Whats New

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What’s New in

Edgecam 2018 R2

This document highlights new product features and enhancements in Edgecam 2018 R2.

To run Edgecam and Part Modeler 2018 R2, the expiry date in the license must be April 2018 or later.

‘WHAT’S NEW’ DOCUMENT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................. 5
IMPORTANT INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................... 6

Manufacture Enhancements
THREAD TURNING CYCLE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR ALL TURN TOOL TYPES ............................................................................. 7
PREFERENCES ADDED TO CONTROL BEHAVIOUR OF UPDATE JOB/TOOLKIT FROM EDGECAM .................................................... 7
OPTION TO NOT CREATE A NEW TOOLKIT AUTOMATICALLY ............................................................................................... 8
NEW MOUSE CONTROLS ........................................................................................................................................... 9
MOVE DIALOG COMMAND NOW INCLUDES THE TECHNOLOGY MODIFIER .......................................................................... 10
EDGECAM SOLID MACHINIST FOR CREO LICENSE ADDED ................................................................................................ 10
FEATURE FIND BACK TURN FEATURES ONLY ................................................................................................................ 11
PROFILING - MULTIPLE XY OFFSET PASSES WITH HELICAL .............................................................................................. 11
PROFILING - DISALLOWING PROFILING WITH A TAPER TOOL WITH CRC=GEOMETRY ........................................................... 12
PROFILING - SOLID FACES PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT .............................................................................................. 12
ROUGH TURN - ADDED ARC LEAD ON/OFF ................................................................................................................ 13
ROUGH TURN - COLLISION AVOIDANCE FOR TAILSTOCKS ............................................................................................... 14
ROUGHING CYCLE - PLUNGE APPROACH AND PRE-DRILL HOLE LOCATIONS ........................................................................ 15
TRANSFORMING INSTRUCTIONS ON LATHES WITH MORE THAN TWO TURRETS ................................................................... 16
THREAD MILLING ................................................................................................................................................... 18
MOVE ANGULAR RAPIDS DISABLES TECHNOLOGY MODIFIERS.......................................................................................... 20
CHANGE TO TURNING CYCLES XZ OFFSET ................................................................................................................... 20
EDGECAM INSPECTION IMPROVEMENTS...................................................................................................................... 21
MILL FEATURES FROM WIREFRAME ........................................................................................................................... 23

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Tombstone Enhancements
ADD THE TOMBSTONE 'SEED' PART ........................................................................................................................... 24
LAUNCH INSERTED PARTS FOR EDITING ...................................................................................................................... 24
RELOAD MECHANISM ............................................................................................................................................. 25
EDITING OF THE TOMBSTONE ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................................... 25
PERFORMANCE ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
IMPROVED ORDERING - CLOSEST NEXT ...................................................................................................................... 25
UNLIMITED NUMBER OF PARTS TO INSERT .................................................................................................................. 25
PARTS WITH MULTIPLE COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................... 26
SUBROUTINES FOR HOLES ........................................................................................................................................ 26
SUPPORT FOR MOVE ANGULAR ................................................................................................................................ 26
ROTATED TARGET POSITIONS.................................................................................................................................... 27
PARTS COMING FROM DIFFERENT MACHINES / POST PROCESSORS ................................................................................... 27
LICENSING ............................................................................................................................................................ 27

Wire Enhancements
WARNING IF THE OFFSET SIDE IS NOT AS EXPECTED FOR THE FEATURE BEING MACHINED ...................................................... 28
NEW WIRE TECHNOLOGIES ...................................................................................................................................... 29

Simulator Enhancements
START HOLES IN SIMULATOR FOR WIRE CYCLES............................................................................................................ 30
SIMULATOR OPTION TO SIMPLIFY SOLID MILL CUTTERS ................................................................................................. 31
REPLACE ACTIVE TOOL IN SIMULATOR FOR MANUAL TOOLCHANGE ................................................................................. 32

Code Generator Enhancements

SYSTEM VARIABLE FOR EULER ANGLES........................................................................................................................ 33
SYSTEM VARIABLE FOR TOOLTYPE .......................................................................................................................... 33
SYSTEM VARIABLES FOR SHANK LENGTH AND HOLDER Z OFFSET ..................................................................................... 33

ToolStore Enhancements
EDGECAM TOOLSTORE - CONSTANT SURFACE SPEED OPTION ADDED FOR TURNING TOOLS .................................................. 34

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Important Licensing Changes

SENTINEL RMS UPGRADE TO VERSION 9.2.1 .............................................................................................................. 36
NEW ‘SEARCH STANDALONE’ OPTION ........................................................................................................................ 36
LOCKING STANDALONE LICENSES TO WIRELESS AND ETHERNET OPTIONS ........................................................................... 37
SUPPORT FOR MULTIPLE VERO COMPUTER ID KEYS ...................................................................................................... 37
OTHER IMPROVEMENTS IN CLS 2018 R2 ................................................................................................................... 37
MAINTENANCE DATABASE REPORT....................................................................................................................... 38
NEW FEATURES IN VERSION 2018 R1 .................................................................................................................... 39

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‘What’s New’ Document Overview

Purpose of this Document and Other Sources of Information
The purpose of the document is to highlight new and changed items in the current release. Non-release specific
information such as installation and licensing information, system requirements and CAD Links information can be
found in the relevant document.
For help with your installation, please refer to the Installation Guide. This is available from the DVD or the Help
sub-menu in the Edgecam program group.
For help with licensing your standalone or network license, please refer to the Licensing Guide. This is available
from the Help sub-menu in the Edgecam program group, the CLS menu and the License Manager dialog.
For information on system requirements and supported CAD systems, please refer to the Installation Guide.

Targeted Information inside Edgecam and Other Programs

In addition to this document, ‘targeted’ information on new items is available in the dialog help and user guides for
other applications. This allows you to focus on new features/enhancements for a specific program or the cycle you
are currently working on, for example.
Dialogs that have new functionality or where the cycle behaviour has changed have an additional ‘What’s New’ tab
in the help. This explains what has been added to the dialog or changed in this release.
What’s new topic(s) have been added to help files for other programs, such as Code Wizard, Code Generator, and
ToolStore etc. This only lists new functionality for that program, allowing you to focus on those items.

The Development History of Edgecam

Additional functionality and enhancements are developed with each release of Edgecam software. For an overview
of new features and enhancements in the last release, please refer to New Features in Version 2018 R1.
For a summary of new features in previous releases, please visit the History section of the Edgecam website.

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Important Information
CLS Licensing Changes
Please see Important Licensing Changes.

Sandvik are withdrawing support for Adveon as it has been superseded by CoroPlus ToolLibrary. 2018 R2 will not
support Adveon. You can still use 2018 R1 to extract a solid model from Adveon and link the data to tools in 2018
R2. We intend to implement CoroPlus in a future version of Edgecam.

Autodesk Vault
Autodesk Vault was removed from the price list a few years ago. We are now announcing retirement of this
module from 2019 R1.

