Feu-Nrmf School of Medicine Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Guidelines and Policies in Pathology B Revised August 2021
Feu-Nrmf School of Medicine Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Guidelines and Policies in Pathology B Revised August 2021
Feu-Nrmf School of Medicine Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Guidelines and Policies in Pathology B Revised August 2021
Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Diseases, Kumar, Abbas & Aster 10th edition
Wheater’s Basic Histopathology, Stevens, Lowe, Young 6th edition
Curran’s Atlas of Histopathology, 4th edition
Workbook for Laboratory Exercises in Systemic Pathology to be purchased at the FEU-NRMF Bookstore.
Colored pencils (digital pen optional)
will be checked during lecture, SGD and laboratory sessions
You will be marked LATE if you enter the classroom/laboratory within 16-30 minutes of the scheduled start of
classes. You will be marked ABSENT if you enter the classroom 30 minutes after the scheduled start of classes.
Excuse letter for all absences must be presented to the Dean’s office and a copy of the readmission slip signed
by the Dean must be submitted to the department’s secretary within 3 days upon your return to class.
If 3 absences are incurred, student will be reported to the Dean and will not be admitted in class unless a
readmission slip is secured from the Dean’s office.
If you have accumulated more than three absences (>20% of the total number of subject hours), you will be
given a grade “Unauthorized Withdrawal” (UW).
Conducted online through Moodle using Zoom. Lectures are based on Textbook. Instructional Learning
Objectives are included in the Pathology B Workbook.
No makeup lecture for undelivered lectures due to official class cancellation, suspension and holidays.
Conducted online through Moodle using Zoom.
Each student will be assigned to report using 5-7 power point slide presentation per lesion in 10-15 minutes.
Report must cover etiology (in bullet form), pathogenesis (flow chart), morphology (gross, microscopic) and
clinical features (manifestations, complications, etc.) for laboratory exercise. Satisfactory report will be given
one perfect laboratory quiz score. Unsatisfactory/failure to report will be given a grade of zero. Slides previously
discussed in Pathology A or previous topics in Pathology B need not be presented anymore.
Activities during the laboratory: checking of attendance, reporting, drawing and labeling of the various lesions in
your workbook and submission of completed exercise.
Conducted online through Moodle using Zoom. SGD session will be used for clinicopathologic case discussion
Three (3) clinicopathologic cases will be discussed during the semester. Each case will be discussed for three weeks:
The first and third case will be discussed in the ff. order: 1st week – clinical discussion (main clinical diagnosis,
differential diagnosis, and clinical cause of death); 2nd week – anatomic discussion (anatomic diagnoses, categorize
anatomic diagnoses); 3rd week – correlation of clinical and anatomic findings. In the second case the anatomic
discussion is done before the clinical discussion (reverse CPC). For CPC cases, a copy of the case protocol will be
provided by the class adviser.
1. A pretest and/or posttest will be given for each session. CPC grade is composed of 50% CPC quiz and 50% class
2. Discussion of the case follows. Discussants will be randomly chosen/volunteer among the students. Participation
in the discussion (as discussant, answering questions, asking relevant questions, sharing studied facts) will be given
3. Clinical Discussion: Based on the clinical history given, the discussant must be able to discuss:
A. The differential diagnosis/diagnoses with basis for ruling in and ruling out.
B. The Main Clinical Diagnosis (enumerate the basis)
C. Clinical Cause of Death
D. Other diseases related and not related to the main clinical diagnosis the patient has.
4. Anatomic Discussion: Based on the autopsy protocol given, the discussant must be able to
A. Give the anatomic diagnosis/es of the various organ systems
B. Classify the various anatomic diagnoses according to the ff.:
I. Disease causing death directly
II. Disease/s contributing or related to death by cause or effect
III. Significant disease/s not related to death but significant enough to contribute to the death of the
IV. Incidental disease/s (did not contribute to patient’s admission; patient could have lived longer/’normal
life span” with this/these disease/s was/were present.
V. Anatomic cause of death (refer to I)
5. Clinicopathologic Correlation
A. A type written flow chart will be constructed to reflect the sequence of events of the anatomic diagnoses in
the evolution of the patient’s condition starting with demographics and risk factors until his demise to
include pathophysiology for each.
B. The students will correlate the clinical manifestations and findings with the anatomic diagnoses and explain
the pathophysiology to include ancillary procedures. “How did the anatomic finding give rise to the clinical
Note: This is an individual work and will be submitted. A grade of zero will be given to students with the same
flow chart. The flow chart must be complete to include all paired clinical and autopsy findings. (Please see
example in page 3/4)
Conducted online through Moodle. (Long exam, Short test, Laboratory Quiz, SGD/CPC quiz) Exams are set
sequential and on fault tolerant mode. Preloading time is 10 minutes (staggering of preloading time maybe
employed). Only one gadget is allowed to be used during the examination with only one window/tab opened in
the entire duration of the examination. Another gadget may be used only for communication to SMS helpline in
case of problems. Do not forget to click “submit all” at the end of exam. Read the latest Moodle Exam Primer
version for specific instructions and follow proctoring guidelines provided by the Dean’s office or the Online
Learning committee for other proctoring instructions.
Short tests (Plating/Shifting) on lecture topics and Laboratory quizzes will be given on Mondays of each week at
12:00 to 1:00 PM. Student must log in within 5 minutes (plating) and 3 minutes (laboratory) after the exam
begins. Plating and Laboratory examination will be Zoom proctored.
Long tests (1st prelim, midterm and final). Students must log in within 15 minutes after the exam begins.
o First prelim 100 items. Prelim 90 items and Laboratory 10 items.
o Midterm 110 items. Prelim 20 items, Midterm 80 items and Laboratory 10 items.
o Final 120 items. Prelim 10 items, Midterm 20 items, Final 80 items and Laboratory 10 items
You will not be allowed to take the examination after the recommended log in time or if an examinee finishes
the examination.
Academic dishonesty in any form, attempt to cheat, assisting others to cheat or participating or engaging in such
improper conduct is a serious violation. This will result in nullification of the student’s exam and administrative
process will be initiated. Penalty for cheating/ attempt to cheat is dismissal from the medical foundation (FEU-
NRMF revised student code of conduct 2015). Examples of improper conduct: communicating with another
student during the exam; using unauthorized gadgets (phones, tablets, etc.) and opening more than one tab
during the exam.
Make up of plating/s (excused) and long examination/s (1st prelim and midterm) will be given within one week
after returning to class or as scheduled. Make-up examination is mostly essay type. Students should submit re-
admission slip signed by the Dean within 3 days upon return to class.
Students are given until the last day of major examination week (prelim, midterm, final) and 24 hours after each
plating and laboratory examinations to challenge the key using textbook as the reference. Students will submit
to class coordinator who will collate the proposed answers with basis and submit to the subject coordinator. For
CPC quizzes students may submit their corrections/ask directly during case discussion to their respective class
1st prelim 18% Passing > 75%
2 prelim 22% Removal > 70 to < 75%
Finals 24% Failure < 70%
Platings 20%
Manual checking 2%
Lab Quiz 5%
CPC 9%
I have read, explained to me, understood and will comply with the Pathology Department four-page Guidelines and
Policies for Pathology B (revised August 2021).
Student Number:
20 2000 1 6 301
Section: _______ 2nd
Semester: ______ 2021-2022
SY: ______________ 09755384232
Contact number: _____________________
Witness: ______________________________________________
Printed Name and Signature
Jan 24,2022