Lecture Notes in Logic
Lecture Notes in Logic
Lecture Notes in Logic
According to Benito Reyes (1947), a pragmatist, there are ten
(10) importance in application of capability of valid and licit
thinking. They are as follows:
REASONING is the process through which the mind or the Basic Functions of Language
capability of thinking arrives at the conclusion from the
previously possessed judgment. It tells us how to form a new According to Irving Copi (1968), there are three basic functions
proposition from the premises and it is also called as of language that based on the integral parts of man namely:
INFERENCE, otherwise known as the process to arrive in a Head- Informative; Heart-Affective; Hand-Directive.
certain conclusion. Basically, this inference is usually expressed
through Syllogism which will be discussed in the succeeding 1. INFORMATIVE
chapter. This is the most common function of language wherein, we
inform or asking information about the things we know and ask
Example of an inference: about the things that we do not know yet. If one person asks
Joseph is with Mary. your name like I am John Deewee, then what you used is an
informative discourse. Therefore, in Logic, the proposition and
argument are either assertive or denial; positive or negative. COMPARISON
Attention is also a mental act by which the process of thinking 2. Based on Subject and Form
fixes its consideration upon one particular object after having
sense it. For example, if you are driving a car, you need a full These subject and form are also called as essence and quiddity
attention of driving a car, as a student, you basically pay metaphysically. The subject is the one who is spoken of.
attention to your professor because a good professor must be a Therefore, it has or which is looked upon as having a perfection
good student, first. or attribute embodied in it. While the Form is that which an
object exists as it is.
For example:
This is also called as reflection. It is also a mental act of having SUBJECT- glass has quiddity, the glass' ness; book has
aware of an act itself so that it looks at things objectively, quiddity, the book' ness
having differences between the two given arguments. FORM - dog has an animality that makes dog animal or a real
For example: face of the man and the face of cat.
Substance comes from the Latin word "SUBSTANTIA" means 1. TERMS ACCORDING TO THE KINDS OF CONCEPT
the existence without requiring another being as a subject of its 1.1 FIRST INTENTION AND SECOND INTENTION (Refer to
inherence. It is the existence of the form and not mere the explanation of concept from the topic above
modifications of the subject which they inhere to. These are 1.2 ASTRACT AND CONCRETE TERMS
being classified into two: namely, Absolute concept and 1.3 ABSOLUTE AND CONNOTATIVE TERMS
Connotative concept. 1.4 POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE TERMS
3.1. Absolute Concept - it denotes the meaning of a complete 1.2.1, ABSTRACT AND CONCRETE TERMS
substance endowed with its independent reality. When it
signifies something to the mind, Absolute concept becomes Abstract Is a term which pertains the abstract quality in
an Abstract concept. form only, thus it cannot be perceived by the senses.
In this concept, it tells something about assertive or denial; 1.3. ABSOLUTE AND CONNOTATIVE TERMS
positive or negative.
1.3.1. Absolute -it pertains to the definition of a complete
4.1. Positive concept- it signifies the possession or the existence subject which is based on independent reality.
of something’
For example: beautiful, happy, or love, etc.,
Every lily is a flower
4.2. Negative concept- it denotes the non- existence or Man is a rational animal. Man is a social bein8
possession of something.
1.3.2. Connotative - it pertains to the object as an accident
For example: non-beautiful, non-happy, non-love, etc., manifested in a substance. It expresses a form only.
TERM Singer, Teacher, Table, chair, book
3.1. THE SIGNIFICANT TERM- When it stands for his own 1. Comprehension
existence. In English grammar, the significant terms are the 2. Extension
subject and the predicate. 3. Supposition
3.2. THE NON-SIGNIFICANT TERM When it does not stand 1. Comprehension comes from the Latin word "comprendere"
for his existence like the demonstrative adjectives and means to understand. It is therefore, the totality of all essential
demonstrative pronouns, THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE characteristics belonging to the given term
MODIFIERS For example: Man is a rational being. For instance, if we
consider the term "man", we might predicate to him the
4. TERMS AS TO INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER TERM character of a rational being with possessed knowledge.
4.1 Contradictory-This is a term which is mutually exclusive. 2. EXTENSION of the terms are terms that denote individual
Hence, the two terms are in contrast with one another, without things or particulars that express the totality of all the individual
the possibility of a middle term. things or particular things for which the essential characteristics
belonging to a term can be applied,
For example: Legal-illegal, valid-invalid, correct-incorrect
For example, the word President, what would be the essential
4.2. Contrary-This is a term that is opposing to one another, like characteristic of the President? A President should be what? A
opposition but there is the possibility of a middle term. ruler, a person of principle, elected by the people, a leader of the
country; therefore, in relation to the concept the word President
For example: small-large, hot-cold, ebony-ivory is connected to its comprehension. However, the essential
characteristics of the word President necessitate an extension of
4.3. Correlative-This is a term that is mutually related to each a term. Therefore, the word President denotes his
other. To the extent of being dependent to one another singularity, particularity, and universality. That is why, we have
the classification of terms according to extension.
