1fk6042-6af71-1th0 Siemens Manual Datasheet

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fh10 Fri May 03 08:28:58 2002 Seite 1

Catalog MC Part 2 • 2002/2003

Catalog MC Part 2 • 2002/2003
Motion Control • Servomotors

motion control
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Automation and Drives
Motion Control Systems
5300 Triangle Parkway High Performance
Norcross, GA 30092
siemens world wide: www.siemens.com
Motors and Accessories
Siemens Energy & Automation: www.sea.siemens.com Order No.: DRSP-02062
u2.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:15 07

Catalogs of the
Motion Control Series
General Motion Control Catalog Part 1
0.75 HP to 270 HP

Order No.: DRSP-02060

Catalog MC Part 2
High Performance
Motors and Accessories

Order No.: DRSP-02062

General Motion Control Catalog Part 3

SIMODRIVE 611 universal
Single-Motor and Multi-Motor Drives
1.5 HP to 160 HP

Order No.: DRSP-02080

0_1-2.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:40 07

Servomotors Overview

High Performance
Motors and Accessories Synchronous Servomotors
Catalog MC Asynchronous Servomotors
Part 2 · 2002/2003
Supersedes: Catalog GMC Part 2 · 1999
Built-on Accessories
Connecting Systems
Configuration Aids
The products and systems described in
Dimension Drawings
this catalog are sold under application of
a management system certified by DQS.
The DQS Certificate is recognized in all
IQ Net countries.

Management System

DQS-certified in accordance with

DIN EN ISO 9001 Reg.-No. 1258-05
DIN EN ISO 14001 Reg.-No. 81342-01
0_1-2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:40 07

The technical data are intended for general information.
Please observe the Operating Instructions and the references indicated on the products for installation, operation and maintenance.

SIMOTION and SIMOVERT are Siemens registered trademarks.
All other products and system names in this catalog are (registered) trademarks of their respective owners and must be treated

• The technical data, selection and ordering data (Order Nos.), accessories and availability are subject to alteration.
• All dimensions in this catalog are stated in inches and in (mm).

© Siemens E&A 2002

1_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:41 07

1/2 Brief description

1/3 Flow chart

Selection procedure
Overview of types and rated data 1
1/11 Technical explanations

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 1/1

1_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:42 07

Synchronous Asynchronous
Brief description Servomotors Servomotors
SIEMENS servomotors have 1FK6 and 1FK7 servomotors These motors are available These motors permit the full rat-
been specially designed to sat- with self-cooling in protection ed torque throughout the entire
isfy the high requirements The 1FK6 servomotors satisfy classes IP 64 to IP 68, with constant flux range.
placed on variable-speed the requirements in the lower separate cooling, or with water
drives. power range from 0.7 HP to cooling. The wide range of Depending on the require-
7 HP (0.5 kW to 5.2 kW). Their options means they are the ments, the motors may be fitted
Versions optimized design means they optimum solution for many high- with the appropriate options:
are the most economical solu- end applications.
• Synchronous servomotors tion for many applications. • Encoders (incremental en-
1FS6 servomotors – explosion- coder HTL, resolver, sin/cos
• Asynchronous servomotors The new 1FK7 servomotors are incremental encoder 1 Vpp ,

based on the experiences absolute-value encoder)
Principal characteristics gained with the 1FK6 range, The 1FS6 servomotors are de-
and are especially character- signed for use in Zone 1 hazard- • Holding brakes.
• Compact design ized by: ous areas. These motors Gearboxes can be mounted on
• High power density and conform to type of protection all servomotors as required.
• an extremely high dynamic EEx de IIC T3.
overload capability response (1FK7 HD, high The motors and Siemens Drives
• High maximum speeds dynamic), 1PH7, 1PL6, 1PH4 asynchro- are optimally matched to one
• compact design (1FK7 CT, nous servomotors another to provide powerful
• Integral encoder system drive systems.
compact) and The compact asynchronous
• High dynamic response due
to low rotor moment of inertia • expanded range of motors supplement the syn- Synchronous AC linear
performances and options. chronous servomotors for appli- motors – 1FN3
• Excellent concentricity cations in the upper power
properties 1FT6 servomotors – high range (up to 630 kW). The 1FN3 linear motors are
performance especially characterized by
• Rugged, almost Versions:
maintenance-free design. The 1FT6 servomotors can be • outstanding dynamic
used for extreme requirements • Force-cooled 1PH7 motors in response
Synchronous servomotors in a power range from 25 HP to protection class IP 55 • very high traversing velocity
61 HP (0.2 kW to 45 kW). • Water-cooled 1PH4 motors in
The special synchronous • excellent precision
servomotors characteristics protection class IP 65
non-wearing drive components
include: • Air-through and force-cooled due to contactless drive power
• high overload capability, 1PL6 motors in protection class transmission.
IP 23.
• high dynamic response and
• high static torque.

1/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

1_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:42 07

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Brief description

Optimal integration of drives into the world of automation


A DA65-5440c




Standard AC drives DC drives AC drives with Servo drives with Servo drives SIMODRIVE
Vector Control Motion Control POSMO A

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 1/3

1_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:42 07

Flowchart Synchronous Asynchronous
Selecting procedure Servomotors Servomotors

Speed [rpm] n
t1 T t i-1 ti
Torque 1) rated

In order to select the correct drive and motor,

the specific speed and load cycle of the drive 1) For 1FN3 applications torque
application must be known. is replaced by force.

1 Specifying the degree of protection:
IP 23; IP 55; IP 64; IP 65; IP 67; IP 68 For details, see Part 1

2 Specifying the supply voltage:
380 to 400 V; 460 to 480 V

3 Specifying the type of construction: For details, see Part 7
IM B 3 (foot-mounting); IM B 5 (flange-mounting); IM B 35 (foot/flange-mounting)

4 Specifying the maximum torque from the load-cycle profile:

5 Specifying the average (rms) torque:

6 Specifying the motor type needed (synchronous/asynchronous servomotor):
1FK6; 1FK7; 1FT6; 1FS6; 1PH7; 1PL6; 1PH4; 1FN3 See Overview in Part 1


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Asynchronous Synchronous Flowchart
Servomotors Servomotors Selecting procedure

7 Selecting the motor from the corresponding data page (Part 2 or 3)
which satisfies the following criteria:
Synchronous servomotor: Asynchronous servomotor:
nmax ≤ 1.1 × nn nmax must not be exceeded
τeff ≤ τn τeff ≤ τn

The load points (n, P) must be at least 30%
below the stalling limit curve.

8 Specifying the encoder system needed: For details, see Part 4
Incremental encoder HTL, resolver; sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp;
absolute-value encoder

9 Complete motor order number with all the necessary options:
1FK6; 1FK7; 1FT6; 1FS6; 1PH7; 1PL6; 1FH4; 1FN3 For details, see Part 2 or 3
Order No. for motor: 1FK6 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1FK7 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1FT6 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1FS6 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1PH7 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1PL6 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨
1PH4 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-Option + plain text
1FN3 ¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨¨-¨¨¨¨

10 Specifying the length and cross-section of the prefabricated power:
cable needed or specifying the plug size for customer fitting:
For details and order number structure, see Part 5 For details, see Part 5

Order number for power cable:

Specifying the prefabricated encoder cable needed or
specifying the plug size for customer fitting:
Incremental encoder HTL; resolver; sin/cos incremental For details, see Part 5
encoder 1 Vpp; absolute-value encoder

In the case of standard overload 1)

Order number for power cable:

12 Selecting the converter/inverter for the selected motor in the selection
and ordering data on the basis of the standard overload conditions:
The selection of converters/inverters in this catalog is based on the respective
motor stall current or rated motor current.
For 1FK6, 1FT6, 1FS6, see Part 2.
For 1PH7, 1PL6 and 1PH4, see Part 3.

In the case of high Order number for drive:

overload conditions 2)
Step Bestimmung von Länge und Querschnitt der konfektionierten Leistungsleitung oder
13 Bestimmung
If der erforderlichen
higher overload Kupplung
times and overload für Kundenmontage:
components are necessary,
see catalogs MC Part 1 (SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC), siehe Teil 3
Part 3 (SIMODRIVE 611 universal and POSMO) or
Bestellnummer use the software tool SIMOSIZE.

1) 160% for 30 s or 136% for 60 s during 300 s load cycle. 2) In the case of exceeding the standard overload.

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Synchronous Asynchronous
Overview of types and rated data Servomotors Servomotors

Motor/Types Designation/Method of functioning Degree of Cooling Size


1FK6 Servomotor IP 64 Natural cooling 36 to 100

Frameless permanent- (IP 65
magnet synchronous motor optional)

1 1FK7 CT
Compact-servomotor (like 1FK6,
but shorter)
Natural cooling 28 to 100

1FK7 HD High Dynamic-servomotor Natural cooling 36 to 80

(High Dynamic) with extremely low rotor
moment of inertia

1FT6 Servomotor-High Performance IP 64 Natural cooling 28 to 132

Permanent-magnet (IP 65, IP 67,
synchronous motor IP 68 optional)
Separate cooling 80 to 132

Water cooling 63 to 100

1FS6 Servomotor – explosion-proof IP 64 Natural cooling 71 to 132

Permanent-magnet synchronous (IP 65 optional)
motor and EEx de II C T3 explosion

1FN3 Synchronous AC IP 65 Water cooling 50 to 900

linear motor

1PH7 Asynchronous servomotor IP 55 Separate cooling 100 to 280 1)

Frameless three-phase Surface cooling
squirrel-cage motor

1PL6 Asynchronous servomotor IP 23 Separate cooling 180 to 280 1)

Frameless three-phase Axial ventilation
squirrel-cage motor

1PH4 Asynchronous servomotor IP 65 Water cooling 100 to 160

Liquid-cooled three-phase
squirrel-cage motor

1) Size 280 available as of third quarter 2002.

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Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Overview of types and rated data

Power range Rated torque Selection and ordering

data on pages

0.7 HP 7 HP 7 to 148 Ibf-in 2/3 to 2/4

0.5 kW 5.2 kW 0.8 to 16.5 Nm

0.5 HP
0.4 kW
7.2 HP
5.4 kW
4.4 to 181 Ibf-in
0.5 to 20.5 Nm
0.8 HP 4.2 HP 8 to 106 Ibf-in 2/7
0.6 kW 3.1 kW 0.9 to 12 Nm

0.25 HP 20.7 HP 2.7 to 779 Ibf-in 2/9 to 2/14

0.2 kW 15.5 kW 0.3 to 88 Nm

9.2 HP 61 HP 150 to 1416 Ibf-in 2/10 to 2/14

6.9 kW 45.5 kW 17 to 160 Nm

4.3 HP 37 HP 89 to 690 Ib f-in 2/13

3.2 kW 34 kW 10 to 116 Nm

1.6 HP 16.6 HP 16.8 to 602 Ibf-in 2/17

1.2 kW 12.4 kW 1.9 to 68 Nm

10.6 HP 281 HP 45 to 1821 Ibf 2/20

7.9 kW 214 kW 200 to 8100 Nm

5 HP 516 HP 16 to 1829 Ibf-ft 3/4 to 3/12

3.7 kW 385 kW 22 to 2480 Nm

27.5 HP 844 HP 273 to 2655 Ibf-ft 3/16 to 3/20

20.5 kW 630 kW 370 to 3600 Nm

10 HP 81 HP 35 to 243 Ib f-ft 3/22

7.5 kW 65 kW 45 to 333 Nm

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Synchronous Asynchronous
Technical explanations Servomotors Servomotors

■ Specifications, standards, regulations

The motors comply with Title DIN/VDE EN IEC
pertinent standards and
specifications; please refer General regulations for electrical
to the table. rotating machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 1 EN 60 034-1 IEC 60 034-1
As a result of the adaptation Terminal designations and direction of
of national specifications to rotation for electrical machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 8 EN 60 034-8 IEC 60 034-8
international recommenda- Types of electrical rotating machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 7 EN 60 034-7 IEC 60 034-7

tion IEC 60 034-1, already
Cooling methods for electrical rotating
implemented in many coun- machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 6 EN 60 034-6 IEC 60 034-6
tries, there are no longer any
differences in coolant tem- Degrees of protection for electrical
rotating machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 5 EN 60 034-5 IEC 60 034-5
peratures, temperature
classes and temperature rise Vibration severity of electrical rotating
limits. machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 14 EN 60 034-14 IEC 60 034-14
Noise limits of electrical rotating
The motors listed below are machines DIN VDE 0530 Part 9 EN 60 034-9 IEC 60 034-9
UL-approved to Underwriters
Laboratories Inc.®, including Cylindrical shaft ends for electrical
machines DIN 748 Part 3 – IEC 60 072
the Canadian specification
with the identification URc:
1FK6, 1FK7, 1FT self-cooled,
1PH72) (without brake) 1PL62)
and 1PH4.

■ The most common degrees of protection of three-phase motors to IEC 60034-5

Depending on operating and IP (International Protection) The motors are supplied mainly in the following degrees of protection:
environmental conditions, Identification letter for
Motor Degree 1st digit 2nd digit
the choice of a suitable degrees of protection against of pro- Contact Foreign matter Water protection
degree of protection is contact and the ingress of tection protection protection
intended to prevent: foreign matter and water
Open- IP 23 Protection Protection against Protection against
• continuous effect of water, 0 to 6 circuit against contact medium-size solid rain water at up to
dust and foreign matter cool- with fingers foreign bodies of 60 degrees from
First identification digit for ing more than 12 mm the vertical
• contact with rotating parts degrees of protection against
within a motor dia.
contact and the ingress of Fan- IP 54 Full protection Protection against Splash water from
• contact with live parts. foreign matter cooled against contact harmful dust all directions
The degrees of protection of 0 to 8 IP 55 deposits Water jets from all
electrical machines are indi- directions
cated by a code consisting of Second identification digit
for degrees of protection IP 64 Full protection Protection against Splash water from
two letters, two digits and, if against contact the ingress of dust all directions
applicable, an additional against the ingress of water
letter. (no oil protection) IP 65 1) Water jets from all
W, S and M
IP 67 1) Motor immersed in
Additional identification water under stated
letter for special degrees of conditions of
protection pressure and time
IP 68 1) Motor is suitable
for full immersion
in water under
conditions to be
described by the

1) According to DIN VDE 0530 Part 5 or EN 60 034

Part 5, there are only five degrees of protection
for the first digit, and eight degrees of protection
for the second digit for electrical rotating machines.
However, IP 6 is contained in DIN 40 050 which
generally applies to electrical apparatus.
2) Approbation for size 280 is pending.

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Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Technical explanations

■ Radial eccentricity tolerance, shaft and flange accuracy (concentricity and axial eccentricity to IEC 60 072
Radial eccentricity tolerance of the shaft with respect to Concentricity and axial eccentricity of the flange surface
housing axis (referred to the cylindrical shaft ends) with respect to the shaft axis (referred to the centering
diameter of the mounting flange)
Frame size Standard N Option R Frame size Standard N Option R
in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
28 0.0014 (0.035) 0.0007 (0.018) 28 0.0032 (0.08) 0.0016 (0.04)
36 0.0014 (0.035) 0.0007 (0.018) 36 0.0032 (0.08) 0.0016 (0.04)
0.0016 (0.04)
0.0016 (0.04)
0.0016 (0.04)
0.002 (0.05)
0.0008 (0.021)
0.0008 (0.021)
0.0008 (0.021)
0.001 (0.025)
0.0032 (0.08)
0.0039 (0.1)
0.0039 (0.1)
0.0039 (0.1)
0.0016 (0.04)
0.002 (0.05)
0.002 (0.05)
0.002 (0.05)
100 0.002 (0.05) 0.001 (0.025) 100 0.0039 (0.1) 0.002 (0.05)
132 0.002 (0.05) 0.001 (0.025) 132 0.0049 (0.125) 0.0025 (0.063)

motor shaft Test: concentricity

dial gauge
dial gauge
motor shaft
motor shaft

A DA65-5773b
dial gauge
Test: radial eccentricity motor


Test: axial eccentricity A DA65-5774b

■ Vibration severity grades to IEC 60 034-14

The vibration severity is the electrical measuring instru- can lead to an increase in specified according to
rms value of the vibration ments to DIN 45 666. these values. IEC 60 034-14. The speeds
rate (frequency range from of 4500 rpm and 6000 rpm
The specified values relate Speeds of 1800 rpm and
10 to 1000 Hz). The vibration to the motor only. Installation- 3600 rpm and the corre- and the specified values
severity is measured with have been stipulated by the
related system vibrations sponding limit values are
motor manufacturer.

Permissible vibration rate

Permissible vibration rate Veff [mm/s] 4,0
Veff [mm/s] stage N 3,5 4 stage R

stage R 3,2 3,2

3,0 stage S 3,0
2,8 3,0
2,25 2,25 2,5
stage S
2 1,87 stage SR 1,85
1,8 1,8 2 1,87 1,87 stage SR
1,12 1,12 1,12 1,12 1,18
1 0,89 1 0,89
0,71 0,71 0,75 0,71 0,71


0,45 0,45 0,45


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
n [rpm] n [rpm]

Limits of vibration severity grades for frame sizes 28 to 132. Limits of vibration severity grades for frame sizes 160 to 280.

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Synchronous Asynchronous
Technical explanations Servomotors Servomotors

■ Balancing to DIN ISO 8821

separately before assembly, For 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors, The basic recommendation is
Requirements of the the balancing process for the the balancing method is coded for the highest demands for
balancing process for belt pulley must be adapted to in the ordering designation. system balance quality. For
fitted parts, particularly the balancing method for the Motors with half-keyed and motors with full-keyed
belt pulleys motor. A distinction must be full-keyed balancing are balancing, belt pulleys with
The vibration response of made between the following identified by the abbreviation two opposite keyways are
motors fitted with belt pulleys balancing methods for motors “H” (half-key) and “F” (full-key) recommended, but only one
1PH4, 1PH7 and 1PL6: at the shaft end face. key in the shaft end.

is decisively governed by
the balance of the fitted part, •Half-keyed balancing Motors 1FK6, 1FK7 and 1FT6
in addition to the balance •Full-keyed balancing with a fitted key are always
quality of the motor. half-key balanced.
•Smooth shaft end
If the motor and the part to
be fitted are balanced

■ Vibration stress, induced vibration values

Permanent-magnet synchro- All induction motors 1PH7, 1PH4 and 1PL6: the following limits apply for all vibration values induced
nous motors 1FK6, 1FK7, 1FT6 in the motor from the exterior:
and 1FS6: the following, maxi-
mum permissible limits for vib- Vibration frequency Vibration values for Sizes
ration stress at full reliability 100 to 160 180 to 280
performance, apply only to <6.3 Hz vibration excursion s ≤ 0.16 mm ≤ 0.25 mm
motors without brake or with 6.3 to 63 Hz vibration rate Vrms ≤ 4.5 mm/s ≤ 7.1 mm/s
closed brake. >63 Hz vibration acceleration a ≤ 2.55 m/s2 ≤ 4.0 m/s 2
Vibration acceleration:
• 10 m/s2 axial
(20 Hz to 2 kHz)
• 30 m/s2 radial
(20 Hz to 2 kHz)

■ Coolant temperatue and installation altitude

The rated power (rated The motors are all designed Non- and blower-ventilated motors
torque) applies to continu- to temperature class F and
ous duty (S1 operation) to are utilized according to tem- Installation altitude Coolant (air) temperature in °F (°C)
DIN EN 60 034-1 at rated perature class F. In the event above sea level <86 86-104 113 122 131 140
in ft (m) (<30) (30-40) (45) (50) (55) (60)
frequency, at a coolant of different conditions, the
temperature of 104 °F (40 °C) permissible power (torque) 3280 (1000) 1.07 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.82
and at an installation altitude must be determined accord- 4920 (1500) 1.04 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.79
of up to 3280 ft (1000 m) above ing to the table.
sea level. 6560 (2000) 1.00 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.77
Coolant temperature and
8200 (2500) 0.96 0.90 0.86 0.83 0.78 0.74
installation altitude are
rounded off to 41 °F (5 °C) 9840 (3000) 0.92 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.70
and 1640 ft (500 m). 11480 (3500) 0.88 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.71 0.67
Remark concerning the 13120 (4000) 0.82 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.67 0.63
surface temperature:
The temperature of the motor
surface can reach 212 °F
(100 °C) and more.

Water-cooled motors When the cooling-medium temperature is increased the rated output Pn is decreased as follows:
The recommendation for the Cooling-medium temperature Reduction in the rated output
coolant inlet temperature is
86 °F (30 °C) 1.00
77° F (25 °C). In order to
prevent moisture condensa- 104 °F (40 °C) 0.95
tion, the cooling-medium inlet 122 °F (50 °C) 0.90
temperature can, depending 140 °F (60 °C) 0.85
on the ambient temperature,
be up to 140 °F (60 °C).

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Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Technical explanations

■ Duty types S1 and S6 to EN 0530

S1: Continuous operation S6: Continuous operation with intermittent loading
Operation under constant Operation consisting of a
P P tS
load whose duration is tL tB sequence of cycles of the
sufficient to reach thermal same type, each of which
equilibrium. consists of a time with con-
stant load and a no-load time.

t Identification: S1
There is no interval.
Pv Specification of power t Identification
Pv e.g.: S6-40%, 114 HP (85 kW)
t ϑ Temperature
t tr = , t = 10 min
max tB + tL s

t DA65-5830 t

■ Rating plates

3 ~ Motor 1FK7060-5AF71-1EH0
No. YF PN18 4583 01 001 s Made in Germany
3 ~ Brushless Servomotor
1FT6084-1AF71-3EG1 C CC
Mo 6,0 Nm Io 4,5 A nN 3000 /min. No.YF P118 9979 01 001 EN 60034
Mn 4,7 Nm In 3,7 A nmax. 6600 /min. M 0 = 16,6/20,0 Nm I 0 = 11,3/14,0 A 60/100K
M N = 14,0 Nm n N = 3000 /min U IN = 270 VY
Th.CI.F Uin 253 V IP 64
IMB5 IP 65 Th.CL.F n max = 4700 /min
Encoder F02 Brake EBD 0,8B / 24 V -- / 15 W ABSOLUTE-ENCODER F02 2048 S/R KTY 84

Rev. No. 000

Made in Germany

Example from series 1FK7 (adhesive plate) Example from series 1FT6 (metal plate)

s C C

C CC 3 ~ Mot. 1PL6228-4HF00-0AA0 No N- 1102033010001 / 2000

3 ~ Mot. 1PH7137 - 2NG00 - 0BA0 Nr.YF L994 0025 01 001 IM B3 IP 23 Th.CI. F Gew./WT 870 kg
IM B3 IP 55/54 Th.CI.F V A kW cos Hz 1/min
V A kW cosj Hz 1/min H
345 Y 476 230 0.86 51 1500
350 Y 60,00 28,00 0,88 68,0 2000 S1 400 Y 473 265 0.86 59 1750
398 Y 56,00 29,00 0,87 77,8 2300 S1 460 Y 452 288 0.85 67 2000
450 Y 52,00 30,00 0,84 89,4 2650 S1
EN60034-1 IEC 34-1 max 4500 1/min
EN 60034 max. 8000 /min

TEMP - SENSOR KTY 84 - 130 ENCODER D01 2048 S/R KTY84

CODE-NR.: 412 ENCODER H01 1024 S / R

Made in Germany


Example from series 1PH7, shaft height 100 to 160 (adhesive plate) Example from series 1PL6, shaft height 180 to 280 (metal plate)

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1_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:42 07

Synchronous Asynchronous
Technical explanations Servomotors Servomotors

■ Rated power
The motor power in the τn · nn τn · nn
technical selection tables is Pn = Pn =
5250 9550
calculated from the torque
and speed values. Pn Rated power in HP Pn Rated power in kW
nn Rated speed in rpm nn Rated speed in rpm
τn Rated torque in lbf-ft τn Rated torque in Nm

1 ■ DURIGNIT® IR2000 insulation

The DURIGNIT IR2000 insu-
lating material system com-
The insulation extensively
protects the winding from
Utilization of the motors
corresponds to temperature
prises high-grade enameled the effects of corrosive gases, rise class F at rated power/
wire and insulating sheet vapors, dust, oil and increased rated torque.
materials, combined with sol- humidity, and withstands
vent-free impragnating resin. the usual vibration stress.
It guarantees great mechanical The insulation of the motors
and electrical strength, as well is tropic-proof, i.e. it is suitable
as a high service value and for humidity up to 100%.
long service life of the motors.
All motors are in temperature
class F.

■ Motor protection
Sensing of the motor tempera- ture evaluation can be carried
ture for converter operation out using the external 3RS10
takes place with the KTY 84-130 temperature monitoring relay.
temperature sensor. Device examples: 3 M1-5178a
This sensor is a semiconductor • Control supply voltage:
whose resistance varies R
24 V AC/DC
according to temperature, Order No. 2
following a defined curve.
3RS1040-1GD50 kW
The Siemens converters deter-
•Control supply voltage:
mine the motor temperature by ID = 2 mA
24 - 240 V AC/DC
means of the resistance of the 1
Order No.
temperature sensor.
They can be set to a desired
In addition to the KTY 84 the
temperature for warning and 1FN3 motor includes three PTC 0
tripping. 0 100 °C 200 300
elements connected in series TU
The KTY 84-130 temperature which are located in each of
sensor is fitted in the end the three-phase windings
winding of the motor like a (U, V, W) of the primary section.
PTC thermistor. Each PTC element has a quasi
characteristic. The rated re-
Evaluation takes place as
sponse temperature is 248 °F
standard in the SIMOVERT
MASTERDRIVES converter. (120 °C) ± 41 °F (± 5 °C), which
corresponds approximately to
If the motors are operated on 1500 Ω.
converters which do not have
KTY 84 evaluation, the tempera-

■ Coating
The following motor coatings Paint finish Suitability of coaing for climate group
are possible: to DIN IEC 60 721, Part 2–1
• No paint finish Normal paint finish Moderate (extended) Short-time: up to 248 °F (120 °C)
(with impregnating resin for indoor and outdoor installation Continuous: up to 212 °F (100 °C)
coating) Special paint finish Worldwide Short-time: up to 284 °F (140 °C)
e.g. 1FK6 for outdoor installation Continuous: up to 248 °F (120 °C)
• Primer Additional: For corrosive atmosphere up to 1%
(as corrosion protection) acid and caustic solution concen-
e.g. 1PH7, 1PL6 tration or in protected rooms in
continuous moisture
• Normal paint finish
(e.g. RAL 7016) • Special paint finish All motors with exception of the
e.g. 1FK7, 1PH4, 1PH7, (e.g. RAL 7016) 1FN3 can be painted using com-
1PL6, 1FS6 e.g. 1FT6, 1PH7, 1PL6. mercially available paints (max. 2
additional paint finishes).

1/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
1FK6 servomotors
2/2 Technical data
2/3 Selection and ordering example with
2/3 Order No. suffix

1FK6 stock motors

1FK7 servomotors
Technical data
2/6 1FK7 Compact · Selection and ordering
compact units
2/7 1FK7 High Dynamic servomotors ·
Selection and ordering example with
compact units

1FT6 servomotors
2/8 Technical data
2/9 Selection and ordering example of 1FT6 Fast
Mover (core-type) with SIMOVERT
MASTERDRIVES compact units
2/10 Selection and ordering example of 1FT6
compact units
2/13 Selection and ordering example of 1FT6
2/14 1FT6 stock motors
2/15 Order No. suffix

1FS6 servomotors
2/16 Technical data
2/17 Selection and ordering example with

1FN3 AC linear motors

2/18 Technical data
2/20 Selection and ordering data for 1FN3 primary
and secondary section

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/1

2_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FK6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Technical data
They are especially charac-
terized by the following
properties: Voltage limit curves for
• high power density with low
physical volume
• winding insulation for V mains = 400 V Vmains = 460 V
temperature class F max.
• high short-time overload
capability (250 ms)
τmax ≈ 3 ·τ0 (100 K)
for size 36
• very good efficiency n
• torque ripple 3% (mean value) 0 (100K)

Fig. 2/1 S1 operation
1FK6 servomotor • high degree of protection

2 Technical characteristics
The 1FK6 three-phase servo-
motors are frameless perma-
• low maintenance
• high concentricity and
vibration quality
nn n (rpm)

nent-magnet synchronous • high lateral-force withstand Fig. 2/2

motors. The magnets are capability Torque-speed characteristic
made of rare-earth materials. • high mechanical stiffness
The 1FK6 standard is an • low weight Application The technical features of these
industry-proven servomotor for • monitoring of motor stock motors are:
Packing machines, storage
many applications. temperature by KTY 84 and retrieval units for high- • naturally cooled motors with
The 1FK6 servomotors cannot • integrated encoder system bay warehouses, handling power connectors.
be operated with SIMOVERT for detecting motor speed systems, wood processing, • rotatable connector socket
MASTERDRIVES Vector Control. and rotor position manipulators etc. (270 °)
• standard connector for • integrated resolver
Stock motors 3)
encoder and power • vibration severity class N
connections. To meet our customer’s
• degree of protection IP 64
logistical expectations, the
1FK6 motor is stocked in its • type of construction IM B5
most demanded configuration. (flange mounting).
For a complete listing of
stock motor refer to table
“Stock motors” on page 2/4.

Standard Options
Type of construction IM B 5 (IM V 1, IM V 3) –
Degree of protection IP 64 IP 65 with radial shaft seal for oil-tight flange
Vibration severity N –
Shaft and flange accuracy N –
Shaft extension Smooth shaft extension Featherkey with semi-wedge balancing
Power connection Connector socket –
(rotatable approx. 270° by
Motor protection PTC thermistor KTY 84 –
in the stator winding
Encoder system 2-pole resolver sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
(plug connector, Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r (from size 48 on) 2)
rotatable approx. 270° by customer) Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 32 p/r (from size 48 on) 2)
Multi-pole resolver
Paint finish Without paint coating –
Bearings Permanently lubricated deep- –
groove ball bearing (locating
bearing on ND-end)
Cooling Natural cooling –
Brake – Holding brake integrated in motor
Gearbox mounting1) – The following gears can be fitted:
● Alpha planetary gear, LP series

1) To find out which gears can be used with which 2) If an absolute-value encoder is used, the rated 3) Stock quantities are subject to prior sale.
motors, see Chapter 4 “Built-on Accessories” torque must be reduced by 10%.
(page 4/8).

2/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FK6 servomotors

■ 1FK6 standard servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example 1)
3000 48 1FK6042-6AF71-1...2) 23 2.4 26.6 2.6 1.1 0.0029 11 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(2.6) (3) (0.82) (0.33) (5)
63 1FK6060-6AF71-1.. 35 3.1 53 4.3 1.69 0.0076 19.8 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(4) (6) (1.26) (0.86) (9)
63 1FK6063-6AF71-1...2) 53 4.7 97 7.9 2.52 0.0142 29.1 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50








100 1FK6100-8AF71-1... 106 8.4 159 12.2 5.05 0.0489 46.3 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(12) (18) (3.77) (5.53) (21)
100 1FK6101-8AF71-1...2) 137 10.8 239 17.5 6.53 0.0707 57.3 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(15.5) (27) (4.87) (7.99) (26)
100 1FK6103-8AF71-1... 146 11.8 319 23.5 6.94 0.0929 66.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(16.5) (36) (5.18) (10.5) (30)
6000 36 1FK6032-6AK71-1... 7 1.5 10 1.7 0.67 0.0006 6.4 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
(0.8) (1.1) (0.5) (0.07) (2.9)
48 1FK6040-6AK71-1... 2) 7 1.75 14 2.8 0.67 0.0016 8.2 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(0.8) (1.6) (0.5) (0.18) (3.7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Order No. suffix 1FK6 . . . –. A . 7 1–1
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (2048 p/r from size 48 on) 3) E
Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (32 p/r from size 48 on)3) G
Resolver, multi-pole (resolver pole number equivalent to motor pole number4)) S
Resolver, 2-pole T

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance Holding brake

Smooth N without G
Smooth N with H
With featherkey N without A
With featherkey N with B

Vibration severity Degree of protection

N IP 64 0
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal for oil-tight flange5) 2

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal 3) If an absolute-value encoder is used, the * Listed Compact/Chassis units were
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use stall rated torque must be reduced by 10%. selected for standard overload conditions
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. 4) 8 th position of 1FK6 motor number indicates (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
2) Typically stocked, see page 2/4 for number of motor poles. ** For rated current below 37.5 A Compact Plus
available configurations. 5) For oil-tight flange or gearbox mounting. units can also be used.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/3

2_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FK6 servomotors Servomotors

■ 1FK6 stock motors 1)

Rated speed Size Motor

nn Order No.
rpm Smooth shaft end Shaft end with key

3000 48 1FK6042-6AF71-1TG0
63 1FK6063-6AF71-1TG0 1FK6063-6AF71-1TA0
80 1FK6080-6AF71-1TG0 1FK6080-6AF71-1TA0
80 1FK6083-6AF71-1TG0 1FK6083-6AF71-1TA0
100 1FK6101-8AF71-1TG0 1FK6101-8AF71-1TA0
6000 48 1FK6040-6AK71-1TG0

1) Stock quantities are subject to prior sale.

2/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FK7 servomotors

■ Technical data
1FK7 CT (compact) servo-
Voltage limit curves for
• compact design (up to 25%
smaller than 1FK6)
• improved torque ripple V mains = 400 V Vmains = 460 V
compared with 1FK6
• mechanically compatible with
1FK6 (shaft, flange and
• wide range of performances
and options. n
0 (100K)
1FK7 HD (high dynamic)

Fig. 2/3 S1 operation
1FK7 servomotor servomotors

Technical characteristics
The 1FK7 three-phase servo-
motors are frameless servo-
• extremely high dynamic
response resulting from new
rotor design (very low rotor
nn n (rpm)
motors in a permanent state of moments of inertia) Fig. 2/4
electromagnetic excitation, just • mechanically compatible Torque-speed characteristic
like the 1FK6 servomotors. with 1FK6 (shaft, flange and
The new 1FK7 servomotors • high short-term overload
are based on the experiences capability (250 ms)
gained with the 1FK6 series, Mmax = 3 · M0 (100 K)
and are available in high
dynamic response or compact Area of application
Machines for all industrial
The 1FK7 servomotors cannot sectors.
be operated with SIMOVERT
MASTERDRIVES Vector Control.

Standard Options
Type of construction IM B 5 (IM V 1, IM V 3) –
Degree of protection IP 64 IP 65 with radial shaft seal for oil-tight flange
Vibration severity N –
Shaft and flange accuracy N –
Shaft extension Smooth shaft extension Featherkey with semi-wedge balancing
Power connection Connector socket –
(rotatable approx. 270° by
Motor protection PTC thermistor KTY 84 –
in the stator winding
Encoder system 2-pole resolver sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
(plug connector, Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r (from size 48 on) 2)
rotatable approx. 270° by customer) Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 512 p/r (only sizes 28 and 36) 2)
Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 32 p/r (from size 48 on) 2)
Multi-pole resolver
Paint finish Normal paint finish –
anthracite RAL 7016
Bearings Permanently lubricated deep- –
groove ball bearing (locating
bearing on ND-end)
Cooling Natural cooling –
Brake – Holding brake integrated in motor
Gearbox mounting1) – The following gears can be fitted:
● Alpha planetary gears, LP series

Other gears on request

1) To find out which gears can be used with which 2) If an absolute-value encoder is used, the rated
motors, see Chapter 4 “Built-on Accessories” torque must be reduced by 10%.
(page 4/8).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/5

2_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FK7 Compact servomotors Servomotors

■ 1FK7 CT (compact) servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lbf -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10-3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example 1)
3000 48 1FK7042-5AF71-1... 23 1.95 26.5 2.2 1.1 0.0027 10.6 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(2.6) (3) (0.82) (0.301) (4.8)
63 1FK7060-5AF71-1... 41.6 3.7 53 4.5 2 0.007 17.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(4.7) (6) (1.48) (0.795) (8)
63 1FK7063-5AF71-1... 64.6 5.6 97 8 3.1 0.0134 26.5 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50

2 80








100 1FK7100-5AF71-1... 106 8 159 11.2 5.1 0.0489 41.7 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(12) (18) (3.77) (5.53) (18.9)
100 1FK7101-5AF71-1... 137 11.8 239 19 6.5 0.0707 55.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(15.5) (27) (4.87) (7.99) (25)
100 1FK7103-5AF71-1... 181 3) 16.53) 319 27.5 7.23) 0.0929 68.4 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(20.5) (36) (5.37) (10.5) (31)
4500 63 1FK7060-5AH71-1... 32.8 4.1 53 6.2 2.3 0.0007 17.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(3.7) (6) (1.74) (0.795) (8)
63 1FK7063-5AH71-1... 44.24) 6.14) 97 12 2.84) 0.0134 26.5 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(5) (11) (2.09) (1.51) (12)
80 1FK7080-5AH71-1... 50.4 5.6 71 7.4 3.2 0.0132 24.9 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(5.7) (8) (2.38) (1.5) (11.3)
5 5 5
80 1FK7083-5AH71-1... 73.5 ) 9 ) 142 15 4.1 ) 0.0242 35.3 1 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(8.3) (16) (3.04) (2.73) (16)
6000 28 1FK7022-5AK71-1... 2) 5.6 1.26 7.5 1.69 0.54 0.0003 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
(0.63) (0.85) (0.4) (0.028)
36 1FK7032-5AK71-1... 2) 6.6 1.2 9.7 1.6 0.63 0.0005 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
(0.75) (1.1) (0.47) (0.061)
48 1FK7040-5AK71-1... 9.7 1.7 14.2 2.25 0.92 0.0015 7.5 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(1.1) (1.6) (0.69) (0.169) (3.4)
48 1FK7042-5AK71-1... 17.76) 3.16) 26.6 4.4 1.376) 0.0027 10.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(2) (3) (1.02) (0.301) (4.8)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Order No. suffix 1FK7 . . .–5A . 7 1–1
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (512 p/r only sizes 28 and 36, 2048 p/r from size 48 on) 7) E
Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (32 p/r from size 48 on)7) G
Resolver, multi-pole (resolver pole number equivalent to motor pole number) S
Resolver, 2-pole T

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance Holding brake

Smooth N without G
Smooth N with H
With featherkey N without A
With featherkey N with B

Vibration severity Degree of protection/paint finish

N IP 64/without paint finish 0
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal8)/without paint finish 2
N IP 64/RAL 7016 3
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal8)/RAL 7016 5

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal 5) Rated data refer to n = 3,500 rpm. * Listed Compact/Chassis units were
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use stall 6) Rated data refer to n = 5,000 rpm. selected for standard overload conditions
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
7) If an absolute-value encoder is used, the rated
2) Available soon. torque of the motor must be reduced by 10%. ** For rated current below 37.5 A Compact Plus
3) Rated data refer to n = 2,500 rpm. units can also be used.
8) For oil-tight flange or gearbox mounting.
4) Rated data refer to n = 4,000 rpm.

2/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FK7 High Dynamic servomotors

■ 1FK7 HD (High Dynamic) servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
3000 48 1FK7044-7AF71-1... 31 4 35.4 4.5 1.47 0.00113 16.5 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(3.5) (4) (1.1) (0.128) (7.5)
63 1FK7061-7AF71-1... 47.8 5.3 56.6 6.1 2.27 0.00301 22.3 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(5.4) (6.4) (1.7) (0.34) (10.1)
63 1FK7064-7AF71-1... 70.8 7.5 106.2 11 3.36 0.00575 33.7 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50



106 2)





4500 48 1FK7043-7AH71-1... 23 4 27.4 4.5 1.64 0.00089 14.8 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(2.6) (3.1) (1.23) (0.101) (6.7)
48 1FK7044-7AH71-1.. 26.6 4.9 35.4 6.3 1.89 0.00113 17.6 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(3) (4) (1.41) (0.128) (8)
63 1FK7061-7AH71-1... 38.1 5.9 56.6 8 2.72 0.00301 22.3 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(4.3) (6.4) (2.03) (0.34) (10.1)
63 1FK7064-7AH71-1... 44.3 7 106.2 15 3.16 0.00575 33.7 1 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(5) (12) (2.36) (0.65) (15.3)
6000 36 1FK7033-7AK71-1... 8 1.5 11.5 2.2 0.76 0.00024 7.1 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(0.9) (1.3) (0.57) (0.027) (3.2)
48 1FK7043-7AK71-1... 17.7 4.4 27.4 6.4 1.68 0.00089 14.8 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(2) (3.1) (1.26) (0.101) (6.7)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Order No. suffix 1FK7 . . . –7A . 7 1–1
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (512 p/r only size 36, 2048 p/r from size 48 on)3) E
Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (32 p/r from size 48 on)3) G
Resolver, multi-pole (resolver pole number equivalent to motor pole number) S
Resolver, 2-pole T

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance Holding brake

Smooth N without G
Smooth N with H
With featherkey N without A
With featherkey N with B

Vibration severity Degree of protection/paint finish

N IP 64/without paint finish 0
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal4)/without paint finish 2
N IP 64/RAL 7016 3
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal4)/RAL 7016 5

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal and 3) If an absolute-value encoder is used motor * Listed Compact/Chassis units were
SIMODRIVE POSMO units use stall current I0 needs to be derated by 10%. selected for standard overload conditions
and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. 4) For oil-tight flange or gearbox mounting. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
2) Rated data refer to n = 2,500 rpm. ** For rated current below 37.5 A Compact Plus
units can also be used.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/7

2_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Technical data
• integrated encoder system
for detecting rotational
Voltage limit curves for
speed of motor and posi-
tion of rotor
• plug for signal and power con-
nection as standard. Terminal V mains = 400 V Vmains = 460 V
box for power cable available max.
for motors of 1FT6 range, size
100 or above.

Technical and commercial

features of the main 1FT6 n
types 0 (100K)

Fig. 2/5 S1 operation
1FT6 three-phase servomotor • high-resolution optical

2 Technical characteristics
The 1FT6 three-phase servo-
motors are permanent-magnet
sensor system (encoder or
absolute-value encoder)
• vibration severity grade N
• degree of protection IP 65
• holding brake option
nn n (rpm)

synchronous motors. The • motors with short delivery Fig. 2/6

magnets are made of rare- (delivery time: 20 working Torque-speed characteristic
earth materials days)
The 1FT6 servomotors cannot • more favorable price than Stock motors2) • vibration severity class N
be operated with SIMOVERT comparable motor • degree of protection IP 65
To meet our customer’s
MASTERDRIVES Vector Control.
logistical expectations, the 1FT6 • type of construction IM B 5
They are especially charac- Area of application motor is typically stocked in its (flange mounting).
terized by Machines for all industrial most demanded configuration.
For a complete listing of
• high power-density with low sectors with high dynamic re- stock motor refer to table
The technical features of these
physical volume sponse, precision and flexibili- “Stock motors” on page 2/14.
stock motors are:
• winding insulation for ty demands, e.g. packaging
machines, storage and retriev- • naturally cooled motors Minor modifications on the
temperature class F
al systems for high-bay ware with power connectors stock motors are possible for
• high thermal reserves for an additional charge. A listing
houses, conveyor and robotic • plug connection direction
continuous load and of the possible changes is
systems, printing machines axial (plug from ND-end)
overload given on page 2/14. Allow an
(sheet and rotary presses) as • integrated high resolution
• high overload capability well as for machine tool appli- average of 5 working days to
optical sin/cos encoder
(250 ms): cations. complete the modifications.
τmax ≈ 4 ·τ0 (100 K)
for sizes 28, 36, 48 and 63 Standard Options
τmax ≈ 3.3 ·τ0 (100 K)
for sizes 80 and 100 Type of construction IM B 5 (IM V 1, IM V 3) IM B 14 (sizes 63 to 100)
τmax ≈ 2.5 ·τ0 (100 K) Degree of protection IP 64 IP 65, IP 67
for size 200 for naturally (IP 54 in the case of separate cooling)
cooled motors Vibration severity N R
• low losses with very good Shaft and flange accuracy N R
efficiency Shaft extension Smooth shaft extension Featherkey with semi-wedge balancing,
• high acceleration factors 1FT5-compatible shaft
(τacc/Imot) and therefore extension on request
very good dynamic Power connection Connector Terminal box
response of the drive (only for sizes 63 to 132)
• low torque ripple (1%) Motor protection KTY 84 in the stator winding –
• plug for encoder and power Encoder system (plug connector) 2-pole resolver sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
connection as standard. Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r (from
Terminal box for power cable size 36 on)3)
available for motors of 1FT6 Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 512 p/r (only
range, size 100 or above size 28)3)
Multi-pole resolver
• high degree of protection
Paint finish Anthracite RAL 7016 K23 (worldwide)
• low maintenance
Bearings Permanently lubricated –
• high concentricity and deep-groove ball bearing
vibration quality
Cooling Natural cooling Separate cooling (only for sizes 80 to 132)
• high lateral-force withstand Water cooling (only for sizes 63 to 100)
capability Brake – Holding brake integrated in motor
• high mechanical stiffness
Gearbox mounting1) – The following gears can be fitted:
• low weight ● Alpha low-play planetary gear, SPG series

• monitoring of motor
temperature by KTY 84

1) To find out which gears can be used with which 2) Stock quantities are subject to 3) If an absolute-value encoder is used,
motors, see Chapter 4 “Built-on Accessories”. prior sale. the rated torque must be reduced by 10%.

2/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors core types

■ 1FT6 Fast Mover (core-type) motors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lbf -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
2000 100 1FT6102-1AC71- . . . 1 204 11 239 12.4 6.43 0.09 23.2 1.5 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(23) (27) (4.8) (9.9) (27.5)
100 1FT6105-1AC71- . . . 1 336 17.6 443 22.9 10.72 0.15 87.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(38) (50) (8) (16.8) (39.5)
3000 48 1FT6044-1AF71- . . . 1 38.1 2.9 44.3 3 1.87 0.005 18.3 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50


1FT6062-1AF71- . . . 1

1FT6064-1AF71- . . . 1





80 1FT6084-1AF71- . . . 1 130 11 177 14 6.17 0.04 45.2 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(14.7) (20) (4.6) (4.8) (20.5)
80 1FT6086-1AF71- . . . 1 164 13 239 17.5 7.77 0.06 56 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(18.5) (27) (5.8) (6.6) (25.5)
4500 63 1FT6062-1AH71- . . . 1 31.9 3.9 53.1 5.6 2.28 0.008 21 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(3.6) (6) (1.7) (0.85) (9.5)
63 1FT6064-1AH71- . . . 1 42.5 5.5 84.1 9.1 3.08 0.01 27.6 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(4.8) (9.5) (2.3) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6084-1AH71- . . . 1 92.9 12.5 177 21.6 6.63 0.04 45.2 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(10.5) (20) (4.9) (4.8) (20.5)
80 1FT6086-1AH71- . . . 1 106 12.6 239 25.3 7.58 0.06 56.2 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(12) (27) (5.7) (6.65) (25.5)
6000 36 1FT6034-1AK71- . . . 1 12.4 2.1 17.7 2.6 1.18 0.001 9.7 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(1.4) (2) (0.88) (0.11) (4.4)
80 1FT6084-1AK71- . . . 1 57.5 9.2 177 25 5.47 0.04 55.1 1 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(6.5) (20) (4.1) (4.8) (25)

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Order No. suffix for core types 1FT6 . . . –1 A . 7 1– 1
Plug direction
Transversely to the right (only sizes 80 and 100) 1
Transversely to the left (only sizes 80 and 100) 2
Axial ND-end 3
Axial D-end 4

sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r 2) E

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance Holding brake

Smooth N without G
Smooth N with H

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal 2) If an absolute-value encoder is used, * Listed Compact/Chassis units were
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use the stall the rated torque must be reduced by 10%. selected for standard overload conditions
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
units can also be used.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/9

2_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ 1FT6 air-cooled servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
1500 100 1FT6102-8AB7.–.... 217 8.4 239 8.4 5.09 0.0876 60.6 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
Non- (24.5) (27) (3.8) (9.9) (27.5)
ventilated 100 1FT6105-8AB7.–.... 363 14.5 442 17.2 8.85 0.1487 87.1 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(41) (50) (6.4) (16.8) (39.5)
100 1FT6108-8AB7.–.... 540 20.5 619 22.1 12.87 0.2301 122.4 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50

2 132








132 1FT6136-6AB7.–.... 779 27 1018 34 18.5 0.5876 257.9 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50

(88) (115) (13.8) (66.4) (117)
1500 100 1FT6105-8SB7.–.... 552 21.7 575 23.5 12.47 0.1487 100.3 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
Blower- (59) (65) (9.3) (16.8) (45.5)
ventilated 100 1FT6108-8SB7.–.... 735 31 796 31 17.43 0.2301 135.6 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(83) (90) (13) (26) (61.5)
132 1FT6132-6SB7.–.... 885 36 973 39 21.05 0.3805 200.6 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(102) (110) (16) (43) (91)
132 1FT6134-6SB7.–.... 1150 45 1239 48 27.35 0.4841 233.7 3 47 6SE7024-7.D52
(130) (140) (20.4) (54.7) (106)
132 1FT6136-6SB7.–.... 1416 55 1549 55 33.65 0.5876 271.2 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(160) (175) (25.1) (66.4) (123)
2000 63 1FT6061-6AC7.–.... 33 1.9 35 2 1.07 0.0053 17.6 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
Non- (3.7) (4) (0.8) (0.6) (8)
ventilated 63 1FT6062-6AC7.–.... 46 2.6 53 2.7 1.47 0.0075 20.9 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(5.2) (6) (1.1) (0.85) (9.5)
80 1FT6081-8AC7.–.... 66 4.1 71 4.1 2.14 0.0186 27.6 1.5 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(7.5) (8) (1.6) (2.1) (12.5)
63 1FT6064-6AC7.–.... 71 3.8 84 4.2 2.28 0.0115 27.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(8) (9.5) (1.7) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6082-8AC7.–.... 101 6.6 115 6.9 3.22 0.0265 33.1 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(11.4) (13) (2.4) (3) (15)
80 1FT6084-8AC7.–.... 150 8.3 177 9.5 4.69 0.0425 45.2 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(16.9) (20) (3.5) (4.8) (20.5)
80 1FT6086-8AC7.–.... 204 10.9 239 12 6.43 0.0588 56.2 1.5 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(22.5) (27) (4.7) (6.65) (25.5)
100 1FT6102-8AC7.–.... 204 11 239 12.4 6.43 0.0876 60.6 1.5 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(23) (27) (4.8) (9.9) (27.5)
100 1FT6105-8AC7.–.... 336 17.6 442 22.9 10.72 0.1487 87.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(38) (50) (8) (16.8) (39.5)
100 1FT6108-8AC7.–.... 487 24.5 619 29 15.42 0.2558 122.4 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(55) (70) (11.5) (26) (55.5)
132 1FT6132-6AC7.–.... 487 23 664 31 15.42 0.3805 187.4 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(55) (75) (11.5) (43) (85)
132 1FT6134-6AC7.–.... 575 27 841 39 18.23 0.4841 220.5 1.5 47 6SE7024-7. D51
(65) (95) (13.6) (54.7) (100)
132 1FT6136-6AC7.–.... 665 30 1018 43 20.78 0.5876 257.9 3 47 6SE7024-7. D51
(74) (115) (15.5) (66.4) (117)

Order No. suffix: see page 2/15.

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal * Listed Compact/Chassis units were ** For rated current below 37.5 A Compact Plus
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use the stall selected for standard overload conditions units can also be used.
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).

2/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ 1FT6 air-cooled servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
2000 100 1FT6105-8SC7.–.... 496 28 575 32 15.68 0.1487 100.3 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
Blower- (56) (65) (11.7) (16.8) (45.5)
ventilated 100 1FT6108-8SC7.–.... 708 40 796 41 22.52 0.2301 135.6 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(80) (90) (16.8) (26) (61.5)
132 1FT6132-6SC7.–.... 867 46 973 51 27.48 0.3805 200.6 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51








3000 48 1FT6041-4AF7.–.... 19 1.7 22 1.8 0.94 0.0026 14.6 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
Non- (2.15) (2.6) (0.7) (0.29) (6.6)
ventilated 63 1FT6061-6AF7.–.... 31 2.6 35 2.75 1.47 0.0053 17.6 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(3.5) (4) (1.1) (0.6) (8)
48 1FT6044-4AF7.–.... 38 2.9 44 3 1.88 0.0045 18.3 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(4.3) (5) (1.4) (0.51) (8.3)
63 1FT6062-6AF7.–.... 42 3.4 53 4 2 0.0075 20.9 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(4.7) (6) (1.5) (0.85) (9.5)
80 1FT6081-8AF7.–.... 61 5.6 71 6 2.95 0.0186 27.6 1.5 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(6.9) (8) (2.2) (2.1) (12.5)
63 1FT6064-6AF7.–.... 62 4.9 84 6.1 2.95 0.0115 27.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(7) (9.5) (2.2) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6082-8AF7.–.... 91 8.7 115 10.2 4.29 0.0265 33.1 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(10.3) (13) (3.2) (3) (15)
80 1FT6084-8AF7.–.... 130 11 177 14 6.17 0.0425 45.2 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(14.7) (20) (4.6) (4.8) (20.5)
80 1FT6086-8AF7.–.... 164 13 239 17.5 7.77 0.0588 56.2 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(18.5) (27) (5.8) (6.65) (25.5)
100 1FT6102-8AF7.–.... 173 13.2 239 17.2 8.18 0.0878 60.6 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(19.5) (27) (6.1) (9.9) (27.5)
100 1FT6105-8AF7.–.... 274 22.5 442 34 13 0.1478 87.1 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(31) (50) (9.7) (16.8) (39.5)
132 1FT6132-6AF7.–.... 319 23 664 46 15.15 0.3805 187.4 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(36) (75) (11.3) (43) (85)
3000 80 1FT6084-8SF7.–.... 195 17 230 19.3 9.25 0.0425 55.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
Blower- (22) (26) (6.9) (4.8) (25)
ventilated 80 1FT6086-8SF7.–.... 274 24.5 310 26 13 0.0588 66.1 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(31) (35) (9.7) (6.65) (30)
100 1FT6105-8SF7.–.... 443 35 575 45 21.05 0.1487 100.3 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(50) (65) (15.7) (16.8) (45.5)
132 1FT6132-6SF7.–.... 796 62 973 74 37.94 0.3805 200.6 3 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(90) (110) (28.3) (43) (91)
132 1FT6134-6SF7.–.... 973 72 1239 90 46.38 0.4841 233.7 3 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(110) (140) (34.6) (54.7) (106)
132 1FT6136-6SF7.–.... 1283 104 1549 111 60.32 0.5876 271.2 3 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(145) (175) (45.5) (66.4) (123)

Order No. suffix: see page 2/15.

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal * Listed Compact/Chassis units were ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use the stall selected for standard overload conditions units can also be used.
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/11

2_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ 1FT6 air-cooled servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
4500 63 1FT6061-6AH7.–.... 26 3.4 35 4.1 1.88 0.0053 17.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
Non- (2.9) (4) (1.4) (0.6) (8)
ventilated 63 1FT6062-6AH7.–.... 32 3.9 53 5.6 2.28 0.0075 20.9 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(3.6) (6) (1.7) (0.85) (9.5)
63 1FT6064-6AH7.–.... 42 5.5 84 9.1 3.08 0.0115 27.6 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50

(4.8) (9.5) (2.3) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6081-8AH7.–.... 51 7.3 71 9 3.62 0.0186 27.6 1.5 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(5.8) (8) (2.7) (2.1) (12.5)
80 1FT6082-8AH7.–.... 75 11 115 15 5.36 0.0265 33.1 1.5 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(8.5) (13) (4) (6.65) (15)
80 1FT6084-8AH7.–.... 173 12.5 177 21.6 6.57 0.0425 45.2 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(10.5) (20) (4.9) (4.8) (20.5)
80 1FT6086-8AH7.–.... 106 12.6 239 25.3 7.64 0.0588 56.2 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(12) (27) (5.7) (6.65) (25.5)
100 1FT6102-8AH7.–.... 106 12 239 24.8 7.64 0.0876 60.6 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(12) (27) (5.7) (9.9) (27.5)
4500 80 1FT6084-8SH7.–.... 177 24.5 230 28 12.6 0.0425 55.1 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
Blower- (20) (26) (9.4) (4.8) (25)
ventilated 80 1FT6086-8SH7.–.... 239 31.5 310 39 17 0.0588 66.1 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(27) (35) (12.7) (6.65) (30)
100 1FT6105-8SH7.–.... 354 41 575 64 25.2 0.1486 100 3 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(40) (65) (18.8) (16.8) (45.5)
6000 28 1FT6021-6AK71–.... 2.7 1.1 3.5 1.25 0.25 0.00019 2.6 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
Non- (0.3) (0.4) (0.2) (0.02) (1.2)
ventilated 28 1FT6024-6AK71–.... 4.4 0.9 7.1 1.25 0.42 0.0003 4.6 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
(0.5) (0.8) (0.3) (0.034) (2.1)
36 1FT6031-4AK7.–.... 6.63 1.2 9 1.45 0.63 0.0006 6.8 1 2 6SE7012-0TP50
(0.75) (1) (0.47) (0.065) (3.1)
36 1FT6034-4AK7.–.... 12 2.1 18 2.6 1.18 0.001 9.7 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(1.4) (2) (0.88) (0.11) (4.4)
48 1FT6041-4AK7.–.... 15 2.4 22 3 1.47 0.0026 14.6 1 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(1.7) (2.6) (1.1) (0.29) (6.6)
63 1FT6061-6AK7.–.... 19 3.1 35 5 1.74 0.0053 17.6 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(2.1) (4) (1.3) (0.6) (8)
63 1FT6062-6AK7.–.... 19 3.2 53 7.5 1.74 0.0075 20.9 1 10.2 6SE7021-0TP50
(2.1) (6) (1.3) (0.85) (9.5)
63 1FT6064-6AK7.–.... 19 3.5 84 12.1 1.74 0.0115 27.6 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(2.1) (9.5) (1.3) (1.3) (12.5)
48 1FT6044-4AK7.–.... 27 4.1 44 5.9 2.55 0.0045 18.3 1 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(3) (5) (1.9) (0.51) (8.3)
80 1FT6081-8AK7.–.... 41 7.7 71 11.1 3.89 0.0186 27.6 1.5 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(4.6) (8) (2.9) (2.1) (12.5)
80 1FT6082-8AK7.–.... 49 9.1 115 18.2 4.69 0.0265 33.1 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(5.5) (13) (3.5) (3) (15)
80 1FT6084-8AK7.–.... 57.5 9.2 177 25 5.5 0.0424 45.2 1.5 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(6.5) (20) (4.1) (4.8) (20.5)
6000 80 1FT6084-8SK7.–.... 150 25.5 230 36 14.34 0.0425 55.1 1.5 37.5 6SE7023-8TP50
Blower- (17) (26) (10.7) (4.8) (25)
ventilated 80 1FT6086-8SK7.–.... 195 29 310 45 18.5 0.0588 66.1 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(22) (35) (13.8) (6.65) (30)

Order No. suffix, see page 2/15.

Notes on the blower-ventilated design

Frame sizes 80 and 100 Frame size 132
1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611
Direction of air flow From ND-end to D-end From D-end to ND-end
universal and POSMO units use
Connecting method Plug, size 1 Terminal box the stall current I0 and refer to
Power cable type 6FX.002-5CA01-...0 6FX.008-1BB11-..A0 MC Catalog Part 3.
Pin/terminal assignment Pin1: L1, Pin2: N U1/L1; V2/L2; W3/L3 * Listed Compact/Chassis units
Supply voltage 1 AC 220/260 V, 50/60 Hz 3 AC 400/460 V, 50/60 Hz were selected for standard
Max. fan current 0.3 A 0.4 A overload conditions (160% for
30 s at 300 s load cycle).
Weight of the ventilation module approx. 10.6 lb (4.8 kg) approx. 12.3 lb (5.6 kg)
** For rated currents below 37.5 A
Sound pressure level size 80: 69 dB (A) 74 dB (A) Compact Plus units can also
size 100: 71 dB (A) be used.

