Controlled Charging of Electrical Vehicles On Residential Power Grid
Controlled Charging of Electrical Vehicles On Residential Power Grid
Controlled Charging of Electrical Vehicles On Residential Power Grid
The picture on the cover is the smart electric vehicle charging box prototype created
in this project.
Typeset in LATEX
Gothenburg, Sweden 2018
Controlled Charging of Electrical Vehicles on Residential Power Grid
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is growing explosively and shows no signs of
stopping. With more and more owners of EVs, a significant load increase on the
power grid is to be expected. EV owners in residential areas often share a connection
to the power grid, where the maximum current is split evenly among a number of
electric vehicle supply equipments (EVSEs) sharing the connection. If the EVSEs
using this connection could have a common knowledge about how much power is
available at the power grid connection and shared this among currently connected
EVSEs the available power would seem higher than if the available current is shared
equally among residents not using it for the moment.
This thesis report covers an attempt to make an intelligent EVSE that can be
installed at already existing charging lots in residential areas where the parking
lots are located far apart. The EVSEs should use a wireless connection to remove
the cost of laying new cables and enable easy installing. The report contains a
comparison of new long-range communication technologies to find the best suited
solution for the intelligent EVSE. The charging shall be controlled by a centralised
server, from where charging can be enabled and disabled based on a schedule or
human interaction.
With this prototype system we hope to enable easy and low-cost installation of
smart EV charging in residential areas.
We would like to thank Endian Technologies AB for hosting us during this thesis
and giving us the possibilities to implement our work on a real situation. We would
like to thank our supervisor Lena Peterson for the all the feedback on the report an
having patience with us during our slow progress on this thesis. We would than and
our company advisor Joakim Fernstad for always having good ideas and feedback
on both implementation and writing, and Tord Andersson for all help with ideas
when things went wrong.
And lastly we would like to thank our examinator Per Larsson-Edefors for all the
help and feedback received during this thesis and still having interest in our report
when receiving it so late.
Acronyms xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Theory 3
2.1 Electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Charging cable and contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 Charge control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.3 Viridian EVSE Protocol Controller (EPC) . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1.4 Digital potentiometer: AD8400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 Easton SDM230-Modbus RTU energy meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Modbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 RS485 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2.3 SP3485 RS-485 Transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4 Implementation 15
4.1 EVSE node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.1.1 Charging State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.1.2 Controlling current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.3 Energy readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.4 MCU and LoRa shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.5 Extension PCB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.1.6 Contactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1.7 LoRaWan modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2 LoRaWAN communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3 Centralised control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.1 System overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.3.2 LoRa gateway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.3 LoRa Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.4 Programming language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.5 Load balancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.3.6 User interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5 Results 25
5.1 EVSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.1 LEDs reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.2 Digital potentiometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.3 Voltage spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.4 Energy meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2 LoRa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2.1 Range test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2.2 Message delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3 Centralised control system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6 Conclusion 29
6.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.1.1 EPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.1.2 AC voltage spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.1.3 EV communication protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.1.4 LoRa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.3 Future improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Bibliography 33
A Extension PCB I
DI data input. 7
IC input current. 5
IoT internet-of-things. 2
M2M machine-to-machine. 9
OTA over-the-air. 10
PHY physical-layer. 9
PP proximity pilot. 3
RO receiver output. 7
The market for EVs is growing explosively and shows no signs of stopping [1]. EVs
are charged using a charging station, also known as EVSE. The EVSE controls the
maximum charging current that the EV charger is allowed to draw. EVSEs are often
controlled independently with a fixed maximum load. These EVs are increasing the
demands on the power grid [2].
If all EVSEs at a parking lot had the ability to cooperate, the load could be
balanced for all present vehicles. Vehicles not used more during the day could be
charged during the night when the electricity prices and demand are at their lowest.
Higher current could be allocated to vehicles that need to be charged faster while
lowering supply for the rest.
Recently much research has been done into algorithms and technologies for op-
timally charging vehicles on a shared grid [2–5]. To be able to implement these
charging algorithms the EVSEs need communication between each other. Wireless
communication would be preferable for existing groups of EVSEs since it gets rid of
the need to lay new cables for every EVSE.
