Brics: HIROIMONO Is NP-complete
Brics: HIROIMONO Is NP-complete
Brics: HIROIMONO Is NP-complete
HIROIMONO is NP-complete
Daniel Andersson
Copyright c 2007,
Daniel Andersson. BRICS, Department of Computer Science University of Aarhus. All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this work is permitted for educational or research use on condition that this copyright notice is included in any copy.
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HIROIMONO is N P-complete
Daniel Andersson January 2, 2007
Abstract In a Hiroimono puzzle, one must collect a set of stones from a square grid, moving along grid lines, picking up stones as one encounters them, and changing direction only when one picks up a stone. We show that deciding the solvability of such puzzles is N P-complete.
Hiroimono ( , things picked up) is an ancient Japanese class of tour puzzles. In a Hiroimono puzzle, we are given a square grid with stones placed at some grid points, and our task is to move along the grid lines and collect all the stones, while respecting the following rules: (1) We may start at any stone. (2) When a stone is encountered, we must pick it up. (3) We may change direction only when we pick up a stone. (4) We may not make 180 turns. Example 1.
Although it is more than half a millennium old, Hiroimono, also known as Goishi Hiroi ( ), appears in magazines, newspapers, and the World Puzzle Championship. Many other popular games and puzzles have been studied from a complexity-theoretic point of view and proved to give rise to hard computational problems, e.g. Tetris [3], Minesweeper [5], Sokoban [2], and Sudoku (also known as Number Place) [6]. We will show that this is also the case for Hiroimono. Denition 1. HIROIMONO is the problem of deciding for a given nonempty list of distinct points in Z2 representing a set of stones on the Cartesian grid, whether the corresponding Hiroimono puzzle is solvable under rules (14). The denition of START-HIROIMONO is the same, except that it replaces (1) with a rule stating that we must start at the rst stone in the given list. Finally, 180-HIROIMONO and 180-START-HIROIMONO are derived from HIROIMONO and START-HIROIMONO, respectively, by lifting rule (4). Theorem 1. HIROIMONO, START-HIROIMONO, 180-HIROIMONO, and 180-START-HIROIMONO are N P-complete. Their membership is obvious. To show their hardness, we will construct a reduction from 3-SAT [4].
Suppose that we are given as input a CNF formula = C1 C2 Cm with variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and with three literals in each clause. We output the puzzle p dened below. Remark. Although formally, the problem instances are ordered lists of integer points, we will in our puzzle specications leave out irrelevant details such as orientation, absolute position, and ordering after the rst stone . Denition 2. choice(i) := staircase :=
2m + 1
(2m + 8)(n i) + 1 staircase c(k, 1) := 2m + 4 (4m + 7)(i 1) + 1 staircase (2m + 2)(n i) + 1 c(m, [xi Cm ]) c(1, [xi C1 ]) c(m, [xi Cm ]) c(1, [xi C1 ]) c(2, [xi C2 ]) c(2, [xi C2 ]) 3k 3
3m 3k
c(k, 0) := 3m 1
p :=
Intuitively, the two staircase-components in choice(i) represent the possible truth values for xi , and the c(k, 1)-components, which are horizontally aligned, represent the clause Ck . Clearly, we can construct p from in polynomial time. Example 2. If = (x1 x2 x2 ) (x1 x1 x1 ) (x1 x2 x2 ) (x1 x2 x2 ), then p =
Thus, to prove that the map p from the previous section is indeed a correct reduction from 3-SAT to each of the four problems above, it suces to show that 3-SAT p START-HIROIMONO and p 180-HIROIMONO 3-SAT.
Suppose that has a satisfying truth assignment t . We will solve p in two stages. First, we start at the leftmost stone and go to the lower rightmost stone along the path R(t ), where we for any truth assignment t, dene R(t) as follows: Denition 3. R(t) :=
Rch1 (t)
Rch2 (t)
Rchn (t)
Rchi (t) :=
Rsc (t) :=
Denition 4. Two stones on the same grid line are called neighbors. By the construction of p and R, we have the following: Lemma 1. For any t and k, after R(t), there is a stone in a c(k, 1)-component with a neighbor in a staircase-component if and only if t satises Ck . In the second stage, we go back through the choice-components as follows: choice(i)
if t(xi ) =
if t(xi ) =
staircase ? ?
By Lemma 1, we will be able to collect all the clauses. Since this two-stage solution starts from the rst stone and does not make 180 turns, we have that p START-HIROIMONO.
Suppose that p 180-HIROIMONO, and let s be any solution to p. We consider what happens as we solve p using s. Since the topmost stone and the leftmost stone each have only one neighbor, s must start at one of these and end at the other.
Denition 5. A situation is a set of remaining stones and a current position. A dead end D is a nonempty subset of the remaining stones such that: There is at most one remaining stone outside of D that has a neighbor in D. No stone in D is on the same grid line as the current position. A hopeless situation is one with two disjoint dead ends. Clearly, s cannot create hopeless situations. However, if we start at the topmost stone, then we will after collecting at most four stones nd ourselves in a hopeless situation, as is illustrated by the following gure, where denotes the current position and denotes a stone in a dead end.
Thus, s must start at the leftmost stone and end at the topmost one. We claim that there is an assignment t such that s starts with R(t ). The following gure shows all the ways that we might attempt to deviate from the set of R-paths and the dead ends that would arise. choice
By Lemma 1, we have that if t from above fails to satisfy some clause Ck , then after R(t ), the stones in the c(k, 1)-components will together form a dead end. This cannot happen, so t satises .
I thank Kristoer Arnsfelt Hansen, who introduced me to Hiroimono and suggested the investigation of its complexity, and my advisor, Peter Bro Miltersen.
[1] D. Andersson. Reduce 3-SAT to HIROIMONO. [2] J. Culberson. Sokoban is PSPACE-complete. In E. Lodi and L. Pagli, eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Fun with Algorithms (FUN 98), pages 6576. Carleton Scientic, 1998. 7
[3] E. D. Demaine, S. Hohenberger, and D. Liben-Nowell. Tetris is hard, even to approximate. In T. Warnow and B. Zhu, eds., Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics (COCOON 03), pages 351363. Springer-Verlag, 2003. [4] M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NPCompleteness. W. H. Freeman & Co., 1979. [5] R. Kaye. Minesweeper is NP-complete. Mathematical Intelligencer, 22(2):915, 2000. [6] T. Yato and T. Seta. Complexity and completeness of nding another solution and its application to puzzles. Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Notes, 2002-AL-87-2, 2002.