Retirement of IGES Healing

A business decision has been made to retire the Cset Ci2x IGES loader used in Edgecam and Part Modeler.
Note: This will not come into immediate effect and will happen over the next few releases of the software.
To replace the Cset Ci2x IGES loader we have started the initial work to further develop SolidLink which will enable
geometry (lines, arcs, etc) and surfaces to be extracted from IGES files that contain such elements.

Edgecam Designer 2018 R2 and will be listed on the DVD StartHere menu as a download.

C/C++ - Continued support

We made a statement in previous releases that the support for C/C++ PDI's would be retired. We have decided to
continue current support for at least 2019 R2. We still strongly recommend that no new development should be
undertaken using PDI and that you move to .NET Plugin.

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Manufacture Enhancements
Thread Turning cycle is now available for all Turn Tool Types
Previously, in Edgecam, Thread Turning was only possible
with a Threading tool.
However, as thread forms come in all shapes and sizes,
we now allow the cycle to be used with any Turn Tool
The example shows a square thread being formed with a
grooving tool.

Preferences added to control behaviour of Update Job/Toolkit from

Preferences have been added to the Toolstore tab of the
Preferences dialog.
These 'Job/Toolkit Updates' preferences enable the user
to control the behaviour when updating a Job/Toolkit
from Edgecam.
The default behaviour is to prompt each time tools are
added or removed from the Job/Toolkit, but the user can
now control this behaviour with the four preferences
which have been added.

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Preference added to output a warning when selecting tools without an

associated technology
A Preference has been added to the Toolstore tab of the
Preferences dialog to output a warning when selecting
tools without an associated technology.
The user needs to be informed when the selected tool
does not have an associated technology so that they can
manually set the speed, feed and depth of cut values for
such tools:
 With Warning for Tools With No Technology
selected, a check is made and a warning popup is
displayed when loading the tool.
 The warning is also written to the feedback
window irrespective of whether the option is
 If the user edits the setup and changes the part
material, some tools in the sequence may no
longer have an associated technology; therefore,
upon sequence regeneration, warnings are written
to the feedback window to inform the user of
these tools. Users are then expected to manually
update any affected cycles with appropriate
speed, feed and depth of cut values.
Note: During regeneration, the warning is only written for
tools which have associative checked.

Option to not create a new Toolkit automatically

Previously, Create Sequence created toolkits every time
that users created a sequence which could cause issues if
they did not use ToolStore.
For this release a new Automatically Create Toolkit
preference has been added to the Toolstore tab of the
Preferences dialog which defaults to on. If this option is
unchecked, when the post is selected, Edgecam will not
create a new Toolkit by default.
Note: To create a new Toolkit, type a name in the Toolkit
field or click on one of the existing Toolkits to make a

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New Mouse Controls

For this release a new Use Vero Mouse Controls
preference has been added to the Interface tab of the
Preferences dialog.

Check this to use the mouse controls which are shared

with other Vero products. The differences for Edgecam
users are highlighted in the following list:
Mouse controls

Pan Hold Left & Right mouse

buttons and hover.

Zoom in Scroll wheel forward (on

cursor position).

Zoom out Scroll wheel backward (on

cursor position).

Zoom extend Double-click scroll wheel.

Orbit (rotate) Hold Right mouse button and

hover (screen centre).

Orbit (rotate on point) CTRL + Right mouse button

and hover (defined point).

Graphical aids

Fast zoom in Spacebar (release space bar

returns to original

Retain fast zoom in ALT + spacebar.

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Selection (picking) methods

SHIFT + Left mouse button Allows the colour of the

on a element selected element to be set as
a filter to pick all the other
elements of the same colour.

ALT + Left mouse button Allows the system to chain all

on a element of the tangent elements in a
single selection.

CTRL + Left mouse button Allows an entity to be added

on an element or removed from a group

Window selection left to Selects all of the elements

right fully included in the drawn

Window selection right to Selects all of the elements

left fully included in the drawn
box and intersected by the
box edges.

Move Dialog command now includes the Technology modifier

The Technology drop-down modifier has been added to
the Move Dialog command:
 Active when Move Type is set to Feed.
 Enables the technology parameters associated
with the tool to populate the Speed and Feed

Edgecam Solid Machinist for Creo license added

In Edgecam 2018 R2, we are introducing a new license module - Solid Machinist for Creo.
Previously, in order to load Creo parts, the customers needed the Solid Machinist for Granite module - which
allows Edgecam to use the PTC Granite solid kernel to load the solids.
The new Solid Machinist for Creo uses the Parasolid kernel, therefore Edgecam will load the solids as Parasolid
Resellers and other users with both Solid Machinist for Creo AND Granite licenses available will load Creo CAD files
as Granite models as before and save/load these in PPFs but the PCI Variable !LoadCreoAsParasolid with a Numeric
Value of 1 should allow loading of Creo models as Parasolid and save those models in PPFs.

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Feature Find Back Turn Features Only

For this release, we have added a new Back Features Only
option to Turn Feature Find. This can be useful on sub
spindle setups on which only back turn features are
 New options have been added to control where
Back features start and end.
 To find both Front and Back features, uncheck the
Front Features Only and Back Features Only check

Profiling - Multiple XY Offset Passes with Helical

For this release, we have implemented the option to
select Helical on multiple xy offset passes:
 At this stage, support is for vertical walls only that
have exact geometry.
 If the input geometry is unsuitable for Multi Pass
Helical, a warning is displayed and the toolpath
generated will be planar.
Note: In previous versions, the Helical option on the
Depth tab was unavailable when Multiple Passes were set
on the General tab.

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Profiling - Disallowing Profiling with a Taper tool with CRC=Geometry

The combination of Profiling with a Taper tool with CRC
Compensation = Geometry on certain geometries can
lead to the back offset path intersecting with itself
resulting in the back offset path having a different number
of elements to the centreline path as shown in the image.
In this situation, the machine would follow the back offset
path and machine straight through the part.
Simulator simulates the centreline path and, therefore,
this situation can be easily missed.
We are, therefore, disallowing CRC Compensation =
Geometry when Profiling with a Taper tool.
Upon detecting this combination, a screen message will
be displayed stating that CRC Compensation = Geometry
is not a valid option for taper tools and the user will be
asked to select either CRC Compensation = None or CRC
Compensation = Centre Line; in this way, the situation
cannot be missed.

Profiling - Solid Faces Performance Improvement

The Profiling cycle has been improved to optimise the data which it uses to calculate toolpaths when the user is
picking faces of a solid model.
The previous and usual way would be to collect the whole model geometry so that the cycle could safely compute
links that would not gouge the model outside of the selected faces.
This method has been reviewed and changes made to reduce the amount of data collected and used for
calculation. Links will still be safe and cycle calculation should be considerably faster, especially on large parts

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Rough Turn - Added Arc Lead On/Off

In the Rough Turn cycle, it is now possible to roll on and
off each cut with a tangential arc:
 This is the preferred method for entering hard
materials such as Inconel, titanium etc.
 It is also required when the direction of the cut is
reversed, i.e. cutting back to front when leading
onto the face. This is the preferred cut direction
for certain types of Inserts.
 The feedrate of the arc lead on can be adjusted
using the Percentage Plunge Feed option.
The following modifiers have been added:
 Lead Radius Same as Cut Depth - Checking this
greys out the Lead Radius option and sets it to
the same value as the Cut Increment.
 Lead In / Out Radius - Used in conjunction with
the Lead Angle to control the size and amount of
arc lead.