EVSEs sharing a power connection can be spread out over distances that are
too long to be covered by Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or other common wireless communica-
tion technologies. There is however a growing number of wireless communication
technologies that operate in the sub-GHz range which can communicate over dis-
tances larger than a kilometre [6]. This thesis projects aim is to design and build
a charging controller for EVSEs distributed over a residential area sharing a power
grid connection. The controller should prioritise charging when the demand on the
grid is low. Prior research in the field of distributed EV-charging should be used to
achieve this [3].
1. Introduction
• How can we combine the charge control functionality with EV charging during
the night to lower the peak load on the power grid?
• How do we make a prototype that can guarantee that the EVs will be fully
charged for use every morning?
1.2 Aim
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the field of kilometre-range communication
technologies available today. Using this research a prototype system should be
developed, the prototype shall contain a central server, a user interface and a number
of EVSEs. It should be used to distribute current for charging EVs in a residential
power grid.
1.3 Limitations
The goal of this project is to develop and demonstrate a prototype for centralised
charging of EVs, however, this project should not attempt to make a working prod-
Most of the low-throughput communication technologies that will be evaluated
are also made for low-power operation. Optimising the microcontroller code for low
power is time consuming and not necessary in this project.
There are many long-range sub-GHz technologies on the market, to test all of
them requires lots of hardware (gateway, transceiver, controller) and would be ex-
pensive and time consuming. Because of this, we shall only compare specifications
and use previous studies.
In this chapter we present theory about the different parts and technologies used in
this project. Section 2.1 explains the theory for the connection and communication
with the EV charger. Section 2.2 explains the theory for recording the energy
consumption of the charging EVs.
2. Theory
Figure 2.1: SAE J1772 ("Type 1") Figure 2.2: VDE-AR-E 2623-2-2
male contact. ("Type 2") male contact.
the EV charger by measuring the resistance between the PP and PE signals. The
current available at the EVSE is communicated over the CP signal while the EV
charger uses resistance between CP and PE to communicate charging state. The
EV changes this resistance depending on the state of the charging. The EVSE then
reads the state by measuring the voltage drop over this resistance. The different
states are represented in Table 2.1.
State Resistance Ω
A No EV connected Open
B EV present 2740
C EV charging 882 (1300 || 2740)
D EV charging (vent1 ) 246 (270 || 2740)
E No power NA
When the EV charger is connected, charging state (B, C or D), the EVSE starts
to control the duty cycle of the PWM signal on the CP pin. The duty cycle represents
the maximum allowed current drain by the EV charger following (2.1) for 6 A to 51 A
and (2.2) for 52 A to 80 A.
2. Theory
The EPC represents the charging state with three 5 V signals (B, G and R) or a
three coloured LED (blue, green and red). Only one signal is active at a time and
the signal can either be constant high or flashing with 1 Hz frequency. Table 2.2
describes the signals for each state of the EV charging. The current limitation is
controlled by changing the resistance between the IC contact and 0 V. The resistance
of 191 Ω generates a voltage of 0.8018 V between IC contact and 0 V and represents
6 A charging for the EV [14] while a resistance of 9090 Ω generates a voltage of
4.5045 V and represents 80 A maximum charge.
State Signal
A Not connected Flashing B/blue
B Connected EV Constant B/blue
C EV charging Constant G/green
D Ventilation required Constant R/red
E Not powered No signal
F Error Flashing R/red
2. Theory
2.2.1 Modbus
Modbus is a serial communication protocol standard used on the application layer in
the OSI model. It can be used on multiple different psychical layers such as Ethernet,
RS485/RS232 or other serial communication techniques [19]. The Modbus protocol
is a request/reply protocol where a master/server sends a request message to a device
and the device answer the master with a data response.
There are three different message types; request, response and exception re-
sponse. The message is built up of four segments; an address, a function code , a
data segment and an error checking segment.
The Modbus request message contains the address to the slave, a function code,
defining what kind of request there is, a data field with length depending on what
kind of function there is and last two bytes of CRC.
