M1 M2 M3 TA1 1 Granada PDF

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Database System with


M1, M2, M3

Name: Mark Joseph Granada

Ms. Gelai

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• Screen shots of your code and output from Oracle Cloud - SQL Developer Web.
• Paste your screen shots after each question.
• Your screen shots must show your worskspace name.
• Codes and output must be readable from the screen shots.

PART-1. Control Structures. (10pts)

1.) Write a PL/SQL block:

To find the number of airports from the countries table for a supplied country_name.
Based on this number, display a customized message as follows:

Use a CASE statement to process your comparisons. (5 marks)

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2.) Using any of the PL/SQL looping statement, write a PL/SQL block to display the
country_id and country_name values from the WF_COUNTRIES table for country_id
whose values range from 51 through 55. Test your variable to see when it reaches 55.
EXIT the loop after you have displayed the 5 countries. (5 marks)

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PART-2. Explicit Cursor and Record Structure (10 Points)

Create a PL/SQL block that fetches and displays the six employees with the highest
salary. For each of these employees, display the first name, last name, job id, and
salary. Order your output so that the employee with the highest salary is displayed first.
Use %ROWTYPE and the explicit cursor attribute

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PART-3. Explicit Cursor and User Defined Structure (15 Points)

Write a PL/SQL block to read through rows in the countries table for all countries in region
5 (South America region). Country name must be entered by the user. For each selected
country, display the country_name, national_holiday_date, and national_holiday_name.
Use a record structure (user defined) to hold all the columns selected from the countries

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PART-4. Exception Handling. (15 Points)

A. Add an exception handler to the following code to trap the following predefined Oracle
Server errors:

DECLARE v_language_id
SELECT language_id, language_name INTO v_language_id, v_language_name FROM
languages WHERE LOWER(language_name) LIKE '<substring%>'; -- for example

INSERT INTO languages(language_id, language_name) VALUES(80, null);


Note: Test your block twice using each of the following language substrings: ba, ce.
There are several language_names beginning with “Ba,” but none beginning with “Ce”.

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1st block test (ba)

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2nd block test (ce)

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B. Now test your block a third time using substring: al. There is exactly one language_name
beginning with
“Al”. Note that language_id 80 (Arabic) already exists. Explain the output. (5 pts)
An “NO_DATA_FOUND” appears

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C. Now (keeping the substring as “al”), add a non_predefined exception handler to trap then
encountered oracle exception code. Rerun the code and explain the result. (5 pts)

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