Example Lead Out Radius with Rough Cuts Only:

Example of Lead In Radius with Rough Cuts Only -

Reverse Cut Direction:

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Rough Turn - Collision Avoidance for Tailstocks

The Rough Turn cycle has been enhanced to collision
check the Tailstock(s).
A Collision Check Tailstock option has been added to the
Advanced Options on the Control tab which prevents the
tool colliding with the Tailstock:
 The Fixture Offset in Update Fixtures (General
tab) to determine the minimum allowable
clearance distance between tool and Tailstock.
 In Edgecam, the Tailstock is controlled using the
Move Tailstock command.
 The Rough Turn toolpath is trimmed to the
Tailstock boundary + any fixture offset.
Note: The Tailstock needs to be defined in Code Wizard
as part of the machine; Tailstocks which are just fixtures
are not supported.

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Roughing Cycle - Plunge Approach and Pre-drill Hole Locations

The Roughing cycle has been enhanced to be able to
generate the pre-drill positions and plunge at these
With Approach Type set to Pre-Drill and Generate Pre-
Drill Lines selected, the Roughing cycle will plunge at the
pre-drill locations assuming that the holes have already
been drilled. A Safe Distance value must be specified to
avoid making a rapid move into the rest material left by
the drill tip angle.
After the Roughing cycle has generated the pre-drill group
of lines, the user can insert a Hole cycle prior to the
Roughing to drill these; selecting a drill with a slightly
bigger diameter than that used for roughing. In the Hole
 Select Vertical Lines on the Filtering tab.
 Check Multi Level and Multi Depth on the Depth
tab; the level and depth are taken from each line
element in the group;
 Set a value of zero for the Level and Depth.
 The pre-drill group can change if the Roughing
cycle is modified; a message will be displayed
advising that any associated pre drill hole cycles
need to be regenerated to remain associative to
the roughing.
 Multiple Pre-Drill groups on the same CPL can be
drilled by the one cycle.
 A separate hole cycle is needed to drill groups on
multiple CPLs as the hole cycle is not able to
automatically index when the input geometry is

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Move Constrained, Relative and Relative Two - Option added to Perform

Moves at Current Depth
For this release, we have added a Use Current Depth
check box to the Move Constrained, Relative and Relative
Two commands which, when checked, performs moves
at the current tool depth:
 In previous versions, to perform these moves at
current depth, the Depth value had to be set on
the dialog but, in some circumstances, this value
was not known or easily determined.
 If the first move specifies the Depth and the
following commands set Use Current Depth then
they will be updated if the first is edited.

Transforming Instructions on Lathes with more than Two Turrets

On a Lathe with more than two turrets (i.e two upper and two lower), when selecting instructions to Transform,
we now list the instructions for the active turret only.
Previously, the instructions for two turrets were listed but this meant that instructions for the other two turrets
could not be selected for transformations.

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Surface Machining Cycles are now available In Rotary Mode with an Axial
Mounted Tool
The following Surface Machining cycles are now available in the Turning environment when in Rotary mode with
an axial mounted tool:
 Parallel Lace.
 Constant Cup Finishing.
 Rest finishing.
 Flow surface.
 Pencil Mill.
 Project Toolpath.
 Project Boundary Collapse.
 Project Flow Curves.
 Project Circular Pattern.
The cycles are also available in the Milling environment in Rotary mode when the rotary axis is parallel to the tool
Note: To use the Surface Machining cycles in Rotary Mode in Milling, the Force Planar in Rotary Axial Milling
option in the Machine Parameters dialog of Code Wizard (Configure > Machine Parameters) must be unchecked.

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Thread Milling
The Thread Mill cycle has been enhanced and now supports better control for multi-passes allowing variable
depth. It also provides greater control over leads and between-passes links.

Variable depths for multi-passes - Spring passes

The following options have been added to the Thread
 Degression Factor - A factor that progressively
reduces the depth of each cut, as the number of
cuts increases. Must be greater than 1 (need not
be a whole number).
 Cut Increment - Specifies the distance that the
tool moves in the cut direction with each pass. If
the cut factor is not 1.0 then the Cut Increment
represents only the first depth of cut as the
toolpath will degress in depth.
 Final Increment - Specifies the last cut increment.
Actual cut increments for each pass are
interpolated from the Cut Increment and the
Final Increment.
 Spring Cuts - Specifies the number of finishing
passes made using Spring Depth to the Total
Depth. This allows for any "spring" in the tool or
 Spring Depth - Specifies the depth of material to
be removed by each spring cut.
 Number of Passes and Cut Increment are
mutually exclusive.
 Degression Factor and Final Increment are
mutually exclusive.
 Degression Factor can only be used if there are
multiple passes.
 Spring Cuts can only be created if there is more
than one pass.

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Link between multi-passes

Previously, on an internal thread, when there were
multiple passes on a thread, the tool would usually
retract back to Retract height and then plunge again to
continue with the next pass. This could unnecessarily
increase cycle time.
A Stay at Depth for Multi-passes option has been added
to optionally maintain the tool at depth, forcing it to
make a straight move to the next pass start point.
Note: Only available on internal threads.

Leads - Defaults and variable radius

The calculation for the default lead radius on internal
threads has been slightly changed in response to user
In this release, for an Internal Thread, when Plunge in
Centre is enabled and the user has not specified a lead
radius, the default will be to make the radius in such a
way that a 180 degree radius would start exactly on the
centre of the thread.
Additionally, when the thread contains multiple passes,
an Adjust Multi-pass Radius option to vary the radius
been implemented. This will vary the radius for each pass
so that the start point is maintained constant.
Note: Only available for internal threads.

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Move Angular Rapids disables Technology modifiers

In previous versions, a Move Angular in Rapid Mode
(Move Type set to Rapid) could override Technology
values for Speed and Feed which resulted in incorrect
values in the NC for the next machining cycle.
These modifiers are now unavailable when Rapid Mode is
set and the NEXTSPEED look ahead in the code generator
has been fixed to ensure that correct values are output
to the NC.

Change to Turning Cycles XZ Offset

For this release, we have made a change to the Turning
Cycles XZ Offset to overcome an issue with toolpath
segments being shortened or even being removed in
some cases. This was especially noticeable when large XZ
offsets were specified as shown in the image.
Note: This change affects all turning cycles which use XZ

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Edgecam Inspection improvements

As part of the ongoing improvements to Edgecam Inspection, a number of enhancements have been implemented.

Inspect Toolpath - General tab

Calibration strategy – Group by axis
The Group Calibrations option allows the user to
calibrate all measuring vectors at the indexed position
before moving to measurement.
More features for Tool Offset
Plane and Arc features were added to the features that
can be picked to update Tool Offset.
Enable Relocate Sphere for all calibration strategies
The Re-Calibrate option has been renamed to Relocate
Sphere. This option is now available for all calibration
Calibration strategies – No Calibration
The No Calibration strategy has been added. When
selected, no calibration procedure will be created and a
calibration file to evaluate results will not be required.

