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The Extortion SYSTEM of the Ruling Elite

Healing our World Through Truth and Love Freedom Follows Truth, as the Truth will Set you Free

A Book in progress W ritten by: Robert-Thom as: Hay (Given Nam e) www.freedom files.org Discussion Forum If you sign up for an Account on the forum m ake reference that it is for this book in the signature section and Ill activate your account asap.

You m ay distribute but reference Freedom Files Website as the source. There is m uch m ore I need to write so keep checking back.

Whatever you believe will be truth, not because it is, because you believe it too be. There can be no truth in Illusion for truth has no Illusion. Rob Hay

Index Introduction - What is a Country anyways? - W hat is your nam e?

Chapter 1 ................................................ Foundations of a Countries that never Were - BNA Act - Charter of Rights and Freedom s - Museum in Winnipeg - Statute of Westm inster - Magna Carta - QUEEN ELIZABETH IIs Oath - Church of Westm inster - Laws of God - The Fallacy of Rights and Freedom s - The Sovereigns - Canadian Flag and the Tree of Knowledge Chapter 2 ................................................ The Courts or Rather Tem ple of Baal - What is Law? - The Tem ple - Words - Never Goto Court - Religion and the Court - PERSONS and Hum an Beings - Statutory Law and Persons - Law Dictionaries - Subject Matter and Other Issues - Definitions of term s - Question and Tricks of Jurisdiction Chapter 3 ................................................ The Hidden Occupation -The Treaty of Paris - Governor and Lieutenant Generals - Treason and False Oaths - POLICE and the SYSTEM - Politicians - Monopolization and Corporate Fascism - The Agenda - Slave System - Population Reduction - High Tech Police State - Just Us Court System Chapter 4 ................................................ The Illusion we call Com m erce - Fiat and Digital Im aginary Money - Fraudulent Bank Loans and Credit Cards - The Treasury Board and Central Bank - Theft through Taxation who really pays?

Chapter 5 ................................................ History Lessons you were never Taught Knights Tem plar and Tem ple Bar The Bloodline Tribe of Rulers The 13 th Tribe The Language of the Illum inati The Law of One The Cathars

Chapter 6 ................................................ How the Illusion Works The Pay Off for the Illusionists What is Reality and W ho are we Really? Creating Connections with your Infinite Self Recognizing Projections Major Energetic Defense Character Responses Reality Fields and Tim e Recognizing your Spiritual World

Chapter 7 ................................................ Playtim e in the Illusion Controlling the Illusion of Fear Notices and Com m ercial Paper Illusions Recognizing Intent and Non Answers Understanding Vibrational Energy Playtim e with Light The Serpent and Darkness of Illusion Dispersing the Illusion with Truth

Chapter 8 ................................................ Tricks and Manipulations of the Illusionists State Sponsored Terrorism Energy Fields Poisoning of our Food and W ater Indoctrination versus Education Bah Bah and Intim idation of the Sheeple Polarities of Divide and Concur The Seduction of Power and Cults The Mirror and Belief System s

Chapter 7 ................................................. The Crowns Class System - People who have been given titles - Star Cham ber Court Chapter 8 ................................................. The Illum inati - David Ickes Research - Zakari Stitchens Work - Planet X stuff - Religion of Sym bolism

- Agents of the Matrix - The Network of Secret Societies

Chapter 9 .................................................. Our Spiritual World - W ho and What we Are - Holographic Universe - The True Nature of Light and Life Force Energy - The Turning of Spirituality into Sorcery - The Gift - Mysticism and Meditation - The Secret in The Bible - Living within the Dream and Illusions - The Hum an Energy Field - Core Star Energetics - The 13 th Tribe

Chapter 10 ................................................ The Secret in the Bible - The Hebrew Alphabet - Creating the God-Spell (Gospels) - Jesu and Kristus - The Great Pyram id - The Ben Ben - Evolution of Consciousness

Chapter 11 ................................................ Thoughts about Life and Our Planet Nature of Gem s and Minerals and the HEF The destruction of our Hom e Creating Love not Fear Scalar Physics and Radionics Medical SYSTEM - Masking the Truth of Pain

Chapter 12 ................................................ The Em ergence of Spiritually Aware People The Church within the Heavens Our Vibrational Hom e How Thought and Light work together Beings of Light and Truth Infinite Love is the Key Earth Bound Entities and Negative Energies Love thy Neighbor Karm a - Asking Perm ission - The One Substance - Playtim e in Heaven

Introduction In The Beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth...
And evil people created Persons. The word Person com es from the Latin word Persona, which m eans m ask. A Person is a fiction entity in an im aginary world. It does not and can not exist in the real world, w here you and I live. The skewing of the definition to include corporations as being a Person, is the crux of the Fraud. A Corporation can not be a Hum an Being, that is a living, breathing sentient being. Corporations exist in an im aginary world Hum an Beings do not. The idea of there being natural or artificial Persons in relation to a Hum an Being is a fraud for a Natural Person is the status given to Banks and to Hum an Beings. The foundation of all LAW on the planet is to fraudulently equate a PERSON, a fictional entity as being a living Hum an Being. The m ain trick that they use is to attem pt to get you to sign on fraudulently as a SURETY for the PERSON and thus whatever they do in their im aginary w orld, they can do to you as the SURETY. Thus because it is an im aginary world they are indem nifying them selves from what they do to you through fraudulent contracts. It is a scam . There is hope though in that by learning the truth you can set yourself free. In tim e we will all be free, but it will take tim e. The sim ple foundation of PERSON is that they want you to buy the fact that a PERSON is the sam e as a fictional entity called a CORPORATION and as such a Corporation can have GOD status over Hum an Beings, such as a Country/Governm ent has. Thus because the Hum an Beings can Create then it is okay to say that fictional entities can create, which their in is the foundation of the Tyranny. As you read through this book keep one sim ple thing in m ind, sim ple truths always leads to freedom . There are m any people who have been led to believe untrue things or sim ply go along with the SYSTEM, because it is easier for them to do so. All these people have to do is sim ply do to becom e free is to ask one sim ple question, W hy?; or rather know the why. This book is a guide for those who stand in the face of oppression unlike any seen before on the planet. For those who dare to question authority and challenge all aspects of its validity and purpose. This book is for the few so that there m ay one day be m any who take this path for freedom . For the most part breaking free from the prison of w hat others think of you is the first step in obtaining freedom . This book is for those who see the world as a m ass prison where the masses are forced into slavery while the few enjoy the fruits of that slavery. I will not pretend that I know everything that is happening, but I know enough. Enough to know that what is going on is destroying our planet and hum anity. There is a war being raged quietly and m ost deceptively against us all. It is the m ost insidious war im aginable where the people pulling the strings sit quietly in the background getting us to enslave and destroy each other on their whim s. Perhaps if nothing else you will gain an appreciation for how m uch you have been m ade to believe as being true w hen in fact they were nothing m ore than a pack of lies, lies in which to enslave you and others; while the few in the background pull the strings, within the illusion. For your first step on this path, take out your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and look at how your nam e is spelled. All CAPITAL letter nam es are fictions, corporations, things of the im aginary. Thus this nam e is not you it is a CORPORATION created by the Governm ent for which all laws apply too. The laws they create do not apply to you only to that NAME on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE. They trick you into believing that NAME is actually you, but it isnt. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a bond instrum ent for w hich you have been m ade the SURETY for and the Canadian Governm ent along with m any other NATIONS borrow m illions of dollars against your CORPORATION. The ACCOUNT NUMBER listed on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is held by the UNITED N ATIONS and there are m illions of dollars sitting there for you to draw

upon through your exem ption held in trust by the Revenue Ministers of the various nations involved in this scam . Nope you wont be able to find this in your public library and your local politician will look at you strange when you enquire about this. The Social Insurance Num ber or rather Slave Identification Num ber is the offset account for the exem ption when dealing with taxes. However unless you know about it you cant access it. I will be talking a fair bit about Religion in this book. This is not to tram ple upon your belief system but rather to expose how Religion has been used to enslave you and others through the distortion of the facts and out right lying. Anyone who believes that the Bible is absolute truth and is Gods W ord, should be prepared to be challenged on this. We see churches everywhere we go and how could it be that they could possibly be lying to us about anything in the Bible or the Holy Koran for that m atter. W ell if you believe in the Bible or the Koran than Matthew 22 should be param ount in your life. Love thy Neighbor as thy Self. Seen this practiced m uch? It is the foundation of all Law in that their be equality under law. Anything that transpires outside of this, is not lawful. However what we see is a set of laws based on slavery and serfdom , where you have absolutely no rights but are extended privileges. Everything that the LORD God said in term s of Law were trum ped by Jesus with the Love thy neighbor com m andm ent stated in Matthew 22. Go and read some of the statutes etc that LORD God m ade, 636 of them and tell m e if they are based on Love thy Neighbor as thy self. Also look in the Holy Koran and see if all the laws that Mohamad created are based on this. I think you will find very few. The other factor involved here is that the world revolves on Com m erce. Com m erce is a form of warfare, thus love is not possible within Com m erce only w inners and losers. This gam e called Com m erce is played in an im aginary world, thus the people w ho created the schem e benefit the m ost as they control the m oney. More exactly they can print as m uch m oney as they want too to achieve outcom es that are good for them and bad for hum anity, rem em ber this is a war that is going on and it is being raged against hum anity. On a spiritual and physical level they somehow m ay think that they can wash their hands of the enorm ity of the crim es that they are com m itting because it all takes place within a fictional w orld and the dum b people are falling for the trickery. Once you begin to open your eyes to how this war is being played out, it becom es easier to stick your head in the sand rather than watch the horrific calculated battles taking place on a daily basis. However if we are ever going to be free we m any of us to be leaders and begin saying no to their gam es until there are no gam es. When we say no there is no gam e, no m ore war. Peace only comes through love not through killing or harm ing others. Fighting for Peace is like fucking for celibacy, it wont w ork. They want you to lash out for it gives them an excuse to hurt you m ore. Dont play their gam e, you cant win their gam es, they are holding all the cards or at least they m ake the illusion that they are. The other factor involved with all this, is Judging. The Bible has m any versus within it saying not to judge others. So why do we have a SYSTEM that has judges within it? Well thats the other part too all this. Who are we to judge others? In sim ple term s the Judging that takes place is the judging of FICTIONAL entities, not actually you. Thus because the SYSTEM operates in a fictional world for which you are tricked into believing is real, you really just contract away yourself. That is to say signing the Judges Orders, the Judge didnt judge you he just presented you with a contract for you to sign. If you sign it then you are agreeing to it. However they dont tell you this. No court has any authority to Judge anyone within Gods Kingdom , so the trick is to create and im aginary world and m ake you the SURETY for that im aginary fiction called a PERSON. Thus they wash their hands of the abuse they are putting you through, still som ehow thinking perhaps they are loving their neighbor as thy self. Very distorted? Yes. Cruel and inhum ane? Yes.

The underlying why and purpose to all this is a spiritual one. This will becom e m ore apparent as you read through the book and Ill draw some conclusions based on what I have experienced within m y own life and learned from others. In som e ways I believe that perhaps we created this ourselves as infinite beings on an infinite journey. However there is a m ass awakening taking place and forces outside of our world are gathering to help us and save us. We are not alone in this by any stretch of the im agination, but we need to do som e work here to help things along.

Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion, David Icke
W hat the ruling elite have done is created a giant im aginary prison. They have created a never ending Script Play and using the world as the stage for their actors and actresses. W hat they have gone and done through fraud and trickery is to get you to volunteer in taking part in their grand play. Of course the ruling elite take part in the play, but they got to pick the best parts. You will take kind notice that they use the word Act on m ost of their legislation if not all. Look up the definition of the word Act and you will see it has nothing to do with law, but everything to do with acting in a play. They created a new language for the play called Legalese, which looks sim ilar to the language of your prim ary language such as English, but it is not English. It has its own definitions and only Lawyers are allowed to interpret the law within their Courts or rather tem ple. Once they get you into their prison by becom ing an employee through voluntarily getting a SIN num ber a license of any kind you have becom e a surety for a PERSON or Actor/Actress inside their play. The ruling elite pretend to have a dem ocracy and say that you are represented. How can 300 people possibly represent 30 m illion or even 300 plus m illion people? W ell they cant and that is a fraud in of itself. This book will help you gain your freedom back and expose the extortion SYSTEM for what it truly is. There is a huge awakening starting to take place and the m ore people that know this inform ation the harder it is going to be for them to keep us locked up in their prison. In term s of getting out of this prison it will take a great deal of love to do so. Revenge will be on the upm ost of a lot of peoples m ind, but they thrive on conflict and evil. It is their way, not ours. They want us to thrash out at them their illusions instead of finding peace. Their fraudulent use of law based on fictional values and fictional m axim s and use of brutal force against peaceful people has to stop. The sim ple way to do this is to stop playing their gam es. Putting our energy towards helping each other poor and rich alike to bring about stability and harm ony will go a long way. I know this is not going to be easy, but it is m uch easier to do this than to be slaves for the rest of our lives. I dont see how they can stop all of hum anity uniting in peace against their SYSTEM. They can only lead us to m isery and hardships, we can take back our world and live in truth. If we sim ply insist on living in truth love will alw ays be there. The ones that use force against those who are living in truth to perpetuate a lie to gain power over others will find over tim e it will be harder and harder to do so. It is time to choose freedom over enslavem ent.

Legal Maxim Everyone is equal before the law , which is m andatory and param ount. (Always put this at the top of any Notices or Letters you write in regards to Law.)

So who created Countries and what are they anyways? W ell sim ply put they are a form of Kingdom s which the Pope, the Em peror of Rom e, delegates authority too. You know,

QUEEN ELIZABETH II and others with various im pressive sounding titles. Did God create them ? By the way did you ever notice that there always seem s to be som eone betw een you and God? Yes God being all powerful and creative, doesnt have tim e to talk with his children, but he does to key selected people, such as George W . Bush who said, God told m e to invade Iraq. M aybe God did, so why isnt George on the front line invading Iraq? Can anyone say that God told them to do such a thing? Just wondering... This book is about destroying illusions of power that a sm all group of evil people have being using to m anipulate and control billions of people on this planet. Their objective is to bring in a One World Fascist Global Governm ent, which all will be enslaved at least those that are left alive after they wipe out 80% to 95% of the worlds population, which Henry Kissinger signed off on in 1974. They want this by the year 2012, for a great awakening and transform ing creative force will be at its peak by then. They can only succeed if we allow them too. This is happening right now and the purpose of this book is to expose the SYSTEM and to help you break free. To do this you m ust be willing to unlearn what you have learned and com e to truth about reality and illusions presented before you. In doing this we shall create the world based on love and peace. I also want to m ake it clear that there is a creative force involved here, which is based in infinite love and is m ore powerful than anything that these people who dwell in darkness could ever im agine. The object is to becom e disillusioned for through that you find truth, for truth has no illusions. There are som e things may hold sacred such as the Bible, Holy Koran and other scriptures, w hich stand behind faith m ovem ents. The Creator has been given num erous nam es throughout the ages, but I refer to him as the Creator or the Creative Force, which is based in infinite love and thought. These people are at war with the Creator and thus at war with his Children, hum anity. They have done m uch to suppress the truth for the truth destroys their illusions of lies.

So lets look at an illusion for a m om ent. W hat is your nam e? Your kidding right? Nope, what is your nam e? So you say, John Sm ith is m y nam e, for exam ple. You diligently have written this down on som e Official form somewhere. Is it not a fraud to give hearsay evidence on official docum entation? Did you have the m ental capacity to know your nam e when you were born, when your parents gave it too you? I rather think not. Most people dont rem em ber anything until they were m aybe 3 or 4 years of age, thus your nam e is only hearsay. Further w here does it say that God gave him self a nam e or rather God giving Man or W om an an nam e? You say, Adam was given his nam e by God. Really? Read it again, it was LORD God who appears in Genesis Chapter 2 that gave Adam his nam e. If you go back to the Hebrew text all it says is a description, which was sim ply, First Man, that is what Adam m eans. Adam nam ed all the anim als and everything that there was to nam e. However are the nam es true? Just because you nam e som ething doesnt m ean that is true nam e. In the tim es of Rom e people changed their nam es frequently based on their personality attributes. For what purpose would God have of nam es anyways, does not God know everyone anyways? Go back to Genesis Chapter 1 again and read it. Note the differences between Genesis Chapter 1 and 2. The fact is that we have given nam es, not true nam es. Given m eans an offer, which m eans an acceptance, did you accept your nam e? Is it your true nam e? How do you know if the nam e is true or not? God didnt feel it was necessary to nam e m an or w om an, probably because it wouldnt be true. Nam es are descriptions, look up nam es in baby books and youll see. How m any people nam ed Moham ad, Sm ith, Robert, John etc. do you know? Maybe quite a few. If we are individual creations, should we not have individual nam es, descriptions that is? If God didnt feel it was necessary for us to have nam es, why

are w e bothering with it, considering a good am ount of the planet seem s to believe in God and it is suppose to be a dem ocracy right? So the first thing you do w hen you goto court is you lie by stating your nam e, of course it is not a true court and we will get into that later as well. In fact Jesus never had a true nam e. The King James Bible m akes use of all capital letters designating him as a PERSON or rather FICTION. Matthew 1:25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his nam e JESUS. Oh yes dem ocracy, One PERSON, One Vote. So if 50% say we take the property of the other 50% and throw them in the street pennyless, thats law right? W hat if m aybe thirteen people say to do that but give an illusion that Elected 300 som e people who are pretending to represent the interests of som e 30 m illion people say that it is okay to do that? Dem ocracy right? What if the Country has the ability to print all the m oney it needs to run its operations, but chooses to borrow from PRIVATE banks and pay INTEREST paym ents on the borrowed m oney, which was created out of thin air and then turn on the PEOPLE of the Country and tell them they have to pay the taxes so we can pay the INTEREST on the imaginary loans and set it up so that the wealthy dont pay at all, but everyone else does, thats dem ocracy right? Did God create dem ocracy? No. Nature? No. Hm m ... Sim ply put there is an equation of sorts that these people go by. The one they avoid is Abundance=Choice=Freedom versus Scarcity=Dependancy=Control. Because they control the currencies throughout the world they can set the value attached too them artificially. Thus m oving resources in or out of areas of the world creating horrible situations for the people living there, thus dependant on the controlling governm ent well arm ed by these people to ensure that the status quo is m aintained. W ell you will see me mention God at times through the book. If you dont believe in God thats okay, the book isnt about God but I m ake reference to it because all Countries through som e form of facade m ake reference that theyre values and conduct com e through Christian, Islam ic or other sim ilar religious system of belief, when in fact this is not true, but only used as an illusion to get people thinking that som ehow the ultim ate authority is Gods will in some way. W hat has happened is that they have created an artificial world and overlaid it over the real world. This even includes God as being artificial as w e will soon see. They divided up people into various regions over tim e by introducing different languages so we could no longer com m unicate with each other and put forw ard different traditions of which they call culture. Som ehow being a culture in a petri dish isnt m y idea of how I would want to live m y life, but it is what they have done. They have walled in segm ents of the worlds population and created boundaries around them , rather than celebrating the diversity. Yes we have been genetically m anipulated to look different, but we are all the sam e. Anyone w ho says different ought to look at their basics needs of life and see that nothing is different, thus being prejudice against another only serves the interest of those who wish to enslave us. At the mom ent they are involved in genocide attem pting to wipe out all non Caucasian (W hite) for reasons I will get into later. However the im portant thing here to note is that they have created an im aginary w orld and overlaid it onto the real. The im aginary world is based on com m erce and everyone and thing in it is a corporation or product. Yes you are deem ed to be a corporation. Of course a corporate can not eat, breath or be anim ated within the real world, but it is an im aginary world.

This im aginary world is based in slavery utilizing the Babylonian Talm ud as the source for all law that is to say codified law. You know, postal code, criminal codes, building codes all sorts of codes. The Talm ud is the based on how to treat your slaves, it is a guide on Master/Slave relations. And yes they m ay pass legislation, but in the end the refer to it as POLICY. Yes they are corporations. What happened in 1933 A.D. was there was a gathering of all the countries in the world and the leaders all agreed to allow their countries to go BANKRUPT. Of course the hid the truth of this from their people, because it was high Treason. Thus they brought in an age where they got you register your childrens birth and issue you a birth certificate, thus m aking your children SURETIES for the bankrupt countries. Then later in life m aking you pay for the bankruptcy through high taxation, fines, license fees everything they can possibly think of. Of course the bankruptcy is only im aginary, because it only exists in the im aginary world, but they got you signing official docum ents everywhere saying you have too or they use force and/or intim idation on you till you do. . So in essence the few have their hands on trillions of dollars, which is used to pay off corrupt politicians and officials to do their bidding. They have a SYSTEM in place which is based on Master/Slave relations for which you have no rights or freedom , only privileges. And in the end what they are doing is sucking the life energy from you and m e and keeping us all in a state of fear, so they can quite laterally feed off of us, as that is their food. Fear is the food of these energy vam pires and they have been with us for a very long tim e. Ill get into this in m ore detail later in the book, but for now just know that w e are at a cusp of transition and the race is on; they want a prison planet with a reduction of 80% to 95% of the worlds population. For those of you that are in law enforcement or the Justice SYSTEM in any capacity this is what you are involved in. The other side is through education of each other we are increasing the awareness of the world population of what is truly going on and thus resistance to their plans grows. They need us to help them with their plans, thus we are being used as instrum ents for our own destruction. The other thing that is going on is the hundred m onkey syndrom. That is to say when enough people no the truth and start acting on it, about 10%, transition begins. A study showed that when 10% of m onkeys in a group started doing som ething different all the rest of the m onkeys started doing the sam e thing, without being shown what the 10% of the group were doing. All life is connected and it is through our DNA that we broadcast and receive inform ation. Our entire body is akin to a giant transm ission and reception system being constructed through resonant frequencies. The Sun, Earth and Heavens are nothing m ore than illusions. They are frequencies w ith being generated, from which our subconscious constructs and our conscious m ind observes into what we call reality. How ever if you look at an atom , you see great distances between electrons and the nucleus and thus nothing is solid. In fact you w ill rem em ber in you high school physics that a photon can be both a particle and a frequency and also show s intelligence. Particles also have spin and depending on lets say the direction an electron spins w ill have different effects. The Bible is a blue print for the New World Order. It is sym bolic of w hat has been going on with hum anity over m any thousands of years. You and m e m ay not believe in the bible but be sure that the New World Order Elite do. Not only that they use the Babylonian Talm ud as the basis of oppressing those that dont believe and again to a greater extent those who are not one of them . You m ay believe in the Bible and be a Christian, but m ore and m ore it will not save you in a court proceeding. The only w ay to w in a court proceeding is to shut it down anyway possible. You can not w in under their system . You only win if they decided that they wanted you to win to further their agenda. The Book Revelations predicted what is going on today and what is still to com e. The im planting of m icrochips into our bodies for the use of com m erce, which also have the ability to control and transm it em otions from you.

I recently read an article that the chips were hacked. This beast system is being put in place because the Elite believe the Lucifer is going to win. The world is being converted into a giant prison. Cities are nothing m ore than giant slave cam ps, where you are m ade to pay for your own enslavem ent. Things m ay get worse before they get better, but hopefully together we can stop this. In this book I am going to using Canada as the focal point to explain the SYSTEM m ostly because I am m ost familiar with it and secondly it is a defacto Governm ent, which adds another level of sophistication to it, as they have had to hide things m ore and put up a greater illusion in which to trick the people into believing that they live in a COUNTRY and a legitim ate one as well. Canada prom otes itself as a Free world COUNTRY when in fact it is Fascist dictatorship. The USA is pretty straight forward, they put in Article 14 that if you receive a benefit from the State you enter into SLAVERY. Thus if you receive m ail at hom e you are receiving a benefit from the state, because under com m on law all m ail was delivered local m ail posts where you could go and ask if there was any m ail for you. Then of course all those unlawful contracts such as drivers licenses. Much of this is translatable into every other country on the planet and I will discuss som e Countries as well. It is clear through out the world that Hum an Beings are used as slaves by other Hum an Beings. The rationalization for doing this is varied and in western world, it is hidden through a sophisticated m onetary system. Openly you see enslaved people in som e African Countries and North Korea, India and China. The United Nations Peace Keeping Missions in Balkans has been caught 3 tim es now, being involved in white sex slavery, soldiers kidnaping young white girls and selling them . Israel, Great Britain, Japan and other Countries do little to stop the horrific Sex slavery that resides within their boarders. Saudi Arabia, Kuw ait and other such Oil rich COUNTRIES bring in poor im m igrants from places such as the Philippines and India. They are used as house servants and are paid very little, but basic needs are tended too. There they have hangings of poor Indians and Filipino people on a weekly bases accused of crim es such as rape. In a COUNTRY where a Kuwaiti can say after rear ending you in a car accident for sitting at a red light and saying it was your fault because you were in their COUNTRY, is a travesty of LAW . The COUNTRY is a dictatorship and highly discrim inatory against classes of people within the COUNTRY and run by a ruling Fam ily headed by a m an nam ed Am ir, who hand picks the Leaders of the Institutions and Governm ent. Like Saudi Arabia Am ir heads the Royal Fam ily and there are thousands of princes and Princess all related som ehow that m illions of dollars are shared am ongst them leaving the m asses with little to live on. It is ironic that first Gulf War went to save the people of Kuwait from Iraqi invasion, restoring freedom to the People of Kuwait. Saddam attacked because he found evidence that Kuwait had been doing Horizontal drilling into Iraqi Oil fields and the USA gave every indication that they w ere not going to intervene. The USA and BRITISH m aintain m ilitary Bases there so to protect them , but rather they are using it as a m ain staging and headquarters for killing m illions of people in the region. The soldiers are not there to bring freedom to Iraq but to bring about a slow m oving genocide of the people of Iraq. It m akes m e sick to m y stom ach when I see people singing the National Anthem s of Canada and the USA at Hockey Gam es on the TV or listening too it on the Radio. People take so m uch pride in signing these Anthem s totally believing that they are free, when they have been tricked into m ass slavery. The other aspect is that the people signing these anthem s can afford the $400.00 ticket prices to the Stanley Cup playoffs or higher and live in com fort compared to the other 99% of the population that struggles to just live. Yes it is the land of the free for the few and privileged. They have all kinds of slaves working for them to prop

up their standard of living. CAPITALISM is slave based system from which the few exploit the m asses for their benefit. The System fosters large bank loans to the few and m ass tax write offs for those people who are the elite within the system leaving the COMMONERS with peanuts and endless work to m ake a living. Poverty is everywhere in CANADA, people dig through garbage to find a few bottles sell at bottle depots just to feed them selves, never m ind having a place to stay. In a COUNTRY where the oil deposits are quoted at being 2 n d only to Saudi Arabia, it is crim e against hum anity that people have to sleep outside in -20 degree Celsius weather or colder doing the harsh winters because no shelters have room for them . The Shelters only provide people with 5 hours of sleep tim e and they are pushed out the door, for those lucky enough to have a m at to sleep on in a large room full of people. In fact Ralph Klein the Prem ier of Alberta, walked into a Shelter one night drunk throwing m oney on the floor, calling them nam es, m aking them feel worthless and telling them to get Jobs etc. Most of them have jobs working at tem p agencies m aking m inim um w ages for hard work. They are am ong the m ost exploited workers within the SYSTEM and just m ake enough to feed them selves but not m uch m ore. By the way ALBERTANS re-elected him in the next election, with a m ajority Governm ent. Where welfare gives people a m ere $380.00 per m onth to live on when rent averages $500.00 per m onth for a cheap single bedroom apartm ent, there is no escape for som e people and m any resort to crim e just to survive. In fact CANADA crime rate exceeds that of the United States. People for the m ost part are just desperate. Young wom en selling them selves on the street and children too. Many Native wom en within the inner cities go m issing every year and num erous people freeze to death in the winters. This just Edm onton, Alberta the W ealthiest province in the world? When you have a im poverished people they are m ore easily exploited. In Kuw ait people related to the Royal Fam ily are given about $20,000 per m onth per child they have in order to help raise them . Saudi Arabia the 20,000 related Royal fam ily gobbles up 50% or m ore of the Countries GDP to finance their life style. It is interesting how the Leaders of these COUNTRIES all live in luxury and catered to every whim they have and then say they are Leaders of the people. The CLERGY throughout the world all take a vow of poverty but seldom do you see any of them freezing to death on the street begging for m oney for food as you see in cities across the world. Look at the POPE and other Religious Leaders who have all taken vows of Poverty and see how they live in com parison to you. Dont get m e wrong there are a lot of well m eaning people within the churches around the world, but som ehow I dont think they would be there if they had to endure the poverty levels that m any people do daily in this world. Im agine having to dig through m ountains of garbage and waste everyday just to find a few pennies for food. See if the Pope or other religious leaders would do that and still pound out their dogm a. If you are ever going to be free you have to start letting go of the illusions being put before you. Lies and disinform ation to conceal the underlying truth of the reality from which you are living. Thus do you wish to m aintain the status quo and rem ain a SLAVE thats your choice, how ever if you dont have help the few enslave yourself and your fellow m en, wom en and children? Read this book and share it with others. They can only continue to enslave you and others if you allow them too. Nope it isnt going to be easy, the people running the SYSTEM see you as a SLAVE and they do not want you to fight them in any way. They want your cooperation and servitude to them through their illusions to perpetuate their lifestyle and exploitation and war on hum anity. In fact they want you enslaved by them and for you to pay for your own enslavem ent, which is exactly what is going on.

Chapter 1
The Foundations of a COUNTRIES that Never Were
Canada was Founded on the Suprem acy of God and Rule of Law. ( Yes the Suprem acy of the Em peror of Rom e and his Rule of Law ) There are som e defacto COUNTRIES, which m eans that there is no lawful authority between the PERSONS and the Governm ent. Again I am going to focus on Canada as a m odel as I am m ost fam iliar with the structure. How ever you can sim ply look at what I do and you will find sim ilarities w ith other COUNTRIES. Australia for exam ple has no statem ents within its Constitution connecting it to the Queens Heirs and Successors. Everything is very subtle and hidden out in the open for the purpose of giving the Illusion that a Dem ocracy that represents the wishes of the people is Governing them . In truth these Dem ocracies are nothing m ore than Corporations and a Feudal System of Serfdom has been set up for which the people have no rights or freedom s, only privileges. They do selective enforcement of laws to give the Illusion that the law applies to all when in fact they are robbing the people blind. The objective here is to expose the system and fraudulent controls within that system so you can m ore easily see it taking place in other COUNTRIES and situations. British North Am erican Act CANADA has a constitution. You hear it in the news now and then that there is a big constitutional challenge being brought forward to the courts. The Charter of Rights and Freedom s says this or that and som eone is saying that their rights or freedom s were violated. The drone this on to lull you into believing that you live in a COUNTRY and that you are free and you have rights and freedom s. Yet when I talk to people very few have ever read the Constitution. Even those who took som e advanced education in received no information on Constitution or very little if any at all. In fact the British North Am erican Act isnt even taught in Law School. This is after students spend 4 years getting a Bachelor of Fine Arts or Arts degree. Why? W ell if you read the constitution you would find very quickly that there is non. In fact there is absolutely no authority for the institutions to be operating and controlling your life to any degree. Section 2 of the BNA Act was repealed in 1893 which states: http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/ca_1867.htm l Section 2, repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1893, 56-57 Vict., c. 14 (U.K.), read as follows: 2. The Provisions of this Act referring to Her Majesty the Queen extend also to the Heirs and Successors of Her Majesty, Kings and Queens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Canada does not have a Monarch because when Queen Victoria Died in 1901, so did the provisions of this Act to the British Monarchy. Section 9 of the BNA Act states: 9. The Executive Governm ent and Authority of and over Canada is hereby declared to continue and be vested in the Queen. Queen Victoria died in 1901, so who has executive power in Canada anym ore? Further

Executive power is a CORPORATE term, and does not make reference to living beings. Further it identifies people as being PERSONS, which are im aginary fictions, which CORPORATIONS are, im aginary. Ill get deeper into what PERSONS are and where they com e from later in the book. It is important for you to know right now that you are not a PERSON, but a living sentient being of m ind, body and spirit. Also take note of the title, The British North Am erican Act. Do you see the word Canada anywhere in the Title? Nope so if Canada is to be a COUNTRY should it not have its own Constitution? Oops, this is not a Constitution it is m erely an Act. More accurately an Act of the U.K. Parliam ent. You see CANADA was nothing m ore than a CORPORATION listed on the British Board of Trade. It was used for com m ercial purposes to run the colony with. That is a Colony of PERSONS.

Now consider this. A person is something of an im aginary, pure fiction. It does not exist in our world. So what evidence do you have that the PERSON Queen Victoria was actually born or died? There is none. That is the whole point of this. The Coronation which I will get into later, is a com plete fraud for it is nothing more than a m ake believe play creating a birth of a PERSON. Thus the foundation of their laws are based in the im aginary not the real. Thus why are we following them ?

W hat was created was the Dom inion of Canada. The British North Am erican Act was the tool for creating this. However as seen above Section 2 was repealed in 1893. Thus two days after Queen Victoria Died in 1901, the Statutory Laws could not be reinstated as the Queen was dead, thus all contracts with her were null and void as it were. The international Bankers in London, The City a sovereign state within the City of London, m uch like W ashington D.C., claimed Salvage rights to the CORPORATION called Canada or Dom inion of Canada and quietly unsurped power from the Canadian People. However nobody was ever a Canadian, but they never told you that. At som e point they stopped calling Canada the Dom inion of Canada and just started calling it CANADA.

A friend of m ine tells m e that the Dom inion of Canada still Lawfully exists as it was an act of Treason to repeal section 2 of the BNA Act. Statutory Law is actually never dies. A statute once m ade is always in place because of any prior contracts that relate to the statute being over turned the original statute still stands. Thus the sim ple fact that the Queen did not inform her subjects that she was withdrawing law ful authority for her heirs and successors without letting us know and agreeing to it, is in of itself validation that her heirs and successors still do have executive power. QUEEN ELIZABETH II is bound by her Oath in m aking the King Jam es Bible the source of Suprem e Law within Canada and throughout the Com m onwealth. However as we will see. How ever the court room s are not her courts at all, but are tem ples where people go to be sacrificed. You only are spared being sacrificed through your hefty donations of m oney, property and or freedom to the greedy lawyers and judges. Yes Judges get 30% of all the fines they lay on you in Court and property the confiscate for the state. W hy? It is not a court it is a tem ple, m ore precisely the Tem ple of Baal, which we will get into m ore later in the Book.

