Faculty of Electronic Engineering Technology: Universiti Malaysia Perlis (Unimap)

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Faculty of Electronic

Engineering Technology
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)

Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Hasliza A Rahim,

NMK 44403
Engineering Technologist In Society

Semester 2
Academic Session 2021/2022
Engineering Ethics Syllabus

1. Introduction
2. Engineering Ethics Code
3. Profession Ethics
4. Professional Technologist and Engineers
5. Engineering Technologist in globalization

• Explaining main concept in Engineering Ethics,

• Identify issues and challenges as an engineering
technologist after graduation.
Course Synopsis

• Expose to engineering technology students basic

knowledge in engineering ethics.
• Main and important concepts in engineering ethics
in Malaysia.
• Engineers govern bodies: Institute of Engineers
Malaysia (IEM) and Board of Engineers Malaysia
• Future engineering technologist, graduate engineer
and professional engineer
Teaching Resources
• Download Notes from Subject Website

– Lecture Notes for Engineering Ethics

Amendments up to 2015)
Amendments up to 2015)
– BEM Code of Conduct of Registered Person (Circular No 001/2016,
dated 27 October 2016)
What is Engineering
Technology ?
Engineering Technology • Civil Engineering Technology (Construction)
programs at UniMAP:- • Electronic Engineering Technology
(Electronic System)
The programmes are offered through 5 • Electronic Engineering Technology
faculties, namely :- (Electronic Telecommunication Design)
• Electronic Engineering Technology
(Electronic Network Design)
• Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology
• Electrical Engineering Technology (Industrial
• Faculty of Electronic Engineering
• Electrical Engineering Technology (Robotics
• Faculty of Electrical Engineering Technology
and Automation Technology)
• Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering Technology
• Faculty of Chemical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering Technology
(Agricultural Systems)
• Mechanical Engineering Technology
(Product Design)
At present, there are 10 undergraduate • Mechanical Engineering Technology
programmes that lead to the degree of (Material Processing)
B.EngTech (Hon.), namely :-
UniMAP Engineering Technologist
1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals
and an engineering specialisation to defined and applied engineering procedures,
processes, systems or methodologies.
2. Ability to Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse broadly-defined
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using analytical tools
appropriate to their discipline or area of specialisation.
3. Ability to Design solutions for broadly-defined engineering technology problems
and contribute to the design of systems, components or processes to meet
specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety,
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Ability to Conduct investigations of broadly-defined problems; locate, search
and select relevant data from codes, data bases and literature, design and conduct
experiments to provide valid conclusions.
5. Ability to Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to broadly-defined
engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
6. Ability to Demonstrate understanding of the societal, health, safety, legal and
cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering
technology practice and solutions to broadly-defined engineering problems.
UniMAP Engineering Technologist
7. Ability to Understand the impact of engineering technology solutions of
broadly-defined engineering problems in societal and environmental context and
demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
8. Ability to Understand and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of engineering technology practice.Ability to function on multi-
disciplinary teams.
9. Ability to Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse technical teams.
10. Ability to Communicate effectively on broadly-defined engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, by being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.Ability to demonstrate
understanding of project management and finance principles.
11. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management
principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team
and to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Recognize the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent and life-
long learning in specialist technologies.

Five (5) Main SECTIONS for CODE of ETHICS

(27 Sub-Sections)
1. A Registered Engineer shall at all times hold paramount the
safety, health and welfare of the public.
2. A Registered Engineer shall undertake assignments only if he is
qualified by education & experience in the specific technical fields
in which he is involved.
3. A Registered Engineer shall issue public statements only in an
objective and truthful manner.
4. A Registered Engineer shall act for each employer or clients as
faithful agent or trustee.
5. A Registered Engineer shall conduct himself honourably,
responsibly, ethically and lawfully so as to enhance the
honour, reputation and usefulness of the profession.
What is Engineering
• Engineering works is defined in the REA
Act as all works which include any publicly
or privately owned public utilities, buildings,
machines, equipment, processes, works or
projects that requires the application of
engineering principles and data.

• Engineering is involved in the optimum

conversion of natural resources for the
benefit of mankind through design, building
and maintenance of machines and
structures. The scope of engineering services
or engineering works encompass the entire
product life cycle that includes research,
complex analysis, complex design,
development, product design, testing &
evaluation, manufacturing, operations,
service & maintenance and distribution &

Source : Prof. Ir. Norlida Buniyamin, BEM

Engineering and The
Engineering Team
Definition in the REA Act: Engineering works include
any publicly or privately owned public utilities,
buildings, machines, equipment, processes, works
or projects that requires the application of
engineering principles and data.

