Electrostatics Problems

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Prob 4 .1.

Two charges q and 2q are placed along the x-axis

in front of a groun ded , infinite cond uctin g plane. as shown
in the figure. They arc locat ed respe ctively at a dista nce
of 0.5m and 1.5m from the plane. The force actin g on the
charge q is [GAT E 2011 ]

0.5 m
- - - -- -- x 2q


(a) 1 ?JL (b) 4 1 2q2

47rEQ 2 7r€Q
(c) 4 q2 (d) 1 i:_
7r€Q 41rco 2

Prob 4 .2. A point charge is placed between two semi-infinite

cond uctin g plate s which are inclin ed at an angle of 30° with
respe ct to each other . The numb er of image charges is
[GAT E 2015]
Prob 4 .3. A point charge q is placed symmetrically at a
dist ance d from two perpendicularly placed grounded con-

[email protected] 45 physicsguide CSIR NET, GATE

@Sk Jahi.ruddin, 2020 Electrostatics: P art-2

ducting infinte plat es as shown in the figure. The net force

on the charge ( in units of 4 0 ) is;e [NET D ec 2013]

k--_ d_ ___ q

(a) Bd2 (2\/'2 - l )away from t he corner
(b) Bd2 ( 2v'2 - 1) towards the corner
(c) 1n towards t he corner
(d) Bd2 away from the corner

P rob 4.4. A point charges q of mass 1n is kept at a distance

d below a grounded infinite conducting sheet which lies in
the x-y plane. For what value of d will the charge remains
st ationary? (NET D ec 2012]
(a) 4✓~g1reo (b) ✓m~1reo
(c) There is no finite value of d (d) ✓mg11Eo
Prob 4.5. A charged particle is at a distance d from an in-
finite conducting plane maintained at zero potential. When
released from rest, the particle reaches a speed u at a dis-
tance gfrom the plane. At what distance from the plane will
the part icle reach the speed 2u? [NET June 2014]
(a) d (b) d (c) d (d) d
6 3 4 5
Prob 4. 6. A charge (-e) is placed in vacuum at t he point
(d, 0, 0) , where d > 0 . The region x < 0 is filled uniformly
with a metal. The electric field at t he point (~ 1 0, 0) is
[NET June 2014]
l 0e l0e
(a) - g d2 ( 1, 0, 0) (b) g d2 ( 1, 0, 0)
7rEQ 7rEQ
e e
(c) d2 (1, 0, 0) (d) - d2 (1,0,0)
7r €Q 7r€Q

Prob 4. 7 . A point charge + q is placed at (0, 0, d) above a

grounded infinite conducting plane defined by z = 0. T here
are no charges present anywhere else. What is the magni-
t ude of electric field at (0, 0, - d)? [JEST 2012]
(a) B1r:od2 (b) -oo (c) 0 (d) 161r~od2
Prob 4.8. A point charge q of mass m is released from rest

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@Sk Jahlruddin, 2020 E lectrostatics: Part--2

at a distance d from an infinite grounded conducting plane

(ignore gravity). How long does it take for the charge to hit
t he plane? ,----,.,-- [JEST 2016]
(a) ✓21r E0md
3 3
(b) ✓21r Eomd
(c) ✓1r c0md
3 3
q q q
3 E-om_____;d

Prob 4 .9 . A hollow metallic sphere of radius a, which is

kept at a potential Vohas a charge Q at its centre. The
potential at a point outside t he sphere, at a distance r from
the centre, is [NET Dec 2015]
(a) Vo (b) ~+~a
_g_ + Voa2
(c) 4m: (d) fur
0r r2