So W hat m akes a COUNTRY a COUNTRY anyways? Well COUNTRIES are created through the Law of Nations. But in reality they are created by the Em peror of Rome for the m ost part. The current Emperor of Rom e is the Pope of course. He holds TITLE to I think m ost of the COUNTRIES on the planet if not all of them . Yes even the Islam ic States. Ill get into the Islam ic religion later in the book, but in truth Moham ad was a Cardinal in the Rom an Catholic Church who wanted to be Pope. He was denied this, which always goes by birth right, yes Popes are selected by birth right within bloodline fam ilies as are most heads of

states throughout the world. Moham ad created the Holy Quran and created his own empire. You will note that in the Quran there is a heavy use of the word Person, which is Rom an Based. If truly Allah was giving Moham ad direction why would God want Moham ad to m ake use of the word Person? A Person being an im aginary fiction. All COUNTRIES or States have an official Religion that they push, it goes hand in hand with the state. They do this to some how gain som e form of legitim acy with the Sheeple.

The Law of Nations m akes it Clear that PERSONS within a land m ass m ust com e together to form the Governm ent. They form the institutions and type of Governm ent. The Law of the Land was formed by the Native People and it is m y assertion that the Native Law System is the only Lawful system of Law within Canada today. Ill get into this m ore later in the book, but for now realize the Native System of Law deals with real living People and not im aginary. Further it is based on Love thy N eighbor as thy Self, from which all Law m ust be based, hence Equality under Law is Mandatory and Param ount. However any System of Law can only be enforced if you agree to that system of law. So far I have seen no one being asked if they agree to any system of law, just being tricked and/or forced into the system of Merchant Law for the benefit of the Bankers and m inions that run their SLAVERY System . All Law is, is sim ply contract. Nothing m ore or less. We either agree or disagree on everything. The Bible LORD God dished out Law s and Punishm ents that were extrem e in nature, which were not based on equality. So called Christian leaders always seem to ignore Matthew 22, where Jesus states, all laws are based on love thy neighbor as thy self.

W hat will becom e m ore glaring and self evident is that under the Law of Nations only Persons can form these Countries. W hen did you convert from being a Hum an being to a PERSON? You cant only Governm ents create PERSONS, as they are entities of fictional entitles which are Governm ents. A PERSON is an im aginary entity thus it is not possible for the im aginary to create anything, hence the lie and fraud. I am also yet to see any proof that a Governm ent of any kind can create anything anyways as they are all fictional entities. The sim ple fact that everyone on a land m ass m ust be persons to form a Country is kind of like putting the cart before the Horse not to m ention that PERSONS do not exist in the real world to begin with. It is all about tricks and illusion and suppressing the truth so the m asses can not see what is really happening. Giving away your power and critical thinking to those who prom ise to take care of you. They take care of you only to the extent that they can fleece you for your hard works thus m aking you a slave. PERSONS were created originally in Rom e from what I have read thus far. The truth is sim ply we only have one planet which we all live on, Countries are im aginary entities and were not created by the Creator of this planet. The System of Ownership is also very deceptive because only PERSONS can own anything which are im aginary things, the truth rem ains that the Earth is owned by hum anity and all the creatures within it.

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom s The Pream ble says: W hereas Canada is founded upon the principles that recognize the suprem acy of God and the rule of law: Okay, now if God is num ber One, then who is num ber two? W ell let m e enlighten you, you are not exactly that high up on the food chain. The Governm ent is num ber two. Who is God then? Well the Rom ans used to nam e just about anything a God and people worshiped m aybe 50 som e deities they called a God. Well in this case because God is not defined, God could be a cockroach. The Sam e with the Queens Coronation Oath. You see unless they

define God, then God can be anything. ELIZABETH II is indeed God.

In this case it would seem HER MAJESTY QUEEN

Okay what about the Constitutional Act of 1982? There it is the QUEEN cam e to CANADA and signed into LAW, giving it ROYAL ASCENT. CANADA is finally a COUNTRY with a Constitution. Right? Er well no actually. I want you to read Section 32 of the Charter very carefully. Her it is: Application of the Charter: The Charter applies (a) to the Parliam ent and governm ent of Canada in respect of all m atter within the authority of Parliam ent including all m atters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and governm ent of each province in respect of all m atters w ithin the authority of the legislature of each province.

Now read it again this over again. There is som ething m issing from this. Yes som ething very, very im portant. What is m issing is sim ply this, the charter does not apply to the people of Canada, only to the Governm ent of Canada. Yes this is absolutely true. The Governm ent itself confirm s this on one of there own web pages, see bellow for the link and info. Thats right the charter doesnt apply to the people, it only applies to Governm ent. Link: http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/pdp-hrp/canada/guide/application_e.cfm GUIDE TO TH E CANADIAN CH ARTER OF RIGH TS AND FREEDO MS Part II : The Contents of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom s Section 32 Application of Charter This Charter applies to the Parliam ent and governm ent of Canada in respect of all m atter within the authority of Parliam ent including all m atters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and to the legislature and governm ent of each province in respect of all m atters within the authority of the legislature of each province. Notw ithstanding subsection (1), section 15 shall not have effect until three years after this section com es into force. The purpose of this section is to m ake it clear that the Charter only applies to governm ents, and not to private individuals, businesses or other organizations.

Now Section 52 of the Constitutional Act of 1982 states:

The Constitution of Canada is the suprem e law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect. Take Sections 32 and 52 together and you now have it, all Laws in CANADA only apply to Governm ents, not to the people. So lets say that som ehow you still dont believe that this cant be true. Section 1 of the Charter: Take a look at

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom s guarantees the rights and freedom s set out in it subject only to such reasonable lim its prescribed by law as can be dem onstrably justified in a free and dem ocratic society. Okay, now who gets to determine what is reasonable? Pretty vague isnt it? And exactly which law are they referring too? What this actually is, is an offer of enslavem ent. The Charter has nothing to do with granting anyone any rights or freedom s. It is used as a tool to subdue the m asses into believing that they have a Constitution and a legitim ate Governm ent running the COUNTRY. The other aspect to this is it m akes use of the word Citizen, w hich is a PERSON. You are not a Citizen. Can you show m e how you live within a fictional COUNTRY? Countries are just lines drawn on the m ap, you live on the Earth, nothing m ore or less. I think for the m ost part dem ocracy can work if proper controls are put in place to ensure transparency and freedom for the people. The dem ocracy being practiced today is nothing less than in nam e only and is in fact a dictatorship. In truth though dem ocracies or any body politic are not necessary for they only serve to separate us from each and the world that our creator m ade for us. Look at Figure 1 again and take note that it m akes m ention of the fact that it is a Human Rights Program. Did you take note of the All Capital Letter nam ing? Its a Title is should be like that, so one m ay think. But as you will have noticed that FICTIONAL things are capitalized in this book, because that is the basis of the SYSTEM. The System is based on creating FICTIONAL entities called PERSONS. PERSONS are created by the GOVERNMENT so thus they are the property of the GOVERNMENT. Thus because the GOVERNMENT created the FICTIONAL entities, the GOVERNMENT takes the role of being GOD over those FICTIONAL entities. According to the Bible God Created Man and thus your creator God, is the ultim ate judge of your actions and grants youre your freedom s as laid out in Genesis Chapter 1. However God is not recognized as a Source of Law within this SYSTEM. Thus where does the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA get its m oral guidance for the laws it creates? The Babylonian Talm ud of course. The Talm ud is taught by Rabbis and deals with M aster/Slave Laws. Rabbi actually translates into to the words My Master. Now I am not going to say all Jewish People are involved in this, but rather a sm all faction of people are engaged in using this as a basis of Law. Many Jewish people will tell you Zionism is not part of their Religion from which m uch of this stem s. Torah actually m eans the Law and it contains the Laws of God 636 of them for which was actually created by LORD God and not God. Again go back to Section 1 of the Charter, which Law are the referring too? Now the way the SYSTEM functions is that it works on layers of lies. Yet everything is hidden out in the open, it is the nature of the belief system at work. Thus as you begin to dig into this you find that one lie leads to another, until the truth is finally revealed because of one sim ple prem ise, lies can only reside w ithin illusion, find the source of the illusion and you find the truth. Ultim ately where the truth will lead you is the prem ise behind this book. I wont reveal it to you at this point as there is plenty of illusions going on at the m om ent that need to be dispelled first. Thus jum ping ahead will actually slow you down because it

will generate so m any questions for you that you wont have a good grasp of what is really happening. I will do m y best to keep you on the edge of your seat as we go through the layers of lies. The lies are there to distract the masses from the truth, controlling them yet allowing the people who run the SYSTEM to be free of the Laws that apply to the m asses. There are laws which the masses are not told about but are used in the background for those running the SYSTEM. One such system of laws is the Uniform Com m ercial Code, from which the UNITED STATES operates under. Canada or rather the Crown in Right of Canada has signed onto the UNCITRAL Law system . This can be viewed at: http://www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/case_law.htm l At this point I have not m uch to say about the UNCITRAL system as I have not researched it. I will be m aking m ore inform ation available on this topic later in the book. Now lets m ove onto SOURCES OF CANADIAN LAW . Read through what was printed on the Canadian Governm ent website first then I will discuss what they are really say. Sources of Canadian Law as stated by the Canadian Governm ent Link: http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/just/CSJ_page7.htm l Canada's present legal system derives from various European system s brought to this continent in the 17th and 18th centuries by explorers and colonists. Although the indigenous peoples whom the Europeans encountered here each had their own system of laws and social controls, over the years the laws of the encroaching im m igrant cultures began to prevail. After the English defeat of the French at Quebec in 1759, the country fell almost exclusively under English law. Other than in Quebec, where the civil law was codified on the m odel of the French Code Napolon, Canada's crim inal and private law has its basis in English com m on and statutory law. The com m on law, which developed in Great Britain after the Norman Conquest, was based on the decisions of judges in the royal courts. It is called judge-m ade law because it is a system of rules based on "precedent". Whenever a judge m akes a decision that is to be legally enforced, this decision becom es a precedent: a rule that will guide judges in m aking subsequent decisions in sim ilar cases. The comm on law is unique in the world because it cannot be found in any "code" or "legislation"; it exists only in past decisions. However, this also m akes it flexible and adaptable to changing circum stances. The tradition of civil law is quite different. It is based on Rom an law, which was consolidated by the Rom an Em peror Justinian. The law in ancient Rom e was scattered about in m any places: in books, in statutes, in proclam ations. Justinian ordered his legal experts to put all the law into a single book to avoid confusion. Ever since, the civil law has been associated with a "civil code", containing alm ost all private law. Quebec's Civil Code was first enacted in 1866, just before Confederation (as the Civil Code of Lower Canada), and periodically amended over the years. The reform ed Civil Code of Quebec cam e into effect in 1994. Like all civil codes, such as the Code Napolon in France, it contains a com prehensive statem ent of rules, m any of which are fram ed as broad, general principles so as to deal with any dispute that m ay arise. Unlike com m on-law courts, courts in a civil-law system first look to the Code, and then refer to previous decisions for consistency. W hen discussing the law as it pertains to Aboriginal people in Canada it is also necessary to consider Aboriginal rights and treaty rights which are protected under the Constitution. Aboriginal rights are those related to the historical occupancy and use of the land by

Aboriginal peoples; treaty rights are those set out in treaties entered into between the Crown and a particular group of Aboriginal people. W hat we see here are dictatorship law system s. Rom an Civil Law has but one principle within it, that being that the Em perors will has force and effect. Thus any laws that m ay apply to a case be circum vented by the Em perors will to do so. Napoleonic Code, is based on the sim ple fact that you are guilty until proven innocent. If you are already judged as being guilty how can you be innocent? British-Com m on Law being a Judge Made Law is a sham e, because the Judge can m ake a new precedent at anytim e, thus it doesnt m atter what previous rulings are, it is sim ply what the Judge wants; no rule of law here or rights or freedom s to consider. Now notice that something very im portant is m issing. It has to do with the foundation of Law. Yes thats it, Where is God m entioned? You know, the Charter of Rights and Freedom s the pream ble says, Canada was founded upon the Suprem acy of God and Rule of Law. Interesting that it is not m entioned here. Thus as it im plies the King Jam es Bible with the Letters of Patent is the Suprem e Law within the Dom inion of Canada. Oh yes, the Dom inion it still exists in theory, but the Bankers unsurped power in 1901, two days after Queen Victoria died. This was done I was told because Canada was a Corporation listed on the British Board of Trade. The Bankers sim ply claim ed Salvage Rights of the Abandoned Ship. They front these various law system s, but in truth they are using Adm iralty Law, wherein the Captain ( Judge ), m ay over-ride any laws at will for the safety and security of the Crew and Ship. Thus all PERSONS have privileges not rights. However Com m on Law still exists and they m ust get your approval to proceed every step of the way. Why, because Law is Contract. That is all that Law is and ever will be. However they dont tell you this and use num erous tricks to gain your perm ission to proceed against you, which is unlawful. For now just be aware that you are absolutely totally free. The Laws of the International Bankers Corporation Canada do not apply to you. In truth no laws apply to you unless you agree that they do. Law is Contract. If the judges had absolute authority then why do they ask you to sign their orders if found convicted after a trial? It is contract. Dont be deluded though, never goto their court system willingly as you are im plying that their laws apply too you. We will get m ore into this later but for now realize that the courts are not based on truth or fairness but rather based on extortion and lies.

Native Law Decimated

Under international Law all PERSONS on the land m ass m ust com e together to form the COUNTRY. Thus they form the type of Governm ent and Institutions that they want. When was this ever done in Canada? Never. The Quebec Conference that went to London to have the Canadian Constitution drawn up in 1866 were com pletely shut out of the process. The BNA Act was created by one U.K. Minster of Parliam ent and Officers in the Colonial Office. Everyone born within Canada would autom atically becom e Subjects of the QUEEN. Where is the fairness in that? Further where were the Native People ever considered? They had num erous treaties set up, however these treaties were under Adm iralty law of fictions. W ere they told this? No. How can anyone contract with som ething that doesnt exist in real life? No one can and thus the fraud. Further if you look at all the Treaties they all m ake use of capital letters in the nam es of all the people involved, thus indicating they are fictions and thus getting the Chiefs to sign on as Sureties for these fictions, without telling them this of course. Now Ottawa was free to do whatever they wanted because the Natives only had privileges not rights. The underlying truth is that they got the Native Chiefs to identify them selves and the people associated with them in Tribes as being PERSONS, thus the QUEEN doing her upm ost to uphold the laws of God, i.e. LORD God, has no respect for PERSONS and thus the Babylonian Talm ud applies. Well you jum p up and down saying the

QUEEN is a PERSON and indeed it is, but the QUEEN was m ade SOVEREIGN that is to say above the im aginary laws, hence the CORONATION. The Law of the land w as the Native Law System , which prim arily focuses on restoring balance and being in harm ony with nature. The people that m ade their way into Canada had no respect for the Native custom s or law s. They cam e to destroy and conquest. In the Eastern region of Canada some tribes were com pletely wiped out, while others were forced to accept vague Treaties, which would not provide clear adequate help to the Native peoples. The treaties said that the Governm ent would take care of them ,if they would just m ove onto tiny reserve lands and farm for a living. Because the people were m ostly starving they had little choice but to agree to the terms.

Interesting aspect to the treaties was the fact that the Native people were to take up farm ing. How ever they were not given adequate equipm ent or instructions on how to go about farm ing. The open pages of the Talm ud talk about how one treats their slaves who work the fields of their farm . Hence to say, this was very sym bolic to the history of this oppressive group of criminals. They were indeed using the Talm ud then as they are today in organizing their m aster/slave operations.

Prior to the treaties being signed a large portion of the Native population were w iped out by sm all pox. They were knowingly given blankets that were contam inated with sm all pox and of course it spread fast through the population. The spread of the white people through out North Am erica was fast and the people had hardened attitudes about taking over land which belonged to the Native people. They gave no consideration to their way of life. It would seem to m e that when you give people sm all pox knowing that it spreads quickly and kills then cut off their food supply and give them no support, you are involved in a genocide. This is exactly what was going on and continues to this day. Entire com m unities go without safe water to drink filled and the Governm ent does nothing. If you visit Reserves you find people living in 3 rd world conditions and even the oil wealthy reserves m ay still live in poverty.

As tim e went on m oney grew short and instead of helping the Natives the Governm ent opted to put into building the Railroad. Interestingly the Railroad was built primarily by Chinese im m igrants who had to pay a large head tax to com e to the country. The pay was so little that it caused great hardship for them . Further m any died from lack of vitam in C, scurvy. Prim e Minister HARPER in 2006 m ade an apology for this to the Chinese com m unity after m any of the people who built the railway had died.

So m oney for buying food for the Native people on these tiny pieces of land grew short and hunting and fishing for food was very difficult. The farm ing equipm ent sent to the Native people was inadequate and few if any cattle were sent out as well. People began to starve. The Native people in Rupert Land, Western Canada, sought out Louis Riel for help. He was a deeply religious m an and teacher, who knew how to read and write in French and English. He had fled to the United States earlier in his life for trying to help form a new province in Canada called Manitoba, w hich was based on having rights and freedom s for people living there. Im agine that rights and freedom s.

W hen he cam e back the native people were in very bad shape. They were starving. Food was stolen from one of the Farm ing Instructors to feed the people as he was instructed via

wire from Ottawa not to give the people the food. The 1885 Northwest Rebellion was sim ply started because starving people w ho were prom ised help in signing treaties took food and equipm ent they needed from Forts and white peoples settlem ents in order to survive. Som e people were killed in the process and instead of trying to help the Native People, the Canadian Governm ent sent troops out to capture the Natives responsible for the thefts and killings. In the

In the end Louis Riel and 8 other natives were was hung for trying to help starving people. One Arrow was believed to be Batoche and was convicted for Treason and put in prison for 3 years. The Charge was did levy and m ake war against our said Lady the Queen.... her Crown and dignity. Of course the law is based on PERSONS and the fictional world thus there was never any Subject m atter at the trial to show that the QUEEN was a living breathing hum an being with real title to the Land. Still waiting to see the docum ent signed by God for that one.

Poundm aker allow ed a letter to be sent to Louis Riel with his nam e on it, which called for war. Poundm aker was given 3 years for Treason. Bigbear had done nothing wrong and in fact evidence presented to the court showed that indeed he had done m uch to help the Governm ent during the Rebellion. He and his people never harm ed anyone. He gave a 2 hour speech here is part of that speech: Your Lordship, I am Big Bear, Chief of the Crees. The North West was m ine. It belonged to m e and to m y tribe. For m any, many m oons I ruled it well. . . .

I am old; m y face is ugly; m y heart is on the ground. In future this land will be ruled by White m en with handsom e faces. . . .

W hen W hite m en were few in this land, I gave them m y hand in friendship. No m an can ever be witness to any act of violence by Big Bear to any White m an. Never did I take the White man's horse. Never did I order any one of m y people to one act of violence against the White m an. . . .

I ask for pardon and help for m y tribe. They are hiding in the hills and trees now afraid to com e to White m an's governm ent. W hen the cold m oon com es the old and feeble ones, who have done no wrong, will perish. Gam e is scarce. . . .

Because I am Big Bear, Chief of the Crees. Because I have always been a friend of the W hite man. Because I have always tried to do good for m y tribe. I plead w ith you now; send help and pardon to m y people.

After this it only took 15 m inutes to find him guilty of Treason. Of course he had a jury of his peers and there was no prejudice am ongst the jury right? Consideration was given to fact that the whole rebellion was instigated by the Canadian Governm ent in the first place by willfully disallowing support to these people and putting them in a position of either starving to death or take what they needed to survive. Next Chapter I will be on the Courts them selves and exposing the fraud that they are. Dont skip ahead there is still m uch for you to learn about.

Louis Riel was hung for Treason primarily because he did have power. He was a politician in Ottawa and did have the ability help the Native People. There was a strong outrage am ongst both Canadian and European people of the hanging of Louis Riel and also the fact that the QUEEN should have intervened. It was in fact a Kangaroo Court w here the facts of genocide against a peaceful people was being ignored. The people com m itting the Genoiced running the court selecting the Jury and m aking all decisions concerning identity of people and what would be considered as evidence. These were not trials they were m ere optics to get the settlers to go along with the idea that Justice was being served and truth prevails.

Residential schools were set up at one point where native children were subjected to corporal punishm ent for the m ost frivolous things. Sexual, physical and mental abuse by institutional em ployees was aweful. In one school an electric chair was used as a form of punishm ent. The objective of course was to traum atize a generation of children m aking it difficult or im possible for them to m ature naturally. Thus effectively destroying their way of life, culture and sense of love. Also forced sterilization program s took place. There is a good book out called W AR AGAINST THE W EAK, which details the massive war that took place against im poverished people in the USA and to som e extent in Canada after the second world war. Nazis fled Germ any to set up shop in the U SA after the war, trading their uniform s for Suits. That is a book in of itself and well worth the read. You can find out m ore by going to: http://www.waragainsttheweak.com/

There is a very good website which goes into the Hidden Genocide against the Native People of Canada. There has been m uch hush m oney paid out and m any threats put against the the people prom oting the site. I strongly suggest you goto the site and read up on the info they have there. http://canadiangenocide.nativeweb.org/

Rem em ber the people behind the scenes are seriously into Slavery. Christian people found it okay to have African Slaves work for them in the United States on farm s etc. Many of them died in the journey from Africa to the United States from lack of food, water and clean environm ent in which to live. It is unknown how many people died as they threw the bodies overboard as the sailed or reached the harbors in the USA, the hom e of the free and the brave. The people orchestrating the Genocide do it in a way that allows them to do it with im punity. If the objective had been to open up North Am erica to European Settlers in a peaceful way, much work would have been done to protect the Native Peoples way of life and create harm ony. Instead it was an outright invasion to destroy as m uch of the ancient culture and independence, freedom and way of life as they possibly could. They destroyed as much as possible to hide the true history of the planet and hum anity. If you can control the knowledge of the past you can give a false picture of the present, m aking it easier for people to go along with what you want them to do.

The Native people of Africa were brought to the USA as a slave labour force. It is slave owners who created the Protestant work ethic. That is that you m ust work for a living. You dont work you starve. Well thats all well and good if you are a slave ow ner. Who is the slave owners today? Slavery was abolished and it is a hum an right not be enslaved, the United Nations D eclaration of Hum an Rights even says so. So why is it exactly that the w orld is operating on prem ise of slavery today? It isnt, well it is but they just changed

som e of the wording around to m ake you think that you are free. It will becom e m uch clearer as you read m ore, but for now realize that it is hidden out in the open and just because you dont see people being whipped for not working hard enough, doesnt m ean that the whip has been taken on in other form s. Interesting that the Governm ental Parties find it necessary to have a Party whip? Are the people that are sent to govern free to vote anyway that they want too on things? Who is m aking the real decisions? Further after 1901 who exactly had authority to exercise executive power within Canada? The Treaties signed by the Native people were with the QUEEN, who allowed all authority to be relinquished once she died.

Statute of Westminster of 1931

The Statute Confirm s that Canada is under Adm iralty Law and not Com m on Law based on the King Jam es Bible.

5. W ithout prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this Act, section seven hundred and thirty-five and seven hundred and thirty-six of the M erchant Shipping Act, 1894, shall be construed as though reference therein to the Legislature of a British possession did not include reference to the Parliam ent of a Dom inion. 6. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions of this Act, section four of the Colonial Courts of Adm iralty Act, 1890 (w hich requires certain laws to be reserved for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure or to contain a suspending clause), and so much of section seven of that Act as requires the approval of His Majesty in Council to any rules of Court for regulating the practice and procedure of a Colonial Court of Adm iralty, shall cease to have effect in any Dom inion as from the com m encem ent of this Act. There you have it com plete disclosure that Canada was founded under Adm iralty Law. Why is this so im portant? Well Adm iralty Law has but one principle, the Captain may break any laws he/she wishes for the safety and security of the ship. However there is one problem , nobody is at sea here and nobody is on a ship. Thus you are granted privileges not rights and freedom s. This is com m on throughout the world not just CAN ADA or the Com m onwealth. However they dont tell you this. W hy, well youre a Slave, rem em ber. Although the U.K. Parliam ent gave up all controlling power over Canada, Schedule 17 of the Constitutional Act reinstated section 4 of the Statute of Westm inster in 1982, giving the U.K. Parliam ent com plete and direct control over Governm ent of Canada. Thus those elected to Canadian Parliam ent m ust do as they are told by the U.K. Parliam ent. Thus CANADA is controlled by the U.K. Parliam ent under Adm iralty Law.

4. No Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Act shall extend or be deemed to extend, to a Dominion as part of the law of that Dominion, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that that Dominion has requested, and consented to, the enactment thereof. [Note: As far as Canada is concerned, section 4 was repealed by the Constitution Act, 1982.]

Note they never rem oved the repealing of Section 2 of 1893. The QUEEN has no power. So what is going on? Who is running the Asylum ? W ell no one is actually running it for then there would be som eone to be held accountable, such is the nature of a defacto Governm ent. They Acts are m erely policy m anuals for the CORPORATION. The Statute of Westm inster was put forward to show that the U.K. Parliam ent had no say over Canadian affairs at all. Done just prior to the BANKRUPTCY of CANADA and over 100 other COU NTRIES in 1933. This was done so they could apply Talm udic Law against the FICTION PEOPLE called PERSONS and use the unsuspecting living real people as sureties. Of course som e caught onto the scam , but the courts being Adm iralty in nature gave nobody any avenue for an im partial and fair trial to plead their case. In the United States all rulings prior to 1933 w ere abolished, hence rulings which agreed that people were not PERSONS, were thrown out in one fell swoop. Thats fair right? Com m on Law courts all over the United States were closed dow n and Com m ercial Adm iralty Merchant Courts took their place, of course the people were not told this. Treason? Yes, beyond Treason as the Bankers seized control over the Judicial processes, thus ensuring that they could force their will against the people. Canada never had anything but Adm iralty Merchant Courts. Thus all law s from the inceptions of Canada are invalid and unlawful. In essence what the Statute of Westm inster was all about, was to sim ply decom m ission the ship called Canada, listed on the British Board of Trade. Thus preparing it for the Bankruptcy that happened in 1933 to m ost of the countries of the world. This was done so they could bring forward the Babylonian Talmud as the rule of law for the planet. Creating a world of debtors with no rights or freedom s, for which real people are tricked into becom ing the sureties for. Also enabling the Bankers to create massive wealth for them selves at the expense of the w orld. Why? Because the Agenda m ust progress and be in place prior to 2012, which is the end of the M ayan Callander and possibly the end of the world as we know it. However Ill leave that open to speculation for now. Much thought by m any has been put into it, however whatever is going to happen in 2012, these Ruling Elite are working hard to see to it we dont get there as free people. So what was 1982 all about anyways? W ell it is the Jubilee of course. Jubilees go back to the tim e of Ancient Egypt where after 49 years the Slaves would get 1 year of freedom and then be re-enslaved. 1982 is 49 years after 1933. These people are seriously into Slavery and see us all as their property to use and dispose of as they wish. As you read through this book you will discover m ore about this. They built those Pyram ids in Jubilees the Great Pyram id taking 3 Jubilees to build. So what are the building now? W ell they are getting you to help them build a New World Order as announced by George Bush Senior. The New World Order is a One World Governm ent based on enslavem ent of the people for the benefit of the Ruling Elite. Thus unless you are one of them , you m ight want to sit up and start taking notice of what is going on.

Magna Carta
From tim e to tim e you hear the Magna Carta discussed and how it relates to law. It takes about hour to read through. It was written to stop the abuses coming from the Royal Officers and King against the Barons m ainly, but all m en in General. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215. The difficulty I have with the Magna Carta is it m akes a lot of use of the word PERSON. W hich is a fiction. Thus the foundation of this law is founded in fiction and thus you can prom ote that m en are free as m uch as you w ant, but within the Courts, you are talking Com m ercial Law and fictions have no rights only privileges.

The Magna Carta did not deal with the fact that the King had no title to begin with over the lands. The sim ple fact is the QUEEN is part of the Black Nobility, which if you go back and look has no ties to the land at all. El-Lizard-Birth II or rather ELIZABETH II a title, holds title to im aginary lines on a m ap. Okay give her the Map and be done with it. You can all draw up a m ap of the world and send it too ELIZABETH II and say you can rule your im aginary m ap, just leave m e alone in the real world. The Magna Carta dealt with a Feudal System where the people by large were serfs having no title to any of the land. The Barons were given land to care for by the King and thus they were responsible for the Serfs on their lands, which sim ply m eant extracting their wealth from them in various taxation schem es and getting young m en to sign up for m ilitary service to oppress the people of the land. Som e what sim ilar to what is going on today. The Magna Carta was intended to last forever but no one recognizes it as a form of law anym ore. The only aspect of the Magna Carta that I find im portant is the first section: 1. First, that we have granted to God, and by this present charter have confirm ed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undim inished, and its liberties unim paired. That we wish this so to be observed, appears from the fact that of our ow n free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and our barons, we granted and confirm ed by charter the freedom of the Church's elections - a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and im portance to it - and caused this to be confirm ed by Pope Innocent III. This freedom we shall observe ourselves, and desire to be observed in good faith by our heirs in perpetuity. We have also granted to all free m en of our realm, for us and our heirs for ever, all the liberties written out below, to have and to keep for them and their heirs, of us and our heirs:

In sim ple term s we do not live in realm s, yet another fiction. Pope Innocent III, a title not a real m an, no proper noun expression of his nam e. The Church shall be free statem ent, is saying that a fiction shall be free. Interestingly in 1207 K ing John had a quarrel with the Pope over who should be the Archbishop of Canterbury. The result was the Pope excom m unicated John and put England under a Church law saying that only christened people could goto Heaven. People born out of wedlock would be condem ned to Hell. Then in 1214 the Pope proclaimed that anybody who tried to overthrow John w ould be legally entitled to do so. Hence who is running the Countries the Pope or the people? So John signing anything into Law such as the M agna Carta in 1215 had no m erit as the Pope, the Em peror of Rom e was ruling and still rules to this day. Except that the Sovereignty of the British Crown was transferred to the Chancery of Tem ple Bar in 1215, which is The City, inside London, which is a Sovereign State that is not under Cannon Law of the Pope.

The other point of interest was that once the Pope had taken over control of England people were m ade to work on Church Lands for no pay. The control that the church had over the people was total and any work that they did outside of the church lands was taxed to the level of 10% . This sounds like freedom doesnt it? Interesting how the Church in section 1 of the Magna Carta can be said to be m ade free and then went about enslaving the people because it was free. Of course this also m eant the church did not have to pay taxes. You have to realize also this was a tim e where the people were not allowed to read the Bible. W hy, because the Bible was and is a com plete fraud. There is im portant truths within the Bible, but it is not Gods Word. If people had read what Jesus stated in Matthew 22 the Son of God, concerning Love thy Neighbor as thy self it would be all over for the slavery system that the Pope and others were em ploying.


The Queens Oath is rather im portant to som e for it grants freedom to anyone in term s of laws that appertain to them . W ho determ ines what laws appertain to you? W ell you do of course! But the catch is that they dont tell you this and use all kinds of im plied contracts and trickery to get you to com ply with their SYSTEM. I have extracted the Oath for you to read bellow. I will add com m ents to it as it m oves along. Further Elizabeth is only Acting as QUEEN ELIZABETH II, a FICTION. In truth because QUEEN ELIZABETH II is an im aginary entity it is im possible for this entity to take an oath at all, it doesnt exist in the real world. This is a scam of course and they have been playing this one for hundreds of years.

The Queen having returned to her Chair (her Majesty having already on Tuesday, the fourth day of Novem ber, 1952, in the presence of the two Houses of Parliament, m ade and signed the Declaration prescribed by Act of Parliam ent), the Archbishop standing before her shall adm inister the Coronation Oath, first asking the Queen, Madam , is your Majesty willing to take the Oath? And the Queen answering, I am willing,

It is interesting how this deflects the Oath away from the real wom an standing before the Archbishop. What he is really saying here is, is your im aginary PERSON willing to take the Oath. Elizabeth is acting as the go between or rather a facilitator. She is not the one taking the Oath. The Majesty is taking the Oath, which is a person. She is saying the words for the im aginary fiction. The Archbishop shall m inister these questions; and the Queen, having a book in her hands, shall answer each question severally as follows: Archbishop: Will you solem nly prom ise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs? Queen: I solem nly prom ise so to do. Okay a bunch of stuff going on here. Take note that no where in Canadian Law does it say that QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the Head of State or have any say on anything. Som e people take Oaths to QUEEN ELIZABETH II, however they are all false Oaths as we will see later. Another aspect to this is that she states she is going to Govern her Possessions and other Territories. Define Possessions please, like that would not m ean Subjects would it? As for the Territories issue, Countries like India, U nited States of Am erica, that gained their Independence from the QUEEN are still under her rule, just people are not told this. However like m ost things we are ruled when it is suits their agenda and not ruled when it doesnt. Archbishop: Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgem ents?

Queen: I will. Exactly what power is being referred too? God never cam e to m e and said that she could Judge things for him . Never m ind that God said that an Arch Bishop could grant power for her rule over Gods Children. Lord God never gave m ercy to Adam and Eve so why would the QUEEN need too? In fact Jesus never judged anyone for any crim es, so what is it with the QUEEN saying that she has any power at all to pass any kind of Judgem ent onto anyone? She has no power and neither does the Arch Bishop. I havent seen anything signed by God saying this is true and if God could talk to m an and wom an in Genesis Chapter One, then why doesnt he sim ply talk to us all now? Archbishop: Will you to the utm ost of your power m aintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel?

Now this is where the Torah comes into play. The Torah which m eans the Law, is the first 5 chapters of the Bible. If one breaks a Law of God and thats 636 of them , then what? Does God com e strike you down if you fail to obey one Law? Nope. If you open your Bible you will find that there are two Gods, God and LORD God. Bet they didnt tell you that in Bible School. Go read Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 and youll see. It is LORD God that made Laws, God never m ade any laws nor did God give m an or wom an a nam e. I use the K ing Jam es Bible unless I otherwise say so. It is the King Jam es Bible for which holds suprem e law for w hich the Queen here swears her Oath upon. This is also im portant for Jewish Money Changers as the SYSTEM of Usury they deployed throughout the world allows them to do w hatever they want to their Beasts. Beasts, nope it is not me saying this it is LORD God saying this. W ill you to the utmost of your power m aintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reform ed Religion established by law? W ill you m aintain and preserve inviolably the settlem ent of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and governm ent thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there com m itted to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?

Rem em ber the Magna Carta? Well here she is swearing that the Church is free. Note the last bit, any of them . Any of them is everyone else w ho isnt in their church. So if you dont belong to the church then where do your rights and freedom s come from ? They come from w here ever you say they do. Noting that you m ay do anything you want as long as it doesnt forcibly interfere with others. I havent seen or heard God give her the title too the planet or com e to you too say that she has any authority at all, so whats the big deal here? In term s of Religion being established by Law, what Law? Adm iralty Law? A law of fiction? Well yes.