2/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ 1FT6 water-cooled servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control1)
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall Rated Moment Weight Plug Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque current power of inertia without size for current
without brake power
brake cable
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lb f -in lbf -in HP lb f -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10 -3kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
1500 100 1FT6108-8WB7.–.... 1027 43 1053 41 24.4 0.2301 136 3 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(116) (119) (18.2) (26) (61.5)
2000 100 1FT6105-8WC7.–.... 726 60 752 58 23.06 0.1487 100 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(82) (85) (17.2) (16.8) (45.5)
100 1FT6108-8WC7.–.... 1018 57 1053 54 32.3 0.2301 136 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51

3000 63







80 1FT6084-8WF7.–.... 310 27 310 26 14.7 0.4248 46 1.5 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(35) (35) (11) (4.8) (21)
80 1FT6086-8WF7.–.... 407 37 416 35 19.4 0.0589 57 1.5 37.5 6SE7023-8TP50
(46) (47) (14.5) (6.65) (26)
100 1FT6105-8WF7.–.... 690 82 752 83 32.8 0.1487 100 3 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(78) (85) (24.5) (16.8) (45.5)
100 1FT6108-8WF7.–....2) 965 81 1053 81 45.8 0.2301 136 3 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(109) (119) (34.2) (26) (61.5)
4500 63 1FT6062-6WH7.–.... 89 9.3 90 9.5 6.3 0.0075 21 1 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(10) (10.2) (4.7) (0.85) (9.5)
63 1FT6064-6WH7.–.... 142 15.2 143 15.5 10 0.0115 27.6 1 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(16) (16.2) (7.5) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6084-8WH7.–.... 310 39 310 38 22.1 0.4248 46 1.5 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(35) (35) (16.5) (4.8) (21)
80 1FT6086-8WH7.–.... 398 53 416 53 28.4 0.0589 57 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(45) (47) (21.2) (6.65) (26)
6000 63 1FT6062-6WK7.–.... 87 12.2 90 12.8 8.3 0.0075 21 1 17.5 6SE7021-8TP50
(9.8) (10.2) (6.2) (0.85) (9.5)
63 1FT6064-6WK7.–.... 140 20 143 20.6 13.3 0.0115 27.6 1 34 6SE7023-4TP50
(15.8) (16.2) (9.9) (1.3) (12.5)
80 1FT6084-8WK7.–.... 301 51 310 49 28.7 0.4248 46 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(34) (35) (21.4) (4.8) (21)
80 1FT6086-8WK7.–.... 390 58 416 61 37.1 0.0589 57 3 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(44) (47) (27.7) (6.65) (26)

Order No. suffix, see page 2/15.

Notes on the water-cooled version 1FT6

• Cooling-waterflow rate: 1.32 gpm (5 I/min),
• Cooling-water inlet temperature: 77 °F (25 °C),
• Cooling-medium: Water with up to a max. of 25% anti-corrosion agent,
• Cooling-water pressure at the inlet: max. 43.5 psi (3 bar),
• Pressure loss between inlet and outlet: <1.45 psi (0.1 bar),
• Cooling-water connection: G 3/8″ on D-end, plug side.

1) For selection of SIMODRIVE 611 universal * Listed Compact/Chassis units were ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
and SIMODRIVE POSMO units use the stall selected for standard overload conditions units can also be used.
current I0 and refer to MC Catalog Part 3. (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
2) Motor type 1FT6108-8WF7.-.... is only
available in vibration severity grade N.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/13

2_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ 1FT6 stock motors 1)

Rated speed Size Motor

nn Order No.
rpm Smooth shaft end Shaft end with key

2000 63 1FT6062-6AC71-3AG1
63 1FT6064-6AC71-3AG1
80 1FT6082-8AC71-3AG1 1FT6082-8AC71-3AA1
80 1FT6084-8AC71-3AG1 1FT6084-8AC71-3AA1
80 1FT6086-8AC71-3AG1 1FT6086-8AC71-3AA1
100 1FT6105-8AC71-3AG1 1FT6105-8AC71-3AA1
3000 48 1FT6041-4AF71-3AG1
48 1FT6044-4AF71-3AG1
63 1FT6064-6AF71-3AG1 1FT6064-6AF71-3AA1

2 80

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Modification options on stock motors 2) 1FT6 . . . –. A . 7 1– . 1
Plug connection direction (looking at drive end)
Transversely to the right (not with sizes 36, 48 and 63) 1
Transversely to the left (not with sizes 36, 48 and 63) 2
Axial ND-end (not with size 132) 3
Axial D-end 4

Resolver, 2-pole T
Resolver, multi-pole S
Absolute-value encoder E

1) Stock quantities are subject to 2) Charges apply.

prior sale.

2/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Order No. suffix, does not apply to Fast Mover (core-type) motors
12 34 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1FT6 . . . – . . . 7 –
Type of construction
IM B 5, IM V 1, IM V 3 1
IM B 14 (only sizes 63, 80 and 100) 1) 2

Plug connection direction (looking at drive end)

Transversely to the right (only sizes 80, 100 and 132) 1
Transversely to the left (only sizes 80, 100 and 132) 2
Axial ND-end (not with size 132) 3
Axial D-end 4

Terminal box, direction of cable entry (looking at D-end) (only at sizes 100 and 132)
Transversely to the right 5

Transversely to the left 6
Axial ND-end 7
Axial D-end 8

sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (512 p/r only size 28, 2048 p/r from size 36 on) 2) E
Resolver, multi-pole (resolver pole number equivalent to motor pole number3)) S
Resolver, 2-pole T

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance Holding brake

Smooth N without G
Smooth N with H
Smooth R without K
Smooth R with L
With featherkey N without A
With featherkey N with B
With featherkey R without D
With featherkey R with E

Vibration severity Degree of protection

N IP 64 0
N IP 65 1
N IP 67 2
N IP 68 6
R IP 64 3
R IP 65 4
R IP 67 5
R IP 68 7

1) Same flange as with the IM B 5 type of 2) If an absolute-value encoder is used, 3) 8 th position of 1FT6 motor part number
construction but with threaded inserts the rated torque must be reduced by 10%. indicates number of motor poles.
in the four mounting holes.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/15

2_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
1FS6 servomotors (explosion-proof) Servomotors

■ Technical specifications
In addition to fulfilling the appli-
cable standards and regulations
Voltage limit curves for
for areas subject to explosion
hazards, the motors also comply
with the following European
guidelines: V mains = 400 V Vmains = 460 V
• EN 50 014 max.
General standards for
electrical equipment for
hazardous areas
• EN 50 018
Standard for type of n
protection EEx d 0 (100K)

Fig. 2/7 S1 operation
1FS6 explosion-proof servomotor2) • EN 50 019

Standard for type of
protection EEx e
Technical characteristics nn n (rpm)
• EN 50021
The 1FS6 three-phase servo- Standard for type of
motors are synchronous protection Ex nA
motors in a permanent state of Fig. 2/8
electromagnetic excitation for • PBS 5000 : 16 Torque-speed characteristic
applications in hazardous Standard for type of
Zone 1 areas. protection Ex N Note
• additional terminal box for
They are designed in type Technical characteristics connection of encoder
system The PTC thermistor triggering
of protection EEx de II C T3. • winding insulation for tempe- device is mandatory for
• monitoring of motor tempera- operation of the motors in
The 1FS6 servomotors cannot rature class H
ture by KTY 84-130 and PTC hazardous areas.
be operated with SIMOVERT • high lateral-force withstand thermistor (triggering device
MASTERDRIVES Vector Control. capability must be certified with mark of Area of application
• self-cooled motors with conformity PTB 3.53-PTC/A)
Machines for all industrial
terminal box for power
sectors with applications in
connection hazardous Zone 1 areas.

Standard Options
Type of construction IM B 5 (only frame sizes 71 and 90) –
IM B 35 (only frame sizes 112 and 132)
Degree of protection IP 64 IP 65 with radial shaft seal
Vibration severity N –
Shaft and flange accuracy N R
Shaft extension Smooth shaft extension With featherkey, half-key balancing
Power connection Terminal box –
Motor protection 3 × PTC thermistor + KTY 84 –
in the stator winding
Encoder system sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r 1)

Paint finish Normal paint finish anthracite –

RAL 7016
Bearings Permanently lubricated deep- –
groove ball bearing
Cooling Natural cooling –

1) If an absolute-value encoder is used, the rated 2) UL/CSA approval is pending.

torque must be reduced by 10%.

2/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Synchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1FS6 servomotors (explosion-proof)

■ 1FS6 natural-cooled servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compact units
Motor data for a 100 K temperature increase Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Stall Stall cur- Rated Moment Weight Rated Inverter**
speed torque current torque rent power of inertia without current
without brake
nn τn In τ0 I0 Pn J InU
lbf -in lbf -in HP lbf -in-s2 Ib
rpm Order No. (Nm) A (Nm) A (kW) (×10-3 kgm2) (kg) A Order No.*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 to 480 V with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control selection example
1500 112 1FS6115-8AB73–.... 327 13 354 14 7.8 0.1487 192 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(37) (40) (5.8) (16.8) (87)
132 1FS6134-6AB73–....1) 602 22 673 23 14.2 0.4841 262 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(68) (76) (10.6) (54.7) (119)
2000 71 1FS6074-6AC71–.... 63.7 3.4 67.3 3.4 2 0.0115 64 4 6SE7014-0TP50







132 1FS6134-6AC73–....1) 513 24 673 31 16.4 0.4841 262 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(58) (76) (12.2) (54.7) (119)
3000 71 1FS6074-6AF71–.... 55.8 4.4 67.3 4.9 2.7 0.0115 64 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(6.3) (7.6) (2) (1.3) (29)
90 1FS6096-8AF71–.... 150 12 195 14 7 0.0589 121 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(17) (22) (5.2) (6.65) (55)
112 1FS6115-8AF73–.... 248 20 354 27 11.7 0.1487 192 25.5 6SE7022-6TP50
(28) (40) (8.7) (16.8) (87)
4500 71 1FS6074-6AH71–.... 40 5 67.3 7.3 2.8 0.0115 64 6.1 6SE7016-0TP50
(4.5) (7.6) (2.1) (1.3) (29)
90 1FS6096-8AH71–.... 97 11.5 195 20 6.8 0.0589 121 13.2 6SE7021-3TP50
(11) (22) (5.1) (6.65) (55)
6000 71 1FS6074-6AK71–.... 17 3.2 67.3 9.7 1.6 0.0115 64 4 6SE7014-0TP50
(1.9) (7.6) (1.2) (1.3) (29)

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Order No. suffix 1FS6 . . . –. A . 7 –
Type of construction
IM B 5 1
IM B 35 3

Terminal box for power and encoder connection, direction of cable entry
Transversely to the right 5
Transversely to the left 6
Axial ND-end 7
Axial D-end 8

sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r2) E

Shaft extension Radial eccentricity tolerance

Smooth N G
With featherkey N A
Smooth R K
With featherkey R D

Vibration severity Degree of protection

N IP 64 0
N IP 65 with radial shaft seal 1

1) Available soon. * Listed Compact/Chassis units were ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
2) If an absolute-value encoder is selected for standard overload conditions units can also be used.
used, the rated torque must be (160% for 30 s at 300 s load cycle).
reduced by 10%.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/17

2_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
Linear Motors
1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Technical data
Advantages of 1FN3 AC
linear motors
Precision cooler
• Outstanding dynamic
response and very high
traversing velocity
• Excellent precision
• Simple installation
Secondary section cover
• Non-wearing drive compo- Primary section
nents due to contactless
drive power transmission
In combination with the Secondary section
SIMODRIVE 611 universal or Power cooler
the POSMO CD/CA converter,

2 1FN3 linear motors provide a

linear drive system that is
specially designed to meet
high dynamic requirements.
The motors consist of a primary
Terminal box

section and a secondary sec-

tion with rare-earth magnets. Cooler profile
The primary section has fixed
dimensions, while the second-
ary section is made up of indi-
vidual elements to suit the tra-
versing range. Through parallel Combination distributor
operation of the motors, force
and length can be scaled be- Fig. 2/9
yond the available spectrum. 1FN3 AC linear motors
Another important advantage
of linear drive technology is and is dissipated via an inte-
that the effects of elasticity, Applications for 1FN3 • Double-comb motors
grated cooling system. The
play, and friction, as well as optional Thermosandwich dual- • High dynamic and flexible The secondary section of the
natural oscillation are virtually circuit cooling system permits machine construction double-comb version lies be-
eliminated. both a thermal decoupling of tween two primary sections
• Handling
If suitable measuring systems the motor from the machine, (each primary section with
are used and the temperature and also a low-priced cooling • Pick & Place standard winding and com-
conditions are appropriate, the design. plementary winding).
motors can be positioned in Construction variants The construction as double-
The stainless metal encapsu- comb motor is particularly
the nanometer range (hundred lation of the primary section 1FN3 linear motors are avail-
billionths of an inch). able as single-comb or double- suitable for applications with
provides the high mechanical movable secondary section
The simple mechanical con- robustness and resistance to comb motors.
and small traversing paths
struction without transmission soiling required for use in • Single-comb motors (eccentric machining).
elements such as leadscrew, machine tools, as well as resis-
tance to corrosive liquids. In The single-comb version For information and order
coupling or belt, enhances
addition, a large air gap makes consists of a primary section numbers regarding optional
the reliability and dynamic
minimal demands on the prep- with standard winding that components (precision
response of the drive compo-
aration of mounting surfaces. is mounted parallel to the cooler, cooler profile, combi-
The mounting tolerances for associated secondary nation distributor and secon-
Heat loss occurs almost exclu- the air gap are +/–0.3 mm section. dary section cover) refer to
sively in the primary section (0.012 in). section 4 “Accessories”.

2/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 19 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
Linear Motors
1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Technical data
The 1FN3 linear motors have
an overload range available
for acceleration processes.
The maximum force FMAX can
only be utilized up to a maxi-
mum speed; above this speed,
only the rated force FN is F [ N]


0 v [m/min]
DA65-5940 V MAX ( F MAX ( V MAX ( F N (

Fig. 2/10
Speed/feedrate force diagram

■ Technical specifications
Motor type AC linear motor (permanent-field synchronous motor)
Magnet material Rare-earth magnetic material
Insulation of stator winding Temperature class H for a winding temperature of
according to EN (IEC) 60 032-1 +248 °F (+120 °C)
Degree of protection according to IP 65
EN 60 034-5 (IEC 60 034-5)
Overload ratio (F MAX:FN) up to: 2.75
Build-on options Different gradations due to
modular construction
Covering of secondary sections Consistent across all segments, exchangeable
Cooling method Water cooling
Water cooler connections 1/8″ internal thread to all
primary and secondary section coolers
(when using appropriate adapters)
Temperature influence on surrounding +4 K
construction for precision cooling, max.
Max. permissible coolant inlet temperature +95 °F (+35 °C) (avoid condensation)
+95 °F (+35 °C) on reduction of rated motor power
Temperature monitoring method PTC thermistor
integrated in primary winding Temperature sensor KTY 84
Connection method Terminal boxes with heavy-gauge thread
Option: accessory for connector and cable
Recommended measuring systems See Section 4, “Accessories”
2nd rating plate Supplied separately packed

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/19

2_2.fm Seite 20 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
Linear Motors
1FN3 AC linear motors

■ 1FN3 AC linear motors · Selection and ordering data for primary and secondary section
Force of feed Maximum velocity1) 1FN3 AC linear motor Weight 2)

Frated3) Fmax vmax vmax Primary section Secondary section Primary Secondary sec- Permanent
at at Order No. Order No. section tion attractive
Frated Fmax force FATT
ft/min ft/min
lbf (N) lbf (N) (m/min) (m/min) lb (kg) lb (kg) lbf (N)

44.96 123.64 1224 (373) 479 (146) 1FN3 050-2WC00-0AA0 1FN3 050-4SA00-0AA0 5.3/6.4 0.9/1.1 299 (1330)
(200) (550) (2.4/2.9) (0.4/0.5)
44.96 110.16 453 (138) 728 (222) 1FN3 100-1WC00-0AA1 1FN3 100-4SA00-0AA0 4.4 (3.8) 0.8 (0.7)
(200) (490)
101.16 247.28 975 (297) 430 (131) 1FN3 100-2WC00-0AA1 1FN3 100-4SA00-0AA0 8.4/9.7 1.5/1.8 596 (2650)
(450) (100) 1631 (497) 778 (237) 1FN3 100-2WE00-0AA1 (3.8/4.4) (0.7/0.8)

151.74 370.92 909 (277) 394 (120) 1FN3 100-3WC00-0AA1 11.9/13.7 1.5/1.8 895 (3980)
(675) (1650) 1631 (497) 778 (237) 1FN3 100-3WE00-0AA1 (5.4/6.2) (0.7/0.8)
202.32 494.56 975 (297) 430 (131) 1FN3 100-4WC00-0AA1 16.3/18.7 1.5/1.8 1194 (5310)
(900) (2200) 1631 (497) 778 (237) 1FN3 100-4WE00-0AA1 (7.4/8.5) (0.7/0.8)
252.9 618.2 837 (255) 358 (109) 1FN3 100-5WC00-0AA1 20/22.9 1.5/1.8 1490 (6630)
(1125) (2750) (9.1/10.4) (0.7/0.8)
151.74 370.92 925 (282) 413 (126) 1FN3 150-2WC00-0AA1 1FN3 150-4SA00-0AA0 11.7/13.2 2.6/2.86 895 (3980
(675) (1650) (5.3/6) (1.2/1.3)
228.17 555.26 925 (282) 413 (126) 1FN3 150-3WC00-0AA1 17.2/19.1 2.6/2.86 1342 (5970)
(1015) (2470) (7.8/8.7) (1.2/1.3)
303.48 741.84 925 (282) 413 (126) 1FN3 150-4WC00-0AA1 22.4/25.1 2.6/2.86 1789 (7960)
(1350) (3300) (10.2/11.4) (1.2/1.3)
379.91 926.18 925 (282) 413 (126) 1FN3 150-5WC00-0AA1 28.2/31.2 2.6/2.86 2237 (9950)
(1690) (4120) (12.8/14.2) (1.2/1.3)
275.38 775.56 207 (63) 578 (176) 1FN3 300-2WB00-0AA1 1FN3 300-4SA00-0AA0 25.1/27.3 5.3/5.7 1544 (6870)
(1225) (3450) 975 (297) 410 (125) 1FN3 300-2WC00-0AA1 (11.4/12.4) (2.4/2.6)
1211 (369) 2642 (805) 1FN3 300-2WG00-0AA1
413.63 1162.22 975 (297) 410 (125) 1FN3 300-3WC00-0AA1 37.4/40.5 5.3/5.7 2316 (10300)
(1840) (5170) 2743 (836) 1257 (383) 1FN3 300-3WG00-0AA1 (17/18.4) (2.4/2.6)
550.76 1551.12 207 (63) 578 (176) 1FN3 300-4WB00-0AA1 48.9/52.8 5.3/5.7 3087 (13730)
(2450) (6900) 975 (297) 410 (125) 1FN3 300-4WC00-0AA1 (22.2/24) (2.4/2.6)
433.86 1164.46 902 (275) 394 (120) 1FN3 450-2WC00-0AA1 1FN3 450-4SA00-0AA0 35/37.6 8.4/8.8 2316 (10300)
(1930) (5180) 1703 (519) 788 (240) 1FN3 450-2WE00-0AA1 (15.9/17.1) (3.8/4)
650.8 1744.45 538 (164) 203 (62) 1FN3 450-3WB00-0AA1 49.7/53.5 8.4/8.8 3473 (15450)
(2895) (7760) 712 (217) 295 (90) 1FN3 450-3WB05-0AA1 (22.6/24.3) (3.8/4)
902 (275) 394 (120) 1FN3 450-3WC00-0AA1
1703 (519) 788 (240) 1FN3 450-3WE00-0AA1
867.73 2326.68 538 (164) 203 (62) 1FN3 450-4WB00-0AA1 68/72.8 8.4/8.8 4631 (20600)
(3860) (10350) 712 (217) 295 (90) 1FN3 450-4WB05-0AA1 (30.9/33.1) (3.8/4)
902 (275) 394 (120) 1FN3 450-4WC00-0AA1
1703 (519) 788 (240) 1FN3 450-4WE00-0AA1
880.09 2326.68 190 (58) 509 (155) 1FN3 600-3WB00-0AA1 1FN3 600-4SA00-0AA0 69.3/73.5 10.1/11 4631 (20600)
(3915) (10350) 834 (254) 368 (112) 1FN3 600-3WC00-0AA1 (31.5/33.4) (4.6/5)
1173.46 3102.24 509 (155) 190 (58) 1FN3 600-4WB00-0AA1 89.8/95.3 10.1/11 6173 (27460)
(5220) (13800) 706 (215) 299 (91) 1FN3 600-4WB50-0AA1 (40.8/43.3) (4.6/5)
834 (254) 368 (112) 1FN3 600-4WC00-0AA1
910.44 2326.68 525 (160) 213 (65) 1FN3 900-2WB00-0AA1 1FN3 900-4SA00-0AA0 62/65.3 16.5/17.4 4631 (20600)
(4050) (10350) 830 (253) 377 (115) 1FN3 900-2WC00-0AA1 (28.2/29.7) (7.5/7.9)
1820.88 4653.36 525 (160) 213 (65) 1FN3 900-4WB00-0AA1 123.6/129.6 16.5/17.4 9264 (41210)
(8100) (20700) 666 (203) 289 (88) 1FN3 900-4WB50-0AA1 (56.2/58.9) (7.5/7.9)
830 (253) 377 (115) 1FN3 900-4WC00-0AA1

With one temperature monitoring circuit: Temp-S 0

With one temperature monitoring circuit: Temp-S and Temp-F 1

1) Speed values refer to a converter DC link voltage of 600 V DC.

2) Values for version with/without components for precision cooling of the primary and secondary section (see chapter 4).
3) For water cooling.
4) For connection via terminal box, length < 4 ft 11 in (1.5 m) the following applies:
4 × 16 mm2 + 4 × 0.5 mm2; Order No. 6FX7 008-1BC61-@@@0.

2/20 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

2_2.fm Seite 21 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
Linear Motors
1FN3 AC linear motors

Motor phase current Required Rated Calculated power Motor connection via Power cable, trailable,
converter power loss Electrical peak power connectors with shield
rated power consumption (increased speed/acceleration)
Irated3) Imax Irated /Imax PVN 3) Pcalc Motor cable cross-section Available by the meter
(IEC 60 204-1C)

A A A HP (W) HP (kW) AWG (mm2) Order No.

2.7 8.2 5/ 10 0.4 (310) 5.5 (4.1) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0

2.4 6.5 5/ 10 0.38 (280) 4.2 (3.1) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0

5.1 13.5 9/ 18 0.7 (550) 8.4 (6.3) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0
8.1 21.5 18/ 36 0.7 (550) 11.1 (8.3) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC11-@ @ @0
6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0

7.2 19.1 18/ 36 1.1 (820) 12.3 (9.2) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5)
12.1 32.2 18/ 36 1.1 (830) 16.6 (12.4) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC11-@ @ @0
10.1 27 18/ 36 1.5 (1100) 16.9 (12.6) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0
16.1 43 28/ 56 1.5 (1100) 22.3 (16.6) 4 × 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC21-@ @ @0
11 29.5 18/ 36 1.8 (1320) 19.3 (14.4) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0

7.2 19.1 18/ 36 1 (730) 11.7 (8.7) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0

10.7 28.6 18/ 36 1.5 (1100) 17.4 (13) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC11-@ @ @0

14.3 38.2 28/ 56 2 (1470) 23.3 (17.4) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC11-@ @ @0

17.9 47.7 28/ 56 2.5 (1830) 29.1 (21.7) 4 × 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC21-@ @ @0

8 24.7 18/ 36 1.3 (990) 17.7 (13.2) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC11-@ @ @0
12.6 39.2 28/ 56 1.3 (1000) 22.5 (16.8) 4 × 16 + 4 × 20 (4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC11-@ @ @0
32.2 99.7 56/112 1.2 (900) 40.5 (30.2) 4 × 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC41-@ @ @0
19 58.7 56/112 2 (1500) 33.8 (25.2) 4 × 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC21-@ @ @0
50 154.9 140/210 1.8 (1370) 61.7 (46) 4 × 6 + 4 × 20 (4 × 16 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC61-@ @ @0
16 49.4 28/ 56 2.7 (2000) 35.2 (26.3) 4 × 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC21-@ @ @0
25.3 78.3 56/112 2.7 (1990) 44.9 (33.5) 4 × 12 + 4 × 20 (4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC31-@ @ @0
18.8 55.3 28/ 56 2 (1470) 31.1 (23.2) 4 × 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC21-@ @ @0
33.8 99.7 56/112 1.8 (1370) 43.8 (32.7) 4 × 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC41-@ @ @0
17.9 52.7 28/ 56 3 (2250) 36.9 (27.5) 4× 14 + 4 × 20 (4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC21-@ @ @0
22.8 67.3 56/112 3 (2230) 41.7 (31.1) 4× 12 + 4 × 20 (4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC31-@ @ @0
28.1 83 56/112 2.9 (2200) 46.5 (34.7) 4× 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC41-@ @ @0
50.7 149.6 140/210 2.8 (2060) 66 (49.2) 4× 6+4 × 20 (4 × 16 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC61-@ @ @0
23.8 70.3 56/112 4 (3000) 49.3 (36.8) 4× 12 + 4 × 20 (4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC31-@ @ @0
30.4 89.8 56/112 4 (2980) 55.5 (41.4) 4× 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC41-@ @ @0
37.5 110.6 56/112 3.9 (2940) 62.2 (46.4) 4× 8+4 × 20 (4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC51-@ @ @0
67.6 199.5 140/210 3.7 (2740) 87.5 (65.3) 4× 4+4 × 20 (4 × 25 + 4 × 0.5) 4) -1BC25-@ @ @0
23.2 67.3 56/112 4 (3000) 47.3 (35.3) 4 × 12 + 4 × 20 (4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC31-@ @ @0
35.2 102.4 56/112 3.5 (2630) 55.9 (41.7) 4 × 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC41-@ @ @0
30.9 89.8 56/112 5.4 (4000) 63.3 (47.2) 4 × 10 + 4 × 20 (4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC41-@ @ @0
40.8 118.5 70/140 5.1 (3810) 71 (53) 4 × 8 + 4 × 20 (4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC51-@ @ @0
46.9 136.5 70/140 4.7 (3510) 74.3 (55.4) 4 × 8 + 4 × 20 (4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC51-@ @ @0
24.7 69.5 56/112 3.9 (2940) 46.2 (34.5) 4 × 12 + 4 × 20 (4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC31-@ @ @0
36.7 103.3 56/112 3.6 (2670) 55 (41) 4 × 8 + 4 × 20 (4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC51-@ @ @0
49.4 138.9 70/140 7.9 (5890) 92.1 (68.7) 4 × 8 + 4 × 20 (4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5) 6FX7 008 -1BC51-@ @ @0
60.6 170.3 140/210 7.8 (5830) 102.5 (76.5) 4 × 6 + 4 × 20 (4 × 16 + 4 × 0.5) -1BC61-@ @ @0
73.5 206.5 140/210 7.1 (5340) 109.8 (81.9) 4 × 4 + 4 × 20 (4 × 25 + 4 × 0.5) 4) -1BC25-@ @ @0

Lengths: 164 ft (50 m) 1 F A

328 ft (100 m) 2 A A
656 ft (200 m) 3 A A

The current load capability of the power cables complies

with IEC 60 204-1 for installation type C, Table 5, under
continuous operating conditions at an ambient air
temperature of +104 °F (+40 °C).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 2/21

2_2.fm Seite 22 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:44 07

Linear Motors
Linear Motors

2/22 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors
3/2 Technical data
3/5 Stock motors
3/6 Selection and ordering example with
3/16 Order No. suffix

1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors

3/19 Technical data
3/21 Selection and ordering example with
3/25 Order No. suffix

1PH4 Water-cooled asynchronous


Technical data
3/28 Selection and ordering example with

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/1

3_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ Technical data
Technical characteristics
The 1PH7 three-phase servo- 1/
motors are compact, sepa- Stall limit for maximum converter
rately-cooled asynchronous S6 25% output voltage and input
motors with squirrel-cage rotor.
Constant S6 40% = Mains, rated
They are especially charac- torque
terized by the following range S6 60% 30%
properties: Power
S1 interval
• high power-density with low n
Constant power range
physical volume
Field-weakening range
• high degree of protection
Fig. 3/1 • high speed ranges

A DA65-5268
1PH7 three-phase motors, • speed to zero without
frame sizes 100 to 160 reduction of torque
• robustness n 1 max
• low maintenance require-
• high lateral-force withstand Fig. 3/4
capability Power-speed characteristic

• high level of concentricity

3 even at low speeds

• integrated encoder system for
detecting motor speed, con-
nected by plug
Stock motors
To meet our customer’s
logistical expectations, the
1PH7 motor is stocked in its1)
For a complete listing of
stock motors refer to table
“Stock motors” on page 3/5.
Minor modifications on the
• terminal box for power most demanded configura- stock motors are possible for
cable connection tions. an additional charge. A listing
The technical features of of the possible changes is
• monitoring of the motor given on page 3/5. Allow an
Fig. 3/2 temperature by the KTY 84. these stock motors are:
1PH7 three-phase motors, average of 5 working days to
frame sizes 180 to 225 • blower-ventilated. Air flow complete the modifications.
direction DE to NDE.
• terminal box with cable
Hoisting equipment: entry from the right
• hoists and drives in storage (looking at D-end).
and retrieval systems for high- • intergrated pulse encoder
bay warehouses (1024 ppr)
Printing industry: • vibration severity class R
• single and main drives for • degree of protection IP 55
printing machines for printing
units • type of construction
IM B 35 (flange/foot
Rubber, plastic, wire and glass: mounting).
• drives for extruders,
calenders, rubber injection
moulding, film machines, con-
Fig. 3/3 veyor systems
1PH7 three-phase motors,
frame size 280 • wire-drawing machines,
cable stranding machines etc.
General applications such
as winding and coiling

1) Stock quantities are subject to prior sale.

3/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ Technical data
1PH7 motors, frame sizes 100 to 160
Standard Options

Type of construction IM B 3 IM B 5 (only for sizes 100, 132), IM B 35

Degree of protection IP 55 –
Vibration severity R S
Shaft and flange accuracy R –
Shaft extension With featherkey, half-key balancing Smooth shaft extension
With featherkey, full-key balancing
Terminal box On top, cable entry from the right Cable entry from the left or ND-end
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL Without encoder (for use with SIMOVERT VC, SIMODRIVE 611 universal
(plug connection) (with SIMOVERT VC and MC) and POSMO)
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (for use with SIMOVERT MC
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r (for use with SIMOVERT MC
2-pole resolver (for use with SIMOVERT MC and SIMODRIVE)
Paint finish Without paint coating Normal paint finish anthracite RAL 7016
(with impregnating resin coating) Special paint finish “worldwide” RAL 7016, other colors on request

Permanently lubricated deep-
groove ball bearing for coupling
and belt drive
Separate ventilation
The fan is axially mounted on the
Special version for increased speed

Without separate fan, for pipe connection

Air flow ND-end to D-end Air flow from D-end to ND-end
Brake – Holding brake with emergency stop function, as a brake module on D-end
Gearbox mounting1) – The following gearboxes can be mounted:
● Two-gear gear-change units 2LG4

1PH7 motors, frame sizes 180 to 225

Standard Options

Type of construction IM B 3 IM B 35
Degree of protection IP 55 –
Vibration severity R S
Shaft and flange accuracy N R
Shaft extension With featherkey, Smooth shaft extension
half-key balancing With featherkey, full-key balancing
Terminal box On top, Cable entry from D-end, ND-end or the left
cable entry from the right
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL Without encoder (for use with SIMOVERT VC)
(connection by plug) (with SIMOVERT VC and MC) sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (for use with SIMOVERT MC and
SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r (for use with SIMOVERT MC and
SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
2-pole resolver (for use with SIMOVERT MC and
SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Paint finish Normal coating Primed
anthracite RAL 7016 Special paint finish “worldwide” RAL 7016
Bearings Permanently lubricated deep- Cylindrical roller bearing for belt drives
groove ball bearing for coupling Cylindrical roller bearing for increased lateral forces
drives Special design for greater maximum speed
(only for types 1PH718. and 1PH7224)
Cooling Separate ventilation Without separate fan, for pipe connection
The fan is axially mounted on the
Air flow from D-end to ND-end Air flow from ND-end to D-end
Brake – Holding brake with emergency stop function on D-end,
suitable for coupling drive
Gearbox mounting1) – Prepared for fitting a ZF gear-change unit, see Chapter 4
Silencer – Silencer for reducing the sound pressure level
(retrofit also possible)

1) Motor is designed to allow mounting to a gearbox.

For unsealed gearboxes make sure you use the
shaft seal ring option.
Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/3
3_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ Technical data
1PH7 motors, frame size 280 1)
Standard Options

Type of construction IM B 3 IM B 35
Degree of protection IP 55 –
Vibration severity N R
Shaft and flange accuracy N R
Shaft extension With featherkey, Smooth shaft extension
half-key balancing With featherkey, full-key balancing
Terminal box On the right (ND-end), cable entry On the left (ND-end), cable entry from below, encoder connector on D-end
from below, encoder connector On top (ND-end), in the case of a fan ND-end left or right,
on D-end cable entry from the right, encoder connector on D-end,
D-end on request
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL Without encoder (MASTERDRIVES VC),
(plug connection) (with SIMOVERT VC) other encoders on request
Paint finish Normal coating Primed
anthracite RAL 7016 Special paint finish, “worldwide” RAL 7016,
other colors on request
Bearings Bearing concept for coupling drive Bearing concept for belt drive or increased lateral forces
with relubricating device with relubricating device

3 Cooling Separate ventilation,

the fan is axially mounted on the
ND-end, air flow ND-end to D-end
Without separate fan, for single pipe connection
Fan ND-end left or right
Fan radially mounted on the D-end
(air flow from D-end to ND-end) on request

1) Available soon.

3/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 stock motors1)

Rated speed2) Size Motor

rpm Order No.

1150 100 1PH7103-2HD03-0BA3

100 1PH7107-2HD03-0BA3
132 1PH7133-2HD03-0BA3
132 1PH7137-2HD03-0BA3
160 1PH7163-2HD03-0BA3
160 1PH7167-2HD03-0BA3
1750 100 1PH7101-2HF03-0BA3
100 1PH7103-2HF03-0BA3
100 1PH7105-2HF03-0BA3
100 1PH7107-2HF03-0BA3
132 1PH7131-2HF03-0BA3
132 1PH7133-2HF03-0BA3
132 1PH7135-2HF03-0BA3
132 1PH7137-2HF03-0BA3
160 1PH7163-2HF03-0BA3
160 1PH7167-2HF03-0BA3

12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Modification option for stock motors3) 1PH7 . . . – 2 . 3-0 B A 3
Absolute-value encoder E
Pulse encoder (1024 p/r) H
Pulse encoder (2048 p/r) J
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (without C-track and D-track) N
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (with code signals C-track and D-track) M
Resolver R

Direction of cable entry (terminal box on top, looking at D-end)

From the right 0
From the left 3

1) Stock quantities are subject to prior sale.

2) Rated speed for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control
and SIMODRIVE 611 universal at 480 V mains voltage or
for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control at 400 V
mains voltage. Rated speeds are increased for
mains voltage (e.g. 1150 → 1350 and 1750 → 2000 rpm).
3) Modification charges apply.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/5

3_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

400 160 1PH7163-..B..-.... 12.7 167 30 274 2000 6500 0.88 11.5 0.809 14.3 1.637 386 34 6SE7023-4.C61
(9.5) (227) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..B..-.... 17.4 228 37 294 1600 6500 0.88 14 0.814 14.3 2.018 463 37.5 6SE7023-8.D61
(13) (310) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..B..-.... 21.8 287 51 271 1800 5000 0.84 26 0.83 14.2 4.451 816 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(16.3) (390) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..B..-.... 28.4 373 67 268 2000 5000 0.81 38.5 0.845 14 5.363 970 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(21.2) (505) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..B..-.... 40.8 533 88 268 1700 4500 0.87 36.5 0.864 14 13.088 1389 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(30.4) (725) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..B..-.... 52.5 688 114 264 2000 4500 0.86 49 0.88 14 17.08 1653 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(39.2) (935) (1.93) (750)

3 500
225 1PH7228-..B..-....

280 1PH7284-..B..-0...

1128 144







2867 146
146 6SE7031-5.F60


280 1PH7286-..B..-0... 134 1408 180 400 1300 3300 0.86 78 0.93 17 40.019 3308 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(100) (1909) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..B..-0... 174 1830 233 400 1400 3300 0.87 100 0.933 17 55.754 3749 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(130) (2481) (6.3) (1700)
1150 100 1PH7103-..D..-....4) 5.8 26 10 391 2200 9000 0.81 5 0.813 40.6 0.150 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A61
(4.3) (36) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..D..-....4) 9.7 44 17.5 360 3000 9000 0.81 8.8 0.838 40.3 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B61
(7.2) (60) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..D..-....4) 18.1 82 29 381 2500 8000 0.85 13 0.877 39.7 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C61
(13.5) (112) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..D..-.... ) 26.1 119 43 367 2600 8000 0.86 19 0.887 39.6 0.965 331 47 6SE7024-7.D61
(19.5) (162) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..D..-....4) 33.5 153 55 364 3400 6500 0.84 25 0.904 39.2 1.637 386 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(25) (208) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..D..-....4) 41.6 189 70 357 3700 6500 0.83 34 0.909 39.1 2.018 463 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(31) (257) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..D..-.... 59 269 89 383 2800 5000 0.82 42 0.92 39.2 4.451 816 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(44) (366) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..D..-.... 77.7 354 116 390 3100 5000 0.81 58 0.925 39.1 5.894 970 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(58) (482) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..D..-.... 108.6 493 160 385 3300 4500 0.81 79 0.938 38.9 13.088 1389 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(81) (670) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..D..-.... 140.8 640 197 390 3000 4500 0.84 87.5 0.941 38.9 17.08 1653 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(105) (870) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..D..-.... 172.9 787 238 390 2800 4500 0.85 98 0.943 38.9 20.584 1896 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(129) (1070) (2.326) (860)
280 1PH7284-..D..-0... 228 1043 314 400 3300 3300 0.82 158 0.956 38.6 37.169 2867 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(170) (1414) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PH7286-..D..-0... 282 1287 414 380 3300 3300 0.81 218 0.958 38.6 40.019 3308 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(210) (1745) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..D..-0... 349 1593 497 385 3300 3300 0.82 252 0.96 38.6 55.754 3749 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(260) (2160) (6.3) (1700)

Converter E **
Inverter T
Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/18.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling pleted with the suffixes indicated below standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical the table. 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
configuration. units can also be used.
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.
2) Warning! The maximum speed in field-
weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower
values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn.

3/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rat- Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of ed Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia cur-
weak- speed cur- rent
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb InU
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

1750 100 1PH7101-..F..-....4) 5.8 18 10 398 4600 9000 0.75 5.7 0.855 60 0.15 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A61
(4.3) (24) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7103-..F..-....4) 8.4 25 13 398 2600 9000 0.84 5.3 0.849 61 0.15 88 13.2 6SE7021-3.B61
(6.25) (34) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7105-..F..-....4) 10.7 32 17.5 398 3500 9000 0.77 9.3 0.875 60 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7022-6.B61
(8) (44) (0.029) (65)
100 1PH7107-..F..-....4) 13.4 40 23 381 4200 9000 0.8 10.6 0.87 60.3 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(10) (55) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7131-..F..-....4) 17.4 52 24 398 3300 8000 0.88 8.1 0.902 59.7 0.673 198 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(13) (71) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7133-..F..-....4) 23.5 71 34 398 3400 8000 0.85 14 0.9 59.7 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C61

(17.5) (96) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7135-..F..-....4) 28.8 86 42 398 3800 8000 0.86 16 0.906 59.5 0.965 331 47 6SE7024-7.D61
(21.5) (117) (0.109) (150)
132 1PH7137-..F..-....4) 33.5 100 56 357 4800 8000 0.85 23 0.902 59.5 0.965 331 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(25) (136) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..F..-....4) 45.6 137 72 364 4600 6500 0.86 28 0.915 59.2 1.637 386 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(34) (186) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..F..-....4) 55 165 79 398 3900 6500 0.86 30 0.92 59.2 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(41) (224) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..F..-.... 80.4 240 120 388 5000 5000 0.78 64 0.934 59 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(60) (327) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..F..-.... 113.9 342 169 385 5000 5000 0.8 84 0.94 59 5.894 970 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(85) (465) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..U..-.... 147.5 441 203 395 4500 4500 0.84 88 0.944 58.9 13.088 1389 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(110) (600) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..F..-.... 181 542 254 395 4500 4500 0.82 120 0.947 58.9 17.08 1653 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(135) (737) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..F..-.... 239.9 717 342 395 4500 4500 0.81 169 0.948 58.8 20.584 1896 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(179) (975) (2.326) (860)
280 1PH7284-..F..-0... 302 906 393 400 3300 3300 0.86 163 0.962 58.7 37.169 2867 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(225) (1228) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PH7286-..F..-0... 362 1087 466 400 3300 3300 0.87 184 0.963 58.7 40.019 3308 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(270) (1474) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..F..-0... 456 1369 586 400 3300 3300 0.87 234 0.965 58.7 55.754 3749 590 6SE7036-0.K/J60
(340) (1856) (6.3) (1700)

Converter E **
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/18.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling pleted with the suffixes indicated below standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical the table. 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
configuration. units can also be used.
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.
2) Warning! The maximum speed in field-
weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower
values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/7

3_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

2300 100 1PH7103-..G..-.... 10.1 23 17 388 5400 9000 0.79 8.2 0.866 78.8 0.15 88 17.5 6SE7021-8.B61
(7.5) (31) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..G..-.... 16.1 36.9 26 400 5400 9000 0.8 12 0.878 78.7 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(12) (50) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..G..-.... 30.2 68 45 398 4600 8000 0.86 17 0.9 78 0.673 198 47 6SE7024-7.D61
(22.5) (93) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..G..-.... 38.9 88 56 398 5500 8000 0.87 21 0.903 77.8 0.965 331 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(29) (120) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..G..-.... 50.9 116 82 398 6500 6500 0.78 43 0.9 77.3 1.637 386 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(38) (158) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..G..-.... 59 135 85 398 6500 6500 0.84 40 0.911 77.4 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(44) (183) (0.228) (210)

3 2900 180 1PH7184-..L..-....

180 1PH7186-..L..-....

225 1PH7224-..L..-....




















(149) (490) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..L..-.... 248 449 348 390 4500 4500 0.83 154 0.946 97.2 17.08 1653 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(185) (610) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..L..-.... 288.2 522 402 395 4500 4500 0.82 186 0.946 97.2 20.584 1896 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(215) (708) (2.326) (860)

Converter E **
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn. 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
pleted with the suffixes indicated below units can also be used.
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.
the table.

3/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

500 160 1PH7163-..B..-.... 16.1 169 30 340 2100 6500 0.86 13 0.841 17.6 1.637 386 34 6SE7023-4.C61
(12) (230) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..B..-.... 21.4 225 35 350 1700 6500 0.89 13 0.836 17.7 2.018 463 37.5 6SE7023-8.D61
(16) (306) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..B..-.... 27.5 288 51 335 2000 5000 0.83 26 0.858 17.5 4.451 816 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(20.5) (392) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..B..-.... 35.5 372 67 335 2300 5000 0.79 39.5 0.87 17.3 5.363 970 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(26.5) (506) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..B..-.... 50.9 533 86 335 1800 4500 0.85 37.5 0.888 17.3 13.088 1389 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(38) (725) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..B..-.... 65.7 688 112 330 2100 4500 0.85 50 0.9 17.3 17.08 1653 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(49) (935) (1.93) (750)

225 1PH7228-..B..-....

280 1PH7284-..B..-0...

1120 144







2867 146
146 6SE7031-5.F60

280 1PH7286-..B..-0... 161 1413 180 480 1750 3300 0.86 80 0.939 20.3 40.019 3308 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(120) (1916) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..B..-0... 208 1825 233 480 1850 3300 0.86 102 0.941 20.3 55.754 3749 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(155) (2474) (6.3) (1700)
1350 100 1PH7103-..D..-.... 4) 6.3 24 9.5 433 3000 9000 0.81 4.5 0.83 47.1 0.15 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A61
(4.7) (33) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..D..-.... 4) 10.7 42 17 405 3800 9000 0.8 8.1 0.853 47 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B61
(8) (57) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..D..-.... 4) 20.1 78 30 433 3100 8000 0.84 12 0.887 46.4 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C61
(15) (106) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..D..-.... ) 29.5 115 42 416 3200 8000 0.85 17 0.895 46.3 0.965 331 47 6SE7024-7.D61
(22) (156) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..D..-.... 4) 37.5 146 53 413 4100 6500 0.83 24 0.911 45.8 1.637 386 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(28) (198) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..D..-.... 4) 45.6 177 67 400 4600 6500 0.83 34 0.91 45.8 2.018 463 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(34) (241) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..D..-.... 67 277 86 450 3400 5000 0.81 42 0.928 45.8 4.451 816 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(50) (375) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..D..-.... 89.8 349 114 460 3600 5000 0.79 59.5 0.93 45.7 5.894 970 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(67) (475) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..D..-.... 123.3 478 156 450 3800 4500 0.8 78.5 0.942 45.6 13.088 1389 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(92) (650) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..D..-.... 160.9 623 193 460 3500 4500 0.82 88.5 0.945 45.6 17.08 1653 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(120) (847) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..D..-.... 197.1 767 232 460 3300 4500 0.84 99.5 0.947 45.6 20.584 1896 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(147) (1043) (2.326) (860)
280 1PH7284-..D..-0... 268 1044 314 470 3300 3300 0.82 159 0.958 45.3 37.169 2867 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(200) (1416) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PH7286-..D..-0... 328 1278 414 445 3300 3300 0.8 217 0.96 45.3 40.019 3308 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(245) (1733) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..D..-0... 409 1592 497 450 3300 3300 0.82 250 0.962 45.3 55.754 3749 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(305) (2158) (6.3) (1700)

Converter E **
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/18.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- 4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower configuration.
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn.
* Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
pleted with the suffixes indicated below 300 s load cycle).
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.
the table.
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
units can also be used.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/9

3_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

2000 100 1PH7101-..F..-....4) 6.3 16 10 459 6000 9000 0.72 6 0.862 68.2 0.15 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A61
(4.7) (22) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7103-..F..-....4) 9.4 24 13 459 3400 9000 0.82 5.6 0.86 69.1 0.15 88 13.2 6SE7021-3.B61
(7) (33) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7105-..F..-....4) 12.1 32 17.5 450 5000 9000 0.78 9.3 0.878 68.3 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B61
(9) (43) (0.029) (65)
100 1PH7107-..F..-....4) 14.7 39 23 433 5300 9000 0.79 10.8 0.876 68.6 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(11) (53) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7131-..F..-....4) 20.1 53 25 459 3900 8000 0.88 8.5 0.903 68 0.673 198 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(15) (72) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7133-..F..-....4) 26.8 71 34 459 4100 8000 0.84 15 0.9 68 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C61
(20) (96) (0.076) (90)

3 132 1PH7135-..F..-....4) 32.2

132 1PH7137-..F..-....4) 37.5
160 1PH7163-..F..-....4) 49.6




















(37) (177) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..F..-....4) 60.3 158 76 459 5400 6500 0.84 32 0.916 67.4 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(45) (215) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..F..-.... 91.2 239 120 450 5000 5000 0.78 66 0.935 67.3 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(68) (325) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..F..-.... 126 331 165 445 5000 5000 0.78 87 0.941 67.3 5.894 970 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(94) (450) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..U..-.... 166.2 434 200 460 4500 4500 0.82 91 0.944 67.2 13.088 1389 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(124) (590) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..F..-.... 205.1 537 254 450 4500 4500 0.82 119 0.948 67.2 17.08 1653 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(153) (730) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..F..-.... 262.7 668 332 450 4500 4500 0.79 168 0.95 67.1 20.584 1896 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(196) (936) (2.326) (860)
280 1PH7284-..F..-0... 342 898 393 455 3300 3300 0.86 162 0.962 67 37.169 2867 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(255) (1218) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PH7286-..F..-0... 416 1092 466 455 3300 3300 0.87 182 0.964 67 40.019 3308 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(310) (1481) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PH7288-..F..-0... 516 1356 586 455 3300 3300 0.87 232 0.965 67 55.754 3749 590 6SE7036-0.K/J60
(385) (1838) (6.3) (1700)

Converter E **
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/18.

1) n1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling with the suffixes indicated below the table. standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical 300 s load cycle).
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
configuration. ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
units can also be used.
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.
2) Warning! The maximum speed in field-
weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower
values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn.

3/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lb f -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

2650 100 1PH7103-..G..-.... 10.7 21 16.5 440 7000 9000 0.78 8.2 0.871 90.3 0.15 88 17.5 6SE7021-8.B61
(8) (29) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..G..-.... 17.4 34.7 24.5 459 6700 9000 0.78 12 0.887 90.2 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C61
(13) (47) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..G..-.... 32.2 64 42 450 5900 8000 0.85 17 0.898 89.6 0.673 198 47 6SE7024-7.D61
(24) (87) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..G..-.... 40.2 79 52 450 7100 8000 0.84 21 0.894 89.4 0.965 331 59 6SE7026-0.D61
(30) (108) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..G..-.... 53.6 106 76 433 6500 6500 0.82 37 0.895 89 1.637 386 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(40) (144) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..G..-.... 60 117 77 459 6500 6500 0.8 40 0.911 89 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(44) (159) (0.228) (210)
2900 180 1PH7184-..L..-....

180 1PH7186-..L..-....

225 1PH7224-..L..-....




















(149) (490) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..L..-.... 248 449 348 390 4500 4500 0.83 154 0.946 97.2 17.08 1653 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(185) (610) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..L..-.... 288.2 521 402 395 4500 4500 0.82 188 0.954 97.2 20.584 1896 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(215) (708) (2.326) (860)

Converter E **
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 5 · fn. 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed ** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
with the suffixes indicated below the table. units can also be used.
Vector Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 5 · fn.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/11

3_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
400 160 1PH7163-..B..-.... 12.7 167 30 274 800 6500 0.88 11.5 0.809 14.3 1.637 386 34 6SE7023-4.C51
(9.5) (227) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..B..-.... 17.4 228 37 294 800 6500 0.88 14 0.814 14.3 2.018 463 37.5 6SE7023-8.D51
(13) (310) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..B..-.... 21.8 287 51 271 800 5000 0.84 26 0.83 14.2 4.451 816 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(16.3) (390) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..B..-.... 28.4 372 67 268 800 5000 0.81 38.5 0.845 14 5.363 970 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(21.2) (505) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..B..-.... 40.8 533 88 268 800 4500 0.87 36.5 0.864 14 13.088 1389 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(30.4) (725) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..B..-.... 52.5 688 114 264 800 4500 0.86 49 0.88 14 17.08 1653 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(39.2) (935) (1.93) (750)

3 1000
225 1PH7228-..B..-....

100 1PH7103-..D..-.... 4) 5












100 1PH7107-..D..-.... 4) 8.4 44 17.5 319 2000 9000 0.81 8.9 0.822 35.3 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B51
(6.25) (60) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..D..-.... 4) 16.1 85 30 336 1800 8000 0.86 13 0.865 34.8 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C51
(12) (115) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..D..-.... 4) 22.8 119 43 322 2000 8000 0.85 19 0.878 34.6 0.965 331 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(17) (162) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..D..-.... 4) 29.5 154 55 315 2000 6500 0.84 24 0.899 34.2 1.637 386 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(22) (210) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..D..-.... 4) 37.5 196 71 312 2000 6500 0.83 33 0.903 34.2 2.018 463 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(28) (267) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..D..-.... 52.3 274 90 335 2000 5000 0.81 44 0.913 34.2 4.451 816 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(39) (372) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..D..-.... 68.4 357 116 340 2000 5000 0.81 58 0.918 34.1 5.894 970 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(51) (485) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..D..-.... 95.2 499 161 335 2000 4500 0.81 78.5 0.934 33.9 13.088 1389 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(71) (678) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..D..-.... 123.3 647 198 340 2000 4500 0.84 87.5 0.935 33.9 17.08 1653 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(92) (880) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..D..-.... 151.5 794 240 340 2000 4500 0.85 98 0.938 33.9 20.584 1896 262 6SE7032-2.G50
(113) (1080) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 2 · fn for SIMOVERT 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- units can also be used.
Motion Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 2 · fn.
pleted with the suffixes indicated below
the table.
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available

3/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
1500 100 1PH7101-..F..-....4) 5 18 10 350 3000 9000 0.74 5.9 0.847 51.6 0.15 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A51
(3.7) (24) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7103-..F..-....4) 7.4 26 13 350 2100 9000 0.84 5.4 0.832 52.7 0.15 88 13.2 6SE7021-3.B51
(5.5) (35) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7105-..F..-....4) 9.4 33 17.5 346 3000 9000 0.78 9.4 0.866 51.7 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B51
(7) (45) (0.029) (65)
100 1PH7107-..F..-....4) 12.1 42 23.5 336 3000 9000 0.8 11 0.859 52 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(9) (57) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7131-..F..-....4) 14.7 51 24 350 2900 8000 0.88 8.4 0.896 51.3 0.673 198 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(11) (70) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7133-..F..-....4) 20.1 71 34 346 2500 8000 0.85 14 0.895 51.3 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C65
(15) (96) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7135-..F..-....4)

132 1PH7137-..F..-....4)

160 1PH7163-..F..-....4)




















(30) (191) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..F..-....4) 49.6 174 82 350 3000 6500 0.86 32 0.916 50.8 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(37) (236) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..F..-.... 68.4 239 120 335 2000 5000 0.78 64 0.93 50.7 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2..F50
(51) (325) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..F..-.... 99.2 346 170 330 3000 5000 0.81 84 0.937 50.7 5.894 970 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(74) (471) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..U..-.... 127.3 445 204 340 3000 4500 0.84 88.5 0.944 50.6 13.088 1389 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(95) (605) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..F..-.... 174.3 609 278 340 3000 4500 0.84 120 0.945 50.6 17.08 1653 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(130) (828) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..F..-.... 214.5 752 350 340 3000 4500 0.82 169 0.949 50.5 20.585 1896 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(160) (1019) (2.326) (860)
2000 100 1PH7103-..G..-.... 9.4 24 17.5 343 4000 9000 0.8 8.3 0.857 68.9 0.15 88 17.5 6SE7021-8.C51
(7) (33) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..G..-.... 14.1 37 26 350 4000 9000 0.8 12 0.869 68.6 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(10.5) (50) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..G..-.... 26.8 71 45 350 3900 8000 0.86 18 0.898 68 0.673 198 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(20) (96) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..G..-.... 37.5 99 60 350 4000 8000 0.88 21 0.903 68 0.965 331 59 6SE7027-3.D51
(28) (134) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..G..-.... 48.3 126 85 333 4000 6500 0.84 37 0.906 67.5 1.637 386 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(36) (172) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..G..-.... 55 145 89 350 4000 6500 0.84 40 0.907 67.4 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(41) (196) (0.228) (210)
2500 180 1PH7184-..L..-.... 104.6 219 171 340 5000 5000 0.82 77 0.937 84.1 4.451 816 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(78) (298) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..L..-.... 142.1 298 235 335 5000 5000 0.82 108 0.942 84.1 5.894 970 262 6SE7033-2.G50
(106) (405) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..L..-.... 190.3 399 298 340 4500 4500 0.84 115 0.948 84 13.088 1389 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(142) (542) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..L..-.... 225.2 474 362 335 4500 4500 0.84 154 0.95 84 17.08 1653 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(168) (642) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..L..-.... 274.8 578 433 340 4500 4500 0.84 185 0.95 83.9 20.585 1896 491 6SE7036-0EK50
(205) (783) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T
Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.
1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 2 · fn for SIMOVERT 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
is limited by the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed units can also be used.
Motion Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 2 · fn. with the suffixes indicated below the table.
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/13

3_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
400 160 1PH7163-..B..-.... 12.7 167 30 274 800 6500 0.88 11.5 0.809 14.3 1.637 386 34 6SE7023-4.C51
(9.5) (227) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..B..-.... 17.4 228 37 294 800 6500 0.88 14 0.814 14.3 2.018 463 37.5 6SE7023-8.D51
(13) (310) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..B..-.... 21.8 287 51 271 800 5000 0.84 26 0.83 14.2 4.451 816 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(16.3) (390) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..B..-.... 28.4 372 67 268 800 5000 0.81 38.5 0.845 14 5.363 970 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(21.2) (505) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..B..-.... 40.8 533 88 268 800 4500 0.87 36.5 0.864 14 13.088 1389 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(30.4) (725) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..B..-.... 52.5 688 114 264 800 4500 0.86 49 0.88 14 17.08 1653 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(39.2) (935) (1.93) (750)

3 1150
225 1PH7228-..B..-.... 64.3
100 1PH7103-..D..-.... 4) 5.8











100 1PH7107-..D..-.... 4) 9.7 44 17.5 360 2300 9000 0.81 8.8 0.838 40.3 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7021-8.B51
(7.2) (60) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..D..-.... 4) 18.1 82 29 381 2300 8000 0.85 13 0.877 39.7 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C51
(13.5) (112) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..D..-.... 4) 26.1 119 43 367 2300 8000 0.86 19 0.887 39.6 0.965 331 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(19.5) (162) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..D..-.... 4) 33.5 153 55 364 2300 6500 0.84 25 0.904 39.2 1.637 386 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(25) (208) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..D..-.... 4) 41.6 189 70 357 2300 6500 0.83 34 0.909 39.1 2.018 436 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(31) (257) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..D..-.... 59 269 89 383 2300 5000 0.83 42 0.92 39.2 4.451 816 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(44) (366) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..D..-.... 77.7 354 116 390 2300 5000 0.81 58 0.925 39.1 5.894 970 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(58) (482) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..D..-.... 108.6 346 160 385 2300 4500 0.81 79 0.938 38.9 13.088 1389 175 6SE7031-1.G50
(81) (670) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..D..-.... 140.8 640 197 390 2300 4500 0.84 87.5 0.941 38.9 17.08 1653 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(105) (870) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..D..-.... 172.9 787 228 390 2300 4500 0.85 98 0.943 38.9 20.584 1896 262 6SE7032-2.G50
(129) (1070) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 2 · fn for SIMOVERT 300 s load cycle).
speed limit is reached or at which the speed MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be com- units can also be used.
Motion Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 2 · fn.
pleted with the suffixes indicated below
the table.
4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available

3/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
1750 100 1PH7101-..F..-....4) 5.8 18 10 398 3500 9000 0.75 5.7 0.855 60 0.15 88 10.2 6SE7021-0.A51
(4.3) (24) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7103-..F..-....4) 8.4 25 13 398 2600 9000 0.84 5.3 0.849 61 0.15 88 13.2 6SE7021-3.B51
(6.25) (34) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7105-..F..-....4) 10.7 32 17.5 398 3500 9000 0.77 9.3 0.875 60 0.257 143 17.5 6SE7022-8.B51
(8) (44) (0.029) (65)
100 1PH7107-..F..-....4) 13.4 40 23 381 3500 9000 0.80 10.6 0.87 60.3 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(10) (55) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7131-..F..-....4) 17.4 52 24 398 3300 8000 0.88 8.1 0.902 59.7 0.673 198 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(13) (71) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7133-..F..-....4) 23.5 71 34 398 3400 8000 0.85 14 0.9 59.7 0.673 198 34 6SE7023-4.C51
(17.5) (96) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7135-..F..-....4)

132 1PH7137-..F..-....4)

160 1PH7163-..F..-.... ) 4




















(34) (186) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..F..-....4) 55 165 79 398 3500 6500 0.86 30 0.92 59.2 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(41) (224) (0.228) (210)
180 1PH7184-..F..-.... 80.4 240 120 388 3500 5000 0.78 64 0.934 59 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(60) (327) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..F..-.... 113.9 342 169 385 3500 5000 0.8 84 0.94 59 5.894 970 186 6SE7032-1.G50
(85) (465) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..U..-.... 147.5 441 203 395 3500 4500 0.84 88 0.944 58.9 13.088 1389 210 6SE7032-6.G50
(110) (600) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..F..-.... 181 542 254 395 3500 4500 0.82 120 0.947 58.9 17.08 1653 262 6SE7032-2.G50
(135) (737) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..F..-.... 240 719 342 395 3500 4500 0.81 169 0.948 58.8 20.585 1896 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(179) (975) (2.326) (860)
2300 100 1PH7103-..G..-.... 10.1 23 17 388 4600 9000 0.79 8.2 0.866 78.8 0.15 88 17.5 6SE7021-8.C51
(7.5) (31) (0.017) (40)
100 1PH7107-..G..-.... 16.1 37 26 400 4600 9000 0.8 12 0.878 78.7 0.257 143 25.5 6SE7022-6.C51
(12) (50) (0.029) (65)
132 1PH7133-..G..-.... 30.2 68 45 398 4600 8000 0.86 17 0.9 78.7 0.673 198 47 6SE7024-7.D51
(22.5) (93) (0.076) (90)
132 1PH7137-..G..-.... 38.9 88 56 398 4600 8000 0.87 21 0.903 78 0.965 331 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(29) (120) (0.109) (150)
160 1PH7163-..G..-.... 50.9 116 82 398 4600 6500 0.78 43 0.9 77.3 1.637 386 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(38) (158) (0.185) (175)
160 1PH7167-..G..-.... 60 135 85 398 4600 6500 0.84 40 0.911 77.4 2.018 463 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(44) (183) (0.228) (210)
2900 180 1PH7184-..L..-.... 108.6 195 158 395 5000 5000 0.8 77 0.934 97.4 4.451 816 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(81) (265) (0.503) (370)
180 1PH7186-..L..-.... 135.4 245 206 385 5000 5000 0.78 107 0.936 97.3 5.894 970 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(101) (333) (0.666) (440)
225 1PH7224-..L..-.... 199.7 360 274 395 4500 4500 0.84 115 0.946 97.3 13.088 1389 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(149) (490) (1.479) (630)
225 1PH7226-..L..-.... 248 450 348 390 4500 4500 0.84 154 0.947 97.2 17.081 1654 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(185) (610) (1.93) (750)
225 1PH7228-..L..-.... 288 522 402 395 4500 4500 0.82 186 0.946 97.2 20.585 1896 491 6SE7036-0EK50
(215) (708) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see pages 3/16 to 3/17.

