activities at the work site.
Effective safety management has three main objectives:
 to make the environment safe

 to make the job safe

 to make workers safety conscious

Safety policies

Safe and sound working conditions don't occur by some coincidence.

Employers need to have a written safety policy for their enterprise setting out the
safety and health standards which it is their objective to achieve. The policy should
name the senior executive who is responsible for seeing that the standards or
norms are accomplished, and who has authority to allocate responsibilities to
management and supervisors at all levels and to see they are carried out.
Safety organization

The organization of safety on the construction site will be regulated by the

size of the work site, the arrangement of employment and the way in which the
project is being organized. Safety and health records should be kept which facilitate
the identification and resolution of safety and health problems on the site.

Safety officer/manager whose special and main responsibility is the promotion of

safety and health.
His or her duties should include:
 the organization of data to be passed from the management to workers,
including those of subcontractors.

 the organization and conduct of safety training seminars, including

induction training for all workers on the site.

 the investigation and review the causes of accidents and occupational

diseases so as to advise on preventive measures.

 acting as consultant
Supervisor is a person knows the fundamental safety in construction. Each
supervisor requires the immediate help of site management and should seek to
assure within his or her field of competence that:
 working conditions and equipment are safe.

 workplace safety is regularly inspected.

 workers have been adequately trained for the job.

 workplace safety measures are implemented.

 the best solutions are adopted using available resources and skills.

 necessary personal protective equipment is accessible and utilized.

Safety Practices on Construction Site
1. Wear your PPE consistently
At the point when you enter the site, ensure you have the PPE you need. PPE
is significant, it's your last line of protection should you meet a danger on site,
along with any additional PPE required for the task being carried out.
2. Try not to begin work without an induction
Each site has its one-of-a-kind dangers and work tasks. No two sites are the
same. Make sure you know what is happening so that you can work safely.
Your induction is significant. It tells you where to sign in, where to go, what to do,
and what to avoid. Try not to begin work without one.
3. Keep a clean site
Construction work is untidy. Slips represent significant injury on the
construction site, always keep working area clean and free from any harmful
elements that may cause injury.
4. Try not to put yourself or others in danger
Construction sites where one wrong move could place you at risk. Set a
genuine model, think safe and act securely on location. You are liable for your own
conduct. Construction site are risky work environments. Ensure you remain
mindful and cautious all throughout work.
5. Always observe safety signs and procedures
Follow construction safety signs and procedures. These should be discussed
to you in your induction. Control measures are set up for your wellbeing. Ensure
they are set up and working before you start.
6. Never work in dangerous areas
Ensure your work zone is protected. Recognize what's going on around you.
Try not to work at elevated area without appropriate guard rails or other PPE for
fall prevention. Try not to enter unsupported channels. Ensure you have safe
access. Try not to work underneath crane loads or different risky tasks.
7. Report defects and near misses
On the off chance that you notice an issue, don't overlook it, report it to your
supervisor right away. Fill out an incident report, an occurrence report, or basically
tell your supervisor whatever the method on your site for reporting issues.
8. Never tamper with equipment
On the off chance that something’s not working, or doesn't look right, keep
rule number 7 and report it. Try not to attempt to constrain something, or modify
something, in case you're trained to or expected to.
9. Use the right equipment
One device doesn't fit all. Utilizing the right tool for the task will complete it
faster, and above all, more secure. Ocular check the tool if it is in good shape and
safe to use before you start.
10. If all else fails, inquire
Uncertain what to do? Or on the other hand how to accomplish something
safely? Or on the other hand you think something isn't right? Stop work and
inquire. Yet it probably won't be so natural to put things right if things turn out
badly. It's smarter to be safe than sorry. Miscalculation can cost lives.

Carpentry: Hazard and Risk

Construction sites contain many dangers or hazardous situations which

need to be identified and eliminated where possible. You can achieve this by
inspecting the site and completing or referring to safety documentation. Safety in
construction sites is essential to be highly acknowledge to lessen the danger of
being harmed at work.

