DR JamesTJ Centrifugation

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•A centrifuge is a device for separating

particles from a solution according to their

size, shape, density, viscosity of the medium
and rotor speed.

•It is composed of a metal rotor with holes in

it to accommodate a vessel of liquid and a
motor or other means of spinning the rotor at
a selected speed.

• A centrifuge is the equipment generally

driven by an electric motor that puts an
object to rotate around fixed axis, and a
perpendicular force is applied to axis.

• The centrifuge involves principle of

sedimentation, where the acceleration at
centripetal force causes denser substances
to separate out along the radial direction at
the bottom of the tube.
•By the same concept lighter objects will tend
to move to the top of the tube; in the rotating
picture, move to the center.

• In a solution, particles whose density is

higher than that of the solvent sink
(sediment), and particles that are lighter than
it float to the surface.
• The greater the difference in density, the
faster they move. If there is no difference in
density (isopycnic conditions), the particles
stay steady.

• To take advantage of even tiny differences

in density to separate various particles in a
solution, gravity can be replaced with the
much more powerful “centrifugal force”
provided by a centrifuge.
•To take advantage of even tiny
differences in density to separate various
particles in a solution, gravity can be
replaced with the much more powerful
“centrifugal force” provided by a centrifuge.

•More-dense components of the mixture

migrate away from the axis of the centrifuge,
while less-dense components of the mixture
migrate towards the axis.
•The rate of centrifugation is specified by
the angular velocity measured in revolutions
per minute (RPM), or acceleration expressed
as g.

•The conversion factor between RPM

and g depends on the radius of the sample in
the centrifuge rotor.

• Sedimentation is the tendency for

particles in suspension to settle out of the
fluid in which they are entrained, and
come to rest against a barrier.

• This is due to their motion through the

fluid in response to the forces acting on
these forces can be due to gravity, centrifugal
acceleration or electromagnetism.

• Settling is the falling of suspended

particles through the liquid, whereas
sedimentation is the termination of the
settling process.
Svedberg Equation
• The single most important advance in the
use of centrifugal force to separate
biologically important substances was the
coupling of mechanics, optics and
mathematics by T. Svedberg and J.W.
Williams in the 1920’s.

• They initiated the mathematics and

advanced the instrumentation to a point
where it was possible to prove that proteins
were large molecules that could be weighed
in a centrifuge.

• In honor of that work, the value for a

molecule’s (or organelle’s) sedimentation
velocity in a centrifugal field is known as
its Svedberg constant or S value for short.
• The above equation depends on the size
of the molecule (M), however the shape of
the molecule plays an important role in
its behavior under centrifugal force so it
is appropriate to take this (f) into

• This is the Svedberg equation and is used

to describe the motion of the particle in
terms of molecular weight (a size term)
and frictional
coefficient (a shape term). The equation also
relates the motion to the solvent density.

• The Svedberg coefficients are not

additive. i.e, 40S plus 60S does not equal
100S. This is the case for the ribosomal
subunits, where the combination of a 40S
small subunit and a 60S large subunit
produces an 80S complete ribosome.
• Centrifugal force, word from Latin centrum,
meaning “center”, and fugere, means “to
flee”, is the apparent force that draws a
rotating body away from the center of

• It is caused by the inertia of the body as the

body’s path is continually redirected.
• In Newtonian mechanics, the term
centrifugal force is used to refer to one of
two distinct concepts: an inertial force
(also called a ”fictitious” force) observed
in a non-inertial reference frame, and a
reaction force corresponding to a
centripetal force.
• The concept of centrifugal force is
applied in rotating devices such as
centrifuges, centrifugal pumps.

• The two different forces are equal in

magnitude, but centrifugal forces is
opposite in direction to the centripetal
•The considerations used to calculate the RCF
exerted on a sample in a centrifuge rotor require
that the sample be located at a fixed distance r,
from the centre of rotation. Owing to rotor
design, r varies from top to bottom of the sample
• A centrifuge is used to separate particles
or macromolecules:

1. Cells- biological components in tissues

and cells are separated by centrifugation
and this principle is widely used in
biological laboratory, in fact it is one of
the most essential instrumentation in
design of a laboratory.
2. Sub-cellular components- substances like
cytoplasmic fluid, nucleus, mitochondria,
golgi bodies are separated by this principle.

a) Proteins- based on density protein in cells

and tissues is separated using high speed
b) Nucleic acids- DNA, RNA, snRNA, etc., are
separated by this method.
Basis of separation
1. Size: size of the particle matters a lot
while application of this principle. It has
the basis that as much lesser the size will
be, more the particle will be towards the

2. Shape: the shape of particle ex- circular

particles will settle down easily as
compared to polygonal shape particles.
3. Density: this component is main play of
centrifugation principle, denser the object,
lower the settling.


