CPT Statistical Manual
CPT Statistical Manual
CPT Statistical Manual
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3
2 Sufficient Homogeneity Testing ............................................................................ 3
2.1 Sample Selection and Measurement ...................................................................................... 3
2.2 Statistical Analysis of Homogeneity Data ............................................................................... 3
2.3 Uncertainty due to Inhomogeneity .......................................................................................... 7
2.4 Alternative Homogeneity Testing Procedure used in NMI CPT .............................................. 7
7 References ......................................................................................................... 14
8 Revision/Review History ..................................................................................... 15
1 Introduction
The Chemical Proficiency Testing (CPT) Statistical Manual outlines the statistical methods used by
CPT. These methods are based on the procedures described in ISO 13528:2005 (E) “Statistical
methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons”1 and “The International
Harmonized Protocol for the Proficiency Testing of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories”2.
The role of the CPT Statistical Manual is to set out the procedures used in assessing the homogeneity
of the test materials sent to the participants’, the method of establishing the assigned value and the
target standard deviation of a PT study as well as the tools used to assess and compare individual
laboratory performance.
Table 1 Duplicated results for ten distribution units and intermediate stages of calculation in
Cochran’s test
Sample D = A-B S = A+B D2=(A-B)2
(mg/kg) (mg/kg)
6 1.041 1.014 0.027 2.055 0.00070
87 1.034 0.995 0.039 2.029 0.00151
97 1.120 1.033 0.087 2.153 0.00756
159 1.076 1.086 -0.010 2.161 0.00010
174 1.078 1.061 0.017 2.139 0.00028
211 1.023 0.980 0.042 2.003 0.00178
212 1.058 1.072 -0.013 2.130 0.00018
228 1.001 0.998 0.002 1.999 0.00001
232 1.012 1.028 -0.015 2.040 0.00023
246 0.987 0.969 0.019 1.956 0.00035
6 87 97 159 174 211 212 228 232 246
Vial No
∑ Di
= 0.595
where C = Cochran’s statistic test
Dmax = the largest difference between duplicates
Di = difference of each pair of duplicates
Table 2 Critical values for the Cochran test statistic for duplicates
m1 95%
7 0.727
8 0.680
9 0.638
10 0.602
11 0.570
12 0.541
13 0.515
14 0.492
15 0.471
16 0.452
17 0.434
18 0.418
19 0.403
20 0.389
1m is the number of samples that have been measured in duplicate.
The 5% critical value for ten samples from Table 2 is 0.602.
No analytical outlier was identified.
Source of P-
Variation SS df MS F value F crit
0.0244 9 0.00271 4.27 0.0166 3.020
Within Groups 0.00635 10 0.000635
san = MS within
= 0.0006351
san = the analytical variance
MS between − MS within
ssam =
0.00271 − 0.000635
= 0.00104
s sam = the between-sample variance
σ = χ ∗ PCV
= 1.03 ∗ 0.15
= 0.155 mg/kg
The analytical standard deviation (san) is the square root of the analytical variance estimated from
ANOVA above.
san / σ =
= 0.163
This is less than the critical value of 0.5. The method is precise enough to detect significant in-
σ all
= (0.3 * σ ) 2
= (0.3 * 0.155)
= 0.00216
where σ = target standard deviation
The critical value is:
c = F1σ all
+ F2 s an
m1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7
F1 1.59 1.60 1.62 1.64 1.67 1.69 1.72 1.75 1.79 1.83 1.88 1.94 2.01 2.10
F2 0.57 0.59 0.62 0.64 0.68 0.71 0.75 0.80 0.86 0.93 1.01 1.11 1.25 1.43
1m is the number of samples that have been measured in duplicate.
Compare the sampling variance s sam with the critical value.
The sampling variance ( sam = 0.00104) is less than the critical value (0.00471). The samples are
sufficiently homogeneous.
The results of the sufficient homogeneity testing is summarised in Table 4.
Table 4: Homogeneity test results
Note: even though statistically significant differences between the test samples have been detected
using one-way Anova (P value < 0.02), the inhomogeneity is small enough to be of no practical
consequence when compared to the expected between laboratory variability.
