Press Release Vijay Sales (India) Private Limited: Experienced Promoters
Press Release Vijay Sales (India) Private Limited: Experienced Promoters
Press Release Vijay Sales (India) Private Limited: Experienced Promoters
Rating Sensitivities
Positive Factors -
Maintaining the capital structure with overall gearing (including guaranteed debt) less than 0.5x
PBILDT margin of more than 8% on a sustained basis
Significant diversification of geographical presence
Negative Factors-
Increase in operating cycle to over 50 days due to stretched inventory cycle.
Increase in overall gearing above 1.00x on sustained basis on account of higher working capital requirement or capex
funded through term loans
Significant Increase in support to OVOT Pvt. Ltd.
Established brand with key presence in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh
VSIPL is the one of the largest electronic appliance retailer in the country operating of multi-brand electronic stores under
the brand name ‘Vijay Sales’. VSIPL is an established brand having its key presence in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Delhi, Haryana
and Uttar Pradesh. Commencing its operations in October 1971, VS has 99 stores as on March 31, 2020. VSIPL derive its
major share of revenue i.e about 57.98% in FY20 from Maharashtra followed by Delhi (16.86%) & Gujarat (14.74%)
Complete definition of the ratings assigned are available at and other CARE publications
1 CARE Ratings Limited
Press Release
capital cycle. VSIPL business model enables VSIPL to collect cash from customers immediately whereas creditors extends
credit period ranging from 7-40 days. VSIPL has comfortable interest coverage ratio at 6.34x in FY20 (32.03x during FY19),
Further VSIPL’s other debt coverage ratio like TD/GCA has improved to 0.45x during FY20 vis-à-vis 1.42x during FY19.
Industry Outlook
Consumer durables index saw a y-o-y fall of 39.1% for the period of H1FY21 in comparison with a fall of 5.1% in H1FY19. This
decline in first half of FY21 reflects the impact of nationwide lockdown and consequent fall in consumer demand. Surrounded
by uncertainties due to Covid-19 and with reduced income in their hands, consumers became prudent in terms of spending
their money for discretionary items. Interestingly, some of the products reported nil sales during the month of April 2020.
Covid-19 induced lockdown affected the sale of varied consumer durables during H1FY21. A lot of consumer durable
products that are essentially discretionary in nature witnessed a decline as consumers began spending cautiously with
reduced income in their hands and their need to preserve money. With the exception of computers, the production of most
of the products such as TV sets, washing machines, refrigerators etc fell but started increasing from the month of May.
It is expected that as Covid-19 induced restrictions are being eased gradually and retail stores and malls are allowed to
operate, consumer demand will continue to gain traction albeit at a slow pace and will take time to reach pre-Covid levels. It
depends on the containment of the spread of the virus domestically as well as globally.
Liquidity : Adequate
Liquidity is marked by strong accruals against nil repayment obligations and cash and cash equivalents to the tune of Rs.11.72
crore & Fixed Deposits amounting to Rs.110 crore as on December 16, 2020. Firm has gearing of 0.12 times as of March 31,
2020. Current ratio for the company is at 1.62x as on March 31, 2020. The company’s capex going ahead are to be funded by
internal accruals and/or equity infusion.
Analytical approach:
Standalone after factoring corporate guarantee extended to OVOT Pvt. Ltd.
Applicable Criteria
Criteria on assigning ‘outlook’ and ‘credit watch’ to Credit Ratings
CARE’s Policy on Default Recognition
Financial ratios – Non-Financial Sector
Rating Criteria for Short Term Instruments
Rating Methodology: Consolidation and Factoring Linkages in Ratings
Retail Methodology-Organized Retail Companies
Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument: CARE has classified instruments rated by it on the basis of complexity.
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