For example: Bride- groom, master- slave, teacher-student
4.4. Privative-This is a term that expresses one is perfect, the EXTENSION
other is lacking
For example: Wealth poverty, sight-blindness, hearing-deaf 2.2. SINGULAR
5.1. Univocal comes from the Latin word "unus" means one A term is a term which applied to each member of a given class.
infinitive verb of the Latin word "Vocare" means to call, in short For instance, all leaves are green. The term subject leaves have a
to call one. A term with the same meaning at least in two universal extension by the virtue of its quantifier "all This
occurrences, denotes that everything that is leaves" is universal
For example: Peter cultivates the plant. Plant is an ice factory. 2.2. SINGULAR
A term is a term which applied only one specific object,
5.2. Equivocal is a term maybe considered, if it exhibits individual or a group. For instance, He is a catholic priest. The
difference in meaning whenever it is used in at two occasions. term "He, in the given example, denotes that the subject is
applied to one only person which happens to be a male.
For example: His lover gave him a ring. The bell rings.
5.3. Analogous terms are terms that express partly the same and A term is a term which applied to an indeterminately designated
partly different meaning. portion of its absolute extension. By the term indeterminately we
predicate a thing that is not absolutely qualified. For instance,
"some students are medical technicians, the subject term 1.3. Genetic definition - It is a definition that pertains to the
"students is applied to undetermined number of "students" process of origin or the production of a thing.
Weather the term is applied to two or more "students the answer
will always be speculative. Example: Dengue is a tropical disease transmitted by the
mosquito, causing fever and pain in the joints.
3. SUPPOSITION comes from the Latin word "sub means under
and Latin infinitive form of the verb "ponere” means to put. 1.4. Causal definition-It is a definition that pertains to efficient
Therefore, it is to put under. This is also a property of and final cause. Efficient cause gives the producer of a thing.
a term that acquires from its use in the proposition. There are Final cause means the purpose of a thing.
two kinds of supposition, namely, Formal Supposition and
Material Supposition. a. Efficient Cause-Gives the producer of a thing.
3.1. Formal Supposition uses the word for its real meaning. For
instance, Manila is the capital of the Philippines. We all know Example:
that Manila is the capital of the Philippines, therefore Manila Askalz is Philippine Football team created by the Philippine
uses for its real meaning. Sports Commission.
The book "Experience Day by day with God" is written by
3.2. Material Supposition is a kind of Supposition that uses a Henry and Richard Blackaby.
word for itself alone. For instance, UPH stands forUniversity of
Perpetual Help. b. Final Cause Gives the purpose of a thing.
What is a definition? Marriage is the union between man and woman for procreation
and conjugation.
The word definition comes from the infinitive verb of the Latin
word "DEFINIRE" which means to enclose within a limit. 1.5. Accidental definition - this refers to a thing that may be
Therefore, it is term that being defined. It signifies an act of contingently connected with its properties.
defining a term. It is not a proposition but a term, because a
proposition is composed of the complete subject and a complete Example:
predicate. There are two kinds of definition, namely, Real
definition and Nominal definition that divided into four kinds The book is thick and voluminous.
such as nominal definition by etymology: nominal definition by The table is made of wood.
example, nominal definition by synonym and nominal definition A good marriage is a product of Faithfulness and Love for each
by description. There are five kinds of real definition namely: other.
essential definition, distinctive definition genetic definition,
causal definition, and accident definition. 2. Nominal Definition comes from the phrase "definitio nominis"
which means definition of names. Again, Nominis comes from
1. Real definition comes from the Latin phrase "definitio rei" the latin word nomens which means name. It is in genitive case
which means definition of thing. Deinitio uses as noun followed of the Latin declension "nominis" which means of name because
by the word "rei'" in genitive case in Latin declension which it denotes ownership.
denotes ownership means of thing. Basically, it means the nature
of that thing. It manifests the intelligible structure of the thing
explicitly by the term to be defined. This divided into four kinds namely.
1.1. Essential definition It is a definition that is complete. It is 2.1. Nominal definition by etymology defines the word from its
the equivalent of species, wherein it is constructed by genus and origin in infinitive verb. For instance, the word Philosophy
specific difference. It explains the essence of a thing comes from the infinitive of the Greek word philein which
means to love and Sophia which means wisdom, literally
Example: Man is a rational animal. A triangle is a three-sided speaking to love of wisdom.
2.2. Nominal definition by example denotes a definition by
1.2. Distinctive definition-It is a definition that explains what a giving a term to be defined. In this sense, it denotes its example.
thing is. It is noted for the attributes or properties of a thing For instance, if an innocent person asks, what is a laptop? You
show him a laptop: you are telling him that is a nominal
Example: Man can drive automobile. Oxygen is a tasteless, definition by example.
odorless gas, 1.105 times as heavy as air.
2.3. Nominal definition by synonym defines a word by giving
words with similar meaning. For instance, the word big is 4. Brief- A definition must not be circular. It should be specific
synonymously means large. and precise.
2.4. Nominal definition by description which denotes by Example: A preacher is the one who preaches. A sewing kit is a
describing the thing signified by a term to indicate what a thing kit for sewing.
is that is being spoken of. For instance, the
word pen is used for writing and not to throw to the students.
1. Clarity
Obscure definition
Figurative definition
2. Adequacy
3. Positive