1) n 1: motor speed at which, when P = Pn, there is 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- 4) Typically stocked, see page 3/5 for available
still a power reserve of 30% before the stalling weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower configuration.
limit is reached or at which the mechanical values due to fmax ≤ 2 · fn for SIMOVERT
* Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
speed limit is reached or at which the speed MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.
standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed 300 s load cycle).
Motion Control converter due to fmax. ≤ 2 · fn.
with the suffixes indicated below the table.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/15

3_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Order No. suffix for sizes 100 to 160
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PH7 . . . – . –
With blower, mains supply voltage 3 AC 400 V ± 10%, 50/60 Hz; 480 V +5% –10%, 60 Hz 2
Without blower, for pipe connection 6

Without encoder A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (2048 p/r) E
Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r) H
Incremental encoder HTL (2048 p/r) J
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (without C-track and D-track) N
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (with C-track and D-track) M
2-pole resolver R

Direction of cable entry (terminal box on top, looking at D-end)

From the right 0
From ND-end 2
From the left 3

Type of construction (see page 7/36)

IM B 3, IM V 5, IM V 6 0
IM B 5, IM V 1, IM V 3 (only sizes 100 and 132) 2
IM B 35, IM V 15, IM V 36 3

Holding brake with emergency-stop function1)

No brake 0

Brake supply voltage: 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz

With brake 1
With brake (brake with microswitch) 2
With brake (brake with manual release) 3
With brake (brake with manual release and microswitch) 4

Brake supply voltage: 24 V DC

With brake 5
With brake (brake with microswitch) 6
With brake (brake with manual release) 7
With brake supply (brake with manual release and microswitch) 8

Type of drive Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy

Coupling and belt R R B
Coupling and belt S R C
Coupling and belt SR R D
Coupling and belt N N (only in conjunction with brake mounting) K
Increased max. speed2) SR R L

Air-flow direction Shaft extension

D-end → ND-end With featherkey, half-key balancing A
ND-end → D-end With featherkey, half-key balancing B
D-end → ND-end With featherkey, full-key balancing C
ND-end → D-end With featherkey, full-key balancing D
D-end → ND-end Smooth J
ND-end → D-end Smooth K

Paint finish
Without 0
Without, oil-tight flange with radial shaft seal ring 3) 2
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016) 3
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016), oil-tight flange with radial shaft seal ring 3) 5
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016) 6
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016), oil-tight flange with radial shaft seal ring 3) 8

1) Version with brake: 2) Max. possible speed 3) Version prepared for ZF gear-change unit mounting
12th data digit “2” or “3”, Size 100: 12,000 rpm 12th data digit “2” or “3”
14th data digit “K”, Size 132: 10,000 rpm 13th data digit “0”
15th data digit “A”,“B”, “J” or “K”, Size 160: 8,000 rpm 14th data digit “B”
16th data digit “0”, “3” or “6”. Only with smooth shaft 15th data digit “C” or “D”
(15th data digit “J” or “K”). 16th data digit “2”, “5” or “8”
No build-up of fluid permitted at the shaft exit.
For notes on gearbox mounting, see Chapter 4.

3/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Order No. suffix for sizes 180 and 225
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PH7 . . . – . –
With blower, mains supply voltage 3 AC 400 V ± 10%, 50 Hz; 480 V +5% –10%, 60 Hz 2
Without blower, for pipe connection 6
Without encoder A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (2048 p/r) E
Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r) H
Incremental encoder HTL (2048 p/r) J
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (without C-track and D-track) N
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (with C-track and D-track) M
2-pole resolver R
Direction of cable entry (terminal box on top, looking at D-end)
From the right 0
From D-end 1
From ND-end 2
From the left 3
Type of construction (see page 7/36)

IM B 3 0
IM B 6, IM B 7, IM B 8, IM V 5, IM V 6 1
IM B 35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A400) 3
IM B 35 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A450) 4
IM B 35 (for 1PH7186 with flange A450 and 1PH722. with flange A550) 3
IM B 36, IM V 15 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A400) 5
IM V 36, IM V 15 (only for 1PH7184 with flange A450) 6
IM V 36, IM V 15 (for 1PH7186 with flange A450 and 1PH722. with flange A550) 5
Holding brake with emergency-stop function (suitable for coupling drive in IM B 3 type of construction)1)
No brake 0
With brake (brake with emergency release screws and microswitch) 2
With brake (brake with manual release and microswitch) 4
Type of drive Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy
Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased lateral forces R N G
Increased lateral forces R R H
Design for increased max. speed 3) S R J
Air-flow direction Shaft extension Blow-out direction
D-end → ND-end With featherkey, half-key balancing right A
D-end → ND-end With featherkey, full-key balancing right C
D-end → ND-end Smooth right J
ND-end → D-end With featherkey, half-key balancing axial B
ND-end → D-end With featherkey, full-key balancing axial D
ND-end → D-end Smooth axial K
Paint finish
Primed 0
Primed, prepared for ZF gear mounting 2) 2
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016) 3
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016), prepared for ZF gear mounting 2) 5
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016) 6
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016), prepared for ZF gear mounting 2) 8

1) Version with brake: 2) Version prepared for ZF gear mounting: 3) For size 180 nmax = 7,000 rpm
12th data digit “0”, only for types 1PH7184, 186 and 224, 1PH7224 nmax = 5,500 rpm
14th and 15th data digits “A” and 12th data digit “3” or “5”, For notes on gearbox mounting, see Chapter 4.
16th data digit “0”, “3” or “6”. 13th data digit “0”,
14th data digit “B, 15th data digit “C”,
16th data digit “2”, “5” or “8”,
No build-up of fluid at shaft exit permissible.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/17

3_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH7 Asynchronous servomotors · Order No. suffix for size 280 (available soon)
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PH728 . – . –0
Blower, mains supply voltage 3 AC 400 V +/–10%, 50/60 Hz; 480 V +/–10%, 60 Hz
With separate blower, ND-end top, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 0
With separate blower, ND-end right, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 1
With separate blower, ND-end left, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 2
Without separate blower, for single pipe connection to ND-end 6
Without encoder A
Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r) H
Incremental encoder HTL (2048 p/r) J
Terminal box/direction of cable entry (looking at D-end)
Terminal box ND-end right / cable entry below/encoder connector on D-end1) 0
Terminal box ND-end left / cable entry below/encoder connector on D-end2) 1
Terminal box ND-end top / cable entry right/encoder connector on D-end3) 2
Type of construction (see page 7/36)
IM B 3 0
IM B 6, IM B 7, IM B 8, IM V 5, IM V 6 1
IM B 35 (with flange A660) 3

3 IM V 36, IM V 15 (with flange A660)

Type of drive
Vibration severity
Shaft and flange accuracy

Belt, increased lateral forces N N E
Belt, increased lateral forces R R F
Shaft extension
With featherkey, half-key balancing A
With featherkey, full-key balancing C
Smooth J
Paint finish
Primed 0
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016) 3
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016) 6

1) Only possible for 8th data digit “0”, “2”, “6”. 2) Only possible for 8th data digit “0”, “1”, “6”. 3) Only possible for 8th data digit “1”, “2”, “6”.

3/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 19 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors

■ Technical data
Technical characteristics
The 1PL6 three-phase servo- 1/
motors are compact, sepa-
Stall limit for maximum converter
rately-cooled asynchronous output voltage and input
S6 25%
motors with additional axial voltage
ventilation and with degree of Constant S6 40% = Mains, rated
protection IP 23. torque
range S6 60% 30%
They are especially charac-
terized by the following S1 interval
properties: n
Constant power range
• extremely high power density Field-weakening range
with low physical volume
(50% more power compared
Fig. 3/5

A DA65-5268
1PL6 three-phase motors, to 1PH7 motors with degree
frame sizes 180 and 225 of protection IP 55)
• speed down to zero without
torque reduction n 1 max
• robustness
• low maintenance require- Fig. 3/6
ments Power-speed characteristic
• high lateral-force withstand
• high level of concentricity
even at lowest speeds
• integrated encoder system
IP 23 degree of protection
The three-phase induction
motors of Series 1PL6 are rotor-
cooled and stator-cooled by
The motors comply with the
DIN standards and the IP 23
degree of protection according
to EN 60034-5 (or IEC 60034-5).
With this degree of protection,
for detecting motor speed means of open-circuit cooling.
detection, plug connection A built-on separately-driven the motors are not suitable
fan unit is implemented as for operation in corrosive
• terminal box for connecting
standard for cooling. atmospheres or for installation
the power cable
• KTY 84 motor temperature

1PL6 motors, frame sizes 180 and 225

Standard Options

Type of construction IM B 3 IM B 35
Degree of protection IP 23 –
Vibration severity R S
Shaft and flange accuracy N R
Shaft extension With featherkey, Smooth shaft extension
half-key balancing With featherkey, full-key balancing
Terminal box On top, cable entry from the right Cable entry from D-end, ND-end or the left
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL Without encoder (for use with SIMOVERT VC)
(plug connection) (for use with SIMOVERT VC sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
and MC) (for use with SIMOVERT MC and SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) 2048 p/r
(for use with SIMOVERT MC and SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Paint finish Normal coating anthracite Primed
RAL 7016 Special paint finish “worldwide” RAL 7016
Bearings Permanently lubricated deep- Cylindrical roller bearing for belt drives
groove ball bearing for coupling Cylindrical roller bearing for increased lateral forces
Cooling Separate ventilation (without separate fan, pipe connection on request)
and axial ventilation
Axial fan on ND-end
Air-flow direction from D-end (air-flow direction from ND-end to D-end on request)
to ND-end
Silencer – Silencer for reducing the sound pressure level (retrofit also possible)

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/19

3_2.fm Seite 20 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ Technical data
Technical characteristics
The newly developed asynchro- 1/
nous motors of size 280 expand
Stall limit for maximum converter
the performance range of the output voltage and input
S6 25%
compact asynchronous servo- voltage
motors of Series 1PL6. The new Constant S6 40% = Mains, rated
size is characterized, in particu- torque
lar, by its compact construction range S6 60% 30%
despite enhanced performance Power
S1 interval
and consistent emphasis on n
suitability for use in production Constant power range
machines. Field-weakening range
• extremely high power/weight
Fig. 3/7 ratio for minimal overall vol-

A DA65-5268
1PL6 three-phase motors, ume (60% more power than
frame size 280 1PH7 to the IP 55 degree of
n 1 max
• variable ventilation design;
Standard: Fan unit at non-
drive-end Fig. 3/8
• simple external ventilation by Power-speed characteristic
means of connected hose

3 • terminal box either above,

left or right (non-drive-end)
as required
• integrated encoder system
for sensing the motor speed,
Applications for 1PL6 motors
Installation in dry indoor
locations (no aggressive
Rubber, plastic and wire:
• drives for extrudes,
calenders, rubber-spraying
systems, film machines,
Hoisting equipment: conveyor systems
connected with connector
on terminal box • hoists and closing gear for • wire-drawing machines,
cable stranding machines
• monitoring the motor temper- cranes
ature by means of KTY 84;
additional KTY 84 as spare Printing industry: General applications such as
part • main drives for printing winding and coiling machines.
• bearings with relubricating machines
mechanism and insulated
bearing as standard (non-

1PL6 motors, frame size 2801)

Standard Options

Type of construction IM B 3 IM B 35
Degree of protection IP 55 –
Vibration severity N R
Shaft and flange accuracy N R
Shaft extension With featherkey, Smooth shaft extension
half-key balancing With featherkey, full-key balancing
Terminal box On the right (ND-end), cable entry On the left (ND-end), cable entry from below, encoder connector on D-end
from below, encoder connector On top (ND-end), in the case of a fan ND-end left or right,
on D-end cable entry from the right, encoder connector on D-end,
D-end on request
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL Without encoder (MASTERDRIVES VC),
(plug connection) (with SIMOVERT VC) other encoders on request
Paint finish Normal coating Primed
anthracite RAL 7016 Special paint finish, “worldwide” RAL 7016,
other colors on request
Bearings Bearing concept for coupling drive Bearing concept for belt drive or increased lateral forces
with relubricating device with relubricating device
Cooling Separate ventilation, Without separate fan, for single pipe connection
the fan is axially mounted on the Fan ND-end left or right
ND-end, air flow ND-end to D-end Fan radially mounted on the D-end
(air flow from D-end to ND-end) on request

1) Available soon.

3/20 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 21 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

400 180 1PL6184-..B..-0... 32.8 430 69 300 1000 5000 0.86 33 0.8 14.4 4.451 816 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(24.5) (585) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..B..-0... 42.2 553 90 290 1400 5000 0.85 47 0.814 14.3 5.894 970 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(31.5) (752) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..B..-0... 60.3 790 117 300 1150 4500 0.87 45 0.844 14.2 13.088 1389 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(45) (1074) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..B..-0... 76.4 1001 145 305 1400 4500 0.85 67 0.868 14 17.08 1653 146 6SE7031-5.F60
(57) (1361) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..B..-0... 96.5 1264 181 305 1300 4500 0.86 77 0.871 14 20.584 1896 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(72) (1719) (2.326) (860)
1150 180 1PL6184-..D..-0... 87.1 397 121 400 1750 5000 0.86 46 0.906 39.4 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(65) (540) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..D..-0...

225 1PL6224-..D..-0...










225 1PL6226-..D..-0... 207.8 946 275 400 2000 4500 0.87 92 0.93 39.2 17.08 1653 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(155) (1287) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..D..-0... 254.7 1160 334 400 1850 4500 0.88 102 0.931 39.2 20.584 1896 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(190) (1578) (2.326) (860)
280 1PL6284-..D..-0... 275 1715 478 400 2400 3300 0.89 156 0.95 38.9 37.169 2867 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(280) (2325) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PL6286-..D..-0... 476 2171 637 380 2450 3300 0.89 214 0.953 38.9 40.019 3308 690 6SE7037-0.K/J60
(355) (2944) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PL6288-..D..-0... 583 2661 765 385 2450 3300 0.89 248 0.955 38.9 55.754 3749 860 6SE7038-6TK60
(435) (3607) (6.3) (1700)
1750 180 1PL6184-..F..-0... 119.3 357 166 400 3500 5000 0.84 68 0.921 59.3 4.451 816 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(89) (486) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..F..-0... 167.6 501 231 400 3400 5000 0.84 92 0.935 59.3 5.894 970 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(125) (682) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..F..-0... 221.2 662 292 400 3000 4500 0.87 90 0.942 59.2 13.088 1389 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(165) (900) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..F..-0... 268.1 802 350 400 3550 4500 0.87 122 0.942 59.1 17.08 1653 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(200) (1091) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..F..-0... 355 1066 470 400 3700 4500 0.86 174 0.948 59 20.584 1896 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(265) (1446) (2.326) (860)
280 1PL6284-..F..-0... 496 1489 616 400 3250 3300 0.9 162 0.959 59 37.169 2867 690 6SE7037-0.K/J60
(370) (2019) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PL6286-..F..-0.. 597 1792 736 400 3250 3300 0.91 182 0.96 59 40.019 3308 860 6SE7038-6TK60
(445) (2429) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PL6288-..F..-0... 751 2253 924 400 3300 3300 0.91 232 0.962 59 55.754 3749 1100 6SE7041-1TK60
(560) (3055) (6.3) (1700)
2900 180 1PL6184-..L..-0... 151.5 274 209 400 5000 5000 0.85 79 0.938 97.6 4.451 816 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(113) (372) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..L..-0... 201.1 363 280 390 5000 5000 0.84 110 0.943 97.5 5.894 970 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(150) (494) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..L..-0... 274.8 496 365 400 4500 4500 0.86 118 0.95 97.5 13.088 1389 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(205) (675) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..L..-0... 362 656 470 400 4500 4500 0.87 160 0.952 97.4 17.08 1653 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(270) (889) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..L..-0... 402 729 530 400 4500 4500 0.86 188 0.952 97.3 20.584 1896 590 6SE7036-0.K/J60
(300) (988) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T
Order No. suffix: see pages 3/25 and 3/26.
1) n 1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
power is still available before reaching the weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
stall limit. values due to fmax < 5 · fn. 300 s load cycle).
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed
with the suffixes indicated below the table.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/21

3_2.fm Seite 22 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

500 180 1PL6184-..B..-0... 40.2 421 66 370 1300 5000 0.84 34 0.844 17.6 4.451 816 72 6SE7027-2.D61
(30) (573) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..B..-0... 53.6 562 91 355 1500 5000 0.84 46 0.845 17.6 5.894 970 92 6SE7031-0.E60
(40) (764) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..B..-0... 73.7 772 114 370 1300 4500 0.86 46 0.875 17.5 13.088 1389 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(55) (1050) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..B..-0... 96.5 1011 147 375 1500 4500 0.85 66 0.887 17.4 17.08 1653 146 6SE7031-5.F60
(72) (1375) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..B..-0... 120.6 1264 180 380 1400 4500 0.85 79 0.894 17.4 20.584 1896 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(90) (1719) (2.326) (860)
1350 180 1PL6184-..D..-0... 99.2 385 119 460 2200 5000 0.86 44 0.918 46.1 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F60
(74) (523) (0.503) (370)

3 180 1PL6186-..D..-0...

225 1PL6224-..D..-0...











225 1PL6226-..D..-0... 230.6 895 265 460 2500 4500 0.87 88 0.94 45.8 17.08 1653 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(172) (1217) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..D..-0... 292 1134 332 460 2200 4500 0.88 100 0.938 45.8 20.584 1896 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(218) (1542) (2.326) (860)
280 1PL6284-..D..-0... 436 1696 478 470 2850 3300 0.89 157 0.955 45.5 37.169 2867 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(325) (2299) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PL6286-..D..-0... 550 2140 637 445 2950 3300 0.89 215 0.957 45.5 40.019 3308 690 6SE7037-0.K/J60
(410) (2901) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PL6288-..D..-0... 677 2635 765 450 2950 3300 0.89 248 0.959 45.5 55.754 3749 860 6SE7038-6TK60
(505) (3573) (6.3) (1700)
2000 180 1PL6184-..F..-0... 131.4 344 161 460 4200 5000 0.83 70 0.934 67.5 4.451 816 186 6SE7031-8.F60
(98) (468) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..F..-0... 181 474 220 460 4200 4500 0.83 94 0.94 67.5 5.894 970 260 6SE7032-6.G60
(135) (645) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..F..-0... 238.6 625 275 460 3800 4500 0.86 91 0.944 67.5 13.088 1389 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(178) (850) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..F..-0... 294.9 772 342 460 4200 4500 0.86 124 0.948 67.5 17.08 1653 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(220) (1050) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..F..-0... 386.1 1011 450 460 4500 4500 0.85 176 0.948 67.3 20.584 1896 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(288) (1375) (2.326) (860)
280 1PL6284-..F..-0... 556 1461 616 455 3300 3300 0.9 161 0.961 67.3 37.169 2867 690 6SE7037-0.K/J60
(415) (1981) (4.2) (1300)
280 1PL6286-..F..-0... 670 1761 736 455 3300 3300 0.91 181 0.963 67.3 40.019 3308 860 6SE7038-6TK60
(500) (2387) (5.2) (1500)
280 1PL6288-..F..-0... 845 2219 924 455 3300 3300 0.91 231 0.965 67.3 55.754 3749 1100 6SE7041-1TK60
(630) (3009) (6.3) (1700)
2900 180 1PL6184-..L..-0... 151.5 274 209 400 5000 5000 0.85 79 0.938 97.6 4.451 816 210 6SE7032-1.G60
(113) (372) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..L..-0... 201.1 297 280 390 5000 5000 0.84 110 0.943 97.5 5.894 970 315 6SE7033-2.G60
(150) (494) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..L..-0... 274.8 496 365 400 4500 4500 0.86 118 0.95 97.5 13.088 1389 370 6SE7033-7.G60
(205) (675) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..L..-0... 361.9 654 470 395 4500 4500 0.87 160 0.952 97.4 17.08 1653 510 6SE7035-1.K/J60
(270) (889) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..L..-0... 402.1 726 530 400 4500 4500 0.86 188 0.952 97.3 20.584 1896 590 6SE7036-0.K/J60
(300) (988) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T
Order No. suffix: see pages 3/25 and 3/26.
1) n 1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
power is still available before reaching the weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
stall limit. values due to fmax < 5 · fn. 300 s load cycle).
3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed
with the suffixes indicated below the table.

3/22 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 23 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
400 180 1PL6184-..B..-0... 27.5 361 58 290 800 5000 0.84 33.4 0.82 14.2 4.452 816 59 6SE7026-0.D51
(20.5) (489) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..B..-0... 40.9 537 87 290 800 5000 0.84 48.6 0.828 14.1 5.894 970 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(30.5) (728) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..B..-0... 53.6 704 105 296 800 4500 0.86 45.8 0.864 14 13.089 1389 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(40) (955) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..B..-0... 76.4 1004 145 305 800 4500 0.85 67 0.868 14 17.081 1654 155 6SE7031-8.F50
(57) (1361) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..B..-0... 96.5 1268 181 305 800 4500 0.86 77 0.871 14.1 20.585 1896 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(72) (1719) (2.326) (860)
1000 180 1PL6184-..D..-0... 76.4 401 122 345 1300 5000 0.87 45 0.897 34.4 4.452 816 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(57) (544) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..D..-0...

225 1PL6224-..D..-0...










225 1PL6226-..D..-0... 181 951 278 345 1700 4500 0.88 90 0.927 31.1 17.081 1654 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(135) (1289) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..D..-0... 221.2 1162 331 348 1600 4500 0.89 103 0.928 34.2 20.585 1896 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(165) (1576) (2.326) (860)
1500 180 1PL6184-..F..-0... 101.9 357 165 345 3000 5000 0.84 70 0.924 50.9 4.452 816 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(76) (484) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..F..-0... 144.8 507 233 340 3000 5000 0.85 91 0.93 50.9 5.894 1014 262 6SE7033-2.G50
(108) (688) (0.666) (460)
225 1PL6224-..F..-0... 190.3 667 292 345 2500 4500 0.87 91 0.94 50.9 13.089 1411 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(142) (904) (1.479) (640)
225 1PL6226-..F..-0... 234.6 822 356 345 3000 4500 0.87 125 0.944 50.7 17.081 1676 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(175) (1114) (1.93) (760)
225 1PL6228-..F..-0... 308.3 1081 468 345 3000 4500 0.86 177 0.947 50.7 20.585 1918 423 6SE7036-0EK50
(230) (1465) (2.326) (870)
2500 180 1PL6184-..L..-0... 134 282 208 345 5000 5000 0.86 80 0.936 84.2 4.452 860 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(100) (382) (0.503) (390)
180 1PL6186-..L..-0... 174.3 367 275 340 5000 5000 0.85 113 0.943 84.1 5.894 1036 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(130) (497) (0.666) (470)
225 1PL6224-..L..-0... 238.6 502 358 345 4500 4500 0.87 119 0.95 84.1 13.089 1411 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(178) (680) (1.479) (640)
225 1PL6226-..L..-0... 315 662 476 340 4500 4500 0.88 157 0.953 84 17.081 1676 491 6SE7036-0EK50
(235) (898) (1.93) (760)
225 1PL6228-..L..-0... 355.2 747 535 345 4500 4500 0.87 189 0.952 84 20.585 1918 4914) 6SE7036-0EK50
(265) (1013) (2.326) (870)

Converter E
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see page 3/25.

1) n 1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
power is still available before reaching the with the suffixes indicated below the table. standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
stall limit. 300 s load cycle).
4) Warning! The rated converter current is lower
2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- than the rated motor current.
weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower
values due to fmax < 2 · fn for SIMOVERT
MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/23

3_2.fm Seite 24 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- ciency fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing quency inertia rent
weak- speed cur-
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)*

Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and SIMODRIVE 611 universal
400 180 1PL6184-..B..-0... 32.8 430 69 300 800 5000 0.86 33 0.8 14.4 4.451 816 72 6SE7027-2.D51
(24.5) (585) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..B..-0... 42.2 553 90 290 800 5000 0.85 47 0.814 14.3 5.894 970 92 6SE7031-0.E50
(31.5) (752) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..B..-0... 60.3 790 117 300 800 4500 0.87 45 0.844 14.2 13.088 1389 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(45) (1074) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..B..-0... 76.4 1001 145 305 800 4500 0.85 67 0.868 14 17.08 1653 155 6SE7031-8.F50
(57) (1361) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..B..-0... 96.5 1264 181 305 800 4500 0.86 77 0.871 14 20.584 1896 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(72) (1719) (2.326) (860)
1150 180 1PL6184-..D..-0... 87.1 397 121 400 1750 5000 0.86 46 0.906 39.4 4.451 816 124 6SE7031-2.F50
(65) (540) (0.503) (370)

3 180 1PL6186-..D..-0...

225 1PL6224-..D..-0...











225 1PL6226-..D..-0... 207.8 946 275 400 2000 4500 0.87 92 0.93 39.2 17.08 1653 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(155) (1287) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..D..-0... 254.7 1160 334 400 1850 4500 0.88 102 0.931 39.2 20.584 1896 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(190) (1578) (2.326) (860)
1750 180 1PL6184-..F..-0... 119.3 357 166 400 3500 5000 0.84 68 0.921 59.3 4.451 816 175 6SE7032-1.G50
(89) (486) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..F..-0... 167.6 501 231 400 3400 5000 0.84 92 0.935 59.3 5.894 970 262 6SE7033-2.G50
(125) (682) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..F..-0... 221.2 662 292 400 3000 4500 0.87 90 0.942 59.2 13.088 1389 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(165) (900) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..F..-0... 268.1 802 350 400 3550 4500 0.87 122 0.945 59.1 17.08 1653 423 6SE7035-1EK50
(200) (1091) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..F..-0... 355.2 1067 470 400 3500 4500 0.86 174 0.948 59 20.585 1896 491 6SE7036-0EK50
(265) (1446) (2.326) (860)
2900 180 1PL6184-..L..-0... 151.5 274 209 400 5000 5000 0.85 79 0.938 97.6 4.451 816 218 6SE7032-6.G50
(113) (372) (0.503) (370)
180 1PL6186-..L..-0... 201.1 363 280 390 5000 5000 0.84 110 0.943 97.5 5.894 970 308 6SE7033-7.G50
(150) (494) (0.666) (440)
225 1PL6224-..L..-0... 274.8 496 365 400 4500 4500 0.86 118 0.95 97.5 13.088 1389 423 6SE7035-1EU50
(205) (675) (1.479) (630)
225 1PL6226-..L..-0... 361.9 656 470 395 4500 4500 0.87 157 0.952 97.4 17.080 1654 491 6SE7036-0EU50
(270) (889) (1.93) (750)
225 1PL6228-..L..-0... 402.1 729 530 400 4500 4500 0.86 188 0.952 97.3 20.585 1896 491 4) 6SE7036-0EK50
(300) (988) (2.326) (860)

Converter E
Inverter T

Order No. suffix: see page 3/25.

1) n 1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed * Listed Compact/Chassis units were selected for
power is still available before reaching the with the suffixes indicated below the table. standard overload conditions (160% for 30 s at
stall limit. 300 s load cycle).
4) Warning! The rated converter current is lower
2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- than the rated motor current.
weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower
values due to fmax < 2 · fn for SIMOVERT
MASTERDRIVES Motion Control.

3/24 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 25 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Servomotors 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Order No. suffix for sizes 180 and 225
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PL6 . . . – . –0
Blower supply voltage
3 AC 400 V ±10%, 50 Hz (for 1PL618., also for 480 V +5% –10%, 60 Hz) 4
3 AC 480 V +5% –10%, 60 Hz (only for 1PL622.) 5

Without encoder A
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (2048 p/r) E
Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r) H
Incremental encoder HTL (2048 p/r) J
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (without C-track and D-track) N
sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp (with C-track and D-track) M

Direction of cable entry (terminal box on top)

From the right 0
From D-end 1
From ND-end 2
From the left 3

Type of construction (see page 7/36) Hoist concept

IM B 3 Standard 0
IM B 6, IM B 7, IM B 8, IM V 5, IM V 6 For vertical types of construction 1
IM B 35 Standard 3
IM V 36, IM V 15 For vertical types of construction 5

Type of drive Vibration severity Shaft and flange accuracy

Coupling R N A
Coupling R R B
Coupling S R C
Coupling SR R D
Belt R N E
Belt R R F
Increased lateral forces R N G
Increased lateral forces R R H

Air-flow direction Shaft extension

D-end → ND-end With featherkey, half-key balancing A
D-end → ND-end Smooth J
D-end → ND-end With featherkey, full-key balancing C

Paint finish
Primed 0
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016) 3
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016) 6

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/25

3_2.fm Seite 26 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PL6 Asynchronous servomotors · Order No. suffix for size 280 (available soon)
1 2 3 4 567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1P L628 . – . –0
Blower, mains supply voltage 3 AC 400 V +/–10%, 50/60 Hz; 480 V +/–10%, 60 Hz)
With separate blower, ND-end top, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 0
With separate blower, ND-end right, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 1
With separate blower, ND-end left, direction of air flow ND-end to D-end 2
Without separate blower, for single pipe connection to ND-end 6
Without encoder A
Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r) H
Incremental encoder HTL (2048 p/r) J
Terminal box/direction of cable entry (looking at D-end)
Terminal box ND-end right / cable entry below/encoder connector on D-end1) 0
Terminal box ND-end left / cable entry below/encoder connector on D-end2) 1
Terminal box ND-end top / cable entry right/encoder connector on D-end3) 2
Type of construction (see page 7/36)
IM B 3 0
IM B 6, IM B 7, IM B 8, IM V 5, IM V 6 1
IM B 35 (with flange A660) 3

3 IM V 36, IM V 15 (with flange A660)

Type of drive
Vibration severity
Shaft and flange accuracy

Belt, increased lateral forces N N E
Belt, increased lateral forces R R F
Shaft extension
With featherkey, half-key balancing A
With featherkey, full-key balancing C
Smooth J
Paint finish
Primed 0
Anthracite, normal coating (RAL 7016) 3
Anthracite, special coating (RAL 7016) 6

1) Only possible for 8th data digit “0”, “2”, “6”. 2) Only possible for 8th data digit “0”, “1”, “6”. 3) Only possible for 8th data digit “1”, “2”, “6”.

3/26 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 27 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Asynchronous 1PH4 Water-cooled
Servomotors asynchronous servomotors

■ Technical data
They are especially charac-
terized by the following
properties: 1/
Stall limit for maximum converter
• high power density with output voltage and input
S6 25%
low physical volume voltage
• high degree of protection Constant S6 40% = Mains, rated
• large speed range range S6 60% 30%
• speed down to zero without Power
S1 interval
torque reduction n
Constant power range
• robustness
Field-weakening range
• low maintenance require-
Fig. 3/9

A DA65-5268
1PH4 three-phase motors, • high lateral-force withstand
sizes 100 to 160 capability
• high level of concentricity
n 1 max
Technical characteristics even at lowest speeds
The 1PH4 three-phase motors • integrated encoder system
are compact, water-cooled for detecting motor speed Fig. 3/10
asynchronous motors with a detection, plug connection Power-speed characteristic
squirrel-cage rotor. • terminal box for power

cable connection
Applications • in processes where the
• KTY 84 motor temperature environment must not be
monitoring. • Wherever extreme ambient
conditions such as high thermally influenced
temperature, dust, dirt or • on special machines where
aggressive atmosphere cooling water is available
prevent air cooling from the process.

1PH4 motors, frame sizes 100 to 160

Standard Options Option codes

Type of construction IM B 35 / IM V 15 / IM V 36 – –
Degree of protection IP 65 IP 65 K18
Shaft exit IP 55 Shaft exit oil-tight
Vibration severity R S (with double bearing) K05
SR (with single bearing) K03
S (with single bearing) K02
Shaft and flange accuracy N R K04
Shaft extension With featherkey, Smooth shaft extension, K42
full-key balancing half-key balancing L69
Terminal box On top, On the right-hand side K09
(looking at D-end) (can be rotated by 4 × 90°) On the left-hand side K10
cable entry from the right Cable entry from D-end K83
Cable entry from ND-end K84
Cable entry from the left K85
Motor protection KTY 84, in the stator winding – –
Encoder system Incremental encoder HTL sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp –
(plug connection) (with SIMOVERT VC) (for use with SIMOVERT MC)
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (2048 p/r)
(for use with SIMOVERT MC)
Without encoder (SIMOVERT VC and H30
SIMODRIVE 611 universal)
Paint finish Anthracite RAL 7016 – –
Bearings Double bearing on D-end Single bearing on D-end K00
for belt drive for coupling drive and
(minimum lateral force planetary gear (low lateral forces)
necessary) Increased maximum speed3) L37
Cooling 1) Water cooling 2) – –
Coolant feed temp ≤ 30 °C
Connected at ND-end
Gearbox mounting 4) – Suitable for fitting a ZF K00
gear-change gear unit
Other – Second rating plate supplied K31
as a loose item
Holding brake – ZF holding brake on D-end G46

1) Sound pressure level 2) Cooling water rate: connection thread 3) Max. possible speeds
Size 100: 69 dB(A) Size 100: 6 l/min; G ¼” Size 100: 12,000 rpm
132: 69 dB(A) 132: 8 l/min; G 3/8” 132: 10,000 rpm
160: 71 dB(A). 160: 10 l/min; G ½” 160: 8,000 rpm
Max. pressure: 6 bar.
4) For notes on gearbox mounting, see Chapter 4.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 3/27

3_2.fm Seite 28 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
1PH4 Water-cooled Asynchronous
asynchronous servomotors Servomotors

■ 1PH4 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- cien- fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing cy quen- inertia rent
weak- speed cur- cy
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lb f -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

1750 100 1PH4103-4.F56 11.8 35 20.5 400 2800 7500 0.75 11.5 0.841 61.2 0.15 115 25.5 6SE7022-6.EC61-1AA0
(8.8) (48) (0.017) (52)
100 1PH4105-4.F56 17.2 52 28 400 2600 7500 0.78 13.5 0.854 61.3 0.212 148 34 6SE7023-4.EC61-1AA0
(12.8) (70) (0.024) (67)
100 1PH4107-4.F56 21.8 66 35.5 400 2800 7500 0.78 18 0.867 61 0.274 176 37.5 6SE7023-8.ED61-1AA0
(16.3) (89) (0.031) (80)
132 1PH4133-4.F56 23.5 71 35.5 400 2100 6700 0.82 12 0.887 60.2 0.407 198 37.5 6SE7023-8.ED61-1AA0
(17.5) (96) (0.046) (90)
132 1PH4135-4.F56 34.2 103 52 400 2500 6700 0.79 22 0.901 59.8 0.628 247 59 6SE7026-0.ED61-1AA0
(25.5) (139) (0.071) (112)
132 1PH4137-4.F56 42.2 127 63 400 2300 6700 0.81 23 0.905 59.9 0.752 287 72 6SE7027-2.ED61-1AA0
(31.5) (172) (0.085) (130)

3 160 1PH4163-4.F56 57.6

160 1PH4167-4.F56 72.4






0.914 59.3

0.92 59.4



160 1PH4168-4.F56 81.8 246 117 400 2400 5300 0.82 43 0.921 59.4 1.946 529 124 6SE7031-2.EF60-1AA0
(61) (333) (0.22) (240)
Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
2000 100 1PH4103-4.F56 12.7 33 19.5 450 3300 7500 0.74 11.2 0.856 69.3 0.150 115 25.5 6SE7022-6.EC61-1AA0
(9.5) (45) (0.017) (52)
100 1PH4105-4.F56 18.8 49 26.5 450 3000 7500 0.79 12.9 0.87 69.4 0.212 148 34 6SE7023-4.EC61-1AA0
(14) (67) (0.024) (67)
100 1PH4107-4.F56 24.1 63 34.5 450 3200 7500 0.78 17.1 0.879 69.1 0.274 176 37.5 6SE7023-8.ED61-1AA0
(18) (86) (0.031) (80)
132 1PH4133-4.F56 25.5 67 33.5 450 2400 6700 0.83 11.9 0.899 68.4 0.407 198 34 6SE7023-4.EC61-1AA0
(19) (91) (0.046) (90)
132 1PH4135-4.F56 37.5 99 50 450 2700 6700 0.8 21.5 0.909 68.1 0.628 247 59 6SE7026-0.ED61-1AA0
(28) (134) (0.071) (112)
132 1PH4137-4.F56 45.6 119 59 450 2600 6700 0.83 22.1 0.914 68.1 0.752 287 59 6SE7026-0.ED61-1AA0
(34) (162) (0.085) (130)
160 1PH4163-4.F56 63 165 84 450 3000 5300 0.79 39.7 0.923 67.6 1.504 386 92 6SE7031-0.EE60-1AA0
(47) (224) (0.17) (175)
160 1PH4167-4.F56 77.7 204 101 450 3000 5300 0.81 42.6 0.926 67.6 1.823 463 124 6SE7031-2.EF60-1AA0
(58) (277) (0.206) (210)
160 1PH4168-4.F56 87.1 229 110 450 2800 5300 0.83 41 0.928 67.6 1.946 529 124 6SE7031-2.EF60-1AA0
(65) (310) (0.22) (240)

Incremental H
encoder HTL
(1024 p/r)
Incremental J
encoder HTL
(2048 p/r)
Converter E **
Inverter T

1) n 1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed
power is still available before reaching the weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower with the suffixes indicated below the table.
stall limit. values due to fmax < 5 · fn in case of Vector
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
Control and fmax < 2 · fn in the case of Motion
units can also be used.

3/28 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

3_2.fm Seite 29 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Asynchronous 1PH4 Water-cooled
Servomotors asynchronous servomotors

■ 1PH4 Asynchronous servomotors · Selection and ordering example with SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
Motor data (utilization to temperature rise class F) Converter data
Rated Size Motor Rated Rated Rated Rated Speed Max. Power Mag- Effi- Rated Moment Weight Rated Converter/
speed power torque cur- volt- during oper- factor netiz- cien- fre- of cur- Inverter
rent age field- ating ing cy quen- inertia rent
weak- speed cur- cy
ening ) )2 rent
nn Pn τn In Un n1 nmax. Iµ ηn fn J m InU
HP lbf -ft lbf -in-s2 lb
rpm Order No. (kW) (Nm) A V rpm rpm cos ϕ A Hz (kgm ) (kg) A Order No. 3)

Mains voltage 3 AC 400 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters

1500 100 1PH4103-4.F56 10.1 35 20.5 350 2400 7500 0.74 12 0.82 52.8 0.15 115 25.5 6SE7022-6. C51
(7.5) (48) (0.017) (52)
100 1PH4105-4.F56 14.7 52 28 350 2100 7500 0.78 13.5 0.836 52.9 0.212 148 34 6SE7023-4. C51
(11) (70) (0.024) (67)
100 1PH4107-4.F56 18.8 66 35.5 350 2400 7500 0.77 18.5 0.851 52.5 0.274 176 37.5 6SE7023-8. D51
(14) (89) (0.031) (80)
132 1PH4133-4.F56 20.1 70 35 350 1800 6700 0.81 13 0.877 51.8 0.407 198 37.5 6SE7023-8. D51
(15) (95) (0.046) (90)
132 1PH4135-4.F56 29.5 103 52 350 2100 6700 0.79 24 0.89 51.4 0.628 247 59 6SE7026-0. D51
(22) (140) (0.071) (112)
132 1PH4137-4.F56 36.2 126 62 350 1900 6700 0.81 24 0.895 51.5 0.752 287 72 6SE7027-2. D51
(27) (172) (0.085) (130)
160 1PH4163-4.F56

160 1PH4167-4.F56









6SE7031-0. E50

6SE7031-2. F50
160 1PH4168-4.F56 69.7 244 117 350 2100 5300 0.81 46 0.913 51 1.946 529 124 6SE7031-2. F50
(52) (331) (0.22) (240)
Mains voltage 3 AC 480 V for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters
1750 100 1PH4103-4.F56 11.8 35 20.5 400 2800 7500 0.75 11.5 0.841 61.2 0.15 115 25.5 6SE7022-6. C51
(8.8) (48) (0.017) (52)
100 1PH4105-4.F56 17.2 52 28 400 2600 7500 0.78 13.5 0.854 61.3 0.212 148 34 6SE7023-4. C51
(12.8) (70) (0.024) (67)
100 1PH4107-4.F56 21.8 66 35.5 400 2800 7500 0.78 18 0.867 61 0.274 176 37.5 6SE7023-8. D51
(16.3) (89) (0.031) (80)
132 1PH4133-4.F56 23.5 71 35.5 400 2100 6700 0.82 12 0.887 60.2 0.407 198 37.5 6SE7023-8. D51
(17.5) (96) (0.046) (90)
132 1PH4135-4.F56 34.2 103 52 400 2500 6700 0.79 22 0.901 59.8 0.628 247 59 6SE7026-0. D51
(25.5) (139) (0.071) (112)
132 1PH4137-4.F56 42.2 127 63 400 2300 6700 0.81 23 0.905 59.9 0.752 287 72 6SE7027-2. D51
(31.5) (172) (0.085) (130)
160 1PH4163-4.F56 57.6 173 88 400 2800 5300 0.78 42 0.914 59.3 1.504 386 92 6SE7031-0. E50
(43) (235) (0.17) (175)
160 1PH4167-4.F56 72.4 218 107 400 2600 5300 0.8 44 0.92 59.4 1.823 463 124 6SE7031-2. F50
(54) (295) (0.206) (210)
160 1PH4168-4.F56 81.8 246 117 400 2400 5300 0.82 43 0.921 59.4 1.946 529 124 6SE7031-2. F50
(61) (333) (0.22) (240)

sin/cos incremental N
encoder 1 Vpp
(without C-track and
sin/cos incremental M
encoder 1 Vpp
(with C-track and
Absolute-value E
encoder (EnDat)
(2048 p/r)
Converter E **
Inverter T

1) n1: Speed at which, for P = Pn, 30% reserve 2) Warning! The maximum speed in field- 3) The 9th digit in the Order No. is to be completed
power is still available before reaching the weakening mode is sometimes limited to lower with the suffixes indicated below the table.
stall limit. values due to fmax < 5 · fn in case of Vector
** For rated currents below 37.5 A Compact Plus
Control and fmax < 2 · fn in the case of Motion
units can also be used.

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3_2.fm Seite 30 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:49 07

Asynchronous Servomotors
Notes Servomotors

3/30 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:50 07

Encoder systems
4/2 Incremental encoder HTL
(1024 p/r and 2048 p/r)
4/2 Resolver, 2-pole/multi-pole
4/3 sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
4/3 Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)

Measuring Systems
4/4 Measuring Systems for 1FN3
AC linear motors
4/5 Hall-effect sensor box

Holding brakes
4/6 Integrated holding brakes
for 1FK. and 1FT6 motors
4/8 Built-on holding brakes
for 1PH7 motors
4/9 Order No. code

Built-on gears
4/10 Planetary gears, LP series (from alpha)
4/12 Planetary gears, SPG series (from alpha)
2-gear units (from ZF)
Planetary gears made by Bayside
Motion and other gear manufacturers
Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors
4/18 Optional coolers
4/19 Precision coolers
4/20 Cooling profiles (secondary section cooler)
4/21 Secondary section end pieces
4/22 Secondary section cover

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/1

4_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Synchronous Asynchronous
Encoder systems Servomotors Servomotors

■ Incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r and 2048 p/r) ■ Resolver 2-pole/multi-pole1)
Method of functioning: photoelectric scanning Method of functioning: inductive sampling,
sine/cosine evaluation for rotor position
Focussing lens Scanning plate Disc Photo element USine track
Sine pick-off Excitation: 2 to 10 kHz

Light source


Reference mark
Cosine pick-off UCosine track Rotary

Output signals Output signals

USine track
Signal period
360° el. t

USine track
UB UCosine track
0 UCosine track

A DA65-5274b


Reference pulse

Fig. 4/1 Fig. 4/2

Technical data Technical data 2-pole (4-, 6-, 8-pole) resolver

Supply voltage: +10 V to 30 V Operating voltage/frequency: +5 V/4 kHz
Output signals: HTL Output signals2): USine track = ü · UExcitation · sin α
Track A, Track B UCosine track = ü · UExcitation · cos α
Zero pulse and inverted signals
Transmission ratio: ü = 0.5 ± 5%
Number of pulses per revolution: 1024 (optional: 2048) Width of angular error 3) <0.2° (0.167°, 0.067°, 0.067°)
Accuracy 3): ± 0.017°
Use: 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FK7
Resolution with SBP 4): 4096 ppr/(8192 p/r) synchronous servomotors
Positioning accuracy 5): 1024 ppr/(2048 p/r) 1PH7, 1PH4 (only 2-pole Resolver)
asynchronous servomotors
Frequency limit (–3 dB): 160 kHz
Max. possible connecting
Use: 1PH7, 1PL6, 1PH4 cable length: 492 ft (150 m)
asynchronous servomotors
Resolution with SBR 4) 4096 p/r (8192, 12288, 16384 p/r)
Max. possible connecting
cable length: Positioning accuracy5) 1024 p/r (2048, 3072, 4096 p/r)
– without transfer
of the inverted signals 492 ft (150 m)
– with transfer
of the inverted signals 984 ft (300 m)

1) When using a multi-pole resolver, the number of 3) Is the maximum position deviation within one 5) In practice, achievable positioning accuracy is
poles corresponds to the number of poles of the signal period of the encoder. Decisive a factor 4 to 10 times worse than resolution.
motor. influence on the positioning accuracy,
speed stability and power loss of the drive.
2) Output signals:
• 2-pole resolver: 4) Is the (maximum) number of increments/
one sin/cos signal per revolution periods per revolution.
• 4-pole resolver: Evaluation electronics in the encoder board
two sin/cos signals per revolution allows to interpolate between periods and
• 6-pole resolver: therefore to increase the resolution.
three sin/cos signals per revolution.

4/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Encoder systems

■ sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp ■ Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)

Method of functioning: photoelectric scanning Method of functioning: photoelectric scanning
Focussing lens Disc
Focussing lens Scanning plate Disc Photo element

Light source
Light source

Scanning plate


Reference mark
Photo elements

Output signals Output signals (serial interface)

Absolute position
n .t
1 period= t1 t t3
B1: 1 revolution Code signals
Absolute position Clock

e.g. 2048 Incremental

microperiods per Data n n-1 n-2 2 1
B signals
revolution MSB LSB

Zero pulse
DA65-5831 Clock: 90 kHz ... 1.1 MHz

Fig. 4/3 Fig. 4/4

Technical data Technical data

Supply voltage: +5 V ±5% Supply voltage: +5 V ±5%
Incremental signals (sinusoidal): Incremental signals (sinusoidal):
● Voltage: 1 Vpp ● Voltage: 1 Vpp
● Number of pulses per revolution: 2048 ● Number of pulses per revolution: 2048/512/321)
● Accuracy ):
± 0.01° ● Accuracy ): ± 0.01° / ±0.02° / ± 0.1°
Code signals Code signals: Synchronous serial EnDat interface
● Voltage: 1 Vpp Dual code
● Type of signals (C and D tracks): 1 sine signal and 4096 coded revolutions
1 cosine signal per revolution
Use: 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FK7, 1FS6 Use: 1FT6, 1FK6, 1FK7, 1FS6
synchronous servomotors synchronous servomotors
1PH7, 1PL6, 1PH4 1PH7, 1PL6, 1PH4
asynchronous servomotors asynchronous servomotors
Max. possible connecting Max. possible connecting
cable length: 328 ft (100 m) cable length: 328 ft (100 m)

Note to the method of functioning graphics:

The functioning graphics for the incremental and absolute-value encoders
were taken out of the catalog of Dr. JOHANNES HEIDENHAIN GmbH,
Traunreut by the company’s kind permission.

1) Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) with 2048 p/r 2) Is the maximum position deviation within one
for 1FT6, 1FK, 1FS6 motors from size 48 and signal period of the encoder. Decisive
all asynchronous motors. influence on the positioning accuracy,
Absolute-value encoder (EnDat) with 512 p/r speed stability and power loss of the drive.
for 1FT6 size 28 and 1FK motors from sizes 28
and 36.
Single absolute-value encoder (EnDat) with
32 p/r for 1FK motors from size 48.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/3

4_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Measuring systems Linear Motors

■ Measuring systems for 1FN3 AC linear motors

The following linear encoders Encapsulated (sealed) linear Exposed (open) linear encod- Exposed linear encoders are
are recommended for use with encoders are characterized ers are characterized by higher suited for applications in clean
1FN linear motors and the by a high degree of protection accuracy grades, higher travers- environments, e.g. on measur-
SIMODRIVE 611 universal or and easy mounting. They are ing speeds and contact-free ing machines or production
SIMODRIVE POSMO CD/CA therefore ideal for application scanning, i.e. without friction equipment in the semicon-
drive system. in typical production environ- between the scanning head ductor industry.
ments. and scale.

Recommended linear Heidenhain Heidenhain Heidenhain Renishaw

measuring systems for LC 181/LC 481 LS 186 LS 486 RG2
1FN linear motors Absolute encoder EnDat Incremental encoder Incremental encoder Incremental encoder
encapsulated sin/cos 1 Vpp sin/cos 1 Vpp sin/cos 1 Vpp
encapsulated encapsulated exposed
Signal cycle µm 16 20 20 20
Maximum permissible ft/s2(m/s2) 164 (50) 328 (100) 164 (50) 9841) (300)
acceleration in measuring direction
Maximum permissible ft/min (m/min) 394 (120) 394 (120) 394 (120) 984 (300)
traversing velocity
Maximum measuring length in (mm) 119.69 (3040) 119.69 (3040) 80.31 (2040) 1968.5 (50000)
Output signal/data output EnDat/1 Vpp 1 Vpp 1 Vpp 1 Vpp

For more information contact Heidenhain Corporation

the manufacturer directly at: 333 E. State Parkway
Schaumburg, IL 60173-5337
Phone: (847) 490-1191
Fax: (847) 490-3931

4 Renishaw Inc.
5277 Trillium Blvd
Hoffman Estates, IL 60192
Phone: (847) 286-9953
Fax: (847) 645-9740

1) Figure relates to measuring head.

4/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Linear Motors Measuring systems

■ Hall-effect sensor box

Ordering data
Linear motor type Hall-effect sensor box

Order No.
1FN3 050-2W 1FN3 002-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 100-2W 1FN3 002-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 100-3W 1FN3 005-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 100-4W 1FN3 002-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 100-5W 1FN3 005-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 150-2W 1FN3 002-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 150-3W 1FN3 005-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 150-4W 1FN3 002-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 150-5W 1FN3 005-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 300-2W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 300-3W 1FN3 006-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 300-4W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 450-2W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 450-3W 1FN3 006-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 450-4W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
Fig. 4/5 1FN3 600-3W 1FN3 006-0PH00-0AA0
Hall-effect sensor box
1FN3 600-4W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
1FN3 900-2W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
When using an incremental If an absolute measuring 1FN3 900-4W 1FN3 003-0PH00-0AA0
measuring scale, a Hall sensor system is used, the Hall sensor
is required for 1FN3 linear box is not required as long as
motors. the pole position angle is mea-
When the machine is powered-
up, the Hall sensor provides
the pole position in the motor
for commutation during the
sured using an oscilloscope or
flux meter when the system is
first commissioned or when a
measuring scale is changed,
and is permanently entered
reference point approach.
into the parameter list of the
drive control.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/5

4_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Synchronous Asynchronous
Holding brakes Servomotors Servomotors

Motors may need a holding 1. Brake integrated in the

brake with an emergency- motor 1FK. and 1FT6
stop function for reasons re- (integrated holding brake).
lating to the process involved 2. Brake built onto the D-end
or for safety. There are two of the 1PH7 motor (built-
different ways of attaching a on holding brake).
brake to the motor:

■ Integrated holding brakes for 1FK. and 1FT6 motors

The permanent-magnet and current-carrying coil gener- of inertia = the motor’s own The technical data are given
spring-loaded single-face ates an opposing field which moment of inertia and nmax in the table below (for dimen-
brakes used for these series cancels out the force exerted in relation to the type). sion drawings, see Chapter 8).
of motors work on the closed- by the permanent magnet The holding brake is not de-
circuit current principle. The and releases the brake or signed as a stopping device
magnetic field of the perma- holds it open. during normal operations.
nent magnet exerts a pulling For “emergency stops“ or on
force on the brake’s armature To avoid switching overvolt-
power failure, approximately ages and any associated in-
plate, i.e. in a zero-current 2000 braking operations can
condition, the brake is closed, fluence on the plant or system
be carried out at maximum environment, the brake feeder
thus preventing the motor shaft switching capacity without
from turning. When there is must be connected externally
causing excess wear on the to a varistor. It is connected
a rated voltage of 24 V DC holding brake (condition: the
applied to the brake, the using the power plug or a
maximum external moment terminal box.

