Twitter Account Setup - v1
Twitter Account Setup - v1
Twitter Account Setup - v1
1. Logon to with your gmail account and confirm or sign up for twitter with your gmail
account with a user and password.
4. Navigate to
Now give an app name and click on get keys , it can be any name like CPI_TST etc.
Copy all the keys generated for reference and store it in a safe place
API Key :
Bearer Token :
The go to dashboard
Click Yes , I saved them
Client ID :
Client Secret
Access token :
If you just see, read permission at this stage , you may have to request for an Elevated access
For elevated access go to the Twitter API v2 under products and request for elevated access
And navigate to Elevated access
Now if you want to regenerate the token , you may do so my going to your app again , however
remember if you regenerate the token , you make need to update the same in your CPI environment for
the twitter access token/key , additionally the api key and secret.
Please store the API Key & Secret , Access Token and Secret Keys with you as this will be used in CPI to
make the integration work with Twitter . Now you can proceed to the CPI exercise of twitter via
configuring your iFlows for twitter.