CFIN Frequently Asked Questions
CFIN Frequently Asked Questions
CFIN Frequently Asked Questions
24. Will cFIN be used for cash flow reporting and predictions?....................................9
25. Why are we integrating the non-SAP systems (OBEER, VIP) into...........................9
cFIN, instead of directly into SAP ECC? What is the plan for these systems? .................9
26. What amount of historical transactional and customer/vendor data will be
available in cFIN? ................................................................................................................10
27. Will we be able to view historical data from before in the new S/4 .......................10
28. Today, each physical location is a cost center. With cFIN, are we ........................10
looking to move vertical operations to have vertical cost centers? ................................10
29. Should Craft gift shops and eCommerce roll up to the “gift shop” or ..................10
“craft” line of business? .....................................................................................................10
30. With document splitting, how does cFIN know what amount gets .......................11
assigned to each profit center? Will the people doing entries need to know the
new profit centers to assign them?....................................................................................11
31. Where can we find a summary of the KDDs made across Program ......................11
Aurora (Common Template and cFIN)? .............................................................................11
32. Where can we find a summary of the KDDs made across Program ......................11
Aurora (Common Template and Is Controlling in scope for Sprint 2 or Sprint 3)? .........11
Fiori .............................................................................................................................. 12
33. What other chart types are available to display data in cFIN?...............................12
34. From the bar chart, can you click down to the individual transactional ...............12
35. Will everybody in NAZ have access to cFIN, including visibility to the ................12
Fiori tiles? ............................................................................................................................12
Training Material.......................................................................................................... 13
36. Where can we find the training materials? Do the training materials contain all
the information which was explained in the training session? ........................................13
37. What if I have questions regarding one of the training topics? .............................13
Any other questions? Let us know! ........................................................................... 13
Introduction cFIN
5. How can I access Central Finance?
You can access Central Finance through the Fiori application. Since Fiori is a web-
based application, you will be able to access it with a web browser and a link.
Frequently Asked Questions
• On March 28th initial load will start. This means that all open items and balances of
2019, as well as the complete data of 2020 (all transactional data) will be loaded
into cFIN.
• On April 11 there will be a delta load. This means that all data after March 28th will
be loaded into cFIN
• After replication the data will automatically be replicated in cFIN
9. Can we have a table you can reference for the difference in GL account
numbers, cost centers for future transition to S4?
• Mapping examples are shared on the SharePoint (access through link).
10. How will OBEER’s master data be controlled and how will it fit with
• The future OBEER master data processes and approval paths will not change
when cFIN and MDG goes live. It will likely bring more visibility to non-compliant
• As we map all the data and start to maintain data/mapping, we will be able to better
identify the gaps and actions to close.
11. OBEER has different material master numbering than ECC. How will
this map?
• Mapping already exists form OBEER to SAP, and we will leverage this same
• There will be mapping from OBEER that aligns, and we will have 2 opportunities
to test this: once during Sprint 4 and again during Pre-Prod to ensure alignment
12. As craft expands with new acquisitions like CBA, what will be the
process for integration into cFIN?
• New acquisitions will go through the Integration Team, as they do today. The size
of the business acquired will determine how or where the acquisition gets
integrated into the systems
• For some of the smaller acquisitions ongoing today, they integrate into the existing
SAP ECC, and the interfaces from ECC to cFIN are being built for go -live and will
continue to replicate the new information when it exists
15. Will Global or the Zone be responsible for the maintenance of cFIN and
associated technologies?
• cFIN is a Global tool; the specific support path and managed services vendor is
yet to be determined.
• There will be aspects of the tool maintenance that will be shared between Global
and the Zone. For example, the source system data will first land in an NAZ storage
solution, before going to cFIN that is hosted by Global.
16. What types of vendor or customer master data will be available
in cFIN? i.e., remit-to vs. sold-to vendors?
• All customers and vendors will be in cFIN, including:
o Ship-to, sold-to, bill-to, etc.
o Remit-to, pay-to, etc.
• Wal-Mart example: 12 breweries each buy 1 cup from 12 different Wal-Mart stores
across the US.
• cFIN Purchase Order and Invoice will display the vendor as “Wal-Mart Store
#1001”, “Wal-Mart Store #1202”, etc. for each of the 12 store locations that were
sold from.
• The individual stores will also roll up to the parent/HQ entity of “Wal-Mart, Inc.” as
the remit-to vendor.
18. Does the end user role mapping exercise include MDG?
• Roles to access MDG (the application) are different than the cFIN roles and will be
provisioned in a separate process.
o If members of the MDM team need access to the cFIN application, those
names should be validated and added on this list.
22. What granularity will I have past the GCOA in cFIN? Will I have PO
line level detail or work order detail? Will material level detail be
available, like material numbers?
• For cFIN go live, financial transaction level of detail will be available. PO’s that are
FI transactions will have line-level details, but direct look-up of PO’s will not be
available in cFIN.
• Work order detail will be available only with the S/4 go live.
