Chapter 1 - Socialisation
Chapter 1 - Socialisation
Chapter 1 - Socialisation
-It is a birth right in which people identify themselves with.
Examples of things in which people identify themselves are:
(b) Community
-Is a place where people collectively live, share common resources such as food, roads, water
resources, recreational centres and many others.
-refers to a group of people sharing the same geographical location in an organised way and
share the same culture norms, values, hopes, successes, aspirations, determination, failures and
other things.
-refers to accepted standards of behaviour in a particular society.
-It also refers to expectations developed by a group of people that guide behaviour.
-refers as to the state of mind which trusts that something exists.
-It is faith and acceptance that something is true and exists.
-Is a way of life that encompasses language, ideas, behaviour, and food
-Is ideas, arts, customs, beliefs, and social behaviour passed from one generation to the other.
-Are habits that are continuously practised that is more or less permanent for use by a society.
-Is a collective term used to refer to the means of communication.
-Is the means through which different types of information are disseminated or conveyed to
- The two types of media are print and electronic media.
-Examples of media include:
(v)Mobile phones e.t.c
-Are ceremonies that are repeatedly done in a set manner for example the Shangani initiation
ceremonies and other forms.
-Is defined as the process whereby individuals acquire and share beliefs and culture in the society
-It can also be defined as the process whereby an infant systematically becomes a self-aware and
knowledgeable person in skills to understand and share the culture into which he or she was
-It is a lifelong process during which people learn about social expectations and how to interact
with other people such as how to talk, walk, and play with others.
- It is a process of welcoming infants into the social world.
-It is a lifelong social experience by which individuals develop their potential, learn, and share
their culture.
- accommodation,
-clothes to wear,
-music played
-discipline and other things
Explain the role of religion in the socialisation process
-There are various religions in Zimbabwe such as African Traditional religion, Christianity,
Islam, Judaism and Rastafarianism to mention a few.
-these religions’ message has the power to influence people’s beliefs and behaviour.
-provides a link between people and God-the love of God.
-it teaches critical values such as respect for parents, forgiveness, being humble e.t.c
-living a faithful life
-Good morals and behaviour and so on
(b)African Traditional Religion
-it teaches good beliefs of Africans
-beliefs are passed from one generation to the other by the word of mouth.
-teaches about vadzimu-mediators between God and people.
- its believed Vadzimu provides us with guidance and protection and that they can stop droughts
and starvation, diseases and provide good for the future.
-was founded by Marcus Garvey around 1920-1930 in Jamaica
-Rastafarians believe in the Messiarship of emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia who resisted
oppression and pride to Africa’s heritage
-its teachings are from the Old Testament and are based on Judaism and Christianity.
-They believe that God is black and that there is a black man’s God
Religion and Fundamentalism
(a)What is media
-means of communication
Forms of Media
-media exists in two forms namely:
(i) Print media
(ii) Electronic Media
-newspapers like Daily News, Herald, Sunday Mail, H-Metro etc
-Digital versatile disc players (DVD)
-face book
The role of media in the socialisation process
-children can end up watching harmful and unlawful pornographic material/movies and videos.
-Spread of diseases through wanting to experience what they see on these media
-Media also promotes aggressive behaviour i.e. in America –most children are violent
-In Zimbabwe Children who watch these videos ended up being more bully and deviant
-Media is used by terrorists to spread propaganda e.g. in Nigeria –Boko Haram
-At times media is used to spread Hate and discrimination e.g. among HIV and AIDS patients,
Africans are portrayed as backward and poor
-Media is also used by the young as a dating platform
-It also affects proper mental development especially to people /children who continuously watch
-Media also affects culture especially in terms of dressing and language
-Media also give young girls a false sense of beauty-copying Riana
-Media also encouraged hacking for monetary gains.
-Media has also led to communication breakdown and family disputes since most people are now
taking most of their time watching videos and paying games instead of doing productive work.
-Irresponsible use of media has resulted in worsened cheating in marriages
-Media was also used for political reasons to threaten people in social platforms
-Media also teach people to be more critical to the government
-media promotes cyber bullying.
-Increase in theft of cell phones
Importance of Socialisation
Stage I
-Pregnant mother
Stage 2
-Child is born and socialises with mother and father.
Stage 3
-Child socialises with the nuclear and extended family
-Child socialises with friends.
-Child reaches adolescence and succumbs to peer pressure.
-Child matures
-Child becomes old
-Child finally dies.
-A mother is referred to as a woman or female adult related to a child or children to whom she
has given birth.
-Mothers provide children with their first experience of the social world.
-Mothers start socialisation process with their babies whilst in their wombs.
-Mothers teach their children hymning, talking and clapping.
-They do this in their mother tongue.
-Prepares food for the family.
-Keeps the house in order.
-Nurtures and raising the children, teaching the children expected morals and values from a
cultural and biblical perspective.
-Is a male adult in relation to his child or children.
-The father also plays an equally important role in the socialisation process of a child.
-The father nurtures and guides their infants.
-The father provides moral and logistical support for the family.
-The father is the role model of discipline, guidance and culture.
-The father instils a sense of security and discipline.
-He resolves disputes arising in the family.
-Provides food, shelter and financial support (money) for the family.
-Making important decisions that impact on the family in the present as well as future.
(d) Friends/colleagues
-Help to relate to each other.
-Help each other in times of need.
-People interact together.
-Exchange views based on their cultures.
-Some of the relations are families, friends, casual and romantic relations.
-Is a way of life in which two or more people are connected.
-Some are related by blood or community.
-Is an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words, but that has
a separate meaning of its own.
-Is referred to as a short saying that is widely used to express an obvious truth.
-A duty or task that you are required or expected to do.
-Is an action of departing from accepted standards
-Deviance is the violation of society’s cultural norms and values.
-refers to the traditional beliefs, customs and stories of the community passed through
generations by the word of mouth.
-Is an act of encouraging, nourishing and caring for.
-Examples are Borrowdale in Harare, Hillside in Bulawayo, Lundi Park and Southdowns in
-There are good houses.
-People living in these areas are educated.
-Most people living in these areas are extremely rich.
-People living there prefer soft genres and western music
(c)Rural Areas
-Examples are in Mberengwa, Gutu, Mutoko and many others.
-People live and work together.
-People share food equally.
-People do community gatherings and ceremonies.
-They also do community rituals together e.t.c