Hazard and Risk in Construction Site

Hazard is a potential source of harm or an adverse health effect on a person or
persons. “Hazard” and “Risk “are often used interchangeably. Workers of
construction sites are, generally, exposed to an excessive risk of being injured at
Hazards and risks identification and control
Requirements in Conducting/Identifying Hazards
 Survey the workplace to identify hazards

 This survey must be in writing and must be available to all workers

 Determine whether any hazard requires Personal Protective Equipment

 Pay special attention to working conditions or processes that can produce


 Reassess hazards whenever necessary, especially when new equipment is

installed to avoid accidents.
 Any reassessment must be written and must be available to workers upon

Working conditions that can produce hazards

1. Falling objects 2. Objects that can puncture skin

3. Heavy objects that could roll 5. Harmful dust

over worker’s feet

6. Heat
4. Toxic chemicals

Common Construction Site Hazards

A construction site is any piece of land where a building structure is being
assembled or repaired. Individuals who work on construction sites are regularly
required to utilize enormous tools and pieces of machinery, work at height, and in
environments where unsafe materials exist. Because of the nature of such work,
working on construction sites can be dangerous.
1. Working at height
Appropriate training is required for all employees who work at height.
Employees should be trained in working on various pieces of equipment and
2. Moving objects
A construction site is an ever-evolving condition, and construction hazards
keep on expanding as development is in progress. There are many moving
objects normally experienced on construction sites.
Reducing danger should always be a priority.
3. Falls, slip, and trips
It can occur in practically any condition. As construction sites often have
irregular surfaces, structures at various stages of completion, and unused
materials on site, it is likely that these are common hazard.
4. Noise
Construction site is a noisy environment and, as a result, noise is a common
construction hazard. Loud, repetitive, and excessive noise causes long haul
hearing issues, such as deafness. Noise can also be a dangerous obstruction
and may distract the worker from the task at hand.
5. Material and manual handling
Materials and equipment are continually being lifted and moved around
building locales, regardless of whether this be physically or by equipment. In
any case it conveys a level of hazard.

6. Asbestos
Refers to six normally happening stringy minerals. When materials that
contain asbestos are disordered or break up, these filaments are discharged
into the air. Breathing in these filaments can cause deadly and serious
7. Electricity
It is damaging to have contact with electrical live parts. Damage can occur
either by contacting live parts directly, or indirectly by a conducting object or
8. Airborne strands and materials
Obviously, a ton of residue of materials and dust are produced in
construction site. The residue in construction sites is frequently an
undetectable, fine, and poisonous blend of unsafe materials and filaments.
This can harm the lungs and lead to infections.

Carpentry: Signs, Signal and Barricade

Crashes with construction equipment and other different vehicles, walkers

falling into open manhole work, driving into open manhole work, losing control of a
vehicle because of minor street repairs and delicate shoulders are the significant
basis for accidents in highway construction or maintenance. You can limit the
probability of such mishaps by utilizing blockades and other warning devices. Signs
ought to adjust fit as a fiddle, size and shading to suggested particulars.
Sign, Signal and Barricade
Signs, signals, and barricades are important, if not critical, to the safety of the
construction workers.
1. General Signs and symbols required shall be always visible when work is being
performed and shall be removed or covered promptly when the hazard does not
exist anymore.
2. Danger Signs shall be used only where an immediate
hazard exists.
Danger signs should be read as the predominating color for
the upper panel; outline on the borders; and a white lower
panel for additional sign wording.

3. Caution Signs shall be used only to warn against or

caution against practices.
Caution sign shall have yellow as the predominating color;
black upper panel and borders; yellow lettering of “caution”
on the black panel; and the lower yellow panel for the
additional sign wording.

4. Exit Signs when required, shall be lettered in

legible red letters, not less than 6 inches high, on a
white field and the principal stroke of the letters shall EXIT
be at least three-fourths in width.