Technical data of the integrated holding brakes (brake supply voltage: 24 V DC ± 10%)
Size Motor type Brake type Holding torque Direct Opening time Closing time Moment Maximum switching
current with varistor with varistor of inertia energy per braking
operation when
braking from
n = 3000 rpm
lbf -in-s2

lbf -ft A ms ms J
(Nm) (10 -4 kgm2)

For 1FK7 CT motors

28 1FK7022 EBD 0.11 BN 0.8 0.3 25 15 0.00006 8
(1.1) (0.07)
36 1FK7032 EBD 0.13 BN 1 0.4 45 25 0.00071 17
(1.3) (0.8)
48 1FK704. EBD 0.3 BV 2.8 0.56 70 20 0.00064 74
(3.8) (0.72)
63 1FK706. EBD 0.8 BK 9.7 0.8 90 20 0.00199 357
(13.2) (2.25)
80 1FK7080 EBD 1.5 BN 7.4 0.71 90 20 0.00274 397
(10) (3.1)
80 1FK7083 EBD 2 BY 16.2 0.93 125 145 0.00761 1417
(22) (8.6)
100 1FK710. EBD 3.5 BV 30 0.93 140 100 0.0119 2983
(41) (13.5)
For 1FK7 HD motors
36 1FK7033 1EB14 1.8 0.4 50 110 0.00012 17
(2.4) (0.12)
48 1FK704. 1EB20 4.4 0.65 50 110 0.00013 234
(6) (0.143)
63 1FK706. 1EB27 10.3 0.65 75 115 0.00037 542
(14) (0.419)
80 1FK7082 1EB30 16.2 1 75 180 0.00077 1200
(22) (0.871)
80 1FK7085 1EB35 20.6 1.2 115 190 0.00139 1500
(28) (1.574)

4/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Servomotors Holding brakes

■ Integrated holding brakes for 1FK. and 1FT6 motors

Technical data of the integrated holding brakes (brake supply voltage: 24 V DC ± 10%)
Size Motor type Brake type Holding Direct Opening time Closing time Moment Maximum switching
torque current with varistor with varistor of inertia energy per braking
operation when
braking from
n = 3000 rpm
lbf -ft A ms ms lb f -in-s2 J
(Nm) (10-4 kgm2)

For 1FK6 motors

36 1FK6032 EBD 0.13 BS 0.8 0.4 30 10 0.00006 13
(1.1) (0.07)
48 1FK604. EBD 0.3 B 2.4 0.6 35 10 0.00023 68
(3.2) (0.26)
63 1FK606. EBD 0.8 B 7.4 0.7 55 15 0.00079 318
(10) (0.9)
80 1FK608. EBD 1.4 BV 13.3 0.9 150 30 0.00266 535
(18) (3)
100 1FK6100 EBD 2 BY 14.8 0.9 100 30 0.00699 1135
(20) (7.9)
100 1FK6101 EBD 3.8 B 26.6 0.9 180 25 0.01141 1233
(36) (12.9)
100 1FK6103 EBD 3.8 B 26.6 0.9 180 25 0.01141 1233
(36) (12.9)
For 1FT6 motors
28 1FT602. EBD 0.11 B 0.9 0.3 20 10 0.00006 34
(1.2) (0.07)
36 1FT603. EBD 0.15 B 1.5 0.4 30 15 0.0001 27
(2) (0.12)


EBD 0.4 BA

EBD 1.5 BN




321 4
80 1FT6081 EBD 1.2 B 8.9 0.8 70 35 0.0028 740
(12) (3.2)
80 1FT6082 EBD 1.2 B 8.9 0.8 70 35 0.0028 740
(12) (3.2)
80 1FT6084 EBD 3.5 BN 20.7 0.9 180 35 0.0119 1640
(28) (13.5)
80 1FT6086 EBD 3.5 BN 20.7 0.9 180 35 0.0119 1640
(28) (13.5)
100 1FT610. EBD 4 B 59 1.4 180 20 0.0283 2150
(80) (32)
132 1FT613. EBD 8 B 103.3 1.7 260 70 0.0673 9870
(140) (76)

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4_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Holding brakes Servomotors

■ Built-on holding brakes for 1PH7 motors

A brake can be built onto the All the technical data such as The 1PH7 (frame sizes 100 Built-on holding brake
drive-end of 1PH7 motors holding torque, permissible and 132) motors can be for 1PH7 motors
frame sizes 100, 132, 160, speeds, number of emer- supplied with an IM B 5 type (sizes 180 and 225)
180 and 225. gency braking operations of construction. In addition, With these motors, the
These brakes are electro- and braking current are given frame sizes 100, 132 and 160 brake (made by Stromag)
magnetic brakes for dry in the table on page 4/9. motors can be supplied with is mounted on the drive-end
running. An electromagnetic The operating instructions an IM B 35 type of construc- bearing shield. To do this, the
field is used to cancel out the for built-on holding brakes tion (installation with IM B 3 motor shaft is extended by
braking effect caused by a are supplied together with foot mounting is therefore means of a shrunk-on shaft
spring. The brakes function the motor-brake unit. possible). extension. The torque is
according to the closed-cir- Ordering example: As an option, a manual transmitted by means of a
cuit current principle, i.e. the 1PH7 186–2HF00–2AA3, release can be fitted to the featherkey to DIN 6885/1.
spring-applied brake brakes IM B 3 type of construction. brake module so that, in the The shaft extension can be
when no current is applied event of power failure or additionally secured axially
and prevents the motor from This holding brake contains a motor stoppage, the brake by a pressure washer and a
moving. When current flows microswitch and an emer- can be released by hand. If central screw (M 20). The
again, the brake is released gency release screw (for fur- the manual-release lever is holding brake does not have
and the motor can rotate. ther ordering possibilities, released, it automatically its own bearings. The output
see order number code on returns to the braking-mode forces are therefore absorbed
During power failures and page 4/9).
“emergency stops”, the position. Another option is a by the motor bearings. Belt
motor is braked from its cur- built-on microswitch which pulleys cannot be fitted for
rent speed until it comes to can be incorporated in a reasons of space and be-
Built-on holding brake higher-level control unit as an cause of the high lateral
a standstill. The respective for motors frame sizes
holding torque and the NC contact or an NO contact. forces. When a coupling is
100 to 160 The microswitch is connec- being selected for connection
number of emergency stops
are given in the table on The holding brakes for motors ted by means of a separate to the brake-motor combi-
page 4/9. frame sizes 100, 132 and 160 cable. nation, it should be noted
are braking modules (made The braking module com- that the diameter of the shaft
The brakes are designed for by Binder) with their own extension is now larger than
connection to an AC voltage plies with degree of protec-
bearings, flange and shaft tion IP 55. Motors with a the diameter of the motor
of 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz extension. The dimensions shaft extension.
built-on braking module are

or DC 24 V (only up to of the flange and shaft exten-
size 160) which has to be only available with vibration The exact motor dimensions are
sion of the braking module severity grade N and with given in the dimension draw-
provided on site. are identical with those of the
The rectifier is built into the shaft and flange accuracy N. ings in Section 8.
motor. If a motor is to be
terminal box of the brake. equipped with a brake, the All the technical data such
The degree of protection is motor is supplied with a as holding torque, maximum
IP 55. flange type of construction braking energy, permissible
In its basic design, the brake and with a plain shaft (with- speeds, lateral forces and
contains three emergency- out featherkey). The shaft of braking currents are given in
release screws (only frame the braking module is then the table below. The dimen-
sizes 180 and 225) which are hot-shrunk onto the motor sions are shown in the
axially accessible from the shaft. It can be removed dimension drawings in
front. The built-in or built-on again by means of an oil Section 8.
microswitch can be incorpo- interference fit. The braking Ordering example:
rated as an NC contact or an module is then screwed 1PH7 137–2HF02–3KB3,
NO contact in a higher-level onto the motor flange. The type of construction IM B5,
control unit. The fast-switch- shaft extension at the brak- holding brake with manual
ing rectifier is for overexcita- ing module is fitted with a release (for further ordering
tion of the coil in order to featherkey (with half-key possibilities, see order
release the brake and achieve balancing). number code on page 4/9).
short release times (release Output is then possible by
current = 2 × holding current). means of a coupling or belt
pulley. The permissible lateral
forces are indicated in the
corresponding lateral-force

4/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Servomotors Holding brakes

Technical data of the built-on holding brakes with emergency-stop function (brake supply voltage: 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz/24 V DC)
Size Motor Brake Holding Speed Permis- Life- Number of Coil Flange Shaft Permis- Mo- Weight Open- Clos-
type type torque nmax. sible time emergency cur- dimen- extension sible ment of the ing ing
(toler- power switch- stops until rent sion dimension lateral of brake time time
ance ±20%) on ing change of DIN DIN 748 force inertia
en- en- lining from 42 948 ∅ length (3000 of the
ergy ergy nmax. at J rpm, brake
WE Wmax. z AC DC xmax.)
lbf -ft rpm kJ MJ – lbf -in-s2 A in in lb f lbf -in-s2 lb ms ms
(Nm) (kgm2) (mm) (mm) (N) (kgm2) (kg)

For 1PH7 brake supply voltage 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz/24 V DC

100 1PH710. Size 44 to 111 5500 25 90 8700 0.5487 1 4.7 A250 1.5 3.1 517 0.0442 46 255 60
19 (60 to 150) (0.062) (38) (80) (2300) (0.005) (21)
132 1PH713. Size 103 to 229 4500 40 226 9400 1.8407 1.3 6.3 A350 1.7 4.3 450 0.1327 101 330 95
24 (140 to 310) (0.208) (42) (110) (2000) (0.015) (46)
160 1PH716. Size 207 to 369 3700 60 401 11900 3.9646 1.35 6.7 A400 2.2 4.3 1528 0.2478 145 350 450
29 (280 to 500) (0.448) (55) (110) (6800) (0.028) (66)
180 1PH7184 NFE 443 3500 69 154 2230 9.0265 0.9 – – 3.5 3.5 629 0.2389 121 400 160
60 (600) (1.02) (90) (90) (2800) (0.027) (55)
1PH7186 NFE 590 91 56 620 12.0354 0.2301
60/80 (800) (1.36) (0.026)
225 1PH7224 NFE 738 3100 158 153 970 26.5487 1.3 – – 3.9 3.9 629 0.3628 165 460 200
100 (1000) (3) (100) (100) (2800) (0.041) (75)
1PH7226 NFE 738 206 109 530 24.5133 0.3628
100 (1000) (3.9) (0.041)
1PH7228 NFE 1033 248 32 130 41.59 0.3628
100/140 (1400) (4.7) (0.041)

Holding torque in Nm: In the case Permissible power-on energy WE Number of emergency stops z: Permissible lateral force in N:
of frame sizes 100 to 160 motors, in kJ: Permissible switching energy The specified number of emergen- In the case of frame sizes 100 to
the holding torque can be varied in the event of an emergency stop cy stops relates to the following 160 motors, coupling and pulley
infinitely within the specified range WE = Jtot. × n2/182.5 (J in kgm2, conditions: braking from speed output is possible. In the case of

of values by means of an adjusting n in rpm). nmax., Jtot. = 2 × Jmot. In the event frame sizes 180 and 225, only
ring. The dynamic braking torque of other conditions, it is possible to coupling output is permissible.
Lifetime switching energy Wmax
is approximately 0.7 to 0.8 x the calculate as follows: number of
in MJ: The maximum possible Opening time in ms: Time until
holding torque. emergency stops z = Wmax/WE.
power-on energy of the brake the brake opens (specified values
Speed nmax: Maximum permissible (in the case of emergency stop) Coil current in A: Current for related to max. braking torque).
speed at which emergency stops until the brake linings have to be keeping the brake in a released
are possible. renewed, Wmax. = WE × z. position. For the NFE brakes, the Closing time in ms: Time until
the brake closes (specified values
following applies: Release cur-
related to max. braking torque).
rent = 2 × holding current.

■ Order No. code for 1PH7 motors, frame sizes 100, 132 and 160 for built-on holding brake with emergency-stop function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PH7 . . . – . . . . .– K. .

Without brake 0
Brake supply voltage: 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz
With brake (brake supply voltage: 230 V AC, 50 to 60 Hz) 1
With brake (brake with microswitch) 2
With brake (brake with manual release) 3
With brake (brake with microswitch and manual release) 4
Brake supply voltage: 24 V DC
With brake (brake supply voltage: 24 V DC) 5
With brake (brake with microswitch) 6
With brake (brake with manual release) 7
With brake (brake with microswitch and manual release) 8
Versions with brake are only available in the following combinations:
● Vibration severity grade N, shaft and flange accuracy N (“K” at the 14th digit)
● Shaft extension on the braking module with featherkey and semi-wedge balancing (“A” or “B” at 15th digit) or plain shaft extension (“J” or “K” at 15th digit)
● Type of construction IM B 5 (only for sizes 100 and 132, “2” at the 12th digit) or IM B 35 (“3” at the 12th digit, installation with IM B 3 foot mounting possible)
● and “0”, “3” or “6” at the 16th digit.

■ Order No. code for 1PH7 motors, frame sizes 180 and 225 for built-on holding brake with emergency-stop function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1PH7 . . . – . . . . 0– A A .

Without brake 0
With brake (brake with microswitch and emergency-release screw) 2
With brake (brake with microswitch and manual release) 4
Versions 2 and 4 are only available with type of construction IM B 3, i.e.:
●only “0” at 12th digit ● only “A” at 15th digit
●only “A” at 14th digit ● and only “0”, “3” or “6” possible at 16th digit.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/9

4_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Built-on gears Servomotors

■ Planetary gears, LP series (from alpha)

Motors with built-on plane-
tary gear units AC servo motors 1FK6 032 to
1FK6 103 and 1FK7022 to
The gear units assigned to 1FK7103 and SIMODRIVE
the individual motors and gear POSMO SI can be supplied
ratios available for these motor/ from the (Siemens) factory
gear combinations are listed complete with built-on plane-
in the selection table on the tary gear unit.
following pages. When making
your selection, note the maxi-
mum permissible input speed
of the gear unit which should For queries relating to the gear
be equal to the maximum motor units please contact:
alpha gear drives
The motor/gear combinations 1440 Howard St.
listed in the selection tables are Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
mainly intended for use as posi- Phone: +1 (847) 439-0700
tioning drives (S5 duty). Conti- Fax: +1 (847) 439-0755
nuous operation (S1 duty) is http://www.alphagear.com
permissible at the rated speed
and rated torque of the gear
unit. The gear unit temperature
must not exceed +90 °C. The
torsional rigidity specifications
in the catalog of the company
alpha refer to the rated torque
Fig. 4/6 of the gear. The rigidity decrea-
Plantary gear unit, LP series ses in the partial load range in
accordance with the hysteresis
1FK6 and 1FK7 servomotors Technical features of the
can easily be combined with planetary gear units

planetary gear units of the LP • High efficiency (>94 %)
series to form compact coaxial
drive units. The gear units are • Power transmission from the
flanged directly onto the drive central sun gear via planetary
end of the motors. gears
When selecting the gear units, • Torque play:
ensure that the permissible single-stage <12 arc min
speed of the gear unit is not • No shaft deflections in the
exceeded by the maximum planetary gear set due to the
speed of the motor. In the symmetrical force distribution
case of high operating fre- • The enclosed gear units, are
quencies (more than 1000 attached to the shaft by means
start-stop events per hour), of an integral clamping hub.
the additional dynamic loading This requires a smooth motor
must be taken into account. shaft extension with rotational
Please contact alpha gear accuracy tolerance N accord-
drives for further information. ing to DIN 42 955. The motor
The frictional torque of the flange is fitted by means of
gearunit must always be adapter plates.
taken into account in planning.
• The gear units are suitable for
The gear units are only avail- all mounting positions.
able in non-balanced design
and with fitted key. • The gear units are filled with
grease. They are lubricated
and sealed for their complete
service life (guide value for
service life ca. 20,000 h).
• Degree of protection IP 64.
• Output shaft of gear unit
exactly coaxial with motor
• Oil seal on motor side included
in the gear unit
• Small dimensions
• Low weight

4/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Servomotors Built-on gears

■ Planetary gears, LP series, single-stage (from alpha)

Order data: 1FK - A 71 - 1 - Z Order No. of the motor (standard type) with identifier “-Z” and
V short code for mounting the planetary gear assigned to the motor
G Smooth shaft, without holding brake
H Smooth shaft, with holding brake
Smooth motor shaft end is prerequisite for LP gear mounting

Servomotor Planetary gear Transmission Max. Max. permissible Max. Moment of inertia
Self-cooled Single-stage ratios available permissible output torque1) permissible of the gears
Torsional play i= input speed1) drive shaft
≤ 12 arc min load 2)
Type Type Weight of 5 10 nG1 MG2 MG2 Fr JG
the gears i=5 i = 10 i = 5/10
1FK6... Approx. lbf -in lbf -in lbf lbf -in-s2
1FK7... lb (kg) rpm (Nm) (Nm) (N) (10-4 kgm2)
032 LP 070-M01 4.1 7 7 6000 283 257 326 0.0002
033 (1.9) 7 7 (32) (29) (1450) (0.28)
040 LP 090-M01 9 7 7 6000 708 637 540 0.0016
042 (4.9) 7 7 (80) (72) (2400) (1.77)
043 7 7
044 7 7
060 LP 120-M01 19.8 7 7 4800 1770 1593 1034 0.0048
061 (9) 7 7 (200) (180) (4600) (5.42)
063 7 7
064 7 7
080 LP 155-M01 386 7 7 4800 3540 2832 1686 0.0228
082 (17.5) 7 7 (400) (320) (7500) (25.73)
083 7 7
085 7
100 7
101 7
103 7

Short code
For gear shaft with featherkey V40 V42 4
■ Continuous operation S1
Continuous operation is per- The gears should not exceed a
missible in the case of rated temperature of +90 °C (194 °F).
speed and rated torque.

Planetary gear Rated speed Max. permissible

Single-stage initial torque
Torque play
≤ 12 arc min
Type nrated1 Mrated2 Mrated2
at at
i=5 i = 10
lbf -in lb f -in
rpm (Nm) (Nm)
LP 070-M01 3700 142 133
(16) (15)
LP 090-M01 3400 354 310
(40) (35)
LP 120-M01 2600 885 796
(100) (90)
LP 155-M01 2000 2566 1504
(290) (170)

1) Values for S5 positioning mode.

2) In relation to the midpoint of the output shaft at 100 rpm.
Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/11
4_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Built-on gears Servomotors

■ Planetary gears, SPG series (from alpha)

• Drive end bearing for high Motors with built-on plane-
lateral and axial loading due tary gear units
to pre-stressed tapered-roller The gear units assigned to
bearing. the individual motors and gear
• The enclosed gear units, ratios available for these motor/
filled with oil before leaving gear combinations are listed in
the factory, are attached to the selection table on the
the shaft by means of an following pages. When making
integral clamping hub. This your selection, note the maxi-
requires a smooth motor mum permissible input speed
shaft extension with rotatio- of the gear unit which should
nal accuracy tolerance N be equal to the maximum motor
according to DIN 42 955. speed.
The motor flange is fitted by The motor/gear combinations
means of adapter plates. listed in the selection tables are
• Operation is possible in any mainly intended for use as posi-
mounting position. tioning drives (S5 duty). For
applications involving continuous
• The gear units are filled with operation at high speed, please
a high-grade synthetic gear contact the gear unit manufac-
oil of viscosity class SIO turer.
VG 220 in the factory.
The quantity of oil is applic-
able for the IM B5 mounting AC servo motors 1FT6 024 to
position. The quantity of oil 1FT6 136 can be supplied
required is identical for all from the (Siemens) factory
Fig. 4/7
1FT6 three-phase servomotors with built-on planetary gear unit mounting positions in the complete with built-on plane-
case of the single-stage gear tary gear unit.
units of frame sizes SPG 060
1FT6 AC servomotors can be The gear units are only avail- to SPG 140. For frame sizes For queries relating to the gear
combined with planetary gear able in non-balanced design. SPG 180 to SPG 240 and for units please contact:

units to form compact coaxial all two-stage gear units,
drive units. The gear units are Technical features of the different quantities of oil are alpha gear drives
flanged directly onto the drive planetary gear units necessary for other mounting 1440 Howard St.
end of the motors. positions. In these cases, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
• High efficiency
When selecting the gear units, please specify the mounting Phone: +1 (847) 439-0700
(>94% >97% single-stage,
ensure that the permissible position in the order. Fax: +1 (847) 439-0755
>94% two-stage)
speed of the gear unit is not • Degree of protection IP 64. http://www.alphagear.com
exceeded by the maximum • Power transmission from the
central sun gear via planetary • Output shaft of gear unit
speed of the motor. In the exactly coaxial with motor
case of high operating fre-
quencies (more than 1000 • No shaft deflections in the • Oil seal on motor side
start-stop events per hour), planetary gear set due to the included in the gear unit
the additional dynamic loading symmetrical force distribution • Small dimensions
must be taken into account. • Very low moment of inertia • Low weight
Please contact alpha gear and hence short acceleration
drives for further information. times of the motors
The frictional torque of the
gear unit must always be taken
into account in planning.

4/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Servomotors Built-on gears

■ Planetary gears, SPG series, single-stage (from alpha)

Order data: 1FT6 - A 7 - - Z Order No. of the motor (standard type) with identifier “-Z” and
V short code for mounting the planetary gear assigned to the motor

Servomotor Planetary gear Transmission Max. Max. Max. Moment of inertia

Self-cooled Single-stage ratios available permissible permissible permissible of the gears
Torsional play 1) i= input speed output drive shaft
≤ 4 arc min torque load 2)
Type Type Weight of 4 5 7 10 nG1 MG2 Fr JG JG
the gears i=4 i = 10
Approx. lbf -in lbf lbf -in-s2 lbf -in-s2
rpm (Nm) (N) (10-4 kgm2) (10-4 kgm2)
1FT6 024 SPG 060-MF1 3.3 7 7 7 7 6000 354 (40) 584 0.00015 0.00013
1FT6 031 (1.5) 7 7 7 7 [283 (32) (2600) (0.17) (0.15)
1FT6 034 7 7 7 for i = 10]
1FT6 034 SPG 075-MF1 6.2 7 6000 885 (100) 854 0.0005 (0.57) 0.00035 (0.4)
1FT6 041 (2.8) 7 7 7 7 [708 (80) (3800) 0.00055 0.0004
1FT6 044 7 7 7 for i = 10] (0.63) (0.46)
1FT6 044 SPG 100-MF1 13.7 7 4500 2212 (250) 1348 0.0018 (2) 0.0011 (1.3)
1FT6 061 (6.2) 7 7 7 7 [1770 (200) (6000) 0.0024 0.0018
1FT6 062 7 7 7 7 for i = 10] (2.7) (2)
1FT6 064 7 7 7 7
1FT6 081 SPG 140-MF1 25.4 7 7 7 7 4000 4425 (500) 2023 0.0074 0.0055
1FT6 082 (11.5) 7 7 7 7 [3540 (400) (9000) (8.4) (6.2)
1FT6 084 7 7 7 7 for i = 10]
1FT6 086 7 7 7
1FT6 086 SPG 180-MF1 59.5 7 3500 9735 (1100) 3147 0.0271 (30.6) 0.0154 (17.4)
1FT6 102 (27) 7 7 7 7 [7788 (880) (14000) 0.0281 0.0164
1FT6 105 7 7 7 for i = 10] (31.7) (18.5)
1FT6 108 7 7 7
1FT6 105 SPG 210-MF1 116.9 7 2500 16814 (1900) 4047 0.0671 0.0417
1FT6 108 (53) 7 [13451 (1520) (18000) (75.8) (47.1)
1FT6 132
1FT6 134
1FT6 136
1FT6 132
1FT6 134
SPG 240-MF1 176.4
for i = 10]

24071 (2720) 6070

1FT6 136 7

Short code
For gear shaft with featherkey V02 V03 V05 V09
For gear shaft without featherkey V22 V23 V25 V29

1) With SPG 060 and SPG 075: ≤ 6 arc min. 2) Guide values for the maximum permissible
load on the midpoint of the output shaft
at a speed n G2 = 300 rpm. Axial load
Fa = 0.5 · Fr with SPG 060 to SPG 180.
Fa = Fr with SPG 210 and SPG 240.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/13

4_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Built-on gears Servomotors

■ Planetary gears, SPG series, 2-stage (from alpha)

Order data: 1FT6 - A 7 - - Z Order No. of the motor (standard type) with identifier “-Z” and
V short code for mounting the planetary gear assigned to the motor

Servomotor Planetary gear Transmission ratios available Max. Max. Max. Moment
Self-cooled 2-stage i= permissible permissible permissible of inertia
Torsional play 1) input speed output drive shaft of the gears
≤ 6 arc min torque load 2)
Type Type Weight of 16 20 28 40 50 nG1 MG2 Fr JG
the gears i = 20
Approx. lbf -in lbf lb f -in-s2
rpm (Nm) (N) (10-4 kgm2)
1FT6 024 SPG 075-MF2 6.8 7 7 7 7 7 6000 885 854 0.0005
1FT6 031 (3.1) 7 7 7 7 7 (100) (3800) (0.52)
1FT6 034 7 7
1FT6 034 SPG 100-MF2 15.7 7 7 7 4500 2212 1349 0.0015 (1.7)
1FT6 041 (7.1) 7 7 7 7 (250) (6000) 0.0016
1FT6 044 7 7 (1.8)
1FT6 061 7 7 7
1FT6 062 7 7
1FT6 041 SPG 140-MF2 32 7 4000 4425 2023 0.0039
1FT6 044 (14.5) 7 7 7 (500) (9000) (4.4)
1FT6 061 7 7 0.0045
1FT6 062 7 7 (5.1)
1FT6 064 7 7
1FT6 062 SPG 180-MF2 64 7 4000 9735 3147 0.0049
1FT6 064 (29) 7 7 7 (1100) (14000) (5.5)
1FT6 081 7 7 7 7 7 0.0073
1FT6 082 7 7 7 7 (8.2)
1FT6 084 7 7
1FT6 086 7 7
1FT6 082 SPG 210-MF2 106 7 3500 16816 4047 0.0305
1FT6 084 (48) 7 7 (1900) (18000) (34.5)

4 1FT6 086
1FT6 102
1FT6 105
1FT6 084
1FT6 086
SPG 240-MF2 154

3500 30094
1FT6 102 7 7 0.0391
1FT6 105 7 7 (44.2)
1FT6 108 7 7

Short code
For gear shaft with featherkey V12 V13 V15 V16 V17
For gear shaft without featherkey V32 V33 V35 V36 V37

1) With SPG 060 and SPG 075: ≤ 8 arc min. 2) Guide values for the maximum permissible
load on the midpoint of the output shaft
at a speed n G2 = 300 rpm. Axial load
Fa = 0.5 · Fr with SPG 075 to SPG 180.
Fa = Fr with SPG 210 and SPG 240.

4/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Servomotors Built-on gears

■ 2-gear units (from ZF)

Installation, mode of The motor for all 2K gear units
operation must be full-key balanced with
fitted key. Because the 2K 120,
The 2-speed gear units have a 2K 250 and 2K 300 gear units
planetary design. The central are enclosed, the motor flange
sun gear distributes the power is adequately sealed in the
to several planetary wheels standard version.
which revolve around it. The
outstanding advantage of this Vertical mounting positions for
design is its compactness. the IM V 15 and IM V 36 require
The gear-changing device, circulating oil lubrication of the
a foothed sleeve that moves gear units.
axially, is of form-fit design. The standard version of the
Position 1: gear units up to and including
Gear ratio i1 = 4. the 2K 300 has a maximum tor-
sional play of 30 angular min-
Position 2: utes (measured at the gear unit
Gear ratio i2 = 1. output). The play is almost iden-
The motor is flange-mounted tical whatever the ratio. Various
onto the gear unit by means different special versions are
of a ring adapter. The AC motor available on request:
must be suitably prepared for • Reduced play with special
mounting. features: max. 20’
At shaft heights of 160 mm and • Reduced play for high perfor-
above, the type IM B 35 V 15 mance: max. 15’
Fig. 4/8 motor has to be supported at
The drive unit (i.e. the motor
Sectional view of a planetary gear unit the non-drive end to prevent
and gear unit) is supplied with
distortion. vibration severity grade R
Any cantilever forces impor- according to EN 60 034-14
Change-speed gear units in- Technical features of the ted into the gear unit have to (IEC 60 034-14). This is also
crease the drive torque at low 2-gear units be borne by the gear unit and the case when the motor is

motor speeds and expand the • Drive power up to 134 HP transmitted to the machine ordered with grade S.
band of constant power output (100 kW) base.
available from the asynchronous The belt pulley 1) should be of
servomotors. • Constant power band at drive the cup wheel type. For moun-
shaft up to 1:24 ting the pulley, the output shaft
• Bi-directional on the gear unit has a flange
with an external centering spig-
• Motor frame sizes SH 100 to ot and tapped holes. This en-
SH 225 sures easy fitting and removal
• Types IM B 35 and IM V 15 of the pulley.
(IM V 36 on request)
• Gearing efficiency >95%
Instead of V belts, the power
output can also be transmitted
from the gear drive output
shaft by a spur gear pinion
(available on request) or coax-
ially by means of a flexible

1) Not included in scope of supply.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/15

4_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Built-on gears Servomotors

■ 2-gear units (from ZF)

Motor Gear unit
Size Type Order No. Permissible Permissible rated Permissible maximum torque Moment of inertia Gear unit
max. speed torque (S1 duty) (S6-60% duty) Gear unit weight
) Approx.
Input Input Output Input Output Output Output
nmax i2 = 1 i1 = 4 i2 = 1 i1 = 4 i2 = 1 i1 = 4
lbf -in lbf -in lbf -in lb f -in2 lbf -in2 lbf -in lbf -in-s2 lb f -in-s2
rpm (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (Nm) (kgm2) (kgm2) kg
100 2K 120 2LG4 312 - . . . 8000 1062 1062 4248 1239 1239 4956 0.097 0.1009 30
(120) (120) (480) (140) (140) (560) (0.011) (0.0114)
132 2K 250 2LG4 315 - . . . 6300 2213 2213 8850 3540 3540 14160 0.239 0.5044 62
(250) (250) (1000) (400) (400) (1600) (0.027) (0.057)
160 2K 300 2LG4 320 - . . . 6300 2655 2655 10620 3540 3540 14160 0.239 0.5044 70
(300) (300) (1200) (400) (400) (1600) (0.027) (0.057)
180 2K 800 2LG4 250 - . . . 4000 7080 7080 28320 7965 7965 31860 1.731 1.563 110
2K 801 2LG4 260- . . . (800) (800) (3200) (900) (900) (3600) (0.1956) (0.1766)
225 2K 802 2LG4 270 - . . . On requ.

For further technical data and In the case of motor 1PH4168 Type for Gear output 2-speed gear unit
planning instructions (such as or 1PH7167-2.B, for example, complete unit shaft dimension D2 (standard version) 1)
on lubrication, temperature rise the rated torque must be re- (see page 8/38) Gear stage i1 = 4
and typical applications), duced to 300 Nm. In the case in Order No. ZF
please refer to Catalog of the motors of frame size 132, (mm) designation
No. 4161 757 701d supplied it should be noted that with
by ZF (Zahnradfabrik Friedrichs- normal lubrication the speed For 1PH7 10. / 1PH4 10. motors
hafen). The ratings of the motor of the 2K 240 gear unit is restrict-
IM B 5/B 35/V 1/ 3.94 2LG4 312-3CC31 2K 120
and gear unit are the governing ed to 6300 rpm. V 15 (100)
factor in the design of the com- The use of a gear unit permits
plete power unit (that is the AC For 1PH7 13. / 1PH4 13. motors
the constant power band to be
motor and gear unit).

greatly increased. IM B 5/B 35 4.65 2LG4 315-3FD11 2K 250
IM V 1/V 15 4.65 2LG4 315-3FC11 2K 250
For 1PH7 16. / 1PH4 16. motors
P = constant with gear unit IM B 35 5.12 2LG4 320-3JD11 2K 300
P =constant without gear unit IM V 15 5.12 2LG4 320-3JC11 2K 300
For 1PH7 184 motors
IM B 35 7.09 2LG4 250-1JD11 2K 800
IM V 15 7.09 2LG4 250-1JC11 2K 800
1 2 (180)
For 1PH7 184 motors
A DA65-5943

IM B 35 7.09 2LG4 260-1JD21 2K 801

n N' nN n max IM V 15 7.09 2LG4 260-1JC21 2K 801
= constant 1
For further information about the
ZF Group North American
= constant 2 Logarithmic scale gear units, please contact the
Operations - Headquarters
manufacturer directly:
Florence, KY
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 450
Fig. 4/9 Florence, KY 41042
Speed/power graph Phone: (859) 282-4300
Fax: (859) 282-4311
Legend: http://www.zf-group.com
nN Rated speed
nN’ Rated speed with 2-speed gear unit ZF Maschinenantriebe
nmax Max. perm. speed
PN Rated speed and constant power of the motor D-88038 Friedrichshafen
in the speed range from nN to nmax or nN’ to nmax Phone: +49 (0) 75 41-77-0
τ Torque Fax: +49 (0) 75 41-77-90 80 00

1) Special versions such as gear units with differ- 2) Higher drive speeds are allowed for gear ratios
ent play, or other ratios (i = 3.17 or i = 5.5) are in some instances with oil-cooled gear units
available on request. (see the ZF catalog).

4/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Built-on gears

■ Planetary gears made by Bayside Motion

The Bayside Motion Group Bayside Motion Group Important notes The motor is dimensioned for
offers planetary gearheads. 27 Seaview Boulevard If torque amplification ele- mechanical stress in accor-
The stealth helical planetary Port Washington, NY 11050 ments are used such as gears, dance with the maximum
gears are well suited for use Phone: (516) 484-5353 the increased mechanical torque and the lateral-force
with the 1FK. and 1FT6 servo- Fax: (516) 484-5496 stress must be borne by the diagram (chapter 7).
motors. For technical and http://www.baysidemotion.com gears and not by the motor.
selection information as well as
mounting charts please
contact Bayside directly at
the following address:

■ Planetary gears and spur-gear units from other gear manufacturers

You can, of course, contact Technical characteristics: For planning and selecting Harmonic Drive gear units
other gear manufacturers in Planetary gears gears in combination with HD Systems, Inc.
order to find a useful combi- SIEMENS servomotors, 89 Cabot Court
nation of SIEMENS servo- Transmission ratio: please contact:
single-stage i = 4 to 10, Hauppauge, New York,
motors and gear units. Heynau Antriebstechnik N.Y. 11788
2-stage i = 16 to 100
Planetary gears and Max. permissible output GmbH USA
spur-gear units from torque: 45 to 3750 Nm Herr Gunter Bever Phone: (6 31) 2 31-66 30
Heynau Antriebstechnik Torsional play: Hofmark-Aich-Strasse 25 Fax: (6 31) 2 31-68 03
GmbH single-stage < 3 arc min, 84030 Landshut http://www.HDSystemsInc.com
The 1FK., 1FT6, 1PH7 2-stage < 5 arc min Federal Republic of Germany Harmonic Drive
and 1PH4 motors can be Efficiency, single-stage: 98% Phone: +49-8 71 78 01-1 44 Antriebstechnik GmbH
combined with planetary Fax: +49-8 7178 01-1 40 Hoenbergstrasse 14
gears of the EPR and FPR Spur-gear units 65555 Limburg
series to form compact, Transmission ratio: Federal Republic of Germany
coaxial drive units. The EPR single-stage i = 3 to 7, Phone: +49 -64 3150 08-0
series with output shaft and 2-stage i = 8 to 30 Fax: +49-64 3150 08 -18

the FPR series with output Max. permissible output Low-play planetary gear units
flange can be directly torque: 9 to 1500 Nm
mounted onto the D-end of Umbach Servogetriebe
Torsional play: < 10 arc min
the motors. Spur-gear units GmbH & Co. KG
Efficiency: 98% per stage Herr Kübler
of the GC series are also
available for D-end mounting. Hinter dem Schloss 16c
74906 Bad Rappenau
Federal Republic of Germany
Phone: +49-72 64 91-35 51
Fax: +49-72 64 91-40 40

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/17

4_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors Linear Motors

Precision cooler

Secondary section cover

Primary section

Secondary section
Power cooler

Terminal box

Cooler profile

Combination distributor

Fig. 4/10
Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors

4 ■ Optional coolers

Slide plate
Primary section
precision cooler

Primary section
Cable connection main cooler

Air gap

Secondary section
Cooling profile cooler


Secondary section Machine frame

Fig. 4/11
Optional coolers

In spite of water cooling, tem- sandwich® principle using The main cooler of the primary Note
peratures of up to 248 °F the optional secondary section section must be operated with For motors from frame size 600,
(120 °C) occur inside the pri- cooler and precision cooler. water cooling in order to be secondary section cooling is
mary sections due to the high The inner cooling circuit (main able to utilize the rated force mandatory to be able to use
force densities of the motor. cooler) dissipates the largest FN of the motor, specified in the rated force FN (acc. to the
In order to prevent these tem- proportion of the power loss the data sheets (without water data sheet). This is because
peratures having a negative PVN of the primary section cooling, and depending on the the power loss cannot be
impact on the machine pre- and protects the primary convection situation and adequately dissipated without
cision, 1FN3 motors can be section winding against machine construction, only water cooling.
thermally and completely overheating (refer to Section approx. 50% of the rated force
encapsulated against the “Technical data”). FN acc. to the data sheet).
environment using the thermo

4/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 19 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Linear Motors Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Precision cooler (optional)

Supplementary cooler to cool
the primary section according
to the thermo sandwich® con-
cept. This is recommended
for applications with high
thermal requirements regard-
ing the machine precision.
The precision cooler on the
upper motor section shields
the environment against the
high motor temperatures.
Thermal insulators at the
glands and the intermediate
air chambers reduce the
heat transfer from the primary
The insulating function is
Fig. 4/12
provided by an air gap at the Precision cooler
lower side of the primary
The lateral heat radiation Linear motors Optional components
sheets of the precision cooler Type Precision cooler
also form air-filled intermediate Order No.
spaces, which insulate the 1FN3 050-2W 1FN3 050-2PK00-0AA0
primary section sides from
the machine itself. Thus, the 1FN3 100-2W 1FN3 100-2PK00-0AA0
primary section is encapsu- 1FN3 100-3W 1FN3 100-3PK00-0AA0
lated by a thermal insulation
on all sides. 1FN3 100-4W 1FN3 100-4PK00-0AA0
The precision cooler dissi- 1FN3 100-5W 1FN3 100-5PK00-0AA0
pates the residual heat, which
is transferred due to thermal
radiation and conduction. This
means, that the mounting
surface temperature and the
1FN3 150-2W
1FN3 150-3W
1FN3 150-4W
1FN3 150-2PK00-0AA0
1FN3 150-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 150-4PK00-0AA0
outer surface of the primary 1FN3 150-5W 1FN3 150-5PK00-0AA0
section can be kept constant 1FN3 300-2W 1FN3 300-2PK00-0AA0
in a tolerance bandwidth of
between 0 and 3 K (referred 1FN3 300-3W 1FN3 300-3PK00-0AA0
to the intake temperature)
1FN3 300-4W 1FN3 300-4PK00-0AA0
under all operating conditions.
1FN3 450-2W 1FN3 450-2PK00-0AA0
1FN3 450-3W 1FN3 450-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 450-4W 1FN3 450-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 600-3W 1FN3 600-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 600-4W 1FN3 600-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 900-2W 1FN3 900-2PK00-0AA0
1FN3 900-4W 1FN3 900-4PK00-0AA0

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/19

4_2.fm Seite 20 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors Linear Motors

■ Cooling profiles with plug or hose connection (optional)

The total maximum heat transfer The surface of the cooling • High power loss transfer to Selection of cooling profiles
to the secondary section is less profiles are thermally optimized. the secondary section (at Cooling profiles for secondary
than 10% of the total power The contact surface to the high continuous feed force section cooling can be used
loss of the linear motor. The secondary section absorbs the for short traversing paths with or without combination-
secondary section can be heat and transfers it to the and high continuous distributors. For use together
cooled and thermally insulated cooling duct. On the other hand, velocities). with a combination-distributor,
by using cooling profiles the contact surface to the • 1FN3 motors from frame it is necessary to have the
between the secondary section machine is low to minimize heat size 600 (necessary to use cooling profile selected with
and machine according to the transfer to the machine itself. rated force Fn). plug connections to make the
thermo sandwich® principle. We recommend that thermal connection to the combination-
Aluminum profile rails with insulation and secondary section Warning distributor. If the cooling profile
continuous cooling ducts. They cooling is used under the During linear motor operation, is used without combination-
are placed under the secondary following criteria: the secondary section may not distributor, then the end pieces
sections if high thermal • Requirement for minimum exceed the maximum tempe- of the profile must have hose
requirements are placed on the heat transfer of the secondary rature of 140 °F (60 °C), sleeve nipples to accommodate
machine accuracy. The cooling sections to the machine (e.g. as otherwise the permanent a direct hose connection.
profiles are part of the low distortion as a result of magnets could be demagne-
secondary section cooling thermal effects). tized.
together with the secondary
section end pieces.

■ Cooling profiles with plug connection

The table shows the available Linear motor Cooling profile with plug connection Combination-distributor
cooling profiles with plug Type Order No. 1) Order No. 2)
connection to a combination- 1FN3 050-... 1FN3 050-0T.01-0AA0
1FN3 100-... 1FN3 002-0TK04-1. .0 1FN3 100-0T.01-0AA0
1FN3 150-... 1FN3 150-0T.01-0AA0

4 1FN3 300-...
1FN3 450-...
1FN3 600-...
1FN3 900-...
1FN3 003-0TK04-1. .0

1FN3 004-0TK04-1. .0
1FN3 005-0TK04-1. .0
1FN3 300-0T.01-0AA0
1FN3 450-0T.01-0AA0
1FN3 600-0T.01-0AA0
1FN3 900-0T.01-0AA0

Length code For all motor sizes Only for motor sizes The maximum length of a
When ordering a cooling (050 to 900) 050 to 150 single cooling profile is 9.84 ft
profile you must match the (3 m), which corresponds to
Number of Length Number of Length
length of it to the length of the secondary sections code secondary sections code
16 secondary segments for
secondary section. The motor sizes 300 to 900 and
1 AB 17 BH up to 24 segments for sizes
length of the secondary
section (permanent 2 AC 18 BJ 050 to 150. For lengths above
magnets) is determined by 3 AD 19 BK 9.84 ft (3 m) the cooling profile
the motor size and the has to be split.
4 AE 20 CA
number of secondary
5 AF 21 CB
sections used. That means
when you select the cooling 6 AG 22 CC
profile for your motor size 7 AH 23 CD
you have to specify in the 8 AJ 24 CE
14th and 15th digit of the part
number the length of the 9 AK
cooling profile by indicating 10 BA
the numbers of secondary 11 BB
sections used. To indicate
12 BC
the length the following
length code is used. 13 BD
14 BE
15 BF
16 BG

1) For the complete order number see length code below.

2) For the complete order number refer to the paragraph combination-distributor in this section.

4/20 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 21 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Linear Motors Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Cooling profiles with plug connection

Example 1
A 1FN3 600-3WB00-0AA1 The quantity necessary for this
is used with 4 secondary motor size is three of each
sections. The part number cooling profile since they
for the two cooling profiles are placed underneath both
with plug connection to a com- sides and the middle of
bination-distributor is therefore the secondary section (see
1FN3 004-0TK04-1AE0. Fig. 4/13).

Fig. 4/13
Cooling profile with connector plugs (unconnected) and combination-
distributor on each side. Total length >9.84 ft (3 m).

Example 2
A 1FN3 150-2WC00-0AA1 plug connection to a
is used with 27 secondary combination-distributor could
sections. 27 sections exceed be for instance 1FN3 004-
the length of 9.84 ft (3 m) or 0TK04-1BD0 (13 unit lengths
24 segments for this motor and 1FN3 002-0TK04-1BE0
size. Hence the cooling
profile has to be split into 2
pieces with any length
combination that adds up to
the total of 27 secondary
(14 unit lengths). For this
motor size the quantity two
of the specified cooling
profile part numbers is
necessary since the profiles
units. The part number for go under each side of the
the two cooling profiles with secondary section (see
Fig. 4/14).

Fig. 4/14
Cooling profile with connector plugs (unconnected) and combination-
distributor on each side. Total length <9.84 ft (3 m).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/21

4_2.fm Seite 22 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors Linear Motors

■ Cooling profiles without combination-distributor (direct hose connection via hose sleeve nipples)
For the connection of the
cooling circuit via a hose
directly to the cooling profiles,
it is necessary to have the
ends of the cooling profiles
equipped with hose sleeve
nipples for a direct hose
connection. For this purpose,
there are cooling profiles with
hose sleeve nipples on both
If the length of the required
cooling profile exceeds 9.84 ft
(3 m), the cooling profile
needs to be split in two or
more pieces. To allow an
easy connection between
these pieces, there are Fig. 4/15
cooling profiles available Cooling profile with connector plug and hose sleeve nipple for size 050 to 450.
with a hose sleeve nipple on Total length >9.84 ft (3 m).
one side and the plug
connection on the other side.
The cooling profile form for
motors in size 050 to 450
makes it necessary to
differentiate between cooling
profiles with a hose sleeve
nipple on the right (R) and
on the left (L) side (see
Fig. 4/15). Cooling profiles
for size 600 and 900 motors

4 do not have that restriction

and can be used Right or
Left (R/L) (see Fig. 4/16).

Fig. 4/16
Cooling profile with connector plug and hose sleeve nipple for size 600 and 900.
Total length >9.84 ft (3 m).

Linear motor Cooling profile with hose sleeve Cooling profile with hose sleeve Cooling profile with hose sleeve
Type nipple on both ends nipple on Right (R) nipple on Left (L)

Order No. 1) Order No. 2) Order No. 2)

1FN3 050-.. .
1FN3 100-.. . 1FN3 002-0TK02-1. .0 1FN3 002-0TK06-1AC0 1FN3 002-0TK07-1AC0
1FN3 150-.. .
1FN3 300-.. .
1FN3 003-0TK02-1. .0 1FN3 003-0TK06-1AC0 1FN3 003-0TK07-1AC0
1FN3 450-.. .
1FN3 600-.. . 1FN3 004-0TK02-1. .0 1FN3 004-0TK06-1AC0 1FN3 004-0TK06-1AC0
1FN3 900-.. . 1FN3 005-0TK02-1. .0 1FN3 005-0TK06-1AC0 1FN3 005-0TK06-1AC0

Length code

1) For the complete order number see length code in “cooling profiles w/ plug connection” paragraph.
2) Cooling profiles with hose sleeve nipple have a fixed length of 2 secondary section lengths.

4/22 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 23 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Linear Motors Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Secondary section end pieces (optional)

Secondary section end pieces combination end piece are cover end piece is only used
are available in four versions. equipped with plug to hold down the optional
Combination-distributor, connections to connect to secondary section cover.
combination-adapter and the cooling profiles. The

For parallel water connection • Connects and branches
through the cooling profiles the cooling-medium to the
on all motor sizes (050 to two cooling profiles at the
900). It has the following func- beginning of the secondary
tions: section track.
• Retains the secondary section • Combines the cooling-
cover at the beginning and medium flow and connects
at the end of the secondary the cooling-medium
section track. discharge at the end of the
secondary section track. Fig. 4/17


Fig. 4/18

Provides connection for the
cooling-medium intake and
discharge for serial water
connection through the
• Cooling-medium
• Cooling-medium routing

cooling profiles for motor The pressure loss for this

sizes 050 to 450. It has the system is significantly higher
following functions: than when cooling using the
combination-distributors, and
• Retains the secondary section must therefore be carefully
cover checked.
Fig. 4/19

Combination end piece

The combination end piece secondary section track
is required to route the when serial water
cooling-medium connection is used (only in
at the order end of the combination with a


Fig. 4/20

Cover end piece

For holding down the secondary section cover and
optional secondary section no combination-distributor or
cover (only necessary if adapter is used).

Secondary section end pieces Motor sizes Part No.

Combination-distributor 050, 100, 150, 300, 450, 600, 900 1FN3. . .-0TJ01-0AA0
Combination-adapter 050, 100, 150, 300, 450 1FN3. . .-0TG01-0AA0
Combination end piece 050, 100, 150, 300, 450 1FN3. . .-0TF01-0AA0
Cover end piece 050, 100, 150, 300, 450, 600, 900 1FN3. . .-0TC01-0AA0

Motor size

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 4/23

4_2.fm Seite 24 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Accessories for 1FN3 AC linear motors Linear Motors

■ Secondary section cover (optional)

Continuous protection for the section magnets so that section by indicating the
permanent magnets of the when worn they can be numbers of secondary
secondary section, changed without any other sections used in the 14th and
manufactured from semi- tools. 15th digit of the part number.
magnetic stainless steel The cover is one continuous
plates. They attach piece and matched to the
themselves to the secondary length of the secondary

Motor sizes Part No.

Secondary section cover 050, 100, 150, 300, 450, 600, 900 1FN3. . .-0TB00-1 . . 0

Motor size

Number of 0 AA 0
10 B B 1
20 C C 2
30 D D 3
40 E E 4
50 F F 5
60 G G 6
70 H H 7
80 J J 8
90 K K 9

4 The secondary section cover is

also available as a segmented
cover over 3, 4 or 5 secondary
Motor sizes Part No.
Secondary section cover 050, 100, 150, 300, 450, 600, 900 1FN3. . .-4TP00-1A . 0

Motor size

Number of D 3
E 4
F 5

Page 4/25 gives a complete

overview of the available optional
components for 1FN3 linear

4/24 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

4_2.fm Seite 25 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Linear Motors Optional components for 1FN3 AC linear motors

■ Ordering and planning data (overview)

Linear motors Optional components
Type Precision cooler Secondary section end pieces Cooling profile 1) Secondary side cover
Order No. Order No. Order No. Order No.
1FN3 050-2W 1FN3 050-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 050-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 002-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 050-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 100-2W 1FN3 100-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 100-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 002-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 100-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 100-3W 1FN3 100-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 100-4W 1FN3 100-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 100-5W 1FN3 100-5PK00-0AA0
1FN3 150-2W 1FN3 150-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 150-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 002-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 150-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 150-3W 1FN3 150-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 150-4W 1FN3 150-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 150-5W 1FN3 150-5PK00-0AA0
1FN3 300-2W 1FN3 300-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 300-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 003-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 300-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 300-3W 1FN3 300-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 300-4W 1FN3 300-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 450-2W 1FN3 450-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 450-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 003-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 450-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 450-3W 1FN3 450-3PK00-0AA0
1FN3 450-4W 1FN3 450-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 600-3W 1FN3 600-3PK00-0AA0 1FN3 500-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 004-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 600-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 600-4W 1FN3 600-4PK00-0AA0
1FN3 900-2W 1FN3 900-2PK00-0AA0 1FN3 900-0T@0@-0AA0 1FN3 004-0TK0@-1@ @0 1FN3 900-@ @ @00-1@ @ 0
1FN3 900-4W 1FN3 900-4PK00-0AA0

Combination distributor J
(for parallel water connection of all cooler profiles and holding
down the cover)
Combination adapter G

(for one-sided water connection and holding down the cover; use
only in combination with combination end piece)
Combination end piece F
(for water redirection and holding down the cover;
use only in combination with combination end piece)
Cover end piece C
(holding down cover, without cooler profile

Combination distributor, adapter, end piece 0

for cooling profile with adapter nipple
Combination distributor, adapter, end piece 1
for cooling profile with plug-in coupling
Number of sec-
ondary sections
Equipped with hose sleeve nipple for direct hose connection 2 0 A
Pre-assembled with plug-in coupling for connection to combination distributors with plug-in coupling, 4 10 B
adapters with plug-in coupling and end pieces with plug-in coupling 20 C
Cooling profile for frame sizes: 6 30 D
1FN3050 to 1FN3450 with hose sleeve nipple, right 40 E
1FN3600 to 1FN3900 with hose sleeve nipples on both sides 50 F
Cooling profile for frame sizes: 7 60 G
1FN3050 to 1FN3450 with hose sleeve nipple, left 70 H
80 J
90 K
Continuous secondary section cover several secondary sections 0 TB 0 A
Segmented secondary section cover 3, 4 or 5 secondary sections 4 TP 1 B
2 C
Examples: 3 D
Number of secondary Order No. for 4 E
sections secondary section cover 5 F
1 1FN3 ..0-0TB00-1AB0 6 G
14 1FN3 ..0-0TB00-1BE0 7 H
16 1FN3 ..0-0TB00-1BG0 8 J
24 1FN3 ..0-0TB00-1CE0 9 K

1) Frame sizes The maximum length of a single-section cooling • 1FN3050 1FN3150 a maximum number of
1FN3 050 to 1FN3 450: profile that can be supplied is 9.84 ft (3 m). 24 secondary sections (AB to CE)
2 pieces per secondary section track For the following frame sizes this corresponds
• 1FN3300 to 1FN3900 a maximum number of
1FN3 600 to 1FN3 900: to:
16 secondary sections (AB to BG).
3 pieces per secondary section track

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4_2.fm Seite 26 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:51 07

Notes Linear Motors

4/26 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 7:53 07

Connecting Systems
Power cables
MOTION-CONNECT® 500, 700 and 800
5/2 6FX5, 6FX8 and 6FX7, technical data
5/3 6FX5, 6FX8 and 6FX7, connection overview
5/4 • for 1FK., 1FT6, 1FS6, 1PH., 1PL6
5/6 6FX7, for 1FN3 linear motors, sold by the meter
5/7 • for 1PH7, 1PL6 and 1PH4 induction motors
Flange for signal plug

Encoder cables
5/8 • for connection to motors
with an incremental encoder HTL
5/9 • for connection to motors
with a resolver 2-pole /multi-pole
5/10 • for connection to motors
with a sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp
5/11 • for connection to motors
with an absolute-value encoder (EnDat)
5/12 • for 1FN3 AC linear motors
5/14 • for SIMODRIVE 611 universal


Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/1

5_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Power cables Synchronous Asynchronous
MOTION-CONNECT 500, 700 and 800 Servomotors Servomotors

■ 6FX5, 6FX8 and 6FX7 power cables, technical data

The new MOTION-CONNECT The cost-effective 6FX5 values and permissible travel- • They are subject to exten-
6FX5 and 6FX8 cables replace standard cable is generally ing speeds, an increased oil sive tests, thus ensuring
the former standard (6FX4) permanently routed while the resistance and is halogen / sili- outstanding quality.
as well as performance performance 6FX8 cable con-free.
cables (6FX2) and add the can be universally used in • They are safe and reliable
new 6FX7 power cables fixed as well as in moving The 6FX5, 6FX8 and 6FX7 as they are optimally
with 4 temperature leads applications where the cable cables are sold by the meter matched to the compo-
especially designed for may be flered up to but can also be supplied as nents which have to be
1FN3 linear motor applica- 10 million times (core cross prefabricated cables (with connected.
tions. section ≤ 6 mm2) during mounted connectors).
• The savings in logistics,
their life cycle. The prefabricated cables construction and purchasing
the DESINA color requirements, Furthermore the performance with connectors offer the reduce overall costs.
orange jacket for servo and cable 6FX8 has compared following advantages:
The 6FX cables, prefabricated
frequency controlled drive to the standard cable higher op- • The exact length can be and sold by the meter, are
power cables and green jacket erating temperature ratings, ordered to the meter. described in detail on the
for measurement cables like significant better acceleration following pages.
encoder cables.

Technical data
6FX5 00. –.. .. type 6FX8 00. –.. .. type 6FX7 00. –.. .. type
Power/signal cables
• VDE 1) yes yes yes
• c/UL or UL/CSA 758/C22.2N.210.2–M9C 758/C22.2N.210.2–M9C 758/C22.2N.210.2–M9C
• UL/CSA File No.2) yes yes yes
Electrical data acc. to DIN VDE 0472
Rated voltage
• power cable V0/V
– supply cores 600/1000 V 600/1000 V 600/1000 V
– signal cores 24 V (VDE) 1000 V (UL) 24 V (VDE) 1000 V (UL/CSA) 24 V (VDE) 1000 V (UL/CSA)
• signal cable 30 V 30 V –
Test voltage
• power cable
– supply cores 2 kVeff 4 kVeff 4 kVeff
– signal cores 1 kVeff 2 kVeff 2 kVeff
• signal cable 500 Veff 500 Veff –
Operating temperature
on the surface

5 • fixed cable
• moving cable
Mechanical data
Max. tensile stress
Power/signal cables:
–4 °F to 176 °F (–20 °C to +80 °C)
32 °F to 140 °F (0 °C to +60 °C)
–58 °F to 176 °F (–50 °C to +80 °C)
–4 °F to 140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)
–58 °F to 176 °F (–50 °C to +80 °C)
–4 °F to 140 °F (–20 °C to +60 °C)

• fixed cable 7252 lbf /in2 (50 N/mm2) 7252 lbf /in2 (50 N/mm2) 7252 lbf /in2 (50 N/mm2)
• moving cable – 2900 lbf /in2 (20 N/mm2) 2900 lbf /in2 (20 N/mm2)
Smallest permissible bending radius
• fixed cable (power cable) 5 × Dmax 6 × Dmax 4 × Dmax
• fixed cable (signal cable) 2.4 in (60 mm) 2.4 in (60 mm) –
• moving cable (power cable) – – –
• moving cable (signal cable) 7.1 in (180 mm) 3.9 in (100 mm) –
Torsional stress 30 °/m absolute 30 °/m absolute 30 °/m absolute
• 1.5 to 6 mm2 or signal 100.000 10 Mio. 10 Mio.
• 10 to 185 mm2 100.000 3 Mio. 10 Mio.
Traverse rate
• 1.5 to 6 mm2 or signal 98 ft/min (30 m/min) 591 ft/min (180 m/min) 656 ft/min (200 m/min)
• 10 to 185 mm2 98 ft/min (30 m/min) 328 ft/min (100 m/min) 656 ft/min (200 m/min)
Acceleration 6.6 ft/s2 (2 m/s2) 16 ft/s2 (5 m/s2) 98 ft/s2 (30 m/s2)
Chemical data
Insulation material CFC-free, silicone-free halogen-free, CFC-free, halogen-free, CFC-free,
silicone-free, DIN 472 815/IEC 754-1 silicone-free, DIN 472 815/IEC 754-1
Oil resistance VDE 0472, part 803, type of test B VDE 0472, part 803, type of test B VDE 0472, part 803, type of test B
(only hydraulic oil)
Outer sheath
• power cable PVC, color DESINA: orange RAL 2003 PUR DIN VDE 0282, part 10, PUR DIN VDE 0282, part 10,
color DESINA: orange RAL 2003 color DESINA: orange RAL 2003
• signal cable PVC, color DESINA: green RAL 6018 PUR DIN VDE 0282, part 10,
color DESINA: green RAL 6018
Flame resistant IEC 60 332.1 IEC 60 332.1 IEC 60 332.1
The cables are not suitable for exposure to outdoor use.
The technical data of these cables only apply to single bends with horizontal travel of up to five meters.
Degree of protection for the customized power and signal cables and their extension cables when closed and plugged: IP 67

1) The corresponding registration numbers are 2) The file no. of the respective manufacturers are
printed on the cable sheath. printed on the cable sheath.

5/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 19. April 2002 8:49 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Power cables
Servomotors Servomotors MOTION-CONNECT 500, 700 and 800

■ 6FX5, 6FX8 and 6FX7, connection overview


Incremental encoder
TTL/HTL Incremental encoder
6FX@ 002–2AH00–@@@01) HTL
6FX2 001–.....
in 1PH7, 1PH4,
≤ 492 ft (150 m) 1PL6 motors
6FX@ 002–2AH00–@@@0 X103 or
X401 external (CUVC)
(SBP) ≤ 328 ft (100 m) (TTL) HTL encoder
6SX7 002–0AN00–@@@02) Incremental encoder
≤ 492 ft (150 m) 6SX7 002–0AL00–@@@03)
(HTL track A+B) or TTL/HTL
≤ 984 ft (300 m) 1XP8 on 1LA
≤ 492 ft (150 m) motor
(HTL track A*+B*) Incremental encoder
1PH7, 1PH4, 1PL6

Incremental encoder
Motor encoder TTL/HTL
X414 6FX@ 002–2CF02–@@@0 resolver in 6FX2 001–.....
(SBR) 1FK6, 1FK7, 1FT6,
≤ 492 ft (150 m)
1PH7 motors

X401 6FX@ 002–2AH00–@@@01)

(SBP) HTL encoder
Absolute-value ≤ 492 ft (150 m)
6FX@ 002–2CC71–1@@0 encoder (track A+B)
6FX2 001–5 .S.. ≤ 984 ft (300 m) or
≤ 328 ft (100 m) (track A*+B*)
with SSI
Incremental encoder
or HTL
in 1PH7, 1PH4,
sin/cos incremental 1PL6 motors
6FX@ 002–2CG00–1@@0 encoder 1 Vpp
6FX2 001–3 ....
≤ 328 ft (100 m)
6FX2 001–3 ...


