Heat Waves After Covid 19
Heat Waves After Covid 19
Heat Waves After Covid 19
Environmental Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envres
Keywords: Heat waves and Covid-19 overlap, as this pandemic continues into summer 2021. Using a narrative review, we
Covid-19 identified overlapping risk groups and propose coping strategies. The high-risk groups for heat-related health problems
Heat wave as well as for high-risk COVID-19 groups overlap considerably (elderly with pre-existing health conditions). Health care
Personal protection equipment
facilities will again be challenged by Covid-19 during heat waves. Health care personnel are also at risk of developing
heat related health problems during hot periods due to the use of personal protective equipment to shield themselves
Summer from SARS-CoV-2 and must therefore be protected from excessive heat periods. Some existing recommendations for
Heat related health problem heat health protection contradict recommendations for COVID-19 protection. This paper provides a preliminary
Health care personnel overview of possible strategies and interventions to tackle these ambiguities. The existing recommendations for pro
tection against heat-related illnesses need revisions to determine whether they include essential aspects of infection
control and occupational safety and how they may be supplemented.
Funding 1. Background
Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Since February 2020, COVID-19 cases have been reported globally.
Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on the basis of a resolution of There is still an increase in daily new cases (see Fig. 1).
the German Bundestag (project number: 67DAS213). COVID-19 not only poses extreme challenges to the healthcare
* Corresponding author. Institute and Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Ziemssenstr. 1, 80336,
Munich, Germany.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Bose-O’Reilly).
Received 9 July 2020; Received in revised form 26 March 2021; Accepted 6 April 2021
Available online 20 April 2021
0013-9351/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
S. Bose-O’Reilly et al. Environmental Research 198 (2021) 111153
Fig. 1. Daily confirmed new cases (7-day moving average). Outbreak evolution for the current 10 most affected countries, February 14, 2021(https://coronavirus.
system, the entire societies also experienced the implementation of protection against Covid-19 and for heat management (Daanen et al.,
substantial non-pharmaceutical interventions to contain and mitigate 2020; Foster et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2020; Martinez et al., 2020; Mor
the spread and infection rates. abito et al., 2020). Information addressing this issue was compiled and
The pandemic will probably last for many more months, if not years the first recommendations have been published on national and inter
(Barbarossa and Fuhrmann, 2020). Societies as a whole undergo long national levels (Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN),
time broad non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI), such as case isola 2020).
tion, tracking, home quarantine, social/physical distancing, closure of There is a high risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2, especially for the
schools and care home facilities, to name but a few (Aleta et al., 2020; elderly and the chronically-ill and people in need of care (Kim et al.,
Kissler et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020). General precautions such as hand 2020; Leclerc et al., 2020; Nachtigall et al., 2020; Pijls et al., 2021;
washing, good respiratory hygiene, no shaking of hands etc. should be Williamson et al., 2020; Wingert et al., 2020). These vulnerable groups
adhered to minimize transmissions (Kim et al., 2020). Second and third are likewise at high risk of developing or dying prematurely from
waves are occurring often in countries where NPI are less strict. In an heat-related health problems (D’Ippoliti et al., 2010; Matthies et al.,
outbreak lasting over a longer period, only strict implementation of NPIs 2008; Semenza et al., 1996). It is to be feared that with a continuing
can ensure that the healthcare systems will not become overwhelmed COVID-19 pandemic and possible heat waves in the 2021 and beyond,
(Hellewell et al., 2020). these vulnerable groups will be at multiple risks. Hence, health systems
A further challenge for the healthcare system is to deal with more need to prepare for heat events — in addition to managing COVID-19.
frequent and severe health effects caused by climate change. Compared Heat health action plans and recommendations may need modification
to pre-industrial times, the global average temperature has risen by in cases where they are restricted, unavailable or in contradiction due to
about 1.0 ◦ C. In connection with this, hot days, heat waves and tropi COVID-19 measures and guidelines (Daanen et al., 2020; Martinez et al.,
cally warm nights are already occurring and will certainly continue to 2020; Morabito et al., 2020). Additionally, prolonged heat can put an
occur more frequently and for longer periods (IPCC 2014 et al., 2014). additional burden on health systems and emergency services that are
Hot periods and the thresholds when they become a risk can vary largely already under pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
locally. Setting the specific threshold is part of a “heat health action
plan”. In general, heat waves with tropically warm nights impose greater 1.1. Objectives
strain on the human organism, and they are particularly stressful for the
old and chronically ill (Calleja-Agius et al., 2020; IPCC 2018. et al., The concurrence of a biological (SARS-CoV-2) and a climate (heat)
2019; van Schönthaler and von Andrian-Werburg, 2019). threat did occur in summer 2020 and will likely occur in summer 2021.