In term s of her granting you freedom s, do you see anywhere in the Oath where it says that she grants you freedom ? Nope. Just privileges. She is not ruling by Jesus Christs will she is ruling by Adm iralty Law, which only extends privileges. Thus the Church is free but controlled by her so is it really free when she only will grant privileges? Nope. Also not it is QUEEN ELIZABETH II being Coronated not Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary: Windsor. It is a title in a fictional world as the planet has no title holder so they m ake up a fictional world and overlay it over the real. In truth no one but the creator has title to the planet and the creator operates on truth and love for any other m ode would bring death and destruction to anything created. That creative loving force is within all of us. We are infinite being caught up in an illusion

being generated by m atrix of fear. I will discuss things we can do to break out of the illusion in the later part of the book but for now I just want to concentrate on the SYSTEM. Queen: All this I prom ise to do. Then the Queen arising out of her Chair, supported as before, the Sword of State being carried before her, shall go to the Altar, and m ake her solem n Oath in the sight of [The Bible to be brought.] all the people to observe the prem isses: laying her right hand upon the Holy Gospel in the great Bible (which was before carried in the procession and is now brought from the altar by the Archbishop, and tendered to her as she kneels upon the steps), and saying these words: The things which I have here prom ised, I will perform , and keep. So help m e God. [And a Silver Standish.] Then the Queen shall kiss the Book and sign the Oath. The Queen having thus taken her Oath, shall return again to her Chair, and the Bible shall be delivered to the Dean of Westm inster. If God is real then why all the im aginary stuff? Well the Em peror of Rom e established the Rom an Catholic Church because he wanted a State religion. Rom an law again has but one principle and that is the Em perors will has force and effect. The Em peror is worshiped as a God. The deification of m an into God does not detract from the fact that he/she is still m an. However when your objective is to rule the planet you over look these types of things. So in term s of Church of England what is God? You find this in the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH 1646. It was created by Learned, godly and judicious Divines, as a docum ent which would provide advice on issues of worship, doctrine, governm ent and discipline of the Church of England and other churches as well that adopted it. The people involved were m ainly people from the Church of England. Considering that

W ESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH 1646 Chapter II, section III In the unity of the Godhead there be three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternall begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.

W ESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH 1646 Chapter VIII, Section II The Son of God, the second Person in the Trinity, being very and eternal God, of one substance, and equal with the Father, did, when the fullness of tim e was com e, take upon him m an's nature, with all the essential properties and com m on infirm ities thereof; yet without sin: being conceived by he power of the Holy Ghost, in the wom b of the Virgin Mary, of her substance. So that two whole, perfect, and distinct natures, the Godhead and the m anhood, were inseparably joined together in one person, without conversion, com position, or confusion. W hich person is very God and very m an, yet one Christ, the only Mediator between God and m an.

Thus if Christ is the Mediator for what purpose do we need a Queen for again? Think the job of m ediator has been taken by Jesus Christ. Isnt that why we pray to Jesus and not to the Queen or the Pope? However the nam e Jesus Christ wasnt even used until the m id 1500's when the church settled in on the nam e and there were no records kept by the Rom ans of Jesus Christ existing. Well get into m ore of the Bible Fraud aspects later, but for now just realize that the Bible has been m anipulated and designed to give credence of authority to those who have none. It is not Gods word, I never seen God write it or tell m e about it, how about you? There are lots of other sections in the W ESTM INSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH 1646, which state God is a person. What it also states is that the rest of us are hum ans. Chapter I, Section III says: The books com m only called Apocrypha, not being of divine inspiration, are no part of the Canon of Scripture; and therefore are of no authority in the Church of God, nor to be any otherwise approved, or m ade use of, than other hum an writings. This is interesting because it says that hum ans wrote the Bible, under divine inspiration. Look up the word hum an in Blacks Law Dictionary and you will not find a definition for Hum an Being, but rather youll find it m entioned under the definition of Monster. Yes thats right Blacks refers to Hum an Beings as Monsters that have no property rights. The m uddling of w ord Person and Man has been done so to confuse the unaware, but let m e m ake it clear a Person is a Rom an invention which comes from the Latin word Persona which m eans m ask. The entire SYSTEM is based on an im aginary world so the people in it have to be im aginary too, hence the word Person. Hum an Beings are real and thus do not exist within the im aginary world of Countries. For those who say they do, please show m e how som e one could live and breath inside an im aginary thing? Now the m ost im portant thing you m ust understand about the Oath is this, ElizabethAlexander-Mary: W indsor does not appear on any docum ents or in any oath. She mouthed the words for an im aginary fiction a person, QUEEN ELIZABETH II. Where is QUEEN ELIZABETH II? She doesnt exist in the real world. So m uch for having the right to face your accuser. All laws of LORD God can be broken including the 10 comm andm ents because it is a fictional world in which everything is being played out. Each individual hum an being contracts as a Surety for these im aginary fictions and so what happens to the fictions happens to the children of God. However they dont let you know about this do they? Once you get your head around the fact that everything is occurring in an im aginary world you can quickly pick apart the system and see what is going on. The W ESTM INSTER CONFESSION O F FAITH OF 1646, was suppose to be the docum ent which regulates the QUEEN and her Officers from a Governing and Religious perspective. It gives clear direction about the church and its Faith. However it is written within a corporate fictional world and thus again it m akes use of the word Person. Now from a religious perspective I am going to show you why this is not good and how this ties into you not having any rights or freedom s under the laws that they create in this fictional world. You do have rights and freedom s, just they dont w ant you to know how to access them . Ill be going into that shortly. For the m om ent open up your King Jam es m any different Bibles from different parts W ord. How ever because the King Jam es am only going to be referencing that one. Bible to the following locations. Note that there are of Christianity. They all claim of course to be Gods Bible is the one that is being used in the Courts, I By the way the Bible used in the courts m ust have

the Letters of Patent within it. However as I have m entioned in the past the everything happens in an im aginary world thus anything can be changed on whim including having a King Jam es Bible with the Letters of Patent in the Court. Again never goto court for anything unless you want to lose or pay a large sum of m oney and still m aybe lose. Open your bible to Deuterom om y 1:16-17 (Moses) [16] And I charged your judges at that tim e, saying, Hear the causes between your brethren, and judge righteously between every m an and his brother, and the stranger that is with him . [17] Ye shall not respect persons in judgm ent; but ye shall hear the sm all as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid of the face of m an; for the judgment is God's: and the cause that is too hard for you, bring it unto m e, and I will hear it.

Deuterom om y 10:17-19 (Moses) [17] For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a m ighty, and a terrible, w hich regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: [18] He doth execute the judgment of the fatherless and widow, and loveth the stranger, in giving him food and raim ent. [19] Love ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Acts 10:33-34 [33] Im m ediately therefore I sent to thee; and thou hast well done that thou art com e. Now therefore are we all here present before God, to hear all things that are com m anded thee of God. [34] Then Peter opened his m outh, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: Romans 2:6-14 [6] Who will render to every m an according to his deeds: [7] To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and im m ortality, eternal life: [8] But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, [9] Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; [10] But glory, honour, and peace, to every m an that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: [11] For there is no respect of persons with God. [12] For as m any as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as m any as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; [13] (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. [14] For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto them selves: James 2:1-10

[1] My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. [2] For if there come unto your assem bly a m an with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there com e in also a poor m an in vile raim ent; [3] And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him , Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool: [4] Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are becom e judges of evil thoughts? [5] Hearken, m y beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath prom ised to them that love him ? [6] But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich m en oppress you, and draw you before the judgm ent seats? [7] Do not they blasphem e that worthy nam e by the which ye are called? [8] If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: [9] But if ye have respect to persons, ye com m it sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. [10] For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Jam es 2:1-10 is very telling of what has happened in the past is happening today. The rich are rich because they owned the courts for which they used to oppress the poor. They do not follow Love thy Neighbour as thyself and m ake use of fictions. Further you can see that the QUEEN is nothing m ore than a Fiction for which Elizabeth-Alexander-M ary: Windsor is acting for. Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary: W indsor is not taking any oath she is uttering the words for the im aginary Fiction QUEEN ELIZABETH II. Now getting everyone to be a SUBJECT of HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II is the key. The trap is laid and once you sign on as a SURETY for a PERSON you lose all your rights and freedom s under Gods Law that being Love thy neighbour as thyself. Now you are caught in their im aginary world, where they get to extend your privileges not rights. They use oppression and lies to get your full cooperation in doing all this. Try getting a job without a Social Insurance Num ber, Drivers License, Insurance, Diploma with an all caps nam e on it, work contracts or even buying property. Everything has the word Person written on it or has a corruption of your nam e from the proper noun form at.

The true history of our planet has been stolen from us so that the few m ay hide their tracks of the past and give us a false fix on our current situation. This is not just hearsay it is supported by the Pope issuing orders to destroy books that expose truth in the past and destruction of cultures and knowledge world wide concerning the ancient past. They were not able to destroy everything and it is clear that the Earth once had a Global Society on it, hence all the Pyram ids and lots of underw ater cities. In term s of Religion, nothing has been m ore effective in im prisoning peoples m inds than religion. The notion that it is okay to kill others as long as you believe in JESUS Christ, you would get to heaven, was used to slaughter m illions in the Crusades. Non believers in Islam are considered by extrem ists as infidels and m ust be killed. In Som alia anyone not attending prayer services five tim es a day is killed for being an infidel. Tony Bushby an Australian researcher has written several books exposing the fraud, titled Bible Fraud, Secrets in the Bible and Crucifixion of the Truth.

The books brings forward a monum ental am ount of evidence showing that Christianity was sim ply invented and that historical accounts of JESUS fictional. Simply put nothing happened the way it says it did in the New Testam ent. Further the first 10 chapters of the Old Testam ent are pure fiction as well. An Archeologist by the nam e of Professor Thom pson did

excavations on sites where the Bible said the Israelites were and com pared dates etc and found nothing to be true. In m any cases places the Bible says they were nothing was found at all during the digs. We are talking about hundreds of years here and nothing found. His book is called The Early History of the Ancient Israelites, sells on www.am azon.com . The sim ple fact that there is proof way beyond a reasonable doubt that the Bible is a work of fiction. Moses is a fictional Character, never existed according to the research done, along with Abraham , Isaac, Jacob, Solom on and David. Thus where does the QUEEN the Monarchy draw its Divine right to rule? There is none. In truth there are no Laws of God if you accept the m assive evidence presented in these books. The very foundation of LAW is supposed to be based on the fact that there is a higher power we are all answerable too. Perhaps there is and I will com m ent on that later, but in term s of everything that the QUEEN in her CORONATION did, it was all based on a fraud, that the Bible was true and everything in it was true. Further if Moham ad was a decedent of Abraham and Abraham never existed, then perhaps one should start asking som e serious questions here. The sim ple truth is that they are using extortion to gain your acceptance of their laws and m orals. The very foundation of these religions is fraudulent and their applications are m eant to enslave and oppress you, not free you.

If Moses did not exists and LORD God never existed as evidenced in these books then LAW itself is a fiction. This is in term s of the Creator m aking LAW S to begin with. Thus if there are no LAWS other than natural ones based on harm ony and well being, then it is obvious that we have been sold a bunch of garbage. W e are free sentient beings and the Earth is our hom e. This is easy to see by how the wildlife m igrate everywhere, undaunted by im aginary lines on a m ap. The sim ple fact is that the Missionaries followed the explorers to soften up the people for exploitation. To begin the destruction of the ancient knowledge of the past. It is akin to the good cop, bad cop scenario. On one hand they talk about God and the gentle teachings of JESUS to get the people into a fram e of m ind of forgiving others for doing horrible things to them , like Genocide, Killing off food supplies, abusing them or sim ply stealing their land once they are put in a position of starvation. I am not saying killing is som ething one should do, but if a m osquito is sucking blood from your face lets say, what do you do?

W hy hasnt this com e out before? Well the inform ation has been released by scholars and others, but the inform ation gets suppressed, books get burned etc. Even the Talm ud was ordered burned by a Pope at one point because it exposed the life about Jesu and his brother Kristus, hence Jesus Christ. The burning down of the Library of Alexandria five tim es and the m ere fact that Universities will not offer Degrees, which counter Christianity. As a side not

I suggest you pick up these books and read them . The ancient law called the Law of One, which was expressed in Matthew 22, Love thy neighbor as thyself, has been com pletely obliterated. Instead through com m erce we are put in a position of fighting a war for m oney. In truth we are infinite love. Spiritual entities of great power and capacity to create and love. The objective of the ruling elite is to shut down our capacity to love as m uch as possible and get us operating in a state of fear. Where they cant do that they sim ply use force to oppress us.

W ho is the Queen? W ell she is one of the top people in a 13 bloodline fam ilies currently in positions of power running the planet today. She is one of the Owners of the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, all central banks that have no lawful m oney in them . Ill get into that later in the book. I look at her as the focal point of Darkness and Light within our spiritual reality. She operates as a facilitator between Darkness and Light. Darkness puts up a m assive illusion and uses oppression and everything they can to enslave

you with and get you to willingly or grudgingly go along with their SYSTEM. However som e have found that privately contacting her and using the Torah as the basis of their plea for freedom has worked. However following 636 laws of LORD God is a very difficult challenge. I notice lots of license plates on cars in parking lots at the Synagogues. There is a set of laws that we are not told about that do apply to private individuals based on Com m on Law. Com m on Law is derived from the Bible as suprem e law. Also the whole system resolves around hidden com m ercial law, based off the Talm ud and deals w ith creditor/debtor, m aster/slave situations. Ill explain m ore about all this later in the book. Further I am not convinced that Elizabeth-Alexander-M ary:W indsor has any authority over m e or anyone else in her private capacity. I have seen nothing written anywhere about this. As for QUEEN ELIZABETH II that entity lives within an im aginary world and has absolutely no authority over anyone in the real world.

Although the Bible is a fraud there are truths within it. Again it is all part of the illusion and the Jewish and Christian and m any other Religions have been set up to support a system of enslavem ent for the people of the planet, while the ones doing the enslaving quietly operate in position of hidden power. This is no joke and anyone rolling their eyes back are not looking at the facts. Near as I can tell from m y research and that of others, their was som e powerful knowledge left in the hands of a few concerning the creation of our universe, planet and who we are. This involved as one of the secrets im m ortality here on Earth that is to say we have the capacity within us to reverse aging or stop it all together. To people who seek power and control over others this knowledge and ability is priceless. In the ancient world the gods that created the Great Pyram id with the stolen BenBen on the top w ere the ones that passed this knowledge onto initiates and trained people on it. This is one of the keys behind the Masonic Order is to hide and control som e of this inform ation. The people who do get eternal life are still in bondage. They can be Kings or Queens but are still in bondage and m ust obey their m asters and never reveal the secret knowledge. Jesu was m urdered because he opted to try and share this knowledge with all m an kind, hence JESUS. Tony Bushby explains the secret in his book Secrets in the Bible. Jesu was born of Royal Bloodline hence the Royal Law, Love thy Neighbor as thyself.

It is still unclear what exactly happened, but the knowledge did m anage to get out to som e people who decided to use the know ledge for evil rather than good. Thus they turned spirituality based on the heavens and beauty into a system of sorcery and evil. W e m ay never no exactly what happened but needless to say the creators gifts were stolen by Darkness as it were. Now one thing that I have noticed that is very im portant about D arkness is that it operates in absolute truth. Truth in that it lies constantly about stuff in order to m aintain the illusions. The other factor is the lack of feeling of what they do, they can not feel so they act. The underlying aspect to all of this is that there is indeed a creator and he/she is based on truth and love. They have to num b the feelings for truth and love in order to wage war against hum anity, w hich I suspect we are all one consciousness caught up in a dream . We can be a droplet or an ocean of love but we are love. More im portantly we are infinite and we are fast approaching a transitional tim e where our vibrational force is increasing in a frequency beyond the ability of illusion to keep us vibrationally suppressed or oppressed. We are infinite where the illusion is finite and soulless. We are beginning to break free of the illusion on m ass scale and it is freaking our oppressors out. They are desperate and afraid as the sleeping giant is beginning to wake.

The other factor in this is that if you com pare these sections to the Catholic Bible you see com pletely different statem ents. How ever rem em ber he King Jam es Bible is the only Bible

Officially allowed in the Com m onwealth Courts system . It is worth com paring just to see the contrast and the outright fraud that is going on in reference to translation and editing.

If we are not PERSONS then what are we in term s of Law? Well as I said before we are living within a dream world reality. Nothing is solid here take a look at an atom for exam ple, there is space between the electrons and the nucleus and even in the nucleus there is space. W hat fills that space is ther. Our thoughts create form and the ther is kind of like the m edium for which we create first the spiritual form and then translate it into what we call physical form . Our subconscious m inds create the reality about 1 seconds before our conscious m ind observers it or m ore. Thats right we are creating this reality from m om ent to m om ent, it is a dream , rem em ber God rested from his creation. We are living Gods dream however we forgot that we were m ade after our im age being everything that exists. Just because LORD God creates an illusion of m an and wom an doesnt change the fact that he is using Gods creation to do it w ith. Thus LORD God has no say at all as to laws and belief system s, God is there and thus no laws or nam es were ever created, because love and truth require no such things.

I am jum ping ahead a bit so I need to give you a quick explanation of spiritual energy. Take a look at John 1: 1-9. It talks about in the beginning there was a word. Word m eaning sound vibration. This is highly im portant to understand because the Universe is essentially an infinite orchestra of sound and ither, from which w e transm ute into physical reality and transm it out in a sym phony. We exist in a m ultidim ensional reality from which different things occur in tim e and in the infinite to create the observable reality we are experiencing.

Nikola Tesla discovered m any things during his life. ither was one of them and through it he discovered that the Sun was a massive generator of it and the Earth was a great collector of it. By m aking devices that were in tune with the Earths resonant frequency at the ither level he w as able to extract electricity to run appliances, lights etc. In fact he had a shoe box size thing full of electric tube things that when he put it in his electric car he was able to get it to go to 90 M PH. Not bad eh? W ell there have been m any other inventions since that utilize free energy and m any of the inventors have been m urdered or threatened not to m ass produce their inventions. Dr. Steven Greer who heads the Disclosure Project in the United States is w orking very hard to bring free energy to the people of the world. However the nature of these inventions cuts too close to the core of what the truth is about our universe and they would also set the planet free. Im agine having all the free energy you would ever need? How would that tilt the balance of power?

The point about ither is that there are various types of ither, which Tesla discovered. The Hum an Energy Field uses a form of ither as well and it takes on various colors and patterns. Our spiritual anatomy could not exist without it, except once you m ove into the Haric level which is where our Core Star resides. Yes we are all Stars in a vast infinite universe on the Haric level, neat eh? I travel to this level of experience from tim e to tim e and it is nothing but pure love and bliss there. There is m uch to do and learn w ithin our spiritual world but m ore on that towards the end of the book. There is life that does not reflect light but which we can see through our spiritual eyes. Som e people can easily see these Spiritual beings while others have not been taught how to see. You can start seeing the spiritual world around you by sim ply putting your eyes into a soft gaze and ask the creator to help you tune your sight to the various frequencies. I like to im agine that I am standing on the Creators hand while

doing this, seeing him sm ile or in a beautiful Glass tem ple out in the Universe, having the creator helping m e grow spiritually, as he shares the treasures of the Universe with m e. The universe is as m uch as his hom e as it is ours. So ask him /her for help.

W hat you will see mostly at the beginning are colored m ists around people and perhaps some Organon in the air if it is a sunny day. Organon are highly charged life force particles that swirl around us and are charged by the sun. Our spiritual anatom y needs these particles in order to keep our physical bodies healthy. Hence I worry about the massive destruction that is happening to our planet. We need life to maintain life and the extinction lists is growing every year. Soon the environm ent will no longer be able to support life, then where will you go?

Energy is neither bad or good, it is just there. It is our intent and em otion that we put into it that m akes it good or bad. If we have free will then why is it that there is always som eone som ewhere trying to im pose their will onto us? The Creator never created Religion, Governm ents or Territories. These are m ethods of control they violate w hat you see all around you. I would im agine that if it were possible the powers that be would like to claim that they own the Universe too. However they would only have to visit an estim ated 200 billion stars in the Milky Way to just get started and then there are 100 Billion Galaxies in the observable Universe, with new ones form ing all the tim e I suppose. By they way do you know the true nam es for all the stars in the Milky W ay? Hm m , hard to claim rights over som ething that has no true nam e, but onward we go.

So in term s of what is going on is that we are Gods Children as it were and it is we that are the m asters of the illusion. W hat Darkness is doing is very sim ple, they m ust stay within truth at all tim es, not ours theirs. Thus they m ust lie to us at all tim es, but they also need to get our agreem ent that it is okay for them to do whatever it is that they want to do to us. Thus they count on the sim ple fact that we have forgotten who we are and that it is we that are controlling the illusion. If you start looking at Elizabeth the Private wom an as the facilitator of the illusion she is only doing what you have agreed for her to allow to be done.

She has provided you with the Bible the instructions of how the illusion works and sim ply asks you if you agree with it, Contract. There are m any levels to the contract and thus m any different aspects to the Christian Religion and other religions, all based on the sam e prem ise of offer and contract. To them this is a ritual of sorts. Their objective is always the sam e they want to oppress you so you will help them keep their illusion going for which you are helping to generate. They need your feelings of fear to stay alive it is the food one which darkness feeds. One way of looking at darkness in com parison with light is that in darkness everything is fragmented and separated. Darkness can not see beyond itself so it cries out into the wilderness as a scared child would. What is going on is that we give darkness life, soulless as it m ight be, but darkness has the ability to gain a soul if it wants to by believing in light. It is a healing process of letting go of that scared child letting go and realizing that in light there is no separateness only infinite ways we lovingly connect to each other. We create darkness through our own feelings and thinking of being separated from others being like that scared child traum atized crying out in the wilderness. For it is man that is the light and life within God and the true light of this world.

Not trying to be cryptic here it is just difficult to explain all this. W hat you m ust begin to realize is that we are living in a dream reality. The QUEEN and all her m inions are sim ple m anifestations of the darkness we hold within ourselves. W hen we begin to reach out to each other in love and help each other and bring balance back to each others lives the m anifestation of darkness becom es less and less. This is a natural law of whatever you focus your energy on will grow. The difficulty is that we are a m ultidim ensional infinity and this aspect about us has been highly suppressed. Reason being is that on various levels of our spiritual bodies we hold traum a there. This traum a freezes our capacity to grow both psychologically and spiritually.

Maslow created a pyram id called the Hierarchy of Needs. Most of the worlds population doesnt even m ake it past give m e protection food, water and clothing. It is a daily struggle so very few can actually take tim e to self actualize. Self actualization requires, abundance, choice and freedom . Hence we have a lot of work to do to help others self actualize and ourselves as well. What happens when a group of people self actualize m ay be representative in the legend of Shangri la where an entire city self actualized into a higher plane of consciousness. They all literally left this plane of existence. If this power is not true, then w hy do you think they spend so much tim e trying to opress us. We live in a spiritual reality where we are the m asters of the illusion. They just try very hard to get us to project the illusion they want rather than what we want.

Darkness leads to death and thus everything that they do revolves around a culture of death. The feed of the agony and suffering of everyone. They want that low frequency fear vibration as it is in fact their food. They feed off us like parasites because they have no way of sustaining their own life so they m ust feed off of us, the light and life of God. Thus the war on hum anity is really m ore about keeping their food supply in a herd where you get the herd to police them selves, leaving them with all the tim e to feast and enjoy the com forts that their slaves provide them . Outrageous? Like to say so but this is closer to the heart of the matter within this reality we are in. The QUEENS wealth is estim ated at $67 Trillion, what is your wealth at?

Thus the way the system is set up is that they m ust contract with us every step of the way. They have to ask us a question and we if we respond with an answer to their question we are im plying that they have jurisdiction. Hence why you are asked your nam e for the record in Court. W hat you need to do is start by asking them the questions and watch them squirm . One good one is, Do you stand for your Oath of Office? or How exactly do you have jurisdiction over m e as a child of God within in his creation?. Watch them squirming on those ones! The Bible is m erely a play book on how to interact with us on this level of the illusion, but it is not our play book it is theirs and they have ensured that all the traps are laid well in advance of our running to their courts with their Bible in our hands. W e have to stop playing their gam e, so that this is no gam e. Realize this as well, everything you are belongs to God and ultim ately it is Gods decision

as to what law applies to you not m an. Ask to see a written agreem ent from God that says they can pass judgem ent on you or rather ask them God could join us right now and explain to you and everyone in the room how and why they have jurisdiction.

The key is always around contract and the illusion works on trying to trick you every step of the way to get your perm ission for them to proceed against you. Canada is kind of special in such that it was never formed into a Country to begin with and is run by a defacto Governm ent. The people in Canada are totally free of all law s as they are all free private m en, wom en and children. The powers that be, work on obtaining fraudulent contracts through the use of extortion, intim idation and trickery. But anything that you sign is not lawful for you are not freely entering a contract with all the inform ation being presented too you. All they are trying to do is get you to be a surety for an im aginary PERSON so they can enslave you. This is what they do all over the world.

The extortion aspect com es from the fact that they havent told the people this so everyone thinks its the norm and they do not allow the truth to known to the m asses. Thus individuals like m yself and others take courageous steps in reaching out to people in an attem pt to effect change. It is never easy being in the cross hairs of oppression and lies, but once enough people start challenging them the word gets out and change does occur. Som e people will be in total disbelief about all this and never check things out for them selves. Rather they would attack me, the messenger then start challenging the people that are enslaving them . But love does not abandon and neither will I as love is who we are.

I have given you a bit of background here so that you would start to appreciate perhaps what Sovereignty is and m eans. W ickpedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereignty defines it as: Sovereignty is the exclusive right to exercise suprem e political (e.g. legislative, judicial, and/or executive) authority over a geographic region, group of people, or oneself.

In Canada because a body Politic was never actually form ed and there is no clear docum ented connection to the m onarchy each m an, w oman and child is considered to be sovereign, however they wont tell you this. W hat they are saying is the QUEEN is Sovereign and everyone else in her Kingdom is a PERSON, thus a slave fiction. When you take the step to say that you are Sovereign you are putting yourself at the sam e level as God as they are saying God is Sovereign. Thus by saying this they look at you as being a fraud. Interestingly the QUEEN can be Sovereign and you cant. It is just a gam e and rem em ber it is all happening in their im aginary world where they can m ake up the rules for it. All that is required is that you agree to it at some level, even if they use trickery or lie to you. Why, because they are not using the King Jam es Bible as the source for their Devine Law, but rather the Babylonian Talmud, which is based on Master/Slave Relations. As soon as you indicate that you are a Slave by stating som ehow that you are a PERSON, you lose all standing with the King James Bible and are picked up by the Babylonian Talm ud.

Thus they say Countries are Sovereign and yet a Country is a fiction, incapable of m aking any decisions or interacting within the real world. It is suppose to represent a body politic of im aginary fictions called PERSONS who have no capacity to interact in the real world. The people involved with this are m ere actors, who of which are protected by Title being Honorable, which indem nifies them of breaking any laws. Yes thats right the Judge, The HONORABLE SO AND SO or in Parliam ent the Right HONORABLE SO AND SO. So the leaders are not held accountable by anything that they do and of course they control the Private Police

forces within the Country and squash any investigations that m ight com e close to exposing the wide spread fraud and corruption that takes place on a daily basis. Well get to this later in the book.

In term s of Sovereigns as it relates to God. I rather use the term Creator instead of God. Because that m ore accurately describes w hat is going on. To think of God as a one singular living entity when in fact he is infinite is a really just attaching a nam e to the infinite. It cant be done. Infinite m ultidim ensional beings can not have a nam e prim arily because nam es are descriptions and our descriptions change based on our state of being. As it is with God from which we are all part of. The Universe is our hom e, but it is also the m edium for which spiritual creation is transformed into this dim ensional experience. The Star System s, planets and Galaxies all give off or reflect it. 90% of the Universe is Dark Matter so we can not see it. However it is light that facilitates the creation of life. Form is followed by thought, exam ple m ove your hand. You had to think it first. Nothing is different in the context of the Universe. Thought is always creating form . In the spiritual planes of existence thought does not stop. New species of life is not just created through mutations in genetics, but also created through light. Ill get m ore into this, but Credo Mutwa explained that his people arrived on the Earth through their thought travel to here. The sim ply materialized on the earth in there travel am ongst the stars. Outrageous, nope, we are infinite and m uch of the esoteric know ledge was destroyed in the five great fires of the Library of Alexandra, five being a five pointed satanic star, Pentagon or Pyram id? I wonder... The other aspect to this is that JESUS was born under a star where 3 wise m en cam e to give him gifts within his m anger. The Devine birth of m an can com e through the stars as stated in the Bible, however they dont want you to m ake this connection. More on this later in the book.

The sim ple fact is that we are the Creators Children and this is our illusionary playground. W e are the m asters of the illusion. The soulless creatures know this and this is the prim ary reason why they try to contract with us all the tim e, getting us to agree with them so they can suck life force energy from us through fear. The core aspects of Satanism is fear. Hum an sacrificing that took place in the ancient world is still with us here today. The Illusion has perhaps taken on som e form of consciousness and thus is sim ply trying to survive. Perhaps that was what was done in the ancient world was to give the illusion consciousness. I dont know. However in dealing with what is happening on a daily basis you need a better fix on the past and that is what I am try to help you with.

Thus what I am trying to m ake clear here is that Sovereignty is a term used within their SYSTEM . If you attem pt to fight them within their SYSTEM chances are you are going to lose. However there are times that skirting the edges of the SYSTEM can be helpful. The m ere fact that they are claim ing that countries are sovereign is a lie. This is because the m onetary SYSTEMS in those countries are based off the W orld Bank or som e Central Bank that is connected som ehow to the consortium of International Bankers that are involved in running the planet. A country can not be sovereign if a foreign entity dictates to them what their m onetary and econom ic policies shall be. Thus is the case with all the loans that are going on through out the world. Also multinational corporations lobby Governm ents to put in place laws which help them m axim ize profits within the countries they operate. Since when is a corporation have any say in a dem ocracy where living people are suppose to be represented? Sovereign Nations are constantly being invaded for frivolous reasons, mainly to get access to resources such as Oil.

QUEEN ELIZABETH II or rather Elizabeth was born in Germ any. So how is it that she can be the Monarchy for England? That is not sovereignty, but rather an occupation. Germ any isnt even part of the Com m onwealth. But one only has to rem em ber that it is all taking place in the im aginary world. Elizabeth was born on the Earth, just like you and m e, end of story. QUEEN ELIZABETH II was created in England via the Coronation. Interestingly if you break up the word Coronation into two parts Coro and Nation; then look up the definition of Coro you find it to be: Coro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coro (person), a singer/actor


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation The m ost popular m odern ethical and philosophical doctrines state that all hum ans are divided into groups called nations. The nationals (born of the "nation" in this sense) are distinguished by com m on identity and origin. ... The English word "nation" is derived from the Latin term natio (stem nation-), m eaning: The goddess personifying birth; or

Thus because of the trickery and extortion that they use to get you to com ply with them in saying som ehow that you are a PERSON does not detract from the sim ple truth that you are indeed not a person. You are not an im aginary fiction. Thus because law is only contract you m ust agree to what they are saying is true, even though they are only speaking in regards to an im aginary world. Talk about know thy self. Their objective is to extort wealth and freedom from you, they like their m am m on. In term s anyone being sovereign, I would be careful in using this word. For it is a word used in their im aginary world. Rather I would sim ply use statem ents like, W here do you draw your authority from ? If it is from the im aginary world then you have now power. It is isnt real. All authority stem s from ourselves. Law is contract and unless you see your signature on the constitution or legislation you havent agreed too it. What word would I use in place of Sovereign? Not sure if a word exists. Sovereign im plies the ability to exercise control over others. Each of us can only agree to each others requests to from contracts.

Canadian Flag The Canadian Flag is a flag recognized the world over. Flags are used on ships and hence the world is m ade up of im aginary ships. The Ship that Canada uses is nam ed the Crown. Yes the nam e is called the Crown and it is not referring to the British Crown as they would like you to believe. Have a gold strip or tassels around the outside of any flag indicates that you are under Adm irality Law, a law which only extends privileges and lim its your capacity severely in defending yourself in their courts. US Soilders in Iraq for exam ple have a gold stripe around the US flag indicating that they are under adm iralty law. You will find gold tassel flags in every courtroom in the world I would think. The nature of adm iralty law is that the judge can use law in any jurisdiction in order to draw a verdict from . Thus he could draw law from Saudi Arabia for example and state that because you took a loaf of bread your hand must be chopped off as part of your punishm ent, then perhaps som e whipping and starving in the prison for a while. Then of course he gets your agreem ent too it by im plying you m ust sign the judges orders. Why, again there are no true courts on the planet, law is contract. Be getting into this a lot deeper in the next chapter.

My observations of the Canadian Flag are m y own and I dont know if this is w hat they had in m ind w hen they created it, but here we go. The Canadian Flag is a flam ing sword that m arks the path to the tree of knowledge. It is red in color because red signifies on the light spectrum the lowest frequency of the spectrum , which is akin to the low est form of life. This color attribute is referenced to the BenBen that illum inated and energized the Great Pyram id prior to it being stolen. In the Bible LORD God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden and m arked the path to the tree of knowledge with a flam ing sword. As a side point have you or has anyone else ever come across this flam ing sword? Considering that LORD God created an illusion based on fear and trickery all blam e should be squarely placed on LORD God and not Adam and Eve, for he was the instigator. How could you not protect your children from evil. LORD God w as excited that Adam and Eve where now like us, knowing good and evil. That indicates that we are indeed Gods Children caught up in LORD Gods Illusion. LORD God is a defacto God as is Canada being a defacto Governm ent. Hence why I say that Canada never was and never will be a real Country, if that were even possible in the real world.

I do take exception with Islam in term s of how wom en are treated and the system of Law. It is not based in truth and does not honor individual authority. The mere fact that the Torah and the rest of the Bible has been proven to be fraudulent is not a basis to im ply that it is absolute truth and that people should be harm ed or oppressed because som eone or som e people will not acknowledge this sim ple truth. The m ere fact that killing non believers is okay, is not going to change the fact that individual chose not to believe. To raise a flag on an im aginary ship and then say that your Country is based on Islam ic Law, when in fact it is based on an im aginary fiction is counter productive, in that the foundation of the State exists only in an im aginary world, m uch akin to the illusion that LORD God like us to believe we live within. If the foundation of the Old Testam ent is a lie a total fiction, then why is Islam a Religion? It is sim ple, it creates infidels out of the non believers and thus through propaganda and outright lies and brainwashing, people enter wars believing they are doing Gods work. W hy anyone believing in Christianity or Islam kill another fellow m an is beyond m y capacity to comprehend. Perhaps, the LAW , Though shall not Kill m eans nothing to them .

One last thing about Canada. The W ord Canada they say cam e from the word Kanata, which was a Native word for Village. In the Bible God com m anded Abraham to leave his hom e and take his wife Sarah and fam ily to a new land called Canaan. Canaan versus Canada, you decide.

