Tatoy Angelica-Ge 05 Midterm

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Angelica G.


Section: 2115 MIDTERM MODULE
Subject: GE O5

Preparing Multimedia Presentation


1. Watch the video (The world’s worst research presentation”
a. What are your impressions about the research presentations?
While watching the video, my first impression is that the presentation is monotonous
and that the presenter lacks confidence in what she is trying to express. I can also see
that she is disconnected from her audience, resulting in a lifeless performance
2. Analysis Guide Questions:
a. What makes the presentation the worst?
The presentation deteriorated since everything was disorganized and there were
several distractions from the beginning to the end. Furthermore, the speaker arrived
unprepared and uninformed about the topic she would be discussing.
b. In what ways can the presentation be improved?
I thought the presentation would be better if the presenter came prepared, had
everything set up properly, made eye contact with the audience, designed the slide for
distance, and changed the material accordingly.
Preparing Pecha Kucha Presentation


Watch a video presentation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-eP3Znm3LNLA then
answer the following questions.
1. How many minutes did the presentation last?
The entire presentation is 6 minutes and 42 seconds long.
2. With the number of minutes, was the presenter able to show
comprehensively his trip?
Yes, the presenter gives a detailed account of his life and why he enjoys
3. How was the trip presented?
The trip was presented in a unique fashion, and the presenter did an outstanding
job of explaining the entire journey while providing motivation and life advice.
Each location is described briefly, demonstrating the presenter's commitment to
traveling the world.

Informative, Persuasive and Argumentative Communication


“The improvement of understanding is for two ends: first our own increase of
knowledge; secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.” –JOHN LOCKE
1. What do you think does John Locke mean?
In my opinion, based on my interpretation of the quotation, John Locke is
attempting to convey that we should continue to study in order to enhance how
we perceive knowledge in all aspects so that we can share it with others.
Learning should always begin with ourselves.
2. In which aspect of your filed do you find Locke’s idea most relevant?
For me, John Locke's concept of teacher-student interaction is significant
because, in order to educate, teachers must first acquire information in order to
share it with others.
Create a WRITTEN REPORT about the COVID-19 vaccines by employing the concepts
learned about argumentative communication. (250 as minimum numbers of words)

The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all. However, the impact and
consequences of the epidemic are viewed differently based on our status as individuals
and members of society.

While some people try to adjust to working online, teaching their children, and ordering
food through Instacart, others are compelled to get infected in order for civilization to
continue to function. Our many social identities and the social groups to which we
belong define our social inclusion and, as a result, our epidemic vulnerability. COVID-19
is a virus that is causing widespread death. As of October 10, 2020, COVID-19 had
been found in more than 7.7 million people across the United States and its four
territories. According to the New York Times database, the virus has killed at least
213,876 people in the United States.

"Poor and unequal living conditions are the consequences of deeper structural
conditions that together fashion the way societies are organized—poor social policies
and programs, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics," according to the World
Health Organization's report Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through
Action on the Social Determinants of Health. I know that the epidemic has had and
continues to have severe impacts on other minorities, but space does not allow me to
discuss them in this essay.


Using the Venn Diagram, compare and contrast extemporaneous speaking to/from
impromptu speaking by writing their differences in their respective columns and their
similarities in the middle.


Instead of writing
Without any prior Both demand a down thoughts word
preparation, an speaker to prepare a for word,
impromptu speech is speech on a chosen extemporaneous
delivered. It's written topic in a limited speech is formed via
and given on the amount of time. outlining. It can take
spot, and it implies They're also both anywhere from a few
something performed without a minutes to several
unexpected. script. weeks to prepare and
deliver with only a few


I. Identification
1. It is a 20-slide power point presentation which moves automatically to each
succeeding slide every after 20 seconds. What is it? Pecha Kucha
2. This is an art of gaining fair and favorable considerations for our point of view. What
is this? Persuasive Communication
3. This speech requires a speaker to commit everything to memory. What is this?
Memorized Speech
4. What kind of speech where the speaker may use an outline to guide him through his
speech to achieve better organization and to avoid leaving out details?
Extemporaneous speaking
5. This speech generally concern topics which are currently being debated by society,
current controversial issues. What speech is this? Argumentative Speech
6. This speech intends to educate the audience on a particular topic. What is this?
Informative Speech
7. It is the term used to refer to the body spoken expressions of information and ideas.
What is it? Oral Communication
8. It is a speech that a person delivers without predetermination or preparation. What is
it? Impromptu
9. It is a process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner to inform, influence or
entertain an audience. What is it? Public Speaking
10. This speech is appropriate when the speech is long and when details are
complicated and essential such as that they need to be given completely. What is this?
Reading from a Manuscript

II. Essay
1. What is the difference between an informative communication and a
persuasive communication? Which do you think is more challenging in
terms of preparation and delivery?
A competent speaker conveys some of their expertise to the audience in an
educational manner, and an informative speech is designed to provide given
information in order to educate and instruct the audience. The purpose of a
persuasive speech, on the other hand, is to persuade the audience to believe
things from their point of view. While persuasive communication is significantly
more engaging and exciting, it still requires presentation in order to keep the
audience engaged and happy. This means that informational speeches are
easier to make because there are fewer risks involved, whereas persuasive
speeches are more difficult to conduct since some attendees arrive dubious of
the speaker's message and determined not to change their minds.

2. What ethical considerations must one bear in mind when informing,

persuading or arguing?
When informing, persuading, and arguing, some ethical concerns to consider are
to be relevant, regardless of what we're trying to prove, we should stick to the
points that best describe or support what we're arguing about. We should also
develop constructive goals where every discourse should be infused with
integrity and respect, especially for those who disagree with us, and we should
be open to the possibility of criticism to develop more our ideas from differed

3. In a table, list essential preparations when communicating to inform, to persuade,

and to argue.


• Start with what you • Be well-informed • Enlarges your
already know. • Establish your objective knowledge of a subject
• Think about what your • Make a powerful first • Create a summary of
target audience already impression. the arguments.
knows. • Provide a credible • Use facts to back up
• It is necessary to offer source your claims.
ethical information. • Provide convincing • Prepare yourself
• Provide accurate proof thoroughly.

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