135 Holy Spirit, Light Divine
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1. Ho- ly Spir - it, Light di-vine, Shine up-on this heart of mine;
2. Ho-ly Spir - Pow’r di- vine, Cleanse this guilt- y heart of mine;
3. Ho- ly Spir - Joy di-vine, Cheer this sad- dened heart of mine;
4. Ho- ly Spir - all di- vine, Dwell with-in this heart of mine;
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Chase the shades of night a - way, Turnmydark- ness in - to day.
Long has sin, with-out con-trol, Held do-min- ion o’er my soul.
Bid my man-y woes de- part, Heal my wounded, bleed- ing heart.
Cast downev - ‘ry i - dolthrone; Reignsu-preme,and reign a-lone. A-MEN.
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Words, Andrew Reed, 1817, alt. Tune MERCY, Louis M. Gottschalk, 1854; adapted, Edwin P. Parker,
«. 1880,
136 Spirit of the Living God
of the
Spir - it liv- ing God, fall fresh on me; Spir- it of the
liv - ing God, fall fresh on me. Break me, melt me, mold me,
Words and tune IVERSON, Daniel Iverson, 1926; arranged, B. B. McKinney, 1937.