The slave answers with the same address and function code in the address and
function field, so the master knows where the response come from. The response
data is dependent on what function was called. And the CRC ends the message.
In case of an error in the request the slave answers with an exception response.
This response also starts with the address but the function code is changed to the
same code but the MSB is flipped to one. The data part contains an exception code
depending on the error.
2. Theory
The function code 0x04 is for reading input registers. This function code is sent
with four bytes of data. The first two bytes contain the address of the register on
the device, the second two bytes are for representing the number of register that
should be read after the first address. The example 0x0002 represents reading two
registers starting on the "address" and reading "address" +1. The response to this
request is function code 0x04 together with one byte representing the numbers of
data bytes to be received. In this case four bytes (each register is two bytes). This
is followed by the data, the register of the address first. All data uses big-endian
representation, that is most significant byte comes first.
2.2.2 RS485
RS485, also known as TIA-485-A or EIA-485, is an electrical characteristics standard
for a type of serial communicating [20]. It communicates using differential receiver
levels for representing zeroes and ones. A negative voltage of 200 mV between signals
A and B represents a logic one and a positive voltage of 200 mV represents a logic
zero [20]. RS485 can use two wires A and B for half duplex communication or four
wires for full duplex communication, using one pair for transmitting and one pair for
receiving. A network is set up with one driver/master, who decides who can utilise
the signal wires, and multiple devices/slaves that always listens and only respond
when the master ask them for information.
2. Theory
Long-range wireless
communication technologies
3.2 LoRa
LoRa is a physical-layer (PHY) proprietary modulation technology from Semtech
that focuses on long range and low power consumption. LoRa is a chirp spread
spectrum (CSS) technology, this means that the data is encoded in sinusoidal pulses
with continuously increasing frequency over time. With CSS the entire allocated
bandwith is used to transmit the signal making it resilient against noise. LoRa
operates in the sub-GHz unlicensed bands.
3. Long-range wireless communication technologies
3.2.1 LoRaWAN
LoRaWAN is a MAC-layer specification [23] for LoRa created by the LoRa Alliance.
LoRaWAN is open and free to use. It uses a star topology network architecture
where the end-devices communicate directly with a LoRa gateway that is connected
to the internet.
With a bandwidth of 125 kHz in Europe LoRaWAN sends messages at 0.3 kbit/s
to 5.5 kbit/s [24], the bit rate depends on how far the message needs to be sent.
LoRaWAN features symmetric encryption [23] using AES with 128-bit key length.
The messages are encrypted twice, the data is encrypted with an application key
and the whole message is then encrypted with a network key. The gateway knows
the network key and uses it to decrypt the message headers, using the headers the
message is forwarded to the correct target server on the internet. The target server
knows the application key and uses it the decrypt the message data.
There are two methods available to activate end-devices on a LoRaWAN network.
Over-the-air activation (OTAA), each session the end-devices goes through a join
procedure with the network where it is assigned network and application keys. The
second activation method is authentication by personalisation (APB), using this
method the network and application keys are generated before deployment and are
stored on the end-devices. Using this method no join procedure is required.
Both uplink and downlink messages are possible using LoRaWAN, there are
three different modes of operation available for end-devices called Class A, B and
C. Class A is the default mode and using this the end-devices are initiating the
communication with an uplink transmission followed by two short downlink receive
windows where the gateway can transmit data to the end-device. Class B adds
additional receive windows at scheduled times enabling downlink messages without
waiting an uplink message from the end-device. Using Class C the end-devices are
receiving nearly continuously, the only times they are not receiving is when they are
LoRaWAN uses adaptive data rates to find the correct balance between speed
and range.
Symphony Link is a proprietary protocol built by Link Labs using the LoRa PHY.
It was created to compete with LoRaWAN and Symphony Link has some big ad-
vantages. Encryption is handled using a public key infrastructure (PKI) with Diffie
Hellman algorithm and AES encryption [25]. There is no duty cycle limit on Sym-
phony Link since it implements "Polite spectrum access". All messages in Symphony
Link are acknowledged (ACK). To keep ACKs from taking up valuable airtime the
gateway multicasts multiple ACKs in a single transmission. Symphony Link has
built in support of over-the-air (OTA) firmware upgrade. This protocol is currently
only available in the USA on the 915 MHz band.