Probing Options - Output tab

Work Datum Override
With this new command, the user can specify the work
offset numbers for datums used in the sequence.
Recalculation of deviations with BestFit (Workpiece
The Minimize Deviations option enables the user to use
the Best Fit function for minimizing errors in deviations
by aligning real points with nominal data.
Watcher to process results automatically
The Result Files options have been enhanced to
automatically process result files when they appear in a
specified folder.
Automatically send NC to machine (CNC Gateway)
The Connect to Machine options enable NC programs to
be automatically sent to the machine via CNC Gateway.

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Probing Options - Features tab

Advanced Options for Feature tolerances
Some feature types now have an Advanced tab with
options for values (deviations) which can be excluded
from the report. Select the Advanced option to display
the Advanced tab for these feature types.

Other Improvements
 Rectangle feature
The Rectangle feature has been implemented. To create this feature, the user simply needs to pick two
perpendicular faces.
 Function to check journal file for completion
The Heidenhain controller does not have a function to delete a file and, therefore, continues writing to the
same file. If the session has failed, the result file may have multiple data sets, some of which are
incomplete. Therefore, in this release, incomplete cycles are ignored and a journal file with a fragment of
the resulting data plus complete resulting data will be processed.
 Read result files with floating decimal point
Some controllers output values smaller than 0.01 micron as a number with floating decimal points, for
example, 0.565678EX-7. In this release, the value will be detected and treated as 0.
 Inspection Cycle with Protected move
In this release, different feedrates can be set for links below Clearance/Level and probe touch moves.

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Mill Features from Wireframe

We have added a new command to enhance Feature
creation capabilities which now creates Milling Features
from Wireframe.
This command can be used when the faces or edges of a
solid are not suitable to create the feature. The geometric
input to the feature is always a 2D wireframe profile
comprised of lines, arcs, etc:
 The level and depth of the feature are specified on
the dialog. Additional modifiers are available for
defining an upper/lower radius or chamfer and
draft wall angle.
 When the Feature is edited, additional parameters
will be available allowing you to change the
Coordinate Input, Reverse the Feature side and to
add a Comment to the Feature.
 It is also possible to give the feature a name to
ensure that it is recognisable in the feature
browser window.
Due to the associativity between the wireframe and the
feature created from it, if you have a feature created from
a rectangle (closed shape), removing one of the lines will
make the new feature an open shape. However, the
regeneration is not automatic to avoid issues with
features changing their geometry without user interaction
and must be performed manually using the Regenerate
Wireframe Mill Features command.
 Associativity is limited to simple changes to the
input geometry.
 If the wireframe geometry is extracted from a solid
model, there will be no associativity between the
Solid and the Wireframe.
 Wireframe Mill features are designed for use with
solid models and are, therefore, only available
when a solid is present in the Edgecam session.
When a solid model is present, Wireframe Mill
features can be created and machined using cycles
or strategies. These features are not designed for
wireframe only systems.

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Tombstone Enhancements
Add the Tombstone 'Seed' Part
Previously, the Tombstone method required the user to
manually open the 'seed' file and then insert parts on it
to create the Tombstone assembly. Once finished, it was
the responsibility of the user to correctly save that job
with the possibility that the 'seed' file could be lost which
could have been extremely time consuming.
In this release, the module has been enhanced and the
first step is now to insert the Tombstone ('seed') file.
Only after this is done will the user be able to continue
with the assembly. This also forces a Save as which
prevents the accidental overwriting of the precious 'seed'

Launch Inserted Parts for Editing

Once the user has finished the assembly, and applied
Tombstone, the module now allows parts to be edited
from inside the browser. This will launch a new session of
Edgecam for that specific part enabling the user to edit
as required.
 The part needs to be available in the original
location (at the time of insertion into Tombstone),
otherwise, it cannot be edited.
 Children cannot be edited because they are
instances of a Parent part which can be edited.
 To edit a part, select the Parent in the Browser
which then enables the Edit button.

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Reload Mechanism
Tombstone now maintains a live link to each part that
was inserted into its assembly. That link remains valid
while the location does not change. When it detects that
a part has been changed (by checking its time stamp), it
will prompt the user to either reconstruct the assembly
with the new edited part or maintain the current state.
If Yes is selected, Tombstone will recreate the assembly.
Note that if a part cannot be found, Tombstone will warn
the user and prevent the rebuild.

Editing of the Tombstone Assembly

When a Tombstone sequence already exists, the user may want to change, for example, the assembly, quantity,
clearances, ordering or output. When a change is made on the browser, the Apply button is reactivated and the
user will be prompted depending on the level of editing:
 If Datums, Targets or Mating are changed, the entire assembly needs to be reconstructed. The user will be
prompted perform the regeneration.
 If Offset, Output or Ordering are changed, the Tombstone toolpath needs to be regenerated but the
assembly does not require reconstruction. The user will be warned to regenerate the sequence which will
then update the toolpaths.

Tombstone is considerably faster to apply. The engine has been enhanced to reduce unnecessary calculations by
being smarter in reducing data and calculation for child parts. The reduction in processing time can be up to 80%
depending on the complexity of the assembly.

Improved Ordering - Closest Next

The toolpath and rationalisation algorithm has been enhanced to improve the order of toolpaths and ensure that,
whenever possible, the closest next part is machined. Previously, Tombstone would follow the order in which parts
were inserted which could, potentially, make each job a few seconds longer. In a large scale production
environment, this enhancement should make a considerable difference.

Unlimited Number of Parts to Insert

Previously, Tombstone was limited to two distinctive parts being added to its assembly. This limit has been
removed and now the user can insert as many parts as required.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 25 of 59


Parts with Multiple Components

Parts which contain multiple components (copies or
distinctive parts) are now supported on Tombstone.
It is important that the component structure on the
insert-part is correctly defined, otherwise, the elements
might not be correctly recognised.

Subroutines for Holes

Previously, subroutines for Hole cycles have been disabled due to conflicts between Tombstone subroutines and
hole points subroutines.
This issue has been resolved and Hole cycle points will now be grouped into Subroutines when applicable.
Note: At this stage, Tombstone does not support nesting of Subroutines which means that only the hole cycle
points will be grouped, and not the complete cycles.

