Tower 8 Differences ENG
Tower 8 Differences ENG
Tower 8 Differences ENG
This guide explains only new features of the program, that is,
orders that were not in the Tower 7 program, so it is
primarily intended for users who operated in the Tower 7
8. POST-PROCESSING................................................................................. 81
8.1 Purpose and Description of Module Operation ........................................ 81
8.5 Influences in Slab/Wall ...................................................................... 82
8.5.2 Influences in Arbitrary Cross-section (Section)............................................. 83
8.5.6 Review of influences in slab sections .......................................................... 84
8.6 Influences in Beams .......................................................................... 86
8.6.1 Individual Diagrams ................................................................................. 86
8.6.3 Diagrams in Cross-section ......................................................................... 87
8.10 Resultatnt of the reactions.................................................................. 88
8.12 Proxy entity ..................................................................................... 91
8.12.2 Influences in the proxy entity .................................................................... 91
8.13 Influences in soil halfspace ................................................................. 91
8.17 Bill of quantities................................................................................ 92
8.18 Structural Design Results Textual Representation ................................... 94
8.19 Generating the report for entity groups ................................................ 96
1.2 Program Installation
1.2.1 Local Program Installation
For users installing the new Build version, the ability to quickly install the Tower
program via an existing local or client installation has been introduced. This installation method
does not require you to enter an installation number or select a directory. The program also
allows you to skip installing Sentinel Hasp drivers and Visual Studio components. Running the
file “\Tower8\Tower8_win32_Setup.exe” if you install the 32-bit version of the program,
or the file “\Tower8\Tower8_x64_Setup.exe” if it is a 64-bit version of the program will
open the following dialogue:
If the program is installing for the first time, and some of the earlier versions of Tower are
installed on the computer, the configuration files created in it can be transferred to Tower 8. In
this case, after selecting the installation directory, a new dialog will appear as follows:
In the closed list will be proposed all versions of the Tower installed on the computer.
Supported versions: Tower6, Tower6 x64, Tower7, Tower7 x64, Tower8, Tower8 x64. If you
wish to keep the configuration files, you need to select the desired version of the program
from the closed list and press the “Yes” button. After that, all the configuration files created in
the selected program will be copied to the corresponding Tower 8 folder.
Selecting the “No” button will indicate that the configuration files are not downloaded, but are
created completely new, with the default configurations.
2.2 Arrangement and Size of Windows for Drawing
Tower 8 program can have more than one 2D windows. Various assemblies can be
displayed at the same time: Frames, levels, auxiliary views. This feature of the program
significantly makes easy the selection of points in drawing model, as well as reviewing and
comparing the results of different parts of the model. The selection of the number and the
inter-arrangement of the 2D window is done from the dialog “Window arrangement”:
Appearance of the dialog is used to select the number and interchange of the 2D windows
Retrieving of view's last zoom - It is possible to return to the previous zoom state when
returning to the view that was previously set in the 2D view. If the check box is set to the on
state, the view will have the previous zoom state when changing the view. If the check box is
set to off, the program will set the default view zoom.
Check box that allows you to return to the output zoom view when changing assemblies
The one 2D window is always the main one and it behaves in exactly the same way as the
program behaves when only one 2D window is selected. On the offered pictures it is specially
framed. Other 2D windows are called auxiliary. Choosing the desired number of windows is
done by clicking the mouse over the corresponding image in the dialog, after that it becomes
framed in red.
It has chosen three 2D windows. The big one which is also the main,
while two auxiliaries are below it.
In order to know which 2D window is the main one, and which is an auxiliary one, in front of
the name of the main 2D window zero is written in brackets, and in front of the name of each
auxiliary view is written its ordinal number.
The size of the selected windows can be changed by moving their borders with the mouse. It is
permissible to move the border that separates the 2D window from the 3D window and
Disposition, as well as the boundaries between the main and auxiliary 2D windows. In order to
change the size you need to move the mouse pointer over the desired boundaries by changing
its shape in the double arrow, then press the left mouse button and move the border to the
new position.
Moving the border that separates 2D windows from 3D windows and Disposition
Restoring the borders between the windows to the default position can be done by choosing
the “Non widescreen monitors” command from the “Window” drop-down menu.
When you operate with more than 2D windows, the change of the current frame, level, or
auxiliary view is only displayed in the main 2D window, while the display in the auxiliary
windows is determined using the commands provided for it. To display a layout in auxiliary 2D
window, it is necessary to select it to be displayed in the main 2D window in one of the
methods described above.
Behind the name of the main 2D window, there are as many control boxes as the number of
auxiliary windows, and on each of them is printed the ordinal number of the corresponding
auxiliary window. By clicking the mouse over one of these boxes, it is intended to display a
current layout from the main 2D window in the auxiliary window which ordinal number is
printed on it.
By clicking the mouse over the command box with the ordinal number 2
the current layout from the main 2D window is displayed
in the corresponding auxiliary window
Another way to get a view of auxiliary windows is using commands from the drop-down menu,
which opens with the right mouse click over the name of the main 2D window. In this menu
are the names of all the auxiliary windows, and by placing a mouse pointer above one of them,
a new menu with two commands is opened: “Set the view” and “Switch views”. Using the
Set up layout command, you assign the current layout from the main 2D view to the selected
auxiliary view, and the “Switch views” command replaces the layout of the main and the
selected auxiliary 2D view. Behind the commands are printed the ordinal numbers of the main
and the auxiliary view, and you can clearly see what will happen with the choice of that
These commands are also in the drop-down menus that can be opened by right-click of the
mouse over the names of the auxiliary windows. It practically means that in the same way, the
current layout from the selected auxiliary window can be assigned to the main 2D window or
some other window, or to switch their layouts.
The program remembers the last given distance and shows it in parentheses. Pressing the En-
ter key on the keyboard or right-clicking will indicate the adoption of this value. The distance
can be set as well as by entering values from the keyboard or selecting two points from the
After activating the command, the program from the command line first requires selecting an
entity that will be offset:
When an entity is selected it is necessary to specify the distance to which the entity will be
Distance <1>:
The program allows you to remember and quickly select the last used distance value. Clicking
on the right mouse button will indicate acceptance of the offered distance value “1”, which is in
the square bracket.
Distance can be assigned in two ways: by entering the values from the keyboard and selecting
two points from the drawings, so that their shortest distance between them determines the
offset distance. After setting the first one, the program from the command line will require to
enter the second point:
Second Point:
Finally, the point that determines the side to which the offset is made is entered:
Selecting the “End” option while the “Delete source Entity” option is displayed on the com-
mand line, deletes the entities selected for offsetting. Left click on the “Delete source entity”
command line to get a new look:
Selecting the “End” option while the “Keep source entity” option is displayed on the com-
mand line allows selected entities not to be deleted from the drawing after the offset is com-
2.10 Visibility
2.10.1 Adjusting the Visibility by Types of Elements
√ Description - The display of the beam description is now regulated by the check box,
instead of the switch from the previous versions. This means that both the set and the
description of the beam can be displayed at the same time.
Auxiliary level
√ Layers - In this part of dialog it’s possible to change the visibility and locking/unlocking the
layers both individually and simultaneously for all layers, in exactly the same way as in the
command “Layers visibility”, which is explained in detail in Chapter 3.4.6.
The selection of sets that will be visible or invisible will be done in the dialog “Adjusting of
entity sets visibility filter”, which starts from the “View” drop-down menu or right-click the
icon above.
In the left part of the dialog, the names of all entities whose visibility can be changed using
this command are displayed. We will note that only those entities that exist in the current
model are available. The choice of the entity is done by the left mouse click over the name,
after which the switch that is in front of it is switched on, and in the right part of the dialog all
data assigns of the selected entity are displayed.
In the right part of the dialog, all data sets are displayed
which are joined to beams in the current model
To the right of the name of each entity, there is a check box that can change its global
visibility. For example, if this check box is turned off for the beam entity, no beam will appear
on the screen, whether it belongs to a set that is visible or not. Changing the state of this
switch also it changes the state of the switch that adjusts the visibility of the entity in the
“Visibility” dialog, and vice versa.
- Clicking the mouse above this button opens the menu with the “All on” and “All off”
options, which can enable/disable all check boxes, and hence the global visibility of all entities
in the model.
In the right part of the dialog, all data sets of chosen entity are displayed The table contains
three columns:
Name column is for marking the description of the set. For example, at the slabs, this is
its thickness, at the beam dimensions are the dimensions of the section, and at the
load is displayed the intensity.
In the third column there are check boxes that determine the visibility of the sets.
So, if the check box is set to on, the display will display the entities that belong to
that set, and if it is turned off, it will not be displayed.
The visibility of all sets of beams except for set 6 is turned off
- Clicking the mouse above this button in the header of the third column of the
table, the “All on”, “All off”, and “Invert selection” options menu opens. With the
first two options, all the check boxes in this column can be turned on/off, and the
check boxes are turned off/on using the “Invert selection” option.
Draw hidden sets as inactive (dimmed) - When this check box is set to on, the entities
belonging to the sets whose visibility is turned off are plotted with the parameters for plotting
inactive entities that are set in the “Settings” dialog box (3D View => Wireframe => Set
Control => Non-active Elements).
Beams belongs to turned off sets (all sets except set 6),
are drawn on the display as inactive
Turn on all entities and sets - By clicking this button, all the visibility settings in this dialog
are canceled by setting all check boxes that determine the global visibility of the entities as
well as check boxes to determine the visibility of the sets of each of these entities.
If the model is recorded after setting visibility across sets, all settings will be memorized and
loaded with this model. It means that all models can have their own visibility settings by sets.
The “Visibility filter by entity sets” command is transparent, which means it can also start
when another command is active.
There is often a need to hide some entities that are not currently hidden in already defined
groups. For this purpose, the “Merge” button is provided, with the help of which the union of
hidden elements of one hiding group with other groups can be performed. Selecting it opens a
dialog of the following appearance:
The name of the dialogue also displays the name of the group that was selected when the
command was run. This group is specially marked in the table. In addition, the table shows all
other hiding groups that are defined for the current model. In this dialogue, groups are
selected, in order to unite their hidden elements with hidden elements from a specially marked
group. The selection of groups is done by including the check boxes located in the column to
the right of their names.
Multiple selection of groups using the “Shift” and “Ctrl” keys is also enabled in the dialog.
Pressing the “Ctrl” key and clicking the mouse on one of the groups will select that group,
while the previously selected groups will remain selected. Clicking the mouse on a previously
selected group will exclude it from the selection. When the “Shift” key is pressed, a mouse
click on a group selects not only that group, but also all other groups in the table that are
located between the previously selected and that group.
Right-clicking on the “ ” icon, located at the top of the check boxes column, will open a
drop-down list with the following options:
Turn on selected - selecting this option will activate check boxes for all selected groups from
the table.
Turn off selected - selecting this option will turn off the check boxes for all selected groups in
the table, if they were previously turned on.
The lower part of the dialog also shows a brief explanation of the result of working with this
If only one hiding group is selected, after activating the “OK” button, a dialogue will open in
which the name of the new group is obtained, which is obtained by merging it with the group
that is specially marked.
By selecting from the list that opens by clicking on the arrow at the right end of the name
entry field or by entering a name from the keyboard, you can also specify the name of an
existing group. In this way, the existing group will be replaced with a new one, and the
program will display the corresponding message.
If more than one hiding group is selected, each of them will be modified, so that the hidden
entities from the specially marked group will become hidden in each of the selected groups as
well. When exiting the dialog, the program will display the appropriate message.
The most common example of using this command is when new elements are added to an
existing model. Let's suppose that new stiffening rods have been added to the model of the
hall, which should not be seen in some previously defined hiding groups, for example in those
in which only elements belonging to the roof or mezzanine structures are visible ...
Stiffening rods drawn It can also be seen in the group “Roof”, and it
should not be
First you need to create a group in which these rods are invisible, and then run the command
“Edit hide list”.
In this dialog you should select the just created hiding group “Hidden stiffening rods” and click
on the “Merge” button. In the new dialog, all hide groups will be selected to merge.
Upon completion of the command, the newly added rods will no longer be seen in the selected
hide groups.
The drawn stiffening rods are no longer visible in the “Roof” group.
All parameters that affect the way the command operates are set in the dialog that opens with
the right mouse button above the icon displayed:
Continous way - When this switch is selected, the Shift key must be pressed to make the
command work.
One-stroke way - the command works without pressing additional buttons, but only one
change of layout can be made, after which the command is turned off. In order to make a new
change of layout, the command must be switched on again every single time. When this mode
is selected, it changes the picture of the icon that the command turns on .
Active - check box whose status determines whether the command is on or not.
Regardless of which mode is selected, the further running of the command is the same. First,
in the 2D window, the mouse pointer should be placed above the entity that, in addition to the
current layout, belongs to the layout that is being placed. The program displays a tool tip with
the name of that layout, and a mouse click causes it to be placed in the 2D window.
The tool tip displays the name of the level where the slab is in section
above which is the mouse arrow
If the mouse arrow is placed above the cross-section of the surface entity (slab, area support)
and the current layout in the 2D window, the mouse click will set the plane to which the
surface entity belongs to a new layout. Since the slab can belong to only one level, it is not
necessary to have an assembly. In such a situation, the program in the tool tip, and later in
the name of the 2D window, prints the name of the “<no name>” as the name of the layout. If
the mouse arrow is placed above the cross-section of several surface entities with a current
layout, the one that looks at the current layout will lock the angle that deviates at least 90
At line entities, there is a slightly different situation, since they can be at several planes
simultaneously. It is therefore necessary that the line entity belongs to some previously
created circuit assembly (frame, level, custom view). If this condition is not satisfied, tool tip
will not be displayed when setting up the mouse arrow above the entity, which means that the
change of layout by mouse click is impossible. If the mouse arrow is placed above the line
entity which is the part of a number of assembles, the one that looks at the current layout will
lock the angle that deviates at least 90 degrees.
We will also note that the change of layout can also be performed when another command is
3.1 Structure
3.1.1 Slab/Wall
Remark Edit remark entry field for plate sets. The default remark will be displayed in the
plate set control dialog and in the set filter visibility dialog.
3.1.4 Beam
Basic appearance of the dialog box for defining the beam sets
Remark Edit remark entry field for beam sets. Added remark will be displayed in the beam
sets report, in the beam sets control dialog, and in the sets filter visibility dialog.
In use - in this part of dialog is displayed the list of all sections in use in the current model.
When there is a need, each of these sections can be easily selected from the list by clicking the
mouse over its name. In this way, it is possible to avoid re-definition of the sections that are
already being used in the model. It is also very easy to create new sections similar to someone
in the list.
Favorites - While operating with the program, you can add all the sections you use frequently
to your favourite section list. With one click of the mouse over its name, these sections can be
selected at any time from the list and assigned to the current set or edited to get a similar
section. This avoids the constant setting of the same sections from the beginning, and
therefore shortens the time required to define the beam sets in which they are used.
- a button used to insert a cross section into a favorite list. The geometry of the
intersecting section must be correctly specified, otherwise the program will display the
corresponding message when attempting to insert. If the section already exists in the list, the
insertion button will be unavailable.
- clicking on this button deletes the selected section from the list of favorite sections.
Geometric characteristics of the sections - after defining a new cross section, that is, after
selecting one of the previously defined cross sections from the favorite list and cross-sections
in use, the program calculates its geometric characteristics and displays them in a dialog.
-the geometric profile characteristics of the program can be calculated on the basis of its
dimensions so that they do not have to be set when adding new profiles or, when editing the
existing. By clicking on the button, the calculation of the geometric characteristics of the
selected profile in the table is performed.
The data that must be given when creating the profiles are marked in white in the table, while
the geometric characteristics of the profile that the program can calculate based on the
entered dimensions in the table is marked with a special colour.
