Concentric Cell (GBSS17.1 01)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter


Issue 01
Date 2015-04-20


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Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description Contents


1 About This Document.................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Change History............................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 NEs Supporting the Feature............................................................................................................................................5

3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................6
3.1 Concentric Cell Technology........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 Division of a Concentric Cell...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Channel Allocation...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Concentric Cell Handover......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4 Concentric Cell-to-Neighboring Cell Handover........................................................................................................13
3.2 Enhanced Concentric Cell Technology........................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Overview................................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Division of an Enhanced Concentric Cell................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.3 Channel Allocation.................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Enhanced Concentric Cell Handover.........................................................................................................................19
3.2.5 Load-based Handover................................................................................................................................................22
3.2.6 Enhanced Concentric Cell-to-Neighboring Cell Handover.......................................................................................28

4 Related Features...........................................................................................................................30
5 Network Impact........................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 System Capacity........................................................................................................................................................... 41
5.2 Network Performance...................................................................................................................................................41

6 Engineering Guidelines............................................................................................................. 43
6.1 When to Use Concentric Cell....................................................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Required Information................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.3 Planning........................................................................................................................................................................ 43
6.4 Deploying Concentric Cell........................................................................................................................................... 44
6.4.1 Deployment Requirements........................................................................................................................................ 44

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description Contents

6.4.2 Data Preparation........................................................................................................................................................ 44

6.4.3 Activation.................................................................................................................................................................. 48 Using MML Commands......................................................................................................................................... 48 MML Command Examples.................................................................................................................................... 49 Using the CME....................................................................................................................................................... 49
6.4.4 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................50
6.4.5 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................51
6.5 Performance Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................52
6.6 Parameter Optimization................................................................................................................................................ 55
6.7 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................ 57

7 Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 58
8 Counters...................................................................................................................................... 153
9 Glossary....................................................................................................................................... 154
10 Reference Documents............................................................................................................. 155

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Scope
This document describes GBFD-113201 Concentric Cell, including its technical principles,
related features, network impact, and engineering guidelines.

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:

l Need to understand the features described herein

l Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are
two types of changes, which are defined as follows:
l Feature change
Changes in features of a specific product version
l Editorial change
Changes in wording or addition of information that was not described in the earlier

01 (2015-04-20)
This issue does not include any changes.

Draft B (2015-03-23)
This issue includes the following changes.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 1 About This Document

Change Change Description Parameter Change


Feature None None


Editorial Optimized descriptions about the policy for None

change dynamically converting TCHs into PDCHs in 4
Related Features.

Draft A (2015-01-15)
Compared with Issue 02 (2014-12-30) of GBSS16.0, Draft A (2015-01-15) of GBSS17.1
includes the following changes.

Change Change Description Parameter

Type Change

Feature l Added descriptions about the batch activation None

change using the CME in 6.4.3 Activation.
l Added the impact of enabling the Automatic
TCH Congestion Control feature on concentric
cells. For details, see 4 Related Features.

Editorial None None


Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

2 Overview

2.1 Introduction
When a network uses a tight frequency reuse pattern, radio interference may increase.
Therefore, the Concentric Cell feature is introduced. A concentric cell refers to a cell enabled
with this feature.
A concentric cell consists of the underlaid subcell and overlaid subcell. Transceivers (TRXs)
of different transmit powers in a concentric cell provide different coverage areas. The overlaid
subcell has a smaller coverage area, and the underlaid subcell has a larger coverage area.


If the overlaid and underlaid subcells of a concentric cell use TRXs on different frequency bands, the
concentric cell is called a co-BCCH cell. For details, see Co-BCCH Cell Feature Parameter

Overlaid and underlaid subcells generally use different frequency reuse patterns, as shown in
Figure 2-1.
l For the overlaid subcells (area M in Figure 2-1), a tight frequency reuse pattern such as
1x3 is used.
l For the underlaid subcells (area N in Figure 2-1), a loose frequency reuse pattern such as
4x3 is used.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

Figure 2-1 Tight frequency reuse pattern in a concentric cell

2.2 Benefits
The Concentric Cell feature provides the following benefits:

l Improved network capacity

– The overlaid subcell uses a tight frequency reuse pattern to improve network
– The overlaid and underlaid subcells share one broadcast control channel (BCCH).
The efficient use of BCCH frequencies helps increase the number of traffic
channels (TCHs).
– The overlaid and underlaid subcells share standalone dedicated control channels
(SDCCHs). The efficient use of SDCCHs also helps increase the number of TCHs.

Table 2-1 lists the network capacity gains in different network configurations after this feature
is enabled.

Table 2-1 Network capacity gains

Network Network Network Capacity Gains Due to

Configuration Capacity After Increased Number of TCHs
This Feature Is

S1 + S1 COBCCH (S2) 8.2 24.0%

S1 + S2 COBCCH (S3) 14.04 6.5%

S2 + S2 COBCCH (S4) 21.04 4.4%

S2 + S3 COBCCH (S5) 28.25 6.8%

S2 + S4 COBCCH (S6) 34.68 2.7%

S3 + S4 COBCCH (S7) 42.12 4.6%

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 2 Overview

Network Network Network Capacity Gains Due to

Configuration Capacity After Increased Number of TCHs
This Feature Is

S2 + S6 COBCCH (S8) 49.64 3.9%

S3 + S6 COBCCH (S9) 56.28 3.5%


The network capacity gains listed in Table 2-1 are theoretical maximum gains and may not be achieved
in actual applications.
l Improved voice quality
The coverage area of the overlaid subcell is different from that of the underlaid subcell,
and the distance between the overlaid subcells of two concentric cells is long. As a
result, the interference between the two overlaid subcells is weak, providing favorable
voice quality in the overlaid subcells. In the underlaid subcells, a loose frequency reuse
pattern is used, ensuring the voice quality.

2.3 NEs Supporting the Feature

Table 2-2 NEs supporting the feature
Feature BSC6900 BSC6910 GBTS eGBTS

Concentric Cell √ √ √ √


√ indicates that the NE supports this feature. × indicates that the NE does not support this feature.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

3 Technical Description

l When an MS in a concentric cell initiates an access request, the BSC compares the
following parameters with predefined thresholds to determine whether the MS is located
in the underlaid or overlaid subcell:
l Measured values of the timing advance (TA)
l Measured receive level
l Measured receive quality

The BSC then allocates a corresponding channel in the overlaid or underlaid subcell to the
MS. If the MS moves across the overlaid subcell border, a handover between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells is triggered.

When a call is established in the overlaid subcell, an unwanted handover between the overlaid
and underlaid subcells may occur because the BSC cannot accurately estimate the receive
level of the BCCH in the underlaid subcell of the serving cell. To resolve this problem, the
enhanced concentric cell function is introduced. With this function, a serving concentric cell
can be configured as a neighboring cell of its own. This ensures that the BSC accurately
measures the receive level in the serving cell and that handovers are performed correctly.
Underlaid subcells generally have a higher signal level than overlaid subcells. To prevent
congestion in an underlaid subcell, the overlaid-underlaid load balance algorithm is
introduced for enhanced concentric cells.

3.1 Concentric Cell Technology

3.1.1 Division of a Concentric Cell

Concentric cells adopt the overlaid/underlaid subcell structure. The overlaid subcell is
configured with more channels than the underlaid subcell and offloads most of the traffic in
the concentric cell. The underlaid subcell provides services in areas not covered by the
overlaid subcell.

The division of the overlaid subcell and the underlaid subcell is based on TRXs. The IUO
(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter specifies the subcell that a TRX serves. The BSC determines
whether to allocate channels in the overlaid or underlaid subcell to an MS depending on the
TA, receive level, and receive quality, as shown in Figure 3-1.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Figure 3-1 Division of a concentric cell

As shown in Figure 3-1, an MS can be located in any of the following three areas:
l Coverage area of the overlaid subcell
The coverage area of the overlaid subcell meets all the following conditions:
l Receive level > RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) (Receive level threshold) +
RECLEVHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) (Receive level hysteresis)
l TA < TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) (TA threshold)– TAHYST (BSC6900,
BSC6910) (TA hysteresis)
l Receive quality < Receive quality threshold
l Coverage area of the underlaid subcell
The coverage area of the underlaid subcell meets any of the following conditions:
– Receive level ≤ RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) – RECLEVHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
– TA ≥ TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) + TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)
– Receive quality ≥ Receive quality threshold
l Hysteresis area
The hysteresis area meets either of the following conditions:
< Receive level ≤ RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) + RECLEVHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
– TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) – TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) ≤ TA <
TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) + TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)
The hysteresis area prevents ping-pong handovers. Overlaid-underlaid handovers
are not triggered for MSs in the hysteresis area. The hysteresis area can be located
in the overlaid subcell or underlaid subcell. For example, if the red car in Figure
3-1 moves from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell, the hysteresis area is
the underlaid subcell.

3.1.2 Channel Allocation

To allocate optimal channels for an MS in a concentric cell, the BSC takes into account the
TA, receive level, and receive quality of the MS. This avoids unwanted overlaid-underlaid

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

The channel allocation in a concentric cell includes the following procedures:

l Immediate assignment
l Assignment
l Incoming intra-BSC inter-cell handover
l Incoming inter-BSC inter-cell handover

Immediate Assignment
During the immediate assignment procedure, the BSC preferentially allocates the SDCCH on
a TRX in the underlaid subcell to an MS.
An MS evaluates the minimum receive level based on the BCCH transmit power in the
underlaid subcell when it requests service access. If the BSC preferentially allocates the
SDCCH on a TRX in the overlaid subcell to the MS, the MS may fail to access the network.
This is because the low TRX transmit power or SDCCH transmit power in the overlaid
subcell does not meet the requirements for the minimum receive level. Therefore, the BSC
preferentially allocates the SDCCH on a TRX in the underlaid subcell to an MS during the
immediate assignment procedure. The BSC allocates the SDCCH in the overlaid subcell to an
MS only when no SDCCH is available on TRXs in the underlaid subcell.
If IMMASSTAALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), the BSC preferentially
allocates SDCCHs in the underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the TA value.

l If the TA value is greater than 63, the BSC allocates an SDCCH only in the underlaid
subcell to an MS.
l If the TA value is less than the value of IMMASSTATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910), the
BSC preferentially allocates an SDCCH in the overlaid subcell to an MS.
l If the TA value is greater than or equal to the value of IMMASSTATHRES (BSC6900,
BSC6910), the BSC preferentially allocates an SDCCH in the underlaid subcell to an

During the assignment procedure, the BSC supports the following channel allocation policies
specified by the OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter.

l When OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to SysOpt(System optimization),

channel allocation during the assignment procedure works as follows:
– If no downlink MR, or only one, is available on the SDCCH, the BSC compares the
filtered uplink receive level of the SDCCH with OPTILEVTHRES (BSC6900,
BSC6910). If the filtered uplink receive level is greater than or equal to
OPTILEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) and the TA value of an MS is less than
OPTITATHRES (BSC6910, BSC6900), the BSC preferentially selects the channels
in the overlaid subcell. Otherwise, the BSC preferentially selects the channels in the
underlaid subcell.
– If two or more downlink MRs are available on the SDCCH:
When IuoChosenInAss (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to UP(Up), the BSC compares
the uplink receive level (after filtering) in the uplink MR with the value of
OPTILEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910). If the uplink receive level (after filtering)
is greater than or equal to the value of OPTILEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910)
and the TA value of the MS is less than the value of OPTITATHRES (BSC6910,

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

BSC6900), the BSC preferentially allocates channels in the overlaid subcell to the
MS. Otherwise, the BSC preferentially allocates channels in the underlaid subcell to
the MS.
When IuoChosenInAss (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to DOWN(Down), the
downlink receive level is filtered in the same way as the uplink MR is filtered. If the
filtered downlink receive level is greater than or equal to the sum of
BSC6910) and the TA value of the MS is less than the value of OPTITATHRES
(BSC6910, BSC6900), the BSC preferentially selects the channels in the overlaid
subcell. Otherwise, the BSC preferentially selects the channels in the underlaid
l When OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to USubcell(Underlaid subcell):
– If TCHs in the underlaid subcell are available, the BSC allocates these TCHs to an
– If TCHs in the underlaid subcell are unavailable:
the BSC allocates TCHs in the overlaid subcell to the MS. However, if the receive
level of the MS is low, the MS will fail to access the TCH, or call drop occurs upon
the MS access.
If LOWRXLEVOLFORBIDSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On), the
BSC allocates TCHs in other cells to the MS when the following formula is met:
Uplink receive level < RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) – RECLEVHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910) + HOOLRXLEVOFFSET (BSC6900, BSC6910) – 31
If this formula is not met, the BSC allocates TCHs in the overlaid subcell to the
l When OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to OSubcell(Overlaid subcell):
– If TCHs in the overlaid subcell are available, the BSC allocates these TCHs to an
– If TCHs in the overlaid subcell are unavailable, the BSC allocates TCHs in the
underlaid subcell to an MS.
l When OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to NoPrefer(No preference):
The BSC allocates channels to an MS according to the common channel allocation

Incoming Intra-BSC Inter-Cell Handover

Channel allocation during the incoming intra-BSC inter-cell handover procedure differs from
that during the assignment procedure in the following aspects:

The channel allocation policy during the incoming intra-BSC inter-cell handover procedure is
specified by the HOALGOPERMLAY (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter.

When HOALGOPERMLAY (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to SysOpt(System optimization),

the BSC does not take the receive level hysteresis into account. If the downlink receive level
after filtering is greater than or equal to the value of RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910),
the BSC preferentially allocates channels in the overlaid subcell to an MS. If the downlink
receive level after filtering is less than the value of RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910),
the BSC preferentially allocates channels in the underlaid subcell to an MS.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Incoming Inter-BSC Inter-Cell Handover

All inter-BSC handovers use standard signaling. Therefore, no information about the signal
level of the target concentric cell can be obtained to determine whether a channel in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell is preferred. As a result, the preferred subcell cannot be
determined by the system during an incoming inter-BSC inter-cell handover. In this case, the
preferred subcell can be selected by setting the ACCESSOPTILAY (BSC6900, BSC6910)
parameter based on the specific networking mode. It is recommended that ACCESSOPTILAY
be set to USubcell(Underlaid subcell).

3.1.3 Concentric Cell Handover

There are two types of concentric cell handovers:
l Underlaid-to-overlaid handover: When an MS establishes a connection in the underlaid
subcell and then moves to the overlaid subcell, the MS needs to be handed over to the
overlaid subcell.
l Overlaid-to-underlaid handover: When an MS establishes a connection in the overlaid
subcell and then moves to the border between the underlaid and overlaid subcells, the
MS needs to be handed over to the underlaid subcell to sustain the connection.
If CONHOEN (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), concentric cell handovers are
(BSC6900, BSC6910), and RECQUALUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) determine
whether to use the receive level, TA, and receive quality as conditions for triggering
concentric cell handovers, respectively.
The TA and the receive quality are subject to network changes. Handover decisions based on
the TA and the receive quality may be inaccurate. The BSC generally determines whether to
trigger a concentric cell handover based on only the receive level ( RECLEVUOHOALLOW
(BSC6900, BSC6910) ). When RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
YES(Yes), the BSC determines whether to hand over a call to the overlaid subcell or
underlaid subcell based on RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) and RECLEVHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910), as shown in Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Concentric cell handover

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description


Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an MR
multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore, downlink
power compensation is not performed on these channels.

Underlaid-to-Overlaid Handover
If ULTOOLHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), the BSC triggers an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover for an MS when both the following conditions meet the P/N
criterion in which P is specified by IUOHODURATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) and N is
specified by IUOHOSTATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) :

l RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes) to use the receive

level as a condition for triggering concentric cell handovers.
l Rxlev is greater than or equal to the result of ( RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910)
+ RECLEVHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) – Downlink power compensation).

When Huawei handover algorithm II is used, ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910)

specifies the method for obtaining the Rxlev.

l When ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to TCHCOMP(TCH Level

After PC COMP and Filter), the BSC uses the compensated TCH receive level during
power control in underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision making. This increases the
underlaid-to-overlaid handover success rate.
l When ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to BCCH(BCCH Level After
Filter), the BSC uses the BCCH receive level in the underlaid subscell after filtering
during power control in underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision making.

When Huawei handover algorithm I is used, the setting of ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900,

BSC6910) does not affect the method for obtaining the Rxlev.


l Rxlev indicates the downlink receive level of the current channel.

l Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an
MR multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore,
downlink power compensation is not performed on these channels.

If the BSC also needs to make handover decisions based on the TA and the receive quality, set
BSC6910) to YES(Yes) so that the following conditions must also be met for triggering an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover:

l TA < TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) –TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)

l RxQAUL (Downlink receive quality) < Receive quality threshold

The receive quality threshold varies with the call type:

l For an AMR FR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRFR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
l For an AMR HR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRHR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
l For calls of other types, the receive quality threshold equals RECQUALTH (BSC6900, BSC6910).

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

When the overlaid subscell is fully loaded, an underlaid-to-overlaid handover will fail. When
UlToOlHoOverloadJudgeSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On), underlaid-to-overlaid
handovers are not triggered when the overlaid subscell is fully loaded.
An underlaid-to-overlaid handover may fail because no channels are available in the overlaid
subcell or other reasons. When the number of failed handovers of an MS reaches the threshold
specified by UTOOFAILMAXTIME (BSC6900, BSC6910), the MS cannot be handed over
from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell within the time specified by

Overlaid-to-Underlaid Handover
If OLTOULHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), the BSC triggers an
overlaid-to-underlaid handover when both the following conditions meet the P/N criterion in
which P is specified by IUOHODURATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) and N is specified by
l RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes).
l Rxlev is less than the result of ( RECLEVTHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) –
RECLEVHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) – Downlink power compensation).

l Rxlev indicates the downlink receive level of the current channel.

l Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an
MR multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore,
downlink power compensation is not performed on these channels.

The TA and the receive quality are subject to network changes. Handover decisions based on
the TA and the receive quality may be inaccurate. The BSC generally determines whether to
trigger a concentric cell handover based on only the receive level. If the BSC also needs to
make handover decisions based on the TA and the receive quality, set TAFORUOHOALLOW
(BSC6900, BSC6910) and RECQUALUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) to YES(Yes) so
that the following conditions must also be met for triggering an overlaid-to-underlaid
l TA ≥ TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) + TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l RxQAUL (Downlink receive quality) ≥ Receive quality threshold

The receive quality threshold varies with the call type:

l For an AMR FR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRFR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
l For an AMR HR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRHR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
l For calls of other types, the receive quality threshold equals RECQUALTH (BSC6900, BSC6910).

If an overlaid-to-underlaid handover for an MS fails due to no available channels in the

underlaid subcell or other causes, the MS cannot be handed over from the underlaid subcell to
the overlaid subcell within the time specified by TIMEOTOUFAILPUN (BSC6900,
If an MS that was just handed over to the underlaid subcell needs to be handed over back to
the overlaid subcell within a short period of time, a ping-pong handover occurs. To prevent
this problem, set PENALTYEN (BSC6900, BSC6910) to YES(Yes). This setting ensures that

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

a call is handed over back to the overlaid subcell within the time specified by
UTOOHOPENTIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) if the call was handed over from the overlaid
subcell to the underlaid subcell.

If an overlaid-to-underlaid handover is triggered, a cell with the highest priority is selected as

the target cell. That is, a handover to the neighboring cell that has higher signal level than the
serving cell is allowed, but the handover is considered an edge handover.

3.1.4 Concentric Cell-to-Neighboring Cell Handover

The algorithm for handovers from a concentric cell to its neighboring cell is similar to that for
handovers from a common cell to its neighboring cell. The only difference lies in handover
decision parameters. For details about the algorithm for handovers from a common cell to its
neighboring cell, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.

The algorithm for handovers from a concentric cell to its neighboring cell applies to the
following scenarios:

l When an MS camps on the overlaid subcell:

The BSC uses the sum of the receive level in the overlaid subcell and the signal strength
difference between the overlaid and underlaid subcells to sort neighboring cells of the
concentric cell based on the M and K criteria and to make handover decisions.
l When an MS camps on the underlaid subcell:
The BSC uses the actual receive level in the underlaid subcell to sort neighboring cells of
the concentric cell based on the M and K criteria and to make handover decisions.