Support for Move Angular

Parts programmed using Move Angular are now accepted by Tombstone. These will be reprocessed and Move
Angular items replaced by Indexes which are collision free and allow the user some control over Datums.
Whenever Tombstone finds a part that contains a Move Angular, it will replace it by an Index. The Datum
generated by that Index will follow the setting for Absolute or Incremental and be appended to the bottom of the
list of Datums (on NC output). The Datums will also maintain their original positioning (as programmed in the
original part) to minimise disruption.
A feedback message will also be displayed issued to inform the user that they should review the output and
'Tombstone - Move Angular has been replaced by Index - please review Datum positioning and output'

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 26 of 59


Rotated Target positions

Tombstone now allows parts to be inserted at rotated target locations allowing the user to arrange things
differently or for when it is a requirement of the Tombstone fixture.
This means a part can be rotated and the engine will ensure that datums align properly with the machine axis for
The pre-requisite is that the seed file is created with these target positions; it is the responsibility of the user to
define the number of locations and their associated orientations.
When assembling the parts, the Parent part can be inserted at any location and the children can be inserted at
target locations that have the same orientation in terms of machine-axis. Should the user wish to insert the same
part, but in a different orientation, it must be inserted again, as a new Parent, and the locations must be chosen
If a Parent containing Children is changed to a new target with a different orientation, the Children will reset the
target and the user will need to select again from a newly filtered list with locations that match the Parent.
Note: Machining / indexing will still fail if the machine cannot physically reach the orientation.

Parts coming from different Machines / Post processors

It is common for the user to program the inserted parts using generic post processors because, at this stage, the
type of machine on which the final Tombstone will be executed may not have been defined.
Tombstone now fully supports the insertion of parts that were programmed using a different post processor
provided that there is basic compatibility. A warning message will be displayed indicating that the inserted part
uses a different configuration but is compatible.
This should provide greater flexibility for large shop floors, with multiple machines, allowing the user to quickly
recreate an assembly using the correct Seed / Machine.

Tombstone has a dedicated licensing module which controls the availability of the Tombstone browser. The
licensing also controls the Tombstone functions on parts with previously created tombstone toolpaths. If an
existing Tombstone part is loaded into a session for which it is not licensed, regeneration and post processing will
be disabled, with a feedback message being displayed.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 27 of 59


Wire Enhancements
Warning if the Offset Side is not as expected for the feature being
In this release, we have fixed an issue in Edgecam where the wrong information could sometimes be sent to the
Wire engine relating to whether the input geometry was a Boss or a Pocket.
In previous releases, users may have specifically set the Offset Side to Left or Right to overcome this limitation and
set the offset on the required side; inside on a pocket and outside on a boss. However, the Offset Side could switch
if these parts where regenerated in this release and, therefore, we now check that the Offset Side is as expected
for the feature being machined and issue a warning when it is not:
'Offset side is not as expected for selected input geometry - please check that the offset side is set correctly'
Note: Using Automatic Offset Side is recommended and safe.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 28 of 59


New Wire Technologies

For this release, new Wire Technologies have been added for the following machine models:

 AGIE HSS (AA15DE_1 Type)


 SP43[JP] SP64[JP] (V5) METRIC
 SP43[US] SP64[US] (V5.1) INCH
 U1310 (V3) METRIC
 U1310 (V4) METRIC
 U3 U6 (V1) METRIC
 U3 U6 (V10.1) METRIC
 U3 U6 (V11) METRIC
 U3 U6 (V11.1) METRIC
 U3 U6 (V9.2) METRIC

 BRD-B13W032-A13,FA30 (V2.0)
 BRD-B13W062-A8,FA-VS (V10.0)
 BRD-B13W111-A0,NA1200 (V1.0)
 BRD-B13W151-A5,MV2400S_ADVANCE3 (V3.0)
 BRD-B13W158-A3,MV1200S_D-CUBES (V1.3)
 BRD-B13W159-A3,MV1200R_D-CUBES (V1.3)
 BRD-B13W159-A4,MV1200R_D-CUBES (V1.4)
 BRD-B13W160-A3,MV2400S_D-CUBES (V1.3)
 BRD-B13W161-A2,MV2400R_D-CUBES (V1.2)
 BRD-B13W161-A3,MV2400R_D-CUBES (V1.3)
 BRD-B13W161-A4,MV2400R_D-CUBES (V1.4)

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 29 of 59


Simulator Enhancements
Start Holes in Simulator for Wire cycles
Simulator has now been enhanced to show the Start
Holes configured in the Wire cycle.
The Start Hole is where the wire cycle starts. Even though
it is usually circular, there are cases when the cycle has
used a rectangle with an offset; in these cases, the Start
Hole is, in fact, a rectangle and Simulator has also been
adapted to show that.
 The information passed to the Simulator is
currently being used to cut any Stock found in a
given coordinate.
 The Start Holes do not relate to a specific stock
which allows multiple stocks found in the
sequence to be cut.
 The Start Holes are Sequence specific. If there are
multiple machining Sequences in a PPF file, the
Start Holes will only appear from one of them at a

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 30 of 59


Simulator option to simplify Solid Mill Cutters

When using solid models for a milling cutter, complicated
shapes can cause slow-downs, compromising the overall
performance of simulation. This is most significant when
there are internal shapes that are, in theory, not relevant
to the actual cutting, but still slow down the simulation
To resolve this issue, a Simplify Solid Milling Cutters
option has been implemented to simplify the process by
using a silhouette of the cutter. This removes
unnecessary internal shapes, greatly improving
simulation speed.
 Only affects Milling tools with solid MEG defined
as cutter.
 This should be used only when the
undercut/internal shape is not relevant to the
actual simulation.

Simplify option OFF - Internal shapes all present

Simplify option ON - Only the outline contour is used to

create the cutter

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 31 of 59


Replace Active Tool in Simulator for Manual Toolchange

For this release, we have added functionality to correctly
simulate scenarios in which the machine operator
manually changes the tool during the machining process.
The Replace Active Tool option enables the Simulator to
only show the active tool when there are more tools in
the same Turret Position. If more tools are placed in the
same Turret Position deliberately when, for example, the
positions are controlled by gauge points, this option
cannot be used.
 This applies to Index and Linear turrets only.
 There are no effects in Edgecam or in the NC
Code; the user remains responsible for stopping
and replacing the tool.
 Warnings are already displayed in Edgecam, when
starting the Simulator, if tools occupy the same

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 32 of 59


Code Generator Enhancements

System Variable for Euler angles
One system variable (EULER1, EULER2, EULER3) has been added to the following Code Generator macros:
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 1 - MOVE RAPID).
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 2 - MOVE FEED).
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 53 - CLW).
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 54 - CCLW).
 Turning Macro Reference (MACRO 1 - MOVE RAPID).
 Turning Macro Reference (MACRO 2 - MOVE FEED).
 Turning Macro Reference (MACRO 53 - CLW).
 Turning Macro Reference (MACRO 54 - CCLW).
 C Axis Macro Reference (MACRO 53 - CLW).
 C Axis Macro Reference (MACRO 54 - CCLW).

System Variable for TOOLTYPE

Additional values (23 - Additive Powder Deposition, 24 - Additive Wire Deposition, 25 - Additive Metallization and
26 - Additive) have been added to the TOOLTYPE system variable in the following Code Generator macros:
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 15 - TOOLCHANGE).
 C Axis Macro Reference (MACRO 165 - TOOLCHANGE).

System Variables for Shank Length and Holder Z Offset

Two new system variables (TOOLSHANKLENGTH and TOOLHOLDERZOFFSET) have been added to the following
Code Generator macros:
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 15 - TOOLCHANGE).
 C Axis Macro Reference (MACRO 165 - TOOLCHANGE).

