FPFF Questions - 1

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1. You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing BA. At what stage
should you start to make your way out of the compartment ?

a) Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to reach you work
area. Start to return when you have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve

b) Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel outside will be keeping a
track of the time you have spent inside

c) 15 minutes after starting to used the set as this leaves you with five minutes air left

d) wait until the BA set warning whistle sounds

2. Water tight sliding steel doors used below water line must be able to close in 45 seconds or
less when ship is in upright condition

a) False

b) True

3. What is the requirement for escape route opening

a) Must be capable of opening from direction for which escape is required

b) Must be capable of opening in both directions

c) Must be capable of opening from outside to inside

d) Must not be opened without permission


Flammable cargoes are those with a flash point _____________

a) At or above 37.8 degrees Celsius

b) At or above 50 degree Celsius
c) At or below 37.8 degrees Celsius
d) At or above 60 degrees Celsius
2. What is Heats role in making a fire

a) It raises the material temperature so it will ignite

b) It lowers the material temperature to allow it to burn
c) It keeps the fire burning

3. Class B fire involves liquids

a) True
b) False

4. Extinguish the fire by

a) Cooling the material

b) Starving the fire
c) Smothering the fire
d) All of the above

5. Fire can be caused onboard a vessel by

a) A high DC power supply

b) Low batteries
c) A low AC power supply
d) Faulty electrical leads

6. If you are the first person to discover a fire, what should you do?

a) Leave the building immediately

b) Head to your locker and get your personal items
c) Pick up a fire extinguisher and tackle the fire
d) Activate the fire alarm

7. Class B fire extinguishers are designed to be used on combustible metals

a) True
b) False

8. Portable fire extinguishers are available only CO2 and foam

a) True
b) False
9. For fighting fire on deck of a tanker system used is _____

a) Low expansion foam

b) High expansion foam
c) DCP
d) CO2

10. Class B fires are those fires that occur involving paper and wood
a) True
b) False

11. A concentration of only ____ % will induce rapid unconsciousness

a) 1%
b) 10%
c) 70%
d) 0.33%

12. Fire patrol should use their senses touch, smell and sight to identify fie

a) True
b) False

13. Violent flames and heavy black smoke is typical of which sort of fire

a) Wood fire
b) Paper fire
c) Fuel oil fire
d) Electrical fire

14. Oxygen powered resuscitator is driven by pressurized gas delivered by a regulator, and can
be either automatic or manually controlled

a) True
b) False

15. Fire is characterized by

a) Reduction
b) Oxidation
c) Heat
d) Corrosion

16. Designated fire exists will always be marked with a green EXIT sign and will be lit from within
to insure visibility

a) True
b) False
17. In case of fire on electrical motor first thing to do is

a) Call the electrician

b) Extinguish fire by water spray
c) Sound alarm, stop motor and extinguish using CO2
d) Extinguish using foam extinguisher

18. The Continuous burning of Fire is represented in fire tetrahedron by addition of

a) Chain supply
b) Chain reaction
c) Chain inhibition
d) Chain prevention

19. A fire is said to be under control when

a) It stops spreading
b) No smoke is seen
c) When the temperature of side wall remains cool and steady
d) Flame is knocked off

20. Where on board would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by ‘A ‘or ‘B’ class

a) A fire involving liquids or liquefied solids

b) A fire involving solid materials
c) A fire involving gases
d) A fire involving metals

21. What is fuels role in making a fire?

a) It is the combustible material that burns

b) it is the food that gives your body energy
c) it is one thing you don’t need to make fire

22. The primary function of a fire door is to safe exit in case of fire

a) True
b) False

23. Thermal value is the amount of heat released by a unit mass of fuel

a) True
b) False

24. Fire class A type is

a) Metals
b) Liquids
c) Electrical equipment
d) None of above
25. An “A” class fire is fuelled by

a) Wood, paper cloth, trash, plastics

b) Flammable liquids: gasoline, oil, grease, acetone
c) Electrical: energized electrical equipment

26. Class C fire extinguishers are used to put out combustible metal and metal alloy fires

a) True
b) False
27. Radiation is transfer of heat through the physical movement of particles from hotter to
colder zone

a) True
b) False

28. What type of fire extinguisher should be used to douse a fuel-based fire?

a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Water
c) Foam
d) Wet chemical

29. When is it required for portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to be recharged?

a) At least once each year

b) Each time the vessels dry docks
c) When the charged weight decreases by 50%
d) Whenever used for demo or to fight fire on board ship

30. What type of fire extinguisher should you use in order to extinguish a fire caused by solid
materials, such as wood, paper or textile?