Prob 4.10. A grounded conducting sphere of radius a is

placed with its centre at the origin. A point dipole of dipole
moment p = pk is placed at a distance d along the x-
axis, where 2, kare the unit vectors along the x and z axes
respectively. This leads to t he formation of an image dipole
of strength p' at a distance d' from the centre along t he x-
axis. If d = ~, then p'= [TIFR 2016]
a4 p ,., a 3 p -- a 2 p ,., ap ,..
(a) - d)fk (b) -d3k (c) - d2 k (d) - dk
Prob 4.11. Consider a grounded conducting plane which
is infi11itely extended perpendicular t o the y-axis at y = 0.
If an infinite line of charge per 11nit length Ar11ns parallel to
x-axis at y = d , then surface charge density on the conduct-
ing plane is [JEST 2017]
-Ad -Ad - Ad
(a) (x2 + d2 + z2) (b) (x2 + d2 + z2) (c) 1r(x2 + d2 + z2)
- Ad
(d) 21r (x2 + d2 + z2)
Prob 4.12 . Two long hollow conducting cylinders, each of
height h, are placed concent rically on the ground, as shown
inn the figure (top view). The outer cylinder is grounded
, while the inner cylinder is insulated. A positive charge (
the black dot in the figure) is placed between the cylinders
at a height 11/2from the ground. [TIFR 2017]

Which of the following figures gives the most accurate

representation (top view) of the lines of force?

j ahir@physicsguide. in 49 physicsguicle CSIB NET, GATE

@Sk Jahi1·uddin, 2020 Electrostatics: Part-2

Pro b 4 .13. Consider the following situa tion s
I z
--------· • q
-~ -----· : q

~ I

In situa tion A, two se1ni-infi nite eart hed cond ucting planes
1neet at right angles. A poin t charge q, is placed at a dis-
t ance d from each plan e. as shown in the figure A. The
mag nitud e of the force exer ted on the char ge q is deno ted
by FA.
In situa tion B, the sa1ne char ge q is kept at the sa1ne
dista nce d from an infinite earthed cond ucting plane. as

jahir@physic sguide .in 50 physicsguide CSIR NET, GATE

@Sk Jahiru ddiu, 2020 Electrostatics: Parl-2

shown in the figure B. Tl1e mag nitu de of the force exer ted
on the char ge q is deno ted by FB.
Find the numerical ratio FA/ F 8 ? [TIF R 201 7]
Prob 4 .14 . In a coaxial cable, t he radius of t he inner con-
ductor is 2 mm and that of the outer one is 5 min. The inner
conductor is at a potential of lOV 1 while the outer conduc-
tor is grounded. The value of the potent ial at a distance of
3.5 nnn from t he axis is : [JAM 2017]
(Specify your answer in volts to two digits after the decimal


Prob 4.15. Two point charges +3Q and -Q are placed at

(0, 0, d) and (0, 0, 2d), respectively, above an infinite grounded
conducting sheet kept in t he xyplane. At a point (0, 0, z)
, where z > > d the electrostatic potential of t his charge
configuration would approximately be [NET D ec 201 7]

[email protected] 51 physicsguide CSIR NET 1 GATE

@_S_k _J a_hi_rt_1<l_d in
_ ,_2_02_o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E_lect / t-2
51 72

(a) 1 d2 Q (b) 1 2dQ

47fEQ z 3 41rEo z

(c) 1 3d Q (d) - 1 d2 Q
41rEo z
2 47fEQ z 3
Prob 4 .16. Two poi11t cl1arges + 2Q a11d -Q are kept at
points with Cartesian coordinates (1,0,0) and (2,0,0) resp ec-
tively, in front of an infinite grounded conducting plate at
x==O. The potential at (x, 0,0) for x > > l depends on x as
[NET June 2018]
(a) x - 3 (b) x- 5 (c) x - 2 (d) x - 4

Prob 4.17. Consider two concentric spherical metal shells

of radii r 1 and r 2 (r 2 > r 1) . The outer shell has a charge q
and the inner shell is grounded. What is the ch arge on the
inner sl1ell? [JEST 2019]
(a) _ r1 q (b) r1 q (c) 0 (d) r2 q
r2 r2 r1
Prob 4.18. An infinitely long wire parallel to the x -axis
is kept at z = d and carries a current I in t he positive x
direction above a superconductor filling the region z < 0
(see figure). The magnetic field B inside t he superconduc-
tor is zero so that the field just outside the superconductor
is parallel t o its surface. The magnetic field due to t his con-
figuration at a point (x , y , z > 0) is [GATE 2019]