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 33 of 59


ToolStore Enhancements
Edgecam ToolStore - Constant Surface Speed option added for Turning
When creating or editing Turning Tool Types in the
ToolStore, it is now possible to set Constant Surface
Speed (CSS).
When the tool is selected in Edgecam, the CSS checkbox
on the resulting Edgecam Toolchange will reflect the
ToolStore Constant Surface Speed setting.
This removes the need to edit the tool in Edgecam each
time to set CSS.
Note: Not available for Thread tools.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 34 of 59


Edgecam ToolStore - Minimum and Maximum Diameter Range modifiers

added for Face Groove Tools
Minimum Diameter and Maximum Diameter range
modifiers have been added for Face Groove Tools; they
do not change the geometry of the tool.
Tooling suppliers give the supported diameter range for a
tool as shown.
These modifiers are available in ToolStore and Edgecam
and can be used when searching the database for a tool
in Strategy Manager.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 35 of 59


Important Licensing Changes

Sentinel RMS Upgrade to Version 9.2.1
The Sentinel RMS software that our CLS licensing is based on has been upgraded to version 9.2.1.
Customers who have a Network license, must ensure that their Sentinel RMS License Manager is updated to
version 9.2.1 or higher. After installing Edgecam 2018 R2 and attempting to use network licenses, if the Sentinel
RMS License Manager is earlier than version 9.2.1, a warning about the upgrade is displayed.
To install the 9.2.1 Sentinel RMS License Manager, run setup.exe from the \Sentinel RMS Licensing\License
Manager Installation folder of your installation media. Existing network license files are compatible with the new
License Server and only require updating to run Edgecam 2018 R2 if the maintenance expiry date is currently
March 2018 or earlier.

New ‘Search Standalone’ option

We have introduced the new Search Standalone option in the License Manager Server menu to update the list of
options in License Manager, for example, when a key has been added to the system. License Wizard will also list all
of the Standalone options.

Note that a search will show all keyless options and any valid keys that are attached to the PC. Once the choice has
been made and the licenses have been installed, on a refresh or restart of License Manager, only the active option
will be displayed.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 36 of 59


Locking Standalone licenses to Wireless and Ethernet options

To make the management of standalone licenses on laptop computers easier, we now display options for all
network adaptors that can be locked to in License Wizard and License Manager, these are labelled Wireless and
Ethernet. It is recommended that the Wireless interface option is selected to ensure continued use of the licenses
when the laptop is removed from Ethernet cables and docking stations.

Support for multiple Vero Computer ID Keys

CLS now supports the use of multiple Vero Computer ID keys to enable multiple Vero brands to be locked to them
on the same PC.

Other improvements in CLS 2018 R2

 When a standalone or network server option is made active but a license for it is not yet installed, the
yellow warning triangle is displayed behind the green tick ().
 The time that it takes for the license profile dialog to display and populate the list of profiles has been
 When a network server is made active, it is automatically added to the Defined server list.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 37 of 59


Maintenance Database Report

For a full list of maintenance items resolved in Edgecam 2018 R2, please refer to the Maintenance Database

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 38 of 59


New Features in Version 2018 R1

Below is an overview of new features and enhancements in the last release.
For a summary of new features in previous releases, please visit the History section of the Edgecam website.

Manufacture Enhancements

Roughing Cycle - Detect Undercut Stock added to General tab

A new Detect Undercut Stock field has been added to the
General tab of the Roughing cycle. This allows you to analyse
the current stock and avoid areas that have no stock:
 This option should help to avoid air cutting and reduce
the machining time. For this example, the machining
time went from 2h 46min to 1h 16min.
 The option is an extra calculation step and could add
time to the cycle generation time which would not be
beneficial on complex parts with no undercut.
Note: Available on Standard Milling and Standard Production

Option not set:

Option set:

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 39 of 59


Roughing Cycle - Waveform - Ability to set Helix Diameter on

For this release, it is possible to define the Helix Diameter on
Approach with Maximum Helix (%Tool ) and Minimum Helix
(%Tool ) when using Waveform strategy for Roughing.
Previously, the diameter was automatically set based on the size
of the pocket, diameter of tool and whether or not it was centre
This can be used when the tool allows a specific range of
diameters for the helix or when, for a specific application, a
fixed diameter must be set:
 The Maximum Helix (%Tool ) should be used unless
limited by the pocket size.
 Equal values for both modifiers will define a fixed
diameter for helical approaches.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 40 of 59


Pass Feature Boundary to Cycles

When machining a group of features with Use Current Stock
selected, the cycle also creates a toolpath outside of the part as
it tries to machine all existing stock because the limits of the
feature are not defined. This can be time consuming and is
usually the result when strategies are used.
For this release, we have added an additional Pass Boundary To
Cycles property to a group of features which will prevent this
unnecessary toolpath from being created.
Feature Properties
Open Pocket, Open Mill and Flat Face features now have an
additional Pass Boundary To Cycles property in the Feature
section which defaults to No.
Cycle Behaviour
If the Pass Boundary To Cycles feature property is set to Yes,
the Roughing and Plunge Roughing cycle will automatically use
the boundary created as shown in the illustration.
Note: The boundaries are generated by extracting an outer
silhouette from the bottom face of the feature including any
radius that might be connected to the wall.

Pass Boundary To Cycles = No

Pass Boundary To Cycles = Yes

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 41 of 59


B Axis Contouring cycle - Maximum Angular Increment

A new Maximum Angular Increment modifier has been added
to the General tab of the cycle dialog:
 Used to control the maximum angular increment when
 Results in more or less control points in the toolpath and
NC code.
 May be used to help improve the surface finish,
especially on machines which do not morph the B axis
between the control points.
Checking Display in the Normals section of the Preferences
dialog - Toolpaths tab shows the effect of this setting.

Rough Turn - Collision Check Chucks

The Rough Turn cycle has been enhanced to collision check the
nominated chuck(s).
It uses the Fixture Offset in Update Fixtures (General tab) to
determine the safety margin.
This is useful when features extend into the chuck and you want
to machine them automatically. An additional benefit is that the
tool will now cut down the insert side angle rather than just
plunge down into material.
Two options have been added to the Advanced Options on the
Control tab:
 Collision Check Main Spindle - Prevents the tool
colliding with the main spindle chuck or jaws.
 Collision Check Sub Spindle - Prevents the tool
colliding with the sub spindle chuck or jaws.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 42 of 59


Rough Turn - Extend Past Stock Edge

For this release, we have added the ability to extend past the
stock edge to the Rough Turn Cycle. This can be useful in
situations where the stock model is inaccurate or simply to go
beyond the stock edge to break off a burr. It can also be useful
to extend the start to add some additional clearance when
leading in to each cut.
With Extend Start To Stock or Extend End To Stock selected,
Start and End extension values can now be entered. This
extends the profile start / end vectors out tangentially to the
stock edge + any extension. It also extends any toolpath stripes
above the profile / stock intersection to the stock edge + any