3.2 Enhanced Concentric Cell Technology

3.2.1 Overview
The enhanced concentric cell function is enabled by setting ENIUO (BSC6900, BSC6910) to
ON(On). This function incorporates optimization in the following aspects:

l Enables the BSC to obtain the receive level in the underlaid subcell by configuring the
serving cell itself as a neighboring cell. This minimizes the number of unwanted
overlaid-to-underlaid handovers or ping-pong handovers.
l Solves the congestion problem in the underlaid subcell by applying the overlaid-
underlaid load balance algorithm.
l Enables the BSC to control concentric cell handovers based on the actual signal level in
the underlaid and overlaid subcells by separately configuring the handover level
thresholds for the overlaid and underlaid subcells.
In a non-co-BCCH cell, the underlaid and overlaid subcells use the same frequency band
and have the same physical characteristics. Therefore, the difference in signal levels
between the overlaid and underlaid subcells is relatively fixed.
In a co-BCCH cell, the difference in signal levels between the overlaid and underlaid
subcells is enormous and unstable. The enhanced concentric cell technology can resolve
this problem.

3.2.2 Division of an Enhanced Concentric Cell

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The division of the overlaid subcell and the underlaid subcell in an enhanced concentric cell is
similar to that in a concentric cell, except for the following difference:
l For a concentric cell, the division is based on the comparison between the receive level
and the configured receive level threshold.
l For an enhanced concentric cell, the division is based on the comparison between the
receive level and the configured threshold for the receive level in handovers.
Figure 3-3 shows the logical division of the overlaid subcell and the underlaid subcell in an
enhanced concentric cell.

Figure 3-3 Division of an enhanced concentric cell

3.2.3 Channel Allocation

Similar to channel allocation in a common concentric cell, channel allocation in an enhanced
concentric cell is specified by the following parameters:
l OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) for the assignment procedure
l HOALGOPERMLAY (BSC6900, BSC6910) for the incoming intra-BSC inter-cell
handover procedure
l ACCESSOPTILAY (BSC6900, BSC6910) for the incoming inter-BSC inter-cell
handover procedure
Channel allocation in an enhanced concentric cell differs from that in a common concentric
cell in the following aspects:
l Channel allocation during the assignment procedure
When OPTILAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to SysOpt(System optimization) :
If the downlink receive level is used during the channel allocation decision-making, the
BSC compares the filtered downlink receive level with UTOORECTH (BSC6900,
BSC6910). If the filtered downlink receive level is greater than the threshold specified
by UTOORECTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) and RECLEVHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)
and the TA value of the MS is less than the value of OPTITATHRES (BSC6910,
BSC6900), the BSC preferentially selects channels in the overlaid subcell.
If the uplink receive level is used during the channel allocation decision-making, the
BSC selects channels in the same manner as that used in a common concentric cell.

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l Condition for triggering inter-cell handovers

In an enhanced concentric cell, the BSC makes handover decisions using different signal
levels for calls in the overlaid and underlaid subcells.
– If an MS is in the overlaid subcell, the actual receive level in the overlaid subcell is
used in all handover decisions except the PBGT handover decision. For details
about PBGT handovers, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.
SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) controls whether to use
SIGAMPTDIFF (BSC6900, BSC6910) to calculate the receive level in the
underlaid subcell when the receive level of the BCCH in the underlaid subcell is
lost. When SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On),
the BSC uses the sum of TCH receive level in the overlaid subcell after power
control compensation and SIGAMPTDIFF (BSC6900, BSC6910) to substitute for
the receive level in the underlaid subcell. When SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to OFF(Off), the BSC uses the TCH receive level in
the overlaid subcell after power control compensation to substitute for the receive
level in the underlaid subcell.
– If an MS is in the underlaid subcell, the actual receive level in the underlaid subcell
is used in all handover decisions.
l When IuoAllocChanTrafAllow (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), channel
allocation during the assignment and inter-cell handover procedures follows the
principles described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Channel allocation principles during the assignment and inter-cell handover

Procedure Configuration of channel Channel allocation

allocation policy principle

Assignment OPTILAYER (BSC6900, The BSC preferentially

BSC6910) is set to allocates channels in the
OSubcell(Overlaid underlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the overlaid
subcell >
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) +
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l Load of the underlaid
subcell <
(BSC6900, BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the overlaid

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Procedure Configuration of channel Channel allocation

allocation policy principle

OPTILAYER (BSC6900, The BSC preferentially

BSC6910) is set to allocates channels in the
USubcell(Underlaid overlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the underlaid
subcell >
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
ST (BSC6900,
l Load of the overlaid
subcell <
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the underlaid

OPTILAYER (BSC6900, The BSC preferentially

BSC6910) is set to allocates channels in the
SysOpt(System underlaid subcell when the
optimization). following condition is met:
Load of the underlaid
subcell <
(BSC6900, BSC6910) –
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
allocates channels to MSs
according to the principles
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set
to SysOpt(System
optimization). That is, the
BSC selects the preferred
subcell based on the MRs on
the SDCCH.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Procedure Configuration of channel Channel allocation

allocation policy principle

Intra-BSC inter-cell HOALGOPERMLAY The BSC preferentially

handover (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set allocates channels in the
to OSubcell(Overlaid underlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the overlaid
subcell >
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) +
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l Load of the underlaid
subcell <
(BSC6900, BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the overlaid

HOALGOPERMLAY The BSC preferentially

(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set allocates channels in the
to USubcell(Underlaid overlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the underlaid
subcell >
(BSC6900, BSC6910) +
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l Load of the overlaid
subcell <
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the underlaid

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Procedure Configuration of channel Channel allocation

allocation policy principle

HOALGOPERMLAY The BSC preferentially

(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set allocates channels in the
to SysOpt(System underlaid subcell when the
optimization). following condition is met:
Load of the underlaid
subcell <
(BSC6900, BSC6910) –
(BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
allocates channels to MSs
according to the principles
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set
to SysOpt(System
optimization). That is, the
BSC allocates the optimal
service layer to the MS
based on the downlink
receive level of the target

Inter-BSC inter-cell ACCESSOPTILAY The BSC preferentially

handover (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set allocates channels in the
to OSubcell(Overlaid underlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the overlaid
subcell >
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) +
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l Load of the underlaid
subcell <
(BSC6900, BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the overlaid

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Procedure Configuration of channel Channel allocation

allocation policy principle

ACCESSOPTILAY The BSC preferentially

(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set allocates channels in the
to USubcell(Underlaid overlaid subcell when both
subcell). the following conditions are
l Load of the underlaid
subcell >
(BSC6900, BSC6910) +
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l Load of the overlaid
subcell <
OL (BSC6900,
BSC6910) –
T (BSC6900, BSC6910)
In other cases, the BSC
preferentially allocates
channels in the underlaid

3.2.4 Enhanced Concentric Cell Handover

Similar to concentric cell handovers, enhanced concentric cell handovers are divided into
underlaid-to-overlaid handovers and overlaid-to-underlaid handovers, except for the following
difference when the BSC makes handover decisions:
l For a common concentric cell, the BSC compares the receive level with the configured
receive level threshold.
l For an enhanced concentric cell, the BSC compares the receive level with the configured
threshold for the receive level in handovers.
If CONHOEN (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), concentric cell handovers are
enabled. Figure 3-4 shows how the BSC makes handover decisions in an enhanced concentric

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Figure 3-4 Concentric cell handover


Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an MR
multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore, downlink
power compensation is not performed on these channels.

Underlaid-to-Overlaid Handover
If CONHOEN (BSC6900, BSC6910) and ULTOOLHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) are
set to YES(Yes) and ENIUO (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On), the BSC triggers an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover for an MS when both the following conditions meet the P/N
criterion in which P is specified by IUOHODURATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) and N is
specified by IUOHOSTATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) :

l RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes).

l Rxlev is greater than or equal to the result of ( UTOORECTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) –
Downlink power compensation).

If RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to NO(No), the BSC does not make
handover decisions based on Rxlev.

When Huawei handover algorithm II is used, ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910)

specifies the method for obtaining the Rxlev.

l When ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to TCHCOMP(TCH Level

After PC COMP and Filter), the BSC uses the compensated TCH receive level during
power control in underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision making. This increases the
underlaid-to-overlaid handover success rate.
l When ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to BCCH(BCCH Level After
Filter), the BSC uses the BCCH receive level in the underlaid subscell after filtering
during power control in underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision making.

When Huawei handover algorithm I is used, the setting of ULToOLRxLevSelSw (BSC6900,

BSC6910) does not affect the method for obtaining the Rxlev.

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l Rxlev indicates the downlink receive level of the current channel.

l Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an
MR multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore,
downlink power compensation is not performed on these channels.

The BSC generally determines whether to trigger an enhanced concentric cell handover based
on only the receive level because:
l The TA and the receive quality are subject to network changes, and the handover
decisions based on the TA and the receive quality may be inaccurate.
l The handover decisions based on the adaptive cell border (ATCB) requirements may
affect network performance negatively.
If the BSC also needs to make handover decisions based on the TA, receive quality, and
ATCB requirements, set TAFORUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910),
to YES(Yes) so that the following conditions must also be met for triggering an underlaid-to-
overlaid handover:
l TA < TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) – TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910).
l RxQAUL (Downlink receive quality) < Receive quality threshold.
l SS(s) – SS(n) ≥ ATCBTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) + ATCBHYST (BSC6900,

l The receive quality threshold varies with the call type:

For an AMR FR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRFR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
For an AMR HR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRHR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
For calls of other types, the receive quality threshold equals RECQUALTH (BSC6900, BSC6910).
l SS(s) is the receive level for the serving cell obtained from MRs (the compensated receive level is
used if the serving cell is not measured), and SS(n) is the receive level for the neighboring cell of the
serving cell. The neighboring cell must meet the following conditions:
The neighboring cell has the highest receive level among those working on the same frequency
The neighboring cell has the same hierarchy and priority as the underlaid subcell.
The neighboring cell and the serving cell are served by different BTSs.

When the overlaid subscell is fully loaded, an underlaid-to-overlaid handover will fail. When
UlToOlHoOverloadJudgeSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On), underlaid-to-overlaid
handovers are not triggered when the overlaid subscell is fully loaded.

Overlaid-to-Underlaid Handover
If CONHOEN (BSC6900, BSC6910) and OLTOULHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) are
set to YES(Yes) and ENIUO (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On), the BSC triggers an
overlaid-to-underlaid handover for an MS when both the following conditions meet the P/N
criterion in which P is specified by IUOHODURATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) and N is
specified by IUOHOSTATIME (BSC6900, BSC6910) :
l RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes).

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l Rxlev is less than the result of ( OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910) –Downlink

power compensation).

l Rxlev indicates the downlink receive level of the current channel.

l Downlink power compensation indicates the power loss on the current channel caused by downlink
power control. Downlink power compensation equals the BTS power control level obtained in an
MR multiplied by two. The channels on the BCCH TRX do not require power control. Therefore,
downlink power compensation is not performed on these channels.

The BSC generally determines whether to trigger an enhanced concentric cell handover based
on only the receive level because:
l The TA and the receive quality are subject to network changes, and the handover
decisions based on the TA and the receive quality may be inaccurate.
l Handover decisions based on the ATCB requirements may affect network performance
If the BSC also needs to make handover decisions based on the TA, receive quality, and
ATCB requirements, set TAFORUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910),
to YES(Yes) so that the following conditions must also be met for triggering an overlaid-to-
underlaid handover:
l TA ≥ TATHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) + TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l RxQAUL (Downlink receive quality) ≥ Receive quality threshold
l SS(s) – SS(n) < ATCBTHRED (BSC6900, BSC6910) – ATCBHYST (BSC6900,

l The receive quality threshold varies with the call type:

For an AMR FR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRFR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
For an AMR HR call, the receive quality threshold equals RECEIVEQUALTHRSHAMRHR
(BSC6900, BSC6910).
For calls of other types, the receive quality threshold equals RECQUALTH (BSC6900, BSC6910).
l SS(s) is the receive level for the serving cell obtained from MRs (the compensated receive level is
used if the serving cell is not measured), and SS(n) is the receive level for the neighboring cell of the
serving cell. The neighboring cell must meet the following conditions:
The neighboring cell has the highest receive level among those working on the same frequency
The neighboring cell has the same hierarchy and priority as the underlaid subcell.
The neighboring cell and the serving cell are served by different BTSs.

3.2.5 Load-based Handover

In an enhanced concentric cell, the BSC performs load-based handovers to eliminate the
congestion in the underlaid or overlaid subcell as follows:
l Hands over the calls with high receive level from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid
subcell in succession when traffic in the underlaid subcell is heavy.
l Hands over some calls from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell when traffic in
the underlaid subcell is light.
Load-based handovers for CS services classified into the following two types:

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l Handovers by the handover band: The BSC determines the handover band based on the
level band range and hands over MSs within the handover band to appropriate subcells.
Such handovers are controlled by the UTOOTRAFHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910)
and RECLEVUOHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameters.
l Handovers by the number of MSs: The BSC determines the number of MSs to be handed
over based on the load range and path loss. This ensures more accuracy in determining
the handover range. In addition, the BSC allows underlaid-to-overlaid handovers only if
the load in the overlaid subcell does not exceed a specified threshold. Such handovers
are controlled by the UOLOADOPTSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter.

Handovers by the Handover Band

Load-based concentric cell handovers by the handover band are classified into the following
two types:

l Overlaid-to-underlaid handovers triggered when the traffic load in the underlaid subcell
is low
l Underlaid-to-overlaid handovers triggered when the traffic load in the underlaid subcell
is high


(BSC6900, BSC6910) are set to YES(Yes), the BSC performs load-based concentric cell
handovers by the handover band as follows:

l When the Traffic Load in the Underlaid Subcell Is Low

When the traffic load in the underlaid subcell is low, the BSC triggers overlaid-to-
underlaid handovers for MSs on the border between underlaid and overlaid subcells. The
handovers improve the call quality because these MSs have low receive level in the
overlaid subcell.
The ENLOWLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter specifies the threshold for
triggering overlaid-to-underlaid handovers. If the traffic load in the underlaid subcell is
lower than the specified threshold, the BSC gradually hands over calls in the handover
band to the underlaid subcell. The handover band ranges from the value of
OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910) to 63 dB. Starting from the signal level
specified by OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910), the handover band advances to
the BTS by ENLDHOSTP (BSC6910, BSC6900) every ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900,
BSC6910). The formula is as follows:
(1+t/ ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900, BSC6910) )

t indicates the value of the timer for adjusting the handover step for an overlaid-to-underlaid handover.
The timer starts when the conditions for triggering an overlaid-to-underlaid handover are met.

For example, the timer starts and the BSC follows the procedure shown in Figure 3-5 to
perform load-based overlaid-to-underlaid handovers when all the following conditions are

l Traffic load in the underlaid subcell < ENLOWLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910)

l ENLOWLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 20%
l ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 5s
l ENLDHOSTP (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 5 dB

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l OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 20 dB

Figure 3-5 Overlaid-to-underlaid handover due to low traffic load in the underlaid subcell

Table 3-2 Overlaid-to-underlaid handover procedure

t (s) Procedure Formula

1 The BSC hands over MSs whose signal [ OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900,

level ranges from 20 dB to 26 dB. BSC6910), OTOURECEIVETH
(BSC6900, BSC6910) + (1 + 1/
(BSC6900, BSC6910) ] = [20,26]

2 The BSC hands over MSs whose signal [ OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900,

level ranges from 20 dB to 27 dB. BSC6910), OTOURECEIVETH
The BSC stops triggering overlaid-to- (BSC6900, BSC6910) + (1 + 2/
underlaid handovers when the traffic load ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900,
in the underlaid subcell increases to a BSC6910) ) x ENLDHOSTP
value greater than 20%. (BSC6900, BSC6910) ] = [20,27]

3 The BSC hands over MSs whose signal [ OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900,

level ranges from 20 dB to 30 dB. BSC6910), OTOURECEIVETH
The BSC stops triggering overlaid-to- (BSC6900, BSC6910) + (1 + 5/
underlaid handovers when the time ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900,
specified by ENLDHOPRD (BSC6900, BSC6910) ) x ENLDHOSTP
BSC6910) (5s) is reached. (BSC6900, BSC6910) ] = [20,30]

l When the Traffic Load in the Underlaid Subcell Is High

When the traffic load in the underlaid subcell is high, the BSC preferentially triggers
underlaid-to-overlaid handovers for MSs that are nearest to the BTS, that is, MSs in the
area where the signal level is 63 dB. This prevents calls from being dropped after
handovers because of low signal level and ensures the call quality. For load-based
handovers, the BSC makes handover decisions based on the load-based algorithm,
instead of the receive level during Underlaid-to-Overlaid Handover.
(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameters specify the threshold for triggering underlaid-to-
overlaid handovers. When the threshold is reached, the BSC gradually hands over calls

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in the handover band to the overlaid subcell. Starting from 63 dB, the handover band
advances to the border between the overlaid and underlaid subcells by UTRAFHOSTEP
(BSC6900, BSC6910) every UTRAFHOPERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910). The formula
is as follows:
63 – UTRAFHOSTEP (BSC6900, BSC6910) x (1 + t/handover period)

l t indicates the value of the timer for adjusting the handover step for an underlaid-to-overlaid
l The timer starts when the conditions for triggering an underlaid-to-overlaid handover are met. The
handover period is specified by UTRAFHOPERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910). If the traffic load in the
underlaid subcell is greater than or equal to the value of ENSOVERLDTHRSH (BSC6900,
BSC6910), the handover period decreases by 1s to speed up handovers each time the timer for
adjusting the handover step for an underlaid-to-overlaid handover expires.

For example, the timer starts and the BSC follows the procedure in Table 3-3 to perform load-
based underlaid-to-overlaid handovers for MSs when all the following conditions are met:
l Traffic load in the underlaid subcell > ENGOVERLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l ENGOVERLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 70%
l UTRAFHOPERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 5s
l UTRAFHOSTEP (BSC6900, BSC6910) = 5 dB

Table 3-3 Underlaid-to-overlaid handover procedure

t (s) Procedure Formula

1 The BSC hands over MSs whose [63, 63 – UTRAFHOSTEP (BSC6900,

signal level ranges from 57 dB to 63 BSC6910) x (1 + 1/ UTRAFHOSTEP
dB. (BSC6900, BSC6910) )] = [63,57]

2 The BSC hands over MSs whose [63, 63 – UTRAFHOSTEP (BSC6900,

signal level ranges from 56 dB to 63 BSC6910) x (1 + 2/ UTRAFHOSTEP
dB. (BSC6900, BSC6910) )] = [63,56]
The BSC stops triggering underlaid-
to-overlaid handovers when the
traffic load in the underlaid subcell
decreases to a value less than the
(BSC6900, BSC6910).

5 The BSC hands over MSs whose [63, 63 – UTRAFHOSTEP (BSC6900,

signal level ranges from 53 dB to 63 BSC6910) x (1 + 5/ UTRAFHOSTEP
dB. (BSC6900, BSC6910) )] = [63,53]
The BSC stops triggering underlaid-
to-overlaid handovers when the time
specified by UTRAFHOPERIOD
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is reached.

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To disable load-based handovers by the handover band, set UTOOTRAFHOALLOW (BSC6900,

BSC6910) to NO(No) and UtoOTrafHoOptSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) to ON(On). Then, the principles
for enhanced concentric cell handovers are the same as those described in 3.2.4 Enhanced Concentric
Cell Handover.
If UTOOTRAFHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to NO(No) and UtoOTrafHoOptSw
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to OFF(Off), underlaid-to-overlaid handovers are triggered when the traffic
load in the underlaid subcell is greater than the value of ENSOVERLDTHRSH (BSC6900, BSC6910).
In this case, the handover procedure is similar to that described in Table 3-3, except that the handover
period is value of UTRAFHOPERIOD (BSC6900, BSC6910) subtracted by 1.
If UTOOTRAFHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes), the setting of
UtoOTrafHoOptSw (BSC6900, BSC6910) does not take effect.