The geometric characteristics of the section that the program can calculate
Remark Field for entering Remark for surface support sets. The assigned remark will also be
displayed in the dialogue for controlling the sets of surface supports, if the check
box “display remarks” is turned on (see chapter “8.23”) and in the dialogue for
setting the visibility filters by sets.
Each set of surface supports can be assigned multipliers of the stiffness of the supports
independently for the static and seismic model. For this purpose, a button “Multipliers” is
provided, which activates a dialog of the following appearance:
Multiplier descriptions are located in front of edit boxes where their values are set
independently for static and seismic models. The following can be specified:
- Use the multipliers - A check box whose on state indicates that the multipliers defined in
this dialog will be applied when calculating the model.
Exiting the dialog box on the “OK” button, the program returns to the dialog for surface
support sets, and in a row with ordinal numbers, sets of surface supports that include the use
of multipliers sets a special icon to distinguish it from the others. Depending on whether the
use of multipliers for static, seismic only, or for both static and seismic models is included,
three different frames can be found in addition to the sequence number.
Remark Field for entering Remark for linear support sets. The assigned remark will also be
displayed in the dialogue for controlling the sets of linear supports, if the check box
“display remarks” is turned on (see chapter “8.23”) and in the dialogue for setting
the visibility filters by sets.
Each set of line supports can be assigned multipliers of the stiffness of the supports
independently for the static and seismic model. For this purpose, a button “Multipliers” is
provided, which activates a dialog of the following appearance:
Multiplier descriptions are located in front of edit boxes where their values are set
independently for static and seismic models. The following can be specified:
- Use the multipliers - A check box whose on state indicates that the multipliers defined in
this dialog will be applied when calculating the model.
The icons that are placed next to the ordinal numbers of the sets of line supports with the
given multipliers have the same meaning as for the sets of surface supports (see section
Remark Field for entering Remark for point support sets. The assigned remark will also be
displayed in the dialogue for controlling the sets of point supports, if the check box
"display remarks" is turned on (see chapter “8.23”) and in the dialogue for setting
the visibility filters by sets.
Each set of point supports can be assigned multipliers of the stiffness of the supports
independently for the static and seismic models. For this purpose, a button “Multipliers” is
provided, which activates a dialog of the following appearance:
Multiplier descriptions are located in front of edit boxes where their values are set
independently for static and seismic models. The following can be specified:
Use the multipliers - A check box whose on state indicates that the multipliers defined in this
dialog will be applied when calculating the model.
The icons that are placed next to the ordinal numbers of the set of point supports with the
given multipliers have the same meaning as for the sets of surface supports (see section
3.1.15 Link
Remark Field for entering Remark for link sets. The assigned remark will also be displayed
in the dialogue for controlling the sets of links, if the check box “display remarks”
is turned on (see chapter “8.23”) and in the dialogue for setting the visibility filters
by sets.
By selecting the “Review of cross section optimisation” command, located within the
“Structure” drop-down menu, which is available if the cross-section optimization process has
previously been performed in the result processing module, the user can easily and quickly find
the location and number of rods which do not satisfy the stability control or are oversized and
then replaced with new cross sections.
Operating with command “Review of cross section optimisation” is described in chapter 10.11,
and we will not explain it again.
3.2 Loading
3.2.1 Defining the Load Cases
If the mouse arrow is placed above the regular number of a load in the list, and the
right button is pressed, the drop-down menu with options “The load case has seismic
character” and “Dynamic type of loading” will open.
The load characteristic can also be selected from the closed list below the table of load cases:
Static character of load - This is the default character of the load and is automatically
assigned to each load case when creating it. If a load case has been changed by mistake, the
choice of this item from the list can restore the default value.
Dynamic type of loading - by selecting this option, the load is assigned a dynamic character,
and in front of its regular number, a special mini picture is placed to distinguish it from other
load cases. The “Dynamic type of loading” option is only available with the “Expert” license for
the Tower program.
Whenever you select such a load from the list, the “Parameters of dynamic load” button
becomes available. With its choice, a dialog opens in which all the data required for the
dynamic load calculation is obtained.
In the upper left corner of the dialog there is a table defining the dynamic load. It consists
three columns:
- ordinal number
- T(s) - a column where the time moments of the dynamic load are added.
- Intensity – a column in which the intensity of the dynamic load is given at a given moment
of time. You can enter values from -1 to +1 and multiply with them all the loads that are in the
given load case.
In this way, arbitrary load behaviour can be set, such as oscillation of machines or various
types of impacts (impact of vehicles in the bridge column, etc.).
Add A button that activates the new row in the table. If the check box “With Copy” is
enabled, adding a new row is done by copying all the data entered in the currently
selected row.
Delete The button which activation throws the currently selected row from the table.
Delete all
The button which activation removes all rows from the table.
The table can also contain content copied from another table, which greatly accelerates data
entry. Right-clicking the mouse above any cell in the table opens the drop-down menu with
options “Insert” and “Paste in single column”.
Drop down menu which is opened by right clicking of the mouse over the cell
Insert - In case that a data is copied, activating the “Insert” option will extract the copied
content into the selected cell. If more data is copied, they will be inserted in the table in the
horizontal, starting with the currently selected cell.
Paste in single column - When this option is selected, all the data is copied into one column
of the table starting with the currently selected cell.
In case there is not enough number of rows in the table, the program automatically generates
as many rows as needed to insert all the data extracted.
Automatic time-span generation - This item appears in the drop-down menu only if it
opens above the column “T (s)” and if there are at least two time moments in it. Its choice is
to automatically generate time intervals starting from the selected moment of the time, with
the generated intervals equal to the difference between the selected and the previous moment
of the time.
Sort in ascending order - Right-clicking the mouse above the column header “T (s)” opens
the drop-down menu in which this command is located. With its choice, all time moments in
the column is edited in a rising order.
Adding a sinusoid - Dynamic load can also have a sinusoidal shape. Clicking on this button
opens a dialog where all the parameters necessary for the program are set to create the
desired sinusoid based on them.
Starting time - the field where the moment of time is set in which starts the sinusoid.
Step - the field where the length of time interval is set. The total time of sinusoid will be
divided by the length of time interval.
Total duration – the field in which the total duration of the sinusoid is set.
Full cycle duration - the field in which the duration of a sinusoidal period is determined.
Cycle start position - the field in which the shift of the starting position of the sinusoid is set.
The entered value represents a percentage of the duration of a single period.
Amplitude - the field in which the value of the sinusoid amplitude is set.
After exiting the dialog, the program generates all the intervals of the sinusoid in which the
dynamic load functions and inserts them into the table on the basis of the set data.
C= α[M] + β[K]
Formula defines the damping. Edit fields for entering the damping coefficient
become active if the switch is set to ON:
Integration time-step
the field where is set the length of time intervals, which will be used for calculation.
It’s recommended to set “fine” or shorter (at lest the same) intervals than the
intervals on which is set the dynamic load, to have more precise results.
Multiplier of intensity
the edit field for entering a value that will multiply the intensity of the dynamic
In the lower left part of the dialog there is a list with all the dynamic loads that were previously
defined and recorded so that it could be used in other models. Any of them can be selected
and set as a current program at any time.
A button which activation records the given dynamic load, or records the current
state of all parameters in the dialog.
The button which activation deletes the selected dynamic load from the list.
In the right part of the dialog, a graphic interpretation of the given dynamic load is displayed.
By choosing the “OK” command box, the program returns to the basic dialog of the command
to define load cases, and all the given data in this dialog joins the current dynamic load case.
In order to display as many columns with basic load cases as possible, the size of the dialogue
can be changed by stretching. Firstly, it is necessary to place the mouse pointer on one of the
edges of the dialogue or on one of its corners, where it will change its shape into an arrow that
shows possible directions of stretching. When this happens, you should press the left mouse
button and stretch the dialogue to the desired position without releasing it.
Stretching the lower right corner changed the size of the dialogue
Heap Cylinder
Section - the history of the impact of the mobile load can also be calculated in the set sections
on the slab. By selecting the sub-option “seCtion” from the command line, enter the section
procedure by selecting 2 points from the drawing.
After setting the second point, the line program sets a section and returns to the basic
command line shape.
The set section is marked by the line which joins the chosen points
Selecting this command from the “Influences” drop-down menu, within the calculation result
module, a dialog for displaying the history of the influence of the mobile load in the selected
entities opens:
Show influences from pedestrian live load - a check box that appears in the dialog only if
there is still some load in the selected load case in addition to the moving one. This case most
often occurs when, in addition to the load from the vehicle, which is assigned as a moving one,
the pedestrian infiltration, which is assigned as surface or line load, is taken into account.
When the check box is turned off, only the history of the impact from the moving load is
displayed, and when it is switched on the influences of the pedestrian infiltration are also
Influences - In the dialog, two types of influences can be displayed: “Nodal influence” and
“Derived influences”. The choice of the type of influence is done from a closed list, which is
above the part of the dialog with the names of the available influence. After each change in the
type of impact, the influences that are available in this part of the dialog are also changed.
The calculated influences at the set point of the beam are selected from the list
│D│ - absolute shift (the root of the sum of the squares of the component displacement)
│v│ - absolute speed
v,x - speed towards the global X axis
v,y - speed towards the global Y axis
v,z - speed towards the global Z axis
│a│ - absolute acceleration
a,x - acceleration towards the global X axis
a,y - acceleration towards the global Y axis
a,z - acceleration towards the global Z axis
Text report – if this check box is set ON, the program will, in addition to the graphic blocks,
generate tables with values of influence at the certain moments of time for the selected
The mode of operation with this command is exactly the same, and when the table is selected,
the only difference is in the type of influence that can be found in the report:
show remarks
The program allows you to set remarks for sets of plates, beams, surface, line and
point supports and connections. If this check box is set to the on state, the default
note will be displayed in the dialog and in the set control legend.
After activating the command field “OK”, the program will return to the basic appearance of
the dialog, and new colors will be generated only for selected entries from the list from the
specified palette.
The selected sets are associated with different shades of the color
chosen for the initial one
If one or no sets are selected in the list, using the “All on” and “All off” command fields, you
have the option to turn all sets of a given entity on or off to display. If multiple sets of sets are
made in the dialog, then the command fields become “Turn on selected” and “Turn off
selected” and you have the option to turn on or off to display only selected sets of a given
After selecting the command field “OK”, this dialog will be closed, and the selected sets of the
given entity will be painted with the appropriate colors on the screen.
The “Design (Material)” part of dialogue box contains switches that allow entities to be sorted
and displayed according to the design material used. These switches are unavailable in the
data entry module, so they will be discussed in more detail in the chapter “8.23 Set Control”.
Regardless of the layout method, the axes are shown in the drawing in the colour of
the layer that was liquid at the time of placement. At the beginning of the command line there
is a circle symbol which colour indicates the selected fluid layer, and its change can be made
using the “Layer” command line:
When “No layer” is selected, the axes are not set on any layers, but are drawn in colour
assigned to them in the “Settings” dialog. Of course, the visibility of the lens will not affect the
visibility of this set of axes.
This dialogue can also be used to lock the layers, preventing accidental deletion or changing of
the auxiliary axes, which is described in detail in Chapter 3.4.2.
The affiliation of the axis to the layer can also be changed after installation. For this
purpose, the “Current layer” option is provided, which is located on the command line while
the command for setting the auxiliary axis is started. Also, the axes in which the “No layer”
option was active when setup, can join a layer. Selecting this option on the command line a
message is displays asking the program to select all the auxiliary axes you want to change
their layers.
We will note that only currently active axes (vertical or horizontal) can be selected, as can be
seen from the text on the command line. After selecting the desired axes, clicking on the right
mouse button or choosing the option “End” from the command line, the dialog box appears as
Now it is necessary to select a layer by clicking the mouse on one button where the selected
axes will be associated after the exit from the dialog. In addition to one of the offered layers,
the option “No layer” can be selected.
In this dialog, locking of layer can be done, thus preventing accidental deletion or change of
entities that belong to them (auxiliary lines, texts, angles). Locking the layer does not apply to
auxiliary axes, because they have a different way of selecting, changing, and deleting from
other auxiliary entities. Single locking/unlocking of the layers is done by clicking the mouse on
the rectangle with the colour. If the layer is locked, in the right side of the rectangle the lock
pad icon will be displayed.
This dialog also allows you to lock/unlock all the layers simultaneously. For this purpose,
buttons are provided that are above the part of the dialog with the colour of the layers:
clicking the mouse over the button with the closed padlock icon, all layers are locked.
clicking the mouse over the button with the open padlock icon, unlocking all locked layers
is done.
We will note that beside the command for setting the auxiliary entitets, locking the layers is
possible to provide by the adjusting layout command
In front of the name of all the layers there are check boxes for adjusting their visibility. The
switched on check box indicates that the set layer is visible and vice versa, the excluded check
box indicates that the layer is invisible. The visibility of the layers can be changed individually -
by left-clicking the mouse over its check box and at the same time for all the layers. Turning
on/off the visibility of all the layers is done using the buttons located above the name of the
The left click of the mouse over this button turns on the visibility of all layers.
The left click of the mouse over this button turns off the visibility of all layers.
In this dialog, the locking/unlocking of the layers can be done in exactly the same way as in
the dialog that opens by choosing the “Layer” option from the command line, while commands
for setting up auxiliary lines, angles and texts are started (see section 3.4.2).
Note that any command can be started while the “Layers visibility” command is active, which
means that its display on the screen does not affect the operation of the program.
With this command, you can also perform the renumeration of position numbers to entities
whose position mark has been previously assigned and that have a number in the position
mark. This means that the check box “Change begining of the range to” would be available,
among the selected entities there must be at least one that satisfied the specified conditions.
Range of numbers of positions of selected entities - Fields showing the start and end of
the range to which the numbers of the positions of the selected entities are assigned. The data
in these fields can not be changed, they are informational.
Change begining of the range to - When this check box is set to on, the change status
becomes available and edit field in its extension. In this edit field is set a new ordinal number
with the position mark which has the smallest ordinal number. On the basis of it, the ordinal
number will be changed by all the other position marks of the selected entities, with the same
relationship between the new and the old number. We will note that other data, such as
position description, will not be changed. Also, the command will not affect selected entities
which position mark does not have an ordinal number, nor those that do not have a position
- A new configuration of drawing parameters – “Standard” was made and included in the
- Several new configurations of drawing parameters for color printing have been created and
included in the installation: “Default-Colour Print”, “Black-Colour Print” and “Standard-Colour
Transfer The program allows you to copy the display parameters from a saved configuration
to the current configuration, whereby the screen parameters and the paper
parameters can be transferred independently. Selecting this button opens a
dialogue of the following appearance:
Display settings
By setting the given check box to on, the display settings will be copied from the
selected configuration to the current configuration.
Paper settings
By setting the given check box to on, the paper settings will be copied from the
selected configuration to the current configuration.
In earlier versions of the program, when printing discontinuous lines, the line type was not
clearly visible on paper, due to the unadjusted size of the dashes and the spaces from which
the line was drawn up. In order to avoid this, all types of interrupted lines with dashes and
spaces of 10, 20 or 50 times bigger than the standard ones are enabled. These lines are in the
lists for the type selection marked with the text “10x”, “20x” and “50x”.
Transparent Background
Check box that determines whether the out of domain cursor (arrow) will have a
transparent background or will be drawn filled for enhanced visibility.
Size - absolute - when this check is turned on, all other texts are assigned the default font
size in millimeters or pixels.
Size - relative - when this check box is enabled, all other texts are assigned the default font
size in millimeters or pixels multiplied by the value entered in the edit field.
These two check boxes can not be set ON status at the same time, since they both are to
change the font size.