Profiling - Spring Cuts added to General tab

A new Number of Spring Cuts field has been added to the
General tab of the Profile Milling cycle.
When profiling, tool deflection can result in the part being cut
oversize, typically when machining hard materials. It can be
necessary to repeat the profiling passes to achieve the correct
size and surface finish.
For this reason, we have now made it possible to set the
number of spring cuts that are required:
 For multiple passes, the spring cuts are applied to the
final cut at each level.
 For multiple cut increments, there is an option to apply
the spring cuts only at full depth (Spring Cuts at Full
Note: Available on Standard Milling and Production Licence.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 43 of 59


Profiling - Adjust feedrate on arcs added to General tab

A new Adjust feedrate on arcs field has been added to the
General tab of the Profile Milling cycle. This allows you to adjust
the feedrate when going around external and internal arcs.
Previously, the feedrate was adjusted in the Code Generator
which contained the option. However, using this method meant
that any feedrate adjustments were not considered in the
Edgecam cycle time.
By making the adjustment in the cycle, Edgecam cycle times
now reflect the feedrate adjustments. The following formulas
are used to calculate the feedrate adjustment in the cycle:
 External Corner Feed = Linear Feed * (Radius on Part +
Toolrad) / Radius on Part
 Internal Corner Feed = Linear Feed * (Radius on Part -
Toolrad) / Radius on Part
1. You should update to the latest Code Generator
template to ensure that Code Generator does not
duplicate the feedrate adjustments in addition to the
2. Please ensure that your Maximum High Feedrate is
correctly set in your post processor to avoid the
feedrate being adjusted beyond the maximum feedrate
limit of the machine.

Profiling - Undercut Profiling with Protect Solid is not permitted

In previous versions, the Profiling cycle allowed the Undercut and Protect Solid options to be set together.
However, this combination of options is not supported and causes unreliable results.
For this release, this combination of parameters is not permitted:
 Existing parts that include Profiling cycles with this combination of parameters may change during
regeneration in 2018 R1.
 A warning message is displayed if this combination of settings is detected upon regeneration.
 An alternative method should be found for any cycles which are affected, for example, use of boundaries or
depth settings.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 44 of 59


Preserving Features that were found on a Stock Solid

When a solid model is used as stock, you can still find features
on it which can be used for cycle creation or for referencing, for
example, with 'Move Relative To'.
However, the stock is constantly handled and reprocessed and,
potentially, becomes an STL which no longer references the
original model. The STL is then discarded (hidden from view)
which will then also lose the features.
To overcome this limitation, a new Preserve Solid Stock field
has been added to the Solids tab which will maintain the solid
and its features in, for example, Setup or Spindle Docking.
Note: Existing parts, where a Setup has already been
performed, will need to be recreated because the entities in
question are already affected.

Speed and Feed Modifiers are now locked when using

Technology values from the ToolStore
We have improved the way that the Speed and Feed modifiers
work when the Technology values are returned from the
 Previously, it was possible to edit the returned
Technology values for Speed and Feed on the cycle
dialogs; however, this was unreliable.
 For this release, the Speed and Feed Modifiers are now
locked when using Technology values from the
 The returned Speed and Feed values can be modified by
selecting Technology None and adjusting the values as

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 45 of 59


Deep Hole Drilling

The Hole Cycle has been enhanced with the capability to
perform deep hole operations where the user can control key
parameters, such as tool direction, speed, feed, coolant and
through tool coolant, on different sections of the operations.
This is particularly important where specialised and rather
fragile tools are used and the process requires accurate and
precise output of such cycle elements.
A new Deep Hole strategy is available on the General tab with
parameters set on the Deep Hole tab.
Note: The license required is Advanced Milling (or above).

Spindle Control command now controls Through Tool Coolant

The Spindle Control command now controls Through Tool
A Through Coolant option has been added to the Spindle
Control dialog allowing you to specify whether the tool can pass
coolant through internal channels and if High pressure is used.
Note: The templates have been updated to support this.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 46 of 59


Move To Toolchange / Home on machines with rotary heads

Move To Toolchange / Home has been historically unreliable on
machines with rotary axis in the head, when the head was
indexed to a plane different from the initial plane.
The main issue was that the moves created (and simulated) did
not necessarily agree with what was output. That was obviously
not ideal and could lead to a potentially dangerous situation.
To resolve this, we have implemented an option to Move
relative to the Machine or Datum orientation on the Move to
Toolchange dialog:
 Existing commands will default to Machine and,
therefore, there will not be any toolpath change on
existing parts.
 Moving relative to Datum means that the movement will
take the current Datum orientation and move according
to that.
Code Generator
The solution requires changes in post processing to use the
intermediate point output which is available on three new
system variables: INTERXMOVE, INTERYMOVE and
When these are set, it means that the move is not single-legged.
Therefore, to fully benefit from this solution, the post processor
will need to be updated to 2018 R1.
Changes will be noticed mainly on head-machines with Current
Datum output where Current Datum Coords is selected
because the other modes might be machine-specific.
Note: Templates have been changed so that they extract
movement information and output that into the First and
Second legs of the move, if they exist. Check your post to ensure
that the tokens are placed accordingly, otherwise, the output
may not match the created toolpath.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 47 of 59


Support for JTOpen file format

Edgecam now loads solids from JTOpen files.
The JTOpen file is a lightweight 3D model format developed by Siemens PLM Software; designed as an open, high-
performance, compact, persistent storage format for product data; used for product visualisation, collaboration,
and CAD data sharing.
Some of the existing CAD systems that load JT files are: Siemens PLM NX, Siemens PLM I-DEAS, Siemens PLM Solid
Edge, Dassault Systemes CATIA, Parametric Technology Creo and Autodesk Inventor.
 Existing parts that include Profiling cycles with this combination of parameters may change during
regeneration in 2018 R1.
 Edgecam only loads JTOpen files that contain solids.
 PMI data is not supported.
 Versions up to 9.5 are supported.
Handling of Nested features for improved strategy use
For this release, the Feature Finder has been improved to
handle Nested features and reduce duplication. The
enhancements should reduce any unnecessary machining that
would be created by automatic assignment when using Strategy
Previously, when finding both Nested and Single Pockets, the
Feature Finder would simply maintain all three versions of the
feature that were related to the selected geometry resulting in:
 Two internal bosses.
 The internal non-nested pocket.
 The nested pocket, suitable for Strategy Manager.
From this release, if the nested feature can be completely
machined, the duplicates will be automatically sent to the bin:
If compatible, only the Nested feature will be maintained and
the others will be sent to the bin.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 48 of 59


Interface Enhancements

Screen Capture
A new command which allows PCIs to take screenshots has
been added for this release.
Example PCI-JS code:
// Initialising command:- Save JPG
cmd1 = InitCommand(50, 713);
// Setting modifier 'Filename'
SetModifier(cmd1, 56, "c:\\temp
// Setting modifier 'Width'
SetModifier(cmd1, 172, "800");
// Setting modifier 'Height'
SetModifier(cmd1, 56, "600");
cmdret = ExecCommand(cmd1, -1);
If the Width and Height modifiers are unset, or set to zero, the
size of the visible graphics area will be used.
The Screen Capture command can be accessed within Edgecam
using one of the following methods:
 Type 'Screen Capture' in the Quick Search box in the
 Add 'Screen Capture' to the Workflow Ribbon Toolbar.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 49 of 59


Images on Dialogs
As part of our continuing effort to improve the user experience,
images and help tooltips have been added to the following
machining cycles:
 B Axis Contouring.
 3 to 5 Axis.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 50 of 59


New OpenGL Datum

In order to improve visibility and consistency, we have
introduced a new OpenGL Datum for Edgecam. The new datum
is bigger and has the same arrow style as the compass (drag-
and-drop datum).
We have added different plane indicators to easily identify
when working with Default, Mating Location or Machine Datum
type of workplane.