Heat waves are the main cause of premature climate-change-related Most national heat health action plans - developed over previous years -
deaths, especially in the above-mentioned risk groups (Watts et al., need amendments to accommodate for regulations and advice for pro
2018). Seventy-thousand deaths in Europe were claimed due to the heat tection against the new SARS-CoV-2. The speed at which this global
wave in 2003 (Robine et al., 2008). Globally there is an upward trend of pandemic has occurred adds considerable stress on policy makers as heat
heat-related premature deaths (Watts et al., 2019). To combat this, the health action plans must be updated and amended immediately. It will
WHO, with experts from various fields, has drawn up recommendations be a new challenge for hospital managers, staff, medical and non-
for heat health action plans (Matthies et al., 2008) detailing the risks medical personnel in outpatient and inpatient care. Supplementing the
posed by heat and strategies to reduce heat related loss of work pro heat health action plans with important points of infection control and
ductivity, morbidity and mortality. Many Western countries already occupational safety and health will minimize heat strain, as well as the
have adopted and implemented heat health action plans (Bittner et al., transmission rates. This article aimed to identify the special challenges
2014; Casanueva et al., 2019). With the Covid-19 pandemic, it is for:
necessary to adapt these plans to address the conflicting advice for
S. Bose-O’Reilly et al. Environmental Research 198 (2021) 111153
• Overlapping vulnerable populations. group commented and added to the draft, including additional refer
• Reducing heat strain for medical and non-medical personnel, espe ences and materials.
cially when working with personal protective equipment (PPE).
• Dealing with conflicting measures for heat protection and simulta 3. Results
neous infection control
3.1. Overlapping vulnerable populations
2. Methods
Population groups vulnerable to the effects of heat stress and those at
For this paper, we chose a narrative review, since new findings on higher risk for severe Covid-19 and mortality overlap largely. Variations
Covid-19 are reported on a daily basis and many of the publications in risk related to heat depend on the level of exposure to hot weather and
included were only available as preprints and not as peer-reviewed ar heat waves and the ability to adapt.
ticles. The following sources were used for the literature research: Risk factors for heat-related mortality (Calleja-Agius et al., 2020;
D’Ippoliti et al., 2010; Gosling et al., 2009; Kenny et al., 2010; Matthies
• Heat stress: Institutional reports from WHO (World Health Organi et al., 2008; McGregor et al., 2015; Oudin Åström et al., 2015; Semenza
zation), GHHIN (Global Heat Health Information Network), CDC et al., 1996; World Health Organization (WHO), 2011) include:
(Center for Disease Control), RKI (Robert Koch-Institute), and UBA
(German Environmental Agency), and systematic reviews (PubMed • Age: Old (75–84 years) or very old (85+ years)
listed) Search terms: “ Heat Stress Disorders/prevention and con • Pre-existing health conditions: Chronic respiratory-, heart- and kid
trol"[MAJR], "COVID-19"[MeSH] AND "Health Personnel"[MAJR] ney diseases, diabetes
AND "Hot Temperature"[MAJR] • People working outside, people taking certain medication etc.
