Pediculus Capitis, Pediculus Humanus: Borrelia
Pediculus Capitis, Pediculus Humanus: Borrelia
Pediculus Capitis, Pediculus Humanus: Borrelia
1. piercing-sucking, flat
2. Family: Rudoviidae
Orthoptera - Blattaria
Species Morphology Clinical Features
1. bitting-chewing, eggs are
bitting-chewing, 2
stored in ootheca, 2 types of
horizontal line on
wings tegmina and
Blatella germanica pronotum, smallest among
2. Mechanical vector of
bitting-chewing, white intestinal protozoa, T. gondii,
spotted, short wing in male,
Blatta orientalis helminth's eggs, and bacterial
rudimented in female infections
bitting-chewing, yellow
pronotum, biggest
Periplaneta americana among three others
Ordo Acarina
Species Morphology Clinical Features
1. obligate blood sucking,
1. Rectangular basis capituli transtadial transmission
and festoon
2. Pathogenesis cause ticks
Dermacentor andersoni 2. Male's scutum covers all paralisis, neuromuscular
the thorax, while female only junction, lymph torreliasis
3. Larvae has 3 feet, adult 4
1. Dorsoventral flattened,
has poison claw Cause local necrosis, lead to
Centipedes anaphyactic shock, injection
2. Each segment has a pairs through cutaneous
Ordo Scorpionida
1. Cephalothorax not
segmented, segmented
abdomen, big pedipalp Venom disrupt nervous system,
lead to tachycardi and
Scorpion 2. Telson on posterior, bradycardi, pulmonary
pyriform, chelicera on anterior oedema, nerve block
anaesthesia (lydocaine)
Ordo Pedipaldia
1. Cephalothorax not
segmented, segmented
abdomen, small pedipalp secrete acetic acid and
Whip scorpion octanoic acid, vinegar odor,
2. Whip on posterior, pyriform,
chelicera on anterior
1. Night bitter,
antropozoophilic, exo-
endophillic, exo-endophagic
2. Vector of filariasis,
japanese encephalitis, W.
Culex spp. bancrofti
1. Day bitter,
antropozoophilic, exo-
endophillic, exo-endophagic
2. Vector of W. bancrofti,
Brugia malayi, Brugia