Desert, Mountain Sea Tests and Answers

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Desert, Mountain, Sea – Short Stories Sue Leather

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 From which story do the following sentences come
a Robyn thought that Alice Springs was from? Across the Australian Desert, Climbing
beautiful. Annapurna, Alone Around the World
b Robyn worked very hard on Kurt Posel’s a At nights they sat together in the tents and sang
farm. songs after dinner. ...............
c Robyn spoke Pitjantjara very well. b For the first seven nights, her alarm clock rang
d Robyn didn’t like travelling with Eddie. every twenty minutes to wake her up. ...............
e People had died before when they tried to c They liked to laugh at the tourists with their
climb Annapurna. cameras. ...............
f Arlene decided not to take Sherpas with d She could be at home having hot baths and
them to the mountain. eating good food every night. ...............
g The Sherpas didn’t think they were being e She carried a rifle, though she hoped she would
paid enough. never have to use it. ...............
h Naomi wasn’t happy in her hairdressing job.
10 marks
i Rob didn’t want Naomi to go around the
5 Before Naomi began her journey she had to write on

h Naomi made no stops in her journey around

the tins of food with a special pen. Why?
the world.
20 marks ...........................................................................................
2 Why did the Annapurna group need five camps on ...........................................................................................
the mountain?
10 marks
6 Write a short comment about your favourite story
from the book. Why did you like it? Would you like to
do the same thing? Why/why not?
10 marks ...........................................................................................
3 Match the following words with the correct story: ...........................................................................................
capsize, saddle, summit, harbour, sunstroke, porter, ...........................................................................................
deck, tent, avalanche, bush. ...........................................................................................
Across the Australian Desert ...........................................................................................
........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................
............................................................................................ ...........................................................................................
........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................
Climbing Annapurna ...........................................................................................
........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................
............................................................................................ ...........................................................................................
30 marks
Alone Around the World
............................................................................................ T Total marks

20 marks


Death of an Desert, Mountain, Dr Jekyll and
Englishman Sea Mr Hyde

1 a F 1 a F 1 a T f F
b F b T b T g T
c F c F c F h F
d T d F d F i T
e F e T e T j T
f T f F
g F g T
h T h T 2 Dr Jekyll: generous,
i T i F imaginative, kind, good,
j F j F happy

Mr Hyde: inhuman, evil,

2 In the end the Marshal 2 Each camp was going to ugly, violent, cruel
treated him very well. Bacci have a tent and food. If
also admired the way in there was a problem or
which the Marshal worked conditions became too bad 3 Dr Lanyon died after he saw
when he was ill with flu. the climbers could return to Mr Hyde turn into Dr
the nearest camp. Jekyll. This frightened him
and made him lose his faith
3 1 a in his own scientific beliefs.
2 e 3 Across the Australian He was probably killed by
3 d Desert: bush, saddle, the shock.
4 b sunstroke
5 c Climbing Annapurna:


avalanche, porter, summit, 4 Possible content for
tent students’ answers.
4 war, bombed, country, Alone Around the World: a … he said he couldn’t
fourteen, Florence, cleaner, capsize, deck, harbour leave the house
flat, mother, ill, hospital because he was ill.
b … they must break down
4 a Climbing Annapurna the door.
5 Students’ individual b Alone Around the World c … he wanted to separate
answers. c Across the Australian the two sides of his
Desert character and give
d Alone Around the World freedom to his wilder
e Across the Australian side.
Desert d … he had changed into
Mr Hyde and he
couldn’t change back.
5 If the tins got wet their e … he knew this meant
labels would fall off and killing himself.
Naomi would have no idea
what each tin contained.
5 Dr Jekyll took the drug
again because his life
6 Students’ individual seemed boring.

6 Students’ individual


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