3. Long-range wireless communication technologies
3.3 Sigfox
SigFox is a proprietary worldwide ultra-narrowband communication service provided
by the company with the same name. The technology uses the Sub-GHz ISM-bands
and modulates the signal with binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) for uplink and
Gaussian frequency-shift keying (GFSK) for downlink [26].
Sigfox is deployed as one large network covering large parts of Europe and some
locations in America, Asia and Australia. SigFox works much like the cellular net-
work, in each country there is a carrier responsible for selling subscriptions to the
network. There are different levels of subscriptions depending how many uplink and
downlink messages that are needed per day.
Downlink messages in SigFox is possible but very limited. To send a message to
an end device, the downlink message first has to be sent from the user application
to the SigFox backend where it is queued. The message is sent when the end device
sends an uplink message with an acknowledgement flag set, this flag informs the
back end that the end device will be in receive mode for 30 seconds.
Message sizes in Sigfox are 12 bytes for uplink and 8 bytes for downlink. Sigfox
occupies a bandwidth of 100 Hz in Europe and 600 Hz in the USA. The uplink data
rate is 100 bit/s or 600 bit/s depending on region.
3.4 Weightless-P
Weightless-P is one of Weightless Special Interests Groups (SIG) open LPWAN
Weightless-P uses Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) and offset quadrature
phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation with a 12.5 kHz bandwidth and it can operate
over the entire sub-GHz spectrum. The data rate is adaptive from 0.2 kbit/s to
100 kbit/s depending on how far the message need to be sent, the range in an urban
environment is up to 2 km.
Communication is bidirectional and fully acknowledged, if a message is dropped
it is retransmitted automatically. Authentication to the network is handled with
keys using AES 128/256 encryption.
3. Long-range wireless communication technologies
3.8 NB-IoT
Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) is another new technology standard from 3GPP that is
designed to fit inside a 200kHz GSM/UMTS channel. It supports uplink speeds of
up to 144 kbit/s and is half duplex. NB-IoT can be deployed in three different ways,
stand-alone in a GSM band, in the guard bands of LTE, or in a LTE band. NB-IoT
has no support for mobility so when a device changes base station it will have to
redo the join request. NB-IoT devices will not have a direct TCP/IP connection to
the internet like LTE-Cat-M1, it will have a similar soloution to LoRaWAN where
the gateway converts the packages and puts them on the Internet. NB-IoT will be
deployed by mobile carriers in the licensed spectrum which means that there will be
a monthly subscription fee to use it.
3. Long-range wireless communication technologies
device must have a SIM card and pay for the data being transmitted/received.
3.10.2 Comparison
An elimination matrix is used to eliminate the technologies that could not be used
at all for this project, table 3.1 shows this matrix. This removes all but the cellular,
LoRaWAN and Waviot NB-Fi communication technologies. A Pugh matrix is used
to decide which of the three technologies to use, seen in table 3.2. LoRaWAN is the
best fit for this project because of the possibility to host your own gateway combined
with the wide market adoption and multitude of end devices to choose from.