For both types of auxiliary axes, “Global axes” and “Local axes”, in the branch of the “Dis-
tance” trunk in the edit field “Decimal Points”, you can specify the number of decimals with
which to print the distance between the axes on the screen as well as the number of decimals
with which will print the spacing between the axes on paper when exporting the blocks.
3.5.2 Functionality
Show area entities extremes - this check box defines whether influence values and
corresponding symbols will be shown when displaying influences in surface entities, at the
points where the extremes are located. For the same purpose, the command “Show area
entities extremes” is provided, which is called from the drop-down menu “Values” (chapter
Show diagram values in 3D -this check box is used to define whether numerical values will
be shown in the “3D view” window on the diagrams of the displayed influences, in both line
and surface entities. For the same purpose, the command “Show diagram values in 3D” is
provided, which is called from the drop-down menu “Values” (chapter “8.28”).
Symmetrically with respect to zero - using this check box may require the display of full
isolines of surface entities, so that the same color refers to the same range of both positive
and negative values. The check box is only active if the “Two colors for isolines and
legend” check box is on.
The colors to be used to display the values are selected in the “Parameters” command dialog,
in the “Results ► Surface ► Full isolines” branch (see chapter “3.5.1”).
3.5.3 Toolbars
Icons size - A closed list used to increase the size of the icons and the status bar of the pro-
gram so that all the data on it is visible on high resolution monitors. Three values can be se-
lected, 100%, 150% and 200%. After the value changes, the program will issue a notification
that it is necessary to restart it in order for the new size to be applied.
Load Case Selection Field Width - A slider that adjusts the closed list width to select the
current load case.
By choosing the “Export of model into Tower 7” command from the drop-down menu of the
“File” menu, the following dialog opens:
File Type - a field that shows that the model is exported to the Tower 7 file format.
File Name – edit field in which the name of the new file is assigned where the current state of
the input file of the model will be recorded. The program automatically creates the name of the
new file by adding the “_twr7exp” extension to the current file name and offering it to this
field. Of course, a completely arbitrary name can also be entered in the edit field.
Save - clicking this button, the dialog is closed and a completely new file with the given name
is created.
There is a closed list for picking a measurement units used when importing drawings from DXF
format. It defines the unit of measure for length in the Tower which corresponds to one
AutoCAD unit (ACU) from the DXF drawing.
Selecting the command from the drop-down menu “File ► Export” opens the following
The edit box specifies the file name as well as its position on the disk. This information can
also be specified using the standard “Windows” file capture dialog box, which is opened by
activating the command field “ ”.
In this part of the dialogue, the entities are selected to be reported in IFC format. Only beams,
only slabs or both beams and slabs can be exported.
Slabs - when this check box is turned on in IFC format all beams from the current model will
be exported.
Beams - when this check box is turned on in IFC format all beams from the current model will
be exported.
Type of export
Part of the dialog in which it is chosen whether to export entities (slabs, beams) or to export a
finite element mesh. The check boxes shown work as switches, so only one of them can be set
to the on state.
Entities - when this check box is included in the IFC format, the entities (slabs, beams)
selected in the left part of the dialogue are exported.
FEM -when this check box is included in the IFC format the finite element mesh is exported. If
the network is not generated a check box will be unavailable.
After exiting the dialogue, the program exports the selected entities and displays the
corresponding message:
Selecting the “SAF Import” command, located in the “File ► Import” drop-down menu, opens
a dialogue identical to the dialogue that opens when selecting the “Open” command (see
chapter “3.6.2”):
The only difference is that only files with the extension “* .xlsx” or “* .xls” are now displayed
in the dialogue.
Since SAF must have a minimum of capabilities from all programs that use it, and as modeling
in one program may have some capabilities that other programs do not, by activating the
“Open” button, the program will control all elements and loads in model and in the dialogue
that then opens issue the appropriate notices:
In this dialogue, the program will display notifications if some structural element or load from a
model recorded in SAF format from another program could not be imported into the Tower
program. At the end of each message line, the program prints an entity ID or label, which will
be displayed in the note, so that the user can easily find the desired entity and modify it as
As SAF is still in development, its improvement will reduce the number of possible differences
between the programs that use it, and thus provide better mutual communication.
Selecting the “SAF Export” command, located in the “File ► Export” drop-down menu, opens
the following dialogue:
The edit field specifies the file name as well as its location on disk. This information can also be
specified using the standard “Windows” file capture dialog, which is opened by activating the
command field “ ”.
From the closed list, the measurement units that will be used when exporting the model are
Since SAF must have a minimum of capabilities from all programs that use it, and as modeling
in one program may have some capabilities that other programs do not, by activating the “OK”
button, the program will control all elements and loads in the model and in the dialog that then
opens issue the appropriate notices:
Notice that SAF does not support the export of openings in surface loads
In this dialog, the program will display notifications if any structural element or load from the
model created in the “Tower” program could not be saved in SAF.
As SAF is still in development, its improvement will reduce the number of possible differences
between the programs that use it, and thus provide better mutual communication.
5. Stability Design
5.2 Discovery of instability of the model
Using the “Discovery of instability” command, the analysis of the model with one
load case is carried out by loading each node of the structure with the forces and moments of
a small and randomly selected intensity and checking whether there are large deformations in
it or is it labile.
Selecting this command from the pull-down menu “Stability” opens a dialog of the following
Static model – if this switch is selected, the check will be performed on a static model.
Seismic model - the selection of this switch indicates that the check will be performed on a
seismic model. Also, with its selection, the “Disposal of masses and parameters for
seismic analysis” button becomes available, by which the parameters for defining the seismic
model can be changed. Clicking on this button opens the dialog box of the following layout:
Operating with this dialog is described in detail in the command for calculating the modal
analysis (see Chapter 6.1 for Tower 7), so we will not explain it here again.
All the seismic parameters analysis that are set in this dialog are displayed to the right of the
button it calls.
By clicking the “OK” button, the dialog box closes and the calculation of the instability
calculation according to the given parameters is performed. Upon completion of the analysis,
the program will display a notification whether it has found nodes with large deformations or
These messages also indicate the fact whether the analysis was done with a static or a seismic
This dialog is modal, which means it will remain on the screen while other commands from the
network generation module are started. It can be turned off by re-selecting the command or
by clicking the “x” button. In the upper part of the dialog, the numbers of all nodes in which
large deformations were found are shown. Behind each number, the signs of the found
deformations (Xp, Yp, Zp, Xr, Yr and Zr) are also printed. By clicking the mouse over one of
them in the lower part of the dialog will appear a list with the names of all layouts in the model
to which the selected node belongs.
Clicking the mouse over the name of the eager look it will be shown in the 2D window.
Clicking the mouse over the name in the list, the frame H_6
is selected for view in the 2D window
Note that the chosen node is layouted on the drawing with the symbol which is bigger than
Animation - selecting this command box opens a dialog where the animation of detected
deformations is displayed in the model:
Operating with this dialog is exactly the same as with the animation dialog for the current tone
of the modal analysis (see section 6.5).
The command for displaying large-deformed nodes can also be called from the data entry
module by selecting from the “Tools” menu. In this way, very quickly in the model can find
nodes with large deformations, in order to detect and remove the cause of their appearance.
Note that when invoking the command in the data entry module, the button for displaying
animation will be unavailable.
Type of spectrum
Edit boxes allow you to specify all the parameters that define a spectral curve.
Create SRSS combination after the analysis - When this check box is turned on, after
budget the program will automatically make an SRSS combination of seismic load cases.
Import load combinations from the depot after the analysis - This check box is only
available if there are load combinations in the repository. When set to On, after budgeting, the
program will load combinations from storage. In this way, combinations containing SRSS seis-
mic load cases that would otherwise be deleted after re-seismic calculation can be automatical-
ly saved. All you need to do is save them to storage before budgeting.
This type of analysis can be applied to buildings which response does not depend
essentially on higher inherent oscillations. This requirement will certainly be fulfilled in
buildings that meet the regularity requirement in height. Also, in order for this type of analysis
to be used, it is necessary that the building has a basic period of oscillation T1 in two main
directions that is smaller than:
The seismic vibration force Fb for each main direction is determined by:
where is:
T1 - the basic period of oscillation of the building for the translational inherent form in the
considered direction.
m - the total mass of the building above the foundation or above the rigid base.
λ - a correction factor of 0.85 if the building has more than two floors and if T1 < 2TC or
1.0 in other cases.
Horizontal forces along the ceilings are calculated with an approximation that the horizontal
displacements linearly increase in height:
where zi and zj are masses height mi, mj above the level of seismic force (ie above the
This regulation is based on the method of equivalent static forces, so it is not necessary to
carry out a modal analysis. Selecting this seismic analysis option opens a dialog of the
following layout:
The layout of the dialog for seismic analysis by Eurocod (Method of lateral forces)
In the upper part of the dialog are parameters which define the type of soil, the type of
construction, the type of spectrum, etc., while the list in the lower part of the dialog sets the
direction of earthquake activity.
T – column where the oscillation period of the structure is set for the direction of the
earthquake. An arbitrary value can be entered. If a previous modal analysis has been
performed, the right mouse click over the cells in this column will open a list from which one of
the calculated periods of oscillation of the structure can be selected:
Clicking on the right mouse button within the column “T” opens
the drop-down menu for selecting calculated periods of oscillation
The meaning of all other parameters in the dialog is the same as for the Eurocod seismic
analysis based on a multimodal analysis of the structure (see chapter
The Swiss seismic regulation is harmonized with the changes of SIA 261 - 2020.
In the lower left part of the dialog, there is a list of all previously recorded earthquake records.
Any of them can be selected from the list and used to analyse the direct dynamic analysis of
the current model.
Group Since a large number of earthquake records are used for direct dynamic analysis,
they can be assigned to different groups at the time of recording, all for the sake of
later easier search. By choosing from this list for the current one you can set any of
the previously created groups, as well as the “<All Groups>” item. The list of
earthquake records shows only the earthquakes associated with the current group.
When “<All Groups>” is selected, in the list of earthquake all earthquakes are
recorded, regardless which groups are associated from. Then, behind their name,
the group name is also written between the characters “<” and “>”.
The button is used to record all the parameters that define the earthquake record.
Its choice opens a dialog of the following layout:
In the top edit field, the name of the earthquake record is set, while in the lower
task the group to which it will be associated is assigned. A completely new name of
the earthquake record or group can be set, or one of the names in the list that can
be opened by clicking the mouse above the arrows located at the right ends of
these edit fields can be selected.
A button which activation from the list deletes the current earthquake saved.
Soil category
There are 5 basic soil categories (A, B, C D and E) and based on the selected category, values
of parameters F0 and Tc *, as well as the ratio of design acceleration and ground gravity
acceleration, the coefficients Ss and Cc are calculated.
Importance factor
There are also four classes of significance of objects that define the significance coefficient Cu -
class I (0.7), class II (1.0), class III (1.5) and class IV (2.0).
The minimum nominal service life of a structure (Vn) depends on the type of structure. Vn =
10 years for temporary structures, Vn = 50 years for structures of ordinary significance, and
Vn = 100 years for structures of greater significance.
Vr = Vn * Cu
Topographic category
There are 4 topographic categories (T1, T2, T3 and T4) and based on that, the topographic
coefficient of increase of St.
Type of spectrum
The parameters F0 and Tc* depend on the geographical location of the object and on the
probability of exceeding in the reference time period (Pvr) and are taken from public sources.
In the Tower program, they are entered as input data.
In Italy there are 4 limit states - 2 are limit states of usability (SLO, SLD), and 2 are limit
states of bearing capacity (SLV, SLC).
Each of the states defines the value of Pvr - the probability of exceeding in the reference
return period.
SLO 81%
SLD 63%
SLV 10%
SLC 5%
Depending on the class of significance (class I, class II, class III and class IV), it is prescribed
for how many limit states the calculation must be performed. Each of the spectra of these limit
states has different parameters ag, F0 and Tc *, because these values depend on both the
location and the Pvr.
The function of the elastic spectrum for horizontal actions is given as:
The function of the elastic spectrum for vertical actions is given as:
The meaning of all other parameters in the dialogue is the same as in the seismic calculation
according to EUROCOD (Chapter
8.1 Purpose and Description of Module Operation
The review of the results
The analysis results are displayed in the “2D view” window. Since the program can have more
2D windows, and in each of them can be installed arbitrarily selected parts of the structure
(frames, levels, auxiliary views), it means that at the same time, the results can be displayed
in different layouts.
The influences that occur when starting the command can be subsequently changed by using
command line options, a quick selection list, or through the field of the influence names
appearing in the lower right corner of the main 2D window.
At the moment of launching the appropriate command for displaying the influence, the lower
right of the main 2D window displays the fields in which the influences can be changed quickly.
On each of these fields, the name of the influence is printed, and by clicking the mouse
through it, it will be displayed on the screen.
As in the case of a closed list, the fields for a quick selection of influences can be used in the
presentation of all types of influences: static influence in all elements of the structure,
influence in the gearbox, the results of the dimensioning of concrete slabs and concrete
beams. Regarding that, a number of influences can be displayed for some entities, due to
limited space for quick selection, only the names of the most commonly used names will be
available. Other influences can be selected from the dialog that opens with the “Layout ...”
field. This way of choosing the influence is the most transparent and fastest to use.
In the “Tower” it is possible to print numerical values of the influences on the diagrams of line
entities, as well as the values of isolines of surface entities that are displayed in the window
“3D view”. The display of these values is defined by the check box “Show diagram values in
3D”, which is located in the dialogue box of the command “Functionality”, in the file
“Results” (chapter “3.5.2 Functionality”). For the same purpose, the command “Show
diagram values in 3D” is provided, which is called from the drop-down menu “Values”
(chapter “8.28”).
Results Type
,Tz Representation of the trajectory of transverse forces in the slab, representing the
angle of the resultant vectors Tz, x and Tz, y. This influence is not shown via
isolines, but with arrows that clearly illustrate the direction of its action. An arrow
will be placed in the middle of each finite element in the direction of the trajectory
of the transverse forces. Arrows will not be able to be displayed if the program is
required to display an anveloping or seismic load case.
Switches, located in the “Envelope” part of dialog box, will be available if the current load case
is selected:
- a load case in which a moving load is given,
- envelope of extreme influences,
- multimodal seismic load case
- SRSS combination.
Two new influences for the vector cross section in the slab
Ms±|Mns| The bending moment acting in the direction of a given cross section plus the
absolute value of the twisting moment.
Mn±|Mns| The bending moment acting in the normal direction on a given cross-section
line plus the absolute value of the twisting moment.
The program enables remembering the position of the line sections, as well as the specified
width of the strips of set sections when recording a model, so that they remain permanently
remembered for later use.
If necessary, the user can subsequently delete the previously defined sections in a quick and
easy way by activating the right mouse button, the “Reset” command (see chapter 8.20).
We note that in the “Visibility” dialog (see chapter 2.10.1) it is possible to turn on or off the
sectional visibility in the slab.
The dialog displays a list of all sections in the slab that are in the model grouped by
assemblies. Depending on whether or not the isolines are plotted on the screen or not, two
cases can occur. If the isolines are present on the screen, the dialog will show all the sections
set at the moment of display of the isolines of the set influence, so that the sectional diagram
will also refer to these influences. Otherwise, when there are no isolines on the screen, all the
sections that were set until the isolines were shown will appear in the list, while in the dialog
you can select the influence you need to plot the sectional diagrams.
Influence A closed list is in the dialog only if the isolines are not present on the screen and
from it is selected the influence for which it is necessary to draw the diagrams of
the sectional forces. It is necessary to select the cross section from the sections list
first and then the list will become available for the choice of influences. The
following influences are available: sectional forces, stresses and deformations. Note
that if the “Nn”, “Ns” or “Nns” is selected and the section has no width for the type
of influence, a closed list with options “Section's influences” and “Lever and
force” will appear below this list.