• COVID-19: Websites of (inter)national institutes and authorities, and
the websites of John Hopkins University, CDC (Center for Disease Risk factors for COVID-19 related mortality (Kim et al., 2020;
Control), ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Con Nachtigall et al., 2020; Pijls et al., 2021; Williamson et al., 2020;
trol), EUROMOMO, medRxiv (Preprint Server), and PubMedSearch Wingert et al., 2020) include:
terms: “ Covid-19+AND + climate + change“
• Age/setting: older people (65+), especially very old people (85+),
The results of the literature research were analysed by title and ab people in care institutions
stract screening. The “Munich” team developed the objectives for this • Pre-existing health conditions: (poorly controlled) chronic lung-,
paper, set up a Mendeley data bank, read the selected papers and kidney- or cardiovascular diseases, immune deficiency, obesity
condensed the information into the different tables and figures.1 The
scientific advisory board, including relevant German agencies and The next Fig. 2 shows the intersection of vulnerable groups. Other
stakeholders for this project peer-reviewed the first draft, including a factors such as cognitive impairment, dementia, need for assistance or
videoconference.2 social isolation and homelessness make it more difficult to care for the
The Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN) is spear vulnerable groups (Matthies et al., 2008; Zielo and Matzarakis, 2018).
headed by the WHO, the World Meteorological Organization Joint Of Although the vulnerable groups for heat-related mortality and
fice for Climate and Health (WMO), and the United States National COVID-19 mortality show overlap regarding age and pre-existing health
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). GHHIN organized an conditions, sex does not seem to have a strong effect on heat related
expert workshop on “hot but habitable” in Leiden/The Netherlands mortality. Elderly females might be more sensitive to heat mortality then
(March 9–13 in 2020) and was the driving force for the development of males (van Steen et al., 2019), but there are studies showing that men
an information series on heat and COVID-19 (Global Heat Health In might be more vulnerable (Alele et al., 2020). COVID-19 mortality is
formation Network (GHHIN), 2020). clearly higher in males (Kim et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020; Nachtigall et al.,
The second, revised draft was sent out to an international team of 2020; Pijls et al., 2021; Williamson et al., 2020; Wingert et al., 2020).
experts,3 which was formed during this workshop on “hot but habitable” Reducing heat strain for medical and non-medical personnel,
in Leiden at the Lorentz Center (https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/hot-but especially when working with PPE.
-habitable.html). Several of the workshop participants, including The above-mentioned risk groups are cared for or treated by outpa
GHHIN members, published a paper: “COVID-19 and thermoregulation- tient nursing services, relatives caring for them or in inpatient nursing
related problems - practical recommendations” (Daanen et al., 2020). facilities and clinics, by health care and nursing staff, doctors as well as
The GHHIN information series is the result of scientific collaboration of medical and non-medical assistant staff. COVID-19 clusters can be
over 70 contributors and reviewers (see acknowledgement). Several located in households, hospitals and inpatient care facilities and there
authors are part of the GHHIN team and contributed to this paper as well fore put the vulnerable people at higher risk due to their exposure at
as the information supplied on the GHHIN web pages (Global Heat these locations (Emmerton and Abdelhafiz, 2021; Leclerc et al., 2020).
Health Information Network (GHHIN), 2020). The international expert Medical and non-medical personnel are, thus, exposed to an increased
risk of infection, depending on the measures taken for protection against
infection (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC),
Stephan Bose-O’Reilly, Katharina Deering, Stefan Karrasch, Hanna Mertes, 2020). Due to the spread of Covid-19, staff at risk of infection must wear
Julia Schoierer, Dennis Nowak. personal protective equipment (PPE) and therefore increases the heat
Dr. Matthias an der Heiden (Robert Koch Institute), Dr. Christian Berringer load (Tabah et al., 2020). PPE makes it more difficult to lose body heat,
(German Ministry of Health), Johanna Grünewald (Cologne City Council), Dr. since the additional layers of clothing significantly reduce the evapo
Andreas Hellmann (Doctor’s Association - Pneumologist), Dr. Ralph Krolewski ration of sweat and thus the resulting cooling effect (Jacklitsch et al.,
(Family Doctor’s Association North Rhine), Prof. Dr. Caroline Herr (Bavarian
2016). Working in protective clothing therefore reduces a person’s
Agency for Food Safety and Health), Prof. Andreas Matzarakis (Germany’s
endurance, cognitive performance and increases the risk for accidents
National Meteorological Service), Dr. Hans-Guido Mücke (German Environ
mental Protection Agency), Dr. Peter Tinnemann (Academy of Public Health (Dorman and Havenith, 2009; Jacklitsch et al., 2016; Luze et al., 2020;
Services). McLellan et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2019). During hot spells, heat stress
Hein Daanen, Peter van den Hazel, Stephan Bose-O’Reilly, Nicola Gerrett, can occur in non-air-conditioned healthcare facilities. Medical and
Maud Maria Theresia Elisabeth Huynen, Jason Lee, Joy Shumake-Guillemot, non-medical personnel develop heat-related health problems due to the
Joris Adriaan Frank van Loenhout. wearing of protective equipment, which may ultimately affect the
S. Bose-O’Reilly et al. Environmental Research 198 (2021) 111153
Fig. 2. Vulnerable groups for heat stress and for COVID-19 and their intersection.