Title to Lands of Canada The QUEEN went to the Native people using Treaties to obtain rights to the land. This after of course destroying their source of food and willfully giving out blankets that were contam inated with Sm all Pox, wiping out large am ounts of Native people in a Genocide. From where did the Native people have any Title to the land to begin with? The Creator is the only one who has any rights to the land and us for that m atter. They know this and thats why everything operates in an im aginary w orld. So m uch for Love thy Neighbor as thyself. The sim ple fact is that these treaties were signed under duress and threat of Genocide and have no lawful m erit to be considered as binding. Lets take a look at Treaty 8.

Treaty No. 8
ARTICLES O F A TREATY m ade and concluded at the several dates m entioned therein, in th e y e a r of O u r Lord on e th o u s a n d e ig ht h un dre d an d n in e ty -n in e, betw een H er m ost G racious M ajesty the Q ueen of G re at B rita in an d Ire la nd, by Her Com m issioners the Honourable David Laird, of W innipeg, M anitoba, Indian Com m issioner for the said Province and the Northw est Territories; Jam es Andrew Joseph M cKenna,

of O ttaw a, O ntario, Esquire, an d the H on ou rable Jam es H a m ilton Ross, of Regina, in the Northw est Territories, of the one part; and the Cree, Bea ver, Chipew yan and other Indians, inhabitants of the territory w ithin the lim its hereinafter defined and described, by their Chiefs and H eadm en , hereunto subscribed, of the other pa rt:

In all contracts using dates the da tes are w rong an d thu s m aking an untru e statem en t. Jesus w as Crucified during the Passover, which happens in spring around m id April. Thus all Calendars sho uld start w ith the year starting in April on January. I know a trivial point but it is a subtle tip off to the true nature of the horrific level of lies, deceit and outright extortion tha t has an d is taking place.

W H E R E A S , the Indians inhabiting the territory hereinafter defined have, pursuant to notice given by th e H onourable Superinten dent General of In d ian A ffairs in the year 1898, been convened to m eet a Com m ission representing H er M a jesty's G overnm ent of the D om inion of Canada at certain places in the said territory in this present year 1899, to deliberate upon certain m atters of interest of H e r M ost G ra ciou s M ajesty, of the one part, and the said In dians of the other.

O kay this is th e seco n d tim e H er M ost Gracious M ajesty is used. Take careful note tha t you w ill never, ever see Alexandrina Victo ria n a m e used on any docum ents anyw here. W hy because H er M ost Gracious M ajesty the Q ueen o f G rea t B rita in and Ireland is only a Title, a fiction. Alexandrina Victoria can not have Title to real land because it all belongs to the Creator and they know this. The entire treaty is created fro m th e context of the im aginary w orld taken from the PERSO NS perspective.

AND W H EREAS, th e said Indians have been n otifie d and inform ed by H er M ajesty's said Com m ission that it is H er desire to open for settlem ent, im m igration , trade, travel, m ining, lum bering and such other purposes as to H er M ajesty m ay seem m eet, a tract of country bounded an d described as hereinafter m entioned, and to obtain the consent thereto of H er Ind ian subjects inhabiting the said tract, and to m ake a treaty, and arran ge w ith them , so that there m ay be peace and good w ill betw een them and H er M ajesty's other subjects, and that H er Indian peop le m ay know and be assured of w hat allow ances they are to count upon an d receive from H er M ajesty's bou nty and benevolence.

At w hat point did the In dians becom e Subjects of the Q ueen, a Fiction in an im aginary w orld? No one is a Subject of the Q ueen w e all live in the real world and are the C rea tors C hildren. W e are all self determ ining and free. O nce you becom e a Subject of the Q u een y ou h a ve no rights or freedom , you only have privileges as you are a slave.

AN D W H EREAS , the Indian s of the said tract, duly convened in coun cil at the resp ective points nam ed hereund er, and being requested by Her M ajesty's Com m issioners to nam e certain Chiefs and H eadm en who should be authorized on their beha lf to conduct such negotiations an d sign any treaty to be founded thereon, and to becom e responsible to H er M ajesty for the faithful perform ance by their respective bands of such o bligations as shall be assum ed by them , the said Indians have therefore acknow ledged for that purpose the several Chiefs and H eadm en w ho have subscribed hereto.

H ere we see that the treaty assum es tha t an Indian Band is a Body Politic and that one or the few m ay speak for the rest of the people. In truth n o on e ca n speak for you, only you can speak for yourself. If your nam e is not on the Con tract then you are not agreeing to it. If fact Indians or w hat I w ould rath er call th e m N a tive People, w o uld join an d leave ban ds as th ey w ish ed. T hey sim ply grou ped togeth er for ease o f surviva l an d necessity. Yes fa m ily ties are im portant an d people stayed together based on fam ily ties, m u ch like everyon e else in th e w orld. B ut th is does not m ean th at th ey are operatin g as a Body PO LIT IC .

AND W H EREAS, the said Com m issioners have proceed ed to n egotiate a treaty w ith the Cree, Beaver, Chipew yan and other Indians, inhabiting the district hereinafter defined a nd d escribed, and the sam e has been agreed upon and concluded by the respective bands at the dates m entioned hereunder, the said In dians D O H E R E B Y C E D E , R E LE A SE , S U R R E N D E R A N D Y I E L D U P to th e G ov ern m e n t of th e D om inion o f C a n a d a , for H er M ajesty the Q ueen and H er succe ssors for eve r, all the ir righ ts, titles and privileges w hatsoever, to the lands included w ithin the follow ing lim its, that is to say:

In term s of surrendering the land to the Governm ent of the Dom inion of Canada, Canada at this point was nothing m ore than a CO RPO RATIO N listed on the U.K. Board of Trade and run b y th e U .K . P a rliam ent. A fiction al en tity can not hold land for it does not exist in the real world. The sam e goes for Her M ajesty the Q ueen an d H er successors. They do not exist in the real w orld. In term s of rights, titles and privileges, w hat do you think that they are referring to here? I h ave nev er seen any docum ent by the Creator saying that it is okay for a fictional entity to take away his gift from his children, have you? It assum es that som ehow these are rights that can be given an d taken for w hich no one has that a u thority. This is a CO NTRACT but a fraudulent one. If they did have rights, titles a nd p rivileges to the land to begin with, th en w hat w here the colonists doing there? W hy w ere they destroying that w hich w a s n ot theirs to begin w ith? In essence the Queen or rather the people hiding behind their fantasy world of PERSONS created excuses for them selves for occupying, destroying and genocide against the Na tiv e P eop le. In todays term s if som eone invaded anoth er C ountry and did w hat these M urders a nd thieves did the entire w orld w ould send in their arm ys to destroy them and restore peace and harm ony to the peop le. So why is it that the w orld sits by an d allow s this atrocity to go unchecked? W ell the Agenda w as to get the entire plan et under the control of the few through the use of im agina ry w orld of PERSO NS. Now tha t it is accom plished they could control large populations of people through Body PO LITICS, from w hich the few could create the H oly Rom an Em pire or rather the New W orld O rder.

Com m encing at the source of the m ain bran ch o f the Red Deer River in Alberta, thence due west to the central range of the Rocky M ountains, th ence northw esterly along the said range to th e p oin t w here it intersects the 60th parallel of north latitude, thence east a long said parallel to the point where it intersects H ay River, thence northeasterly down said river to the south shore of Great Slave Lake, thence along the said shore n orth ea sterly (a nd including such rights to the islands in said lakes as the Indians m entioned in the treaty m ay po ssess), and thence easterly and northeasterly along the south shores of Christie's Bay and M cLeod's Bay to old Fort Reliance n ear the m outh of Lockhart's River, thence southeasterly in a straight line to an d in clu din g B lack Lake, th en ce sou th w esterly u p th e stream from C ree Lake, th en ce in clu din g said la k e southw esterly along the height of land betw een the Athabasca and Churchill Rivers to w here it intersects the northern boundary of Trea ty Six, and along the sa id boundary easterly, northerly and southw esterly, to the place of com m encem ent .

W hat is interesting about the land boundary description , is the land that HER M AJESTY Q UEEN ELIZABETH II, the corpora tion uses nam es a n d n u m b erin g SYSTEM S to describe the land boundaries. You can sim ply change the nam es and geographical num bering system a nd then what does the treaty refer to then? The sim ple fact is that they treaty on ly references im aginary things not real. Nam es are im aginary. You can rena m e the R ed D eer River for exam ple to an ything else you can im agine, but the river rem ains the sam e, just the nam e changes. The reality is that the fictional entity is creating a treaty o f fiction al things not the Earth. The Earth still belongs to hum anity given to hum anity by the Crea tor. Thus it is just another form of fraud. The nature that the QUEE N p uts herself above God does not detract from the fact that the wom an prostituting her body as the QUEEN is still a creation of the creator and has no m ore authority over anyone or anything on the planet than anyo ne else does. This is the sam e for all property on the planet. Many buildings use capital letters in the nam e of their Buildin g o r fa n cy font logos etc. It does not detract from the truth that these structures are still the Earth just m olded into a different form . Change the nam e of the structure an d the structure rem ains, so the nam es are fiction the structures are real. This goes for all the Cou ntries in the w orld, change the nam es of Cou ntries and you set up new ideologies or social structures, but the people rem ain the sa m e as does the Earth. Rem em bering that they are in an im aginary w orld trying to overlay the im agina ry onto the real until you point out the o b viou s to th em that it is frau d. W hen you do that the scam is over.

AND ALSO the said Indian rights, titles and privileges whatsoever to all o ther lands wherever situated in the Northw est Territories, British Colum bia, or in any other portion of the Dom inion of Canada.

Again rights, titles and privileges to the land, w here did the Native People gain these from ? Crea tor? There is nothing w ritten by the Creator anyw here. In truth the land w e are on is not ours to give aw ay, it belongs to everyone. Is it saying that som ehow that the Dom inion of Canada, was extending these rights, titles and privileges to the Native People prior to the treaty? At what point did the Colonist seek perm ission from the Natives to occupy their la n d ? W as it the Colonists idea that the land belonged to them as w ell because it w asnt a Coun try in the beginn ing? Th at w ould m ean exactly w h at I have been saying, tha t the plan et belon gs to everyone and not to fictional entities called Coun tries. But of course in term s of having selective observations, this w as ignored by m ost people.

TO H AVE AND TO H O LD the sam e to H er M ajesty the Q ueen and H er successors for ever.

And H er M ajesty the Q ueen H EREBY AG R E E S w ith the said Indians that they shall have right to pursue their usual vocations of hunting, trapping and fishing throughout the tract surrendered as heretofore described, subject to such regulations as m ay from tim e to tim e be m ade by the Governm ent of the country, acting under the authority of Her M ajesty, and saving and excepting such tracts as m ay be required or taken up from tim e to tim e for settlem ent, m ining, lum bering, trading or other purposes.

H ere w e se e e xten d in g of rights from a Fiction . Ca n the Q ueen present herself in the real w orld an d protect their rights for this? No, she is a fiction. H ere they give the rights to hunt, trap and fish with one hand and take them all back by saying that it is subject to regulations. Thus it is only a privilege not a right.

And H er M ajesty the Q ueen hereby agrees and undertakes to lay aside reserves for such bands as desire reserves, the sam e not to exceed in all one square m ile for each fam ily of five for such n um ber of fam ilies as m ay elect to reside on reserves, or in tha t proportion for larger or sm aller fam ilies; a n d for such fam ilies or individual Indians as m ay prefer to live a p art from band reserves, H er M ajesty undertakes to provide land in severalty to the exten t of 16 0 acres to each In dian, th e la n d to be conveyed w ith a proviso as to non -alienation w ith ou t th e con sent of the G overnor General in Cou ncil of Canada, the selection of such reserves, and lands in severalty, to be m ad e in the m anner following, nam ely, the Superintendent General of Indian Affairs shall depute and send a suitable person to determ ine and set a part such reserves and lan ds, after consulting w ith the Indian s co n cern ed a s to the locality w hich m ay be found suitable and open for selection.

Bishop Grandins H ouse in St. Albert, Alberta, CANAD A

Now the truth about the Colony com es out. The fa ct that it is a m ilitary occupation headed by the Governor General. Canada or rather the C row n is the Im aginary Ship and the Governor General is the Com m anding O fficer. The Superintendent Gene ral is an other M ilitary position and thu s putting the N ative people under Adm iralty La w . A t th is point it does not m atter w hat the contract says, in essence it is saying w e can do anything w e w ant to you but you cant do anything to us. It is serfdom .

Provided, how ever, that Her M ajesty reserves the right to dea l with any settlers within the bounds of any lands reserved for an y band as She m ay see fit; and also that the aforesaid reserves of land, or any interest therein, m ay be sold or otherw ise disposed of by H er M ajesty's Governm ent for the use and benefit of the said Indians entitled thereto, w ith their consent first had and obtained.

H ere th ey are saying w e can sell off your Reserve lands at anytim e w ith their con sent. W ow ! They just finish ed com m itting genocide, w iping out the m illions of Buffalo as th e m ain source of food and w ay of life and now they are saying w e are going to ask you perm ission first if w e w ant to sell so m e of your land for your benefit? The land you and your ancestors have lived on for centuries or m ore? Okay...

It is further agreed betw een H er M a jesty a n d H er said Indian subjects tha t such portions of the reserves and lands above indicated as m ay at any tim e be required for public w orks, bu ild in gs, railw ays, or roads of w hatsoever nature m ay be appropriated for th at purpose by H er M ajesty's Governm ent of the Dom inion of Canada, due com pensation being m ade to the Indians for the value of any im provem ents thereon, and an equivalent in land, m oney or other consideration for the area of the reserve so appropriated.

This m eans that once you have spen t a ll y ou r tim e clearing bush, plow ing a field and m aking it good for grow ing crops, they can com e just take it from you and do w hatever they w ant. That sou nds fair right?

An d w ith a view to sho w th e satisfaction of H er M ajesty w ith the beh aviour and good condu ct of H er In d ian s, an d in extinguishm ent of all their past claim s, Sh e hereby, through Her Com m issioners, agrees to m ake each Chief a present of thirty-tw o dollars in cash, to each H eadm an twenty-tw o d ollars, and to every other Indian of w hatever age, of the fam ilies represented at the tim e and place of paym ent, tw elve dollars.

H ere is the m on ey p art of the Con tract. In exchange for all your land w e are going to give you $3 2 cash and each of your headm en $22 and everyone else gets $12. Try and buy a sm all lot in a city for that am ou nt of m on ey. M illion s of Acers of La nd for peanuts.

H er M ajesty also agrees that next year, an d an nu ally afterw ards for ever, She will cause to be paid to the said Indians in ca sh , a t su itable places an d dates, of w hich the said Indians shall be duly notified, to ea ch Chief tw enty-five do lla rs, e a ch H eadm an, not to exceed four to a large Band and tw o to a sm all Band, fiftee n d olla rs, a n d to every other Indian, of w hatever age, five dollars, the sam e, unless there be som e exceptional reason, to be paid only to heads of fam ilies for those belonging thereto.

In term s of the agreem ent the cash being used today is unlaw ful because it has n o value, that is it is not backed by anything real such as Gold or Silver. They m ay still be getting Cash, bu t it is not the sam e kind of cash. Not that this really m atters m uch in term s of sim ple fact that they were forced to contract with a fiction or die from starvation. By the way you will notice that Father LACOM BE w as on the treaty as an in te rp re ter. W h ere w a s th is m ission ary in term s of tryin g to help th ese starvin g people? S hou ld he had n o t sent a letter to the Pop e requesting financial aid to feed the people? W ell guess that was overlooked. By the way Father LAC O M BE h as been declaim ed as a Saint. The Bishop Grandins house in St. Albert is and w a s a h u ge about 5000 square feet or m ore (see picture bellow ), yet there w as no m oney to help th e starving Native people, w ho give 10% of their incom e to the church or w ork on Church land projects to help establish the Rom an Catholic Church.

FUR TH ER , H er M ajesty agrees that each Chief, a fter sig ning the treaty, shall receive a silver m edal and a suitable flag, and next yea r, and every third year thereafter, each Ch ief and H eadm an sha ll receive a suitable suit of clothing.

H e re th ey are givin g th em th e flag to th e S hip an d th e S ilver M edal m igh t be akin to th e G reat S e a l o f Canada, their O fficial CO RPO RATE SEAL.

FURTH ER, Her M ajesty agrees to pay the salaries of such teachers to instruct the children of said In dians as to H er M ajesty's G overnm ent of Cana da m ay seem advisable.

The Residential Schools created, killed som ew here around 800 children and traum atized thou sa n d s in physical, m ental a nd sexual abuse. Som e children were put in electric chairs as a form of punishm ent. The idea of educating w as m ore about destroying their culture. This is just w hat we have learned about, schooling in the pioneering days w as very lim ited and even few w hite settlers ever w ent b ey on d g rad e six. O ne room school houses w ere about all that there w as in those days. H ow m uch schooling th e n a tive s got

in the beginn ing is un clear, but instruction on farm ing w as clearly ina dequ ate or non existent. H ence m ore people starved I am sure. http://canadiangenocide.nativew eb.org/

FUR TH E R , H er M ajesty agrees to supply each Chief of a Band that selects a reserve, for the use of that Band, ten axes, five hand-saw s, five au gers, one grindston e, and the necessary files and w hetston es.

Yes you w ill need these to clear bush for your farm land, for w hich w ill later be taken a w a y from you to build the cities and towns on.

FURTH ER, Her M ajesty agrees that each Band that elects to take a reserve and cultivate the soil, shall, as soon as con venient after su ch reserve is set aside and settled upon , an d the Band has signified its choice and is prepared to brea k u p th e soil, receive two hoes, on e spade, one scythe and two hay forks for every fam ily so settled, and for every three fam ilies one plough and one harrow , and to the Chief, for the use of his B a n d , tw o horses or a yoke of oxen, and for each Band potatoes, barley, oats and w hea t (if such seed be suited to the locality of the reserve), to plant the la n d a ctu a lly broken up, and provisions for on e m onth in the spring for several years while planting such seeds; and to every fam ily one cow , a nd every Chief one bull, an d one m ow ing-m achine and one reaper for the use of his Band w h en it is rea dy for them ; for such fam ilies as prefer to raise stock instead of cultivating the soil, every fam ily of five persons, tw o cows, and every Ch ief tw o bulls an d tw o m ow ing-m achines w hen ready for their u se, a n d a like proportion for sm aller or larger fam ilies. The a foresaid articles, m achines and cattle to be given one for all for the encouragem ent of agriculture and stock raising; and for such Ba nds as prefer to continue hunting an d fish in g , a s m uch am m un ition a nd tw ine for m aking nets annually as will am ount in value to one dollar per head of the fam ilies so engaged in hunting and fishing.

Now read the abo ve ca refully. Can you see yourself or a group of people able to sustain them selves on this? Because m oney w as in short the G overnm ent failed to ship out everything tha t they prom ised here. W hich left the N ative people w ith even less to w ork w ith. Breech of Contract, yes but because it is all based in Adm irality Law of fiction, it doesnt m atter. They only have privilages so fighting them in court is not going to resolve anything, if there were a court, because they had no rights under that system of LAW .

The bit a b ou t, "T O H AVE AND TO H O LD the sam e to H er M ajesty the Q ueen and H er Successors for ever", is akin to a passage in Genesis 2:22-24: [22] And the LO RD G od said, Behold, the m an is becom e as one of us, to know good and evil: an d n ow , lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: [23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he w as taken. [24] So he drove out the m an; and he placed at the east of the garden of E den C herubim s, and a flam ing sw ord w hich turned every w ay, to keep the w ay of the tree of life.

Note th a t L O R D G od m a de Adam and Eve into Farm ers of the Land that w as taken from them by LOR D God for eating from the Tree of Know ledge. H ence the sam e thing w as done to th e I n dians and thus again this is highly sym bolic, but not very practical. Both the In dians and W hite Settlers struggled an d due to the lack of proper farm equipm ent and training the Indians began to starve, which w as the m ain catalyst behind the calculated Northw est R ebellion . The Babylonian Talm ud gives directions on how to treat your farm ing slaves in the first chapter. Again it is very sym bolic to the ruling elite in forcing th e Indians into farm ing. Perhaps the Qu een thinks of herself as LOR D God?

And the undersigned Cree, B ea ver, Chipew yan and oth er Indian Chiefs and H eadm en, on their ow n behalf and o n b eh alf of all the In dians w hom they represent, D O H EREBY SO LEM NLY PRO M ISE and en gage to strictly observe this Treaty, and also to conduct and behave them selves as good and loyal subjects of H er M ajesty the Queen.

TH EY PRO M ISE AND ENG AG E that they w ill, in all re spects, obey and abide by the law ; that they w ill m aintain pea ce betw een each othe r, a n d betw een them selves an d other tribes of Indian s, and betw een them selves and others o f Her M ajesty's subjects, whether Indians, half-breeds or whites, this year

in h a biting and hereafter to inhabit any part of the said ceded territory; and that they w ill not m olest th e person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tract, or of any other district or country, or interfere w ith or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract or any part thereof, and tha t they w ill assist the officers of Her M ajesty in bringing to justice and punishm ent any Indian offending against the stipulations of this Treaty or infringing the law in force in the country so ceded.

The cou ntry so ceded. H ere the treaty adm its that the Native people w ere in a Cou ntry . H en ce th e First Nations People. The N ative people never looked at the lan d in term s of it b ein g a coun try. Rather they looked at it as regions. They lived peacefully am ongst each other for a very long tim e m oving to different area s in the USA a n d C anada. The M exicans lived m ainly along the w est coast of California and dow n into M exico, but those w ere n ever states or counties, just land. Hence yet another fraud in saying that the Native People thought in term s of countries and w ere a Body PO LITIC. It is a fraud. In term s of Contract if th e en tire treaty is a frau d, because it is based on fiction entities. Th e only reason tha t they got aw a y w ith it is that the In ternation al Cou rts are being controlled by the sam e people w ho are creating the fiction s. H ence they have no Lawful claim to land. You goto any court and sim ply ask the judge where does he/she get the authority to pass judgem ent on real, living sentient being s, children of the Creator? They have non. Th is is the prem ise of w hy I am w riting this book. Unless you know the w ha t they did you are easily tricked by their scam . It has taken them 2000 years to get to this point and as you see things are not good for the for the m ajority of the people living on the planet today.

IN W ITNES S W H ER EO F Her M ajesty's said Com m issioners and the Cree Chief and H eadm en of Lesser Slave Lake and the adjacent territory, H AVE H EREUNTO SET TH EIR HAND S at Lesser Slave Lake on the tw enty-first day of June, in the year herein first above written.

I h a v e included the nam es of the PER SO NS involved w ith the treaty so you can see that indeed tha t contract/treaty was based in a fictional world of PERSONS. I wanted you to see the CAPITALIZATIO N of the nam es so that you would know that indeed that they are using the im aginary world of FICTIO NS.

Signed by the parties hereto, in the presence of the undersigned w itnesses, the sam e having been first explained to the Indians by Albert Tate and Sam uel Cunningham , Interpreters.


J. H . PICAR D, R ICH AR D SECO RD , M . M CCAULEY. D AVID LA IRD , Trea ty C om m issioner, J.A.J. M cK ENNA, Trea ty C om m issioner, J. H . RO SS, Trea ty C om m issioner, his K EE NO O SH AY O O x Chief, m ark his M O O STOO S x Headm an, m ark his FELIX GIRO UX x Headm an, m ark his W EE CHEE W AY SIS x Headm an, m ark his CH ARLES NEE SUE TA SIS x Headm an, m ark his CA PTAIN x H eadm an, from Sturgeon m ark Lake.

In w itness w hereof the Chairm an of H er M ajesty's C om m ission ers and the H eadm an of the In dians of Peace River Landing and the adjacent territory, in behalf of him self and the Indians w hom h e represen ts, have hereunto set their h an ds a t the said Peace River Landing on the first day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousan d eight hundred an d ninety-nine.

H ere w e see the infrence of usin g w ord d a te using he year of O ur Lord, pertaining to God. It is som ehow trying to justify tha t God is agreeing tha t this w ou ld be okay. In term s of truth JESU S w as m urdered during Passover in the spring, thus all Calendars usin g A .D . a re n ot accu rate for the new year should start in April not January. Further, there everything is written in Legalese and there are people listed here as interpreters tha t are not law yers an d ha ve not the training to tran slate betw een Lega lese and Cree.

Signed by the parties hereto, in the presence of the undersigned w itnesses, the sam e having been first explained to the Indians by Father A. Lacom be and John Bou cher, Interpreters.

Father A. LACOM BE, E. GRO UARD , O.M .I., Ev. d'Ibora, GEO . HO LMES, H E N RY M C CO R R IS TE R, K. F. ANDERSO N, SGT., N.W .M .P.

PIERRE DESCH AM BEAULT, H . A. CO NR OY T .A . BR IC K , H AR RISO N S. YO UNG , J. W . M A R TIN , DAVID CURRY. DAVID LAIRD , Chairm an of Indian Treaty Com m ission ers, his D UN CA N x TASTA O O STS , H eadm an of m ark Crees

In witness Beaver and them selves day of July,

whereof the Chairm an of Her M ajesty's Com m issioners and the Chief and H eadm en of the H eadm an of the Crees and othe r In d ia n s of Verm ilion and the adjacent territory, in behalf of and the In dians w hom they represent, have hereu nto set their hands at Verm ilion on the eighth in the year of our Lord one thousan d eight hundred an d ninety-nine.

Signed by the parties hereto, in the presence of the undersigned w itnesses, the sam e having been first explained to the Indians by Father A. Lacom be and John Bou cher, Interpreters.

Father A. LACOM BE, E. GRO UARD , O.M .I., Ev. d'Ibora, H ere w e h a ve tw o Priests acting as interpreters and signing this docum ent. Father A. LACO M BE, w as m ade a S a in t by the C atholic Chu rch and w as noted as the Fou nder of St. Albert, Alberta. O.M .I. is the O b lite P riests and Nuns that w orked from the St. Albert parish. Today you can go and p ra y a t Fa th er A . LACO M BES resting place inside the crypt of the St. Albert Church. I am not saying that Father A. LACO M BE , know ingly deceived people, but just show in g h ow th e hidden hand w orks though good people. Putting a friendly face forw ard that talks about lov e a n d p ea ce h elping Satan as it w ere steal land from starving Na tive People.

M ALCO LM SCO TT, F.D . W ILSO N, H .B. Co., H . A. CO NR OY PIERRE DESCH AM BEAULT, H AR RISO N S. YO UNG , J. W . M A R TIN , K. F. ANDERSO N, SGT., N.W .M .P. A.P. CLARKE, CH AS. H. STUART W ADE, K. F. ANDERSO N, SGT., N.W .M .P. D AVID LAIRD , Chairm an of In dian Treaty Com s., his AM BR O SE x TETE NO IRE, Ch ief Beaver m ark In dians.

his PIE RRO T x FO URNIER, H eadm an Beaver m ark In dians. his Headm an K UIS KUIS KO W CA PO O H O O x Cree m ark Indians.

In w itness whereof the Chairm an of Her M ajesty's Treaty Com m issioners and the Chief and H eadm an of the Chipew yan Indians of Fond du Lac (Lake Athabasca) and the adjacent territory, in behalf of them selves and the In dians w hom they represent, have hereu nto set their hands at the said Fond du La c on the twenty-fifth an d tw enty-seventh da ys of July, in the year of O ur Lord one thousan d eight hundred an d ninety-nine.

Th e Beaver Indian s of D un vegan having m et on this sixth da y of July, in this present year 1 8 9 9 , H er M ajesty's Com m issioners, the Honourable Jam es Ham ilton Ross and Jam es Andrew Joseph M cKenna, E sq u ire, an d h avin g h ad explain ed to th en th e term s of th e T reaty u nto w h ich th e C hief an d H e a d m e n of th e Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country set th eir h ands on the tw enty-first day of Ju ne, in the year herein first above w ritten, do join in the cession m ade by the sa id T re a ty, and agree to adhere to the term s thereof in consideration of the undertakings m ade therein.

In w itness w hereof H er M ajesty's said Com m issioners and the Headm an of the said Beaver Indians have hereunto set their hands at Dunvegan on this sixth day of July, in the year herein first above written.

The Chipew yan Indians of Athabasca River, B irch R iver, Peace River, Slave River and Gull River, and the Cree Indians of Gull River and D eep Lake, having m et at Fort Chipew yan on this thirteenth day of Ju ly, in this present year 1899, H er M ajesty's Com m issioners, th e H onourable Jam es H am ilton Ross and Jam es Andrew Joseph M cKenna, Esqu ire, an d having ha d explained to them the term s of the Treaty unto w hich the Chief and H eadm en of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country set their hands on the tw enty-first day of Ju ne, in the year herein first above w ritten, do join in the cession m ade by the said Treaty, and agree to adhere to the term s thereof in consideration of the undertakings m ade therein.

In w itness w hereof H er M a jesty's said Com m issioners and the Chiefs and H eadm en of the said C h ip ew ya n and Cree Ind ian s ha ve h ereunto set their hands at Fort Chipew yan on this thirteenth day of July, in the year herein first above written.

The Chipew yan In d ia n s o f Slave River and the country thereabouts having m et at Sm ith's Landing on this seventeenth day of July, in this present year 1899, Her M ajesty's Com m issioners, the Honourable Jam es H am ilton R oss and Jam es Andrew Joseph M cKenna, Esquire , and having had explained to them the term s of the Treaty unto w hich the Chief and H eadm en of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country, set their hands on the tw enty-first day of June, in the year herein first above written, do join in the cession m ad e by the said Treaty, and agree to adhere to the term s thereof in consideration of the undertakings m ade therein.

Take note of the Honou rable Title given to Jam es H alm iton Ross, w h ich indem ifys him as a com m issioner of breaking law s. Thu s know ing tha t the trea ty is un law ful, he proceeds w ith it. The other aspect is Jam es th e E s q u ire, w h ich is also a Title w h ich is given to Attorn eys m ain ly. G ivin g th em statu s of bein g on e abov e G entlem en and one bellow K n igh t. H e is listed as being a m ilitary O fficer, all esquires are m ilitary officers of the King.

In witness whereof Her M ajesty's said Com m issioners and the Chief and H eadm en of the said Chipew yan Indians have hereunto set their hands at Sm ith's Landing, on this seventeenth da y o f July, in the year herein first above written.

The Chipew yan and Cree In dians of Fort M cM urray and the country there a b outs, having m et at Fort M cM urray, on this fourth da y of August, in this present year 1899, H er M a jesty's Com m issioner, Jam es Andrew Joseph M cKenna, Esqu ire, an d having had explained to them the term s of the Treaty unto w hich the Chief and H eadm en of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country set their hands on the tw enty-first day of Ju ne, in th e y ea r herein first above w ritten, do join in the cession m ade by the said Treaty and agree to adhere to the term s thereof in consideration of the undertakings m ade therein.

In w itne ss w hereof H er M ajesty's said Com m issioner and the H eadm en of the said Chipew yan and Cree Indians have hereunto set their hands at Fort M cM urray, on this fourth day of August, in the year herein first above written.

The Indians of W apiscow and the country thereabouts having m et at W apiscow Lake on this fourteenth day of August, in this present y ea r 1899, H er M ajesty's Com m ission er, the H on ou rable Jam es H am ilton Ross, and having had explained to them the term s of the T reaty un to w hich the Chief and H eadm en of the Indians of Lesser Slave Lake and adjacent country set their hands on the tw enty-first day of June in the year herein first above written, d o join in the cession m ade by the said Treaty and agree to adhere to the term s thereof in consideration of the undertakings m ade therein.

In w itness w hereof H er M ajesty's said Com m issioner and the Chief and H eadm en of the Indians have hereunto set their hands at W apiscow Lake, on this fourteenth day of August, in the yea r h erein first above w ritten.

I left ou t som e of the signatures for the above section s to sa ve som e room , but again the last nam es w ere all capitalized. H ence all corporate fictions. You can get a full copy of the Trea ty from the In ternet at: http://w w w .ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/trts/trty8/trty_e.htm l

Now the sim ple fact that all these people signed the docum ent saying that title belonged too the QUEEN a Fictional entity does not negate that the QUEEN never signed the docum ent and never will, because she is FICTION. There is absolutely no evidence in any treaties anywhere in the world that a corporation can own land. For there is no FICTION capable of signing a treaty that says so. Everyone on the planet has equal interest in the Earth, nothing m ore nothing less. Nothing can change that.

This was com pletely and totally a m ilitary occupation and war against the Native people. The use of the church as a way to destroy their ancient beliefs and knowledge was param ount for the native people they could not kill. These people com e from Ancient Lem uria and Atlantis, the knowledge that they hold like in Africa could easily counter the goals of the Bankers in their bid to totally take over the world and m ake it into a giant prison. The race is on as m ore and m ore people begin to awaken to the truth of what is really happening and begin resisting the efforts of the Bankers. They are very far behind schedule in creating this giant prison we were suppose to be im prisoned by 1985 and 2012 is approaching fast.

In term s of the Settlers land this was all stolen through the ignorance of the people. They were told to walk out as far as you can, create a description of the land you found and com e back to the Magistrate and register your new found land with him . Thus no one bothered to look up w hat the word Register m eans. Merchant Captains would com e to a port and register all their chattel property with the Harbor Master. Thus Register is to identify som ething as chattel and thus when you register som ething you are handing over ownership. Chattel property was sold to pay for harbor fees etc. Chattel includes slaves am ong other com m odities. Thus when the settlers registered their land, they handed over the property to

the King as chattel property, for which the King could do whatever he wished in reference to it. So m uch for Hom e of the Brave and Land of the Free.

Chapter 2

The Courts or Rather Temple of Baal

The Sun Temple "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." Prime Minister Jean Chrtien, PC, QC, BA, LLL, LLD
Now com es the tim e of truth. Truth is sovereign as your Word is your Bond. The Truth will set you free. We are equal before the law. They tell you that you have rights and freedom s. The constitution guarantees them and nobody can change that. If your rights or freedom s are violated in any way you can seek protection by taking the perpetrators to court and the truth will prevail and you will be okay. As you read in the last chapter this is a fantasy, in fact you only have privileges not rights and freedom s. The fundam ental truth is that fictions do not deal in truth, but rather in argum ent and conjecture. Having good proof as Jean states in his fam ous quote has nothing to do with truth. Can you have good truth? Our lives depend on us living in truth, if it didnt we would die.

For a lot of people the only contact that they ever have with the court system is what they see on Television, in fictional shows. There peoples rights and freedom s are defended and the bad people are put away. It is played over and over again. Lawyers everywhere you look advertising as m uch as they can in your city. Any problem s we have we are conditioned to go running to a Lawyer for help. At tim es we goto court ourselves to testify and we feel that we are doing our duty as a citizen for doing so. When we are accused of som ething we did not do, we know that people are there to help us and protect our freedom . W e are told we are innocent until proven guilty and through habeas corpus we m ust be considered innocent and be free until a verdict is rendered saying otherwise.