6FX@ 002–2CH00–1@@0
≤ 328 ft (100 m)
encoder (EnDat)
6FX2 001–5.E..
U2, V2,
6FX@ 008–@@@@@–@@@0 1PH7, 1PH4,
1PL6, 1LA
sin/cos incremental
encoder 1 Vpp
6FX@ 002–2CA31–1@@0 6FX2 001–3 ....
(SBM2) in 1PH4, 1FK6,
≤ 328 ft (100 m) 1FK7, 1FT6, 1PH7,
1PL6 motors
■ Current carrying capacity (Iz) of PVC-insulated copper
conductors acc. to IEC 60 204-1: 1997 ++ Corrigendum
1998 · Correction factors
or Cross- Current carrying Ambient air Correction
Absolute-value section capacity Iz temperature factor
encoder (EnDat) with installation type C
6FX@ 002–2EQ10–1@@0
in 1PH4, 1FK6, mm2 A °C
≤ 328 ft (100 m) 1FK7, 1FT6, 1PH7,
0.75 – 30 1.15
1PL6 motors
1.0 11.7 35 1.08
1.5 15.2 40 1.00
2.5 21 45 0.91
6FX@ 008–@@@@@–@@@0 1PH7, 1PH4, 5 28 50 0.82
1PL6, 1FS6
6 36 55 0.71
U, V, W 10 50 60 0.58
6FX@ 002–@@@@@–@@@0 16 66
1FK6, 1FK7, 1FT6 25 84
35 104
50 123
1) Max. 492 ft (150 m) for HTL, supplementy board DTI essential for: 70 155
– TTL encoders Note:
– requested electrical isolation 95 192
The correction factors are taken
– Length > 492 ft (150 m) 120 221 from IEC 60 364-5-523, table 52-D1.
2) Track A, B, N and A*, B*, N*
3) Track A, B

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5_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Power cables Synchronous Asynchronous
MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800 Servomotors Servomotors

■ Power cables for 1FK., 1FT6, 1FS6, 1PH., 1PL6

6FX @ 002–5DA . . 6FX @ 008–1BA . .
with braking cable, with shield with braking cable, with shield
Motor No. of Con- Prefabricated cables2) Dmax Cable by the meter Weight 1) Smallest
cur- cores × nec- 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 permissible
rent cross tor bending radius
I section size 6FX8 6FX5
in in lb/ft lb/ft in in
A mm Order No. (mm) (mm) Order No. (kg/m) (kg/m) (mm) (mm)
15.2 4×1.5+2×1.5 1 6FX@ 002–5DA01–@@@0 0.51 0.52 6FX@ 008–1BA11–@@A0 0.17 0.15 4.92 9.45
1.5 6FX@ 002–5DA21–@@@0 (12.9) (13.1) (0.25) (0.22) (125) (240)
21 4×2.5+2×1.5 1 6FX@ 002–5DA11–@@@0 0.56 0.56 6FX@ 008–1BA21–@@A0 0.21 0.19 5.51 10.24
1.5 6FX@ 002–5DA31–@@@0 (14.2) (14.2) (0.31) (0.28) (140) (260)
28 4×4+2×1.5 1.5 6FX@ 002–5DA41–@@@0 0.6 0.63 6FX@ 008–1BA31–@@A0 0.27 0.24 5.91 11.42
(15.3) (15.9) (0.4) (0.36) (150) (290)
36 4×6+2×1.5 1.5 6FX@ 002–5DA51–@@@0 0.7 0.67 6FX@ 008–1BA41–@@A0 0.36 0.36 7.68 12.01
(17.8) (16.9) (0.53) (0.54) (195) (305)
50 4×10+2×1.5 3 6FX@ 002–5DA13–@@@0 0.82 0.85 6FX@ 008–1BA51–@@A0 0.5 0.5 9.06 15.55
1.5 6FX@ 002–5DA61–@@@0 (20.8) (21.7) (0.74) (0.75) (230) (395)
66 4×16+2×1.5 3 6FX@ 002–5DA23–@@@0 0.97 0.95 6FX@ 008–1BA61–@@A0 0.74 0.74 10.83 17.32
(24.7) (24.2) (1.1) (1.1) (275) (440)
84 4×25+2×1.5 3 6FX@ 002–5DA33–@@@0 1.1 1.16 6FX@ 008–1BA25–@@A0 0.98 1.05 12.8 20.87
(27.9) (29.4) (1.46) (1.56) (325) (530)
104 4×35+2×1.5 3 6FX@ 002–5DA43–@@@0 1.26 1.28 6FX@ 008–1BA35–@@A0 1.41 1.35 14.96 23.23
(32) (32.6) (2.1) (2.01) (380) (590)
123 4×50+2×1.5 3 6FX@ 002–5DA53–@@@0 1.41 1.5 6FX@ 008–1BA50–@@A0 1.85 2.22 16.54 26.97
(35.8) (38) (2.75) (3.3) (420) (685)



1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) 1 B 33 ft Rings
2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m) (10 m) (25, 35, 50 mm2)
3 656 ft (200 m) C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m) 1 F 164 ft Rings
D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m) (50 m) (for deviations see table)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m) 2 A 328 ft Rings
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m) (100 m) (for deviations see table)

5 Length code:
G 197 ft (60 m)
H 229 ft (70 m)
J 263 ft (80 m)
K 295 ft (90 m)
19.7 ft (6 m)
23 ft (7 m)
26.2 ft (8 m)
29.5 ft (9 m) Form of delivery:
3 A 656 ft Disposable drum
(200 m) (not for cables > 10 mm2)
6 A 1640 ft Disposable drum
(500 m) (not for cables > 10 mm2)

Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): . .. –1A B0

26.2 ft (8 m): . .. –1A J0
45.7 ft (15 m): . .. –1B F0
193.5 ft (59 m): . .. –1F K0
328 ft (100 m): .. . –2A A0

Deviations from form of delivery

6FX . 008– 164 ft (50 m) (–1FA0) 328 ft (100 m) (–2AA0)
–1BA25 Disposable drum Disposable drum
–1BA35 Disposable drum Disposable drum
–1BA50 Disposable drum Disposable drum
The cross-sections 25, 35 and 50 mm2 can also be ordered and
–1BA51 / –1BB51 Disposable drum
delivered to the meter from 33 ft (10 m) to 161 ft (49 m) (according to the
–1BA61 / –1BB61 Disposable drum length code of the prefabricated cables) and in 33 ft (10 m) rings.

■ Flange for power connectors Mounting holes Dimension Drawing Flange

Plugs with union nut as well For power plug size 1 DA65-6009 Æ e DA65-6010

as with external thread which 6FX2003-7BX00

are mounted on prefabricated

For power plug size 1.5 a

cables (ex-works) can be
equipped with a flange for 6FX2003-7CX00
d Æ c Æ h g
passing cable through an For power plug size 3
enclosure. 6FX2003-7AX10 Size a b c d e f g h
The flange needs to be in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm) in (mm)
ordered separately. Size 1 ∅ 1.09 1.11 M3 (4×) 1.11 ∅ 1.57 1.38 1.11 ∅ 0.13
(∅ 27.8) (28.3) (28.3) (∅ 40) (35) (28.3) (∅ 3.2)
Size 1.5 ∅ 1.81 1.67 M4 (4×) 1.67 ∅ 2.36 2.17 1.67 ∅ 0.17
1) Weight of cables sold by the meter excluding connector. (∅ 46) (42.4) (42.4) (∅ 60) (55) (42.4) (∅ 4.4)
2) Prefabricated cables are typically stocked in 5 m increments, Size 3 ∅ 2.56 2.95 M4 (4×) 2.95 ∅ 2.48 3.15 2.95 ∅ 0.18
e.g. 5, 15, 20 m ... Other lengths can experience extended (∅ 65) (75) (75) (∅ 63) (80) (75) (∅ 4.5)
lead time. All quantities are subject to prior sale.

5/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Power cables
Servomotors Servomotors MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800

■ Power cables for 1FK., 1FT6, 1FS6, 1PH., 1PL6

6FX @ 002–5CA . . 6FX @ 008–1BB . .
without braking cable, with shield without braking cable, with shield
Motor No. of Connector Prefabricated cables3) Dmax Cable by the meter Weight 1) Smallest
cur- cores × size 6FX8 6FX5 6FX8 6FX5 permissible
rent cross bending radius
I section 6FX8 6FX5
in in lb/ft lb/ft in in
A mm Order No. (mm) (mm) Order No. (kg/m) (kg/m) (mm) (mm)
15.2 4 × 1.5 1 6FX@ 002–5CA01–@@@0 0.41 0.4 6FX@ 008–1BB11–@@A0 0.11 0.12 3.94 7.28
1.5 6FX@ 002–5CA21–@@@0 (10.4) (10.1) (0.16) (0.18) (100) (185)
21 4 × 2.5 1 6FX@ 002–5CA11–@@@0 0.48 0.45 6FX@ 008–1BB21–@@A0 0.16 0.16 4.72 8.27
1.5 6FX@ 002–5CA31–@@@0 (12.1) (11.5) (0.24) (0.24) (120) (210)
28 4×4 1.5 6FX@ 002–5CA41–@@@0 0.52 0.52 6FX@ 008–1BB31–@@A0 0.21 0.22 5.12 9.45
(13.2) (13.3) (0.31) (0.32) (130) (240)
36 4×6 1.5 6FX@ 002–5CA51–@@@0 0.63 0.61 6FX@ 008–1BB41–@@A0 0.29 0.31 6.69 11.22
(16) (15.6) (0.43) (0.46) (170) (285)
50 4 × 10 3 6FX@ 002–5CA13–@@@0 0.76 0.79 6FX@ 008–1BB51–@@A0 0.42 0.49 8.27 14.17
1.5 6FX@ 002–5CA61–@@@0 (19.4) (20) (0.63) (0.73) (210) (360)
66 4 × 16 3 6FX@ 002–5CA23–@@@0 0.93 0.96 6FX@ 008–1BB61–@@A0 0.64 0.74 10.24 17.32
(23.6) (24.2) (0.95) (1.1) (260) (440)
84 4 × 25 – – – 1.1 6FX 5 008–1BB25–@@A0 – 0.95 – 19.88
(28) (1.42) (505)
104 4 × 35 – – – 1.24 6FX 5 008–1BB35–@@A0 – 1.26 – 22.44
(31.5) (1.87) (570)
123 4 × 50 – – – 1.5 6FX 5 008–1BB50–@@A0 2) – 2.3 – 26.97
(38) (3.42) (685)
155 4 × 70 – – – 1.68 6FX 5 008–1BB70–@@A0 2) – 2.77 – 30.31
(42.6) (4.12) (770)
192 4 × 95 – – – 2.04 6FX 5 008–1BB05–@@A0 2) – 3.21 – 36.81
(51.7) (4.78) (935)
221 4 × 120 – – – 2.2 6FX 5 008–1BB12–@@A0 2) – 4.11 – 39.76
(56) (6.11) (1010)
234 4 × 150 – – – 2.48 6FX 5 008–1BB15–@@A0 2) – 5.21 – 44.69
(63) (7.75) (1135)
267 4 × 185 – – – 2.61 6FX 5 008–1BB18–@@A0 2) – 6.35 – 47.05
(66.2) (9.45) (1195)

1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) 1 B 33 ft Rings
2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m) (10 m) (25, 35, 50 mm2)
3 656 ft (200 m) C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m) 1 F 164 ft Rings
D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m) (50 m) (for deviations see table)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m) 2 A 328 ft Rings
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m) (100 m) (for deviations see table)
G 197 ft (60 m) G 19.7 ft (6 m) 3 A 656 ft Disposable drum
H 229 ft (70 m) H 23 ft (7 m) (200 m) (not for cables > 10 mm2)
J 263 ft (80 m) J 26.2 ft (8 m) 6 A 1640 ft Disposable drum
Length code: K 295 ft (90 m) K 29.5 ft (9 m) Form of delivery: (500 m) (not for cables > 10 mm2)

Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): . .. –1A B0

26.2 ft (8 m): . .. –1A J 0
45.7 ft (15 m): . .. –1B F0
193.5 ft (59 m): . .. –1F K0
328. ft (100 m): . .. –2A A0

Deviations from form of delivery

6FX . 008– 164 ft (50 m) (–1FA0) 328 ft (100 m) (–2AA0)
–1BA25 Disposable drum Disposable drum
–1BA35 Disposable drum Disposable drum
–1BA50 Disposable drum Disposable drum
The cross-sections 25, 35 and 50 mm2 can also be ordered and
–1BA51 / –1BB51 Disposable drum delivered to the meter from 33 ft (10 m) to 161 ft (49 m) (according to the
–1BA61 / –1BB61 Disposable drum length code of the prefabricated cables) and in 33 ft (10 m) rings.

1) Weight of cables sold by the meter 2) From cable cross-section 50 mm2 3) Prefabricated Power cables without brake leads
excluding connector. and 164 ft (50 m), 328 ft (100 m) will NOT be routinely stocked in the U.S.
and 656 ft (200 m) cable length, Please refer to page 5/4 for Power cables with
the form of delivery is on drums. breake leads.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/5

5_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Power cables Synchronous Asynchronous
MOTION-CONNECT 700 Servomotors Servomotors

■ 6FX7 power cables for 1FN3 linear motors, sold by the meter
6FX7 power cables for 1FN3 motors with temperature leads
Motor Power cable Order No. Cable Cable Smallest permissible
current cross-section diameter weight bending radius
moving installation
I0 Dmax
in lb/ft in
A mm2 AWG (mm) (kg/m) (mm)
15.2 4 × 1.5 + 4 × 0.5 16/20 6FX7008-1BC11-@@@0 0.55 3.94
(14) (100)
21 4 × 2.5 + 4 × 0.5 14/20 6FX7008-1BC21-@@@0 0.6 4.33
(15.2) (110)
28 4 × 4 + 4 × 0.5 12/20 6FX7008-1BC31-@@@0 0.65 4.72
(16.6) (120)
36 4 × 6 + 4 × 0.5 10/20 6FX7008-1BC41-@@@0 0.72 5.12
(18.3) (130)
50 4 × 10 + 4 × 0.5 8/20 6FX7008-1BC51-@@@0 0.93 6.5
(23.5) (165)
66 4 × 16 + 4 × 0.5 6/20 6FX7008-1BC61-@@@0 1.03 7.28
(26.1) (185)
84 4 × 25 + 4 × 0.5 4/20 6FX7008-1BC25-@@@0 1.2 8.46
(30.5) (215)

32.8 ft (10 m) Ring (only for 25 mm2) 1 BA

164 ft (50 m) Ring (one-way drums for 25 mm2) 1 FA
328 ft (100 m) Ring (one-way drums for 10, 16 and 25 mm2) 2 AA
656 ft (200 m) Disposable drum (not for 10, 16 and 25 mm2) 3 AA

5/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Power cables
Servomotors Servomotors PROTOFLEX-EMV/TOPFLEX-EMV

■ Power cables for 1PH7, 1PL6 and 1PH4 induction motors

In modern converter systems, Any other data like mini- Power rating* No. of cores × Outer cable diameter
fast-switching IGBT transistors mum bending radius, with 3 loaded cores cross section
are used. High pulse frequen- operating temperature A mm2 in (mm)
cies with very short switching range, must meet the
times in the nanosecond applications requirements 15.2 4 × 1.5 0.43 (10.6)
range associated with this and ambient conditions. 21 4 × 2.5 0.48 (12.3)
technology lead to a high level 28 4×4 0.57 (14.5)
of efficiency but can affect the Siemens recommends the
Pirelli PROTOFLEX-EMV 36 4×6 0.65 (16.4)
surroundings due to inter-
ference in the form of electro- power cable or the 50 4 × 10 0.79 (20.1)
magnetic fields. TOPFLEX-EMV cable from 66 4 × 16 0.92 (23.4)
Helukabel. Both cables
Any power cable that is are excellent and have 84 4 × 25 1.06 (27.0)
designed for variable frequency proven themselves in 104 4 × 35 1.21 (30.7)
drive operation and that meets many applications. 123 4 × 50 1.42 (36.1)
the following requirements
When using the 155 4 × 70 1.66 (42.3)
can be used.
PROTOFLEX-EMV or 192 4 × 95 1.88 (47.7)
• Minimum shield coverage the TOPFLEX-EMV cable 221 4 × 120 2.04 (51.9)
of 80% you can check with the
table beside what the 234 4 × 150 2.26 (57.5)
• Nominal voltage approximate cable size 267 4 × 185 2.41 (61.1)
V0/V = 600/1000 V is for your application. * For permanent operation at ambient temperature of 104 °F (40 °C) and
• “Max. operating For an exact determination single routing.
voltage” rating: of the required cable size
1700 V please consult the cable
supplier since factors like Information about these cables can be obtained through:
• Coupling resistance routing type and operating
max. 250 Ω/km air temperature need to PROTOFLEX-EMV TOPFLEX-EMV
be considered. ANIXTER HI-TECH Controls Inc.
Phone: (678) 377-3427 Phone: 1 800 677-8942
http://www.anixter.com Fax: (303) 680-5344

Encoder cables

■ Flange for signal plug

Plugs with union nut as
well as with external thread
The flange needs to be
ordered separately.
Mounting holes
Dimension Drawing
Æ 1.57
Æ 40



which are mounted on

prefabricated cables
(ex-works) can be equipped Flange for signal plug d Æ c Æ 0.13 1.11
Æ 3.2
with a flange, for passing cable 6FX2003-7DX00 28.3
through an enclosure. a b c d
in in in
(mm) (mm) (mm)
∅ 1.06 1.11 M3 (4×) 1.11
(∅ 27) (28.3) (28.3)

Dimension in inches
Dimension in mm

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/7

5_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Encoder cables Synchronous Asynchronous
MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800 Servomotors Servomotors

■ For connection to motors with an incremental encoder HTL (1024 p/r and 2048 p/r) 1)
Cable design and pin assignment
Type 6FX. 002-2AH00- .... base cable
Converter side Cable, sold by Measurement system side
Motion Vector the meter
Control Control 6FX.008-1BD21
PIN PIN Signal name Color of cores Signal name PIN
Cable end cut off 71 * B Orange * B 1 Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE12
63 30 KTY 84 + White-red KTY 84 + 2

68 24 A Black A 5
69 * A Brown * A 6 DA65-5157a


70 25 B Red B 8 8 9

7 12 1
61 23 0V White-blue 0V 10 E
62 29 KTY 84 – White-black KTY 84 – 11 5

60 28 15 V White-yellow 15 V 12
Outer shield on yes
plug housing

Cable extension
Type 6FX. 002-2AH04- ... 0
Plug type: 6FX2 003-1CF12 PIN assignment of the cable extension Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE12
corresponding to the base cable.


1 8 8


10 12 7 12 1
2 7 10
P 2
3 E
6 6
11 11
4 3
5 5


female male

Selection and ordering data

Cable Order No. Cable Length Order No.
ft (m)

Prefabricated cables Cable, sold by the meter

Encoder cables for Encoder cables for connection 164 6FX@008–1BD21–1FA0
connection to motors to motors with an incremental (50)
with an incremental encoder HTL 328 6FX@008–1BD21–2AA0
encoder HTL 6FX@002–2AH00–@@@0 Number of cores × cross-section (100)
[mm2] 4 × 2 × 0.34 + 4 × 0.5
656 6FX@008–1BD21–3AA0
1640 6FX@008–1BD21–6AA0

1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) Outer diameter of cable for 6FX8: 0.37 in (9.3 mm) 8

2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m)
Outer diameter of cable for 6FX5: 0.37 in (9.3 mm) 5
3 656 ft (200 m) C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m)
4 984 ft (300 m) D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m)
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m)
G 197 ft (60 m) G 19.7 ft (6 m)
H 229 ft (70 m) H 23 ft (7 m)
J 263 ft (80 m) J 26.2 ft (8 m)
Length code: K 295 ft (90 m) K 29.5 ft (9 m)
Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): .. . –1 A B0
26.2 ft (8 m): .. . –1 A J0
45.7 ft (15 m): .. . –1 B F0
193.5 ft (59 m): .. . –1 F K0
328. ft (100 m): .. . –2 A A0

1) Cable length ≤ 492 ft (150 m) without transmission of the inverted signals and cable length 492 ft (150 m)
to 984 ft (300 m) with transmission of the inverted signals and use of the DTI unit.

5/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Encoder cables
Servomotors Servomotors MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800

■ For connection to motors with a resolver 2-pole/multi-pole

Cable design and pin assignment
Type 6FX. 002-2CF02- .... base cable
Converter side Cable, sold by Motor side
the meter
PIN Signal name Color of cores Signal name PIN
Plug type: 6FC9 348-7HP00 3 SIN Yellow SIN 1 Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE12
4 * SIN Green * SIN 2
5 Inner shield 3

6 COS Black COS 11
7 * COS Brown * COS 12

8 Inner shield 5 DA65-5157a

13 + TEMP Red + TEMP 8

25 – TEMP Orange – TEMP 9 8 9

7 12 1
24 Inner shield 4

9 + VPP Brown-red + VPP 10 5

11 – VPP Brown-blue – VPP 7

yes Outer shield on plug housing yes

Cable extension
Type 6FX. 002-2CF04- ... .
Plug type: 6FX2 003-1CF12 PIN assignment of the cable extension Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE12
corresponding to the base cable.


9 8

7 9

1 12 7 12 1
10 6 10
P 2
2 E
11 5 11
3 3

4 4

female male

Selection and ordering data

Cable Order No. Cable Length Order No.
ft (m)

Prefabricated cables (length < 492 ft (150 m)) Cable, sold by the meter 1)
Encoder cables for Encoder cables for connection 164 6FX@008–1BD41–1FA0
connection to motors to motors which are fitted with (50)
which are fitted with a a resolver (detection of rotor 328 6FX@008–1BD41–2AA0
resolver (detection of position and speed). Number (100)
rotor position and of cores × cross-section [mm2]
speed), prefabricated 6FX@002–2CF02 –@@@0 3 × 2 × 0.14 + 4 × 0.14 + 2 × 0.5 656 6FX@008–1BD41–3AA0
MOTION-CONNECT 800 8 1640 6FX@008–1BD41–6AA0

Outer diameter of cable for 6FX8: 0.36 in (9.2 mm) 8

1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) Outer diameter of cable for 6FX5: 0.37 in (9.3 mm) 5
2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m)
C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m)
D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m)
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m)
G 197 ft (60 m) G 19.7 ft (6 m)
H 229 ft (70 m) H 23 ft (7 m)
J 263 ft (80 m) J 26.2 ft (8 m)
Length code: K 295 ft (90 m) K 29.5 ft (9 m)
Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): .. . –1 A B0
26.2 ft (8 m): .. . –1 A J0
45.7 ft (15 m): .. . –1 B F 0
193.5 ft (59 m): .. . –1 F K0 1) Maximum permissible length of the prefabricated
328. ft (100 m): .. . –2 A A0 cables for the resolvers: 492 ft (150 m).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/9

5_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Encoder cables Synchronous Asynchronous
MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800 Servomotors Servomotors

■ For connection to motors with a sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp

Cable design and pin assignment
Type 6FX. 002-2CA31- .... /6FX. 002-2YS01.... base cable
Converter side Cable, sold by the meter Measurement system/
6FX.008-1BD51 motor side
PIN Signal name Color of cores Signal name PIN
Plug type: 6FC9 348-7HP00 3 A Yellow Ua1 1 Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE17
4 * A Green * Ua1 2
5 Inner shield 17
6 B Black Ua2 11

7 * B Brown * Ua2 12
8 Inner shield 17

17 R Red Ua0 3 DA65-5157a

18 * R Orange * Ua0 13
24 Inner shield 17
19 C Blue Ua3 5

1 12 11
20 * C Gray * Ua3 6 2
13 17 16

3 9
21 D White-black Ua4 14 4
14 15
22 * D White-yellow * Ua4 4 5 6

6FX. 002-2CA31- .... 13 + TEMP Green-black + TEMP 8

Cable outlet at the bottom 25 – TEMP Green-red – TEMP 9
1 P encoder Brown-red P encoder 10
6FX. 002-2YS01- ....
Cable outlet at the top 14 5 V sense Brown-yellow 5 V sense 16
2 M encoder Brown-blue M encoder 7
16 0 V sense Brown-gray 0 V sense 15
yes Outer shield on plug housing yes

Cable extension
Type 6FX. 002-2CA34- ... .
Plug type: 6FX2 003-1CF17 PIN assignment of the cable extension Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE17
corresponding to the base cable.


DA65-6018 DA65-5157a

11 1


12 1 12 11
10 16 2 10
17 13 13 17 16
9 3 9
14 15
8 15 E 14 4 4 P 8
7 5 7
6 5 6

female male

Selection and ordering data

Cable Order No. Cable Length Order No.
ft (m)

Prefabricated cables (length < 328 ft (100 m)) Cable, sold by the meter 1)
Encoder cables for Encoder cables for connection 164 6FX@008–1BD51–1FA0
connection to motors to motors which are fitted with (50)
which are fitted with a sin/cos incremental encoder 328 6FX@008–1BD51–2AA0
a sin/cos incremental 1 V pp (detection of rotor position (100)
encoder 1 Vpp and speed). Number of
(detection of rotor cores × cross-section [mm2] 656 6FX@008–1BD51–3AA0
position and speed), 3 × 2 × 0.14 + 4 × 0.14 + (200)
prefabricated 6FX@002–2CA31 –@@@ 0 2 × 0.5 + 4 × 0.23 1640 6FX@008–1BD51–6AA0
Outer diameter of cable for 6FX8: 0.39 in (9.9 mm) 8
Outer diameter of cable for 6FX5: 0.39 in (9.9 mm) 5
1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m)
2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m)
C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m)
D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m)
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m)
G 197 ft (60 m) G 19.7 ft (6 m)
H 229 ft (70 m) H 23 ft (7 m)
J 263 ft (80 m) J 26.2 ft (8 m)
Length code: K 295 ft (90 m) K 29.5 ft (9 m)
Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): .. . –1 A B0
26.2 ft (8 m): .. . –1 A J0
45.7 ft (15 m): .. . –1 B F 0 1) Maximum permissible length of the prefabricated
193.5 ft (59 m): .. . –1 F K0 cables for the sin/cos incremental encoder 1 Vpp: 328 ft (100 m).

5/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Encoder cables
Servomotors Servomotors MOTION-CONNECT 500 and 800

■ For connection to motors with an absolute-value encoder (EnDat)

Cable design and pin assignment
Type 6FX. 002-2EQ10- .... base cable
Converter side Cable, sold by the meter Measurement system side
PIN Signal name Color of cores Signal name PIN
Plug type: 6FC9 348-7HP00 3 A Yellow Ua1 1 Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE17
4 * A Green * Ua1 2
5 Inner shield 17
6 B Black Ua2 11

7 * B Brown * Ua2 12
8 Inner shield 17

15 Data Red Data 3
23 * Data Orange * Data 13
24 Inner shield 17

10 Clock pulse Blue Clock pulse 5

1 12 11
2 10
12 * Clock pulse White-black * Clock pulse 14 13 17 16
14 15
13 + TEMP Gray + TEMP 8 4 P 8
5 7
25 – TEMP White-yellow – TEMP 9
1 P encoder Brown-red P encoder 10
14 Green-red 16
14 5 V sense Brown-yellow 5 V sense 16
2 M encoder Brown-blue M encoder 7
16 Green-black 15
16 0 V sense Brown-gray 0 V sense 15
yes Outer shield on plug housing yes

Cable extension
Type 6FX. 002-2EQ14- ....
Plug type: 6FX2 003-1CF17 PIN assignment of the cable extension Plug type: 6FX2 003-0CE17
corresponding to the base cable.



11 1


12 1 11
2 12
10 16 2 10
17 13 13 17 16
3 3 9
14 15
8 E 14 4 4 P 8
7 7
6 5 5 6

female male

Selection and ordering data

Cable Order No. Cable Length Order No.
ft (m)

Prefabricated cables (length < 328 ft (100 m)) Cable, sold by the meter 1)
Encoder cables for Encoder cables for connection 164 6FX@008–1BD51–1FA0
connection to motors to motors which are fitted with (50)
which are fitted with an an absolute-value encoder 328 6FX@008–1BD51–2AA0
absolute-value encoder (EnDat) (detection of absolute (100)
(EnDat) (detection of position and speed). Number of
absolute position and cores × cross-section [mm2] 656 6FX@008–1BD51–3AA0
speed), prefabricated 6FX@002–2EQ10 –@@@ 0 3 × 2 × 0.14 + 4 × 0.14 + (200)
2 × 0.5 +4 × 0.23 1640 6FX@008–1BD51–6AA0
MOTION-CONNECT 800 8 (500)
Outer diameter of cable for 6FX8: 0.39 in (9.9 mm) 8
Outer diameter of cable for 6FX5: 0.39 in (9.9 mm) 5
1 0 ft (0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m) A 0 ft ( 0 m)
2 328 ft (100 m) B 33 ft (10 m) B 3.3 ft (1 m)
C 66 ft (20 m) C 6.6 ft (2 m)
D 98 ft (30 m) D 9.8 ft (3 m)
E 131 ft (40 m) E 13.1 ft (4 m)
F 164 ft (50 m) F 16.4 ft (5 m)
G 197 ft (60 m) G 19.7 ft (6 m)
H 229 ft (70 m) H 23 ft (7 m)
J 263 ft (80 m) J 26.2 ft (8 m)
Length code: K 295 ft (90 m) K 29.5 ft (9 m)
Example: 3.3 ft (1 m): .. . –1A B0
26.2 ft (8 m): .. . –1A J 0
45.7 ft (15 m): .. . –1B F 0 1) Maximum permissible length of the prefabricated
193.5 ft (59 m): .. . –1F K0 cables for the absolute-value encoders (EnDat): 328 ft (100 m).

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/11

5_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Encoder cables Synchronous Asynchronous
for linear motors Servomotors Servomotors

■ Encoder cables for 1FN3 AC linear motors

1FN3 primary sections are Temp-S (shut-down) com- be quickly powered-down in a symmetrical current load
equipped with the two tem- prises three PTC thermistor order to interrupt the primary of the three-phase windings,
perature monitoring circuits, elements connected in section power supply from provides information about
Temp-S and Temp-F to series located in each of the drive converter, which the average motor tempe-
protect the primary sections the three phase windings of can be done by using the rature.
against inadmissibly high the primary section. Temp-S Siemens thermistor motor
thermal stressing as well is primarily used to reliably protection unit 3RN1.
as to monitor the tempe- protect the motor against
rature during commis- overheating. If Temp-S re- Temp-F supplies an analog
sioning and operation. sponds, then the drive must signal which is proportional
to the temperature, and for

Termination technology, length measuring system

The termination technology absolute). The list of available (incremental measuring Note:
required for the length mea- preassembled cables and system) and Figure 5/2 If the connector box
suring scales for 1FN3 AC connector box to connect (absolute measuring 1FN1 910-0AA00-0AA0 is
linear motors, essentially the length measuring systems system). used, then unused connector
depends on the measuring is shown in Figure 5/1 sockets have to be closed with
scale type (incremental vs. the provided dummy plug.

Length measuring system Machine / Cabinet Cabinet SIMODRIVE

Incremental –X411/
Hall sensor box (optional)

1FN1 910–0AA00–0AA0


5 Fig. 5/1
Termination technology for incremental measuring system on 1FN3 motors

Length measuring system Machine / Cabinet Cabinet SIMODRIVE

Absolute –X411/



Fig. 5/2
Termination technology for absolute-value measuring system on 1FN3 motors

5/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Asynchronous Synchronous Encoder cables
Servomotors Servomotors for linear motors

■ Encoder cables for 1FN3 AC linear motors

Connector box
The connector box is used is used. The connector boxes side of the rating plate two blind Part number
to connect the Hall sensor have an IP 65 degree of protec- tapped holes for mounting to
when an incremental encoder tion, and have on the opposite the machine or to the cabinet. 1FN1910-0AA00-0AA0

2.2 56
2.13 54
M 23 x 1
X2 X1 11 1 1 8
10 16 2 2 7
13 3
17 9
8 15 14
P0 3 S0 6
7 5
4 5

X1 X2
Rating Contact numbering (when viewing the connector side)
0.78 19.8
2.74 69.6

M 4 (2x)
0.98 25

max. screw-in
depth 0.31 in / 8 mm

9 2
8 1
12 10 3 8
7 2 9
11 4
6 3 7

5 4 5 6

X3 X4
X3 X4 Contact numbering (when viewing the connector side)

Fig. 5/3
Dimension and pin out for 1FN1910-0AA00-0AA0 connector box

Connecting cable to
SIMODRIVE 611 universal
X411, X412
Linear scale
Hall sensor box
Connector type 17-pin, plug 9-pin, socket 12-pin, socket 9-pin, socket
with Y-coding
Signal Pin Pin Pin Pin
A+ 1 5
A– 2 6
R+ 3 3
D– 4 6
C+ 5 1
C– 6 2
0V 7 10 4
+Temp 8 7
–Temp 9 8
+5 V 10 12 3
B+ 11 8
B– 12 1
R– 13 4
D+ 14 5
0 V sense 15 11
+5 V sense 16 2
Inner shield 17 9

Dimension in inches
Dimension in mm

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 5/13

5_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Encoder cables Synchronous Asynchronous
for SIMODRIVE 611 universal Servomotors Servomotors

■ Encoder cables for SIMODRIVE 611 universal

From connector box to SIMODRIVE 611 universal
To connect the in case of an incremental Part number
SIMODRIVE 611 universal measuring system is used.
with the connector box For dimensions and pin-out For incremental
the same prefabricated see from page 5/13. measuring system:
encoder cable as with an Standard
sin/cos incremental 1 Vpp
6FX5002-2CA31-1@@ 0 1)
6FX8002-2CA31-1@@ 0 1)

From absolute measuring system (w/o connector box) to SIMODRIVE 611 universal
With an absolute measuring the following cable which allows Part number
system a hall sensor box a direct connection to the
is not required. You can use SIMODRIVE 611 universal. For absolute
measuring system:
6FX5002-2CH00-1@@ 01)
6FX8002-2CH00-1@@ 0 1)

1) Maximum cable length 164 ft (50 m), for length code see page 5/4.

5/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 19. April 2002 8:49 08

Connecting Systems

■ Connection overview
Order No.
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable
Female 6FX1 002 - 5DA55 - 1 @ @ 0
straight < 100 m 1) MS
(3+2-pole) (mains supply)
6FX1 002 - 5DA65 - 1 @ @ 0 P600, M600
angled < 100 m 1)
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA15 - 1 @ @ 0 Female
angled angled
< 100 m 1)
SUPPLY OUT 6FX1 002 - 5DA25 - 1 @ @ 0 POSMO SI
Male Female
(3+2-pole) POSMO CD
angled < 100 m 1) angled
or (3+2-pole)
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA35 - 1 @ @ 0 Female
angled < 100 m 1) straight

Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA02 - 1 @ @ 0 straight,
angled ≤5m connector
size 1
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA85 - 1 @ @ 0 straight,
angled ≤5m connector
size 1.5

MOT POWER Male 6FX1 002 - 5EA12 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Linear motor

(4+2-pole) angled ≤5m straight 1FN1

Male 6FX1 002 - 5CA32 - 1 @ @ 0

angled ≤5m Terminal box

6FX1 002 - 5CA16 - 1 @ @ 0
1PH motor
Male 6FX1 002 - 2AA10 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Incremental direct
angled ≤ 15 m straight measuring system
DIR MEASRG Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA30 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Absolute direct measur-
(17-pole) angled ≤ 15 m straight ing system (EnDat)
Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA50 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Absolute direct
angled ≤ 15 m straight measuring system (SSI)

Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA60 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Incremental motor

angled ≤5m straight measuring system
Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA70 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Absolute motor measur-
angled ≤5m straight ing system (EnDat)

PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 2) 2-core cut to length PROFIBUS-DP

IN Master
6FX2 001 - 4EA00 - 1BA0 2-core with PG connection
10 m
PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 2) 2-core cut to length POSMO SI
6ES7 194 - 1LY00 - 0AA0 5-core not pre-assembled

1) 6XV1 830-0EH10 not suitable for trailing, 2) The total cable length in the DC link for all
6XV1 810-3EH10 for trailing. devices connected to an infeed must not
exceed 100 m.

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5_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 19. April 2002 8:49 08

Connecting Systems

■ Connection overview

Order No.
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable 2)

SUPPLY IN Female 6FX1 002 - 5DA75 - @ @ @ 0 Supply system

(4+2-pole) angled U1, V1, W1

SUPPLY OUT Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA45 - @ @ @ 0 Female POSMO CA
(4+2-pole) angled angled SUPPLY IN

Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA02 - 1 @ @ 0 straight,
angled ≤5m (4 x 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2) connector
size 1
and 1FT6/1FK
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA85 - 1 @ @ 0 straight,
angled ≤5m connector
(4 x 6 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2)
size 1.5

MOT POWER Male 6FX1 002 - 5EA12 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Linear motor

(4+2-pole) angled ≤5m straight 1FN1

Male 6FX1 002 - 5CA32 - 1 @ @ 0

angled ≤5m (4 x 2.5 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2) Terminal box
or connection
6FX1 002 - 5CA16 - 1 @ @ 0 1PH motor
angled ≤5m (4 x 6 mm2 + 2 x 1.5 mm2)


6FX1 002 - 2AA10 - 1 @ @ 0
≤ 15 m
6FX1 002 - 2AA30 - 1 @ @ 0

Incremental direct
measuring system

Absolute direct measur-

(17-pole) angled ≤ 15 m straight ing system (EnDat)
Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA50 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Absolute direct
angled ≤ 15 m straight measuring system (SSI)

Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA60 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Incremental motor

angled ≤5m straight measuring system
(21-pole) or
Female 6FX1 002 - 2AA70 - 1 @ @ 0 Female Absolute motor measur-
angled ≤5m straight ing system (EnDat)

PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 1) 2-core cut to length PROFIBUS-DP

IN Master
6FX1 002 - 4EA00 - 1DA0 2-core with PG connection
10 m
PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 1) 2-core cut to length POSMO SI
6ES7 194 - 1LY00 - 0AA0 5-core not pre-assembled

1) 6XV1 830-0EH10 not suitable for trailing, 2) For length code see page 5/4.
6XV1 810-3EH10 for trailing.

5/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

5_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 19. April 2002 8:49 08

Connecting Systems

■ Connection overview

Order No.
SIMODRIVE Pre-assembled cable3)
Female 6FX1 002 - 5DA55 - 1 @ @ 0
straight < 100 m 1) MS
or (mains supply)
6FX1 002 - 5DA65 - 1 @ @ 0 P600, M600
angled < 100 m 1)

Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA05 - 1 @ @ 0 Female

straight < 100 m 1) straight
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA15 - 1 @ @ 0 Female SIMODRIVE
angled angled POSMO SI
< 100 m 1)
(3+2-pole) SUPPLY IN
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA25 - 1 @ @ 0 Female (3+2-pole)
straight < 100 m 1) angled
Male 6FX1 002 - 5DA35 - 1 @ @ 0 Female
angled < 100 m 1) straight

PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 2) 2-core cut to length PROFIBUS-DP

IN Master
6FX1 002 - 4EA00 - 1BA0 2-core with PG connection
or IN
PROFIBUS-DP 6XV1 830 - @ @ H10 2) 2-core cut to length SIMODRIVE
6ES7 194 - 1LY00 - 0AA0 5-core not pre-assembled POSMO CA

Connection overview for SIMODRIVE POSMO SI or POSMO SI – POSMO SI/CD


1) The total cable length in the DC link for all 2) 6XV1 830-0EH10 not suitable for trailing, 3) For length code see page 5/4.
devices connected to an infeed must not 6XV1 810-3EH10 for trailing.
exceed 100 m.

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5_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:03 08

Connecting Systems
Synchronous Asynchronous
Notes Servomotors Servomotors

5/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

6_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:05 08

6/2 Documentation CD-ROM

6/2 Sizing & selection tool

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6_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:05 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Documentation CD-ROM · Sizing & selection tool Servomotors Servomotors

■ Documentation CD-ROM
The General Motion Control
CD-ROM contains informa-
tion about the SIMOVERT
SIMODRIVE 611 universal
drive, the POSMO and the
High Performance Servo-
motors. For the motors
in particular this includes:
• Operating instructions
• Dimension Drawings
• Torque-Speed curves
• Engineering Information
• Selection Tools (SimoSize)
• Etc.
The CD is available free of
Order No.: DRMS-02055

Fig. 6/1

■ Sizing & selection tool

SimoSize is a PC tool which
allows the user to acceler-
ate the motion Design
cycle by providing all the
necessary tools and pro-
ducts of a modern graphical
interface format using
Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
SimoSize is available free
of charge and may be
copied and distributed

6 SimoSize offers the

following range of functions:
1. Axis Design allows the
quick selection of
components like gear-
boxes, leadscrews,
nip rolls, etc. just by
clicking on the appro-
priate button and
inputting the required
2. Velocity Profile allows
specifying and refining
the profile to your appli-
cation needs.
3. Report Generator
provides the results of all Fig. 6/2
the caculation performed
for speed, torque and
inertia required to properly with the “Auto Select” button. automatically according
select a motor. This “Auto Select” will find the to the selected parameters
process is further simplified optimum choice for you and motor requirements.

6/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:06 08

Configuration Aids
7/2 General information

Speed-Torque curves
7/3 1FK6 servomotors
7/5 1FT6 servomotors
7/16 1PH7 servomotors
7/26 1PL6 servomotors

Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

7/32 Ventilation data and sound pressure level
7/32 Bearing design/type of drive and
maximum speeds
7/33 Lateral-force diagrams
7/35 Terminal box assignment, max. cable
7/36 Overview of possible types of construction

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7_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Asynchronous Synchronous
General information Servomotors Servomotors

■ Engineering information when selecting the motor degree of protection

Often, there is no adequate The following table will help into account. If in doubt, al-
protection against water, as you to select the required ways select the next higher
generally oil-containing, degree of protection. In addi- degree of protection.
penetrating and/or aggres- tion to the theoretical DIN
sive cooling-lubricating regulations, practical experi-
mediums are used. ence values have been taken

Selecting the motor degree of protection

Effect Liquids
General Water, Penetrating oil;
workshop environment general, cooling-lubricating petroleum; aggressive cooling-
mediums (95% H2O; 5% oil) lubricating medium
Dry IP 23 – –
IP 64
Environment where IP 55 IP 64 IP 67
liquids and fluids are present
Mist IP 55 IP 65 IP 67
Spray IP 55 IP 65 IP 68
Jet (IP 55) IP 67 IP 68
Splash; – IP 67 IP 68
brief immersion;
continuous flooding

IP 1st code (0–6): IP 2nd code (0–8): Permanent Magnet Servo-

Degree of protection Degree of protection motors with separately-
against contact and the against the ingress of driven fan fulfill, according to
ingression/penetration of water (no protection EN 60 529, degree of protec-
foreign bodies against oil) tion IP 64. The IP 65 or IP 67
option cannot be fulfilled if a
separately-driven fan is used.

7/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FK6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FK6

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm

100 120
DA65-5543b DA65-5988 lb-in DA65-5545b
lb-in 120
90 10 12 Nm

80 Nm Nm
70 8
80 Intermittent Operating Region
60 8 80
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region 8
50 60
6 60 S1 (100K)
40 6
4 40
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
30 4 40
2 20
Continuous Operating Region 2 20 Continuous Operating Region 2
10 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000
Speed Speed rpm Speed
1FK6042–6AF71–1. . . 1FK6044–7AF71–1. . . 1FK6060–6AF71–1. . .

180 360 40 300

DA65-5989 20 DA65-5546b DA65-5990
lb-in lb-in Nm lb-in
160 30
Nm 35

350 Nm

15 30 25
120 340 200
100 Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region

10 330 20 150
80 15
15 S1 (100K)
60 S1 (100K) 320 100
S1 (100K) 10
5 10
310 50
Continuous Operating Region 5
20 5
Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region

0 0 300 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Speed rpm Speed Speed rpm

1FK6061–7AF71–1. . . 1FK6063–6AF71–1. . . 1FK6064–7AF71–1. . .

250 450 500

DA65-5799b DA65-5548b 50 DA65-5539b
lb-in lb-in lb-in
25 400 450 50


200 Nm 400 Nm
350 40
20 350 40

Intermittent Operating Region 15



Intermittent Operating Region

S1 (100K)



S1 (100K)
Intermittent Operating Region

S1 (100K) 150

50 100 100
5 10 10
Continuous Operating Region
50 Continuous Operating Region 50 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000
Speed rpm Speed Speed

1FK6080–6AF71–1. . . 1FK6083–6AF71–1. . . 1FK6100–8AF71–1. . .

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7_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FK6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FK6

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm

800 DA65-5540b
1000 DA65-5541b
lb-in lb-in
80 900 100

800 Nm
600 Nm
700 80
Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 60
400 500
300 S1 (100K) 40
S1 (100K)
Continuous Operating Region 100 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000
Speed Speed
1FK6101–8AF71– 1. . . 1FK6103–8AF71– 1. . .

Rated speed nn 4000 rpm

90 120 180 20
DA65-5991 10 DA65-5992 DA65-5993
lb-in lb-in lb-in
80 Nm 12 160


70 8 140
10 15
60 80 120
6 8
50 Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region 100 Intermittent Operating Region
60 10
40 6 80
30 S1 (100K) 40 S1 (100K) 60 S1 (100K)
20 40
20 2
Continuous Operating Region
10 Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm

1FK6043–7AH71– 1. . . 1FK6044–7AH71– 1. . . 1FK6061–7AH71– 1. . .



Intermittent Operating Region
S1 (100K)

Continuous Operating Region

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Speed rpm
1FK6064–7AH71– 1. . .

7/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FK6 and 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FK6

Rated speed nn 6000 rpm

45 DA65-5542b 5 50 90 10
DA65-5544c DA65-5995
lb-in lb-in lb-in
40 Nm 45 5 80 Nm



35 4 40 Nm 70 8

35 4
30 60
3 30 6
25 Intermittent Operating Region 50 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 25
20 40
2 20 4
15 2 30 S1 (100K)
15 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K)
10 20
1 10 2
5 5 10 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Speed Speed Speed rpm
1FK6032–6AK71– 1. . . 1FK6040–6AK71– 1. . . 1FK6043–7AK71– 1. . .

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 1500 rpm, non-ventilated

700 DA65-5549b 1200 1800 200

DA65-5553b DA65-5556b
lb-in lb-in lb-in
70 1600
600 175



60 1400
500 150
800 1200
50 125
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region
400 Intermittent Operating Region
40 600 100
300 800
S1 (100K) S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
30 75
400 600
20 50
100 Continuous Operating Region 200 Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region
10 200 25

0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 rpm 1500 0 500 1000 rpm 1500 0 500 1000 rpm 1500
Speed Speed Speed
1FT6102–8AB7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8AB7. – . . . . 1FT6108–8AB7. – . . . .

2500 3000 4000 450

DA65-5727c DA65-5730b DA65-5731b

Nm Nm lb-in Nm
lb-in 250 300 3500 400


2000 350
250 3000
2000 300
1500 Intermittent Operating Region 200
Intermittent Operating Region 250
150 Intermittent Operating Region
1500 2000
150 200
1000 1500
100 1000 S1 (100K) 150
S1 (100K) 100 S1 (100K)
500 500
Continuous Operating Region 50
Continuous Operating Region 50 Continuous Operating Region
500 50

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm

1FT6132–6AB7. – . . . . 1FT6134–6AB7. – . . . . 1FT6136–6AB7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 1500 rpm, blower-ventilated

1200 1600 DA65-5561b 180 2500

DA65-5558b DA65-5657b
Nm lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
120 Torque 1400 160 250


100 1200
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region 200
800 120
1000 Intermittent Operating Region
80 1500
S1 (100K) 150
600 S1 (100K) 800
60 80 S1 (100K)
600 100
400 60
Continuous Operating Region 400 Continuous Operating Region 40
500 Continuous Operating Region
200 50
20 200 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 rpm 1500 0 500 1000 rpm 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Speed Speed Speed rpm
1FT6105–8SB7. – . . . . 1FT6108–8SB7. – . . . . 1FT6132–6SB7. – . . . .

3000 3500 450

DA65-5660b DA65-5663b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
300 400
2500 3000

2000 Intermittent Operating Region 300
Intermittent Operating Region
200 2000 250
S1 (100K) 150 1500 S1 (100K) 200

1000 150
100 1000
Continuous Operating Region 100
Continuous Operating Region
500 50 500

0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Speed rpm Speed rpm

1FT6134–6SB7. – . . . . 1FT6136–6SB7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm, non-ventilated

160 18 250 250

DA65-5616c Nm
Nm Nm
16 25 25



200 200
20 20
150 150 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 10 15
Intermittent Operating Region 15
100 100
60 10
6 10
S1 (100K)

40 S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
4 50
50 5
Continuous Operating Region
20 Continuous Operating Region 2 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6061–6AC7. – . . . . 1FT6062–6AC7. – . . . . 1FT6081–8AC7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm, non-ventilated

400 400 45 700

DA65-5679b DA65-5620b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm DA65-5624b
350 40 350 40 70

300 300 60
30 30
250 250 50
Intermittent Operating Region
25 400
200 Intermittent Operating Region 200 Intermittent Operating Region 40
20 20 300
150 150 30
S1 (100K) 15
200 S1 (100K)
100 S1 (100K) 100 20
10 10

50 Continuous Operating Region 100

50 Continuous Operating Region 5 10
Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed
1FT6064–6AC7. – . . . . 1FT6082–8AC7. – . . . . 1FT6084–8AC7. – . . . .

900 DA65-5628b 100 700 DA65-5550b 1200 DA65-5554b

lb-in lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
800 Nm 70 120



700 80
600 800
60 400 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 80
500 Intermittent Operating Region
40 600
400 300 60
40 S1 (100K) 30 S1 (100K)
300 400
S1 (100K) 40
100 Continuous Operating Region 200 Continuous Operating Region 20
100 Continuous Operating Region 10

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000 0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000 0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000
Speed Speed Speed
1FT6086–8AC7. – . . . . 1FT6102–8AC7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8AC7. – . . . .

1800 200 2500 3000

DA65-5557b DA65-5728b DA65-5655b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
Nm lb-in
1600 250 300



150 250
1200 2000


Intermittent Operating Region

S1 (100K)



Intermittent Operating Region 150

Intermittent Operating Region

600 1000 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 100
400 500
50 500
Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region 50
200 25

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed Speed rpm Speed rpm

1FT6108–8AC7. – . . . . 1FT6132–6AC7. – . . . . 1FT6134–6AC7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm, non-ventilated

4000 450
lb-in Nm
3500 400


2000 Intermittent Operating Region
S1 (100K)

500 Continuous Operating Region


0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed rpm
1FT6136–6AC7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm, blower-ventilated

1200 1800 200 2500

DA65-5559b DA65-5562a DA65-5658a
lb-in Nm lb-in lb-in Nm
120 1600 250


1400 2000
100 150
800 Intermittent Operating Region 1200
125 1500 Intermittent Operating Region
1000 Intermittent Operating Region
S1 (100K)
600 100
60 800
1000 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 75 100
400 600
400 50
Continuous Operating Region
500 Continuous Operating Region
200 50
20 Continuous Operating Region
200 25

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000 0 500 1000 1500 rpm 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed Speed Speed rpm
1FT6105–8SC7. – . . . . 1FT6108–8SC7. – . . . . 1FT6132–6SC7. – . . . .

3000 3500 450

DA65-5661b DA65-5664b
Nm lb-in Nm
300 400


2000 Intermittent Operating Region 300
200 Intermittent Operating Region
2000 250
S1 (100K) 150 1500 S1 (100K) 200

1000 150
100 1000
Continuous Operating Region 100
Continuous Operating Region
500 50 500

0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6134–6SC7. – . . . . 1FT6136–6SC7. – . . . .

7/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm, non-ventilated

100 160 18 180

DA65-5667b Nm DA65-5672b DA65-5669b 20
lb-in lb-in Nm lb-in
90 10 16 Nm
140 160


80 16
14 140
12 120
60 12
Intermittent Operating Region 6 Intermittent Operating Region 10 100 Intermittent Operating Region
50 80
8 80
40 60 8
6 60
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
40 S1 (100K)
4 40
20 2 4
Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region 2 Continuous Operating Region
10 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6041–4AF7. – . . . . 1FT6061–6AF7. – . . . . 1FT6044–4AF7. – . . . .

250 250 400

DA65-5676b DA65-5617b DA65-5680b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
25 25 40


200 200
20 20
150 150 Intermittent Operating Region
15 15
Intermittent Operating Region 200 Intermittent Operating Region
100 100
10 10 150
S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 100 S1 (100K)
50 10
50 5
Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region 50 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6062–6AF7. – . . . . 1FT6081–8AF7. – . . . . 1FT6064–6AF7. – . . . .

400 45 700 900 DA65-5629b 100

DA65-5621b DA65-5625b
lb-in Nm Nm lb-in
40 70 800 Nm
350 600


35 700 80
300 60
30 600

250 50
Intermittent Operating Region 60
25 400 500
Intermittent Operating Region
200 Intermittent Operating Region 40
20 400
150 30
15 300
S1 (100K)
200 S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
100 20 200
10 20
50 Continuous Operating Region 100
5 10 100 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000
Speed rpm Speed Speed

1FT6082–8AF7. – . . . . 1FT6084–8AF7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8AF7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm, non-ventilated

700 1200 2500

DA65-5551b DA65-5555b DA65-5729b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
70 120 250
600 Torque


60 100
500 200
Intermittent Operating Region 80 1500
400 Intermittent Operating Region
40 600 Intermittent Operating Region

300 60
S1 (100K) 1000
S1 (100K) 30
400 100
40 S1 (100K)
200 50
100 Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 3000
Speed Speed Speed rpm
1FT6102–8AF7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8AF7. – . . . . 1FT6132–6AF7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm, blower-ventilated

700 DA65-5631b 900 100 1200

DA65-5634b DA65-5560b
lb-in Nm lb-in lb-in Nm
70 800 Nm 120



700 80
60 100
600 800 Intermittent Operating Region
400 60 80
500 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region
40 600 S1 (100K)

300 400 60
30 40
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
300 400
200 40
20 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region 200 20
100 Continuous Operating Region 10 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000 0 1000 2000 rpm 3000
Speed Speed
1FT6084–8SF7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8SF7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8SF7. – . . . .

3000 3000
DA65-5659b DA65-5662b
Nm lb-in Nm
250 300
2500 2500



2000 2000
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region
1500 1500
S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 150
1000 1000

Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region

500 50 500 50

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6132–6SF7. – . . . . 1FT6134–6SF7. – . . . .

7/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 4500 rpm, non-ventilated

160 18 250 400

DA65-5673b DA65-5677b DA65-5681b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
140 16 25 350 40


120 300
12 30
100 250
10 15
Intermittent Operating Region
80 Intermittent Operating Region 200
Intermittent Operating Region
8 20
60 10 150
40 S1 (100K) S1 (100K) 100 S1 (100K)
4 50 10
20 Continuous Operating Region 2 Continuous Operating Region 50 Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6061–6AH7. – . . . . 1FT6062–6AH7. – . . . . 1FT6081–8AH7. – . . . .

250 400 45 700

DA65-5618b DA65-5622b DA65-5626b
lb-in Nm Nm Nm
lb-in lb-in
25 350 40 70


35 60
20 500
250 50
Intermittent Operating Region 400
15 Intermittent Operating Region 25
200 40
Intermittent Operating Region
20 300
10 150 30
S1 (100K) S1 (100K) 15
200 S1 (100K)
100 20
50 10
Continuous Operating Region 100
50 Continuous Operating Region 5 10
Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500
Speed rpm Speed Speed
1FT6064–6AH7. – . . . . 1FT6082–8AH7. – . . . . 1FT6084–8AH7. – . . . .

900 DA65-5630a 100 700 DA65-5552a

lb-in lb-in Nm
800 Nm 70


700 80

500 400 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 40
40 30
S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 200
100 10
100 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0
0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500
Speed Speed
1FT6086–8AH7. – . . . . 1FT6102–8AH7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 4500 rpm, blower-ventilated

700 DA65-5632b 900 100

Nm DA65-5635b
lb-in lb-in
70 800 Nm


700 80
400 Intermittent Operating Region 60
Intermittent Operating Region 500
300 400
30 40
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
100 Continuous Operating Region 10
Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0
0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 rpm 4500
Speed Speed
1FT6084–8SH7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8SH7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 6000 rpm, non-ventilated

16 30 40
DA65-5996 DA65-5997 DA65-5665b
lb-in lb-in Nm
3.0 35 4



1.5 Nm
12 30
20 3
10 25
Intermittent Operating Region 1.0 Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region
8 15 20
1.5 2
6 15
0.5 1.0
4 S1 (100K) S1 (100K) 10 S1 (100K)
2 0.5 5 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region

0 0 0 0.0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6021–6AK7. – . . . . 1FT6024–6AK7. – . . . . 1FT6031–4AK7. – . . . .

80 9 100 160 18
DA65-5666d DA65-5668b Nm DA65-5674b
lb-in Nm lb-in lb-in Nm
8 90 10 16
70 140



7 80
60 8 120
6 12
50 60 100
5 6 10
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region
40 50 80 Intermittent Operating Region
4 8
30 4 60
3 6
S1 (100K) 30
S1 (100K)
2 40 S1 (100K)
20 4
Continuous Operating Region
10 1 Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region 2

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6034–4AK7. – . . . . 1FT6041–4AK7. – . . . . 1FT6061–6AK7. – . . . .

7/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 6000 rpm, non-ventilated

165 DA65-5670b 250 400 45

DA65-5619b DA65-5623b
lb-in Nm lb-in Nm lb-in Nm
25 350 40


155 30
12 250
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region 25
150 200
8 20
10 150
145 S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
S1 (100K)
4 50 10
140 5
Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region 50 5
Continuous Operating Region

135 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed
1FT6044–4AK7. – . . . . 1FT6081–8AK7. – . . . . 1FT6082–8AK7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 6000 rpm, blower-ventilated

700 DA65-5633b
900 100
Nm lb-in
800 Nm


700 80
400 60
500 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region
300 400
30 40
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
100 10 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region 100

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 rpm 6000
Speed Speed
1FT6084–8SK7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8SK7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1FT6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 1500 rpm, water-cooled Rated speed nn 2000 rpm, water-cooled

2000 1400 2000

DA65-5998 DA65-5999 DA65-6000
lb-in lb-in lb-in
200 140 200
Torque Nm

1600 Nm 1600
120 Nm
Intermittent Operating Region Intermittent Operating Region
1000 Intermittent Operating Region
150 150
1200 1200
800 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) S1 (100K)
100 600 100
800 60 800

Continuous Operating Region Continuous Operating Region 40 Continuous Operating Region
50 50
400 400
200 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6108–8WB7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8WC7. – . . . . 1FT6108–8WC7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 3000 rpm, water-cooled

700 900 DA65-6002 100 1400

DA65-6001 DA65-6003
lb-in Nm lb-in
70 800 140
600 1200

Nm Nm


700 80
60 120
500 1000 Intermittent Operating Region
600 Intermittent Operating Region
50 100
Intermittent Operating Region 60
400 500 800 S1 (100K)
40 S1 (100K) 80
S1 (100K)
300 600
30 60
200 Continuous Operating Region 400
Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region 40
100 10 200 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 750 1500 2250 3000
Speed rpm Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6084–8WF7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8WF7. – . . . . 1FT6105–8WF7. – . . . .



1600 Nm
Intermittent Operating Region

S1 (100K)


Continuous Operating Region


0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Speed rpm

1FT6108–8WF7. – . . . .

7/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1FT6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1FT6

Rated speed nn 4500 rpm, water-cooled

700 900 DA65-6006 100

lb-in lb-in
800 Nm

700 80
600 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 50
400 500
40 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K) 400
30 40
200 Continuous Operating Region
Continuous Operating Region 20
100 10 100

0 0 0 0
0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500 0 750 1500 2250 3000 3750 4500
Speed rpm Speed rpm
1FT6084–8WH7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8WH7. – . . . .

Rated speed nn 6000 rpm, water-cooled

700 900 DA65-6008 100

lb-in lb-in
70 800 Nm

700 80
600 Intermittent Operating Region
Intermittent Operating Region 60
400 500
40 S1 (100K)
S1 (100K)
300 400
30 40
Continuous Operating Region 20 Continuous Operating Region
100 10 100

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Speed rpm Speed rpm

1FT6084–8WK7. – . . . . 1FT6086–8WK7. – . . . .