a) Carbon Dioxide
b) Water
c) Foam
d) Wet Chemical

31 Class B fire division have the insulation such that the average temperature raise in the un
exposed side will be not more than 140 degree C within the time

a) True
b) False

32. Metal fire is classified as class C fire

a) True
b) False

33. A self contained breathing apparatus

a) Is used for deep sea diving

b) Contains oxygen
c) Is used for entry in enclosed spaces
d) Is connected to the deck air line

34. The weight of portable fire extinguisher is not more than

a) 9 kg
b) 23 kg
c) 13.5 kg
d) 5 Kg

35. Putting fire out by removing fuel is called inhibition

a) True
b) False

36. Why should a CO2 extinguisher be used with caution in confined areas

a) it will displace the air and reduce the amount of oxygen available
b) It will increase the oxygen present in the confined area to a danger level
c) it will not operate effectively in confined areas
d) It may explode when exposed to heat

37. For fighting fire on deck of a tanker system used is ________

a) Low expansion foam

b) High expansion foam
c) DCP
d) CO2

38. Smothering is the method of fire fighting by limitation of

a) molecular chain reaction

b) Temperature
c) Fuel
d) air

39. Emergency fire pump is located in the engine room

a) True
b) False

40. An exit route of three parts : exit access, exit and exit discharge
a) True
b) False

41. The best way to combat an engine room bilge fire is through the use of

a) dry chemical extinguisher and solid stream water

b) Foam extinguisher and low velocity water fog
c) foam extinguisher and solid stream water
d) foam and soda acid extinguishers

42. What type of release is allowed for fixed gas fire extinguishing installation onboard
a) Any automatic release system
b) A manually operated release only
c) An automatic release system activated by fire alarms
d) An automatic release system activated by fire detectors

43. In the case of Direct Reduced Iron (DR) cargo in the hold, contact with water may lead to
vigorous re-oxidation accompanied by the evolution of heat and hydrogen which may give rise to the
risk of explosion

a) True
b) False

44. Which of the following colors is used to indicated Foam fire extinguisher

a) Red and yellow band

b) Red and cream band
c) Red and blue band
d) Red and black band

45. The letters A,B and C on the portable fire extinguisher represent what

a) How much chemicals it holds

b) The first three letters of the alphabet
c) types of fire the extinguisher will put out

46. What do the words ‘spontaneously combustion’ mean

a) The substance is very difficult to set alight, even when it is very hot
b) when this substance burns it burns completely and does not leave any residue or ash
c) when the substance burns it becomes very hot
d) the substance can catch fire by itself without an external source of heat or ignition

47. Quick closing valve can be operated from a remote location

a) True
b) False

48. Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship and fire drills do not
correspond to present regulations

a) On all international voyages, except short voyage, muster of passengers shall take place
within 24 hours after embarkation
b) On all short international voyages, muster of passengers shall take place as soon as possible
c) Each member of the crew shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill
every month
d) A training manual shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each
crew cabin
49. Portable fire extinguisher is designed to put out______ effectively?

a) Small fire
b) Explosion
c) Industrial fire
d) Large bush fire

50. The fire signal on a ship must be a continuous blast of the whistle or electrical bell for not
less than ____ seconds

a) 10

b) 15

c) 20

d) None of the above

51. Instructions for ‘Preparation for welding or hot work in cargo tanks’ is laid down by the
Norwegian Maritime Directorate. During ongoing inspection on work

a) At one level for at least two places in the tank

b) At three levels at one point close to the working area

c) At three levels for at least two places in the tank

d) At two levels for three places in the tank

52. Fire watch should be performed during and after all hot work activities

a) True

b) False

53. In accommodation the automatic sprinklers shall come into operation within the
temperature range

a) 80 – 90

b) 68 – 79

c) 56 – 67

d) 48 – 55
54. The lowest temperature at which the heat from the combustion of a burning vapor is
capable of producing vapor to enable combustion but not sustaining is

a) Ignition point

b) Flash point

c) Fire point

d) None of the above

55. In a mixture of flammable vapor and air, if there is too much vapor and not enough air to
support combustion, we say the mixture is

a) Too rich

b) Over concentrated

c) Too lean

d) Saturated

56. When is it required for portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to be recharged ?

a) at least once each year

b) each time the vessel dry docks

c) when the charged weight decreased by 50%

d) whenever used for demo or to fight fire onboard ships

57. What is the minimum number of portable fire extinguishers that must be carried on ships of
100 GRT and above ?

a) 3

b) 5

c) 9

d) 7

58. In tankers sufficient foam concentration shall be supplied to ensure at least _____ min of
foam generation in tankers fitted with an inert gas installation

a) 10 minutes

b) 20 minutes

c) 30 minutes

d) 40 minutes

59. To operate the fire extinguisher, the acronym PASS is often used to help us remember to
a) Pull the pin, aim at the base of the fire, squeeze the handle and sweep at the base of the

b) Pass by the fire, activate the fire alarm, select the proper extinguisher, shoot at the base of
the fire

c) Pull the alarm, alert the response team, shut down the power sources, secure the area

d) Pass by the fire, activate the sprinkler system, seal fire area from oxygen, stop unauthorised