3. Long-range wireless communication technologies
a tio
e nt
a ut d en ble
d w e i l a
n S a
1 km on a in e av
i l e r
> pt lab rdw
n c ry a i
Ra En Av Ha Comment
Cellular X X X X
Ingenu RPMA X X Only available in the USA
LTE-Cat-M1 X X Only trials in Sweden so far
Waviot NB-Fi X X X X
NB-IoT X X Not available in Sweden yet
SigFox X X Coming to Sweden 2018
Symphony Link X X X No hardware for Europe available
Weightless-P X X X Not possible to buy hardware yet
F i
N N B-
r A t
l lula RaW avio
Ce Lo W
Self hostable - + +
Gateway cost 0 + -
Subscription cost - 0 0
Device cost - + +
Market adoption + + -
Device options + + -
Grade -1 5 0
Rank 3 1 2
This chapter describes how the prototype is implemented as a whole, starting with
the components in each EVSE node, section 4.1, followed by the communication
link, section 4.2, and how the centralised control system is implemented, section
Each EVSE node contains seven components handling communication to the EV,
energy metering and communication to the control system. A Viridian EPC [14]
handles the communication between the microcontroller and the EV. An Easton
4. Implementation
SDM230 Modbus [17] energy meter records the energy consumption and commu-
nicates with a microcontroller using Modbus over RS485. A 16 A circuit breaker
protects against excessive current draw. A contactor controls the connection of the
charging contacts on the charging plug. A 230 VAC-to-12 VDC converter, powers
the microcontroller. A microcontroller with SX1272 LoRa module handling the com-
munication and interfacing to the centralised control system and the components in
the node. In extension to the microcontroller is a PCB containing RS485 and digital
potentiometer chips and a signal relay for controlling the signal to the contactor.
Figure 4.2: State machine handling the readings from the EPC LEDs. A new
interrupt on a LED-pin will reset the state machine to Read 1.
During start up of the EVSE node the EPC flashes twice in each colour to show
4. Implementation
correct start up sequence. The LED interrupt handlers are therefore disabled during
the start up sequence.
For testing the state readings from the EPC, an EV charger is simulated with
a diode in series with three different resistances depending on the desired state,
2740 Ω, 1300 Ω and 270 Ω following Table 2.1. The state of the EPC is changed by
connecting the different resistances between the 0 V and CP connectors.
4. Implementation
ling the resistance between the Viridian EPC IC and 0 V contacts, and a signal
relay for controlling a 230 VAC control signal to the contactor. The signal relay is
supplemented with a flyback diode and transistor control to protect the MCU from
voltage spikes and current drains when switching the relay. A 3D model of the PCB
is displayed in Figure 4.3. Schematics and layout for the PCB can be found in the
appendix A.
Figure 4.3: PCB containing digital potentiometer AD8400 (upper left chip),
SP3485 transceiver (right chip) and a signal relay (white block) with connected
screw terminals for AC connection.
4.1.6 Contactor
The contactor in the EVSE is used for switching the AC connection on and off to
the EV. The contactor is controlled using a 220 V AC signal. This signal is in turn
controlled from the MCU using the relay on the extension PCB.
4. Implementation
This is done by storing all "time on air" data for new messages in an list together
with an time stamp for each message. When something is to be sent first the list
is updated, removing all messages that have a time stamp older than one hour and
then all the "time on air" data is summed up. If the total sum of "time on air" plus
the "time on air" for the new message is lower than 36 s (1 % duty cycle per hour)
the new message is sent and stored last in the list. If the list is full, (36 s) or more,
the message is delayed and not added to the list.
4. Implementation
The user interface is accessed on any device with a web browser, the web server
is connected to the load balancer with MQTT to send prioritised charge requests.
The energy and current data is fetched by the web server from the SQL database
and displayed as graphs in the browser. A visualisation of this system can be seen
in Figure 4.4.
Load balancer
SQL Database
LoRa Server
4. Implementation
MQTT for communication between all of its components. The network server has
support for both OTAA and ABP. The application server has a web browser based
user interface that is used to create new applications and add approved device ids
to them. The application server has a REST API where messages can be received
and transmitted. It is also possible to transmit and receive messages using MQTT
topics set up by LoRa Server.
A MQTT broker is needed to send and receive MQTT packages. We decided to
use an open source broker called Mosquitto.
4. Implementation
for each EVSE is calculated by multiplying the weight of the EVSE with the new
current limit. The new individual limits are sent downlink to the EVSEs using the
LoRa Server.