Handovers by the Number of MSs

When UTOOTRAFHOALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes) and
UOLOADOPTSWITCH (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to YES(Yes) , the BSC performs load-
based concentric cell handovers by the number of MSs. Such handovers work only when the
HUAWEI II Handover feature is enabled.
Table 3-4 describes how the BSC controls enhanced concentric cell handovers with this

Table 3-4 Handover policy

Handover Type Trigger Condition Number of MSs MSs to Be
to Be Handed Preferentially
Over Handed Over

Overlaid-to- Traffic load in the Number of MSs that MSs that have great
underlaid handover underlaid subcell < can be offloaded by path loss in the
due to low traffic ENLOWLDTHRSH the underlaid overlaid subcell
load in the underlaid (BSC6900, subcell. The number
subcell BSC6910) is calculated based
on the value of
BSC6910) and the
current traffic load
in the underlaid

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 26

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Handover Type Trigger Condition Number of MSs MSs to Be

to Be Handed Preferentially
Over Handed Over

Underlaid-to- Traffic load in the Smaller one of the MSs that meet the
overlaid handover underlaid subcell > following two conditions for
due to high traffic ( ENGOVERLDTH results: triggering underlaid-
load in the underlaid RSH (BSC6900, l Number of MSs to-overlaid
subcell BSC6910) + to be handed handovers and have
ENGOVERLDTHR over from the small path loss
HYST (BSC6900, underlaid
BSC6910) ) subcell. The
Traffic load in the number is
overlaid subcell< calculated based
( ENGOVERLDTH on the value of
BSC6910) – HRSH
HYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) and
BSC6910) ) the current traffic
load in the
l Number of MSs
that can be
offloaded by the
overlaid subcell.
The number is
calculated based
on the value of
BSC6910) and
the current traffic
load in the
overlaid subcell.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 27

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

Handover Type Trigger Condition Number of MSs MSs to Be

to Be Handed Preferentially
Over Handed Over

Overlaid-to- Traffic load in the Smaller one of the MSs that have great
underlaid handover overlaid subcell > following two path loss in the
because of high ( ENGOVERLDTH results: overlaid subcell
traffic load in the RSHOL (BSC6900, l Number of MSs
overlaid subcell BSC6910) + to be handed
ENGOVERLDTHR over from the
HYST (BSC6900, overlaid subcell.
BSC6910) ) The number is
Traffic load in the calculated based
underlaid subcell < on the value of
BSC6910) – (BSC6900,
HYST (BSC6900, the current traffic
BSC6910) ) load in the
overlaid subcell.
l Number of MSs
that can be
offloaded by the
subcell. The
number is
calculated based
on the value of
BSC6910) and
the current traffic
load in the

3.2.6 Enhanced Concentric Cell-to-Neighboring Cell Handover

The algorithm for handovers from an enhanced concentric cell to its neighboring cell is
similar to that for handovers from a common cell to its neighboring cell. The only difference
lies in handover decision parameters. For details about the algorithm for handovers from a
common cell to its neighboring cell, see Handover Feature Parameter Description.
The algorithm for handovers from an enhanced concentric cell to its neighboring cell applies
to the following scenarios:
l When an MS camps on the overlaid subcell:
– For non-PBGT handover decisions, the BSC uses the receive level in the overlaid
subcell to sort neighboring cells of the enhanced concentric cell based on the M

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 3 Technical Description

criterion, and then uses the reported receive level in the underlaid subcell to sort
neighboring cells of the enhanced concentric cell based on the K criterion. The BSC
finally uses the receive level in the overlaid subcell to make handover decisions.
– For PBGT handover decisions, the BSC uses the receive level in the overlaid
subcell to sort neighboring cells of the enhanced concentric cell based on the M
criterion, and then uses the reported receive level in the underlaid subcell to sort
neighboring cells of the enhanced concentric cell based on the K criterion. The BSC
finally uses the reported receive level in the underlaid subcell to make handover
SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) controls whether to use
SIGAMPTDIFF (BSC6900, BSC6910) to calculate the receive level in the
underlaid subcell when the receive level of the BCCH in the underlaid subcell is
lost. When SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW (BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to ON(On),
the BSC uses the sum of TCH receive level in the overlaid subcell after power
control compensation and SIGAMPTDIFF (BSC6900, BSC6910) to substitute for
the receive level in the underlaid subcell. When SIGAMPTDIFFOPTALLOW
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to OFF(Off), the BSC uses the TCH receive level in
the overlaid subcell after power control compensation to substitute for the receive
level in the underlaid subcell.
l When an MS camps on the underlaid subcell:
The BSC uses the actual receive level in the underlaid subcell to sort neighboring cells of
the enhanced concentric cell based on the M and K criteria and to make handover

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 29

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

4 Related Features

Prerequisite Features

Mutually Exclusive Features

Feature ID Feature Name Description

GBFD-117002 IBCA GBFD-117002 IBCA cannot be used in

concentric cells.

GBFD-114001 Extended Cell GBFD-114001 Extended Cell cannot be

used in concentric cells.

GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense Frequency GBFD-118001 BCCH Dense

Multiplexing Frequency Multiplexing cannot be used
in concentric cells.

Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature/Function Description

GBFD-113701 Frequency Hopping (RF For a concentric cell, different

hopping, baseband frequency hopping can be used in the
hopping) overlaid and underlaid subcells: For the
overlaid subcell with more frequencies,
use radio frequency (RF) FH so that
more frequencies can participate in FH,
ensuring more FH gains. For the
underlaid subcell with less frequencies
and loose frequency reuse pattern, use
baseband FH that requires less
frequencies, ensuring better FH gains.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 30

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


N/A Interference Handover When the HUAWEI I Handover feature

or the HUAWEI II Handover feature is
enabled, interference handovers in a
concentric cell are the same as those in
a common cell. In a concentric cell,
however, decisions on interference-
based handovers for the overlaid
subcell can be more accurate by setting
(BSC6900, BSC6910) to YES(Yes)
when interference differs greatly
between the overlaid and underlaid
When the HUAWEI II Handover
feature is enabled and
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is to YES(Yes),
the conditions for triggering an
interference handover for an MS in the
overlaid subcell are as follows:
l The filtered value of uplink receive
quality is greater than or equal to the
specified receive quality threshold at
the current uplink receive level in
the overlaid subcell.
l The filtered value of downlink
receive quality is greater than or
equal to the specified receive quality
threshold at the current downlink
receive level in the overlaid subcell.
The specified receive quality threshold
at the current downlink or uplink
receive level in the overlaid subcell is
calculated based on the following
(BSC6900, BSC6910): The greater
the value of this parameter, the
smaller the number of uplink
interference handovers The larger
the value of this parameter, the
larger the number of uplink
interference handovers.
(BSC6900, BSC6910): The smaller
the value of this parameter, the
smaller the number of downlink

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


interference handovers. The larger

the value of this parameter, the
larger the number of downlink
interference handovers.
(BSC6900, BSC6910): The smaller
the value of this parameter, the
larger the number of uplink
interference handovers.
(BSC6900, BSC6910): The smaller
the value of this parameter, the
larger the number of downlink
interference handovers. The larger
the value of this parameter, the
smaller the number of downlink
interference handovers.
Conditions for triggering an
interference handover for an MS in the
underlaid subcell are the same as those
for a common cell, and are not
described in this document. For details
about interference handover, see
Handover Feature Parameter

GBFD-114101 GPRS In a concentric cell, if

BSC6910) is set to ON(ON),
BSC6910) is set independently so that
the maximum number of PDCHs to be
converted in the overlaid subcell and
underlaid subcell can be separately
configured. The value of
BSC6910) determines whether to
allocate a channel in the overlaid
subcell or the underlaid subcell for
GPRS/EGPRS services.
The value of
BSC6910) determines application of PS
load sharing decision policies, such as
no decision, TA-based decision, level-
based decision, TA+level-based
decision, and either overlaid or
underlaid subcell. The following
describes the GPRS/EGPRS service

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


GBFD-114201 EGPRS initial allocation and reallocation

policies under different decision
l Initial allocation
– If level-based decision is used,
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
If the receive level is greater than
the value of
(BSC6900, BSC6910), the BSC
allocates a PDCH either in the
overlaid subcell or the underlaid
subcell to an MS. Otherwise, the
PDCH only in an underlaid
subcell is allocated.
– If TA-based decision is used,
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
If the TA value is less than the
result of (TATHRES-TAHYST),
a PDCH either in the overlaid
subcell or the underlaid subcell is
allocated. Otherwise, the PDCH
only in an underlaid subcell is
– If TA+level-based decision is
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
If the receive level is greater than
the value of
(BSC6900, BSC6910) and the
TA value is less than the result of
BSC6910) minus TAHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910), a PDCH
either in the overlaid subcell or
the underlaid subcell is allocated
for a call. Otherwise, the PDCH
only in an underlaid subcell is

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
Overlaid Subcell or Underlaid
a PDCH either in the overlaid
subcell or the underlaid subcell is
allocated to an MS.
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to TA(TA),
LEVEL(Level), or
TAANDLEVEL(TA and Level), the
channel allocation policy for initial
access of downlink PS services is
associated with the value of
PSIuoDlInitOnlyUlSw (BSC6900,
If PSIuoDlInitOnlyUlSw (BSC6900,
BSC6910) is set to ON(On), downlink
initial access occurs only in an
underlaid subcell.
If PSIuoDlInitOnlyUlSw (BSC6900,
BSC6910) is set to OFF(Off), channels
in an overload or underlaid subcell are
allocated for downlink initial access
based on the receive level, TA value, or
both receive level and TA value.
In frequency hopping (FH)
scenarios, the Cell Allocation (CA)
list includes only the frequencies in
BCCH-compatible frequency bands
and the SDCCH frequencies that are
in different frequency bands from
the BCCH frequency and participate
in FH. If a frequency in the CA list
is used for the underlaid subcell,
initial access cannot be assigned to
an overlaid subcell. To resolve this
problem, set CAOpt (BSC6900,
BSC6910) to YES(Yes) to allow the
CA list to include more frequencies.
l Reallocation when the allocated
PDCH is in the underlaid subcell
The channel reallocation policy in
this scenario is the same as that in
initial allocation.
l Reallocation when the allocated
PDCH is in the overlaid subcell
– Load-sharing by receive level

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


If the receive level is less than

the value of
(BSC6900, BSC6910), a PDCH
in the underlaid subcell is
allocated for a call.
– Load-sharing by TA
If the TA value is greater than
the result of TATHRES
(BSC6900, BSC6910) plus
TAHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910),
a PDCH in the underlaid subcell
is allocated for a call.
– Load-sharing by TA and receive
If the receive level is less than
the value of
(BSC6900, BSC6910) and the
TA value is greater than the
result of TATHRES (BSC6900,
BSC6910) plus TAHYST
(BSC6900, BSC6910), a PDCH
in the underlaid subcell is
allocated for a call.
– Either the overlaid or underlaid
A PDCH either in the overlaid
subcell or the underlaid subcell is
allocated to an MS.
After determine the channels to be
allocated based on the preceding
policies, the BSC determines the
frequency bands supported by an MS:
l If the overlaid subcell or the
underlaid subcell is not on the
supported frequency band, the
channel in the related subcell cannot
be allocated to the MS during initial
allocation or reallocation.
l If the BSC cannot obtain the
frequency band supported by the
MS, the BSC uses the value of
RAMBCAP (BSC6900, BSC6910)
When TCH-to-PDCH dynamic
conversion is triggered, the

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description



(BSC6900, BSC6910) parameters
control the conversion:
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
Subcell), channel conversion is
limited by the location where an MS
camps in a concentric cell. If the MS
camps on the overlaid subcell, a
PDCH in either the overlaid subcell
or the underlaid subcell can be
allocated to the MS, and the TCH to
convert is determined by the setting
BSC6910). If the MS camps on the
underlaid subcell, only a PDCH in
the underlaid subcell can be
allocated. In this case, TRXs in the
overlaid subcell will be ignored, and
the TCH to convert is in the
underlaid subcell only.
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is set to
ALLIUO(Underlaid or overlaid
Subcell), the system does not need
to judge the location where an MS
camps in a concentric cell. Instead,
it makes a decision based on the
setting of
(BSC6900, BSC6910). If the
channel conversion request result is
either the overlaid or underlaid
subcell, the TCH to convert is
determined by the setting of
BSC6910). If the channel
conversion request result is only the
underlaid subcell, TRXs in the
overlaid subcell will be ignored, and
the TCH to convert is in the
underlaid subcell only.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 36

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


GBFD-117601 HUAWEI III Power If the HUAWEI III Power Control

Control Algorithm Algorithm feature is enabled for a
concentric cell, power control
principles in the concentric cell are
almost the same as those in a common
cell, except that power control
parameters in the overlaid subcell and
the underlaid subcell can be set
l For MSs in the underlaid subcell,
the power control principles are the
same as those of HUAWEI III
Power Control Algorithm for MSs
in a common cell.
l For MSs in the overlaid subcell,
specific power control parameters
that are existing parameters plus
offset are used.
For example, the upper receive level
threshold for downlink power
control in the overlaid subcell equals
the result of
(BSC6900, BSC6910) +
(BSC6900, BSC6910)), where
(BSC6900, BSC6910) is the offset
for downlink level threshold.
The value of IUOOlPowerCompPo-
licy (BSC6900, BSC6910)
determines the level compensation
policy for MSs in an overlaid
subcell of concentric cells.
– When this parameter is set to
Power), the maximum TCH
transmit power is used for level
– When this parameter is set to
BCCH Power), enhanced
concentric cells use the
maximum BCCH transmit power
of an underlaid subcell, and
common concentric cells use the
result of the maximum TCH

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Feature ID Feature/Function Description


transmit power plus the value of

For details about power control algorithms,
see Power Control Feature Parameter
For details about offset parameters for
power control in the overlaid subcell,
see the following table.

Table 4-1 Offset parameters for power control in the overlaid and underlaid subcells
Offset Parameter for Power Control in Offset Parameter for Power Control in
the Underlaid Subcell the Overlaid Subcell


(BSC6900, BSC6910)


(BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


OFF (BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


OFF (BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 38

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Offset Parameter for Power Control in Offset Parameter for Power Control in
the Underlaid Subcell the Overlaid Subcell

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


(BSC6900, BSC6910)


(BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


OFF (BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


OFF (BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 39

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 4 Related Features

Offset Parameter for Power Control in Offset Parameter for Power Control in
the Underlaid Subcell the Overlaid Subcell

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +


(BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +
(BSC6900, BSC6910)


(BSC6900, BSC6910)

(BSC6900, BSC6910) (BSC6900, BSC6910) +
(BSC6900, BSC6910)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact

5 Network Impact

5.1 System Capacity

The Concentric Cell feature improves network capacity because the overlaid subcell uses a
tight frequency reuse pattern.
Unlike a dual-band cell, a concentric cell uses only one BCCH. The efficient use of BCCH
frequencies helps increase the number of TCHs.
Unlike a dual-band cell, the overlaid and underlaid subcells of a concentric cell share
SDCCHs. The efficient use of SDCCHs helps increase the number of TCHs.

5.2 Network Performance

The difference in the coverage areas provided by the overlaid and underlaid subcells of a
concentric cell directly affects the network performance. The impacts vary with network
The main impacts are as follows:
l KPI deterioration
MSs in the underlaid subcell cannot obtain the level of the overlaid subcell. Therefore,
blind assignments and handovers may occur, leading to deterioration in KPIs, such as
handover success rate and assignment success rate. In addition, the level difference
between underlaid and overlaid cells varies with radio environments. The longer the
inter-site distance, the greater the change in the level difference and the probability of
KPI deterioration caused by blind assignments or handovers.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 5 Network Impact

Figure 5-1 Variation of level difference with radio environments

l Congestion in the underlaid subcell

All SDCCHs in a concentric cell are configured on the TRXs in the underlaid subcell, which
decreases the number of available TCHs in the underlaid subcell. If the coverage hole exists
between the overlaid subcell and the underlaid subcell, the underlaid subcell may be
congested because excess traffic caused by capacity loss cannot be offloaded by the overlaid
subcell. The congestion problem is more serious if the inter-site distances are great and the
underlaid subcell is configured with fewer TRXs and more SDCCHs.
The Concentric Cell feature has the following limitations:
l Optimizing concentric cells is more difficult than optimizing ordinary cells. This is
because parameters for concentric cells vary with scenarios and must be adjusted for
each cell based on site requirements to achieve optimal cell performance.
l RF optimization and antenna fault detection cannot be performed based on BCCH
measurement results in idle mode because overlaid subcells do not have BCCHs.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 42

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

6 Engineering Guidelines

6.1 When to Use Concentric Cell

l It is recommended that Concentric Cell be used on a network with a short inter-site
distance and a tight frequency reuse pattern.
l It is preferred that TRXs in the overlaid and underlaid subcells share the antenna system
and provide the same coverage. Otherwise, KPIs may deteriorate.
When TRXs in the overlaid and underlaid subcells share the antenna system and provide
the same coverage, the overlaid and underlaid subcells are differentiated by different
transmit powers of the two TRXs in the concentric cell. The underlaid subcell has a
higher signal strength than the overlaid subcell.
l A minimum of two TRXs must be configured for the underlaid subcell. Otherwise,
congestion may occur in the underlaid cell.
l A concentric cell must not be divided into three or more service layers, which may occur
if the TRXs on the same frequency band are combined in different ways. Otherwise,
KPIs such as the handover success rate and the assignment success rate deteriorate.

6.2 Required Information

Before deploying the Concentric Cell feature, collect the following information:

l Latest BSC configuration file: used to check the accuracy of engineering parameters
l 24-hour raw traffic statistics of BTSs in the recent week: used to obtain the counters on
the original network and compare the counters before and after this feature is enabled
l Information about the antenna system and the number of TRXs: used to determine
whether to enable this feature

6.3 Planning
l TRXs in the overlaid and underlaid subcells must be configured on the same BBU.
l TRXs in the overlaid and underlaid subcells must share the same antenna system.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

6.4 Deploying Concentric Cell

6.4.1 Deployment Requirements

Table 6-1 Deployment requirements

Aspect Requirement

Related features See 4 Related Features

BSC None

BTS None

GSM networking None

MS None

MSC None

License None

Others Basic cell configuration has been


6.4.2 Data Preparation

Table 6-2 Data preparation

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

Cell IUO Type IUOTP (BSC6900, Set this parameter to Radio network plan
BSC6910) Concentric_cell(Co (internal plan)
ncentric Cell).

Enhanced ENIUO (BSC6900, Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Concentric Allowed BSC6910) ON(On). (internal plan)

UL to OL HO ULTOOLHOALLO Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Allowed W (BSC6900, YES(Yes). (internal plan)

OL to UL HO OLTOULHOALLO Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Allowed W (BSC6900, YES(Yes). (internal plan)

RX_LEV for UO RECLEVUOHOAL Set this parameter to Radio network plan

HO Allowed LOW (BSC6900, YES(Yes). (internal plan)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 44

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

RX_QUAL for UO RECQUALUOHOA Set this parameter to Radio network plan

HO Allowed LLOW (BSC6900, NO(No). (internal plan)

TA for UO HO TAFORUOHOALL Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Allowed OW (BSC6900, NO(No). (internal plan)

Concentric Circles ATCBHOEN Set this parameter to Radio network plan

ATCB HO Allowed (BSC6900, NO(No). (internal plan)

Assign Optimum OPTILAYER Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Layer (BSC6900, SysOpt(System (internal plan)
BSC6910) optimization).

Assign-optimum- OPTILEVTHRES Decrease the value Radio network plan

level Threshold (BSC6900, of this parameter in (internal plan)
BSC6910) steps of 2 dB if the
underlaid subcell is

TA Threshold of OPTITATHRES 63 Network plan

Assignment Pref (BSC6900,

UtoO Traffic HO UTOOTRAFHOAL Set this parameter to Radio network plan

Allowed LOW (BSC6900, YES(Yes) if (internal plan)
BSC6910) overlaid-underlaid
load balance needs
to be enabled.

Pref. Subcell in HO HOALGOPERMLA Set this parameter to Radio network plan

of Intra-BSC Y (BSC6900, SysOpt(System (internal plan)
BSC6910) optimization).

Incoming-to-BSC ACCESSOPTILAY Set this parameter to Radio network plan

HO Optimum Layer (BSC6900, USubcell(Underlai (internal plan)
BSC6910) d subcell).

UO HO Watch Time IUOHOSTATIME 6 Radio network plan

(BSC6900, (internal plan)

UO HO Valid Time IUOHODURATIM 4 Radio network plan

E (BSC6900, (internal plan)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 45

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

UtoO HO Received UTOORECTH Set this parameter Network plan

Level Threshold (BSC6900, based on the
BSC6910) geological
environment and
traffic distribution.
The recommended
value is the value of
H (BSC6900,
BSC6910) plus 6.
Decrease the value
of this parameter in
steps of 2 dB if the
underlaid subcell is
congested. Increase
the value of this
parameter in steps of
2 dB if the overlaid
subcell is congested.

OtoU HO Received OTOURECEIVET Set this parameter Network plan

Level Threshold H (BSC6900, based on the
BSC6910) geological
environment and
traffic distribution.
The recommended
value is the value of
BSC6910) minus the
value of

RX_QUAL for UO RECQUALUOHOA When the Network plan

HO Allowed LLOW (BSC6900, interference in the
BSC6910) overlaid subcell is
server than that in
the underlaid
subcell, set this
parameter to
Otherwise, set this
parameter to

TA for UO HO TAFORUOHOALL Set this parameter to Network plan

Allowed OW (BSC6900, NO(No).