Engineers Technologist


Engineering team performs engineering services or

works and in many cases there are overlapping of

Source : Prof. Ir. Dr. Norlida Buniyamin, BEM, 2021

Engineering vs Engineering
Engineering is the branch of science and technology concerned with the
design, building and use of engines, machines and structures (Oxford
Compact English )

Engineering encompasses science and art, mathematics and creativity,

models and approximations. (John Hopkins University)

Engineering Technology
Engineering technology graduates develop, design, and implement
engineering and technology solutions, typically pursuing engineering
careers in manufacturing firms on design, construction, and product
improvement (Michigan Technological University)
Engineering Technology vs

Source : Charlie P. Edmonson, “An Approach to Introduce Engineering Technology to High School and Junior High School Students”,
Department of Engineering Technology, University of Dayton.
Source : Prof. Ir. Dr. Norlida Buniyamin, BEM, 2021
Engineering Technology

LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrcOtQVtaUA
Engineering Technologist
• Engineering technologist are graduates with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Technology
(Level 6 MQF)
• Engineering technologist education and
training are application oriented, focusing
among others on applied design, product
development, manufacturing, product
assurance, operation and maintenance based
on current engineering practice standards.
• Engineering technologists are also known as
applied engineers or practical engineers and
perform engineering works by applying
engineering and scientific knowledge combined
with technical skills.

Source : Prof. Ir. Dr. Norlida Buniyamin, BEM, 2021

• Provides access to the opportunity for
superior performance and competitive
advantage at both the individual, group
and organizational level,
• Empowers (give strength and confidence
to) the three virtue (high behaviour
standard) phenomena of morality, ethics
and legality.
• A quality of excellence that is manifested
in a holistic and integral manner in
individuals and organizations. Integrity is
based on ethics and noble values and
their concrete manifestation in their daily
• (NIP page 22)
• A set of moral values and principles which
form the standards guiding the code of
conduct of individuals, organizations and
• (NIP page 21)
Definition of Ethics
• Ethics deals with what we believe to be
good or bad and with the moral obligations
that these beliefs imply.
• Ethics involves the rules for deciding right
and wrong, and the code of conduct that is
based on our decisions.
("Developing Ethical Leaders Through Action", 1990)
What is ETHICS ?
• Ethics is the moral governing what is right and wrong conduct.
• Moral is the principles of good and bad behaviour.
• Our understanding
• Behaviour is the way in which someone behaves.
• Conduct is the manner in which a person behaves.
• Concise Oxford English Dictionary (10 th Edition)

• Ethics is the principles of good and bad

behaviour governing what is right and wrong
“Personal Ethics”
• is individual morality usually implies a set
of internally held values;
• focus on what are held to be intrinsic or
universal values - truth, honesty, or other
measure of goodness;
• may guide our personal beliefs and
“Professional Ethics"
• is usually connected to a shared
understanding of proper conduct
guidelines among a group of people
associated by means of their profession;
• allows diverse, multidisciplinary, and
multicultural teams to work in unison
toward common goals.
Professional vs. Personal

Professional Personal
Prof Pers Ethics

Personal and professional ethics are different from, but

not exclusive of, each other.

Overlap between professional and

personal ethics.
Professional ethics more restrictive than
Personal ethics.
Why do Engineering Technologist
need to know about Ethics?

• With knowledge & skills, engineers have

the capability to do services to the public.
• With this capability, engineers have a
tremendous responsibility to clients,
individuals and society.
• Ethics help engineers to guide their
decisions to ensure they act responsibly.
Basic Ethical Concepts
• Ethical considerations are an integral part
of making engineering decisions.
• The professional obligations of engineers
go beyond fulfilling a contract with a
client or customer.
• Codes of ethics can provide guidance in
the decision-making process.
Basic Ethical Concepts ...
• Ethical obligations do not stop at any
country’s border; they are global.
• Wherever engineers practice, they
should hold paramount the health, safety,
and welfare of the public.
• How an engineer fulfills those obligations
may depend on the social and economic
context of engineering practice.
“Engineering Ethics”
• means professional ethics for engineering
technologists and engineers.
• implies a shared understanding of proper
conduct guidelines among members of the
engineering profession.
• guided by code of ethics or code of
professional conduct.
Code of Ethics
• Express the rights, duties, and obligations of the
members of the profession.
• Provides framework for arriving at good ethical
• May not be comprehensive, but all inclusive.
• Who has them?
– Professional Societies, Corporations
– Government & Academic Institutions
– Others
Code of Ethics
• Codes of ethics are written by specific groups of
people for specific groups of people, each group
having its own purpose for existence and its own
means of accomplishing its purpose.
• Codes of ethics are to be reflections of the
morally permissible standards of conduct which
members of a group make binding upon
Code of Ethics
• Your code of ethics defines your responsibilities
to society and the environment, your employer
or client, and your fellow engineers.
• Governments - federal, state, and local - impose
added responsibilities on engineers through
administrative rules and regulations, and civil
and criminal codes.
“Interaction Rules”
Increasing severity of consequences

Courtesy/Etiquette Morals/Ethics Codes of Ethics/Conduct Acts/Laws

Indicate dedication to professional behavior

Recognition of professional responsibilities
Create ethical environment
Guide in specific circumstances
• Integrity overlaps among the phenomena of morality,
ethics and legality.
• Integrity is thus not about good or bad, or right or wrong,
or what should or should not be.
• Integrity provides powerful access to increased
performance for individuals, groups, or organizations.
• Morality, ethics and legality exist in a realm of virtues
(high behaviour standard).
• Morality, ethics and legality are about good and bad,
right and wrong, or what should or should not be.

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