• cFIN will have material-level detail for finished goods, raw materials, and packaging
23. Will the change from business areas to profit centers occur in the
current SAP ECC?
• The current SAP ECC will continue to have business areas. cFIN will reflect profit
• When S/4 goes live in 2022 and the current ECC is decommissioned, business
areas will no longer be used.
24. Will cFIN be used for cash flow reporting and predictions?
• Conceptually, yes, cFIN can be used for cash flow reporting purposes; however,
we need to better understand how this can be used to determine how quickly after
go-live this functionality can be leveraged.
• Part of the later, post-initial go live phases of cFIN is a group reporting tool that will
assist with consolidation and developing indirect cash flow. cFIN will not be used
for direct cash flow.
25. Why are we integrating the non-SAP systems (OBEER, VIP) into
cFIN, instead of directly into SAP ECC? What is the plan for these
• Building connections from these systems into cFIN, rather than
upgrading connections into the existing SAP ECC, is ultimately less disruptive to
the business. Further, one of the cFIN use cases is to aggregate data from multiple
sources, making it easier to connect them to cFIN instead of the existing SAP.
• The intent is to leverage as much of S/4 as possible and reasonable for the
business, but it is not confirmed or determined yet what the future of these systems
• For cFIN, translation tables will be maintained in the interim until S/4 goes live
(i.e., 8-digit GL codes for VIP to cFIN).
26. What amount of historical transactional and customer/vendor data will
be available in cFIN?
• Inclusion of additional historical data would improve the value of cFIN to users
across the company.
• Open items and balances from end of 2019, as well as all transactional data for
2020 (until go-live April 11th) will be loaded into cFIN.
• As part of go-live preparation, MDG is cleansing all vendors and customers with
open items, inactive vendors are not included.
27. Will we be able to view historical data from before in the new S/4
• For cFIN: historical data will remain in the current legacy systems; it is not going to
be available cFIN.
• One of the decisions to be made as part of the S/4 implementation project is
whether historical data will be able to be viewed in S/4 or alternate platforms.
• However, as a financial requirement, we will always be able to view historical data
28. Today, each physical location is a cost center. With cFIN, are we
looking to move vertical operations to have vertical cost centers?
• In cFIN, profit centers are the lowest level of organizational detail and represent
physical locations.
• Each profit center can have multiple cost centers assigned to it.
• Vertical ops will have profit centers instead of GL accounts to track the level of
• There will be multiple cost centers aligned to each physical location, likely one cost
center per plant production process.
29. Should Craft gift shops and eCommerce roll up to the “gift shop” or
“craft” line of business?
• Looking at the business from a holistic point of view, the Craft gift shops and
eCommerce operations are each individual profit centers that are part of the Craft
business, rather than a “gift shop” line of business.
• In addition to profit center level of detail, cFIN will also have Sales Organizations
and Sales Structures as an alternate dimension to report on eCommerce.
30. With document splitting, how does cFIN know what amount gets
assigned to each profit center? Will the people doing entries need to
know the new profit centers to assign them?
• Same as today’s process, the user must assign the amount to a specific business
area in the legacy systems, i.e., the original purchase order or journal entry.
• Users will not need to know the new profit centers, as the entries occur in the
legacy systems using legacy business area numbering. The mapping between
legacy systems and cFIN will convert the old business area to the new profit center.
31. Where can we find a summary of the KDDs made across Program
Aurora (Common Template and cFIN)?
• The most up-to-date list of KDDs is always available on SharePoint, sample
screenshot below.
32. Where can we find a summary of the KDDs made across Program
Aurora (Common Template and Is Controlling in scope for Sprint 2 or
Sprint 3)?
Controlling Scope Planned for Sprint 2 Completed in Sprint 2 Planned for Sprint 3
Cost Center and Profit
✓ ✓ ✓
Center reporting
Replication of cost
objects, like internal orders ✓ ✓ ✓
and production orders
Replication of CO line items ✓ ✓
partial, pending OSS
extended to include
COPA reporting limited to non- certain logistics
logistics standard characteristics
characteristics with sample material
master data
WBS replication
33. What other chart types are available to display data in cFIN?
• Data can be displayed in bar charts, line charts, pie charts, etc. The button for bar
charts is generally the default button shown.
• Generally, any type of chart you can generate in Excel can be created directly in
the Fiori interface in cFIN.
34. From the bar chart, can you click down to the individual transactional
• Yes, users can right-click and view transactional data from the chart.
• A user’s level of access will dictate which tiles have the option to view transactional
35. Will everybody in NAZ have access to cFIN, including visibility to the
Fiori tiles?
• The medium-term goal and dream is for everyone to have access to Fiori by the
end of 2020. In the near-term for Q1 go live, a selected group of users will have
Training Material
36. Where can we find the training materials? Do the training materials
contain all the information which was explained in the training session?
• All training materials were consolidated and are shared on one central point on the
SharePoint. Via the link you can easily access all training materials: Presentations,
recordings, etc.