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the freshwater algae, however, belonging to the Chlorophyceae

to abandon her hopes of through communication between the

gives the credit of this discovery to Ptolemy. He taught,

exists, but a modern cemetery has been formed in Sunnyside.

in the charter-party requiring him to sign bills of lading

office-bearer, or to any lord or chief. The caliph has the

the feelings of the people became strongly excited against

with meeting-rooms and a valuable library and collection

precision and in breadth. The gain lies chiefly in seeing

to show that the original language from which Greek, Latin,

He was generous and charitable, of ``a solid and masculine

(2) Of the interior lines of communication, those which

parliament as member for the county of Kinross. In 1768 he

the secretaryship, which up to 1873 had always been filled

northwards, and after that ``all the nation considered him as

ACCA LARENTIA (not Laurentia), in Roman legend, the

though not unknown at the present day, in which there is an

difficulties experienced for many years by analysts in their

in pursuance of the powers conferred upon it by the Food Act

company, operating both in England and the United States, has

end with a pair of cilia. It much more resembles the

Jackson's corps ended at Manassas Station (see BULL RUN).

had several times asked for British protection, and always in

on; an older English form was ``adjustage''), a mouthpiece

endeavours to force a Messianic interpretation out of them.6

| Toluicaldehyde{m | C6H4.CH3.CHO |199 deg. | |

whilst in their roots they accumulate a store of nitrogen which

Marcellinus, Chronicle; Zachariah of Mytilene, Chronicle

amidosulphonic acid. (See also E. Divers, Jour. of Chem.

(1878-1882). He commanded the troops at Alexandria in 1882

The course of the rays in the meridional section is no longer

work. In his view the architect was intimately concerned

starting from the river Congo near Stanley Falls. A railway of

Lutheran institution which grew out of the Allentown Seminary

liquid, it immediately deposits perfect crystals of alum (Sur

cognition, that is, the imagination and the understanding.

Augstenberg. . . . . . . . . . 10,611 Scesaplana . . . . . . . . . . . .9,741

In the spring of 328 Alexander crossed the Hindu Kush into

outlying estate. As an example, we may refer to the small

below). Common shell for modern high-velocity guns may

Indiistrl'.---The fur and fish resources of Alaska have until

gases, obtained in a comparatively pure and strong form (up

(3) the Yellow Head Pass, running west from the northern

mineral lapis-lazuli and the pigment ultramarine (q.v..)

An action is said to ``lie'' when the law provides a remedy for

best. Moreover, this region of the spectrum is that which

next care was to get rid of the opposition of Moawiya, who

alcohol, CH3CH2CH2OH (normal propyl alcohol), formed

prince gave evidence of considerable military and diplomatic

Chief Passes of the Pennine Alps.

version should be referred to as the Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia.

judge of the high court of Madras, was born of poor parents in

between the native and the foreign soldiery, and proves that

Egyptian; the Greeks and Levantines are usually shopkeepers

Anglie (ed. C. Horstmann, 1901, vol. i. p. 4i), whence it

lies in his critical account of preceding works on the art of

legal indictments, and pleadings where absolute precision was

both from a.historical and a juridical point of view, and

active measures for securing their political ascendancy in that

(2) Ethyl chloride, C2H5Cl, a colourless liquid of a pleasant

eastward chapels to each, divided by solid walls (2 2 2).

stringent provisions with reference to abduction by making

Monte della Disgrazia. . . . . 12,067 Piz Lischanna. . . . . . . . . . 10,204

in. above the anal aperture, but may be a good deal lower.

gate known in later times as the porta aurea, through

about the banishment of Herod Antipas, to whose tetrarchy he

the wild scenery within their vicinity has made them very

has not advanced beyond the stage of an unbranched filament.

See An Account of the Life and Character of A. A., by A. Henderson (1810).

and also ``quernes that goo with hand''; different orders of

consumed along with the sacrifice (Paus. ix. 3. 4). Others

(see CANADA, History), and that company was soon afterwards

present. Herschel, at the ensuing meeting of the British

introduction to Robertson Smith's Prophets of Israel(2),

1821). Pouqueville, who spent some time as French resident

countship of Limpourg in 1711. The elder branch of the mediatized

supported by Agesilaus, put an end to hostilities. When war

to Melos in the earlier Second City Period of Phylakope) and

literature, was written in lines of twelve syllables,

displacement d/dt(f,g,h) is what adds on to the true electric

divines; he was a man of deep learning and also of great

Alleyn's first wife died in 1623. The same year he married

alliance, and ravaged the sea-board of Attica. The Athenians

a mountainous land was favourable to the culture of the vine

quarries. Medicinal springs exist at Aljustrel (3790),

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