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English 8 First Quarter Week 1: Learning Activity Sheets

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Republic of the Philippines

Region III-Central Luzon

Department of Education
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Moncada South District
Moncada, Tarlac



NAME: _____________________________________________________
GRADE & SECTION: ___________________________
SCORE: _______________________
PARENT'S/GUARDIAN'S SIGNATURE: _____________________

II. MELC: Determine the meaning of words and expressions that reflect the
local culture by noting context clues, EN8V-If-6.

1) identify the meaning of words through context clues;
2) give examples of the different types of context clues;
3) express appreciation to local culture; and
4) write a paragraph using one or more types of context clues.

IV. LEARNING RESOURCES: MELC, SLM in English 8 Q-1 Module 1, internet



Sheets); Radio-Based Instruction, Online Distance Learning


a. Definition of Context Clues
Context clues are words that appear in sentences to help understand
the meanings of difficult words. Aside from using the dictionary, another
way of learning the meaning of an unfamiliar word is through noting context

By: Maribel Azote Cabalan - Buco

Tick tock, tick tock, I am stuck!

How can I unlock? How can I unlock?
When unfamiliar words are the ones that block!
Strategize, strategize, vocabulary wise!
Familiarize, familiarize, the words that arise
Hints here, signals there, clues are everywhere
Categorize, conceptualize, and then contextualize
Context clues are the ones that guide.

ONLINE DISCUSSION: Students’ vocabulary and critical thinking skills are

important in this lesson. Thus, it is important to guide students in defining
and analyzing the words used as context clues during the online class.

Examples for discussion:

1. As a writer, Dr. Jose Rizal used several pseudonyms so as not to
reveal his real identity.

-pseudonyms = pen names
2. We should always be prudent in what we say so as not to hurt the
feelings of others.
-prudent = careful
3. People who are despicable should not be avoided, instead they should
be loved.
-despicable = mean
4. Online and modular classes are some of the modalities that the
Department of Education will offer for this school year to avoid
hampering the education of learners.
-hampering = delaying
5. The Education Week Celebration was spearheaded by the English
Language Department.
-spearheaded = lead/led

b. Types of Context Clues

i Definition - unfamiliar word is defined in a sentence.

ii Synonyms - similar word is placed in the same sentence to

know the meaning of the unfamiliar word
iii Antonym - opposite word is placed in the same sentence
iv Comparison - contains the part, or section of something larger,
and the whole, or the entire entity (see example 4)
v Example - samples are provided in the sentence to understand
the meaning of the unfamiliar word
vi Explanation - a description is given to understand the meaning
of the unfamiliar word
vii Cause-Effect - the meaning of the difficult word depends on the
cause-effect relationship of other words as expressed in the
viii List or Series of Clues - to understand the meaning of the
unknown word, it is included in a series of words given in a
ix Inference - to understand the meaning of the unknown word,
one has to make a guess based on the description given in the

RADIO-BASED INSTRUCTION: Samples for each type of context clue will be

discussed during the radio airing to guide students' reading comprehension and
application of learnings to actual texts.

1. A treasure hunter is a person who searches for treasures from
sunken ships and ancient tombs to obtain valuable relics and
(definition: a person who searches for treasures)
2. It is common for Filipinos to feel compassion or pity for the suffering
of their fellowmen.
(synonym: pity)
3. Among the siblings of thin body structure, Isabel is the only one who
is portly.
(antonym: thin)
4. The stench of the garbage was like the smell of a rotten fish.
(comparison: rotten fish)
5. In ancient times, some of our forefathers believed in amulets, such as
pearl of the crocodile, pearl of the ax, bullet necklace, and bag of
herbs to protect them from harm.
(example: pearl of the crocodile, pearl of the ax, bullet necklace, bag of
6. Matthew had few infractions of the house rules that he should have
done as part of his responsibilities.
(explanation: house rules that he should have done)
7. Since only a few followed the wearing of face mask, it was made
mandatory by the government.
(cause: only a few followed the wearing of face mask)
8. After the program, the rubbish left were souvenir programs, flyers,
leaflets plastic bottles, and food wrappings.
(list: souvenir programs, flyers, leaflets, plastic bottles, food wrappings)
9. When one shows belligerence, harsh words, disruptive actions, and
offensive behaviors can be observed.
(description: harsh words, disruptive action, offensive behavior)


Direction: Give five types of context clues and use them in sentences.
Type: _______
Example: ______

Type: _______ Type: _______

Example: ______ Example: ______

Type: _______ Type: _______

Example: ______ 3 Example: ______
You can write you examples (sentences) here.

Direction: Filipinos are known for being strong in facing challenges. They
don’t simply give up. Write a paragraph about how you face your greatest
challenges using one or more types of context clues.

Direction: Read and figure out the meaning of each underlined words using
context clues.

In the Tower of the Great Bell: now the mallet is lifted to smite the lips of
the metal monster—the vast lips inscribed with Buddhist texts.
1. A mallet is ___________.
A. an ax B. a saw C. a knife D. a hammer
2. To smite is to _________.
A. caress B. cut C. hit D. touch

All the little dragons on the high-tilted eaves of the green roofs shiver to the
tips of their gilded tails under that deep wave of sound.
3. To shiver is to ____.
A. fall on one’s knees
B. be vanished forever
C. tremble at the loud sound
D. be destroyed by the gilded tails

All the green-and-gold tiles of the temple are vibrating; the wooden goldfish
above them are writhing against the sky.
4. Writhing means _______.
A. hanging B. leading C. pointing D. twisting

Therefore, the worthy mandarin Kouan-Yu assembled the master-molders

and the renowned bell smiths of the empire, and all men of great repute and
cunning in foundry work.
5. Cunning means _____________________.
A. expert B. innocent C. master D. skillful
6. Foundry means _____________________.
A. factory B. farm C. market D. garden

Therefore, the molds had to be once more prepared, and the fires rekindled,
and the metal remelted, and all the work tediously, and toilsomely repeated.
7. Rekindled means ____________________.
A. lighted again
B. fueled the fire
C. stopped the fire
D. set on fire again
8. Toilsomely means _____.
A. hardly B. lightly C. mindfully D. slowly

“Gold and brass will never meet in wedlock, silver, and iron never will embrace,
until the flesh of a maiden be melted in the crucible; until the blood of a virgin be
mixed with the metals in their fusion.”
9. What does the statement mean?
A. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will fuse when mixed with blood.
B. The blood of a virgin maiden is made up of gold, brass, silver, and
C. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will fuse when mixed with the blood of a
D. Gold, brass, silver, and iron will never be fused together by a virgin
And even as she cried, she leaped into the white flood of metal.
10. Leaped means _____________.
Jumped B. ran C. skipped D. squatted


Direction: On a separate sheet of paper, draw your 10 favorite characters
(anime, online games, movies, superheroes, etc.) and write 1 sentence or 2
sentences that describe each of them. Use context clues on your

descriptions. You can also make a dialog between two or more characters
(like in a comic strip) as long as there are 10 in total.

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