If the port is "5" a EVSE has acknowledged a downlink message sent by the load
Finally if the port is "6" the message is a priority charging request sent from a
user pressing the button on a EVSE. The load balancer gives the EVSE priority by
setting its weight to four. After this the new current limits for EVSEs on the same
group are calculated and sent downlink. An illustration of the load balancer’s state
transitions can be viewed in Figure 4.5
Energy Change
readings to EVSE state
Port = 1 Port = 2
Port = 5 Port = 6
The load balancer reads a configuration file on startup that contains a start and
stop time. These two times define between which hours the EVSEs are allowed to
charge. The load balancer orders all EVSEs to stop charging by setting their weight
to zero and then re-calculate the current limits which leads to all EVSEs getting
zero amperes as limit. If a user requests prioritised charging however the weight is
set to four and the EVSE is allowed to charge.
4. Implementation
There are two different views available, one is a view of a specific EVSE which
shows the energy and current graphs and has the prioritised charging button, this
view can be seen in Figure 4.6. The other view is an overview of all registered
EVSEs and groups, this view is meant to be used by the system administrator to
add, remove or edit EVSEs and groups. The administrator view can be seen in
Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.6: The user interface for a specific EVSE, used to view energy
consumption and to request prioritised charging.
The graphs are drawn by a open source javascript library called Chart.js, the
data is supplied as JSON by the web server.
When the user clicks the prioritised charging button it is sent as a HTTP POST
request containing the device id and a bool describing if it was a request to turn
on or off prioritised charging. The web server routes the request to the prioritised
charging request handler, this handler sends a message over MQTT to the load
balancer requesting prioritised charging for the EVSE in question. The load balancer
responds with the new prioritised charging state to the web server which in turn
replies to the original POST request showing the state to the user by changing the
text in the button to "Stop quick charge".
4. Implementation
Figure 4.7: Interface for system administrators used for deleting and adding
EVSEs and groups.
The result chapter brings up results for individual parts of each sub system, EVSE
nodes in section 5.1, LoRa result in section 5.2, control system results in section
5.3 and ends with a summary of how the prototype meets the goals we set in the
beginning of the project, section 5.4.
5.1 EVSE
The project used two EVSE test nodes but has scalability to add more nodes through
the web interface. This section will contains result for the different functions of the
EVSE nodes have.
5. Results
Table 5.1: Digital code for the two digital potentiometers used in the two EVSE
Digital code
Current (A) Resistance (Ω)
Node 1 Node 2
6 191 33 26
7 205 36 29
8 221 39 33
9 237 43 36
10 249 46 39
11 267 51 43
12 280 54 47
13 301 59 52
14 316 62 55
15 332 66 59
16 348 70 63
5.2 LoRa
The low through put of a LoRa network was not a problem for the implementation.
There is no big amount of data that needs to be communicated. The reliability of
the communication link is however critical and very depending on node placement.
If the node has a lot of obstacles in close range to the antenna the transmission has
higher probability to fail even in short ranges to the gateway. A node with free air
in close range tend to handle much longer distances without failing in transmission.
Parking lots tend to be flat and the EVSE nodes can therefore be placed with mostly
free air all the way to the gateway, resulting in high probability of good connectivity.
5. Results
manage to send the data on all spreading factors. The change in reliability depending
on spreading factor started to show a little first with the longer ranges (over one
kilometre). The data from the testing can be found in Appendix B
We can conclude that LoRaWAN clearly meets the range requirements for this
project from this test with even the lowest spreading factor.
5. Results
5.4 Summary
The prototype controls the maximum available current of every connected EVSE
node and share the current between the nodes as intended. The fast charging func-
tionally gives the EVSE node four times the weight compare to a normal EVSE node
when the current is shared between the EVSE nodes. When a EV is connected to a
EVSE the control system it makes sure that all already charging EVSEs is lowered
to the new lower limit before the new EV is allowed to start charging. The control
system can be controlled so that all the weights of the EVSEs is zeroed between
different time stamps so that charging is only enabled during the night or if fast
charging is requested.
6.1 Discussion
In this section we discuss problems, solutions and possible new development of the
different components in this project.
6.1.1 EPC
When the current limit is updated the EPC quickly turns all LED signals on and
off three times. During this time the interrupt handlers are disabled to make sure
that this flashing does not trigger an incorrect state change. This workaround could
result in a missed state change if the car switches state during the time the interrupt
handlers are disabled. This problem should not occur in normal use of the EVSE,
but should anyways be handled in a finished product.