Section's width
If you want the integral influences along the set section line at a specified width,
then you need to specify the desired width of the selected section in the list by
entering the values in the given edit field.
- icon indicating that the width of the tape is set for the set section, that is, that
the influences will be integral along the specified line of the section at the desired
- icon indicating that the width of the tape “0” is set for the set section, that is, a
simple diagram will be obtained without integrating.
If the width of the tape is not zero, the closing list for selecting the type of diagram
you want to display is displayed above the edit field: “M (Lever)”, “T (Area)”,
“Av (Average value)”. Regardless of which option you choose, the program will
print the specified width of the “b =” bar and mark the selected diagram type in the
dialog along with the set section, as well as at the beginning of the cut line. The
average value designation is “Sr”, for lever is “M” and for area is “T”.
Adding and deleting a sectional layout may cause the sectional layout in the dialog
to no longer correspond to the condition in the model. By clicking this button, the
list is refreshed, its alignment with the current state of the section in the model.
The activation button in the 2D view is set for the current assembly containing the
selected section. The currently selected section in the list will be particularly
highlighted in the drawing. Setting in the 2D view of the assembly to which the
section belongs you can do by the left double click of the mouse over its name in
the list, or selecting the “Go to assembly” command from the drop-down menu
that opens with the right mouse click over the section name.
Clicking on this button turns on the visibility of the selected sections, if they were
previously turned off. If assemblies are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all
sections belonging to them will be turned on. Cross-section visibility can also be ac-
tivated by selecting the option “Visible” from the drop-down menu, which is
opened by right-clicking on the section name or assembly.
Clicking on this button turns off the visibility of the selected sections. If assemblies
are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all sections belonging to them will be ex-
cluded. Cross-section visibility can also be turned off by selecting the “Not visible”
option from the drop-down menu that opens by right-clicking on the section name
or assembly.
The activated button is currently removes the chosen section from the drawing. The
section deletion command is also in the menu that opens with the right mouse click
over the name of the section in the list. Since the sections in the list are grouped by
circles, the right mouse click over the name of the assemblies opens a menu with
the option “Delete all”, which deletes all sections from the set assembly.
Switches, located in the “Envelope” part of dialog box, will be available if the current load
case is selected:
- a load case in which a moving load is given,
- envelope of extreme influences,
- multimodal seismic load case
- SRSS combination.
For the selected influence in the “Envelope” part, extreme value envelope will be constructed,
and for other diagrams corresponding values.
The size of the dialogue in which the effects in the selected beams are displayed can be
changed by stretching, in order to ensure the best possible visibility. It is necessary to first
place the mouse pointer on one of the edges of the dialog or on one of its corners, where it will
change its shape into an arrow that shows possible directions of stretching. When this
happens, you should press the left mouse button and stretch the dialog to the desired position
without releasing it.
Stretching the lower right corner changes the size of the dialogue
When the mouse pointer is positioned above one of the characteristic points from the cross-
section of the beam, the program will display a circle of red, indicating that the mouse click will
select that point as a reference for the placement of the cross-sections with respect to which
the tension distribution diagram is drawn. The characteristic points are: the intersection points
of the contour lines of the cross section, the points from the middle of the contour lines, the
intersection points of the contour lines with the local axes of the beam, and the intersection
points of the contour lines with the given intersection lines.
By clicking this button, the position of the intersection lines can be canceled, so
that they again coincide with the local axes of the beam.
<0 sel.> Supports - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras / selection Groups /
Recent selection / Deselect / <End>):
At the same time, surface, line and point supports, which belong to the same 2D view, can be
selected. If the selection is made from a 3D view, care must be taken that all selected sup-
ports belong to the current 2D view, otherwise the program will throw out the appropriate
After the selection is completed, the program opens a dialog showing the values of the results
of the reactions of the selected supports and its position:
The layout of the dialogue to show the result of the reactions of the selected supports
In the left part of the dialogue, the tables show the values of resultant and eccentricity, while
in the right part of the dialog there is a graphical representation.
Display labels
The status of the check box determines whether the drawings in the dialog and the
report will show the numbers of the support nodes, or the markings of the positions
of the supports, if any. If the check box is on, the drawings will simultaneously
show position labels and node numbers for dots and line supports, while surface
mounts will show node numbers if position labels are not specified, and if only the
position labels are displayed.
The program also allows you to create a text report for the resulting reactions. In the lower left
part of the dialog (“Report”), the load for which a text report will be created is made. In addi-
tion to the individual load case selected from the list, a report can also be generated for: “All
basic load cases”, “All load case combinations”, “All loads” or “Selected load cases and
combinations”. If a report is created for a load case that is not currently set up in the result
processing module, the reaction and eccentricity result tables in the dialog will be blank.
Report A button that opens a window reserved for displaying a text report of the reaction:
Working with this window is exactly the same as in other commands in the program, in which
text reports are created.
K,Z the equivalent coefficient of the stiffness of the soil bed of the half-space, which
represents the ratio of tension and deformation of the half-space node in contact
with the structure. In the edit field, which is on the right from the name of the
assigned influence, the boundary stiffness of the soil bed is determined by which
isolines will be displayed.
O [m2] - the outer surface of the shells of all the beams of the assigned
O [m2] - the outer surface of the shells of all beams that are created from the
given material.
P [m2] - the surface of all slabs that are created from the given material.
The program allows you to obtain textual reports as well for influences in beams grouped in
nodes. Textual reports for forces grouped by nodes can be applied when analysing bonds in
metal structures.
For each group of entities, the “Visibility” column contains a closed list from which you can
select any previously recorded visibility configuration that will generate reports.
If the report for all groups is generated with the same configuration, it is enough to assign it to
one group, and then select the “Apply to all” command from the drop-down menu, which
opens with the right mouse click over its name. In this way all selected groups will be
associated with the selected configuration
For each group of entities, in the column “Properties” there is a closed list where you can
choose any previously recorded configuration of block properties (size, margins, scale...) that
will generate reports. operating with the configurations in this column is exactly the same work
with the configurations in the column for visibility, and we will not re-explain it.
We note that the created entity groups are recorded in the file when the model is taken and
thus remain permanently stored for later use.
In addition to the created groups, all the configurations assigned to them in the columns
“Visibility”, “Properties” and “Configuration” are recorded in the file. When starting the
command, the program compares these configurations and configurations that are recorded in
the database. If there is no configuration in the database assigned to a group, a sign (*) is
printed in front of its name indicating that it is loaded with the current model and can only be
used in it.
Selecting this icon opens the “Visibility” dialog where the visibility of each element
of the construction and load is adjusted separately. It also records configurations
with different visibility settings for the entities. The configurations that are loaded
with the current model will appear at the end of the closed list with the
configurations, and sign (*) will be displayed in front of their name. If necessary,
in this dialog they can be saved to the database for later use in the program.
operating in this dialog is the same as the work in the Visibility dialog, located in
the “Layout” drop-down menu (see Chapter 2.10), and we will not explain it again.
Selecting this icon opens a dialog where you can adjust the characteristics of the
blocks that are generated. It also records configurations with different
characteristics settings. Configurations that are not recorded in the database will
appear at the end of the closed list with the configurations, and in addition to their
name, a sign(*) will be displayed. If necessary, in this dialog they can be saved to
the database for later use in the program. The dialog is the same as the dialog
that opens with the right mouse click through the “Export the block” icon in the
results processing module (see chapter 8.24.1), and we will not re-explain it.
The dialog shows all types of sections that can be found in the model and can be deleted by
the user. In the case that some kind of section does not exist in the model, the appropriate
check box will be inactive.
The status of the check box that is located in front of the name of the section type determines
whether or not to delete an assigned section. By setting the check box to the on condition and
by going to the “Accept” button, the appropriate section type will be deleted from the model.
Selecting the “All on” and “All off” command fields, the user has the ability to put all
checkboxes on or off at the same time.
Apart from finding nodes, this command can also be used to find entities in the model, via tags
and position numbers, of course, if they were previously marked.
The command is in the “Layout” menu, in the “Data Input” and “Post-Processing” modules.
Finding an entity through position markings is always available, while finding nodes is only
available in the results processing module if a static or multi-modal analysis is performed,
because the finite element network gets its final form only when one of these two analysis is
After activating the command, the “floating” dialog opens with the following layout:
In the dialog, a list of the names of all assemblies in the model is displayed, except for the
complex ones. Right-clicking the mouse over the list opens a drop-down menu that selects the
types of assemblies that will be displayed in the list.
Nodes Edit field to enter the number of the requested node. It may be required to find one
or two nodes simultaneously. If two nodes are required, their numbers in the edit
field must be divided by some character (signs of interruption, space, letters, ...).
By choosing this button, the program marks the requested node with a special
symbol, and the list only shows the names of the assemblies that the requested
node belongs to. If the requested node does not belong to any sets, this list will be
empty. In the first row, above the list of assembly names, the default filter is
printed, so that at any time, you can see which nodes are specifically marked in the
It was required to find a node with the number 376 so that it was marked in the
model with a red box, and the list shows only the assemblies to which it belongs
If you click the mouse over the name of one of the assemblies in the list, it will be
displayed in the 2D view window, and the requested node will be marked with the
predefined symbol in this layout too.
Clicking the mouse over its name in the list, level 6.00 is selected
to display in the 2D view window
In the “Visibility” dialog, the display of the finite element network and the printing
of node numbers can be turned on. In this way it can be checked whether the
number is marked on the drawing which search was requested.
Required node with shown net of finite elements and node numbers
Choosing this button, you can cancel the specified filter, or remove the nodes from
the field edit box.
Item description
Edit the field where the description of the position of the requested entity is
Position number
Edit field to enter the ordinal position number of the requested entity. If the
number of the position is not assigned in this edit field, then the program will
search the entities only according to the given description of the position.
All entities
Clicking the button, which is located below the edit field for entering the description
and the ordinal position number, a drop-down menu of names of all entities that
can be found using position tags opens.
If only one entity is selected from the menu, the specified search will only be
performed for that entity, and its name will be printed on the button. If the “All
Entities” option is selected, the search for position tags will be applied to all
entities, and the name of the selected option will be printed on the button.
Selecting this button, the program of the found entities is marked with a special
colour, and the list only shows the names of the assemblies to which the requested
entities belong. If you click the mouse over the name of one of the assemblies in
the list, it will be displayed in the 2D view window, and the found entities will be
marked with the colour specified in this layout. If the found entities do not belong
to any sets, this list will be empty. In the raw above the list with assembly names,
the filter is printed, so you can at any time see the sign and the number of entity
positions that are specifically marked in the drawing.
In the model are found and marked all entities with the position sign GR and ordinal
number 309
Choosing this button, the specified filter is canceled, that is, the description and
position number from the edit field is removed.
The “Entity search” command is transparent, which means it can also be triggered when
another command is active. Also, any command can be started when the dialog of this
command is active, which means that its display on the screen does not affect the operation of
the program.
If some material is not used in a given model, the corresponding item will be unavailable.
As the entities are grouped according to the material, the column names for concrete all used
concrete grades, while for steel and wood all types of these materials are used.
After exiting the dialog, all entities that are of the selected material, colored with the given
colors for each of the types used, are displayed on the screen.
Steel beams are shown with colors from the control of the sets
Dialogue box for generating the report of the control of the sets
The section “Design (Material)” contains check boxes, the inclusion of which determines for
which materials the set control report is generated.
Text size Edit box for setting the scaling factor of texts in graphic blocks. In this way, the
program allows additional increasing or decreasing of the font size in relation to the
size that is set in the parameters.
From the closed list “Orientation” one of the four offered block orientations is selected:
“Vertical”, “Horizontal”, “Vertical(-)”, “Horizontal(-)”, where the block rotates by 0˚, 90˚,
180˚ and 270˚.
The closed list in the lower left corner of the dialog is intended for selecting some of
the previously recorded configuration of block characteristics.
Save Selecting this button, you are saving the current state of the parameters in the
Delete Selecting this button, you are deleting the current configuration.
Margin defining
Header height
In case each page of your document should contain a header, it is necessary to
specify its height in the assigned edit box. If you do not want to set a header, enter
the value “0” in the edit field.
Footer height
If each page of your document should contain the footer that appears at the bottom
of the page, it is necessary to specify its height in the set edit box. If you do not
want to set the footer, enter the value “0” in the edit field.
The program-defined texts can be automatically inserted into the edit boxes for
text input, as well as the texts that are assigned in the “Project Description”
dialog, located in the “File” drop-down menu. By selecting the icon, which is on the
right side of each of the previously described edit boxes, the drop-down menu
opens with the available texts:
By selecting this icon, a drop-down menu opens to automatically load the program-
defined texts and texts that are specified in the “Project Description” dialog box, located
in the “File” drop-down menu. The following texts are available:
Copy to footer
Since the document next to the header can have a footer, by selecting this button in
a quick and easy way the contents of the header are copied to the footer. By
activating the button, the following message appears:
Selecting the “Yes” button the contain of the footer will be replaced by the current
Within the “Footer” tab, the layout of the footers is defined, which will be printed at the bottom
of each page of the document.
Operating in this dialog is entirely appropriate for working in the header dialog, and we will not
explain it again.
From the list in front of this icon, the size of the space between the lines in the
report can be altered.
Lines in table
Command field for selecting the colour of the table lines.
The drop-down menu, which opens by right-clicking on a chapter title or selecting multiple
blocks in a trunk, contains a command that sorts blocks. In case the command is activated
when selecting a chapter title, all blocks within the selected title will be sorted, while in the
case of multiple block selection, only the selected blocks will be sorted.
As described above, blocks can only be sorted within the same chapter heading.
The layout of the dialog where the content of the inserted block is entered
From the closed list “Orientation” the default orientation of the inserted block is selected:
“Vertical”, “Horizontal”, “Vertical(-)” or “Horizontal(-)”.
Selecting this icon, the dialog for exporting the selected text block to the XLS
format opens.
Export numerical values as a text - Check box that condition determines whether numeric
values will be represented as text or as numeric values.
Now you need to specify the desired file name and, by activating the “Save” command, make
it capture in the selected directory.
You can export all text messages generated in the program into a separate file with the
extension “* .xls”.
command is provided enabling automatic updating of the already created report, so that all
existing blocks in the report are automatically matched with the current state of the model.
The program associates each block when it is created with data that will serve for:
- monitoring the condition of the block's compliance with the current situation in the model.
- enable the refresh of the block according to the current state of the model, and in everything
according to its previous content (to show the same layout, with the same visibility, the same
kind of influence,...).
- interaction of reports and models, i.e. the ability to get directly from the report directly to
that location and to that state in the results processing module, which corresponds to the
status and display of the block.
Each block can have one of the 5 states that are clearly visible in the report tree:
Icons in front of the block indicating the state of matching the block with the model
The colour of the icon, located in front of each block in the report, shows the status of the
compliance of the block with the model:
The block does not match the current state of the model, but can be refreshed. If
the block is selected, the cause of the mismatch is also displayed in the part of the
screen below the report tree.
The block does not match the current state of the model and can not be refreshed.
The reason why refreshment is not possible is printed in the part of the screen
below the report tree.
The block is locked, which means that the user locked the block and therefore
excluded it from the synchronization process.
The block does not contain the data necessary for its alignment with the model.
This is the case, for example, with the blocks made in one of the earlier versions of
Tower or blocks imported from another model.
The button to lock the selected block to match the model. The button icon indicates
whether the block is locked or not:
- Selected block is unlocked
The information about the updating of the selected block is printed in the part of the screen
below the report tree:
Part of the dialog where the data on the compliance of the block is printed
When entering the editor of the paper, the program executes only a quick check of the
compliance of the blocks. The first consistency checking, which is a complex and slow
operation, is executed by running a special command.