quality of care (Jegodka et al., 2021; Lee et al., 2020). There are existing SARS-CoV-2 mainly takes place indoors (Kriegel et al., 2020; Leclerc
recommendations to protect staff from heat stress and ensure their et al., 2020). In the interior, all regulations for protection against
occupational health and safety exist on national and international levels infection must be observed in accordance with the respective specifi
(Jacklitsch et al., 2016). For the current situation, there are a few sug cations and regulations (European Centre for Disease Prevention and
gestions to protect employees who use PPE at elevated temperatures Control (ECDC), 2020).
(Daanen et al., 2020; Foster et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2020; Luze et al., The use of “cooler rooms” in care facilities, such as the house chapel,
2020; Morabito et al., 2020; Workplace Safety and Health Council, or group rooms on the cooler ground floor are reasonable. Such "cooler
2020) GHHIN has developed some recommendations (Global Heat rooms" can be set up in the facilities for mobile patients, while respecting
Health Information Network (GHHIN), 2020). Since the global tem infection prevention regulations and depending on the spatial
peratures are increasing these recommendations will remain relevant conditions.
also for future summers (with or without out COVID-19). The recommendation to move to shaded, “cooler outdoor areas” such
as terraces, gardens or parks in hot weather makes sense from a heat
protection point of view (Matthies et al., 2008; World Health Organi
3.2. Dealing with conflicting measures for heat protection and
zation (WHO), 2011; Zielo and Matzarakis, 2018). In the view of the
simultaneous infection control
authors, this recommendation can be maintained, if the rules of physical
distancing and general hygiene recommendations to reduce the risk of
Employees must be protected against the effects of heat stress by
infection with SARS-CoV-2 are observed, and if the specific local con
appropriate protective measures (Kuklane et al., 2015; Workplace Safety
ditions permit this.
and Health Council, 2020). Traditionally, employment standards have
“Cooling Centers" during the COVID 19 pandemic in combination
been created for those wearing PPE in the industrial, construction or
with heat waves are now recommended by the Center for disease Control
agricultural sector, but to date there are no studies to support standards
(CDC) as a safe alternative (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
for the care sector that requires the use of PPE under heat stress (Cheung
et al., 2016). For the safety of employees, it is essential to quickly
The heat health action plans recommend that high-risk patients who
develop feasible and validated safeguarding concepts. Some possible
live at home should receive direct daily care, while the Covid-19 hazard
measures to make working during hot spells with PPE more bearable are
warns against direct social contact. An international expert group has
listed in Table 1.
developed on how best to manage heat stress and infection protection in
tandem (Global Heat Health Information Network (GHHIN), 2020). As
3.3. Heat protection and infection control: Identification of conflicting communities develop emergency action plans for managing the
measures pandemic, public officials must also consider heat preparedness plans.