For larger scale production of these EVSE nodes the control values for the digital
potentiometer should be the same so that no individual EVSE node configuration is
needed. It is possible that this is the case for most digital potentiometers and that
our case just was a bad example, but this has not been tested.
A possible solution for most of our problems with the EPC would have been to
remove the EPC as a unit of our system and implement the communication directly
to the EV. The communication protocol only consists of a resistance that need to be
read on the EV side and a 1 kHz ±12 V PWM signal that needs to be generated on
the controller side. This solution however would have required full access to the IEC
62196 standard and probably a lot more work with certifications to get a finished
6. Conclusion
Another possible solution would be to ensure galvanic isolation between the radio
module and the rest of the EVSE. This could be done by replacing the AC signal
relay with a solid state relay and adding opto-isolators to the EPC LED- and RS485-
signals. This way the only galvanic connection would be the power supply witch
in turn given some time probably could have been filtered to get a working module
without spikes.
6.1.4 LoRa
Using LoRa as communication technique added a lot of limitations of how the system
could be implemented. The low throughput resulted in a very small message with
limited information about the current charging state of the EVSE. With a higher
throughput communication technique information from the energy meter could be
added to the control algorithm for a more controlled charging of the EVs. This
would also require a lot more messages between the control system and the EVSEs.
For such a implementation a higher throughput technique is needed.
Each state change of the EVSEs is critical for when to change charging currents
and therefore need acknowledgement from the control system. Serving a big parking
lot with many EVSE nodes will add a lot of acknowledgements that needs to be sent
from the control system. This would increase the numbers of gateways needed as
each gateway probably will reach the limit of how many messages is allowed to
be sent. Adding more gateways in the same area could then increase the risk of
messages interfering with each other as the two gateways will send messages.
6. Conclusion
These two problems interfere much with the rest of the charging system as this
is the most critical communication path. By chaining communication technique a
faster and more expandable system could have been created.
This however would require a rework of the project requirements for adding more
high throughput techniques. By chaining the self-hostable and cost requirement for
this project a cellular technique would be interesting, or by lowering the range
requirement a meshed Wi-Fi solution could be interesting.
There is also a lot of long range techniques that could work better than LoRa
however not yet released as of the date when starting this project.
6.2 Conclusion
The goal of this project was to design a prototype that could manage the charging
of groups of EVs. We achieved this by controlling each EVSE individually. To
communicate with the EVSEs we had to use a communication technology with a
very long range, a new type of wireless communication technology called LPWAN fit
this task. To choose which LPWAN to use we evaluated and compared all relevant
technologies. We decided to use LoRaWAN because of its availability of hardware
and the possibility of setting up our own network. With the EVSEs connected to
the internet the next task was to organise the charging. We created a load balancer
application with the task of calculating the current allocations for all connected and
charging EVs. To allow users to see their energy consumption and request quick
charge we created a web based user interface.
The early decision to build the EVSE based on a already developed third party
EPC to lower the complexity of the problem created more problems than it solved.
The prototype would probably have achieved a better result if the EV charger control
hardware were to be built from scratch and where all communication signals would
be controlled directly by the prototype.
The choice of using LoRaWAN as our communication technique limited the pro-
totype a lot in terms of responsiveness and functionality. LoRa was however the
only available technique fitting our requirements at the start of this project.