Selecting this icon, you run the “Check of blocks refresh status” command,
after which the following dialog opens:
If in the meantime there has been a change in load cases (the number of load cases), it will be
necessary to reconfigure cases of load of an unbalanced block into current load cases in the
model. The procedure takes place by clicking on the arrow “ ”, located at the end of each
row, to open the drop-down list and select a load case on the model in which you want to place
the load case from the block. The displayed list has as many lines as there were cases of load
in the model at the moment of creating blocks. The “ ” symbol that can be found in front of
the load case name from the block indicates that this load case is used in the block and that
this case should be placed in the appropriate case of load in the model. Since the blocks in the
report could be made with different load cases, it is necessary for each of these blocks to map
the load cases. In the “Mappings” table, the user can edit the status in the left table by
selecting the appropriate mapping table. One report can contain blocks from multiple time
periods in the past with different states of number and character cases of load and the
“Mappings” list refers to each different situation of load cases.
The activation button opens the dialog of the following layout:
Using the check box “Use legend saved in the block”, the user is enabled to
update the block, determining whether the block will take over the number of
divisions from the legend model or from the block.
Use drawing parameters from a block - When this check box is turned on, the
blocks are refreshed with the same drawing parameters with which they were
exported. When off, blocks are refreshed with the parameters currently set in the
“Settings” command dialog, under “Paper Settings”.
By exiting the “Mapping of load cases” dialog on the “OK” button, the program closes the load
case mapping dialog and, with respect to all the specified parameters, performs a check of the
consistency of the blocks with the current situation in the model.
We will also note that if the user did not place the load case from the block in the appropriate
load case in the model, the program displays the corresponding message:
Considering that after every modification in the model (deletion and addition of structural
elements, change of contour, change of material and dimensions of sections, deletion and
addition of load cases, change in load intensity, ...), most of the previously created blocks no
longer correspond to the state of the model, the program allows the existing blocks from the
project documentation to automatically align with the model.
It is necessary that the user first selects an arbitrary number of blocks in the tree of the
report, which does not match the current state of the model. All unmodified blocks have in
front of their name in the tree of the report icon, while the part of the screen below the
report tree shows the reason for their mismatch.
The selected block is incompatible with the current situation in the model
Selecting this icon or the “Update of selected blocks” command from the drop-
down menu that opens right mouse click over the block name in the report tree, it
is possible to automatically align the assigned blocks from the project
documentation with the current state of the model.
If the selected block contains the results of the static analysis, after activating the “Update of
selected blocks” command, the following dialog will be opened:
Operating in this dialog has been explained earlier, and we will not explain it again.
Exiting from this dialog by the “OK” button, the program executes the automatic alignment of
the assigned block with the current state in the model, and with the name of the block in the
tree of the report, the icon now appears.
Note that if the selected blocks did not contain the results of a static analysis, the load
mapping dialog will not open. Also, if there was no change in the number and type of load
between the two analysis, the program will automatically adopt the default load mapping.
The layout of the selected block after the command “Update of selected blocks”
The program is enabled to go from the report directly to the same location and to that state in
the results processing module, which corresponds to the status and layout of the selected
Selecting this icon or the “Original display of the current block” command from
the drop-down menu that opens right mouse click over the block name in the
report tree, the same result will be displayed in the result-processing module that
was at the time of exporting the selected block, in the window for which is the
export of the block executed.
In the 2D window is set layout corresponding to the layout of the exported block
The program has set the same view in the results processing module in the corresponding
window, the same load case and the same static effect that was displayed at the moment of
export of the selected block.
Note that if a block is selected where the part of the construction is “zoomed” and the
command “Original display of the current block” is started, the same part will be enlarged
in the corresponding window in the results processing module.
In the processed results are shown the same part of the construction
that was shown in the block as well
Selecting the “Settings for report update” icon opens a dialog where you can
adjust the parameters that affect the refresh of the selected blocks. This is exactly
the same dialog as the one that opens by clicking on the “Parameters” button in
the dialog for mapping load cases.
Add section
The button which selection closes the dialog and enters the intersection assigning
procedure for which the history of influence will be displayed. The command line
gets the following form:
After setting the first point, the program requires users to set the second section
After setting a section, the dialog opens and the entered section is displayed in the
Column showing the descriptions of the positions of the entities for which the
influence history will be displayed. In case an entity has no defined position
description, this cell will be empty. If a section is specified, in this column the name
of the assembly to which the section belongs will be printed. If it does not belong to
any assemblies, cells will be empty.
Geometry [m]
A column showing the coordinates of the points selected from the entities for which
the history of influence will be displayed. If a section is specified, the coordinates of
the start and end points of an assigned section will be displayed in this column.
In the dialog, two types of influence can be displayed: “Primary influences” and
“Derived influences”. The choice of the type of influence is done from a closed
list, which is above the part of the dialog with the names of the available
influences. After each change in the type of influence, the influences that are
available in this part of the dialog are also changed.
The selected influences in the assigned point of the column are shown in the list
Derived Influences:
│D│ - absolute deflection (the root of the sum of the squares of the component
│v│ - absolute speed
v,x - speed towards the global X axis
v,y - speed towards the global Y axis
v,z - speed towards the global Z axis
│a│ - absolute acceleration
a,x - acceleration towards the global X axis
a,y - acceleration towards the global Y axis
a,z - acceleration towards the global Z axis
The layout of the dialog for the history of influences in beams and pillars
All on The button which turns on the check boxes in front of all the displayed influences in
the dialog.
All off The button which turns off the check boxes in front of all the displayed influences in
the dialog.
Text report
If this check box is set on, the program will, in addition to graphic blocks, also
generate tables with influence values at certain times for the selected influence.
The way of operation with this command is exactly the same, and when the table is selected,
the only difference is in the type of influence that can be found in the report:
The degree of fixture of the column at one end of it is influenced by the existence of structural
elements that affect the freedom of rotation of that end of the column. These elements are
supports, walls and beams that intersect in that node. When determining the stiffness of the
beams that are in monolithic connection with the slab, it can be considered and joint action
with the width of the slab.
The column located above is affected by the degree of fixing of the upper end of the column,
and the column below is affected by the degree of fixing of the lower end of the column.
The method of calculating the length of the fixing of the column is influenced by the horizontal
displacement of the structure. The structures can be classified into horizontally unmovable and
horizontally movable. (shorter – unmovable and movable).
The program allows an approximate calculation for the buckling length of the column by one of
the following procedures:
This procedure is most often used for the coefficient calculation of the length of the concrete
columns. The analysis is calculated according to the following formulas:
Braced construction:
𝑙0 𝐾𝐴 𝐾𝐵
= 0.5√(1 + )(1 + )
𝐿 0.45 + 𝐾𝐴 0.45 + 𝐾𝐵
Unbraced construction:
= 𝑚𝑎𝑥√1 + 10 ; (1 + )(1 + )
𝐿 𝐾𝐴 + 𝐾𝐵 1 + 𝐾𝐴 1 + 𝐾𝐵
Where KA i KB are the coefficients of flexibility of the top (A) and bottom (B) column:
∑𝐸 𝐿𝑐
∑𝛼𝐸 𝑏
In this formula subscript “b” means beams, and subscript “c” means columns.
This procedure is most often used to calculate the coefficients of the buckling length of the
steel columns. The analysis is calculated according to the following formulas:
Braced construction:
= 0.5 + 0.14(𝐾𝐴 + 𝐾𝐵 ) + 0.055(𝐾𝐴 + 𝐾𝐵 )2
Unbraced construction:
Where KA i KB coefficients of distribution on the top (A), at the bottom (B) of columns.
∑𝐸 𝐿𝑐
∑𝐸 𝐿𝑐 + ∑𝛼𝐸 𝐿𝑏
𝑐 𝑏
In this formula the subscript “b” means beams, subscript “c” means columns.
Factor K represents the degree of limiting rotation at the end of the column and is given as:
∑𝐸 𝐿𝑐
∑𝛼𝐸 𝐿𝑏
In this formula the subscript “b” means beams, subscript “c” means columns.
(1 + 𝐾)
𝑙0 1 1 19
= 1 − (𝛽𝐴 + 𝛽𝐵 ) − (𝛽𝐴2 + 𝛽𝐵2 ) + 𝛽 𝛽
𝐿 5 10 200 𝐴 𝐵
Coefficient of the buckling length for unbraced construction:
At the same time, the command line gets the following view:
<-> Viewing of columns buckling coefficients - around axe 3-3 - Unbraced (around axe 2-2 /
Braced / Settings / Report / <End>):
The message on the command line indicates that buckling coefficients around the local axis 3
of columns are currently displayed, and that the calculation was done for a unbraced structure.
The offered options on the command line have the following meaning:
around axe 2-2 - every mouse click over this option changes the local axis of the column for
which the buckling coefficients are displayed. As an active, you can choose a buckling around
the axis 2-2 or around the axis 3-3.
Settings - By choosing this option from the command line, a dialog opens where the
parameters are assigned and they are necessary for the columns bukling length calculation:
Method of analysis - from the closed list, the procedure to be used for buckling
coefficients calculation is selected. The offered options are: Eurocode 2EN 1992,
Eurocode 3 ENV 1993-1-1 Annex E and Procedure Magdy I.S.
Include beam-slab coupling - The joint action width of the slab that affects the
increase the stiffness of the beam is determined by the expression given below the
check box. The data “L0” used in the formula represents a light opening of the slab,
or the distance between the beams in the slab. In order for the formula to be
complete in the edit fields, the minimum width of the slab must be entered as well
as the coefficient by which the bright opening is multiplied.
Clicking the “Structural Analysis” button, the dialog box closes, and the program
again calculates buckling coefficients with the parameters specified therein.
Report - the option by which the report of buckling coefficients calculation for selected
columns is created. Choosing it you enter the usual procedure for selecting entities, so the
command line gets a new look:
<0 sel.> Select beams for report - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras / selection
Groups / Recent selection / Deselect / <End>):
When the selection of preferred columns ends, the program generates a report and displays it
in a dialog from which it can be sent to the project documentation, text file or directly to the
At the same time, the command line gets the following view:
<0 sel.> gRouping – around axe 3-3 - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras /
selection Groups / Recent selection / Deselect / <End> around axe 2-2 / dIviding):
This is the usual form of command line for entity selection. The message on the command line
also indicates which local axis is currently active, or for which grouping columns is done. In
addition to options that make it easy to select an entity, there are two options specific to this
around axe 2-2 - every mouse click over this option changes the local axis for which columns
are grouped. The axis 2 or axis 3 can be selected for the active one.
After selecting the desired columns, the program executes their grouping, but the command
isn’t interrupted, the new columns can be selected, and so long as the right mouse button or
the option “End” does not end the command. At the same time, the grouped columns are
marked on the screen in the same way as they together make up one column.
9. Concrete Design
9.1 Selecting the Codes for Design (Codes)
A new regulation for dimensioning concrete SRPS EN 1992-1-1 has been added. In that
regulation, the default value for α, cc is 0.85.
By selecting the “Concrete” command field, a dialog for defining concrete characteristics
It can be seen from the attached that the combination of imposed load cases with each of the
permanent ones has been performed.
If the EC 2 regulation (EN 1992-1-1: 2004) is selected for the dimensioning of concrete and
calls the command for defining the load join scheme, the following dialog will appear:
When the load case is assigned the character of the occasional load, the edit fields for entering
the value of the Ψ combination factor become available. In case there are more loads of this
character, each of them can be assigned different values of the Ψ join factor and in the edit
field of the “Description” give a short description that will associate you with the entered
data. Clicking on the arrow on the right side of this closed list opens the list content from
which one of the previously defined descriptions can be selected.
For Eurocode regulation, there is often the need for basic loads of the same character in all
combinations to appear at the same time with the same partial coefficients. For this reason,
the program is able to merge such load cases by selecting one of the loads that the user wants
to merge and then activating the “Unite” button:
The list contains all the basic load cases. In the “St” load column for which this dialog is open,
“ ” appears. It is necessary to mark all the loads that will be merged with it by clicking the
mouse. In the column “St” of the selected loads, the symbol “ ” will be placed. Deselecting a
previously selected load case is done by re-clicking the mouse over its name, after which the
symbol “ ” will be removed.
The “ ” symbol that can be found in front of the name of some load cases indicates that
given load cases do not have the same character as the load for which this dialog is open and
that they can not be merged.
It is possible to combine load cases that do not have the same character. Consolidated loads
will appear in combinations together and with the same state of dominance. Only loads with
the following character are excluded: Constant, Prestress, Seismic and Incidental. Load cases
to which some of the listed characters have been assigned can only be combined with load
cases that have the same character as them.
When you have selected all the loads that will appear in all combinations at the same time with
the same partial load coefficients for which this dialog is open, activate the “OK” button, after
which the dialog will be closed.
In the column “ ”, the program sets the “ ” symbol in front of all load cases that are
merged with the currently selected case.
In all regulations based on the EC2 regulation, it is possible to export all combinations that are
automatically generated for the calculation of cracks and deflections (combinations for the
Limit state of usability). Selecting the “Combinations” button opens a dialog of the following
By setting one switch to the on state, a selection of combinations to be exported is made. The
meaning of each of the offered switches is the same as in the previously described dialog for
generating the combination scheme report.
Mxy – For slabs that are dimensioned with the check box “Mxy” on, the Mxy torque values as
well as the bending moment values M1 and M2 are displayed in the report.
Laying one reinforcement region over multiple slabs - The state of this check box
determines the default behaviour of the program when setting the reinforcement area that
traverses across multiple slabs. If the check box is off, the program will split the specified
reinforcement area into multiple areas so that they monitor the contours of the slabs over
which the reinforcement area is passed. If the check box is turned on, only one reinforcement
area will be set, no matter if it goes over several slabs.
The program enables the dimensioning of concrete slabs for loads from all phases of
construction, and not only from the last phase. If the model contains construction phases, at
the bottom of the dialog becomes an active closed list from which the user selects how the
dimensioning will be performed:
Design performed for last construction stage only - the dimensioning of concrete slabs
will be done for loads from the last phase of construction.
Design for all construction stages - the dimensioning of concrete slabs will be done for
influences from all phases of construction.
By turning on the check box “Adopting reinforcement”, the user is allowed to select one of
the three offered modes of display of the adopted reinforcement:
“Diagonal” – Setting on the switch it displays the diagonal on which the diameter and distance
of the adopted reinforcement is printed.
“Complete mesh” – Setting on the switch the program draws each bar separately, respecting
the specified distance between the bars.
“Series” – Setting on the switch, for each area of reinforcement, draws the direction lines
which shows the spreading direction of series and one of the bars in the series. In the section
point of the bar and the line of the spreading direction of series, the angle with the diameter of
the bars and the distance between them is shown.
For each of the selected methods of displaying the reinforcement, it is possible to display only
one direction of reinforcement by turning on the check box “Separated by directions”.
“ =” - Edit field for setting the angle of the main reinforcement direction. With the switches
underneath this edit box, a selection of the direction will be displayed:
“” - reinforcement will be displayed that extends in the direction of the angle “” and its
close angles.
“ + 90°” - reinforcement will be displayed that extends in the direction of the angle
“ + 90°” and its close angles.
The program allows join the contours of the reinforcement region of the same set of data that
belong to different slabs. By selecting the command “Joining the contours of
reinforcement regions” the command line gets the following view:
<0 sel.> Join Contours - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras / selection Groups /
Recent selection / Deselect / <End>):
Now, users are expected to select all desired contours of reinforcement regions that need to be
Reinforcement areas divided by slabs before The reinforcement areas are merged after
the command “Joining the contours of the command “Joining the contours of
reinforcement regions” reinforcement regions”
After the selection was completed, the program performed the merging of the selected
contours of the reinforcement regions of the same set.