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

En Iuo Out Cell ENGOVERLDTHR Set this parameter Network plan

General OverLoad SH (BSC6900, based on the number
Thred BSC6910) of TRXs in the
overlaid and
underlaid subcells
and traffic
distribution onsite. If
the underlaid subcell
has more available
TCHs than the
overlaid subcell, set
this parameter to a
large value.
Otherwise, set this
parameter to a small

Underlay HO Step UTRAFHOPERIO Set this parameter Network plan

Period D (BSC6900, based on the loads in
BSC6910) the underlaid and
overlaid subcells. If
this parameter is set
to a small value,
overlaid handovers
are performed
quickly. However,
the system load
handovers may
occur, and
congestion occurs in
the overlaid subcell
in a short time. If
this parameter is set
to a large value,
congestion in the
underlaid subcell is
difficult to be

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Setting Notes Data Source

Underlay HO Step UTRAFHOSTEP Set this parameter Network plan

Level (BSC6900, based on the loads in
BSC6910) the underlaid and
overlaid subcells. If
this parameter is set
to a large value,
overlaid handovers
are performed
quickly. However,
handovers may
occur, congestion
occurs in the
overlaid subcell in a
short time. If this
parameter is set to a
small value,
congestion in the
underlaid subcell is
difficult to be

Penalty Time of UTOOHOPENTIM Set this parameter Network plan

UtoO HO E (BSC6900, based on the loads in
BSC6910) the underlaid and
overlaid subcells. If
this parameter is set
to a large value, the
number of load-
based underlaid-to-
overlaid handovers
decreases, but
congestion occurs in
the underlaid
subcell. If this
parameter is set to a
small value, ping-
pong handovers

6.4.3 Activation Using MML Commands

Step 1 On the BSC6900 LMT, run the MOD GCELL command with Cell IUO Type set to
Concentric_cell(Concentric Cell) and Enhanced Concentric Allowed set to an appropriate
value based on the network status.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines


For an enhanced concentric cell, the BSC automatically configures the overlaid subcell and the underlaid
subcell as neighboring cells. The neighbor relationship cannot be removed.

Step 2 Run the SET GTRXIUO command with Concentric Attribute set to
OVERLAID(Overlaid Subcell) or UNDERLAID(Underlaid Subcell) based on the network

It is recommended that Concentric Attribute for the BCCH TRX be set to UNDERLAID(Underlaid
Subcell). If Concentric Attribute for the BCCH TRX is set to OVERLAID(Overlaid Subcell), the
concentric cell handover algorithm cannot be enabled, that is, Concentric Circles HO Allowed cannot
be set to YES(Yes).

Step 3 Run the SET GCELLHOBASIC command with Concentric Circles HO Allowed set to
Step 4 Run the SET GCELLHOIUO command. In this step, set parameters about concentric cell
handovers by following the instructions provided in Table 6-2 based on the actual situations.

----End MML Command Examples

//Activating Concentric Cell

Using the CME (Method 1)


When configuring the Concentric Cell feature on the CME, perform a single configuration first, and then
perform a batch modification if required.
Configure the parameters of a single object before a batch modification. Perform a batch modification
before logging out of the parameter setting interface.

Step 1 (CME single configuration)

Set parameters on the CME according to the operation sequence in Table 6-3. For the method
of performing the CME single configuration, see CME Single Configuration Operation
Step 2 (Optional) Modify objects in batches on the CME. (CME batch modification center)


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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

To modify objects, such as BSCs, BTSs, cells, TRXs, and external GSM cells, in batches,

click the icon to start the batch modification wizard. For the method of performing batch
modifications through the CME batch modification center, press F1 on the wizard interface to
obtain online help.

Table 6-3 Configuring parameters on the CME

SN MO NE Parameter Parameter Configura

Name ID ble in CME
on Center


BSC6910 Type

2 GTRXIUO BSC6900/ Concentric IUO Yes

BSC6910 Attribute

3 GCELLHO BSC6900/ Concentric CONHOEN Yes

BASIC BSC6910 Circles HO


UO BSC6910 HO Allowed OALLOW


Using the CME (Method 2)

This feature can be batch activated using the CME. For detailed operations, see the following
section in the CME product documentation or online help: CME Management > CME
Guidelines > Enhanced Feature Management > Feature Operation and Maintenance.

6.4.4 Activation Observation

The following configurations are used only for verification. For commercial networks,
configure parameters based on the network plan. After this feature is verified, restore the
configurations before the verification.

Step 1 On the BSC LMT, run the SET GCELLHOIUO command with Assign Optimum Layer set
to USubcell(Underlaid subcell).

Step 2 Use an MS to make a call to a fixed-line phone in the cell.

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To facilitate the verification, make the call to a fixed-line phone so that only one call is made in the
serving cell.

Expected result: Messages traced on the A interface and the Abis interface in the CS domain
indicate the call setup procedure.

Step 3 Run the DSP CHNSTAT command to query the channel status.

Expected result: The call occupies a TCH on a TRX in the underlaid subcell.

Step 4 Run the SET GTRXCHANADMSTAT command to block the TCH occupied by the call. In
this step, set Administrative State to Lock(Lock).

Setting Administrative State for a TRX to Lock(Lock) may cause congestion in the cell
where the TRX is located.

Step 5 Run the DSP CHNSTAT command to query the channel status.

Expected result: The call is handed over to another TCH on the TRX in the underlaid subcell.

Step 6 Repeat Step 4 to block all available TCHs on the TRX in the underlaid subcell.

Step 7 Run the DSP CHNSTAT command to query the channel status.

Expected result: The call is handed over to a TCH on a TRX in the overlaid subcell.

Step 8 Run the SET GCELLHOIUO command with Assign Optimum Layer set to
OSubcell(Overlaid subcell).

Step 9 Run the SET GTRXCHANADMSTAT command to block the TCH occupied by the call. In
this step, set Administrative State to Unlock(Unlock).

Step 10 Use an MS to make a call to a fixed-line phone in the cell.

Expected result: Messages traced on the A interface and the Abis interface in the CS domain
indicate the call setup procedure.

Step 11 Run the DSP CHNSTAT command to query the channel status.

Expected result: The call occupies a TCH on a TRX in the underlaid subcell.


6.4.5 Deactivation

Using MML Commands

On the BSC LMT, run the MOD GCELL command with Cell IUO Type set to
Normal_cell(Normal Cell).

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 6 Engineering Guidelines

MML Command Examples


Using the CME

The method of feature deactivation using the CME is the same as that of feature activation
using the CME. For detailed operations, see Using the CME.

6.5 Performance Monitoring

Monitor the call drop rate, handover success rate, and congestion rate of a network after
enabling the Concentric Cell feature. The call drop rate and network congestion rate may
increase, and the handover success rate may decrease. Specific KPI changes depend on
network configurations and scenarios, and cannot be quantified.
Table 6-4 describes PS KPIs and their changes after this feature is enabled.

Table 6-4 PS KPIs and their changes

PS KPI Description Change

Average number of available AR9405: Average Number of Almost equals the

PDCHs in the overlaid subcell Available PDCHs (Overlaid value of AR9303:
Subcell) Average Number of
Available PDCHs
before this feature
is enabled

Average number of occupied AR9406: Average Number of Almost equals the

PDCHs in the overlaid subcell Sampled Occupied PDCHs value of AR9311:
(Overlaid Subcell) Average Number of
Occupied PDCHs
before this feature
is enabled

Success rate of uplink GPRS TBF [A9002: Number of Successful Slightly decreases
establishments Uplink GPRS TBF
Number of Uplink GPRS TBF
Establishment Attempts] x

Success rate of downlink GPRS [A9102: Number of Successful Slightly decreases

TBF establishments Downlink GPRS TBF
Number of Downlink GPRS
TBF Establishment Attempts] x

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PS KPI Description Change

Success rate of uplink EGPRS [A9202: Number of Successful Slightly decreases

TBF establishments Uplink EGPRS TBF
Number of Uplink EGPRS TBF
Establishment Attempts] x

Success rate of downlink EGPRS [A9302: Number of Successful Slightly decreases

TBF establishments Downlink EGPRS TBF
Number of Downlink EGPRS
TBF Establishment Attempts] x

Uplink GPRS TBF drop rate ([A9006: Number of Uplink Slightly increases
GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases
due to N3101 Overflow (MS
No Response)] + [A9007:
Number of Uplink GPRS TBF
Abnormal Releases due to
N3103 Overflow (MS No
Response)])/[A9002: Number
of Successful Uplink GPRS
TBF Establishments] x {100}

Downlink GPRS TBF drop rate ([A9106: Number of Downlink Slightly increases
GPRS TBF Abnormal Releases
due to N3105 Overflow])/
([A9102: Number of Successful
Downlink GPRS TBF

Uplink EGPRS TBF drop rate ([A9206: Number of Uplink Slightly increases
EGPRS TBF Abnormal
Releases due to N3101
Overflow (MS No Response)] +
[A9207: Number of Uplink
EGPRS TBF Abnormal
Releases due to N3103
Overflow (MS No Response)])/
[A9202: Number of Successful
Establishments] x {100}

Downlink EGPRS TBF drop rate ([A9306: Number of Downlink Slightly increases
EGPRS TBF Abnormal
Releases due to N3105
Overflow]/[A9302: Number of
Successful Downlink EGPRS
TBF Establishments]) x {100}

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 53

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PS KPI Description Change

Downlink HQI (overlaid/ {100} x ([NCS412G: Number Remains

underlaid subcell) of MRs on Downlink TCHF unchanged
(Receive Quality Rank 6)]+
[NCS412H: Number of MRs on
Downlink TCHF (Receive
Quality Rank 7)])/([NCS412A:
Number of MRs on Downlink
TCHF (Receive Quality Rank
0)] + [NCS412B: Number of
MRs on Downlink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 1)] +
[NCS412C: Number of MRs on
Downlink TCHF (Receive
Quality Rank 2)] + [NCS412D:
Number of MRs on Downlink
TCHF (Receive Quality Rank
3)] + [NCS412E: Number of
MRs on Downlink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 4)] +
[NCS412F: Number of MRs on
Downlink TCHF (Receive
Quality Rank 5)] + [NCS412G:
Number of MRs on Downlink
TCHF (Receive Quality Rank
6)] + [NCS412H: Number of
MRs on Downlink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 7)])

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PS KPI Description Change

Uplink HQI (overlaid/underlaid {100} x ([NCS413G: Number Remains

subcell) of MRs on Uplink TCHF unchanged
(Receive Quality Rank 6)] +
[NCS413H: Number of MRs on
Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality
Rank 7)])/([NCS413A: Number
of MRs on Uplink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 0)] +
[NCS413B: Number of MRs on
Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality
Rank 1)] + [NCS413C: Number
of MRs on Uplink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 2)] +
[NCS413D: Number of MRs on
Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality
Rank 3)] + [NCS413E: Number
of MRs on Uplink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 4)] +
[NCS413F: Number of MRs on
Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality
Rank 5)] + [NCS413G: Number
of MRs on Uplink TCHF
(Receive Quality Rank 6)] +
[NCS413H: Number of MRs on
Uplink TCHF (Receive Quality
Rank 7)])

6.6 Parameter Optimization

If network KPI changes caused after Concentric Cell is enabled do not meet expectations, top
cells with unsatisfied KPI changes are optimized. The following section describes common
optimization measures.

Measures for the Traffic Decrease Issue

If the total traffic volume under the BSC remains unchanged but the traffic volume decreases
in the area using this feature, this situation is mainly caused by the reconstruction from a dual-
band cell to a concentric cell or by the layer difference between the area using this feature and
the area not using this feature. Take the following measures to optimize such a situation:

Step 1 Adjust the value of LAYER (BSC6900, BSC6910) for the concentric cell to the layer of the
DCS1800 cell.

Step 2 Adjust the value of the CRO (BSC6900, BSC6910) parameter as follows:
l If PT (BSC6900, BSC6910) is 31, decrease the value of CRO (BSC6900, BSC6910) in
steps of 2 dB.
l If PT (BSC6900, BSC6910) is not 31, increase the value of CRO (BSC6900, BSC6910)
in steps of 2 dB.

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If PT is 31, the smaller the value of CRO, the more easily the cell offloads traffic. If PT is not 31, the
greater the value of CRO, the more easily the cell offloads traffic.

Step 3 Adjust handover algorithm parameters.

1. Increase the value of INTELEVHOHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) for handovers from a
concentric cell to a non-concentric cell by 2 dB to 3 dB, and decrease the value of
INTELEVHOHYST (BSC6900, BSC6910) for handovers from a non-concentric cell to
a concentric cell by 2 dB to 3 dB.
2. Increase the value of PBGTMARGIN (BSC6900, BSC6910) for handovers from a
concentric cell to a non-concentric cell in steps of 2 dB and decrease the values of
for handovers from a non-concentric cell to a concentric cell in steps of 2 dB.


Measures for the Congestion Rate and Assignment Success Rate Issues
If the traffic increases greatly in the area using Concentric Cell, follow the instructions in
Measures for the Traffic Decrease Issue to adjust the traffic. The parameters to be adjusted
are the same, but the adjustment direction is reverse.

If there is still congestion or the assignment success rate still decreases after the adjustment,
take the following measures in different scenarios:

l The assignment success rate decreases due to poor signal quality over the Um interface.
Analyze the HQIs of overlaid and underlaid subcells to determine which subcell has
better quality.
– If the overlaid subcell has better quality, decrease the values of OPTILEVTHRES
(BSC6900, BSC6910) and UTOORECTH (BSC6900, BSC6910) in steps of 2 dB
to migrate traffic to the overlaid subcell.
– If the underlaid subcell has better quality, decrease the value of
OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910) in steps of 2 dB to migrate traffic to
the underlaid subcell.

When decreasing the value of OTOURECEIVETH (BSC6900, BSC6910), ensure that the following
condition is met: ULEDGETHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910) < DLEDGETHRES (BSC6900, BSC6910)
l The congestion rate increases due to no available channels.
– Analyze the congested subcell and alleviate the congestion in the subcell by taking
the preceding load-balancing measures.
– Appropriately adjust the values of TCHTRICBUSYOVERLAYTHR (BSC6900,

Measures for the Call Drop Rate Issue

If the call drop rate increases only in a single subcell, migrate its traffic to another subcell
with a low call drop rate. If the call drop rate in all subcells increases, take the same
optimization measures as those for a common cell.

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6.7 Troubleshooting

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

7 Parameters

Table 7-1 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description
ter ID Comma ID Name

IuoCho BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

senInAs 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Optimal policy to decide which subcell (overlaid
s HOIUO subcell or underlaid subcell) needs to be assigned.
When this parameter is set to UP, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the comparison
between the filtered uplink receive level and the value
of "OPTILEVTHRES". When this parameter is set to
For a common concentric cell, if the current filtered
downlink receive level is valid, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the sum of
"RX_LEV Hysteresis" and "RX_LEV Threshold".
Otherwise, the BSC determines whether to
preferentially allocate channels in the underlaid or
overlaid subcell by comparing the filtered uplink
receive level with the value of "OPTILEVTHRES".
For an enhanced concentric cell, if the current filtered
downlink receive level is valid, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the comparison
between the downlink receive level and the value of
"UTOORECTH". Otherwise, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell by comparing the filtered
uplink receive level with the value of
GUI Value Range: DOWN(Down), UP(Up)
Unit: None

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 58

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

Actual Value Range: DOWN, UP

Default Value: UP(Up)

IuoCho BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

senInAs 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Optimal policy to decide which subcell (overlaid
s HOIUO subcell or underlaid subcell) needs to be assigned.
When this parameter is set to UP, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the comparison
between the filtered uplink receive level and the value
of "OPTILEVTHRES". When this parameter is set to
For a common concentric cell, if the current filtered
downlink receive level is valid, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the sum of
"RX_LEV Hysteresis" and "RX_LEV Threshold".
Otherwise, the BSC determines whether to
preferentially allocate channels in the underlaid or
overlaid subcell by comparing the filtered uplink
receive level with the value of "OPTILEVTHRES".
For an enhanced concentric cell, if the current filtered
downlink receive level is valid, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell based on the comparison
between the downlink receive level and the value of
"UTOORECTH". Otherwise, the BSC determines
whether to preferentially allocate channels in the
underlaid or overlaid subcell by comparing the filtered
uplink receive level with the value of
GUI Value Range: DOWN(Down), UP(Up)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: DOWN, UP
Default Value: UP(Up)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 59

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

SIGAM BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use "SIGAMPTDIFF" to

PTDIF 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell calculate the receive level in the underlaid subcell
FOPTA HOIUO when the enhanced concentric cell function is enabled
LLOW and the receive level for the BCCH in the underlaid
subcell is lost. When this parameter is set to ON, if an
MS is in the overlaid subcell and the receive level for
the BCCH in the underlaid subcell is lost, use the sum
of TCH receive level in the overlaid subcell after
power control compensation and "SIGAMPTDIFF" to
substitute for the receive level in the underlaid subcell.
When this parameter is set to OFF, if the MS is in the
overlaid subcell and the receive level for the BCCH in
the underlaid subcell is lost, use the TCH receive level
in the overlaid subcell after power control
compensation to substitute for the receive level in the
underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

SIGAM BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use "SIGAMPTDIFF" to

PTDIF 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell calculate the receive level in the underlaid subcell
FOPTA HOIUO when the enhanced concentric cell function is enabled
LLOW and the receive level for the BCCH in the underlaid
subcell is lost. When this parameter is set to ON, if an
MS is in the overlaid subcell and the receive level for
the BCCH in the underlaid subcell is lost, use the sum
of TCH receive level in the overlaid subcell after
power control compensation and "SIGAMPTDIFF" to
substitute for the receive level in the underlaid subcell.
When this parameter is set to OFF, if the MS is in the
overlaid subcell and the receive level for the BCCH in
the underlaid subcell is lost, use the TCH receive level
in the overlaid subcell after power control
compensation to substitute for the receive level in the
underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

SIGAM BSC690 SET None None Meaning: Power compensated for the overlaid subcell.
PTDIF 0 GCELL If the power for the overlaid subcell is different from
F HOIUO that for the underlaid subcell, the MSs in the
concentric cell will receive signals with different
strength, affecting the speech quality of these MSs.
The value of this parameter equals the sum of the
following items: power difference between power
amplifiers, insertion loss difference between
combiners, path loss difference between different
antennas, and path loss difference between
frequencies used by the underlaid and overlaid
subcells (UO). The value of this parameter is
measured onsite. It must be measured at different sites
if different antennas are used in the overlaid and
underlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 0

SIGAM BSC691 SET None None Meaning: Power compensated for the overlaid subcell.
PTDIF 0 GCELL If the power for the overlaid subcell is different from
F HOIUO that for the underlaid subcell, the MSs in the
concentric cell will receive signals with different
strength, affecting the speech quality of these MSs.
The value of this parameter equals the sum of the
following items: power difference between power
amplifiers, insertion loss difference between
combiners, path loss difference between different
antennas, and path loss difference between
frequencies used by the underlaid and overlaid
subcells (UO). The value of this parameter is
measured onsite. It must be measured at different sites
if different antennas are used in the overlaid and
underlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 61

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOCH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

NTRAN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether channel conversion is limited by the location
POLIC PSCH of the concentric cell to which an MS has been
Y M assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is enabled
and the MS is camping on the overlaid subcell.
If this parameter is set to ALLIUO(Underlaid or
overlaid Subcell), channel conversion is not limited by
the location of the concentric cell to which an MS has
been assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is
enabled and the MS is camping on the overlaid
If this parameter is set to ONLYCURRIUO(Only
Current Subcell), channel conversion is limited by the
location of the concentric cell to which an MS has
been assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is
enabled and the MS is camping on the overlaid
GUI Value Range: ONLYCURRIUO(Only Current
Subcell), ALLIUO(Underlaid or overlaid Subcell)
Unit: None
Default Value: ONLYCURRIUO(Only Current

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 62

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOCH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

NTRAN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether channel conversion is limited by the location
POLIC PSCH of the concentric cell to which an MS has been
Y M assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is enabled
and the MS is camping on the overlaid subcell.
If this parameter is set to ALLIUO(Underlaid or
overlaid Subcell), channel conversion is not limited by
the location of the concentric cell to which an MS has
been assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is
enabled and the MS is camping on the overlaid
If this parameter is set to ONLYCURRIUO(Only
Current Subcell), channel conversion is limited by the
location of the concentric cell to which an MS has
been assigned when PS concentric cell algorithm is
enabled and the MS is camping on the overlaid
GUI Value Range: ONLYCURRIUO(Only Current
Subcell), ALLIUO(Underlaid or overlaid Subcell)
Unit: None
Default Value: ONLYCURRIUO(Only Current