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7_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 500 rpm

350 DA65-5684a
400 500 DA65-5585a
lb-ft 450 lb-ft lb-ft
Nm 500 450 Breakdown torque 600
300 350 Nm


(460 V)
Breakdown torque
(480 V) 400
350 300 400 500
250 350
Breakdown torque
(460 V) 300 250 300 400
200 S6-40% / I=52 A S6-60% / I=61 A
250 250
S6-40% / I=44 A 200
150 200 200
150 200 S1 / I=52 A
S6-60% / I=36 A S6-60% / I=42 A
150 150 200
S1 / I=30 A 100 S1 / I=35 A 100
50 100
50 50 50

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 2000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7163–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7167–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7184–2. B. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 537 lb-ft/728 Nm max. breakdown torque: 673 lb-ft/913 Nm max. breakdown torque: 567 lb-ft/769 Nm

700 DA65-5577a 800 1200 DA65-5700a 1600

900 DA65-5569a lb-ft Nm
lb-ft lb-ft
Nm 1000 1100 Breakdown torque
600 700 Nm (480 V) 1400


Breakdown torque 1000


Breakdown torque
550 (480 V)
(480 V)
700 600 800 900 1200
450 600 S6-40% / I=165 A
S6-60% / I=80 A 500 1000
400 700
500 600
350 400 600 S6-60% / I=140 A 800
300 400 S6-60% / I=105 A 500
S1 / I=69 A
250 300 400 600
300 400
S1 / I=115 A
200 300 400
150 200
200 200
100 200
100 100
50 S1 / I=88 A 100
0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7186–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7226–2. B. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 818 lb-ft/1109 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1116 lb-ft/1513 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1674 lb-ft/2269 Nm

1800 DA65-5520a
lb-ft 2250
1600 Nm
Breakdown torque

(480 V) 2000

7 1200


S6-40% / I=200 A

S6-60% / I=165 A



S1 / I=137 A

400 500

200 250

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000

1PH7228–2. B. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 2054 lb-ft/2785 Nm

7/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PH7 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 1350 rpm

40 DA65-5805
90 120 160 DA65-5750a
lb-ft 50 lb-ft lb-ft 200
Breakdown torque Breakdown torque Nm Breakdown torque
35 80 140
(480 V) Nm (480 V) (480 V)

100 Nm
S6-40% / I=13 A 70
30 40 120 S6-25% / I=49 A
S6-60% / I=11 A S6-25% / I=26,5 A 150
60 80
25 100
S1 / I=9,5 A S6-40% / I=22,5 A
30 50 S6-40% / I=41 A
20 S6-60% / I=20 A 60 80
40 100
S6-60% / I=34 A
15 20 S1 / I=17 A 60
30 40
S1 / I=30 A
10 40 50
5 10 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7103–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7107–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 53 lb-ft/73 Nm max. breakdown torque: 100 lb-ft/135 Nm max. breakdown torque: 207 lb-ft/282 Nm

250 DA65-5758a 350 400 DA65-5565a

lb-ft lb-ft 450 lb-ft 500
Breakdown torque
(480 V) 300 Nm 350 Nm



Nm Breakdown torque
200 Breakdown torque (480 V)
S6-25% / I=73 A (480 V) 300 400
250 350
S6-40% / I=60 A S6-25% / I=90 A 300 250
150 200
200 S6-25% / I=104 A
S6-40% / I=74 A 250 200
S6-60% / I=50 A
150 150
S6-40% / I=91 A
100 S6-60% / I=63 A
S1 / I=42 A 150 200
S6-60% / I=80 A
100 S1 / I=53 A 150
50 100 100
50 50 50
S1 / I=71 A
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7137–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7163–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7167–2. D. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 347 lb-ft/471 Nm max. breakdown torque: 538 lb-ft/730 Nm max. breakdown torque: 740 lb-ft/1004 Nm

650 DA65-5587a
900 DA65-5579a 1200 1100 DA65-5571a
lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft 1400
800 Nm 1000
800 Breakdown torque Nm
Nm Breakdown torque (480 V)



Breakdown torque (480 V) 1000 900

700 1200
500 (460 V) 700

S6-25% / I=160 A

S6-40% / I=130 A




S6-25% / I=200 A

S6-40% / I=170 A

S6-60% / I=140 A




S6-25% / I=285 A

S6-40% / I=235 A

S6-60% / I=195 A

S6-60% / I=110 A
250 600
300 400
300 400
300 400
150 200 200
200 200
100 S1 / I=116 A S1 / I=160 A 200
S1 / I=88 A 100 100
50 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7184–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. D. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 607 lb-ft/823 Nm max. breakdown torque: 858 lb-ft/1163 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1383 lb-ft/1875 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 1350 rpm

1300 DA65-5798a 1800 DA65-5522a

lb-ft lb-ft 2250
Breakdown torque 1600 Breakdown torque Nm

(480 V) (480 V) 2000

1400 1400
S6-25% / I=355 A
S6-25% / I=435 A
1200 1200
800 S6-40% / I=290 A 1500
S6-40% / I=355 A
1000 1000
S6-60% / I=240 A 1250
600 S6-60% / I=295 A
800 800
600 600
400 750

400 400 500

S1 / I=196 A
200 S1 / I=240 A
200 200 250

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PH7226–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7228–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 1733 lb-ft/2350 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2083 lb-ft/2824 Nm

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm

35 45 70
DA65-5811 DA65-5809 60 DA65-5810
lb-ft 45 lb-ft lb-ft 90
Nm Breakdown torque Nm Nm
Breakdown torque 40 Breakdown torque
30 40 (480 V) 60 80

(480 V)


50 (480 V)
25 35 70
S6-40% / I=18 A 50
30 40
S6-25% / I=14,5 A 30 S6-25% / I=27 A 60
S6-60% / I=15,5 A
20 25 40
25 50
S6-40% / I=12,5 A S1 / I=13 A 30 S6-40% / I=23 A
15 20 30
20 40
S6-60% / I=11 A S6-60% / I=20,5 A
15 15 20 30
10 20
10 10 20
S1 / I=10 A 10 S1 / I=17,5 A
5 10
5 5 10

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7101–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7103–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7105–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 49.4 lb-ft/67 Nm max. breakdown torque: 49 lb-ft/66 Nm max. breakdown torque: 93 lb-ft/126 Nm

90 DA65-5807 120 120 DA65-5748a 160 180 DA65-5752a

lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft
Breakdown torque Nm Breakdown torque Nm
80 160 Breakdown torque
(480 V) (480 V) 140 (400 V)


100 100 200

70 140
S6-25% / I=35 A S6-25% / I=45 A 120 S6-25% / I=58 A Nm
60 80 80 120
S6-40% / I=37 A 100 S6-40% / I=49 A 150
S6-40% / I=29 A
50 100
S6-60% / I=26,5 A 60 60 80
S6-60% / I=31 A
40 80
S1 / I=23 A S6-60% / I=41 A 100
S1 / I=25 A 60
30 40 40 60
S1 / I=34 A
40 40
20 50
20 20
10 20 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7107–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7131–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 113 lb-ft/154 Nm max. breakdown torque: 143 lb-ft/194 Nm max. breakdown torque: 197 lb-ft/267 Nm

7/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 19 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PH7 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 2000 rpm

200 250 DA65-5760b 350

DA65-5756a DA65-5688a
lb-ft 250 lb-ft Breakdown torque lb-ft Breakdown torque 450
180 (480 V) 300 (480 V) Nm
Breakdown torque Nm 300

(480 V) Nm
160 200
200 250 350
140 S6-25% / I=87 A 250
S6-25% / I=68 A S6-25% / I=115 A
120 150 200
S6-40% / I=58 A 150 S6-40% / I=75 A 200
S6-40% / I=97 A
S6-60% / I=49 A S6-60% / I=81 A
S6-60% / I=64 A 150 150
80 100 200
60 100 100 150

40 50 100
S1 / I=42 A 50 50
20 S1 / I=55 A 50
S1 / I=70 A

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7135–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7137–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7163–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 275 lb-ft/373 Nm max. breakdown torque: 392 lb-ft/531 Nm max. breakdown torque: 542 lb-ft/735 Nm

400 DA65-5567a 700 800

DA65-5589a DA65-5581a
lb-ft 500 lb-ft 900 lb-ft
Breakdown torque 1000
350 Nm Breakdown torque
Nm (460 V) 700 (480 V) Nm

Breakdown torque 800


(480 V) 650
550 S6-25% / I=305 A
300 400 700 600 800
S6-40% / I=125 A 550
S6-25% / I=220 A
250 500 600 500 S6-40% / I=250 A

S6-40% / I=106 A 300 400 S6-40% / 450 600

I=185 A S6-60% / I=210 A
200 500 400
S6-60% / I=91 A S6-60% / I=150 A
300 400 350 S1 / I=168 A
150 200 S1 / I=122 A 300 400
300 250
100 200
100 150 200
150 200
50 100 100
S1 / I=76 A
50 50
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7167–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7184–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 553 lb-ft/750 Nm max. breakdown torque: 780 lb-ft/1058 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1112 lb-ft/1507 Nm

1100 DA65-5573a 1400 DA65-5704a 1600 DA65-5490a

lb-ft lb-ft 1800
1400 1300 lb-ft
1000 Breakdown torque Nm Breakdown 2000
Breakdown torque Nm Nm
1200 (480 V) 1400 torque
(480 V) 1600



900 1200 (480 V) 1800

1100 S6-25% / I=620 A
S6-25% / I=495 A

800 S6-25% / I=355 A 1400 1200 1600
1000 S6-40% / I=510 A
700 S6-40% / I=292 A 900 S6-40% / I=410 A 1200 1400
800 S6-60% / I=430 A
600 800 S6-60% / I=340 A 1200
S6-60% / I=243 A 1000
700 800
500 S1 / I=338 A 1000
S1 / I=203 A 600 S1 / I=256 A 800
400 500 600 800
300 400 400 600
300 400
200 400
200 200
200 200
100 100 200

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7224–2. U. . – . . . . 1PH7226–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7228–2. F. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 1274 lb-ft/1727 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1845 lb-ft/2502 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2607 lb-ft/3535 Nm

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 7/19

7_2.fm Seite 20 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 2650 rpm

50 160 DA65-5754a
200 DA65-5762b
lb-ft lb-ft 200 lb-ft 250
Breakdown torque
45 60 140 (480 V) Nm
Breakdown torque Breakdown torque Nm


(480 V)
40 Nm (480 V)
120 150 S6-25% / I=84 A 200
50 S6-25% / I=69 A
35 150
S6-25% / I=24 A 100 S6-40% / I=71 A
30 40 S6-40% / I=59 A
S6-40% / I=21 A
25 80 100
S6-60% / I=50 A 100 S6-60% / I=61 A
S6-60% / I=18,5 A 30
20 60 100
S1 / I=16,5 A
15 20
40 50
10 50
S1 / I=42 A S1 / I=52 A
10 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7103–2. G. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. G. . – . . . . 1PH7137–2. G. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 61 lb-ft/83 Nm max. breakdown torque: 202 lb-ft/274 Nm max. breakdown torque: 287 lb-ft/390 Nm

300 DA65-5690a 400

lb-ft Nm

Breakdown torque
(480 V) 300
200 S6-25% / I=116 A
S6-40% / I=99 A
150 200
S6-60% / I=87 A

S1 / I=76 A 150

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000

1PH7163–2. G. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 513 lb-ft/696 Nm

Rated speed nn 2900 rpm

600 DA65-5591a 800 600 DA65-5583a 800 1000 DA65-5575a

lb-ft lb-ft

Nm lb-ft Nm
550 Breakdown torque 900 Breakdown torque 1200
700 (480 V) 700


500 Breakdown torque 500 S6-25% / I=350 A (480 V) Nm

(460 V)
450 600 600 1000
S6-40% / I=290 A 700 S6-25% / I=490 A
400 400
S6-25% / I=275 A 500 500
350 S6-60% / I=250 A
600 S6-40% / I=410 A 800
S6-40% / I=225 A
300 400 300 400 500 S6-60% / I=340 A
S6-60% / I=190 A S1 / I=207 A 600
250 400 S1 / I=275 A
S1 / I=158 A 300 300
200 200
300 400
150 200 200
100 100 200
100 100
50 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7184–2. L. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. L. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. L. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 780 lb-ft/1058 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1320 lb-ft/1790 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1516 lb-ft/2055 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 21 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PH7 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 2900 rpm

1200 DA65-5706a 1600 1200 DA65-5492a 1600

lb-ft lb-ft Breakdown torque
1100 Nm Nm
Breakdown torque (480 V)
(480 V) 1400 Torque 1400

S6-25% / I=710 A
900 1200 1200
S6-25% / I=620 A
800 800 S6-40% / I=590 A
1000 1000
700 S6-40% / I=510 A S6-60% / I=490 A
600 S6-60% / I=420 A 800 600 800
S1 / I=405 A
500 S1 / I=350 A
600 600
400 400

300 400 400

200 200
200 200
0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PH7226–2. L. . – . . . . 1PH7228–2. L. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 2168 lb-ft/2939 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2621 lb-ft/3553 Nm

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 400 rpm

350 DA65-5683a
400 DA65-5563a
450 DA65-5584a 600
lb-ft 450 lb-ft lb-ft
500 Nm
Nm 400
350 Nm Breakdown torque
300 400


Breakdown torque (400 V) 500

(400 V) 350
350 300 400
Breakdown torque 300 400
(400 V) 300 250
200 S6-40% / I=55 A 300 250
S6-40% / I=47 A 200 300
150 200
200 S6-60% / I=45 A
150 200
S6-60% / I=37 A 150 200
S1 / I=30 A 100 100
S1 / I=37 A 100 100
50 50
50 50
S1 / I=52 A
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000 0 2000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7163–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7167–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7184–2. B. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 458 lb-ft/621 Nm max. breakdown torque: 587 lb-ft/796 Nm max. breakdown torque: 480 lb-ft/650 Nm

Breakdown torque

1100 Breakdown torque
(400 V)
DA65-5699a 1600
1400 7


(400 V) 800 1000


Breakdown torque
550 (400 V)
700 700 900 1200
500 500 S6-40% / I=165 A
450 600 600
400 400 700
500 500
350 S6-60% / I=105 A 600 800
S6-60% / I=137 A
300 400 300 400 500
250 400
S6-60% / I=80 A 300 300 S1 / I=115 A
200 200
300 400
150 S1 / I=68 A 200 200
100 200
100 200
100 S1 / I=88 A 100
0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7186–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. B. . – . . . . 1PH7226–2. B. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 779 lb-ft/1056 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1153 lb-ft/1563 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1661 lb-ft/2252 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 22 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 400 rpm

1500 DA65-5519a 2000

lb-ft Nm
Breakdown torque
1300 1750
(400 V)

1100 1500
S6-60% / I=163 A
900 1250

S1 / I=137 A
400 500
200 250
0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
1PH7228–2. B. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 2152 lb-ft/2917 Nm

Rated speed nn 1150 rpm

40 DA65-5638a
80 DA65-5801a 160 DA65-5749a
lb-ft 50 lb-ft 100 lb-ft
Breakdown torque 200
35 140 (400 V)



Breakdown torque Breakdown torque Nm

(400 V) (400 V) S6-25% / I=51 A
30 40 60 80 120
S6-60% / I=11,5 A S6-40% / I=23,5 A 150
25 100 S6-40% / I=41 A
30 60
20 40 80
S6-60% / I=20,5 A S6-60% / I=34 A 100
S1 / I=10 A
15 20 40 60
S1 / I=17,5 A S1 / I=29 A

10 20 40 50
10 20
5 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7103–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7107–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 51 lb-ft/69 Nm max. breakdown torque: 96 lb-ft/130 Nm max. breakdown torque: 200 lb-ft/271 Nm

250 350 DA65-5800a
400 DA65-5594c
lb-ft lb-ft 450 lb-ft 500
Breakdown torque
300 Nm 350
(400 V)
300 400

Breakdown torque Nm

Nm Breakdown torque
200 (400 V) (400 V)
S6-25% / I=75 A 250 350 300 400
S6-25% / I=92 A S6-25% / I=113 A
S6-40% / I=61 A 300 250
150 200
200 S6-40% / I=94 A 300
S6-40% / I=76 A 250
S6-60% / I=50 A 200
150 150 200 S6-60% / I=79 A
100 S6-60% / I=65 A
150 200
S1 / I=43 A

100 150
100 S1 / I=70 A
50 100 100
50 50 50
S1 / I=55 A 50

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 2000 4000 rpm 6000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7137–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7163–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7167–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 335 lb-ft/454 Nm max. breakdown torque: 525 lb-ft/712 Nm max. breakdown torque: 724 lb-ft/981 Nm

7/22 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 23 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PH7 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 1150 rpm

650 DA65-5586a 900 DA65-5578a 1200 1200 DA65-5570a 1600

lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft Nm
Breakdown torque 800 Nm
Nm 800 1400
550 (400 V) Breakdown torque


(400 V) 1000 Breakdown torque

500 700 (400 V)
S6-25% / I=155 A 1200
450 600 800
600 800
S6-25% / I=285 A 1000
400 S6-25% / I=200 A
500 500
S6-40% / I=130 A S6-40% / I=165 A 600 600 800
300 400 S6-40% / I=235 A
S6-60% / I=110 A
250 S6-60% / I=195 A 600
300 300 S6-60% / I=140 A 400 400
150 200 400
S1 / I=118 A
100 S1 / I=90 A 200 200
100 100 S1 / I=164 A 200
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7184–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 593 lb-ft/804 Nm max. breakdown torque: 829 lb-ft/1124 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1371 lb-ft/1859 Nm

1400 DA65-5701b 1800 DA65-5521a

lb-ft 1800
1300 lb-ft 2250
Nm 1600
1200 Breakdown torque Breakdown torque Nm


(400 V) (400 V) 2000

1100 1400
S6-25% / I=355 A 1400 1750
1000 S6-25% / I=435 A
900 1200
S6-40% / I=290 A 1500
800 S6-40% / I=355 A
1000 1000
700 1250
S6-60% / I=295 A
S6-60% / I=240 A 800
600 800 1000
600 600
400 750

300 400 400 500

S1 / I=200 A
200 S1 / I=243 A
200 200 250
0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed

1PH7226–2. D. . – . . . . 1PH7228–2. D. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 1619 lb-ft/2195 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1899 lb-ft/2574 Nm

Rated speed nn 1750 rpm

35 DA65-5637a 45 DA65-5639a 60 60 DA65-5641a 80
lb-ft 45 lb-ft lb-ft
Nm 40 Nm
30 Breakdown torque 70



(400 V) 50 50
Breakdown torque Breakdown torque
(400 V) 35
35 (400 V) 60
25 S6-40% / I=18,5 A
S6-25% / I=15,5 A 30 40 40
30 S6-40% / I=23,5 A 50
20 25
25 S6-60% / I=16 A
S6-40% / I=13 A 30 30 40
15 20 20
S6-60% / I=21 A
S6-60% / I=11,5 A 30
15 15 20 20
10 10
S1 / I=10 A S1 / I=13 A 10 10
5 S1 / I=17,5 A 10
5 5

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7101–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7103–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7105–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 45 lb-ft/61 Nm max. breakdown torque: 46 lb-ft/63 Nm max. breakdown torque: 85 lb-ft/115 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 24 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 1750 rpm

80 DA65-5643a
120 DA65-5747a 160 180 DA65-5751a
lb-ft 100 lb-ft Nm lb-ft
Breakdown torque Breakdown torque
70 (400 V) 160
Nm 140 (400 V)


Breakdown torque 100 200

(400 V)
140 Nm
60 80 S6-25% / I=45 A 120 S6-25% / I=59 A
S6-40% / I=31 A 80 120
50 100 150
S6-40% / I=37 A
S6-60% / I=26 A 60 100 S6-40% / I=49 A
40 60 80
S6-60% / I=31 A
80 S6-60% / I=41 A
S1 / I=23 A 100
30 40 S1 / I=25 A 60
40 60
S1 / I=34 A
20 40
40 50
20 20
10 20 20

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7107–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7131–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 105 lb-ft/142 Nm max. breakdown torque: 134 lb-ft/182 Nm max. breakdown torque: 184 lb-ft/250 Nm

200 DA65-5755a 250 DA65-5759b 350 DA65-5767a

lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft Breakdown torque 450
250 Breakdown torque
180 Breakdown torque (400 V) 300 (400 V) Nm
Nm 300 400



(400 V) Nm
160 200
S6-25% / I=93 A S6-25% / I=120 A
200 250 350
140 S6-25% / I=71 A 250
S6-40% / I=78 A S6-40% / I=102 A 300
120 S6-40% / I=59 A 150 200
150 200
100 S6-60% / I=66 A S6-60% / I=86 A
S6-60% / I=50 A
150 150 200
80 100
S1 / I=42 A 100
60 150
100 100
40 50 100
50 50
20 S1 / I=56 A S1 / I=72 A 50

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 2000 4000 rpm 6000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7135–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7137–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7163–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 258 lb-ft/350 Nm max. breakdown torque: 366 lb-ft/496 Nm max. breakdown torque: 512 lb-ft/694 Nm

400 DA65-5566a 750 DA65-5588b 1000 800 DA65-5580a

lb-ft 500 lb-ft Nm lb-ft 1000
Breakdown torque 900
350 Nm 650 (400 V) 700 Nm

Breakdown torque


Breakdown torque

7 (400 V) 600 800 S6-25% / I=305 A (400 V)

300 400 550 600 800
S6-40% / I=132 A
500 700
S6-40% / I=250 A
250 S6-25% / I=220 A
450 600
S6-40% / I=111 A 300 S6-60% / I=205 A 600
400 S6-40% / I=185 A
200 500 400
350 S1 / I=172 A
S6-60% / I=94 A S6-60% / I=155 A
300 400
150 200 300 400
100 200 200
100 150 200 200
S1 / I=79 A
50 100 100
S1 / I=122 A 100
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 rpm 6000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7167–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7184–2. F. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. F. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 524 lb-ft/710 Nm max. breakdown torque: 703 lb-ft/953 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1014 lb-ft/1375 Nm

7/24 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 25 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PH7 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 1750 rpm

1100 DA65-5572a 1400 DA65-5702a

lb-ft 1400 lb-ft 1800
1000 1300 Breakdown torque
Breakdown torque Nm Nm
(400 V) 1200 (400 V)


900 1200
1100 S6-25% / I=495 A
S6-25% / I=380 A
800 1400
700 S6-40% / I=310 A 900 S6-40% / I=410 A 1200
600 S6-60% / 800
I=260 A 800 S6-60% / I=335 A
700 1000
S1 / I=207 A 600 S1 / I=258 A
600 800
400 500
300 400 400
300 400
200 200
100 200
0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PH7224–2. U. . – . . . . 1PH7226–2. F. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 1220 lb-ft/1654 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1717 lb-ft/2328 Nm

Rated speed nn 2300 rpm

50 DA65-5640a 160 200 DA65-5761a

lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft 250
200 Breakdown torque
45 Breakdown torque 60 (400 V)


Breakdown torque

(400 V)
40 Nm (400 V) Nm
50 120 150 200
S6-25% / I=94 A
35 S6-25% / I=72 A
S6-25% / I=25 A
30 100 S6-40% / I=80 A
S6-40% / I=22 A S6-40% / I=61 A 150
25 80 100
100 S6-60% / I=67 A
S6-60% / I=19.5 A 30
20 S6-60% / I=52 A
60 100
15 20
40 50
10 50
S1 / I=17 A 10 S1 / I=56 A
5 20
S1 / I=45 A

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 rpm 8000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000 0 1000 3000 5000 rpm 7000
Speed Speed Speed

1PH7103–2. G. . – . . . . 1PH7133–2. G. . – . . . . 1PH7137–2. G. . – . . . .

max. breakdown torque: 58 lb-ft/79 Nm max. breakdown torque: 193 lb-ft/262 Nm max. breakdown torque: 276 lb-ft/375 Nm

300 DA65-5689a 400
lb-ft Nm
Breakdown torque
(400 V) 350


S6-25% / I=121 A
S6-40% / I=105 A

150 S6-60% / I=92 A 200

S1 / I=82 A


0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 6000
1PH7163–2. G. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 496 lb-ft/672 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 26 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PH7 and 1PL6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PH7 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 2900 rpm

600 DA65-5590a 800 600 DA65-5582a 800 900 DA65-5574a 1200

lb-ft Nm lb-ft Nm lb-ft
Breakdown torque Nm
Breakdown torque 800
700 (400 V) 700 Breakdown torque
(400 V)


500 500 S6-25% / I=410 A (400 V) 1000

450 600 600 S6-25% / I=530 A
S6-40% / I=330 A
400 400 600 800
500 S6-40% / I=430 A
S6-25% / I=275 A 500
350 S6-60% / I=275 A 500 S6-60% /
S6-40% / I=225 A I=345 A
300 400 300 400 600
S6-60% / I=190 A S1 / I=207 A 400 S1 / I=275 A
S1 / I=158 A 300 300
200 200 300 400
150 200 200 200
100 100 200
100 100 100
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PH7184–2. L. . – . . . . 1PH7186–2. L. . – . . . . 1PH7224–2. L. . – . . . .
max. breakdown torque: 640 lb-ft/868 Nm max. breakdown torque: 968 lb-ft/1313 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1121 lb-ft/1520 Nm

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 400 rpm

550 DA65-5523a 700 DA65-5527a 1000 DA65-5535a

lb-ft 700 lb-ft 900
500 Nm lb-ft 1200
Breakdown torque Nm Breakdown torque Breakdown torque
600 800


(400 V) (400 V) (400 V)

450 600 800 Nm

400 700 1000

350 600
S1 / I=90 A 600 800
400 S1 / I=117 A
300 400 500
250 600
300 400
S1 / I=69 A 300 400
300 400
150 200 200
200 200
100 100 200
50 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PL6184–4. B. 1PL6186–4. B. 1PL6224–4. B.

max. breakdown torque: 534 lb-ft/724 Nm max. breakdown torque: 833 lb-ft/1130 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1289 lb-ft/1748 Nm

7 1600
Breakdown torque
(400 V)
Breakdown torque
(400 V)


Nm 1400
1200 S6-60% / I=218 A
S6-60% / I=175 A Nm
1000 1500
1000 800
S1 / I=145 A
400 500 S1 / I=181 A
400 500
200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4. B. 1PL6228–4. B.
max. breakdown torque: 1773 lb-ft/2404 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2273 lb-ft/3082 Nm

7/26 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 27 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PL6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 1150 rpm

550 DA65-5525a 750 DA65-5529a 1000 1200 DA65-5537b

lb-ft 700 lb-ft lb-ft
500 Breakdown torque Breakdown torque
Nm Nm Breakdown torque 1400
(400 V) (400 V)


450 1000 (400 V)

600 600 Nm
S6-60% / I=148 A 800
S6-60% / I=191 A
400 1200
500 500 800
350 S6-60% / I=260 A 1000
S1 / I=121 A 600
S1 / I=158 A
300 400 400
600 800
300 300 400
200 S1 / I=218 A 600
150 200 200
100 200
100 100 200

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PL6184–4. D. 1PL6186–4. D. 1PL6224–4. D.
max. breakdown torque: 636 lb-ft/862 Nm max. breakdown torque: 871 lb-ft/1181 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1532 lb-ft/2077 Nm

1600 1800 DA65-5514a

lb-ft lb-ft
Breakdown torque 2000 Breakdown torque
1400 (400 V) (400 V)

Nm 1400
1200 S6-60% / I=405 A
1500 1200
S6-60% / I=332 A
1000 1500
S1 / I=334 A
1000 800
S1 / I=275 A 1000

400 500 400 500

200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed

1PL6226–4. D. 1PL6228–4. D.
max. breakdown torque: 1848 lb-ft/2505 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2127 lb-ft/2884 Nm

Rated speed nn 1750 rpm

600 DA65-5493a 800 750 DA65-5497a 1000 1000 DA65-5505a
lb-ft Nm lb-ft
Breakdown torque Nm lb-ft 1200
700 S6-60% / I=276 A (400 V) Breakdown torque



S6-60% / I=350 A (400 V)

S6-60% / I=204 A Breakdown torque 600 800 800 Nm
(400 V) 600 1000
S1 / I=231 A S1 / I=292 A
400 500
S1 / I=166 A 500
600 600 800
300 400
300 400 400
200 200
100 100 200

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PL6184–4. F. 1PL6186–4. F. 1PL6224–4. F.
max. breakdown torque: 730 lb-ft/989 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1210 lb-ft/1640 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1257 lb-ft/1704 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 28 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PL6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control converters and
3 AC 400 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters

Rated speed nn 1750 rpm

1200 1600
DA65-5508b 1600 DA65-5516b
lb-ft Nm lb-ft
Breakdown torque 2000
Breakdown torque 1400 1400
1000 S6-60% / I=430 A (400 V)

S6-60% / I=568 A

(400 V)
1200 1200
S1 / I=355 A S1 / I=473 A
800 1500
1000 1000

600 800 800

600 600

400 400 500

200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4. F. 1PL6228–4. F. 1)
max. breakdown torque: 1850 lb-ft/2509 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2630 lb-ft/3566 Nm

Rated speed nn 2900 rpm

600 DA65-5495b 600 DA65-5499b 900 DA65-5796a

lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft 1000
Breakdown torque
Breakdown torque 800 (400 V)
700 Nm


500 500

(400 V)
Breakdown torque Nm S6-60% / I=435 A
S6-60% / I=350 A
(400 V) 800
600 600
400 Nm 400 600 S1 / I=365 A
S1 / I=284 A
S6-60% / I=255 A 500 500
300 S1 / I=209 A 400 300 400
300 300 400
200 200

200 200
100 100 200
100 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PL6184–4.L . 1PL6186–4.L . 1PL6224–4.L .

max. breakdown torque: 851 lb-ft/1154 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1258 lb-ft/1706 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1125 lb-ft/1526 Nm

1000 DA65-5510a
1200 DA65-5797a 1600
lb-ft lb-ft Breakdown torque Nm
Breakdown torque
(400 V)

(400 V) 1200


S6-60% / I=585 A Nm 1000

800 S6-60% / I=635 A
1000 1200
S1 / I=485 A
S1 / I=537 A
600 1000

600 800
200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4.L . 1) 1PL6228–4.L . 1)
max. breakdown torque: 1635 lb-ft/2217 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1960 lb-ft/2658 Nm

1) Motor exceeds MC power range.

7/28 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 29 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PL6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 500 rpm

550 DA65-5524a 700 DA65-5528a 1000 DA65-5536a

lb-ft 700 lb-ft 900
500 Breakdown torque Nm Breakdown torque Nm lb-ft 1200
600 Breakdown torque
(480 V) (480 V) 800

450 600 (480 V) Nm
400 700 1000
350 600
600 800
400 S1 / I=114 A
300 400 500
250 600
S1 / I=66 A 300 400
300 400
200 400
150 200 S1 / I=91 A
200 200
100 100 200
50 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PL6184–4. B. 1PL6186–4. B. 1PL6224–4. B.
max. breakdown torque: 762 lb-ft/1033 Nm max. breakdown torque: 870 lb-ft/1179 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1295 lb-ft/1756 Nm

1600 1800 DA65-5513a

lb-ft 2000 lb-ft
Breakdown torque Breakdown torque
1400 1600 (480 V)
(480 V)

Nm 2000
1200 S6-60% / I=212 A Nm
S6-60% / I=177 A
1000 1500
1000 800
S1 / I=180 A
S1 / I=147 A
400 500 400 500
200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4. B. 1PL6228–4. B.
max. breakdown torque: 1831 lb-ft/2483 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2177 lb-ft/2952 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 30 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
1PL6 servomotors Servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 1350 rpm

600 800 800 1200 DA65-5538b

DA65-5526a DA65-5530b
lb-ft lb-ft lb-ft
550 Nm Breakdown torque 1000
Breakdown torque 700 Breakdown torque
700 (480 V) 1400

(480 V) Nm 1000 (480 V)

500 Nm
600 S6-60% / I=256 A 1200
450 600 800
S6-60% / I=143 A S6-60% / I=189 A
400 800
500 S1 / I=215 A 1000
S1 / I=119 A 600
300 400 600 800
S1 / I=156 A
300 300 400 600
200 400

150 200 200 400

100 200 200

100 100 200
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4500 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PL6184–4.D . 1PL6186–4.D . 1PL6224–4.D .

max. breakdown torque: 648 lb-ft/879 Nm max. breakdown torque: 872 lb-ft/1183 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1503 lb-ft/2038 Nm

1400 DA65-5534a
1800 DA65-5515a
lb-ft 1800 lb-ft
Breakdown torque
Breakdown torque Nm 1600
1200 (480 V)
(480 V) 1600

1400 S6-60% / I=402 A Nm
S6-60% / I=320 A 1200
1200 1500
800 1000
600 800 S1 / I=332 A 1000
S1 / I=265 A

600 600
400 400 500
200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4.D . 1PL6228–4.D .
max. breakdown torque: 1846 lb-ft/2503 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2068 lb-ft/2804 Nm

Rated speed nn 2000 rpm

600 DA65-5494b 700 DA65-5498a 1000 DA65-5506a

lb-ft lb-ft 900

7 700 600 S6-60% / I=258 A

Breakdown torque 1200



(480 V) (480 V) Nm
Breakdown torque Nm 800 S6-60% / I=328 A
S6-60% / I=195 A (480 V) 700
600 500 S1 / I=220 A 1000
400 S1 / I=275 A
S1 / I=161 A 500 600
400 800
300 400
300 400 600
200 300
200 400
200 200
100 100
100 200

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed
1PL6184–4.F . 1PL6186–4.F . 1PL6224–4.F .
max. breakdown torque: 755 lb-ft/1023 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1108 lb-ft/1503 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1394 lb-ft/1890 Nm

7/30 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 31 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors 1PL6 servomotors

■ Speed-Torque curves for 1PL6 · 3 AC 480 V SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Vector Control converters
Rated speed nn 2000 rpm

1200 DA65-5509b 1600 1600 DA65-5517a

lb-ft Nm lb-ft 2000
Breakdown 1400
Torque 1400 torque

1000 S6-60% / I=410 A torque (480 V)

S6-60% / I=538 A
(480 V) Nm
1200 1200
800 S1 / I=342 A S1 / I=452 A
1000 1000

600 800 800


600 600

400 400 500

200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4.F . 1PL6228–4.F .
max. breakdown torque: 1928 lb-ft/2614 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2646 lb-ft/3687 Nm

Rated speed nn 2900 rpm

600 DA65-5496b 600 DA65-5500a 800 1000 DA65-5507b

lb-ft lb-ft Nm lb-ft
Breakdown torque 700 Breakdown torque


500 (480 V) (480 V)

Breakdown torque 800
S6-60% / I=350 A
(480 V) 600 1000
400 Nm 400 Nm
S1 / I=284 A S6-60% / I=435 A
S6-60% / I=255 A 500 500 600 800
S1 / I=365 A
300 S1 / I=209 A 400 300 400
300 300
200 200
200 200
100 100 200
100 100

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 rpm 5000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed Speed

1PL6184–4.L . 1PL6186–4.L . 1PL6224–4.L .

max. breakdown torque: 904 lb-ft/1226 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1330 lb-ft/1803 Nm max. breakdown torque: 1490 lb-ft/2021 Nm

1200 DA65-5511b 1200 DA65-5518a 1600

lb-ft lb-ft Nm
Breakdown torque 1400 Breakdown torque 1400


1000 (480 V) 1000 (480 V)

S6-60% / I=635 A
1200 1200
S6-60% / I=585 A
800 800
S1 / I=537 A
1000 1000
S1 / I=485 A

600 800 600 800

600 600
400 400

400 400
200 200
200 200

0 0 0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 rpm 4000
Speed Speed
1PL6226–4.L . 1PL6228–4.L .
max. breakdown torque: 2156 lb-ft/2923 Nm max. breakdown torque: 2578 lb-ft/3495 Nm

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7_2.fm Seite 32 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors Servomotors

■ Ventilation data and sound pressure levels

Size Fan motor: Air-flow-direction Sound pressure level Air-flow rate at
Current and power consumption at Standard LpA
400 V/50 Hz 400 V/60 Hz 480 V/60 Hz Motor and separate fan 50 Hz 60 Hz
(±10%) (±10%) (±5%, –10%) Rated load, 50 Hz approx. approx.
Tolerance + 3 dB (A)
A HP A HP A HP cft/s cft/s
(W) (W) (W) dB (A) (m3/s) (m3/s)

1PH7 motors
100 0.13 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.14 0.07 ND-end ➝ D-end 70 1.43 1.79
(37) (35) (51) (0.04) (0.05)
132 0.26 0.11 0.19 0.13 0.26 1.67 ND-end ➝ D-end 70 3.57 4.64
(85) (100) (125) (0.1) (0.13)
160 0.24 0.18 0.31 0.27 0.3 0.31 ND-end ➝ D-end 72 5.36 6.78
(135) (200) (230) (0.15) (0.19)
180 1.4 1.14 – – 1.4 1.31 D-end ➝ ND-end 75 (70) 3) 6.78 7.86
(850) (980) (0.19) (0.22)
225 1.8 1.34 – – 2.4 1.74 D-end ➝ ND-end 76 (72) 3) 11.79 13.9
(1000) (1300) ND-end ➝ D-end (0.33) (0.39)
280 6.4 4.02 – – on ND-end ➝ D-end 74 16.08 on
(3000) request D-end ➝ ND-end (0.45) request

1PL6 motors
180 1.7 1.21 – – 2.1 1.88 D-end ➝ ND-end 751) 9.64 11.43
(900) (1400) (0.27) (0.32)
225 2.1 1.61 – – 2.3 2.82 D-end ➝ ND-end 761) 13.21 13.6
(1200) (2100) (0.37) (0.38)
280 data on request

■ Bearing design / type of drive and maximum speeds

Size/ Bearing design/ Type of bearings Max. continuous speed Max. Max. permissible
Motor type Type of drive in S1 operation limiting speed4) lateral force 2)
ns1 ns15) nmax. nmax.5) FQmax.
Motor end Bearing designation rpm rpm rpm rpm Ibf
100 Deep-groove D-end 6308 C4 5500 10000 9000 12000 630
ball bearings for ND-end 6208 C4 (2800)
coupling or belt output
132 Deep-groove D-end 6310 C4 4500 8500 8000 10000 900
ball bearings for ND-end 6210 C4 (4000)
coupling or belt output
160 Deep-groove D-end 6312 C4 3700 7000 6500 8000 1888
ball bearings for ND-end 6212 C4 (8400)
coupling or belt output
180 Deep-groove D-end 6214 C3 3500 4500 5000 7000 1102
ball bearings ND-end 6214 C3 (4900)
for coupling output
180 Cylindrical roller D-end NU2 14E + 6214 C3 3500 – 5000 – 2878
bearings for belt output ND-end 6214 C3 (12800)
180 Cylindrical roller D-end NU22 14E + 6214 C3 3000 – 5000 – 3709
bearings for increased ND-end 6214 C3 (16500)
lateral forces

7 225

ball bearings
for coupling output
Cylindrical roller

bearings for belt output ND-end
6216 C3
6216 C3

NU2 16E + 6216 C3

6216 C3





Types 224, Cylindrical roller D-end NU22 16E + 6216 C3 2700 – 4500 – 4496
226 bearings for increased ND-end 6216 C3 (20000)
lateral forces
Type 228 Cylindrical roller D-end NU22 16E + 6216 C3 2500 – 4000 – 4496
bearings for increased ND-end 6216 C3 (20000)
lateral forces
280 Deep-groove D-end 6220 C3 – – 3300 – approx. 8700
ball bearings ND-end 6220 C3
for coupling output
280 Cylindrical roller D-end NU22 OE – – 3300 – approx. 26700
bearings for belt output ND-end 6220 C3

1) At speeds of 3000 to 5000 rpm, 3) Values are valid for a version with silencer 5) For version for increased maximum
LpA rises to a max. of 85 dB (A). (can also be mounted at a later time). speed, see order option in chapter 3
(only for 1PH7).
2) Max. permissible lateral force when X = 50 4) In disengage mode (with 30% nmax,
shaft-extension length and n = 1000 rpm. 60% 2/3 n max. 10% standstill) for a
For further values, see lateral-force diagrams. duration of 10 min.

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7_2.fm Seite 33 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

■ Lateral-force diagrams
Permissible lateral N Permissible lateral 5000
A DA65-5234
forces for 1PH7 3000
forces for 1PH77 N
motors, size 100 motors, size 132
Bearings D-end:6308 C4 Bearings D-end:6310 C4
L h1 8.000 h
ND-end:6208 C4 ND-end:6210 C4 4000

L h1 8.000 h
L h2 12.000 h
x F3QAS x 3000
L h3 16.000 h 1,5x
L h3 16.000 h

1000 2000
DA65-5255 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rpm 9 10 DA65-5256 1 2 3 4 5 rpm 7 8
x103 n x103 n

x = 1.575 in (40 mm) x = 2.17 in (55 mm)

F1QAS = 0.9 FQAS F1QAS = max. 450 lbf (max. 2000 N)
F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS
100 F3QAS = max. 560 lbf (max. 2500 N)
Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 = Estimate of Lhges = ---------------------------------------
q q2 q3 100
useful life under changing -------1- + -------- + -------- Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 = Estimate of Lhges = ---------------------------------------
operating conditions Lh 1 Lh2 Lh3 useful life under changing q q2 q3
-------1- + -------- + --------
(FQAS; n) operating conditions L h 1 Lh2 Lh3
q = Operating duration [%] (FQAS; n)
under constant conditions q = Operating duration [%]
under constant conditions

Permissible lateral N A DA65-5236

Permissible lateral kN ADA65-5237
forces for 1PH7 forces for 1PH718 .
motors, size 160 and 1PL618 . motors
Bearings D-end:6312 C4 Size 180
ND-end:6212 C4 L h1 8.000 h for coupling output
1000 rpm
Bearings D-end:6214 C3 5
ND-end:6214 C3
2000 rpm
F1QAS FQAS F2QAS L h2 12.000 h 4
FQ 3000 rpm
L h3 16.000 h x 3
4000 rpm

5000 rpm
DA65-5257 1 2 3 4 5 rpm 7 40 80 120 mm 160
x103 n x
x = 2.17 in (55 mm)
F1QAS = 0.9 FQAS
F2QAS = 1.1 FQAS
Lh1, Lh2, Lh3 = Estimate of Lhges = --------------------------------------- LH = 20000 h
useful life under changing q q2 q3
-------1- + -------- + --------
operating conditions Lh 1 Lh2 Lh3
(FQAS; n)
q = Operating duration [%]
under constant conditions

Permissible lateral Permissible lateral kN

kN ADA65-5238 A DA65-6042
forces for 1PH722 . forces for 1PH728 . 500 rpm
and 1PL622 . motors and 1PL628 . motors
Size 225 FQ 6 Size 280 FQ 11
for coupling output 1000 rpm for coupling output
Bearings D-end:6216 C3 5 Bearings D-end:6220 C3 9 1000 rpm
ND-end:6216 C3 ND-end:6220 C3
1500 rpm
4 2000 rpm 7
2000 rpm

3000 rpm
FQ 3 FQ 5
x 4500 rpm x

40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 160 mm 200

x x

LH = 20000 h DA65-5261
LH > 24000 h with relubrication
Minimum lateral force 2025 lbf (9 kN)

If the roller bearings used here are operated without load, damage may occur to the bearings.
Minimum lateral forces must be complied with!

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7_2.fm Seite 34 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors Servomotors

■ Lateral-force diagrams
Permissible lateral ADA65-5239
Permissible lateral ADA65-5240
forces for 1PH718 . 15 forces for 1PH722 . 16
and 1PL6218 . motors and 1PL622 . motors 1000 rpm
FQ kN 1000 rpm FQ kN
Size 180 Size 225
13 14
for belt output for belt output
Bearings D-end:NU2 14 E + Bearings D-end:NU2 16 E +
6214 C3 2000 rpm 6216 C3 2000 rpm
11 12
ND-end:6214 C3 ND-end:6216 C3
3000 rpm 3000 rpm
9 10
4000 rpm 4500 rpm
x 5000 rpm x
7 8

40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 mm 160

x x

LH = 12000 h DA65-5261 LH = 12000 h

Minimum lateral force 675 lbf (3 kN) Minimum lateral force 900 lbf (4 kN)

Permissible lateral ADA65-5241a

Permissible lateral kN ADA65-5242
forces for 1PH718 . 17 1000 rpm forces for 1PH722 .
and 1PL618 . motors and 1PL622 . motors 20 1000 rpm
Size 180 FQ kN Size 225 FQ
1P.. 186
for belt output with 15 1500 rpm for belt output with 18
1500 rpm
increased lateral force increased lateral force
1P.. 184 3000 rpm
3000 rpm 16
Bearings D-end:NU22 14 E + 13 Bearings D-end:NU22 16 E +
6214 C3 6216 C3
ND-end:6214 C3 ND-end:6216 C3 14
4000 rpm 4500 rpm
FQ 5000 rpm FQ
x x
9 10

40 80 120 mm 160 40 80 120 mm 160

x x

LH = 12000 h DA65-5261
LH = 12000 h

Minimum lateral force 900 lbf (4 kN) Minimum lateral force 1125 lbf (5 kN)

Permissible lateral kN A DA65-6043

forces for 1PH728 . 34 500 rpm
and 1PL628 . motors
Size 280 FQ
If the roller bearings
for belt output with 30 used here are operated
increased lateral force without load, damage
Bearings D-end:NU22 0E 1000 rpm may occur to the bearings.
ND-end:6220 C3 26

Minimum lateral forces
1500 rpm
must be complied with!
x 22 2000 rpm


40 80 120 160 mm 200

LH = 24000 h with relubrication

Minimum lateral force 1125 lbf (5 kN)

7/34 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

7_2.fm Seite 35 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Servomotors Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors

■ Terminal box assignment, max. cable cross-sections

Frame size Motor type Terminal-box Cable Max. possible Number of Max. cable Max. possible
type entry outer cable main terminals cross-section current
diameter per terminal per terminal
(red. factor 0.75)
in (mm) mm2 A

1PH7 motors, sizes 100 to 280

100 1PH710 . –2.. integrated PG 29 1.1 (28) 6× M5 25 67
132 1PH713 . –2. . integrated PG 36 1.34 (34) 6× M6 35 83
160 1PH716 . –2. . integrated PG 42 1.57 (40) 6× M6 50 123
180 1PH7184–2. . 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7186–2. B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7186–2. D 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7186–2. F 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PH7186–2. L 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
225 1PH7224–2. B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7224–2. D 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7224–2. U 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PH7224–2. L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PH7226–2. B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7226–2.D 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PH7226–2.F 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PH7226–2.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PH7228–2.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PH7228–2.D 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PH7228–2.F 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PH7228–2.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
280 1PH728. 1XB7712 on request

1PL6 motors, sizes 180 to 280

180 1PL6184–4.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6184–4.D 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6184–4.F 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6184–4.L 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PL6186–4.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6186–4.D 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6186–4.F 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PL6186–4.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
225 1PL6224–4.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6224–4.D 1XB7422 2 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× M 12 2 × 70 242
1PL6224–4.F 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6224–4.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6226–4.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6226–4.D 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6226–4.F 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6226–4.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6228–4.B 1XB7322 2 × PG 42 1.57 (40) 3× M 12 2 × 50 191
1PL6228–4.D 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
1PL6228–4.F 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583

1PL6228–4.L 1XB7700 3 × M72 × 2 2.2 (56) 3× 2×M 12 3 × 150 583
280 1PL628. 1XB7712 on request

Notes on cable glands

Cable glands and EMC cable glands for shielded cables with PG thread or metric thread and adapter element between PG and metric
thread can be obtained from the following companies:
Contact Electronics, Inc. Fa. Pflitsch GmbH & Co. KG •Cable glands up to PG 42
38 Fairfield Place Postfach 10 03 51 • Locking screws/filler plugs
West Caldwell, NJ 07006 D-42492 Hückeswagen
Tel. +1 800-221-1451 Tel. ++49 21 92-9110
Fax +1 973-575-7208 Fax ++49 21 92-9112 11

AGRO AG • EMC cable glands Fa. Ernst Heinrich GmbH • Cable glands M72 × 2
CH-5502 Hunzenschwil • Cable glands with heavy-gauge conduit Postfach 45 09 48 • Locking screws M72 × 2
Tel. ++41 (0) 6 28 89 4747 thread D-22509 Hamburg
Fax ++41 (0) 6 28 89 47 50 • Metric cable glands Tel. ++49 40-8 5010 83
Fax ++49 40-8 50 01 97
• Adapter elements
Heavy-gauge conduit thread ↔ metric

1) Frame sizes 100 to 160: reduction factor 0.75

Frame sizes 180 and 225: reduction factor 0.60.

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7_2.fm Seite 36 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:07 08

Configuration Aids
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors Servomotors

■ Overview of types of construction

The types of construction 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

available for 1PH7 motors 1PH7 . . . – . . . . @

are IM B 3 (normal design), Type of construction Type of construction 1PL6 . . . – . . . . @
IM B 5 and IM B 35.
Other types of construction Foot-mounting
(IM V 15, IM V 36, IM B 6, type
IM B 7, IM B 8 etc.) are also (= IM B 3)
possible. Depending on how
and where the motor is
installed, the motor (sizes 180
and 225) should be ordered
so that the lifting eyebolts for
the intended type of installation IM B 6
are suitably positioned on 1
the motor by the supplying IM B 3
factory (12th data digit of the 0
Order No. for the motor).
For motor sizes 100 to 160,
the screwed-in lifting eyebolts
can be repositioned at a later
date for different methods
and types of installation.
Note: There are no conden- IM B 7 IM B 8
sation holes in the machine. 1
An anti-condensation heater
is not necessary.

IM V 6 IM V 5
mounting type
(= IM B 35)

IM V 361) IM V 151)

IM B 351)
Flange type
(= IM B 5)

1) Foot-mounting and flange- IM B 5 IM V 3 IM V 1

mounting necessary 2
for size 160 and larger.

7/36 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_1.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:09 08

Dimension Drawings
Synchronous servomotors
8/2 1FK6 motors, self-cooled
8/3 1FK7 (CT) motors, self-cooled
8/5 1FK7 (HD) motors, self-cooled
8/6 1FK6 motors, self-cooled,
with planetary gear
8/7 1FK7 (CT) motors, self-cooled,
with planetary gear
8/8 1FK7 (HD) motors, self-cooled,
with planetary gear
8/9 1FT6 motors, self-cooled
8/14 1FT6 motors, blower-ventilated
8/17 1FT6 motors, self-cooled,
with planetary gear
8/19 1FT6 motors, water-cooled
8/21 1FS6 motors, self-cooled
8/22 1FN3 AC linear motors

Asynchronous servomotors
8/23 1PH7 motors
8/30 1PH7 motors with brake module
8/33 1PH7 motors with pipe connection
8/36 1PL6 motors
8/39 1PH4 motors, water-cooled
8/40 1PH7 motors with 2-gear unit
8/42 1PH4 motors with 2-gear unit

Siemens reserves the right to alter tech-
nical data without advanced notice. The
dimensions in this catalog can become
out of date. Current dimension drawings
can be supplied free-of-charge on

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/1

8_2.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FK6 motors, self-cooled Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Re- sin/cos D-end of shaft

solver incre-
1 Vpp
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 o1 o2 p s2 k k d d6 I t u
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – – – HD S LB LB D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with angled plug, with/without brake
36 1FK6032 3.6 2.3 0.31 2.9 2.8 0.11 3.11 1.41 3.7 1.18 6.1 3.1 0.26 7.05 – 0.55 M 5 1.18 0.62 0.19
(92) (60) (8) (75) (72) (3) (79) (36) (95.5) (30) (154) (78) (6.5) (179) (14) (30) (16) (5)
48 1FK6040 4.7 3.1 0.39 3.9 3.7 0.11 3.34 1.88 3.2 1.57 5.2 – 0.27 6.3 8.01 0.74 M6 1.57 0.84 0.23
(120) (80) (10) (100) (96) (3) (85) (48) (83) (40) (134) (7) (160) (203.5) (19) (40) (21.5) (6)
1FK6042 4.5 6.5 7.6 9.3
(115) (166) (192) (235.5)
63 1FK6060 6.1 4.3 0.39 5.1 4.9 0.13 3.93 2.48 1.96 4.1 6.6 – 0.35 7.9 9.4 0.94 M8 1.96 1.06 0.31
(155) (110) (10) (130) (126) (3.5) (100) (63) (50) (104) (170) (9) (200) (238) (24) (50) (27) (8)
1FK6063 6.1 8.6 9.8 11.3
(154) (220) (250) (288)
80 1FK6080 7.3 5.1 0.51 6.4 6.1 0.13 4.5 3.05 2.28 3.8 6.4 – 0.43 7.7 9.5 1.25 M12 2.28 1.37 0.39
(186) (130) (13) (165) (155) (3.5) (114.5) (77.5) (58) (97) (165) (11) (195) (242) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FK6083 5.3 7.9 8.8 11
(135) (203) (223) (280)
100 1FK6100 9.4 7 0.51 8.4 7.5 0.15 5.19 3.77 3.14 4.4 7.4 6.1 0.5 8.6 10.4 1.49 M12 3.14 1.61 0.39
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (132) (96) (80) (113) (188) (155) (14) (218) (265) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FK6101 6.04 5.8 8.4 9.6 11.5
(153.5) (148) (214) (244) (291)
1FK6103 6.8 9.4 10.6 12.5
(174) (240) (270) (317)

1FK6032 Shaft k
with featherkey o2
i2 c1 s2



t l
d6 d6 f1 a1 f

1FK604 . k
1FK606 . o2
1FK608 . o1
i2 c1 s2


l e1


d6 d6 f1
DA65-5190a a1 f

1FK6100 k
i2 c1 s2



t l

d6 d6
DA65-5193a a1
f1 f

1FK6101 k
1FK6103 o2

i2 c1 s2



t l

d6 d6 DA65-5194a a1
f1 f

8/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FK7 (CT) motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S LB – – LB – –

1FK7 CT (compact), type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with angled plug, with/without brake
28 1FK7022-5 – 1.57 0.28 2.48 2.17 0.1 2.74 1.08 0.79 0.23 5.91 2.97 4.92 7.01 4.11 6.06
(40) (7) (63) (55) (2.5) (69.5) (27.5) (20) (5.8) (150) (75.5) (125) (178) (104.5) (154)
36 1FK7032-5 3.66 2.36 0.31 2.95 2.83 0.12 3.07 1.42 1.18 0.26 5.91 2.97 4.92 7.01 4.11 6.06
(93) (60) (8) (75) (72) (3) (78) (36) (30) (6.5) (150) (75.5) (125) (178) (104.5) (154)
48 1FK7040-5 4.72 3.15 0.39 3.94 3.78 0.12 3.54 1.89 1.57 0.28 5.31 2.91 4.21 6.46 2.91 5.35
(120) (80) (10) (100) (96) (3) (90) (48) (40) (7) (135) (74) (107) (164) (74) (136)
1FK7042-5 4.72 3.15 0.39 3.94 3.78 0.12 3.54 1.89 1.57 0.28 6.38 3.98 5.28 7.52 3.98 6.42
(120) (80) (10) (100) (96) (3) (90) (48) (40) (7) (162) (101) (134) (191) (101) (163)
63 1FK7060-5 6.1 4.33 0.39 5.12 4.96 0.14 4.13 2.48 1.97 0.35 6.18 3.66 4.92 7.87 3.66 6.61
(155) (110) (10) (130) (126) (3.5) (105) (63) (50) (9) (157) (93) (125) (200) (93) (168)
1FK7063-5 6.1 4.33 0.39 5.12 4.96 0.14 4.13 2.48 1.97 0.35 7.95 5.43 6.69 9.65 5.43 8.39
(155) (110) (10) (130) (126) (3.5) (105) (63) (50) (9) (202) (138) (170) (245) (138) (213)

Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat), Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)

from size 48 on
sin/cos incremental
encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Size Type k o1 o2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2 d d6 l t u
LB – – LB – – LB – – LB – – D – E GA F

28 1FK7022-5 7.17 3.35 5.3 8.27 4.45 6.4 7.17 3.35 5.3 8.27 4.45 6.4 0.35 M3 0.79 0.4 0.12
(182) (85) (134.5) (210) (113) (162.5) (182) (85) (134.5) (210) (113) (162.5) (9) (20) (10.2) (3)
36 1FK7032-5 7.17 3.35 5.3 8.31 4.49 6.44 7.17 3.35 5.3 8.31 4.49 6.44 0.55 M5 1.18 0.63 0.2
(182) (85) (134.5) (211) (114) (163.5) (182) (85) (134.5) (211) (114) (163.5) (14) (30) (16) (5)
48 1FK7040-5 6.1 2.52 4.17 7.24 2.87 5.31 6.46 2.56 4.21 7.6 2.91 5.35 0.75 M6 1.57 0.85 0.24
(155) (64) (106) (184) (73) (135) (164) (65) (107) (193) (74) (136) (19) (40) (21.5) (6)
1FK7042-5 7.2 3.62 5.28 8.35 3.98 6.42 7.52 3.62 5.28 8.66 4.02 6.46 0.75 M6 1.57 0.85 0.24
(183) (92) (134) (212) (101) (163) (191) (92) (134) (220) (102) (164) (19) (40) (21.5) (6)
63 1FK7060-5 7.09 3.66 4.92 8.78 3.66 6.61 7.4 3.66 4.92 9.09 3.64 6.59 0.94 M8 1.97 1.06 0.31
(180) (93) (125) (223) (93) (168) (188) (93) (125) (231) (92.5) (167.5) (24) (50) (27) (8)
1FK7063-5 8.86 5.43 5.51 10.55 5.43 8.39 9.17 5.43 6.69 10.87 5.41 8.37 0.94 M8 1.97 1.06 0.31
(225) (138) (140) (268) (138) (213) (233) (138) (170) (276) (137.5) (212.5) (24) (50) (27) (8)

1FK702 . –5 Shaft o2
1FK703 . –5 with featherkey o1
1FK704 . –5 i2 c1
1FK706 . –5 s2


l e1


t l

d6 d 6 f1 k a1 f

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/3

8_2.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FK7 (CT) motors, self-cooled Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S LB – – LB – –

1FK7 CT (compact), type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with angled plug, with/without brake
80 1FK7080-5 7.32 5.12 0.51 6.5 6.1 0.14 4.7 3.05 2.28 0.43 6.14 3.58 4.88 7.24 3.58 5.98
(186) (130) (13) (165) (155) (3.5) (119.5) (77.5) (58) (11) (156) (91) (124) (184) (91) (152)
1FK7083-5 7.32 5.12 0.51 6.5 6.1 0.14 4.7 3.05 2.28 0.43 7.64 5.08 6.38 9.65 5.98 8.39
(186) (130) (13) (165) (155) (3.5) (119.5) (77.5) (58) (11) (194) (129) (162) (245) (152) (213)
100 1FK7100-5 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 5.43 3.78 3.15 0.55 7.28 4.45 6.02 8.03 4.45 6.77
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (138) (96) (80) (14) (185) (113) (153) (204) (113) (172)
1FK7101-5 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 6.3 3.78 3.15 0.55 8.31 5.47 7.05 9.45 5.47 8.19
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (160) (96) (80) (14) (211) (139) (179) (240) (139) (208)
1FK7103-5 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 6.3 3.78 3.15 0.55 9.33 6.5 8.07 10.47 6.5 9.21
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (160) (96) (80) (14) (237) (165) (205) (266) (165) (234)

Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat), Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)

from size 48 on
sin/cos incremental
encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake without brake with brake
Size Type k o1 o2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2 k o1 o2 d d6 l t u
LB – – LB – – LB – – LB – – D – E GA F

80 1FK7080-5 7.05 3.58 4.88 8.11 3.58 5.94 7.36 3.58 4.88 8.46 3.54 5.94 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39
(179) (91) (124) (206) (91) (151) (187) (91) (124) (215) (90) (151) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FK7083-5 8.54 5.08 6.38 10.55 6.02 8.39 8.86 5.08 6.38 10.87 5.96 8.37 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39
(217) (129) (162) (268) (153) (213) (225) (129) (162) (276) (151.5) (212.5) (32) (58) (35) (10)
100 1FK7100-5 8.19 4.45 6.02 8.94 4.45 6.77 8.5 4.45 6.02 9.25 4.43 6.75 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(208) (113) (153) (227) (113) (172) (216) (113) (153) (235) (112.5) (171.5) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FK7101-5 9.21 5.47 7.05 10.35 5.47 8.19 9.53 5.47 7.05 10.67 5.06 7.78 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(234) (139) (179) (263) (139) (208) (242) (139) (179) (271) (128.5) (197.5) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FK7103-5 10.24 6.5 8.07 11.38 6.5 9.21 10.55 6.5 8.07 11.69 6.08 8.8 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(260) (165) (205) (289) (165) (234) (268) (165) (205) (297) (154.5) (223.5) (38) (80) (41) (10)

1FK708 . –5 Shaft o1
with featherkey i2 c1


l e1


t l

d6 d 6 f1 k a1 f

1FK7101–5 i2 c1



t l

d6 d6 f1 k f

8/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FK7 (HD) motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without/with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 o1 o2 s2 k
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – – – S LB
1FK7 HD (High Dynamic), type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with angled plug, with/without brake
36 1FK7033-7 3.62 2.36 0.31 2.95 2.83 0.12 3.07 1.42 1.18 4.51 6.46/6.46 0.26 6.75/7.58
(92) (60) (8) (75) (72) (3) (78) (36) (30) (114.5) (164/164) (6.5) (171.5/192.5)
48 1FK7043-7 4.72 3.15 0.39 3.94 3.78 0.12 3.54 1.89 1.57 5.31 6.97/7.87 0.28 7.54/8.68
(120) (80) (10) (100) (96) (3) (90) (48) (40) (135) (177/200) (7) (191.5/220.5)
1FK7044-7 7.95/8.86 0.35 8.52/9.67
(161) (202/225) (9) (216.5/245.5)
63 1FK7061-7 6.10 4.33 0.39 5.12 4.96 0.14 4.13 2.48 1.97 4.84 6.54/7.24 0.43 7.34/9
(155) (110) (10) (130) (126) (3.5) (105) (63) (50) (123) (166/184) (11) (186.5/228.5)
1FK7064-7 9.06/9.76 9.86/11.52
(187) (230/248) (250.5/292.5)
80 1FK7082-7 7.32 5.12 0.51 6.5 6.1 0.14 4.7 3.05 2.28 5.61 7.32/8.98 0.43 8.29/10
(186) (130) (13) (165) (155) (3.5) (119.5) (77.5) (58) (142.5) (186/228) (11) (210.5/253)
1FK7085-7 5.22 7.58 9.29/10.94 10.26/11.93
(132.5) (192.5) (236/278) (260.5/303)

sin/cos Absolute- D-end of shaft

incremental value
encoder encoder
1 Vpp (EnDat)
without/with brake
Size Type DIN k k d d6 I t u

36 1FK7033-7 7.74/8.54 –/– 0.55 M5 1.18 0.63 0.2

(196.5/217) (14) (30) (16) (5)
48 1FK7043-7 8.35/9.49 8.68/9.82 0.75 M6 1.57 0.85 0.24
(212/241) (220.5/249.5) (19) (40) (21.5) (6)
1FK7044-7 9.33/10.47 9.67/10.81
(237/266) (245.5/274.5)
63 1FK7061-7 8.25/9.9 8.58/10.24 0.94 M8 1.97 1.06
(209.5/251.5) (218/260) (24) (50) (27) (8)
1FK7064-7 10.77/12.42 11.1/12.76
(273.5/315.5) (282/324)
80 1FK7082-7 9.19/10.87 9.53/11.2 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39
(233.5/276) (242/284.5) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FK7085-7 11.16/12.83 11.5/13.17
(283.5/326) (292/334.5)

Shaft k
with featherkey o2
i2 c1 s2


l e1


d6 d6 f1
DA65-5190a a1 f

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/5

8_2.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FK6 motors Synchronous
self-cooled, with planetary gear Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Planetary gear

Re- sin/ Re- sin/
sol- cos sol- cos
ver incre- ver incre-
ment- ment-
al en- al en-
coder coder
1 Vpp 1 Vpp
Size Type DIN k k l d a1 Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L 10 L16 K K
IEC LB LB E D P – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake, with planetary gear (LP series), 1-stage
36 1FK6032 7.05 – 1.18 0.55 3.62 LP070–M01 2.76 2.05 0.63 2.44 M 5 1.1 0.2 0.31 0.39 0.71 0.2 2.76 4.96 10.59 –
(179) (30) (14) (92) (70) (52) (16) (62) (28) (5) (8) (10) (18) (5) (70) (126) (269)
48 1FK6040 6.3 8.03 1.57 0.75 4.72 LP090–M01 3.54 2.68 0.87 3.15 M 6 1.42 0.2 0.39 0.47 0.96 0.24 3.54 6.22 10.71 12.44
(160) (204) (40) (19) (120) (90) (68) (22) (80) (36) (5) (10) (12) (25) (6) (90) (158) (272) (316)
1FK6042 7.56 9.29 11.97 13.7
(192) (236) (304) (348)
63 1FK6060 7.87 9.37 1.97 0.94 6.1 LP120–M01 4.72 3.54 1.26 4.25 M 8 2.28 0.24 0.47 0.63 1.38 0.39 4.72 8.27 13.39 14.88
(200) (238) (50) (24) (155) (120) (90) (32) (108) (58) (6) (12) (16) (35) (10) (120) (210) (340) (378)
1FK6063 9.84 11.34 15.35 16.85
(250) (288) (390) (428)
80 1FK6080 7.68 9.53 2.28 1.26 7.3 LP155–M01 6.1 4.72 1.57 5.51 M10 3.23 0.31 0.59 0.79 1.69 0.47 5.91 10.43 14.29 16.14
(195) (242) (58) (32) (186) (155) (120) (40) (140) (82) (8) (15) (20) (43) (12) (150) (265) (363) (41)
1FK6083 9.17 11.02 15.79 17.64
(233) (280) (401) (448)
100 1FK6100 8.58 10.43 3.15 1.5 9.45 LP155–M01 6.1 4.72 1.57 5.51 M10 3.23 0.31 0.59 0.79 1.69 0.47 7.56 10.43 15.2 17.05
(218) (265) (80) (38) (240) (155) (120) (40) (140) (82) (8) (15) (20) (43) (12) (192) (265) (386) (433)
1FK6101 9.61 11.46 16.22 18.07
(244) (291) (412) (459)
1FK6103 10.63 12.48 17.24 19.09
(270) (317) (438) (485)

1FK6032 L 16
1FK604 . L2 L4
1FK606 . L3

1FK608 .

