Culminating Act. Module 1
Culminating Act. Module 1
Culminating Act. Module 1
You are now in G-12 and therefore you are expected to be equipped with all the skills you gained from your different
subjects. Let’s recall the 3 classifications of subjects in Senior High School. Yes, they are: Core subjects; Applied
subjects; and Specialized subjects. Work Immersion is one (1) of the nine (9) specialized subjects and it is also
allotted 80 hours just like other subjects.
Are you excited for your Work Immersion? Today you will read and learn the content of some sections of
DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2017, DepEd No. 39, s. 2018 and the latest Guidelines for Work Immersion Implementation
during crisis situation found in Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085 from the Office of the Undersecretary for Curriculum
and Instruction.
For all tracks, schools may opt to devise unique delivery model with a minimum of 80 and a maximum of
320 hours following the Curriculum Guide.
All TVL learners shall have completed the required learning competencies of a particular specialization
before Work Immersion.
The nominal duration of specialization for TVL shall be considered in crafting the delivery model of the
Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) learners may have Business Enterprise Simulation
Humanities and Social Science Strand (HUMSS) learners may take Culminating Activity
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) learners may take Research/Capstone Project
General Academic Strand (GAS) learners may take Research/Capstone Project or Culminating Activity
For Sports Track, learners may take Apprenticeship (off – campus)
For Arts and Design Track, learners may take Performing Arts for Production or Exhibit for Arts Production
However, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the learners’ physical attendance in school is prohibited.
Consequently, the implementation of Work Immersion given above is greatly affected. Hence, the Office of
Undersecretary set another guideline stipulated in Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00085 specifically for this school year
2020-2021. Varying suggested activities for all tracks guided by Most Essential Competencies (MELCs) are provided.
The activities in all tracks can be performed in different schemes which include in-school, home-based,
community-based, and school industry partnership.
Whatever scheme is used, all lessons and activities of Work Immersion or its equivalent shall be delivered using
different modalities applicable to the specific track, strand, learners and schools.
Activity 1:
Being a learner of Work Immersion, you must be familiarized with the different terms and their definitions. (Section 3
of DO No. 30, s 2017)
Match the definitions below with the terms inside the box provided below:
A. Partnership
B. Work Immersion
C. Partner Institution
E. Memorandum of
F. Workplace Immersion
_____1. Public or private institutions or organizations that are able and willing to lend their expertise and resources.
_____2. Refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work
simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track.
_____3. The person authorized to seek partnerships between DepEd and institutions (DepEd Order 40, s. 2015).
_____4. The school personnel who is assigned to supervise the learners at the Work Immersion Venue in
coordination with the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor
_____5. A legally binding document, which spells out the specific terms and conditions between and among parties
entering into partnership to implement a program, project or any other similar undertakings.
_____6. The place where work immersion is conducted. It shall conform to the law and the rules and regulations on
safety, appropriateness for learning, and availability of facilities and equipment which are issued by the DepEd (DO
40, s 2015.)
____7. The counterpart of the Work Immersion Teacher and may also be the representative of the partner institution
in forging partnership with DepEd schools.
____8. The relationship between the partner institution and the school, or any office of DepEd (Central, Regional or
Division) that responds to the needs of K to 12 program in general, and Senior High School in particular, which is
formalized through a Memorandum of Agreement. Kindly check your answers.