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 63

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IuoAllo BSC690 SET None None Meaning:

cChanT 0 GCELL Whether to consider overlaid/underlaid subcell load
rafAllo HOIUO conditions when the BSC allocates TCHs to an MS in
w an enhanced concentric cell during an assignment or a
handover procedure.
When this parameter is set to YES:For a new call, the
BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Assign Optimum Layer", "En Iuo Out Cell
General OverLoad Thred", and "OL Load Threshold".
For an MS initiating an incoming inter-cell handover,
the BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Pref. Subcell in HO of Intra-BSC" or
"Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer", "En Iuo Out
Cell General OverLoad Thred", and "OL Load
When this parameter is set to NO:For a new call, the
BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Assign Optimum Layer".
For an MS initiating an incoming inter-cell handover,
the BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Pref. Subcell in HO of Intra-BSC" or
"Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer".
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IuoAllo BSC691 SET None None Meaning:

cChanT 0 GCELL Whether to consider overlaid/underlaid subcell load
rafAllo HOIUO conditions when the BSC allocates TCHs to an MS in
w an enhanced concentric cell during an assignment or a
handover procedure.
When this parameter is set to YES:For a new call, the
BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Assign Optimum Layer", "En Iuo Out Cell
General OverLoad Thred", and "OL Load Threshold".
For an MS initiating an incoming inter-cell handover,
the BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Pref. Subcell in HO of Intra-BSC" or
"Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer", "En Iuo Out
Cell General OverLoad Thred", and "OL Load
When this parameter is set to NO:For a new call, the
BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Assign Optimum Layer".
For an MS initiating an incoming inter-cell handover,
the BSC allocates TCHs in overlaid/underlaid subcell
based on "Pref. Subcell in HO of Intra-BSC" or
"Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer".
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UToOT BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

rafHoO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to use the hierarchical load handover
ptSw HOIUO algorithm to trigger an underlaid-to-overlaid handover
due to unbalanced load when
"UTOOTRAFHOALLOW" is set to NO(No).When
If this parameter is set to ON(On), the MBSC does not
use the hierarchical load handover algorithm to trigger
an underlaid-to-overlaid handover, that is, the MBSC
does not consider the settings of
If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the MBSC uses
the hierarchical load handover algorithm to trigger an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

UToOT BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

rafHoO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to use the hierarchical load handover
ptSw HOIUO algorithm to trigger an underlaid-to-overlaid handover
due to unbalanced load when
"UTOOTRAFHOALLOW" is set to NO(No).When
If this parameter is set to ON(On), the MBSC does not
use the hierarchical load handover algorithm to trigger
an underlaid-to-overlaid handover, that is, the MBSC
does not consider the settings of
If this parameter is set to OFF(Off), the MBSC uses
the hierarchical load handover algorithm to trigger an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOOlP BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Level compensation policy used by MSs in
owerCo 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the overlaid subcell of a concentric cell. When this
mpPolic HOIUO parameter is set to TCHMAXPOWER, the BSC
y compensates for the level of the overlaid subcell using
the maximum TCH transmit power. When this
parameter is set to ULBCCHPOWER, the BSC
compensates for the level of the overlaid subcell using
the BCCH level of the underlaid subcell for an
enhanced concentric cell or using the sum of
maximum TCH transmit power and the value of
"SIGAMPTDIFF" for a common concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: TCHMAXPOWER(Tch Max
Power), ULBCCHPOWER(Underlaid BCCH Power)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: TCHMAXPOWER,
Default Value: ULBCCHPOWER(Underlaid BCCH

IUOOlP BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Level compensation policy used by MSs in
owerCo 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the overlaid subcell of a concentric cell. When this
mpPolic HOIUO parameter is set to TCHMAXPOWER, the BSC
y compensates for the level of the overlaid subcell using
the maximum TCH transmit power. When this
parameter is set to ULBCCHPOWER, the BSC
compensates for the level of the overlaid subcell using
the BCCH level of the underlaid subcell for an
enhanced concentric cell or using the sum of
maximum TCH transmit power and the value of
"SIGAMPTDIFF" for a common concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: TCHMAXPOWER(Tch Max
Power), ULBCCHPOWER(Underlaid BCCH Power)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: TCHMAXPOWER,
Default Value: ULBCCHPOWER(Underlaid BCCH

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 67

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UlToOl BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Active Meaning: Switch for determining whether the overlaid
HoOver 0 GCELL 17602 Power subcell is fully loaded during an underlaid-to-overlaid
loadJud HOIUO Control handover decision-making procedure. When this
geSw parameter is set to ON, the BSC determines whether
the overlaid subcell is fully loaded during an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision-making
procedure. If the overlaid subcell is fully loaded, the
BSC does not initiate the underlaid-to-overlaid
handover. When this parameter is set to OFF, the BSC
does not determine whether the overlaid subcell is
fully loaded during an underlaid-to-overlaid handover
decision-making procedure.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

UlToOl BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Active Meaning: Switch for determining whether the overlaid
HoOver 0 GCELL 17602 Power subcell is fully loaded during an underlaid-to-overlaid
loadJud HOIUO Control handover decision-making procedure. When this
geSw parameter is set to ON, the BSC determines whether
the overlaid subcell is fully loaded during an
underlaid-to-overlaid handover decision-making
procedure. If the overlaid subcell is fully loaded, the
BSC does not initiate the underlaid-to-overlaid
handover. When this parameter is set to OFF, the BSC
does not determine whether the overlaid subcell is
fully loaded during an underlaid-to-overlaid handover
decision-making procedure.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULToO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the signal level on TCHs
LRxLev 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell after power control compensation and filtering or the
SelSw HOIUO signal level on the BCCH after filtering for handover
decision (except for interference handovers) and
neighboring cell selection when a call is processed in
the underlaid subcell of an enhanced concentric cell
and HUAWEI II handover algorithm is used. The
value TCHCOMP indicates that the BSC uses the
signal level on TCHs after power control
compensation and filtering for handover decision and
neighboring cell selection. The value BCCH indicates
that the BSC uses the signal level on the BCCH after
filtering for handover decision and neighboring cell
GUI Value Range: TCHCOMP(TCH Level After PC
COMP and Filter), BCCH(BCCH Level After Filter)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: TCHCOMP, BCCH
Default Value: TCHCOMP(TCH Level After PC
COMP and Filter)

ULToO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the signal level on TCHs
LRxLev 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell after power control compensation and filtering or the
SelSw HOIUO signal level on the BCCH after filtering for handover
decision (except for interference handovers) and
neighboring cell selection when a call is processed in
the underlaid subcell of an enhanced concentric cell
and HUAWEI II handover algorithm is used. The
value TCHCOMP indicates that the BSC uses the
signal level on TCHs after power control
compensation and filtering for handover decision and
neighboring cell selection. The value BCCH indicates
that the BSC uses the signal level on the BCCH after
filtering for handover decision and neighboring cell
GUI Value Range: TCHCOMP(TCH Level After PC
COMP and Filter), BCCH(BCCH Level After Filter)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: TCHCOMP, BCCH
Default Value: TCHCOMP(TCH Level After PC
COMP and Filter)

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PSIuoD BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether downlink packet services initially
lInitOnl 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell access only the underlaid subcell when
yUlSw HOIUO GBFD-1 Co- "PSTAFORUOHOALLOW" is set to a value other
14501 BCCH than NO and IUOATTRBOTH. If this parameter is set
Cell to ON, downlink packet services initially access only
the underlaid subcell.If this parameter is set to OFF,
downlink packet services initially access the underlaid
or overlaid subcell based on the TA or signal level to
perform load sharing.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

PSIuoD BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether downlink packet services initially
lInitOnl 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell access only the underlaid subcell when
yUlSw HOIUO GBFD-1 Co- "PSTAFORUOHOALLOW" is set to a value other
14501 BCCH than NO and IUOATTRBOTH. If this parameter is set
Cell to ON, downlink packet services initially access only
the underlaid subcell.If this parameter is set to OFF,
downlink packet services initially access the underlaid
or overlaid subcell based on the TA or signal level to
perform load sharing.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

IUO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Concentric cell attributes of TRX. If the cell
0 GTRXI 13201 ric Cell where a TRX is located is configured as a concentric
UO cell, set this parameter to OVERLAID or
UNDERLAID as required. If the cell where a TRX is
located is not configured as a concentric cell, the
default value of this parameter is NONE.
GUI Value Range: OVERLAID(Overlaid Subcell),
UNDERLAID(Underlaid Subcell), NONE(None)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OVERLAID, UNDERLAID,
Default Value: NONE(None)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Concentric cell attributes of TRX. If the cell
0 GTRXI 13201 ric Cell where a TRX is located is configured as a concentric
UO cell, set this parameter to OVERLAID or
UNDERLAID as required. If the cell where a TRX is
located is not configured as a concentric cell, the
default value of this parameter is NONE.
GUI Value Range: OVERLAID(Overlaid Subcell),
UNDERLAID(Underlaid Subcell), NONE(None)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OVERLAID, UNDERLAID,
Default Value: NONE(None)

RECLE BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
VTHRE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay
S HOIUO areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold",
"RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 30

RECLE BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
VTHRE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay
S HOIUO areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold",
"RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 30

RECLE BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
VHYST 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay
HOIUO areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold",
"RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 5

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 71

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RECLE BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
VHYST 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas. The underlay and overlay
HOIUO areas are determined by "RX_QUAL Threshold",
"RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 5

TATHR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ES 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that determine the coverage of
HOIUO the OL subcell and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF,
"TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA
Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell
and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON,
"TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold"
determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 63

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 72

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

TATHR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ES 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that determine the coverage of
HOIUO the OL subcell and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF,
"TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA
Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell
and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON,
"TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold"
determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 63

TAHYS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

T 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that determine the coverage of
HOIUO the OL subcell and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF,
"TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA
Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell
and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON,
"TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold"
determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 73

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

TAHYS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

T 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that determine the coverage of
HOIUO the OL subcell and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF,
"TA Hysteresis", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA
Threshold" determine the coverage of the OL subcell
and UL subcell.
When "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to ON,
"TA Hysteresis", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"RX_QUAL Threshold", and "TA Threshold"
determine the coverage of the OL subcell and UL
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 0

IMMAS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to assign channels according to the
STAAL 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell access_delay value in channel request messages
LOW HOIUO during immediate channel assignment
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

IMMAS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to assign channels according to the
STAAL 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell access_delay value in channel request messages
LOW HOIUO during immediate channel assignment
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 74

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IMMAS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: When the access_delay value in the channel
STATH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell request message is smaller than this parameter, the
RES HOIUO overlay channels are assigned preferentially;
otherwise, the underlay channels are assigned
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 0

IMMAS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: When the access_delay value in the channel
STATH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell request message is smaller than this parameter, the
RES HOIUO overlay channels are assigned preferentially;
otherwise, the underlay channels are assigned
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 0

OPTIL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Channel assignment policies used when
AYER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell TCHs are assigned in an IUO cell: SysOpt: The
HOIUO system selects the preferentially-assigned service layer
and assigns channels according to the measurement
reports on SDCCHs; USubcell: preferentially assigns
the TCHs on the underlay; OSubcell: preferentially
assigns the TCHs on the overlay; NoPrefer: use the
normal channel assignment algorithm to assign
GUI Value Range: SysOpt(System optimization),
OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid
subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell,
Default Value: SysOpt(System optimization)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 75

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OPTIL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Channel assignment policies used when
AYER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell TCHs are assigned in an IUO cell: SysOpt: The
HOIUO system selects the preferentially-assigned service layer
and assigns channels according to the measurement
reports on SDCCHs; USubcell: preferentially assigns
the TCHs on the underlay; OSubcell: preferentially
assigns the TCHs on the overlay; NoPrefer: use the
normal channel assignment algorithm to assign
GUI Value Range: SysOpt(System optimization),
OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid
subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell,
Default Value: SysOpt(System optimization)

OPTIL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Preferentially assigns channels on the
EVTHR 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH
ES HOIUO is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold"
and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of
Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the
underlay to ensure successful channel assignment.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 23

OPTIL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Preferentially assigns channels on the
EVTHR 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH
ES HOIUO is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold"
and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of
Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the
underlay to ensure successful channel assignment.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 23

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OPTIT BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Preferentially assigns channels on the
ATHRE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH
S HOIUO is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold"
and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of
Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the
underlay to ensure successful channel assignment.
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 63

OPTIT BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Preferentially assigns channels on the
ATHRE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell overlay when the uplink receive level on the SDCCH
S HOIUO is no smaller than "Assign-optimum-level Threshold"
and the TA is smaller than "TA Threshold of
Assignment Pref"; otherwise, assigns channels on the
underlay to ensure successful channel assignment.
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: bit
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 63

LOWR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to prohibit allocation of overlaid
XLEVO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell channels in a concentric cell because the receive level
LFORB CHMG is low.
IDSWI AD GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

LOWR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to prohibit allocation of overlaid
XLEVO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell channels in a concentric cell because the receive level
LFORB CHMG is low.
IDSWI AD GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 77

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

HOOL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

RXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell If the cell is an enhanced concentric cell, this
OFFSE CHMG parameter with the current downlink received signal
T AD level and "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold"
determines whether to assign a channel in the
underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover
to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell
handover(the downlink receive level >=
If the cell is an ordinary concentric cell, this parameter
with the current downlink received signal level,
"RX_LEV Threshold", and "RX_LEV Hysteresis"
determines whether to assign a channel in the
underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover
to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell
handover(the downlink receive level >=
GUI Value Range: 0~61
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~61
Default Value: 32

HOOL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

RXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell If the cell is an enhanced concentric cell, this
OFFSE CHMG parameter with the current downlink received signal
T AD level and "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold"
determines whether to assign a channel in the
underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover
to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell
handover(the downlink receive level >=
If the cell is an ordinary concentric cell, this parameter
with the current downlink received signal level,
"RX_LEV Threshold", and "RX_LEV Hysteresis"
determines whether to assign a channel in the
underlaid subcell to the intra-BSC incoming handover
to the concentric cell or intra-BSC inter-cell
handover(the downlink receive level >=
GUI Value Range: 0~61
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~61
Default Value: 32

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

HOAL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

GOPER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to assign a channel in the overlaid or
MLAY HOIUO underlaid subcell in the case of the intra-BSC
incoming handover to the concentric cell.
If this parameter is set to SysOpt, the measured BCCH
of the target cell is included in the intra-BSC inter-cell
handover request message. Then, the BSC compares
the measured value with "RX_LEV Threshold" to
choose the preferred subcell. During this course, the
BSC does not consider "RX_LEV Hysteresis".
If this parameter is set to OSubcell, a channel in the
overlaid subcell is assigned preferentially.
If this parameter is set to USubcell, a channel in the
underlaid subcell is assigned preferentially.
If this parameter is set to NoPrefer, a channel is
assigned simply according to channel assignment
GUI Value Range: SysOpt(System optimization),
OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid
subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell,
Default Value: SysOpt(System optimization)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

HOAL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

GOPER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to assign a channel in the overlaid or
MLAY HOIUO underlaid subcell in the case of the intra-BSC
incoming handover to the concentric cell.
If this parameter is set to SysOpt, the measured BCCH
of the target cell is included in the intra-BSC inter-cell
handover request message. Then, the BSC compares
the measured value with "RX_LEV Threshold" to
choose the preferred subcell. During this course, the
BSC does not consider "RX_LEV Hysteresis".
If this parameter is set to OSubcell, a channel in the
overlaid subcell is assigned preferentially.
If this parameter is set to USubcell, a channel in the
underlaid subcell is assigned preferentially.
If this parameter is set to NoPrefer, a channel is
assigned simply according to channel assignment
GUI Value Range: SysOpt(System optimization),
OSubcell(Overlaid subcell), USubcell(Underlaid
subcell), NoPrefer(No preference)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SysOpt, OSubcell, USubcell,
Default Value: SysOpt(System optimization)

ACCES BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Subcell preferred during the incoming inter-
SOPTI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell BSC handover to the concentric cell. In the case of
LAY HOIUO incoming inter-BSC handover to the concentric cell,
the channels in this subcell are preferred.
GUI Value Range: OSubcell(Overlaid subcell),
USubcell(Underlaid subcell), NoPrefer(No
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OSubcell, USubcell, NoPrefer
Default Value: Usubcell

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ACCES BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Subcell preferred during the incoming inter-
SOPTI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell BSC handover to the concentric cell. In the case of
LAY HOIUO incoming inter-BSC handover to the concentric cell,
the channels in this subcell are preferred.
GUI Value Range: OSubcell(Overlaid subcell),
USubcell(Underlaid subcell), NoPrefer(No
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OSubcell, USubcell, NoPrefer
Default Value: Usubcell

CONH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Whether to enable the concentric cell
OEN 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handover algorithm. The concentric cell handover
HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov helps to achieve wide coverage in the underlaid
IC 10501 er subcell and aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid
HUAW subcell and to improve the system capacity and
EI II conversation quality. The concentric cell handover can
Handov be classified into two types: handover from the
er underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell and handover
from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

CONH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Whether to enable the concentric cell
OEN 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handover algorithm. The concentric cell handover
HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov helps to achieve wide coverage in the underlaid
IC 10501 er subcell and aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid
HUAW subcell and to improve the system capacity and
EI II conversation quality. The concentric cell handover can
Handov be classified into two types: handover from the
er underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell and handover
from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RECLE BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the downlink receive level
VUOH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell as a condition in IUO handover decision
OALL HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

RECLE BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the downlink receive level
VUOH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell as a condition in IUO handover decision
OALL HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

TAFOR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether the TA is used as a decisive
UOHO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell condition for the concentric cell handover
ALLO HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

TAFOR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether the TA is used as a decisive
UOHO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell condition for the concentric cell handover
ALLO HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

RECQ BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the downlink receive quality
UALU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell as a condition in IUO handover decision
OHOA HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

RECQ BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the downlink receive quality
UALU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell as a condition in IUO handover decision
OHOA HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

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ter ID Comma ID Name

ULTOO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether a UL subcell to OL subcell

LHOA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handover is allowed
LLOW HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

ULTOO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether a UL subcell to OL subcell

LHOA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handover is allowed
LLOW HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

IUOHO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: The triggering of concentric circle
DURAT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P
IME HOIUO out of N measurement reports meet the condition for
concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle
handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to
the P in the P/N criteria.
GUI Value Range: 1~32
Unit: 480ms
Actual Value Range: 480~15360
Default Value: 8

IUOHO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: The triggering of concentric circle
DURAT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P
IME HOIUO out of N measurement reports meet the condition for
concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle
handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to
the P in the P/N criteria.
GUI Value Range: 1~32
Unit: 480ms
Actual Value Range: 480~15360
Default Value: 8

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOHO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: The triggering of concentric circle
STATI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P
ME HOIUO out of N measurement reports meet the condition for
concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle
handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to
the N in the P/N criteria.
GUI Value Range: 1~32
Unit: 480ms
Actual Value Range: 480~15360
Default Value: 10

IUOHO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: The triggering of concentric circle
STATI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers must meet the P/N criteria, that is, when P
ME HOIUO out of N measurement reports meet the condition for
concentric circle handovers, a concentric circle
handover is triggered. This parameter corresponds to
the N in the P/N criteria.
GUI Value Range: 1~32
Unit: 480ms
Actual Value Range: 480~15360
Default Value: 10

RECEI BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VEQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
ALTHR HOIUO overlay areas.
RFR Speech Version of this call is AMRFR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "RX_LEV Threshold",
"RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric
Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas
are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR",
"UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 50

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RECEI BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VEQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
ALTHR HOIUO overlay areas.
RFR Speech Version of this call is AMRFR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "RX_LEV Threshold",
"RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric
Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas
are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR",
"UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 50

RECEI BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VEQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
ALTHR HOIUO overlay areas.
RHR Speech Version of this call is AMRHR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR", "RX_LEV Threshold",
"RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric
Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas
are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR",
"UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 40

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 85

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RECEI BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VEQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
ALTHR HOIUO overlay areas.
RHR Speech Version of this call is AMRHR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR", "RX_LEV Threshold",
"RX_LEV Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together; if "Enhanced Concentric
Allowed" is set to ON, the underlay and overlay areas
are determined by "ReceiveQualThrshAMRHR",
"UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold", "TA Threshold", and "TA
Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 40

RECQ BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

UALTH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
HOIUO overlay areas.
Speech Version of this call is not AMR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL
Threshold", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis"
together; if "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to
ON, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by
"RX_QUAL Threshold", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 60

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RECQ BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