The entire SYSTEM is based not so m uch on proving the truth but rather extorting large sum s of m oney and freedom from you, the truth has no value to the SYSTEM. The Canadian and US and British Courts are a com plete fraud as well as m any other jurisdictions around the world. It is not by accident it is this way. The Courts are mere Tem ples for which the unknowing enter as a sacrifice. They m ust exchange their wealth and/or freedom to be let go. There are Maxims to Com m ercial Law, which are being ignored. Because they are being ignored in favor of the Governm ent and people who ultim ately are controlling and extorting huge sum s of m oney from the people through the Governm ents, little if nothing is done to stop it. They use the m oney to bribe people in positions of power or simply they have unfortunate accidents, suicides and heart attacks etc. This has been going on for a very long tim e and it is now brought the world to the point where a few own m ost of everything of value and have set up a world wide slavery grid based on m oney.

Now rem em ber God did not give m an or wom an a nam e nor did he create any laws. If the Bible did not exist from where would one draw upon for Devine authority over others? If indeed the Bible is a fraud as stated a num ber of tim es in the last chapter then from where do you draw any authority to us force against the Creators children? No authority does exist only contract. Contract is all that m atters. The difficulty is that they know w e are

m ultidim ensional infinite beings of light and consciousness. We are everything that exists we are the m asters of this illusionary world, we are the m ost beautiful expression of life within the Universe and at the m ost fundam ental level we are love. This is our hom e. This is our Garden of Eden. This is our paradise. Where do the courts get the authority to do what they do to us? W hy do we have POLICE running around all over the planet intim idating us into believing that som e LAW applies to us when indeed no laws apply to us at all?

I am not sure if I have all the answers to these questions but perhaps over tim e, together we can find the answers. All I know is that a great awakening is taking place and the few are beginning to put the final pieces together for a world governm ent based on their SYSTEM of law. Where the few have absolute power over the SLAVES of the world. The prison is being built all around you. Technology that can see through walls, listen through doors, watch your every m ove through a city. Com puters that can identify you even if you change your appearance. The introduction of m icro chipping people in Mexico so that they can be tracked and identified. The POLICE State is here and you only have privileges. The Patriot Act which destroyed the Bill of Rights in the USA extends to all Countries on the Planet. The powers that be are beginning to bring together an all powerful one world governm ent from which no escape will be possible.

The people involved in the Court SYSTEMS through out Canada and the world for that m atter are only there because the people have been lulled into a false sense of trust about the SYSTEM and how it works. Som e POLICE Constables have no idea what they are involved with and truly believe that they are there to provide safety and security for the societies in which they live. They never question the origins of Law nor the basic prem ise of what Law is and m eans. Som e Lawyers even to som e extent believe that they are indeed working to help their clients and have difficulty know ing why judgem ents go certain ways, even though the evidence presented proves otherwise. Then there are the ones that do know the truth but keep silent and just do their job. Then the core being the Judges take all their direction from the Law Societies on what verdicts to render on what cases. Verdicts are decided m ainly prior to the start of the trials. It has been noted that he Canadian Governm ent has never lost a Case in Court concern taxes. Thats am azing based on the m ass treason that has and is going on.

Running to the Pope isnt going to change m atters at all. The Pope is the ruler of the Sovereign State called the Holy See, the Vatican City. It is about 109 acres large and he is absolute authority there. Think he believes in Fictions? Does he perhaps have the Title to the W orld with Gods signature on it? Hm m , think not. Nope he is an actor, another PERSON within the SYSTEM. The Em peror of Rom e incognito. Interesting how he recognizes the reality of International law based on the im aginary world of PERSONS. The Catholic Church has gone hand in hand with im perialism spreading all over the Earth, with m issionaries following the explorers. Thus everywhere they went the brought on the concepts of im aginary fictions called Countries and a Religion, which lim ited the realm of possibilities for spirituality for the people. The Churches will not talk about these things for it would be the death knell for them . They know it is better to keep you focused on doing good and the problem s of the world are of no concern to you because you are headed for an eternal life with Jesus in heaven. Well if you are a PERSON m aybe not.

Just so there is absolutely no confusion over the role that the Vatican and Pope are playing in this gam e called the New World Order you should pay close attention to the close integration of the Catholic Church with Governm ents all over the world. They are using civil law to shut

down the sm aller churches that speak out about the truth of what is happening. Further they are concentrating a great deal of decision m aking pow er for the entire world into the hands of the Pope. The Pope using Civil law to do all its dirty work so it can be perceived as an institution that stands for hum an rights and freedom . As the you read earlier in the W ESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH the Pope was identified correctly as the Anti Christ, that is the savior. Rather he and the Babylonian Church incognito called the Rom an Catholic Church headed by the Pope in Rom e is Principle dictator of a great deal of the world. Som e Muslim states have not ceded to his will and of course this is where you see a lot of unrest and regional insecurities happening.

My case in point are the Code of Canon created by the Catholic Church. Note that the word Code is used as in the Talm ud and various other codes through out the world. Here is a link to the Code: http://www.vatican.va/archive/cdc/index.htm

Can. 1401 By proper and exclusive right the Church adjudicates: 1/ cases which regard spiritual m atters or those connected to spiritual m atters; 2/ the violation of ecclesiastical laws and all those m atters in which there is a question of sin, in what pertains to the determ ination of culpability and the im position of ecclesiastical penalties.

Can. 1405 1. It is solely the right of the Rom an Pontiff him self to judge in the cases m entioned in ? can. 1401: 1/ those who hold the highest civil office of a state; 2/ cardinals; 3/ legates of the Apostolic See and, in penal cases, bishops; 4/ other cases which he has called to his own judgm ent. 2. A judge cannot review an act or instrum ent confirm ed specifically (in form a specifica) by the Rom an Pontiff without his prior m andate.

Now hold onto your socks... Can. 1404 The First See is judged by no one.

W hat this m eans is that through Rom an Civil Law the Em peror of Rom e hands out kingdom s and nation states. Through this process the leaders of these entities are only accountable to the Pope and m ay do whatever they want as long as it is Sanctioned by the Pope. Further the Pope hides behind the Holy See a fictional entity stating that the Holy See can not be judged. I would suggest that you watch this video for som e further inform ation. I do not have a problem at all w ith people believing anything they want to believe, however I do have a problem with people forcing their will onto others. Here is the video: Vatican Control Through Civil Law http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-7695778559946532278&q=Law

Now take a breath and think about this for a m om ent. The m ere fact that the Bible has been proven to have no historical value. Indeed we do see a reality of the church presenting itself as the Church of Babylon and we do see the Court of Baal and other things being presented to us which are reflected in the Bible. No doubt Molech exists in California and there are plenty of things that go on that support the Bible as being a book of truth. However were these things put in place because of the Bible stating them or put in place because they were there originally? As I said before the Bible is their guide book to project a realism that is based on a plan for their New World Order. One other thought if the Bible itself is a fraud, which there is m assive evidence to support this, then why would we allow the Vatican to have dictatorial control over Nation States, which fraudulently use Civil Law to enslave us?

In term s of Islam ic and other religious states, one only has to look at the situation there to see how the governm ent operates. Does it operate in a m ode to ensure freedom or oppression?

Here is another video which you will find highly interesting: W ho is Pope Benedict XVI? http://video.google.com /videoplay?docid=1692157467411214807&pr=goog-sl

If you take a look through the Code of Canon you will discover very quickly it m akes heavy use of the word Person. As we have already discussed you are not a PERSON. Thus none of the laws apply to us, only to the im aginary fiction. Hence this is the prim ary reason why there is so m uch forgery and fraud related to church docum ents, the religion m uch like the CHURCH OF ENGLAND is based within a fictional world, not this one. The Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, etc. are all actors in reality although a large m ajority of them believe that the they are the Person. As they say dont shoot the m essenger. I didnt m ake any of this up, instead if you are angry in any way about this turn to these Spiritual Leaders for answers. My points are valid although I do know m any will have a difficult tim e releasing the illusion of religion. The title of the book is, The Extortion System of the Ruling Elite. Yes it is extortion when they talk about God being who he is and that the only salvation you have from your sins is through their SYSTEM. It only took 600 years of violence and torture and genocide for the Catholic Church to establish itself through the threat of death and persecution. If indeed they were speaking the truth the truth would stand on its own. The Ruling Elite flex their influence from a num ber of areas of your life, attem pting to instill their way of life onto yours. They do not wish you to have free thought or free expression for that threatens them .

A Sneak Peak at a Court Okay for som e insane reason you decide to go into their court room over a speeding ticket lets say. W ell before you got there you were asked to speak to the JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and enter a plea of Not Guilty. So by going before the JUSTICE OF THE PEACE you are acknowledging that their SYSTEM has Jurisdiction over you. But youre sm art and you know you can talk to the CROW N PROSECUTOR and explain to him /her the idea that they are im posing an im aginary world of fictions on you and they have no right to do so and thus should drop the charges. Now you have im plied for the second tim e that they have jurisdiction over you by speaking with the CROW N PROSECUTOR, whom of which you have given your nam e too and to the JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, of which is an untrue statem ent, because you dont know your true nam e.

After pleading out your reasons why none of this applies to you, you run back to the Justice of the Peace because the Crown Prosecutor says this is something for the JUDGE to decide, it is the only course of action he wants to take. Getting you before a JUDGE. So now you have researched everything and even put a case together perhaps to present to the JUDGE about fictions and m aybe even the unfairness in the TRAFFIC TICKET. You arrive early and you hear them say,Please com e to m e the CROW N PROSECUTOR and tell m e your NAME so I know you are here. So you run up there and tell the CROW N PROSECUTOR your NAME. He thanks you and asks you to have a seat and wait until you are called. As you sit you notice the Gold fringed flag in the COURT ROOM and that everyone is dressed in black. There on the wall is a nice picture of the QUEEN and the ROYAL COAT OF ARM S, which has the Goat representing hum anity chained to the ground. You see the LAW YERS com e in and notice how friendly they are with the CROW N PROSECUTOR and som e of them m ay say outright that the CROW N PROSECUTOR is their friend, as indeed he/she is in the Tem ple. Tem ple well yes, you are in a Tem ple but lets continue. Didnt you see the LAW YERS knell to towards the alter as they came in? Must have m issed that one, but they did.

Next you hear the clerk of the COURT say, All stand JUDGE so and so presiding. The JUDGE walks in usually looking well fed and cared for and in good shape from all the vacations he has taken and sits down at the top of a very large desk over looking the entire room . He/She sits down and says you m ay all sit. Then of course you sit down and do as your told, because you respect the JUDGES authority and there are even POLICE in the room watching to see that everyone com plies. Well exactly com pliance equals contract. By standing and then sitting you have just m ade an im plied contract w ith the JUDGE in that he has JURISDICTION over you. You then m ay see the LAW YERS and the CROW N PROSECUTOR all bow or kneel towards the JUDGE. The next few words that com e out of the CROW N PROSECUTORS m outh will be tw o key statem ents. One being, your WORSHIP how are your today? and the second being, Your HONOR we have a num ber of cases which we need to speak with you about today. You sit there watching this saying nothing to object to these statements. W hat has just happened is that you have just bowed before a false God, his/her WORSHIP and violated a LORD Gods Law and further you have accepted the reality that the JUDGE has HONOR and thus is indem nified from breaking any laws against you. HONOR is a Title as well which indem nifies anyone using it, Political Leaders use it in Parliam ent where they constantly lie, deceive and abuse peoples intelligence on a daily basis.

So now they call out your LEGAL NAME and ask you to approach the Bar. You gleefully go up believing it is finally your turn to have your say and explaining the fraud being brought before you and others. You State your nam e for the Record, thus now entering into yet another Contract with the Court, for which only grants privileges. The CROW N PROSECUTOR reads out the charges and begins the Prosecution. The Judge m ay look at you directly and ask you if you UNDERSTAND the CHARGES being presented too you. If you say yes you just stated that you stand for them , it was a choice question which you could say no or say I OVER-STAND the charges, again it is just another offer of CONTRACT. At this point you have stepped up to the Bar or in som e cases even crossed the Bar. Once inside or at the Bar you are now on the Bridge of the Ship called the CROW N in the Case of Canadian Courts and now under the Judges Jurisdiction. You plead your case the Judge m ay hear from WITNESSES or POLICE OFFICERS and then render his VERDICT, which is only an offer of CONTRACT. You sit there and say nothing your silence is your acceptance of the CONTRACT. Next case.

In Crim inal court situations the sentencing situation again is a point where they are offering you CONTRACT. The JUDGE will say, Is there anything you like to say before I render the Verdict or Sentence. Som e people will ram ble on how the charges were unfair or different

aspects of the case. W hat the JUDGE is asking here is in fact is, Do you agree with m e on everything that has transpired thus far? This is done because you are in a Com m ercial Court that can only recognize fictional entities and revolves on CONTRACT. In cases where the JUDGE has read out the Verdict or Sentence, then you sim ply state, I do not agree with your offer of Contract, Verdict or Sentence. In order for the proceedings to be lawful they m ust get your com pliance to the verdict or sentence. Otherwise it is not a lawful Contract. They know this and w ill use indim idation and trickery to get to get your agreem ent. This is not a Court about Justice it is a Court about Bondage and Slavery.

Your are now deep within their Tem ple and Satan is rubbing his hands for yet another Soul has agreed to enter into Bondage under him. Youre doom ed. The only thing that will release you is if you pay out enough m oney to LAW YERS in exchange for your freedom . The LAW YERS are there to Practice LAW not defend you in LAW .. They are told which cases to win and lose before the trial begins. You step into their Tem ple you are offering yourself as a Sacrifice. In Lue of your life they are kind in that they only take your wealth and/or freedom . The black Robes sym bolizing the who they worship, within the cult of darkness and death.

In this Chapter we are going to exam ine the Origins of the Courts and take a closer look at The City, a Sovereign State within the City of London, w hich houses the Financial district and Tem ple Bar. It is a crossroads of power where the few have m anaged unlawfully to gain control over the worlds Financial and Court System s. From there they orchastrate with im punity wars, fam ines and directions of econom ies for entire Countries. It goes hand in hand with the Holy Rom an Em pire, which quietly operates in the background in Concert. Behind all this we find 13 bloodline fam ilies who dom inate and control the m ajor institutions of all Countries in the world. We outnum ber them greatly but, they are the creators and orchestrators of this im aginary world of PERSO NS. The use of secret societies and outright sorcery is only second nature to them . They are m asters at lulling you and the m asses to sleep, while they push forward their agenda. However with their desire to create a One W orld Governm ent based on Bondage and Slavery people are beginning to wake up and take notice. This chapter will be very helpful for anyone finding them selves within their grip, giving you som e tools to help set you free of their unjust, Just Us SYSTEM.

W inning the Contract Truly the only way to win in their SYSTEM is not to enter it to begin with. Never goto court unless your are literally forced at gunpoint to go. You can not win in their courts when m atters of Rights and Freedom s are concerned. Yes they do have som e people that win rights and freedom s, which am ount only to PRIVILEGES, But these wins are wins based on the agenda that they are trying to push forw ard, such as Gay Marriage and other Social Engineering, which have no consequence on them stealing your wealth and freedom s. Anything that exposes the corruption of their SYSTEM in anyway is dragged into their courts so they can silence the people involved.

Everything you do you m ust do it outside of the Courts. If you enter the Courts it is all over. Thus if you find yourself in a situation where you have no choice but to goto their courts and believe m e you do have a choice, then the following inform ation will be of great value to you. It is all about how to shut down a Court Room .

You can call m e John, I prefer to be called John because I'm used to it. My friends call m e John. I'm here to represent a fictional entity called JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY, spelled in all capital letters. Am I allowed to speak on behalf of JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY ALL CAPS NAME? Before we proceed, I have a few questions to ask you; is it ok to ask you a few questions? As a Child of God and a Minister with indisputable title, I am standing in the Kingdom of God, where do you stand? Are we in a com m on law court or an adm iralty court? Are you a Mason? Is there anyone here who is a m em ber of any Masonic organization? Did you receive a copy of m y letter to you dated October 31, 2005? Then you know that I am here on a special appearance and under the invitation of the fictional Petitioner, THE LAW SOCIETY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA who agreed to pay m e m y fees, which is $5,000 per hour for m aking a special appearance here correct? Under the term s of m y acceptance of the Law Societys offer, I counter-offered that I will be here if they pay m e $5,000 per hour for a m inimum of 8 hours. Anyways, I have a copy of the contract which I am entering on the record, you m ay read it if you want. A Dem and for Paym ent has been served to Mr. Peter Voith; a copy of said Demand for Paym ent which I also want to enter on the record. Did you bring a copy of your Oath of Office and your Bond today Jam es? If not, why not Jam es? I asked you in my letter to you of October 31st that you duces tecum m ust bring a copy of your Oath of Office and a copy of your Bond, why did you not bring it? Do you have certified copies of these docum ents here in the courthouse or else where? (If no Oath or Bond) Let the record show that Jam es W. William s, d/b/a JUSTICE (JAMES W.) W ILLIAMS/PUBLIC SERVANT, does not have his Oath of Office and his Bond in his possession today. W ithout your Oath, how can I be sure that you will act in an im partial manner here today as you did not do so last tim e I was here? How can I be sure that you have no bias, or that you have no conflict of interest, or no interest in the outcom e of this case? Since you dont have your Oath today, would you be willing to swear an Oath today? How about you Mr. Voith, (law society), would you be willing to swear an Oath today? I want to enter this on record that these m en are not here to tell the truth they are here to tell lies. You m ade a decision on Septem ber 13, 2005, despite the fact you have seen a copy of my Constructive Notice of Child of God status, now where in Gods nam e did you obtain the authority to m ake such an order? Are you above God? Are you equal to God? Do you stand between m e and God? Do you have any docum ent with any verifiable signature of God that you have the power over m e?

W hen did I, John-Ruiz: D em psey, a Child of God and a Minister of God with an indisputable title consent to your jurisdiction? Especially over m e, the m an, a Sovereign, free born, sentient, living and breathing soul. How did you obtain jurisdiction over m e? I want to know, especially when I'm not even a citizen of your country m y citizenship is in Heaven you can look it up in the King Jam es Bible Philippians 3:20. Or m aybe you think I'm a slave, do you say I'm a slave, or am I a freem an? Could you show m e anything, any statute, any law that could prove that you have jurisdiction over m e? I want to m ake it clear at this point, m y nam e is John-Ruiz: Dem psey, not JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY all capital letters as it appears on the style of cause. John-Ruiz: Dem psey and JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY ALL CAPS are not the sam e; JOHN RUIZ DEMPSEY ALL CAPS is a fictional nam e created by the state, it is not m e, yet you and the law[less] society used that nam e to drag m e into this m uddle. Do you understand the difference between the ALL CAPS nam e and the real Christian nam e? The bottom -line here is: which one is m ore important to you, is it the People, or the law [less] society. Your action speaks volum es, you dont care about justice, you dont care about m ercy, you dont care whats going to happen to all the real People I represent, these are not fictional characters created by your statutes; these m en and wom en are created by God and by interfering with m y work, you are interfering with God. This is what Gods W ord says about you in Luke 11:52 " Woe Unto you Lawyers! For Ye have Taken Away the Key of Knowledge: Ye entered not in Yourselves, and Then That Were Entering in Ye Hindered" In Matthew 23:23 it says this about you: W oe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of m int and anise and cum m in, and have om itted the weightier m atters of the law, judgm ent, m ercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. How long do you think you guys are going to go on with your injustice and abuse of pow er until the people start a revolution? I'm not dealing with your Court until the jurisdiction has been proven. Since the judge refused to answer m y questions, these questions will be sent to him personally, after which, these questions will becom e part of an affidavit and entered on the file as public record. Now seriously, I would like you to read Ciceros definition of natural law from his book, On the Republic, published in 51 BC. "True law is right reason in agreem ent with nature, universal, consistent, everlasting, whose nature is to advocate duty by prescription and to deter w rongdoing by prohibition. Good m en obey its prescriptions and prohibitions, but evil m en disobey them . It is forbidden by God to alter this law, nor is it perm issible to repeal any part of it, and it is im possible to abolish the whole of it. Neither the Senate nor the People can absolve us from obeying this law and we do not need to look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of this law. There will not be one law at Rom e and another law at Athens. There is now and will be forever one law, valid for all peoples and all times. And there w ill be one m aster and ruler for all of us in comm on, God, who is the author of this law, its promulgator, and enforcing judge. Whoever does not obey this law is trying to escape him self and to deny his nature as a hum an being. By this very fact, he will suffer the greatest penalties, even if he should som ehow escape conventional punishm ents."


John-Ruiz: Dem psey BSCr. LL.B http://www.freewebs.com /classaction/

John who is a Lawyer no longer Practices LAW but rather defends real living people from the SYSTEM. I can not express enough about the bravery, conviction and wealth of knowledge that he has. If it were not for John and others like him we would all be in concentration cam ps by now, m aking garbage and being slowly starved to death. In term s of the Court it is indeed nothing m ore than a Tem ple. Ancient accounts of M oses and other characters in the Bible are com plete lies, according to the books by Bushby and Thom pson. It is not difficult to see the fraud within the Bible by sim ply com paring passages to older Bibles or even the Older Greek and Hebrew texts. The Dead Sea Scrolls even conflict with todays Bibles. The sim ple fact is they operate in a world of FICTION and thus being in a FICTIONAL world they can change anything they want about the history of that world, but they dont tell us that this is what they are doing. Why, because they want us as their slaves.

John never got passed the Jurisdiction question as the Judge refused to answer his question. Thus John just sim ply left the Court. If the Judge can not prove Jurisdiction, then there is no point in being there, unless you want to play their gam e, with their rules. The question concerning Masons is that, Masons along with people of the Jewish Faith can take part in a prayer called the Kol Nidre. It disavows them of all their Oaths and oaths they m ay take over the com ing year. Considering that these Group of people occupy Court Room s through out the w orld in positions of power and know how the Lodges work in term s of carrying out orders from the upper level lodges, you begin to see how the few can control the m any. People taking part in this fraud knowingly have no respect for their fellow m en. Som e do it just so that they are in the SYSTEM and will be well cared for, but in the end all tyrants turn on their own. You m ess som ething up bad enough your life m ay be in danger. The whole SYSTEM is based on com m and and control and they m ust obey their Tem ple Masters.

If they can not answer your questions they can have no power over you, thus they can not enslave you. When they ask you, W hat is your nam e, you could respond, Are you asking me that question in English or Legalese? If they say Legalese say, Well I just asked you a question in English so because you can com m unicate with m e in English and I do not understand Legalese, just com m unicate in English with me and I will also say everyone is equal before the law and thus because you can speak English I like to only be presented with law s w ritten in English. Are all your laws in legalese? Yes he answers. W ell I dont see how we can continue this because I can not be equal before a law written and interpreted in a foreign language. Up to this point I thought you were speaking and com m unicating with m e in English this is a clear m isunderstanding. W hen you can present m e laws written in English and a court which the people speak English and show m e a law in English which I have broken a living sentient hum an being then perhaps we can talk again. I see no further reason for us to continue our discussion on this m atter. Good bye.

Another question you can ask is, is this a defacto court? Does this court deal in fiction or truth? You can ask the Judge, because we are both equal before the law could you give m e aid and direction?

The objective is expose the truth for the truth will set you free. They are the enem y and will lie and cheat. But when you point that the judge is sitting on a bond and an oath, which in

Canada they take false oaths and som e Judges in the USA take false oaths you can call them on it.

The True Nature of the Court W henever you goto Court you are being charged w ith a debt. The objective of the court is to get you into dishonor of that debt. It does not m atter to them what statute or act that they say you broke, that is a smoke screen. The entire Court System revolves around getting you to assum e a debt unknowingly because they are using legalese words not English for which to trick you into the old bait and switch. To argue over jurisdiction is to put yourself into dishonor what you need to do is to discharge the debt. It is a Civil Court not Crim inal Court that you are in. The Attorneys job is to bring you into dishonor. They use a lot of sm oke and m irrors to accom plish this. In term s of a court being lawful or not seem s to have no bearing on the protection of your rights and freedom s under the Constitution, which is nothing m ore than an offer of enslavem ent anyways. Countries are fictional entities they have no power over the people of the planet because they have no substance. The gain power over you via the use of your signature and assum ptive agreem ents. All tricks from Babylon. It is not fair and it is indeed cruel and yes they know exactly what they are doing to you.

Everything circulates around Bonds. It is truly sick beyond belief what they have gone and done, but by showing up in court you are taking on a debt and from there they get you to sign bonds, which end up giving them m oney and putting you into prison. W hat people fail to do is to sim ply redeem their Bid Bond. The Bid Bond is your Return on Recognizance Bond, they one that they say you have to sign in order to be let out. It is m oney that has a penal value attached too it. You created it and you can use it to discharge the debt, rightfully ask for clousure of the Account aka case num ber on the docket I would think and final settlem ent. W atch the rats scurry from the court room when you say that one! In term s of the Law s of God and the Bible being used as your shield, you have unknowingly taken on a debt m erely by showing up in Court.

The truth is even if they say that you m ust sign the RoR Bond which binds your person to an obligation which has a penal value too it, you as the principle can say no I do not want to sign it. If you choose to sign it you can sign it under protest and duress, because you are a free m an or wom an. Signing it under protest and duress voids the docum ent and because you complied with their offer, sign this to be let out, you are free and the RoR bond is void. You can follow up with a letter from a public Notary asking them to present the bond to the public Notary to verify that the bond is signed under protest and duress and thus releasing you from its obligation to show up in court.

They hold people unlawfully in jail until they sign off on the RoR which can be several m onths, knowing this sim ple solution is helpful. The other aspect is to sim ply teach the inm ates about statutory law and how the system works and you w ill find that they want you out of there so fast it m akes light look slow. I am still researching this aspect about the RoR bond and the objective is to get you into default so that when you do show up you are in dishonor and they can decide either way what they want to do with you. You m ust use the bond to discharge the debt of the warrant I am assum ing which is the charge and back it up with a Performance Bond and Paym ent Bond. The Principle is You the Hum an Being, Robert-Thom as: Hay and the Surety being ROBERT THOMAS HAY. This is a reversal of m aking you the hum an being the surety. Now not doing this results in them selling the RoR Bond in Bussels for Trillions of Dollars which is funneled back into the Illum inati controlled private prison System s all around the world.

The articles I am getting this inform ation from com e from Jean Keating. I would suggest reading his m aterial for m ore clearer view of what is going on and rem edy within it.

Here are som e links: http://www.freedom -school.com /keating_sem inar_transcription.pdf http://goldism oney.info/forum s/showthread.php?t=18178

W hen an Officer com es to arrest you on a warrant it really a law suit that he is presenting you with. A warrant represents a debt or statutory obligation. The sim ple fact is they are asking you to be party to a lawsuit the so called charge of what you did is a sm oke screen for the com m ercial instrum ent that represents their wanting to enter into a lawsuit with you. You sim ply tell them that you do not wish Joinder and that you do not wish to contract with them . If they persist saying that it is a Judges Order and that they are acting under orders tell them that they and the Judge will have to pay the bill for the Order that they are presenting too you under the Law and Equity Act. There is nothing different from pulling up to a fast food window and giving an order and being presented a bill. Just write up a bill, m aybe $500 trillion dollars w ould be a nice start. It is all comm ercial Law. Make sure that every step of the way that if you cant get out of it to have the officers note in their books that you are only allowing them to do what they are doing under protest and duress. For there is no obligation binding you to their laws. The laws were made for the Governm ent not for the People. People live under com m on law not Statutory law of im aginary fictions called persons.

They think of you as an em ployee because you have a Social Insurance Num ber or a Social Security Num ber which identifies you as a Governm ent em ployee. Governm ents are corporations and you they lied to you that you needed a SS or SIN num ber in order to work. You can return your SIN or SS num ber any tim e and go sell pot for example. Their laws do not apply to you. The debt obligations surrounding the SIN or SS num ber you gave them becom es their obligation and they have to deal w ith it. You should also file a Notice of Understanding and Intent to bring out the issues of you being a Freem an on the Land. Have a Notary Public Serve it and after 10 days with no response follow up with a Notice of Claim of Right putting down what you are claim ing to be your rights and freedom s. If after 10 days they do not respond to it then it is cured and you have claim of right and are totally free of their Statutory laws. In term s of Canada being a defacto Governm ent I would think that the US Governm ent would be the lawful comm on law jurisdiction, if indeed you wish to recognize fictions as having som e kind of ability to hold title to land. In truth Genesis Chapter one sim ply points out that man and wom an have dom inion over the Earth. Anything and everything that they throw at you have absolute dom inion over and can not be used in any way to gain authority over you or im prison you. You can only operate in truth as in truth there is no law for law deals in illusion and fiction.

It is nothing m ore than sm oke and m irrors, however knowing the biblical side of the law is helpful to som e degree. In Canada the Judges all have false oaths along with all the Police Officers, Justice of Peace etc, so in truth the only law that applies is Com m ercial Law under UNCITRAL. The entire SYSTEM revolves around the use of Bonds. Debtors and Creditors. It is a scam beyond belief, but it goes on daily. Countries are merely Corporate shells for im aginary entities called PERSONS and they prey on people to becom e SURETIES for the laws that only apply to PERSONS for which they fraudulently trick you into believing you are responsible for. Yes this is pure evil and it is the power house behind how they are funding their New World Order.

The w hole trial is nothing more than a dog and pony show. It has absolutely nothing to do with anything. The whole thing is about the debt that you took on. The account that was opened and the debt that you have taken on. You are the account owner and principle. You can sim ply ask for the Bid Bond back, as the principle of the account. They m ore than likely have sold after your first appearance.

Ill be adding m uch m ore to this section later...

The Tem ple

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with m e; thy rod and thy staff they com fort m e. Psalm s 23:4

The Tem ple Masters are from Tem ple Bar in, The City, within the City of London, ENGLAND. Again the City is a SOVEREIGN State and has its own SYSTEM of LAW . Queen m ust kneel before her Master within the inner Tem ple, when she visits. That is only hearsay but I wonder if it indeed true. The LAW YERS bought the tem ple from Knights Tem plars, who protected the people, but becam e very w ealthy from taking m oney and property from the Com m oners and traders on trade routes. They were created by the Pope and were the defacto Law Enforcem ent throughout Europe. Interestingly the only way to get certain jobs within the City, is that you have to be a Sandinist. Yes the wealthy Bankers, W orld Leaders, etc goto Bohem ian Grove in California, USA every year in July for a 2 week holiday. The first night they perform the Crem ation of Care Cerem ony, where an effigy of a sm all child or perhaps a real child is sacrifice and burned in a 40 foot stone Owl call Mulok. Interestingly at the point where the child is Sacrificed these people are sm acking their lips weirdly like they have just eaten or are about to eat a m eal. You can download and watch a video of this happening, called Dark Secrets Inside Bohem ian Grove, by Alex Jones. Alex snuck in and film ed a lot of what was going on there. http://www.infowars.com /bg1.htm l

The nature of this Tyranny we call LAW COURTS com es from people with no lawful to title to the land w hich they extort m oney from the people. The concept of the Star Cham ber Courts used in the midevil tim es, which I be to wonder if these are not the later evil tim es, is based on presenting no evidence or charges, but sim ply asking how you plea. The Judge then swiftly determ ines from the evidence not presented in court and without you having any knowledge of renders his decision. The very essence of what this is all about stem s from the Star Cham ber Courts. It is not about truth or justice it is about m aking it appear that the people are getting som e kind of fair treatm ent, while they extort their m oney, property and at tim es their very lives.

The Tem ple of Baal was the Sun Tem ple in Ancient Rom e or rather BAAL being the God of the Landlords. The fundam ental purpose behind the Tem ple of Baal was to im pose a system of law onto the poor, which would allow the affluent to steal their land and property. Sound fam iliar? The SYSTEM of law put forward by the Tem ple of Baal focused on stripping the poor of their 3 basic rights under Gods Law, the Torah. The three basic rights were: The Law of Redem ption on the Land, the right to return to his land in the jubilee if not previously redeemed, and the right to have his debts cancelled in the sabbatical year. The Sabbatical

year is when you reach 49 years and 10 m onths of age, you send in your tem ple coins of silver and all debts are forgiven. You will notice that Jubilees are celebrated by HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II from tim e to tim e, last one being in 2002 for her Golden Jubilee.

This is w hat we see today in term s of landlords and the tem ple. They just changed som e nam es around but the Ancient SYSTEM of law is still with us. Designed to enrich the few while enslaving the m asses. They have done well in that they get us to police each other m aking sure that we all do our civil duty. The RCMP in Canada has little to do with being the QUEENs Police force, they dont even pledge their allegiance too HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II. The whole thing revolves around a few hand picked people at the top, dictating through a comm and and control structure to the unaware, pit bulls bellow. The us versus them gam e and other head gam es that they instill into their culture, keeps the Police force focused on enforcing law, not asking questions pertaining to lawfulness or jurisdiction. It is because the Bankers, these ruling elite have m ake it hard on those in the system who speak out. They prom ote the ignorant and m ean pit bulls and get rid of the good. It is about serving their God, Satan. It is not about truth and certainly not about Justice.

In Biblical tim es land was passed onto people within their clan. It was called heritage. It was Gods law, but under the Baal SYSTEM this w as not recognized. The concept of Heritage is very im portant to understand. It m eans that the land is Gods property. The Possessor is given the use of Gods land with the understanding that he m ust pass it on to his decedents. The 35% tax on estates in Canada after som eone dies is a clear violation of this ancient law. The Bankers or criminal elite sim ply slurp 35% off the top for no reason other than to enrich them selves or m ore im portantly to oppress the poor and m ake them poorer. Because under their SYSTEM Canada is a PERSON, Canada gets the Heritage not the living people.

In term s of the Tem ple Blasphem y is not that of stating things against Gods Law, but that of challenging the laws of the Tem ple or King. It is a dictatorship and the em perors will has force and effect, it doesnt m atter what the law says. This is w hat w e face in courts around the world. In fact The Tem ple of Baal w as dem olished and all but one of the people associated with it wiped out at one point. 2 Chronicles 23:9-21 describe the destruction of Baal and all the people associated with oppressing the people. It is a good read:

[9] Moreover Jehoiada the priest delivered to the captains of hundreds spears, and bucklers, and shields, that had been king David's, which were in the house of God. [10] And he set all the people, every man having his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the temple to the left side of the temple, along by the altar and the temple, by the king round about. [11] Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king. [12] Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the LORD: [13] And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.