D 5 / L 5 deep


A DA65-5814b

l k L 10

1FK610 . L 16
L2 L4
D 5 / L 5 deep



A DA65-5815b

l k L10

8/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Synchronous 1FK7 (CT) motors
Servomotors self-cooled, with planetary gear

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat)
sin/cos incremental
Resolver encoder 1 Vpp Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)
without brake with brake without brake with brake without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k K k K k K k K k K k K l d a1
IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – LB – LB – E D P
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake, with planetary gear (LP series), 1-stage
48 1FK7040-5 5.24 9.65 6.38 10.79 6.18 10.59 7.36 11.77 6.46 10.87 7.6 12.01 1.57 0.75 4.72
(133) (245) (162) (274) (157) (269) (187) (299) (164) (276) (193) (305) (40) (19) (120)
1FK7042-5 6.3 10.71 7.44 11.85 7.28 11.69 8.43 12.83 7.56 11.97 8.7 13.11
(160) (272) (189) (301) (185) (297) (214) (326) (192) (304) (221) (333)
63 1FK7060-5 6.12 11.65 7.81 13.35 7.07 12.6 8.76 14.29 7.38 12.91 9.07 14.61 1.97 0.94 6.1
(155.5) (296) (198.5) (339) (179.5) (320) (222.5) (363) (187.5) (328) (230.5) (371) (50) (24) (155)
1FK7063-5 7.89 13.43 9.59 15.12 8.84 14.37 10.53 16.06 9.15 14.69 10.85 16.38
(200.5) (341) (243.5) (384) (224.5) (365) (267.5) (408) (232.5) (373) (275.5) (416)
80 1FK7080-5 6.08 12.68 7.17 13.78 7.03 13.62 8.11 14.72 7.34 13.94 8.43 15.04 2.28 1.26 7.32
(154.5) (322) (182) (350) (178.5) (346) (206) (374) (186.5) (354) (214) (382) (58) (32) (186)
1FK7083-5 7.58 14.17 9.59 16.18 8.52 15.12 10.53 17.13 8.84 15.43 10.85 17.44
(192.5) (360) (243.5) (411) (216.5) (384) (267.5) (435) (224.5) (392) (275.5) (443)
100 1FK7100-5 7.22 13.82 7.97 14.57 8.17 14.76 8.92 15.51 8.48 15.08 9.23 15.83 3.15 1.5 9.45
(183.5) (351) (202.5) (370) (207.5) (375) (226.5) (394) (215.5) (383) (234.5) (402) (80) (38) (240)
1FK7101-5 8.25 14.84 9 15.59 9.19 15.79 9.94 16.54 9.51 16.1 10.26 16.85
(209.5) (377) (228.5) (396) (233.5) (401) (252.5) (420) (241.5) (409) (260.5) (428)
1FK7103-5 9.27 15.87 10.02 16.61 10.22 16.81 10.96 17.56 10.53 17.13 11.28 17.87
(235.5) (403) (254.5) (422) (259.5) (427) (278.5) (446) (267.5) (435) (286.5) (454)

Planetary gear
Size Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L16
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

48 1FK7040-5 LP090-M01 3.54 2.68 0.87 3.15 M6 1.42 0.2 0.39 0.47 0.98 0.24 3.54 6.22
(90) (68) (22) (80) (36) (5) (10) (12) (25) (6) (90) (158)
63 1FK7060-5 LP120-M01 4.72 3.54 1.26 4.25 M8 2.28 0.24 0.47 0.63 1.38 0.39 4.72 8.27
(120) (90) (32) (108) (58) (6) (12) (16) (35) (10) (120) (210)
80 1FK7080-5 LP155-M01 6.1 4.72 1.57 5.51 M 10 3.23 0.31 0.59 0.79 1.69 0.47 5.91 10.43
(155) (120) (40) (140) (82) (8) (15) (20) (43) (12) (150) (265)
100 1FK7100-5 LP155-M01 6.1 4.72 1.57 5.51 M 10 3.23 0.31 0.59 0.79 1.69 0.47 7.56 10.43
(155) (120) (40) (140) (82) (8) (15) (20) (43) (12) (192) (265)

1FK704 .-5 L 16
1FK706 .-5 L2 L4
1FK708 .-5 L3

D 5 / L 5 deep


A DA65-5814b

l k L 10

1FK710 .-5 L 16
L2 L4
D 5 / L 5 deep



A DA65-5815b

l k L10

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/7

8_2.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FK7 (HD) motors Synchronous
self-cooled, with planetary gear Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Basic absolute-value encoder (EnDat)
sin/cos incremental
Resolver encoder 1 Vpp Absolute-value encoder (EnDat)
without brake with brake without brake with brake without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k K k K k K k K k K k K l d a1
IEC LB – LB – LB – LB – LB – LB – E D P
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake, with planetary gear (LP series), 1-stage
36 1FK7033-7 6.75 11.71 7.58 12.54 7.74 12.7 8.56 13.52 – – – –
1.18 0.55 3.62
(171.5) (297.5) (192.5) (318.5) (196.5) (322.5) (217.5) (343.5) (30) (14) (92)
48 1FK7043-7 7.54 13.76 8.68 14.9 8.35 14.57 9.49 15.71 8.68 14.9 9.82 16.04 1.57 0.75 4.72
(191.5) (349.5) (220.5) (378.5) (212) (370) (241) (399) (220.5) (378.5) (249.5) (407.5) (40) (19) (120)
1FK7044-7 8.52 14.74 9.67 15.89 9.33 15.55 10.47 16.69 9.67 15.89 10.81 17.03
(216.5) (374.5) (245.5) (403.5) (237) (395) (266) (424) (245.5) (403.5) (274.5) (432.5)
63 1FK7061-7 7.34 15.61 9 17.26 8.25 16.52 9.9 18.17 8.58 16.85 10.24 18.5 1.97 0.94 6.1
(186.5) (396.5) (228.5) (438.5) (209.5) (419.5) (251.5) (461.5) (218) (428) (260) (470) (50) (24) (155)
1FK7064-7 9.86 18.13 11.52 19.78 10.77 19.04 12.42 20.69 11.1 19.37 12.76 21.02
(250.5) (460.5) (292.5) (502.5) (273.5) (483.5) (315.5) (525.5) (282) (492) (324) (534)
80 1FK7082-7 8.29 18.70 9.96 20.37 9.19 19.61 10.87 21.28 9.53 19.94 11.18 21.59 2.28 1.26 7.32
(210.5) (475) (253) (517.5) (233.5) (498) (276) (540.5) (242) (506.5) (284) (548.5) (58) (32) (186)
1FK7085-7 10.26 20.67 11.93 22.34 11.16 21.57 12.83 23.25 11.5 21.91 13.17 23.58
(260.5) (525) (303) (567.5) (283.5) (548) (326) (590.5) (292) (556.5) (334.5) (599)

Planetary gear
Size Type Type D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 L2 L3 L4 L5 L8 L9 L10 L16
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

36 1FK7033-7 LP070-M01 2.76 2.05 0.63 2.44 M5 1.1 0.2 0.31 0.39 0.71 0.2 2.76 4.96
(70) (52) (16) (62) (28) (5) (8) (10) (18) (5) (70) (126)
48 1FK7043-7 LP090-M01 3.54 2.68 0.87 3.15 M6 1.42 0.2 0.39 0.47 0.98 0.24 3.54 6.22
(90) (68) (22) (80) (36) (5) (10) (12) (25) (6) (90) (158)
63 1FK7061-7 LP120-M01 4.72 3.54 1.26 4.25 M8 2.28 0.24 0.47 0.63 1.38 0.39 4.72 8.27
(120) (90) (32) (108) (58) (6) (12) (16) (35) (10) (120) (210)
80 1FK7082-7 LP155-M01 6.1 4.72 1.57 5.51 M 10 3.23 0.31 0.59 0.79 1.69 0.47 5.91 10.43
(155) (120) (40) (140) (82) (8) (15) (20) (43) (12) (150) (265)

1FK7033-7 L 16
1FK704 .-7 L2 L4
1FK706 .-7 L3

1FK708 .-7

D 5 / L 5 deep


A DA65-5814b

l k L 10

8/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FT6 motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 1 ) s2 2) o1 k o k o
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S S LB – LB –
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake
28 1FT6021 – 1.57 0.39 2.48 2.17 0.1 2.48 1.1 0.79 0.23 – 1.36 7.6 4.8 8.58 5.79
(40) (10) (63) (55) (2.5) (63) (28) (20) (5.8) (34.5) (193) (122) (218) (147)
1FT6024 9.17 6.38 10.16 7.36
(233) (162) (258) (187)
36 1FT6031 3.62 2.36 0.31 2.95 2.83 0.12 3.03 1.42 1.18 0.24 – – 7.09 5.94 7.87 6.73
(92) (60) (8) (75) (72) (3) (77) (36) (30) (6) (180) (151) (200) (171)
1FT6034 8.66 7.52 9.45 8.31
(220) (191) (240) (211)

sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

28 1FT6021 7.6 4.8 8.58 5.79 0.35 M3 0.79 0.4 0.12

(193) (122) (218) (147) (9) (20) (10.2) (3)
1FT6024 9.17 6.38 10.16 7.36
(233) (162) (258) (187)
36 1FT6031 8.66 5.94 9.45 6.73 0.55 M5 1.18 0.63 0.2
(220) (151) (240) (171) (14) (30) (16) (5)
1FT6034 10.24 7.52 11.02 8.31
(260) (191) (280) (211)

1FT602 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o1
c1 s2



t l
d6 d6 f1 f

1FT603 . k

i2 c1

l e1

t l
d6 d6 f1 a1 f

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/9

8_2.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, self-cooled Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 s2 1 ) s2 2) o1 k o k o
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – S S – LB – LB –
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake
48 1FT6041 4.72 3.15 0.39 3.94 3.78 0.12 3.19 1.89 1.57 0.28 – – 7.36 6.18 8.74 7.56
(120) (80) (10) (100) (96) (3) (81) (48) (40) (7) (187) (157) (222) (192)
1FT6044 9.33 8.15 10.71 9.53
(237) (207) (272) (242)
63 1FT6061 5.71 4.33 0.39 5.12 4.57 0.14 3.58 2.28 1.97 0.35 M8 – 7.8 6.77 8.98 7.95
(145) (110) (10) (130) (116) (3.5) (91) (58) (50) (9) (198) (172) (228) (202)
1FT6062 8.78 7.76 9.96 8.94
(223) (197) (253) (227)
1FT6064 10.75 9.72 11.93 10.91
(273) (247) (303) (277)

sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

48 1FT6041 8.98 6.18 10.35 7.56 0.75 M6 1.57 0.85 0.24

(228) (157) (263) (192) (19) (40) (21.5) (6)
1FT6044 10.94 8.15 12.32 9.53
(278) (207) (313) (242)
63 1FT6061 8.98 6.77 10.16 7.95 0.94 M8 1.97 1.06 0.31
(228) (172) (258) (202) (24) (50) (27) (8)
1FT6062 9.96 7.76 11.14 8.94
(253) (197) (283) (227)
1FT6064 11.93 9.72 13.11 10.91
(303) (247) (333) (277)

1FT604 . Shaft k
1FT606 . with featherkey o
i2 c1 s2


l e1


d6 d6 DA65-5196a a1
f1 f

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

8/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FT6 motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 k o k o
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – HD S S – LB – LB –
Type of construction IM B 5, with plug, with/without brake
80 1FT6081 7.64 5.12 0.47 6.5 6.1 0.14 5.02 3.05 2.28 – 0.43 M 10 2.99 8.7 4.45 9.76 5.51
(194) (130) (12) (165) (155) (4) (127.5) (77.5) (58) (11) (76) (221) (113) (248) (140)
1FT6082 9.69 5.43 10.75 6.5
(246) (138) (273) (165)
1FT6084 11.65 7.4 13.46 9.21
(296) (188) (342) (234)
1FT6086 13.62 9.37 15.43 11.18
(346) (238) (392) (284)

sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 V pp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

80 1FT6081 8.7 4.45 9.76 5.51 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39

(221) (113) (248) (140) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FT6082 9.69 5.43 10.75 6.5
(246) (138) (273) (165)
1FT6084 11.65 7.4 13.46 9.21
(296) (188) (342) (234)
1FT6086 13.62 9.37 15.43 11.18
(346) (238) (392) (284)

1FT608 .
Shaft k
with featherkey o o1
i2 c1 s2

l e1

t l

d6 d6 DA65-5198a
a1 f

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/11

8_2.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, self-cooled Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 k o k o
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – HD S S – LB – LB –
Type of construction IM B 5, with plug, with/without brake
100 1FT6102 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 5.75 3.78 3.15 6.1 0.55 M 12 2.99 11.61 7.32 13.43 9.13
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (146) (96) (80) (155) (14) (76) (295) (186) (341) (232)
1FT6105 14.57 10.28 16.38 12.09
(370) (261) (416) (307)
1FT6108 18.5 14.21 20.31 16.02
(470) (361) (516) (407)
132 1FT6132 – 9.84 0.71 11.81 10.24 0.2 6.79 5.2 3.23 9.65 0.71 – 2.6 16.65 11.34 18.62 13.31
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (172.5) (132) (82) (245) (18) (66) (423) (288) (473) (338)
1FT6134 18.62 13.31 20.59 15.28
(473) (338) (523) (388)
1FT6136 20.59 15.28 22.56 17.24
(523) (388) (573) (438)

sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 V pp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6102 11.61 7.32 13.43 9.13 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(295) (186) (341) (232) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FT6105 14.57 10.28 16.38 12.09
(370) (261) (416) (307)
1FT6108 18.5 14.21 20.31 16.02
(470) (361) (516) (407)
132 1FT6132 16.65 11.34 18.62 13.31 1.89 M 16 3.23 2.03 0.55
(423) (288) (473) (338) (48) (82) (52) (14)
1FT6134 18.62 13.31 20.59 15.28
(473) (338) (523) (388)
1FT6136 20.59 15.28 22.56 17.24
(523) (388) (573) (438)

1FT610 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o1
i2 c1

l e1


t l

d6 d6 DA65-5199a a1
f1 f

1FT613 . k
o o1
i2 c1



t l


8 d6 d6 f1
A DA65-5200c
13.78 (350)

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

8/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 13 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FT6 motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Resolver

without brake with brake
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 k o k o
IEC P N LA M AB T – H – HD S S – LB – LB –
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with terminal box, with/without brake
100 1FT6102 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 6.1 3.78 3.15 6.1 0.55 M 12 2.99 11.61 7.32 13.43 9.13
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (155) (96) (80) (155) (14) (76) (295) (186) (341) (232)
1FT6105 14.57 10.28 16.38 12.09
(370) (261) (416) (307)
1FT6108 18.5 14.21 20.31 16.02
(470) (361) (516) (407)
132 1FT6132 – 9.84 0.71 11.81 10.24 0.2 7.34 5.2 3.23 9.65 0.71 – – 16.65 11.34 18.62 13.31
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (186.5) (132) (82) (245) (18) (423) (288) (473) (338)
1FT6134 18.62 13.31 20.59 15.28
(473) (338) (523) (388)
1FT6136 20.59 15.28 22.56 17.24
(523) (388) (573) (438)

sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 V pp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6102 11.61 7.32 13.43 9.13 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(295) (186) (341) (232) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FT6105 14.57 10.28 16.38 12.09
(370) (261) (416) (307)
1FT6108 18.5 14.21 20.31 16.02
(470) (361) (516) (407)
132 1FT6132 16.65 11.34 18.62 13.31 1.89 M 16 3.23 2.03 0.55
(423) (288) (473) (338) (48) (82) (51.5) (14)
1FT6134 18.62 13.31 20.59 15.28
(473) (338) (523) (388)
1FT6136 20.59 15.28 22.56 17.24
(523) (388) (573) (438)

1FT610 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o1
i2 c1

l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1
a1 f

1FT613 .
i2 c1



t l e1

d6 d6 f1 A DA65-5204c

13.78 (350)

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/13

8_2.fm Seite 14 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, blower-ventilated Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Plug

1.5 3
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 o2
IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S – –
Type of construction IM B 5, blower-ventilated, with plug, with/without brake
80 1FT6084 7.64 5.12 0.47 6.5 7.28 0.14 5.49 6.04 3.64 2.28 6.89 0.43 M 10 2.99 6.65
(194) (130) (12) (165) (185) (3.5) (139.5) (153.5) (92.5) (58) (175) (11) (76) (169)

100 1FT6105 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 8.7 0.16 6.22 6.77 4.35 3.15 8.35 0.55 M 12 – 6.69
(240) (180) (13) (215) (221) (4) (158) (172) (110.5) (80) (212) (14) (76.5) (170)

Resolver/sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

80 1FT6084 15.71 7.4 17.52 9.21 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39

(399) (188) (445) (234) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FT6086 17.68 9.37 19.49 11.18
(449) (238) (495) (284)
100 1FT6105 18.62 10.28 20.43 12.09 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(473) (261) (519) (307) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FT6108 22.56 14.21 24.37 16.02
(573) (361) (619) (407)

1FT608 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o2

i2 c1 s2

l e1


t l

d6 d6
DA65-5205a a1
f1 f

1FT610 . k
o o2

i2 c1 o1

l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1 a1

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

8/14 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 15 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FT6 motors, blower-ventilated

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Plug

1.5 3
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 o2
IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S – –
Type of construction IM B 5, blower-ventilated, with plug, with/without brake
132 1FT6132 – 9.84 0.71 11.81 10.24 0.2 – 7.34 5.2 3.23 9.65 0.71 – 2.6 –
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (186.5) (132) (82) (245) (18) (66)


Resolver/sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

132 1FT6132 21.3 11.34 23.27 13.31 1.89 M 16 3.23 2.03 0.55
(541) (288) (591) (338) (48) (82) (51.5) (14)
1FT6134 23.27 13.31 25.24 15.28
(591) (338) (641) (388)
1FT6136 25.24 15.28 27.2 17.24
(641) (388) (691) (438)

1FT613 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o1
i2 c1





t l

A DA65-5207c
d6 d6 f1 f
13.78 (350)

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/15

8_2.fm Seite 16 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, blower-ventilated Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Terminal box gk 130

*gk 420 gk 230
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o1 o2
IEC P N LA M AB T – – H – HD S S – –
Type of construction IM B 5, blower-ventilated, with terminal box, with/without brake
100 1FT6105 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 8.7 0.16 – 6.77 4.35 3.15 8.35 0.55 M 12 – 6.69
(240) (180) (13) (215) (221) (4) (172) (110.5) (80) (212) (14) (76.5) (170)

132 1FT6132 – 9.84 0.71 11.81 10.24 0.2 7.95* 7.34 5.2 3.23 9.65 0.71 – – –
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (202)* (186.5) (132) (82) (245) (18)


Resolver/sin/cos incremental D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp
without brake with brake
Size Type DIN k o k o d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6105 18.62 10.28 20.43 12.09 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(473) (261) (519) (307) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FT6108 22.56 14.21 24.37 16.02
(573) (361) (619) (407)
132 1FT6132 21.3 11.34 23.27 13.31 1.89 M 16 3.23 2.03 0.55
(541) (288) (591) (338) (48) (82) (51.5) (14)
1FT6134 23.27 13.31 25.24 15.28
(591) (338) (641) (388)
1FT6136 25.24 15.28 27.2 17.24
(641) (388) (691) (438)

1FT610 . Shaft k
with featherkey o o2
i2 c1




t l

d6 d6 f1 DA65-5209a a1

1FT613 . k
i2 c1


l e1



t l

8 d6 d6 f1
A DA65-5210c
13.78 (350)

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

8/16 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 17 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Synchronous 1FT6 motors, self-cooled,
Servomotors with planetary gear

For motor With planetary Dimension in inches (mm) without with D-end of shaft For motor dimensions,
gear-box, brake brake see dimension drawings
single-stage on pages 8/9 to 8/12
Size Type Type DIN b1 c1 e1 f k 1) k 1) s2 d I
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake, with planetary gear (SPG series), single-stage
28 1FT6024 SPG 060-MF1 2.36 0.78 2.68 2.44 12.36 13.35 0.21 0.62 1.1
(60) (20) (68) (62) (314) (339) (5.5) (16) (28)
36 1FT6031 SPG 060-MF1 2.36 0.78 2.67 2.44 11.85 12.64 0.21 0.62 1.1
(60) (20) (68) (62) (301) (321) (5.5) (16) (28)
1FT6034 SPG 060-MF1 13.43 14.21
(341) (361)
SPG 075-MF1 2.75 3.34 2.99 14.17 14.96 0.25 0.86 1.41
(70) (85) (76) (360) (380) (6.6) (22) (36)
48 1FT6041 SPG 075-MF1 2.75 0.78 3.34 2.99 12.91 14.29 0.25 0.86 1.41
(70) (20) (85) (76) (328) (363) (6.6) (22) (36)
1FT6044 SPG 075-MF1 14.88 16.26
(378) (413)
SPG 100-MF1 3.54 1.18 4.72 3.97 15.43 16.81 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (30) (120) (101) (392) (427) (9) (32) (58)
63 1FT6061 SPG 100-MF1 3.54 1.18 4.72 3.97 13.46 14.65 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (30) (120) (101) (342) (372) (9) (32) (58)
1FT6062 SPG 100-MF1 14.45 15.63
(367) (397)
1FT6064 SPG 100-MF1 16.42 17.6
(417) (447)
80 1FT6081 SPG 140-MF1 5.11 1.18 6.49 5.55 14.37 15.47 0.43 1.57 3.22
(130) (30) (165) (141) (365) (393) (11) (40) (82)
1FT6082 SPG 140-MF1 15.39 16.46
(391) (418)
1FT6084 SPG 140-MF1 17.36 19.17
(441) (487)
1FT6086 SPG 140-MF1 19.33 21.14
(491) (537)
SPG 180-MF1 6.29 8.46 7.16 20.91 22.72 0.51 2.16
(160) (215) (182) (531) (577) (13) (55)
100 1FT6102 SPG 180-MF1 6.29 1.18 8.46 7.16 18.9 20.71 0.51 2.16 3.22
(160) (30) (215) (182) (480) (526) (13) (55) (82)
1FT6105 SPG 180-MF1 21.85 23.66
(555) (601)
SPG 210-MF1 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 22.72 24.53 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (577) (623) (17) (75) (105)
1FT6108 SPG 180-MF1 6.29 1.18 8.46 7.16 25.79 27.6 0.51 2.16 3.22
(160) (30) (215) (182) (655) (701) (13) (55) (82)
SPG 210-MF1 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 26.65 28.46 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (677) (723) (17) (75) (105)
132 1FT6132 SPG 210-MF1 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 24.8 26.77 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (630) (680) (17) (75) (105)
1FT6134 SPG 210-MF1 27.13 29.09
(689) (739)
1FT6136 SPG 210-MF1 26.77 28.74
(680) (730)
1FT6132 SPG 240-MF1 7.87 1.57 11.42 9.44 29.09 31.06 0.66 3.34 5.12
(200) (40) (290) (242) (739) (789) (17) (85) (130)
1FT6134 SPG 240-MF1 28.74 30.71
(730) (780)
1FT6136 SPG 240-MF1 31.06 33.03
(789) (839)

with featherkey
c1 s2

l e1


1) Motors with encoder.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/17

8_2.fm Seite 18 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, self-cooled, Synchronous
with planetary gear Servomotors

For motor With planetary Dimension in inches (mm) without with D-end of shaft For motor dimensions,
gear-box, brake brake see dimension drawings
2-stage on pages 8/9 to 8/12
Size Type Type DIN b1 c1 e1 f k 1) k 1) s2 d I
Type of construction IM B 5, self-cooled, with plug, with/without brake, with planetary gear (SPG series), 2-stage
28 1FT6024 SPG 075-MF2 2.75 0.78 3.34 2.99 14.17 15.16 0.25 0.86 1.41
(70) (20) (85) (76) (360) (385) (6.6) (22) (36)
36 1FT6031 SPG 075-MF2 2.75 0.78 3.34 2.99 13.66 14.45 0.25 0.86 1.41
(70) (20) (85) (76) (347) (367) (6.6) (22) (36)
1FT6034 SPG 075-MF2 15.24 15.91
(387) (404)
SPG 100-MF2 3.54 1.18 4.72 3.97 16.02 16.81 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (30) (120) (101) (407) (427) (9) (32) (58)
48 1FT6041 SPG 100-MF2 3.54 1.18 4.72 3.97 14.76 16.14 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (30) (120) (101) (375) (410) (9) (32) (58)
SPG 140-MF2 5.11 6.49 5.55 16.26 17.64 0.43 1.57 3.22
(130) (165) (141) (413) (448) (11) (40) (82)
1FT6044 SPG 100-MF2 3.54 4.72 3.97 16.73 18.11 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (120) (101) (425) (460) (9) (32) (58)
SPG 140-MF2 5.11 6.49 5.55 18.23 19.61 0.43 1.57 3.22
(130) (165) (141) (463) (498) (11) (40) (82)
63 1FT6061 SPG 100-MF2 3.54 1.18 4.72 3.97 14.76 15.94 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (30) (120) (101) (375) (405) (9) (32) (58)
SPG 140-MF2 5.11 6.49 5.55 16.26 17.44 0.43 1.57 3.22
(130) (165) (141) (413) (443) (11) (40) (82)
1FT6062 SPG 100-MF2 3.54 4.72 3.97 15.75 16.93 0.35 1.25 2.28
(90) (120) (101) (400) (430) (9) (32) (58)
SPG 140-MF2 5.11 6.49 5.55 17.24 18.43 0.43 1.57 3.22
(130) (165) (141) (438) (468) (11) (40) (82)
SPG 180-MF2 6.29 8.46 7.16 17.99 19.17 0.51 2.16
(160) (215) (182) (457) (487) (13) (55)
1FT6064 SPG 140-MF2 5.11 6.49 5.55 19.21 20.39 0.43 1.57
(130) (165) (141) (488) (518) (11) (40)
SPG 180-MF2 6.29 8.46 7.16 19.96 21.14 0.51 2.16
(160) (215) (182) (507) (537) (13) (55)
80 1FT6081 SPG 180-MF2 6.29 1.18 8.46 7.16 16.73 17.8 0.51 2.16 3.22
(160) (30) (215) (182) (425) (452) (13) (55) (82)
1FT6082 SPG 180-MF2 17.72 18.78
(450) (477)
SPG 210-MF2 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 19.69 20.75 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (500) (527) (17) (75) (105)
1FT6084 SPG 180-MF2 6.29 1.18 8.46 7.16 19.69 21.5 0.51 2.16 3.22
(160) (30) (215) (182) (500) (546) (13) (55) (82)
SPG 210-MF2 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 21.65 23.46 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (550) (596) (17) (75) (105)
SPG 240-MF2 7.87 1.57 11.41 9.53 22.83 24.65 3.34 5.11
(200) (40) (290) (242) (580) (626) (85) (130)
1FT6086 SPG 180-MF2 6.29 1.18 8.46 7.16 21.65 23.46 0.51 2.16 3.22
(160) (30) (215) (182) (550) (596) (13) (55) (82)
SPG 210-MF2 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 23.62 25.43 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (600) (646) (17) (75) (105)
SPG 240-MF2 7.87 1.57 11.41 9.53 24.80 26.61 3.34 5.11
(200) (40) (290) (242) (630) (676) (85) (130)
100 1FT6102 SPG 210-MF2 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 21.61 23.43 0.66 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (549) (595) (17) (75) (105)
SPG 240-MF2 7.87 1.57 11.41 9.53 22.80 24.65 3.34 5.11
(200) (40) (290) (242) (579) (626) (85) (130)
1FT6105 SPG 210-MF2 7.08 1.49 9.84 8.34 24.57 26.38 2.95 4.13
(180) (38) (250) (212) (624) (670) (75) (105)
SPG 240-MF2 7.87 1.57 11.41 9.53 25.75 27.56 3.34 5.11
(200) (40) (290) (242) (654) (700) (85) (130)
1FT6108 SPG 240-MF2 29.69 31.5
(754) (800)

with featherkey
c1 s2


l e1


1) Motors with encoder.

8/18 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 19 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FT6 motors, water-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Plug

Size 1 1.5 3
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o
IEC P N LA M AB T – – – H – HD S S –
Type of construction IM B 5, water-cooled, with plug, with/without brake
63 1FT6062 5.75 4.33 0.39 5.12 4.57 0.14 10.8 – – 2.28 1.97 – 0.35 M8 –
(146) (110) (10) (130) (116) (3.5) (99) (58) (50) (9)

80 1FT6084 7.64 5.12 0.47 6.5 6.1 0.14 – 5.49 6.04 3.05 2.28 – 0.43 M 10 2.99
(194) (130) (12) (165) (155) (3.5) (139.5) (153.5) (77.5) (58) (11) (76)

sin/cos incremental Re- En- D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp/Resolver solver coder
without brake with brake with/without brake
Size Type DIN k o1 k o1 k k o1 d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – LB LB – D – E GA F

63 1FT6062 – – – – 9.96 11.14 8.94 0.94 M8 1.97 1.06 0.31

(253) (283) (227) (24) (50) (27) (8)
1FT6064 11.93 13.11 10.91
(303) (333) (277)
80 1FT6084 11.65 7.4 13.46 9.21 – – – 1.26 M 12 2.28 1.38 0.39
(296) (188) (342) (234) (32) (58) (35) (10)
1FT6086 13.62 9.37 15.43 11.18 – – –
(346) (238) (392) (284)

1FT606 . Shaft Water connection Water connection Water connection

with featherkey o1 G3/8 G3/8
A DA65-6031b

2.68 1.57 2.52
i2 (64)
(68) (40)
c1 s2


l e1


t l

d6 d6 f1 5.35 1.57 3.54

(136) (40) a1 (90)
k f (10)

1FT608 . o1 o Water connection Water connection

Water connection G3/8 G3/8
(84) 3.31
i2 2.52 (84)
(64) 1.57
c1 s2





t l

d6 A DA65-5833b
d6 f1 a1 4.33
f 0.39

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/19

8_2.fm Seite 20 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FT6 motors, water-cooled Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) Plug

Size 1 1.5 3
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g2 g2 g2 h i2 p s2 1) s2 2) o
IEC P N LA M AB T – – – H – HD S S –
Type of construction IM B 5, water-cooled, with plug, with/without brake
100 1FT6105 9.45 7.09 0.51 8.46 7.56 0.16 – 6.22 6.77 3.78 3.15 6.1 0.55 M12 2.99
(240) (180) (13) (215) (192) (4) (158) (172) (96) (80) (155) (14) (76)

sin/cos incremental Re- En- D-end of shaft

encoder 1 Vpp/Resolver solver coder
without brake with brake with/without brake
Size Type DIN k o1 k o1 k k o1 d d6 I t u
IEC LB – LB – LB LB – D – E GA F

100 1FT6105 14.57 10.28 16.38 12.09 – – – 1.5 M 12 3.15 1.61 0.39
(370) (261) (416) (307) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1FT6108 18.5 14.21 20.31 16.02 – – –
(470) (361) (516) (407)

1FT610 . Shaft o1 o Water connection Water connection

with featherkey Water connection G3/8 G3/8
i2 3.78
(96) 3.31
2.99 1.57 (84)
(76) (40)

l e1



t l
A DA65-5836b

d6 d6 f1 4.33
c1 (110)
k f 0.39

1) IM B 5. 2) IM B 14.

8/20 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 21 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1FS6 motors, self-cooled

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 g g2 h i2 k s2 d d6 I

Type of construction IM B 5 (sizes 71, 90) IM B 35 (sizes 112, 132), self-cooled, with terminal box
71 1FS6074 5.75 4.33 0.47 5.12 – 0.14 5.04 5.87 2.52 1.97 16.3 0.35 0.94 M8 1.97
(146) (110) (12) (130) (3.5) (128) (149) (64) (50) (414) (9) (24) (50)
90 1FS6096 7.64 5.12 0.47 6.5 – 0.14 6.54 6.61 3.27 2.28 18.74 0.43 1.26 M 12 2.28
(194) (130) (12) (165) (3.5) (166) (168) (83) (58) (476) (11) (32) (58)
112 1FS6115 9.45 7.09 0.55 8.46 9.25 0.16 7.87 7.24 4.41 3.15 20.28 0.55 1.5 M 12 3.15
(240) (180) (14) (215) (235) (4) (200) (184) (112) (80) (515) (14) (38) (80)
132 1FS6134 – 9.84 0.71 11.81 10.24 0.2 10.08 8.39 5.2 3.23 22.01 0.71 1.89 M 12 3.23
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (256) (213) (132) (82) (559) (18) (48) (82)

1FS6074 k
1FS6096 i2 c1




d6 f1

1FS6115 k
i2 c1



f1 0.43
d6 7.48 (190)
3.54 ( 11)

11.81 (300) f

1FS6134 k
i2 c1



d6 f1 8.5 (216)
( 12)

5.91 f
5.91 (300)

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/21

8_2.fm Seite 22 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1FN3 AC linear motors Servomotors

Primary Without Without Length of Secondary section Without With Length of

section precision cooling precision cooling primary precision cooling precision cooling second-
in side in and cover ary side
(mm) (mm)
Type bM hM bM hM LP Type bS hS bS hS LS
1FN3 AC linear motors, water-cooled
1FN3 050-2W 2.64 (67) 1.91 (48.5) 2.99 (76) 2.5 (63.4) 10.4 (255) 1FN3 050-4SA00-0AA0 2.28 0.46 2.95 0.58 4.72
(58) (11.8) (75) (14.8) (120)
1FN3 100-2W 3.78 (96) 1.91 (48.5) 4.13 (105) 2.5 (63.4) 10.04 (255) 1FN3 100-4SA00-0AA0 3.46 0.46 4.13 0.58 4.72
1FN3 100-3W 3.78 (96) 1.91 (48.5) 4.13 (105) 2.5 (63.4) 14.17 (360) (88) (11.8) (105) (14.8) (120)
1FN3 100-4W 3.78 (96) 1.91 (48.5) 4.13 (105) 2.5 (63.4) 18.31 (465)
1FN3 100-5W 3.78 (96) 1.91 (48.5) 4.13 (105) 2.5 (63.4) 22.44 (570)
1FN3 150-2W 4.96 (126) 1.99 (50.5) 5.31 (135) 2.57 (65.4) 10.04 (25) 1FN3 150-4SA00-0AA0 4.65 0.54 5.31 0.66 4.72
1FN3 150-3W 4.96 (126) 1.99 (50.5) 5.31 (135) 2.57 (65.4) 14.17 (360) (118) (13.8) (135) (16.8) (120)
1FN3 150-4W 4.96 (126) 1.99 (50.5) 5.31 (135) 2.57 (65.4) 18.31 (465)
1FN3 150-5W 4.96 (126) 1.99 (50.5) 5.31 (135) 2.57 (65.4) 22.44 (570)
1FN3 300-2W 5.55 (141) 2.52 (64.1) 5.94 (151) 3.11 (79) 15.04 (382) 1FN3 300-4SA00-0AA0 5.28 0.65 5.94 0.77 7.24
1FN3 300-3W 5.55 (141) 2.52 (64.1) 5.94 (151) 3.11 (79) 21.38 (543) (134) (16.5) (151) (19.5) (184)
1FN3 300-4W 5.55 (141) 2.52 (64.1) 5.94 (151) 3.11 (79) 27.72 (704)
1FN3 450-2W 7.4 (188) 2.6 (66.1) 7.76 (197) 3.19 (81) 15.04 (382) 1FN3 450-4SA00-0AA0 7.09 0.73 7.76 0.85 7.24
1FN3 450-3W 7.4 (188) 2.6 (66.1) 7.76 (197) 3.19 (81) 21.38 (543) (180) (18.5) (197) (21.5) (184)
1FN3 450-4W 7.4 (188) 2.6 (66.1) 7.76 (197) 3.19 (81) 27.72 (704)
1FN3 600-3W 9.76 (248) 2.52 (64.1) 10.12 (257) 3.39 (86) 21.38 (543) 1FN3 600-4SA00-0AA0 9.45 0.65 9.72 1.04 7.24
1FN3 600-4W 9.76 (248) 2.52 (64.1) 10.12 (257) 3.39 (86) 27.72 (704) (240) (16.5) (247) (26.5) (184)
1FN3 900-2W 13.46 (342) 2.6 (66.1) 13.82 (351) 3.46 (88) 15.04 (382) 1FN3 900-4SA00-0AA0 13.15 0.73 13.43 1.12 7.24
1FN3 900-4W 13.46 (342) 2.6 (66.1) 13.82 (351) 3.46 (88) 27.72 (704) (334) (18.5) (341) (28.5) (184)

bM bM bM









bS bS
bS bS

Without precision cooling With precision cooling Without precision cooling With precision cooling

Sizes 1FN3 050 through 1FN3 450 Sizes 1FN3 600 through 1FN3 900
Note: 4-row drilling plate for
1FN3 900 for primary section fitting

8/22 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 23 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a b c e f h k k1 m m1 m2 n p s s3 w1 d d6 I t u

IEC B A LA M AB H LB – BA – – AA HD K – C D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 3
100 1PH7101 7.97 6.2 0.43 10.35 7.7 3.9 16.18 17.09 2.04 2.51 1.06 1.53 8.6 0.47 Pg 29 1.57 1.49 M 12 3.14 1.61 0.39
(202.5) (160) (11) (263) (196) (100) (411) (434) (52) (64) (27) (39) (220) (12) (40) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1PH7105 11.71 14.09 19.92 20.83
(297.5) (358) (506) (529)
132 1PH7131 10.45 8.5 0.55 13.42 10.2 5.1 21.18 22.09 2.48 2.95 1.29 2.04 10.8 0.47 Pg 36 1.96 1.65 M 16 4.33 1.77 0.47
(265.5) (216) (14) (341) (260) (132) (538) (561) (63) (75) (33) (52) (275) (12) (50) (42) (110) (45) (12)
1PH7135 13.79 16.77 24.53 25.43
(350.5) (426) (623) (646)
160 1PH7163 13.64 10 0.66 17.24 12.3 6.2 25.2 26.1 3.07 3.18 1.65 2.44 12.9 0.47 Pg 42 2.51 2.16 M 20 4.33 2.32 0.62
(346.5) (254) (17) (438) (314) (160) (640) (663) (78) (81) (42) (62) (330) (14) (64) (55) (110) (59) (16)
1PH7167 16 19.6 27.56 28.46
(406.5) (498) (700) (723)

Pg 11 s3




s s n
m m1 b
m2 f
w1 a

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/23

8_2.fm Seite 24 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a b c e f g h k k1 m m1 m2 n o p1 ) s w1

Type of construction IM B 3, air flow from D-end to ND-end
180 1PH7184 16.9 10.9 0.55 20 14.1 15.5 7 32.28 – 2.04 4.3 1.37 2.55 21.2 19.6 0.57 4.7
(430) (279) (14) (510) (360) (395) (180) (820) (52) (110) (35) (65) (541) (500) (14.5) (121)
1PH7186 20.4 23.6 35.83 24.8 22.1
(520) (600) (910) (631) (560)
225 1PH7224 17.5 14 0.7 21.2 17.7 19.4 8.8 – 43.31 2.36 4.3 1.57 3.34 24.7 26.8 0.72 5.8
(445) (356) (18) (540) (450) (495) (225) (1100) (60) (110) (40) (85) (629) (680) (18.5) (149)
1PH7226 21.4 25.1 47.24 28.7
(545) (640) (1200) (729)
1PH7228 25 28.7 50.79 32.2
(635) (730) (1290) (819)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN d d6 I t u


180 1PH7184 2.36 M 20 5.5 2.5 0.7

(60) (140) (64) (18)
1PH7186 2.55 2.7
(65) (69)
225 1PH7224 2.95 M 20 5.5 3.1 0.8
(75) (140) (79.5) (20)


o g





m2 m1 n s

m b
LE Air inlet w1 a f
LA Air outlet

1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design
(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

8/24 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 25 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a b c e f g h k m m1 m2 n o p1 ) s w1

Type of construction IM B 3, air flow from ND-end to D-end
180 1PH7184 16.93 10.98 0.55 20.08 14.17 15.55 7.09 39.76 2.05 4.33 1.38 2.55 21.3 19.69 0.57 4.76
(430) (279) (14) (510) (360) (395) (180) (1010) (52) (110) (35) (65) (541) (500) (14.5) (121)
1PH7186 20.47 23.62 43.31 24.84 22.05
(520) (600) (1100) (631) (560)
225 1PH7224 17.52 14.02 0.71 21.26 17.72 19.49 8.86 43.7 2.36 4.33 3.35 3.35 24.76 26.77 0.73 5.87
(445) (356) (18) (540) (450) (495) (225) (1110) (60) (110) (85) (85) (629) (680) (18.5) (149)
1PH7226 21.46 25.2 47.64 28.7
(545) (640) (1210) (729)
1PH7228 25 28.74 51.18 32.24
(635) (730) (1300) (819)

For motor D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN d d6 I t u


180 1PH7184 2.36 M 20 5.51 2.52 0.71

(60) (140) (64) (18)
1PH7186 2.56 2.72
(65) (69)
225 1PH7224 2.95 M 20 5.51 3.13 0.79
(75) (140) (79.5) (20)


o g




d6 LE

m2 m1 n s

m b
LE Air inlet w1 a f
LA Air outlet e

1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design
(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/25

8_2.fm Seite 26 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a b c e f g2 g4 h k k1 k2 m1 m2 n o p2 s w1

IEC B A HA BB AB AD – H LB – – – – AA – – K C
Type of construction IM B 3
280 1PH7284 26.93 17.99 0.87 33.07 22.05 20.47 17.68 11.02 45.28 19.29 21.06 4.25 3.15 3.94 28.74 41.02 0.94 7.48
(684) (457) (22) (840) (560) (520) (449) (280) (1150) (490) (535) (108) (80) (100) (730) (1042) (24) (190)
1PH7286 31.26 37.4 49.61 23.62 33.07
(794) (950) (1260) (600) (840)
1PH7288 36.38 42.52 54.72 28.74 38.19
(924) (1080) (1390) (730) (970)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN d I t u


280 1PH7284 3.74 6.69 3.94 0.98

(95) (170) (100) (25)


k g4

k1 k2 g2





l s
m2 m1 n
o b
LE Air inlet e f
LA Air outlet w1 a

8/26 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 27 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 i2 k k1 p s2 s3 d d6 I t u

IEC P N LA M AB T – LB – HD S – D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 5
100 1PH7101 9.84 7.08 0.39 8.46 7.71 0.15 3.14 16.18 17.13 8.58 0.55 Pg 29 1.49 M 12 3.14 1.61 0.38
(250) (180) (10) (215) (196) (4) (80) (411) (435) (218) (14) (38) (80) (419) (10)

1PH7105 19.92 20.83

(506) (529)
132 1PH7131 13.77 9.84 0.62 11.81 10.23 0.19 4.33 21.18 20.09 10.74 0.7 Pg 36 1.65 M 16 4.33 1.77 0.47
(350) (250) (16) (300) (260) (5) (110) (538) (561) (273) (18) (42) (110) (45) (12)

1PH7135 24.53 25.43

(623) (646)

i2 c1
Pg 11 s3

l a1


DA65-5213a s2
d6 f1 f

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/27

8_2.fm Seite 28 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a a1 b b1 c e1 f f1 h i2 k k1 m m1 m2 n p

Type of construction IM B 35
100 1PH7101 7.97 9.84 6.29 7.08 0.4 8.4 7.7 0.1 3.93 3.14 16.18 17.13 2.04 2.5 1.06 1.53 8.66
(202.5) (250) (160) (180) (11) (215) (196) (4) (100) (80) (411) (435) (52) (64) (27) (39) (220)

1PH7105 11.71 19.92 20.83

(297.5) (506) (529)
132 1PH7131 10.45 13.77 8.5 9.84 0.5 11.8 10.2 0.2 5.19 4.33 21.18 22.09 2.48 2.9 1.29 2.04 10.8
(265.5) (350) (216) (250) (14) (300) (260) (5) (132) (110) (538) (561) (63) (75) (33) (52) (275)

1PH7135 13.79 24.53 25.43

(350.5) (623) (646)
160 1PH7163 13.64 15.74 10 11.8 0.6 13.7 12.3 0.2 6.29 4.33 25.2 26.1 3.07 3.1 1.65 2.44 12.9
(346.5) (400) (254) (300) (17) (350) (314) (5) (160) (110) (640) (663) (78) (81) (42) (62) (330)
1PH7167 16 27.56 28.46
(406.5) (700) (723)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

IEC K S – C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 0.47 0.55 Pg 29 1.57 1.49 M 12 3.14 1.61 0.39

(12) (14) (40) (38) (80) (41) (10)


132 1PH7131 0.47 0.7 Pg 36 1.96 1.65 M 16 4.33 1.77 0.47
(12) (18) (50) (42) (110) (45) (12)


160 1PH7163 0.47 0.7 Pg 42 2.51 2.16 M 20 4.33 2.32 0.62
(14) (18) (64) (55) (110) (59) (16)

Pg 11 s3 s2


l a1



f1 s s DA65-5215d

8 m2

m1 b

8/28 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 29 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal box,
see dimension drawing of 1PH718. and 1PH722. motors,
type of construction IM B 3, on page 8/24.
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h k k1 p1) z α
IEC P N LA M T H LB – HD – –

Type of construction IM B 35, air flow from D-end to ND-end

180 1PH71842 ) 15.75 11.8 0.59 13.77 0.19 7.08 32.28 – 19.68 0.16 45°
(400) (300) (15) (350) (5) (180) (820) (500) (4)
1PH7184 ) 17.71 13.77 0.62 15.74 32.28 19.68 0.31 22.5°
(450) (350) (16) (400) (820) (500) (8)
1PH7186 35.83 22.05
(910) (560)
225 1PH7224 21.65 17.71 0.7 19.68 0.19 8.85 – 43.31 25.59 0.31 22.5°
(550) (450) (18) (500) (5) (225) (1100) (680) (8)
1PH7226 47.24
1PH7228 50.79

k z x 19
f1 c1



For motor Dimension in inches (mm) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal box,
see dimension drawing of 1PH718. and 1PH722. motors,
type of construction IM B 3, on page 8/25.
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h k p1) z α

Type of construction IM B 35, air flow from ND-end to D-end

180 1PH71842) 15.75 11.81 0.59 13.78 0.2 7.09 39.76 19.69 0.16 45°
(400) (300) (15) (350) (5) (180) (1010) (500) (4)
1PH7184 ) 17.72 13.78 0.63 15.75 0.2 7.09 39.76 19.69 0.31 22.5°
(450) (350) (16) (400) (5) (180) (1010) (500) (8)
1PH7186 43.31 22.05
(1100) (560)
225 1PH7224 21.65 17.72 0.71 19.69 0.2 8.86 43.7 26.77 0.31 22.5°
(550) (450) (18) (500) (5) (225) (1110) (680) (8)
1PH7226 47.64
1PH7228 51.18

LE Air inlet k z x 19
LA Air outlet f1 c1






1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design 2) See Order No. suffix on page 3/17.
(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/29

8_2.fm Seite 30 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal
box, see dimension drawing of 1PH728. motors, type of
construction IM B 3, on page 8/26.
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h i2 k k1 p2
IEC P N LA M T H – LB – –

Type of construction IM B 35
280 1PH7284 25.98 21.65 0.94 23.62 0.24 11.02 6.69 45.28 19.29 41.02
(660) (550) (24) (600) (6) (280) (170) (1150) (490) (1042)
1PH7286 49.61 23.62
(1260) (600)
1PH7288 54.72 28.74
(1390) (730)



i2 f1



LE Air inlet 22,5° 8x 24

LA Air outlet

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 f2 g2 g3 i2 k k1 p s2 s3 d d6 I t u

Type of construction IM B 5 with brake module
100 1PH7101 9.84 7.08 0.51 8.46 7.71 0.15 8.66 5.86 8.81 3.14 21.3 22.2 4.72 0.55 Pg 29 1.49 M 12 3.14 1.61 0.39
(250) (180) (13) (215) (196) (4) (220) (149) (224) (80) (541) (564) (120) (14) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1PH7105 25.04 25.94
(636) (659)
132 1PH7131 – 9.84 0.7 11.81 10.23 0.19 10.94 6.85 10.59 4.33 27.56 28.46 5.62 0.7 Pg 36 1.65 M 16 4.33 1.77 0.47
(250) (18) (300) (260) (5) (278) (174) (269) (110) (700) (723) (143) (18) (42) (110) (45) (12)
1PH7135 30.9 31.81
(785) (808)


Pg 11

i2 Pg 11 s3 s2



l a1

d6 f1 f2

8/30 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 31 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a a1 b b1 c e1 f f1 f2 g2 g3 h i2 k k1

IEC B P A N LA M AB T – – – H – LB –
Type of construction IM B 35, with brake module
100 1PH7101 7.97 9.84 6.29 0.4 8.46 7.71 0.5 8.66 5.86 8.81 3.93 3.15 21.3 22.2
(202.5) (250) (160) (180) (11) (215) (196) (4) (220) (149) (224) (100) (80) (541) (564)

1PH7105 11.71 25.04 25.94

(297.5) (636) (659)
132 1PH7131 10.43 – 8.5 9.84 0.5 11.8 10.2 0.2 10.9 6.85 10.59 5.19 4.33 27.56 28.46
(265) (216) (250) (14) (300) (260) (5) (278) (174) (269) (132) (110) (700) (723)

1PH7135 13.79 30.91 31.81

(350.5) (785) (808)
160 1PH7163 13.64 15.7 10 11.8 0.6 13.78 12.3 0.21 12.87 7.83 12.9 6.29 4.33 31.81 32.72
(346.5) (400) (254) (300) (17) (350) (314) (5) (327) (199) (328) (160) (110) (808) (831)
1PH7167 16 34.17 35.08
(406.5) (868) (891)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN m m1 m2 n p s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

IEC BA – – AA – K – – C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 2.1 2.5 1.1 1.5 8.66 0.5 0.6 Pg 29 6.69 1.5 M 12 3.14 1.6 0.4
(52) (64) (27) (39) (220) (12) (14) (170) (38) (80) (41) (10)


132 1PH7131 2.5 2.9 1.3 2 10.8 0.5 0.7 Pg 36 8.34 1.6 M 16 4.33 1.7 0.5
(63) (75) (33) (52) (275) (12) (18) (212) (42) (110) (45) (12)


160 1PH7163 3 3.1 1.6 2.4 12.9 0.6 0.7 Pg 42 9.13 2.1 M 20 4.33 2.3 0.6
(78) (81) (42) (62) (330) (14) (18) (232) (55) (110) (59) (16)


i2 Pg 11 s3


l a1




Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/31

8_2.fm Seite 32 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a b c e f g h k m m1 m2 n o p1 ) pB s w1 d d6 I t u

IEC B A LA M AB AC H LB BA – – AA – – – K C D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 3, with brake module
180 1PH7184 16.9 10.9 0.55 20 14.1 15.5 7.1 36.6 2.04 4.3 1.4 2.5 25.3 19.7 15.3 0.6 8.8 3.5 M 20 3.5 3.7 0.98
(430) (279) (14) (510) (360) (395) (180) (930) (52) (110) (35) (65) (644) (500) (390) (14.5) (224) (90) (90) (95) (25)
1PH7186 20.4 23.6 40.16 28.9 22
(520) (600) (1020) (734) (560)
225 1PH7224 17.5 14 0.7 21.2 17.7 19.5 8.8 48.43 2.34 4.3 1.6 3.1 30.9 26.8 17.7 0.7 10.9 3.9 M 20 3.9 4.2 1.1
(445) (356) (18) (540) (450) (495) (225) (1230) (60) (110) (40) (80) (785) (680) (450) (18.5) (278) (100) (100) (106) (28)
1PH7226 21.4 25.2 52.36 33.8
(545) (640) (1330) (858)
1PH7228 25 28.7 55.9 37.3
(635) (730) (1420) (948)

k g







d6 l m2 m1 n s
m b
LE Air inlet w1 a f
LA Air outlet e

1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design
(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

8/32 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 33 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a b c e f h k k1 m m1 m2 n o p

Type of construction IM B 3, with pipe connection at ND-end
100 1PH7101 7.9 6.3 0.4 10.3 7.7 3.9 16.18 17.36 2 2.5 1.1 1.5 6.3 8.6
(202.5) (160) (11) (263) (196) (100) (411) (441) (52) (64) (27) (39) (161) (220)
1PH7105 11.7 14.1 19.92 21.1
(297.5) (358) (506) (536)
132 1PH7131 10.4 8.5 0.5 13.4 10.2 5.1 21.18 22.56 2.5 2.9 1.3 2 8.3 10.8
(265.5) (216) (14) (341) (260) (132) (538) (573) (63) (75) (33) (52) (211.5) (275)
1PH7135 13.8 16.7 24.53 25.91
(350.5) (426) (623) (658)
160 1PH7163 13.6 10 0.6 17.2 12.3 6.3 25.2 26.54 3.1 3.2 1.6 2.4 9.9 12.9
(346.5) (254) (17) (438) (314) (160) (640) (674) (78) (81) (42) (62) (253) (330)
1PH7167 16 19.6 27.56 28.9
(406.5) (498) (700) (734)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN s s3 v w1 d d6 I t u

IEC K – – C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 0.5 Pg 29 0.4 1.6 1.5 M 12 3.1 1.6 0.4

(12) (10.5) (40) (38) (80) (41) (10)

132 1PH7131 0.5 Pg 36 0.7 1.9 1.6 M 16 4.3 1.7 0.5
(12) (17) (50) (42) (110) (45) (12)

160 1PH7163 0.6 Pg 42 0.7 2.5 2.2 M 20 4.3 2.2 0.6
(14) (17) (64) (55) (110) (56) (16)

Pg 11 s3



d6 DA65-5264a
s m1 n
m2 b
m f

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/33

8_2.fm Seite 34 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a b c e f g h k m m1 m2 n o p1) s w1 d d6 I t u

IEC B A LA M AB AC H LB BA – – AA – – K C D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 3, with pipe connection at ND-end
180 1PH7184 16.9 10.9 0.5 20.1 14.2 15.5 7.1 32.68 2 4.3 1.4 2.5 21.3 19.7 0.6 4.8 2.4 M 20 5.5 2.5 0.7
(430) (279) (14) (510) (360) (395) (180) (830) (52) (110) (35) (65) (541) (500) (14.5) (121) (60) (140) (64) (18)
1PH7186 20.5 23.6 36.22 24.8 22.04 2.5 2.7
(520) (600) (920) (631) (560) (65) (69)
225 1PH7224 17.5 14 0.7 21.2 17.7 19.5 8.8 37.4 2.4 4.3 1.6 3.1 24.7 26.77 0.7 5.9 2.9 M 20 5.5 3.1 0.8
(445) (356) (18) (540) (450) (495) (225) (950) (60) (110) (40) (80) (629) (680) (18.5) (149) (75) (140) (79.5) (20)
1PH7226 21.4 25.1 41.34 28.7
(545) (640) (1050) (729)
1PH7228 25 28.7 44.88 32.2
(635) (730) (1140) (819)

k g

( 9) X



d6 7.87
( 200)

( 250)
m2 m1 ADA65-5267c n s
m b
w1 a f

1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design
(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

8/34 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 35 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a a1 b b1 c c1 e1 f f1 h k k1 m m1 m2

IEC B P A N LA – – AB T H LB – BA – –
Type of construction IM B 35, with pipe connection at ND-end
100 1PH7101 7.9 9.8 6.3 7.1 0.4 0.5 8.5 7.7 0.14 3.9 16.18 17.36 2 2.5 1.1
(202.5) (250) (160) (180) (11) (13) (215) (196) (4) (100) (411) (441) (52) (64) (27)
1PH7105 11.7 19.92 21.1
(297.5) (506) (536)
132 1PH7131 10.4 13.8 8.5 9.8 0.5 0.6 11.8 10.2 0.25 5.2 21.18 22.56 2.5 3.2 1.3
(265.5) (350) (216) (250) (14) (17) (300) (260) (5) (132) (538) (573) (63) (75) (33)
1PH7135 13.8 24.53 25.91
(350.5) (623) (658)
160 1PH7163 13.6 15.7 10 11.8 0.6 0.9 13.8 12.4 0.25 6.3 25.2 26.54 3.1 3.2 1.6
(346.5) (400) (254) (300) (17) (22) (350) (314) (5) (160) (640) (674) (78) (81) (42)
1PH7167 16 27.56 28.9
(406.5) (700) (734)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN n o p s s2 s3 v w1 d d6 I t u

IEC AA – HD K K – – C D – E GA F

100 1PH7101 1.5 6.3 8.7 0.5 0.6 Pg 29 0.4 1.6 1.5 M 12 3.1 1.6 0.4
(39) (161) (220) (12) (14) (10.5) (40) (38) (80) (41) (10)

132 1PH7131 2 8.3 10.8 0.5 0.7 Pg 36 0.7 1.9 1.6 M 16 4.3 1.8 0.5
(52) (211.5) (275) (12) (18) (17) (50) (42) (110) (45) (12)

160 1PH7163 2.4 9.9 12.9 0.6 0.7 Pg 42 0.7 2.5 2.2 M 20 4.3 2.3 0.6
(62) (253) (330) (14) (18) (17) (64) (55) (110) (59) (16)

i2 c1 Pg 11 s3 s2





d6 DA65-5266a
f1 s m1 n
w1 a a1 b
m f
m 2

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/35

8_2.fm Seite 36 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f f1 i2 k k1 o p s2 s3 v d d6 I t u

IEC P N LA M AB T – LB – – HD S – – D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 5, with pipe connection at ND-end
100 1PH7101 9.8 7.1 0.4 8.5 7.7 0.1 3.1 16.18 17.36 6.3 4.7 0.5 Pg 29 0.4 1.5 M 12 3.1 1.6 0.4
(250) (180) (10) (215) (196) (4) (80) (411) (441) (161) (120) (14) (10.5) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1PH7105 19.92 21.1
(506) (536)
132 1PH7131 13.8 9.8 0.6 11.8 10.2 0.2 4.3 21.18 22.56 8.3 5.6 0.7 Pg 36 0.7 1.6 M 16 4.3 1.8 0.5
(350) (250) (16) (300) (260) (5) (110) (538) (573) (211.5) (143) (18) (17) (42) (110) (45) (12)
1PH7135 24.53 25.91
(623) (658)

i2 c1 Pg 11 s3 s2




d6 f1 DA65-5265a a1

1PL6 motors
For motor Dimension in inches (mm) D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN a b c e f g h k m m1 m2 n o p) s w1 d d6 I t u
IEC B A LA M AB AC H LB BA – – AA – – K C D – E GA F
Type of construction IM B 3
180 1PL6184 16.92 10.9 0.55 20.66 14.17 15.55 7.08 38.98 3.14 4.33 1.57 2.55 21.29 22.04 0.57 4.76 2.36 M 20 5.51 2.51 0.7
(430) (279) (14) (525) (360) (395) (180) (990) (80) (110) (40) (65) (541) (560) (14.5) (121) (60) (140) (64) (18)
1PL6186 20.47 24.21 42.52 24.84 22.83 2.55 2.71
(520) (615) (1080) (631) (580) (65) (69)
225 1PL6224 17.51 14 0.7 21.85 17.71 19.48 8.85 43.31 3.14 4.33 2.36 3.14 24.76 26.77 0.72 5.86 2.95 M 20 5.51 3.12 0.78
(445) (356) (18) (555) (450) (495) (225) (1100) (80) (110) (60) (80) (629) (680) (18.5) (149) (75) (140) (79.5) (20)
1PL6226 21.45 25.98 47.24 28.7
(545) (660) (1200) (729)
1PL6228 25 29.33 50.79 32.24
(635) (745) (1290) (819)

k g






l m2 m1 n s
m b
LE Air inlet
LA Air outlet w1 a f

1) Maximum dimensions. Depending on the electrical design

(terminal box type) smaller dimensions are also possible.

