Why Banglalion WiMax Failed in Bangladesh
Why Banglalion WiMax Failed in Bangladesh
Why Banglalion WiMax Failed in Bangladesh
The journey of WiMAX in Bangladesh started in 2008 with organizations like Banglalion
and Qubee. Shortly after the launch of this new technology, it became one of the means for
surfing the Internet in Bangladesh. Among these companies, Banglalion used to serve
enterprises or businesses as well as individual consumers. According to The Daily Star, even
in June 2013, the number of Banglalion users in the country was around 4 lakh. However, in
2021, Banglalion’s license was revoked and this wireless internet connection provider was
officially shut down. But what exactly caused this popular service provider’s failure to run its
Overview of Banglalion
AB Bank is
auctioning off the mortgaged property of Banglalion to recover the defaulted loan of BDT
139 crore
Why Failed?
The journey of WiMax began in 2001 and its popularity grew worldwide between 2005-2010
In 2013, the journey of 3G mobile internet technology started for the first time in Bangladesh
with the collaboration of TeleTalk. Gradually all the other mobile operators launched their
3G network and the adoption rate of mobile internet in Bangladesh started increasing very
fast. According to The Daily Star, WiMax operators such as Banglalion only offered service
in a few select regions, such as urban areas. On the other hand, mobile operators already had
extensive 2G network coverage and a huge customer base across the country, so it was
relatively easy for them to expand 3G network coverage across the country. In addition to
that, whereas WiMAX needed a separate device to connect to the Internet, 3G technology
provided faster Internet access through just a mobile device. As a result, customer retention
has become quite challenging for WiMAX operators like Banglalion. According to the Dhaka
Tribune, in 2013, BTRC granted Banglalion a Long Term Evolution or LTE license to
compete with 3G technology. LTE is basically a service similar to 4G cellular broadband
internet service which is faster than WiMax. But according to The Business Standard,
Banglalion also failed to utilize ‘LTE’ due to the required upgraded technology. After so
much investment in WiMax technology, re-investing in new technology was quite
challenging for the company. In addition, to avail the LTE service, Banglalion users had to
switch to a new modem which was somewhat inconvenient for the subscribers. Besides,
when mobile operators launched 4G technology in February 2018, users stopped using
Banglalion’s wireless broadband service completely. At the same time, when the adoption of
broadband internet in the country continues to increase, it becomes almost impossible for
Banglalion to maintain its subscriber base.
Customers began to migrate to 3G & 4G internet services as it is less expensive than WiMax
According to The Business Standard, while the International Spectrum Rate is BDT 80 crore,
Banglalion purchased a 35-megahertz Spectrum in BDT 215 crore from the BTRC at three
times more price. To recover these substantial investments, Banglalion charged their users far
more than mobile operators and other broadband providers. As a result, users have begun to
migrate toward 3G and 4G internet services, which are less expensive than their wireless
internet service provider. As a result, Banglalion’s user base steadily declined.
Failed Collaboration