[14] Then Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds that were set over the host, and said unto them, Have her forth of the ranges: and whoso followeth her, let him be slain with the sword. For the priest said, Slay her not in the house of the LORD. [15] So they laid hands on her; and when she was come to the entering of the horse gate by the king's house, they slew her there. [16] And Jehoiada made a covenant between him, and between all the people, and between the king, that they should be the LORD's people. [17] Then all the people went to the house of Baal, and brake it down, and brake his altars and his images in pieces, and slew Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars. [18] Also Jehoiada appointed the offices of the house of the LORD by the hand of the priests the Levites, whom David had distributed in the house of the LORD, to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD, as it is written in the law of Moses, with rejoicing and with singing, as it was ordained by David. [19] And he set the porters at the gates of the house of the LORD, that none which was unclean in any thing should enter in. [20] And he took the captains of hundreds, and the nobles, and the governors of the people, and all the people of the land, and brought down the king from the house of the LORD: and they came through the high gate into the king's house, and set the king upon the throne of the kingdom. [21] And all the people of the land rejoiced: and the city was quiet, after that they had slain Athaliah with the sword.

However those who like their Mam m on brought it back the SYSTEM of LAW that was created at the Tem ple of Baal as one and here we are today. It is a religion based on lies for which the oppression of the poor and those not within the clan are param ount. For the Bloodline fam ilies that support and flaunt this SYSTEM of LAW onto unknowing people of the world have very little regard for their well being or ability to live. It is com pletely about them and there selfish desire live the luxurious life surrounded by slaves. To do anything they want with im punity. This is what they are about. In term s of LORD Gods Law, Moses had promised that if the worship of the Lord in the three great feasts of redem ption, Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, were kept faithfully, "no m an will covet your land" (Ex. 34.24). This was and is long forgotten then and now. Again it is m y assertion that LORD God is not God and that he unsurped power from God and created an illusion based in fear, within the context of the Bible.

The reality is that the Tem ple of Baal has replaced the Tem ple of the LORD and although there is strong evidence to show that the historical aspects of Bible are com pletely untrue, this is the foundation of their SYSTEM of LAW . It resides again in a m ake believe world where the anything said in contrary to the King or the Tem ple of Baal is considered Blasphem y. The people in positions of power within the Tem ple have sim ply put them selves above God and look at everyone as their Slaves. Hence we go to Tem ple Bar in the City and there you have inner and outer Courts. People progress in power and are given specific knowledge as to the true nature of the Court or rather Tem ple as they progress deeper into the inner Court. Much like all secret society networks everything is based on com m and and control. The unfortunate part of all this beyond the fact that it is being used to enslave the people on this planet, is the people involved laterally end up having their very Souls sucked out of them and becom e m ore or less the walking dead. Their eyes are vacant and they becom e instrum ents of evil. They m ust obey their m asters or else they dont live very long. It is all fear based religion just at a higher intensity I would say than other fear based religions.

The prim ary aspect of the Religion being put forward by the Tem ple is that everything must be hidden out in the open. Hence why we have Constitutions, which m ake people constitutors or rather responsible for another persons debt. It is why 666 is em bedded into building structures and corporate logos. The three references the tri star system of Sirius in Orion. Canada Place tops the windows off with a pyram id em bedded into the roof. This goes hand in hand with the Holy See, where the Pope is the dictator. Only 555 citizens are allowed at any one tim e to be Citizens of the Holy See, a tri star sym bol of Sirius. The Toronto Dom inion Tower in Edm onton, Alberta, Canada also had a upgrade using golden colored windows representing the Sun, for which all this revolves around, set in 3 colum ns. When you count the large windows in the 3 colum ns they all add up to 666. The CIBC bank in the west end of Edmonton, has 2 sides of the building with 3 rows of 6 windows and a sm all pyram id at the end, 666. Here are som e pictures:

The sim ple truth is that if the Bible was true everyone on the Planet would know it for that kind of creation does not disappear from cultural knowledge. Native people in North Am erica and other people through out the world w ould have had no need of these Missionaries or rather Military Officers on a Mission if what they indeed were saying was true. The fact is that religion is invented and passed onto the Rabble as being true. Rabble are the uneducated or easily fooled people. Once you get enough people believing som ething it gains m om entum , like the 100 m onkey syndrom . If 10% of the population knew the knowledge contained within this book and began prom oting a m ore balanced approach to life in term s of Law and m oney their SYSTEM would collapse.

If you would like to read m ore about the Tem ple there are som e excellent articles about it around on the Internet. I drew som e of m y inform ation from : www.cooperativeindividualism .org/torrey_baal-god-of-the-land-lords.htm l

Not that the UK Parliam ent has the House of LORDS. This is a tricky thing at first for with all the Bishops and rich fam ilies that sit there, calling it the LORDS Spiritual is really the LORDS of Baal. Just they overlay the words. There is only one LORD in the Bible, that being LORD God. So all these LORDS are really Land Lords determ ining what laws are appropriate for the SLAVES. It is really a sad, sad situation when you sit back and see it for what it is. Again in the Coronation of the HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, she puts herself in Gods place and grants the rights and freedom s to the Clergy, the Church. Thus being she or rather the COMMERCIAL entity puts herself above God and thus com m itting Blasphem y against LORD

God by saying she is above him . See how the Tem ple works. But the Law is not Gods Law but the Tem ple of Baals Law, thus it is not Blasphem y within the Tem ple for they want you to believe that som ehow an im aginary corporate fiction, being acted out by this wom an going by the nam e Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary: W indsor can have the power of God over living people.

W ords The very nature of LA W is word play. Words are invented, they are not part of our natural condition of com m unication, which is based in telepathy. The Bible m entions in Genesis 11:1 that, And whole earth was of one language and of one speech. Twins will often develop a language of their own at birth in order to com m unicate with one another. The creation of language is sim ple and natural to us. In term s of LAW words have m ultiple m eanings and unless you know all the m eanings of the words you speak and are able to com m unicate that in a context that is clear to everyone in the room , it become difficult to defend oneself. Just look at the num erous definitions of the word if:, and youll begin to get an appreciation for this. Som e words are created to trick us such as the word PERSON and Understand. Again PERSON is the concept that a Corporation can be of the sam e status of a hum an being. Understand is used by Judges etc in a statem ent, Do you understand the charges before you? To understand som ething is sim ply to stand for them , m eaning you accept their offer of contract that the Charges apply to you when in fact they only apply the im aginary world corporate entity all cap nam e. They use words as a form of trickery to m ake it appear that they are giving youre a fair, open and honest trial, when in fact the very foundation of it is based on fraud.

Now here is a key item you should realize. All Law is written in Legalese not the official language of the Society it is suppose to reflect. That in of itself is fraud and no one can be held accountable for any laws not written in the official language of the im aginary society that som e im aginary entity, som ewhere is saying you belong too. Hence if only persons belong to a society or Country then where does it say that a hum an being belongs to that Country or Society. Section 16 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom s of Canada states: 16. (1) English and French are the official languages of Canada and have equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliam ent and governm ent of Canada.

So why are they using legalese in all their laws, which includes the Charter of Rights and Freedom s? The difficulty in using their law as a form of defense again is that if you use their law to gain a benefit then all the law applies to you, which is in part how the prison works, the prison without the bars. The only way to approach it is from a com m on law perspective and state from a com m on law perspective that you do not understand legalese and can not be held accountable for laws written in a foreign language. Also because they are using legalese as their language it identifies them as a society separate from the one they are pretending to represent. Their society is unnam ed but takes on m asks such as the BC Law Society etc. Do you belong to such a society? Nope, then the laws only apply to that society not to you. Statutes are only rules of a society not law and have no force of law until you voluntarily agree that they do. Hence why George W . Bush doesnt want to define what torture is nor did the Geneva Convention for prisoners. Without a clear definition of what torture is they can do anything too you to get you to sign a form confessing to som ething. O f course they can only act on your person, not you, but if you dont present them with a person to act on you are in com m on law jurisdiction and they have no lawful right to do anything too you. However we are dealing with crim inals here and at som e point they dont care what the law says if they

want som ething from you bad enough. Notice how top Biological and Nano technology Scientists have been disappearing or been found dead over the past couple of years?

In term s of high priced lawyers, som e are m ore skilled than others at the use of words. But by having a lawyer who is part of their SYSTEM represent you, you becom e a Ward of the court, which m eans once again you have entered a contract with the Court, accepting their lie that you are the one who com m itted crim es that do not apply to you. Words are all created from the im aginary and are sim ply nam ing tags on objects and concepts. Are words true? No they are not true for there are over 6000 known languages on the planet today. Thus they provide translators for people and translations are never 100% accurate because some system s of words called languages do not have words for som e things in them . Again m uch like not having a true nam e we do not have a true language. What this underpins is the fact that LAW of itself is not true. If Language is the foundation of com m unicating law, for which words have multiple meanings are not based on truth, then LAW itself is untrue. More sim ply LAW is an unnatural and a destructive force to com m on nature of hum an beings. Even the word hum an-being is not defined by law dictionaries, but only referenced as Monster, that has no property rights. However you will see the word Hum an used in a num ber of key aspects of legislation, such as Hum an Rights and Hum an Resources. The sim ple aspect that Hum ans have rights is again a m isnom er in the SYSTEM, it is there only to trick you into believing that you have rights when in fact you only have privileges. Hum an Resources in of itself identifies hum an beings as a resource, which are mercifully exploited within the SYSTEM.

Not only do words have different meanings, but som e words are strategically rem oved from current dictionaries. In fact a word defined as som ething different 500 years ago still stands today as a valid definition, even though the word isnt even used within the Oxford Dictionary or any other Dictionary. The sam e goes for Law Dictionaries, Catholic Encyclopedias, Jewish Dictionaries, all dictionaries over the course of hum anity. Even clay tablets going back to the tim es of Ancient Babylon. The law that says. there is no excuse for not knowing the law., as a form of defense was actually about the two Com m andments that Jesus gave in Matthew 22:

35] Then one of them , which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tem pting him , and saying, [36] Master, which is the great com m andm ent in the law? [37] Jesus said unto him , Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy m ind. [38] This is the first and great com m andm ent. [39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [40] On these two com m andm ents hang all the law and the prophets.

W hat indeed they have gone and done is m ade this apply for every law ever created in all jurisdiction of the entire planet. Have you read them all? Do you know them all? Never m ind all the false oaths everyone takes that perjure them selves by stating their nam e and even com m it treason by pledging their allegiance to a foreign entity such as OUR SOVEREIGN LADY or HER M AJESTY Q UEEN ELIZABETH II. We will get m ore into Oaths later in the book, but in term s of Courts, O aths are used as a way to form a contract with the court. Such as, Do you swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God. W ell the correct answ er to this question is No. How can you tell the truth when your nam e isnt even true and they are presenting a corporate entity asking you to be its surety, hence the all caps nam e. The m ere

fact that language is not based in truth as well everything you say is only hearsay. The Judge m ay say that you are in contem pt of court, but who is in contem pt, not you, but the corporate entity is. It is all happening in the im aginary world. Sim ply put again, never goto court, there is no reason too, they have no authority to hear the cases and at best you are just wasting your tim e sitting around all day waiting to be called to the stand.

In term s of letters that form words we are in reality looking at sym bols. The Hebrew Language used to create the Torah from were created shadows of a serpent. The Serpent is created from taking a beam of light and shining down into a glass or crystal pyram id m ade in the sam e dim ensions of the Great Pyram id. You create a wood carving of this shape and project a light against it. It produces 22 distinct shadows on the wall. These sym bols have deep spiritual m eanings to us all and help to unlock the secret of im m ortality. You can read in-depth about this in Tony Bushbys book, The Secrets in the Bible. In essence it is the serpent race that created the Bible and we have a Reptilian Com plex dubbed the R-Com plex in our lower brain, that works in the unconscious realm . It sees everything as sym bols. This is highly im portant as we live in an im aginary universe created from m om ent by m om ent by us, as we are infinite beings. Interestingly in Genesis 3:1 it states: Now the serpent was m ore subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had m ade. And he said unto the wom an, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

W here is the Garden of Eden? Well you are living in it! Genesis 3:23 says, Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken As we go along you will learn a great deal m ore about this serpent its ways.

I want you to count the num ber of Fs in the following small paragraph, but dont look ahead first, just count the Fs you see.


Did you count 6 Fs on the first try? Probably not. Our brains do not process the word of. In term s of normal reading and people who have knowledge of such things, it is possible to write a page that says one thing to the unsuspecting but actually says som ething entirely different. The sim ple fact that we can not even accurately see the sym bology of language before us underscores it as being an unnatural or rather m anipulative process of comm unication. Manipulation works on subtle differences and again unless you are aware of the SYSTEM, you w ill generally m iss these subtle differences. The destruction of the ancient worlds knowledge of Esoteric knowledge and being replaced with Exoteric knowledge is foundation of the religious m anipulation going on today. The knowledge still exists but is kept away from the uninitiated. The Illum inati, those illum inated into knowledge that the rest of us are denied have access to an underground system of knowledge, which is used to m anipulate hum anity from m om ent to m om ent.

The sim ple fact that the sam e exact sym bols are used to m ake up other languages widely used languages such as French and Spanish, having their origins in the European area, just scream s that the languages were created so we could not com m unicate with each other and thus pitted against each other in wars, for which the ruling elite more often than not enjoyed great profit from . They also enjoyed the fact that hum anity suffered greatly. David Butterfield describes that during a process of presenting a Hum an Rights Com plaint at the United Nations concerning the deceptive use of fictions, being applied against living people in CANADA, a lawyer was asked what is Law. The answer given was sim ply, Law is the m asterful use of language. In term s of the com plaint the United Nations is really the United Corporations, controlled by the international bankers. W hat has been done about this com plaint thus far? Nothing. For the UN to do som ething about it, would expose the foundation of their existence as being only fiction and that indeed the United Nations operates under Adm iralty Law and not Com m on Law. http://www.indym edia.org/en/2005/10/826340.shtm l

Again law is not about truth.. Take reference again to Genesis Chapter 1, where God created no laws and no nam es for his children. W hy sim ply because in truth, you can not harm another without harm ing yourself. We are all from the one sam e consciousness. We live in a world of illusion where we have been m ade to believe that we are separate, but on a spiritual level all life is connected and interdependent. If we poison our environm ent we poison ourselves. We must live in truth or we die.

Types of Courts There are num erous types of Courts used throughout the world. Com m on Law Courts do not exist today, wiped out because they actually had som e m erit in acknowledging rights of hum an beings over that of corporation. They build big fancy courts, some even shaped like hulls of Ships as they did with the LAW COURTS building in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The Buildings do not m ake the court. It is the people involved that are the court, prim arily the Judge is the court.

Star Cham ber courts as mentioned before were used during the mid-evil tim es where accused were not even told the evidence against them . Think JESUS had a court? No Ponchous Pilot sim ply asked the m ob if they wanted to put him down or not, even though he was innocent of blasphem y. Civil Courts have nothing to do with the living, again Civil is a term used by corporate entities and com es from Rom an Civil Law. Crim inal Courts dont define the nature of anything but those being accused of crim inal activity within a system of law, which does not

apply to the living, unless it is used within the context of the living and then who are we to judge another? We m ust take m easures to restore balance but judging and condem ning someone for their actions, does not restore balance, in fact it tends to cause a great deal of disharm ony and negative feelings, which perm eate out to everyone. You can not bring harm or suffering to another without it affecting everyone in som e way. We are transm itters and receivers of though and em otional energy and there is only one pond we all swim in as it were.

The use of Sharia Law has been put into various law codes throughout the world. Code is a word derived from Talm udic Law, which is codified Law on Master/Slave relations. You will see code used on things such as Crim inal Code, Postal Code etc. It is based in m aster slave relations. W om en are essentially sold as slaves to their adoring husbands in places like Saudi Arabia. If you have no m oney you cant buy yourself a wife. I can not judge Islam for what it is it is. I can only say that the foundations of it, being the Bible are untrue and thus the am ount of disharm ony created from im plem enting a religion and a way of life based on the Holy Koran having its foundations within the Bible, still are not based in truth. Thus the m asses are m ade to suffer while the ruling elite use their courts, their m oney and their law to keep the m asses enslaved and at war with each on various levels, while they enjoy the good life as it were.

The sim ple fact is that you can have a lot of different types of courts, but in the end their only objective is to create m ore disharm ony within the pond. Truth does not require a court for the truth is absolute. Courts m ake a lot of money for the lawyers and judges. The end result is that their Banker Masters can easily control things in the background, unseen by prying eyes. The very notion that the scales of justice is based on truth is a fantasy. Com m on Law Courts never existed in Canada as far as I know, but did in the United States but they were all closed around the early 1900's.

The use of Anglo Saxon Com m on Law is an approach where the Jury runs the court, decides on factors such as the state of m ind of the accused and creates case based law . The people involved are selected by the sherif and the laws are based on Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. It has a balance m echanism built into it, that som ewhat ensures a fair trial and fair treatment. In fact it was too fair as people were beheaded in France for trying to spread knowledge about this system .

If you look over the history of the w orld dating back to ancient Babylon, we see a constant them e of how Babylon has created courts under the guise of different kinds of civilizations that only grant privileges and not rights. Is it any wonder that George W. Bush family line can be traced back to Cleopatra in Ancient Egypt? The am ount of evidence showing that a 13 Bloodline fam ilies are controlling the Financial and Legal SYSTEMS of the world and indeed the corporations being presented as Countries is staggering. I wont go m uch into it but the inform ation is there for you to read. I suggest going to www.davidicke.com , www.infowars.com or even www.rense.com as good quick resources on that topic.

The highest court in Canada and m ost countries is suppose to be the Parliam ent. However this is not the case. All legislation put through in the Federal Governm ent m ust be approved by the Privy Council. What m akes up the Privy Council, well the Queen, Bankers, past cabinet m inisters, Prim e Ministers, people from various foreign countries. Treason, oh yes, but in a fictional world with fictional laws, what does it m atter. The m ere fact that politicians perjur

them selves and com m it Treason by pledging their allegiance to HER M AJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II a foreign entity, should raise your eye brows. This is just what goes on in Canada, never m ind what goes on in m ore so called corrupt regimes.

The Highest court is the Court of Truth based in Com m on Law. This court does exists and is accessible through a Notary Public. I will explain later in the book on how to use Notaries, but for now just be aware that the system is stacked in the favor of the crim inal elem ent running the show, but they can not circum vent truth. Thus their house of cards begins to crum ble. Parliam ent does not deal at all in truth they deal in fiction, for which the rules can be changed at any tim e to benefit the needs and goals of their interests and not yours. Yet what is a NOTARY PUBLIC? Yet another actor, but an actor that has a great deal of power within the fictional world and allows you to settle things without conflict or going to their fictional courts.

The sim ple fact that the people in Parliam ent send out a notice after an election saying that they are your new representative does not m ean that you have to accept this. Return their little card/notice and notice them back saying that they are not your representative. Why would you want them to represent you in the Highest Court in a Fictional world? Because they are in fiction they can not deal in truth and dont. They are minions of the people who own these CORPORATIONS called Countries.

Observations from m y tim e in Court Over the years I have like m ost people have had to goto court for various reasons. For the m ost part never thought m uch about it other than it was m y duty to do so. PERSONS have duties, they are under servitude, hum an beings do not. The entire court room looks akin to a church, with the pew s in the back and the pulpits up at the front. The Courts are truly Tem ples. The only thing is though is that those that are charged and brought before the court are their to be sacrificed. This is the ancient world where conflicts were resolved in this m anner. However they cant do it today so what they do is get you to offer up your freedom and wealth in exchange for your life.

I remember one day I just went to court to observe the goings one. As I took a course in Law and Governm ent in High School, I was always curious as to how Law actually worked and the inner workings of a court room . I visited a fam ily court one day and listened to the testim ony of a divorce case about who slept with who and so on. In the end the judge granted the divorce. That perked m y curiosity that a Judge could do this and not a Priest. However didnt think m uch of it at the tim e. Next a young beautiful lady with long blonde hair representing a wife of a lawyer who w as seeking alim ony paym ents from her husband presented the case. The ex-husband lawyer would stated by his lawyer that he m ade $90,000.00 the previous year but had $80,000.00 in expenses and was not in a position to pay alim ony. The Judge rendered that the lawyer should take on m ore cases and w ork harder and pay the alim ony of $3000.00 a m onth with the child support included in that. The wom an lawyer happy for her victory stated that she wanted the judge to do som ething else so that she wouldnt have to keep charging her client $5000.00 per hour. The Judge stated that he wanted to speak with her in his cham bers. She kept saying that she wanted to send a representative from her office to speak with him because she was very busy. The Judge kept insisting. I noticed that she actually had kneeled down towards him prior to presenting her case. The m en in the court room all started to snicker and laugh as she desperately attem pted to squirm out of not going. In the end she had to obey and agree to goto his cham bers. She also kept addressing him as, m y Lord. Hence Lord God, the pream ble that Canada was founded upon the suprem acy of God in the Charter of Rights and Freedom s. Hence what Lord God wants Lord

God gets. It seem ed that the Judge wanted to give her som e extra duties to perform in his Cham bers for her to earn her $5000.00 per hour. Being as bad as it m ay seem , it could just as easily had been a guy that the m ale judge m ight want to speak with in his cham bers.

One day I was pulled for Jury duty and had to appear for in the court house or I would be arrested and charged with failure to appear or som ething like that. Curious as I was about courts I went not overly eager to get a set in the trial as a Jury m em ber. We got a nice video to watch explaining the process of Jury selection and why it was im portant in society for this and som e basic protocols about what to do during the selection process. The accused stood on a pulpit thing watching all this transpire while the Judge and lawyers sat watching the lottery taking place. They first took attendance then the lottery began. They refused people who appeared to not have the m aturity or m ental capacity to m ake decisions, yes m entally handicapped people were drawn into the court. The lawyers would refuse them . Also anyone being involved in Security or law enforcement in anyway were also refused automatically. Interestingly lawyers can be on a Jury. My nam e was never called but we went through about 3/4 of the room , totally about 130 people or so before 12 people were selected. Am azingly the excuses that people cam e up with to tell the judge that they couldnt do jury duty was am azing. It occurred to m e m uch later in life that the Jury is actually m ade up of people who w ere not sm art enough to come up with an excuse not to do Jury duty. The other thing is that every step of the way they are seeking consent from the accused. Having him stand there and not say anything about the process or the sim ple fact that it wasnt him that was being accused but rather his fictional side kick the PERSON, m akes the contract. Everyone is equal under the law. They are actors in a play and you have been invited to join along.

I had to goto court as a witness to som e assaults and threats. The assaults were always no m ater how bad as long as weapons were not used ended with the crown seeking a peace bond, which would rem ove the crim inal aspect and just keep it CIVIL. Sim ply put getting the accused to agree that he should stay away from the victim for 6 m onths. One fellow did not know English well and did not understand w hat w as happening and was m ade to agree with this. His interpreter showed up late, too late to explain what was going on and the guy who pounded the poor guy nearly to death walked out the court with a prom ise that he would stay away from him for 6 m onths. Try doing that to a cop and see what happens. I saw 3 or 4 of these situations over having to goto court and thought what a sham e.

Now what really turned the worm on m y thought process of justice system was when I had to goto court to testify against a yong m an who had aided his friends in robbing m e and he had a 300 som e pound friend of his stand beside him while he threatened m y life and then proceeded to punch m e after I had thrown him to the ground for being in m y face and previously punching m e. I was well reserved trying to get m y m oney back and trying to talk sense to this young m an. Of course things would have been m uch different if he didnt have his friends backing him up. However this dragged on for about 2 years before I got him into a trial. The first Crown prosecutor who was absolutely snaky with m e, only spent 15 m inutes reading up on the case, totally unprepared to prosecute and only wanted to seek a Peace BOND. I was outraged. He also said that the robbery part was removed from the trial because they got the guy who actually did it, but his cohorts were not responsible in som e way? W ell it got put over because m y witness never showed. The Crown prosecutor stated that it was his decision alone if they were going to prosecute. That blew m y m ind right there. W hats the point of going through all of this if you are not going to prosecute?

W hen we finally got to trial about a year later m y witness did not show again, but the proceeded anyways. There was a different CROW N prosecutor this tim e and he seem ed very kind. The Lawyer m ade reference to the CROW N prosecutor as being his friend, court talk, but I wondered just how friendly are these guys. What transpired from there was the one of the lamest prosecutions I have ever seen. It w as a com plete dog and pony show. The judge actually had to intervene a bit and ask the young fellow questions pointing out his purjury and lies trying to obscure the obvious. In the end the Judge said he couldnt decide who had hit w ho first, even though they had just put one fellow into alternative m easures for the robbery. They do that for first offenders to avoid giving them a crim inal record. In his apology to m e he m entioned how insane it was as to the am ount of money he was spending on lawyers versus the $25 he stole from m e. I am sure the young m an in the trial had spent a large sum of m oney on his lawyer as well. At the end both the Crown Prosecutor and Defense Law yer turned to m e to get m y take on what had just transpired. I told them that I knew what the young fellow did to m e and perhaps the m oney he spent on lawyer fees would deter him in the future for doing what he did. The aura that they put out was a like I was in a church or som ething. It was like they were saying you are an adult this is a child, you should have handled things differently. That was the underlying m essage I took away from all of this.

As soon as I left the court room I gave m y head a shake and said to m yself what a dog and pony show I just saw. In term s of what I saw they were actors. They put on a play for m e, for which I was invited to be one of the actors. The outcom e was perhaps not what I wanted, but underlying m essage about grow up and take responsibility for your own actions and treat others as a hum an being resounded loud and clear.

Thus it is with the true nature of the courts. They only exist because w e do not take personal responsibility for our ow n actions. There is no law. In fact there is no justice. This is the fundam ental nature of the courts. They Judge has no power over you or anyone. He is the sam e as you, equal under the law. He can not do anything to you without you first giving him perm ission to do so. In our child like behavior we are allowing these im aginary governm ents and courts to exist. They get make lots of money because we have missed their underlying purpose and m ore im portantly have forgotten who we are. Who are we? We are everything that exists, we are infinite beings caught up within our own illusion of fear. That is why we are all equal under the law, we are the sam e infinite consciousness that can be either a droplet or an ocean. The actors are hum an beings as well and m ust not forget that. The people who are organizing all of this in the distant background, keeping us in ignorance are the soulless creatures I like to call them . They do what they do because they are pure illusion, fictions. Much like the m ovie the Matrix, there are m any am ong us that are not like us, but pull the strings to keep the illusion going.

W hat they want is for us to keep throwing tem per tam pers at the illusion, where in fact it is us that are creating our own reality from m om ent to m oment. Why are they doing this? I can sum it this way;

They are doing this because we allow them too. Because they live in a world based on fiction, truth is m eaningless to them Truth is absolutely the most im portant thing, without it we can not exist. It is perfectly okay for them to lie to us because everything we do with them is not based in truth. They want you lash out at their illusion to get into conflict. For that feeds the illusion m ore. The only weapon that they use is words. Nothing m ore. They only use force when force is used against them . Of course this is not entirely true, but for the m ost part if you use force it gives them an excuse to use force back. They want to create as m uch pain

and suffering as they possibly can to us. W hy? Because we are ignoring our wound, we are ignoring the fact that w e are all one in the sam e and we need to love each other not be in conflict with each other. W e are com ing up to 2012 huge changes to our reality and lives are coming. Would you hand over the power of being co-creator of the universe to a child that lashes out at illusion? Think not. They could have devised a different way to prepare us, but this is w hat we got so we have to work with it. Be an adult and stop lashing out at the illusion, learn to ask questions. Nope not everyone in the SYSTEM are going to follow their laws, why? Law is not based on truth, there is no such thing as law . The Adm iralty courts grants them the imm unity from enforcing or obey their laws.

W e live in truth they live in lies. Love thy neighbor as thy self. It is quite the m ess wouldnt you agree? The only way out I see is claiming rights. Rights are not laws they are rights. Until you claim them and stop giving your power away you will be enslaved by them . I would highly suggest that you take tim e to watch this video on the Internet. It is called Bursting the Bubble of Governm ent Deception. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7978193591273339771&q=bursting+bubble Bursting the Bubble of Governm ent Deception The related website for the Author is: http://www.angelfire.com/planet/thinkfree/

Back to Baal Okay now perhaps beating down on the illusion is not a good thing. Yes I know, the incredible injustice that is transpiring here but it is only us that are allowing it to happen. If som eone does not w ant to acknowledge that we are equal under the law, I really dont want to have anything to do with him /her. Slide their stuff back to them and dont accept w hat they offer. The only law that is being practiced today is Com m ercial Law. In truth all law is being practiced but selectively I would say. The hardest thing for everyone to com e to term s with is that again this is all happening in an im aginary world. The scripts that are played out are called Acts. Hm m , ever notice that the laws all com e from Acts or Codes? Sure look up the definition of Act: Blacks 7 th defines Act as: 1. Som ething done or perform ed, esp. voluntarily; a deed. No where in the definitions of Act does it ever m ention that an Act is Law. Are you volunteering to enter into the act? Yes through your acceptance of the words being presented to you.

Blacks 7 th defines Code as: Strictly, a code is the com pilation not just of existing statutes, but also of m uch of the unwritten law on a subject, which is newly enacted as a com plete system of law. This is where unwritten laws get their entrance, the Criminal Code is based on unwritten laws, fiction. Thus crim inal courts using codes can draw from unwritten laws. W hich laws would that be? Well it is any law they want to dream up, usually to your determ ent. As soon as you acknowledge that Codes apply too you well, you are saying any unwritten laws apply to you. The word Statutes is im portant because you need to know what a Statute is thus:

Statutes are not laws. A Statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has the force of law. A society is defined as, A num ber of people joined together through m utual consent to deliberate, determ ine and act for a com m on goal.

Thus if you are not a m ember of the society then their rules and statutes have no force of law over you. If you sim ply rem ove your consent to be represented by your MP or whatever actor m akes their appearance to you, then you are not part of that society and they have no force of law over you. How soon will it be now before you send a notice out to your M P, MLA and City Councilor?

In term s of Baal it really doesnt exist today although som e m ay like to call it that. The Christians, Muslim s etc. join these societies and thus live by their rules. However when they force their society onto others as they did with the Tem ple of Baal, conflict erupts because they are violating peoples natural right to chose and be self determ ining. The enslavem ent and death of others to raise the standard of living for a few is always the bases of the Tyrrany. For those in the Christian m ovem ent who believe in the Laws of LORD God for which he states are statutes, thus fiction look at the courts as perhaps the Tem ple of Baal. The Bible is all about an invitation to into a society where you w ill get salvation and eternal life if you follow those rules. Although this would be nice do you know anyone that this offer has been m ade good on? They are all dead right? Hm m , perhaps we should pay m ore attention to living then and figure out how we might get eternal life here on earth if that is possible? I dont think you will find the answers in the Bible. For the m ost part the Bible and the Holy Koran and m any other form s of statute society creating structures, seem only to benefit the few w hile leaving the m asses in ignorance and disarray. They m ake lots of m oney from the Holy W ars and from enslaving people to work on various projects that benefit the few rather than society as a w hole. Perhaps it is tim e to re-exam ine the risk reward issues from belonging to such societies. Is the Creator a m em ber of the society? Do you see the Creator at the tem ples everyday? Hm m , thought so...

If you we are ever going to break free and be free, we need pay attention and be observant of what is going on around us. We have to ask questions. If w e dont get the answers then perhaps it is tim e to m ove along. Did the destruction of the House of Baal stop the use of law system s not based in Gods Laws? Nope. What it did though was am plify it m ore and created a system that was even m ore deceitful. Thus the slaying of these people w ho used words to gain power over their fellow m en resolve any issues? Nope. Still here. I am not saying what they are doing is right a justifiable, it is a war that they have started against us that has been going on now for thousands of years. Conflict is their key for then they can divide and concur. Concur being the optim um word there. Of course they use force and intim idation to enforce their will onto others, but they ones doing it are using us as their tools for doing it. W hen have you ever seen leaders of countries doing the dirty work them selves? No they reserve that dangerous work to the ignorant that would follow them .

Thus it is our ignorance that is the enem y and education is our defense. However they dont want us to start teaching each other about what is going on, because that would totally destroy their house of cards. Thus they pounce of peoples ability to have free speech etc to quiet the rebellion. They want their slaves happy and content. They dont want them to know that they are indeed enslaved, then they would have m ore challenges to deal with.

Final Thoughts on The Temple of Baal

Elizabeth-Alexander-Mary: Windsor is not HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II. She is not part of any society I can see in relation to Governm ent. I dont see her nam e listed anywhere on any of the legislation, nor is yours. When the Elizabeth is in the CITY, she m ust walk behind LORD MAYOR. When she is outside the city acting as HER MAJESTY the actors m ust walk behind her. Temple BAR is the holder for the Slaves called PERSONS within their Society. The QUEEN PERSON is nothing m ore than a slave denoted as a leader of the slaves.

In term s of her Oath granting rights and freedom s etc to people, your rights and freedom s do not com e from the QUEEN for that would identify you as being a slave. Further your rights do not com e from the GOVERNMENT for they are only interested in chattel slaves. Your rights and freedom s come from you. You have the right to claim your rights and freedom s. They can not take away your rights so long as you are not forcibly interfering w ith the rights of another, which involves taking away their unalienable rights, being right to life, liberty and property aka happiness. The air we breath and the land we live on is for the com m on good of hum anity. Without we would die, thus sharing equally that which the creator m ade for us is param ount. Getting to that state of m ind though will take tim e. But we are moving there.

The Tem ples or Courts deal in argum ent. You show up in court over a traffic ticket you are automatically in dishonor as they gave your 30 days to discuss the matter with the hum an being that wrote you the ticket to begin with. They do not have force of law over you unless you give them in som e way of having it. Silence is consent. The very nature of pleading not guilty is dum b, because if you are not guilty then what are you? Innocent? Nope, still guilty just not guilty. You never proved innocence.

Chapter 3

The Hidden Occupation

Take note of the huge Monolith in St. Peters Square of the Holy See. That is an ancient Egyptian m onolith. Now ask yourself, what does an Ancient Egyptian m onolith have to do with Christianity? The very nature of Darkness or the Black is to hide their religion out in the open. In truth their sym bology takes on deep m eaning for them in term s of how they subjugate and enslave hum anity versus what they tell us their icons stand for. Thus is the nature of their occupation and enslavem ent of hum anity. This has been going on for thousands of years on sm aller scales, but because we are now approaching 2012 where our consciousness will shift to a point of very high levels of infinite love, they are doing everything that they can to stop this. There is no doubt that we are at a point of great change and they know it. This all kind of started w ith the creation of various religions all dating back to roughly the sam e tim e period and regions in Europe and Africa areas.

Religion is and has been used to pacify the masses into accepting Tyranny. The foundation of the religions used as a weapon to gain subjugation over people through wars have at the core of their belief that it is okay to m urder others in Gods nam e or as long as you believe in Jesus you will be saved no m atter who you kill. The sim ple fact that even today that wars are raging over Religion in the Middle East and elsewhere is a testam ent to the true nature of people who we consider to be holy and spiritual leaders of hum anity. The very nature of these religions all being based on fraudulent beginnings should give people a pause for thought. In truth the Creator speaks to us everyday through total unconditional love. There is no intervention by the Creator of this world unto your life or anyone else. Thus that should give you anyone pause to ask why would the be involved in enslaving others for the express purposes or destroying their culture, their capacity to sustain them selves and ultim ately genocide on large segments of the population?

