Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak: Assignment - Ii
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak: Assignment - Ii
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak: Assignment - Ii
The Indian Law does not define the term ‘cybercrime’. It is neither defined in the
Information Technology Act, 2000 nor in the I.T. Amendment Act, 2008 nor in
any other legislation of India. In fact, the Indian Penal Code still does not use the
term ‘cybercrime’ even after its amendment by the Information Technology
(Amendment) Act, 2008. However, cybercrime can be defined as any criminal
activity directly related to the use of computers and the internet, such as illegal
trespass into the computer system or database of another, manipulation or theft of
stored or online data, hacking, phishing, cyber warfare, spreading computer viruses
etc. In simple words, any offence or crime in which a computer is used for
committing that crime.
1. Cyber Crimes
2. Electronic and Digital Signatures
3. Intellectual Property
4. Data Protection and Privacy
Cyber crimes are unlawful acts where the computer is used either as a tool or a
target or both. The enormous growth in electronic commerce (e-commerce) and
online share trading has led to a phenomenal spurt in incidents of cyber crime
Intellectual property is refers to creations of the human mind e.g. a story, a song, a
painting, a design etc. The facets of intellectual property that relate to cyber space
are covered by cyber law.
Data protection and privacy laws aim to achieve a fair balance between the privacy
rights of the individual and the interests of data controllers such as banks,
hospitals, email service providers etc. These laws seek to address the challenges to
privacy caused by collecting, storing and transmitting data using new technologies.
Need for Cyber Law
There are various reasons why it is
extremely difficult for conventional
law to cope with cyberspace:
1. Cyberspace is an intangible
dimension that is impossible to
govern and regulate using
conventional law.
3. Cyberspace handles gigantic traffic volumes every second. Billions of emails are
crisscrossing the globe even as we read this, millions of websites are being
accessed every minute and billions of dollars are electronically transferred
around the world by banks every day.
The Indian Cyber Law covers these major aspects of Cyberspace and cybercrime:
1. The Indian Cyber Law makes every format in electronic form legal,
which means anything that you write, share and publish electronically is
now considered legal.
2. It also makes all electronic contracts legal, which means that an offer can
be electronically made and accepted, and it would amount to a valid and
binding electronic contract.
3. The Indian Cyber Law recognizes and legalizes the concept of digital
signatures and electronic authentications.
4. Indian Cyber Law covers almost all kinds of cybercrimes and provides
punishment for the same.
5. It also punishes the people of other nationalities, provided their crimes
involve any computer or network situated in India.