UALTH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell One of the parameters that decide the underlay and
HOIUO overlay areas.
Speech Version of this call is not AMR. If "Enhanced
Concentric Allowed" is set to OFF, the underlay and
overlay areas are determined by "RX_QUAL
Threshold", "RX_LEV Threshold", "RX_LEV
Hysteresis", "TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis"
together; if "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is set to
ON, the underlay and overlay areas are determined by
"RX_QUAL Threshold", "UtoO HO Received Level
Threshold", "OtoU HO Received Level Threshold",
"TA Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~70
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~70
Default Value: 60

UTOOF BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: When a UL subcell-OL subcell handover
AILMA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell decision is performed to a call, the BSC determines
XTIME HOIUO whether the number of handover failures reaches the
"MaxRetry Time after UtoO Fail". If the number
reaches the threshold, the UL subcell to OL subcell
handover is prohibited. Otherwise, the UL subcell to
OL subcell handover is allowed.If the value of this
parameter is 0, the number of handover attempts after
a handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid
subcell fails is not limited.
GUI Value Range: 0~8
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~8
Default Value: 3

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UTOOF BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: When a UL subcell-OL subcell handover
AILMA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell decision is performed to a call, the BSC determines
XTIME HOIUO whether the number of handover failures reaches the
"MaxRetry Time after UtoO Fail". If the number
reaches the threshold, the UL subcell to OL subcell
handover is prohibited. Otherwise, the UL subcell to
OL subcell handover is allowed.If the value of this
parameter is 0, the number of handover attempts after
a handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid
subcell fails is not limited.
GUI Value Range: 0~8
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~8
Default Value: 3

TIMEU BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: After an UL subcell to OL subcell handover
TOOFA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell of an MS fails, the MS does not perform UL subcell to
ILPUN HOIUO OL subcell handovers within the value of the
GUI Value Range: 10~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 10~255
Default Value: 40

TIMEU BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: After an UL subcell to OL subcell handover
TOOFA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell of an MS fails, the MS does not perform UL subcell to
ILPUN HOIUO OL subcell handovers within the value of the
GUI Value Range: 10~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 10~255
Default Value: 40

OLTOU BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay

LHOA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers
LLOW HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 88

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLTOU BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay

LHOA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handovers
LLOW HOIUO GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

TIMEO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: After an OL subcell to UL subcell handover
TOUFA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell of an MS fails, the MS does not perform OL subell-
ILPUN HOIUO UL subcell handovers within the value of the
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 10

TIMEO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: After an OL subcell to UL subcell handover
TOUFA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell of an MS fails, the MS does not perform OL subell-
ILPUN HOIUO UL subcell handovers within the value of the
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 10

PENAL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Whether to punish the target cell when a
TYEN 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handover fails or to punish the source serving cell
HOCT GBFD-5 Handov when a handover is performed successfully. After a
RL 10501 er handover fails due to congestion of the target cell, the
HUAW BSC needs to punish the target cell to prevent the MS
EI II from attempting to switch to the target cell again.
Handov After the handover is performed successfully, to
er prevent MSs from handing over to source serving
cells (ping-pong handovers), the BSC needs to punish
the source serving cells.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 89

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PENAL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Whether to punish the target cell when a
TYEN 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handover fails or to punish the source serving cell
HOCT GBFD-5 Handov when a handover is performed successfully. After a
RL 10501 er handover fails due to congestion of the target cell, the
HUAW BSC needs to punish the target cell to prevent the MS
EI II from attempting to switch to the target cell again.
Handov After the handover is performed successfully, to
er prevent MSs from handing over to source serving
cells (ping-pong handovers), the BSC needs to punish
the source serving cells.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

UTOO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: In enhanced concentric cells, after an MS
HOPEN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell successfully performs an overlaid-to-underlaid
TIME HOIUO handover, the MS cannot be handed over back to the
overlaid subcell within the duration specified by this
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 10

UTOO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: In enhanced concentric cells, after an MS
HOPEN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell successfully performs an overlaid-to-underlaid
TIME HOIUO handover, the MS cannot be handed over back to the
overlaid subcell within the duration specified by this
GUI Value Range: 0~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 0~255
Default Value: 10

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENIUO BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to enable the enhanced concentric cell
MOD algorithm in a concentric cell.
GCELL If the parameter is set to ON, when an overlaid-to-
underlaid handover or an underlaid-to-overlaid
handover is decided, the BSC compares the receive
level value respectively with the values of
GCELLHOIUO" to decide whether to trigger an
enhanced concentric cell handover.
If the parameter is set to OFF, the MS compares the
actual receive level value with the threshold of receive
level to decide whether to trigger a concentric cell
handover. In addition, when an underlaid-to-overlaid
handover is decided, the underlay cell load is
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

ENIUO BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether to enable the enhanced concentric cell
MOD algorithm in a concentric cell.
GCELL If the parameter is set to ON, when an overlaid-to-
underlaid handover or an underlaid-to-overlaid
handover is decided, the BSC compares the receive
level value respectively with the values of
GCELLHOIUO" to decide whether to trigger an
enhanced concentric cell handover.
If the parameter is set to OFF, the MS compares the
actual receive level value with the threshold of receive
level to decide whether to trigger a concentric cell
handover. In addition, when an underlaid-to-overlaid
handover is decided, the underlay cell load is
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: ON(On)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UTOO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that determine the
RECTH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell coverage of the OL subcell and of the UL subcell.
HOIUO "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold",
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "TA Threshold", and
"TA Hysteresis" determine the coverage of the OL
subcell and UL subcell.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 32

UTOO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that determine the
RECTH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell coverage of the OL subcell and of the UL subcell.
HOIUO "UtoO HO Received Level Threshold", "OtoU HO
Received Level Threshold",
"ReceiveQualThrshAMRFR", "TA Threshold", and
"TA Hysteresis" determine the coverage of the OL
subcell and UL subcell.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 32

ENGO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Load threshold for the overlaid subcell in an
VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell enhanced concentric cell. If the load in the overlaid
THRSH HOIUO GBFD-5 HUAW subcell is higher than the sum of the values of
Handov "ENGOVERLDTHRHYST", the load in the overlaid
er subcell is high. In this case, the BSC can trigger a
load-based handover from the overlaid subcell to the
underlaid subcell or allocate channels in the underlaid
subcell. If the load in the overlaid subcell is lower
than the difference between the values of
"ENGOVERLDTHRHYST", the load in the overlaid
subcell is low. In this case, the BSC can trigger a load-
based handover from the underlaid subcell to the
overlaid subcell or allocate channels in the overlaid
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 80

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENGO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Load threshold for the overlaid subcell in an
VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell enhanced concentric cell. If the load in the overlaid
THRSH HOIUO GBFD-5 HUAW subcell is higher than the sum of the values of
Handov "ENGOVERLDTHRHYST", the load in the overlaid
er subcell is high. In this case, the BSC can trigger a
load-based handover from the overlaid subcell to the
underlaid subcell or allocate channels in the underlaid
subcell. If the load in the overlaid subcell is lower
than the difference between the values of
"ENGOVERLDTHRHYST", the load in the overlaid
subcell is low. In this case, the BSC can trigger a load-
based handover from the underlaid subcell to the
overlaid subcell or allocate channels in the overlaid
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 80

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 93

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENGO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Load hysteresis in an enhanced concentric cell.
YST The BSC triggers a load-based handover from the
10501 EI II underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell or allocates
Handov channels in the overlaid subcell only when both the
er following conditions are met:
The load in the underlaid subcell is higher than the
sum of the values of "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" and
The load in the overlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the following
conditions must be met:
The BSC triggers a load-based handover from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell or allocates
channels in the underlaid subcell only when both the
following conditions are met:
The load in the overlaid subcell is higher than the sum
of the values of "ENGOVERLDTHRSHOL" and
The load in the underlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the load in
the underlaid subcell is lower than the value of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the following
conditions must be met:
The load in the overlaid subcell is higher than the sum
of the values of ENGOVERLDTHRSHOL and
The load in the underlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell, the load in

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

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ter ID Comma ID Name

the underlaid subcell is lower than the value of

GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 95

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENGO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Load hysteresis in an enhanced concentric cell.
YST The BSC triggers a load-based handover from the
10501 EI II underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell or allocates
Handov channels in the overlaid subcell only when both the
er following conditions are met:
The load in the underlaid subcell is higher than the
sum of the values of "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" and
The load in the overlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the following
conditions must be met:
The BSC triggers a load-based handover from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell or allocates
channels in the underlaid subcell only when both the
following conditions are met:
The load in the overlaid subcell is higher than the sum
of the values of "ENGOVERLDTHRSHOL" and
The load in the underlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the load in
the underlaid subcell is lower than the value of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid subcell, the following
conditions must be met:
The load in the overlaid subcell is higher than the sum
of the values of ENGOVERLDTHRSHOL and
The load in the underlaid subcell is lower than the
difference between the values of
If the load-based handover is performed from the
underlaid subcell to the overlaid subcell, the load in

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

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ter ID Comma ID Name

the underlaid subcell is lower than the value of

GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 0

ENGO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load in the underlaid subcell is higher
VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than the threshold specified by this parameter, the
THRSH HOIUO BSC hands over some calls to the overlaid subcell,
balancing the traffic volumes between the overlaid
and the underlaid subcell. If Huawei handover
algorithm II is used and "UOLOADOPTSWITCH" is
set to YES, the load in the underlaid subcell must be
higher than "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" plus
"IuoAllocChanTrafAllow" is set to YES, the BSC
allocates channels in the overlaid subcell only if the
load in the underlaid subcell is greater than the sum of
the values of this parameter and
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 70

ENGO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load in the underlaid subcell is higher
VERLD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than the threshold specified by this parameter, the
THRSH HOIUO BSC hands over some calls to the overlaid subcell,
balancing the traffic volumes between the overlaid
and the underlaid subcell. If Huawei handover
algorithm II is used and "UOLOADOPTSWITCH" is
set to YES, the load in the underlaid subcell must be
higher than "ENGOVERLDTHRSH" plus
"IuoAllocChanTrafAllow" is set to YES, the BSC
allocates channels in the overlaid subcell only if the
load in the underlaid subcell is greater than the sum of
the values of this parameter and
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 70

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ATCBH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to enable the ATCB handover
OEN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell algorithm for the concentric cell. According to the
HOBAS neighbor cell signal, the ATCB handover algorithm
IC determines the coverage of the overlaid subcell and
balances the load between the overlaid subcell,
underlaid subcell, and neighbor cell. Therefore, the
algorithm helps to decrease the interference, to
improve the conversation quality, and to achieve
aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: NO(Close), YES(Open)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(Close)

ATCBH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to enable the ATCB handover
OEN 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell algorithm for the concentric cell. According to the
HOBAS neighbor cell signal, the ATCB handover algorithm
IC determines the coverage of the overlaid subcell and
balances the load between the overlaid subcell,
underlaid subcell, and neighbor cell. Therefore, the
algorithm helps to decrease the interference, to
improve the conversation quality, and to achieve
aggressive frequency reuse in the overlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: NO(Close), YES(Open)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(Close)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ATCBT BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Enhance Meaning:

HRED 0 GCELL 14402 d Dual- Distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell
HOED Band and the boundary of the underlaid subcell. This
BPARA Network parameter specifies the difference between the
coverage of the overlaid subcell and the coverage of
the underlaid subcell in the concentric cell or dual-
frequency network scenario. The boundaries of the
overlaid and underlaid subcells are determined
according to the relative value between the signal
strength of the serving cell and the signal strength of
the neighbor cell. Assume that the signal strength of
the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of
the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) = SS(n), the MS is
on the boundary of the underlaid subcell. If SS(s) -
SS(n) > "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells",
the MS is in the coverage of the overlaid subcell.
In the tight BCCH handover algorithm, this parameter
specifies the difference between the coverage of the
TRX that carries the BCCH and the coverage of the
TRX that does not carry the BCCH. The relevant
computation is the same as the preceding
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 10

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ATCBT BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Enhance Meaning:

HRED 0 GCELL 14402 d Dual- Distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell
HOED Band and the boundary of the underlaid subcell. This
BPARA Network parameter specifies the difference between the
coverage of the overlaid subcell and the coverage of
the underlaid subcell in the concentric cell or dual-
frequency network scenario. The boundaries of the
overlaid and underlaid subcells are determined
according to the relative value between the signal
strength of the serving cell and the signal strength of
the neighbor cell. Assume that the signal strength of
the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal strength of
the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) = SS(n), the MS is
on the boundary of the underlaid subcell. If SS(s) -
SS(n) > "Distance Between Boudaries of Subcells",
the MS is in the coverage of the overlaid subcell.
In the tight BCCH handover algorithm, this parameter
specifies the difference between the coverage of the
TRX that carries the BCCH and the coverage of the
TRX that does not carry the BCCH. The relevant
computation is the same as the preceding
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 10

ATCBH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Enhance Meaning: Hysteresis in the distance between the
YST 0 GCELL 14402 d Dual- boundary of the overlaid subcell and the boundary of
HOED Band the underlaid subcell. This parameter helps to adjust
BPARA Network "Distance Between Boundaries of Subcells" and thus
to prevent ping-pong handover between the overlaid
and underlaid subcells. Assume that the signal
strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal
strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) - SS(n)
< "Distance Between Boundaries of Subcells" -
"Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries", the MS is
handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 2

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ATCBH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Enhance Meaning: Hysteresis in the distance between the
YST 0 GCELL 14402 d Dual- boundary of the overlaid subcell and the boundary of
HOED Band the underlaid subcell. This parameter helps to adjust
BPARA Network "Distance Between Boundaries of Subcells" and thus
to prevent ping-pong handover between the overlaid
and underlaid subcells. Assume that the signal
strength of the serving cell is SS(s) and that the signal
strength of the neighbor cell is SS(n). If SS(s) - SS(n)
< "Distance Between Boundaries of Subcells" -
"Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries", the MS is
handed over from the overlaid subcell to the underlaid
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 2

OTOU BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
RECEI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas in an enhanced IUO cell.
VETH HOIUO The underlay and overlay areas are decided by "OtoU
HO Received Level Threshold", "UtoO HO Received
Level Threshold", "RX_QUAL Threshold", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 17

OTOU BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: One of the parameters that decide the
RECEI 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell underlay and overlay areas in an enhanced IUO cell.
VETH HOIUO The underlay and overlay areas are decided by "OtoU
HO Received Level Threshold", "UtoO HO Received
Level Threshold", "RX_QUAL Threshold", "TA
Threshold", and "TA Hysteresis" together.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 17

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

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ter ID Comma ID Name

UTOO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

TRAFH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell When this parameter is set to YES, the existing call is
OALL HOIUO performed in the OL subcell, and
OW "OLTOULHOALLOW" is set to YES, an OL subcell
to UL subcell handover is triggered if the traffic
volume in the UL subcell is smaller than
If the existing call is performed in the UL subcell, a
UL subcell to OL subcell handover is triggered, and
"ULTOOLHOALLOW" is set to YES, the timer is
started and the calls in the UL subcell are
hierarchically handed over to the OL subcell if the
traffic volume in the UL subcell reaches
"ENGOVERLDTHRSH". Otherwise, if the traffic
volume in the UL subcell is smaller than
"ENGOVERLDTHRSH", the timer stops, and
hierarchical handovers are not performed.
If this parameter is set to NO, the traffic volume in the
UL subcell is not taken into account for triggering the
UL subcell to OL subcell handover or the OL subcell
to UL subcell handover in an enhanced concentric
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UTOO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

TRAFH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell When this parameter is set to YES, the existing call is
OALL HOIUO performed in the OL subcell, and
OW "OLTOULHOALLOW" is set to YES, an OL subcell
to UL subcell handover is triggered if the traffic
volume in the UL subcell is smaller than
If the existing call is performed in the UL subcell, a
UL subcell to OL subcell handover is triggered, and
"ULTOOLHOALLOW" is set to YES, the timer is
started and the calls in the UL subcell are
hierarchically handed over to the OL subcell if the
traffic volume in the UL subcell reaches
"ENGOVERLDTHRSH". Otherwise, if the traffic
volume in the UL subcell is smaller than
"ENGOVERLDTHRSH", the timer stops, and
hierarchical handovers are not performed.
If this parameter is set to NO, the traffic volume in the
UL subcell is not taken into account for triggering the
UL subcell to OL subcell handover or the OL subcell
to UL subcell handover in an enhanced concentric
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

UOLO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to optimize the load control
ADOPT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell method for overlaid and underlaid subcell. If this
SWITC HOIUO parameter is set to YES, the number of MSs to be
H handed over is accurately determined based on the
load range when load-based handovers are performed
between overlaid and underlaid subcells in an
enhanced concentric cell. If this parameter is set to
NO, the number of MSs is determined based on the
signal level band range when load-based handovers
are performed between overlaid and underlaid
subcells in an enhanced concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UOLO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to optimize the load control
ADOPT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell method for overlaid and underlaid subcell. If this
SWITC HOIUO parameter is set to YES, the number of MSs to be
H handed over is accurately determined based on the
load range when load-based handovers are performed
between overlaid and underlaid subcells in an
enhanced concentric cell. If this parameter is set to
NO, the number of MSs is determined based on the
signal level band range when load-based handovers
are performed between overlaid and underlaid
subcells in an enhanced concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

ENLO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load of the underlaid subcell is less
WLDT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than this threshold, certain calls in the overlaid subcell
HRSH HOIUO are handed over to the underlaid subcell to balance the
traffic between the overlaid and underlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 20

ENLO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load of the underlaid subcell is less
WLDT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than this threshold, certain calls in the overlaid subcell
HRSH HOIUO are handed over to the underlaid subcell to balance the
traffic between the overlaid and underlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 20

ENLDH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Signal level step for the hierarchical load-
OSTP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell based handover from the overlaid subcell to the
HOIUO underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 5

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENLDH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Signal level step for the hierarchical load-
OSTP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell based handover from the overlaid subcell to the
HOIUO underlaid subcell.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 5

ENLDH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

OPRD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Period of handovers at each hierarchy level. Calls in
HOIUO an overlaid subcell are handed over back to an
underlaid subcell when:
The channel usage in the underlaid subcell is less than
the value of
This causes congestion in the underlaid subcell
triggered by simultaneous handovers. To prevent this
problem, the hierarchical load-based handover
algorithm is used to hand over the calls from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid cell by levels.
GUI Value Range: 1~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 5

ENLDH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

OPRD 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Period of handovers at each hierarchy level. Calls in
HOIUO an overlaid subcell are handed over back to an
underlaid subcell when:
The channel usage in the underlaid subcell is less than
the value of
This causes congestion in the underlaid subcell
triggered by simultaneous handovers. To prevent this
problem, the hierarchical load-based handover
algorithm is used to hand over the calls from the
overlaid subcell to the underlaid cell by levels.
GUI Value Range: 1~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 5

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ENSOV BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater
ERLDT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than or equal to this threshold, the period of the load-
HRSH HOIUO based handover from the underlaid subcell to the
overlaid subcell, "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO
Periods", is decreased by "MOD Step LEN of UL
Load HO Period" every second to accelerate the
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 80

ENSOV BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater
ERLDT 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell than or equal to this threshold, the period of the load-
HRSH HOIUO based handover from the underlaid subcell to the
overlaid subcell, "UL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO
Periods", is decreased by "MOD Step LEN of UL
Load HO Period" every second to accelerate the
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 80

UTRAF BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Hierarchical level step of the load handover
HOSTE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell from the UL subcell to the OL subcell.
P HOIUO GUI Value Range: 1~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~63
Default Value: 5

UTRAF BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Hierarchical level step of the load handover
HOSTE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell from the UL subcell to the OL subcell.
P HOIUO GUI Value Range: 1~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~63
Default Value: 5

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

UTRAF BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Hierarchical handover period of the load
HOPER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid
IOD HOIUO subcell. If the channel seizure ratio of the underlaid
subcell is greater than the UL subcell general overload
threshold, all the calls in the cell send handover
requests at the same time and the load on the BSC
increases in a short time. As a result, congestion
occurs in the target cell and call drops occur. Through
the hierarchical load handover algorithm, the calls in
the cell are handed over to the overlaid subcell by
level. This parameter indicates the duration for which
each level of handover lasts.
GUI Value Range: 1~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 5

UTRAF BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Hierarchical handover period of the load
HOPER 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell handover from the underlaid subcell to the overlaid
IOD HOIUO subcell. If the channel seizure ratio of the underlaid
subcell is greater than the UL subcell general overload
threshold, all the calls in the cell send handover
requests at the same time and the load on the BSC
increases in a short time. As a result, congestion
occurs in the target cell and call drops occur. Through
the hierarchical load handover algorithm, the calls in
the cell are handed over to the overlaid subcell by
level. This parameter indicates the duration for which
each level of handover lasts.
GUI Value Range: 1~255
Unit: s
Actual Value Range: 1~255
Default Value: 5