The Holy Rom an Em pire is only but one aspect of the Occupation taking place today. The entire Occupation was designed to set up false flags for the Occupiers so that you could really pin point exactly who or what is doing the Occupation. If you go chasing after the Crusaders a.k.a. the Christians, Jews, Islam ic Extrem ists, Masons etc. you are going to m iss the plot. All these institutional structures are built on pyram ids, comm and and control. Everything is compartm entalized so only a few see the big picture of what the hidden hand of m anipulation is doing. Many of the people in these institutions are there for benevolent reasons even in the various Governm ents. The truth is that if you want to control large institutions and concentrate the power into the hands of the few you m ust have these comm and and control structures in place. This is how it was in the Ancient world and this is how it is today.

Each year the people controlling these structures m eet. They coined the nam e the Bilderbergers after the first hotel they m et in. There are people within these m eetings that are leaking information about what is going on in them and som e journalists do report on it such as Alex Jones at www.infowars.com . Generally people put into key positions of Governm ent power even the coveted Prim e Minister Steven Harper went to a Bilderberger m eeting a year prior to becom ing Prim e Minister of Canada in 2003. I strongly suggest that you watch this video put together by Alex Jones to get an idea of what this group is truly about and the evil that they are perpetrating on the world.


The enslaving and take over of the planet went into high gear in about 500 years ago with the expansion of white Europeans into the Am ericas and elsewhere in the world through the use of ships. The word Race first appeared about 500 years ago as well. Just think about that for a mom ent. The occupation can only w ork if these people wanting to enslave us for their own selfish ends can only do so by pitting us against each other. The hidden occupation will be crushed once enough of us wake up and start saying no. No m ore enslavem ent. There is nothing to fear about this for w e live in light they live in darkness. They are in fear and they grasp onto power over fear. They can not survive when we sim ply take back our freedom .

W hat has m ade this expansion of the Holy Rom an Em pire and form s of Im perialism possible was the use of contracts as shown in the first chapter. The sim ple fact that people were forced into these contracts under great duress for the most part is unlawful. The creation of all these Countries and States/Provinces etc. only exist in the real world as Fictions. They are m erely corporations. Thus the sim ple fact that in Fiction there can be no truth, the entire SYSTEM is based on lies. Their objective is to get you to voluntarily enter into contract with them and for them not to disclose the true facts concerning the contracts. They do things in ways to obscure the truth so they can play the old Bait and Switch gam e on you.

The Christian values that the Queen and others put forward such as love thy neighbor as thyself is a com plete lie. The SYSTEM is designed to enslave you and to take away as m uch w ealth and energy from you as possible. Children who are in their School SYSTEM S are loaded up with hours of hom ework each night, even at the kindergarten levels they get hom ework, which does little to educate them , but rather enslaves them and gets them use to w orking long hours for little or nothing in return. The Occupation as I put it is controlled through a pyram id structure of com partm ents, where only the people at the top have the greatest view of what is going on. Thus keeping their workers and people in general in ignorance of the true goals and reality being achieved.

In truth the m ajor fundam ental religions all take from their followers for the use of the Church and Gods Works. In som e regions referred to as Countries religious leaders are so corrupt that they take alm ost whatever they want from the people, usually the working class. Iran is a good exam ple of this. The money and property taken is usually not traced and it always seem s there are certain fam ilies that are well know n that are very rich within those countries and also surprisingly have great influence within the various institutions that are used to control the lives of the people. The SYSTEM spreads out like a spider web to these bloodline fam ilies and their m inions. It is an organized crim e SYSTEM for which they hide behind the various religious and governm ent institutions to som ehow gain som e level of credibility in their exploitation of people. And that is what the SYSTEM is all about, exploitation. It allows the few to benefit from the labors of the many.

The whole thing revolves around you volunteering to enter into contract with the SYSTEM. However they see fit that it is okay to intim idate, torture, oppress and do alm ost whatever it takes to get you to volunteer. The level of intim idation or extent that they will go varies from geographic region to region. Dem ocracies do not exist prim arily because only a small num ber of people in com parison to the rest of the population hold all the decision m aking power. The Votes in the various institutions such as parliam ent are jokes, because he politicians are trained seals and are obligated by their party line to do what they are told or else. Because it

is Adm iralty Law that they are working with, they have a duty to pass laws that the Captain of the Ship wants passed. Hence why m any Counties have a Governor General. A m ilitary Officer who supposedly represents the Queen. However in de facto Countries they leave the world do out of their Oaths and they represent no one. In fact the Country such as Canada is a corporation controlled by the International Bankers in London, England. It is listed on the Securities Exchange Com m ission in the UNITED STATES: Canadas Listing Under the Security Exchange Com m ission

Indeed Canada is a Corporation just like a car dealership or bakery etc. It is not a Sovereign Country.

W hat you find within the structure of the Occupation are titles of Officers, Generals and other m ilitary designations all reflecting the Adm iralty Law of their im aginary ship on land. They will m ix in som e religious designations as well, to confuse the situation such as Constables. Isnt it interesting that you can goto a Catholic Church, confess all your sins to a priest and your sins are forgiven and yet doing the sam e thing to an Officer you m ay end up in Jail. The sim ple fact is that even the Catholic Church is a REGISTERED corporation of the various Countries it resides in and thus are subservient to the Governm ent. If the Governm ent wanted to they could force that priest to tell them everything that you said in confession. W hy well the SYSTEM m akes sure that no one within it has any rights or freedom s, only privileges. Interesting how in Canadas Charter of Rights and Freedom s in the Pream ble it says Canada was founded upon the Suprem acy of God and Rule of Law. Well perhaps God is not suprem e within a fiction. And if God is Suprem e then what are you? W ell if you take their bait, you become a slave to the owners of the Corporation/Society of Canada. Rem em ber God never made any laws so they can do whatever they want within their SYSTEM.

Law In term s of Law som e say there is Gods Law and M ans Law. Gods Law is the Torah, or m ore specifically LORD Gods Laws and Statutes. I just wanted to m ake som ething clear here. There are people who say that you have to follows Gods Law or else you fall under Mans Law. The hardliners as they are in the religious world like this situation because they can get you coming and going. They only allow you two choices. In som e places they just kill you if you dont follow Gods law, based on the Holy Qu-ran. In Som alia they passed a law saying that if you didnt show up to pray 5 tim es a day, that you will be executed. Thats freedom for you eh? What about no law? Yes Law s are voluntary. Law is Society based which is a voluntary thing. Thus a Country is not a Geographical area in the physical world only Geographical in the im aginary world under the law of nations w hich contains within it an im aginary society. Further only nam es can be part of these societies as you have no true nam e. To say you have a nam e is to attach som ething of the im agination to yourself.

W hat we have are com peting interests to som e degree w ho want their version of LAW utilized within the Courts. Thus what they did was to incorporate other SYSTEMS of LAW into the Laws of Com m erce, which is what is used in m ost of the courts through out the world. The Torah states in D euteronom y 4:2; Ye shall not add unto the word which I com m and you, neither shall ye dim inish ought from it, that ye m ay keep the com m andm ents of the LORD your God which I com m and you. Deuteronom y 12:32; W hat thing soever I com m and you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor dim inish from it. Of course you see if you are an Orthodox Jew then this is the extent of your life. And thus it is one of the prim ary reasons why there are m any Jewish people involved in Law. The Talm ud

is w ell integrated into Modern Com m ercial Law as well as som e aspects of Canon Law. Civil Law is the cover for w hich they use to im pose various system s of law onto people, which in turn are designed prim arily to enslave and steal property from the people to enrich the few . The Creator m ade no laws so why are they?

Since law was defined as the m asterful use of words at a UN hum an rights com plaint com m ission concerning Canada over the use of fictions being used as a form of tricking people into losing their natural rights, it is only fair to say that Law in of itself as being put forward is in of itself unlawful. It has no m eaning or truth only m anipulation and entrapm ent. The truth is that if Law does at all have any lawful force of law, it m ust be based on truth. Thus there in lies crux of the whole thing. There is a third way that no one is talking about. That is sim ply stop the lies and m ake people accountable for the truth, without all the obscurity and tricks and intim idation. Getting to that point however will totally destroy their SYSTEM and when we do all start living in truth and not allow others to get aw ay w ith using trickery to gain our cooperation, we will be free of this m enace that the ruling elite have devised for us all.

Thus Law or what they want us to accept as what passes for Law is the tool that is used to fuel the hidden occupation. Everyone is suppose to accept that because someone got a trial that it was fair and im partial. Thus any sentence handed out was fair and just for those that were guilty. But very rarely if ever do you hear of the trials where the truth about the SYSTEM is exposed and the few that do win against their SYSTEM records of the cases are destroyed or sim ply disappear. Transcripts are usually altered to a great degree as well to om it evidence exposing the SYSTEM and or people they wish to protect within the SYSTEM. Such as pedophile judges and others who are doing the bidding of evil. As I m entioned near the beginning of this book is that the ruling elite created a giant prison in an im aginary world and called it a play. They use PLAY SCRIPT and have Acts to the Play. Everything works on you giving the Actors the voluntary perm ission in order for them to use the force of Law against you. They do this through lots of deception. The only question is why would som eone do this? Well they gain a benefit from getting you into their Play for they can confiscate your wealth and enslave you. Law in of itself is a tool of the occupation. The native people worked prim arily on com m on sense and shared what they could to help each other.

The mere fact that the Torah considers anyone who is not a Jew to be a beast and there for subject to m ans law s instead of Gods laws is false doctrine. If one is not subject to Gods laws by not being part of the society of people that believe in Gods Laws without any proof of existence of their God or historical confirm ed fact of the existence of LOR D God etc, then who are they to dictate to the rest of the world what laws we should be follow ing? Indeed as explained earlier the occupation has different aspects to it using law as the tool. The Torah m akes it okay for Jews to lie to the beasts etc, so in one swoop it m akes it okay to lie, steel and cheat other hum an beings who do not believe in the sam e belief system . Sim ilarly the Bible used in the Courts, the Com m onw ealth is suppose to use he King Jam es Bible. Elizabeth-Alexander-M ary: Windsor the Actress for HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II has told the Canadian courts to rem ove the King Jam es Bible from the courts, because she no longer wants to be responsible for the m ass fraud that is going on in there. The Bible represents a Belief system , it does not represent truth. The Queen is feeling the pressure of the people beginning to stand up and rebel against the tyranny of the occupation. Like a scare rat, she is jum ping off the ship in hopes that she wont be held accountable for what has and is going on. Yes we are winning this battle and war. It is going to be painful at tim es, but perhaps these tyrants will finally learn that people just want to be free. You cant hold us down forever. Much like what LORD God arrogantly thought when he created an illusion of the world in Genesis Chapter 2. Yes do read it, LORD God created and illusion not real and

unsurped the Creators creation from him. The prison of fear where he got to pick the best part, the part of the play where he gets to m ake the rules and im pose them on others.


POLICE m ean different things in different places around the world. That is to say that their m andates are slightly different. However for the most part where the Bankers have control over the Planet to Serve and Protect take on a different m eaning. They serve the SYSTEM and protect the SYSTEM, but not you. Yes there are some good people in the POLICE forces that would do anything to help you. However few m ay actually realize who it is that they are w orking for. In the USA there is now little doubt that it is now a dictatorship run under the puppet George W. Bush, m ultim illionaire and the Bankers who seized control of that County in a Coup de dat, in 1913 by am ending the Constitution to allow the private bankers to print m oney for the USA under the private bank called the FEDERAL RESERVE. It was an unlawful and should have been stopped and Congress to this day has the pow er to stop them from printing money, but doesnt do anything.

You should be angry. The spineless m en and wom en in Congress that do nothing are ensure the prom otion of the New World Order plans and agenda for a One World Governm ent based in Tyranny. In term s of a hidden Occupation, the POLICE and MILITARY have been turned into a private arm y for the International Bankers, not for the People. Their m andates are now to protect and server the Governm ent and not to uphold the Constitution for which they all swore an Oath to protect and uphold. The US Constitution is all but gone now. Just an em pty shell of what it once was. It is truly sad that people entrusted in upholding the Constitution a docum ent which provided freedom through civil law, could be turned into believing the dictatorship aspect of Rom e, being that Caesars will has force and effect. The passing of the Military Com m issions Act and loss of Habeas Corpus, allows the Governm ent to strip any PERSON of their citizenship, ship them out of the country as an enem y com batant, where they can be tortured and tried under a m ilitary tribunal and executed in secrecy. Without Habeas Corpus you can not even go before a Judge and ask what body of evidence do they have that says you are a terrorist and be judged by your peers, not that you would get a fair trial anyways, but at least you would be able to show others what is happening to you. This should give you pause for thought. This is absolute Tyranny.

The sad thing is that the POLICE and MILITARY people think that they are safe because they are in the SYSTEM. As long as they do the bidding of their Banker Masters they will be fine. I know som e are absolutely sick and disgusted with what they are seeing, but at this point they are scared. Letting fear of their own lives being destroyed by the SYSTEM they im pose it on others. This is beyond sick and I cant find the words to explain how this m akes m e feel, but I know that it is coming to a head. When your son or daughter disappears coming hom e from school and someone who witnessed the governm ent abduction speaks out and is then grabbed for ratting on the Governm ent you can see the level of physical, m ental and sexual abuse or abuse of all kinds and then out right m urder of people that will becom e a reality in the not too distant future. Your baby can be designated as an enem y com batant, there are no restrictions on the definition! Then perhaps you will begin to start listening and we as hum anity start holding these tyrants accountable for their actions.

Again everything that is happening is happening because you present the POLICE or MILITARY a docum ent that shows that a PERSON is fraudulently attached too you. A PERSON is not who you are but som ething that you have. You can talk about your PERSON in term s of a 3 rd party but you do not lawfully have a nam e. They can only ACT on the PERSON not on a hum an being. If you have a Social Security Num ber that m akes you an em ployee of the Governm ent so turning that in is an im portant thing to do in the face of tyranny. The IRS cant do anything to you if you dont have that. In fact the IRS cant show the law that says you have to pay taxes and use unlawful intim idation techniques, such as just raiding your house and taking everything from you without even stating what law they are acting under. Dont get m e started... Anyways the key is to never give them a nam e for w hich they can assum e to be you and allow them to act on it as being a PERSON. I am sure at som e point even this will becom e mute as they dont observe their Oaths now, they wont observe what law is in the future. But for now, just keep in m ind that they are Actors and they are acting on the PERSON, which is not you. Another thing you should do is send in a notice saying that the you no longer require a license for that license if only for a PERSON and you are not a PERSON and have no need for such docum ents. Doing this m ay create som e financial hardships, but it allows you to step outside of their SYSTEM. If they can not see that there is a PERSON attached to you then by what authority do they have to use force of law on you? I strongly suggest that if you havent watched Robert Menards video, called Bursting the Bubble of Governm ent Deception that you do so now.

http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=7978193591273339771&q=bursting+bubble http://www.angelfire.com/planet/thinkfree/

Also you can receive his latest inform ation by buying his Bursting Bubbles Package. Phone 604 721-0890 Fax 778 338-3733 m rm itee@ hotm ai.com

In term s of anything that they can throw at you just realize that all they are doing is offering you to contract with them . They m ust get your com pliance every step of the way to be lawful. Com pliance equals contract. Just because they present the offer that you are ENEMY COMBATANT doesnt m ean you have to accept it. In fact just tell them you do not wish Joinder and I refuse your offer of contract and leave it at that. You dont have to show your ID or anything for that m atter for your ID is evidence of perjury. Ultim ately you can say that m y rights and freedom s com e from the Creator and I have no ability to change that.

The Creator created the Earth and you and I are of the Earth. Everything that you are using to is of the Earth m ade by the Creator. The Creator gave Man Dom inion over the Earth. Genesis Chapter 1:28 And God blessed them , and God said unto them , Be fruitful, and m ultiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dom inion over the fish of the sea, and over the fow l of the air, and over every living thing that m oveth upon the earth

The subtle difference is that in term s of the Bible everything beyond Genesis Chapter 1 is considered FICTION. The Bible is about how to deal with FICTION. In term s of JESUS he too

was a FICTION in the Story. John:3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God already created his Children in Genesis Chapter 1, so this raises a question about the m en and wom en created in Genesis. W ere they not Gods Children? There are 2 sets of Children, Gods and LORD Gods in Genesis. Som ehow we are suppose to overlook that point but it is im portant to realize that JESUS is a FICTION m uch like the entire Bible is. The point is that the Bible lays out the Ground rules for dealing with FICTION entities, where LORD God is a FICTION and creates all his rules based on fear. Because everyone takes a Oath with their hand on the Bible is com m itting Perjury w hen they state that law exists beyond the Torah. The Laws that exist beyond the Torah apply to the Beasts, non followers of Gods Laws, but they never seem to want to point out the truth in Genesis Chapter 1 that there are no laws so they thrust FICTIONS onto people at Birth and try to m ake believe that a because they Believe in FICTION and are not following Gods Laws they are Beasts and can be treated as such. Freedom from this absurdity is remedied in Genesis Chapter 1 for they can not disprove that you are not from God irregardless of w hat papers were signed or what you say. However because they love their Mam m on m ore than God, they use him as an excuse to extract your wealth, tim e and property to their enjoym ent. In truth there are no original Torahs around to get any accurate translation or true inform ation about what was really written. Thus everything they are basing their laws on is pure hearsay or the other stuff if you know what I m ean.

In terms of Oaths though, m any take false oaths, leaving the word do out of their oaths. This puts you into a very precarious situation, for they are not standing for any laws or anything but what they want. The only law that exists is perhaps the Bible in that case. You can find rem edies within Com m ercial Law as well, just taking what they throw at you and throw it all back at them with a bunch of questions that they can not answer. I discuss Com m ercial Law in the next chapter, but you m ust be aware of the Biblical Law that exist even though it is all based in hearsay. The m ore you know the easier it is for you to push them back. Sim ply saying I refuse your offer of Contract or stating Com pliance equals contract and I do not wish to contract with you are powerful statements within comm ercial law. The reality is though that the UNITED STATES has been taken over by a silent Coup and has been converted into a dictatorship with very thin veils hiding that fact. The when they are pointing guns at you and rem oving your capacity to defend yourself lawfully it is tim e to clean house or m ove. Ill let you decide that one. The New W orld Order wants a New World Religion and One W orld Governm ent by 2012 I think it is. They want to use the people in the USA as the powerhouse to accom plish this, by totally enslaving them into the m ilitary. The fact that Canada is a Corporation listed on the Security Exchange Com m ission will have little im pact once they put their plans into high gear. It will start with the Econom ic m erger with Canada, Mexico and the USA. Just keep in m ind that this is all happening in the FICTION realm and the truth is the Earth is our hom e and it belongs to real living beings of life.

LORD God is a FICTION and he has no authority, zip, zero, nada. The m ain reason being is he is pure FICTION. LAW is m an m ade not m ade by any God. The so called Laws of God only refer to his Laws. In the Bible God m ade no Laws, thus there are no Laws of God. This is the single m ost im portant thing to know. You are of the Earth you cam e from the Earth and you own everything from the Earth. It is impossible for you to be in debt for the paper, thoughts or anything that they use to prove the debt, all com es from the Earth for which God gave you and m e dom inion over. This is absolute and true. Further the notion that God was a trinity is not m entioned at all by God in Genesis Chapter 1. Until God appears before you and everyone to say that is true there is no evidence at all to say that it is true. You have com plete and total ownership over the Earth. You were not created as a SLAVE but after Our Im age, m eaning everything that exists in the Universe. You are priceless. The sim ple fact is

that the creation of illusion through FICTION and through tricks and deception depriving you of the Creators will does not detract that from the truth which is readily observable by all. W e all take from the earth to sustain our life and give birth to our children, everything com es from the earth, everything.

On a spiritual side your light from your auric field perm eates all life and objects, there is no separation between you and everything around you. You are everything and everything is part of you. The notion that you are a thing of the imaginary is a fraud and they know it. It is a gam e to them . They see you, m e and everyone as their SLAVES. It is the sim ple realization that we are everything that exists and at any m om ent we could wake up to this and FICTION would be gone. They are terrified of this as it would end their control over us and also their existence for the ones that are soulless.

The prim ary fraud that the POLICE are engaged in is looking at you as a corporate entity a fiction Identification only identifies FICTIONAL entities, that the Governm ent creates, not you. It is truly the Governm ent creation and the Governm ent is liable for it. However the POLICE Officers are operating in a Com m on Law Jurisdiction, which they are fraudulently attem pting to turn into a Adm iralty Civil Law Jurisdiction. The sim ple fact that they ignore the fraud they are perpetrating on the people, that being that they are living, sentient beings and not fiction, not som ething of the im agination is a fraud. Again they want an im aginary entity to be given the sam e status as that of a living being, except the im aginary never dies or exists in the real w orld. This sim ple concept should give every POLICE officer out there a pause for thought. This is the base of their house of cards. If you sim ply acknowledge the truth the entire house of cards falls down. A fictional entity may not m ake any law s for when it is living hum an beings that m ake laws. Everyone who im poses laws onto others knowing this sim ple truth is knowingly com m itting fraud. Those that dont know it had better wake up fast and stop doing it for this fraud is quickly com ing to an end and they w ill be charged under Com m on Law for what they have done, unless they stop. The world is not going to put up with this m uch longer. It is a form of dictatorship and tyranny.

The other aspect to this is that some people gain great self esteem from having power over another hum an being. Recognizing the fraud they are com m itting w ill elim inate the power that they hold so dear over other hum an beings. It is m ostly brainwashing and som e early childhood traum as or bullying that bring people to this tunnel vision. The sim ple fact is they were lied too and conditioned to believe in a SYSTEM that has no lawful right to exist. The fact that catch bad people who com m it horrible violent crim es against the people does not excuse them from looking at the SYSTEM for what it truly is. In the USA Allan Greenspan ran the Governm ent. He literally dictated what their policies would be. One guy, how is that fair? Congress and the Senate are nothing m ore than a bunch of trained Seals, who com m it all kinds of crim es and squirm out of the liability of those crim es through a corrupt SYSTEM that can protect them . In Canada, Everything is controlled through the Privy Council, which dictates to the Governm ent what the policies shall be. They keep the Parliam ent or those not in the know of what is going on arguing all day long over the dum best and inane things, yet when they do need a new law passed, it ramm ed through at light speed. The party whips com e out and the slaves are intim idated into providing the votes that the Bankers want.

The abuse perpetrated on the hom eless and im poverished people by the POLICE through out North Am erica and the world for that m atter is horrible. Torturing people with Tazzers, beating them up for no reason, leaving people outside the city in freezing cold so they will die all kinds of atrocities. Som e are reported on but very few are ever followed up with any kind

of action that would be considered justice. It is difficult for m e to believe that the am ount of drugs available on the streets. It is huge and considering the level of technology they have today to track you and watch you, the high level people involved in this have to be in positions of great trust or rather power within the SYSTEM, in order to avoid detection or prosecution. The sim ple fact that the Bankers can not control the ability of people to grow Marijuana has sparked a huge crack down on it. From what I have read about Marijuana it is one of the m ost purest form s of food and has so m any beneficial attributes for healing and other things that it is a crim e not to allow it. In fact Genesis Chapter 1 states that all plants are Gods Gifts. They even seem to think that they are above God on these m atters. As you know though God was designated as a PERSON by the CONFESSION OF FAITH O F 1646, signed off by the PERSON KING WILLIAM OF ORANGE. The King Jam es Bible is a form of fiction, if you are asked to sw ear on it, just look at the Judge and ask him if the Bible is true or not. If it is true well, start asking questions about it and the judge will be faced with perjury rather quickly. The sim ple fact is FICTION has no truth that is why it is FICTION.

The realization that those who take on POLICING OR MILITARY roles have som e how bought the idea that they are safe from the SYSTEM as long as they are part of the SYSTEM. Which is sim ply self denial of truth. The Occupation is not so m uch hidden as it is about the core issues of truth. I cringe every tim e I hear som e Politician or talk show host say som ething along the lines that truth and justice will prevail. It is a dogm a that has not existed for over 2000 years.

Lets take a look at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Oath of Office: http://lois.justice.gc.ca/en/R-10/index.htm l


I, . . . . . . . . . . . ., solem nly swear that I will faithfully, diligently and im partially execute and perform the duties required of m e as a m em ber of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and will well and truly obey and perform all lawful orders and instructions that I receive as such, without fear, favour or affection of or toward any person. So help me God.


I, . . . . . . . . . . . ., solem nly swear that I will not disclose or m ake known to any person not legally entitled thereto any knowledge or inform ation obtained by m e in the course of my em ploym ent with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. So help me God.

W ell what have we here. For som e of you the obvious jum ps out at you. There is no sworn allegiance to HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II. So whats R oyal about them ? Nothing... In fact there is nothing that ties them anywhere to any form of authority. These are false oaths because they do not include the word do in their O ath. It should read I so and so, do solem nly swear. No action verb no O ath. Notice the all capital playscript fiction OATH OF OFFICE, well that m eans it is an Oath of a FICTIONAL Office not real, sam e with the SECRECY. The Secrecy section is nice because w ell it m eans they dont have to disclose the truth to people about the scam they are doing. Would this also include evidence in a trial, w ell yes of

course. There are no lim its on what they can deem secret using m aybe National Security as a disguise to cover their tracks.

They m ake use of the word execute, which is executive power. Where are they deriving executive power from ? No where. Now this is cute, and truly obey and perform lawful orders and instructions. Truth in FICTION? Well that I like to see. If you are an actor for a PERSON is it not the PERSON that m ust carry out the lawful orders and instructions? Well yes, so what exactly is the hum an being doing here? The hum an being swearing the oath is not a person. W hat is a lawful order and instruction. W ell Lawful is not LEGAL, so why are they doing legal things? W ho gives Orders? Well a JUDGE does. When was the last tim e you saw them present you with a docum ent showing you that they are caring out Lawful Orders signed off by a JUDGE to give it force of law? Instructions? When did instructions have anything to do with LAW ? Either you are following the rule of law or you are not. Obviously they are not. By they way what laws are you suppose to be following? Under what Society do you derive your laws from ? Then to go on and say,without fear, favour or affection of or toward any person. W ow if you have no fear what are you running around with Guns for? Favour well if that were true how com e you have a code of silence am ong your fellow officers? Afraid they wont back you up because you reported on som eone doing something bad to another hum an being that was unlawful? Affection, well I am yet to see an affectionate police officers except perhaps am ong them selves. Ah yes person, if you are aware that no one in the real world is a person then why are you doing things against them when you are only allowed to work in the im aginary world. In reality you would not need a gun or have any fear because the im aginary doesnt shoot back at you.

Of course it is all written in legalese w hich is not an Official language of the Society for which they are told to protect. The Oaths are com plete frauds and those people that walk around with great sense of im portance are living in a world of com plete delusion. The final part, So help m e God, is gotta give you som e pause for thought. God is not defined and the JUDGE is presented by the Crown as a false GOD, your W ORSHIP. So if God is not defined which God are you swearing too, the JUDGE perhaps w ho is delivering the OATH? We are led to believe that God is God that is referred to in the Bible, but it is not defined. It is sad that they take every possible opportunity to pull the rug out from beneath us, through tricks. It is extrem ely childish and selfish.

The thing that will stop a Police Officer in his tracks is sim ply this. If Legalese is indeed a language for which only Lawyers can understand, then how is it that a Police Officer who is not a Lawyer able to understand the Law and know that he is following lawful orders? If the Justice System insists that only Lawyers can practice Law then w hat are Police doing? They too then have no capacity to interpret or understand law so how is that they can enforce som ething that the Courts say they cant possibly understand?

A lot of other police departments swear an allegiance to HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II however I showed earlier that is a foreign corporate entity and is treason to do so. However because everything is written in Legalese it is the Lawyers Society which is not named for which they are operating in. For every COUNTRY in the world using this system and legalese being the basis of their laws, then references a society different than what they are protraying. This is the hidden occupation. The underlying occupation is really about the Control that com es through the use of Central Banks privately ow ned by the Banksters in the City inside London Proper England and Tem ple BAR. They create an illusion of a separate sovereign COUNTRY and then usurp power of that country by using their language, Legalese.

If you gain a benefit from a law then all the laws apply, whos law, well the laws of the BAR. They created the prison with so m any layers of lies it becom es difficult to see past the illusions, but when you look at with the intent of exposing sim ple truths the SYSTEM reveals itself. The m ere fact that they say a COUNTRY is Sovereign is a lie because it im plies that it is a living entity. I dont like to use the word Sovereign m yself because of this sim ple fact. Rather just say I am a freem an.

I will look at other oaths later in the book as they are very easy to pick apart and see the frauds within them . It is kind of entertaining. US JUDGES are so m uch fun as they are absolutely squirm ing now in desperation to distance them selves from the onslaught of awareness of what they are doing. Many of them give Oaths that go against the Constitution com pletely, while even those that do w hat is considered a proper Oath are still com m itting fraud.

John 8:7 "So when they continued asking him , he lifted up him self, and said unto them , He that is without sin am ong you, let him first cast a stone at her." Jesus was not arguing with the judgm ent. He was speaking to ex ecution. Judgm ent had already been passed in accordance with the law s of the tim e. Which is why I tend to believe no one may take a life, no m atter what the sin. In a true sense the POLICE officer is fraudulently rendering a Judgem ent against you as being a PERSON and then caring out a form of execution as per what his OATH states. Talk about fraud and abuse of power.

Vassal Law Vassal Law is the SYSTEM of law most of the world operates under today. There are two objectives to putting this SYSTEM of law in place. One is for the im aginary leaders to gain ownership over the land and then get the people on that land access to the land by entering into agreem ents of servitude. The Spanish Inquisition and expansion of the British Em pire along with France accomplished the first task. The second is to get the people into a m ode of servitude. This is done with the utm ost trickery of course but that is the bases of the law. A law totally based on FICTION.

I took this definition of it from The 'Lectric Law Library's Lexicon, http://www.lectlaw.com /def2/u023.htm

VASSAL - Obs. Som eone who, by a series of form al acts, usually hom age, com m its them selves to serve another, usually receiving a fief in return.

The nam e given to the holder of a fief, bound to perform feudal service; this word was then always correlative to that of lord, entitled to such service.

The vassal him self m ight be lord of som e other vassal. In aftertim es, this w ord was used to signify a species of slave who owed servitude, and was in a state of dependency on a superior lord.

Yes thats right a species of slave. Thats all they want you to be. Interesting that they also allow for levels of slaves within the SYSTEM which underlines the fact that the QUEEN herself

is a slave. Of course if people knew the true nature of how the SYSTEM w orked, m uch of this nonsense would be stopped very quickly. They w ant to keep their m ushroom s well inform ed dont they?

In term s of a law system we have never really had an opportunity to establish one based on freedom . For the m ost part tribal societies have had system s of law based on custom s and truth, although these system s do get distorted to favor one fam ily bloodline for their leaders. There seem s to always been this hierarchy in place no m atter where you went. For the m ost part though the concept of war was not something practiced m uch am ongst tribal people prior to the expansion of the Illum inati em pire in the m iddle ages. The earth was peaceful and abundant with life. I have not done a great deal of study into the ancient cultures, but for the m ost part of what I have studied their system s were based on the real world and truth. It would seem that is where we must return if we are to end this insane SYSTEM of law.

The People from the Stars Zulu translates literally into the People from the Stars. The Zulu people of South Africa say that they cam e here via teleportation through thought originally and got stuck here. It is a testam ent to the true nature of hum an beings and what we are. If you order the tape called the Reptilian Agenda from David Ickes website you w ill see a com prehensive interview with Credo, the official historian of the Zulu people and one of the last high level Sham ans left on the planet. The inform ation that he presents in the video rewrites m any history books and gives us a m uch better fix on where we cam e from and why we are here.

In term s of UFOLOGY and alien races that have visited the Earth in the past and still do to this day there is an abundance of evidence that this has and is going on to this very day. The hum an species has been genetically m anipulated throughout tim e to dum b us down and m ake us into a slave labor force. Because of the level of secrecy behind this it is difficult to pull out the sm oking Guns and say for certain that this is indeed what is going on. In term s of scientific evolution, at one tim e people were im prisoned and tortured for not agreeing that the Earth was the center of the Universe and life only existed here. With the 100s of Trillion Billion Stars in the Universe it is beyond lunacy to believe that we are the only life in the Universe. Hence the motive operandi of these people is too lie about the truth no m atter how absurd the lie in order to keep the lid on who we are and our true history. We are paying a very high price for a SYSTEM based in fiction.

If there are underground bases and military cooperation with aliens in term s of creating a slave race of hum an beings, which are easy to m anipulate and control yet are incredible expression of life which they have to apply a lot of force on to keep us from self actualizing, we may never know . How ever the Disclosure Project headed by Dr. Steven Greer has done a great deal to uncover the reality of such a clandestine operation. Hi level m ilitary and civilian officials have com e forward to verify in testim ony that these things are indeed happening. David Icke has uncovered m uch concerning shape shifting Reptilians that through holography hide behind a hum an form and take on positions of power in large corporations and governm ent.

Fear can only exist within Illusion for truth has no room for fear only love. It is perhaps what is keeping us alive is the fact that we do live in truth and through all the subjection of propaganda and behavior conditioning they cant elim inated the essence of who w e are, that being infinite love. The hidden occupation has done a great deal of harm to our planet our

hom e in the Universe and indeed this is our hom e and we would share it in instant with all peaceful life. However the Earth has reached a turning point and I am highly concerned about what I see happening to eco system s that are being ravished by greed and non caring. The m ost dam age being done by large mining and resource based corporations and chem ical industries, not to m ention the wars that are dum ping uranium all over the planet which we are all breathing today. The prospects for surface life to continue living within the next 100 years is becom ing less and less every day now. Considering that Alien bases are underground and that is their hom e, we being surface life are perhaps expendable to them . I dont know. However if you look at Mars that could easily be Earth in less than a hundred years from now if we dont do som ething now.