[email protected] de.in 52 physicsgu.ide CSIB NET, GAT E

@Sk J ahiruddin, 2020 Electrostatics: P art-2


(a) (µof) -(z - d)j + yk

21r [y 2 + (z - d) 2 ]
(b) (µof) [-(z - d)j + yk + (z + d)] - yk ]
21r y 2 + (z - d) 2 y 2 + (z + d) 2

(c) (µof) [-(z- d)j + yk _ (z+ d)] - yk ]

21r y 2 + (z - d) 2 y 2 + (z + d) 2

(d) (µof) [yj + (z - d)k + yj - (z + d)k]

21r y2 + (z -d) 2 y2 + (z +d) 2
Prob 5.1. Equipotential surface corresponding to a partic-
ular charge distribution are given by

4x 2 + (y - 2) 2 + z 2 =½
, where the values of¼ are constants. The electric field E
at the origin is [JAM 2011]
(a) E = O (b) = 2x E (c) = 4y E (d)
E = -471

Prob 5.2. A spherical conductor of radius a is placed in a

uniform electric field E
= E0 k. The potential at a point
P(r, 0) for r > a, is given by
<f>(r, 0) = constant - Eorcos0 + cos0
where r is the distance of P from t he centre O of the sphere
and 0 is the angle OP makes with the z-axis. [GATE 2011]

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@Sk Jahiruddin, 2020 Electrostatics: Part-2

The charge density on the sphere at 0 = 30° is

(a) 3~;oEo (b) 3c~E0

(c) ~;oEo (d) Eo:o

Prob 5.3. Consider a spherical shell with radius R such
that the potential on the surface of tl1e shell in spherical
coordinates is given by,

V (r = R. 0, ¢>) = Vo cos2 0

where the angle 0is shown in the figure.There are no charges

except for tl1ose on the shell. The potential outside the shell
at t he point P a distance 2R away from its centre C (see fig-
ure) is [TIFR 2017]

(a) V = ~0 (1 + cos2 0) (b) V = ~0 (1 + 2cos 2 0)

(c) V = ~(l - cos 2 0) (d) V = ~0 (- 2cos0 + cos 30)
Prob 5.4 . Solving Poisson 's equation V 2¢ = -Po/€0 for t he
electrostatic potent ial ¢( x) in a region with a constant charge
density Po, two students find different answers, viz.
and ,,1.. (
lf/2 X
) _
1 PoY
2 co
The reason why these different solutions are both correct is
because [TIFR 2014]
(a) space is isotropic and hence x and y are physically equiv-
(b) we can add solutions of the Laplace's equation to both
¢1(x) and ¢2(x)
(c) t he electrostatic energy is infinite for a constant charge
(d) tl1e boundary conditions are different in t he two cases.

Prob 5.5. For a scalar function ¢satisfying t he Laplace equa-

t ion, V ¢ has [GATE 2013]
(a) zero curl and non-zero divergence (b) non-zero curl
and zero divergence
(c) zero curl and zero divergence (d) no11-zero cur1 and
non-zero divergence
Prob 5.6. A charge distribution has t he charge density given

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@Sk J ahlruddin. 2020 Electrostatics: Part-2

by p = Q{c5(x-xo)-8(x+xo) }. For this charge distribut io11

the elect ric field at (2x 0 ,0, 0) [GATE 2013]
( a) 97rEQXij
(b) Qx
(c) Qx
(d) Qx

Prob 5.7. A static, spherically syrrunetric charge distribu-

t ion is given by p(r)=~e- J<r where A and K are positive
constants. The electrostat ic potential corresponding t o this
charge dist ribut ion varies with r as [NET June 2011]
(a) re- J<r (b) ¼re-J<r (c)/2 r e- I<r (d) ;(l -

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