8/36 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 37 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PL6 motors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a b c e f g2 g4 h k k1 k2 m1 m2 n

IEC B A HA BB AB AD – H LB – – – – AA
Type of construction IM B 3
280 1PL6284 26.93 17.99 0.87 33.07 22.05 20.47 17.68 11.02 45.28 19.29 21.06 4.25 3.15 3.94
(684) (457) (22) (840) (560) (520) (449) (280) (1150) (490) (535) (108) (80) (100)
1PL6286 31.26 37.4 49.61 23.62
(794) (950) (1260) (600)
1PL6288 36.38 42.52 54.72 28.74
(924) (1080) (1390) (730)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN o p2 s w1 d I t u

IEC – – K C D E GA F

280 1PL6284 28.74 41.02 0.94 7.48 3.74 6.69 3.94 0.98
(730) (1042) (24) (190) (95) (170) (100) (25)
1PL6286 33.07
1PL6288 38.19

k g4

k1 k2 g2





l s
m2 m1 n
o b
LE Air inlet e f
LA Air outlet w1 a

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/37

8_2.fm Seite 38 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PL6 motors Servomotors

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal
box, see dimension drawing of 1PL618. and 1PL622. motors,
type of construction IM B 3, at page 8/36.
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 i2 s2 z w1
IEC P N LA M T – S – –

Type of construction IM B 35
180 1PL6184 17.71 13.77 0.62 15.74 0.19 5.51 0.74 0.31 4.76
(450) (350) (16) (400) (5) (140) (19) (8) (121)
225 1PL6224 21.65 17.71 0.7 19.68 0.19 5.51 0.74 0.31 5.86
(550) (450) (18) (500) (5) (140) (19) (8) (149)

f1 c1





i2 w1 22,5°

LE Air inlet
LA Air outlet

For motor Dimension in inches (mm) For dimensions for foot mounting, shaft and terminal
box, see dimension drawing of 1PL628 . motors,
type of construction IM B 3, at page 8/37.
Size Type DIN a1 b1 c1 e1 f1 h i2 k k1 p2
IEC P N LA M T H – LB – –
Type of construction IM B 35
280 1PL6284 25.98 21.65 0.94 23.62 0.24 11.02 6.69 45.28 19.29 41.02
(660) (550) (24) (600) (6) (280) (170) (1150) (490) (1042)
1PL6286 49.61 23.62
(1260) (600)
1PL6288 54.72 28.74
(1390) (730)




i2 f1



22,5° 8x 24
LE Air inlet
LA Air outlet

8/38 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 39 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH4 motors
For motor Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type DIN a a1 b b1 c c1 e1 f f1 h i2 k m m1 m2 n

IEC B P A N LA – – AB T H – LB BA – – AA
Type of construction IM B 35, water-cooled
100 1PH4103 13.7 9.8 6.3 7.1 0.4 0.5 8.5 7.5 0.1 3.9 3.1 16.38 1.4 2.4 0.9 1.6
(349) (250) (160) (180) (11) (12) (215) (190) (4) (100) (80) (416) (35) (60) (24) (40)
1PH4105 16.1 18.74
(409) (476)
1PH4107 18.7 21.3
(474) (541)
132 1PH4133 14.8 13.8 8.5 9.8 0.5 0.6 11.8 9.7 0.2 5.2 4.3 18.03 1.4 3.3 1 1.8
(377) (350) (216) (250) (14) (16) (300) (246) (5) (132) (110) (458) (36) (85) (25) (46)
1PH4135 17.6 20.79
(447) (528)
1PH4137 19.6 22.76
(497) (578)
160 1PH4163 20 15.7 10 11.8 0.6 0.7 13.8 11.4 0.2 6.3 4.3 23.27 1.6 3 1.1 2
(508) (400) (254) (300) (15) (18) (350) (290) (5) (160) (110) (591) (42) (77) (29) (52)
1PH4167 22.2 25.43
(563) (646)
1PH4168 23.9 27.2
(608) (691)

D-end of shaft

Size Type DIN o p s s2 s3 w1 d d6 I t u

IEC – HD K K – C D – E GA F

100 1PH4103 9.6 10.2 0.5 0.6 Pg 29 1.7 1.5 M 12 3.1 1.6 0.4
(245) (259) (12) (14) (44) (38) (80) (41) (10)
1PH4105 12
1PH4107 14.7
132 1PH4133 10.4 13.2 0.5 0.7 Pg 36 2.1 1.7 M 16 4.3 1.8 0.5
(264) (334.5) (12) (18) (53) (42) (110) (45) (12)
1PH4135 13.1
1PH4137 15.1
160 1PH4163 16 15.3 0.6 0.7 Pg 36 2.2 2.2 M 20 4.3 2.3 0.6
(407) (388) (14) (18) (56) (55) (110) (59) (16)
1PH4167 18.2
1PH4168 19.9

1PH410 . Water connection Water connection

k G 1/4 by 1PH410. G 1/4 by 1PH410.
1PH413 .
i2 o G 3/8 by 1PH413. G 3/8 by 1PH413.
c1 s3




f1 Æ s m1 n
w1 a a1 b
m f

1PH416 . k
i2 o Water connection G 1/2 Water connection G 1/2
c1 s3






f1 Æ s m1 n A
a1 b
w1 a
m f

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/39

8_2.fm Seite 40 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH7 motors with 2-gear units Servomotors

Motor Gear unit

Dimension in inches (mm)

Size Type A B C C1 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 F H
1PH7 motors, type of construction IM B 35, with 2-gear units
100 1PH7101 2.17 7.24 0.47 0.71 3.94 3.94 7.4 7.48 8.46 3.15 8.19 4.25
(55) (184) (12) (18) (100) (100) (188) (190) (215) (80) (208) (108)



132 1PH7131 2.28 9.21 0.47 0.79 4.57 4.65 9.8 9.84 11.81 3.94 10.63 5.35
(58) (234) (12) (20) (116) (118) (249) (250) (300) (100) (270) (136)



160 1PH7163 2.28 11.42 0.67 0.79 5.51 5.12 9.8 9.84 13.78 3.94 12.83 6.46
(58) (290) (17) (20) (140) (130) (249) (250) (350) (100) (326) (164)

Motor Gear unit Total

Dimension in inches (mm) length
motor with
gear unit
Size Type K1 L1 L2 P S S2 S3 Z W K

100 1PH7101 11.73 – 4.57 11.85 0.55 0.55 M8 0.31 2.48 27.91
(298) (116) (301) (14) (14) (8) (63) (709)
1PH7103 27.91
1PH7105 31.65
1PH7107 31.65
132 1PH7131 13.64 5.1 5.61 13.62 0.55 0.71 M 12 0.47 2.8 34.84
(346.5) (129.5) (142.5) (346) (14) (18) (12) (71) (885)
1PH7133 34.84
1PH7135 38.19
1PH7137 38.19
160 1PH7163 13.64 – 5.61 15.83 0.55 0.71 M 12 0.47 2.8 38.86
(346.5) (142.5) (402) (14) (18) (12) (71) (987)
1PH7167 40.31

Dimensions for 1PH7184, 1PH7186 and 1PH7224 on request.

8/40 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 41 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH7 motors with 2-gear units

Z x S3 S2

E1 C1

D4 (Centering)



B S S L1
F W A L2

1 9
3 3

7 7

4A 4B 4A

6A 5 6B 5 6A

$ )
Switching unit (lifting solenoid 24 V DC, 5 A). Oil drain bolt for type IM B 35.

Ventilation valve. 6A Oil inlet for clockwise rotation and greasing around the circumference.
Oil filling bolt. 6B Oil inlet for anticlockwise rotation and greasing around the circum-

4A Oil level inspection window or oil return for counterclockwise rotation ference.

and greasing around the circumference. Oil inlet for type IM V 15 (must be connected).

4B Oil level inspection window or oil return for clockwise rotation Oil inlet for type IM V 36.
and greasing around the circumference. Connector, manufacture: Harting, type HAN 8 U.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/41

8_2.fm Seite 42 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
1PH4 motors with 2-gear units Servomotors

Motor Gear unit

Size Type A B C C1 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 F H
1PH4 motors, type of construction IM B 35, with 2-gear units
100 1PH4103 2.17 7.24 0.47 0.71 3.94 3.94 7.4 7.48 8.46 3.15 8.19 4.25
(55) (184) (12) (18) (100) (100) (188) (190) (215) (80) (208) (108)

132 1PH4133 2.28 9.21 0.47 0.79 4.57 4.65 9.8 9.84 11.81 3.94 10.63 5.35
(58) (234) (12) (20) (116) (118) (249) (250) (300) (100) (270) (136)



160 1PH4163 2.28 11.42 0.67 0.79 5.51 5.12 9.8 9.84 13.78 4.33 12.83 6.46
(58) (290) (17) (20) (140) (130) (249) (250) (350) (110) (326) (164)


Motor Gear unit Total

motor with
gear unit
Size Type K1 L1 L2 P S S2 S3 Z W K

100 1PH4103 11.73 – 4.57 11.85 0.55 0.55 M8 0.31 2.48 28.11
(298) (116) (301) (14) (14) (8) (63) (714)
1PH4105 30.47
1PH4107 33.03
132 1PH4133 13.64 5.1 5.61 13.62 0.55 0.71 M 12 0.47 2.8 31.69
(346.5) (129.5) (142.5) (346) (14) (18) (12) (71) (805)
1PH4135 34.45
1PH4137 36.42
1PH4138 37.8
160 1PH4163 13.64 – 5.61 15.83 0.55 0.71 M 12 0.47 2.8 36.93
(346.5) (142.5) (402) (14) (18) (12) (71) (938)
1PH4167 39.09
1PH4168 40.87

8/42 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

8_2.fm Seite 43 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Servomotors 1PH4 motors with 2-gear units

Z x S3 S2

E1 C1

D4 (Centering)



B S S L1
F W A L2

1 9
3 3

7 7

4A 4B 4A

6A 5 6B 5 6A

$ )
Switching unit (lifting solenoid 24 V DC, 5 A). Oil drain bolt for type IM B 35.

Ventilation valve. 6A Oil inlet for clockwise rotation and greasing around the circumference.
Oil filling bolt. 6B Oil inlet for anticlockwise rotation and greasing around the circum-

4A Oil level inspection window or oil return for counterclockwise rotation ference.

and greasing around the circumference. Oil inlet for type IM V 15 (must be connected).

4B Oil level inspection window or oil return for clockwise rotation Oil inlet for type IM V 36.
and greasing around the circumference. Connector, manufacture: Harting, type HAN 8 U.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 8/43

8_2.fm Seite 44 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:10 08

Dimension Drawings
Synchronous Asynchronous
Notes Servomotors Servomotors

8/44 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

a-01.fm Seite 1 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

A/2 Environment, resources and recycling,
EC declaration of manufacture
A/4 Index

A/5 Order number index

A/6 Customer service

A/10 Conversion tables

A/12 Standard terms and conditions of sale

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/1
a-02.fm Seite 2 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Environment, resources and recycling, Synchronous Asynchronous
EC declaration of manufacture Servomotors Servomotors

Siemens AG is very much Below are some of the most Materials for manufacturing If possible, we pack our prod-
aware of the fact that it has important environment- purposes are identified in ucts in reusable packaging.
an important role to play in related factors which are accordance with their recy-
protecting the environment taken into account: clability. This applies, in partic- We have already made prepa-
and conserving valuable na- ular, to components which rations to enable the convert-
tural resources. This applies The use of dangerous contain unavoidable, danger- ers to be disposed of after use
to both manufacturing and substances (such as arsenic, ous materials. These compo- in accordance with the regula-
the products we sell. asbestos, beryllium, cadmi- nents are installed or mount- tions governing the disposal of
um, CFC, halogens and many ed in such a way that they electronic equipment (not yet
As early as the development more) is avoided as early as can be easily separated, thus in force).
phase, the possible impact of the development phase. facilitating disposal in an
future products/systems on This catalog is printed on chlo-
Easy to disconnect connec- environmentally-friendly rine-free bleached paper.
the environment is taken into manner. Wherever possible,
consideration. Our aim is to tions have been designed
and materials are selected recycled components are On the back of the German EC
prevent environmental pollu- used. of conformity declarations
tion or, at least, reduce it to a carefully with preference
being given to recyclable ma- there are English, French,
minimum and, in doing so, Environmentally-compatible Spanish, Italian and Swedish
look beyond existing regula- terials or materials which can packaging materials (pressed
be disposed without causing translations.
tions and legislation. board and PE foils) are used
problems. for shipping and storage; we
also try to keep the amount
of packaging material used to
a minimum.

■ Example for EC declaration of manufacture

A/2 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003
a-02.fm Seite 3 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors EC declaration of manufacture

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/3
a-02.fm Seite 4 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Index Servomotors Servomotors
Page Page
2 M
2-gear units from ZF 4/15 Maximum speeds 7/32
Measuring systems 4/4
Absolute-value encoders 4/3 Motor protection 1/12
Additional data for 1PH7 and 1PL6 motors 7
Asynchronous servomotors 3 N
Asynchronous servomotors, 1PH4 3/27 Noise pressure level 7/32
Asynchronous servomotors, 1PH7 3/2
Asynchronous servomotors, 1PL6 3/19 O
Optional cooler 4/18
B Order No. codes for 1PH7 motors
Balancing 1/10 with holding brake 4/9
Bearing design 7/32 Brief description 1/2, 1/3
Brakes 4/6 to 4/9 Overview 1
Built-on accessories 4 Overview of possible types of construction 7/36
Built-on gears 4/10 to 4/17 Overview of types 1/6, 1/7
Built-on holding brakes 4/8 Overview of types and ratings 1/6, 1/7

Cable cross-sections, max. connectable sizes 7/35 Planetary gears from alpha 4/10 to 4/14
Cables 5 Planetary gears from Bayside Motion 4/17
Cables for SIMODRIVE POSMO CD/CA, SI 5/15 Planetary gears from other manufacturers 4/17
Cable structure and pin assignment Planetary gears from ZF Friedrichshafen 4/15
for encoder cables 5/8 to 5/16 Power cables 6FX5, 6FX8 5/4
Cable structure and pin assignment Power cables 6FX7 5/6
for 6FX5 and 6FX8 power cables 5/4 to 5/7 Power cables connection overview 5/3
Change-speed gear unit 4/15 Precision cooler 4/19
Coating 1/12 PROTOFLEX-EMV power cables, sold by the metre 5/7
Combination adapter 4/23
Combination end piece 4/23 R
Compact servomotors 2/5 Radial eccentricity tolerance 1/9
Configuration notes 7 Ratings 1/6, 1/7
Connecting systems 5 Recycling A/2
Conversion table A/10, A/11 Resolvers 4/2
Cooling profiles 4/20 Resources A/2
Customer service A/6 to A/9 Rotary pulse encoder 4/2

Declaration of conformity A/2 Secondary section cover 4/24
Degree of protection 7/2 Secondary section end pieces 4/23
Dimension drawings 8 Selection and ordering data
Dimension drawings for 1FK6 2/2 to 2/4
1FK6 motors 8/2 1FN3 2/20
1FT6 motors 8/3 to 8/7 1FK7 2/6 to 2/7
1PH7 motors 8/8 to 8/14, 8/17 to 8/20 1FS6 2/17
1PH4 motors 8/21 1FT6 2/9 to 2/15
1PL6 motors 8/15, 8/16 1PH7 3/5 to 3/18
Documentation 6 1PH4 3/28, 3/29
Documentation CD-ROM 6/2 1PL6 3/21 to 3/26
Drive type 7/32 Encoder cables 5/8 to 5/12
Duty types 1/11 6FX5 and 6FX8 power cables 5/4 to 5/6
Planetary gears 4/10 to 4/17
E PROTOFLEX-EMV power cables 5/7
Encoder cables 5/12 to 5/16
Encoder cables for 1FN3 AC linear motors 5/12 SimoSize 6/2
Encoder cables for SIMODRIVE 611 universal 5/14 sin/cos incremental encoder 4/3
Encoder cables for connection to motors Sizing and selection tool 6/2
with an absolute-value encoder 5/11 Sound pressure level 7/32
Encoder cables for connection to motors Speed-Torque curves
with an incremental encoder HTL 5/8 1FK6 7/3, 7/4
Encoder cables for connection to motors 1FT6 7/5 to 7/15
with an incremental encoder 1 Vpp 5/10 1PH7 7/16 to 7/26
Encoder cables for connection to motors 1PL6 7/26 to 7/31
with a resolver 5/9 Standard terms and conditions of sale A/12
Encoders 4/2, 4/3 Synchronous servomotors 2
Encoder systems 4/2, 4/3 Synchronous servomotors, 1FT6 2/5 to 2/10
Environment A/2
EC declaration of conformity A/2 T
Explosion-proof motors 2/16 Technical data
1PH7 asynchronous servomotors 3/2 to 3/4
F 1PH4 asynchronous servomotors 3/27
Flow diagram for selection process 1/4, 1/5 1PL6 asynchronous servomotors 3/19, 3/20
Encoder 4/2
G Encoder cables 5/2
Gear installation 4/7 to 4/16 Holding brake 4/6, 4/7
General information 6FX5 and 6FX8 power cables 5/2
Degree of protection 7/2 PROTOFLEX-EMV power cables 5/7
Resolver 4/2
H 1FK6 synchronous servomotors 2/2
Hall-effect sensor box 4/5 1FK7 synchronous servomotors 2/5
High dynamic servomotors 2/5 1FN3 synchronous servomotors 2/19
Holding brakes 4/6 to 4/9 1FS6 synchronous servomotors 2/16
Holding brakes for 1FK. and 1FT6 motors 4/6 1FT6 synchronous servomotors 2/8
Holding brakes for 1FT6 4/7 Technical explanation 1/8
Holding brakes for 1PH7 motors 4/8 Terminal box assignment 7/35
Types of construction 7/36

Incremental encoder

Lateral-force diagrams
Linear motors

7/33, 7/34
4/4, 4/18
Ventilation data
Vibration severity
Vibration stress

Water-cooled 1PH4 asynchronous servomotors 3/19, 3/20

A/4 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

a-02.fm Seite 5 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Order number index
Page Page
1FK6 2/3 1PL6 3/21
1FK603. 2/3 1PL618. 3/21
1FK604. 2/3 1PL622. 3/21
1FK606. 2/3, 4/8 1PL628. 3/21
1FK608. 2/3, 4/8
1FK610. 2/3, 4/8 6ES
1FK7 2/6 6ES7 5/15, 5/16, 5/17
1FK702. 2/6
1FK703. 2/6, 4/8 6FC
1FK704. 2/6, 4/8 6FC9348 5/7 to 5/9
1FK706. 2/6, 4/8
1FK708. 2/6, 4/8 6FX
1FK710. 2/6, 4/8 6FX.002 5/4, 5/5
6FX.008 5/4, 5/5
1FN 6FX1 5/15, 5/16, 5/17
1FN3 002 4/5, 4/20, 4/22 6FX2003 5/4, 5/7
1FN3 003 4/5, 4/20, 4/22 6FX5002 5/4, 5/14
1FN3 004 4/5, 4/20, 4/22 6FX5008 5/4, 5/5
1FN3 005 4/5, 4/20, 4/22 6FX7002 5/6
1FN3 050 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 6FX8002 5/4, 5/5, 5/14
1FN3 100 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 6FX8008 5/3 to 5/9
1FN3 150 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 6XV1 5/15, 5/16, 5/17
1FN3 300 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25
1FN3 450 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 2LG
1FN3 600 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 2LG4250 4/16
1FN3 900 2/20, 4/19, 4/20, 4/25 2LG4260 4/16
2LG4312 4/16
1FS 2LG4315 4/16
1FS6 2/17 2LG4320 4/16
1FS6074 2/17
1FS6096 2/17 D
1FS6115 2/17 DRMS-02055 6/2
1FS6134 2/17
1FT EBD 4/6, 4/7
1FT6 2/9
1FT604. 2/9
1FT606. 2/9
1FT608. 2/9
1FT610. 2/9
1FT613. 2/9

1PH4 3/28
1PH410. 3/28
1PH413. 3/28
1PH416. 3/28
1PH7 3/5, 4/6
1PH710. 3/5
1PH713. 3/5
1PH716. 3/5
1PH718. 3/5
1PH722. 3/5
1PH728. 3/5

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/5
a-02.fm Seite 6 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Customer service Servomotors Servomotors

■ Welcome to Siemens US Atlanta ■ Siemens policies/protocols SPARE PARTS FROM INTER-

5405 Metric Place NATIONAL LOCATIONS –
If you are a new Siemens Drive Minimum order Siemens Energy & Automation
Products customer, we thank Suite 100
Norcross, GA 30092 SE&A will assess a $25 han- supports all Siemens Drive
you for doing business with us. Products in the USA, regardless
We will work hard to earn your Phone: 770-452-3400 dling fee on all orders valued at
Fax: 6 78-297-8409 less than $400. of their country of origin. Howev-
trust and serve your company er, certain products may require
as if it were our own! If you are shipment from an international
currently doing business with Dallas Freight
emergency warehouse to meet
us, we thank you for the oppor- 501 Fountain Parkway All of our original product customer delivery require-
tunity to grow with you. 2nd Floor shipments are F.O.B. point of ments. In such cases the mini-
Your primary contact point in Grand Prairie, TX 75050 shipment. For standard product mum order value for such items
the United States for the servo- Phone: 817-640-4929 orders greater than $1000 ship- is $300 net. If the order does not
motors and all other Siemens Fax: 8 17-640-9640 ping from SE&A distribution total $300, an additional charge
drive products are the Region- centers, charges are freight al- will be added to bring the total
al Sales Offices in the following Chicago lowed via method selected by order to $300. (The normal $25
locations: SE&A. For orders less than surcharge will not apply). Sie-
1901 N. Roselle Road $1000, motors, and non-stan-
Suite 210 mens features an international
dard product freight charges emergency warehouse that can
Schaumburg, IL 60195 are pre-paid and added to the
Phone: 800-333-7732 ship many parts within 24 hours.
invoice. All air freight charges Most parts can arrive in the Unit-
Fax: 8 88-333-8206 are the responsibility of the cus- ed States within 2 – 4 days. Your
tomer. Also, a customer ac- Costomer Service or Sales Rep-
Houston count number is required for resentative can check to see if
13105 NW Freeway third party billing of freight your part is in stock in the emer-
Suite 950 charges. gency warehouse.
Houston, TX 77040
Phone: 713-690-3000 Emergency/Expedite fees CUSTOMER PICK UP –
Fax: 7 13-690-1210 All customer pick up orders will
When customers require urgent be ready 2 hours after order is
delivery, several methods of ex- received, and must be picked
Kansas City pedited delivery are available. up within 24 hours. There is no
6201 College Blvd Each is noted below along with additional charge for this ser-
Suite 385 the associated charges: vice.
Overland Park, KS 66211 NEXT FLIGHT OUT –
Phone: 913-498-4200 This service provides same day Returns
Fax: 9 13-498-4240 service where possible. In all Standard products fall under
cases, the expedited surcharge the SE&A standard product re-
Los Angeles is $300. The customer is re- turn guidelines (below). Drive
10655 Business Center Dr sponsible for the associated systems in cabinets, built to
Suite C1 freight charges. specification, motors, or other
Cypress, CA 90630 AFTER HOUR SERVICE – non-standard items do not fall
Phone: 714-252-3000 Orders placed for same day under this policy. Contact your
Fax: 7 14-527-7230 shipment after 5:00 pm eastern Sales or Customer Service
time and weekends/holidays Representative should you have
Philadelphia are subject to a $300 sur- questions regarding return
charge. The customer is re- policy.
323 Norristown Road
Suite 210 sponsible for the associated
Amber, PA 19002 freight charges.
Phone: 800-388-8067
Fax: 2 15-283-4702

A/6 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003
a-02.fm Seite 7 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Customer service

■ Siemens return goods policy aging fees where applicable.

Shipments returned without
Accommodation returns are
subject to a 10 % restocking
Product should be returned col-
lect by a Siemens approved
A Return Goods Request/ referencing a returned goods charge. If cleaning or repackag- freight carrier or freight charges
Authorization (RGA) is required authorization (RGA) number will ing is necessary, an additional may be assessed. Freight
to accompany all products re- be refused by Siemens. 15 % per item repackaging charges will be credited if the
turned to Siemens Energy & Siemens reserves the right to charge will be deducted from entire shipment is returned due
Automation, Inc. (Siemens). rebill within 90 days from our any credit issued. After inspec- to Siemens error.
This insures that the returned receipt of material based on tion of the returned product,
product is properly identified results of a physical inspection your account will be credited for Non-Conforming product
and credited to your account. of the product. the full invoice value of the mer- warranty return
Unauthorized returns will be chandise, less applicable
refused and returned to the All claims for loss, damage or charges. Non-Conforming product war-
customer with no liability to Sie- delays in transit are to be trans- ranty returns enable Siemens
mens. acted by the consignee directly Customer should not deduct customers to return product to
with the carrier. The issuance of credit for products returned the factory for replacement, ex-
To provide our customers max- this RETURN GOODS from payments. Credit will be change or credit if found to be
imum opportunity for inventory AUTHORIZATION shall not be processed within 15 days of re- non-conforming in accordance
control, we have established construed as an acceptance of ceipt of material. The customer with the conditions of the Com-
three classes of product re- any responsibility or liability on is responsible for costs, includ- pany’s product warranty.
turns: the part of the Company or as a ing freight and handling, for
waiver of any right to make a de- returned product to Siemens. It is at Siemens discretion
• Accommodation return termination as to the Company’s whether to replace, repair or is-
responsibility. Siemens error return sue a credit for non-conforming
• Siemens error return products. The warranty at no
• Non-Conforming product Return goods authorizations will Siemens error returns provide cost is conditional, and will
warranty return be automatically cancelled and customers the opportunity to be determined by a technical
have no further effect unless the return material within 60 days validation of the warranty once
Product built to a customer’s returned goods are received by of shipment in the event of a the non-conforming item is re-
specifications cannot be re- the Company within 60 days af- Siemens order or shipment ceived in our repair department
turned for credit or exchange, ter the date of issuance. error. Original purchase order, or authorized service center.
subject to return only when invoice number and date must Please note, if you should fail to
material in Siemens’ opinion Accommodation return be referenced. Products must return the non-conforming part
has express economic value be unopened, unused, un- within 10 days upon instructions
for potential resale. If returned Accommodation returns pro- damaged, in the original “as- from Siemens, you will be in-
product is a result of error(s) on vide Siemens customers the shipped” package or in static voiced in full for the replace-
the part of Siemens, a full credit opportunity to return product or- protection, and securely ment part.
to your account will be allowed dered in error or in excessive packed to be received by Sie-
including freight charges. All quantities. Products eligible for mens without damage. Software Product should be returned col-
other returns, freight and han- return must be of current design may only be returned when seal lect by a Siemens approved
dling will be prepaid by cus- and revision level, unopened, has not been broken. freight carrier, or freight charg-
tomer. unused, undamaged, in the es may be assessed.
original “as-shipped” package A return goods authorization
In all cases except when al- and securely packed to be (RGA) number will be issued as
leged personal injury/product received by Siemens without authorization to return the prod-
liability is involved, your ac- damage. Software may only uct(s) to Siemens. After receipt
count will be credited and a be returned when the seal has and inspection of the returned
credit memo will be issued not been broken. Customized, product, a credit will be issued
within 15 working days from engineered and/or energized for the full invoice value of the
receipt of material. Credit is products may not be returned merchandise, or a replacement
determined either from the without prior approval and in part provided. If the returned
original invoice if referenced, Siemens’ opinion have express product(s) packaging is
or current stock pricing – less economic value for potential deemed not saleable, a 15 %
restocking charges, cash dis- resale. per item charge will be deduct-
count application and repack- ed from the credit issued.

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/7
a-02.fm Seite 8 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Customer service Servomotors Servomotors

■ Siemens return goods J. Stock products are subject to

a 10 % restocking charge.
F. Material should be returned
following the Routing/Pre-
B. Siemens will process your
request and a return goods
process – Accomodation
Customized and engineered ferred Carrier instructions authorization (RGA) number
A Return Goods Request/ products are subject to a ne- located on the shipping in- will be issued as authorization
Authorization (RGA) is required gotiated restocking charge. structions. If these instruc- to return the product(s) to
to accompany all products re- tions are not followed freight Siemens.
turned to Siemens. This insures K. An additional 15 % re-pack- charges may be assessed.
that the returned product is aging charge will be applied C.If the return is an emergency,
properly identified and credit- for returned material not suit- G.For all material returned in e.g. your equipment is down,
ed to your account. Unautho- able for resale, or returned in conformance with this policy, and the warranty can be vali-
rized returns will be refused broken inner cartons requir- a credit will be issued within dated commercially, for ap-
and returned to the customer ing inspection and re-pack- 15 days of receipt of mate- proved product categories
with no liability to Siemens. aging. No re-packaging rial or a replacement part Siemens will ship a replace-
charge of any kind will be provided. ment part to you at no charge.
Accommodation return applied when material is re- If you should fail to return the
turned in undamaged, origi- H.Customers should not take non-conforming part within
Accommodation returns pro- nal inner/outer cartons a deduction for material re- 10 days upon instructions
vide Siemens customers the suitable for resale. turned. Siemens will issue a from Siemens, you will be in-
opportunity to return product credit within 15 days of re- voiced in full for the replace-
ordered in error or in excessive ceipt of material. ment part.
quantities. ■ Siemens return goods I. All returned materials are sub- D.A copy of your approved
process – Siemens error ject to inspection by Siemens.
Procedures RGA and shipping instruc-
A Return Goods Request/ Returns not complying with tions will be faxed to you.
A.Customer contacts Custom- Authorization (RAG) is required this policy will be returned to
er Service or inside sales to accompany all products re- their sending location. E. Customer ships product to
person to initiate return of turned to Siemens. This insures designated Siemens location.
material. J. An additional 15 % re-pack- A Return Goods Request/Au-
that the returned product is aging charge will be applied
properly identified and credited thorization (RGA) is required
B.Products must be unopened, for returned material not suit- to accompany all material
unused, undamaged, in the to your account. Unauthorized able for resale, or returned in
returns will be refused and re- returned to Siemens.
original “as-shipped” pack- broken inner cartons requir-
age or in static protection, turned to the customer with no ing inspection and re-pack- F. Material should be returned
and securely packed to be liability to Siemens. aging. No re-packaging following the Routing/Pre-
received by Siemens without charge of any kind will be ferred Carrier instructions
damage. Software may only Siemens error return applied when material is re- located on the shipping in-
be returned when seal has Siemens error returns provide turned in undamaged, origi- structions. If these instruc-
not been broken. customers the opportunity to nal inner/outer cartons tions are not followed freight
return material within 60 days suitable for resale. charges may be assessed.
C.Siemens Energy & Automa-
tion will process your re- of shipment in the event of a G.Conforming products will be
Siemens order or shipment er-
quest and a return goods
authorization (RGA) number ror. ■ Siemens return goods shipped back to the custom-
process – Non-Conforming
will be issued as authoriza- Procedures (Warranty)
tion to return the product(s) H.For all material returned in
to Siemens. A. Customer contacts Customer A Return Goods Request/ conformance with this policy,
Service or inside sales person Authorization (RAG) is required a credit will be issued by
D.A copy of your approved to initiate return of material. to accompany all products re- Siemens after an evaluation
RGA and shipping instruc- Original purchase order num- turned to Siemens. This insures of the received material or a
tions will be faxed to you. ber or invoice number must that the returned product is replacement part provided.
E. Customer ships product to be available for reference. properly identified and credited I. Customers should not take a
designated Siemens loca- to your account. Unauthorized deduction for material re-
B. Products must be unopened, returns will be refused and re-
tion. A Return Goods Re- unused, undamaged, in the turned.
quest/Authorization (RGA) turned to the customer with no
original “as-shipped” pack- liability to Siemens. J. All returned materials are sub-
is required to accompany age or in static protection,
all material returned to ject to inspection by Siemens.
and securely packed to be Non-Conforming product Returns not complying with
Siemens. received by Siemens without return (Drives) this agreement will be re-
F. The customer is responsible damage. Software may only turned to their sending loca-
for costs, including freight be returned when seal has Non-Conforming product war- tion.
and handling, for returned not been broken. ranty returns enable Siemens
product to Siemens. customers to return product to
C.Siemens will process your the factory for replacement, ex-
G.For all material returned in request and a return goods change or credit if found to be
conformance with this poli- authorization (RGA) number non-conforming in accordance
cy, a credit will be issued will be issued as authorization with the conditions of the Com-
promptly by Siemens within to return the product(s) to pany’s product warranty.
15 days of receipt of materi- Siemens.
al. Procedures
D.A copy of your approved
H.Customers should not take a RGA and shipping instruc- A. Customer contacts Technical
deduction for material re- tions will be faxed to you. Support (1-800-3 33-74 21) to
turned until Siemens has is- initiate return of material. A list
E. Customer ships product to of products requested to
sued the above mentioned designated Siemens location.
credit. return and alleged failure
A Return Goods Request/Au- scenarios are communicated
I. All returned materials are thorization (RGA) is required to Siemens for processing.
to accompany all material

subject to inspection by
Siemens. Returns not com- returned to Siemens.
plying with this policy will be
returned to their sending lo-

A/8 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

a-02.fm Seite 9 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Customer service

■ Optional warranties tage of this program, please

note that the original part must
■ Siemens technical services ■ Siemens emergency access
Repair, replacement, and be returned to SE&A within ten The Technical Service Group is The Drive Products Business
warranty service (10) days, or an invoice will be responsible for technical ser- Unit has an emergency spare
issued for the additional 40 %. vice support for customers, field parts depot at Atlanta Hartsfield
All claims for warranty repair or service, and sales engineers. International Airport. Same day
replacement must initially be Replacement warranty Requests for parts, equipment delivery requirements are often
made to Drives Technical Ser- commissioning, emergency serviced out of this Depot as
vice at 1-8 00-333-7421. Should a remanufactured re- service, or routine maintenance well as after hour shipments
Should the problem not be placement of a defective item are coordinated and scheduled including weekends and holi-
solved over the phone, an RGA be the solution to a warranty through this group. days. This has allowed us to
will be issued to return the claim, the remanufactured part expedite emergency shipment,
defective part. If the warranty shall be under warranty for the Service coordination and tech- saving several hours in the
can be validated commercially duration of the warranty of the nical support for a wide variety process.
(ship date falls within warranty original item or ninety (90) days, of drive products, including
period) a replacement part can whichever is longer. A remanu- both domestic and international To activate our Emergency/
be shipped if available. SE&A factured part (other than original supplied units, are available After Hours Service, simply dial
will pay for best way freight on warranty replacement) carries a from this team. Interfacing with 1-800-3 33-7421 and ask for
such replacements. The cus- ninety (90) day warranty. the Siemens Service Organiza- Drives Technical Service and
tomer is responsible for expe- tion, other Siemens Divisions, the call will be automatically
dited freight delivery. Extended warranty and supplier service facilities, transferred to our message ser-
this group is the single point of vice, who will in turn page the
Once the defective product Drive products offers an extend- contact in effectively providing On-Call Representative.
has been returned, a technical ed warranty for all products remote technical and field ser-
evaluation will be performed to sold. An extended warranty of vice support. Tell the operator there is an
validate the warranty. Should 12 months is offered with a sur- emergency and you would like
the unit be found to not meet charge of 5 % of the net price Over the past year, an internal to contact after hour’s personnel
warranty requirements, and of the product. This extended survey showed that greater than for spare parts or technical
purchase order will be request- warranty offer is only available if 95 % of the problems called in service, and we will return your
ed from the customer. ordered prior to time of original were resolved over the tele- call immediately.
shipment from Siemens. phone. This level of technical
If your warranty has expired, expertise has significantly re-
you may still want to take ad- Deferred warranty duced the number of on-site
vantage of our excellent repair service calls.
and replacement service. Siemens also offers a deferred
Highly trained technicians per- warranty for all products sold. Technical Service is available
form incoming tests to deter- Commissioning must also be 24-hours, 7 days a week by dial-
mine the exact failure, repair purchased to inspect the condi- ing 1-800-3 33-74 21; ask for
the equipment, and fully test tion of the drive and supervise Drives Technical Services and
prior to shipment back to the the start up. This deferred war- the call will be channeled auto-
customer. However, if you ranty offer is only available if matically through a call center
elect, we may be able to send ordered prior to time of original which activates the appropriate
you a remanufactured part for shipment from Siemens. The personnel for both parts and
60 % of the list price of a new deferred warranty is offered for technical support.
part less your applicable dis- those applications that will have
count on an exchange basis. a delayed installation period,
Remanufactured parts carry a but only require a 12 month war-
ninety (90) day warranty. Your ranty from the date of commis-
Sales or Customer Service sioning. The chart below is a
Representative can tell you listing of the warranty periods
which parts are included in our and fees for the deferred war-
repair and replacement pro- ranty and the extended warran-
gram. Should you take advan- ty programs.

Months from Standard 6 month 12 month

warranty deferred deferred
warranty warranty
Installation 12 12 12
Manufacturing 18 24 30
% of net 0% 1% 2%

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/9
a-02.fm Seite 10 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Conversion tables Servomotors Servomotors

■ Rotary inertia (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in2 lb-ft2 lb-in-s2 lb-ft-s2 Kg-cm2 Kg-cm-s2 gm-cm2 gm-cm-s2 oz-in2 oz-in-s2
A slug-ft2
lb-in2 1 6.94 × 10 -3 2.59 × 10 -3 2.15 × 10 -4 2.926 2.98 × 10 -3 2.92 × 10 3 2.984 16 4.14 × 10-2
lb-ft2 144 1 0.3729 3.10 × 10 -2 421.40 0.4297 4.21 × 10 5 429.71 2304 5.967
lb-in-s2 386.08 2.681 1 8.33 × 10 -2 1.129 × 10 -3 1.152 1.129 × 10 6 1.152 × 103 6.177 × 103 16
lb-ft-s2 4.63 × 103 32.17 12 1 1.35 × 10 -4 13.825 1.355 × 10 7 1.38 × 104 7.41 × 10-4 192
Kg-cm2 0.3417 2.37 × 10 -3 8.85 × 10 -4 7.37 × 10 -5 1 1.019 × 10 -3 1000 1.019 5.46 1.42 × 10-2
2 -2 5 3
Kg-cm-s 335.1 2.327 0.8679 7.23 × 10 980.66 1 9.8 × 10 1000 5.36 × 10 13.887
gm-cm2 3.417 × 10-4 2.37 × 10 -6 8.85 × 10 -7 7.37 × 10 -8 1 × 10-3 1.01 × 10 -6 1 1.01 × 10-3 5.46 × 10-3 1.41 × 10-5
gm-cm-s2 0.335 2.32 × 10 -3 8.67 × 10 -4 7.23 × 10 -5 0.9806 1 × 10-3 980.6 1 5.36 1.38 × 10-2
oz-in2 0.0625 4.34 × 10 -4 1.61 × 10 -4 1.34 × 10 -5 0.182 1.86 × 10 -4 182.9 0.186 1 2.59 × 10-3
oz-in-s2 24.13 0.1675 6.25 × 10 -2 5.20 × 10 -3 70.615 7.20 × 10 -2 7.09 × 10 4 72.0 386.08 1

■ Torque (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

B lb-in lb-ft oz-in N-m Kg-cm Kg-m gm-cm dyne-cm
lb-in 1 8.333 × 10 -2 16 0.113 1.152 1.152 × 10-2 1.152 × 103 1.129 × 10 6
lb-ft 12 1 192 1.355 13.825 0.138 1.382 × 104 1.355 × 10 7
oz-in 6.25 × 10-2 5.208 × 10 -3 1 7.061 × 10-3 7.200 × 10 -2 7.200 × 10-4 72.007 7.061 × 10 7
N-m 8.850 0.737 141.612 1 10.197 0.102 1.019 × 104 1 × 107
-2 -2 -2
Kg-cm 0.8679 7.233 × 10 13.877 9.806 × 10 1 10 1000 9.806 × 10 5
Kg-m 86.796 7.233 1.388 × 103 9.806 100 1 1 × 105 9.806 × 10 7
gm-cm 8.679 × 10-4 7.233 × 10 -5 1.388 × 10-2 9.806 × 10-5 1 × 10-3 1 × 10-5 1 980.665
dyne-cm 8.850 × 10-7 7.375 × 10 -8 1.416 × 10-5 10-7 1.0197 × 10 -6 1.019 × 10-8 1.019 × 10-3 1

■ Length (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) ■ Mass (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
B Inches feet cm yd mm m B lb oz gm slug
Inches 1 0.0833 2.54 0.028 25.4 0.0254 lb 1 16 453.6 0.0311
feet 12 1 30.48 0.333 304.8 0.3048 oz 6.25 × 10 -2 1 28.35 1.93 × 10-3
cm 0.3937 0.03281 1 1.09 × 10-2 10 0.01 gm 2.205 × 10 -3 3.527 × 10-3 1 6.852 × 10-5
yd 36 3 91.44 1 914.4 0.914 slug 32.17 514.8 1.459 × 104 1
mm 0.03937 0.00328 0.1 1.09 × 10-3 1 0.001
m 39.37 3.281 100 1.09 1000 1

■ Power (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table) ■ Rotation (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)
B H.P. Watts B RPM rad/sec. degrees/sec.
H.P. (English) 1 745.7 RPM 1 0.105 6.0
(lb-in)(deg./sec) 2.645 × 10-6 1.972 × 10-3 rad/sec. 9.55 1 57.30
(lb-in)(RPM) 1.587 × 10-5 1.183 × 10-2 degrees/sec. 0.167 1.745 × 10 -2 1
(lb-ft)(deg./sec) 3.173 × 10-5 2.366 × 10-2
(lb-ft)(RPM) 1.904 × 10-4 0.1420
Watts 1.341 × 10-3 1

■ Temperature conversion ■ Force (to convert from A to B, multiply by entry in table)

°F °C °C °F B lb oz gm dyne N
0 –17.8 –10 14 A
32 0 0 32 lb 1 16 453.6 4.448 × 10-5 4.4482
50 10 10 50 oz 0.0625 1 28.35 2.780 × 10-4 0.27801
70 21.1 20 68 gm 2.205 × 10 -3 0.03527 1 1.02 × 10-3 N.A.
-6 -5
90 32.2 30 86 dyne 2.248 × 10 3.59 × 10 890.7 1 0.00001
98.4 37 37 98.4 N 0.22481 3.5967 N.A. 100.000 1
212 100 100 212

subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9 multiply by 5/9 and add 32

A/10 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

a-02.fm Seite 11 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Asynchronous Synchronous
Servomotors Servomotors Conversion tables

■ Mechanism Efficiencies ■ Material Densities

Acme-screw with brass nut ~0.35–0.65 Material lb-in 3 gm-cm3
Acme-screw with plastic nut ~0.50–0.85 Aluminium 0.096 2.66
Ball-screw ~0.85–0.95 Brass 0.299 8.30
Chain and Sprocket ~0.95–0.98 Bronze 0.295 8.17
Preloaded Ball-screw ~0.75–0.85 Copper 0.322 8.91
Spur or Bevel-gears ~0.90 Hard Wood 0.029 0.80
Timing Belts ~0.96–0.98 Soft Wood 0.018 0.48
Worm Gears ~0.45–0.85 Plastic 0.040 1.11
Helical Gear (1 reduction) ~0.92 Glass 0.079–0.090 2.2–2.5
Titanium 0.163 4.51
■ Friction Coefficients Paper 0.025–0.043 0.7–1.2
Polyvinyl chloride 0.047–0.050 1.3–1.4
Materials µ
Rubber 0.033–0.036 0.92–0.99
Steel on Steel (greased) ~0.15
Silicone rubber, without filler 0.043 1.2
Plastic on Steel ~0.15–0.25
Cast iron, grey 0.274 7.6
Copper on Steel ~0.30
Steel 0.280 7.75
Brass on Steel ~0.35
Aluminium on Steel ~0.45
Steel on Steel ~0.58

Mechanism µ
Ball Bushings <0.001
Linear Bearings <0.001
Dove-tail slides ~0.2++
Gibb Ways ~0.5++

Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003 A/11
a-02.fm Seite 12 Freitag, 3. Mai 2002 8:11 08

Synchronous Asynchronous
Standard terms and conditions of sale Servomotors Servomotors

■ Standard terms and conditions of sale (9/1/2001)

Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. ("Seller") 7. NONCANCELLATION
Buyer may not cancel or terminate for convenience, or direct suspension of man-
1. WARRANTY ufacture, except with Seller’s written consent and then only upon terms that will
(a) Seller warrants that on the date of shipment the goods are of the kind and compensate Seller for its engineering, fabrication and purchasing charges and
quality described herein and are free of nonconformities in workmanship and any other costs relating to such cancellation, termination or suspension, plus a
material. This warranty does not apply to goods delivered by Seller but manu- reasonable amount for profit.
factured by others.
(b) Buyer’s exclusive remedy for a nonconformity in any item of the goods shall Buyer represents and warrants that the goods covered by this contract shall not
be the repair or the replacement (at Seller’s option) of the item and any affected be used in or in connection with a nuclear facility or application. If Buyer is un-
part of the goods. Seller’s obligation to repair or replace shall be in effect for able to make such representation and warranty, then Buyer agrees to indemnify
a period of one (1) year from initial operation of the goods but not more than and hold harmless Seller and to waive and require its insurers to waive all right
eighteen (18) months from Seller’s shipment of the goods, provided Buyer of recovery against Seller for any damage, loss, destruction, injury or death
has sent written notice within that period of time to Seller that the goods do resulting from a "nuclear incident", as that term is defined in the Atomic Energy
not conform to the above warranty. Repaired and replacement parts shall be Act of 1954, as amended, whether or not due to Seller’s negligence.
warranted for the remainder of the original period of notification set forth
above, but in no event less than 12 months from repair or replacement. At its 9. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
expense, Buyer shall remove and ship to Seller any such nonconforming Neither Seller, nor its suppliers shall be liable, whether in contract, warranty,
items and shall reinstall the repaired or replaced parts. Buyer shall grant Sell- failure of a remedy to achieve its intended or essential purposes, tort (including
er access to the goods at all reasonable times in order for Seller to determine negligence), strict liability, indemnity or any other legal theory, for loss of use,
any nonconformity in the goods. Seller shall have the right of disposal of revenue or profit, or for costs of capital or of substitute use or performance,
items replaced by it. If Seller is unable or unwilling to repair or replace, or if or for indirect, special, liquidated, incidental or consequential damages, or for
repair or replacement does not remedy the nonconformity, Seller and Buyer any other loss or cost of a similar type, or for claims by Buyer for damages of
shall negotiate an equitable adjustment in the contract price, which may in- Buyer’s customers. Seller’s maximum liability under this contract shall be the
clude a full refund of the contract price for the nonconforming goods. contract price. Buyer and Seller agree that the exclusions and limitations set
forth in this article are separate and independent from any remedies which
(c) SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR Buyer may have hereunder and shall be given full force and effect whether or not
IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE. SPECIFICALLY, IT DISCLAIMS THE any or all such remedies shall be deemed to have failed of their essential pur-
(d) Buyer and successors of Buyer are limited to the remedies specified in this The laws of the State of Georgia shall govern the validity, interpretation and en-
article and shall have no others for a nonconformity in the goods. Buyer forcement of this contract, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. The
agrees that these remedies provide Buyer and its successors with a mini- application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
mum adequate remedy and are their exclusive remedies, whether Buyer’s or Sale of Goods shall be excluded. Assignment may be made only with written
its successors’ remedies are based on contract, warranty, tort (including consent of both parties; provided, however, Seller may assign to its affiliate with-
negligence), strict liability, indemnity, or any other legal theory, and whether out Buyer’s consent.
arising out of warranties, representations, instructions, installations, or non-
conformities from any cause. 11. ATTORNEY FEES
Buyer shall be liable to Seller for any attorney fees and costs incurred by Seller
(e) Note: This article 1 does not apply to any software which may be furnished in enforcing any of its rights hereunder.
by Seller. In such cases, the attached Software License Addendum applies.
2. PATENTS Either party may give the other party written notice of any dispute arising out of
Seller shall pay costs and damages finally awarded in any suit against Buyer or or relating to this contract and not resolved in the normal course of business. The
its vendees to the extent based upon a finding that the design or construction of parties shall attempt in good faith to resolve such dispute promptly by negotia-
the goods as furnished infringes a United States patent (except infringement oc- tions between executives who have authority to settle the dispute. If the matter
curring as a result of incorporating a design or modification at Buyer’s request), has not been resolved within 60 days of the notice, either party may initiate non-
provided that Buyer promptly notifies Seller of any charge of infringement, and binding mediation of the dispute.
Seller is given the right at its expense to settle such charge and to defend or con-
trol the defense of any suit based upon such charge. Seller shall have no obliga- 13. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS
tion hereunder with respect to claims, suits or proceedings, resulting from or To the extent permitted by applicable law, any lawsuit for breach of contract,
related to, in whole or in part, (i) the use of software or software documentation, including breach of warranty, arising out of the transactions covered by this con-
(ii) compliance with Buyer’s specifications, (iii) the combination with, or modifi- tract, must be commenced not later than twelve (12) months from the date the
cation of, the goods after delivery by Seller, or (iv) the use of the goods, or any cause of action accrued.
part thereof, in the practice of a process. THIS ARTICLE SETS FORTH SELLER’S
In the event of a price increase or decrease, the price of goods on order will be
3. PERFORMANCE; DELAYS adjusted to reflect such increase or decrease. This does not apply to a shipment
Timely performance by Seller is contingent upon Buyer’s supplying to Seller, held by request of Buyer. Goods already shipped are not subject to price in-
when needed, all required technical information and data, including drawing ap- crease or decrease. Orders on a bid or contract basis are not subject to this
provals, and all required commercial documentation. If Seller suffers delay in article. Seller’s prices include the costs of standard domestic packing only. Any
performance due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, the time of perfor- deviation from this standard packing (domestic or export), including U.S. Gov-
mance shall be extended a period of time equal to the period of the delay and ernment sealed packing, will result in extra charges. To determine such extra
its consequences. Seller will give to Buyer notice within a reasonable time after charges, consult Seller’s sales offices. Orders of less than $400 will be charged
Seller becomes aware of any such delay. a $25 handling fee.


Unless the delivery terms of this contract expressly provide for F.O.B. destina- (a) Invoice payment terms are as shown on latest discount sheets as issued
tion, shipping/delivery will be F.O.B. Seller’s point of shipment with title to the from time to time. Cash discounts are not applicable to notes or trade ac-
goods and risk of loss or damage passing to Buyer at that point. Buyer will be ceptances, to prepaid transportation charges when added to Seller’s invoic-
responsible for shipment during transit and for filing any damage or loss claims es or to discountable items if there are undisputed past due items on the
directly with the carrier. Seller may make partial shipments. account. Portions of an invoice in dispute should be deducted and the bal-
ance remitted with a detailed explanation of the deduction. Cash discounts
5. TAXES will only be allowed on that portion of the invoice paid within the normal dis-
Any applicable duties or sales, use, excise, value-added or similar taxes will be count period.
added to the price and invoiced separately (unless an acceptable exemption
certificate is furnished). (b) Freight will be allowed to any common-carrier free-delivery point within the
United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, on shipments exceeding $1000
6. TERMS OF PAYMENT net or more providing Seller selects the carrier. On shipments to Alaska and
(a) Unless otherwise stated, all payments shall be in United States dollars, and Hawaii, freight will be allowed to dockside at the listed port of debarkation
a pro rata payment shall become due as each shipment is made. If shipment nearest the destination point on shipments of $1 000 net or more. Buyer shall
is delayed by Buyer, date of notice of readiness for shipment shall be pay all special costs such as cartage, stevedoring and insurance. Special
deemed to be date of shipment for payment purposes. freight allowances are as shown on latest discount sheets as issued from
time to time. Cataloged weights are estimated, not guaranteed. Seller as-
(b) On late payments, the contract price shall, without prejudice to Seller’s right sumes no responsibility for tariff classifications on carriers.
to immediate payment, be increased by 1 1/2 % per month on the unpaid bal-

ance, but not to exceed the maximum permitted by law. 16. CHANGES IN LAWS AND REGULATIONS
Seller’s prices and timely performance are based on all applicable laws, rules,
(c) If any time in Seller’s judgment Buyer is unable or unwilling to meet the terms regulations, orders, codes, standards or requirements of governmental author-
specified, Seller may require satisfactory assurance or full or partial payment ities effective on the date of Seller’s proposal. Any change to any law, rule,
as a condition to commencing or continuing manufacture or making ship- regulation, order, code, standard or requirement which requires any change
ment, and may, if shipment has been made, recover the goods from the car- hereunder shall entitle Seller to an equitable adjustment in the prices and any
rier, pending receipt of such assurances. time of performance.

A/12 Siemens Catalog MC Part 2 · 2002/2003

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Catalog MC Part 2 • 2002/2003

Catalog MC Part 2 • 2002/2003
Motion Control • Servomotors

motion control
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
Automation and Drives
Motion Control Systems
5300 Triangle Parkway High Performance
Norcross, GA 30092
siemens world wide: www.siemens.com
Motors and Accessories
Siemens Energy & Automation: www.sea.siemens.com Order No.: DRSP-02062

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