M & E Audit Checklist Evidence 2008 - OSH Division Distribution, TNB
M & E Audit Checklist Evidence 2008 - OSH Division Distribution, TNB
M & E Audit Checklist Evidence 2008 - OSH Division Distribution, TNB
1.Kit 2 3 5 (Melaka)
Area of Audit Recommendation Evidence Required Remarks
Adequacy Of Manpower, Resources,
Equipment, Training, Etc. And The 1.List of accredited OSHE Officers;
Implementation Thereof
It is prudent that all state offices have 2.Yearly training schedules 2004 –
accredited safety and health officers as per 2008.
the statutory requirements. In addition to have
accredited safety and health officers, TNB
Safety And Distribution could also consider having
3.2 Environment accredited HSE trainers amongst its own staff
Aspects so that these trainers could provide regular
trainings to their subordinates. By having its
3.Safety Modules Developed
own “in-house” HSE trainers, the training
modules could be more effectively tailor-made
to the work scope/activities and reduce the
cost incurred when outsourcing training
Area of Audit Recommendation Evidence Required Remarks
Compliances Of Current Operational
Practices Against The Statutory Requirement 1. Letter to state from OSHE Dept
Proper records should be maintained on the on schedule waste road show
management of scheduled waste. Scheduled 2. Letter from OSHE Dept for top
Safety And
wastes should be temporarily stored at the mgt on schedule waste seminar
3.1 Environment
regional yards and transported offsite by DDE and the attendance
approved contractors
3. Letter from DOE on PCB in Perak
& answer given by HQ to DOE