Some channels for COVID-19 communications and heat protection exist:
To protect against infection with SARS-CoV-2, general hygiene
measures (washing hands, coughing and sneezing etiquette, and no • World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/emergencies/di
shaking hands), social distancing and the wearing of simple mouth and seases/novel-coronavirus-2019) Center for Disease Control (CDC)
nose protection are recommended by WHO and the respective national (www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html)
authorities to the population since spring 2020. This also applies to the • Global Heat Health Information System (GHHIN) (www.ghhin.or
high-risk groups listed (Fig. 2). In healthcare systems, physical and so g/heat-and-covid-19)
cial proximity can at best be minimized to adhere to the “physical • Harvard University (www.hsph.harvard.edu/c-change/subtopi
distancing” requirement. For the high-risk groups, technical, organiza cs/coronavirus-and-heatwaves/)
tional and personal measures must be prepared to protect against • High Council of Public Health (Haut Conseil de la santé publique -
excessive heat strain (Table 2) (Jacklitsch et al., 2016; Schoierer et al., HCSP) (www.hcsp.fr/explore.cgi/avisrapportsdomaine?clefr=817)
2019; Semenza et al., 1996; Zielo and Matzarakis, 2018). Measures to (French)
protect against SARS-CoV-2 are also shown in Table 2. These measures
are partly conflicting (Daanen et al., 2020). The transmission of
S. Bose-O’Reilly et al. Environmental Research 198 (2021) 111153
Table 1 Table 2
Possible interventions for medical and non-medical personnel. Compatibility of recommendations for the two vulnerable groups for protection
Recommendations and options specifically for occupational health and safety for
against heat versus protection against Covid-19.
medical and non-medical personnel: Compatibility of measures for the protection against the two different hazards
➢Technical measures Protection against heat-related illnesses or Protection against Covid-19
•Air conditioning system (RLT) or mobile air conditioning units. Air-conditioning mortality
systems need to be well maintained, while adequate settings and filters need to be
adopted. Setting climate control systems to low “cold” temperatures (below 70 F/ Regular care – professional caretaker X Physical distancing (1–2 m)
21C) and “dry” low humidity settings (below 40%) should be avoided. Devices Regular support – relatives, X Self-isolation/social distancing
without adequate filters could spread SARS-CoV-2 (www.ghhin.org/heat-and-co neighbourhood help/volunteers
vid-19/ac-and-ventilation) (Chirico et al., 2020; Correia et al., 2020; Jay et al., Cool, breathable clothing X Face mask in all public buildings,
2015; Lu et al., 2020; Morawska and Cao, 2020; Pease et al., 2021). shops, plastic facial screens, etc.
•Passive, structural protection against solar radiation and avoidance of other heat Visiting cooling centers, cool spaces ? Staying at home as much as
sources (Matthies et al., 2008; Widerynski et al., 2016) outdoors to avoid staying in overheated possible
•Systematic and continuous recording of temperature/humidity in affected work homes
areas, definition of threshold values (Jacklitsch et al., 2016; World Health Using night cooling; windows closed ? Airing rooms regularly
Organization (WHO), 2011) during heat
•Ventilating over night to use cooler air if possible (Matthies et al., 2008) Avoid physical activity during hot hours ? Regular physical exercise to
•In many places, electric fans may be more accessible; but may help transmit the virus strengthen the immune system
indoors, and in very hot and dry environments these can increase heat stress; fans Using social networks ✓ Using social networks e.g. for
should be avoided if more people are in one room (www.ghhin.org/heat-and-co shopping
vid-19/ac-and-ventilation(Jay et al., 2015; Morris et al., 2020) Adjustment of medication by the doctor ✓ Adjustment of medication by the
➢Organizational measures doctor
•Awareness raising and training of personnel on heat and virus related health risks and Cooling through nursing measures (wraps, ✓ Coughing and sneezing etiquette,
prevention measures (Jacklitsch et al., 2016; Schoierer et al., 2019; Zielo and arm/foot baths etc.) hand washing
Matzarakis, 2018) Adequate hydration ✓ Balanced diet
•Observance of heat warnings and implementation of respective prevention measures Shopping in cooler mornings ✓ Shopping not at peak hours
•(Matthies et al., 2008; Morabito et al., 2020; Singh et al., 2019) Protecting the windows against sunlight ✓
•Establishing shorter work cycles in overheated rooms, more frequent breaks, and avoiding additional heat sources (e.