6. Conclusion
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Extension PCB
A. Extension PCB
Range Data
LoRa Range test data
DR_5 (SF7) DR_4 (SF8) DR_3 (SF9) DR_2 (SF10) DR_1 (SF11) DR_0 (SF12)
Location Plats Distance RSSI (SF7)
LoRaSNR (SF10)
LoRaSNR (SF11)
LoRaSNR (SF12)
Node-Antenna Gateway-Antenna
57.67118,12.01549 1 1 -25 7.5 -33 8.8 -53 12.5 -51 10.8 -40 10.2 -27 8 Short Standard
57.67099,12.01551 2 21 -76 8.5 -81 11.2 -75 8.5 -69 6.8 -70 12.5 -62 8.5 Short Standard
57.67057,12.01584 3 71 -80 8.8 -79 10.5 -83 7.2 -86 7.5 -76 8.5 -75 7.2 Short Standard
57.66977,12.01588 4 160 -91 8.5 -91 10 -92 10.2 -85 9 -96 7 -88 7.2 Short Standard
57.66884,12.0165 5 270 -107 -2.2 -104 0.2 -100 7 -106 0.2 -100 6.5 -101 2.5 Short Standard
57.66736,12.01693 6 430 -110 -4 -107 -1.2 -108 -3 -107 -2.8 -111 -7.8 -106 -2.8 Short Standard
57.66502,12.01746 7 700 -111 -5.2 -109 -6 -109 -6.8 -111 -7.5 -108 -3.5 -110 -5.5 Short Standard
57.66502,12.01746 7 700 -106 0 -106 -1 -107 -0.2 -106 -0.2 -109 -1.5 -105 0 Bump Standard
57.66502,12.01746 7 700 -104 2.2 -105 2 -105 3.8 -109 -2.2 -108 -1.8 -105 -0.5 Short Standard
57.66495,12.01761 7 700 x -113 -5.2 -111 -13.5 -111 -13 -111 -15.8 -110 -10.2 Short Standard
57.66495,12.01761 7 700 -112 -6.8 -112 -12.8 -110 -9.2 -112 -12.5 -111 -9.8 Bump Standard
57.66495,12.01761 7 700 -106 6.8 -107 6.5 -106 8.8 -105 5.8 -104 7 -105 6.5 Bump Outside big
57.66495,12.01761 7 700 -104 7 -109 8.5 -109 8 -103 6.8 -107 7 -106 5.8 Short Outside big
57.66392,12.0182 8 820 -109 -7 -108 -4.8 -110 -9.2 -111 -9.2 -109 -7.5 -109 -5.2 Bump Standard
57.66392,12.0182 8 820 -103 5 -107 2.5 -106 1.2 -104 3.2 -107 4.5 -105 -1.8 Short Standard
57.66169,12.01902 9 1080 x x x -115 -11.2 -113 -11 -113 -11.2 Short Standard
57.66169,12.01902 9 1080 x x x x -112 -17.8 x Bump Standard
57.66026,12.0201 10 1250 x x x x -115 -17 Short Standard
57.66026,12.0201 10 1250 x x x x x x Short Outside big
57.659,12.02089 11 1390 -117 -1 -115 0.8 -118 1.2 -119 -7 -119 -4.5 -116 0.2 Short Outside big
57.659,12.02089 11 1390 x x x x x x Short Standard
57.65767,12.01984 12 1530 -113 5 -115 2 -115 2.2 -118 -0.5 -119 -3.8 -119 -9 Short Outside big
57.65602,12.019 13 1700 -113 4.5 -102 5 -115 5.2 -109 5.2 -111 7 -110 3.8 Short Outside big
57.6534,12.02059 14 2000 -117 -3.5 -119 -5 -123 -8.5 -118 -2 -117 -0.2 -121 -6.5 Short Outside big
57.65049,12.02204 15 2340 -115 1 -118 -5.5 -121 -11 -121 -7.2 -121 -8.2 -119 -5 Short Outside big
57.64679,12.02505 16 2780 -118 -4.8 x -119 -11.2 -121 -11.8 -121 -12.5 -119 -11 Short Outside big
57.64512,12.02744 17 2990 -118 -5.2 -119 -5.5 -121 -4 -104 -10 -119 -6.8 -119 -7.2 Short Outside big
57.64099,12.03226 18 3510 -121 -7.8 -119 -7.5 x -119 -10.5 -119 -6.2 -116 -7.5 Short Outside big
57.63199,12.03607 19 4530 x -121 -8.8 -119 -13 -121 -12.2 -123 -8.8 -121 -6.8 Short Outside big
57.62547,12.04096 20 5310 x -121 -8.5 x x -119 -15.2 x Short Outside big
57.62447,12.04162 21 5430 x x x x x x Short Outside big