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Topic – Different Types of Research

Sangam Raikwar.
Bcom(Hons) Sec-B
Roll No-110. To – Dr. Ankita Mam

1. Descriptive Vs Analytical Research –

Descriptive Research basically describes what is. It is mainly involves

collection, recording, describing and analyzing the facts related to
study. It tries to find the existing status, trend and state of affairs in a
phenomenon. It includes surveys, facts finding enquiries of different
kinds. In this type of research the variable understudy are
uncontrollable, one can only observe and report what is happening in a
situation. It is also known as ex post facto research.

For Example – Finding the most frequent disease that affects the
children of a town. The research will know what to do to prevent that
disease thus, more people will live a healthy life.
Analytical Research deals with what will be. It is a specific type of
research that involves critical thinking skills and the evaluation of facts
and information relative to the research being conducted. It can be
based on four important characteristics namely Control, Manipulation,
Observation, Replication. It is also known as experimental research

For Example – How can the no of complaints made by customer be


2. Applied Vs Fundamental Research -

Applied Research is action or solution oriented research. It is used to

find solutions to everyday problems , facing a society, or an

For Example – Applied research may investigate ways to solve

practical problems such as (a) Improve agricultural crop production (b)
test or cure a specific disease (c) Improve the energy efficiency of
homes, offices or modes of transportation.

Fundamental Research (or basic or pure research) the motivation is to
expand man’s knowledge, not to create or invent something. This
research is driven by scientists curiosity or interest in a scientific

For Example – Basic science Investigations search for answers to

questions such as-(a) How did Universe begin? (b) What are protons
neutrons and electrons composed of?

3. Qualitative Vs Quantitative Research –

Qualitative Research dealing with phenomena that are difficult to

quantify mathematically such as beliefs, meaning, attributes and
symbols. It aims to gather as in depth understanding of human
behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior’s.

For Example – Studying the stress levels and reasons for variable
performance of staff in different shifts in the same department of a

Quantitative Research based on the measurement of quantity or
amount expressed in terms of quantity. Researchers try to develop
and employ mathematical models, theories pertaining to phenomenon.
These involves objects and individuals that vary in size,
quantity ,amount, scale or degree.

For Example – Price of commodity can be measured in rupees, weight

of product is measured in kilograms, etc.

4. Conceptual Vs Empirical Research –

Conceptual Research is an intellectual process to develop and verify

knowledge. It involves development of new theories, abstract ideas
and principles. Philosophers, intellectual and thinkers carry out this
kind of research.

For Example – The most famous example is of Sir Isaac Newton. He

observed his surroundings to conceptualize and develop theories about
gravitation and motion.

Empirical Research is based on observation and experimentation

alone. The information collected in the form of facts develops the
conclusion and theories about a phenomenon.

For Example – Measuring the levels of noise pollution found in urban

area to determine the average levels of sound exposure experienced
by its inhabitants. Here, the researcher may have to experienced or
carry out survey in order to gather relevant data based on the
experiences of the research subject.


1).On the basis of Time

2).On the basis of Environment

3).On the basis of Case Study

4).On the basis of Nature

5).On the basis of Result

• Time

• One time research- It is a kind of research that is carried

Over a single time period. Example – Population Researches.

• Longitudinal research- It take place over a period of weeks ,months

or even years. Example – Repeatedly draw same units of population
over time.

• Cross-sectional research -It is conducted over a specified period of

time . Example -Telephonic Interviews, mailed questionnaire etc.


• Field setting research -It is a qualitative method of data collection

that aims to observe, interact and understand people while they are
in a natural environment. Example – Nature conservationists
observe animals behavior in their natural surroundings and the way
they react to certain scenarios.

• Laboratory research – Research done in laboratory when

experiments and testing are done.

• Simulation research – Any research or development project where
researcher or developer create a model of some authentic
phenomena. Example – A fire drill.

• Case Study

• Clinical research – Study of health and illness in people (includes

how to prevent, diagnose and treat illness). Example – Treatment
research, prevention screening, quality of life research.

• Diagnostic research – Knowing about the health of a client. Example

– Medical reports of a patience suffering from any disease.

• Nature

• Exploratory research – main objective “setting hypothesis “ It

investigates research questions that have not previously been
studied in depth. Example -A study into the implications of Covid-19
pandemic into the global economy.

• Formalized research – This aims systematic way of learning new

information to answer important questions. Example -Phone survey.

• Result

• Conclusion Oriented research -Picking a problem, redesign enquiry,


• Decision Oriented research -Always need of decision maker and the

researcher in this case is not free to embark upon research
according to his own inclination. Example – Operation Research.

• Historical Research - The study of past events, historical

documents, record ,remains and relics.

Thank You.

Submitted By

Sangam Raikwar

Bcom (hons) Sec -B : Roll No – 110


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