Lab Code
Sample S3
2 71.2
3 57.0
4 55.4
5 58.1
6 55.4
7 58.4
8 60.67
9 55.65
10 57.2
11 55.4
12 59.6
13 45.9
14 57.3
15 56.0
Lab Code
Sample S3
16 55.3
17 61
18 56.5
19 57.7
20 100
21 58.4
22 54.3
Table 6 Robust average and associated uncertainty
Participants results that are extreme outliers (outside the range of ±50% of the robust average) will be
excluded from the assigned value calculation.
3.4 Formulation
Formulation is the addition of a known amount or concentration of analyte to a base material which is
either free of the analyte or its concentration accurately known. The assigned value is then
determined from the proportions of the materials used and the known concentrations added.
This method is advantageous if pure substances are available to spike the test samples, as the added
amount can be measured extremely accurately by gravimetric or volumetric methods. Consequently,
there is usually no difficulty in establishing the traceability of the assigned value.
The uncertainty is estimated from the uncertainties in analyte concentrations of the materials used
and gravimetric and volumetric uncertainties, through moisture content or any other changes during
mixing if significant. For more details to estimate standard uncertainty follow the approach described
in the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement”5.
4.1 By Perception
The target standard deviation could be fixed arbitrarily by the study coordinator based on a perception
of how laboratory should perform. The perception is based on practical experience and published
models4, 5, 6 and varies depending on the concentration in the matrix. The values of target standard
deviation for various projects are presented in the CPT Study Protocol.
where c = concentration, (eg. the assigned value Χ expressed as a dimensionless mass ratio
1ppm ≡ 10-6 or % ≡ 10-2)
Laboratory performance is assessed by comparing reported test results to the assigned value using
both z-scores and En-scores.
z-scores and must be selected with care if they are to provide a realistic assessment of laboratory
(χ − X )
z = z-score
χ = individual laboratory result
Χ = assigned value
σ = target standard deviation.
z-scores are interpreted as follows:
• ІzІ ≤ 2 satisfactory.
• 2 < ІzІ < 3 questionable
• ІzІ of ≥ 3 unsatisfactory
The En-score is an objective measure of whether or not an individual result is consistent with the
assigned value. Unlike z-scores, En-scores do not require the setting of a target standard deviation.
(χ − X )
En =
U χ2 + U X2
En = En-score
χ = individual laboratory result
Uχ = expanded uncertainty of the individual laboratory result
Χ = assigned value
UΧ = expanded uncertainty of the assigned value
En-scores are interpreted as follows:
• ІEnІ ≤ 1 satisfactory
• ІEnІ > 1 questionable
En-scores will be rounded to two decimal places.
2 7
1 21
12 14
0 18
-1 6
11 16
-4 22
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
and the software required to produce kernel density plots are found at the Royal Society of Chemistry
The Kernel density plot is used to identify modes in the distribution of participants’ results. It is also
used to identify outlying results.
7 References
1. ISO13528:2015 (E), Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory
comparisons, ISO, Geneva, Switzerland.
2. Thompson, M., Ellison, S. L. and Wood, R., The International Harmonised Protocol for the
Proficiency Testing of Analytical Chemistry Laboratories, Pure Appl. Chem., 78 (1), 145-196, 2006.
3. Lawn, R. E., Thompson, M. and Walker, R. F., Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, LGC,
Teddington, UK, 1997.
4. Horwitz, W., Evaluation of analytical methods used for regulations of food and drugs, Anal. Chem.,
54, 67A-76A.6, 1982.
5. Thompson, M., and Lowthian, P.J., A Horwitz-like function describes precision in a proficiency test,
Analyst, 120, 271-272, 1995.
6. Thompson, M., Recent trends in inter-laboratory precision at ppb and sub-ppb concentrations in
relation to fitness for purpose criteria in proficiency testing, Analyst, 125, 385-386, 2000.
7. Hibbert, D. B. and Gooding J. J., Data Analysis for Chemists – An introductory guide for students
and laboratory scientists, first edition, Unversity Press, New York, 2006.
8. Stephen L. R. E., Barwick V. J. and Farrant T. J. D., Practical Statistics for the Analytical Scientist –
A bench guide, 2nd edition, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 2009.
8 Revision/Review History