ArmCAD program does not allow the import of the adopted reinforcement in which the
reinforcement regions lays over multiple slabs. In such situations, during the “Export in
ArmCAD” command, the following warning will appear:
The user could divide the reinforcement regions using the “Divide contours of
reinforcement region” command, so that the adopted reinforcement can be exported into
the ArmCAD program.
By selecting the command “Divide contours of reinforcement region”, the command line gets
the following layout:
<0 sel.> Dividing reinforcement regions over slabs - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section /
eXtras / selection Groups / Recent selection / Deselect / <End>):
Now, users are expected to select the contours of the reinforcement areas that need to be
The reinforcement areas are joined after the The reinforcement areas are divided into
command “Joining the contours of slabs after the command “Divide contours of
reinforcement regions” reinforcement region”
After finishing the selection, the program divided all selected contours of the reinforcement
area into slabs.
It is possible to move the reinforcement area from one reinforcement zone to another, as well
as copy the reinforcement area from one zone to another.
By selecting the “Modify Sets” command, the command line gets the following appearance:
<0 sel.> Modify Sets - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras / selection Groups /
Recent selection / Deselect / <eNd>):
Users are now expected to select the contours of the reinforcement area to be moved or
copied from one reinforcement zone to another. After the selection is completed, the following
dialogue opens:
The layout of the dialog for slab concrete design results report
This dialog fully matches the dialog that opens within the command to display the slab
concrete design results (see chapter 9.3.3), and we will not explain it again.
Slab punching verification can also be carried out at the end of the wall. The length of the wall
edge zone (a1) which is considered by control of the slab punching and from which forces are
taken is given as:
If at the selected place in the slab there is a wall above and below the slab, the “axial force at
the end of wall” option can not be used to calculate the slab punching control if a fictitious
boundary condition is not set on the wall at the connection point with the slab. Setting the
boundary conditions is necessary to calculate the difference in force above and below the slab.
In such situations, the program will issue an appropriate notice:
Selecting the “Calculator” sub-command from the command line, a dialog opens in which the
user has the ability to control the slab punching - to arbitrarily set the cross-section of the
column and arbitrarily set the force in the column:
A dialog opens by selecting the “Calculator” sub-command from the command line
The closed list in the lower right corner of the dialog is provided for selecting some
of the previously recorded configurations.
Save By selecting this button, you are saving the current state of the parameters in the
Delete By selecting this button you are deleting the current configurations.
In the dialog, a list of all the places on the slab, grouped by assemblies, is displayed, in which
punch control is performed. Every place in the list is represented by a symbol and an ordinal
number corresponding to the ordinal number of the graphic symbol in the drawing.
Conducting new analysis of slab punching control, as well as deleting and editing
existing ones, can cause the list in the dialog to no longer correspond to the current
state of the model. By clicking this button, the list is refreshed, ie its alignment with
the model.
The activation button in the 2D view is set for the current array containing the
selected slab punching control. The graphic symbol of the currently selected slab
punching control will be highlighted in the drawing. Setting in the 2D view of the
array to which the punch control belongs can also be done by the left double click
of the mouse over its name in the list, as well as by choosing the “Go to
assembly” command from the drop-down menu that opens with the right mouse
click over its name.
Clicking on this button will turn on the visibility of the selected punch slab controls,
if previously disabled. If assemblies are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all the
punch slab controls that belong to them will be turned on. The visibility of the con-
trol of the punching slab can also be activated by selecting the option “Visible”
from the drop-down menu, which is opened by right-clicking on its name or the
name of the assembly.
Clicking on this button excludes the visibility of the selected punch slab controls. If
assemblies are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all puncture slabs controls that
belong to them will be excluded. The visibility of piercing control can also be
switched off by selecting the “Not visible” option from the drop-down menu, which
is opened by right-clicking on its name or the name of the circuit.
A button used to edit the slab punching control that is currently selected in the list.
Clicking on this button opens the following view at the dialog:
The layout of the dialog for editing previously executed slab punching control
This dialog is the same as the dialog that opens when calculating the slab punching
control, so we will not re-explain it (see chapter 9.3.11).
The activation button currently removes the control panel of the slab punching
control from the model. The command to delete the slab punching control is also
found in the menu that opens with the right mouse click over its name in the list.
Since the punch controls in the list are grouped by arrays, the right mouse click
over the name of the box opens a menu with the “Delete all” option, which makes
to erase all slab punching controls from the given array.
Shift - It is possible to set the global value of the shift of the line of tensile forces. The shift
value is equal to the product of the static girder height and the coefficient specified in the edit
field. The default value of the coefficient for beams for Eurocode regulations is 1.125. The shift
value for any beam can be subsequently changed in the dialogue for defining local input data
(see section “”).
The program allows the dimensioning of concrete beams for all influences from all stages of
construction, and not only from the last stage. If the model contains construction phases, at
the bottom of the dialog becomes an active closed list from which the user selects how the
dimensioning will be performed:
Design performed for last construction stage only - the dimensioning of the concrete
beams will be done for influences from the last phase of construction.
Design for all construction stages – the dimensioning of the concrete beams will be done
for influences from all phases of construction.
Display the diagram of the percentage of reinforcement of beams / columns for the
required reinforcement.
(Aa/Ab)[max %]
Display of the maximum value of the percentage of reinforcement on all beams /
columns for the required reinforcement.
(Aa/Ab)[min %]
Display of the minimum value of the percentage of reinforcement on all beams /
columns for the required reinforcement.
In the right part of the dialog, diagrams of the calculated reinforcement along the selected
beams are displayed.
Above the diagram of the calculated reinforcement there is a table with data on the adopted
reinforcement. In the columns with the data of the adopted reinforcement “Aa1”, “Aa2”, “Aa3”,
“Aa4”, the surface of the adopted reinforcement in the section is written in brackets.
Cross section
In the left part of the dialog there is a space for the cross-section for which the reinforcement
is adopted.
Check box whose status determines whether the window will display a cross section
with all the required data scanned or only an angular cross section will be
Setting the check box to ON on the cross-sectional view of the dialog will quote the
clear distance between the bars. In the dialog for adjusting the report for the di-
mensioning of the beams, the user has the ability to specify the maximum distance
between the bars for which the angles will be displayed. This eliminates the display
of excess angles, ie distances between bars larger than the set value (see section
Setting the check box to ON on the cross-sectional view of the dialog will quote the
clear distance between the bars placed in multiple rows.
Setting the check box to ON on the cross-sectional view in the dialog will quote the
protective layer, that is, the distance from the edge of the section to the bar.
In addition to placing the longitudinal armature by clicking the mouse in the small red cross,
which determines the possible position of the bars in the cross-section, the program also
allows the mass setting of reinforcement, by multiple selection of red crosses into the window:
Also, for removing the incorrectly installed reinforcement, multiple selection of already
installed bars with the window is enabled. After removing the bars from the cross-section, the
red crosses will appear instead again.
(mm) Edit field in which the diameter of the bar you want to place is assigned. Diameter
setting can also be done by selecting from the list, which opens with the mouse on
the arrow on the right side of this edit box.
In the sections of the dialogs “Aa1”, “Aa2”, “Aa3”, “Aa4”, the longitudinal reinforcement is
set in the cross-section:
Edit field in which the number of bars is in order. Setting the number of bars can
also be done by selecting from the list, which opens by clicking the arrow on the
right side of this edit box.
Edit field in which the desired number of rows of armatures is assigned. Setting the
number of rows can also be done by selecting from the list, which opens by clicking
the arrow on the right side of this edit box.
Edit field in which the axle distance between the rows of the reinforcement is
assigned. The distance between rows can also be adjusted using the arrows that
are on the right edge of this edit field.
In case the user set the data for one armature, for example, “Aa2”, by activating
this button, copying all given data into another appropriate array, in this case
“Aa1”, is performed. We will note that this does not reflect the installed
reinforcement, but only defines the position on which the array can be positioned.
In cross-sectional segments not related to the main reinforcement (“Aa1”, “Aa2”, “Aa3”,
“Aa4”), it is possible to specify the longitudinal structural reinforcement “Aa, k”:
The part of the dialog that deals with specifying the structural reinforcement in cross section
Edit field specifying the number of bars in the row. You can also specify the number
of bars by selecting from the list, which opens by clicking the arrow on the right
side of this edit box.
If the segment of the stirrup is selected along which the reinforcement is selected, so that it
becomes red, and then clicked on the right mouse button, a drop-down menu opens with a
series of commands that allow the user to perform symmetric reinforcement, mass installation
of the reinforcement, massive reinforcement in a quick and simple manner replacing the
diameter of the reinforcement as well as removing the pre-fitted reinforcement:
Drop-down menu that opens with the right click of the mouse above the segment of the stirrup
In the case of symmetrical reinforcement, it is sufficient that only one
reinforcement, such as “Aa2”, defines the exact position of the bars, while the
other, in this case “Aa1”, can be automatically mapped. It is enough to select
command “Symmetrical” from the drop-down menu and the program will
automatically axially map the previously installed armatures to the appropriate
segment of the stirrup.
Apply to all
By selecting this command from the drop-down menu, the program will
automatically place the bars over all the crosses belonging to the selected segment
of the stirrup. We will note that it is necessary for the user to first specify the
diameter of the bar in the edit field “ (mm)”, which will be assigned to the fitted
armature. In the command name, the program shows in which segment the
armature will be placed and which diameter will be assigned, e.g. “Aa2: Apply to all
”, which means that the Aa2 armature with the diameter of the bar will be
Replace to all
The user is enabled to replace the diameter in a quick and simple way, already
fitted with reinforcement. You need first to set the desired diameter in the edit box
“ (mm)”, then select the “Replace to all” command from the drop-down menu,
which will give the new diameter to all the placed bars in the selected segment. In
the command name, the program shows in which segment the stirrups will be
replaced by the diameter of the bar and which diameter will be assigned, for
example, “Aa2: Replace to all 20”, which means that the diameter of the bar 20
will be assigned to the armature Aa2.
Remove to all
By selecting this command from the drop-down menu, the program will remove the
already placed bars from the selected segment, and red shadows will appear in
their place. In the name of the command, the program shows which segment of the
stirrups will remove the bars, for example, “Aa2: Remove to all”, which means the
program will remove the installation of the reinforcement bar Aa2.
Since the bars are not quoted in the cross-sectional drawing, it is certainly of interest to know
at any time during the work, which diameter of the bars you placed in which place. It is a
procedure for identifying the placed rods. So, it is enough to point by mouse in the
surroundings of the bar whose diameter you are interested in and it will appear in blue. In this
way, the identification of the bars that have not yet been set is done, but only their positions
are shown in the cross-section, through the red crosses:
Display the diameter of the bar in which the mouse pointer is placed
The layout of the dialog for the adoption of the reinforcement in a circular cross-section
In edit fields “ (mm)” and it is necessary to specify the diameter of the bars and the
desired number, and they will automatically be set homogeneously in the scope of the section.
In the part of the dialog “Aa,br”, the assignment of the stirrups in the cross-section is done:
Edit field in which the diameter of the stirrup is assigned. Diameter setting can also
be done by selecting from the list, which opens with the mouse arrow on the right
side of this edit box.
Edit field in which the distance of the stirrup is assigned. The distance can also be
adjusted using the arrow located on the right edge of this edit field.
Edit field in which the cutting of the stirrup is assigned. The task can also be done
by choosing from the list, which opens with the mouse arrow on the right side of
this edit box.
Edit field in which the size of the protective layer is assigned, that is, the distance
from the edge of the section to the outer edge of the stirrup. The distance can also
be adjusted using the arrows located on the right edge of this edit field.
Save Selecting this button, the current state of the parameters in the dialog is saved.
The closed list located to the left of the “ ” button is intended for selecting some
of the previously saved configurations.
Diagram of percent reinforcement of beams / columns for adopted reinforcement.
(Aa/Ab)[max %]
Display of maximum value of percentage of reinforcement on all beams / columns
for adopted reinforcement.
(Aa/Ab)[min %]
Display of the minimum value of the percentage of reinforcement on all beams /
columns for adopted reinforcement.
The section of the “TXT Report” dialog box contains check boxes whose status determines
whether bars for the adopted reinforcement will be quoted in the report.
Setting the check box to ON in the beam dimensioning report for adopted rein-
forcement will quote the clear distance between the bars. Next to this check box is
an edit box where the user has the ability to specify the maximum distance be-
tween the bars for which the angles will be displayed. This will eliminate the display
of excess angles, ie distances between bars larger than the set value.
Setting the check box to ON in the beam dimensioning report for adopted rein-
forcement will quote the clear distance between the bars placed in multiple rows.
By setting the check box to the ON in the dimensioning report for the adopted rein-
forcement beams, the protective layer, ie the distance from the edge of the section
to the bar, will be quoted.
Vrd,max – for Eurocode-based regulations, the report dimensioning the beams also lists the
maximum values of shear forces that the beam can accept in the direction of local axes 2 and
3 (Vrd,max,2 and Vrd,max,3).
Since this interaction diagram represents cross sections through a 3D interaction diagram in
different planes corresponding to different values of normal force N1, in order to know for
which plane a diagram is shown, the 2D interaction diagram in the upper right corner shows
the ordinate of the normal force.
Scale Edit field for setting the text scaling factors on 2D interaction diagrams. In this way,
the program allows you to adjust the font size for texts that are displayed on
interaction diagrams. The text size can also be adjusted using the arrows that are
located on the right edge of the edit field. We will note that the adjusted text size
on the interaction diagram will also refer to their presentation in the report.
For the purposes of arbitrary setting the points and sections on the 2D interaction diagram, the
program offers a number of commands:
Points input
Selecting the button, the user has the ability to set an arbitrary point on a 2D
interaction diagram, showing its values. The points are represented by the
appropriate symbol, whereas the green colour indicates that the section with its
reinforcement can withstand these influences, while the red colour indicates that
the section is not able to withstand the influence. Thumbnail with the name of the
button, provides the user with information about whether the program is in the
process of setting points or not:
the command is started and the user can enter arbitrary points on the interaction
the command is not started.
Layout of the entries entered with your ordinates in the interactive diagram
Generate sections
The program allows the automatic generation of points, with the display of their
values, at the section point of the interaction diagram with the coordinate axes.
A button which selection opens a dialog where the user has the ability to set the
coordinates of the point he wants to display on the interaction diagram:
Upon exiting this dialog, the “OK” button will be displayed on the interaction
The button which selection opens a dialog where the user has the ability to set the
line parameters that will be displayed on the interaction diagram:
Using the two “Horizontal” and “Vertical” switches, the line orientation is
selected, and the corresponding coordinates are entered in the edit field. By going
from the dialog to the “OK” button, the interactive diagram will show the assigned
line as well as the section points of this line and the interaction diagram.
If there are no intersecting points of the assigned line and the interaction diagram,
after exiting the line parameters dialog, the program will issue the appropriate
The button is removing the last assigned point from the interaction diagram.
The button removing all assigned points from the interaction diagram.
The button removing all assigned sections from the interaction diagram.
We will note that all the points and sections that a user has set in the interaction diagram will
also be displayed in the report.
Capacity Design is also enabled when the seismic calculation is performed with the EC8
transverse force method.
Part of the dialog “Overstrength factor” allows you to set the factor “γ, Rd” as defined in the
regulation EC8 EN, in sections for beams and for columns.
Multipliers of seismic forces - Impacts from multimodal seismic load cases can be magnified
by assigning arbitrary multipliers. The check box determines whether multipliers are used, so
that when the check box is turned on for change, the following fields become available:
T x - with the value given in this field multiplies the transverse force by the multi-
modal seismic load cases. When the multiplier changes, so will the values of the
transversal forces in the table.
M x - the value given in this field multiplies the bending moment by the multimodal
seismic load cases. When the multiplier is changed, the values of the moments in
the table will be changed as well.