There is a great deal of geological evidence to show that a num ber of pole shifts have occurred and w ith the massive m elting of the polar regions it m ay not be m uch longer now before such a thing happens. I dont think you can ever be prepared for such a thing, I dont know w hat you could do or where you could go to be safe from it. The Ice Age happened in such a way that W ooley Mam oths died while eating as food was still in their m ouths. To m e that does not signify som ething natural but som ething very unnatural based on the pace which nature w orks. It seem s to m e m uch like what would happen if you focused a scalar weapon on the earth and sucked the energy from the Earth to cool it. In any case it is a technology that is kept very quiet and out of sight from people. For an overview of this technology there is a rare video m ade by Tom Bearden that goes into the hard science of this type of technology. You can watch it here: http://www.cheniere.org/sales/buy-ttt.htm

The very nature of these ruling elite is that they thrive like parasites on us. They are energy vam pires and thrive on fear. Interestingly our DNA is m uch like a com puter program and through rituals such as those practiced by the Masons, they can unlock DNA codes which allow you to becom e m ore easily possessed. Im agine the horror of being consciously pushed aside able to see what is happening while another entity controls your body, Reptilian m ost likely. Those that play the gam e of enslavem ent do so at a great price. Hum an beings are very powerful spiritual beings and do not take too kindly to being lied too or m anipulated. The perpetrators of this insanity stay in the background and use their m inions as cannon folder. You will never see a world leader or one of the Banksters out leading the charge for any of their schem es. It is not their way. They hide in shadows and run for cover whenever the jig is up. Septem ber 11 th is a prim e exam ple of that. They m essed up big tim e and their entire Official story was picked apart and shown to be a com plete and total lie. It was a m ajor wake up call for hum anity and now they are getting extrem ely desperate. They are passing draconian laws where they can nam e anyone a terrorist without defining what a terrorist is and trying so hard to shut dow n the Internet as a m ethod for us to com m unicate with each other.

The true Occupation of our world is a spiritual one. The Courts are sim ply the manifestation of darkness. Ever notice how m any politicians, bankers, Com m unity Leaders where black all the tim e? It reflects the void of em ptiness where fear dwells. Judges, law yers, court clerks etc all wear black. We even get black popes. The key is they are colorless versus a hum an being full spectrum of light and truth. Fear com partm entalizes and sets up a chain of com m and all leading to the sam e bloodline fam ilies that are behind the m anipulation of this Occupation. The Universe itself is nothing m ore than a holographic projection a projection which is not real, just an illusion which the m anipulating consciousness wants us to see. The advances in m illim eter m icrowave technology and nano technology is indeed exposing the

m echanism s of how the illusion operates. They are able to bend light around copper objects now so you dont see reflected light com ing from the object. If they can do that im agine the technologies developed by hundreds of thousands of years ago or sim ply the advancement of life evolutions.

It would seem that we are indeed the food supply for these creatures. As they feed off our fear and strong em otions. Ever feel a bunch of pins and needles hit you when som eone cuts you off in traffic and you had barely enough tim e to hit the breaks? Life exists outside our ability to perceive it. That is to say just because it does not reflect light does not m ean that it is not there. The satanic ritual sacrificing has gone on for thousands of years even to this day. Just called different things for the same thing.

W e do have a way out of this spiritually. It is with love and golden white light. You surround yourself via your im agination with golden white light and im agine that you are in the palm of the creator of all life and ask him for help, you will see opportunities present them self too you and positive things begin to happen. You are always offered choices, pick the ones that offer truth and love. The doors will accelerate. People are keys to doors and your interactions with them in positive ways opens those doors and lifts you both. In the end our infinite selves will begin to be more fully expressed through us as we are able to hold m ore light and energy. It will becom e incredibly hard for us to be m anipulated and challenged when we are surrounded by love and light of truth. Your im agination is the key. Your im agination is just as real as this reality is and is the catalyst for what is m anifested here. This is prim arily I think where they got the idea of an im aginary SYSTEM of PERSONS. Reptilians are real but they are also projections, they are soulless creatures.

Ever notice how som e world leaders take so m uch tim e to answer a question put to them ? It seem s almost like the m anipulating entity hiding behind the illusion has to form ulate som e kind of response and then the response that comes is not an answer at all just a deflection of som e kind from the question being asked. My instincts tell m e that som ething is seriously wrong there and I sense no em otion from them , like they are even there. It is truly entertaining at tim es watching this process once you can see behind the curtain. Yes I am very em pathic and can see auras etc. That is quite a story how I got to this point and Ill share it later in the book. For now im agine these leaders as puppets on a string and being controlled by an entity w e can not yet see. After som e tim e you will begin to see the m ore sim ilar traits in others such as Judges and som e Police O fficers. Trust your instincts and deep feelings rather than what the illusion presents itself through your norm al vision. Your body does not lie it has to live in truth to stay in balance and dis-ease free.

Be aware what m essages and values are being broadcasted too you via the television and radio and other sources of m edia. There is a great deal of thought conditioning going on and the manipulation is based on getting you the think about things in ways they want you too. The lack of will to help the hom eless is part of this. It is a war unfolding around you in a quiet but sure way. Instead of spending som e m oney to provide affordable housing The BC Governm ent put out a pam phlet for people on how to do dum pster diving. Som e cities in the USA are literal war zones. When they can spend billions on phony wars and nothing on the people at hom e w ho need the help the m ost you know som ething is seriously wrong. The m oney is being spent to create opportunities to oppress and destroy lives in other places around the planet. They will not stop until we stop playing their gam e. The mere fact that they entered a bill on June 6, 2006 (666), to draft everyone from the age of 18 to 42 into the US Military should give you som e pause for thought. Recruiters go to im poverished

neighborhoods and use the bait and switch gam e on im poverished people. The offer education and then throw them on the front lines in their phony w ars to create m ore suffering for people.

The Saudi Governm ent is one of the biggest threats in the w orld in term s of the spread of fanatic Islam ic values. Wom en in Afghanistan had their heads sawed off slowly in soccer stadium s just for showing an ankle. The Saudi Governm ent was the instigator behind setting this up and were not held accountable. Instead the allowed the US to fight a war against its neighbors using bases there. The m ere fact that the United Nations did not step in and hold Saudi Arabia accountable is am azing. Further the so called hijackers on 9/11 were m ainly from Saudi Arabia and som ehow they attack Afghanistan? Right.

The Governm ent of Canada makes uses of a military hierarchy. Everyone in the governm ent is an Officer or some kind of General such as the Lieutenant Governor General or Receiver General. It reflects Offices held in Adm iralty Law. Com m erce itself is a form of warfare. It is indeed a m ilitary dictatorship, but disguised in order to glean m axim penetration of resources to use against hum anity. Out right dictatorships have a short life span and it is very dangerous for those engaged in it. The objective of giving people just enough freedom to m ake them believe that they are free when indeed when push com es to shove they can pull the rug out from under you and m ake you do their bidding is not freedom . I hope this helps to explain som ewhat of w hat is going on. However I dont know everything just observing what I can see happening. Once you acknow ledge that this is going on you begin to see how the SYSTEM operates as an Occupation force rather than as a servant to hum anity.

Chapter 4

The Illusion Called Com m erce

The only thing that matters in Com m erce is your Signature. Your Signature is worth a lot of m oney. Lots and lots of m oney. When you sign anything you are giving that instrum ent value. It is also one way we enter into contracts. You are com pletely sovereign and everything in this world is already paid for. The goods in a super m arket for exam ple are yours you just present prom issary notes in exchange you get a receipt. The goods were yours for the taking in the first place, however it requires a prom issary note and a receipt to com plete the transaction. Your signature is your credit a form of prom issary note. It can be assigned value for fictions can not have any value. This is why all statem ents from Corporations and Governm ent have no signature on them . They have no way of assigning value, only you can assign value to it, because you are Sovereign and infinite being of the Creator.

The truth can only com e from living not from fiction so your word is your bond. You have incredible am ount of power within the SYSTEM but, do to the tricks played on you, you were given the illusion that you had none. In part this has been what the master illusionists have been playing on hum anity for thousands of years. It is truly a testam ent to how powerful we really are. The scale of the illusion to trap and infinite being within an illusion is w hat this is all about. They want you to thrash about at the illusion, that is the courts and all the actors within it. They are well paid and are very com fortable, but in the end are m erely actors for the illusion. They are asking us over and over again are we infinite beings or one of them , caught up in the illusion. Hence LORD God when he said, Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the m an is becom e as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:

The sim ple fact is everyone dies or do they? Ill get m ore into that later in the book. For now realize that the illusion is not what seem s. It is an offer. The illusion can only offer you things, you have to be the one the accept it for value. Up to this point I have been rather hard on the actors within the Illusion for I w anted to drive the point hom e that none of us agree with the am ount of dam age and unfairness that is going on within the SYSTEM. However everything and I mean everything that is happening is com ing from your lack on not knowing who you are. When you know who you are everything falls in place and you will know what to do for every situation. The Illusion can only offer you things, it requires your acceptance to act on you. This is how it is suppose to work and from what I have observed you can put the breaks on at any tim e and stop the illusion from acting on you. Just need to know what this thing called Com m ercial Law is all about.

Now is your Signature on the Constitution? No then you are not a party too it. Is your signature on any of the acts or laws? No then you are not party to it. They can only act on your person, which is the im aginary fellow that walks along beside you but doesnt exist until you point him out with your awareness. The Actors can not act on him until you bring him into the PLAY. Thus if they cant see him they cant act on him . Your attention on what you decide to bring into your awareness is the key to everything. The one thing that will help you a great deal through all of this is to realize that the SYSTEM being an Illusion for which truth can not exist within, in truth operates in total truth. It operates from the prem ise that Evil

and Lies are perm issible within the Illusion and those in leadership positions are indeed illusions operating within their realm of truth. Good also exists within the Illusion but good is a relative term depending on whos good you are talking about. You can not fault the Illusion for being parasitic and full of lies and deceit for these are the instrum ents of an illusion. Instead recognize the sim ple fact that this is indeed how illusions work and they are living within their truth. They are m erely our servants. These illusionary creatures with no soul being only projections and nothing m ore are serving us. We just havent realized that the Illusion is operating in truth. Fear is an illusion a low vibrational energy, but we can change that through keeping perspective of w hat is illusion and what is real. Real com es through us w e are the only thing that is real and we are holding all the power. The Illusion has no pow er and is using parasitic acts to take power from us, when in fact we have the power to stop it from doing so. Asking questions about what they are doing to us results in their exposure of what indeed they are trying to do. If they can not answer our questions, they loose power over us.

Now lets look at a Bills of Exchange. It derives its value from a signature. No signature no value. Your acceptance of a bills of exchange can be as sim ple as accepting m ail from the Governm ent. You accept it you becom e a party to it. If you didnt open it and sim ply send it back then you are not party to it. These are what Robert Menard calls Sliders.

Com m ercial Instrum ents and Oaths Affidavits are com m ercial instrum ents and are suppose to reflect the truth. Because we swear an Oath to God that it is true it puts us into a position of perjury if what w e state is not true. Unfortunately as you have been reading there are a num ber of fundam ental problem s with this. One being that it is based in Fiction being a com m ercial instrum ent and second that you have no true nam e. One may think that not swearing Oaths would bring Anarchy, but rather sw earing them has brought us Chaos. Jesus States in Matthew 5: 33-35 that you are not to swear oaths. [33] Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old tim e, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: [34] But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: [35] Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King.

In the corporation of CANADA we have seen earlier and in m any parts of the world as well, people are taking false Oaths by leaving the w ord do out of there Oaths. Further those that are of the Jewish Faith or Free M asons are allowed at to partake in the Kol Nidre which disavow s them of their Oaths. It is a prayer, which is perhaps a way of asking forgiveness for taking an Oath? I am all for this practice and there is nothing wrong with it, so as long as you tell people who have given you your Office that you are no longer under that Oath of Office and rem ove yourself from the Office. When has that ever happened? They neglect to tell the people they claim to have authority over that they did this. Of course because they did sw ear an Oath within the SYSTEM anything they say is considered to absolutely true and because you com e to them without an oath everything you say is an absolute lie. You can find the Kol Nidre listed on page 183 of the Masonic Handbook and Jewish Encyclopedia (1901) Vol V, Page 539.

The Kol Nidre: All Vows, obligations, oaths, and anathem as, whether called konam , Konas, or by any other nam e, which we m ay vow , or sw ear or pledge, or whereby we m ay be bound, from this Day of Atonem ent until the next (whose happy com ing we await), we do repent. May they be deem ed absolved, forgiven, annulled and void, and m ade of no effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not Obligatory; nor the oaths be oaths.

Now because you swear an Oath to God for a an Affidavit eg. Is everything in this Affidavit True and Correct?, Yes, So help m e God., you are com m itting perjury in term s of what is written in the King Jam es Bible. From Matthew 5: 33-5 shown above you have just com m itted blasphem y. Yet the old testam ent is full of sections where Abraham and others have taken O aths. Again the Bible itself is a story of FICTION with the exception of Genesis Chapter 1 within its story being the part that is about the real. The m ere fact that the Earth and the Universe w as created about 6000 years ago has been proven by Science to be utterly wrong and we still today see the creative process unfolding.

W hy do they ask you to sw ear oaths on Com m ercial docum ents? The ask you to do it so you w ill go into dishonor and that is all that m atters in the honor and dishonor gam e. They dont care about the truth or who did what. It is part of a sm oke and m irrors thing, getting you to believe that som ehow that by stating the truth on a Com m ercial docum ent such as an Affidavit will som ehow lift you out of their SYSTEM, when in fact it puts you into dishonor and a position of perjury. Just swearing to God is an act of perjury in of itself because God did not m ake any laws nor did God give m an or wom an a nam e.

They only care about m aking off with your wealth or m aking m oney off you by throwing you into one of their Jails and using you as a form of credit to m ake billions of dollars off you through your signature and living. The courts have very little to do with Justice as they are just m oney m aking schem es set up to enslave people.

Because you use com m ercial paper all the tim e they dont tell you the laws surrounding Com m ercial Law , especially Adm iralty Merchant Law because you are deem ed to be an expert at it. Yet they have the books and laws at their finger tips, so would that make them non experts? It is rule by deceit not by law. Thus because it is fiction anytim e a word is defined in any dictionary that word definition still has m erit to be used within that definition. Look up the definition of, if som etime and you will get the idea how com plex and unfair it is.

Oaths have always brought chaos when used because it prom otes the idea that we can let our guard down because som eone is under oath. Further Judges are for som e reason suppose to be Bonded so if they step out of their Oaths that bond becom es yours and they get rem oved from Office. The truth is they have no bond at all. If you ask a JUDGE to prove that he/she has one, they can not and will not produce it. You come to the Court with full Com m ercial Liability and the JUDGE sits there with none. W hy, well you are a Slave rem em ber? Yes thats right his or her WORSHIP are Gods and you well, lets just find a nice dam p dark cell for you when this is all over. I hope you are beginning to see just how arrogant these people truly are that purport to be pillars of society.

One last com m ent here. Now that you know about O aths what do you think about the Queen and her Coronation Oath and being handed the King Jam es Bible after she states the Oath? Yes thats right she never swore an Oath at all on the Bible it was presented to her after she took the Oath. Section V, which follows the Oath of Section IV is titled, The Presenting of the Holy Bible. Take a look: http://www.orem us.org/liturgy/coronation/cor1953b.htm l

Now what do they m ake you do in Court. Please place your hand on the Bible and state do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, so help you God. I do? Really how about answering, No? How can I or anyone know or understand the whole truth? By answering I do or yes you are also creating a contract and putting yourself into dishonor and blasphem y at the sam e tim e.

Then when they try to take the Bible away from you hold onto it and ask what page is the law they are talking about on. They offered it too you so dont let it go. Then start referring to Genesis Chapter 1, you get the idea. You tell them , Oh no, you asked m e to swear on this, this is the extent of which I have sworn.

The organization that goes by Zionism works of strict interpretation of the Torah. There are no laws beyond Gods Law and they are in control of the Courts. If you delve into com m ercial law then all of com m ercial law applies too you and you are exposed to a system of privilege and argum ent, not on truth and rights. Of course JESUS was a Jew and Christianity is an addition to Gods Laws. Rem em ber that the Queen never swore on the Bible so you would be wise to keep your references to the Torah only. Beyond the Torah Ezekiel 33:6 allows you to warn them as PERSONS that their laws apply to them and not to you and their actions from their fram e work as Actors of an im aginary world of PERSONS. This keeps you rooted within the Bible as a form of law and thus you are not stepping into their law for a defense. Ezekiel 33:6 is a disclaim er. The basis of Christianity and justly the Torah are all based within FICTION and have no historical value at all. I have touched on this before. I am sim ply attem pting to show you how to m axim ize it as a tool of defense in the face of tyranny. Bearing False Witness is a nice one to reference since all PERSONS are indeed bearing false witness.

W hat has happened in the past is happening today. The objective is to cultivate groups of people that are taught how to m anipulate the SYSTEM so they can suppress knowledge and independent thinking. In the past under the guise of religion people were m urdered in the m illions and the confiscation of wealth and freedom s, which are all designed to prop up the crim inals that are working hard to enslave you. The Catholic Church had for m any hundreds of years had Countries that they controlled pass law s that m ade it okay for the church to be self policing in crim inal m anners. The results of this is sweeping corruption, pedophilia, m urder anything that they wanted to do they could do it with im punity. This continues till this very day, just they cant get away with it in som e cases due to public outrage. Every year the Catholic Church pays out m illions in hush m oney over the level of pedophilia that goes on. This is just what m akes the news! What does not m ake the news is the basis of research of people like David Icke and others. Satanism is at the basis of m uch of this for it dove tails nicely what a crim inal m ind is trying to do. Not knocking Satanism, but I have never seen anything based on so m any lies and deceit with the idea that hum an sacrifice is okay. Im agine going to Court and having a Judge that just finished up the night before sexually abusing a child and slowly tortured it to death. Think you w ill get a fair trial? Think he/she cares about you or anything beyond his/her own needs and pleasure? Because Judges in

Canada are appointed without any public scrutiny we have no idea who these people are. Based on what they accept as a fair SYSTEM of law I and m any others have very low regards for all involved in this SYSTEM.

Nature of Feudalism in Com m ercial Law

Feud in term s of Feudalism is old English for Oath and Canada and m ost of the world is based on Feudalism . The land is ow ned by the M onarchy or a State and it rented out to the com m oners, hence property taxes. All wealth is derived from the land. We live on the land and we com e from the land. It is our hom e, so how is it that a few can dictate to us where we can go and how w e can peacefully and without harm use the land for our living? They cant and they dont. Again everything they are doing is based in a fictional world. They only make reference to Persons.

Because they point guns at us and confiscate our property doesnt m ean that it is right. It just m eans that they are willing to lie and cheat us out of our hard work and labor for their benefit of having us as their slaves. This abuse power always creates a rebellion, which the concentration of wealth becom es so large that people m uch like the Native peoples across the world were forced to starve or rebel. This is played over and over again and Blood line fam ilies love it! It creates fear and high level of emotional release, which is their food. They are parasites to say the least. The mere fact that history is written by the victor rarely allows the impoverished people to have their say. The concept that International Law and Justice protects those im poverished people so that they can live in peace is again a lie or pipe dream. One only has to look at D arfur, a genocide that is happening right before our eyes and no one is helping to stop it.

Okay enough with the ranting. If everything is happening in an im aginary world then how do we separate ourselves from it? Much of what I have written thus far is helpful in bringing your awareness to various aspects of their scam . Ultim ately the SYSTEM is a slavery system , which there is no escape from within. Thus part of resolving this educating everyone you can on what is going on.

I m entioned earlier that one of the ways to extract onself from the SYSTEM was to use your Faith. Your Faith m ay be anything you want it to be so long as you do not register it with the State or Governm ent bodies, which is as we know signing over ow nership of your faith to them . All the Major religions do this as a ruse to give Civil authority power over the people rather than freedom through faith. To stop there are two basic aspects to stopping them . First is do not open their m ail. Return everything as it is only an offer of contract. They use the trick of putting a postal code on the envelop which identifies the receiver of the mail as being a com m ercial entity if they open it. Reason being is that it is a form of codified law, which brings about acceptance that you accept this form of law and that you exist within their im aginary world or are acting as the surety for the im aginary world.

Because Feudalism m akes use of Oaths it detracts from faith saying that you have no faith and are not of God or som e Creator of the Universe, just a thing. Thus you m ust be careful not to m ix com m ercial law with faith. You can write the Private Man/W om an Acting as the Minister of Justice lets say but you do not write to the PERSON or the title for that is an im aginary thing. It is m y experience and that of others that they will not drag you into court

over not paying debts etc. because you have noticed them , but they do keep trying to send their offers of contract in the mail to you. Just m ark the outside of the envelope, Return for Fraud and put back in the m ail box. Nothing m ore need be done. Do not open their m ail. Until you see it addressed as John-Henry: Doe nothing is addressed to you anyways. Everything else is fiction. They want you to accept fiction so they can im pose their fictional world of control on you. The problem with this of course is who is doing this? A fiction can not send m ail or do anything in the real world, ultim ately som eone is doing this, but hides behind the fiction or illusion as to operate with im punity. W hen you are in a Courtroom and a JUDGE asks you your nam e, if you respond you are giving tacit consent through trickery on their part that the im aginary world can converse with you. You m ight respond to it by asking the JUDGE, who is asking the question? A hum an being a being the m an I see in front of me or the Im aginary entity called a PERSON? Bringing to the forefront the living m an puts the m an into a position of LIABILITY not the PERSON. However you are not com m ercial so LIABILITY is not an avenue you want to go, but rather keep it within faith and state m y faith does not allow m e to deal with fictional entities as God has no respect for them . The foundation that the QUEEN in her Oath is somehow going to help, it m ay. However keep guarded that the QUEEN is a title and not real, so you can not derive any protection from som ething that is not real.

In either case what always ends up happening is that you end up having to return your Social Security Num ber or Social Insurance Num ber, which rem oves you as an em ployee of the Corporation passing itself off as being a Country. Because m ost of the Countries in the w orld went Bankrupt in 1933 to the Banksters, which was a form of high Treason, they are really just branch corporations of the Major Central Banks in The City, London, England. The downside is that you need to convince an em ployer that he can hire you without a Social Security Num ber or work independently on your own. It can be done but that is why it is im portant to educate others on what is happening.

The fact that we are dealing with crim inals who have no care about the law s that they break within the SYSTEM should give you pause for thought. If they see you escaping their twisted logic they feel it is their obligation to do whatever it takes to keep you within their SYSTEM . There have been m any people who have been successful using the Faith based m ethod to extract them selves. It also m eans giving up state sponsored health care as well. You do not want to contract with them in any way. What is very unfortunate is that we have allowed these crim inals for so long to do what they are doing. The only way to stop them peacefully is through education. They thrive on conflicts and gives them excuses to use horrible weapons against us. As this book is titled, this is indeed extortion.

The flip side of being free from paying taxes, your children injected with m ercury laced vaccination shots and eating genetically m odified food that m akes it im possible for you to know its effect on your body are just som e exam ples of what is at stake here. It is a war on hum anity and they are attem pting to pose as our heros through propaganda. The level of auto-genocide occurring through hom elessness is at an all tim e high, how far are you from being hom eless within their SYSTEM? 1 to 6 m onths of being out of work? If you exam ine the level of help that the are giving now im agine what it will be when they finish getting the Pan Am erican Union in place and only Multi-National Corporations own all the utilities and hospitals etc. Totally unaccountable to how they treat their em ployees and the people that they will pretend to serve.

The m ove to give police powers to private security firm s and having Military dom estic and foreign patrolling the streets will not bring about m ore accountability, I can assure you that. However that is where they are going. The few are trying to trick us into believing that they have the rights to our bodies, land and beliefs. It is through a system of LAW which God, who they swore their O ath too, created no such laws. It m akes for a very dangerous gam e on their part. Feudalism on steroids is w hat w e have today. They forgo the Oath which people give Jurisdiction to the tyrants and just tram ple you with trickery. It is okay to trick you if you dont know the law as they believe, but switch the tables on them and they go running to their courts, banks, special interest groups etc. They want their slaves to be obedient and punctual with their paym ents to them and take care of their needs. Until you are com pensated in the sam e way as the Queen is for the work she does, I think perhaps there are som e issues to be resolved here, dont you?

In the end you are non-com m ercial, m eaning that through your faith you do not believe in their im aginary world only the real one. You do not accept their presentation of debt for God gave you and everyone else dom inion over the Earth and debt can not exist within the Earth. They present you docum ents for which are just m olded form s of the Earth, but are the Earth and you have dom inion over them .

As I have presented in the book so far that religion itself is based on fiction. I did this not so m uch to attack Religious beliefs them selves, but to expose the perpetrators behind the scenes that are w orking to ensure that there is no escape for those turning to them for help. For people to run to their m ajor organized religions that are all registered w ith these bankrupt corporations calling them selves unlawfully Countries, is what I am try to show and expose. The root of escaping the prison is your faith not theirs. W hat you believe to be real not theirs. It com es down to that. Law is contract and doing as m uch as you can to separate yourself from their SYSTEM is the best way to rem ove yourself from it.

W hat is Lawful to a criminal organization is another m atter which I touched on. You can only go so far into this before you are faced squarely with the tyrants them selves. There are those that refuse to let you leave the SYSTEM even though you have done everything lawfully you can to do so. They do not want to answer your questions. The do not want to give you any kind of platform to express the truth of what is happening. All they want to do is to shut you up. These are the hard core crim inal elite and have no care for laws only if it helps them in their oppression of hum anity. The m ere fact that for hundreds of years it was okay for the Priests in the Catholic church to burn people alive for saying anything against the Church and its teachings should give you som e insight on how far these people have gone and are still willing to go to m aintain their power over the slaves. Courts are not about truth they are about argum ents. Not m uch has changed over the centuries, just different takes on the sam e agenda.

The Banking SYSTEM

So m uch has been written about the Banking System already and there are lots of very good books out there on the subject. I suggest you read the Creature from Jeckyle Island as it was the first and goes into the history of Central Bank Tyranny. There is also a video on the web called the Money Masters and can be watched at: http://video.google.com /videoplay?docid=-8753934454816686947&q=m oney+m asters

The highlights of the crim es that are being put on the people of Canada and m ost of the world is that of Usury. Usury is loaning m oney you do not have or own and charging interest on it. It is a scam played out by Zionists, Catholic Church and others through out history. Today it is at a m assive level for they are not only stealing m oney through Usury they are also stealing m oney through your signature as m entioned earlier in the book.

Anytim e you sign a com m ercial docum ent and do not put non-negotiable on it, it becom es a negotiable instrum ent. Because the banks deal in Prom issary Notes and not Lawful Money backed by som ething tangible such as Gold, they steal the acceptance of value you give to alm ost everything I would think. As long as the paper has a date, m onetary am ount and signature on it, it is considered m oney to them .

W hen you go for a bank loan and you sign an application form for the loan, which states you will pay back to the bank X am ount of dollars by such and such a date. You sign it and hand it over to the Loans Officer. As a side note the Officer is the Officer on the Bankers ship called the Crown. The Loans Officer puts the application through a num ber of departm ents to get perm ission to give you the loan to m ake sure you can pay it back. At this point the bank does not care if it is approved or not, you just gave them m oney which they draw from your private side account. The private side account is really unlim ited am ount of funds as living beings have infinite potential for wealth. They m onetize the promissary note, hence the application forum and deposit the funds into your public side account, the all caps nam e account. Then you draw the funds and buy the item that you wanted and the now owe the bank x am ount of funds. Som e banks have to have som e percentage of m oney deposited in their accounts to be able to loan m oney out to begin with. Thus the car dealer ship takes the money you gave them for a new car lets say and puts it in their account. Now the bank can give a loan based on that m oney. It is the sam e m oney they just gave out! This is called Fractional Reserve Banking. In Canada they rem oved this requirement and banks can loan as m uch m oney as they want regardless of what deposits they m ight have. In Fractional Reserve Banking they were norm ally having 10% in reserve deposits for the loans they m ade.

Then you have to pay the bank back the loan plus interest. The bank only m onetized your m oney to begin with and put nothing up front as valuable consideration. In fact the bank never even signs the application form to becom e a party in the contract, there is no contract. The reason the bank doesnt sign is because they cant they are fiction and can not be m ade lawful parties in contracts with living people. The next part to this is of course you pay the bank the m oney that was yours to begin with and interest. The bank put nothing up, took no risk and profits from your paym ents or default by taking your car or house from you. The catch to all this is that the banks only loan the m oney for the principle and not the interest. So where does the money com e from for you to pay the interest? Som eone else m ust borrow m oney into circulation for you to get the funds you need to pay the interest if no loans are m ade the whole system collapses and does so by design, at the w him of the bankers. It is a scam a crime against hum anity of mega-proportions which causes an auto-genocide of people in society taking their lives or starving to death on the streets due to lack of funds in circulation to discharge alleged debts. It is a form of genocide which goes unchallenged and those that benefit from it have no desire at all to change it. In fact they get a kick out of the fact that you apply for your own m oney, which apply is defined as to beg for som ething.

The fact that we carry on comm erce on land by purchasing item s gives them the excuse they wanted by design to im pose Adm iralty Merchant Law on everyone. Since it only has force and

effect with m atters related to the Sea the need to m ake Countries into Ships becom es param ount and was the sam e System used in Ancient Rom e. Again everything that is happening is happening in an im aginary w orld, their private society. The Lawyers private society has no nam e but contains the countries their in and they are gate keepers of the BARs that hold us as their slaves.

The W orld bank and Swiss banks are nothing m ore than facades they are just instrum ents that the crim inal elite that pose as our leaders use to facilitate desparity throughout the world. There is som e com petition between which currency would be used as the dom inant currency such as the US Dollar. The W eapons of m ass destruction in Iraq were not weapons of physical destruction but the Federal Reserve Plates the USA gave him to print m oney for the oil that he sold to them . Saddam was printing that stuff like it was going out of style and enriching him self and friends with it as well as buying as m any weapons from Russia etc. as he could. The fact that he was about to switch over to the Euro Dollar just before the invasion of Iraq was very telling. I dont know this, but I would assum e he was printing the dollars and exchanging them for Euros as fast as he could, which was assisting the slide of the US Dollar against the other currencies. Today the US Dollar is about to collapse and the Federal Reserve has stopped reporting on how m uch m oney it is actually printing. It is totally worthless and som e point I think in 2007 w e w ill see a collapse of the US Dollar if they do not take over Iran and stop them from pum ping Oil into world m arkets.

Som e Final Thoughts In the end all this debt can easily be discharged with a stroke of a pen as the m oney spent has caused inflation which is a form of taxation. There is no debt. The interest on the private m oney can also be elim inated with a stroke of a pen by putting the central banks out of business of creating m oney, which John F. Kennedy did just prior to his assassination. W hy they dont do this is sim ply because the Ruling Elite want WW III and m ass destruction of the planet every living thing on it. They are a cult of death and live in a very unbalanced world indeed. The notion that we have to work for a living is perhaps reserved for primitive tim es, but today the technologies that they are holding back from us would set our world free. We would be able to create all the food and fresh water we needed and energy on individual basis with that technology. Advances in m edical technologies that have been suppressed such as the Rife Machine and others would easily and cheaply cure people with little intervention from doctors or the health care System .

Com m erce itself is a tool of m isdirection. We can only exchange the earth for the earth. Everything around us com es from the Earth and sim ply m olding it into som ething different doesnt detract from that. The plants are Gods Gifts as it states in Genesis Chapter 1 and 2 for that m atter. You can not charge people for som ething that God has given to them . Again it is all happening in an im aginary world and when enough people finally wake up to this fact, we will be free.

Chapter 5
History Lessons you were never Taught
So up to now I have been talking about HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II as the Crown for the Com m onwealth Countries and thus the Head of State of those Countries. Canada in particular has a Governor General and Lieutenant Governor for each Province. As I showed early on in the book that all executive power was lost to the Corporation called Canada after Queen VICTORIA died in 1901 due to extraction of Section 2 of the BNA Act which extended the provisions of the Act to her Heirs and Successors. Thus 2 days after she died the Bankers m oved in and claim ed salvage rights over he lost ship at sea called Canada and created the Crown in Right of Canada I am guessing at this point. But they did seize the corporation called Canada 2 days after from what I have read although havent quite confirm ed myself as that inform ation is difficult to access as you m ay im agine.

The question rem aining is well if the Queen did not have any power over Canada then who does? Also how does this relate to other Countries around the world? Have other Countries been taken over the sam e way? As I m entioned earlier everything is all written in Legalese which is the language of the Lawyers or rather Attorneys of the Bar Association. The Different Bar Associations through out the world are just Franchises of the Tem ple Bar in London, England. These are foreign controlled corporations pretending to be Courts of jurisdiction within each Country they are set up in. The truth being that all Countries are created through the Bar Association. Which m akes them entities owned by the Bar and thus the Bankers in Switzerland, the main stay of the World Banking System .

Since the tim e of King John cira 1215 all royal sovereignty of the old British Crown was passed to the Crown Tem ple in Chancery. The Barons had King John inside the inner Tem ple of the Church dem anding that he confirm the rights of the Barons enshrined in the Magna Carta. W hat happened from there of course the Barons aka Bankers got the Sovereignty of the British Crown. The Barons were the Land LORDS and kept the people in a perpetual state of Slavery through their Oaths to the Barons for use of their land. As m entioned before this is a fraud because unless they can provide a deed with the Creators Signature on it the land belongs to everyone. Of course they kept people ignorant through not allowing them to read and write via the Catholic Church Cannons and kept them busy slaving m any hours a day to m ake a living. With all the wars and crusades etc going on things were never quiet enough for people to figure out the ruse going on.

The Bankers are hiding behind the British Crown using it as a puppet institution to gain control over the world. The nature behind the expansion of Europeans into all parts of the world during the 1500 onward was m ainly about spreading the Catholic Religion along with ceasing land through conquest and extortion. Using their fraudulent LEGAL system they overlayed the im aginary onto the real and killed or incarcerated those w ho opposed it. The decim ation of culture and spiritual practices of Savages or other races was high on the agenda. With them cam e diseases such as sm all pox and the com m on cold. The com m on cold nearly wiped out the Eskim os in the far north of Canada. So rather than helping other people through out the world with knowledge that would help them they went on a ram page of rape and pillaging the Earth of anything of value such as gold and other item s. So m uch for being the head of a Church or defender of the Faith. Love thy Neighbour as thyself is only an fading thought to these people who would call them leaders of the world. Much of the wealth the QUEEN sits on

today was stolen throughout the world through arm ed conquest against people who had little or no m eans to protect them selves from the level of weaponry pointed at them . For the most part m any did not even know the concept of war or stealing for that m atter. Things were shared am ongst the com m unities of people too ensure survival of the people overall.

Knights Tem plar and Tem ple Bar There have been a num ber of excellent papers written on the Knights Tem plar and Tem ple Bar and truly I am just walking in their footsteps here. I really just want to sum m erize some of what I have read for you and point you in the direction for further information on the topic. As I was discussing above the Crown of the Bankers usurped power of the British Crown and thus used it their cover for creating a world based on Countries of Fiction. The purpose being to create a deceptive level of thievery by equity (chancery) contracts and ultim ately to enslave hum anity. This is very serious stuff here and they play for keeps. It is not som ething one takes lightly or overlooks. These people down the generations have been at war against hum anity and care little of the harm they do to achieve their objectives. Prim arily using illusions and worthless m oney backed by fraudulent courts to m anipulate their will.

The Knights Tem plars were created by the Pope initially to provide security over trade routes in Europe.

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