• The acceleration achieved by

centrifugation is expressed as a multiple of
the earth’s gravitational force (g = 9.81 m s–
Bench-top centrifuges can reach acceleration
values of up to 15000 g, while high speed
refrigerated centrifuges can reach 50000 g and
ultra-centrifuges, which operate with
refrigeration and in a vacuum, can reach
500000 g.

• Two types of rotor are available in high

powered centrifuges: fixed angle rotors and
swing-out rotors that have movable bucket
• The tubes or buckets used for centrifugation
are made of plastic and have to be very
precisely adjusted to avoid any imbalances
that could lead to accidents.

• The velocity (v) of particle sedimentation

during centrifugation depends on the
angular velocity ω of the rotor, its
effective radius (ref, the distance from the
axis of rotation), and the particle’s
sedimentation properties. These
properties are expressed as the
Sedimentation Coefficient S (1 Svedberg,
= 10–13 seconds).
• The sedimentation coefficient depends on
the mass M of the particle, its shape
(expressed as the coefficient of friction, f),
and its density (expressed as the reciprocal
density v, “partial specific volume”).

1. Microcentrifuges
•Microcentrifuges are used to process small
volumes of biological molecules, cells,
or nuclei.
•Microcentrifuge tubes generally hold 0.5 - 2
mL of liquid, and are spun at maximum
angular speeds of 12000-13000 rpm
•Micro centrifuges are small enough to fit on a
table-top and have rotors that can quickly
change speeds.

•They may or may not have

a refrigeration function.
2. High-speed centrifuges

•High-speed or super speed centrifuges can

handle larger sample volumes, from a few
tens of millilitres to several litres.

•Additionally, larger centrifuges can also

reach higher angular velocities (around 30000
rpm). The rotors may come with different
adapters to hold various sizes of test tubes,
bottles, or microtiter plates.
3. Ultracentrifuges

•Ultracentrifugation makes use of high

centrifugal force for studying properties of
biological particles.

•Compared to microcentrifuges or high-speed

centrifuges, ultracentrifuges can isolate much
smaller particles, including ribosomes,
proteins, and viruses.
• Ultracentrifuges can also be used in the
study of membrane fractionation.

• This occurs because ultracentrifuges can

reach maximum angular velocities in excess
of 70000 rpm.

• Additionally, while microcentrifuges and

supercentrifuges separate particles in
batches (limited volumes of samples must be
handled manually in test tubes or bottles),
ultracentrifuges can separate molecules in
batch or continuous flow systems.

• Two types of ultracentrifuges developed:

1. Analytical

2. Preparative
1. Analytical

•Uses small sample size (less than 1 ml)

•Built in optical system to analyze progress of

molecules during centrifugation

•Uses relatively pure sample·

•Used to precisely determine sedimentation

coefficient and MW of molecules
•Beckman Model E is an
example of centrifuge
used for these purposes.
2. Preparative

• Larger sample size can be used

• No optical read-out – collect fractions and

analyze them after the run

• Less pure sample can be used

• Can be used to estimate sedimentation

coefficient and MW
•Generally used to separate organelles and
molecules. Most centrifugation work done
using preparative ultracentrifuge

•Several models available, including L5-65

and L5-75 used for preparative purposes.
1. Density gradient centrifugation

• is used to separate macromolecules that

differ only slightly in size or density.
• A procedure for separating particles such
as viruses or ribosomes or molecules such
as DNA in which the sample is placed on a
preformed gradient such as sucrose or
cesium chloride.
• Upon centrifugation either by rate zonal
or equilibrium procedures, the
macromolecules are 'banded' in the
gradient and can be collected as a pure

• Particles of the same size (M) but different

shapes (e.g., linear versus globular) will
separate - the particle with the greater
frictional coefficient (f) will move slower (rod
shaped moves slower than globular). This
technique is called velocity gradient
centrifugation (a gradient of sucrose is used
to linearize the motion of the particles).
• In zonal centrifugation, the sample being
separated (e. g., a cell extract or cells) is
placed on top of the centrifugation solution
as a thin layer.