L= The program enables the approximate consideration of the influence of buckling in the
section calculation. The edit field specifies the length of the beam, which will be used
when calculating the buckling lengths.
When a value is set in this edit field, the input data for the buckling calculation should be
defined in the dialog that opens by clicking on the “Way of reinforcement” button.
The assigned input data for the dimensioning of the cross-section are displayed in the basic
command dialog, so you can at any time see which data analysis will be executed without
entering the “Input Data - Local” dialog box.
Part of the dialog where the input data for dimensioning the section is displayed
Save The button is saving the current state of the parameters in the dialog.
The closed list located in the lower left corner of the dialog is intended for selecting some of
the previously saved configurations.
In the upper part of the dialog there is a field showing the complete report of shear control in
built walls. When changing any parameters, the report is not updated automatically, but it is
necessary to activate the “Calculate” button, which brings to a repetition of the calculation
and generating a new report.
Below the field in which the report is displayed, there is a table with all sections where shear
control is performed in built walls, while all the selected built walls are displayed in the report,
as well as all the cut-out sections that the program automatically detects. The number of
sections that appears in the table depends on the given density.
Note that in the case of the check box “Control of masonry walls - separated” in the
functionality dialog (see chapter 3.5.2), the shear control is performed individually for each of
the selected walls. For each of them, the relevant sections are determined and a complete
report is written, and the sectional table in the dialog is inactive in that case. The drawing
shows a separate axis of dimensioning for each of the selected walls. If this check box is
turned off, the shear control is performed simultaneously in all selected walls. The table shows
sections of all selected walls, while the report prints the results in the relevant sections that
apply to all of them. In this case, a single axis of dimensioning is set in the drawing, so that all
walls that are dimensioned together can be edited.
N° Column with all sections in which shear control in built walls was carried out.
If icons appear in this column, it means that these sections are relevant and
that a textual report will be displayed for them.
- means the set section is relevant for bending and shearing
- means the set section is relevant for bending.
- means the set section is relevant for shearing.
All sections which ordinal number are shown in this column will be displayed
in the report.
A column with check boxes which status determines which sections will be
created, in addition to the relevant ones, to create a text report. All selected
sections are numbered by ordinal numbers that appear in the column “N°”.
Right mouse click over the name of this column opens the menu with the
following options:
All on - all check boxes will be set to on.
All off - all check boxes will be set to off state.
Density Edit field where the user can subsequently set a new value for the intersection
position, with the program automatically executing the dimensioning
calculation. If the density of the task is zero, then the program will work with
default density. All of the previously mentioned for setting the density by
calling the “Density” option from the command line is also valid here.
In the dialog, a list of all sections in the model is displayed, in which dimensioning of the walls
is performed. Sections are grouped by assemblies. Since the list shows the sections obtained
by the seismic wall dimensioning commands, as well as the commands for dimensioning of a
series of walls and for controlling the strain in the built walls, the dialog with the symbol of the
section and the mark of its axis shows the mark indicating which command obtained the
By selecting a section from the list, in the lower part of the dialog, the adopted, or computably
required armatures of a set section will be displayed. In case that a reinforcement is adopted
in the section, the reinforcement will be displayed in the dialog. If the reinforcement is not
adopted, the required amount of reinforcement will be displayed. The “*” symbol next to the
amount of reinforcement indicates that this is the required reinforcement.
Adding and deleting sections in which dimensioning is performed can result that the
list of sections in the dialog no longer corresponds to the condition in the model. By
clicking this button, the list is refreshed, ie its alignment with the current state of
the intersection in the model.
The activation button in the 2D view is set for the current assembly containing the
selected section. The currently selected section in the list will be particularly
highlighted in the drawing. Setting in the 2D view of the assembly to which the
section belongs can be done by the left double click over its name in the list, as well
as selecting the “Go to assembly” command from the drop-down menu that opens
with the right mouse click over the section name.
Clicking on this button switches on the visibility of the selected sections in which
the sizing of the walls was carried out, if it had previously been turned off. If as-
semblies are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all sections belonging to them
will be turned on. Cross-section visibility can also be activated by selecting the op-
tion “Visible” from the drop-down menu, which is opened by right-clicking on the
section name or assembly.
Clicking on this button turns off the visibility of the selected sections. If assemblies
are selected in the trunk, the visibility of all sections belonging to them will be ex-
cluded. Cross-section visibility can also be turned off by selecting the “Not visible”
option from the drop-down menu that opens by right-clicking on the section name
or assembly.
The button used to edit the section currently selected in the list. If one of the
sections selected from the section for selecting seismic walls is selected in the list,
clicking the mouse on this button opens the same dialog as in the dimensioning
procedure for this section:
The layout of the dialog for editing the earlier dimensioned section
All offered parameters are now available for changing and implementing a new
If a list is selected in the list that is obtained using the dimensioning command of a
row of walls, a dialog with all the previously given data is opened in the
dimensioning procedure for a row of walls:
If one of the sections obtained from the strain control command in built walls is
selected in the list, the same dialog opens as in the dimensioning procedure for that
All the parameters offered are now available for changing and implementing a new
strain control in built walls (see chapter 9.8).
The activated button is currently removed the selected section from the drawing.
The section deletion command is also found in the menu that opens with the right
mouse click over the name of the section in the list. Since the sections in the list
are grouped by assemblies, the right mouse click over the name of the box opens a
menu with the option “Delete all”, which is for deleting all sections from the set
<0 sel.> Select proxy entity for concrete design - Select (Window / <End>):
A proxy entity has been selected and joined by elevator core elements
After the proxy entity is selected, a dialog opens which specifies all the necessary input data
for design, performs concrete design and reinforcement adopting, as well as creating design
Segments of proxy entity - If the cross section of the entities associated with it changes
along the proxy entity, the program automatically divides the proxy entity into segments with
different cross sections and displays them in this table. Table columns have the following
N0 – Column in which the ordinal numbers of the proxy entity segments are printed
Position - Column showing the beginning and end of each of the proxy entity seg-
ments. If the proxy entity is parallel to one of the global axes, the values shown are
the coordinates of the projection of the beginning / end of a given proxy entity
segment on that axis. If this condition is not met, the distance / start of each proxy
entity segment from the start point of the proxy entity is printed.
Disposition of sections - This table shows all cross sections where design of proxy entity will
take place. Table columns have the following meaning:
N0 – Column in which the ordinal cross-sectional numbers for which the report is
generated are printed. Also, in this column, the relevant sections are marked with
the corresponding icons. The relevant bending cross section is indicated by an icon
, while the relevant shear cross section is indicated by an icon .
Position - A column in which the position of each section is printed. The values
shown are subject to the same rules as the values in the column of the same name
in the “Segments of proxy entity” table.
– Setting the checkboxes on this column to ON, selects the sections for which
the design report will be generated. For the relevant sections, the report is always
generated, so they do not have a check box in this column.
Segment – Column in which for each section is printed the serial number of the
proxy entity segment to which it belongs.
Density - Edit field specifying the distance between sections where design of proxy entity is
performed. The larger the specified gap, the smaller the number of sections, and therefore the
shorter the duration, and vice versa. If set to 0, the program will determine the number of
sections based on the density of the finite element network.
Current Segment - When this option is selected from the closed list, the figure in the dialog
box shows the cross-sectional view of the selected proxy entity segment.
Current section - When this option is selected from the closed list, the figure in the dialog
shows the cross section layout currently selected in the “Disposition of sections” table.
– Check box which condition determines whether or not the cross section of the image in
the dialog is quoted.
– Check box by which the cross section is rotated by 900. It is most often used for cross
sections that have a larger dimension in one direction than the dimensions in the other direc-
– If there is a need for different ways of reinforcing the same cross section, new reducer
segments can also be added manually. Before adding a new segment, you should pay atten-
tion to which segment is currently selected, since only the sections that belong to it will be
assigned to the new segment. Clicking on a field inserts a new segment into the “Segments
of proxy entity” table, and in the “Disposition of sections” table, in the “Segment” column, ar-
rows appear by which a new segment can be assigned to a section. Clicking a mouse over one
of the arrows opens a drop-down menu with the sequence numbers of the proxy entity seg-
ments that can be assigned to a given section:
Drop down menu from which to select the proxy entity segment
to which the given cross section is assigned
– By clicking this button, the currently selected proxy entity segment is deleted from the
table. Only segments that have been manually added can be deleted.
Way of reinforcement - Clicking on this field opens a dialog where you specify all the pa-
rameters necessary for design of proxy entity current segment:
Dialog for defining the method of reinforcement of the current proxy entity segment
The upper left part of the dialog shows a cross-sectional view of the current proxy entity seg-
ment. The right part specifies the characteristics of the material, by selecting from closed lists.
- Check box which condition determines whether or not the cross section of the image in
the dialog is quoted.
At the bottom of the dialog is a table showing all the lines that make up the cross section of a
given proxy entity segment. By clicking the mouse over a row in the table, it becomes current,
and the corresponding line in the cross-section drawing is marked with a special color. Select-
ing the desired line can also be made directly in the drawing by clicking the mouse over it,
whereby the corresponding row in the table will automatically become current.
Clicking on the drawing selected the left edge of the cross section,
and at the same time in the table as the current one is marked with row number 3
It is possible to define for each cross-section line whether a reinforcement is placed along it,
and if it is to be fitted one of the offered methods of reinforcement must be selected. The col-
umns in the table have the following meaning:
N0 – The ordinal numbers of the intersection lines
Reinforcement - Clicking on the cells in this column opens a drop-down menu with the rein-
forcement options offered:
Share - A column specifying the percentage of the total required reinforcement that will be
placed along a given line when given the “Defined share (Z)” option in the “Reinforcement”
column. If there are no “Unknown share” reinforcement lines, the sum of the given percent-
ages for all intersection lines must be 100%. If there is an “Unknown share” line, the sum of
the given percentages for all intersection lines must be less than 100%. A difference of up to
100% will be assigned to the “Unknown share” reinforcement lines. The current sum of the set
percentages is printed along the bottom edge of the dialog. If any of the conditions is not met,
the program will issue an appropriate notification when exiting the dialog:
Selecting the “Yes” button instructs the program to automatically redistribute participation,
respecting their current relationship, so that the sum is 100%, after which it will exit the dia-
log. Selecting the “No” button denotes leaving the dialog box and re-manually redistributing
participation so that the condition is satisfied.
xs – By entering a positive value in this field, an extension can be made, while entering a neg-
ative value can shorten the start of the line along which the reinforcement is placed. In this
way it is easy to adjust the placement of the reinforcement at the points where different enti-
ties in the proxy entity are connected. Note that the field is only available for reinforcement
lines belonging to walls/slabs.
xe – By entering a positive value in this field, an extension can be made, while entering a neg-
ative value can shorten the end of the line along which the reinforcement is placed. Note that
the field is only available for reinforcement lines belonging to walls/slabs.
ф – The fields in this column are only available for lines that are assigned a known reinforce-
ment and serve to define a cross-section of that reinforcement. Clicking on the box opens a list
from which one can select one of the offered diameters.
n – The fields in this column are only available for lines that are assigned a known reinforce-
ment and that belong to the beams. They are also available for lines belonging to the slabs,
along which angular reinforcement is installed. They specify the number of bars of known rein-
forcement that are placed along a given cross-section line.
e – The fields in this column are only available for lines that are assigned a known reinforce-
ment, and at the same time they belong to the slabs and longitudinal reinforcement is placed
along them. They specify the distance between the bars of the known longitudinal reinforce-
Mesh - The fields in this column are only available for lines that are assigned a known rein-
forcement, and at the same time they belong to walls/slabs and longitudinal reinforcement is
placed along them. Right-clicking on the box in this column opens a drop-down menu with two
Library – An option by which a reinforcement mesh can be placed along a given
cross-section line. Its choice opens a dialog of the following appearance:
This dialog is the same as the dialog that opens when the “Library” command field
is activated in the slabs reinforcement adoption procedure. By selecting the desired
armature and activating the “OK” command field, the program returns to the basic
dialog and retrieves the data selected from the library for the known longitudinal
Undo - By selecting this option, previously adopted longitudinal reinforcement can
be canceled.
The program allows multiple selection of the section lines in the table, as well as the mass as-
signment of the desired method of reinforcement and all other data specified in the table, cur-
rently selected section lines. It is necessary to give one line of intersection some information,
for example, the method of reinforcement, and then from the drop-down menu, which opens
by right-clicking the cell with the mode of reinforcement, select the command “Apply to all”.
This way, all selected cross-section lines will be assigned the selected reinforcement method.
In addition to the reinforcement method, the user is allowed to assign all the data correspond-
ing to the selected reinforcement method to all selected cross-section lines in a quick and easy
way by selecting the “All data set to all” command from the drop-down menu.
After the “Apply to all” command, the rein- After the “All data set to all” command, all
forcement method information is assigned to data is assigned to all selected cross-section
all selected cross-section lines lines
Configurations - Selecting from the closed list for the current one can set some of the previ-
ously recorded configurations of the proxy entity reinforcement. The list shows only those con-
figurations that were recorded for proxy entity with the same geometry as the current seg-
ment of the proxy entity being dimensioned.
Clicking on this button saves in the configuration file, under the name you en-
tered, all the reinforcement data specified in the dialogue.
If any of the given data for the current segment design is incorrect, the program will issue an
appropriate notification when exiting the dialog.
Reinforcement method information must be specified for each proxy entity segment separate-
ly. If not specified, the program will display a corresponding notification when attempting de-
Separated by modes - Check box which condition determines whether the calculation for
multimodal load cases is performed separately for each mode (not to be used for design; it is
used for informational purposes only to examine the impact for each mode of modal analysis
Current load case - When this switch is set to ON, design of proxy entity is performed for the
current load case.
Complete Scheme - When this switch is turned on, design of proxy entity is performed for
the complete load scheme.
Take into account concrete shear resistance - Check box which condition determines
whether the shear strength of the concrete is taken into account when design of proxy entity is
performed, or whether the shear resistance calculation will be performed according to the
beam procedure (check box on) or the wall procedure. (check box off).
Calculate - Selecting this button starts the design of proxy entity according to the data speci-
fied in the dialog.
Adopting Reinforcement –This button becomes available only when the design of proxy en-
tity was performed. The selection opens a dialog where the reinforcement for the current proxy
entity segment can be adopted:
The upper part of the dialog shows an image with all reinforcement lines marked with ordinal
numbers, while the selected line is marked with a special color. At the bottom there is a table
in which the reinforcement is adopted. Note that the “known reinforcement” specified in the
dialog to define the reinforcement method cannot be modified in this dialog. Table columns
have the following meaning:
N0 – Column in which the ordinal numbers of the reinforcement lines are printed.
Calculated (MAX) - Column in which the required reinforcement for a given cross
section is printed.
Adopted - The column in which the reinforcement is adopted and the previously
adopted reinforcement is displayed. If the surface of the adopted reinforcement is
smaller than the surface required, it will be printed in red. Right-clicking on cells in
this column opens the drop-down menu with options for adopting reinforcement:
Adoption – Selecting this option opens a new dialogue where you can adopt
the reinforcement:
This dialogue works in exactly the same way as the dialogue that opens in the
procedure for the adoption of reinforcement in beams, when the command
“Calculation of bars” is activated. After exiting the dialog, the selected rein-
forcement is displayed in the “Adopted” column.
Library - This option is only available for reinforcement lines belonging to the
slabs and along which longitudinal reinforcement is installed. It can be used to
provide a reinforcement mesh along a given cross-section line. Its choice
opens a dialogue of the following appearance:
This dialogue is the same as the dialogue that opens when the “Library”
command field is activated in the slab reinforcement adoption procedure. Af-
ter leaving the dialogue, the selected reinforcement mesh is displayed in the
“Adopted” column.