PDI API Enhancements

This release includes extensions to the .NET Plugin API which allow plugin developers to:
 Create billboarded information panels, 3D arrows, and labels. These graphical elements can be used to
display information to users in a convenient fashion.
 Show and hide reports. In the main window, the context menu, accessed by right clicking, includes an
option to show and hide the reports. The option is only available if reports have been created.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 51 of 59


Formulas in Dialogs
Following the work to implement Formulas in Dialogs for the
2017 R2 release, a number of enhancements have been
implemented for this release which will help users to access the
formulas and identify when they have been used:
Auto Complete
When you type a valid object into the modifier and then add a
dot, a list of valid formulas for the given dialog will be displayed,
for example:

Alternatively, you can select the field in which the formula will
be used and press Ctrl + Space to display a list of all possible
objects. Use the keyboard arrows to navigate to the required
formula and press TAB to transfer the formula to the field.
Highlighting variables
Modifiers containing variables are highlighted in bold with a
cyan boundary.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 52 of 59


Simulator Enhancements

Spinning effect on Holders during simulation

Holders of driven tools can be spun in the simulator to
represent the behaviour of the actual machine tool. This is
controlled by the Spin Driven Milling Holders option.
Previously, when Spin Driven Milling Holders was selected,
driven tools would always spin the holder, irrespective of the
tool direction.
For this release, when the option is selected, the Simulator will
only spin the holder if the Direction, set on the Spindle tab of
the Edgecam cutter dialog, is not Stop.
This is particularly relevant for Probing and Additive tools.
Note: This does not affect the spinning of the cutter. A driven
cutter will continue to spin as this is essential for cutting the

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 53 of 59


Code Wizard Enhancements

Euler angles for Multi-plane Machining

Euler angles can define a coordinate system by a set of three
composed elemental rotations. Usual definitions include:
 Proper Euler angles which can be Z-X-Z, X-Y-X, Y-Z-Y, Z-Y-
Z, X-Z-X, Y-X-Y.
 Tait–Bryan angles which can be X-Y-Z, Y-Z-X, Z-X-Y, X-Z-Y,
Z-Y-X, Y-X-Z.
These angles can be used on index and for describing the
orientation of an angled-head. Complex machines and Robots
also typically require Euler angles.
For this version, we are extending the capabilities of Edgecam to
output these angles; only Z-X-Z definition was available
previously. Now the user will be able to configure, in the post,
what set of composed rotations is to be output.
Output continues to be through the same system variables and

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 54 of 59


Code Generator Enhancements

System Variable for Euler angles

One system variable (EULER1, EULER2, EULER3) has been updated in the following Code Generator macro:
 Milling Macro Reference (MACRO 43 - INDEX PALLET).
One new system variable (EULER1, EULER2, EULER3) has been added to the following Code Generator macro:
 C Axis Macro Reference (MACRO 253 - B AXIS INDEX).

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 55 of 59


Strategy Manager Enhancements

Strategy Manager - IsFeatureFinished function for Holes

The Strategy Manager IsFeatureFinished function has been
enhanced to detect whether holes are finished to a given offset:
 It compares the selected feature against the current
stock model and finds the maximum difference between
the two.
 Use IsFeatureFinished to determine if the feature is
finished to a given offset in order to determine if further
machining of the feature is required.
 When setting the offset to check against, you should
take into consideration the inaccuracies of the stock
Note: Rotary holes are not supported.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 56 of 59


Important Licensing Changes

Support for Edgecam legacy Sentinel and HASP keys removed

The Edgecam legacy keys listed below are not supported in Edgecam 2018 R1 and future releases:
 Edge TimeHASP (USB).
 Edgecam MemoHASP.
 Edge NetHASP (USB).
 Edge TimeHASP (PP) (Blue Key).
 Standalone Network (Green Key).
 Network NetSentinel (Yellow/Red/Grey Key).
 Full Customer SuperPro (Blue Key).
If you have one of these keys and have not been contacted by your Vero representative yet, please contact them
to arrange an exchange for a Sentinel RMS license. The license type is listed on your delivery note.

Sentinel RMS Upgrade to Version 9.1

The Sentinel RMS software that our CLS licensing is based on has been upgraded it to version 9.1.
For customers who have an existing Standalone license (keyless or locked to a Computer ID key – see image below)
your licenses will automatically be configured for use with Edgecam 2018 R1.

For customers who have a Sentinel RMS Network license, you must ensure that your Sentinel RMS License
Manager is version 9.1 or higher. After installing Edgecam 2018 R1 and attempting to use network licenses, if the
Sentinel RMS License Manager is earlier than version 9.1, the message shown below will be displayed.

To install the new Sentinel RMS License Manager, run setup.exe from the \Sentinel RMS Licensing\License
Manager Installation folder of your installation media. Existing network license files are compatible with the new
License Server and only require updating if the maintenance expiry date is September 2017 or earlier.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 57 of 59


How to access licensing in 2018 R1

Edgecam 2018 R1 introduces a new version of CLS licensing and the CLS icon that was previously in the notification
area at the bottom right hand corner of your desktop has been removed. Note that previous installations of CLS for
versions up to and including 2017 are not removed and can still be used for licensing the respective versions of the

CLS 2017 was the last release to display the CLS icon.

The License Manager, Configure Network Licenses, Homework Mode, Preview and Help menu options that were
previously displayed on the CLS menu are all now in the License Manager.

The CLS Menu in previous releases.

Note: The Program Security Key, Set License Server
Name and Ignore Network Security Key options are no
longer required because they were only relevant to the
legacy keys for which we have removed support.

The License Manager application is now accessed from the Edgecam Launcher.

The Configure Network licenses option is accessed

from a button on the License Manager dialog.
The Homework Mode and Preview options are
accessed from the Licenses menu of the License
Note: The Preview option is a licensed option that is
available on request.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 58 of 59


New Licensing Wizard

The process for licensing Edgecam on a system that has not previously been licensed has been made easier with
the introduction of the Licensing Wizard. When the Edgecam Launcher or Edgecam shortcut is selected on an
unlicensed system, the License Wizard is launched and will guide you through the licensing process.

Users who have exchanged their legacy key license for a Sentinel RMS license will use the License Wizard to
configure their new license.

What's New in Edgecam 2018 R2 59 of 59

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