• During centrifugation, the particles move

through the solution due to their greater
density. The rate of movement basically
depends on their molecular mass.

• Centrifugation stops before the particles

reach the bottom of the tube.
• During centrifugation, the solution tube is
stabilized in the tube by a density gradient.

• This consists of solutions of carbohydrates or

colloidal silica gel, the concentration of
which increases from the surface of the tube
to the bottom.

• Density gradients prevent the formation of

convection currents, which would impair the
separation of the particles.
• Under centrifugal force, the particles will
begin sedimenting through the gradient in
separate zones according to their size
shape and density. Particles reach the
bottom of the tube.

• The run must be terminated before any of

the separated.

• Particles can be separated by density.

• When the density in the solvent equals the
density of the particle, the denominator of
the equation equals zero and therefore
velocity equals zero - the particle reaches
its equilibrium density in the solvent this is
called equilibrium density gradient
centrifugation or isopycnic banding.

• In isopycnic technique, the density gradient

column encompasses the whole range of
densities of the sample particles.

• The sample is uniformly mixed with the

gradient material.
• Isopycnic centrifugation, which takes much
longer, starts with a CsCl solution in which
the sample material (e. g., DNA, RNA, or
viruses) is homogeneously distributed.

• A density gradient only forms during

centrifugation, as a result of sedimentation
and diffusion processes.

• Each particle moves to the region

corresponding to its own buoyant density.
• Each particle will sediment only to the
position in the centrifuge tube at which
the gradient density is equal to its own
density, and there it will remain.

• The isopycnic technique, therefore,

separate particles into separate zones
solely on the basis of their density
differences, independent of time.
• Centrifugation stops once equilibrium has
been reached.

• The samples are obtained by

fractionation, and their concentration is
measured using the appropriate methods.

• In many density gradient experiments,

particles of both the rate zonal and the
isopycnic principles may enter into the
final separations.
Preparative density-gradient ultracentrifugation of DNA
(SM Carr & OM Griffiths.1987. Biochem Genet 25:385-390)
Low density

Medium density

High density

Isopycnic separation with self-generating gradient - the sample is evenly

distributed throughout the centrifuge tube
Rate-Zonal Separation
• In rate-zonal separation, particles are
separated based on their size and mass. This
means that they migrate through the
gradient according to these properties -
which allows their separation into distinct
zones or bands, if they were layered as a
thin zone onto the top of the gradient.
• This is useful in separating out particles
with the same or very similar densities, but
different sizes or masses: size is a much
stronger discriminator than density in
determining where particles migrate to in a
given time, as sedimentation rate or
velocity of a particle in a gravitational field
is directly proportional to the density
difference, but depends upon the square of
the diameter.
• Many proteins and other macromolecules,
such as antibodies and virus particles, are
isolated in this way.

• It is generally the case that rate-zonal

separations are dynamic rather than static:
that is, if centrifugation is continued long
enough, all the zones end up as one pellet at
the bottom of the tube.
Isopycnic Separation
In isopycnic separation the particles
migrate through the solvent gradient until
they reach the point where their buoyant
density is equal to that of the gradient.
This is known as the isopycnic point or
isodense position. Once the particles have
reached their isopycnic point they will no
longer move in the gradient, regardless of
how much longer the centrifuge is run for.
An example of this type of gradient is a
caesium chloride concentration gradient.
This is a salt that - for example - has a density
of 1.08 g/cm3 for a 10% (w/v) solution,
increasing to 1.58 g/cm3 for a 50% (w/v)
solution. It and other heavy metal salts have
the problems of being somewhat toxic and
exerting a very strong osmotic pressure, as
well as chemically affecting certain
• In moving boundarycentrifugation, the
entire tube is filled with sample and

• Through centrifugation, one obtains a

separation of two particles but any
particle in the mixture may end up in
the supernatant or in the pellet or it
may be distributed in both fractions,
depending upon it size, shape, density, and
conditions of centrifugation.

• The pellet is a mixture of all of the

sedimented components, and it is
contaminated with whatever
unsedimented particles were in the bottom
of the tube initially.
• The only component which is purified is
the slowest sedimenting one, but its yield
is often very low.

• The two fractions are recovered by

decanting the supernatant solution from
the pellet. The supernatant can be
recentrifuged at higher speed to obtain
further purification, with the formation
of a new pellet and supernatant.

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