changed shift patterns, better staff shift schedules (Jacklitsch et al., 2016) g. electrical appliances)
•Planning/shifting longer activities with the need for infection control to times of day/ When going outside, protecting the body
building areas with lower temperature/solar radiation against the sun with a hat
•Taking organisational measures within the team, e.g. for early symptoms of heat Relocation of sitting/sleeping places to ✓
stress rooms with lower temperature/less sun
->stop working in the heat ->seek cooler premises and direct help (colleagues) exposure
•Encouraging mindfulness of oneself and colleagues; fostering open communication of Avoid hot places, overheated public ✓ Avoid crowded places, public
problems in the institution (www.ghhin.org/assets/technical-brief-COVID-and- transport transport
Heat-final.pdf) ✓ Get pneumococcal vaccination
•Wearing adequate clothing under the protective equipment, if necessary, consider ✓ Get Covid-19 vaccination
special clothing (cooling vests) in particularly stressful conditions (Bach et al., 2019;
Daanen et al., 2020; Gao et al., 2018; Luze et al., 2020; Morris et al., 2020; Quinn
et al., 2017; Teunissen et al., 2014; Watson et al., 2019) requirement of social distancing is not a contra-indication to the pre
•Consideration of the possible overlap of hot spells (increased need for personnel) viously recommended protection measure against heat (Matthies and
with the summer holidays (less available personnel due to increased holiday Menne, 2009). The recommendations to protect high-risk groups from
volume) in the duty roster or holiday planning (consider heat warnings)
COVID-19 and from heat stress and at times cancel out each other in
➢Personal measures
•Heat acclimatization and aerobic conditioning to enhance heat tolerance (Alhadad parts. The authors consider it necessary to establish appropriate rec
et al., 2019; Douzi et al., 2020; Lee et al., 2008; Leyk, 2019; Morris et al., 2020) ommendations, based on the available materials (GHHIN, WHO and
•Start to work precooled (www.ghhin.org/heat-and-covid-19/PPE) (Alhadad et al., others) and adapting them to the local context. Heat health action plans
2019; Daanen et al., 2020; Douzi et al., 2020; McLellan et al., 2013; Morris et al., can be a valuable source to be adapted (Daanen et al., 2020; Martinez
•Encourage staff to self-monitor their hydration; drinking unsweetened liquids/sports
et al., 2020; Mücke and Litvinovitch, 2020). At the same time it is
drinks/cold fluids/ice slushies before and during work; self-control of the body’s important to communicate these combined risks from heat and
own fluid balance (toilet); start work cooled and well hydrated (Foster et al., 2020; COVID-19 to the vulnerable populations to increase their knowledge and
Lee et al, 2008, 2013, 2020; McLellan et al., 2013; Tan and Lee, 2015) risk perception, thereby incurring respective changes to their daily be
haviours (Eady et al., 2020; Golechha and Panigrahy, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic already places a heavy burden on the
• German Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt - UBA) www.
healthcare systems, not even considering in detail the role of mutations,
umweltbundesamt.de/coronaviren-umwelt) (German)
but for further planning, other possible stress factors must be taken into
account. After extreme events, such as e.g. the earthquake in Croatia in
4. Discussion March 2020 or the glacier break in India in January 2021, it was
observed that compliance with personal protection against SARS-CoV-2
Older adults (>60 years) and those with pre-existing health condi infection was difficult, as the usual assistance and rescue measures were
tions are considered vulnerable for severe COVID-19 and heat-related complicated by the need for PPE to protect against infection. Not only
illnesses. This common vulnerable group is highly volatile and is of heat, but also other environmental influences such as extreme weather
particular challenge to the healthcare systems. COVID-19 related mor events (forest fires, heavy precipitation, floods, and storms), major
tality in retirement and nursing home is very high in many high-income damage events or accidents (e.g. in a nuclear power plant or chemical
countries. One potential risk factor is that nursing personnel can acquire plant, earthquakes) can lead to an additional burden on the overall
COVID-19 outside their workplace, and infect others later, especially healthcare system, concurrent to the COVID-19 pandemic.
when they are asymptomatic and/or not adequately monitored. To
protect against this route of infection, health professionals must work 5. Conclusion
under strict infection control measures. Medical and non-medical
personnel are at risk of developing heat related health problems dur It is currently assumed that potential heat waves and prolonged
ing hot summer periods due to the PPE required during this pandemic periods of heat in the summer months will place an additional burden on
(Tabah et al., 2020). At present, a question arises whether the
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