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 107

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the interference handover
FEROF 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell offset for overlaid subcells in a concentric cell. If this
FSWIT HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW parameter is set to YES(Yes), the four parameters
decisions on handovers due to interference in overlaid
subcells. If this parameter is set to NO(No), the four
original parameters "INTERFEREULEVOFF",
"INTERFEREDQUALOFF" are used for decisions on
handovers due to interference in both underlaid and
overlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

INTER BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether to use the interference handover
FEROF 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell offset for overlaid subcells in a concentric cell. If this
FSWIT HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW parameter is set to YES(Yes), the four parameters
decisions on handovers due to interference in overlaid
subcells. If this parameter is set to NO(No), the four
original parameters "INTERFEREULEVOFF",
"INTERFEREDQUALOFF" are used for decisions on
handovers due to interference in both underlaid and
overlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: NO(No)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 108

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FEREU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Uplink receive level offset for overlaid subcells in a
LEVOF HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW concentric cell during the interference handover
FOL 10501 EI II decision. The sum of the values of the uplink receive
Handov level and this parameter serves as one of interference
er handover decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink level and this
parameter during the interference handover decision.
The final threshold is obtained from the sum of the
uplink receive quality threshold and the value of
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the uplink receive quality
threshold and the value of
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: -10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 109

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FEREU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Uplink receive level offset for overlaid subcells in a
LEVOF HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW concentric cell during the interference handover
FOL 10501 EI II decision. The sum of the values of the uplink receive
Handov level and this parameter serves as one of interference
er handover decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink level and this
parameter during the interference handover decision.
The final threshold is obtained from the sum of the
uplink receive quality threshold and the value of
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the uplink receive quality
threshold and the value of
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: -10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 110

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Downlink receive level offset for overlaid
FERED 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
LEVOF HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW handover decision. The sum of the values of the
FOL 10501 EI II downlink level and this parameter serves as one of
Handov interference handover decision conditions. When
er handover algorithm II is used and
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
and this parameter during the interference handover
decision. The final threshold is obtained from the sum
of the downlink receive quality threshold and the
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink level and
"INTERFEREDLEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the downlink receive quality
threshold and the value of
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 111

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Downlink receive level offset for overlaid
FERED 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
LEVOF HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW handover decision. The sum of the values of the
FOL 10501 EI II downlink level and this parameter serves as one of
Handov interference handover decision conditions. When
er handover algorithm II is used and
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
and this parameter during the interference handover
decision. The final threshold is obtained from the sum
of the downlink receive quality threshold and the
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink level and
"INTERFEREDLEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the downlink receive quality
threshold and the value of
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 112

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FEREU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Uplink receive quality threshold offset for overlaid
LQUAL HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
OFFOL 10501 EI II handover decision. The sum of the obtained uplink
Handov receive quality threshold and the value of this
er parameter serves as one of interference handover
decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFFOL" during the interference
handover decision. The final threshold is obtained
from the sum of the uplink receive quality threshold
and the value of this parameter. If
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the values of the uplink
receive quality threshold and
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 113

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FEREU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Uplink receive quality threshold offset for overlaid
LQUAL HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
OFFOL 10501 EI II handover decision. The sum of the obtained uplink
Handov receive quality threshold and the value of this
er parameter serves as one of interference handover
decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFFOL" during the interference
handover decision. The final threshold is obtained
from the sum of the uplink receive quality threshold
and the value of this parameter. If
uplink receive quality threshold is obtained from the
sum of the values of the uplink receive level and
"INTERFEREULEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the values of the uplink
receive quality threshold and
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 114

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FERED 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Downlink receive quality threshold offset for overlaid
LQUAL HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
OFFOL 10501 EI II handover decision. The sum of the obtained downlink
Handov receive quality threshold and the value of this
er parameter serves as one of interference handover
decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
interference handover decision. The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the downlink receive quality
threshold and the value of this parameter. If
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
and "INTERFEREDLEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the values of the downlink
receive quality threshold and
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 115

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

FERED 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Downlink receive quality threshold offset for overlaid
LQUAL HOAD GBFD-5 HUAW subcells in a concentric cell during the interference
OFFOL 10501 EI II handover decision. The sum of the obtained downlink
Handov receive quality threshold and the value of this
er parameter serves as one of interference handover
decision conditions.
When handover algorithm II is used and
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
interference handover decision. The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the downlink receive quality
threshold and the value of this parameter. If
downlink receive quality threshold is obtained from
the sum of the values of the downlink receive level
and "INTERFEREDLEVOFF". The final threshold is
obtained from the sum of the values of the downlink
receive quality threshold and
GUI Value Range: -30~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -30~30
Default Value: 10

IOUPD BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether the network separately manages
CHSW 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell PDCHs in the underlaid and overlaid subcells of a
TICH PSCH concentric cell. If this parameter is set to ON, the
M maximum proportion of PDCHs in the underlaid
subcell is determined by "MAXPDCHRATE", and
that in the overlaid subcell is determined by
"IOUMAXPDCHRATE". If this parameter is set to
OFF, the maximum proportion of PDCHs in the cell is
determined by "MAXPDCHRATE", without
distinguishing the underlaid and overlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IOUPD BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Whether the network separately manages
CHSW 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell PDCHs in the underlaid and overlaid subcells of a
TICH PSCH concentric cell. If this parameter is set to ON, the
M maximum proportion of PDCHs in the underlaid
subcell is determined by "MAXPDCHRATE", and
that in the overlaid subcell is determined by
"IOUMAXPDCHRATE". If this parameter is set to
OFF, the maximum proportion of PDCHs in the cell is
determined by "MAXPDCHRATE", without
distinguishing the underlaid and overlaid subcells.
GUI Value Range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(Off)

IOUMA BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

XPDCH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Maximum proportion of PDCHs in the overlaid
RATE PSCH subcell of a concentric cell. The total number of
M available TCHs and PDCHs in the overlaid subcell of
a concentric cell is set to a fixed value. The proportion
of PDCHs is calculated as follows:
Number of available PDCHs/(Number of available
TCHFs + Number of available static PDCHs).
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 30

IOUMA BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

XPDCH 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Maximum proportion of PDCHs in the overlaid
RATE PSCH subcell of a concentric cell. The total number of
M available TCHs and PDCHs in the overlaid subcell of
a concentric cell is set to a fixed value. The proportion
of PDCHs is calculated as follows:
Number of available PDCHs/(Number of available
TCHFs + Number of available static PDCHs).
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 30

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PSTAF BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ORUO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Policy for PS load sharing between the overlaid and
HOAL HOIUO underlaid subcells of a concentric cell
Assuming that this parameter is set to NO(No):
During initial access, the network does not perform PS
load sharing between the overlaid and underlaid
During TBF reassignment, the network performs PS
load sharing between the overlaid and underlaid
subcells based on the timing advance (TA) or receive
If this parameter is set to TA(TA), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells based on the TA during initial
access or TBF reassignment.
If this parameter is set to LEVEL(Level), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells based on the receive level during
initial access or TBF reassignment.
If this parameter is set to TAANDLEVEL(TA and
Level), the network performs PS load sharing between
the overlaid and underlaid subcells based on the TA
and receive level during initial access or TBF
If this parameter is set to IUOATTRBOTH(Either
Overlaid Subcell or Underlaid Subcell), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells only based on the radio access
(RA) capability of an MS.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), TA(TA), LEVEL(Level),
IUOATTRBOTH(Either Overlaid Subcell or
Underlaid Subcell)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, TA, LEVEL,
Default Value: NO(No)

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PSTAF BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ORUO 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Policy for PS load sharing between the overlaid and
HOAL HOIUO underlaid subcells of a concentric cell
Assuming that this parameter is set to NO(No):
During initial access, the network does not perform PS
load sharing between the overlaid and underlaid
During TBF reassignment, the network performs PS
load sharing between the overlaid and underlaid
subcells based on the timing advance (TA) or receive
If this parameter is set to TA(TA), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells based on the TA during initial
access or TBF reassignment.
If this parameter is set to LEVEL(Level), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells based on the receive level during
initial access or TBF reassignment.
If this parameter is set to TAANDLEVEL(TA and
Level), the network performs PS load sharing between
the overlaid and underlaid subcells based on the TA
and receive level during initial access or TBF
If this parameter is set to IUOATTRBOTH(Either
Overlaid Subcell or Underlaid Subcell), the network
performs PS load sharing between the overlaid and
underlaid subcells only based on the radio access
(RA) capability of an MS.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), TA(TA), LEVEL(Level),
IUOATTRBOTH(Either Overlaid Subcell or
Underlaid Subcell)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, TA, LEVEL,
Default Value: NO(No)

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PSUTO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold of the receive level for triggering
ORECE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the handover of the PS services from the underlaid
IVETH HOIUO subcell to the overlaid subcell. The BSC allocates an
RSH MS to the overlaid subcell after detecting that the
receive level of the MS in the underlaid subcell is
greater than the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 35

PSUTO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold of the receive level for triggering
ORECE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the handover of the PS services from the underlaid
IVETH HOIUO subcell to the overlaid subcell. The BSC allocates an
RSH MS to the overlaid subcell after detecting that the
receive level of the MS in the underlaid subcell is
greater than the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 35

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 120

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CAOpt BSC690 SET GBFD-1 O&M of Meaning:

0 OTHSO 11203 BSC This parameter indicates how a BSC allocates
FTPAR frequencies to each cell in a Cell Allocation (CA) list.
A When conditions are met, frequencies are allocated as
much as possible. When this parameter is set to NO,
the BSC allocates frequencies in a CA list in the
original way. To be more precise, the BSC allocates
only the frequencies in BCCH-compatible frequency
bands and the SDCCH frequencies that are in different
frequency bands from the BCCH frequency and
participate in frequency hopping. When this parameter
is set to YES, the BSC allocates frequencies in a CA
list in the following ways: 1. If all frequencies in a cell
meet the frequency encoding rules, then all the
frequencies in the cell are allocated to MSs. 2. If
frequencies in a cell do not meet the frequency
encoding rules, then frequency allocation depends on
whether there are the SDCCHs that are in different
frequency bands from the BCCH and participate in
frequency hopping. (1) If there are such SDCCHs in a
cell, then the BSC allocates in a CA list all the
frequencies in the MA group that these SDCCH
frequencies belong to and all the frequencies in
BCCH-compatible frequency bands. (2) If there are no
such SDCCHs in a cell, then frequency allocation
depends on whether all the frequencies in a BCCH-
compatible frequency band meet the frequency
encoding rules. (a) If yes, then the frequencies in a
BCCH-compatible frequency band are allocated in a
CA list. (b) If not, then the BSC allocates frequencies
in a CA list in the following ways: (I) Ignore the
frequencies in a BCCH-compatible frequency band
that do not participate in frequency hopping and
ignore the MA groups that are not configured on
TRXs. If all other frequencies meet the frequency
encoding rules, the frequencies that meet the rules are
allocated in a CA list. (II) Find out all MA groups that
are configured with the SDCCH. If all frequencies in
the MA groups meet the frequency encoding rules,
then the frequencies are allocated in a CA list. (III) If
all TRXs in a BCCH-compatible frequency band in a
cell are not configured with the SDCCH that
participates in frequency hopping, then all MA groups
in the BCCH-compatible frequency band are sorted in
a descending order according to the number of
frequencies in each MA group. MA groups that are
configured on TRXs are sorted until an MA group that
does not meet the frequency encoding rules appears.

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Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

All frequencies from the first MA group to the last

MA group that meet the frequency encoding rules are
allocated in a CA list.
Note: The frequency encoding rules are the rules for
encoding frequencies that are defined in 3GPP TS
44.018. The frequency encoding rules are presented in
the bit map 0 format, variable bit map format, range
1024 format, range 512 format, range 256 format, or
range 128 format.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 122

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CAOpt BSC691 SET GBFD-1 O&M of Meaning:

0 OTHSO 11203 BSC This parameter indicates how a BSC allocates
FTPAR frequencies to each cell in a Cell Allocation (CA) list.
A When conditions are met, frequencies are allocated as
much as possible. When this parameter is set to NO,
the BSC allocates frequencies in a CA list in the
original way. To be more precise, the BSC allocates
only the frequencies in BCCH-compatible frequency
bands and the SDCCH frequencies that are in different
frequency bands from the BCCH frequency and
participate in frequency hopping. When this parameter
is set to YES, the BSC allocates frequencies in a CA
list in the following ways: 1. If all frequencies in a cell
meet the frequency encoding rules, then all the
frequencies in the cell are allocated to MSs. 2. If
frequencies in a cell do not meet the frequency
encoding rules, then frequency allocation depends on
whether there are the SDCCHs that are in different
frequency bands from the BCCH and participate in
frequency hopping. (1) If there are such SDCCHs in a
cell, then the BSC allocates in a CA list all the
frequencies in the MA group that these SDCCH
frequencies belong to and all the frequencies in
BCCH-compatible frequency bands. (2) If there are no
such SDCCHs in a cell, then frequency allocation
depends on whether all the frequencies in a BCCH-
compatible frequency band meet the frequency
encoding rules. (a) If yes, then the frequencies in a
BCCH-compatible frequency band are allocated in a
CA list. (b) If not, then the BSC allocates frequencies
in a CA list in the following ways: (I) Ignore the
frequencies in a BCCH-compatible frequency band
that do not participate in frequency hopping and
ignore the MA groups that are not configured on
TRXs. If all other frequencies meet the frequency
encoding rules, the frequencies that meet the rules are
allocated in a CA list. (II) Find out all MA groups that
are configured with the SDCCH. If all frequencies in
the MA groups meet the frequency encoding rules,
then the frequencies are allocated in a CA list. (III) If
all TRXs in a BCCH-compatible frequency band in a
cell are not configured with the SDCCH that
participates in frequency hopping, then all MA groups
in the BCCH-compatible frequency band are sorted in
a descending order according to the number of
frequencies in each MA group. MA groups that are
configured on TRXs are sorted until an MA group that
does not meet the frequency encoding rules appears.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 123

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

All frequencies from the first MA group to the last

MA group that meet the frequency encoding rules are
allocated in a CA list.
Note: The frequency encoding rules are the rules for
encoding frequencies that are defined in 3GPP TS
44.018. The frequency encoding rules are presented in
the bit map 0 format, variable bit map format, range
1024 format, range 512 format, range 256 format, or
range 128 format.
GUI Value Range: NO(No), YES(Yes)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: NO, YES
Default Value: YES(Yes)

PSOTO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold of the receive level for triggering
URECE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the handover of the PS services from the overlaid
IVETH HOIUO subcell to the underlaid subcell. The BSC allocates an
RSH MS to the underlaid subcell after detecting that the
receive level of the MS in the overlaid subcell is less
than the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 25

PSOTO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold of the receive level for triggering
URECE 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell the handover of the PS services from the overlaid
IVETH HOIUO subcell to the underlaid subcell. The BSC allocates an
RSH MS to the underlaid subcell after detecting that the
receive level of the MS in the overlaid subcell is less
than the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 25

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 124

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RAMB BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

CAP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Assumed multiband radio access (RA) capability of an
PSCH MS if the BSC fails to obtain the MS's RA capability.
When this parameter is set to
Compatible Bands), the BSC selects only the BCCH
frequency band and BCCH-compatible frequency
bands for one phase access requests and single block
When this parameter is set to ALLFREQS(All Bands
for One Phase Access Requests), the BSC selects all
bands for one phase access requests and only the
BCCH frequency band and BCCH-compatible
frequency bands for single block requests.
When this parameter is set to
ALLACCREQALLFREQS(All Bands for All Access
Requests), the BSC selects all bands for one phase
access requests and single block requests.
Band and Compatible Bands), ALLFREQS(All Bands
for One Phase Access Requests),
ALLACCREQALLFREQS(All Bands for All Access
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: BCCHANDSUBFREQS,
Default Value: ALLFREQS(All Bands for One Phase
Access Requests)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 125

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

RAMB BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

CAP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Assumed multiband radio access (RA) capability of an
PSCH MS if the BSC fails to obtain the MS's RA capability.
When this parameter is set to
Compatible Bands), the BSC selects only the BCCH
frequency band and BCCH-compatible frequency
bands for one phase access requests and single block
When this parameter is set to ALLFREQS(All Bands
for One Phase Access Requests), the BSC selects all
bands for one phase access requests and only the
BCCH frequency band and BCCH-compatible
frequency bands for single block requests.
When this parameter is set to
ALLACCREQALLFREQS(All Bands for All Access
Requests), the BSC selects all bands for one phase
access requests and single block requests.
Band and Compatible Bands), ALLFREQS(All Bands
for One Phase Access Requests),
ALLACCREQALLFREQS(All Bands for All Access
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: BCCHANDSUBFREQS,
Default Value: ALLFREQS(All Bands for One Phase
Access Requests)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 126

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOCH BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Adaptiv Meaning:

NTRAN 0 GCELL 19501 e Policy for converting dynamic PDCHs in a concentric
PSCH GBFD-1 Adjustm cell.
M 19303 ent of
Uplink CONVERT0: Only TCHs in the TRX of the underlaid
GBFD-1 and subcell can be converted to PDCHs.
13201 Downlin CONVERT1: Only TCHs in the TRX of the overlaid
GBFD-1 k subcell can be converted to PDCHs.
13101 Channel CONVERT2: TCHs in the TRX of the underlaid
s subcell are preferentially converted to PDCHs.
Load CONVERT3: TCHs in the TRX of the overlaid
Sharing subcell are preferentially converted to PDCHs.
Concent This parameter is configured based on the congestion
ric Cell conditions of CS services in the concentric cell. If the
PDCH congestion occurs in the underlaid subcell, convert
Dynami TCHs preferentially in the overlaid subcell to PDCHs.
c If the congestion occurs in the overlaid subcell,
Adjustm convert TCHs preferentially in the underlaid subcell to
ent PDCHs.
GUI Value Range: CONVERT0(Only convert at UL),
CONVERT1(Only convert at OL), CONVERT2(UL
first and convert allowed), CONVERT3(OL first and
convert allowed)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: CONVERT0, CONVERT1,
Default Value: CONVERT2(UL first and convert

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 127

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOCH BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Adaptiv Meaning:

NTRAN 0 GCELL 19501 e Policy for converting dynamic PDCHs in a concentric
PSCH GBFD-1 Adjustm cell.
M 19303 ent of
Uplink CONVERT0: Only TCHs in the TRX of the underlaid
GBFD-1 and subcell can be converted to PDCHs.
13201 Downlin CONVERT1: Only TCHs in the TRX of the overlaid
GBFD-1 k subcell can be converted to PDCHs.
13101 Channel CONVERT2: TCHs in the TRX of the underlaid
s subcell are preferentially converted to PDCHs.
Load CONVERT3: TCHs in the TRX of the overlaid
Sharing subcell are preferentially converted to PDCHs.
Concent This parameter is configured based on the congestion
ric Cell conditions of CS services in the concentric cell. If the
PDCH congestion occurs in the underlaid subcell, convert
Dynami TCHs preferentially in the overlaid subcell to PDCHs.
c If the congestion occurs in the overlaid subcell,
Adjustm convert TCHs preferentially in the underlaid subcell to
ent PDCHs.
GUI Value Range: CONVERT0(Only convert at UL),
CONVERT1(Only convert at OL), CONVERT2(UL
first and convert allowed), CONVERT3(OL first and
convert allowed)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: CONVERT0, CONVERT1,
Default Value: CONVERT2(UL first and convert

DLREX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper receive level threshold for downlink
LEVHI 0 GCELL 17601 EI III power control. If the downlink receive level is greater
GHTH PWR3 Power than this threshold, the power of the downlink signal
RED Control needs to be decreased.
Algorith GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 24

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 128

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLREX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper receive level threshold for downlink
LEVHI 0 GCELL 17601 EI III power control. If the downlink receive level is greater
GHTH PWR3 Power than this threshold, the power of the downlink signal
RED Control needs to be decreased.
Algorith GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 24

OLDLR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for downlink level threshold in COBCCH cells.
THRED PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
OFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
"DLREXLEVLOWTHRED". The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

OLDLR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for downlink level threshold in COBCCH cells.
THRED PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
OFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
"DLREXLEVLOWTHRED". The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

DLREX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower receive level threshold for downlink
LEVLO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III power control. If the downlink receive level is smaller
WTHR PWR3 Power than this threshold, the power of the uplink signal
ED Control needs to be increased.
Algorith GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 24