60. The best form of protection against fire is ______

a) Cure

b) Hose reel

c) Prevention

d) Fire extinguisher

61. Fire hoses shall have a length of at least 10m , but not more than ___ in machinery space

a) 15 m

b) 20 m

c) 25 m

d) None of above

62. If a fixed foam fire fighting system is not of the premix type , a sample of the foam liquid
must be tested by

a) Coast Guard inspection officer

b) The safetyman aboard the unit

c) The designated person in-charge of the unit

d) The manufacturer, or his authorized representative

63. Below is a list of fire extinguisher types matched with surfaces on which they can be used?
Which is the incorrect option

a) Class A – Cloth, paper and rubber

b) Class B – Plastics, polyethylene, Styrofoams

c) Class C – Wiring, fuse boxes, electrical equipment and computers

d) Class D – Combustible metals such as magnesium , potassium and sodium

64. Carbon-di-oxide (CO2) release alarm is fitted outside the engine room

a) True

b) False

65. Class A divisions formed by bulk heads and constructed with steel or other equipment
material and suitably stiffened

a) True

b) False

66 A cargo hold containing cargo such as nitrates, chlorates etc which produce oxygen under
the influence of heat catches fire. How would you deal with this ?

a) With this type of material the hatches should not be battened down. The fire can only be
extinguished using large quantities of water

b) Boundary cooling

c) Close the hatches, apply boundary cooling and allow fire to use up the oxygen and
extinguish itself

d) Close the hatches and use the fixed CO2 system

67. Flammability means

a) That burns below 37.5 deg C / 100 deg F

b) any fuel that can burn

c) Both

d) none

68. Class A fires involve flammable liquids

a) True

b) False

69. CO2 portable extinguisher fitted in accommodation should have ______ of liquid

a) 2.5kg

b) 3.5 kg
c) 4.5 kg

d) 5.5 kg

70. All portable ,semi portable and fixed fire extinguishing unit on board ship must be tested
and inspected at least once every

a) six weeks

b) six months

c) twelve months

d) two years

71. During fire, the means of communication

a) Messengers

b) Telephones

c) Walkie-Talkie

d) All of the above

72. How do you direct a fire nozzle under full water pressure

a) Blowing

b) Two hoses for each vertical fire zone

c) One hose for every second fire hydrant

d) one hose for each 30 meter length of ship plus one spare hose for engine and …..

73. Who has the authority to pull the fire alarm after discovering a fire on the worksite

a) Only Mater can activate the fire alarm

b) Anyone who has seen a fire can activate the fire alarm

c) only the fire safety officer activate the fire alarm

d) only the crew can activate the fire alarm

74. What is the maintenance schedule for a sprinkler system onboard

a) Monthly

b) Quarterly
c) Weekly & yearly

d) Half yearly

75. What action should be taken immediately after a fire has been extinguished

a) They are liable to spontaneous combustion

b) They are not a hazard

c) They are not hazard unless ignited

d) They generate their own oxygen when ignited and are therefore difficult to extinguish

76. Which ship shall be provided with international shore connection for supply of water as
extinguishing media

a) Tankers

b) All ships of 500 GRT and upward

c) Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers

d) Passenger ships of 100 GRT and upward

77. Fire detector principle of operations could be based on

a) Bimetallic strip

b) Fusible links

c) Quartzite bulb

d) All the above

78. You should always check closed doors for heat before opening them

a) True

b) False

79. Fire of carbonaceous substances is known as

a) Class B Fire

b) Class A fire

c) Class C fire

d) Class D fire
80. Fire blankets are used for

a) Smothering of fire

b) Cooling of fire

c) Inhibition of fire

d) Starvation of fire

81. Designated exits must always be unlocked from both side

a) True

b) False

82. The lowest temperature at which the heat from the combustion of a burning vapor is
capable of producing sufficient vapor to sustain the reaction and to enable combustion to continue
is called

a) Flash point

b) Self ignition temperature

c) Fire point

d) None of the above

83. What fixed fire fighting medium do we normally use in the engine room, pump room and
other spaces?

a) 68 – 79

b) 56 – 67

c) 48 – 55

d) 80 – 90

84. Structural fire protection refers to the passive measures taken to

a) Provide a vessel with a sprinkler system

b) Provide a vessel with fire fighting equipment

c) Limit the risk and spread of fire

d) Limit the size of the engine room

85. What quantity of reserve fuel is to be available for diesel driven fire pumps outside the main
machinery space

a) 20 liters

b) 40 liters

c) sufficient amount for six hours operation at full capacity

d0 Sufficient amount for fifteen hours operation at full capacity


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