Towards A Universal Theory of Artificial Intelligence Based On Algorithmic Probability and Sequential Decisions
Towards A Universal Theory of Artificial Intelligence Based On Algorithmic Probability and Sequential Decisions
Towards A Universal Theory of Artificial Intelligence Based On Algorithmic Probability and Sequential Decisions
Marcus Hutter
Table of Contents
• Sequential Decision Theory
• Iterative and functional AIµ Model
• Algorithmic Complexity Theory
• Universal Sequence Prediction
• Definition of the Universal AIξ Model
• Universality of ξ AI and Credit Bounds
• Sequence Prediction (SP)
• Strategic Games (SG)
• Function Minimization (FM)
• Supervised Learning by Examples (EX)
• The Timebounded AIξ Model
• Aspects of AI included in AIξ
• Outlook & Conclusions
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• Decision Theory solves the problem of rational agents in uncertain worlds if the
environmental probability distribution is known.
• Solomonoff’s theory of Universal Induction solves the problem of sequence
prediction for unknown prior distribution.
• We combine both ideas and get a parameterless model of Universal Artificial
Preliminary Remarks
• The goal is to mathematically define a unique model superior to any other model
in any environment.
• The AIξ model is unique in the sense that it has no parameters which could be
adjusted to the actual environment in which it is used.
• In this first step toward a universal theory we are not interested in computational
• Nevertheless, we are interested in maximizing a utility function, which means to
learn in as minimal number of cycles as possible. The interaction cycle is the basic
unit, not the computation time per unit.
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for k:=1 to T do
- p thinks/computes/modifies internal state.
- p writes output yk ∈ Y .
- q reads output yk .
- q computes/modifies internal state.
- q writes reward/utlitity input rk := r(xk ) ∈ R.
- q write regular input x0k ∈ X 0 .
- p reads input xk := rk x0k ∈ X.
Probabilistic Environment
Replace q by a probability distribution µ(q) over environments.
The total expected reward in cycles k to m is
µ 1 X
Vkm (p|ẏẋ<k ) := µ(q) · Vkm (p, q)
q:q(ẏ<k )=ẋ<k
With Bayes’ Rule, the probability of input x1 ...xk if system outputs y1 ...yk is
ẏk = maxarg max ... max
yk yk+1 ym k
xk xk+1 xmk
µ(yx1:k ) = µ(q)
q:q(y1:k )=x1:k
Remaining Problems:
• Computational aspects.
• The true prior probability is usually not (even approximately not) known.
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1 ¿ hl(yk xk )i ¿ k ¿ T ¿ |Y × X|
a b c d
16 24 32
1 ¿ 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 2 ¿ 265536
The universal semimeasure is the probability that output of U starts with x when the
input is provided with fair coin flips
ξ(x) := 2−l(p) [Solomonoff 64]
p : U (p)=x∗
Furthermore, the µ expected squared distance sum between ξ and µ is finite for
computable µ
X∞ X
µ(x<k )(ξ(x<k xk ) − µ(x<k xk ))2 < ln 2 · K(µ)
k=1 x1:k
[Solomonoff 78] for binary alphabet
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ẏk = maxarg max ... max
yk yk+1 ym k
xk xk+1 xmk
Universality of ξ AI
The proof is analog as for sequence prediction. Inputs yk are pure spectators.
ξ(yx1:n ) ≥ 2−K(ρ) ρ(yx1:n ) ∀ chronological ρ
Convergence of ξ AI to µAI
yi are again pure spectators. To generalize SP case to arbitrary alphabet we need
|X| |X| |X| |X|
X X yi X X
(yi −zi ) ≤ yi ln for yi = 1 ≥ zi
i=1 i=1
zi i=1 i=1
⇒ ξ AI (yx<n yxn ) −→ µAI (yx<n yxn ) with µ prob. 1.
Does replacing µAI with ξ AI lead to AIξ system with asymptotically optimal behaviour
with rapid convergence?
This looks promising from the analogy with SP!
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Problem: Dkµξ ≤ 2K(µ) is the best possible error bound we can expect, which depends
on K(µ) only. It is useless for k ¿ |Y | = 2K(µ) , although asymptotic convergence
But: A bound like 2K(µ) reduces to 2K(µ|ẋ<k ) after k cycles, which is O(1) if enough
information about µ is contained in ẋ<k in any form.
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Separability Concepts
Other concepts
• Deterministic µ.
• Chronological µ.
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AIµ always reduces exactly to XXµ model if XXµ is optimal solution in domain XX.
AIξ model differs from SPΘξ model. For hk = 1
ẏkAIξ = maxarg ξ(ẏṙ<k yk 1) 6= ẏk
Weak error bound: Enξ < 2K(µ) < ∞ for deterministic µ.
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µ (y1 z 1 ...yn z n ) := µ(f )
f :f (yi )=zi ∀1≤i≤n
Trying to find yk which minimizes f in the next cycle does not work.
General Ansatz for FMµ/ξ:
ẏk = minarg ... min (α1 z1 + ... +αT zT )·µ(ẏż1 ...yz T )
yk yT
zk zT
Other methods might emerge in the short programs q if we would analyze them.
AIξ seems not to lack any important known methodology of AI, apart from
computational aspects.
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• We have developed a parameterless model of AI based on Decision Theory and
Algorithm Information Theory.
• We have reduced the AI problem to pure computational questions.
• A formal theory of something, even if not computable, is often a great step toward
solving a problem and also has merits in its own.
• All other systems seem to make more assumptions about the environment, or it is
far from clear that they are optimal.
• Computational questions are very important and are probably difficult. This is the
point where AI could get complicated as many AI researchers believe.
• Nice theory yet complicated solution, as in physics.
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