Decline - By selecting this option, previously adopted reinforcement can be
The program allows multiple selection of cross-section lines in the table, as well as
the mass assignment and cancellation of the adopted reinforcement to all selected
cross-section lines.
Apply to all - It is possible for the user to make the installation of the reinforce-
ment in all selected cross-section lines in a quick and easy way. It is necessary to
adopt the reinforcement one line, and then from the drop-down menu, which opens
by right-clicking on the corresponding cell in the table, select the command “Apply
to all”. In this way, reinforcement will be adopted on all selected intersection lines.
Reset all - Selecting a given command from the drop-down menu will invalidate
the previously adopted reinforcement for all selected cross-section lines.
When the design of proxy entity is performed and the reinforcement is eventually adopted, the
results in the command in the main dialog are displayed next to each armature line. What ex-
actly will be printed is selected from the closed list below the image itself. The following op-
tions are offered:
Calculated reinforcement
Adopted reinforcement
Area of adopted reinforcement
Control of retained reinforcement - The difference between the area of the
adopted reinforcement and the calculated reinforcement for a given cross-section
line. If the area of the adopted reinforcement is smaller than the area required, the
difference will be printed in red. If a sufficient amount of reinforcement is adopted,
the difference will be green.
As the reinforcement is adopted for each proxy entity segment individually, based on the rele-
vant cross sections, these options will only be available when the “Current Segment” option is
selected from the list above the figure. If the option “Current section” is selected, the area
next to each line will show the calculated reinforcement required for the currently selected
cross section, and after that value the area of the known reinforcement will be printed, if given
in the dialog box before dimensioning “Way of reinforcement”.
Interaction diagram - Activating the command field “Interaction Diagram” opens a dialogue
for generating the Interaction Diagram of the proxy entity in the section that is set for the cur-
rent one in the “Disposition of sections” list. Working with this dialogue is exactly the same as
with the command for generating beam interaction diagrams (Section 9.4.10).
Report - Selecting this button generates a report of the completed design of proxy entity, in
the relevant sections and sections selected in the column of the section “Disposition of sec-
tions”, for each segment of the proxy entity.
Report type - From the list below the report generation button, select its content:
Report with reinforcement - The report contains complete concrete design re-
sults and adopted reinforcement in all sections for which it is generated.
Report with influences - The report contains only influence tables in all sections
for which it is generated.
Report with reinforcement and influences - A report containing both.
One of the assumptions on which the sizing of the proxy entity (reductor) is based is that the
set of elements that make up the reductor acts as a line girder. The term "line girder" is
considered to be a rigid body with one dominant dimension, such that during its deformation
due to the action of external forces, there is no out of plane deformation of the cross section.
In order for the cross-sectional bending effect to be as small as possible, the cross-section
itself should be as compact as possible.
The figure below shows the stress diagrams in one cross section exposed to pure bending.
Diagram “A” of the stress distribution corresponds to the ideal state, without out of plane
bending the cross section. Diagram “B” corresponds to a real state of stress distribution of
non-compact cross section.
In both cases the bending moment is the same. The areas of the diagrams are the same in
both cases, but the distribution and intensity of the stresses in the elements (rib and flange)
are different.
It is clear that in this second case, the seismic wall (flange of this section) is dimensioned for
far greater forces. The more disjointed and non-compact the cross section, the more
significant the stress distribution within the cross section will deviate from the linear one.
Therefore, there will be a deviation in the concrete dimensioning results of the proxy entity
compared to the reinforcement calculation performed by command “Seismic walls”.
The dialog shows a list of all proxy entities in the model. Since the list shows proxy entities for
dimensioning as well as proxy entities that are not dimensioned, in the dialog, different sym-
bols indicate proxy entities:
Adding, deleting and design of proxy entity may cause the list of proxy entity in the
dialog to no longer match the model state. Clicking this button refreshes the list,
that is, aligns it with the current state of the proxy entity in the model.
Since the proxy entity cannot belong to any assembly, the given button is inactive
in the proxy entity inspection dialog.
Clicking on this button turns on the visibility of the selected proxy entities, if they
were previously turned off. If the “Model” branch is selected in the trunk, the visi-
bility of all proxy entities in the model will be turned on. The visibility of the proxy
entity can also be switched on by selecting the option “Visible” from the drop-down
menu, which is opened by right-clicking on the name of the proxy entity, or through
the branch “Model”.
Clicking on this button excludes the visibility of the selected proxy entities. If the
“Model” branch is selected in the trunk, the visibility of all proxy entities in the
model will be disabled. The visibility of the proxy entities can also be switched off
by selecting the option “Not visible” from the drop-down menu, which is opened
by right-clicking on the name of the Proxy entity, or through the branch “Model”.
A button used to design of proxy entity currently selected in the list. Clicking on this
button opens the following layout dialog:
This dialog is the same as the dialog that opens when the proxy entity is designed, so we will
not explain it again (see Chapter 9.10).
Button whose actuation removes the currently selected proxy entity from the draw-
ing. The command to delete the proxy entity is also in the menu that opens by
right-clicking on the name of the proxy entity in the list. Right-clicking on the name
“Model” opens a menu with the option “Delete”, which is used to delete all proxy
entities from the model.
<0 sel.> Quantities of reinforcement - Select (All / Window / Polygon / Section / eXtras / se-
lection Groups / Recent selection / Deselect / <End> / Layout):
Selecting the “Layout” sub-option from the command line opens a dialog where all the param-
eters necessary for generating the quantities of reinforcement are set:
The check boxes “Slabs” and “Beams” determine whether the quantities of reinforcement is
generated only for slabs, only for beams or for both.
The check boxes “Calculated” and “Adopted” select whether the report is generated only for
the required, only for the adopted or for both types of reinforcement.
Speciffic weight - edit field specifying the speciffic weight of the adopted reinforcement.
After selection, the program checks that all beams and slabs have been designed and that all
reinforcement has been adopted, and if no appropriate notification is issued. For example, if all
selected beams are not designed and no reinforcement has been adopted in all selected slabs,
the following message will be displayed:
These messages serve only as a notification of a possible failure that needs to be corrected
and whether or not they are displayed, the program will generate a quantities of reinforcement
report for those selected beams and slabs that meet all the necessary conditions and display it
in a new dialog:
Using the command fields located at the bottom right of the dialog, the created report of the
quantities of reinforcement can be exported to the project documentation ( ), print ( )
or text file ( ).
λ,ult Column for setting the limiting slenderness of the bars. If it is necessary that all
beam sets have the same margin slenderness, it is enough to assign it to a single
set, and then select the “Apply to all” command from the drop-down menu, which
opens with the right mouse click over the input value. In this way, all the sets will
be assigned the same value for the margin slenderness. To the left of this column
there is a column with checkboxes, whose state determines which set of beams will
be made to the slenderness analysis. Right-click on this column opens the drop-
down menu with the “All on” and “All off” options, which you have the option to
turn on or off check boxes for all sets.
Anett/A Column for setting the coefficient of the sectional surface area. If it is necessary
that all beam sets have the same coefficient, it is enough to assign it to a single
set, and then select the “Apply to all” command from the drop-down menu, which
opens with the right mouse click over the entered value. In this way all the sets will
be assigned the same value for the coefficient of the net sectional area. To the left
of this column there is a column with check boxes, whose status determines which
set of beams will be done to control the weakened section tension. Right-clicking on
this column opens the drop-down menu with the “All on” and “All off” options,
which you have the option to turn on or off check boxes for all sets.
By going to the “OK” button from this dialog, the program will perform slenderness control, if
requested by the user, as well as stress control. All the bars in the model will be painted either
green or red, while the cursor will get the shape of the select box, and the following message
will appear on the command line:
The user is now expected to select the beam for which he wants to get a detailed overview of
the conducted stress control.
After selecting the desired beam, the program will open a dialog with a detailed overview of
the implemented stress control and slenderness control:
In the lower part of the dialog, the results of the checked slenderness of the selected beam are
For the performed stress control and the slenderness control of the selected beam, a report
can also be generated. For this purpose, the command field “Report” is foreseen, which
activation opens a dialog of the following layout:
The last row shows the control of the slenderness of the selected beam.
We will note that the program will only control slenderness if the user has requested it by
including the appropriate check boxes in the “Stress and slenderness control” dialog.
Side budget calculation procedure lateral torso bending - Closed list from which one of
the offered procedures for calculation of lateral-torsional bending is made:
- Global case (
- Rolled and Welded And Girders (
Mcr When the “Arbitrary” check box is set to on, the “Mcr” check box can be turned on
and set a critical torque value for lateral-torsional twisting in the appropriate edit
field. By turning on the check box “Mcr”, the edit fields for setting the coefficients
“C1”, “C2”, “C3”, and “βM.LT” become inactive.
Edit field for setting the critical torque for lateral torsional twisting
“Optimisation” button in the dialog for a detailed view of the designing results
Selecting this button opens a dialog where, based on the results of cross-section
optimization, it is possible to place the currently selected rod instead of the current
beam set by replacing the cross-section.
N° Column with ordinal numbers of replacement cross sections of the selected bar, for
which stability control was performed in the process of cross-section optimization.
In front of the original section number is an arrow ( ).
Name Column with descriptions of sets of replacement cross sections of the selected bar.
γ Column with utilization factors of replacement sections for which stability control
was performed in the process of cross-section optimization. Depending on whether
or not the replacement sections satisfy or do not satisfy, the cells in the given
column will be colored differently:
Cells in which the utilization factor is greater than the upper utilization limit are
indicated in red.
Cells with a utilization factor less than the upper utilization limit are indicated in
green, with the cell with the most optimal stability control results clearly indicated.
By activating the “OK” button, the dialogue will be closed, and the program will return to the
dialog to display the results, which will now show the sizing results for the replacement
The dialog shows the results of designing the replacement cross section
The layout of the dialog for controlling the stability of an individual bar
The closed list located in the lower left corner of the dialog is intended for selecting
some of the previously saved configurations. Each regulation has its own list of
configurations. Selecting the appropriate regulation, the list will show all the
configurations saved with the assigned regulation.
Save Selecting this button, the current state of the parameters in the dialog is saved.
Running the “Optimisation of cross sections” command opens the following layout dialog:
The left part of the dialog shows a list of all the steel cross sections that are in the model and
for which it is possible to optimize the cross sections:
N° Column with ordinal numbers of steel cross-section sets included in the model.
Name Column with descriptions of sets of steel sections. Behind this column is a column
with check boxes which condition determines for which set of beams the cross-
sections will be optimized. Right-clicking on this column opens the drop-down menu
with the options “All on” and “All off”, the choice of which you can enable or
disable check boxes for all sets.
Optimizing the selection of cross sections, that is, finding a cross section that can be satisfied,
can be done by checking all profiles from the appropriate family or by checking only a selected
group of profiles. In the “Filter” section, the user is allowed to define which profiles will be
checked during the optimization process to see if they can replace the adopted cross-section in
the model:
Structural Analysis
A button which activation starts the process of optimizing the selected sets of bars,
that is, designing the steel sections defined by the user in the “Filter” dialog
In the right part of the dialogue, for each set of steel sections in the model, a list with all
sections that are checked in the optimization process is displayed:
The right table shows the results of the steel section optimization
Name Column with descriptions of steel cross sections to be checked for cross section
γ <= The name of the column displays the limit value of the utilization coefficient that
the user can set himself. It is necessary to first activate the check box “Upper
yield limit” and then enter the desired value in the appropriate edit field. A check
box off indicates that the value defined in the regulation dialog will be taken as the
upper utilization limit (see section 10.1). After optimizing the cross sections, this
column shows how many bars of the total number of bars of a given set have a
utilization factor less than the upper utilization limit, or how many bars are over-
dimensioned and can be replaced by smaller profiles, and how many bars have an
utilization factor greater than the upper limit utilization. Depending on the results of
the cross-section optimization, the cells in this column are marked with special
Cells in which no bar of a given set has a yield factor less than the upper yield limit
are marked in red.
Yellow indicates cells in which only some bars of the total number of bars of a given
set have a utilization factor less than the upper utilization limit (“n1/n”, where
“n1” is the number of bars that meets the upper utilization limit, and “n” the total
number of bars).
The cells in which all the bars of a given set have a yield factor less than the upper
yield limit are marked in green, with the cell with the most optimal stability control
results clearly indicated.
min γ Column showing the minimum values of utilization factors that the bars of the
corresponding set have.
max γ Column showing the maximum values of utilization factors that the bars of a given
set have.
Including check boxes in the last column and activating the “Asign replacement cross
sections” button allows the user to replace the adopted cross section in the model with the
desired cross section.
Sorting Columns
Sorting can be done for all columns that have a symbol in the name cell. Right-
clicking on the name of the desired column opens the drop-down menu with op-
- Sort (+) -selecting this option sorts the sections shown in the table by the data
from the selected column in ascending order. After sorting in a cell with a column
name, a character will be printed below the sort symbol.
- Sort (-) - selecting this option sorts the sections shown in the table by the data
from the selected column in descending order. After sorting in a cell with a column
name, a character will be printed below the sort symbol .
In addition to the check boxes included, it will now print how many rods have been
replaced with the selected sections. By selecting the “OK” button, a new alert
By selecting the “OK” button, the program will control the stability of all bars that
have been replaced with a cross-section.
Add section
The button to add a new section to the list of sections that are checked in the
optimization process. The newly added section will be placed at the end of the list.
Delete section
A button that can be used to remove arbitrarily selected sections from the list of
sections to be checked in the optimization process.
Tapered Cross-sections can be optimized not only for sections defined by selection from the
profile library, but also for sections defined by specifying their dimensions (rectan-
gular, tubular, circular, T-section, I-section, ...). Since the optimization process is
based on the designing of all the bars of one cross-section with its close smaller or
larger cross-sections, if a cross-section is defined from the list defined by specifying
its dimensions, the button “Tapered” becomes active. By activating the given but-
ton, the program enables modeling of a variable cross section beam, while by
downloading a cross section from the beam, new cross sections will be inserted into
the list for optimization:
The definition of variable cross-section beams has been explained earlier and will
not be re-explained (see section 3.1.4).
Note that in this way the variable cross section bars are not dimensioned, but the
variable cross section bar is used to define a series of cross sections with related
geometry that will be considered in the optimization process.
Div. Number - After defining a variable section beam, in this edit field, the user
specifies the number of sections that will automatically be placed in the list of sec-
tions after leaving the dialog for optimization.
Cross sections obtained using the “Tapered” option have been added to the list
Selecting this button saves the current state of the section with cross sections that
are checked during the optimization process.
Any of the previously recorded configurations can be selected from the list at any time with the
program and set to the current one, with the exception that for each profile family only the
corresponding configuration can be selected.
Green will paint all the bars that satisfy, and red all the rods that do not meet stability control.
At the time of invocation of the command, a dialogue will appear on the screen in which the
user can assign replacement sections to the currently selected set of beams, thus reviewing
the results:
From the list above in the dialog, the user selects the current set of beams used in the model,
while from the list below, selects the replacement section with which to replace the bars of the
selected set. For easier selection of the replacement cross section, the list also shows the re-
sults of optimization, ie how many bars out of the total number of bars it meets, as well as the
minimum and maximum utilization coefficient and cross-sectional area.
By setting the desired sections in the lists, all the sticks of the current set will be assigned to
the replacing sections, whereby the program will stain all the sticks of the current set in green
and red respectively:
The layout of the dialog for controlling the stability of an individual bar
The closed list located in the lower left corner of the dialog is intended for selecting
some of the previously recorded configurations. Each regulation has its own list of
configurations. By choosing the appropriate regulation, the list will show all the
configurations saved with the assigned regulation.
Save Selecting this button, the current state of the parameters in the dialog is saved.