5. Safety Instructions Signs when used, shall be with

green upper panel with white letters to convey the
principal message.

6. Directional Signs other than automotive traffic signs

specified in the paragraph below, shall be white with a black panel and white
directional symbol. Any wording on the sign shall be black letters on the white
7. Accidental Prevention Tags shall be used as temporary means of
warning of an existing hazard such as defected tools, equipment’s, etc. They
shall not be used in place of, or as a substitute for, accident prevention
signs. Specifications for accident prevention tags similar as shown below
shall apply.



Signed By: _________________


8. Barricades are used to control by closing, restricting or portion of right of way.


Activity 1
Directions: Complete the statements below. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

Activity 2 Safety Signs

Directions: Describe each of the following signs, types and means. Choose
from prohibition sign, mandatory sign, danger sign or hazard warning sign.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.






1. Person knows the fundamental safety in construction. ___________________

2. Control of Recognized Hazards to attain an acceptable level of risk___________
3. Unfortunate event resulting harm especially from carelessness or
4. Exposure to injury, pain, harm or loss______________
5. Thought or action to minimize risk______________
6. Potential source of harm or an adverse health effect on a person___________
7. Set of gesture or images to represent or convey message___________________
8. Possibility of loss or injury______________
9. Way out of an enclosed place or space________________________
10. Whose special and main responsibility is the promotion of safety and

 Safety in construction sites is essential to be highly acknowledged to lessen

the danger of being harmed at work.

 Safety procedure encourage a proactive way to deal with "finding and fixing"
place of work dangers before they can cause injury or sickness

 Hazards differ from risks, in that risks describe the potential for a situation
such as a hazard to cause harm.

 The safety signs are displayed not only to protect the employee but also
those persons who are passing and visiting the place.
Directions: Read and answer the following questions. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. How does workplace safety effects efficiency?
2. What are common hazards at a construction site?
3. How can workplace safety be maintained?
4. How are accident reports written?
5. How important is PPE?

Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand the statements/questions below. Write the letter
of the correct answer on a separate answer sheet.
1. While you are working in your working area, and you notice a smoke near the
storage of flammable materials you should_______.
A. leave immediately
B. try to put it out
C. call for help and wait for fire department to arrive
D. call fire department and leave immediately afterwards
2. How will you help in preventing a fire at work?
A. Avoid cleaning up oil spills and chemical spills
B. Use electrical wires near flammable gases and liquids
C. Clutter your workspace with paper and other combustibles
D. Avoid using electrical equipment near flammable gases, vapors, and
3. When an employee is working in a confined space more than five feet deep, the
other end of his or her retrieval line must be_______.
A. securely attached to a fixed point
B. held at all times by the attendant
C. connected to a mechanical device
D. attached in a strong and secure point
4. Which should not be part of its maintenance, when using a vacuum dust
collection system?
A. Change the vacuum bags and don’t allow them to overfill
B. Keep the vacuum and hose clear of debris, kinks, and tight bends
C. Follow manufacturer’s directions about keeping dust buildup on the filter
D. Avoid dust exposure when changing the vacuum bags and cleaning or
replacing air filters
5. Which of these is NOT a probable physical hazardous characteristic of a
A. Acute B. Corrosive C. Flammable D. Reactive

Hislop, Richard 2009 Construction Site LARGE FACILITIES WORKSHOP
Vitharana, G. H. M. J. Subashi De Silva and Sudhira De Silva Health Hazards, Risk
and Safety Practices in Construction Sites pp. 35
OSHA 10 Hour Construction Lesson 13 Signs, Signals, and Barricades pp2-4
Safety, health and welfare on construction sites: A training manual Geneva,
International Labour Office, 1995 /Trainers manual/, /Occupational
safety/, /Occupational health/, /Construction industry/. 13.04.2 ISBN 92-
high hub common-construction-hazards/esub. com improve-
construction-site -safety/

Prepared by. Amado D. Suarez Jr. (MASTER TEACHER I TVL/SHS)

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