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 129

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLREX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower receive level threshold for downlink
LEVLO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III power control. If the downlink receive level is smaller
WTHR PWR3 Power than this threshold, the power of the uplink signal
ED Control needs to be increased.
Algorith GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 24

DLFSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a full rate call. If the
ALHIG PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is
HTHR Control greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLFSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a full rate call. If the
ALHIG PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is
HTHR Control greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

OLDLR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for downlink quality threshold in COBCCH
ALTHR PWR3 cells. This parameter must be added when following
EDOFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
ALLOWTHRED". The actual value of this parameter
equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 130

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLDLR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for downlink quality threshold in COBCCH
ALTHR PWR3 cells. This parameter must be added when following
EDOFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
ALLOWTHRED". The actual value of this parameter
equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

DLFSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a full rate call. If the
ALLO PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is
WTHR Control smaller than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLFSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a full rate call. If the
ALLO PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a full rate call is
WTHR Control smaller than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 131

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLHSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a half rate call. If the
ALHIG PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is
HTHR Control greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLHSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Upper quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a half rate call. If the
ALHIG PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is
HTHR Control greater than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLHSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a half rate call. If the
ALLO PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is
WTHR Control smaller than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLHSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Lower quality threshold for Huawei power
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III control generation III on a half rate call. If the
ALLO PWR3 Power downlink receive quality level of a half rate call is
WTHR Control smaller than this threshold, the call needs to undergo
ED Algorith Huawei power control generation III.
m GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 132

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLAFS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR full rate call is greater than this parameter, the
UALHI PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
GHTH Control generation III.
RED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

DLAFS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR full rate call is greater than this parameter, the
UALHI PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
GHTH Control generation III.
RED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

DLAFS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR full rate call is smaller than this parameter, the
UALLO PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
WTHR Control generation III.
ED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

DLAFS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR full rate call is smaller than this parameter, the
UALLO PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
WTHR Control generation III.
ED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 133

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLAHS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR half rate call is greater than this parameter, the
UALHI PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
GHTH Control generation III.
RED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLAHS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR half rate call is greater than this parameter, the
UALHI PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
GHTH Control generation III.
RED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLAHS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR half rate call is smaller than this parameter, the
UALLO PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
WTHR Control generation III.
ED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

DLAHS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the downlink receive quality level of an
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III AMR half rate call is smaller than this parameter, the
UALLO PWR3 Power call needs to undergo Huawei power control
WTHR Control generation III.
ED Algorith GUI Value Range: 1~30
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULREX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: When the uplink receive level reaches the
LEVHI 0 GCELL 17601 EI III threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH PWR3 Power GUI Value Range: 0~63
RED Control
Algorith Unit: dB
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 134

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULREX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: When the uplink receive level reaches the
LEVHI 0 GCELL 17601 EI III threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH PWR3 Power GUI Value Range: 0~63
RED Control
Algorith Unit: dB
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

OLULR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for uplink level threshold in COBCCH cells.
THRED PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
OFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
"ULREXLEVLOWTHRED". The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

OLULR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXLEV 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for uplink level threshold in COBCCH cells.
THRED PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
OFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
"ULREXLEVLOWTHRED". The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

ULREX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: When the uplink receive level is lower than
LEVLO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR PWR3 Power GUI Value Range: 0~63
ED Control
Algorith Unit: dB
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 135

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULREX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: When the uplink receive level is lower than
LEVLO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III the threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR PWR3 Power GUI Value Range: 0~63
ED Control
Algorith Unit: dB
m Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

ULFSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a full-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold,
ALHIG PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
HTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULFSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a full-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold,
ALHIG PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
HTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

OLULR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for uplink quality threshold in COBCCH cells.
ALTHR PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
EDOFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
ALLOWTHRED". The actual value of this parameter
equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 136

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLULR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

EXQU 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Offset for uplink quality threshold in COBCCH cells.
ALTHR PWR3 This parameter must be added when following
EDOFF parameters are set for overlaid subcells:
ALLOWTHRED". The actual value of this parameter
equals the GUI value minus 10.
GUI Value Range: 0~20
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -10~10
Default Value: 10

ULFSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a full-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold,
ALLO PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULFSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a full-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold,
ALLO PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULHSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a half-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold,
ALHIG PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
HTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 137

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULHSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a half-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is greater than the threshold,
ALHIG PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
HTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULHSR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a half-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold,
ALLO PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULHSR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is a half-rate call, and when the
EXQU 0 GCELL 17601 EI III uplink receive quality is lower than the threshold,
ALLO PWR3 Power Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULAFS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is greater than the
UALHI PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
RED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

ULAFS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is greater than the
UALHI PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
RED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 138

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULAFS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is lower than the
UALLO PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

ULAFS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR full-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is lower than the
UALLO PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 16

ULAHS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is greater than the
UALHI PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
RED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULAHS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is greater than the
UALHI PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
GHTH Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
RED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULAHS BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is lower than the
UALLO PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 139

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

ULAHS BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Current call is an AMR half-rate call, and
REXQ 0 GCELL 17601 EI III when the uplink receive quality is lower than the
UALLO PWR3 Power threshold, Huawei III power control is performed.
WTHR Control GUI Value Range: 1~30
ED Algorith
m Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: 1~30
Default Value: 18

ULRXL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Signal strength factor for the protective
EVPRO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III limitation on calculating the uplink power control
TECTF PWR3 Power adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot
ACTO Control exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of
R Algorith the signal strength protection factor and the signal
m quality protection factor.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 30

ULRXL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Signal strength factor for the protective
EVPRO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III limitation on calculating the uplink power control
TECTF PWR3 Power adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot
ACTO Control exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of
R Algorith the signal strength protection factor and the signal
m quality protection factor.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 30

OLULR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of uplink signal
XLEVP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
TOFF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 140

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLULR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of uplink signal
XLEVP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
TOFF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

ULRX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Signal strength factor for the protective
QUALP 0 GCELL 17601 EI III limitation on calculating the uplink power control
ROTEC PWR3 Power adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot
TFACT Control exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of
OR Algorith the signal strength protection factor and the signal
m quality protection factor.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 75

ULRX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Signal strength factor for the protective
QUALP 0 GCELL 17601 EI III limitation on calculating the uplink power control
ROTEC PWR3 Power adjustment step. The calculated step value cannot
TFACT Control exceed the step value that is obtained on the basis of
OR Algorith the signal strength protection factor and the signal
m quality protection factor.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 75

OLULR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of uplink signal
XQUA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
ECTOF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
F parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 141

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLULR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of uplink signal
XQUA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
ECTOF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
F parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

DLRXL BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A power control step cannot exceed the step
EVPRO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect
TECTF PWR3 Power Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor".
ACTO Control GUI Value Range: 0~100
R Algorith
m Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 20

DLRXL BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A power control step cannot exceed the step
EVPRO 0 GCELL 17601 EI III computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect
TECTF PWR3 Power Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor".
ACTO Control GUI Value Range: 0~100
R Algorith
m Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 20

OLDLR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of downlink level
XLEVP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must be
TOFF for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 142

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLDLR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of downlink level
XLEVP 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must be
TOFF for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

DLRX BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A power control step cannot exceed the step
QUALP 0 GCELL 17601 EI III computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect
ROTEC PWR3 Power Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor".
TFACT Control GUI Value Range: 0~100
OR Algorith
m Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 60

DLRX BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A power control step cannot exceed the step
QUALP 0 GCELL 17601 EI III computed according to "III DL RexLev Protect
ROTEC PWR3 Power Factor" and "III DL RexQual Protect Factor".
TFACT Control GUI Value Range: 0~100
OR Algorith
m Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 60

OLDLR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of downlink signal
XQUA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
ECTOF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
F parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 143

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

OLDLR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Offset for protect factor of downlink signal
XQUA 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell quality class in COBCCH cells. This parameter must
ECTOF set for overlaid subcells. The actual value of this
F parameter equals the GUI value minus 100.
GUI Value Range: 0~200
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: -100~100
Default Value: 100

IUOTP BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether a cell is a normal cell, concentric cell, or
MOD GBFD-1 Enhance enhanced dual band network cell.
GCELL 14402 d Dual- In a concentric cell, the coverage areas of different
Band TRXs form concentric circles of different radiuses.
Owing to different coverage areas of the overlaid and
underlaid parts, the two parts can be logically
regarded as two cells. With many channels, the
overlaid part is the major traffic bearer layer,
recruiting most MSs in its coverage area. The
underlaid part is used for coverage, providing services
for the areas that the overlaid part cannot cover. The
underlaid part covers the overlaid part, and therefore
the underlaid part can share some traffic.
In an enhanced dual band network cell, two cells at
the same physical site but with different coverage
areas form a cell group logically, namely, an inner cell
and an extra cell. Channel resource sharing and cell
load balancing is realized in the two cells through the
algorithm of enhanced dual band network.
GUI Value Range: Normal_cell(Normal Cell),
Concentric_cell(Concentric Cell),
EDB_cell(Enhanced Double Frequency Cell)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: Normal_cell, Concentric_cell,
Default Value: Normal_cell(Normal Cell)

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 144

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

IUOTP BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell Whether a cell is a normal cell, concentric cell, or
MOD GBFD-1 Enhance enhanced dual band network cell.
GCELL 14402 d Dual- In a concentric cell, the coverage areas of different
Band TRXs form concentric circles of different radiuses.
Owing to different coverage areas of the overlaid and
underlaid parts, the two parts can be logically
regarded as two cells. With many channels, the
overlaid part is the major traffic bearer layer,
recruiting most MSs in its coverage area. The
underlaid part is used for coverage, providing services
for the areas that the overlaid part cannot cover. The
underlaid part covers the overlaid part, and therefore
the underlaid part can share some traffic.
In an enhanced dual band network cell, two cells at
the same physical site but with different coverage
areas form a cell group logically, namely, an inner cell
and an extra cell. Channel resource sharing and cell
load balancing is realized in the two cells through the
algorithm of enhanced dual band network.
GUI Value Range: Normal_cell(Normal Cell),
Concentric_cell(Concentric Cell),
EDB_cell(Enhanced Double Frequency Cell)
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: Normal_cell, Concentric_cell,
Default Value: Normal_cell(Normal Cell)

DLEDG BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Threshold for triggering downlink edge
ETHRE 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handovers. Edge handovers are triggered when the
S HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov downlink receive level remains lower than this
IC 10501 er threshold.
HUAW GUI Value Range: 0~63
EI II Unit: dB
er Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 145

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

DLEDG BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Threshold for triggering downlink edge
ETHRE 0 GCELL 10601 EI I handovers. Edge handovers are triggered when the
S HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov downlink receive level remains lower than this
IC 10501 er threshold.
HUAW GUI Value Range: 0~63
EI II Unit: dB
er Actual Value Range: 0~63
Default Value: 20

LAYER BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A network consists of four layers, namely,
0 GEXT2 10601 EI I Umbrella, Macro, Micro, and Pico. Cell priorities
GCELL GBFD-5 Handov influence the sorting of neighboring cells during
MOD 10501 er handovers as well as handover algorithms including
GEXT2 HUAW PBGT and inter-layer handovers. For example, PBGT
GCELL EI II handovers can only occur among cells on the same
Handov layer and of the same priority level. If you assign
er different layers and priorities to a 1800-M cell and a
900-M cell, PBGT handovers from the 1800-M cell to
the 900-M cell will not occur. This causes slow
handovers even when the receive signal quality is
GUI Value Range: 1, 2, 3, 4
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 1, 2, 3, 4
Default Value: 3

LAYER BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: A network consists of four layers, namely,
0 GEXT2 10601 EI I Umbrella, Macro, Micro, and Pico. Cell priorities
GCELL GBFD-5 Handov influence the sorting of neighboring cells during
MOD 10501 er handovers as well as handover algorithms including
GEXT2 HUAW PBGT and inter-layer handovers. For example, PBGT
GCELL EI II handovers can only occur among cells on the same
Handov layer and of the same priority level. If you assign
er different layers and priorities to a 1800-M cell and a
900-M cell, PBGT handovers from the 1800-M cell to
the 900-M cell will not occur. This causes slow
handovers even when the receive signal quality is
GUI Value Range: 1, 2, 3, 4
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 1, 2, 3, 4
Default Value: 3

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 146

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

CRO BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Basic Meaning:

0 GCELL 10402 Cell Re- Cell Reselect Offset (CRO), indicating a correction of
IDLEB selection the C2.
Proper setting of this parameter can reduce the
number of handover times, helpful for assigning an
MS to a better cell. In a special case that the PT is 31,
the larger the CRO value is, the lower the possibility
of handing over an MS to the cell.
Generally, do not set the CRO to a value larger than
25 dB. The CRO with a too large value will cause
uncertain states in a network. The CRO values of the
cells with different priorities in a network are almost
the same. For details, see 3GPP TS 05.08 and 04.08.
The setting of this parameter affects only the MSs
supporting the protocol of GSM Phase 2 or a later
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: 2dB
Actual Value Range: 0~126
Default Value: 0

CRO BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Basic Meaning:

0 GCELL 10402 Cell Re- Cell Reselect Offset (CRO), indicating a correction of
IDLEB selection the C2.
Proper setting of this parameter can reduce the
number of handover times, helpful for assigning an
MS to a better cell. In a special case that the PT is 31,
the larger the CRO value is, the lower the possibility
of handing over an MS to the cell.
Generally, do not set the CRO to a value larger than
25 dB. The CRO with a too large value will cause
uncertain states in a network. The CRO values of the
cells with different priorities in a network are almost
the same. For details, see 3GPP TS 05.08 and 04.08.
The setting of this parameter affects only the MSs
supporting the protocol of GSM Phase 2 or a later
GUI Value Range: 0~63
Unit: 2dB
Actual Value Range: 0~126
Default Value: 0

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 147

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

PT BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Basic Meaning: Cell Reselect Penalty Time (PT) is used to
0 GCELL 10402 Cell Re- ensure the safety and validity of cell reselection
IDLEA selection because it helps to avoid frequent cell reselection. For
D details, see GSM Rec. 05.08 and 04.08.
GUI Value Range: 0~31
Unit: 20s
Actual Value Range: 0~620
Default Value: 0

PT BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Basic Meaning: Cell Reselect Penalty Time (PT) is used to
0 GCELL 10402 Cell Re- ensure the safety and validity of cell reselection
IDLEA selection because it helps to avoid frequent cell reselection. For
D details, see GSM Rec. 05.08 and 04.08.
GUI Value Range: 0~31
Unit: 20s
Actual Value Range: 0~620
Default Value: 0

INTEL BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Hysteresis value during the handovers
EVHO 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I between cells on different layers or of different
HYST ELL GBFD-5 Handov priorities. This value is used to suppress inter-layer
MOD 10501 er ping-pong handovers. The actual value of this
G2GNC HUAW parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.
ELL EI II GUI Value Range: 0~127
Handov Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
Default Value: 67

INTEL BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Hysteresis value during the handovers
EVHO 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I between cells on different layers or of different
HYST ELL GBFD-5 Handov priorities. This value is used to suppress inter-layer
MOD 10501 er ping-pong handovers. The actual value of this
G2GNC HUAW parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.
ELL EI II GUI Value Range: 0~127
Handov Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
Default Value: 67

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 148

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name


MARGI 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I Threshold for triggering PBGT handovers. PBGT
N ELL Handov handovers to a neighboring cell can be triggered when
MOD er the following condition is met:
G2GNC Path loss in the serving cell - Path loss in the
ELL neighboring cell > Actual value of this parameter
If this parameter is set to a value less than 64, calls
can be handed over back to a neighboring cell whose
path loss is greater than that in the serving cell. The
actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI
value minus 64.
GUI Value Range: 0~127
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
Default Value: 68


MARGI 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I Threshold for triggering PBGT handovers. PBGT
N ELL Handov handovers to a neighboring cell can be triggered when
MOD er the following condition is met:
G2GNC Path loss in the serving cell - Path loss in the
ELL neighboring cell > Actual value of this parameter
If this parameter is set to a value less than 64, calls
can be handed over back to a neighboring cell whose
path loss is greater than that in the serving cell. The
actual value of this parameter is equal to the GUI
value minus 64.
GUI Value Range: 0~127
Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
Default Value: 68

INTER BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Hysteresis value during the handovers
CELLH 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I between cells, This value is used to suppress ping-
YST ELL GBFD-1 Handov pong handovers between cells. The actual value of this
MOD 18106 er parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.
G2GNC GBFD-5 Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~127
ELL 10501 c Power Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
EI II Default Value: 68

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 149

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

INTER BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: Hysteresis value during the handovers
CELLH 0 G2GNC 10601 EI I between cells, This value is used to suppress ping-
YST ELL GBFD-1 Handov pong handovers between cells. The actual value of this
MOD 18106 er parameter is equal to the GUI value minus 64.
G2GNC GBFD-5 Dynami GUI Value Range: 0~127
ELL 10501 c Power Unit: dB
Actual Value Range: -64~63
EI II Default Value: 68

ULEDG BSC690 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the UL receive level remains lower than
ETHRE 0 GCELL 10601 EI I the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold" for a period,
S HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov the edge handover is triggered.
IC 10501 er GUI Value Range: 0~63
HUAW Unit: dB
Handov Actual Value Range: 0~63
er Default Value: 10

ULEDG BSC691 SET GBFD-1 HUAW Meaning: If the UL receive level remains lower than
ETHRE 0 GCELL 10601 EI I the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold" for a period,
S HOBAS GBFD-5 Handov the edge handover is triggered.
IC 10501 er GUI Value Range: 0~63
HUAW Unit: dB
Handov Actual Value Range: 0~63
er Default Value: 10

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 150

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

TCHTR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ICBUS 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell The BSC assigns channels in the overlaid subcell to
YOVE CHMG the MS in a concentric cell. If the channel seizure ratio
RLAYT AD of overlaid subcell is greater than or equal to the value
HR of this parameter, half-rate channels are assigned.
Otherwise, full-rate channels are assigned.
Channel seizure ratio = (Num. of busy TCHF + Num.
of busy TCHH/2)/(Num. of available TCHF + Num.
of available TCHH /2) x 100%. This parameter is
valid for the concentric cell. When the "Allow Rate
Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell Load"
is set to Yes, the "TCH Traffic Busy Threshold (%)" is
invalid for the concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 70

TCHTR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning:

ICBUS 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell The BSC assigns channels in the overlaid subcell to
YOVE CHMG the MS in a concentric cell. If the channel seizure ratio
RLAYT AD of overlaid subcell is greater than or equal to the value
HR of this parameter, half-rate channels are assigned.
Otherwise, full-rate channels are assigned.
Channel seizure ratio = (Num. of busy TCHF + Num.
of busy TCHH/2)/(Num. of available TCHF + Num.
of available TCHH /2) x 100%. This parameter is
valid for the concentric cell. When the "Allow Rate
Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid Subcell Load"
is set to Yes, the "TCH Traffic Busy Threshold (%)" is
invalid for the concentric cell.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 70

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 151

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 7 Parameters

Parame NE MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name

TCHTR BSC690 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold for determining that the underlaid
IBUSY 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell subcell is busy. The BSC assigns channels in the
UNDER CHMG underlaid subcell to the MS in a concentric cell. When
LAYTH AD "Allow Rate Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid
R Subcell Load" is set to YES, half-rate channels are
assigned if the channel seizure ratio in the underlaid
subcell is greater than or equal to the value of this
parameter, and full-rate channels are assigned if the
channel seizure ratio in the underlaid subcell does not
exceed the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 60

TCHTR BSC691 SET GBFD-1 Concent Meaning: Threshold for determining that the underlaid
IBUSY 0 GCELL 13201 ric Cell subcell is busy. The BSC assigns channels in the
UNDER CHMG underlaid subcell to the MS in a concentric cell. When
LAYTH AD "Allow Rate Selection Based on Overlaid/Underlaid
R Subcell Load" is set to YES, half-rate channels are
assigned if the channel seizure ratio in the underlaid
subcell is greater than or equal to the value of this
parameter, and full-rate channels are assigned if the
channel seizure ratio in the underlaid subcell does not
exceed the value of this parameter.
GUI Value Range: 0~100
Unit: %
Actual Value Range: 0~100
Default Value: 60

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 152

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 8 Counters

8 Counters

There are no specific counters associated with this feature.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 153

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 9 Glossary

9 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 154

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Concentric Cell Feature Parameter Description 10 Reference Documents

10 Reference Documents

1. Co-BCCH Cell Feature Parameter Description

2. Handover Feature Parameter Description
3. Power Control Feature Parameter Description
4. License Management Feature Parameter Description

Issue 01 (2015-04-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 155

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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